1 May 1887, Volume 9, Number 4.


We do not use this head with reference to J. Winebrenner who was an honest, and a good man, who renounced all human sect factions as not of God. But we use it with reference to the fallen degenerated sect that sprang from his sincere effort to renounce sects.

In Church Vdvocate of Feb. 9 ’87, appears an article by E. Murple, one of the “dumb dogs” of that sect, on the subject of “Organic Union,” which is absurd enough to set all the legions of hell to laughing. The writer sets out as follows:

“I will now offer a few thoughts upon, the second division of my last paper, ‘That the organic union of the entire Christian fraternity is neither possible nor practicable in the present age under either one of the existing forms of Church government.’ If such organic union did exist in the apostolic age, it would be at least strong presumption that such is possible now; but then when we consider the present numerical strength of the church, her vast recourses the extent of the world in which she now exists, and with the conflicting customs and interests of the nations where Christianity is accepted, with the apostolic age, it is very evident that what might have been possible then may not be possible nor practicable now.”

By the “entire Christian fraternity, ’’the writer evidently means the throng of sinners, that rally under the 666 names of blasphemy, which make up the apostasy of the last days. To attach the Christian name to such clans of worldliness and rottenness, is blasphemy, and an insult upon the name of Christ. A Christian is a disciple of Christ, — Acts 11:26, and a disciple is one that has denied himself, and forsaken all lo follow Christ; for Christ plainly says none other can be His disciples. But who is so blind as not to see that the passes of the sects follow the flesh, the world and the devil?

Assuming these sects to constitute God’s Church, he asserts that its organic union is “neither possible nor practical.” By which, three falsehoods are clearly asserted and implied, i. e,, First, it is a slander on Christ, and a falsehood to call the mass of sectish idolaters the Church of Christ. Second, it is not true that the organic union of God’s Church is impossible. Third, it is implied in the above words that the Church is not at this time organically united, which is also false. This “blind pharisee” even expresses a doubt that God’s Church was organically united in the apostolic age. Now the Scriptures emphatically teach that the Church of God always was, and essentially is an “organic union.” Christ said, “Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” — Matt. 16:18. Ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. — 1 Cor. 8:9.

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building filly framed together groweth unto a holy temple in the Lord. In whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. — Eph. 2:20-22.

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. — 1 Pet. 2:5.

Is a building a disorganized, disunited mass of material? Would not a man be looked upon as somewhat mentally deranged who would look upon a well built and finished house, and assert that the stones and brick etc., composing that building cannot be formed together in one house, when they are already thus joined in one perfect structure? The only differance between such a simpleton and blind sectarians is this: the former has eyes to see the house, and the latter, through the “blindness of their hearts,” and the spiritual ignorance that is in them, do not discern the real Church of God at all.

A physical body is a wonderful representation of the Church of God.

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. — Rom. 12:4, 5.

For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling? But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him. Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular. And God hath set some in the Church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. — 1 Cor. 12:12, 17, 18, 27, 28.

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. — Eph. 4:16, 5:30.

The poor blind babylonian tells us that God’s Church has become so enlarged that “organic union is impossible and unpractical.” That is just as good sense as to say that it is essential to the life and health of a large man that his body be dissected into several hundred parts. O ye blind guides that scatter and devour the fold of Christ, and then justify your abominable works by your corrupt and perverse reasoning. How can ye escape the damnation of hell?

In John 15, and Rom. 11, Christ and His Church are represented as a vine and branches, and as an Olive tree and its branches. Is not the vine or the Olive tree an organic union? Does not its roots, trunk, branches, leaves and fruit all constitute one system perfectly organized together, and pervaded by the same life sap? Is it essential to the life and growth of a tree or vine that it be chopped to pieces and scattered to the four-winds, or gathered into many separate brush piles? If the organic union of the Church is impossible and unpractical, so is the organic union of the vine, for they are perfect counterparts of each other. God’s Church, according to the Scriptures, is essentially an indivisible organic union. But the writer says that organic union is impossible “under either one of the existing forms of church government.” What shall we say therefore? Shall we conclude that the Bible is not true? or shall we not rather conclude that the “existing forms of church government” which do not admit organic union, are all of the devil, and contrary to the Scriptures? May the Lord open the eyes of the poor babylon builders to see that the “organic union” of His Church is possible, and practical, and even essential to its very existence; and that it is only corrupt babylon confusion that cannot be united into one organic body. The writer proceeds as follows.

“Every one that has thought upon this subject could not have failed to see that there must be some central base to which all could give assent, and upon which the organic union of the church would be consummated. Where could such a base of union be found? His generally conceded that there is no confussion of faith or creed known to the Christian world that could possibly be accepted as such a base. And it is very certain that if there were an official conference convened by all the different Church organizations, for the express purpose of formulating articles of faith as a base of Christian union, they would be as unsatisfactory as the existing creeds and confessions of faith.”

It must be amusing for the devils to see confused priests talk of uniting upon the very works that hell devised to divide them. But it seems that subverted sectarians know no bond of union but their own babel creeds and confessions. More than a thousand years ago satan turned the peoples eyes from Christ to sect and creed making, and substituted machine religion for Divine salvation, and he yet keeps the priests of popery and protestantism groping about in this dark maze of confusion. Even creed laden Winebrennarians leave Christ and the Spirit of God entirely out of the question of organic union, and conclude that because men cannot formulate a practical center, and base of union, therefore organic union is impossible. If then “it is generally conceded that there is no confession of faith, or creed known to the Christian world that could possibly be accepted as a base of organic union,” neither can there be one devised. Let us turn to Christ and see what He can do. “So we being many are one body in Christ.” To have “organic union,” you have but to cast off all sect rigging, and come into Christ; for there is only “one body in Christ;” and that body is perfectly organized. All that take Christ in His fullness, as our sanctification, have the perplexing question of organic union gloriously solved. Yea have that blessed union perfectly consummated. For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one. — Heb. 2:11. But are they indeed brought into an “organic union?” Yes, for “God has tempered the body together,” and now hath God set the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased Him.” — 1 Cor. 12:18, 24. These words express the meaning of our word organize. All souls who are saved are “knit together in love,” and “compacted together,” are “raised up together,” and “sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” So there is not the least trouble in the world about the “organic union” of God’s Church. The glory which Christ has given us makes us one even as Christ and the Father are one. — John 17:22. Christ said, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. — John 10:27. Obeying His voice they “go on to perfection,” for so he commands, and when made perfect they are one. — John 17:23; and have “come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowlege of the Son of God, unto a perfect man.” — Eph. 4:12, 13. A “perfect man,” implies a perfect body, or organization.

If then it is a fact that God’s Church is in complete organic unity, what is all this mooting over organic unity for? Why it is all about organic union out of Christ. God undertakes to organize His Church by the power of His Spirit, and it is done. But this organization does not meet the demand of babylonians, because it only embraces such as are in Christ, leaving them out. So babylon has been trying to effect an organic union based on creeds and confessions, and every effort has only brought in another partition wall, and cut off another clan. So they begin to conclude that “organic union is impossible and unpractical.” The writer says, “The more I investigate the organic union of the church upon the protestant form of government, the less I see its possibility.” Doubtless so, because the protestant form of government is not God’s form of government, but is all babel confusion. Our testimony is, the farther we get away from protestantism and all the isms of night, and see Jesus only, the more we see the beauty, and perfection, and glory of God’s Church, in her holy, love cemented unity. The writer continues.

“I confess that we can’t see any possible chance of general church union, while every church and each individual is left to be his own interpreter of the Scriptures, and insists that his interpretation be accepted. This liberty of the interpretation of the Scriptures is the fruitful vine of disunion and the mighty gulf which lies in the way of church union.”

Surely it is impossible to all unite; because destitute of the Spirit of God, each blind formalist is left to grope his own way in the dark, or shut his eyes and swallow the creed of his sect. Babylon must even fail to reach a unity because destitute of an authentic interpreter. But God’s Church “see eye to eye,” are “perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment, and speak the same thing,” because the Holy Spirit is the one uniform Interpreter in every member’s heart. Praise our God! “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His.” And all that receive the Comforter, are thereby led into all truth, according to the promise of Christ. And mind, i. e. “the mind of Christ.” So all trouble to procure unity is among sinners who are blind, and sensual having not the Spirit.

Now let us listen to the great argument against the possibility of organic union.

“But I want now to inquire as to the practicability of such an organic union as it would relate to our form of Church government and our generally accepted practices and customs upon said form, whether we are prepared to receive such an addition with its great dimensions to our fold. The fifty millions thus received to our fellowship would constitute the General Eldership of sixty-two thousand and five hundred delegates. Such a vast body could neither be legislative nor advisary, and it would be impossible to reach any unanimous conclusion; and where could such a body be accommodated during the sittings of the Eldership? Now, suppose each delegate would be at ten dollars expense. It would require the neat little sum of six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars to defray the expense of the General Eldership.”

The writer then calculates on the result of receiving but one of the sister sects into their fold, and says it would make “three hundred annual Elderships, which will make us three hundred journals. Now, divide these three hundred by fifty- two, and we will have over five Eldership Journals for each publication of The CHURCH ADVOCATE during the year, to say nothing of standing Commitee reports and the programs of ministerial meetings and Sunday-school conventions, and the various other official reports which of necessity have a place in THE ADVOCATE. And it is a fact, that not less than one forth of THE ADVOCATE, through the entire year, is occupied with Eldership journals at full length, and those other reports above named.

But if we had this organic union of the Christian world based upon our form of church government and practice, what would be the result? I think it would not be far from the truth to say that it would require a steam-power press six months of the year to do the official publication. The more I investigate the organic union of the church upon the Protestant form of government the less I see its possibility.”

Well this is enough to make a horse laugh, as Bro. Speck said some time ago in the pulpit, after describing some of the enormous abominations of babylon. This Winebrennarian bigot seems to take it for granted that if all the sects were to organize into one, that they would necessarily all have to come into what he calls, “our fold,” and come under “our form of church government.” Again, he takes it for granted that Christ became incarnate, and died on the cross, and that the whole kingdom of Heaven was instituted just to run the machinery of the little falsely named sectish “church of god.” — We use a small c because the church is small in numbers, and still smaller in righteousness. And we use a small g, because their god is a poor dead god. If the machinery that “our” sect has invented cannot be run under the pondrous weight of what he calls the “christian world,” then the sects must remain apart, for our church machinery must move on if all the world goes to hell. Supposing as he does, that the sects are composed of real Christians, and considering the fact that Christ prayed for all Christians to be one, that the world might believe, would it not look wiser for that preacher to conclude that they had better “east to the moles and bats,” their sect machinations than to abandon the idea of unity, because not practiced under their system. The reasoning is this. “Organic unity is not possible under “our form of government,” but our concern is our god, and we will not abandon if, therefore we do abandon the idea of unity.

The writer speaks of several churches who have no creed but the Bible, and are yet separate, and concludes therefore that the Bible is not a sufficient basis of unity. Doubtless he includes his own sect as one of them; as they are in the habit of asserting that they have no creed but the Bible, and at the same time no sect us more system-strapped, and creed-cursed than they.

Suppose we ask Elder Marple, where in the Bible he finds their general, and annual Eldership bodies and meetings, and in what book of the Bible can we find the creeds by which they are governed? Tell us in what chapter and verse in the New Testament, your professed discipline, we may find authority for your standing, stationing executive, and a score of other committees, with many other inventions which make up the running geers of your babylon sect? Please tell us where you find Scripture for licensing preachers. O you say, these things are our own creatures. Then your whole sect is your own creature; for thereby is it constituted and held into being; and yet you have the impudence to call it the “Church of God.”

Reading the New Testament, we see that God’s Church was founded to be a means of His salvation to the ends of the earth, and “for the praise of His glory.” But Winebrennarians think the chief business is to formulate laws, spin resolutions, concoct systems, elect agents to gather money to buy tobacco, plug hats, and fashionable canes, and “costly apparel” for lazy preachers, and to build up brick and mortar walls to inflate your abominable sect pride. O no, organic union would not be practical at all, because “based upon our form of Church government and practice, it would require a steam press six months in the year to do the official publication,” of the many thousand journals, reports of standing committees, S. S. convention programmes, etc., etc..

“O ye fools, and blind.” Do ye indeed imagine that the object of God’s Church is to stuff up carnal cigar-puffing priests with a little bigoted education, and then set them to generating piles of mingled soot and chaff, then compass land and sea to raise money to purchase steam power to blow the abominable trash abroad into the face of the public.

Let us give you a few suggestions, that will remove the obstructions of organic union. 1st, Instead of attempting to unite the “christian world,” as you call it, which includes all the professional sinners of the world, you had better obey the voice from Heaven which says, Come out of her (babylon) my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” And if all the Christians in all the sects of the United States were to come out from among the sinners with whom they are yoked up in sect fellowship, you would not have a very large body to be organized. And then should all whom God calls “my people,” thus obey His voice, “come out from among them, and be ye separate,” the next order from Heaven would be, “go on unto perfection,” and when wholly sanctified, Lo! they would find themselves “made perfect in one,” and organized by the Spirit of God, and the preachers would have nothing to do with that line of business. Then God Himself, would “work all things in all” the members, and you would have no need of the endless routine of committees, preambles, resolutions, creeds, bulls, and programmes. Then the business of all would be the salvation of souls, and the promotion of righteousness. In which work the creation and publication of journals, etc, are no more needed than black coal smoke is needed by the Sun, to help illuminate the world. And were there any necessity for all the real Christians in all the sects in the U. S., to meet together in one place, most any liberal village could entertain them, and not be materially impoverisherished, instead of the impolitic throngs that would aggregate from a small representation of the “Christian world.” Just cut the “world” off, and the “Christian” end will be very small.

Again, we speak that which we know, and declare that which we have seen, when we say that, were all the Christians measured by the Divine rule — 1 John 3:7-10 — separated from sinners, and brought under the control of the Holy Spirit. All the official matter the Spirit of God would give them to publish in fifty years could be printed in a few hours by a boy on a $5.00 job press. We say this from experience: because the thousands who have already come out of her — leaving at this time very few lights of a candle in her, — have had no need for the first item of official matter, and do not expect to have. Praise the Lord O my soul!

We have said that J. Winebrenner was an honest man, and as a consistent Christian, he renounced all human sects as contrary to the Word of God, and not of God. But no sooner had men began to take their stand with him, than they began to tinker up sect machinery, organize Elderships, a thing unknown to the Scripture. Eld. W. was opposed to much of this, but it is likely that his light did not reveal the utter uselessness of these things. But when we were deceived into that sect under the claim that it was no sect, the preachers opposed sects, and contended that God had but one Church. But having backslidden to the plain of other sects, they have ceased to contend for the unity of the Church, and now extend the fraternal hand to all the sister sects of the harlot family.

In the same paper from which we have quoted, another preacher writes an article, in which he seeks to console all the sister sects by asserting that, The words “Church of God,” “is not always, if ever, used as a name of the Church.” And asserts that “God is the owner of all Christian bodies. They are the Churches of God in their localities, and some of them calling themselves Baptists, or Methodists, does not change the fact that they are God’s church, or churches.” “Every believer ought to know and acknowledge that the entire believing Church is God’s; and they ought to speak of all christian bodies as God’s churches.”

J. Winebrenner taught no such abominable confusion and lies. He insisted that all the children of God constituted one body. So says the Word. Can a body be out of Christ, and yet be a Christian body? No. Well the Word says there is only “one body in Christ Jesus.” — Rom. 12:4, 5. So either the inspired Apostle has lied, or this sect paper lies. But “God is true and every man a liar,” that gainsays His Word. The sect, having slidden back to the slum of older sects, and now acknowledge that they are no more the Church of God than other daughters of Rome, should be consistent and honest enough to insult God no more with the rediculous assumption of being the Church of God. Confessing that they are only a sect with other sects, let them take a sect title, and not disgrace the Lord Jesus Christ, by assuming the name of His Body.


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Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, — Editors.

J. C. FISHER, — Publisher.

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A few hundred volumes only remain, a debt also remains upon ns for their publication, from which we are praying the Lord in much earnestness to relieve our heart. Since our reference to this in our New Year’s Greeting, one dear brother has kindly sent us $5.00, on the same. May God move many others to send for the book, and help otherwise, as the Lord may direct. Amen!

Our Address.


Our address until further notice is as follows.







Let all the saints ask God in faith for the complete salvation of Bro. A. C. Bigler of Alpena Dak., and for the healing of himself and son.

H.O. Fiedse, of Winchester Ind., asks the prayers of the saints for his little child. She is three years old, and has no use of her body.

Pray for Eugene Deming, Wasco Oregon who is greatly afflicted.

Please pray mightily to God for the healing of sister Sawer, 210 Locust Street, Allegheny Pa., who has been greatly afflicted for years with her spine and brain. She suffers continual pain.

Palmyra Mo.

I ask all the saints to pray for the healing of both soul and body. I am greatly afflicted with “Catarrh,” which effects my hearing, my memory and my eye-sight.

Margaret Cherry.

Allegheny Pa.

Dear Brethren: — Glory be to God! I am now impressed by the Holy Spirit to ask all the saints to pray for the perfect healing of my eyes. Your Bro. saved and sanctified wholly through the all-cleansing blood of the Lamb.

Alfred Swartz.

Let all the saints of God pray for the healing of Bro. J. L. Haner of Harper Mo. of bodily afflictions. May God give him good health that he may go forth to publish salvation.



All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it published.




Should any of the dear saints of God anywhere possess any Songs given by the Spirit of God, to them direct, we should be glad to receive such contributions to our new book which I am engaged in getting out. I want music written in notes, the soprano, or air part, or the whole: or any good poetry in holy song. Any one sending me a piece of music or song in verse, I will give name as author in the book. I reserve the right to insert or reject all that is not in harmony, or suited to the standard of the book. Title of hook, “Echoes From The Throne.” All must be written by the voice of inspiration.

Jos. C. Fisher, Author.





WE have completed the Third Edition of Songs of Victory.

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Songs of Victory is especially adapted for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for Sabbath school.

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Address all orders to the Gospel Trumpet Office, Grand Junction Mich.

Our Camp and Grove Meeting List.


The annual general Camp Meeting, will be held on the old Camp ground near Bangor, commencing June 10 to 20. Let all the saints tent on the ground, and make provision to accomodate parties coming from a distance who are not able to bring tents. Let there be a general rally from all parts, and make the place of the Lord glorious. Parties coming from the south leave train at Bangor, from the north at Breedsville.

The Gratiot County Camp Meeting will be held on Bro. Hills farm in Hamilton Township same as last year. Let there be a general turn-out of all the saints in the northern part of the state. Meeting to commence June 23, to continue as the Lord wills. Parties coming from the north or south leave train at North Star on the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern R. R.


There will be a Camp Meeting at, or near Beaver Dam Ind., commencing Aug. 4, to continue till Aug. 14. Let all tent on the ground that possibly can.


The Lord willing there will be a Camp Meeting near Jerry City Ohio, on Bro. Cans’ farm, commencing August 25, to continue 10 days. Parties are requested to tent on the ground, and come provided with equipments &c.

There is yet an opening for two more meetings in the month of July. Let us hear from those who desire meeting, and fill up the time.

Joseph & Daniel.

The Lord willing, Bro. S. L. Speck and our little company will hold a few days meeting with the saints at Beaver Dam Ind. including Saturday and Sabbath, May 21 and 22. The ordinances will be observed.


There is a call for us to hold a Grove meeting in the Ramsey neighborhood, about 6 miles north of Columbia City, Whitly Co. Ind. Which, the Lord willing, we will do, beginning May 27th, and continue as many days as the Lord will. Bro’s A. J. Kilpatrick, H. Smith, and whosoever the Lord will, are invited.


As many have been calling for us to come to those States and help on the good work of full salvation, we feel a desire to do so. And can come either immediately after the Bangor. Camp Meeting or after the Gratiot. Let dear Bro. J. Cole of Windsor Mo. and Bro. J. P. Haner of Urban a Kan. and other workers arrange for Camp and Grove meetings in those States, and send on your notice for publication as soon as practical. And we suggest that all the dear saints that wish our labors, and feel able to do something towards helping us on our way, to give, or send the same to the Brethren named above. We will remain West as long as the Lord wilt. Our little company numbers five, and the Lord wants us to continue working together. We shall be very happy to respond to dear Bro. Haner’s invitation to labor with him in a tabernacle campaign. Glory to Jesus! we are all filled with fire, and power, and Heavenly song, through the mighty indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Amen!





J. Ferre. A. J. Kilpatrick.
R. P. Gooding. Mary Ann Burch.
Alice Dillon. D. J. Cross.
Mary A. Humburger. Geo. Travis.
A. E. Clark. W. C. Olinger.
Isaac Coy. J. H. Hampshire.
Edna Finch. Lewis Basore.
John Christy. J. C. Myers.
S. M. Zimmerman. John Shank.
J. P. Haner. Mark Dotson.
E. K. Menges. Mnason.
S. V. Baugh. James Dennis.
Francis Lewis. A. Harmon.
C. Guiss. W. B. Grover.
David Smith. G. W. Pittman.
J. W. Warden. M. Frey.
H. C. Key. C. B. Buffer — 2
H. C. Rice. J. F. Youngblood.
Wm. Lewis. H. A. Sanford.
J. J. Peterson. S. L. Speck.


The Grove meeting advertised in last TRUMPET to take place at Red Valley, Venango Co. Pa., commencing May 28, 1887, will not take place. We have thought best to withdraw the announcement, because of the urgent calls from other parts, where we are much more needed than at Red Valley: seeing we are holding a meeting here so near the time. The brethren in Pa. will no doubt hold grove meetings when and wherever the Lord can be glorified. May God bless them all. Amen.



To the faithful ministerial Brethren in all places. May God bless you all. Dear Brethren you can greatly assist us in keeping the GOSPEL TRUMPET pure, by reporting to the OFFICE the names of all those whose testimonies should not be admitted into the TRUMPET’S columns. Our desire is to keep the TRUMPET pure, and free from all crooked testimonies, as well as spurious matter and subjects, which might be written by those whose experience is not clear in the light of the Gospel. Please write us so that in nothing the ministry be blamed.





We began with our little fire company, to hold meetings at Mt Pleasant Chapel, Venango Co. Pa., March 23d, 1887. The prospets for a great harvest of souls were as good as at any point we have ever held a meeting. The attendance was good, as also the order and interest. Souls were being saved, and seekers at the altar nearly every service. Some nights over a score of hands were raised for prayers, and awful conviction was upon the people, insomuch that the Spirit of God came upon the people in the field, and at the fireside. This continued until the 7th of April, when the conclave of heretic preachers convened, called the Conference of the Evangelical Association, or sect, properly termed in a Scriptural sense, a pandimonium: for such it proved to be, by the awful blighting destructive effect which followed their pernicious works. Seventy-three preachers were reported in attendance, of which there were from 2 to 4 deposited in nearly every house in the near vicinity. The day of judgment alone will reveal the awful slaughter of souls from the effect of the virus emitted from their poisonous tongues, for as the Scripture saith, “The poison of asps is under their lips.” Their virus poisoned the people until they became as a malignant ulcer, and the disorder spread like a contagious disease. The people who before were orderly in our meetings, became disorderly, especially they of the sect, who being drunk on the sect wine, or false doctrine, were violent declaimers, abusing all law and order.

Some of the preachers were the ringleaders who were of the sect of the Pharisees, for one of these evil beasts said — “the Apostle Paul was a good old sectarian,” which was a positive falsehood. For he who became. “Paul. an Apostle,” was before his conversion, called Saul. He was then a sectarian, belonging, to the sect of the pharisees, and he testifies in his own epistles that when he was a sectarian pharisee he was the “chief of sinners, a persecutor, and injurious, persecuting the Church of God, and wasting it.” Thus the confused heretic, by bis own assertions confessed that he and all other sectarian heretics are of the same stripe and grade with Saul, who had murder in his heart, haling men and women, putting them to death, and in prison. Saul stood consenting to the death of St. Stephen.

Of this class Christ said — “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of Heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widow’s houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made, ye make him two fold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto, whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” — Matt. 28:13 14,15, 27, 28, 33.

This same sectarian defamer said “any thing could be proven by the Bible, by reading between the lines, which of course we are to understand as reading their creed between a few lines of Scripture. Of course this witness is true: for thus saith the Scripture — “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And He said unto them Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” — Mark 7:7, 8, 9, 13.

This was said to us by one of the preachers. and before the whole audience, one evening when 18 of that conclave of ministerial heretics filed into our meeting, during the preaching of the sermon followed by a herd of their followers, thus disturbing the meeting, and afterward creating an uproar, and publicly disgracing themselves and the whole community. The same evening two others of the preacher clan clamored for their tobacco, and one of the two for wine and whiskey, which when mixed, especially with the sect wine, would make an ingredient commonly known among dram drinkers as, stone fence, which ingredient makes those who drink it, stone fence heretics. No wonder they are past redemption.

Another evening afterward, when their pandimonium had closed, one of the devil’s preachers was heard to say, (and we have it from the man who heard him say it, and who is willing to testify to it before any court,) that he was going down to the meeting to have a little fun, as he wanted some fun before he went back from Conference. But that evening the Lord had let me loose on the false prophets with a storm of hail and fire. I had not proceeded long to pour out the vials of the wrath of God without mixture when 24 of them came in, with the usual amount of those who seemed to act as a body guard, or necessary tools, for the “lewd fellows of the baser sort’’ were used by them to good advantage. But instead of fun they were utterly confounded by the Spirit and the Word. Glory to God! “the founders were confounded” and after the meeting closed they all went out as tame as doves. But after most of the people had gone home, and the house clear, we started to go home, and as we stepped out of the door, we found a mob of sinner preachers, and other sinners with whom they had perfect fellowship, because they were all of the devil. One of the preachers was sending up the smoke of his torment as he burnt his tobacco, making incense to his god, the god of this world.” In my discourse I had alluded to certain false doctrine preached by one of them, therefore I was pointed out to a large burley looking fellow, by one of the conclave who stood watching for us, as Christ was pointed by Judas, so were we. The large burley fellow wild looked like a pugilislic prize fighter, stepped forward and said, “say sir, I am the man that preached that, sermon, and it was a lie, I did not say so.” Thus in utter confusion he testified to preaching the he his father the devil had given him to preach. He should, if he were wise, have avoided any farther trouble on that point, for all men knew it was a lie. O glory to God! We went on our way shouting and praising Our God for perfect victory over all the powers of darkness, and the devil began to cry out liar! liar!! and many other vile epithets: they screeched and howled and made all sorts of hideous noises as they went away, which sounded as though the very demons of the bottomless pit were let loose. After that Conference closed every thing was as though a fire had swept over the ground, burning every thing before it. Sinners who wept for salvation before it, became so hard they were impenetrable, and immovable. Their faces to look upon, were as the faces of men who had been poisoned in their flesh, and their eyes looked swolen, and they looked drowsey and sleepy. This was the effect of the poison transmitted to them by those sect preachers. But although there was such formidable opposition, there were quite a number of souls gloriously paved from sin, and some came out of babylon. God has a little Church at that place who will hold prayer meet-

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ings, and have sweet communion with God through the Holy Spirit. Many honest souls regretted our departure, who will, we trust, be made free by the truth preached there. We expect to return in the Lord’s time to renew our labor for the deliverance of every honest soul. May God grant it. God bless all the dear ones at that place, and keep them from the evil of this world, and finally shine as the Sun in the kingdom of their dear Father.



Bangor, Mich., Apr. 25, ’87.

DEAR BRETHREN: — I praise God this morning for an everlasting salvation, and joy unspeakable and lull of glory. Thursday and Friday evenings we met with the dear saints at the log tabernacle in Lee. The Lord was with us, and wonderfully blessed our coming together. Saturday evening we were with the dear ones at the Marble S. H. in Cheshire. On Sabbath also, at half past ten, we talked to the people as the Lord gave us utterance, ..ter which we proceeded to a place where there was much water,” where 22 were buried in baptism. Glory to God forever! ..or the wonderful strength and endurance of body, and the joy we had in our souls.

In the evening we had ordinance meeting Bro. Henry Myers, at which we had most wonderful, solemn time, (60 participants.) After the Lord’s Supper we proceeded to the ordination of dear Bro. G. V. Austin, (by the laying on of hands and prayer) whom the Holy Ghost hath made overseer to feed the Church of God in that place. Three weeks from yesterday we expect to meet with them again, when we expect to baptize more. Next Sunday, if the Lord wills we will be at Diamond Springs to preach and baptize; also to preach in the evening at Hamilton.

May the Lord bless all his saints. Amen. From your sanctified brother.

A. B. Palmer.


New Pittsburg, Ind.

Dear Brethren in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ: — we close our meetings in these parts for the present. When we time here we found some of the little ones and lost the “pearl of great price” by the ..ril influence of the sect beast. Namely, the Newlight sect of carnality. But thank God, they were willing to come back again to the fold of mercy. This little insignificant sect of the “mother of harlots” after holding what they called a revival meeting, — which would have been more properly called a deadening meeting, for they week not the new birth — closed the meeting house against the saints, that they should not worship God there any more. The house was built by three denominations, and those that gave the most toward building it are now out on the Bible line for God, against all the works of the devil.

Hear ye the Word of the Lord: ye blind guides that call good evil, and evil good. How is the faithful city bocome an harlot! it was full of judgment: righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers. — Isaiah 1:21. Are not the sect worshipers guilty of the above quotation? Are they not guilty before God of Spiritual murder? In stead of them Christianizing the world and reviving the people of God, they “strengthen the hands of evil doers;” and put to death those that have life.

“I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies: they strengthen also the hands of evil-doers, that none loth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.” — Jer. 23:14.

“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. Thus saith the Lord God: Behold; I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them. For thus saith the Lord God. Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.” — Eze. 34:2, 3.10, 11.

“Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.” – Isa. 1:23.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” — 1 Cor. 6:9, 10.

At Pleasant Grove, 13 consecrated their all to God, and were filled with His fulness. Saturday, April 16 seven of the saints accompanied Bro. I. Key and myself to Willow Chapel, where we preached to a large attendance both Saturday eve. and Sunday at 10, 30, a. m. Two came seeking the Lord. After meeting we went to the river where six went down into the water with Bro. Key, and were baptized. O hallelujah to God! What a feast it was to our souls to see the little ones come up out of the water shouting the praises of Him who had made them free. After receiving refreshments at Bro. and Sister Castle’s, we returned to Randolph Co., rejoicing. April 20, 21, 22, we met with the saints at New Pittsburg. Wednesday and Thursday we met at Bro. Fowler’s, and God also met with us, and helped us to pour out the “Hail and fire, mingled with blood,” which tormented the sect worshipers. Friday eve. we met at Bro. Porter’s. O what a holy joy filled all our hearts, which caused us to leap and shout the high praises of God. We left the saints at that place full of Heavenly song, and testimony. Saturday, the 23rd, we returned to Pleasant Grove, and had meeting at Bro. and sister James’ at 10:30, a. m. After meeting we went down to the river, and baptized 7 into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We will have meeting to-night and tomorrow the good Lord willing, and this will finish our work in these parts for the present. From here, we go to Beaver Dam, Ind.

From your Bro. in Christ, saved and sanctified by the blood of the Lamb.

Samuel Speck,


Litchfield, Ill., 4, 12, ’87.

To the TRUMPET Readers and saints scattered abroad, greeting.

I want to say a few words concerning the work of God in these parts. God is doing all things well, He is coining in glory and overthrowing the wrongs of Free Methodist holiness: He is breaking sect yokes on every hand, and where it was almost death by the law among the little popes for me to open my mouth for God upon the true Church question, there are beginning to be many openings for the truth. Hallelujah! Surely babylon is fallen, is fallen. Six years ago sect holiness numbered in this (Mont Gomery County) Association, 3000 strong; now 300. What a decline! And now the question among them is, what is the cause of it? what robber robbed God here on this line?

O glory! Hallelujah! The people are beginning to see; honest inquiring souls are beginning to get light, and are beginning to flee out of babylon. Hallelujah! God is purging out the old leaven, and bringing to naught sectarian holiness.

Glory to God! I expect to do good service in these parts for the Master on the true holiness line. The people are calling for the truth on the true Church of God.

I would like to tell the TRUMPET readers more about what God is doing for us here, but I have not time: you will hear more in the near future, of the great display of the truth opening up in this region.

Pray for us in all your prayers, and if any of you are coming this way, remember we have a pilgrim house in Litchfield.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus.

John D. Ashbaugh.


Deshler, O.

Dear Saints of the Most High God: — Wife and I went to Weston Saturday to hold an ordinance meeting at Bro. Wm. Long’s, and found the saints all in good order, full of faith and the Holy Ghost. We had the pleasure of meeting Bro. and sister Miller and Bro’s Spackey. and Aumaugher of Jerry City, and Bro. Roush of Rising Sun. We had a melting time. There was twenty-four that took part in the ordinances of feet-washing and the Lord’s supper. O hallelujah to God for freedom in Christ, and for people that are willing to follow the foot-steps of our Master. Your Bro. and sister saved and under the blood.

A. S. & A. H. Lea.

Cherubusco, Ind.

“Low I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” Dear readers of the TRUMPET: on Jan. the 6th I left my home and loved ones, to go to Monmouth Ind. to commence a meeting in the name of the Lord. Praise His dear name! how He fulfilled this blessed promise to me all the time I was gone. I was alone as far as human help was concerned, but the Lord was with me in power to preach His Word. We held the meeting in an old house built by the Methodists, and at present owned by the Quakers, the society having gone down. I had no trouble in getting the house, but every one thought I would not accomplish any good. But praise God, His Word took effect the first night, notwithstanding their predictions. There were about five or six different sects represented, they were brought to realize the sin of having a name to live and being dead, and during the meeting seven nights and one Sabbath day there were about a dozen rose up for prayer to get nearer to God; then I preached deliverance from all sin and sects: this was too much for some and they drew back. But praise our God! three endorsed the Word all through. There were none that got clear out, being surrounded with so many apparent difficulties in this dark place, where God had, years ago, removed the candlestick out of its place. Sister Sopha Sipe is earnestly seeking for sanctification. Her husband is unsaved, but promised to seek the Lord when I left them. It was through our long acquaintance I was enabled to get the TRUMPET into tills family some over a year ago; they have again renewed their subscription. Now dear readers pray earnestly for this family, and also for Bro. Wilder who stands with the sect falsely called the Church of God. He endorsed the preaching and subscribed for the TRUMPET. Pray especially for the three new subscribers, and the dear family spoken of above. Pray also for those that have taken steps to repair the old meeting house, that our Father may again restore the candle-stick to that forsaken place, that there may be a glorious Church established there. They have received truths they will never forget. I left them in the hands of the Lord and started for home Friday morning. When I arrived at the station the train had gone, and being very anxious to get home I looked to the Lord, and praise God this promise came to me, “all things work together for good to them that love God.” So I waited for train on P. F. W. and C. road come by way of Columbia City. While there waiting for train I learned that there were two of my brethren in jail for praising God in a sect meeting. I lost no time in getting there. As soon as I got through the second door I heard them singing the praises of God. The first word was, when I got into the cell, praise the Lord! Then I proceeded to question them closely, and try the Spirits, and they were strangers to me in the flesh. I was soon convinced that they were true children of God, and that they had been put in prison through the devilishness of the U. B. sect. They have become united brethren in the works of the devil, and through their evil spirit have succeeded in putting the Ramsey brethren in the Columbia City jail. But praise God! they are the happiest prisoners I ever saw. They are creating a great excitement in the town and country. They are very bold in their testimony of perfect freedom from all sin, and the works of the devil. When I heard their testimony, I greeted them with the holy kiss, then the old prison was made to ring with the praises of God. Then I verily believed with alt my heart that it was a special providence of God that I missed the train on my direct route home, so as to see these dear happy saints.

This trip to Monmouth was my first effort to hold meetings since I have come fully out of sectism. Praise God! He was with me in power.

Your Brother saved and kept.

Henry Smith.


Gosford Pa.

Dear Bro. Daniel: — Grace be unto you. May the Lord bless you abundantly and keep you valiant for the truth. Your card came to hand this morning. The half dozen books were sold in a little while alter taking them out of the Office. These songs of everlasting joy are moving the world when sung by the Holy Ghost. Bro. Clayton and I came to this place about two weeks ago and preached in the so-called Union hall where the Winebrennarians and Free Methodists hold meetings, but found very little union. We told them we were in for union, but on the Bible line. The terrible one is brought to nought and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of naught. — Isa. 29:20, 21. When we began to rebuke the tobacco god of the Winebrennarian, he began to rave and tried to catch our words and prove us a liar; but the blessed Holy Spirit revealed his wicked heart to all the people. We found the Free Methodist class almost extinct, on account of their carnal lawing over some members that they desired to put to death, and put them out. And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies? — Eze. 13:19. But the poor starved sheep came flocking back to their own fold when we began to preach the pure word of God. Backsliders reclaimed, and the sin-sick souls healed through the precious blood. Praise the Lord! About twelve or fourteen have been at the altar.

Pray for us. Your saved Bro.

W. J. Evans.


Burden, Kan.

DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN: — May God bless you, and fill you with all of His blessed fullness, and make thee to increase and abound more and more in the love of Christ Jesus. May you continually be filled with the Holy Ghost. Press forward my brethren; victory is on the side of the Lord. Hallelujah! salvation is rolling on and babylon is fallen. Amen! Bless God! another soul escaped from babylon and has delivered his soul. Bro. G. R. Achor, the pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist sect, has come out of her since we came here and is on the Bible line, the apostolic platform.

We are expecting to have Camp Meeting again at Chanute about Sep. 1st. Bro. Warner and band of workers are to be there. The Lord willing, I will hold Grove Meeting at Table Rock Neb., May the 27th. Any one seeing this and led of the Lord, come and help us in the meeting at Table Rock. I am on the forward move with the victory, fire and glory in my soul.

John P. Haner.


Newark N. J.

DEARLY BELOVED: — Hallelujah to my God for His power of consuming the devil and his kingdom. My Father works and I work hitherto. My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me. Glory to God! Now remember I have no certain dwelling-place, and I have experienced what Paul did. I have been in peril upon land and among thieves, and especially among false brethren; but our God is a consuming fire, and by His Spirit we cast out devils. Praise His name forever! I spoke of no certain dwelling-place on earth, but remember I have a place in God. Ye are dead and your life hid with Christ in God. Hallelujah! God has prepared another battle at Park Ridge N. J. where the devil is king, and by the Spirit. I was commanded to go and investigate the line of battle, so I ran over for a few days to know my Father’s will concerning that place; then I was to return to Newark to do my Father’s will until I am sent into the battle at Park Ridge where God has a few saints to be built up in Him. Praise His holy name! I am so glad that God is disjointing some of His saints from the beast, and they have joined the body of Christ.

The peace of God be with all the saints everywhere. Amen!



Charlevoix Co., Mich.

Dear Saints: — We are saved just now, and filled with the mighty power of God. Hallelujah!

“On Christ the Solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.”

We came to Dwight April 7, where we found the little Church (which had been established in Dec. last while we were here) in a glorious condition, full of life and power, and all ablaze for God. Quite a goodly number had been added to the Church in our absence, all of which feel their freedom in Christ. Bless the Lord! If the Son therefore make you free, you shall be free indeed. We remained with the dear ones until Sabbath evening, when Bro. Reinhart came after us and we accompanied him across the Lake to hold a meeting in that place. We found the house filled with an attentive audience, all of which requested us to continue meetings. Hallelujah! The hail, fire and blood makes the first and second beast cry for pain, for both have their marks upon the people here; but the Lord giveth us the victory. Glory be to His name!

And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns be with thee, and thou doest well among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house. And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious — Eze. 2:6, 7. So we continue to pour out the hail and fire upon them, according to the Word. Hallelujah! We love this war, following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth; riding upon our holiness steeds. One dear Bro. said I that he saw us there weeks before we came, in a vision and came to us and said, “Sir, thou art the man.” Another old pilgrim said he had been praying for fifteen years that God would send or raise up some one to preach this Gospel. O hallelujah! it is glorious to see how these dear old soldiers enjoy the straight Word. The sects with all of their cunning craftiness have tried to catch them and allure them into their pen, but all to no avail. They have stood free in Christ, and been persecuted; but bless the Lord! at last they now rejoice to hear the plain way. God bless them all. The Lord is wonderfully at work upon the hearts of the people here. Eight taken prisoners for Jesus yesterday, and five consecrated and claimed the witness to their sanctification. The whole country here is stirred, and you can hear nothing talked of scarcely but salvation. Many are convicted of the truth of God. There are calls from all directions, come and hold meetings. O my Father bless the dear ones who are so wonderfully interested, and save them to the uttermost; save them from the mouth of the dragon for Jesus’ sake. Amem! The beast is raging in different towns for fear that the Lord will send us there, and their craft will be hurt. He cries, “II you come here we will put you in prison,” or “we will egg you,” and “we will not have him here.” But these things do not by any means disturb us, and we shall go in the name of King Jesus. Hallelujah!

May the blessings of God rest upon every dear sainted one for Jesus’ sake.

Your Brother under the blood, saved to the uttermost and sanctified wholly.

W. B. Grover.


Morley Mich.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you with all spiritual blessings in Christ. I am praising God for full salvation. I am exceeding joyful in glory, fully saved, out of babylon, sanctified wholly, and have victory over death, hell, and the grave. Hallelujah! Last Sabbath we had a wonderful meeting; the power and the glory of God was exceeding great in our midst. The whole congregation was under deep conviction. Three were happily converted to God; one of whom was delivered from spiritualism. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! Your Bro. under the blood.

F. Jacobson.




Payne, O.

DEAR BRETHREN: — May the Lord bless and keep you from evil, Amen!

Praise our God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am saved and sanctified just now by the Holy Ghost, with the blood of Jesus.

Bro. Geo. Sisco’s house and about all of his clothing and furniture has been destroyed by fire. He is a poor man, and not able to work. DEAR BRETHREN let us help him all we can. The Lord will bless us in our efforts to do good. “I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Acts, 20:35, Also read 1 Jno. 3:17.

A. J. Kilpatrick.


Bucritus, O.

DEAR BRETHREN: — I am still saved and sanctified through the blood of the Lamb. There are but few in these parts in fellowship with me. It means a great deal to stand alone with Christ, the living Head.

I am all the Lord’s.

John N. Slagle.

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Winfield, Kan.

DEAR GOSPEL TRUMPET: — We sent a request some time ago, that the readers of the TRUMPET would pray for the healing of our son Arthur. We wish to state to the glory of God, that our son is healed, in answer to prayer. We give God all the glory. We pray God to bless all the dear ones that prayed for his recovery; also the friends that sent us financial assistance We received from a sister at King- man, Kan., $1.00, a sister at Burean Kan., $1.50, friends at Winfield Kansas, $5.75. A collection at Sweetser Ind., $4.25. A brother at Macon City Iowa, $2.00. A Bro. at Atlanta Kansas, $1.00.

These amounts did not, come all at one time, but just in the time of need. We do not need any more financial help, as I am now working at my trade, and Arthur is working on a farm; but we do beg an interest in all of your prayers. Amen!

Saved just now.

Isaac Pennington.




DEAR BRETHREN: — I feel led to write my experience for the glory of God. I and saved from all sin.

Two years ago last Christmas the Lord pardoned me, and I walked in all the light I had for about three months. Then the Lord showed me that I was indulging in things that were not of God. I had used tobacco eleven years: I threw it away, and in one week the. Lord sanctified my soul. Glory to God! He has also saved me from tea, coffee, pork, and all manner of sin, sects not excluded At the time I was sanctified I was in a little sect called the “Church of God,” of which I was deacon. The preacher fought holiness, and I was persecuted above measure. The Word says “when you are persecuted in one city, flee into another” So I joined another sect. I worshiped with them until the Lord showed me I was joined to a harlot, and had committed fornication with her. “Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What, know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For two saith He shall be one flesh: but he that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.” — Cor. 6:15-17.

“And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the whole earth.” — Rev. 17:5. The Lord showed me that I had stooped to help build up a name. “And they said one to another, go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar: and they said, go to, let us build us a city, and a tower whose top may reach unto Heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.” — Gen. 11:3, 4. It was the name of a man instead of Christ, the chief Comer Stone. And I repented, and gave glory to God, and He has given me a glorious experience. I now worship in the city of the Living God, where all true saints worship. Glory be to Jesus! “But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the Living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem: and to an innumerable company of angels. To the general assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven; and to God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant: and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel.” — Heb. 12:22-24.

I realize when I read the Trumpet, that the innumerable company of angels is the true ministers of Christ, or the messengers to the Church. And the general assembly is the true saints.

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits; and yielded her fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation.” — Rev. 22:1, 2. The tree of life is our Savior, and the twelve manner of fruits are the twelve Apostles: and the leaves of the tree are the fruits of our lips. Jesus is the door, and the teachings of the Apostles are the gates. “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have a right to the Tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the City. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” — Rev. 22:14, 15.

“Go through, go through the gates; prepare the way of the people: Cast up, cast up the highway: gather out the stones. Lift up a standard for the people.” — Isa. 62:10. I do praise God that I ever heard the voice of the Son of God, and came out of her. “And the Spirit and the Bride says come, and let him that heareth say come.”

The Lord wants me to preach the everlasting Gospel with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven.

My prayer is that God will send Bro Warner out here to set in order the things that are wanted in the Church; “for He gave some Apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.” God bless all the dear saints.

Your Bro wholly sanctified through the blood

John E Smith.

Fenwick, Canada.


Kittanning, Pa.

Dear Brethren: – I praise God this evening that He saves my soul. Glory to His holy name! It is about five years since I was converted to the blessed Lord. I was soon coiled into Babylon’s snairs, and lost all my enjoyment, and then they tried to make me believe I was saved when I knew that satan had got hold of me; and from that time until the 20th of Feb I had a dreadful time; trying to live for God with my eyes shut. Praise God! while Bro. Clayton was here, and preached the Gospel in its true light, the Lord opened my epes, and the clear light of God shone upon me. Praise God forever! The Lord sanctified my soul, and saves me from all sects, and all sin Glory to God and the Lamb forever!

Your Sister in Christ

Celestin Cochron.



Humboldt, Kan.

Dear Brethren: — Grace be unto you, and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise God for salvation from all sin, and deliverance from the “doctrines and commandments of men, which turn from the truth.” Amen!

O I do so love the truth, the blessed Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. Jesus says, “Whosoever therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be the least in the kingdom of Heaven: But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Matt. 5:19. God’s order is always to be right ourselves, then live right, and teach others. “The husbandman that laboreth must first be partaker of the fruits.” — 2 Tim. 2:6. “And why beholdeth thou the mote that is-in thy brother’s eye: but considereth not the beam that is in thine own eye. Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye, and behold a beam is in thine own eye. Thou hypocrite, first (begin at home) cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s.” — Matt. 7:3-5.

The beam is the carnal mind which is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. — Rom. 8:7. Paul tells the Church of God which is at Corinth, that king carnal was the reason of division. “For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, (trying to pull out motes from the brethren’s eyes when a beam was in their own eye.) O let us heed the words of Jesus. “Cleanse FIRST that which is within.” — Matt. 23:26. If we try to straighten a brother when we are crooked, we will cause division. “The wisdom that cometh from above is first pure, then peacable.” We are, by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Ghost, pushing the battle amid much and strong opposition, and souls are being saved. One Bro. whom God has called to preach, and had hitherto failed to obey, came over 40 miles to where Bro. J. H. Orr and I were preaching South of Earlton, and was gloriously sanctified during a most precious ordinance meeting held at Bro. Butterford’s house; and started back home (Virgil, Kan.) next day on foot, with the victory in his soul. To God be all the glory! Amen!

I have learned since, that brother and sister Franklin are clean cut of babylon.

Now beloved saints of God, we have in our neighborhood a dear young Bro. who was sanctified this winter, and has felt God’s call to “preach the Word.” He did not obey the Lord, through great opposition, and is now insane, or possessed of an evil spirit, or both. Brethren pray, that if it is God’s will he may be restored, “clothed in his right mind,” and work in the vineyard of the Lord. Also pray for his parents. Pray for us and the work. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

J. B. Slagle.


St Johns, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise the Lord for eternal life which I know I have abiding in me. O how thankful! am that the dear blessed Lord ever stooped so low as to pick me up; and give me this glorious salvation. Praise His name forever and ever! Jesus satisfies my longings. O it is so blessed to know that our Heavenly Father is well pleased with us. O praise the Lord! “I will love Thee O Lord, my strength: the Lord is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, in whom I will trust.”

Your sister, saved and sanctified wholly to God.

Jessie A. Lyon.


Hazzard, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord for whom I had waited came suddenly to the temple of my heart; and I had an immediate evidence that this was the blessing I had been, for some time seeking. My soul was full of wonder, love, and praise. It is but a few months that I have enjoyed this liberty, but glory be to God! I am kept by His mighty power: by faith I stand. My God is to me as a place of broad rivers, wide and deep. I rest in Him; sinking into Him, I lose myself, and prove a life of fellowship with Deity so Divinely sweet that I would not relinquish it for a thousand worlds. A Roman Catholic friend has lately come out from under the Popish laws, and received the salvation of Jesus.

Your saved and sanctified brother.

John A. Dillon.


Hazzard, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God for the sweet peace and enjoyment I feel in my soul. The Lord has saved and sanctified my soul. Praise God forever and ever! There is a little band of us here at this place, only six in number. Praise the Lord! How the members of the M. E. sect do howl when we apply the Word of God to them. The time has come when they will not endure sound doctrine. Glory to Jesus! I am under the blood just now. The Lord meets with us, and we have glorious meetings. O praise God forever and ever for saving my soul!

Your sister in Christ, saved and wholly sanctified.

Alice Dillon.


Wataga, Mo.

Beloved Brethren of the GOSPEL TRUMPET, and to all the true saints greeting.

The Lord willing, we will move to Kansas City, Mo., about April 7, where we expect to locate, and labor for the Lord.

Dear Brethren, will you send us as many TRUMPETS as you can from the Office, and let the saints every where send us their paper after it is read, and we will distribute them the best we can in this city. I will get all the subscribers I can. I believe the GOSPEL TRUMPET is the best paper printed in the world. The Lord God wonderfully bless the little ones at the Office, we often pray for them. We hope that dear Bro’s. J. Cole, and J. P. Haner will come to Kansas City, and help us lift up the truth. Praise God! I am saved from all compromise with the devil, and with babylon. I am a poor man with family to support, but would love to do something to help the cause of Christ. Will some dear brother who is able, send us some tracts from the G. T. Office, to Kansas City? Your Bro. in Christ, saved and sanctified.

R. J. Brown.


Wataga, Mo.

DEAR BRETHREN: — The Lord bless you all every where, who are saved in Christ Jesus. God has chosen the weak things of this earth to confound the mighty, yea, and things that are not, to bring to naught things that are. Though we are poor in this world’s goods, we are rich in the faith and love of Jesus Christ who died to redeem us with His own precious blood. So we are willing to labor, and endure the trials of this life, knowing that our life here below draweth to a close, and our suffering time will soon end in the joy of Christ’s glory. Praise God! we have the witness of God’s Spirit that we have a home of peace beyond this vale of woe. Our name is written in Heaven.

Your sister in Christ.

E. J. Brown.


South Haven, Mich.

DEAR BRETHREN: — I am saved and kept by the power of God. Glory to Jesus for saving a poor sinner like me. He has redeemed my soul by His precious blood and sanctified me to do His will. Me fills me continually with His Spirit. Praise His name!

I am free from all sin just now. Glory be to God! I am sweetly resting in Jesus.

I am getting stronger every day. Glory to Jesus! We are having glorious meetings here. Souls are being saved. Praise the name of Jesus who hath redeemed my soul.

I am saved, sanctified and kept by the mighty power of God, through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Praise the Lord! I am determined, by the grace of God, to do His will in all things.

Your sister under the blood.

Madie Morrison.


Vichy Mo.

DEAR BRETHREN: — I do praise God this morning for the testimony that the Lord has given us in our souls. He saves us from all sin. He has called us out of the Methodist sect; and we are how in the true Church of God. Oh praise His holy name forever! Oh glory to God! we know that our names are writen in heaven. Pray for us that we may ever live true to God. Your brother and sister saved and sanctfied and kept only through the blood of Jesus.

James & Sarah Thornton.

Edgewood, Mich,

Dear Brethren, in the love of Jesus.

I praise God for an everlasting salvation; one that keeps me pure and holy, ready to meet our blessed Savior when he comes.

The Lord is filling my soul with glory right from the throne.

“I am drinking at the fountain,
Where I ever would abide;
For I’ve tasted life’s pure river,
And my soul is satisfied.

He lifts me far above the things of this world, and I see Jesus only. O the peace that I feel in my soul just now, assures me that all is well. “For we know that if our earthley house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” Praise His name forever and ever! I am satisfied to abide in Jesus, the true vine. Praise the Lord! May God bless all the dear Trumpet readers for His name’s sake. Amen.

Your sister, under the blood.

Louisa Moore.



DEAR BRETHREN: — The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin just now and sanctifies me wholly, and keeps me every day walking in the light of God. The way grows brighter and better. Praise the Lord!

Your Bro. in Christ.

G. H. Cole.


Pleasant Grove, Ind.

DEAR SAINTS: — At Pleasant Grove, where the Saints had such a glorious meeting last winter, the fire is still burning and God is dwelling with His children in mighty power. The Newlights held a meeting here for about three weeks. The house belongs to this sect only one third of the time, but as soon as their meeting closed they fastened the windows and locked the doors against the saints; evidently making it “The habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit.” They even forbid the singing of sanctified songs, because they could not stand the fire, for “The natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.” After the Word was preached in its purity, the thirsting souls came flocking to the fountain and drank freely of the water of life. The tottering walls of babylon began to fall.

Surely this prophecy was fulfilled, “One past shall run to meet another, and one messenger to meet anotcer, to show the king of babylon that his city is taken at one end.” The sect priests one after another came to her rescue, but alas! to late, for the Lord says “She shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”

“They shall put you out of the synagogue *** and these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father, nor Me.” Praise the Lord, salvation is free for all, and that clear flowing fountain will never run dry. “He that endureth to the end shall be saved. ”

Your brother, washed in the blood of the Lamb.

E. E. Byrum.


Payne, O.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you with all Spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. I praise God for salvation that saves from all sin. Glory to God forever and ever! I praise God for victory over the devil and all his works. I feel strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. I praise God too, that I am saved from old babylon. Pray for me that I may stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made me free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bon lage. Your sister in Christ.

Jemima Smith.


Battle Creek, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved to the uttermost just now, washed and redeemed, down under the blood. My soul is rejoicing in the sweet peace of Eternal life. Praise our King forever! He is my shield from all diseases. Pray for me, that I may keep victory over all the power of disease: God gives me continual victory in my soul. I am reigning with Christ above this world of strife. We have glorious little meetings here every Sabbath; we meet at half past ten o’clock, and some of the time do not close until 3 in the after-noon. Pray for us all.

May Smith.


Lebanon, Mich.

I feel like giving in my testimony once more to the readers of the Trumpet. I am saved, sanctified, and kept by the power of God. As for me, I will all upon the name of the Lord, and He shall save me; Evening, and morning, and at noon will I pray; and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice. He has delivered my soul from the battle that was against me. In God have I put my trust. I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Thy vows are upon me O God; I will render praise unto Thee; for Thou hast delivered my soul from death. Wilt not Thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God b1ameless? Although I am suffering a great deal of pain to-night, yet I am filled with all the fulness of God’s love. Praise the Lord! He owns me for His child. Happy is the man whom God correcteth. Therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty; for He maketh sore and bindeth up: He woundeth, and His hands make whole. Yours in Christ.

Harrison Nash.


Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I praise God for His blessed power and Spirit which I feel in my soul just now, bearing witness that I am sanctified wholly, and kept by His power through the most severe trials; but praise God! all things work together for good to those who love and serve God The Lord delivers me from the many hinderances of satan, and enables me to search out those that are of God, and present to them the Trumpet. The Lord gives us much grace to encourage one another to faithfulness in the Lord. O praise the Lord! is the sentiment of my heart. Amidst my joy, the Spirit brings these words to my mind.

“There is melody from Heaven,
Ringing now within my soul;
All is glory to my Savior,
Who has cleansed and made me whole.”

I do praise God that I belong to the true, and only Church of the First-born.

Melvina Jaquish.


Versailles O.

Dear Brethren: — I can testify for the Lord, that I am saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus; and am praising the Lord daily for a full and free salvation. I am trusting daily in the Lord, find I know He keeps me. My prayer is that I may meet you all in Heaven. Your Bro. saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus.

Wm. Pepple.

Dear Brethren: — Glory to God! I am saved, sanctified, and kebt by the power of God. O praise the Lord for free salvation! I praise God for sending Bro. Key, and some others of His dear saints here to preach His pure Word. I stood all alone with the Lord; but now I have brethren and sisters in Christ. Glory to God for this evening light! Your Sister saved, sanctified and kept through faith in Jesus. Pray for me and my family.

Mary C. Pepple.


State Line, Ind.

DEAR BRETHREN: — Enclosed find one dollar for the Trumpet, for I cannot do without it. It always makes my heart rejoice to read of so many poor souls being saved, and so many that are willing to go and work for the Master. It is such a grand work. I am willing to do all I can for the Lord. I do love to read the Bible; and obey the Lord in every thing. It is my main study to do all things to please Him who gave His life for me.

I ask the prayers of the saints of God, that I may be healed in body. I have been afflicted for several years.

Rachel Songer.


Wasco, Oregon.

DEAR BRETHREN: — God bless you all. Tracts and Songs of Victory came duely to hand. Having once been brought in contact with the 7th day Adventists and made acquaintance with their doctrines I feel at liberty to endorse the Sabbath tract, and urge the careful perusal of it, by every body. I find that it not only shows plainly which day to keep; but is full of wholesome soul-food.

There has just closed the most peculiar meeting I ever attended. It was under the auspices of the M. E. sect, conducted mainly by a young man by the name of Thomas Atkinson of McMinnville, Ore, on the line of holiness; and for three weeks the altar was crowded twice each day. The last evening there were about twenty at the altar, the most of whom failed to obtain salvation. My earnest prayer is that they may yet receive the desire of their hearts.

There was quite a number of conversions, some very clear: among whom were some of the hardest sinners in this part of the country. There were a good many sanctified, one of whom was the former pastor of this charge. He was once in the enjoyment of this grace, but lost it, since which time he has been earnestly seeking the restoration of the joy’s of this great salvation. He is an earnest man, and urges upon the people vital Godliness, as the only qualification for admission into the courts of glory. The present pastor seems to be seeking holiness, and seems very earnest; so much so that he recently took a trip of about 175 miles in order to attend a holiness meeting, and be instructed more perfectly as to how to obtain it. My prayer is that he may soon come into possession of this pearl of great price. Notwithstanding the great number who have recently come into this experience, and also a goodly number who were sanctified nearly two years ago, there is still great opposition to holiness by many who think they are Christians. My prayer is, that the good Lord may open their blinded eyes before it is too late.

O how much I wish some of the Trumpet workers could come and teach this people the true light, and raise up a people here, zealous of good works, in keeping the ordinances. I am trying, as far as I have opportunity, to show the necessity of this work; but being engaged in farming as I am, it is impossible for me to give it the attention it requires. I find here, as almost every where, where holiness is preached, there exists this sham holiness. When a Presiding Elder sports his royal arch watch charm, and says he is sanctified, I think he tells what is false: besides that, he cannot speak the “shibboleth” with the “h” in it, which is further proof that he is deceiving himself: he is a Free Mason. May the Lord have mercy on such men, and gag them, that they cease to deceive others.

I feel that I must put aside my farming, and take, as it were, my life in my hand, and go and show the people their dreadful deception, and show them from the Scriptures, the necessity of observing the ordinances; for I know that obedience is better than sacrifice. My prayer is that the fire of God, and the Holy Ghost, may continually abide upon all of the Trumpet family, and readers. Amen.

Yours forever, in the holy war.

Martin Myers.


Walkerton, Ind.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God for the privilege of writing my testimony. I am not discouraged; but I am still pressing on toward the prize that awaiteth the faithful. When tempted I remember that beautiful stanza.

“Soul be strong, what e’re betide,
God Himself is guard and guide.”

I have enjoyed more in my soul since I made a full consecration, than ever before. I am satisfied with my experience, and the light shines brighter every day. Glory to Jesus! for this wonderful salvation that makes us free; and whom the Son maketh free is free indeed. It is so refreshing to read the testimonies of the dear saints, which show, that so many are walking in the true light.

Your sister, saved to the uttermost.

Nancy Taylor.

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