15 July 1890, Volume 10, Number 14.

I Am Redeemed.

Psa. 31:5.

Oh wondrous debt of love I owe
To God from whom all blowings flow,
That I can praise Him in this light
Which fills my soul with glory bright.

Chours I am redeemed redeemed
Bass. ………….. I am ……..
Redeemed and sanctified to
Bass. I am …………………….
Do His will, I am redeemed
Redeemed and sanctified
Bass. I am ………………….
To do His holy will forever more.

My heart abounds with joy to-day
Since Jesus swept my guilt away;
And I by faith was crucified
Till I was wholly sanctified.

I never thought such peace to know
Since Jesus washed me white as snow.
I glorify His holy name,
And do His wondrous love proclaim.

For now my heart is pure within
Since soul and body’s been cleansed from sin
My thoughts are fixed on things above,
My heart is filled with boundless love.

H. W. Hechler.




THE Apostle Paul, in his writing to the churches, was always careful to exhort them on to holiness, sanctification, or inward purity, if they had not already obtained that blessed experience by the Holy Ghost.

The blessed Savior not only prayed that His followers might receive, and enjoy the blessing, but commanded them to receive it, and to tarry at Jerusalem until they be endued with this power. Luke 24:49. “But ye shall receive power alter that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” Acts 1:8. In obedience to this command, the disciples assembled at Jerusalem to wait for the promise of the Father. Obedient children always love to obey their parents; 1st, because they love them, and Jo not wish to bring sorrow or grief upon them by disobedient conduct. 2nd., because obedience always brings a blessing. Likewise God’s children are, or should be, always ready to obey Him in whatsoever their duty is made known: hence, we see the ready compliance with the request, tarry Jerusalem to be endued with power. How different is this humble example of these faithful disciples from the many who profess to love God with all their hearts, to-day. When you ask them if they have tarried for the holy unction, the enduement with power, the inward cleansing, their faces ‘gather blackness,’ their knees smite together, and it is not an unfrequent occurrence that they bid you begone from their presence. As love always leads to obedience, and humble submission, it is quite evident that they cannot have much love to the Savior, and yet they go on with their profession, claiming to love the Lord with all their hearts, yet denying Him in their works. Such people the Lord does not own, nor will He have any thing to do with them, until they repent.

By patiently waiting God’s time, the Holy Ghost was given to the disciples Acts 2; 4, by which they were sanctified. Rom. 15:16. Thus we see that the act of obedience on the part of God’s little ones is rewarded by rich blessings, while disobedience implies rebellion and darkness. While the disciples were yet in the justified state, read Luke 10:17-20, abundance of fruit war being borne, that spoke plainly of their relation to God. The tree is known by its fruit; thorns cannot bring grapes, neither can figs thistles. The works of righteousness which they performed; the life of love, joy, longsuffering and gentleness, which they lived, all speak of a work being performed for them they themselves could not do, viz., being born of the Spirit. 1 Jno. 8:5. Jesus tells us in John 15:1-7, that He is the vine and we are the branches. While the branches abide in the vine, it is natural that they should bear or bring forth fruit, being fruitful branches, otherwise they are cut off and burned. Every branch, or converted soul, not yet sanctified, will bring forth fruit. And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Gal. 5:22, 23. These fruits will invariably show themselves in the soul that has been truly born of the Spirit. They never wait until they are sanctified to manifest these fruits. Many who profess to be sanctified do not live good justified lives. They do not bear the fruit that a justified soul ought to bring forth. There is not that love that suffereth long, and is kind, hatred and malice are manifested. Such a spirit as that is not from the Lord, but the devil. There is not the joy and peace that a converted person has; neither is there longsuffering and gentleness, but is easily provoked, becomes very impatient, constantly thinking and speaking evil of others. Beloved a truly converted soul will not do these things, to say nothing of a sanctified one. A justified experience should not by any means be underrated, for a branch, a regenerated soul, must bear fruit before it can be purged, sanctified, that it may bring forth more fruit. Jno. 15:2. It is no light matter to be converted. The Psalmist says, “blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,” Psa. 32:1. Indeed it is a blessed experience, and the soul that seeks and claims sanctification without having first the knowledge of their sins forgiven, is building upon rubbish for a foundation, which will not stand, and hence the reason so many bring forth the fruit of unrighteousness so soon after their supposed sanctified experience. Dear souls, dig deep; get down upon the Rock which is Christ. Know for yourselves that the foundation is laid well upon the Rock of refuge; then each step that you take may be taken in safety, and the sweeter will be your joys, and the more blessed your life to yourself, and the dear souls with whom you have to do.

Your brother in love.

G. W. Carey.

Derry, Kan.




I will surely assemble, oh Jacob, all of thee, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of thy multitude of men. The breaker is came up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it; and their king shall pass before them; and the Lord on the head of them.” — Micah 2:12, 13.

GOD is now gathering this remnant, as many scriptures, and existing facts clearly show. God’s children have been scattered into the many folds of sectism, but God gathers them out of these, and puts them together in one fold. And in that day, (this day) they shall make great noise (shout the praises of God like the sound of many waters. — See Rev. 19:6.) by reason of the multitude of men.”

And coincident with the gathering of this remnant, out of all sects into their one fold, the one fold and Church of the living God, the Breaker is come up before all these confused picket enclosures. This is Jesus Christ, the great Micah that stands up for the deliverance of God’s people. So He is breaking these sects in pieces and cleaving them in twain from Dan to Beersheba, the more speedily to get His true disciples out of her. As a man in Ohio, testified that having been a member of the U. B. sect, he fortunately dropped out at the breech when that sect split apart. So it is somewhat probable that if the “breaker” had not “broken up” that sect into fragments, the poor man might have perished in her destruction. We read a piece in the U. B. Tellescope some time age, where an old U. B. adherent was in great perplexity. He had been a member of the sect, for some 40 years, and was determined to be nothing but a U. B. as long as he lived. But now the sect bands had broken, and the thing fallen into two heaps, he did not know which one to cling to, so as to be sure of membership in the U. B. craft. But said he:” “I, and a number of us are sitting astride the fence waiting until the civil court would descide which piece was the U. B. church, and then they would cast their membership accordingly.” To our mind it looked like a pretty risky plank to float to heaven on: a church depending upon a set of tobacco soaked lawyers, and perhaps a latter-day scoffer all judge, to give it a charter and pronounce it valid. We advise as such people to get down off the fence, take their Bible, and see what church it presents and endorses, instead of waiting for the devil, (who usually rules courts when any principle of righteousness is involved) to decide their church relation. After spending two days in a court room last year, and observing how the devil and Masonry ruled, in utter contempt of law and justice, we concluded that the Masonic wing of U. B.ism. would surely win the day.

But so far as we have learned the suit has turned in favor of the creed adherents. So we conclude that both sides were under satan’s control therefore he did not think it worth while to bother with it. Perhaps the old fiend was so busy along the line of God’s holy fire, that he had no time to attend court in the U. B. case. At any rate the Almighty Breaker has broken that sect up into two factions.

Two hostile papers and printing establishments, also divide the Wesleyan Methodist sect. The issue is based upon holiness as a distinct experience, on one side, and the unscriptural, and unmethodistic theory of one work of grace on other side. This is rather strange, since there is not holiness enough in the whole sect to wrangle over. We met one of the new anti-holiness firm, in that sect, and learned that they were forced to start another paper because of the unchristian conduct, and intollerent policy of the parties in charge of the regular organ of the sect, and others prominent in its machinery, and yet these parties were professed holiness advocates. Several of them we were personally acquainted with, and it really produced some conviction on the old brother’s heart when we frankly informed him that not one of them with whom we were acquainted, had Bible sanctification, and that some who are cloaked in holiness profession, are actually possessed with devils.

Every body knows how the old water- soaked straps of Dunkardism burst several years ago, and that empty sect fell into three fragments. Primative, Progressive, and Conservatives. Surely they have broken up, and all true Christians, what few there may have been in her “have passed through the gate, and are gone out of it.”

In the last two years the Evangelical Alliance, known as the Albright sect, has been “broken up,” disgraced, and as some of their number have admitted, utterly ruined. We learned from a Bro. who is well posted in their troubles, that a few years ago, Bishop Esher, in order to secure the position for a friend of his, succeeded in having a prominent official removed from their College. The ousted party being thereby disaffected, and having many friends started a rival paper and publishing concern. Some jealousy having arisen between Bishops Esher and Dubbs the latter was accused of complicity with the new paper. He finally came out with a powerful defence proving himself clear of charges, and reflecting pretty heavily upon his accusers. The Esher wing then attempted to save their credit by slandering Dubbs. Every possible dark thing in 20 years past they could dig up, and paint up against his character, was brought to bear. Which if they were true, would reflect very heavy on the whole sect, for having covered up, and promoted to an editor and Bishop, a man they knew was of very bad character. But such are the jealous abominations of sect Babylon. They never want for black spots; when they want to put them on one, they think it a pious duty, or sectish necessity to kill.

The following taken from the St. Joseph Mo. Herald of March 27, will give the reader an idea of the state of things in that department of Soul Cripple City.




The trial of Bishop Esher before a committee of the East Pennsylvania conference of the Evangelical association at Reading, was concluded on Friday by the suspension of the accused prelate. “Unchristian conduct, slander, evil speaking, and false hood, creating dissension and perpetuating and intensifying the agitation in the church and disturbing her peace by a reival of old and previously adjudicated difficulties and differences.” The government of the Evangelical association is vested under the general conference in three Bishops-Dubbs, Brown and Esher — who receive $6,000 a year each, with house rent and traveling expenses and exercise a general supervision over the work of the ministers and the operation of over 2.000 churches, chiefly in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and the far West. This war of the bishops has been waging for three years back, and during that time has set the members of the Evangelical association, German-American Protestants, by the ears and engaged the entire organization in the bitterest kind of partisan warfare. The denomination is now bishopless. Bishop Dubbs having already been tried and suspended last month, and Bishop Bowman having met a like fate at Chicago on the 17th inst, though at the hands of the opposite faction, represening Bishop Dubbs partisans. It will thus be seen that Bishop Esher has been tried within the jurisdiction of the Eastern Pennsylvania conference, by Bishop Dubbs for substantially effecting, with the aid of Bishop Bowman, the suspension and expulsion of Bishop Dubbs at Cleveland, February 21, last. The general conference of the church does not meet until next, year.”

This whole picture looks very dark. What an example for those three bishops to set before the flock. O shame shame. But the breaker has come up before these sect crutcheries, and their shame must he made visible that God may be able to call out some honest souls, that otherwise would tarry in her, partake of her sins and receive of her plagues, and perish is her destruction.

A few years age cor.. i.. Presby … at Gault, Can. found salvation from all sin. which the love of God constrained them to testify to, and publish abroad. They were soon arraigned before the Session at Gault, and suspended for the crime of living free from sin by the grace of God, and for meeting together to worship God occasionally on the time of other local cottage meetings, always avoiding assembling on the time of regular meeting house services. The latter offence was one of the main hooks upon which the holiness confessors were suspended, notwithstanding it was asserted by them and not denied, that “No Church Session would venture to interfere with any member of the Presbyterian church who had a ball or a card party at his house on such evenings, or who had attended such parties at those of others, and this is constantly done by Presbyterian church members, sometimes even at the house of Elders.”

But the case was decided against them. So they appealed from one tribunal to and other, until they reached the supreme ban of the sect, producing no small commotion, and finally ended in the dismembering of quite a number of Presbyterians, simply because they could not consent to step down from the plain of Gospel grace and join with their Presbyterian brethren in sinning hourly in thought word and deed This shows how even a weak phase of holiness cannot be tolerated in any sect, and unless speedily expurged would consume the whole thing. Lord let the shaking and breaking go on. Amen.



Dear Brethren: — Grace, mercy and peace be unto you all through our Lord Jesus Christ. I write this to glorify my Heavenly Father. I praise God for th Gospel Trumpet, and I beleive it keeps straight for God. Hallelujah! Oh what a oneness in God’s children, but he that is joined unto the Lord is one Spirit. — 1 Cor. 6:17. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. — 1 Cor. 12:13. There have been some different papers sent to me, all of which are crooked. When we let the Lord lead, we will not get crooked. I will not accept any doctrine that is not in accordance to God’s Word I found them to be poison to my soul They are to be put in the fire. Praise God! Paul says: Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt mind, reprobates concerning the faith, but they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was. — 2 Tim. 3 8, 9. Oh let us, be not deceived God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. — Gal. 6:7. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. — 1 Tim. 4:1. Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions, and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned in God’s Word, and avoid them for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ. But their own belly, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. — Rom. 16- 17, 18. Oh dear ones beware, let no man deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be ye not therefore partakers with them, for ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord. Walk as the children of light. — Eph. 5:6, 8. Praise the Lord forever. I am rejoicing in this blessed evening light. God sent dear sister and Bro. Freddie Jacobson here to preach the blessed truth. I was very much encouraged. God bless their dear souls and use them and all the dear saints to His glory is my earnest prayer- Pray for me that God may give me victory over all the temptations of the devil, and let God have His own way. May we all keep straight for God is my prayer amen!

Your sister saved.

Clara Beever.

Bracken, Ind.




Arroyo Grande, Cal. June 22.

Dear Gospel Trumpet family. I feel that I must without farther delay, praise God in the great congregation of the Trumpet readers, for His continual ge..ness, and wonderful works to the children of men, and to us-ward, through your faith and prayers, and also through the reading of your publications. First, I wish to give God praise in telling you, that my husband’s cough left him all upon a sudden, within two weeks after I wrote you, requesting prayers in his behalf. “Praise belongeth to God!” Since that He has no cough whatever. He had been troubled with a dry hacking cough for 4 years, and we had expected him to have it all his days. O glory to God, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask or think!

Now the second cause for thanks-giving to God, (great cause, for I have many of them) is the fulfillment substantially — faith is the substance of things hoped for, etc. — of my hope is Jesus for a tabernacle. Glory to God in the highest! O dear ones help me praise my God and your God. On the 5th day of June, the mail brought me $50. from a dear brother in Oregon, dedicated to the above purpose, and work. All glory to God! We have negotiated for the tabernacle, a second hand one, nearly as good as new, all complete. And are now only waiting a call accompanied with the necessary traveling expenses, and we will order it shipped to that place. We shall also need a small tent to live in, which will cost about $10. more; for which we are trusting God also. Amen! The Bro. who donated the $50. is very sick, has been for many months. His dear wife writes us that God is hearing our prayers in his behalf, and he is some belter. Now we do earnestly request your prayers, that Father may immediately heal him. Amen!

My sister is, I believe, being thoroughly convinced by the reading of your publications, that those who are professing to be in this blessed evening light are the true children of God. O praise God! Cannot I call a feast, — spiritually — a praise meeting? Amen! and amen!!

Your sister.

Juliette C. B. Clayton.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, — Editor.

E. E. BYRUM, — Office Editor.

E. E. BYRUM and SMICHELS, — Publishers.


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BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.

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As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testamen’s, we have purchased a few New Testaments with the References in figures, directly under the verse refered to, which is very convenient. It also contains a key to the principles of pronunciation, and has a Dicitionary, and Gaze teer of 47 pages.

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(Embossed “ . . . . — $1.25.
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It commits 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larger than Songs of Victory. When sang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard of salvation.

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A conversation between Bro. Light and Bro. Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. This tract has been enlarged to 48 pages, and is now ready. All who love to spread the truth, send for them by the hundred.




(Per single copy . . . . . 2 cts.
( ” Doz . . . . . . . . . . 20, ”
(Hundred, . . . $1.50. “



Containing 36 pages, carefully written and showing the Divine origin, foundation, head, door, membership, organization, holiness, and unity of the Church, and the basis of unity. It also distinguishes between the True Church and all sects.

Price, per one book, . . . . . . . 10 cts.
“ per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 80 “
“ per hundred, . . . . . .$ 5,00.

There has been a long demand for such books. Now let all who love the truth send your orders by the hundred. We send all books, postage prepaid.

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Grand Junction, Mich.


A small tract of 32 pages, setting this subject before the people, in the clear light of the New Testament.

Price (Single copy, . . . . . . . . . . 05 cts.
(Per. dozen, . . . . . . . . . . 40 “
(Per. one hundred, . . 2.50 “



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(Per half Doz . . . . . . . . . 3.30
( ” Doz . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00

Address: — Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich.



A new Tract, By Wm. G. Schell,

Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture in a clear light, sowing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue.

PRICE (Single, copy ………… ………03cts.
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J. C. B. Clayton C. Koonce A, H. Kelley J. B. Polly Jno. O. Moore Henry Latshaw Brock Bugner Daoiel Smith Marion Morgan Nellie Tatman Amos Sigler B. F. Armintage S. E. Straslaugh D. J. Lytle C. F. Sheefel Alary A. Wolf Sigel Hunter H. V. DeRouse Thomas Kerr Clara Conner J. M. Stutzman Jennie I. Stow W. M Smith H. I. Easton Charles Duncan Ollie Dunfee S. Edge A. L. Byers Lydia Shank F. Moon E. Weiringa J. Ayers F. W. Conley B. Ahlerich L. Mc Daniel. D. Baldwin.


Camp and Grove Meeting



August 1—9. In a beautiful Grove on the farm of Bro. Samuel Grow, a short distance east of Deerfield, Ind.. And saints from all parts are invited to come and tent on the grounds. If you cannot tent, come any how, and you will be taken care of, in the name of the Lord. A good seated pavilion is on the ground. The nearest Station is Deerfield, one mile west on the Panhandle R. R.; Ridgeville, four miles west, on the Grand Rapids and Ind. R. R. And Union City, eight miles east on the Bee Line (C. C. C. & I,) R. R. All coming to Deerfield, notify Bro. Samuel Grow, Deerfield Ind. and those coming to Ridgeville, notify Bro. Noah Fowler, Deerfield, Ind. and those coming to Union City, notify Bro. Fletcher Byrum, New Pittsburg, Ind Persons from afar who have not the means to pay board will be freely fed. Come in the name of Jesus, all who love God, and all who would seek to know Him and His great salvation. We expect a good time in the Lord, all glory to His name. Amen. Any information desired concerning the meeting. Address:

H. C. Wickersham.

NewPittsburg, Ind.


Beaver Dam, Ind. Camp meeting.

THIS annual feast of tabernacles will begin August 12th. and continue until the 21st A glorious coming together of the fire-brands of the Lord is expected this year. Persons coming on the Lake Erie and Western, from the north or south, stop at Rochester, Ind., write Bro. David Leininger, Akron, Ind. Those coming from the east or west on the Nickle Plate, stop at Mentone, notify Bro. F. Krause, Beaver Dam, Ind. Those coming on the Chicago and Atlantic from east or west, stop at Akron, Ind. notify Bro. R. N. Gast. at Akron. Coming from the south on Cincinati and Wabash, stop at Silver Lake, notify Bro. S. M. Smith at Silver Lake, Ind. Coming from the north on that R. R., Stop at Claypool Notify Bro B. F. Bear at Burkett, Ind.



The Lord willing, will be held at Huntington, Ind. August 21—26. A pleasant grove has been procured at that place by Bro. Gardner, near his place, and close to the town of Huntington.


The time of this meeting unless changed will be August 26—Sept, 3. One half mile west of the residence of Bra Jacob Cross, 4 miles south of the Saginaw & St. Louis R. R. Those coming from the east will stop at Merrill, and from the west at Wheeler. All desiring to be met at the train write to Wallace Gould, stating the name of the station where they desire to be met.



The Lord willing, will be held near Sidney, Ohio, August 1—4. That place is on the D. & M. & the C. C. C. & I. R. R’s. Bro’s. Kilpatrick and Speck expect to be there.

Address Bro. Grant Ferree.

Sidney Ohio.



At Walnut Grove, Miss. beginning Aug. 1st. and continues as long as the Lord wills. Every body is invited. Let as many come with provision and bedding as can. Those from a distance will be cared for.

Watkinsville, Miss.

J. B. Ducksworth.


A Grove Meeting.

At Deer Greek, Carroll Co. Ind. The Lord willing, August, 22—24. Bro’s Palmer, & Speck.


Camp Meeting.

At Hedrick, Iowa the Lord willing, August 27—September 2. Bro’s Palmer and Speck.

Hedrick is located on the Central Iowa, Burlington and Western, and the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul railroads. Address.

Bro. C. Z. Lindley.

Hedrick, Iowa.


A Grove Meeting.

In Bro. Trip’s grove, in Cheshire Town ship, Allegan Co. Mich. The Lord willing, August 1—3. By Bro’s Michels, and J. Storrer.


Red Lyon, Pa. Camp Meeting.

Will be held on the old camp ground, near Rockland Station, which is on the Pittsburgh & Allegheny Valley, R. R Aug. 27—Sep. 4. Bro’s Kilpatrick & Schell, are expected to be there, and we trust others. Address Bro. Samuel Martz, Pittsville, Venango Co., Pa.


A Grove Melting.

Announced in last issue near Grover Hill Ohio, is changed to the same ground occupied last year. 3 miles east of Melrose, Paulding Co., Ohio, which is on the Nickle Plate, R. R. Time, Aug. 1-4. Bro. William Smith, and wife, and Bro. John Doherty all from the west, will be there, the Lord willing.

Address Bro David Smith.

Timberville, Paulding Co. Ohio.


A Grove Meeting.

Will be held, the Lord willing, near Springfield, Ohio. July 26—30, by Bro,s. Kilpatrick and Speck. Address Bro. J. Mc Farland.


A Meeting in Middlefield, Ohio. (Green Co.) the Lord willing, will be held by Bro’s Schell, and Howard, in a shady yard, July 17-27. Address sister Anna Tyler.


A Grove Melting.

Near New Hampshire Auglaize Oo. Ohio. Will be held; the Lord willing, July 17— 24. By Bro. Kilpatrick & Speck. Address A. Focht.


A Grove Meeting.

Near Tekonsha Calhoun Co. Mich. Will be held, the Lord willing, August 20—25. In Bro. Cook’s grove, five miles south west of Tekonsha. Calhoun Co. Tekonsha is on the Michigan Air line. Parties can also be brought from Ceresco, on the Michigan Central fine. Coming to either place, please notify Bro. C. H. Eldridge, at Tekonsha, Mich. We expect to be there and whom the Lord sends.


A Grove Meeting.

Will probably be held at Columbia City Ind. August 22—24. Bro’s Kilpatrick & Schell.


There will be a grove meeting the 18, 19, & 20th, of July on Bro Wm. Power’s farm about 3 miles N. E. of Decatur, Mich Those coming by way of M. C. R. R. come to Decatur. Those coming by way of T. & S. H. narrow gage, come to Lake Cora. Address Bro. Frank Simmons or Wm. Power’s Decatur, Mich.

A. B Palmer.

It is desired that B. E. Warren be in attendance.

A grove meeting is wanted one mile from New Castle Pa. Just before or after the Red Lyon C. M. So that brethren, holding that meeting could arrange to hold both. Prospects are reported favorable at New Castle; which is a large place. Brethren going Erst, arrange for this meeting, and send us the notice. Address Emma Kiefer New Castle Pa.



Will be held by Bro. B. E. Warren and ourself in mother Water’s grove, 5 miles south west of Lima, and six miles north west ..o Lagrange Ind. Let all the saints of the Lord come that can. The above places are on the Grand Rapids and Ind. R. R. Persons coming by R. R. Notify Bro. J. E. Williams.

Shipshewana, Ind.


This meeting will be held Sep. 4—11th on the fair ground near St James, where it was held last year. St James is on the St Louis and SanFrancisco R. R. one hundred miles south west of St Louis. There is a large pavillion on the ground that will sent and shelter several hundred people. The brethren write that they “will do all they can to accomodate those that come from a distance, but would advise all that can to bring tents and bedding. It is expected that there will be a boarding tent on the ground. Bro’s A. B. Palmer, and S. L. Speck are expected. And we invite all to come that can.” Amen!




Note the change in time of the Sidney O. meeting. From Aug. 28- to Aug. 1—4. Springfield O. meeting, corrected to July 26-30.

It will be seen by Sister Clayton’s thanks giving ottering, that she and husband are now about equiped for tabernacle work on the land of the Pacific coast. The Lord will doubtless soon have many doors open for them. Why not pitch the Lord’s tabernacle at San Diego Cal. Where Sister Anna E. Albright is wishing some of God,s holy messengers to come. We hope it may please God to send Bro. and Sister J. W. Byers to join them in tabernacle work on the coast. Bro and Sister Clayton’s address is, Arroyo Grande Cal.



We wrote a letter to a Bro. at Cedar Vale Kan. recommending that their meeting be defered until Sept. So as to come in line with other meetings West, and thereby obtain the desired help. Leaving home I left a notice of the change, with directions to insert the same if orders came from there to that effect. No such orders were received and yet by mistake the change was inserted. For which I am very sorry, fearing that it crippled the interest of the meeting


Sister Jennie Davidson of Olivet, wishes to thank the several kind brethren who responded to her appeal, in the Trumpet some time ago, for aid, to release her home of the mortgage upon it. She received in all up to time of writing, $7.45. She says: “for which I do feel very thankful, it done me much good. And I pray the good Lord will reward the dear ones for their kindness.”





GOD reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of His holiness.” — Psa. 47:8.

A wonderful fact! While is the color chosen by God to denote holiness, accordingly His saints, having come out of babylon are seen “arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the rightesouness of saints.” — Rev. 19:8. So also “I saw a great white throne.’ — etc. Rev. 20:11. That white throne, is the throne of His holiness.” All the same in essence whether in Heaven, the capitol of the universe, or in our heart. “God reigneth over the heathen, God sitteth on the throne of His holiness.” So where holiness is, there God reigns, for holiness is His very throne. He therefore that rejects holiness, refuses God’s right to reign in his heart, for Cod only rules where holiness prevails. He also that opposes holiness fights against the throne of God. It will hereby be seen that holiness is no secondary element in the Divine order but is the great central point in Jehovah’s kingdom, the very seat of the Almighty from which emanate all power, rule and authority. He who is filled and illuminated with holiness, is filled with the reign of God, and is one with the throne of Heaven. O wonderful and Glorious Truth! Praise God in the highest! Soon after the glorious experience of perfect holiness had flooded our heart, soul and body, we remarked in a meeting that we had found the pearl of great price, and that our all was eternally invested in the adorable cause of holiness, and that if it should fail, we were forever bankrupt. But behold! we have found in the Book of Heaven, that holiness is the throne of God, and can never fail while God the Eternal, and infinite reigns. O let us all try to extend the peaceful and merciful reign of God on earth, by promoting His own holiness in the hearts of the people. When Christ taught us to pray, “Thy kingdom come,” He really meant, Thy holiness come to the hearts of men. Amen!


“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” — Psa. 29:2.

“Praise the beauty of holiness.” — 2 Chro. 20:21.

“Thy people will be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.” — Psa. 110:3.

Many people look upon holiness as the old Jews did upon Christ. “As a root out of dry ground, and when they saw Him there was no beauty in Him, that they should desire Him.” Their eyes being evil they saw no comeliness in Him. So in the eyes of all who love sin, holiness has no charm. But God pronounces holiness an object of great beauty, and to the pure in heart, it is the richest jem of Heaven, and the fairest object on earth. David desired one thing of the Lord, that he might dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life, to behold the beauty of the Lord.” While all the attributes of God are precious, the holiness of God is exceedingly beautiful: and this glorious moral attribute is what the Psalmist wished to behold in the “courts of His holiness. God is clothed in the beauty and majesty of holiness, and because He wills that His saints should bear His heavenly image, He “beautifies the meek with salvation,” adorns them with dazzling robes of His own holiness. O how wonderful Thy loving kindness, and love to the children of men!

The above scriptures require us to worship God in the beauties of holiness. Jesus tells us that God seeks such to worship Him who worship in Spirit and in truth. That amounts to the same thing; for it is by the truth, and the Spirit of God that we are sanctified, and sanctification and holiness are all from the same word in original Scriptures. God accepts and loves worship and adoration that flow from a holy heart. Paul admonishes Timothy to “follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” — 2 Tim. 2:22. The stream of devotion that flows from such a heart is pure, unmixed with selfishness and well pleasing to God. The primary point then in the beauty of holiness is moral purity. Nothing is beautiful and pleasing to the eye that is begrimed with filth. The most beautiful picture, or the fairest face, loses its beauty when soiled and dirty. So whatever accomplishments a character may boast, the eye of God sees no beauty in if. while it is defiled with sin. That soul, that life, and that face alone deserves the honor of being called beautiful, that is adorned and illumined with the grace of holiness.

A second clement of the beauty of holiness, is that of consistency in the principles, character and life of the sanctified. A free may be ever so thrifty and green, if the limbs project on one side far more than on the opposite side, it lacks an essential element of beauty. It is not properly balanced. But when we see a tree in regular shape, and beautifully balanced upon its trunk, we exclaim, “what a beautiful tree.” Just so the man professing holiness, will never impress the mind of God or man with the quality of beauty, if in any respect he is lop-sided or inconsistent. If he is a Free Methodist and strives hard to make a good show of the Spirit, and yet is indifferent to much Divine truth and is sectish in his religion, he is perverted, distorted, one-sided, and lacks the real power and beauty of holiness, which not only fills with the fire of the Spirit, but also guides us into all truth, and leads us to keep the commandments of the Lord. Every sect on earth was born of, and is based upon a lop-sided inconsistent

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creed, which lays much stress upon a few points of truth, or traditions of men, and at the same time makes of non effect much of the Word of God. A sect that were plumb with the Word of God in every respect would not be a sect, but would be the real body of Christ, which is the only body sustained by the Word of God. But every sect is formed by making a central hub of something else besides Christ; but as holiness centers exclusively on Christ, and takes the whole realm of truth for its sphere, allowing the proper weight of importance to rest upon each element of the Christian system, no person can possess and exhibit the beauty of holiness while committed and conformed to any sect system on earth, for the reasons above stated, they are all partial, and unbalanced. Neither can a man possess find show forth the beauties of holiness, if he is ever so precise in his conformity to the Word of Cod, if he lacks the unction of the Divine Spirit Such may be compared to a tree that is very straight, and yet is dead, without foliage or fruit. It is destitute of any living beauty or benefit. A man or woman that is rigidly opposed to sects, and yet lacks the grace of kindness, and love, patience, meekness and gentleness, and in fact any of the precious graces of holiness, lacks the essential elements, and symmetrical beauty of holiness. Or in fact to be strenuous on any portion of Divine truth, to the neglect of other, throws the character out of balance and destroys its beauty. And the more ado is made over external duties in the adsence of real inward goodness and virue, such as the old Jews paying tithe of mint, and anise and cummin, and omitting the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith,” and “the love of God.” The more disgusting in the sight of God and man is such religion. Praise God! true holiness plumbs and fills out the character, in harmony with all the beauty of Christ’s Spirit, love, temper, life and obedience, and brings all our being into sweet harmony with its self and with God its author. This is the beauty of holiness in a human heart and life. For this reason holiness and sectism cannot go together. Every sect centers on something else besides Christ, omits much truth, and weaves into its creed many errors of men. A sanctified Christian centers wholly on Christ, hence cannot revolve around a sect axis, takes all truth, hence cannot cramp himself into a human creed, rejects all error, and human tradition, hence cannot be loyal to any sect government, which is a human and erroneous device. Holiness can only live and flourish in Christ, the whole Christ, and can but. die if cooped up in any human organism.

One more point in the beauty of holiness, is the fact, that it not only harmonizes and balances and renders consistent all the elements of our moral and religious character, as individuals, but collectively all thus sanctified are brought into sweet and perfect harmony. A professed holiness that leaves its devotees divided into rival sects and factions, with conflicting creeds, and faiths, and doctrines, is without beauty, and is not the holiness of the Bible, not the holiness of God. It has the repulsive jargon of confusion instead of the divine beauty of harmony. “Behold,” saith the Psalmist, “how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” The holiness of God, is the glory that Christ has given His Church, that they may, be one as He and the Father are one. — See John. 17:22. “For both He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” — Heb. 2:11. Praise God for this fire, and glory and beauty of holiness, that removes all sin and unrighteousness, plumbs balances, and renders symmetrical consistent the character and life, and brings into beautiful harmony of heart, faith, mind and deportment all who possess its inestimable gold. Amen!



We fact like calling upon all dear saints everywhere to help us praise the Lord for His great goodness, and kindness to us Truly His faithfulness reaches unto the clouds, and His mercy, endureth forever. The Lord has wonderfully helped us in answer to our cries unto Him. Quite a number of the beloved saints have been sending us help, by way of purchasing Poems, and donations for which our heart oversows with inexpressible gratitude to God and to them all. He supplieth all our needs through His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. One dear saint having loaned us $230. without interest until we can pay back by the sale of books. O may God reward all His beloved cheerful giving saints, that they may abundantly realize, that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

We wish also to humbly acknowledge our debt of thanks to some very kind saints who have recently sent in some donations to pay on Trumpet office debts. The dear Lord abundantly bless and reward them. O how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity, and serve the Lord with one heart and one shoulder. O what love fills our hearts toward all our dear brethren in Christ Jesus. Amen!




Bangor June, 28th, 1890.

Dear Saints: — God saves me just now, praise His holy name for His keeping power. Amen! Saturday May 24th, I left home on a short campaign for our blessed Master. On Saturday spent the day in company with Bro. J. A. Dillon, at the log house near Grand Junction: Monday 23th, arrived in Kalamazoo where we had a very precious meeting, at Bro. and sister Bollinger’s in the evening. Tuesday 25th, was met at Battle Creek by Bro. Daniel’s and conveyed, to the Bedford Grove Meeting which continued until the next Monday evening with good success in salvation work. Tuesday evening, June 3rd, had meeting at sister Worden’s house in Battle Creek. Wednesday and Thursday evening preached in the school house about 2 miles east of Olivet. Friday evening and Saturday and evening held meeting in a school house south of Bro. Chas. Coggon’s in Eaton Co. Sunday morning and evening June 8th. the Methodists kindly opened their house of worship, for us, in the same neighborhood. We verily believe that the way is paved for doing much good in that place in the future. Sunday night, took the train at Charlotte, arrived home Monday A. M. and Tuesday 10th, arrived on the old Camp-Ground two miles north of Bangor, where we had a glorious holy convocation for a week, much good was done at that meeting in the name of the holy Child Jesus. O praise the Lord I do love this “holy war.”

From your saved Bro. in Christ.

A. B. Palmer.


Massilon, Ohio. July 9 1890.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — We are still sweetly saved in Jesus. Praise His holy name! Our last report was from Fulton, Ill. Since their the Lord has been very gracious to us. We arived in Mich. in time, for the South Haven meeting which we enjoyed grandly, also the B. C. M. which seemed to us to be the grandest we ever attended, From there we came to Tekonsha Colhoun, Co. Mich. Stopped over Lord’s day with our dear Bro. Eldridge and were very much rejoiced to meet each other. We found that the enemy had drawn away some of the little ones through false doctrine, which made our hearts sad. From there we came to Canabry Hillsdale Co. Mich. stayed over night with sister Mary Winkler, she has a large store building not occupied which is open for the work of the Lord. We think it a good opening for some one to hold meeting who may be led of the Lord to go to Cambria Mill’s. From there we came on to our Bro. in the flesh as well as in the Spirit, who was waiting for our arrival. We held meeting there one week, three days in the grove not many attended being harvest time, fourth of July, and also the U. B. had a quarterly meeting one mile from the grove. There were several consecrated and were cleansed from all sin. One gloriously healed, two others cleansed from the appetite of tobacco, and its terible effect. The meeting was a grand one, the power of the Lord was great, many shouts went up in honor of King Jesus! Hallelujah! and the little church greatly strengthened. There we met-dear Bro. and sister Thayer of Mo. near Carthage who are gloriously saved also dear Bro. Plough from Elyria who God wonderfully restored and healed. Praise the Lord! We came from there with our dear Bro Mendenhall to his home in Massilon O. met at dear Bro. and sister Stouffer’s house, and taught the Word. Tuesday baptized three, Bro. Mendenhall, Bro. ond sister Stauffer. The Lord witnessing by the baptism of the Holy Spirit which made them to shout the high praises of God. A dear sister who had once enjoyed the grace of God in cleansing from all sin, lost it by being connected with babylon; sees the pure light of God and doubtless will walk in it. Our prayer is that the Lord may make the dear ones a flaming fire in this place.

From your Bro.

Wm. N. & S. J. Smith.


Berrien Springs, Mich. July 2 ,90.

Dearly Beloved Saints Greeting: — July 1st, was a glorious feast to out souls after baptizing 2 dear souls in the clear water of the St Joseph river, we came to the house of sister Frisbee for prayer meeting, where the Lord wonderfully enabled us to send forth the Gospel of our Lord. Three souls found pardon from all sin. Adopted into the family of God. The next morning with dear Bro. Reed we visited the jail, where our hearts were made sad to see so many behind the bars. We left them some tracts. God bless them.

Your humble Bro. and sister.

J. A. & A. J. Dillon.


Liberty Mills, Ind. July 8 1890.

Dear Saints: — The meeting east of Huntington begin June 10th, in Union meeting house, and lasted till the 29th, Closing with victory for God. The people give attention to the truth from first to last, and good order in general. The truth was planted in many hearts, who acknowledged the same. Though many were melted into tears heavily moved upon with conviction, they did not then yield. We hope they will yet give their hearts to God, and be saved. A W. M. preacher and a local preacher were present one Sabbath and heartily endorsed the truth. There were about eight or ten consecrations during the meeting including both Gospel experiences of justification and sanctification. There were several applications for healing, who also recieved the witness that the work was done. Among the number who received healing by faith, was a sister, who had a glowing tumor for a long time. Six were buried with Christ in baptism by dear Bro. Gardner. The glory of God filled their souls, in that act of obedience. In the evening. We met and celebrated the ordinance of feet washing and Lord’s sapper. The next day we started for this place, and began meeting in the evening of July 1st, in this village. Conviction is settling down and God is blessing His Word to their hearts. Pray for us.

Your sanctified Bro. and sister.

F. N. & S. A. Jacobson.


Cochran’s Mills, Pa. June 6 1860.

Dear Saints: — I have the victory in my soul over the world the flesh and the devil. Wife and I left home the twentieth of March, and held meeting with the saints at Kittanning. Three converted, one sanctified, two baptized. May the others press into the standing grace. God help them to keep up regular meetings in the name of the Lord. From here we went to Bro. Sheltons. There was one consecration, and one baptized. The saints came from Blanco, and we had a very precious ordinance meeting. O it is true: “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. We went from there to Blanco, where there was much opposition to the truth, and they stoned the house but God gave us the victory and quieted them down; three souls were converted. From there we came to the Shelhammer neighborhood where three of the dear saints followed the Saviour in baptism.

Your Bro. in the one Body kept by the power of God.

M. P. & C. W. Koonce.


Mahaska, Kan.

Meeting closed at Huron with glorious victory on the Lord’s side. A few souls were made free, sanctified wholly. Some who professed to be sanctified, under the straight Gospel of God found they were void of the experience, but were honest enough to get down and consecrate, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. Some who had enjoyed the fulness found they had lost it, when seeing their lack came to God and were wonderfully blessed. Hallelujah! We had a glorious ordinance meeting the last night God was with us in mighty power. 3 were buried with christ in baptism. Many honest hearts were won by the truth to be warm friends to the saints. O hallelujah! We came on our way to this place a distance of about 150 miles, put up the tabernacle and commenced meeting in the name of Jesus. We find a few honest souls here who are hungry for the truth. In testimony to day, 5 manifested the desire to be wholly sanctified. We ask all the saints to pray mightily for us and the meeting.

We remain your humble brethren in the Lord.

Haner & Willis.


On Friday, June 20th, Bro’s Stover Warren, and ourself went to Ganges, Allegan Go. where Bro. Sharpnack had a meeting appointed in a baptist meeting house. We held till over the 23rd. A few souls were saved. The cause of Christ is prospering well in that country.

June 26 we went to the Diamond Springs Grove-meeting. Here as in all places the dear Lord met with us and blessed our souls, and blessed His Word to the good of many. Some dear prodigals were restored to their Father’s house, and there was great joy in Heaven, and on earth. Others reached the final — we hope eternal — death of self, and were sanctified wholly. The meeting was a glorious victory. July 1st and 2nd, we preached at the Marble School House in Chershire.

July 3, returned in the forenoon to Diamond Springs, and at 2, pm. our souls were richly blessed of God, while witnessing 4 dear saints burial with Christ in baptism. That night Bro. and sister Ellwood conveyed us about 17 miles to the dear saints near Jamestown, Ottawa Co. Here we found all things ready for the grove meeting in a very beautiful woods on the place of Bro. McDuffie. It would he one of the most delightful places for a camp-meeting. We began the meeting on the 4th of July, and with great joy in our hearts and much thanks-giving to God, we celebrated our glorious independence over all sin, the flesh, the world, and the devil, through Jesus Christ who hath made us free indeed. Praise His holy name! But the most delightful anniversary was on the 6th of July, when we called upon all saints, and everything that hath breath, to join with us in offering praises to God for the glorious grace of entire sanctification, which had destroyed all the works of the devil out of us just 14 years ago that day. O hallelujah to God and the Lamb! What wonders have crowded into those 14 years in the land of Beulah! What unthought of grace and glory have blessed all its days! “By great and terrible things hast. Thou answered me.” O God Thou hast done all things well, Thou hast made all things work together for good to us, blessed be thy holy name. Though it is very “tempestuous round about thee. And in thy holy bosom we have sat and sang the joyful days around and enjoyed an undisturbed tranquility. We have looked out from our eternal reffuge upon the restless billowy sea of human life and behold the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing. Yea the kings of the earth have stood up against the Lord: even against, the king of glory, and all His anointed host. But thou hast laughed at their foolish rage, and defeated all the wicked gates of hell; and we have been kept by thy power and majesty, without the fear of harm. O God! one thing have we desired of thee and that will we seek after, that we may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of our life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in thy temple.” “Stregnth and beauty are in thy sanctuary,” and peace forever more. O God! where shall we cease thy praises. We bless thee this day that thou hast kept us from all the snares of the devil. Mid the fall of babylon, and the fomentations of doctrines of devils, that have arisen in every possible form; like smoke from the pit of hell, thou hast kept us clear in our soul from all the crooded ways of perdition. O what awful things these 14 years have witnessed. The powers of the heavens have been shaken, and the stars of heaven; the great lights of the world, have fallen and gone out, and their light has become darkness. And O Lord! how great is their darkness. O gracious Redeemer! what shall we render unto thee for thy great mercy in keeping us amidst the great revolution of thought, the fall and conflagration of old structures, and new systems that have arts, en like scum from the boiling pot of God’s wrath, and disappeared like the smoke of a furnace. Yea and amid the downfall of so many who were great and mighty in the earth when we were merged from the shades of the wilderness 14 years ago. Where are they? all phrases have become hushed. Their association have been droped from the hand of God, and have about died out, and their glory have departed before the unfolding of the wonderful evening light. God was with them once in associations and they were fools enough to think if they remained there He would remain there too. But “onward moves the Great Eternal,” leaving their empty associaton and sect holiness, but a mere pile of cast off rags, and confused rubbish; for which God has no use, and which are a stench in His nostrils. Glory glory be to our God! the great God of salvation and victory, of wisdom, of might and dominion!

The Jamestown meeting was very precious to our soul. A few dear ones consecrated to God, and were sanctified wholly, and a few restored. All of our souls were refreshed together. God has raised up a precious Church here, chiefly through the labors of dear Bros. Wooden and Butler. O how richly we enjoyed their fellowship. God bless this little company of holy ones in Christ Jesus. We doubt not that His hand is laid upon some of that company to devote their time to His great work of pulling souls out of the fire. O that He may use them to His glory.

Bro. Stover went from here to join Bro. Michels at Otsego, and we returned home, and on Saturday July 12th we also went over to that place. We found God there at work. Though rather slowly, there was a gradual and steady triumph on the side of the truth. A few souls had found the Lord, and many were coming to the light and receiving the truth. We enjoyed talking to the people very much. Returned home July 14th and expect to join in the work there again in a few days, let all saints way for us. Amen!



Dear Readers — I earnestly desire the prayers of God’s people for the healing of my bod, yand for the second work of grace.

Adelbert Bixler.

Gardner, Ill.



Melrose, Ohio.

MARY Lucas died June 8 1890. Aged 73 years 6 months and 17 days. Mother Lucas was saved several years ago and lived a devoted Christian life until she fell asleep. She bore her last afflictions with patience, praising God through all, and expressing her desire to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Her last words were, “Hallelujah to God!” and requested that notice of her death be given in Gospel Trumpet. Funeral services by the writer.

Wm. L. Kilpatrick.


Lizzie, daughter of Hugh and Eliza Nickelson was plucked from earth as a little bud, by the gentle hand of God, June 14 1890. Age 1 year 10 month, and 15 days. The little lamb was very much beloved by the entire family, and all the friends truly she was a sweet little bud, and we are glad that they could say, “the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

She has gone to live with Jesus
With Him forever more
And with the little angels
Will sing the heavenly chor.
Come father oh come mother,
Come sister oh come brother
Join in the heavenly song
For you I am waiting and the time will [not be long.

Funeral service by the writer.

A. M. Dick.


PHOEBE Slaten closed her long piligrmage of 85 years 9 months and 23 days, July 7 1890. Her late residence I believe was Danville, Mich. She was stopping a few weeks with her niece, Laura Harris, 2 miles north of Bangor, at which place it pleased the Lord to take her from the cares of this world. She was born in York state. At the age of 18 she was converted to God and also sanctified wholly, and has maintained the life of holiness unto the Lord ever since. She was always a great lover of the distinstive doctrine of holiness, as a second work of grace. She say’s at that time Wesleyans taught it clearly but long since have lost the Spirit of holiness. Through her nephew and niece Bro. and sister Michels, she became acquainted with the present reformation, and rejoiced to see the good work of God.

She and her husband lived at the site of the present city of Jackson when its first store was opened.

Her trust was firmly fixed in God, and on every enquiry she could say that she was fully prepared to depart, and be with the Lord. She passed away in great peace and tranquility; without a pain or struggle. She never had any children, and her husband has gone on before.

Funeral services at the house of Bro. and Sister Harris by the writer.

D. S. Warner.

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WHAT caused that letter to be written? And what does it teach?

St. Paul preached some 18 months at Corinth, and God blessed his labors in the conversion of souls, and established his Church there. But bad reports, (chapter 11:1) reached him that partyism was brewing there and destroying the peace of the church, that corruption as a result, disgraced the very cause of Christ. See 1st and 3 chapters. As a spiritual Father he wrote this epistle to save the Church. In it we find the following divine principles, which should be heeded by Christians now as well as the Corinthians.

1st. In preaching, we should not try to make any display of our abilities, but only exalt Christ. Chapter 2.

A preacher should aim to teach only Christ. Should consider himself an agent of Christ, responsible only to Him. Chap. 4.

3. Christians should not idolize preachers, but look upon them as embassadors of Christ, and thank the Lord for His true ministers, and only esteem them in love for their work’s sake. 3 chapter.

5. Where the spirit of schism prevails, the Spirit of Christ is driven out, and sects are dead bodies, a dead weight on Christ’s cause.

Christ’s Church is a spiritual body, tempered together, or organized by the Holy Spirit — chapter 12.

7. All Christians, or all saved men and women, are members of Christ’s Church, united by the Spirit of God, and controled by love.

8. Not form or ceremony, but salvation from sin, and consecration to God make a Christian. — 10:31.

9. The ordinances that Christ instituted, we learn, the Apostle, also received from the Lord, and delivered the same unto the Church, and commanded them to observe them just as he had delivered them unto them to keep and observe.

10. Perfection consists in perfect holiness, and perfect love. 3:16, 17, and 13 chapter.

11. The natural and Spiritual body, and the grace of God even now shouts the victory over death and the grave, through eternal life already abiding in us. 15. Chap.

12. Collections were to be made, by each member depositing as the Lord had prospered him, on the first day of the week, as they assembled regularly for worship on that day—16 Chap.

The present state of christendom is much that of the Corinthians, only worse.

1. The confused mass of sectarians are also divided; have not only the schismatic spirit as they had, but have actually organized separate rival divisions in every place.

2 Asa result of sectism, pride, sin, selfishness, and corruption, reign in their midst, and not love.

3. The pulpits are a debating form, or a stand from which the latest news may be learned, where the spirit of the world is lifted up, and not Christ.

4. Mammon and vain applause is the source of inspiration, and not the Spirit of God.

5. But Christ is gathering again His spiritual body, by causing His spiritual followers to separate themselves from the babel confusion, and come into the unity of the faith once delivered to the saints. Amen! Your humble saved and sanctified brother.

J. Storrer.




THE Christian always finds it an easy thing to walk with Jesus. Even in the darkest hours of trials and trouble, He is precious to the soul of all who trust Him. Although with many, when these great trials of sorrow and grief comes, their eyes seem to be “holden” and do not realize that Jesus is so near them, even communing with them, as was the case with two of the diciples while on their way to Emmaus. Luke 24:13. They were passing through a great trial; the one in whom they had so faithfully put their trust was taken from their midst and crucified. But as they walked along with heavy hearts, behold, Jesus came and walked with them, and communed with them. “But their eyes were holden that they should not know Him.” Soon afterwards they were made to realize that it was Jesus who walked with them, and they said: ‘‘Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” Oh how precious to walk with Jesus! He cheers our hearts, directs our way, and guides our steps that we go not astray. We walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, and He will not permit us to walk in darkness as long as we trust Him and do His will, for he is a lamp to our feet, and we can truly say as did the Psalmist: “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me.” Then if we desire our hearts to burn with the love of Jesus, and have His peace in our soul as a flowing river all the time, we must “walk even as He walked. We must be free from sin and live a holy life or He will not abide with us, because He will not dwell in ns if we are tainted with sin and are following after the allurements of this world. Through his blood the vilest sinner can be made pure; the broken-hearted and distressed made to rejoice, and whosoever will may come and be made whole in the fountain of His love.

E. E. Byrum.




Norwood, Mo.

Dear Saints: — I feel led of the Lord to write my experience. I have been trying to serve the Lord about 5 years, and found it a very difficult matter to serve Him as I desired. Seven months ago, when I found I had not gone on to perfection, then I was willing to accept the Word and consecrate my all to the Lord. I am sweetly saved and sanctified, kept by the power of God. Praise His holy name!

Pray for me. Your brother in the Lord.

W. J. Gosyener.


Hazzard. Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led of the Spirit to write my testimony of God’s goodness to me. To-day finds me sweetly saved in Jesus with the joy in my soul, and standing straight for God. About one year ago the Lord pardoned my sins and sanctified me, and keeps me by his mighty power. O I do praise His holy name for the way He has led me and for the light receive from His Word each day.

Pray for me.

John Lean.


Kenesaw, Neb.

Dear Saints and Readers of the Trumpet: — Having light I am moved to let it shine. I was converted at the age of 31, was a member of the M. E. sect 20 years. Sometimes on the line of faith and duty, sometimes not. Last Fob. Bro’s. Haner and Willis were directed of the Lord to hold a meeting here, and as I was passing by the place where they were preaching, I stopped and listened awhile, and finally went in the house and became so interested that I determined to hear them again, and as they preached it seemed as if the windows of heaven were opened, found I was not sanctified, and I thank the Lord that I was led of the spirit to offer my gift upon the altar, and was sanctified. Praise the Lord! There has been a stream of living water, peace and joy flowing through my soul ever since.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

M. Young.


Bunker hill, Ill.

Dear Saints: — We do praise God for His wonderful grace abounding in our souls, and for the cleansing blood. God is helping us to stand firm. We are still contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. We expect to stand and wave the flood stained banner for Jesus.

Pray for us.

Maria & David Comer.


Cochrans Mill’s, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise God this morning to know for myself that I am saved, sanctified and satisfied just now and kept by the mighty power of God each day of my life free from all sin. I do praise God for the deep peace I do enjoy in my soul this very moment. His ways are my ways, and His will my will, of a truth His ways are ways of pleasantness, and all His paths are peace. Let us all who enjoy this wonderful Salvation be true and not bring our dear Savior to an open shame by doing any thing that God’s Word forbids. From your humble sister saved and sanctified, tried and kept. Amen!

Mary I. Shellhamer.

Asheville, N. C. Dear Saints: — I feel led by my blessed Savior to write my testimony for the first time in my life. I have been a member of a denomination for six years and the greatest portion of the time deluded by satan, but praise the Lord it pleased him for me to visit my brother last fall, in Kansas, who was saved by the power of God, and he was an instrument in the hands of God in showing me how I was deluded and it was then that God for Christ’s sake pardoned me for my disobedience. Since that time I have obeyed His commands, and to-night I am praising God for a fall, free and complete salvation that keeps me from all sin. I had my name eraced from sectish creeds, and praise God it is within the Lambs book of life. I have been a slave to the use of tobacco for many years, and blessed be His holy name He has saved me from the use of tobacco, and the sale of it also. Oh it is wonderful what God will do for us when we will obey Him. We find in 1 John 1:6, 7. “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth: “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with an other, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” I know that I have passed from death unto life because I love the brethren. Hallelujah to the Lamb that was slain, but liveth again to intercede for me!

Brother R. I. Grant is with me, and we are praying that the Lord will send a holiness preacher, who will proclaim the Gospel in its purity. For it does seem to me if there is any place in the enlightened land the pure Gospel is needed worst, it is in the city of Ashville, and the surrounding country. I am praying constantly that the pure and undefiled truth will take the place of pride and formality. The devil tries very hard to over come me by his cunning devices, but we have the promise that we shall not be tempted above that we are able to bare, but with every temptation, there shall be a way made for our escape. Dear saints I ask the prayers of you all that I may hold out faithful to the end, and that my wife may be made to walk in the true light.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

R. Z. Sorrels.


Olivet, Mich.

Dear Saints: — I feel led of the Lord to give a little of my experience in regard to salvation.

When I was 14 years of age, I gave my heart to Jesus, and realized a great change in my life and was very happy for a long time. Afterwards, being associated with worldly people I began to conform to the world in dress and actions, and was led astray, until finally I met sister Hattes, who talked to me about this wonderful salvation, and what the Lord had done for her. She often came to talk to me, and I even hated to see her come, for I disliked all the saints of God, but the Lord knew what she was doing, for she would preach to me and my companion, and pray with us before leaving, and ask me to give my heart to Jesus. Finally the Lord so convicted me that I could stand it no longer, and I made an excuse to her that I wanted some Trumpets for a sick sister of mine, that she might read them and see the light and get healed. But she told me I had better get my own soul saved, before I tried to save others. There I was with my stylish dress and worldly conformity, but I felt there was a better way for me to live. I had my companion get me a Bible as we had none in the house, and I commenced reading the Word and earnstly pleading with God, and it was but a short time until He showed me that I must not wear my stylish clothes and unnecessary things in dress, etc. but must measure up to the Bible standard in all things. When I became willing to do this and confess ray sins to God, it was not long until I had the witness that I was saved Praise the Lord! I am still saved and sweetly resting in Jesus, patiently awaiting His coming. My compainon was also saved. Pray for me that I prove faithful and true to God.

Your sister.

Jennie Davidson.


Turkey City, Pa.

Dear Saints: — God bless you all and keep you walking in the light of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do praise God that He ever sent His true ministers to this place to preach the true Gospel of our Lord Savior, Jesus Christ. Oh praise His name for an ever lasting and full salvation, justified and sanctified in Him through His all atoning blood which was shed for us, and for all who will or may apply it to the heart. We are still saved and walking in the light. We have prayer meeting twice a week and do love to praise the dear Lord, there are but a few saints at this place, and they are always found at the place of worship, bearing the cross of our dear Lord. No matter how bad the wether may be, they always go in the name of the Lord. We are free from all sects, and walking in the Spirit.

Your Bro. and sister in the Lord.

S. B. & Amanda Heeter.


Worthing, S. Dak , June 23. ’90.

Dear Saints: — My testimony to-day is, I am saved and sanctified, yes, I am redeemed, and so happy in Jesus, my rapture no language can tell; I know that the light of His presence, within me doth continually dwell. It rejoices my heart to read the testimonies, of the dear brothers and sisters of the Gospel Trumpet, for I know by my own experience, that those testimonies are true. “Once I was blind, but now I can see.” I was converted when I was but fourteen years old, and united with the congregational church at that time, and I remained a member of that church for thirty eight years, and was so blind, that I always thought I had been baptized, because I was sprinkled when I was seven years old. But when the Lord sanctified me, almost two years ago, I thought then for the first time in my life. I had never been baptized. I prayed earnestly to the Lord to show me my duty, and He made the path of duty plain before me, and I found no rest day nor night, till I went down into the Sioux river, at Canton Dakota, and was buried with Christ in baptism. Oh! my dear brothers and sisters, when a member of the Congregational church said to me, “I would not go to the holiness meetings if I were you, for the Congregationalist do not believe in HOLINESS, and they do not believe in IMMERSION.” I said, then I am not a congregationalist. For the Bible says, “Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” — Heb. 12:14. I got a letter of dismission from the sect, and I thank God to-day, that I have fellowship with a church, that has a sanctified ministry and a sanctified people. “We are a happy little band, hallelujah! Oh! my dear brothers and sisters, I would not give up this sanctification for all the world.

“Thank God for a period salvation,
That makes me to-day what I am,
A sanctified child of His mercy,
Redeem’d by the blood of the Lamb.”

Your sister in Christ.

Angie A. H. Kelley.


Dover Hill. Ind

Dear Trumpet Readers: — my testimony is, I am saved from all sin walking in all the light that I have, fully consecrated to do the blessed will of the Lord, while I live upon earth. As this Sabbath day is observed as the day that our Lord Jesus Christ, arose from the sepulchre; my mind runs out over this broad land of ours to the many places where the people meet to worship, and wonder how many truly feel that this day they have a risen Savior in their hearts. Dear brothers and sisters I know that I have a risen Savior, and that He is able to keep me free from all sin, low down at His feet doing His blessed commandments, and walking before Him blameless, ready for His coming. Pray for the saints at this place that we may keep in the order of the Lord. Your Bro. in the love of Christ.

S. A. Sharum.


Sweetzer Ind.

Dear Saints: — I do praise the Lord for His wonderful works unto the children of men. The Lord can save a poor sinner low down in sin and can purify and make whiter than snow. Oh praise the Lord! He saved me about three years ago, and has kept me ever since. Praise the Lord for His blessed keeping power! and I can fully realize the blessed Word of God where it says in Matt. 6:33. But “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” O praise the Lord for full and complete salvation. Well the Lord fully saves and sanctifies my soul. Oh the Lord is good, come and see; for He says in His Word taste and see that the Lord is good. I am so glad that I am saved. Your sister in Christ.

Ella Pragg.

Meriden, Kan.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I am saved and kept by the mighty power of God. O praise His name forever for this wonderful salvation. I have this joy and peace in my soul that the world cannot give nor take away. His will is my will, and whatever comes up, whether for or against me, I can say, praise the Lord, for all things work together for good to them that love the Lord.

During my visit with my children and parents a short time ago, 3 of my children were saved for which I praise the Lord. I left my father and mother in a justified state. Pray for them that they may receive the fulness of his love.

It is wonderful to think of the blessed promises given in the Word of God. For we are justified and sanctified by faith, if we meet the conditions required in the Word. We stand by faith, and walk by faith, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. When He appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. I am in the Church of the First-born where our names are written in heaven. Your sister in Christ.

Nancy Taylor.


Poplar Bluff, Mo.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I feel led to write my testimony for the glory of God. I am praising the Lord for full salvation. We have been working for the Lord, and He is giving us victory in preaching the Word, and is giving us souls for our hire. About 13 dear souls have been saved and were baptized.

Pray for us.

A. E. Lewis.


Meriden, Kan.

Dear Saints Greeting: — My soul is full of praises to God that I am numbered with you in God’s family, and 1 realize that our love for one another is much stronger than the natural love for our loved ones. Oh I do praise God that when our own family turn against us, that He provides a wonderful substitute in the divine family where there is love, harmony and oneness in its fullness. I trust my all in the Father’s hands, and know “He doeth all things well” and again I would praise Him for His wonderful goodness to me. May He bless and keep you all faithful unto the end.

In the love of Jesus.

Jennie C. Rutty.


Nevada, Mo.

To all the Saints Greeting: — The entrance of His Word giveth light, I see light from the Son of God. I am saved and sanctified in and through the blood of Jesus.

R. F. Rapp.


Dime, Pa,

Dear Brethren: — May the love and peace of God which passeth all understanding abide with you all. My testimony is, that I am saved from all sin, sanctified, and kept by the mighty power or God without sin unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Oh glory to Jesus! I have positive evidence in my soul that the blood of Jesus Christ, my dear Savior cleanseth me just now from all sin.

Your humble sanctified sister, under Calvary’s cleansing fountain, that was opened for sin and all uncleanness: Amen

Lydia Shellhammer


Kittaning Pa.

Dear Saints of God: — Grace, mercy and truth be multiplied unto you. I do praise God for His peace that passeth all understanding. God’s Word says. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.” Praise God! I know the blood of Jesus cleanseth my soul just now, and sanctifies me by a second work of grace. I do want to do God’s holy will in all things, and live for Him, who has died to save my soul.

From your sister in the Lord.

Emily Dunmire.

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Galesburg, Kans.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I do praise God that He picked me up out of the road of destruction and placed my feet upon the Rock Christ Jesus. Oh how I do praise God for this blessed evening light. All though I am only 12 years old, but I praise God that I love the witness of His Spirit I am His child. Let come what will by the grace of God I ever intend to stand on the Bible line and meet you all in heaven. I want all the dear saints to pray for me that I may stand faithful.

Emma Hodgden.

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