19 March 1896, Volume 16, Number 12.



Faith is a foundation on which we may rear
A tower to heaven, bright, crystally clear;
’Tis laid in repentance, its author is God,
’Twill stand as eternal and firm as His word.

By it and His fiat the heavens were made.
The earth in its order and motion is stayed:
The sea and the land in their limits must stay,
The darkness of night and the sunshine of day.

All living below it doth constantly keep.
And also the dead in their prison house sleep:
The devils in hell move at its command.
All heaven responds to its earnest demand.

O faith, gift of heaven, bestowed upon men!
A telephone cable by which we may send
Our earnest petitions to Father above,
And likewise receive a return of His love.

Faith always will conquer, it knows no defeat;
It ever advances, ’twill never retreat;
Unyielding in battle, each foe it commands
With songs all victorious, eternal it stands.

Before it, in glory bright Canaan is lain:
Behind it a burning and desolate plane;
Beneath it is infinite truth, and above,
The measureless dome of God’s wonderful love.

It soars above trial, temptation and storm,
Sees darkness retreating by sunshine of morn,
Drinks pleasures refreshing from life’s bitter gall,
Beholding with glory the Lord in it all.

It ever rejoiceth, ‘twill never complain
In trial or pleasure; in sunshine or rain;
With patient endurance it welcomes the rod.
And meekly submits to the will o.. its God.

Each promise divine is embraced in its arm,
With never a waver, it knows no alarm;
As up to the throne each petition we bear,
Through exercised faith we’ve an answer to prayer.

W J. Henry


Confessing Sins.


THE word of God says, “If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 Jno. 1:9. “Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God for he will abundantly pardon.” Here we see it is the Lord who does the forgiving and sends the pardoning power, upon conditions that sinners confess their sins to him and forsake them and believe and obey his word.

Many fail to get an experience because they are not willing to forsake their sins; are trying to cover up something; have a hatred in their hearts against some one; but a clean sweep must be made of everything in perfect submission to the will of God, then the Lord will give his grace and glory. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper” They must be confessed to the Lord and be forgiven, for nothing can be hidden from the all-searching eye of God, and he will bring to light the hidden things of darkness. If there are wrongs to make right with some one else, it must be done according to his word and often the party who has been wronged must be gone to and a confession made of the wrong. If it is impossible to do this then the Lord will accept the willing heart, and take the will for the deed and will forgive all. Then such a one will be where they can move out on the word of God in the ways of salvation and into the blessings of God.

But as God flashes the light of his blessed word upon the pathway of his people many things are brought to light and to their view that before were unseen, or not fully realized, and as many are awakened that the work of the Lord is on the onward move, and that we must be moving be left behind, they are often astonished to find that as the light has been flashed upon their pathway they are so far in the rear as to be almost if not totally out of the ranks, and that God has moved on and left them behind.

It is a dangerous thing to become lukewarm in our experience, because the Word teaches we will be spewed out of his mouth, and a woe is pronounced upon them that are at ease in Zion. And we find that if we do not walk in the light we will be left in darkness. Just at the present time people are becoming greatly awakened and stirred because of the forward move, which the Lord himself has ordered, and those who measure to the Word can have and enjoy the full blessings and freedom. Those who lag behind will go into darkness; those who reject the light and truth will also go into darkness. And now the devil does not care whether people fail to get up to the standard of the Bible, or whether they step beyond the line and go too far. Just as sure as we undertake to measure everybody by our own experience regardless of what the Word says, it is sure to run into fanaticism; it leads to the broadway instead of in the narrow way. If we undertake to take the letter of the Word without the Spirit we fail and come short of the glory of God and miss the mark of the high calling.

But the command comes to us, “Walk in the light,” and so many who have been useful in the hands of the Lord, and who really have an experience of salvation find there are hindrances in their way of making much spiritual progress. These must be searched out. Again there are others who have had a good experience in the past and have failed to walk in all the light received, or something in some way has come between them and the Lord until when awakened to their condition they find only an empty profession. Now comes the question, what is to be done?


We find there are a great many when it comes to taking a step forward are troubled in regard to just what to do and how to do it, whether they must lay down their profess on, deny what the Lord has done for them and start anew, confessing all their past sins, which the Lord has forgiven, or what course to take, causes them much uneasiness. Now the matter is easily settled if we take the Bible line for it. We read in his word that when the sinner meets the conditions laid down therein that the Lord forgives all his sins and remembers them against him no more forever, then the command of the Lord is to walk in the light as he is in the light, and he says if we do this we will have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. When this is done and continued we are always on a forward move, and when God orders a special move we are ready for it, and the one who has done this has nothing to dig up and confess in order to get right because he is continually walking in the light, although as he goes along the Lord may bring many things to his mind that are to be squared to the Word, and perhaps in his past life to be made right, as when such a person was saved they could not think of everything that was done in their former life, but put them all together, all they knew and all they did not know, and consecrated to do the whole will of God, and when anything in the future comes up, then with such a one that is counted in the consecration, and if it is anything brought to the mind that needs straightening up it is immediately attended to.

But take another case, some one who feels the need of a forward move and there seems to be something in the way. The person desiring to move forward feels he is saved but yet there is something holding him back from a real forward move as he would like. Now if that one can come to the Lord and in earnest suplication to him find out where the trouble lies and get his soul stirred enough to grasp the promises of God to have the hindrance removed, it can be settled with him and God alone. If not then it is necessary to have one or more of God’s children to join their faith in grasping the same.

But suppose some one feels such a lack and cannot fully realize the cause of it, then it is necessary for those whom God uses as instruments to help them out to make special inquiries into their case. If it cannot at once be discerned by any of them, then the digging process must begin. If the real cause can be dug out at once and confessed it will be unnecessary to bring up the past sins which the Lord has long ago forgiven. But suppose the matter is not discovered at once. Suppose in the case there is something smuggled away, or perhaps covered up, and the party is not willing to have it brought to light, and if God does not see fit to at once show others just where the trouble lies, although he may show them that there is something more, then the digging and uncovering will have to go on until the proper thing is confessed if it takes a confession of all the principal dark deeds of the past to those whom God is using to search out the case.

It is the nature of sin to lead people into the ways of darkness and degradation, and no one who is living in sin is awakened to his condition and comes to the Lord but finds himself a wretched sinner, not worthy the abundant mercies and grace of God, but the Lord came to save the lost. And now concerning the confession of past sins which have been committed and forgiven by the Lord our hearts should be an open book before the Lord and his people. By this we do not mean that we are to publish our dark deed; constantly everywhere, but that we should try to cover nothing, but be subject to the will of God. People can get under bondage to confessing, and fail to obey God in two ways. One is to hold back a part of the price and refuse to confess what God holds them to confess; then there are others who are always ready to confess anything and everything, and even go to trying to find something more to confess to the disgrace of themselves and the cause of Christ.


As to public confessions God sometimes requires that, and a clean sweep of it, but there must be wisdom used in this as in other things; and Solomon says, “Wisdom is the principal thing.” Sometimes when a confession is to be made the devil whispers, Keep quiet; you will disgrace yourself. But it is no disgrace to do what the Lord requires, and if a person had been hypocritical, doing open deeds, or been living contrary to the word of God, and the people all know it, God often requires such to make public confession, sometimes in the most plain terms, yet it must be seasoned with grace, and done for the glory of God. The Word teaches that what we do is to be done to the glory of God. When one speaks in a meeting publicly it is for the edification of the body the church. If no one would be edified in a confession it would be out of God’s order to make it. In such a case God is the one with whom to settle such matters, but where the church or others are edified by way of instructions or through the direction of God’s Spirit he gets the glory.

But it sometimes happens that one or two will get up and confess to the glory of God and bring to light hidden things of darkness for the benefit of themselves and others, then the devil moves on one or a half dozen more to get up and confess on similar lines to the disgust of everybody and to the disgrace of the cause of Christ. May God help the people to get their wisdom from above on such lines. As to confessing to one another, if it can be done for spiritual help it is all right; but if a confession is made just because it is required of some one when it neither helps the party who confesses nor the one who hears it, it is no better than confessing to a Catholic priest, or to gods made of wood and stone. And when one is seeking spiritual help and confesses to some one with an honest heart with the hope of receiving help through their united effort, it is not to the glory of God for the one who acts the part of a helper to go and report these things broadcast before the world. God will hold such ones responsible. There are some going about filled with lust and covetous spirits and carnal desires, playing the part of teachers, trying to draw out confessions of others to the gratification of their carnal desires. Such work is of the devil, and oft- times hinders many from taking the proper steps to get help from those who are able to help them. We live in an age when the devil is binding people by his power and through his cunning devices he is leading many astray, and some who are fully awakened to these facts do not know how poor souls are struggling to get free. Let us double our energies and put forth every effort possible to defeat the devil on every line, to tear down his strongholds and uncover his hiding places, and let God destroy all the works of the devil in every honest heart, and let the cleansing of the sanctuary go on with the refiner’s fire from above.


The object of confession is to obtain liberty and freedom, and a clear conscience before God and our fellow men. In case of sickness, Jas. 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.” Many are not healed because they do not obey this admonition. Yet it is often the case that the only confession required is to God, and when properly done he sends the healing power. So it is concerning confessing sins in order to get saved, or clearing things out of the way that hinders advancement, we must be ready to do whatever God requires both toward God and others, and when our duty is fully done, and the conditions of the Word fully met there will be no lack of perfect freedom in our souls.


Babylon on Healing.


ONLY a short time ago there was published in the Trumpet a statement from the (dis) United Brethren paper to the effect that they needed reform now as much as Roman Catholicism did in Luther’s day, which is true. And now I copy again from one of their editorials of Feb. 19, from which will be seen why they need reform as much as their mother. The editor ridiculing the precious truth in reference to divine healing of body, says,

“Yes, we believe that faith cures in many instances; but it is a faith which moves its possessors to do all they can, and then trust in God for the balance. That kind of faith cures the soul; for it moves the sinner to repent, of his sins, to confess his sins, to forsake his sins, to turn to God, and to do works meet for repentance. * * * So it is with the faith that cures the body when it is sick. It is a living, intelligent faith — the very opposite of an ignorant, superstitious faith. Being a living, intelligent faith, when its possessor or any of his family is sick, it causes him to go to work and use the best known remedies for the disease, and then trusts God to bless the work and heal the patient. * * * All such refusal to call in the best medical skill available, and resorting to and trusting in olive oil anointing and the so- called Christian-science cure, is fanaticism and superstition, and a gross perversion of the teachings of the gospel of Christ.”

First, he acknowledges that as the faith is that heals the soul, so it is with the faith that heals the body. This is a correct premise, but a wrong conclusion is drawn. Saving faith causes the individual to obey precisely the requirements laid down in the Word, and the effect received is just as God promises. Just so with healing faith, it causes the possessor to act according to the Word in every respect, and to receive the promised result. So-called Christian Science is not according to the word of God, hence must be of antichrist. But we affirm in Jesus’ name that everything that agrees with the Word is of God. God’s people do not trust in olive oil, fanaticism nor superstition, but in the infallible word and power of God. As we have complied with the heavenly standard of truth to the saving of our souls from all sin, just so we meet the conditions in the same Word for the healing of our bodies.

The Word that shall judge us at the last day, says, “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” — Jas. 5:14, 15. What raises the sick? Not oil, man, nor fanaticism, but the Lord. Faith in and obedience to his holy truth brings the power of healing into the trusting afflicted. Why is it that professed ministers of Christ will utterly ignore such commands of God, unless like their mother (Romanism) they desire to change the law of heaven? Dan. 7:25.

Says one, “That command to anoint with oil was not given to us.” If that be true then there is none of the epistle of James for our benefit to day; and if we reject James we have the same reason to reject all. What is the Word fit for if not to be obeyed? But says another, “We have found out many things in reference to science, physiology and hygiene since the apostolic time, that they knew nothing of, hence we do not have to do as they did.” If this be true, God Almighty is under obligation to give us a new Bible to suit our new times, or else not judge us by the old, and as the U. B. editor says, an “ignorant and superstitious faith,” that governed the pristine Christians. This little sect born seventeen hundred and sixty-seven years after the church of Jesus was perfected, was so far out of due season that it has never become acquainted with the privileges of the bride of Christ, who has a husband that bears all our sicknesses. Matt. 8:17. As well as the granting unto us eternal salvation.

Speaking of man, again the editor says.

“It is his duty to avail himself of the knowledge of medical science for the healing of the body, just as it is his duty to obey the teachings of God’s written word for the healing of his soul.”

Such teachers never give a “thus saith the Lord,” and we know they are not sent of God or they would teach his word. Jer. 23:21. Prophets of the deceit of their own hearts,

(Continued on fourth page.)

Page 2


THURSDAY. MAR. 19. 1896.




A. F. Adams, Lena Cooper, Angus McDonald, W. H. Cheatham. W. G. Schell, Fred Husted. J. D. Crose, J. D. Short, Jno. H. Trick, C. L. Petty, Cornelia Bateman.


Requests For Prayer.


S. Kramer, Roseland. — Deliverance from evil spirits.

Mrs. Alice Jacobs, Walnut Grove. — Bodily healing.

Pray for the salvation of L. G. Branden, Waitsburg.

William Anderson, Jefferson. — Healing of weak eyes, and catarrh of the head.

Pray for the healing of Ella Wirt, Lacomb, who has St. Vitus’ dance in very bad form.

Pray for my daughter to be healed of nervousness. Mrs. A. E. Shockley, Flemingsburg.

Pray that we may be sanctified, and that my daughter may be healed of rheumatism. S. McElyea, St. Francis.

Pray for my sanctification and healing I have a lump under my tongue; I think it is cancer. Mary Ann Brooks, Langley.

Please pray for my mother, Mrs. E. G. Edwards; also for my grandmother, for their bodily healing. M. A. Alden, Mt. View.

Please pray that I may be restored to God, also for the healing of my body, and that my husband may be saved. M. O. Heeter, Emlenton.

I am eighty-seven years of age and in good health, but am entirely blind. I wish you would assist me in your prayers, in getting my eyesight. Am willing to go when the Lord sees fit to take me Amanda F. Ashby, Hardesty.

Pray March 22, for the salvation and healing of my sister, Mamie Butler. She has something like spinal disease, and the doctors say she cannot be cured Remember me also in your prayers; I want to be saved. M.E Jordan, Wellsville.

I have been taken with something like colic, which caused me to have a fever and I fear it will run into pneumonia if I am not healed. Pray for my healing and if there is any hinderance, that it may be revealed. My husband has been sick most of the time since last September. He first had the dropsy, then he got his leg broke, and now he has a very bad case of pneumonia. Pray that he may be saved and healed. S. P. Brown, Poplar Bluff.


Calls For Meeting.


S. McElyea, St. Francis, Clay Co., Ark.

G. W. Houser, Hoxie, Sheridan Co., Kan.

Brighton, Polk Co., Mo. P. R. Bradford.

Conrad Dollefeld, Ellisville. Fulton Co., Ill.

We are greatly in need of meetings here. J. K. P. Whitecotton, Mole Hill. W. Va.

Some minister of God with divine healing power is wanted at Cotton Town, Summer Co., Tenn. D. J. Harrison

Some one is desired here that will preach the truth in purity, one that is able to stay quite a while. Who will come? Fannie Howard, Forney, Texas.

We desire some one filled with the Holy Spirit to come to this place to hold meetings. The people are very anxious to hear the truth. The house is ready and we desire some one about the last of March, or in April. Address C. C. Kennedy, Wilson’s Mills, Mo.

If there are any spiritual minded brethren who are holding meetings in Indiana, will they please go to Straughn. Henry Co? The true gospel has never been preached there. A sister, Harper, Kan.

We want some one here who possesses the divine healing power. A house will be ready for service next month; and also a place to set a tabernacle as soon as the weather is suitable. There are several here who are anxious to hear the pure gospel preached. Address Lester W. Spicer, G..ayling, Crawford Co., Mich.




The time set for the Grand Junction, Mich., camp meeting is June 10-19. We expect a large attendance this year, and a wonderful meeting on account of the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, and the manifestation of his power in the salvation of souls, the healing of the sick, and advancement and establishing of believers. Begin now to make arrangements to come. We trust the ministers and workers will make special effort to come.

Brethren at other places desiring camp and grove meetings should write us at an early date so as to have all arrangements made at or before the camp meeting here.


The article on divine healing, this week is a chapter taken from the new book now being published entitled “The Secret of Salvation, how to get it and how to keep it.”




South Haven, Mich.

Dearly Beloved Saints: I am rejoicing in God to day with all my heart, for the precious truth that is going forth in might and power. Praise God! Let it go until every heart is purified, made white and tried, and every sympathizer with the devil and wrong be cast out, and until God’s church, the holy bride, will shine with the glory of God, and the watchmen will all see eye to eye. Then he will be pleased to show forth his mighty power.

I told you in my last article that I would tell you more about the Mission Faith Home. I have felt for along time the need of more of an earnest effort in the cities for the salvation of precious souls. The Lord has impressed me and has opened the way for a permanent Mission faith home in the city of South Haven. This city is located on the east shore of Lake Michigan, and is sorrounded on three sides with a beautiful fruit country. There is a first class transportation line between South Haven and Chicago; and this city is growing with great rapidity; and I believe God has a people here to gather out for his name.

This home will admit the feeble and aged who need a stronger arm to hold them up in their last and feeble days. A home for the aged has long been on my mind; and while having the care of the Children’s Home I obligated myself to several dear old mothers to care for them, who so freely gave of their means for the upbuilding of the Children’s Home. To these I feel under obligation, and feel that the Lord is stirring my soul to erect a home for the benefit of the New Testament widows, and such as are in earnest about their soul and desire spiritual benefit. And also we expect to have this a Divine Healing home. The dear Lord Jesus is our physician. He forgiveth all our sins and healeth all our diseases. O praise his dear name!

This home will be about one hundred rods south of the harbor where the steam boats and trade vessels go up the river out of the storm, — a beautiful sight. We have purchased two acres of land on the beautiful banks of the Lake Michigan. The brick is being delivered, the lumber is nearly all on the ground, and we begin the work at once. The house is 50×50; three stories high. The only help I know in this work, is the Lord, and by faith in his name I begin this work, believing he is leading and he shall have all the glory. I feel the Lord would be pleased to have this house enclosed before camp meeting, so several day’s meeting could be held here before or after camp meeting. Now dear ones, pray for us, and if the Lord leads to assist, obey the Lord. There is room for mechanics, masons, carpenters and common laborers. Yours in the love of Jesus,

S. Michels.




To all the Dear Saints: For some time I have felt led to write you a few words of suggestion with regard to our duties and relationship to the Trumpet.

This time it is not a question of finances, and yet I trust that each may remember his obligations in that direction. But there is a need which I have seen for some time, which if supplied would doubtless relieve Bro. Byrum and some of those at the Office, of a responsibility which we should largely bear; namely, we should do more writing for the columns of the Trumpet.

Many of the brethren and sisters are oppressed with more or less literary ability which is a God-given gift, and which if put to use for the glory of God would greatly increase and thus enlarge the usefulness of many who at present are doing but little, as well as help make the Trumpet a greater blessing to the world.

The editor has never said anything to me about this, but I think we all can be a means of blessing to him in supplying him with much choice matter from which to make his selections for publication. Of course we must all consecrate to the waste basket, so that when some of our contributions reach that place, which will occasionally be our fate no doubt, we will be prepared for it. I would rather grace the waste basket than spoil the Trumpet, and if the Lord wants my articles taken out of the basket he can do it and make them shine in the columns of the paper. Let us pray earnestly for the holy anointing in this matter and make our pens do more preaching.

That hand that has for years so faithfully served us with many gospel messages from heaven, and grasped the pen with Holy Ghost inspiration during many hours of midnight or early morning, while we were in our comfortable beds asleep, has now ceased its labors and sleeps cold in death. Our spiritual lives have been quickened and many sorrows and perplexities have been dispersed through the wholesome words of truth that came through that hand and pen, through the Trumpet. Shall we not offer a thousand consecrated hands and dedicate them to God for him to use in helping other mortals who are as needy as we were, and point them to Him who on Calvary carried our grief and bore our sorrows? Dear saints, I look upon this as a sacred obligation.

God demands of us much more than we are doing, and some of us are virtually burying our talent. We shall be called to give an account. The fact of one of our dear fellow soldiers falling in the ranks should cause us to quickly draw nearer together and close the gap. This we can do by heaven’s grace, and with our pen we can tell out the gospel in a manner that will glorify our blessed Christ. Humbly your brother in Him,

J. W. Byers.


News from the Field


Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, Mar. 9.

Dear Saints: The Lord is moving on gloriously, though the way has been hindered by prejudice and sickness. We have had three cases of typhoid fever, but the Lord has healed us without the use of any medicines. The Lord is healing the sick and saving a few souls, and is moving more in other places near here. We are still looking to the Lord to send another company of workers or a brother and wife so that the many urgent calls can be filled. Ordinance meeting and baptizing at Rush Run, Mar. 22. Address us at Wheeling, W. Va.

G. T. Clayton and Co.


Eris, Ohio.

Beloved in Christ: We have just closed a very successful series of meetings at Tremont City, Ohio. This was a new place, and the masses were truly made to rejoice under the preaching of the unadulterated truth of God. A goodly number made their escape out of the cages of deception. Twelve beloved ones followed the Savior in the blessed ordinance of immersion, and others are to follow soon. Prayer meetings will be held regularly at that place on the straight line. The work commences with a church of about twenty members. May God have mercy on those who so stubbornly withstood the truth during this meeting, is our prayer. Your sanctified brother,

Wm. G. Schell.


Hebbardsville, O., Mar. 9.

Dear Saints Abroad: Our meeting on Dowler Ridge closed last night. God helped us in delivering his word, and several dear souls made their escape from the ruins of Babylon. Bro. J. W. Myers, of Waynesfield, O. joined us here and the Lord is using him to his glory, especially in singing. He will probably continue with us until June C. M. We expect to meet a few days with the saints at Stroud’s Run, also at Chauncey, then we are again ready to fill some of the many calls, probably at Glouster. There is need of more workers in this part of Ohio. Several Holy Ghost companies could be used here now to the glory of God. We deeply feel the need of advancement, and by the help of God we are advancing. Pray for us. Yours in the one body,

E. G. Masters and J. W. Myers.




Joplin, Mo., Mar. 12.

Dear Saints: We have opened a mission work in Joplin, Mo. Here, as elsewhere, people are famishing for the bread of life. Great is the wickedness of this place, and the Lord has laid it upon a few hearts to come here with the glad tidings of salvation. Pray for us that we may by God’s help do a work that shall tell in this world and in eternity. There are many thousand inhabitants, and oh how badly they need the pure gospel! If any of the saints feel led to send us tracts for free distribution, they will be thankfully received; or any of you passing this way we will be glad to have stop and see us. Will find us on South Main street, between Seventeen and Eighteen. May God bless all in their labors for Jesus.

S. S. and C. A. Sunderland and Co.


Lemoore, Cal., Mar. 7.

Dear Saints of God: We are now in the field at work for the Lord. We commenced meeting here Feb. 27, with victory in our souls in the name of our Redeemer. The truth is begining to reach the hearts of sinners, and is settling down in some of their hearts in deep conviction. The. congregations are increasing every night. We have good attentive crowds at the street meetings, and we feel the power of God with us and in us. But the town seems to be almost given up to sectism and secret orders, and a terrible darkness prevails among the people. There are five of us in the work; J. J. Bentley, E. Frame, myself, wife and daughter. We desire the prayers of God’s people for the work in this place, and that we may be kept in our places in the order of the Lord at all times, in deep humility so we can be used of God for his glory. Yours in the one body,

J. J. Frame and Co.


Mariasville, Pa., Mar. 13.

Dear Brethren in Christ: We are still in the harvest doing what we can for the salvation of immortal souls. We have just closed a meeting at Mariasville (our home) where God did bless us in preaching the Word. The result was, three got saved, my old father, my sister and brother-in-law. Praise God for the work of salvation! Many others were under the influence of the convicting power of God, but would not pay the price. God have mercy is our prayer. We are now at Parker, Pa. where there has been a way opened for the gospel to be preached. It is a new place for the evening light. We expect to go from here to Butler, thence to Fertigs; after which we expect going west as far as Wood Co., Ohio and stop off there a few weeks, then make our way toward Grand Junction Lord willing. This leaves us still saved and much encouraged in this high and holy way. We ask the prayers of all the children of God in our behalf.

J. H. Rupert.


Aurora, Mo., Mar. 9

Dear Trumpet Readers: My testimony to day is, God still saves and sanctifies me wholly. I am glad to report victory in my soul over every unclean thing, and the Lord is blessing our labor at this place. To him be all the glory! The good Lord has laid it on us to open up a mission work here in the name of Jesus. We are claiming the victory here. We thank the dear ones for the tracts and papers sent in. We can use thousands here to the glory of God. We desire the prayers of all the dear saints in every place, that God will keep us in his will and order and supply us with means to carry on his work here. We have no evil report to bring, but our God is abundantly supplying our needs. The tracts and papers are good to reach those that will not come out to meeting. We can use your old Trumpets if you send them in; or send money to the Office and have them to send direct to us, and that will save paying postage again. We are praising God for all the mites the dear saints have sent into help in this great work. Any workers passing, call and sue us and help us. We are only about 100 or 130 yards from the two depots, almost between the two. Your brother saved,

W. M. Wilson.


Loysville, Pa., Mar. 9.

Dear Saints of God: Since our last report we held a meeting at Manasses, Perry Co., Pa. had large congregations and good order. They seemed to hear the Word gladly, but were not willing to meet the conditions of Bible salvation. Sister B. F. Bradfield was saved at home the last night we were there. From there we went to Amberson Valley; held meeting with the little ones. One was reclaimed. From there went to Horse Valley and held a meeting in Jesus’ name, and on Mar. 4, two souls followed the dear Lord in the ordinance of baptism. From there we went to Roxbury to make arrangements for a meeting. Was met by a messenger for us to come and preach Bro. B. F. Bradfield’s funeral sermon. Held three services in Grandpa Arny’s house on Lord’s day. The Lord willing will meet with the little ones at Germany, Pa. to night, and on to morrow night at Bro. Elias Shope’s; on Wednesday night at Bradfield’s and from there go back to Roxbury, Lord willing. Since our return to Perry Co. we find the seed of the gospel is taking root. Glory be to Jesus! Yours on the advance tor God,

F.  Rosenberry
and W. H. Miller.


Payne. O., Mar. 7.

Dearly Beloved: I greet you again in Jesus’ name. After my last report we held a weeks meeting in an old store room in Timberville, Ohio (near Melrose). God wonderfully helped us to expose some of the unfruitful works of darkness by his holy word, and the church was edified and strengthened. To God be all the glory! At this place the enemy had been causing division and discord through some who had become fanatical concerning divine healing, voting and using the law. But thank God the most of those who were affected saw their error by the word of God and renounced it. We pray God to help the dear ones to be more wise in the future.

From Timberville we came to Payne. O., was with the church over the Lord’s day, and enjoyed speaking the precious word of God to the few who came together to worship Him. On Mar. 2 we returned to Grand Junction, Mich. which we had felt urged to do for a few weeks.

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God plainly showed us it was his will that we remove our children to Payne, O., which will be my future home and address. And unless God blesses us with financial assistance we will have to tarry at home and labor with our hands to get such things as we need for house keeping again; then we will be ready to go forth in the work. Pray for us and our dear children. We are your humble brother and sister in tribulation and patience, saved now,

J. N. and M. J. Howard.


St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 12.

Dearly Beloved Saints: It has been sometime since we reported through the TRUMPET; but we are glad to tell you that the Lord has been with us, blessing our souls abundantly, and giving us victory on every hand. Praise his name!

We have been in this wicked city, since the first of Dec., ’95. We first held a protracted meeting in a house that had been secured for a mission. There were more than a dozen occupants, claiming to be fully saved; but when we had held-meeting a little more than a week, preaching the word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit, the entire company (save two or three) rejected the truth, choosing to have their own way, rather than renounce the works and manifestations of the devil, and submit to the will of God. Since that, we have the meetings in private houses, five or six times a week, and a few souls have been saved; although the attendance has been small, most of the time. We have also visited a few other missions, claiming to be out of all sectism, and confusion; but have failed to find any that measures to the Bible standard. However, we find a great many dear souls that seem to be honest, and seeking the right way; but the devil has so many deceptions, and agents here, and so many people following after such, it seems more difficult to get the people to receive the truth than any thing else. We trust that the Lord will send some good company of workers here with a tent, sometime this summer, to hold some meetings. Also hope that the Lord will direct some one to help establish, and take the oversight of a mission here, as it is so much needed.

We expect soon, to go elsewhere, as the Lord directs and opens the way hoping to work our way towards Grand Junction, in time for the June C. M., the Lord willing. Any one desiring meetings in that direction please write to us here. Brethren, pray for us. Yours in Jesus, contending for the faith,

Thos. and Lillawah Carter,

943 West Cabanne Court.


Charleston, S. C., Mar. 9.

Dear Trumpet Readers: Since our last report at this place, Feb. 5, we have been earnestly engaged in the work of the Lord. Bro. Pike and I commenced meeting here on the 1st of Feb. We continued together until the 22d when Bro. Pike returned to Augusta. During this time about twenty-eight different ones came to the altar, either for pardon or heart purity, but not more than half of them got down to a real consecration or business for God. We continued the meetings right along and many more really gave their hearts to God.

The people had been bound up in sectism and societies, and but few were free. God has wonderfully sent fourth his truth against these delusions of men, and exposed the falsehood and corruptions of Babylon creeds and society bands, and many precious souls have been delivered from their bondage, who are now rejoicing and praising God for their freedom. The people here are under worse bondage in sectism and society than ever were their ancestors under the taskmaster’s lash in the dark days of slavery. God is sending forth the hammer of his word and is breaking this rock in pieces. On the 8th of this month fourteen followed the command and example of the Lord Jesus in baptism. After the baptizing we returned to our little mission house and commemorated the death and sufferings of the Lord Jesus by washing the saints’ feet and partaking of the read and wine. Thirty-eight happy souls took part in this ordinance. This takes in about all who claim to be out clear; a few were detained in “service” who could not be present. Many hundred people came to witness the baptizing, in which God so wonderfully manifested his approval that sinners and sectarians were forced to see that God was in it. Sectism has received her deathblow here.

God has sent his truth to Charleston and souls are accepting it, for which we give him all the glory. We will continue the work in this city as long as the Lord wills. Pray for us and the work here. Yours saved in Jesus,

J. F. Lundy and Co-workers,

660 King St.


St James, Mo., Mar. 12.

Dear Readers of the Trumpet: We labored together on the Ark with the dear ones there till the work had to be suspended on account of the cold weather and lack of means to fix the boat comfortable for meetings. Not being able to stand traveling in winter through the cold, over rough roads, and husband being called back to Missouri, the Lord opening the way, we came to St Louis, the Lord giving us precious opportunities to distribute tracts and papers on the way.

We reached St Louis Dec. 14, went into mission work as co-workers with Sister Dunham, Bro. Thos. Carter and wife, and other saints in the city, the Lord being with us, giving us very precious meetings. Some saved, some sanctified and healed, all strengthened and advanced in our souls. On Jan. 28 we came to St James, in company with Sister Dunham and Georgie. We came south as far as the Merimec; held meeting over Sunday; one backslider reclaimed. We went on about fifteen miles further to Condray, where we began meeting in Jesus’ name. At first the work was laborous, but at length the powers of darkness gave way, the Lord giving victory and considerable liberty in speaking. Five souls sought and found pardon; One sanctified; for which we give God all the glory. We all remained there till March 2, when some of the company came back here(to Merimec), but we remained there for a few days longer, during which time three dear souls received a blessed experience of sanctification and healing of their bodies. The true saved ones were much strengthened and encouraged. We had many calls in different directions that we could not fill; but we praise the dear Lord that he is again visiting the people here with refreshing showers, saving the willing. We left several under conviction, but not decided enough to yield. God help them to know that God’s time is now.

We are holding meeting here at present. Expect to stay in this part around St James till near the June C M. where we expect to go, Lord willing. The dear Lord has been teaching me some very precious lessons, being so forcibly impressed with the need of deep humility, realizing there is no gift could be used to the glory of God without this one precious gift. I do thank God for the forward move among his dear children. My soul is on the advance. I humbly beg the earnest prayers of all the saints. Your humble saved sister, all for God,

Julia Myers.


Open Door Mission.


396 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Dear Brethern: We are praising God for victory over all the powers of darkness, and for a salvation that saves to the uttermost. It has been sometime since we have written to you through the Trumpet, but Jesus has kept us sweetly saved and we find this highway of holiness beautiful beyond description.

While we have been passing through great trials and tests of faith and fire, yet we praise God for it all, for it is the very best thing that could happen to us. The church of God is pure gold, and in order for God to make us pure gold we must be permitted to go through the fire to get all the dross taken out. My prayer is, “Lord, heed not our groans, but let it burn until the refiner may see his very image in us.”

The Lord is wonderfully blessing our work here in the slums of this wicked “Sodom.” Scores and scores of poor homeless destitute men have found Christ at the Open Door this last winter and have abandoned their life of sin, and are now following Christ in the beauty of holiness. From Jan. 1st to Mar. 10, we have kept and feed 10, 172 poor men and preached the gospel to them. Besides feeding and lodging these poor unfortunate mothers’ boys, we have been running in connection with the Mission a tailor and shoemaker and barber shop; so that each man may be fixed up so that he can be in a condition to look for work. We also have a large woodyard where each man is required to work so long for the benefit received from the Mission. Then the Lord enables us to sell it; and after we get fairly started we will be almost self sustaining. Praise the Lord! Our lease expires May 1st, and we will have to get larger quarters for the coming year. One of the chief characteristics of Christ and the apostolic church was their care for the poor, hungry and diseased ones, and must be to day. Our humble work in the slums is felt throughout all Chicago, and many are coming out into the glorious evening light. Praise God for it all!

Now dear ones, we earnestly ask you all to remember us in your prayers that God will supply all our needs, and that before we leave this building we may leave free from debt. Praising God for his goodness unto the children of men. Your brother in the one body,

Gorham Tufts, Jr.

[We learn there are a few hundred dollars yet due on the rent, which Bro. Tufts did not mention in his report of the work. Put that in your prayers before the Lord. — Ed.]




Arkansas City, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: I praise God I am saved from the world and feasting on the good things of God. God is keeping me from the world. The Trumpet is a welcome visitor, and I think the advancement column is so good. It is just full of wholesome food. I just love the truth, and I have joy in my soul. When I read the Trumpet my soul runs over with great joy. I love the saints and love my Savior. He saved me from my sins after I lived a low, degraded life. I am praying God to send us a preacher.

R. S. Naylor.


Danville, Ind.

Dear Saints: I feel led to write my testimony. I am saved and kept by power divine. Oh praise the Lord forever! I am so glad I ever heard the gospel preached in its purity. Just as soon as I heard the evening light preached I knew it was what my soul was longing for. I was not satisfied in the sect to which I belonged. There was no food for my soul in there; so I quit them before I came out in the evening light. Oh praise God for delivering me out of bondage and making me free in Jesus! I am glad I learned to trust the Lord for all things, for my physician too, for he has healed my body several times for which I give him all the glory. He is just as ready and willing to heal our diseases to day as he was over eighteen hundred years ago if we will come and ask him. He says if ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you; and when ye pray believe ye have what ye ask for. I do praise God for his promises to his children. I am so glad I ever stepped out upon his promises. My husband is saved and kept by the power of God. Last night in answer to prayer the Lord instantly healed him of a severe headache that had been troubling him for some time, for which we give Him all the glory.

There are a few of God’s little ones in this place. We are having a hard battle to fight. The people are so opposed to the work on account of crookedness in some of the professors. Pray for us here that we may ever live so straight and so Christlike that the people will realize there is a reality in the work. Pray that the wall of opposition may be broken down, and that the judgments of God will cause every thing to be made straight, that there may be souls saved, for we realize there are honest souls here. May God’s richest blessings rest upon you all for Christ’s sake. Amen. Your sister in the one body,

Jennie Walker.




BRADFIELD. — Near Manasses, Perry Co., Pa. on the 2d of March, dear Bro. B. F. Bradfield fell asleep in Jesus; aged sixty years, five months, nine days. When quite young had joined St. John’s Episcopal sect, and some years after joined the German Baptist sect. Was a consistent member for twenty years. In the fall of ’95 he heard the present salvation preached by Bro. Cheatham. He met the conditions, was justified; in January, ’96, he consecrated for sanctification and was wholly sanctified. Lived and enjoyed God and his salvation. Funeral text, Matt. 24:44.

F. Rosenberry and W. H. Miller.


SWANSON. — George Swanson was born near Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 4, 1810, and died at his home in Johnstown, Barry Co., Mich., March 3, 1896. Deceased moved with his parents to Erie Co., N, Y. in the year 1826. He being their youngest son became their support, caring for them until the close of their lives. Was married to Miss Sophia Wheeler in the year 1837. Three children were born unto them, George, Margaret, and Donald, all of whom survive him; his wife having died nearly forty years before. Was subsequently married to Mrs. Mary Merrit, with whom he lived twenty-six years, who separated from him by death, remains to mourn his loss.

Deceased was converted to Christ at an early age and became a member of the Covenanter sect, of which he remained a member through life. On his death bed he confessed firm faith in Christ, in whom he trusted for his salvation.


CLARK. — O. P. Clark, of Aurora, Mo., departed this life March 4, 1896. Was born Jan. 1, 1819, in Wabash Co., Ill. Was aged seventy-seven years, two months and three days. He had made a profession of salvation several years ago, but had went back in sin, till a little over one year ago, he heard the evening light preached and came-out in it. He called for the elders to pray for his healing. God removed a great deal of his pains, and he praised God. He told them one morning he would see his Savior or be at rest by the next day: and that night he fell asleep in Jesus, leaving a clear evidence of his acceptance with God. He rejoiced all through his sickness. He leaves four children behind, and six have gone on before. May God bless the children he has left and convict them of their sins, that they may turn to God. Funeral held at his house by the writer,

W. M. Wilson.


MYERS. — Bro. Martin Myers, of Woodland, Cal., departed this life, Feb. 22, after a few weeks illness. His last moments were peaceful and he passed away in the triumphs of the living faith.

For many years he has been absorbed in saving souls, but the last few months of his life were especially given to this blessed cause. He seemed to muster up every energy within him which was also inspired by the Holy Spirit, to reach the hearts of the lost Great floods of glory were frequently poured out upon him, and the words, “Praise the Lord!” were upon his lips many times a day.

This dear brother was my first correspondent upon the Pacific coast years ago, when I lived in Ill. And it was through his letters and prayers that I received much of the holy inspiration to leave my home field, and move out into this far-off land as a messenger of the gospel. We have enjoyed many precious seasons of grace together in the various camp meetings during the last few years. He has sown much gospel seed far and wide through the sale of Bibles, and the distribution of tracts and papers. God only knows the souls that have been saved by these means. He now rests from his labors, and his works follow.

May rich blessings of grace rest upon his bereaved family, and may they with increased diligence be able to keep the light shining in the community where their loved one has shone for years; and when life’s toils are ended, may they be gathered an unbroken family into the eternal joys of the faithful.

J. W. Byers,

Oakland, Cal.

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How to Remove Hindrances.


WHEN you are sick remember there is a cause for it. If you know the cause and the same can be removed by you, go about it at once and do so. If the cause is unknown then go about it in a way to find out where the trouble lies. If you have been praying for your healing, or have complied with the Word by having others pray for you, and the healing is not done then begin to search very earnestly by the help of the Lord to find out the hindering cause, because where there is nothing in the way there will be one of two things to take place: Either the work will be done, or you will get an answer from the Lord why it is not done. Like Paul when the persecutions were coming upon him in every city into which he entered, insomuch that he was imprisoned, or beaten, or wickedly persecuted in some way, and he began to ask the Lord to remove such things and kept on asking until he got an answer from the Lord; but the Lord gave him to understand that his grace was sufficient. Paul perhaps did not receive just the answer he was expecting, but he went at it with a determination to have an answer, and he got it.

We read in Mark where Christ was talking to his disciples, where he told them that they would be persecuted, and gave them to understand that persecution was one of the many things that went along with the many blessings that were bestowed upon his believing children. In another place we read that they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. And concerning our sicknesses and diseases, we read that Christ bore them upon the cross, and it is his will to heal them, and when we go earnestly enough to him he will heal us at once, or if we press the matter he will let us know why we are not healed. Often he sees fit to let us suffer a few days, or longer. But so often people settle down that it is the will of God for them to go on suffering in order for them to become humble, or reach the point that God would have them reach. Now if God cannot stir you up to prayer and faith in any other way, then we say amen, suffer until you learn the lesson. But if you get the word of God by faith and get the hindrances out of the way if it is no more than unbelief, God will heal you. He came to save people from all their sins and heal them of all their diseases. Will you be healed?

Now we do not say people would lose salvation if they were to take a dose of medicine, but if they have had the proper teaching and light on divine healing they will have no need of a dose of medicine, and such are not to give up their faith; but every dose of medicine taken that would relieve any one has a great tendency towards weakening the faith, and when God is properly trusted he can do more in a minute without medicine than all the doctors in Christendom can do in an unlimited time.

The way to get the hindrances out of the way is to lay aside everything you know to be in the way, and what you do not know come to God until it is made known, or the work done. If God does not see fit to show you anything in the way, then hold him to his promises for healing, and if he will not heal you then you may rest assured there is still something in the way.

It often happens that people have been living under a spirit of exaltation, or in other words puffed up, being some one great in their own estimation, and the Lord permits sickness to come upon them in order that they may be humble. While the Lord does not directly send the sickness in one sense, yet he permits it at times for our good. He does not get glory out of the sickness itself, but he sometimes permits the sickness as a means of grace unto our souls, and it is the healing of the sickness where he gets the greatest glory. If you are sick for a month and people expect you to die, and then the Lord instantly heals you, it is a time of great rejoicing on account of the out-pouring of his Holy Spirit and power; not because you have been sick so long, but because the Lord has healed you. Then if you desire to glorify God and are sick let him heal you.

In order to have the hindrances removed then it is necessary to meet the conditions of the Word. And when you fully do so and move up to all your privileges, the work will be done. Not only will the hindrances be removed, but God will manifest his healing power. A better way is to trust God for health while you are in health, and keep a real good spiritual experience right up to the Bible standard, and observe the laws of health, and there will be but little cause for sickness in your case. In 3 Jno. 2 the apostle says, “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth.” So if you desire to prosper in health just keep your soul in a good prosperous condition by letting your life measure to the Bible standard of truth.


(Continued from first page.)

who steal the Lord’s word from their neighbor. Jer. 23:25-30. How absurd to teach that we must trust God with our soul and man with our body! A God that can save the soul, can he not heal the body as he has promised? A God that cannot be trusted with the body, can we trust him with the soul? Again,

“The so-called faith which causes men to sit still, expecting God to cure their sick while they use no remedies, is a superstition unworthy of American people, and cannot be too severely censured The parent who thus sits still and sees his child die is little less than a murderer: and the teacher or preacher who encourages men to act thus should be sent to a lunatic asylum.”

We will leave such characters as above mentioned at the mercy of the editor. They are not among those who have faith in God. We who believe the eternal truth, do not sit down to see the sick ones die, but when led to anoint with oil we get on our knees to see the sick raised, as God has promised, and we are not disappointed. Praise his holy name! On page eleven of the same paper we read:

“There is more than one conference in this great interior, and at least one on the Pacific Coast, to my certain knowledge, that is being consumed by the dry rot.”

And then they charge the presiding elder with his long term of office as being the cause of spiritual delusion. Of course the church of Jesus has no presiding elders, as the Word very clearly shows; but U. B. ism being born so late has, it seems, failed to recognize the fact as yet. Again,

“I believe that, as a denomination, we may recover our original spiritual activity and power if the General Conference [not God] will adopt a rotation in office rule. With our present customs, the itinerant plan is but a dead letter.”

More than one conference “being consumed by dry rot.” If all adherants of such gross darkness would leave the man-made ism with all of its machinery, and come and dwell in mount Zion, they would have continual “showers of blessing,” and refreshing from God. In the heights of Zion we have no dry rot. Praise the Lord! For here we live by every word of God, Jas. 5:14, 15 not excepted. Their “itinerant plan is but a dead letter.” No wonder; they have rejected, and even ridicule the holy word of God, and he has ceased working among them since Babylon’s fall, and their “spiritual activity” has flown. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people.” — Rev. 18:4.

W. A. Haynes.



(Continued from last issue.)

“Have God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that

those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” — Mark 11:22-24.

Some people have all their faith in the preacher, or some “strong” brother or sister, and if the ones in whom they have their faith are overthrown they go down with them. Others measure their faith by some one else. They say. “If I just had faith like Brother or Sister so and so, I could do wonderful things.” etc. God wants us to take Christ for our pattern of faith (Eph 4:13), and measure to his word. As some translations render it, “Have the faith of God.” True, perfect confidence must exist among God’s people, but our faith must be “in God.” How much that means! Such promises as the above should awaken us all. God is our Father; we are his children. He is more willing to give good things to us, than we are to our children. Matt. 7:11.

He says to us, “Ask;” “Ye shall have them;” “I will do it;” “Ye shall receive;” “I will give it you;” “It shall be done;” “Only believe.” Can God lie? Did he ever lie? Is his word true? If so, believe it. It is impossible for God to lie. Read Heb. 6:16-19. His word is forever settled in heaven. Psa. 119:89. It will never pass away. Luke 21:33. These “exceeding great and precious promises” were written that we might believe. 2 Pet. 1-4. Jno. 20:31. To doubt them is to make God a liar. Read 1 Jno. 5:9, 10. No wonder Paul says. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb. 11:6. Will we helieve his word, obey it; act upon it; or will we doubt, and “make him a liar?” We can’t afford to make God our Father a liar. We will believe his word; it is true; how dare we doubt it? Have faith in God.

Some try to advance on the line of faith without getting the experience in their hearts. They try to believe with their head, but do not receive answers, nor make advancement. Brethren, we must have the “word of faith in our hearts.” “With the heart man believeth” for these things. We will now notice the


(1). We are saved by grace through faith. Eph. 2:8. Rom. 5:1. A sinner must first believe that there is a God, and that if he repents God will save him. Heb. 11:6. When the sinner meets every condition in the word of God in repentance, God puts a measure of faith — living faith — in his heart. Compare Matt. 21:32. Rom. 12:3. Eph. 2:8. Acts 8:37. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom. 10:10.

(2). We stand by faith. 2 Cor. 1:24. “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” — 1 Cor. 16:13. “Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.” — Rom. 14:4. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” — Eph. 6:10, 11.

(3). We walk by faith. 2 Cor. 5:7.

(4). We live by faith. Rom. 1:17. Some people live by their feelings. Truly such have a hard time of it. Dear ones, until you get “weaned” from your feelings; and live by faith you can make no advancement. Again there are those who live by signs, and they sow their seed “in a certain sign of the moon,” cut their timber “when the moon points up or down,” butcher their hogs in a certain sign, yea, they trust more in signs than in God. Dear ones, God wants us to do away with signs and trust God. Live by faith.

(5). We are kept by the power of God through faith. 1 Pet 1:3-9.

(6). We are overcomers through faith. Rev. 12:11. Rev. 15:2, 3. 1 Jno. 5:4, 5.

(7). We resist the devil by faith. 1 Pet. 5:8, 9.

(8). We are healed of all our diseases through faith in the name of Jesus. Psa. 103:3. Jas. 5:14-16. Acts 3:16.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Heb 11:6 “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” — 2 Pet. 1:5-11.

H. M. Riggle.

(To be continued.)



“Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” – Psa. 119-129.


Milton, Mo.

Dear Saints of God: We are praising the dear Lord this evening for this wonderful salvation that brings such joy and peace to the soul. And we praise the I ord for the blessed hope we have of heaven, and for willing hearts to obey him and to walk in the light as he gives it. We can say with the Psalmist “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Your brother and sister.

W. F. and N. Williams.


Cochranton, O.

Dear Saints of God: I wish to testify through the GOSPEL TRUMPET to a free and full salvation from all sin, which keeps me sweetly saved in his will. I do praise God for real advancement in my soul, and for victory over all this world of sin Praise his holy name! God has a little church at this place which Satan has tried hard to overthrow, but praise God we stand upon the rock, Christ Jesus, which cannot be shaken. God has wonderfully blessed his little ones at this place in going from house to house, singing, and praying with the people. Many hungry souls gather at private houses to hear the truth. May God bless them is our prayer. Pray for us that we may be kept humble where he can use us to his glory. Your sister, all on the altar,

Edith Naylor.


Atwood, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: I feel it is to the glory of God for me to tell what the dear Lord has done for me, in saving my poor lost soul, when deep in sin, and without hope in the world. Praise his holy name! He saw fit to lay me upon a bed of affliction to turn me from my wicked ways. When almost in death’s arms I called upon his holy name. For he says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Praise his name! 1 confessed my sins and he fulfilled his promise;,and not. only that promise, but also one in James 5:15, “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” He healed my body, for which I give him all the praise. I am still saved and praising God for salvation, and by his assisting grace I will follow him till the end of time. Though there are many trials and persecutions to pass through yet God is able to deliver us out of them all. I do want all the true saints of God to earnestly pray for the strengthening of my mind and an increase of faith. Your sister, saved,

Mrs. E. P. Evans.



Preach and Practice the Word.


BELOVED brethren, some of us have not followed the Word as closely as we should have done in the past, and now as we are all yearning for an advancement in spirituality, it would be well to search out all such points as have not been fully preached and practiced among us in the past, and bring them into actual practice; and then in consequence of our obedience to the whole Word, God will bestow upon us the mighty power that moved the apostolic church.

That part of the Word in particular which relates to financial duties has not been measured up to by the church of the living God. God’s ministers have been so effeminate that they have feared to faithfully declare the whole truth on this line. Surely the churches cannot be faulted for not practicing what we have not taught them, brethren. How often have we heard dear brethren in the ministry excusing themselves, and have done the same thing ourself. saying, “I feel loath to preach that part of the Word relating to the financial duties of the saints, lest the world would say that we, like the Babylonians, are on the money line.” I am certain that it has been a real lack of humility in us in the past, that has made us so fearful to do our duty on this line. “Every word of God is pure.” Prov. 30:5. We must be consecrated to preach the whole Word regardless of what men say.

But what has been the outgrowth of our effeminacy? Simply this: the saints have not measured to the Word, and have actually withheld their means, consequently many souls are at this present time unenlightened, and unsaved, who ought, long since to have been rejoicing in this blessed evening light: and we ministers to a great extent are to blame.

I am now going to strike a line of truth that I have heretofore feared to touch. Jesus says. “Lay not up tor yourselves treasures upon the earth.” Mat. 6:10. This is as truly a commandment as any sentence in the Bible, yet a great many among us are not obeying it. But do we understand from the above command that we are to have no capital? No. We verily believe it to be God’s will for us in have enough capital to carry on our secular business; that is, if we are engaged in the business God wants us to follow: but whatsoever we have of this world’s goods, more than this, comes under the head of laying up treasures upon the earth.

But suppose that some one gets saved who has laid up great treasures while he was a sinner? Let us teach them as Jesus taught such persons: “Go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor,” – Mat. 10:21. And again. “Sell that ye have, and give alms.” – Luke 12:33. We cannot in the face of these scriptures, hold in our possession more of this world’s goods than we actually stand in need of; all the rest must be applied to the work of the Lord in some way. But some will say. “Paul says the parents ought to lay up for the children.” 2 Cor. 12:14. Yes, but he did not mean that we should lay up money and houses and lands for our children and the lawyers to quarrel over when we are dead. He simply meant what he meant in 1 Tim. 5:8, that we should provide our children with food and raiment while under our roof. Concerning getting an inheritance the Bible says, “An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.” Prov. 20:21.

The Bible allows the saints to have but two objects in making money; one is to provide for our families as stated above, and the other is, “that we may have to give to him that needeth.” Eph 4:28. “Labor not to be rich.” — Prov. 23:4.

As our space is limited we shall have to draw our article to a close by saying that this reformation must move much faster, and if the Lord cannot scatter the light with our means, he shall have to apply his ancient method, martyrdom.

Wm. G. Schell.

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