15 January 1887, Volume 8, Number 21.

A New Year’s Greeting.


Time, bearing all to endless fate,
Has brought again the New Year’s chime.
And entered on her dial-plate.
Another year of passing time.

The old, with snowy crest came in,
And bound the earth in icy pall;
Till came the sweet and welcome spring,
With nature’s resurrection call.

The streams released from winter’s chains,
Now sparkle as they roll along,
And universal nature sings,
Her praise to God in merry song.

Then Summer, dressed in verdant green,
And jeweled rich with waving gold;
Came on to cheer the heart of man
With Heaven’s blessings, manifold.

Then Autumn bears its fruitage home,
In rich and varied bountiness.
O earth behold, and grateful own,
God’s kind and blessed providence.

But greater far the glorious yield,
Of Heaven’s pure and saving Word,
Through all the Gospel Harvest field,
Great multitudes have found the Lord.

O praise the Lord! for one more year,
Of Father’s wondrous keeping power.
How sweet to walk with Jesus here,
Filled with the peace of God each hour.

Like the majestic river’s flow,
Time ever bears our life away;
May all our moments here below;
Adorn our crown in endless day.

With uplift hand, on sea and shore,
That awful Angel will appear,
And swear that time shall be no more,
And this may be the very year.


Beloved of the Lord, we ask you all to join together with us in thanking and praising God for His numerous, and marvelous blessings that have so richly crowned all the blessed moments of the past year, God bless you all with a happy New Year in the pure love of Jesus.

From our stand-point of observation, it will doubtless be cheering and edifying to say something, at this time, about the glorious progress of the salvation and Church of the Living God. Truly 1886 has been a year of jubilee, a year of the ransom of the Lord that has reached many hearts. With steady increasing power, and widening sweep, the Almighty is marching forward in the order of His plan. Blood-washed saints have sprung up as by magic all over the land, the number of holy witnesses has greatly increased. And the number of workers who give themselves to the glorious calling of winning souls for Jesus, are rapidly multiplying, and the desolate regions are rapidly being invaded by the light of the true Gospel of God.

The wonderful love of God is growing deeper in the hearts of the holy people. O how sweet and sacred the endearing bonds of love Divine, that bind the redeemed family of God. A thousand tender chords unite our hearts in one, and the precious blood of Christ brings us so nigh that we can feel each-other hundreds of miles apart. I firmly believe a large portion of the Church of the Living God, have reached a plain of pure love where they are willing to lay down their lives for each-other. But we see towering heights of pure Heavenly love yet rising up before us. There must be a constant advance. Consecration must deepen as we march along, and the pure light of God increases. Trying tests will come to your hearts, dear saints. Many, we fear, will yet be offended in Jesus, and go away from Him, as He reveals His demands upon you. Take warning beloved, and be ready to “take joyfully the spoiling of your goods,” and meet any sacrifice the voice of God may claim at your hands. Too little self-denial is yet practiced for Christ’s sake. But very few of the saints of God give as much of their means to help the Gospel to other perishing souls, as they used to give for tobacco, coffee, tea, style, doctor s bills, shoddy, poison, sectish preaching, and other trash that was a curse to soul and body. Shall we be less liberal in the service of Christ, than we were in the service of the devil? Shall we be less lavish upon the Gospel of God’s rich blessings, than, we were upon the devil s poison cheats? In some cases there is grounds for the assertion of sectarians, that “you left our church, and joined the saints, so that you would not need to pay anything.”

God help you dear readers, to show by your faithful support of the Word of God, that you have not embraced to truth out of selfish motives. A few brethren have been investing a few dollars in the tracts of the TRUMPET OFFICE, and scattering them, and are doing much good. One place one of those tracts of each kind, we found had opened a door for us, and prepared the way for the truth in many hearts. About two years ago. Sister Sarah Smith sent $2,00 to pay 8 TRUMPETS for three months. How much good was accomplished by seven of them, we know not; but one of them was followed up by us last Fall, and we found it had planted the love of God’s truth in several hearts, and a glorious little Church now meet there, filled with the Holy Spirit, and praising God with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. A great many of God’s dear children should purchase TRUMPETS and tracts and spread them abroad, and make liberal donations for the publication of others.

We should also feel very grateful to God if we could clear away the debt back on Bible Proofs. O what a joyful relief to our soul, if this debt were canceled. It lingers upon our heart to-day because of our devotion to God’s truth, when the friends that stood by us were very few, and scattering. Had we not stood firm to the glorious truth that has so wonderfully set us free, and thereby lost the fellowship, friendship, and support of the large circle of sect holiness people, we might have been clear from this matter long ago. We are praying much to God to help us, and feel sure it will be done, for the prophet says, this holy remnant, shall “serve the Lord with one shoulder.” — Zech. 3:9. (margin) O for that perfect, sweet, sympathetic fellowship that makes the needs, and trials, and griefs of all the saints our own, as well as their joys and triumphs.

Well the great battle is moving on, and becoming hotter every day. In some places it looks as though it will not be long until the saints may have to meet privately, in out-of-the-way places, because of the wrath of satan, in his sealed children. But let every child of God “be in nothing terrified by your adversaries, which is an evident token of their perdition, and also of your salvation, and that of God. Trust God fully for all things, and believe implicitly that He makes all things work together for your good. And with that faith, God will never suffer the wicked to touch you, except where He can over-rule it for His Glory.

Let all the saints of God do what they can to extend the circulation of the TRUMPET. Thank God for the blessed provisions He has made to carry on this great work. Our soul is inexpressibly thankful to God for the dear and faithful little only whom He has put to work for Him in the OFFICE. And for the blessed co-labors of dear Bro. and Sister Fisher. O how pleasant and how glorious it is for brethren, to dwell together, and work together in unity, “being knit together in love, and in the full assurance of understanding.”

Ten thousand thanks and praises to Almighty God for His Infinite goodness to us, in giving us such blessed co-workers: after our heart and soul, mind and body, were so long pressed beneath the great work, without the needed helpers.

We would not omit to recognize the great, sacrificing love of dear Brother S. Michels, in joining his shoulder with Bro Fisher, in bearing the financial burden of the great work: both in the OFFICE and building. The Lord God reward the dear Bro. And we earnestly pray God to put it into the hearts of all the holy brethren to stand by them, and not withdraw their financial shoulder. Dear saints can send in their means at any time to apply on the debt of the building. It would please God, if you would remember them in a New Year’s donation. Let all especially, pay as promptly as you can, what you have subscribed to the good work.

We are also very thankful to all the dear saints for your co-operation and prayers, and fellowship in the Gospel of His Son Jesus Christ. Also for the many prayers you offer to God in our behalf. Continue to pray for us, and for the dear little ones in the OFFICE. God bless their faithful souls.

There’s Brother John, for common, Bert,
So faithful at his post —
His pen in motion, quite expert,
His shout a thundering host.

At keeping book and paying bills —
Oft asking God for means —
He keeps the business moving well,
In spite of hellish fiends.

Though often tried by wicked pow’rs,
With sore temptation pressed;
Yet trusting God each testing hour,
Brings deeper, sweeter rest

Around his head there daily throng,
Like swarms of little bees,
His num’rous duties come,
For hands, and feet, and knees.

Like doves returning to their home,
From the four winds of Heav’n,
The daily flock of duties come,
And each attention giv’n.

The form, the press, and engine too,
His lengthy arms control,
May Jesus bless his labors true,
And glory crown his soul.

A merry New Year to dear Bro. Bert. And God bless those two faithful sisters, for whose labors we owe such a debt of gratitude. Amen!

Celia and Rhoda, sisters both,
Of the Heavenly Sprit’s bath,
Esteemed in Heaven of boundless worth.

All consecrated to their God,
Made white as snow in Jesus’ blood,
And ever busy for the Lord.

Endued with wisdom very rare,
In office, kitchen, here and there —
Their ready hands are every where —

With unperplexed, instinctive skill,
Frame little birds, their domicile,
So these, their varied duties fill.

As gentle as the dews of Heav’n,
As silent as the mystic leav’n,
They to their daily work are giv’n.

All hushed but time’s slow, measured tick,
And preaching type’s more rapid click,
As dropping fast within the stick.

Their fingers fly all o’er the case,
With the musician’s utmost grace,
And keep with quickest time apace.

Yea, even quite out speeding time,
Swift as by magic wheel in line,
The type, their telling words combine.

Soon line on line to columns grow,
Then round the world their voices go,
And set ten thousand hearts aglow.

Then east to west, from sea to sea.
Their labors set poor captives free,
And raise the shout of jubilee.

So deep betrothed to Heaven’s plan,
And fully married to the Lamb,
In vain the gloating glance of man.

Denying earth’s fantastic lure,
Their life a benediction pure,
Their starry crowns in Heav’n are sure.

God grant the sisters a happy New Year. God bless all the saints abundantly in Christ Jesus. Amen!




Henderson, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — My testimony this morning is that I am saved and sanctified, and filled with the power of God. Bro. Griggs, Bro. Dean, Bro. Gettis and myself went to see the children of God at Red Valley. We found them all alive and filled with the power of God, leaping and shouting the high praises of God. The Lord was with us in every service. On Monday 13th, nine of the little ones went down to the river and followed their Master in the ordinance of baptism; and the King of glory met with us in mighty power and glory, and the little ones came up out of the water leaping, and shouting, and giving God all the glory for their salvation. In the evening we met at the place of worship, Jesus was there in His saving power, five came to the altar, one found pardon, the others are determined to seek until they obtain salvation. We praise God for what He has done in that place. May those dear saints of God be kept by His Divine power. The Church at Henderson is having glorious meetings, they are increasing in the power and wisdom of God, and are getting more firmly established and settled than ever. There seems to be a perfect unit with the saints.

Your Bro. in the faith, saved just now.

J. S. Perrine.



Barkeyville Pa.

DEAR Brethren in the Lord: — Grace and peace be multiplied. I suppose I am an entire stranger to you in the flesh, but not in the Spirit. It is many years since I was convinced that a deeper work in the soul was absolutely necessary. I gained some light through a few despised ones I met some years ago, I obtained a better experience and for years stood alone. I have read the GOSPEL TRUMPET and your book on The Second Work of Grace all of which I endorse. As I look out on the professed Christian world, and see the actions of those who claim to be the leaders of the people, it seems to me that truly the blind are leading the blind, and both will ultimately fall into the ditch. “How long; how long; O Lord will these things be.” Recently Rev. Mr. V —of the Evangelical Association, who by the way professes and preaches sanctification, had in his church (meeting house) a donation. Baskets were given and then sold and resold to the highest bidder, amidst all the hilarity and foolishness immaginable: it was ALL TO PAY THE PREACHER. We read of money changers in the time when Jesus was on earth, being whiped out of the Temple with “chords.” God certainly does not recognize these modern Temples or they would be served in the same way.

The time was, when the people of the above village were a religious people; when the voice of prayer and praise could be heard. Then they were a persecuted people; but, Alas! her glory is departed, her preachers love to be petted and praised, and feasted, and to have a good time. In the prayer meeting, about one weak female voice does the singing, a few dead, formal prayers, and that is all. This article is not written in the spirit of persecution; God forbid: but with the hope of getting these once good people awake. As it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. They are marrying, having feasts, socials, &c. Recently an entertainment was given by the BARKEYVILLE PREACHER FACTORY, (Winebrennarian) in which there were several amusing pieces sung by the young ministers, among them was “Old Mother Hubbard,” “Moses fished out with a Telegraph pole,” &c. One of these young preachers preached the following Sunday eve, about setting your light shine! I wonder what kind of light such carrying on gives? Then the grave “professor” had an entertainment at which some of these young ministers were blindfolded and fed with a spoon. Just for the MORAL and religious training of these students, one of these misled young ministers is still wearing crape for his recent wife who is scarcely cold in her grave. O my God what will the sect be when led by these poor misled young men, Wonder what the father of this professor would think if he were alive. O that God would awaken the people. Yours in Jesus.

John T. Trutoman.


It is doubtless quite a respite to the fiends of hell in their fiery pit, to see those sect works of the devil, and the preacher factory performing on their stages the very representation of the blindness he has led them to substitute for real worship, and the dry husks he has given them instead of the bread of life. Some time ago the M. E’s. had a show in Pa. of which one point in the programme, was thus announced;

“Past Healing.”

And when the mystery-concealing curtain was raised, behold their hung an old sock with a large hole in the heel, so badly worn out, that it was pronounced, “past healing,” (heeling) thus the devil was amused at babylon, showing their own condition and wretchedness. As we may see in Jer. 14:19, 20. 46:10, 11. “Hast thou utterly rejected Judah? hath thy soul loathed Zion? Why hast thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble! We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our fathers: for we have sinned against thee.”

“For this is the day of the Lord God of hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood; for the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates. Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shaft not be cured.”

And now in the Winebrennarian sect — preacher — factory at Barkeyville Pa. they are training young men for the ministry by having them play blind man’s buff, and take baby soup, which is a perfect representation of their own spiritual blindness; and of the diluted stuff they will blindly give the people when they get ready to go out with the veil of carnality and ignorance upon their heart. No doubt the devil laughed to see them imitate the blindness and dishwater spoon victuals, he has imposed upon their poor souls.





Bro. Warner: — Please answer in the TRUMPET whether a person who is only converted is a proper subject for baptism, or must a man be sanctified wholly first?

Your Brother fully saved.

John P. Haner.


There are two elements connected with literal baptism, that might seem, one to make the ordinance proper immediately following conversion, and the other require entire sanctification first. The first is the fact that the ordinance is a public confession of Christ, of our faith in Him as our Savior, and a confession of our faith in His resurrection. Viewed from tills standpoint, the ordinance should be observed as soon as practical after espousing Christ.

The other fact is that the ordinance declares our death to this world, as we see in Rom. 6, and Col. 2, from which it might be inferred that entire sanctification should first be reached.

It is true that baptism is a declaration of death to all sin, and to this world, and a symbolic confession of the resurrected life. But when the whole Gospel is preached, sinners will come to the altar for pardon with the clear understanding that they came to embrace a system of religion and salvation, that involves an utter destruction of the entire life of self. So in espousing Christ, the mind takes in the whole Christ. He comes to God to receive a salvation that means a perfect crucifixion to this world, and the world to him. So as soon as the soul embraces Christ, in one sense he counts himself dead to this world. He is “not of the world even as I am not of the world,” says the Lord of the converted disciples, even before sanctified wholly. So when the Gospel of Christ is preached in its purity, the convert embraces the idea of wholly dying out, to this world from the beginning, though he knows not just what is included in this complete death, nor what experiences are necessary to reach the plain of perfect holiness. So having renounced the world, and left all for Christ, he properly goes forward in the great declarative ordinance as soon as he feels his acceptance with Christ, though he usually finds the complete realization of what he then declared in a future experience. The ordinance declares the fact of death, and the second grace fully realizes it.



Burkettsville, O.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved and sanctified, and healed of all my diseases by the mighty power of God. Praise His holy name forever!

I belonged to the U. B. sect until last August, when Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick came here and preached the straight Word of God. I came out of babylon, and God sanctified my soul. I have been nearly blind for over two years, but on the 27th of Oct., by the laying on of hands by Bro. Kilpatrick, God restored my eye-sight. O praise His holy name! I am kept by His power each moment and hour.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified through the blood of Christ.

J. Christy.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER and J. C. FISHER, — Editors.

J. C. FISHER, — Publisher.

SEBASTIAN M1CHELS, — Business Manager.


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A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.

It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Orders are increasing; send on your orders.

Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 cents.
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BIBLE Proofs that the change from, the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.

This tract contains 64 pages: the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $1.00.

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We have loaned out quite a number of books, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, “MadamGuyon,” two volumes, Upham’s “Life of Faith,” and “Interior Life.” “Randall’s Travels in Egypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writing of God.”




We have completed the Second Edition of Songs of Victory, to which we have added five new pages, three pages with notes, and two of familiar hymns.

The book now contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have otherwise improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no more raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color.

Songs of Victory is specially adapted, for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school.

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Winfield, Kan.

GOSPEL TRUMPET. T ask all the holy people that read the TRUMPET, to pray for my son Arthur. He is possessed of an evil spirit. At times he is vicious, and threatens to kill all who come in his way. We tried to get him in the State Asylum for the Insane, but he was rejected because we had lived in the State so short a time.

He was kept in jail two nights; hut he got hurt, so we took him out, and now have him on our hands, with no one to look to but God. I am kept at home to take care of him, and cannot work at my trade.

I am in need of help. Any one sending us assistance will receive our prayers, and God will bless you. Pray that God will save and heal my boy. To God be all the glory! If led of the Lord, will Bro. Warner and hand send us a handkerchief by mail, with the power of God to cast out the evil spirit.

I am sanctified wholly just now. Amen!

Isaac Pennington.

Pray God to heal Sister Sharp, of Laclede Mo. of great bodily afflictions, and give her the fulness of the Spirit of God.

Arcola Ind.

Dear Brethren: — We are greatly afflicted. Three of us bed-fast at once. Our little babe is very sick with Scarlet fever and Dropsy. Pray earnestly that we may be healed. Your Bro.,

E. K. Menges.

Sister L. Carpenter of Attica Ohio, requests all the saints to pray for her healing of a Cancer. Earthly physicians can do no more. All pray for her.

Pray for Bro. Laughlin, Odon Ind., that he may be healed of Asthma.

Also pray for Sister Laughlin’s healing, of consumption.



All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it published.



Gardner, Ill.

Dear Brethren: — It makes my soul rejoice to read the TRUMPET, and hear of so many souls being saved. I desire the prayers of the saints, that I may gain that mansion which the Savior has gone to prepare. O it is so sweet to trust Jesus.

Our names are on the F. M. class book yet, but it does seem to me that the dear Lord wants me to have my name taken off of the class book, and I have consecrated to do all He wants me to, and walk in all the light God gives me. But it seems to me when I do that I will have to be a Daniel, and stand in this town alone.

Your Bro. saved and looking up.

J. G. Landis.





We came from New Prospect, the place horn which we last reported, to Pleasant Grove Chapel. We. came in the strength and power of the Holy Ghost. O hallelujah to God! The Lord began to work mightily from the beginning. Souls began to be convicted, and seek, the Lord, and each day many dear precious souls were both converted and sanctified. O how our souls did rejoice to see them blessed. O! the joy that fills the heart of the redeemed, no human tongue can tell. O glory! Glory to God!

The attendance was large both day and evening, and the people generally interested. We have here seen the most souls saved in a few days, and experienced the greatest, and most glorious victory, since we have been in the glorious war. In a little over two weeks 60 souls were converted, and about 45 sanctified. Our band of workers worked gloriously. When the time came for altar services, every one labored energetically, and many souls were rescued from the ranks of sin. May God bless them, and reward them for their labor of love. O how the fire did burn in our souls. Hallelujah to God! The little ones leaped and shouted, as the Spirit was poured out upon them from on high. Our success here was also largely due to the fact that there was but little sectarian influence, and not much real opposition from that source: though there were some opposers. O glory to God! Prejudice vanished away before the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ; and many who were bitter toward the saints and the true light, are now gloriously saved, and are shouting happy; and most of those who were prejudiced, now bid us God speed. It was glorious to see so many of the young men and women start out to serve the Lord, many of whom were added to the Church here. O I pray God to keep them from the evil of the world, and present them faultless, before His presence with exceeding joy, at last. May God bless the many dear kind hearts of the people, and saints of the Living God, who so cheerfully cared for us, and supplied our every want. May they ever be filled with joy and comfort in all their tribulations, for Jesus’ sake. There were saved during the meeting 60 converted, and 45 sanctified. On the 25th we met at the river, and 28 were immersed, according to the commission — Matt. 28:19, 20. Bro’s. Speck, Wickersham, and Key did the baptizing. It was a glorious scene to behold those blood-washed souls coining up out of the watery tomb, in the resurrection, likeness, and glory of God; shouting and praising the Lord with uplifted hands, and shining faces. Truly the words of the Lord were fulfilled, “happy are ye if ye do these things.” Yea, to the joy and satisfaction of those dear ones. O ye Ordinance fighters, if ye will do His will, “ye shall know of the doctrine.” Christ says, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”

On Sunday evening we met at the Chapel, for feet-washing and communion, which was a solemn service, and a blessed feast to our souls. Sixty-four took part in the ordinances. How the dear young converts enjoyed it. May God bless them. Amen!

Bro. Isaac Key was ordained Elder, and Bro. Geo. Marsh Deacon for Pleasant Grove Church, and Bro. Ezra Imel for the New Prospect Church. After ordination services, several presented themselves for healing, and claimed their healing by faith, and the laying on of hands, and prayer.

We then bade adieu to the dear ones. May God keep, and sustain them, and make them fruitful in every good work.



Bangor, Mich. Jan. 1st, 1887.

Dear Brethren: — We have just closed the protracted effort at the Marble school- house last evening. A wonderful interest was manifested until the last, there being 16 consecrations in the last two evenings. One hundred and two souls presented themselves at the altar, during the four weeks, 97 of whom have testified to the forgiveness of sins, and 31 have testified to sanctification.

My testimony is, that I am all the Lord’s, all on the altar, no reserve, no compromise, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use. Glory! Glory!! Glory!!!

A. B. Palmer.

Charlotte Mich. Jan. 1st.

To all the dear saints in Christ Jesus, Greeting this New Year’s morning.

We are saved, and sanctified by a second work of grace, and are doing the will of God as the Holy Spirit leads. Praise the Lord for His goodness! He keeps us, and provides for us. We are out in the field all the time now, holding meetings wherever He leads us. We have been to Benton town-ship, holding a few meetings, and the Lord wonderfully manifested Himself by the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit. He restored some who had shrunk from duty, and lost the joy out of their souls. We left them rejoicing in the Lord.

We met dear Bro. Smurr, and he is now with us. We commenced meeting seven miles South-west of Charlotte, near Lacey Lake, in the name of King Jesus. Pray for us, that God may use us to His glory.

A. J. Shelly & Wm. N. Smith.


Hoytville, Mich. Dec. 29.

Dear Brethren: — This morning I feel the promptings of the Holy Ghost to write you through the blessed TRUMPET. Glory be to the name of my God! I am in the field of battle, fighting under King Emanuel. We have been preaching, and in weakness instructing those that oppose themselves. Praise the Lord! the powers of darkness are beginning to give way; some that have fought the pure Gospel of the Son of God are beginning to beg for God to have mercy on them. Through false teaching, they have held to a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. God’s Spirit is showing up the idols that men and women are clinging to; such as worldly conformity, tobacco, etc. One old man, 86 years of age, having used the filthy weed for 50 years, has broken away from the terrible, poisonous narcotic, and taken our blessed Jesus for his satisfying portion. Praise the Lord for the victory already achieved here in His name.

The battle is still raging, and I love the hottest of the fight. Praise God forever!

Your Bro. saved, sanctified, and kept white in the blood. Amen!

Wm. T. Tanner.


Deshler, O. Dec. 16.

Dear Brethren: — May the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, keep you in perfect peace.

I left here Dec. 10 for Weston, with wife, sister Tussinger and sister Davis. On arriving at the depot we met Bro’s Wm. Long and Guyer, and Bro. Spacky of Jerry City. We went to Bro. Long’s, and the saints and neighbors gathered, and we had a glorious time waiting on the Lord. Four souls saved.

On Saturday brother Hill came. That night there were four converted, and four sanctified. On the Lord’s day we had a consecration meeting, and all the little ones got clear on the ordinances of the Lord’s house, and two were buried with Christ in baptism. In the evening 14 observed the ordinances of feet-washing and the Lord’s Supper. O what a melting time it was. The saints all took a shout.. Hallelujah! I feel the same fire burning in my soul as I write.

After the ordinances were observed, there were several healed of various diseases. Glory be to Heaven’s King, for His wonderful power that, He bestows on His children. On Monday, some of the saints went, home, but the work went on. Souls saved every meeting.

The meeting will continue over Lord’s day, and we do not know how much longer, but we are in the hands of the Lord.

From your brother saved in Jesus.

A. H. Lea.


Deshler O. Dec. 25.

Dearly beloved: — As I have reported our meeting at Weston O., up to the 16th, I will send you later news.

We held meeting at Bro. Wm. Long’s until Sabbath eve, when we got a Hall in town, and held meeting two days and nights; but the sect babal was so bad that we moved it back to Bro. Long’s; and we had victory every meeting. Hallelujah to the Lamb forever! who gives us the victory. There were 23 saved during the meeting, and 10 healed of their various diseases and the Lord has planted His Church at Weston. Praise His name! He has made choice of Bro. Wm. Long to oversee the flock, and Bro. John Guyer Deacon. The Bro’s. felt that the Lord had called them, and they obeyed, and we recognized their calling by the laying on of the Elder’s hands. The meeting closed Thursday eve, and we sang a hymn and they ascem..nied us to the train.

Your Bro. saved, sanctified and made white, out of babylon. Sectarianism was cleansed out of me by the blood of Jesus. I Praise His holy name!

A. H. Lea.


Vichy Springs Mo. Dec. 20.

To all the saints in Christ Jesus, greeting. God keep you, and lead you, and fill you with the fulness of His power and glory. A short time ago we were at the Green school-house, in Crawford Co., accompanied by Bro. Lewis, Bro. Marcee, and sister Julia Myers. We commenced meeting on Sabbath, and continued until Wednesday. One justified and three sanctified; four followed the Lord in baptism. O what a glorious time we had, they came out of the water shouting, and praising God, and some fell, prostrated by the power of God. Hallelujah! A month later I was there and held meetings from Saturday night until the next Thursday. The devil was wonderfully stirred, but the Lord gave us wonderful victory and power over him. Praise the Lord! Monday we had meeting at Bro. M. Lewis’s house. After preaching we were led to lay hands on Bro. Pitts, and he received the Holy Ghost, and was prostrated on the floor. We proceeded in like manner until there were three filled with the Holy Ghost, and sanctified. They followed the Lord in baptism, and came out of the water filled with the power of God. May God bless the dear saints in that place.

We then went up the river about four miles and held a few night meetings; one sanctified, several others seeking. I then went home from there. Sister Johnson, from West Plains, Mo., was to preach at our school-house. She was not straight on the ordinances, but was willing to be taught, so the Lord enabled us to open up the Scriptures to her on the subject of water baptism. The Lord gave us the victory, and the sister was convinced of the true way, and followed the Lord in baptism, with four others. They came out of the water shouting and praising God. Sister Johnson fell under the power of the Holy Spirit before we got to the water, and when she went down into the water the power came down on her still more, and as she came out of the water she was prostrated on the bank, and lay for some time in a trance. We ordained her by the laying on of hands, and the Lord sent her to Rolla, where she expects to hold meeting this week. May the Lord bless her abundantly is our prayer. Pray for her, that she may be very useful, for the harvest is great, and the laborers are few.

The Lord has a precious little Church here. Glory to His name!

Your Bro. and sister, saved and sanctified.

John P. & A. J. Bailey.


Antwerp O., Dec. 25.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord is wonderfully working in this place. We began meeting in the name of Jesus one week ago. Up to this time 15 have been converted and 16 sanctified, and still the work goes on. Several have asked the prayers of the saints. The Lord has wonderfully blessed us in delivering the awful Word of God. Glory be to God! Hallelujah! Pray for us. Your Bro. saved, sanctified and kept.

Jacob E. Williams.


Melrose O.

Dear Brethren: — I am completely saved from all sin and the works of the devil. Glory to our God forever and ever! I must say I am just getting down in good pasture. I have been sanctified about eighteen months, and I am enjoying the full blessing from Heaven, and the freedom in Christ; and still it is better on before. Glory to our God! Since the Lord has saved me from sectism, I have not been bothered with money beggers for lazy sect preachers. I have given my money all to the Lord, and as He prospers me, so I freely give. He leads me to help support all God-sent preachers, and not a penny for sects. I see that salvation makes a division between us and the world and ungodly professors: for we have heard the voice say, “Come out of her my people,” and have obeyed the call. Glory to our God forever! May the Lord have mercy on poor blind sectarians and have them is my prayer. Pray for me that I may ever stand fast and do the whole will of God.

Enclosed find one dollar for the TRUMPET. Send it on, Thank God for such a paper; it is food for my soul. Your Bro. saved, sanctified and kept from sin.

H.. …

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BRO. S. Michels writes us of the work at South Haven, as follows.

Dearly beloved Bro. Warner, and all the dear ones with you. God bless you all, with all spiritual and temporal blessings, and with all power and glory. Amen!

We are well and praising God. We are in the battle here for God. The enemy is strong, but we have the victory. Two have consecrated, and others obtained the victory over the devil. The M. E. sect is holding meeting here, and as soon as some get convicted, and begin to feel the awful judgment awaiting them, they run and cry for the sect rocks and mountains to fall on them and hide them from the face of the Lord and the wrath of the Lamb. And then the devil makes them believe they are safe. The Lord has promised to cleanse them from all their filthiness, and from all their idols; but they will not be cleansed. So after they are bid away in the mountains of sectism, the Lord will not go there, so they feel relieved in their troubled conscience, and think they are safe. But when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them, and they shall not escape.

The mountains are the sects, the rocks are the secret societies, which men go into for a more sure protection from the hail, fire and blood, and to hide them from the face of the Lamb, until the final sweep of God’s wrath upon the wicked. These thoughts came to me so forcibly by the Spirit of God, that I write them to you. If you have additional light in the Scripture on the subject, let us have it.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

S. Michels.


There is an analogy between the present “judgment of the whore,” or “judgment beginning at the house of God,” which is the “purging of Jerusalem with the Spirit of judgment, and the Spirit of burning.” — Isa. 4. It is the “consumption decree,” the consuming of false religion by the Spirit of His mouth. — 2 Thes. 2:8. Isa. 10:16, 17, 18. Which brings out a separate pure remnant, a holy Church. — verses 19-23. In 2 Thess. 2:8 we read that Christ will “consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and destroy with the brightness of His coming.” There is a distinction between the consuming and destroying. The first is by His Word and Spirit, and purifies the Church, or burns away from it all elements not really in it, nor of it. The second is the final destruction of the wicked, both the “ungodly” — corrupt professors, — and sinners — non professors. The first is a preparative judgment, the second is the final judgment. The first is in progress now through the preaching of the awful present truth, which is pouring out the hail, fire and blood, and the vials of God’s wrath. The second will come to pass in a “very little while.” — Isa. 10:25.

As the great men and kings of the earth, and every bondman and every freeman will call for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them and hide them in the day of judgment, so men now flee to the sect and secret mountains of deception, to cloak over their sinful hearts. Therefore thus saith the Lord.

Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. — Isa. 28:17, 18.

These hiding places are the false religious systems that men take refuge in, to evade the truth.

Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill Heaven and earth? saith the Lord. — Jer. 23:19-24.

H.. … … d..rintion of the present day false teachers, and they who receive their teaching, presume to “hide themselves in secret places” from the presence of the Lord. And all this is to be in the “latter days,” And all who have the light of God in their hearts know that we are in the latter days.

Give glory to the Lord your God, before He cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness. — Jer. 13:16.

The sects are dark mountains over which the world is stumbling to hell.

For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and loftly, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low: And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, and upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up. — Isa. 2:12-14.

The day of the Lord, means the whirlwind of the Lord’s wrath, the “consumption decree,” and preparatory judgment. The cedars of Lebanon, and oaks of Bashan represent, lofty and great babylonians. Mountains, hills, denote sect organizations. Surely God would not set Himself against literal mountains which His own hand has formed. But He does come as a whirlwind of destruction, and consuming fire upon the sect mountains, which satan has devised, with all their “high towers,” and partition walls.

Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. — Jer. 16:16.

This is now being fulfilled as the angels of God fly in the midst of Heaven, gathering the elect from the four-winds of Heaven, gathering the elect into the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God into a perfect man. The few that receive the truth in babylon are brought out of every mountain, hill, and out of the holes of the rocks, namely, out of the big sects and little sects, and out of secret societies.

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them, away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting-place. — Jer. 50:6.

This is a wonderful description of the “dark and cloudy day” of sectism. The older, larger sects are the mountains, the little young daughters are the hills. The best, and most Spiritual men have always been coming out of the old Godless sects, and entering small and less dead and proud sects. Instead of taking Jesus only as “their resting place,” through false education they always thought it necessary to join some “name of blasphemy.” God is the resting place of the soul, and “we are complete in Him.”

For the mountains will I take up a weeping and wailing, and for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation, because they are burnt up, so that none can pass through them; neither can men hear the voice of the cattle; both the fowl of the Heavens and the beast are fled; they are gone. — Jer. 9:10.

Here the mountains are identified with the wilderness, which means mixed, corrupt religion. There is where the angel took John to show him the “judgment of the great whore,” the “mother of harlots and abomination of the whole earth.” God takes up a weeping and lamentation for the mountains and wilderness that are burned over, black, desolate, and fallen since the fire of holiness has swept over them and they have rejected the light. Surely God does not take up a lamentation for literal mountains.

Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and thou shalt rejoice in in the Lord, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel. — Isa. 41:14-16.

Jacob — men of Israel — means the Church and true men of God. The mountains are big sects, the hills small ones. God’s true ministers pour out the wrath and indignation of God upon them, and beat them small, and drive them away as the chaff. And, as God commands them, they rejoice over her destruction, and shout glory to

God in the midst of her scatterment. Many more texts that present the sects as mountains, to be destroyed, might be cited. Now in these mountains and rocks a great many sinners have taken refuge from the face of God and the wrath of the Lamb. So when the awful truth is poured out upon them, they ward it out by their sect profession. The devil has got them sewed up in his own sacks, and checked to hell, and the great mass of them will be sure to reach that destination. When the real Gospel of their salvation comes, satan has but to whisper in their ears that their sect is thereby antagonized, and they never stop to consider that it is indeed God’s Word, but at once go to resisting and fighting it. And the devil is highly amused to see them zealously opposing the only power that can deliver them out of his hands. Surely the devils in hell have no small jubilee over the working of all sect religion. But blessed be our God who giveth us the victory over the devil, over the beast and his image, and over his mark, and the number of his name. Hallelujah!





Beaver Dam. Ind.

For the Lord: do the loved, and faithful ones in the OFFICE, and to all the readers of the TRUMPET: — Grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank God in Heaven, who is the propiciation for our sins; praise God! and not for ours only, but for all the world. Hallelujah to our God forever! Amen!

God has from the beginning “chosen me unto salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth.” I am in Christ, filled with all joy and peace, and I still abound more and more. Even since the Lord converted my soul, I have been complete in Him who is the Head of all principalities and powers. “Behold. God has become my salvation.” His love is perfected in my soul. I have every thing that pertains to life and godliness. Praise the Lord forever! Through Christ Jesus I am kept: my life is hid away with Christ in God.

When I was saved, the Lord said He would put His Spirit in me, and cause me to walk in His statutes, and praise God! He has done as His Word says. He is able to fulfill His Word in our souls. O praise God forever! for eternal glory and salvation to the uttermost in my soul. The very peace of God flows through my soul flashing as it doth roll. Hallelujah to our God! I have dissolved partnership with everything but Jesus Christ: in Him I am complete. Amen!

B. E. Warren.


Republic O.

My testimony is, Saved to the utter most, washed in the blood of the Lamb. Glory to His name for such a gift of knowledge. Chemists have undertaken to cleanse their garments of every stain, and have succeeded in all but the crimson, in that they have failed. But glory to Him who is able to cleanse us from every stain, though it be crimson, and make us whiter than snow. Let all the saints truly say: Praise the Lord who has given us a knowledge of our salvation. Truly it is a great gift. In all your gettings, get this fulness.

K. L. Stewart.


Maple Rapids Mich.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord leads me to write my testimony to the TRUMPET. Opraise God for salvation full and free. Istill stand on the Rock, Christ Jesus: He keeps me from all harm and danger He is in me a well of water springing up into everlasting life. O praise God! I feel His glory all through me as I write. In temptations and trials, He shields me from sin. Pray for me. Your sister sanctified, washed and made while in the blood of the Lamb.

Viola Cox.


Beaver Dam, Ind.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord leads me to write my testimony. I praise the Lord for a present salvation. Praise our God! not a cloud arises to hide my Savior from my eyes. Praise the Lord! I am saved from all sin; redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, wholly sanctified, and ready to be revealed in the last time. Pray for me.

Your brother in Christ.

Edward Ballenger.

Grand Junction Mich. Dear Brethren: — I am praising God from the depths of my heart for full and free salvation through the precious blood of Jesus. O praise God! I am under the blood that cleanseth me from every stain. My robes are made whiter than the driven snow. I realize that the “old man” is crucified, and I have no uprisings in my soul; all is calm. Glory be to God! Oh the wonderful goodness of God to me! O that I had a voice to sound the praises of God to the very ends of the earth, that all men might hear and know of the wonderful salvation I have in my soul.

It will be 4 years the 23d of this month since God for Christ’s sake pardoned all of my sins. O what a glorious 4 years it has been for me. It grows better and better all the time. O what will the end be! My soul cannot contain the glory now. My cup is full, and running over. Olet us praise God’s holy name together, for all His wondrous works to the children of men.

Two years ago last June, I felt the gentle Spirit of God calling me to work in the TRUMPET OFFICE. I obeyed the call, and I find it glorious to work for King Jesus, and Him alone, and send out food for the hungry souls. Praise God! He is supplying all of my needs. O I do love the way. All I desire is to see souls saved. I am working with an eye single to the glory of God. I am continually praying God to keep me low down at the feet of Jesus, have His own way in all things, and use me in any way that seemeth good to Him.

As many have subscribed for the TRUMPET since I have testified to my healing, I will now give a sketch of it.

From the time I was a small child. I offered greatly with hip disease. Forever 16 years I did not get a good nights rest; on account of severe pain. I walked with a crutch and a cane all the time. For over eight years the pain increased, and the doctors told me there was no relief; that I must suffer on, and finally die with it. But when I gave my heart to God, and became acquainted with the great Physician of soul and body. I asked for relief, and instantly the pain was all gone, and nearly four years have passed, and I have never felt it since. I asked for strength, and by faith I threw my crutch and cane away and immediately I was strong, and have never felt the need of a crutch or cane since. O who has a better right to praise God than I? I shall always recommend the Great Physician for all manner of diseases. O let us exalt His name together! He is worthy of all praise and honor.

Dear ones, pray for me, that I ever be found doing the will of God in all things. I am not working for the riches of this world, but I am working for the riches of Heaven, and for the salvation of perishing souls.

I am saved, sanctified, washed and redeemed by the blood, and healed by the power of God.

Your Bro. in the fountain.

Bert Spaulding.


Rising Sun, Ohio.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise the Lord for full salvation.

About 11 years ago the Lord forgave all my sins, and not knowing the Lord’s will, I joined a sect; but I do praise God that my eyes were opened last October, when Bro. Warner was holding meetings near this place. Glory to God! I am free in Christ Jesus. He saves me from all sin just now. He has washed me in His own precious blood, and makes me whiter than snow. O my soul does praise God that I ever got into the true light, and that I am now established on the Rock, Christ Jesus. He keeps me saved and sanctified. I am dead to this world, it has no charms for me. I was buried with Christ in baptism, and it was blessed to follow His footsteps. I praise God that He has saved me from the use of tobacco. Glory to His name forever! When He sanctified me, it just made a clean sweep of everything that is of the devil. I tell you that sectarianism is out of me, and I am out of the sect, and sweetly reigning in life by one Christ Jesus. Now my prayer to God is, that He may keep us perfect and pure: for the Word says, “The disciple is not above his Master, but every one that is perfect shall be as his Master.” Amen!

Jacob Roush.


Walrerton Ind.

Dear Brethren: — I love the Trumpet, and am eager to hear the results of the holy war from time to time. Praise God for to glorious victories He is giving His brave soldiers! As for myself, I have had no command to go forth to battle, but have been commissioned to hold the fort; have had some skirmishes with the enemy of late, but have succeeded in routing him. I always strove to serve God with a perfect heart, and a willing mind from my childhood days and did live up to all the light God gave me. I always did desire a thorough work of grace, a soul saving salvation, and the desires of my heart have been miraculously answered. He has opened the Scriptures to me in a marvelous manner, more especially the Revelation that teaches the sacred truths that are now being proclaimed in the land. I do thank God that I am one of the few that knows God’s truth when I hear it. When the little band of saints held a meeting here last spring, I had but few opportunities of hearing them, but enough to convince me they were true saints of God.

Your sister saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

R. M. Stevenson.


Poplar Bluff Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I give all honor, glory and thanksgiving to our Savior, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all sin, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. O the waves of glory that fills my soul this night. I am buried in the great ocean of God’s love. Praise the Lord! I love to tell of the blood that cleanses me. The Lord sweetly keeps me, and I am reigning in life by one Christ Jesus. Glory to God! I have passed through many trials and His grace has brought me through thus for. Praise the Lord for salvation that keeps us through the fiery furnace.

Your sister sanctified and kept.

America Foss.


Antwerp O.

I feel led to write my testimony. I am saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus, and kept by the power of God. I do praise God for salvation that saves me from all sin. I am all the Lord’s and am fully trusting in Him.

Pray for me that I may be firm and ever be ready to do His whole will.

Your sister saved.

S. M. Chaney.


Ward, Minn.

Dear Brethren, and all the dear saints scattered all over the land: grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied unto you all! Amen! We do praise God for the light we have received, and we are determined to walk in the grace of God. I know I can do nothing of myself, but I can do all things through Jesus strengthening me. The devil is raging here, and sectarians are wonderfully stirred; but we praise God who giveth us the victory. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! we are straight on the Word of God, and do not give way nor compromise with the world, the flesh nor the devil. Glory to Jesus! we are free from the yokes of bondage of men; free to worship God aright. O how glad we would be to be at some of the saint’s meetings, then we could have some encouragement, but here, when we give in our testimony that we are free, then the sect is ready for a fight. The Lord wonderfully blesses our souls, and we do not keep back any of His truth. Praise His name forever! It encourages my heart when we get the TRUMPET, and read the testimonies. We can endure all our persecutions gladly for the sake of Jesus.

Dear saints, pray for us, that we may stand stead fast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. We are still saved and sanctified.

Enos & Mary Key.


Tiffin O.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise God this evening for salvation that is able to keep us from sin. My testimony is, I am saved and sanctified and healed. I give God all the glory, for He so wonderfully keeps me among the lions. Hallelujah to our God! I do praise God that He ever called me out of babylon, and showed me how to serve the true and the Living God. I have the witness in my heart that I am a child of God. I am saved from tea and coffee, and from the world. Praise God! I never enjoyed better health than I do now. Some over a year ago the Lord God healed my body at the Jerry City meeting. Hallelujah for such a God that is able to heal both soul and body. Your sister saved through the blood of the Lamb.

Emma Huffsey.

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Humboldt Kan., Dec. 22.

Dear Brethren: — “Mercy, peace and love be multiplied.” Jesus is “King of Kings.” This morning finds me blessedly saved. Praise God! I am out on the uncompromising line of Bible holiness, for the whole truth. Our God is marching on. Babylon is fallen! is fallen! I am following the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Satan is stirred here, but souls are seeking salvation. I am ready to preach the Gospel against sin of all kind as God leads.

J. B. Slagle.


Bucyrus O., Dec. 22.

To the TRUMPET Readers: — I am saved and sanctified through the Word: am standing complete in Jesus Christ, the Church of the Living God.

We commenced meeting in the village of Wyandott, O., Tuesday nights, Friday nights, also on Sundays at 10 o’clock. The first evening one at the altar for pardon; the next night was converted; the third meeting, was sanctified and healed by the power of God, by the anointing of oil and the laying on of hands. Two others consecrated for sanctification and accepted it by faith, one of them receiving the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Praise God for salvation without respect of persons!

Whosoever will may come and receive the waters of life freely. Others under conviction. Halleluiah to Jesus forever and ever!

John N. Slagle.


Wheeler Mich., Dec. 15.

Dear Brethren: — My testimony is that I am saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation, ready to do God’s will at all times. The Apostle Paul says, Shun not to declare all the counsel of God. — Acts 20:27.

Four years ago last fall I laid all on the altar, tobacco and every thing I Had, and the altar sanctified the gift, and now the Lord has called me to preach His Word, and I am out on His promise and under the blood.

We are north of Wheeler bolding meeting; brother and sister Hill are with us. Since we have been here, thirty-four have made a start to serve God; some of them are sanctified, and fifteen of them have been baptized. All that used tobacco have thrown it away. The most of the little ones that came out, belonged to the U. B. and M. E. sects; but they renounced their creeds and are standing for Jesus. God bless all the dear saints. Your Bro. saved and sanctified by a second work of grace.

Jesse Drowley.


Urbana Kan., Dec. 20.

Dearly beloved Brethren: — God bless you all. Once more I want to glorify my Father, and encourage the hearts of my brethren by reporting what the dear Lord is doing for us here in Kansas. He is with us in mighty saving and healing power. Hallelujah! The dear Lord has given me a true yokefellow in the work. Bro. Cole is a mighty man of God, rich in faith, and full of the Holy Ghost, and has the eternal go through in his soul, and a continual “Praise the Lord!” “Hallelujah!” We work sweetly together. Glory to Jesus! We just closed a meeting six miles west of Humboldt. The meeting continued two weeks in the name of King Jesus. There were 11 consecrated for the gift of the Holy Ghost and were gloriously filled with the mighty power of God. The most of these were claiming holiness when we went there; but when the real truth was preached, they saw where they stood, and being honest, consecrated themselves and received the Holy Ghost. They were living up to all the light they had. We ordained six, full of the Holy Ghost and faith; three Elders and three Deacons. May the Lord keep them eternally true to their calling. The Church is left in a blessed condition there, at the Otter Springs school-house, six miles west of Humboldt, Woodston Co. Kan.. There was great opposition for the first week: when opposition and prejudice gave way, and many accepted the truth. Many under deep conviction when we left. Four were burled with Christ in immersion, (baptism.) This was a blessed scene to see those precious souls buried with their blessed Lord in the Liquid grave, then to see them rise with glory in their souls, and the real shine of the new life in their faces. Glory to Christ! They all received the witness from Heaven and said they were satisfied with their immersion, (baptism.) He that doeth the will of God shall know of the doctrine. Bless God! Hallelujah! This was a glorious victory for King Jesus. To Him be all the glory. Hallelujah!

We are at home with the Church near Urbana. We expect to continue a few days meeting with the Church at this place, then, the Lord willing, we expect to go to Ward, Wilson Co., Kan., visit the Church there, and then as the Lord may lead.

We are all consecrated to God, and we are not our own; the Lord shall lead.

Bro. J. Cole’s address will be Urbana Kan. for some time. Let all the saints pray for us that we may be eternally true to our commission. Our testimony is that we are saved from sin, kept blameless, built in the Church of the First-born, free from babylon.

J. P. Haner & J. Cole.


Dwight Mich., Dec. 23.

My Dear Brethren: — The Lord bless you all. I am saved just now, and filled with the power. Bless the Lord O my soul! We are having wonderful victory here; souls are being saved, and the noise of their shouting is heard afar off. Hallelujah! and still the work goes on. There has been about 15 saved since we came here, and four or five raised their hands for prayer last evening.

Your saved Bro. washed in the blood.

W. B. Grover.


Payne O., Dec. 22.

Dear Brethren: — God bless and keep you blameless. Amen!

I am well, soul and body, ready to grapple with the devil whenever God in His wisdom sees fit, either for His glory or the good of my fellow beings. Praise our God! We have closed the meeting with the saints on the Maumee. During the meeting God gave us a glorious hailstorm of His present truth through which he manifested Himself so gloriously that the devil, moved with malice, thought to manifest himself in a storm and not having the hail of truth, (for there is no truth in him) he used stones from the river. Glory to God! We went through it all safe. God wonderfully preserved us from harm and kept us sweet in the Spirit. To Him be all the glory. There were a few received the truth and were saved. Some of the saints that were crooked got straight, others remained in their crookedness having rejected the truth. God have mercy on them and bring them too the truth before to late.

Yours fully saved through the blood.

A. J. Kilpatrick.




Onarga, Ill,

Dear Brethren: — We send greeting in Jesus to you and all saints, believing it is God’s hand leading us, we will write a few lines for the glory of God. We are glad of a privilege to testify to the all-cleansing blood of Jesus. Hallelujah! we are glad that we are counted worthy to bear the cross for Jesus’ sake. When the Holy Spirit is upon us the cross seems so very light. O yes, we can bear all things for the sake of Christ, through Him who strengtheneth us. Glory to God ! for the assurance we have in believing the blessed Word. I know Jesus saves me just now, and the blood cleanses me from all unrighteousness. I will sing and give thanks and praise, “I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath dealt bountifully with me.” “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever, give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” We cannot worship God in the beauty of holiness as long as we hold to any cherished Idol, such as tea, coffee, tobacco, or any uncleanness. The Word says “cleanse yourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” Hallelujah! the blood cleanses. “O ’twas love, ’twas love that found out me.” Christ is love, “He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.” — 1 John 4:8. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” Not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. O I am so glad God has a few, a little flock, that has entered in by consecration, and faith in His dear Son. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. Bro. Fisher, please comment on this verse, and on John 3:5, for our instruction, and others, and oblige

A. Reed.


The Apostle says, 1 John 4:1, Try the spirits, whether they be of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. How shall we try them? The spirits speak by impression, or revelation, to the spiritual mind. It is utterly impossible to decide whether an impression, or revelation upon the mind is of God, or from God, without trying them by the Word of God, which is of the Spirit. Here we have everything revealed, whether internal impressions, or outward works. “There are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, (Word) and the blood, and these three agree in one.”

Paul says — Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it: That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word. — Eph. 5:25, 26.

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. — John 3:5. Thus we see the water is the Word. Let us try these false teachers by the Word.

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you; whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation, slumbereth not. — 2 Pet. 2:1, 2, 3.

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They wont out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. — 1 John 2:18, 19, 20. Thus we try false teachers by the Word, and they are such as teach damnable sects. Again the Apostle says No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. — 1 Cor. 12:3.

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds. — 2 John 8, 10, 11.





IN my last letter to the TRUMPET, I gave you Bro. Thad. S. Punches’ vision, together with the proceedings of the Protestant Methodist Conference, at Fairview, Hopkins Co. Texas. Since then, they have disposed of him strangely, bidding God speed: by way of explanation I here give yon Bro. Funehes’ language in a letter to me.

Hagansport Tex. Nov. 28, ’86.

  1. H. Hargrave. Dear Bro., yours of Nov. 8th was duely received: a reply was delayed in order to obtain the desired information, which I have in State, as glanced from the members of the Conference, and others; first, though not in conformity with their discipline, were, that I was amenable to the Conference for my acts.
  2. That the doctrine I preached was obnoxious to the Methodist faith, therefore the Conference resolved that my license be discontinued, and my name be dropped from the Conference roll; I am not now considered by them as a member under them; local, or otherwise. I only stand to them as an offender, until I recant, when they will willingly receive me again.”

Bro. F. then referred me to Gal. 1:11; 2 Cor. 6:15, 16, 17; also to Luke 6:22, 23. Praise God for His words of comfort to the cast down and heavy ladened; for it is no more strange than true, than that the people that follow Christ, and Christ only, are considered cranks and fanatics by the religious world; and even the ones God ordains, and commissions to preach the everlasting Gospel of peace, are cast out of the synagogues, without notice or trial, as it was Luke 4:28, 29, the snipe is being fulfilled with God’s people.

And now I ask of you Bro’s Hedrick. Ackerman, and the members of that Conference, (for I know every one of you;) in the name of the Lord, how can you bid a man God speed, give him the right hand of fellowship, then cast him head-long over the picket fence of your sect, and show your good will to crush him, if it were possible. Are you not the false prophets that cried peace, peace, where there was no peace? Did you not violate the laws of your Discipline when you bade Bro. Funches God speed? for he told you there was a great gulf between your work and his work. You said God’s hand was in it, and your prayer (Hedrick) that day was, “Lord let us understand the mysteries of this vision.”

Now I say in the name of the God of truth, that that Fairview Conference is guilty of laying a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turning aside the just, for a thing of naught, — Isa. 29:21.

God has said unto you that the “vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book, that is sealed.” — Isa. 29:11, 12, and you say I cannot read, and these things “are like a book sealed to me.” Then to show the hypocrisy of that Fairview Conference, they bid Bro. F. God speed. Bro. Hedrick asked God in his prayer to open the understanding of them all, as he had Bro. F. then so soon thrust out, the man of God. O how the truth of Bro. Funches’ vision is manifested in the proceedings of that Fairview Conference. Men who will serve them are the men whom they shoot with that fine fruit, but when one serves God only, they brand him as a robber, and a thief, say by their works, they themselves are not worthy of the company of the man of God. And now Mr Hedrick, I address you more particularly, because I believe once, you was working under the power and influence of the Spirit of God, but are now working your way through 24th Vr. and 18th chapter of 1 Kings. Turn with me to 1 Kings 12:27, and I will show you the rulers of these societies, the M. P. church being one; are the sons of Jeroboam, when the true worshiper goes up to Jerusalem to worship, where all true worshipers go now, their acts carry them out of reach, or so they are not amenable to the Conference, or laws of the sons of Jeroboam, so when the true worshipers left, seeing Jeroboam’s command was contrary to God’s command; the sons of Jeroboam of course would cry out, on account of His acts; (going up where God commands we should worship) he is not amenable to our law. All men who fail to worship the (Methodist Discipline) golden calves, which are now, not only set up in the province of Bethel and Dan, Vr. 29, but in every city and village of our so called, noble Republic, and the 31st Vr. explains the whole matter. Methodists are not alone, but Baptists, Free Methodists, Presbyterians, Campbellites, who call themselves “Christians,” and over 600 others, are doing their utmost to, not only build a house in a “high place,” but to excel in high places, even withholding God’s work, Gospel workers, whom they, with their satanic spider webbs decoy, by a donation of means to procure, as they call it, a qualification to preach, and after they have sent him to school three years, they have as complete a bill of sale of the man as ever a slaveholder had of a negro in time of slavery. Jeroboam seeks to exalt his priests by raising them to the top round of the ladder reaching to the upper rooms of college degrees. Rev. is not enough to show they have a high seat in the (synagogue) college or church, house in a high place, but Rev. L. L. D.

I am so very glad that God has revealed even to babes in Christ, that these things belong to the priests of Jeroboam, and Jeroboam made priests of the lowest of the people, so are the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Campbellites, and all others of the 666 whose number is the number of the beast. — Rev. 13:17, and all who have the wisdom of God know it, verse 18.

When I was under the jurisdiction of Jeroboam’s priests, and a base sinner, they made me a class leader, and superintendant of Sabbath school, soon as I started up to Jerusalem, (holiness of heart) where God commanded me to worship, the priests of Jeroboam appointed another in my stead, who for these six years has not had the courage to make one single appointment for Sabbath school. “Whomsoever would, them he made priests,” of men who have their conscience seared to the Word of God, who stagger not at laying down the Word of God as their chief guide and introduce laws of their own make, and then in violation of their own laws, fail to be governed by them themselves. Jeroboam’s sin was a light tiling, compared to the rebellion I see in the divisions, sects, schisms, of the present day. And yet, poor, earnest, blinded people will not believe anything, but that they are the bone and sinew of the religion of Jesus Christ.

I look about me and see some who run well for a while, going back, eating the flesh, and drinking the blood of Jesus was too much for them, the Word whispers to me, “will you go back also?” I did not look back, for I knew the bridges were burnt behind me.

May God help His little ones to go to the New Jerusalem to worship, where there is a new Heaven in a new earthen vessel, for Jesus said our body is His temple: being east out of the synagogue is a small thing, but see that your faith fail not. Amen!

H. L. Hargrave.

Nelta, Texas.




Churubusco Ind.

Dear Bro. Daniel, God bless you, and all of your beloved little company. I received your most welcome letter, and O how glad I was to hear that you were coming westward. Praise God for His great love to even me!

My great conflict lasted one week, but praise God! He manifested Himself unto me as he does not unto the world, and showed me that it was the devil that tried to keep me from preaching, and destroy me if possible, for he knows that I have much confidence in God’s Word. So he brought all the Scripture against me that he could. And on Saturday evening, before I went to my appointment at Collins on Sabbath, it seemed impossible for me to preach in that state of mind. But praise God! I remembered my promise to God, so I said I will trust God for everything, though He slay me. When the time arrived we started, trusting everything in the hands of the dear Lord: and before we reached the house there was a halo of joy came over me, and I could not tell why, but when opening the blessed Bible we opened to the 12th chapter of Matt., and praise our God! that forever settled the question. O dear brother, how my soul and body praised the Lord. We preached from the text, “From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh,” and we had good attention from all in the house, for the Lord made me free indeed. Some looked like they would sink.

Well ever since then, my wife and I have been feasting on the fat things of Heaven. I can hardly wait for the time to come for me to preach the blessed Word, expose the rottenness of sectism, and all the works of the devil.

So we went to find a young man that is saved, and is a farmer of the first class, to take care of my family, and my farm, trusting that he will get, his wages out of the farm, and a living for the family, so I can be in the field for God

We are all well, except Bro. Menges has the Scarlet fever in the family, one child was very sick, but we hope they are better by this time. We told them to call on no physician but Jesus. They were severely tried, but were in better spirits when we left them after prayer. Pray for them, as well as us. The Lord bless you forever. Amen! Your saved brother.

Henry Smith.


Pittsville, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise God for the true light which shines in my soul. I was trying to live a Christian in the M. E. sect, but never knew what salvation was, until I heard the true Word of God preached. I attended a meeting held by Bro. Fisher at Red Lyon Pa. I paid strict attention to the preaching, and I was led to see my condition, and that I was in the wrong way, and must be saved. I went to the mercy seat, and asked the Lord to forgive me all my sins. I did not realize till the next day, any change. I then said, Lord what can I do to feel this holy power? I have done all I can, I have given all to Thee. At that moment I felt the power of God, thrilling my whole soul and body, and I was happy in Christ. I then had to be crucified, and die to all sin. And I do praise the Lord that He has sanctified my soul, and body, and cleansed me from all sin. He keeps me from sinning by His power. May the Lord lead the people unto this glorious light is my prayer.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

John Morgan.


Timberville O.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord called after me, and forgave all of my sins; but not knowing the Scriptures, I joined the M. E. sect. But I do praise God that He called me out of her. I am on the Gospel line, saved from all sin: tea, coffee, pride, and all that is not pleasing to God. I presented my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which was my reasonable service, and God did sanctify my soul, through the precious blood of Jesus.

Your sister in Christ, saved and sanctified just now.

Minerva Smith.

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