15 August 1888, Volume 10, Number 11.

The Single Head of Wheat.


All my daily tasks were ended
And the bush of night had come,
Bringing rest to weary spirits,
Calling many wanderers home.

“He that goeth forth and weepeth
Bearing golden sheaves of wheat,
Shall return again rejoicing
Laden with the harvest sweet.”

This I read and deeply pondered,
What of seed my hand had sown,
What of harvest I was reaping
To be laid before the throne.

While my thoughts were swiftly glancing
O’er the path my feet had trod,
Sleep sealed up my weary eyelids
And a vision came from God.

In the world’s great field of labor
All the reapers’ tasks were done,
Each one hastened to the Master
With the sheaves that he had won.

Some with sheaves so poor and scanty,
Sadly told the number o’er.
Others staggered ’neath the burden
Of the golden grain they bore.

Gladly then the pearly gateways
Open wide to let them in,
And they sought the Master’s presence,
With their burdens rich or thin.

Slowly, sadly, with the reapers,
Who had labored long and late,
Came I, at the Master’s bidding,
And was latest at the gate.

There apart from all the others,
Weeping bitterly, I stood:
I had toiled from early morning,
Working for the others’ good.

Where one friend had fallen fainting,
By his piles of golden grain,
With a glass of cooling water
I revived his strength again.

And another, worn and weary.
I had held and cheered awhile,
Till, her failing strength returning,
She went forward with a smile.

And the others I had aided
While the golden moments fled,
Till the day was spent, and evening
On the earth her tear-drops shed:

And I to the Master’s presence
Came with weary, toil-worn feet,
Bearing, as my gathered harvest,
But a single head of wheat.

So, with tearful eyes, I watched them.
As, with faces glad and bright,
One by one they laid their burdens
Down before the throne of light.

Ah! how sweetly, then, the blessings
Sounded to my listening ear;
“Nobly done, my faithful servants,”
Rest now in your mansions here.”

Then I thought with keenest sorrow,
Words like those are not for me.
Only those with heavy burdens
Heavenly rest and blessings see;

Yet I love the Master truly
And I’ve labored hard since dawn,
But I have no heavy burden:
Will He bid me to be gone?

While I questioned thus in sadness,
Christ, the Master, called for me,
And I knelt before Him, saying
“I have only this for thee.

I have labored hard, O Master,
I have toiled from morn till night,
But I sought to aid my neighbors,
And to make their labors light;

So the day had passed unnoticed,
And to-night with shame I come,
Bringing as my gathered harvest,
But a single wheat-head home.”

Then I laid it down with weeping,
At His blessed, pierced feet,
And He smiled upon my trembling —
Ah! His smile was passing sweet.

“Child, it is enough,” He answered,
“All I asked for, thou hast brought,
And among the band of reapers,
Truly, bravely hast thou wrought.

This was thy appointed mission —
Well hast thou performed thy task;
Have no fear that I will chide thee —
This is all that I would ask.”

Then I woke: but long the vision
In my heart I pondered o’er,
While I tried to see what meaning
Hidden in its depth it bore.

And at length its lesson slowly
Dawned upon my wondering mind,
Never mind what others gather,
Do whate’er thy hands can find.

If it be thy lotted mission
Thus to serve the reaper band,
And the evening find thee weary
With an empty sheafless hand:

Let thy heart be never troubled,
Faithfully fulfill thy task;
Have no fears that He will chide thee,
Heavy sheaves He will not ask.





WHAT is the use of tobacco? A brother writes wishing us to give scriptures by which we can prove that the use of tobacco is a sin. Tobacco, not being in use when the Bible was written, is not mentioned in it. But there are principles of righteousness in God’s Word, which clearly prove the slavish appetite, and filthy use of tobacco, the works of the devil. And Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. First of all we may say that God classified the tobacco appetite and habit, with all other sin and unrighteousness, by treating them as He does sin. His Word says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth ns from all sin.” — 1 John 1:7. And it is a fact that the blood of Christ does cleanse the appetite and use of tobacco entirely out of all who fully consecrate to God, and believe His promises. The promise is to cleanse all sin out of us, and He does include tobacco; therefore tobacco is a sin.

All tobacco users confess that it is a filthy habit. But does the Word of God give us license to continue in filthy habits? by no means. Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. — 2 Cor. 7:1. Tobacco using is a filthiness of the flesh, and such must all be cleansed away in order to be holy; but every thing opposite to holiness is sinfulness, therefore tobacco using is sinfulness. What! know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. — 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you.

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. — 1 Cor. 3:16, 17.

These Scriptures are very explicit. Our body is the temple of God, and of His Spirit . We are to glorify God in our body and in our spirit which are God’s. No person buys, and smokes or chews tobacco to the glory of God. If it does not defile his body, then we wish to know what of all the nasty things on earth, can defile the body. This is indeed, a solemn thing. The body is the temple of God; tobacco defiles the body, and if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy. O beware! the use of tobacco is not walking after the Spirit, but after the flesh. It is not a desire of the Spirit of God, but of an abnormal, sin-created appetite. If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. — Rom. 8:13. Tobacco using is a sin, because it involves a disobedience to the Word of God, in various ways.

1st. The tobacco user does not “deny worldly lust and ungodliness,” as the Word commands, but gratifies the filthy lust.

2ml The person who uses tobacco, does not “possess his vessel unto sanctification and honor,” as the Bible commands

3rd The tobacco slave does not “keep his body under,” but the raging appetite of his body keeps him under bondage to it.

4th The tobacco user sins by transgressing this Scripture. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. — 1 Cor. 10:31. No person chews or smokes, tobacco to the glory of God, but to the gratification of their own evil lusts.

5th This habit is a sin, because it violates this Scripture. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God. — 1 Cor. 10:32. The tobacco stench is an offence to Jews, and Gentiles, — except where others live in the same stench — and to the whole Church of God. Every tobacco user trespasses on the natural rights of every body else, but others under the same raging disease. Those who use the nasty weed have not the slightest idea of the terrible nuisance they thereby make themselves, to both males and females, who are not accustomed to the suffocating stench. The habit is a wicked selfishness, at the expense of the health and comfort of all pure persons, with whom they come in contact. God has given us pure air to breathe, and he that fills it with corruption and poison is guilty of a grievious trespass.

9th It is a sin, because in violation of this text; “Having food and raiment, let us be therewith content.” – – 1 Tim. 6:8.

No tobacco user fulfills this Scripture injunction. Give such all the food and clothing they can eat and wear, and that does not satisfy their longing. That raging appetite for tobacco can not be satiated by natural and healthy food; and most of its slaves would far rather do without a meals victuals, than be without their idol. And it is a fact that plenty of them do deprive themselves and their children of very necessary clothing, and other comforts of life, to indulge their unholy lust.

Some foolish person may attempt to say that tobacco is an article of food; the claim is utterly ridiculous. If it be food why not serve it up as such? have your wife cook up a dish and set it on the table; why not take it only at meal times? why lust after it immediately after eating a full meal? ft it be an article of food why not other articles of food do in its stead? Every fact connected with the repulsive habit, shows that it does not come under the head of food; and the Scriptures that require us to be satisfied with food and raiment, make it a sin to last after tobacco which is not food.

The habit is a sin against God, because it defiles your body, which should be His holy temple. And because it involves a useless expenditure of His means, and a violation of much of His Word.

It is a sin against mankind in general; because it renders a person as intolerably offensive as a carrion, not only very repulsive, but actually sickening. More than- once we have been compelled to remain out in the cold, while waiting at small depots, driven out by the selfish and wicked indulgence of this dreadful habit. God has conditioned our physical life upon the necssity of breathing pure air; and He has given us abundance of it to breathe: but the tobacco smokers sin and trespass against our God-given rights to breathe pure air, simply because they have a certain unholy pleasure in defiling the atmosphere. Pure air is as essential to life and health as pure wafer, and even more indispensable; suppose a strange frenzy would seize upon a class of men which afforded them a very unnatural but intense pleasure in dropping poison into our wells; would that mysteriou pleasure justify them in destroying the happiness, health and life of others? would not their conduct be a sin? such also is the act of puffing poison into the air around us.

The habit is also a sin against the person who indulges. It destroys health, stupefies the mind, and defiles the soul. It is a sin against the Bible, against God, against society, against a man’s family, and against his own body, mind and soul. “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” “Cleanse yourselves therefore from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”




It is expedient that we call attention to the variety in the gifts and work of the different members of God’s Church, in reference to a subject heretofore not mentioned, in this connection, namely that of voting for the prohibition of all intoxicating liquors. A couple years ago a brother wrote a letter for the TRUMPET, stating that his honest convictions were that the saints of God should show their righteous sympathy for the many mothers and children who are innocently suffering through the cursed liquor traffic. We published the same with a note admonishing all saints to not make the duty of voting or not voting a matter of contention, and thereby break the unity of the Spirit. There has probably been nothing in the TRUMPET on the subject since, until Bro. Menges’ article recently. We thought our admonition upon the former occasion obviated the necessity of saying any thing more. And yet we feel that it is safe for us to add another little exortation. It is a fact that some of the saints feel it their duty to help put down the curse of rum by the ballot, and others do not feel called in that direction. What shall we therefore conclude? shall we judge that either one class or the other is wrong? By no means. There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. — 1 Cor. 12:46. Various gifts are spoken of in this chapter; others are recorded elsewhere; and there are also gifts not definitely mentioned in the Scriptures. The Spirit of God very clearly impressed our mind several years ago, that God had given us the gift of interpreting prophecy. We was so forcibly impressed on our mind that we judged it was scriptural language; but we have since found out that God has given us a gift, which, though in harmony with the Scriptures, is not definitely mentioned therein. The gift of composing, and writing music is not definitely mentioned in the Scriptures, and yet it is manifestly certain that that very gift has been given in a marvelous manner to Bro. Barney and others. “Let each one abide in the calling wherein he is called.” Under the head of gifts and callings may be properly included all the various spiritual ,mental, and physical abilities and operations of all the saints. These all differ from each other, but are yet all in harmony with each other, and in harmony with the Word of God. If any person should claim a gift or calling that is inconsistent with any righteous principle laid down in the Word of God, we could not, and would not receive it.

To the standard of Divine truth we must then appeal for a solution of this matter of voting against the sin of drunkeness. Some saints do not feel called of God to have any thing to do with voting, even in the temperance issue. There is no direct command in the Bible that says they must vote; therefore no brother has a right to judge them for not using their rights of citizenship. Though if a brother thinks they ought to do so, there is no harm in giving his reasons. Upon the other hand there is nothing in the Word of God that forbids a brother casting his vote when he feels assured that it is in favor of a righteous matter, and opposed to an evil. Yea more, the Word of God does clearly allow christians the rights of a citizen, under the civil government he is providentially placed. The New Testament recognizes civil government, — Titus 3:1, requires christians to support it, and subject to the same. — 1 Pet. 2:13-17. It also enjoins upon us to pray for Kings, and those in authority, — 1 Tim. 2:12, which implies prayer for the government; and that implies that we should feel an interest in the government, and vote for men in office who stand pledged to enact righteous laws is nothing more than a practical carrying out of that concern for the government, that is implied in prayer to God for those who are its officers.

The Apostle Paul claimed the right of a citizenship, under the Roman government, so we may do under the U. S. But the right of citizenship implies the liberty to vote. Our membership in the Kingdom of Heaven does not, therefore prevent our citizenship in civil government; nor do the two conflict with each other, excepting when rules impose decrees in direct conflict with the Word of God. In such cases we, as the Apostles did, must obey God and not man. If we could not be a subject of God’s Kingdom, and of civil government at the same time, then in order to be a christian we should have to refuse tax paying and all support of the government. Then it can not be denied that we are members of this government, and as such have civil responsibilities upon us. Direct requirements of the government we must obey. Privileges arising from our citizenship we may, or may not use, just as we feel led of the Lord. Here we have a right to exercise our judgment, as the Apostle says. — Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if these be any virtue, and if these beany praise, think on these things. — Phil. 4:8.

Viewed from the standpoint of the untold wretchedness inflicted upon humanity by the manufacture, and sale of intoxicants. Surely we may say, the idea of abolishing the liquor traffic appears honest, just, pure and lovely, and no one can deny it. But viewed again as an apparent commingling with the affairs of this world to cast a vote, persons may honestly think it not mete for christians to do so. And just as this or that view of the matter have been most prominent in the mind, will our duty and calling appear. Therefore any person who would presume to judge his brethren and call in question their salvation because indisposed to vote, would be guilty of bringing in confusion. So likewise any brother condemning and publicly opposing others for using their rights to cast a vote against this horrid wickedness in the land, is judging him without a scriptural warrant, and will be held by the Lord for breaking the peace and unity of the Church of God. Do as Bro. Menges told you, take if to the Lord in prayer, but do not lei the devil shove you into a contentious spirit. Any person bringing this matter up in the pulpit or in the saints meetings with a spirit of contention, or by way of judging his brethren on either side, is not of the Spirit of God, and needs to get under the blood. We say again that different influences, and standpoints of observation on this subject, capacitate the mind for different gifts and callings, resulting in different feelings of responsibility, and different action. Let the saints, in all such things, learn how fo “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, forbearing one another in love.” Even when a brother is overtaken in a fault, let it not come forth public accusations, and graceless attacks, but “Ye that are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness” to avoid all offence, and trouble in all things. Only keep your hearts filled with the perfect love of God, and your tongue controlled by the wisdom that cometh from above, which is first pure, thengentle and peaceable and full of good fruits. All jars and strife are caused by elements not of God’s Church, and are for the want of salvation. God bless all His dear saints everywhere.


Fayette, O.,

Dear Saints: — I will write my experience for the glory of God; to tell what He has done for such a weak mortal. I was trying to live a christian for over four years, and made hard work of it; I was living in a sinning and repenting state, although I did not sin intentionally; but thank God, He showed me, that we must be dead to sin! I am so thankful that God put it into the heart of sister Carrie Hitchcock to take me to the grove-meeting near Ridgeville. That truly was the best meeting I ever attended; I was afraid of being led astray, because the saints do not believe in sects. If we are the Lords’ and His alone, what more do we need? when Bro. Kilpatrick told his experience about this inbred sin that so easily besets us, it was my experience. As they set out the bench the thought came to me, this is the best chance you will ever have; so I started, I was wonderfully blest when I arose from the altar, but could not say I was sanctified. Praise His holy name for that great blessing! on Sabbath evening I was wholly sanctified. Praise His name for that great blessing that I never knew of before; although I had received many blessings before. He fills my heart with joy unspeakable; and it is no wonder the poet said, “The half has never been told;” tongue can not express the joy that fills my heart each day and hour, and I give God all the glory. He has taken all that man-fearing spirit out of me, and I can stand up a bold witness for Jesus now. As we were on our way to meeting, I told sister Hitchcock if I should make a start to be sanctified she should not tell any one at Fayette, about it; she promised me she would not tell any one. I told her I would do as I felt about it. Praise God! I had to go to the M. E. prayer meeting to tell what God had done for me, and about this second work of grace.

I just trust God for He has said, “Open thy mouth and I will fill it.” I find His promises are true, and I trust Him for every thing. Oh how I would that the whole world knew of this great joy and love that fills our hearts. I can truly say, “I once was blind, but now I can see.” I can not thank God enough that He has saved and healed me from all my afflictions, and I have been able to do more work since. I give Him all the praise. Pray for me that I may be kept blameless and doing the whole will of the Lord. Your sister saved and sanctified.

Christina Lederer.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, – Editor.

E. E. BYRUM and S. MICHELS, – Publishers.


TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance.

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We have now completed the Fourth Edition of Songs of Victory, which contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, 112 pages in all.

Songs of Victory is specially adapted to Camp, Grove, and all other meetings for the worship of God. Also for the Sabbath school.

All orders accompanied by cash, will be promptly filled from single copy upward.

Price, Single copy, Manilla cover, 30 cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. Per dozen, Manilla cover, $3.00. Cloth, $4,80

Parties may order half doz. at the same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the Gospel Trumpet Office, Grand Junction, Mich.




BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.

This tract contains 64 pages: the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $1.00.

God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Trumpet can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good financial help to spread other matter for the Lord.

Our Address.


Our address until further notice is as follows.







This is an excellent translation of the New Testament. And the genuine Greek text with the alphabet and directions to read the Greek, thus giving access to the pure original Word of God. We have secured a stock of these valuable books at a good percent, and offer them at the following reduced rates.

In cloth bind . . . . $3.25.
Library . . . . . $4.00.

We pay postage when ordered by mail. A small commission will be allowed to brethren who will sell the book.





Is just printed, and a few hundred made. It contains 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larger than Songs of Victory. When sang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard of salvation.

An important field of usefulness is open for those saints who can teach the Churches these songs, and the saints and their children to sing by note. It will be a great help to the cause of salvation, and give interest to Sabbath schools. Send in your order for Anthems from the Throne, and start the songs of praise anew. Prices as follows.

Manilla . . . . . . . . 30 cts.
Cloth , . . . . . . . 50 cts
Per. dozen . . . . $3.00 & $4.80




I ask all the saints to pray for the healing of my body. I am trusting in God, and I have faith that in answer to prayer, He will heal me.

Nancy Swainhart.


All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it published.




Nancy Cunningham E J White
E F Houghton C B Butler
G H Harkless Thressa Cole
M E McCormack Joseph Tucker
Angus McDonald Rosa Mix
Wm. Lewis James Benjamin
J F Lundy D F Feather
D D Walker John S Byers
C J Light M Frey
Mary Pendall J P Haner
J Courtney G T Clayton
Warren Cushman A Putnam
W H Merritt Henry Davis
J A Thornton Sarah Harwood
L Fox


Camp and Grove Meeting List.


A Grove Meeting

Will be held at Father Byers’ near Albany, Ill., Aug. 17-26, by Bro’s Kilpatrick and Speck.

A Camp Meeting

Near Hayesville, Keokuk Co. Iowa will begin, the Lord willing, Aug.28. Bro’s. Kilpatrick and Speck.

A Grove Meeting

Two miles west of Tekonsha, Calhoun Co. Mich., on the Airline R. R., beginning Aug. 17. Bro’s. Palmer and Michels.

For information address C. H. Eldridge


The Lord willing our little company, and whosoever else the Lord may send will hold a grove meeting, in Bro. Grow’s grove, one mile east of Deerfield, Randolph Co. Ind.. Beginning August 17th, and continuing over the 21st, longer if the Lord will Bro. Wickersham writes us to publish a general invitation to all saints to come, that can. Amen!



Will be held in Bro. Mike Hoffer’s grove, 3 miles north west of Wayland, and 6 miles north west of Gresham. Beginning Sept. 5th. Bro’s Speck and Kilpatrick are expected to be there. Dear saints pray that God will give us a glorious meeting. We hope the dear saints from a distance will be there and help us. There is a good grove and good accommodations. Come to Gresham on the train; for further information address

L. Fox.

Osceola, Nebr.,



No preventing providence our company will hold meetings in Pa., as follows.

A Camp Meeting

Near Rockland Station, Venango Co., Aug. 23-30. Rockland is a flag station on the Alleghenny Valley R. R. Reduced rates have been procured on that line. A good grove and all necessary comforts will be provided. Any one wishing tents built on the ground can order them by addressing Bro. David Farren, Pittsville, Pa., and they will be put up according to order, as cheap as possible.

A general rally of the saints is earnestly desired at this meeting. Bring tents, or come prepared for camping all that possibly can. Accommodations will doubtless eb on the ground, for such as cannot come prepared. We are praying the Lord to give us a glorious meeting there; of course all the ministerial brethren are invited and expected as far as possible; every body wishing to do good and get good are invited. We advise the brethren to allow no regular sale stand on the ground, and no huxstering. But let one brother keep in connection with his tent, an eating table and a store of provision, and furnish nothing but the actual necessaries of life; such as bread, crackers, cheese, meats and fruits. We have settled this forever, never to give consent to any stand simply to make money. We felt that God was greatly pleased with the way this matter was managed at the Bangor Camp. Bro. Michels kept such a supply for the people; took in a good deal of money, but boarded most of the preachers, and many others free; came out about clear, and all was holiness to the Lord. Let the saints put notices in the secular papers to that effect, and carry out the plan for the glory of God. If parties disregard your rights given by law, and can not be kindly persuaded to stop, put a warrant upon, them, have witnesses who can testify to what was sold, and that money was actually taken. If the parties continue to violate the law, issue a second warrant, and so on; for some will pay one fine, in order to take money in all day on Sabbath. Dear brethren see to this; God wants no trafficing institution on His camp for filthy lucre.


Will be held Aug. 31, to Sept. 5, in Bro. Reuben Sutton’s grove, near Bullion School house on the Pittsburg and Franklin Pike Venango Co. Pa., instead of at Henderson as was announced. After this grove meeting, a meeting will be held in the saints house of worship in Henderson, Mercer Co., and in other places as the Lord may lead.


Bro. Clayton writes as follows. To the Red Lion Camp-meeting near Rockland Station, Pa., Aug. 23-30, excursion rates have been procured from various points on the A. V. R. R. and P. & W. R. R.

Tickets must be purchased on the 23, good to return in ten days. Mr. P. Forker offers to loan lumber for a few tents, to parties, who will pay for the hauling and building, (for this season only.) The ground has been leased for five years, for the benefit of those who wish permanent tents. Bro. Warner and his company, with other workers, are expected. For particulars address Bro. Samuel Martz. Pittsville, Venango Co. Pa.,






There has probably never in these lost days, been a more precious and lovely meeting of the saints of the Living God than the Beaver Dam, Ind. Camp Meeting. Great grace and glory was upon the camp continually. O what wondrous love was manifest in the holy people! Nearly every meeting was attended with the salvation of souls. Sinners were melted and converted, and a great many children of God were wonderfully advanced in the clearness and power of God’s infinite salvation. All the host of the Lord, was much strengthened, enlarged, settled down and built up in the God of our salvation, and equipped for the great battle, by the whole armor of God. A great and mighty wave of praises to God, and soul saving power goes out from this holy convocation that will roll on with increased energy, until it carries its accumulated treasures within the glories of Heaven. O hallelujah to the Lamb, forever and ever! Amen! Every meeting seemed to be pitched farther up into the Heavenlies, than any preceding. What a wonderful head of divine glory this evening light has reached! O who can imagine what it will be in five years more at the same ratio of progress. Thank God! it it not increasing in numbers, faster than in depth and clearness. Three years ago last winter, in the midst of much oppositon, we began labor here on the clear sea of glass that is mingled with fire, having the harps of God. We left about eight souls clear for God, and now hundreds of holy hearts send forth, from their abundance of love to God, everlasting praises and thanksgiving. A great number of ministers of the glorious Gospel of Christ were on the ground. The blessed Holy Spirit was sweetly in charge of the meeting; all harmony and love, all preferred others to themselves, and yet all were perfectly obedient to the will of Him who speaks through His servants as He chooses. O the beauty and glory of this heavenly freedom in Christ, where it is “God that worketh all things in all, after the council of His own will.” Among workers from abroad were Bro. and sister Dowd from Brooklyn, N. Y. sister McCormack from Iowa, and Bro. and sister Cole from Mo. Dear Bro. Wm. G. Schell from Ohio, was ordained to the ministry by the laying on of hands. He is a very gifted young Bro. and has but to keep pure and humble, and low down in Jesus, to be a mighty instrument in the hands of God of turning many souls from sin to righteousness. O may he be kept blameless before God unto the coming of the Lord.

The order was very good, with but very little exception. There were eleven burried with Christ in baptism. On Tuesday evening we had a very precious and glorious communion service; O how sacred and how melting that service. All of us could truly say that we never before had the privilege of a communion meeting with so many holy saints of God; perhaps not far from two hundred participated. Many more were present over the Lord’s day.

As usual at all these meetings, a great many dear sufferers were healed of various diseases by the power of God.

We had thought to have a brief meeting to close with on Thursday; we began at a little past eight in the morning. The glorious power of God was manifest; it was the most solemn of all the meetings. Few eyes were dry. Several sinners were melted down and saved. A Bro. requested us to sing number seventy three in Anthems from the Throne, which is dedicated to the memory of dear sister Krause of Beaver Dam, gone home to glory, God so blessed the words that all minds were carried back to a recollection of her holy life and earnest oxortations. So she being dead yet speaketh.

The meeting continued until one p. m. The farewell was with much love and many tears; all going whither the Spirit sends them. O praise God for this holy freedom. Amen!


Beaver Dam, Ind.

Dearly Beloved Saints of the Living God: — Grace, mercy and peace be richly multiplied unto all through Christ Jesus. Amen! Our prayer for you beloved unto God our Father, of whom the whole family of Heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with might by the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length, and hight and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. — Eph. 3:15-19.

After my stay and labor with the church in Cheshire Mich, as given in my last report, after bidding the dear ones farewell, I was taken to Allegan by dear Bro. Myers; and there took train for Hamilton Mich, where the next morning met with the church in Kimber Hall, where we had glorious refreshings from the presence of the Lord, O praise His name! and in the evening preached to a congregation of about one hundred and fifty. One dear sister who had lost ground in the saving grace, was renewed in justification. The little ones were much strengthened and edified in the Lord. Some of the dear ones confessed they received light winch they had not seen before. O God bless and keep those dear ones filled with peace, love, and joy having constant victory in the Holy Spirit over the enemy. On the following Sabbath July the 15th we were joined in the worship of God by dear Bro. and sister Mankin from Monteray.

During my stay at Hamilton three were healed, one justified, and the Church edified. The Lord bless all those loving hearts for their kindness by ministering to our wants and comfort. Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us; Unto Him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. — Eph.3:20, 21. From your humble and fully saved Bro.

F. N. Jacobson.


Lagrange, Ind.

We arrived at Lima, Ind., Thursday the 19, where we Were conveyed by dear Bro. Gooding to his home. We lodged there over night, and on the morrow went over to the grove in the name of Jesus, and commenced meeting. The grove is about seven miles north west of Lagrange; we held three meetings every day for six days in succession. O, what a heavenly time; the victory was ours every day. Glory to Jesus forever! O what liberty He gave us in preaching the “Everlasting Gospel” to the people.

We had large congregations, and attentive ‘hearers, who listened to the Word of God for two hours at a time. God bless the people of that vicinity with honest hearts to “receive with meekness the ingrafted Word of God, which is able to save their souls.” Many acknowledged the truth, but would not comply with God’s plan of salvation, and thus remained in sin; while others gladly received the Word and obtained salvation. Some ladies walked four and five miles to hear the Gospel; and thank God! it proved the ‘’Savour of life unto them,” because they gladly received the Word. We were permitted to see the salvation of numbers of souls. Poor sinners were converted, believers sanctified, and some were wonderfully healed through the power of God, by the laying on of hands, in the name of Jesus.

During the meeting some spies (false teachers) came to spy our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, “that they might bring us into bondage: to whom we gave place by subjection, no not for an hour that the truth of the Gospel might continue with us.” After the spies came and saw the boys (God’s young preachers) were there, they returned with renewed forces, which was like unto the Amorites and the Ashdodites, having a leader all came with the intention of hindering the work of God, in which we were so earnestly engaged. They came interrogating us to let them help in this great work; but we told them, “They had no part nor lot in this matter; neither had they any memorial in Jerusalem.” So they became very wroth, and conspired to stop the work. And it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.

And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? will they fortify themselvss? will they sacrifice? will they make an end in a day? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?

Now Tobiah the ammonite was by him, and he said, Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stonewall.

Hear, O our God; for we are despised: and turn their reproach upon their own head, and give them for a prey in the land of captivity.

So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof:

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for the people had a mind to work.

But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodities, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very wroth.

And conspired all of them together to come and to light against Jerusalem, and to hinder it.

Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them. — Nehemiah 4:1-4, 6-9 Alter we refused their assistance, with one accord they begun to cry: ‘‘These people are false teachers.” But the leader would have been glad to joined us, if he could done so without getting salvation; but finding we would not tolerate or acknowledge him at all, unless he got under the blood, he soon resented the truth, and thus remained blinded by the devil. He wanted to co-operate with us in the work, but we replied: “Salvation is the only article that will give us co-operation; hence we had to do our duty in admonishing him, (with the rest) to get salvation. Fellowship is an international element, which can not help but exist, when all individuals “Come into the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, into a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Jesus Christ,” (and not man.)

God Almighty holds us to deal straight with all men, whether professors or nonprofessors. By the help of our Redeemer we did not cease to pour out the hail, fire and blood, on all who needed the same. “We spake as one having authority and not as the scribes, who know not the truth, because they do not do the truth.” Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John 8:31, 32.

We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. — 1 John 4:6. “We do the Word and we know the truth;” so we have the advantage of those who guess at it; having a carnal, contentious, spirit, and are of the devil. God’s Church has the cupellating, renovating, fire of the Holy Spirit whih filters out all the dross. Bro. W. G. Schell was with us in the meeting; may the Lord bless him with great success in the work. God bless the dear ones who daily ministered to our necessities, and enrich their hearts with the river of life.

From there we were conveyed by dear Bro. Yoder to his house, also Bro. Greenwalts, he residing there. We held one meeting in the hall in that vicinity, and an ordinance meeting in their house, where a holy convocation of God’s people participated in the same. We had a happy and sacred meeting; some souls were saved. On the morrow we took train for Beaver Dam, Ind., where we were conveyed by dear Bro’s Leininger and Bryant to their homes. God bless dear Bro’s Yoder and Greenawalt of Lagrange, for their kindness in distributing to our necessities.

B. E. Warren & S. L. Speck.


Cedarvale, Kan.,

May God wonderfully bless you my dear brethren, and may you be filled with all the fulness of God. God was with us here in this meeting in great power; bless His name forever! Souls were convicted and brought low at the feet of Jesus in deep contrition, sorrowfully repenting of all their sins; confessing them to Jesus, and being justified by faith they found peace with God in Christ; this gave them access into a holy state where they could stand. Consecrating themselves entirely to God, they became the temple of the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah to God! Quite a number were converted and sanctified wholly to God. Some were healed by Jesus, of bodily diseases. He took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. What a friend we have in Jesus, who bears all our sickness. O how sweet to trust in Jesus; just to take Him at His Word. Prejudice was very great here, and the love of many has waxed cold, and Babylon trembles because of her loss. A great many are making their escape out of babylon. The saints were greatly strengthened, built up and settled on the Rock. May God keep them eternally true, filled with the glory of God, walking in the light and cleansed from all sin.

Dear Bro. Achor has been wonderfully blessed in leading souls into the cleansing stream. God has enabled us to lead them out in the deep things of God. A good many were holding on to worldly conformity, but God enabled us to show them it was of the devil, and they gave it up.

Here we met dear Bro. Haynes from Leona, Kan., Our hearts were made to rejoice when we met Bro’s Haynes, Achor and some others, who will accompany us to the Akron camp-meeting. We had to rebuke one man, in the name of Jesus, who came into the meeting and was causing divisions by false teaching; teaching we are sanctified when regenerated. He is traveling the country at large, and by smooth words and fair speeches, deceives the weaker children of God. Dear saints beware of heretics and frauds. Paul says in Rom. 16:17, Mark them which cause divisions. We have no fellowship with unclean spirits; the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts, and intents of the heart. Hallelujah to God! bless the Lord for the Word. Meeting closed last night July 22, with great victory on the Lord’s side. During the meeting there were about thirty consecrations; sixteen were buried with Christ in baptism.

We commenced meeting at Akron, as announced in the Trumpet, and continued in power until the evening of the 29. God was with us in mighty power, and there was a large congregation of holy ones assembled from different points, and satan came also in tire form of holiness professors. The abominable, come-out, quaker, anti-ordinance, anti-holiness, anti-Christ element was there to make confusion, and lead souls astray; berating and making fun of the commandments of Jesus Christ; poor deluded souls on the road to hell, professing, holiness, and going from place to place to make confusion; they get no one saved, but get poor sinners to drink into their spirit, and but very few ever find their way out of this babel confusion; yet a few find their way to the cross of Christ, and believe all the Word of God, obey the commands of Christ, and walk in His statutes of commandments; and they are not grievious’ but they are easy to all who obey. They who do His will, know the doctrine; but those poor blind souls who try to explain away the commands of Jesus, poor souls are unsaved. Yet some of them shout and make a great noise, and if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. But we have a grand detector, (the Word of God) which never fails to tell us just what a man is; although he may be one of the devil’s ministers transformed, yet the Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts of the heart; and all who are up to the Bible standard can not be deceived for they have the Word of God, and measure every one by the golden reed. — Rev. 21:15, 11:1, 2 Tim. 3:16, 17, Rom. 1:16-18, Thess. 2:1-12, 2 Cor. 11:13-15, Acts 20:30.

May the Lord help us to mark them who cause division. — Rom. 16:17. Yes mark them so all may know them. Many false prophets have gone out into the world; therefore try the spirits by the Word of God. — 1 Jno. 4:1. Try them by 1 Jno. 2:4-6, 3:8-9, 5:1-4. He that sayeth he knoweth him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him. Try every one by this rule and those who will not obey the Word, mark them, for they cause division.

Meeting continued with power until a man by the name of Shepherd arose in the meeting and began to pour out his abominable doctrine, berating the commands of Jesus; aiming to make a confusion among the people. He refused to keep quiet, but was finally compelled to do so. We left that place with victory in our souls, and came to Piedmont, where we expect to commence meeting the 2nd. Pray for us. Your saved brother.

J. P. Haner.




Gowen, Mich.,

Dear Saints: — I can say from my heart, praise my blessed Savior for salvation through His grace. O dear saints my soul is full of glory just now! my heart has been cleansed from all inbred sin, but my body has not yet been entirely healed; but I am trusting my body in the hands of the great Physician; I have laid all on the altar, and I know Christ can cleanse the body as well as the soul. I do ask the dear saints of God to pray earnestly for complete healing. I would like to attend a camp-meeting or some meeting where the healing power is made manifest. I believe God will heal my body that has been afflicted for twenty years, and I will trust Him and follow as He leadeth.

A brother came to this place the 5th of June and held a few meetngs; the people gave quite good attention, until he touched on their idols and sects, and that made babylon mad, and she gave orders for the brother to get out of the place or have trouble; we held a few meetings after that and they did not lay hands on him, but they broke up the meeting. The time has come when they can not endure Bible truth. Bless God! the Bible truth is what I like to feast upon; it is good enough for me, and I wish I could hear more of the true Gospel preached, and more than that I would like to help spread this blessed evening light; the harvest is so great and the laborers so few; if I only had the means to help send preachers out in the field, for I know there is need of many to carry on this blessed work of salvation. I can not give of this worlds goods as I would, if my husband enjoyed salvation but God knows my heart, and he knows I could not do enough if I had it to do with.

It was heart breaking to think that people would not receive the blesed Word under their feet; put I trust the seed sown may yet bear fruits unto repentance. On the 9, of June I received the blessing of sanctification; and God is keeping me by His almighty power, although I am surrounded on every side by sin, yet God has given me complete victory in my soul.

Three others here who say they will take the straight way and not live in babylon, but they need more spiritual food. Bro. Henry Davis has been here also but be did not hold any meetings, but we had a good time talking about the blessed Word of God. It seems so good to meet with a few of God’s little ones, but how glorious it must be to meet with so many filled of God. Dear saints let us all prove faithful to the end, and may God ever bless and keep us by His mighty power. What a meeting that will be when God’s little ones are all gathered home to dwell with Christ. Your sister in unity with all saints.

Hannah Corry.


Decatur, Mich.,

Dear Saints in Christ: — I feel led to give you my testimony through the TRUMPET. The blessed Lord has delivered me given me complete victory in my soul. I came to this place last Spring, and not finding but one of God’s little ones here, I committed my self to God and said, here Lord I am ready to go at your bidding. The first thing God had me do, was to spy out the enemy’s land; This I did by going among them and testifying to the salvation of Jesus Christ, and finding there were many honest souls who were deceived by the sect priests, I began to tell of the wonderful and complete salvation of Jesus. I obtained permission to hold meeting in the School-house, and in the name of Jesus commenced meeting. The first meeting was a victory on the Lord’s side; the power of God was felt, and the power of darkness gave way, and there went up a shout from our midst of praises to God. The seed is being sown; God is convicting souls of sin, and believers for holiness of heart. Now may God send some one of His chosen ones here to preach the Gospel with the power of the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. Praise God! we had a glorious meeting last Lord’s day. We are going forth in the name of Jesus, though few in number. The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, put by my spirit, sayeth the Lord. I ask the prayers of the dear saints of God, that He may bless the little Church at this place, and keep us humble low down at the feet of Jesus, whore the blood can flow over us that we may he kept clean and meet for the Master’s use.

Any one feeling led by the Spirit of God to come to this place will notify the writer and I will meet you at the train; we have meeting every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. Your Bro. saved and sanctified wholly to God.

S. A. Harris.


South Arm, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — For a long time I have felt it my duty to write for the Trumpet. I am saved, just now. Praise the Lord! About ten years ago I gave my heart to the Lord and enjoyed salvation for a while; but the devil got the upperhand of me and I was soon in as bad, or worse condition than I was in the first place; and made up my mind not to make another start until I had enough of this world’s goods that I would not have to work so hard. The Lord assisted me in a great many ways, but I would not yield. Last December the Lord took my companion to himself and that did not move me; I strove, and grieved the gentle Spirit away. And as I began to fully realize my conditon, I said that something must be done, and if the Lord would spare my life until the night meeting, I would give my heart to Him. And I kept my word, but did not get the entire victory, but attended another meeting and told the Lord I would not leave the house until I knew that my sins were all forgiven. And the moment that I came to that point the Lord done a thorough work in my heart. Praise His Holy Name. It does my soul good to hear through the Trumpet what the Lord is doing for the people. The Lord wonderfully blessed my soul, praise His Holy Name. Pray for me dear saints. Your Bother saved and under the blood.

Leroy Sheldon.,


Shelby, Neb.

Dear Saints: — I feel led by the Spirit of God to write a few words of testimony. Praise the Lord! this evening finds me fully and sweetly trusting in Jesus, and I do praise the Lord for a full and free salvation; Glory hallelujah! Amen. We have Sabbath School and prayer meeting twice every Sabbath; we had a glorious time last Sabbath evening and quite a number testified to full and free salvation; although I do not meet with the brethren every time but praise the Lord my heart is with them in prayer; we are expecting Bro’s Speck and Kilpatrick to hold a camp meeting, faithfully and earnestly trusting and praying that God will send them or some other preacher filled with the power of God to preach the blessed truth as it is in Christ Jesus to perishing souls around us. I praise the Lord, for I know that He has healed me. Dear sisters in Christ while our brothers expect to help put down the rum traffic by voting let us try to help by prayer. May the Lord bless each and every one of God’s dear saints every where and keep you faithful is my prayer. Amen! Your Sister Sanctified and kept by the Power of God.

N. A. Williams


Ward, Kan.

Dear Ones In Christ Jesus. — I rejoice to know that my name is written among the living in Christ. This morning finds me saved to the uttermost, with real victory in my soul over all the powers of darkness, and just basking in the sunlight of God’s truth; praise the name of the living God, who has loved us and washed ns in his precious blood! Your free Bro. in Christ.

E F Houghton.


Ward, Kan.,

Dear Saints of the Most High God: — I feel it would be to the honor and glory of God for me to write my testimony to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. I praise God to day for His Spirit witnessing with my spirit that I am a child of God, and my name is written among the living in Christ, and that I have a present experience that measures to the holy Word. I do not have to rely on past experiences but have a living faith in Christ. Praise the Lord for the Holy fire in my soul now. I can truly say that Christ is one of the fairest among mnay and one altogether lovely to my soul. I can say I am justified and sanctified by two separate works of grace. Your Sister in Christ.

Hattie A. Houghton.


Condray, Mo.,

Beloved Saints of God Greeting: — May God wonderfully bless the dear saints every where. I praise God for the victory I have in my soul just now. I am so glad that God ever sent His true ministers to preach the pure Gospel; and may the people open their hearts to receive the truth. I have often thought if I could pray and testify like some one else, I would not care to do my duty; but the Lord showed me that I was wrong, and I am willing to do any thing and say what would be for the glory of God. I am decided for God at all cost. There are a few of God’s true children here; may God bless His Church and establish it on the Rock, where the gales of hell can not prevail against them. Let us all take warning and heed the Savior’s call. “Be robed in white adorning, then we’ll be ready all.” Though all in this world forsake me, I know that God never will; for He says that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and I believe His Word. I desire the prayers of God’s true children. Your sister saved and sanctified.

Dora Gruff.

Meriden, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: — I am rejocing to day in a present Savior’s love, who by His Spirit, is abiding in my heart. I am sweetly resting in Him by faith, ever looking unto Jesus the author and finisher. I now realize that it is so good to cease from my own works; “having entered into my rest,” I can work or wait as God orders.

My faith in God, and His precious Word, has been strengthened, and better established; and the preaching of the Word here, was the me us under God, of real heart searching to me. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. — 2 Cor. 13:5. Oh the mercy of God! my heart is now melted within me as I read “Called to be saints,” not just called saints, but to be saints; indicating life, action, trust, faith; As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him:

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith — Col. 2:6, 7. By the grace already given I do receive, and obey every command of Jesus, and it is not grievious, but rather a precious privilege to enjoy; in every ordinance of His Church, I can realize God’s mercy to me in sparing my life, to bring me to see this blessed evening light, and to receive it into my soul. The “quickening Spirit” enabling me to watch and pray, that I may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. — Luke 21:36. To day, I am claiming by faith, and rejoicing in the promise, that He will deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly Kingdom, to whom be glory forever and ever, amen!

Mary Palmer.


Cedarvale, Kan.,

Dear Saints: — I feel led to write my testimony. I praise God that He has brought me out of darkness into this blessed evening light. I praise God for this blessed salvation that saves us from sin all the time. Praise the Lord for His mighty saving power! I am saved and sanctified wholly just now. Glory to Jesus! I have many dear friends who are in darkness, but I pray God that they may be led into the light and he saved before it is too late. Pray for me that I may be kept low and humble at the feet of Jesus, willing to do whatsoever He would have me do. Your sister washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Mattie C. Achor.


Burden, Kan.,

Dear Brethren: — We do praise God for what He has done for us. We were saved at the Cedarvale meeting, and was buried with Christ in baptism on the 20th July. We have felt as though we had ought to be God’s little ones, since you were here at Burden, but satan was too strong for us; but praise God, we are too strong for him now. Pray for us that we may evei prove faithful, and m_et you all Heaven. Your sister’s saved and sanctified.

Lottie & Minta Achor.



Mt Pleasant, Ia.,

Dear Brethren: — May the God of peace be with you. The camp-meeting in Keokuk county will be held in a grove on Skunk River, about five miles south west of Hayesville, on the C. M. & P. R. R. And two miles north of Nugen Station, on the Central and Iowa R. R. All persons coming to Hayesville write to Bro’s Geo. Jones or Arthur Harman and they will convey you to the camp-ground. Let all the saints who can, come to the camp-meeting. We are expecting a glorious time and feast of fat things. All who desire to do good or to get good are invited. As much as is possible, let all come prepared to provide for themselves, as this is in a new place; yet there are some wholly consecrated souls ready to do all they can for the glory of God. Yours and Christ’s.

C. Z. Lindley


A Tabernacle or Camp-meeting at Windsor, Mo., will commence, Lord willing, Sept. 1st, in the name of Jesus for the salvation of dear sinners, who are on the road to perdition. Let all the saints come to this meeting; I would love to meet many of the saints of Mo. at this C. M. Every body is invited to come and work in the meeting who are on the straight Bible line of holiness. Your free Bro.

J. P. Haner.

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To Whom it may Concern; Especially to my Pastor and Brethren of the Christian Church, Terra Haute, Ind.,


AFTER some years of careful and prayerful deliberation, I have determined to sever all connection with the denomination known as the Christian Church. That this step may not express what I do not hold, I set forth my reasons.

Over twelve years ago I thought it my duty to be buried with Christ in baptism, and in arising to walk a new life, to unite and cooperate with those in the same noble endeavor. I took God’s Word as my only guide; and as each day it instructed me in righteousness, — 2 Tim. 3:16, 17, I saw that only by bowing to each new requirement it presented, could I avoid willful rebellion against God. And it is thus, by following the Word, that I am brought to this new duty. I realize that it would be as fatal to disobey now, as to have refused to be born again. The reasons I shall give apply to all sects.


Doing the will of God constitutes me a brother of Christ, hence a son of God, a brother to each of God’s children, and a joint heir with them and Christ. It makes me one with Christ and God; hence one with all who are one with God, hence makes me a member of the Church which constitutes the “Body of Christ,” whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Is not this enough? Do I need any other badge to admit me to your fellowship? If so it is because you are not one with God. To the one conditions which God imposes, human craft has added a second; namely, that we must also join some human institution, in order to enjoy these relations. In order to protest against this deception, I withdraw from the institution.

Out of the Christian church [sect] I can do the will of God, hence be a brother of Christs; I can be in the Christian church [sect] and still not do the will of God, hence be neither a brother of Christ, nor a son of God. But I can not do the will of God without being a member of Christ’s body, — the Church of the First Born above, a son of God, a brother and joint heir with Christ.

Hence the Christian Church, (so called) is something different from the body of Christ, that is His Church, — Col. 1:5, and hence is not essential to membership in it Since to do God’s will, and belong to His Church, the One Body, it is not essential to belong to a sect; then the question is,

Why Should I Belong to a Sect?

The only reasons in reply are such as appeal to selfishness. They are identical in kind with those motives which would lead into one of the dominant political parties, or those which impel men to join a secret society. It would seem to contribute to personal gain, and gratify ambition; but when I think of my Master who became poor and despised for my sake, I gladly sacrifice all, that I may help in bringing peace on earth and good will to men. Since selfishness is the parent of all sins, I dare not yield. Though the whole world follow its delusive promises of highest weal; yet can not all see it is the galling chain that binds us in perpetual thralldom? Christ’s kingdom set up in each heart strikes off this chain, and universal peace of necessity follows.

I GIVE THE FOLLOWING REASONS WHY I SHOULD NOT BELONG TO ANYTHING BUT THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST. Christ prayed, that we might all be one, as He and the Father are one; in order that the world might believe — John 17. The claim that the discordant, antagonistic sects of Christendom, are members of His body; that is. are one as He and the Father are one, is a lie that the world can not believe. The one purpose and duty of my life is to pray, and work, and live, for that oneness. It is the remedy for all the ills earth has known. So soon as the Kingdom of Christ is set up in each heart, so soon as men love others as themselves, that moment injustice, wrongs, sorrow and want are no longer possible there. Then instead of each finding but one lover one in all the wide world that his interest at heart, and that one himself; all will love him as they do themselves. Instead of each striving to enrich themselves out of his want, all with one heart will unite to promote his welfare. Man will no more injure his neighbor than himself. As men now strive for gold; then will they strive for the true richs, to be rich in deeds of love.

For nineteen centuries this oneness in Christ, this universal peace, has been waiting, ready to heal all human woes. Who so long hath robbed enchained humanity of this one release, this unity and peace, this freedom Christ hath brought us? who hath sown discord, hatred and perpetual war among my Father’s children? It can not be the fruit of Him, who weeping for her woes, cried, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” Of Him who prayed that we all might be one, as He and the Father are one. No, Christ cannot be the author of divisions among His own professed disciples. It is the baneful fruit of heresy. All sects and schisms are but the wily devices of satan for the preventing of the glorious fruitage of Christ,s Kingdom of peace set up in each heart. Heresy alone can divide God’s children. Along with the works of the flesh, God classes heresies with adultery, drunkenness and murder, and says, “Be not deceived; they which do such things can not inheirit the Kingdom of God.” Hence I dare not have a hand in them; nay I’m commanded to avoid those who cause divisions. — Rom. 16:17, 18.

To attain this oneness, with its glorious fruits, there hare been many attempts. The devil offers many ways to it, God has ever since the apostasy but one. The devil has persuaded most christians to adopt his views, and to sincerely believe there is no other way to the oneness. One of his ways was to accomplish it through the rack, the wheel, the sword and the stake. one inevitable characteristic always betrays the hand of satan in the carrying out of a plan he has suggested, namely, selfishness. It is the claws of the wolf sticking out, which, the sheep’s coat refuses to hide. Hence men have always been seeking to restore the oneness by making other men one with themselves. That has been the plan of the popes, political rulers, and aspiring clergy. By this plan, with as many standards as there are ambitions men, the devil has succeeded in making and perpetuating the sects which divide God’s children; and of presenting to the world for its acceptance this discordant, warring babylon, as the “One Body of Christ.” That is the devils way to the onenness; the wily father of lies, by a bold and palpable lie, which the sleeping sects accepts, but at which all reason revolts, keeps the world in unbelief.

God’s way to the oneness.

Christ announced when He said, “Whosoever shall do the will of my Father in Heaven, the same is my brother and sister and mother.” “He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father; and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him.” Again, “If a man love me he will keep my words, and my Father will love him; and we will come unto him and make our abode with him.” If ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. — John 14:15. Doing God’s will then makes me a brother to Christ, hence a brother to all Christ’s brothers; a son of God, hence a joint heir with Christ, and all God’s children. Then what need of any artificial wall to separate and alienate that tender, holy, heavenly love, which binds in one all our Father,s family? Doing His will makes me one in Him, hence with all who are one with Him and God. Doing God’s will makes me free indeed; because my will no longer conflicts with His, neither with those who are with Him. That is the oneness which brings peace on earth and good will to men, and that will enable the world to believe.

I do His will, because Christ is King in my heart, and decides every act of my life. Then indeed am I a member of His glorious body; an humble obedient member, no longer doing my own will, but the will of the great Head of the Church. Dear members of the Church, whose mames are written in the Lamb’s Book of life. This is enough for me; I would not change it by one step of wordly policy. This is God’s way to the oneness; it is only through man’s presuming to improve it, to trust his own judgment as better than God’s, that the devil has divided God’s flock.

But how persuade the stubborn heart of man to thus subdue and free itself by this universal harmony? How attain that unity of the faith, and unity of the knowledge, that makes unity in obedience possible? How shall not one, but each member attain the stature of perfect manhood, even the fulness of Christ? By studying God’s Word, by sitting together in heavenly places, by the mutual cooperation, of all the members of Christ’s body, both in learning and doing His will; not by the tongue alone undertaking to monopolize the whole business, and thus by depriving the other members of their duty, leave them to perpetually dwindle away in their infantile state. The whole body of Christ is to be joined together and compacted by the mutual contributions of eyery joint and member. It is to increase only by the effectual working of every part. God’s Church develops and utilizes every member; He can not use men who seek to monopolize the work, and thus rob others of heir only means of developoment. Take two from each sect in Christendom: let them sit together in heavenly places; let them lay aside their own wills, and with but one will to learn and do the will of God; let them earnestly and prayerfully engage in the study of God’s Word, and in the mutual use of the mean s of grace and they will come out one, even as Christ and the Father are one. — Eph. 2:4, 1 Cor. 12 chapter. The present attitude of the sects is the one barrier to this God’s way to the oneness; and their pastors are the determined defenders of this barrier. For since the work of saving souls has degenerated into a mercantile affair, in babylon, this barrier forms the indispensable bulwark to their traffic. Those wearing their label must not co-operate with those of other sectish brands, though it is God’s purpose by this earnest mutual interchange of help in learning and doing His will, by the contributions not of one but of all, to correct and perfect those not alienated, to lead them out of bondage into the glorious oneness. But this is fatal to the traffic. Hence conversions are usually but a change of idols; begun very sincerely by the penitent, but craftily ended by the transfer of his allegiance, and his affections to the sect, to the creature rather than to the Creator, For the love of money is the root of all evil, which, while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou O man of God, flee these things! — Tim. 6:10, 11.

The Christian church, though disclaiming it, is to all the devil’s intents and purposes a sect, and so acknowledged by the world and her sister sects, struggling like the rest for worldly honors and supremacy. In severing formal connection with this sect, I only withdraw from that in it, which helps satan to perpetuate divisions; namely that selfishness, which is in all sects, supplements the single requirements of God’s Word, in order to utilize God’s people, and His Word to secure personal gain, to gratify pride and lust for worldly glory. Whenever God’s people come to have personal and sectish interests to attend to, they are necessarily blind to the interests of opponents, whose welfare nevertheless is as precious to the heavenly Father, as their own; hence God, who would bring peace and good will not merely to a sect, but to all men, can not use them to accomplish this purpose. I do not withdraw from the noble work God hath wrought through His instrumentality in bringing men to believe and obey the truth. I can still cooperate in this, but not in joining them to an earthly institution. In taking this step, I do not withdraw from the one Church of Christ, that is, His Body; neither from love and fellowship with His saints, nor from belief and communion in His holy ordinances, nor from often meeting with God’s people for instruction and mutual upholding, nor from participation in any good or holy work. I would not oppose divine organization; but membership in a worldly body is not essential to any of these things. I regard it as unwise and unfortunate, that we thus keep a fence around to keep others from cooperating and participating in the benefits, and thus keep God’s sheep divided. If any thing deprives me of the love and fellowship I have been accustomed to receive from ray brethren, it can only be their idols; which at the same time robs them of fellowship with Christ. — 1 John 1, 2, 3 and 4, chapter. I only strike down the wall which separates the heresy that perpetuates discord, and leave untouched all in the Church that helps Christ in consummating the oneness. Yet doubtless satan will persuade most to believe that the success of the cause depends upon the perpetuation of the heresies. If we step out of the pen, the horizon which circumscribes our love and sympathy will widen till denominational lines sink entirely out 0f view. Then when we pay “Our Father” we may feel that He Is the Father of all who do His will; and escape the dwarfing delusion that our particular sect, whose boundaries are determined by accident or environment, rather than merit, has a monopoly of His parental love and care. Instead we will rejoice that “God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.” If fellowship God requires only this, shall we demand more to gain admittance to our love and fellowship? Your Bro. in the Christian warfare.

J. D. Reeve.


Ligourney, Ia.,

Dearly Beloved Friends in Christ: — I feel led of the Lord to write to you. I have been a sectarian almost four years; I first found pardon at the altar of the M. E. sect at Oskaloosa, la., and know I was forgiven of past sins, and had peace with God through Jesus Christ, In six months I moved to Ligourney, Ia. I here found a great difference in the M. E. sect; there was no life or friendship among them; but oh! so much pride. But He who doeth all things well, permitted me to worship with a little band of Free Methodists, where I enjoyed myself, praising God with freedom, and took an active part with the F. M’s., although my name was in the M. E. sect. After six months I moved back to Oskaloosa and joined the F. M. sect., thinking I would be no more yoked together with unbelievers; but would fight for freedom, and try to win perishing souls to Christ; knowing I had on the whole armor of God. But according to the rules I had no right to exhort or preach without a certificate; so I spoke to the class leader about it, but nothing was ever done for me. But I have pressed on and at every opportunity taken up the cross for Christ, although now for over a year, I have felt under bondage. But the piece I read a few weeks ago in the columns of the TRUMPET, entitled, “Need we letters of commendation?” gave me new light. Oh glory to God! I felt led once more to take the matter to God in prayer, who said to me, “go on, I am more than all that can be against you.” And by the assisting grace of Jesus, I am going on, pressing forward to the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. A great many people think a man in my position, (R. R. section foreman) cannot keep saved; but I do know of myself, I could not; but I am dead to self, and alive in Christ; saved each moment, glory to God!

I have one of the dear saints working for me, James Edie of Hayesville, Ia., and we have a glorious time together, singing praises to God. Hallelujah! Well my vows will expire with the F. M. sect this coining Aug., and I will, if God wills, find my way to the Hayesville Camp Meeting, where I expect to meet with many of God’s dear ones, and join hand and heart with them on our onward march in Beulah land. Praise God! for the light that is being spread over the land, through the columns of the GOSPEL TRUMPET. May God bless and keep you all in the narrow way.

Your brother in Christ.

John F. Mason.


Poplar Bluff, Mo.,

Dear Trumpet Readers: — If you know of any true minister of the Gospel, who would come here to work for the Master, please let us know and we will send $5.00 to help them, or more if the Lord wills. We would like Bro. and sister Cole to come, as we are personally acquainted with them; though we are resigned to the will of the Lord. Your sister.

America Foss.


Atlanta, Kan.

Dear Brethren: — I am under obligation to God to write some of my experience for His glory; for He has done wonderful things for me, wherefore I am glad. The Lord, in His great mercy, has helped me frequently to trust in Him for the healing of my body. In November eighteen seventy nine, the Lord wonderfully healed me of what seemed to be Brights disease of the Kidneys. Since that time I have been enabled to trust Him frequently for ailments; but still would also sometimes take some of the popular remedies; but strange that whenever I would take medicine I could never trust in God fully for help as at times when I looked to Him alone. For several years back I was fflicted with rheumatism until last fall , on the night of Sept. 29th, at a meeting at Bro. Saunders, Burden Kan. While on my knees the Lord gave me the Word in James “is there any sick among you let him call for the Elders of the Church.” And as a promise for my healing that night, after we arose I stated to the brethren what promise the Lord had given me, and asked them to pray for me. Immediately Bro. Haner, and Bro. Skinner, Elder of the Church at Burden, knelt with me in prayer for my healing, and anointed me with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus, and He was wonderfully present to heal, and immediately the work was done. Bless His holy name forever and ever! that encouraged Bro. Skinner who had been similarly afflicted, and he asked prayers for his healing and after being anointed the Lord wonderfully healed him also. Glory to God! Again last fourth of July in the afternoon at home I took sick, and had quite high fever. At family prayer looked to God for help, and there came like a cool wind on top of my head, and went through me, and I arose to my feet feeling perfectly well; no fever nor pain and I rejoiced in the Lord for His goodness. But now came a strange experience. I went to bed and shortly the fever commenced coming back and my kidneys began to pain me terribly; and from that untill morning I lay racked with pain; but enabled to exercise faith enough to not let the fever rise very high; but about daylight the fever began to go away, and the pain to grow less; but I could not get the victory entirely, so my companion persuaded me to take some medicine, after which I began to get very sick again; put on Sabbath evening July 8th, I again went to the great Physician; and then promised the Lord I would tell the people more about His kindness to me in healing my sickness than I had done before. So the blessed Lord again strengthened my faith to take hold of His precious promises. He blessedly healed me; glory to His holy name forever and ever! and above all this He wonderfully saves my soul; to Him be all the glory now and forever. Amen!

Valentine Roof.


Cedar Vale, Kan.,

Dear Saints: — I feel led by the Spirit to write you my testimony. I praise God for His great keeping power, and for a salvation that saves all the time. God, in His infinite mercy, and through the blood of Jesus Christ, has saved me. I am founded upon the Rock Christ Jesus, doing His will at all times. Glory to our God! my soul is so full of the glory that I can hardly write. I am sixty eight years old and have belonged to the Methodist sect for forty years; but praise God, last Feb. I was shown there was something more for me than I had, and I came out on the straight line of holiness. I was baptized June 30, by Bro. Haner, and the Lord wonderfully blessed me in receiving the ordinance of baptism. There were two of my granddaughters baptized at the same time, and the Lord was with us in mighty power. O, how I do praise God for saving my children and grand-children! I feel more determined in the last few months, to go on and serve the Lord than I ever did before. Dear saints pray for me that. I may hold out faithful and meet you all in glory. Your sister sanctified through the blood of Jesus. Praise God! I am free from all sects.

Nancy Harp.


Atlanta, Kan.,

Dear Saints: — I am praising God this evening for the joy and peace He gives me in my soul. The blessed Jesus has come into my heart and has full possession; I now have that sweet rest and peace that we read of in God’s Word. I had been afflicted for seventeen years, could scarcely ever say I was well; now I can say the blessed Lord has healed me soul and body, sanctified me wholly to His service, and I am now walking in the light of God. Also I want to say, I had a mark on one of my eyes from my birth. I asked the Lord to take it away, all to His honor and glory; I just believed it was done, and in a few days found it was gone. My companion and children had never seen me before without this dark spot on my eye-lid.

O, praise God for a Physician who is able to heal both soul and body! God has a few saints at this place, and we are asking Him to send some blood washed, fire baptized ministers to teach us, and bring others to Christ. Your saved sister, washed and made white in the blood of Jesus.

Eliza I. Reynolds.

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