11 April 1895, Volume 15, Number 15.



A terrible scene, is before me.
At last the great judgment has come.
The last trumpet-sound resurrected.
All nations to stand at his throne.
An angel from heaven came shining,
And stood on the land and the sea.
And swore by the Lord, that forever
Old time was no longer to be.

The “rich man” was there in his mis’ry,
His good time had vanished away:
No money, no mercy, a pauper.
His debts were too heavy to pay.
But Laz’rus was rich and had plenty,
A treasure that cannot decay.
Rewarded with heaven and glory.
To live with the Savior for aye.

I saw there the orphans and widows.
For Clod hath regarded their cries:
No cloud of sorrows o’ershadowed,
For God wiped all tears from their eyes.
The liar, the gambler, the drunkard.
The maker of rum, and as well.
The seller, and all who gave license.
Together went groaning to hell.

The great man was there, but his greatness
Was turned into mis’ry and woe:
The angel that opened the record.
Not a trace of his greatness could show.
And his name was not there in the life-book.
But his deeds on the earth were all found;
And beneath the dark column, twas written,
“With Satan in hell you are bound.”

Professors were there, and the moral.
On their suited self-righteousness, too;
But their filthy old rags of profession.
They found would not carry them through. And ninny who crucified Jesus
Expected to pass in nil right:
But they were cast off on the left hand
And sank into eternal night.

The souls that neglected salvation.
And offered excuses below.
And said, “I’ve no time for religion
Until I get ready to go,
Thus stilling conviction and mercy, –
A call came from regions on high.
Like thunder … Tis death and the judgment.
And time now forever to die.”

The Christian was there in great boldness.
Awaiting his ..na.. reward.
Ah robed in the likeness of Jesus,
Beholding the face of this Lord:
And thus be heard gladly the tidings,
“Ye blessed, come near to my throne.
The kingdom, and crown of bright glory.
Be years, and a mansion at home.”

And thus was the great separation
In the justice and wisdom of God:
And the marks of God’s blessed approval,
Were seen in all washed in the blood.
The lot of both righteous and wicked
Is lived, and their pleasure and woe
Are measured by what they committed
In this short probation below.

B. E. Warren.




WANTED! wanted!! wanted!!! Prayers wanted everywhere. Who will help supply so many wants? Bro. Byrum has sent me a few of the many requests that have been sent to the GOSPEL TRUMPET office for prayers. About one hundred letters per day to the office, and most of them wanting help in prayer; and some need to be answered by letters of instruction, and hundreds of questions sent there remain unanswered for want of time. But especially prayers wanted for the salvation of souls, and healing the sick, and many very bad cases, such as insane, devil- possessed, bound in chains of lust, etc. Helpless ones wanting help, and must have it or be finally and eternally doomed with the lost. And many of the dear ones who have need of divine healing have no elders near, and they write at once to the Trumpet office for prayers, and some appoint a day for the Trumpet family to fast and pray — say Monday, and others Tuesday, and so on all week. Dear ones, stop and think! how long would the Trumpet family live at that rate? They fast, but let God lead. There may be some who are like the man who wanted me to spend a day of fasting and prayer for his healing. I said, “Appoint your day, and I will fast and pray with you as long as you will fast for yourself.” He said, “Well, we will not eat any supper next Sunday night.” Some have the sect notion, that some preacher or some one else is to do the work for them, instead of them doing their part. The Word says, “Is any among you afflicted, let HIM PRAY. (Do your best.) And if you still need help and are sick, “Call,” etc. Jas. 5:13, 14. Take Jesus Christ, the apostles and early church as examples of prayer. Jesus spent whole nights in prayer, and the apostles gave themselves to prayer, etc. Acts 6:4. The church prayed without ceasing. Acts 12:5. Continued steadfastly in prayer, etc. Acts 2:42. Paul prayed without ceasing. Rom.

1:9. “Night and day praying exceedingly.” 1 Thess. 3:10. “Praying in the Holy Ghost.” Jude 20. Prayed the prayer of faith and was heard. Jesus said, “Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me;” “thou hearest me always.” “This is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us; and if we know that he heareth us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” 1 Jno. 5:14, 15.

Some tell us they have so much to do they can’t find time for much prayer; and others tell that they have so much to do that they could not accomplish it without much prayer. Which class do you belong to? Praise God! I belong to the praying class, and enjoy it well. Hallelujah! Some one says, “I would like to be one of the praying class if I knew how, and could pray the prayer of faith.” If you have the will, God has the way. Surely, if the dear ones would use what faith they have, it would soon be increased. Are you following the example of Christ and the early church in this respect? Who will devote a part of the Lord’s day to real earnest prayer of faith for all the saints, and especially for the needy ones sending requests? Who will make this a daily business, especially in secret once or more in twenty-four hours? Who wants a real increase or faith, or the gift of faith to use in this work of faith? Covet earnestly the best gifts. Are you in earnest? Will you be agreed according to Matt. 18:19? If so, you may count us and others praying for you. Will you pray as much for me and others as you would have us pray for you? May God stir your soul as mine has been to this work. If dear ones that have requests, or want questions answered, or need instruction, etc., and know of competent workers who can supply the demand, write them without delay, and not burden the office unnecessarily. And if such workers will voluntarily share with the office, they can find something to do on that line, so that these many cases can be more readily cared for. Let each one stir up his gift, for God has a supply equal to the demand; for his ways are equal. Praise the Lord for victory in my soul. Your free and happy brother, filled with faith and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

J. Cole.




Mar. 1, 1895.

Dearly Beloved of the Lord, Greeting: Our hearts have for some time been stirred that there should be a children’s home in these parts, to be carried on in the same way as the school at Grand Junction, and the one on the coast. So the saints have arranged to establish the same in the north-west part of Arkansas, where there is a glorious little church. Sixty acres have been donated for the home, two miles north of Porter Station, Ark. Porter is on the Frisco R. R. This school is for the benefit of the children of parents who wish their children to be in such a school. Fathers and mothers will be expected to advise and instruct their children to obey all the rules of the school. Children will be required to get saved and live for God.

We have so arranged as to provide homes to saved families who have not means to buy. The saints there will give a few acres from their farms for building places for saints who wish to move there and send their children without leaving them in the children’s home. But when such ones wish to leave there the land will still belong to its former owner, as no deeds will be made to parties getting land free for homes. But such parties can live there as if it were their own, as long as subject to the rules and conditions. Each one can have some land to cultivate in garden, fruit, etc. Work is already commenced on the land for the home. The school will be begun in the saints’ meeting house. We are trusting the Lord for a teacher who is full of God.

Wife and I feel led of the Lord to manage the home. Anything God leads any one to send to this home in way of supplies or means will be received with many thanks and praises to God, as the school will be supported in that way. All who are called of God into the work of the Lord should feel free to send your children to the home; they will be cared for. Children will be taught to do light work; also, to be polite and respectful. We will, as soon as possible, make arrangements to teach music in the school. Let all pray for the work. All wishing to correspond with us can address us at Mountain Grove, Mo. until we get ready to move to the children’s home at the Lord’s time, which we feel will be soon. We believe God is in this work, and that it will greatly benefit the saints in these parts. As soon as we can find out when we can begin the school we will write again. A teacher and some other laborers are needed, but we believe God will send us consecrated hands for this work. Now, brethren, begin to enquire of the Lord, you who live in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, and other surrounding states, and see what God will have you do in this matter. This school will be more convenient for you to send to than the one at Grand Junction.

Yours with much holy love and interest in the work of God. Present address Mountain Grove, Mo.

Geo. F. Moody and Wife.



“Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” Psa. 119:129.


Millville, Tenn.

To the Gospel Trumpet: I am sweetly saved and sanctified, and kept by God’s mighty power from all sin. I am so glad for the Trumpet. It teaches so many precious lessons. I am all on the altar for sacrifice or service. I want your prayers that I may be kept in the order of God, low down at his feet.

Jasper Hames.


Cornell, Neb.

Dear Saints: Permit me, also, to tell you what a wonderful Savior I have found in Jesus. Truly before the Lord delivered me from my sins I was a wretched and miserable creature; but the Lord found me, called me and took me into his fold. It was near a couple of years ago that I forsook all to follow Jesus, and I find the way grows brighter day by day. When I saw that I must be freed from that inward depravity which was striving to bring me into captivity to it, I met the required conditions and the Lord sanctified me wholly, and I have been an overcomer ever since through Jesus. I find his grace is able to keep us through all trials. Will say to those who remembered my request for prayer in the Trumpet that your prayers were not in vain. The Lord healed me. Your brother,

John N. Underhill.


Thompsonville, Mich.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord: I wish to testify through the GOSPEL TRUMPET, that I am saved from all sin. I was converted about twenty-five years ago, yet I confess that I did not live as close to the Lord as I should have lived. But I have received pardon again, and the dear Lord has washed away all my sins, and has restored to me the joys of his salvation. Praise his name! The blessed Lord has healed me several times. Some people say the day of miracles is past, but praise the Lord, I wish to speak of one the Lord has wrought upon me. I have been in bondage, or a slave to tobacco for about eighty-one years. I commenced using tobacco when a very small boy, at the age of about six years. And if I live to see the 14th day of April, 1895. I will be eighty-seven years old. And I know it was the voice of my Savior that spake to me about six weeks ago, and told me to quit the use of tobacco. I did hear his voice and obeyed the calling. He has done a complete work in me. Praise his name! And I wish to say here that what the Lord has done for me he can do for others. Amen! Your brother saved in the one body,

Martin Little.


Lucknow, S. C.

Dear Ones in Jesus: Praise God, I am saved from sin and out clear for Jesus. I am saved from the tobacco habit. I did not know that it was such a hindrance to my peace and happiness until the Lord saved me from it. I have a sweet undisturbed peace in my soul since I have got clear of this filthiness of the flesh. 2 Cor. 7:1. I am joyful and happy, and one of those who are free indeed, While others are bound in sins and errors. I feel called to work for the Lord, and if there is any one who is interested in the work in the South, will send me some tracts and papers I will faithfully distribute them as the Lord may direct. Oh, I do thank the Lord for seeing the light, and I want to get it to others. The preached Word is taking hold of many hearts in all this section of country, and if followed now by such clear proofs and teachings as are afforded by the Trumpet and the tracts that are sent out from the Trumpet office, there is no telling what the result will be for God and his true word. Not a few among the rich are aroused and interested, and one of them has offered the land for a camp meeting for the saints. Praise the Lord! Pray for me, I am a young man, that I may be kept low and humble and from the delusions and snares of Satan. Yours in Jesus only,

William H. Kelly.


Orlando, Okla.

Dear Saints of God: I am praising God this morning for freedom in Christ, who saves me from all sin and keeps me by his mighty power. I am so glad that I am a living witness for Jesus. He has healed me both soul and body. Two years ago last fall the Lord instantly healed me of rheumatism, for which I give him all the glory. I am praising God for victory in my soul that overcometh the world. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. How blessed it is that the Lord puts upon us the duty of prayer and sweet communion with him. There is strength in secret prayer, and right here I will tell a little of my experience on that line.

One morning I got up and got breakfast, but was feeling so bad when it was ready that I could not eat, so went back to bed. My companion came in and ate his breakfast. After eating he got the Bible, came and sat on the bed and read a chapter to have worship. After reading he sat there awhile and looked so solemn that I asked him what was the matter. He said he did not know. I asked him if he felt like he had done anything wrong. No, he said he did not. Then I asked him if he was weak in spirit; he said he was. Then I began to wonder what was the matter, for I had been feeling the same way, but had not said anything to him about it. So when bowing in prayer I asked God to reveal the cause unto me. I began to feel better right away. The Lord showed me that I was to get up, do my morning work, then take the Bible and read a chapter or two, then go down to the woods (as we lived near a creek) and there to kneel down In prayer and sweet communion to God in secret. I did as God commanded, and never before had the birds’ song seemed so sweet, or the air so clear as it did when I poured out my heart to God in prayer. Oh, how sweet to commune with God! There he showed me that we had been neglecting the duty of secret prayer. There he taught me a precious lesson, one long to be remembered, one that I shall by the grace of God always obey; and that is, going to God in secret prayer. Praise his dear name forever! God says, “But thou when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” Mat. 6:6. Oh how many there are who do not go to God in secret prayer; they pray in family worship and think that is sufficient. But, dear ones, is that obeying Mat. 6:6? How many dear souls, farmers especially, when they come in at noon lay themselves down on a mat in front of the door and read a paper; or out under a shade tree and sleep a half-hour or so, when that time could be put in so much better. They could be off with God somewhere in secret prayer, praying for God to strengthen them, or for the salvation of perishing souls. A great many will take their nap at noon, then when asked why they do not go to God in secret prayer and get their souls strengthened they say they would like to be strengthened, but did not have time, or felt too bad to pray. May God bless you, dear ones; this would be the easiest way for you to rest. You could go to your work with a better will and a good free one for the rest of the day, knowing that you had done your duty unto God. Oh the strength and power there is in secret prayer! But do not cease praying, but just keep right on. Praise his dear name! May God bless these few lines to the good of some poor soul, is my prayer. I remain your sister saved, and under the blood,


Page 2




D. S. WARNER — Editor. E. E. BYRUM — Office Editor. E.E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS Publishers.


Subscription $1.00 a year in advance.



DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI-SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in “the faith once delivered to the saints.”


Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Michigan as second class matter.



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Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same.

A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gospel Trumpet. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper

Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address.

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An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty- five cents a year. Address


Grand Junction, Mich.




All the following tracts except the tract — “What is the Soul?” can be had in German.


Must We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 cts.


The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price 5 cents.


Question and Answers on the Church. A tract containing four letters with many questions concerning the church, and showing the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen.


The Great Tobacco Sin. This is a very thorough tract on the subject, by D. S. Warner treating it from a Bible Standpoint. 32 pages. Price 10 cts. per dozen.


What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents


“No-Sectism.” A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing the difference between sectism and the Church of the Living God. It exposes the false theories set forth by Sims. 52 pages. 15 cts. per dozen


The Secret Vice. This is a sixteen page tract — Illustrated, taken from ‘‘THE BOY’S COMPANION,” and contains some plain talk to boys, giving them a timely warning against the evils of self abuse 5 cts. per doz.


Visible Church Organization, Is It Right? This is the title of a tract reviewed by Thos. Carter, giving some points of sectarian discipline, compared by the word of God, also showing the difference between a sect and the true church. 48 pages. 15 cts. per doz.


Babylon, and What it Includes. By W. A. Haynes. 79 pages. 20cts. per doz. This tract very clearly sets forth the true meaning of Babylon, both literal and spiritual. Showing by the Word of God just what classes of people it includes, throwing light on many important points of prophecy.


Sanctification. By J. W. Byers. 40 pages. 10 o. per doz. This contains much information for those seeking after holiness and a closer communion with God. It gives God’s part, and man’s part concerning consecration, and how to get sanctified, — how we may know that we are sanctified, — how to keep sanctified, — and many objections answered.




MASONIC SALVATION. By Fred Husted. This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer having been a Master Mason, boldly brings the hidden and mysterious things before the public in a clear light. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts.

DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. By E. E. Byrum. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German, 248 pages. Paper coyer, 25 cts.

PRIESTS OF ROMANISM; OR, Substitution for Marriage. By G. B. Collins. 15 cts. $1.44 per doz. A Compilation showing the evils of Priestcraft as it has come down to us from Pagan Rome, containing the full text of the oaths taken by Cardinals, Bishops, and priests: the awful oath of the Jesuits and Roman Catholic canons.

HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. By H. C. Wichersham. Second edition. This is a very valuable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, making it very convenient for the Bible student. It also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables, Bible helps, etc. Cloth, marbled edges, $1.80.

BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. By W. G. Shell. Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true church and sectism, giving historical and scriptural proofs Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cts. Address the Author at Anlo, Ohio, or this office.

THE SABBATH; Or. Which Day to Keep. By D. S. Warner. Nearly 200 pages. Paper cover 10 cts. $1.00 per doz. Cloth. 30 cts. It is a very through investigation of the whole subject of the law, and its obligations, the Seventh day Sabbath, its object and terminus at the cross. The first day proved by prophecy, shadows, history and the New Testament to be the Lord’s Day and Sabbath of the Christian Dispensation.

THE BOY’S COMPANION. By E. E. Byrum. This is a nest little volume with interesting chapters to the boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and warning in time, and too often parents fail to grave the needed advice until too late. The book is illustrated with suitable pictures which are aimed to leave a vivid impression upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and experiences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should have one of these hooks to read. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth binding 25 cts.

ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. A second and thorough corrected edition of this new song book has just been issued. Containing 282 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invitation and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary instruction in music. Simple and concise — A practical self- instructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly bound in pasteboard, price reduced to 40 cts. Per dozen $4.00. all prepaid



Catherine Grim, J M Whitman, J B Pitts, S L Speck, Minnie T Wade, S P Strang, Joseph Kohler, Jas. D Tramel, J L Pike, J L Whitlock, Mary Geiger, A H Bullitt, D B Moore, Mrs Minnie Riggle, B F Roe, T A Phillips, Jno P Bailey, N Lovelady, Geo Nicol, Robert Parsons, Lorenzo Cook.


Requests for Prayer.


I have been sick for some time, and ask you to pray for my healing.

Clara Carr.


My lungs have been badly affected for three years. Pray for my healing.

Jacob Amberger.


Pray that I may be healed of kidney trouble. I believe God is able to do the work. Your sister,

H. M. Buchner.


Pray that the Lord may heal me of all my afflictions, and for an increase of faith. Your sister,

M. E. Brantley.


Please pray for the healing of my body of lung trouble; also that my family may be saved.

Josie Adams.


Pray that my husband’s sight and hearing may be restored.

Clarissa D. Wilson,

Springfield, Mo.


Pray for Earl Frederick, Apr. 14, that he may be healed of hip trouble, and may again be able to walk. Your sister in the Lord,

Luetta Frederick.


I desire you to pray God to heal me. I am quite feeble, and my cough troublesome. Pray that the whole family may be saved.

Mrs. Lou Gould.


Pray for Mrs. E. Johnson, that she may be healed of all her diseases, and be sanctified. She has been sick all winter.

Yens M. Welling.


I am afflicted with lung trouble, and desire your prayers Apr. 23, at 11 o’clock, for my healing. Your sister sanctified to do the whole will of God,

Lavina J. Morland.


Pray for one Mrs. Agee, who is blind. She believes that through the prayers of God’s holy ones the Lord will grant unto her the blessing of her eyesight.

Mrs Mary Musqrove,

Raymondville, Mo.


Pray for Eliza Bond, who has had fits for thirteen years, and sometimes has three or four a week, and has serious stomach trouble. The doctor says he can do nothing for her. She says she will now take the Lord for her physician.

O. Dyer.


Albany, Ore.

I ask you all to pray just as soon as you get this for the complete healing of my mother, A. Reed, who is afflicted with kidney, liver, and heart trouble, and has been a great sufferer. Your sister in Christ,

V. E. Boundy.


Cedar Vale, Kan.

I want all the children of God to pray earnestly for the healing of my body on Apr. 12, 1895, at 10 o’clock A. M. Why cannot Bro. Bryant, or Bro. Defore, or Bro. Markwell, or some one of God’s people come here and hold a meeting at this place. Your sister in Christ,

N. J. Sartin.


Joppa, Mich., Apr. 8, 1895.

I ask the prayers of God’s people. I am troubled with a double juguinal hernia; has afflicted me since my boyhood days, and am now only twenty years of age. I trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Let the prayers of God’s people arise about ten o’clock on Saturday the 13th of April for me. Yours in Christ,

John Vaughan.


Pray for me, that I may de made free in the Lord. The devil has me bound till I cannot pray a fervent prayer. I want to be made free, and sanctified. Pray for my husband. Can some one come and hold a tabernacle meeting here this summer? There are hungry souls here.

Ann Howard,

Timber Lake, Okla.


Janesville, Ind.

Dear Saints: I have a large tumor or goitre on my neck, which has been there ever since I was eight or nine years old, and I am now past twenty-eight. People have often said to me when I would talk about God’s power to heal, and how often and how long he had healed myself and family, “If God can do these things now days, and if the saints are right, why don’t you have your neck healed?” Well, glory to Jesus! I know if it is his will, he can heal it, and take it all away. I hope all who read these lines, and know the worth of prayer, will pray earnestly for me, that he may give me the faith I need to have it removed to his own glory. I have suffered a great deal, but God has wonderfully helped me of late in answer to prayer. Pray that God may have mercy, and remove it all away, so that I may be more able to sing, pray and talk for him.

V. Crites.


Dear Saints of God: I want to glorify God for what he has done for me. I took very sick the first of January, with severe pains, like pleurisy, and high fever. I was anointed, and had prayer in the name of Jesus. The fever left immediately, but the pains continued. I suffered until I thought I could not live, and I was so willing to die and go home that I did not exercise much faith for healing until I got as willing to live as die. Was examined by a physician to know what the disease was, whether I was healed, or died, but I did not take any medicine. It was pronounced inflammation of the colon, and my sufferings cannot be told. But God’s children all united their faith with me, then God wonderfully healed me. Praise his name! I give him all the glory. I cannot praise him enough for delivering me from such sufferings. Such a wonderful physician! God has also healed me of sciatic pains, catarrh and sore eyes. Now I am afflicted with a painful numbness in one limb, for which I ask your prayers, that I may be healed, for I believe he will do it. Your sister in the one body,

Martha Slagle,

Humboldt, Kan.


Calls for Meeting.


A meeting is desired at this place.

Isaac Emlaw,

Orleans, Ionia Co., Mich.


We would be glad to have some one come here and hold meetings.

Nellie May Spaulding,

Sheffield, Mich.


There are many hungering and thirsting after the pure Word, and we would like for some one filled with the Spirit of God to come and hold meetings at once. We live thirty-eight miles south of Kansas City.

Mattie Hobart,

Cleveland, Mo.


Cannot some one come and hold a meeting four miles west of Warsaw? The meeting house is seated and in perfect order. The saints have meeting there every Lord’s day at 2 P. m. Any one coming this way, call on

Dr. J. S. Smith.

Warsaw, Ind.


We would be glad to have some of God’s ministers come here to preach the gospel. We are poor but want to hear the gospel preached in its purity. Yours in Jesus,

Yens M. Welling,

Jenson, Polk Co., Wis,


We want a holiness preacher here. We are in need of some one to baptize some who are saved, and we pray God to send whomsoever he will. For further particulars, write to

Ellen Boone,

Conroe, Tex.




Grand Junction Camp Meeting June 11 to 20. All are invited.

Next Monday, Apr. 15, will be the last day of the special offer of books and tracts. Send in your orders on, or before that day.

Mrs. S. J. Howe, writes:

“I have an unfinished hall which might be fitted up as a temporary meeting place which I would put at the disposal of an earnest worker for Christ, if any such should call on me at Wampum, Law Co., Pa.”


Kit, Ind.

Dear Saints of God: Some of the saints at Muncie desire the saints to come to Muncie and hold meeting this summer. The owners of the street car line own the tabernacle on the fair grounds. They said they would furnish the tabernacle, lights, etc. It would be a nice place for camp meeting, and would seat a great many people. If any of the brethren feel led to hold meeting there write to James Smith, Muncie, Ind. Your brother,

G. W. Martin.

We wish to warn the brethren everywhere to beware of one L. G. Archer, formerly a professed preacher of the U. B. sect in Iowa, who is going about in Michigan claiming to be a preacher sent of God to preach the pure gospel. He goes about to the disgust of the people, working division wherever he goes, and fellow- shipping such as have been cut off by the Word. He being puffed up with an exalted spirit has refused to receive instruction and admonition from a number of true ministers of God. In his present condition, he is neither called nor sent of God to preach the gospel; and to give him such a privilege in your assemblies opens the door for division and the works of Satan. We admonish him to get to God, make his calling and election sure for the salvation of his soul, get a job of work somewhere and abide in his calling.




By different parties we have been asked to explain Mat. 5:42. One brother says, “I have been asked for aid by a woman whose husband is a reprobate, lazy, and a slave to tobacco.

Is there any other scriptures that modify this command?”

ANSWER. Most all the promises of God to us are subject to conditions not expressed in connection with the promises, but are elsewhere laid down in general principles in the Word. So many commands that enjoin direct obligations to God are subject to conditions not expressed in the command. So, also, all commands that enjoin duty to our fellow- men, are to be modified by, and conditioned upon, all other principles and rules found in the word of God. “Give to him that asketh,” is the rule of benevolence to which every child of God is required to consecrate. But suppose a man asks food of us who, though able, will not work; what shall we do? Here is a law of God that will govern our duty. “He that will not work, shall not eat.” Then we should not give him to eat. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he speaks of the church honoring, supporting widows who are such indeed. But requires children and near relatives to support their widowed mothers and relatives. There are many other scriptures governing other cases. And this one universal applies to all our actions: “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all the glory of God.” God sets us an example in James 4:4, not to give to people that ask you for means, if they purpose to consume it upon their lusts. Such ask of God amiss, i. e., they receive not; and the Apostle admonishes us, “Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children.” Eph. 5:1. Therefore we should not bestow our charity, or rather appropriate God’s means, to men who would use the same to gratify unholy lusts and sinful desires.

Notwithstanding, we find many scriptures that circumscribe that command in Mat. 5:42. it is yet quite broad; so much so that a broad faith in God is required to fulfil it. A faith that is free from selfishness, and does not fear that God can take care of you and supply your needs, if you comply with the same within all scriptural bounds. It requires a faith in God that will prefect you from such as are unworthy, and that believes he will abundantly repay all you give in accordance with his Word. A faith which believes these promises: “Give, and it shall be given.” “There is a giving that tends to riches.” Amen.


Creston, Ohio.

To All the Saints of God, Greeting: The grace and peace of God be multiplied unto all his dear ones forevermore. Amen! We are praising God for his mercy and goodness to us, and long forbearance and gentleness towards us. Over ten years ago we started in the gospel work; during that time have had a diversity of experiences, but the Lord has been extremely good to us, or I should have been cut off. I have made several sad failures being overcome by Satan. But no sooner have I dropped than I have again cried unto God for mercy and confessed my wrongs, and his mercy was great in receiving me into his loving arms again; praise his holy name! I have tried to make all wrongs right as far as I could. Have written many letters in many directions, but all have not responded. But I hear that some have aught against me. To all such I would say, please write me at once and tell me what it is you have against me, and if it be my fault I will make it right as far as in me lieth.

I would say to all that I have tried to preach the Word as faithfully as I knew how, and I believe I preached it as it is in Christ Jesus; and God has wonderfully blessed us and given us many precious souls, knowing my weakness, and having compassion on me. I feel I have reached a point deeper into God than ever before. Praise his holy name! If any one feels that they have anything against me let it be what it may be, I do ask their forgiveness. It makes no difference to me what it may cost, I will do right at all hazzards. I also the whole church to forgive me for every harm the cause has suffered through me.

We are now at Creston, Ohio, and the Lord is with us in great power. Praise his holy name! Some have been saved since we came into these parts; others have confessed the truth, but do not walk in it. The Loro is opening up doors for us, and feel that we are in his order. Praise his holy name! We have a great drawing to the West and think the Lord will send us in the near future. We ask all of the dear saints to pray much for us and the work of the Lord. Your saved and sanctified brother,

Wm. N. Smith.


News from the Field.


March 29. 1895.

Dear Brethren: God bless you all. We expect to begin a series of meeting in Creston, Lincoln Co., Wash. Apr. 4th, to last until the 24th. Everybody invited. Also, we begin meeting in Boise City, Idaho, Apr. 28 to continue as long as the Lord directs.

F. N. Jacobson.


Clayton. Okla., Mar. 25, 1895.

Dear Saints of God: We have been holding meetings in the vicinity of Clayton and Cushing. Have had precious meetings, in which souls have been set free from their sins, and baptized. Others sanctified wholly. Brethren, pray for us. Yours and Christ’s,

M. A. Fly and Co.


Winslow, Akk., Mar, 27, 1895.

Dear Trumpet Readers: We have been here eight nights. Eight dear souls have found pardon, and one consecrated and accepted sanctification. Dear saints, pray earnestly for the saints here. From here we go to Nebo, Ark., then to north Missouri, the Lord willing. Our standing office will be Neosho, Mo.

Dan Murphy and Co.


Teegarden, Ind., Apr. 2, 1895.

Dear Brethren: We are glad to report perfect victory in our souls over all the powers of the enemy. I was called hone from Chicago very unexpectedly by the death of F. E. Akin of South Chicago. He was brought from there to Grovertown, Ind. for burial, and I was called to preach his funeral.

The work in South Chicago seems to be moving on grandly. They are very desirous of having a tabernacle meeting there just as soon as the weather will permit. Any one the Lord leads to go there, or any one of God’s children traveling through there will find good homes with the saints. Dear Bro. and Sister Jenkins invite the saints traveling through to arrange to stop and hold meetings with them. Their home is No. 9218 Philips Ave. on Calumet Heights. South Chicago, Ill. May the dear Lord bless the little church at that place and add to it daily such as are being saved.

S. P. Strang.


Dear Saints: Since our last report we have passed through many precious meetings. Bro. Miller has assisted us a portion of the time in telling the glad tidings. Bro. Norman has been with us most of the time since last December. Thus as workers together with God, the lost have found pardon, the believer the fountain of cleansing, and some afflicted with disease have proved the wondrous power of Jesus to heal. Praise his name forever! We had very successful meetings at Webb City and Carterville. There were near thirty professed pardon or purity; some both experiences. Some of them discovered there were little foxes that had crept in almost unawares; they were disposed of. Saints of the Most High, I would say, Beware of little things. Satan will whisper — “no harm,” but alas! they will eat like a canker, and destroy your vitality. The last Sabbath of our stay, nine were buried with Christ by baptism. At night we had a very precious ordinance meeting. Saints

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were made happy by doing what Jesus said they ought to do. Brothers and sisters, pray for us.

We purpose buying a new top for our tabernacle, which will cost about forty dollars; which amount we are praying the Lord to send us by May 15, so we can be ready for the gospel field with tabernacle, as we find that the best way to reach all classes of people and give them the pure word of God.

S. S. and C. A. Sunderland
and J. Norman.

Granby, Mo.


Wooster, O., Mar. 17, 1895.

Dear Saints: Since we came to Ohio the Lord has been with us, blessing us beyond all that we have deserved from his hand. Praise his name! We had a good meeting at Creston, with several consecrations. From there we went to Wooster and met Bro. and Sister Bertram, in whose house we held meeting a short time with good results. Then a store room was given us free of charge; also, chairs to seat it. The Lord blessed us in sending forth much precious truth. A few were saved. Closed meeting with an ordinance service. Two were baptized. Yours in Christ,

Wm. N. and S. J. Smith.


Grand Junction, Mich., Apr. 2. 1895.

Saturday March 23d companion and self came to Covert where we remained till over the second Sabbath, meeting with the little church in those parts. We found the adversary had been very zealous at work trying to encoil and poison as many as possible. The same deceitful, lying, hypocritical, and cloaked- over spirits of the devil that have been at work for years in that place had been very active, and the poison of asps that is concealed under devilish tongues had affected some who had to resort to the blood to extract the bane. Several consecrated for entire, sanctification, and claimed the perfecting grace, and a few souls were restored from a backslidden state. The few holy ones that live south of South Haven were with us over the Sabbaths and we held one meeting at Bro. Menvin’s house. The Lord did a good work, and we hope the dear ones will stand fast, and ever resist the devil and his agencies and keep Satan bruised under their feet.

We expect to return Saturday, April 20. and hold meeting that night at Bro, Menvin’s, a few miles south of South Haven, and if the Lord will over Sabbath 21st hold an ordinance meeting at Covert. We invite other brethren in the ministry to meet with us, and all the saints that can attend.

D. S. W.


DuBois, Pa., Mar. 30, 1895.

Dear Saints of God: Since our last report I have held two meetings. The first of March, commenced at Bro. Crippin’s school house, which lasted ten days. This meeting will long be remembered by the people of that place. Truly, the mighty power of God came down with showers of blessings upon those who were willing to hear the pure word of God. Backsliders returned, sinners were melted to tears, and came falling at the feet of Jesus, pleading for mercy. Nearly every service the Lord so filled our hearts that we were made to greatly rejoice. We saw the Scripture fulfilled where it says, “Rejoice with them that rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Meeting closed with a precious ordinance service. Twenty-three were willing to follow the Lord in this command. Those of the workers were Bro. and Sister Moore, Sister Effie Martin, also Sister Jennie Wight, whom God saw fit to heal of an awful affliction caused by a tumor. Her testimony would be a blessing to suffering humanity. The other meeting lasted one week. One soul got saved, and the seed sown in many hearts. We thank the dear people in those parts for so kindly caring for us. May heaven’s blessings rest upon them all, is my prayer. We left home March 27, for this place, in company with Bro. and Sister Moore, where we are now holding meetings. We found Bro. Riggle already in the meeting. We expect to labor through these parts. Anyone desiring our labors can notify us at the above, place. We ask all to pray for us. Yours in Jesus, separated unto the gospel of God,

Wm. E. Warren.


March 28, 1895.

Dear Readers of the Trumpet: After the Washington assembly meeting we went in company with Bro. Henry Moys and wife and held a week’s meeting in the Cedar Creek school house, about four miles north of Palouse. We then moved and begun meeting in Sister Kirby’s house in the edge of town, closing with a precious victory for God. There were nine or ten consecrations. Bro. W. H. Cochran was chosen of the Lord and ordained elder in the church of God. Closed with a happy ordinance service, in which about twenty or twenty-two saints participated and were blessed and made joyful in the same. At the close of this meeting myself and family went and took a precious rest at the home of Bro. Henwood for a few days, while my family continued there over a week. During this time Bro. Hen- wood was made blessedly free in the Lord. He declared his freedom from the Woodman’s lodge, where he was an active member and officer, and also carried a heavy life insurance policy. But he gave it all up for Jesus, to obtain this glorious victory and salvation. Sister Henwood was taken violently sick one evening and the Lord gloriously healed her, and her mother seeing this glorious manifestation of healing power gave herself up fully to the Lord and was joyously saved. Hallelujah! God richly bless them all for their kindness and hospitality to us while in their midst. From there Bro. H. E. Moys and wife and Sister Laura Walker and myself held a series of gospel meetings in the Bethel, about four miles east of Colfax. God is truly working for his cause in this country. Please still remember us and the work of God in these parts in your fervent prayers of faith. Amen. Yours sanctified wholly,

F. N. and Susie A. Jacobson,

Box 56, Pullman, Wash.


Dear Trumpet Readers: My last report was from Tullahoma, Tenn. I started from Fayetteville on Feb. 2, and commenced meeting in the name of the Lord with a good attendance of the saints. There were several consecrations, most of them for a clean heart. We went from Fayetteville to a place called Camargo, and held a few meetings. From there we came back with dear Bro. Porter to Fayetteville, and took train for Tullahoma once more. We tried to get into the meeting house of the colored people, and at last succeeded; but alas! we found them as much for conformity to the world as the white people. We took our departure from Tullahoma for Galatia Ill., on Febuary 28, and on my arrival found dear Bro. John Baugh anxiously waiting for me to come and help him in the meetings that had been going on about a month with some good success. We held meeting at Galatia and also at Cedar Point. Many will testify that they are saved and sanctified and perhaps will have a chew of tobacco in their mouth, and some will testify to being pure and holy and have on their feathers and gold ear rings and breast-pins and finger-rings and all of the frivolity of the world, and say, “I am saved and sanctified.” It has been brought in by false teachers that tell them to stick to their sect and that they can be sanctified in their sect. They will say, “I have been sanctified in my sect, and I will stay in my sect.” May the Lord open their blind eyes to the truth. “Oh foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth?” We went from Galatia to Sullivan and found dear Bro. Davison and wife and Sister Matter, and the meeting already started. The meeting continued over two weeks with success on the Lord’s side. Some were saved and are walking in the light of the Lord. On Sunday, March 31st, there were five buried with Christ in baptism. May God’s richest blessings rest on the dear ones at that place for their kindness to us. We took train on Monday, April 1st enroute to Danville, and from Danville we expect to return home, the Lord willing. Amen.

J. L. Pike.


Reynolds, Neb., Apr. 4, 1895.

Dear Saints of God: My testimony is, Jesus has saved me from all sin. Glory be to his holy name! I have been laboring in western Kansas, where we had some grand meetings in the name of Jesus. Feb. 17, I went to Smith Center and joined Bro. Masters in a meeting which we continued until March 3. God was with us in power and victory in every meeting. Several were at the altar; some for pardon, some for a pure heart. Bro. Masters left me and returned home, as his wife was in poor health. March 4, I left for Kensington. Began meeting that night in the Cedarforks school house, five miles south. It appeared the devil had mustered all his host against the work. But I fell down before God, and after much prayer and fasting the darkness was removed. After the Word was laid down there were thirteen came to the altar, and most all received a benefit. Some had been saved before, and had become entangled. Much prejudice was removed, and I do praise God for it all. We closed the 20th, and went to Agra, in Phillips Co. Began meeting the 22d. Here I found some anxious inquirers of the truth. God helped me in dealing out his Word to them, and people were getting deeply interested. But some holiness despisers were made to groan under the Word. Instead of standing on the Word they were under it, and it fell like hail upon the heads of the people. I praise God for the lesson I learned in these meetings in regard to God working. All we have to do is to keep out of God’s way so he can work, and be down at Jesus’ feet where he can use us.

While I was in this meeting, Mar. 25, I received a telegram from Bro. E. G. Masters stating his wife was very low, and for me to come immediately. So I left the next morning for Fairbury, Neb. and she passed away before I arrived there. I am at home at present, but we expect to start East soon. We will go with a team. My family will be with me, also Bro.’ Masters. Anyone desiring our labors in northern Missouri or southern Iowa, please write us at Thompson, Neb. We desire the earnest prayers of all the saints. Your saved brother,

T. A. Phillips.


Morral, O., Mar. 30, 1895.

Dear Trumpet Readers: We are truly glad to report that the New Pittsburg, Ind. meeting was a real success and a feast to our souls. I think about thirty souls set free from sin, and the little church established in the faith, and upon the Rock eternal. The last night we observed the ordinances of God’s house, which was sweet to our souls. Also, ordained Bro. H. Kauffman as deacon in the church of God. With few exceptions we had the best of order, and a good feeling prevailed among the outsiders. Oh, dear ones, show much kindness toward all men, and also much love towards one another, for this is pleasing to God. Bro. Warren and wife held meeting one week before we reached there, and Bro. Schell came later. Both Bro. Schell and I were held back on the account of other meetings. From New Pittsburg we went to Clark Co., O. and held a two week’s meeting in Holiness Chapel in Bro. Warren’s neighborhood, which was truly owned and blessed of God. A few consecrated for sanctification, and the church settled deeper down. I am now at a new place and am looking for Bro. Warren soon. I find much opposition in sectites, but the truth is above only. At the close of this meeting we will hold a few meetings at Marion, O. From Marion I shall return home and remain until May 1, and then go to Kingston, Mo. and Wilton Junction, Iowa. Bro. Warren and I intend to be in Missouri and Iowa until Grand Junction camp meeting. If any of the saints want us to hold two or three meetings in any locality along the line, we would be glad to hear from them. We cannot hold a protracted meeting, as we will not have time. We go from Chicago, via Burlington, Northwestern, Santa Fe or Rock Island R. R. We remain yours in the faith,

Samuel L. Speck, Burkett, Ind.,
B. E. Warren, Springfield, O.


Pellston, Mich., Mar. 27, 1895.

We are still praising God for victory in our souls over all the works of the devil, and though Babylon is raging and evil men are doing all in their power to deceive precious souls and keep them away from the meeting, there are souls being saved and others are being more firmly established in the love and truth of God. Some here have even said that we teach, if a woman or a man should get saved and the companion should not, that they should separate; but, of course, this is only told by sectarians who have never heard our teaching and do not know what we teach. So for the benefit of some precious souls who may have been misled by these things and kept away from the meetings, I would say that we teach nothing only what Jesus and Paul teaches. Jesus says in Mat. 19:3-10, 6th verse: “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh; what therefore God joined together let not man put a- sunder.” Read what Paul says in Rom. 7:2, 3, and 1 Cor. 7:10. 16. We teach nothing but the word of God, and God tells us it shall make us free. Free from what? From sin of every description. Ezek. 36:25 — “From all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you.” And the gospel will just make people free from all such things, and that is what it is doing for precious souls in this country. And we pray God it may continue to spread until every honest soul in the country shall feel the influence of it and be made free in Jesus.

We have just closed a meeting at the Heilman school house. We held there two weeks and several souls were saved; some children who seemed to comprehend the salvation of God equal with some who were much older, and we pray the dear Lord may keep them doing his will. The brethren at Bliss are desirous of having a grove meeting in their community this coming summer about the last of August, and we are praying the Lord to move some one to come to help in the meeting that can stay all winter or as long as the Lord wills. There are many open doors for God’s true word to be preached in this country. This last fall when we began meeting here we had eight calls ahead of us. We have held seven protracted meetings besides a few days’ meetings in other places. We have yet three or four calls ahead of us, besides the places we have already been. There is much need of more workers in these parts. Pray for us, that we may be kept doing the will of the Lord and walking in all the light of God. Yours in Jesus,

Allie R. Fisher
and Della Gardner.


Masonville, Ia.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I praise God for a salvation that saves us from all sin and is able to make us stand amid all the temptations and trials of life. I wish to tell what he has done for me in the way of healing my body. A short time ago I wrote a request for prayer for heart trouble. I wish to say to the glory of God that I am healed. Oh how sweet to trust Jesus for all things! For what he cannot do for us, there is no one that can do. For about two weeks after I was healed I got along so nicely; my heart did not trouble me at all. But all at once the trial of my faith came. We were eating supper and I began to feel so queer, my throat began to get numb and I could hardly swallow; and my arms began to prickle, and I felt so queer. I never thought that it was a trial of my faith, but thought I was going to have a stroke of paralysis. I began to rub my throat, and my companion asked me what was the matter. I told him, and he said it was the devil trying to make me believe I was not healed. Well, then it was all clear that it was a trial of my faith. So I just looked to Jesus for help and an increase of faith and I soon was alright. And then another time we had just got through eating supper and the trial came again, only worse and lasted longer, but we took it to the Lord in prayer and it passed off, and I could praise God, who says he will never leave nor forsake those that put their trust in him. I am so glad that I have taken Jesus for my physician, and he says in John 15:4, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” So if we are sick or afflicted in any way and we know that we are abiding in him and his words abiding in us, we have the privilege of asking him for our healing. It strengthens my faith to read the testimonies of those whom God has healed, and I trust these few lines will be read to the glory of God. Your sister in the one body,

Fannie L. Hosier.




Alma, Mich.

Peck. — Abbie Julettie Peck was born October 13, 1805, died March 1, 1895; aged eighty-nine years, four months and sixteen days. She bore her affliction with patience in the Lord and was ready waiting for Jesus when he called for her. She leaves two daughters and one son and many friends to mourn her loss. She lived with her oldest daughter Augusta A. Jones. Her husband departed twenty years before her to live with Jesus. Funeral services by

C. E. Reeves.


Kelley. — Clarence Gilley Kelley, son of Bro. Carter and Sister Dollie Kelley, was burned March 17, 1895, and died March 18; aged two years, three months, and fifteen days. He was a bright little boy and a pet of the family. Was a great little boy to pray, and about twenty minutes before he died, sang a sweet little song. God bless the dear parents and keep them saved. They want your prayers. Funeral services by the writer,

C. Simmons.


Alyea. — Sister Louis Alyea, wife of Matthew Alyea of Carthage, Mo., departed this life to be with Jesus, March 10, 1895; aged forty-nine years, five months, and ten days. She leaves a husband, six children, four sons and two daughters, all grown but the youngest, a little daughter of eight years, and an only sister, the last of her father’s family to mourn their loss. She failed in health rapidly’ from the time of her daughter Eva’s sudden death last January. Sister Louis died in full triumph of a living faith. In her life she always manifested a meek and quiet spirit. Almost her last words were, “I am glad that I am saved.” By her sister,

Norah Alyea.


Payne, O.

Morton. — Died, January 14, 1895, near Sidney Ohio, Rebecca Morton. She leaves a host of friends to mourn their loss. It is hoped and believed by those who administered to her in her last afflictions that she made her peace with God. This will be better known in the great judgment day. To all the bereaved ones who are unsaved I would say, do not put off your return to God until you have reached a good old age, but “Remember now thy Creator in the day’s of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.” Now is the day of salvation. The deceased is the mother of thirteen children. She has forty-four grand-children, and thirty-four great grand-children. Her exact age is not known to the writer; some said ninety-eight or one hundred. She claimed to be one hundred and three years old. May God bless the dear ones and lead them to Christ before too late. Yours in Christ,

J. N. Howard.

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Train your Children for Heaven.


(Continued from last issue.)

We come now to notice the last application of the words, “train up,” given in the definitions.


To train a plant or tree to grow erect by tying it to a stake or post, very beautifully and forcibly illustrates our duty as parents toward our children. Several things are thereby suggested to our minds.

First, we see the necessity of training the dear little ones in the right way when young. The younger the twig is, the easier it is straightened. Every day it is left to grow, while out of shape, the greater will be the force required to press and hold it in line; and the longer time will be required for it to remain in position. And, indeed, the longer it stands crooked, the probabilities of ever being straight become less. What a solemn lesson for all such parents that are foolish enough to allow their sons and daughters to grow up irreligious, hoping that when they get older the Lord will convert them. The tree must be straightened when small, or never. And though God can and often does convert men old and hard in sin, the great majority thus living, will die in their sins and be eternally lost. O beloved, lose no time in this urgent work! Every child comes into the world with more of less inherited crookedness. Begin at once to incline it erect. As soon as a child is old enough to receive impressions respecting anything else, they can be impressed with the existence of God, and the fear of the Lord. When but a few days old, they will begin to manifest likes and dislikes, and acquire habits. How soon they learn, in many cases, to want the lamp burning at night! Bring an infant a few times to the table when you eat your meals, and it will cry, if left back. And as soon as desire is manifest you can begin to train the tender sprig in the way it ought to go. Do your duty from the beginning, and your task will be comparatively easy.

Second, to insure a straight tree, it must be trained to a straight standard. Here is the difficulty with the majority of parents in the modern sects. They are crooked themselves, therefore cannot say, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” Making crooked paths themselves, were they to “command their children after them,’ they would still walk in sin. During ten years of gospel work in sectism, we saw but very few parents who had the face to instruct and pray with their children while at the altar. They usually requested the preacher, or some other member whose life was not so well known by them, to go and labor with their wife or child at the altar, while they sat back looking as serious as at the funeral of some member of their family.

Skeptics have often argued that the Bible is not true, because the children of prominent “church members;” (?) and not unfrequently preachers, do not walk in the way they should go, but are often the worst cases in society. But all this proves nothing against the Bible. When the Word says, Train up a child in the way it should go, the first thing necessary is, that the parents walk in that way. No one is fool enough to think strange of a tree growing crooked when lashed to another crooked tree.

We will simply add that no parent is qualified to meet the solemn responsibilities upon you, to train up your children as you ought, unless you are wholly sanctified to God, made free from sin, wrath and impatience; and perfected in faith, patience and love.

Third, it is not enough, however, that you live holy before your children. A righteous example is very essential to their salvation, but that is not all that is needed. You may plant a post ever so straight by the side of a crooked tree, it will for all that, remain crooked. And so with all your straight living, your children will, in many cases, be lost in sin unless you set up the Abrahamic command against the influence of Satan over them. You must, in many cases, use righteous coercion; just as a young tree, by the use of chords, may be forced into a perpendicular line alongside of a straight stake; the crooked places in the tree all resist the tension of the chords, but to no avail. The strong chords hold it straight, notwithstanding though crooked in its nature. But now, as growth continues to enlarge the tree, the additional fiber will adjust itself to the present position. The stretched timber on the one side will also gradually lengthen, and ere long the chords may be removed, and the tree will remain in its beautiful, erect position.

We find an exact parallel of all this in training up children. In most all cases, real compulsion is necessary. The chords of restraint tightly lashed around the crooked habits of the little fellow, drawing him up to perpendicular righteousness, are often violently resisted. Like the little tree, he pulls hard to resume the crooked that is in his nature. But he is kept straight by the strong chords and righteous restraint of true parental love in spite of all his efforts. Though he pull ever so hard, chafe and cry out for, what Satan calls liberty, let there be no loosing up. Hold him right to the line, and the rectitude that is compelled at first, will ere long begin to take form in his mind and will, and as he continues to grow, will gain the ascendency in his heart. This will lead him to Christ, who will transform his nature, and adjust his inward life to the required outward, and perfect that which was wanting in it. Then most all restraints will cease to be felt as such. And the soul that longed for liberty to revel in sin, — which, after all, is bondage to Satan — now finds real liberty in the paths of virtue and holiness. Now the child will walk erect, and become more and more fixed in his normal attitude toward God. Now, also, he will thank and bless the hands he would fain have bitten when binding him down to the demands of righteousness, and placing upon his stubborn neck, the blessed yoke of Christ.

Oh for the love of your dear offspring, do not let them go to hell, simply because the evil nature, and habits Satan has planted in them, thus incline them! Command them in the name of Jesus to seek and serve God. Command them by faith in the living God, and train them up in that service.

Just how long the training process should proceed before it assumes the positive injunction to seek and serve God, the wisdom of heaven only can direct in each particular case. But, for heaven’s sake, slack no effort until the point of salvation is gained. Yea, and then let their perseverance in grace continue to enlist your constant vigilance.


One great cause of children being ill- tempered, fretful and disobedient, is the improper food that is imposed upon their stomachs. The prevailing ignorance of parents in this matter is very deplorable. It has never entered the minds of many, that a good or bad temper and disposition in children is largely governed by what they eat. Many a child gets scolded or whipped for being ugly, when the parents should have the whipping, or at least a good free lecture, for creating the ugly in them which they try to whip out of them.

One of the worst things for children is, free meat eating. It is about as certain to create a perverted appetite for flesh, as the use of tobacco will create a raging thirst for that most abominable weed. And very generally in proportion as this carnivorous appetite is allowed to develop, a restless, peevish, and ill-natured disposition will be manifest. The meat appetite is also sure to supplant the relish for the child’s proper food. Have you not often seen children, on being seated at the table, raise theory, “Meat!” “MEAT!” “MEAT!” And if it be suggested that something else be eaten first, “meat,” is the imperative demand. And if denied, a cry, or storm of spunk follows. What a blessing if the dear little ones had never learned to eat animal food at all! Then, other conditions being met, sweet tempered children would surround your table, and peacefully eat what was served to them.

But whence that insatiable appetite which so rudely cries out, Meat! meat! meat? Is it natural? Is that article of food so adapted to the real needs of children, that nothing else will stop their outcries? The New Testament itself is sufficient to prove the contrary. It invariably speaks of milk as the proper food for children, and “ strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age.” Heb. 5:12, 14; 1 Cor. 3:1, 2; 1 Pet. 2:2. It is true, the apostles are here talking of spiritual things. But they acknowledge this physiological fact, as the basis of their lesson; namely, such food as milk, and not meat, is the proper diet for children.

It has been well tested and thoroughly demonstrated, that animal eating is animalizing in its nature.

Equally pernicious to the good health, sweet temper and aimiable disposition of children, is the eating of pickles, rich pastry, highly seasoned and indigestible food of any kind. And still more awful the effects of coffee and tea. All these things derange the stomach, produce a feverish state in the system, from which results a restless, discontented mind and an irritable nature. And these abominable states of body and mind are used of Satan to make the child disobedient and self-willed, and difficult to control. It is far more easy and natural for a child to obey orders when feeling pleasant and cheerful, than when his mind and nerves are harassed by a foe in the stomach. So children fed upon natural and healthful food, are far more aimiable and easily trained in the way they ought to go, than others whose stomachs are abused, with the interminable round of trash that fashionable ignorance substitutes for human food. One great curse in the land is the bolt by which the best parts of the wheat are sacrificed to the god of perverted appetite. Especially is this a shameful deprivation of the proper elements of food to children. No person who has properly informed himself of the effects of bolted, and unbolted wheat bread, can conscientiously place his child in a home where white bread is chiefly, or entirely used.

Whatever tends to derange, impair and inflame the human system and mind, produces a restless hankering which is apt to lead to the use of tobacco and liquor. And thus, instead of training their children up in the way they ought to go, parents are, by their ungodly dainties, directing the steps of their dear children in the way to drunkenness, misery, death and hell.

Therefore, train up your children to eat that which is good, plain and nourishing, such as milk, grains, vegetables and fruit, and that will greatly aid you in training their ransomed spirits for heaven.


Against the position here taken, it has been suggested that we may not hope to have our children saved as a rule, because Christ said, “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”

But mark you, he did not say, “Your children will remain sinners in your house: your boys and girls several years of age, or in their teens, will not bow to the God of their parents, and you cannot help it.” Nay, his language wisely avoids the justification of such a state of things. “Think not that I came to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man — not a boy, or girl — at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” Mat. 10:34-36. The term, household, is here used in the extended sense of grownup sons, daughters and daughters-in-law, who had really become the heads of other families. There is really no allusion to children under age, and dwelling in your own house, and who are therefore expected to be under subjection to you, as the head of that family. It. may always be expected as salvation goes forth to the nations who worship idol gods, when it enters a family, and turns them to the true and living God, their sons and daughters, who have married into other families, and their sons-in-law and daughters-in-law will persecute those who have embraced the new faith, until such time as they too may be won to the faith they before persecuted. But all this lends no sanction to that carelessness and faithlessness which allows children to grow up in sin around the very altar of professed Christianity. When Jesus, the captain of our salvation, commissioned his ministers to “go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in,” — Luke 14:23 — he surely Would expect saved parents to compel their own children to serve the true and living God. The New Testament takes it for granted that a true Christian is “one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity.” I Tim. 3:4. “Having faithful children.” Titus 1:6. This duty was regarded of such importance, that he that came short in the same, was not accounted worthy of the office of an elder. Yea, and men that were not found ruling their children and their own house well, were not even to be entrusted with the office of a deacon. 1 Tim. 3:12. Were this demand made upon the elders alone, it might be regarded as only denoting extraordinary ruling power. But as it is also required of deacons, it seems to indicate a real element of the Christian character, a state of things expected of a real Christian.

Even the waves were required to be in subjection to the husband in all things, much more the children. 1 Tim. 2:11. 1 Pet. 3:1, 5. And does it not look reasonable, that if a man has his children under subjection in any thing, he should in this matter of their duty to God, and the eternal welfare of their souls? Beloved, if God requires us to restrain our children from sin, and we do it not, we become, at least in some degree, responsible for their sins, as if they were committed by us. It is evident that God so held Eli; and he would not require less of us, to whom more is given in this dispensation. “Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.” Rom. 14:22. Here we see clearly that men may condemn themselves in allowing others to sin, when it is in their power to restrain them.

May God bless these earnest thoughts, written in much prayer, to the strengthening of all parents who read, and to the salvation of their dear children in Christ Jesus, to whom be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

D. S. W.


Bible Readings.


Arr. by J. W. B.


TEMPTATION. (2 Pet 2:9.)

(Temptation: — 1. Trial. Test. To prove. 2. Lead, or endeavor to lead into evil. Entice into what is wrong. To seduce.


Psa. 7:9 — O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.

Prov. 17:3 — The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lore trieth the hearts.

Jer. 17:10 — I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

1 Thess. 2:4 — But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.

Gen. 22:1 — And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, behold, here I am.


(Job, chap’s 1 and 2, read.)

Mat. 4:1 — Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

Jas. 1:12-15 — Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.


CHASTISEMENT. Heb. 12:6 — For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

PERSECUTION. Phil. 1:28 — And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.

2 Tim. 3:12 — Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

AFFLICTIONS. Jas. 5:10, 11 — Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.


1 Cor. 10:13 — There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Psa. 34:19 — Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.


Heb. 4:14, 15 — Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

2:16-18 — For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted.


Rom. 8:28 — And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Psa. 66:8—12 — O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved. For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried. Thou broughtest us into the net; thou laidst affliction upon our loins. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.

119:67 — Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word, 71 — It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. 75 — I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.

Job 5:17-22 — Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: for he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole. He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword. Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

23:10 — But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

2Cor. 4:17 — For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

12:7 — And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure, 10 — Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Phil. 1:12 — But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel.

Heb. 12:4-11 — Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. And ye have forgotten the exhortation that speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous, nevertheless, afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

1 Pet. 5:12-14 — Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when ids glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.


Heb. 11:17 — By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son.

Jas. 1:3 — Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

1 Pet. 1:6,7 — Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.


Dan. 3:28 — Then Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

6:22 — My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me: and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.

Isa. 63:9 — In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

Ex. 14:19 — And the angel of God which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them,

Acts 5:19, 20 — But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said, Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life.

12:7 — And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

27:23, 24 — For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Cesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

Psa. 34:7 — The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

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