2 August 1894, Volume 14, Number 30.


of Mother Nancy Byers.


She finished her course, and kept the faith,
She walked in Heaven’s light,
And even until her latest breath,
She kept her garments white.

She finished her course, and kept her vow;
Her faithfulness doth prove
That marriage is sacred and divine,
When filled with holy love.

She finished her course. The mother’s care
— God and a mother know —
She cheerfully bore in toil and prayer,
A mother’s love to show.

She finished a mother’s calling well,
On all the fam’ly tree,
Each scion was bent to Heaven’s will,
Trained for eternity.

She finished her course. Within her sphere,
She’s done what ere she could;
Her beautiful life of virtue here,
Reflects the love of God.

She worship’d the Lord with heart and hand,
She loved in word and deed,
She followed the path of God’s command,
And lived a saint indeed.

The beautiful workmanship of God,
She viewed with great delight;
In the sparkling shell, and opening bud,
She saw the Infinite.

She finished her course with joy and peace,
And longed to see the day,
Her spirit from earth would find release,
And rise and soar away.

In beautiful patience she endured
Affliction’s heavy rod;
While angels, beholding all, adored
Her gentle walk with God.

She finished her race and heard the call,
And quickly passed away, —
But listen! her dust yet speaks to all,
“Prepare to follow me.”

Dear neighbors, a light has shone for you
That ne’er will cease to shine;
It tells you the grace of God is true,
The Bible is divine.

To all the dear kindred she would say,
Could she but speak once more,
Be faithful to God, oh watch and pray,
And meet me on that shore.

Dear husband and children, strong the chord
That bound’ me in our home,
But greater the love of Christ my Lord,
And Father bids me come.

He’ll comfort your hearts, for well you know
My time has fully come,
Be patient and wait, to God be true,
Till we shall gather home.

How fleeting is all on earth we see!
Oh fix your eyes above,
Where Mother has gone to wait for thee,
Where all is peace and love.

D. S. W.



“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom, of his dear Son. — Col. 1:13.”


WHILE we were holding meeting in Rich Hill, Mo., we came in contact with some very erroneous ideas concerning the Kingdom of God, held to, and advocated by a branch of the Mormon, or the Latter Day people, who are in error on this point of doctrine; teaching that the kingdom of Christ was not set up until the present century; that Jesus failed in the first century to set up and establish it through the effectual working of the Spirit; and seemed to have suffered weakness and defeat, until one, Joseph Smith who seemed to have been wandering through the mountains of the state of New York, found some plates on which was written the Book of Mormon, by which they were able to establish and set in order the kingdom of Christ between the years of 1825 and 1840, by appointing apostles instead of the twelve that Christ appointed or to represent them.

Also it seems that prior to this time a great portion of God’s word had been buried in the earth; hid away from man, when it sprang up out of the earth, was held up to the people, and the kingdom came in the likeness of Mormonism. But if they would make a careful consultation of the true inspiration they would find out differently.

Some of them go so far as to say the Book of Mormon is stronger and better than the Bible; and seemed to esteem as greater and more valid. They spare no pains in teaching it. But the plates which Joe Smith dug up was no means of grace or medium whereby God’s kingdom was established, but on the other hand, it was the way whereby an institution was founded which closely resembles, in many respects, that of our Lord, so we hope no one of God’s saints will be satisfied with a resemblance or representation instead of the real and the true.

Another almost equally erroneous and absurd idea is taught, that the kingdom is not yet set up, and will not be until the end of time, when a kingdom shall descend from above to this world and be set up, and Christ shall then set up and establish his throne and reign forever. We are not able to thus discern through the telescope of God’s truth. We cannot see the promise of Christ’s second coming to establish a kingdom. Heb. 9:28, And unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin [an offering] unto salvation.

His second mission to this world will be an entirely different one from the first. In the first he came an offering for sin; he abolished death, brought to light life and immortality through the gospel. He conquered death and the grave, subdued every enemy and foe, broke the bands of death, ascended gloriously and triumphantly to the Father and lives by the power of God to order his kingdon aright. But when he comes again he comes to destroy every foe, to put down this awful rebellion, to judge this world in righteousness. Also all the plan of salvation has been given into his care; all power in heaven and in earth. He has, and has had the exclusive ruling power to take in or exclude, to give or retain, and to work by his own good pleasure since his mission of redemption. 1 Cor. 15:23, 24. Afterwards they that are Christ’s at his coming. Then commeth the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father.

We firmly believe this is sufficient to convince any unbiased mind of the existence of the kingdom before the end, and that it is in the hands of Christ; also that he is reigning gloriously. Death, judgement, second coming of Christ, destruction of the wicked, and the resurrection of the just will be no instrument in setting up a kingdom; no plan, or system of a kingdom order.

We will notice the nature of a kingdom briefly. First, it must be composed of living human beings to be governed by its control. It must have a territory on which its subjects must be controlled. It must have a supreme head or ruler. It must have a law or guide, also a lawgiver. It must exist in ruling and being ruled, i.e., the seat of government rules and its subjects are ruled. It is not divided. We appeal to God’s word and to logic if the kingdom of Christ as set up in the days of his incarnation, does not exist in all of these forms and nature. Yea, we may say more from the simple fact that an earthly kingdom will not fully represent the one of the Bible, only in part, because the beauty and holiness of his is shortly and dwarfly figured by the best model of any worldly kingdom. Praise God, his is above all, of heavenly origin, is in the world but is not of the world, made up of human beings washed and purified in Jesus’ blood, and prepared for the proper conduct and deportment in the kingdom of celestial nature.


1st step by repentance and not death. Matt. 3:2. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. As the soul is burdened by sin, he feels his lost condition, is sorry because of sin, realizes that he has grieved the spirit of his Maker, and wishes to change his situation in life and repents of his waywardness, asks God for forgiveness and will surely find the kingdom near at hand.


Matt. 6:33. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. But to interpret this to please every one would be to seek first a little more worldly honor and riches; seek the pleasures of sin, and seek for everything else and at last seek the kingdom; or as some might seek it, in heaven or at death.

We do not believe that Christ would have taught them to seek something that did not come for more than eighteen centuries. It would be clear out of the question if that had been the case. But the seeker has the promise, if he seeks he shall find; knock and it shall be opened. The penitent soul comes seeking Christ who says to all that come to him. he will in no wise cast out. His mercy is far reaching enough, is so filled with love as to receive the anxious ones into his fold.


Matt. 6:9, 10. — After this manner pray ye, Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, THY KINGDOM COME. Those being taught were the disciples; were converted and members of the kingdom which had not yet come in all of its power and fulness until Pentecost when each member was set in order by the Holy Ghost and fully ordered aright in a perfect working condition. So it is to-day, each convert is taught to pray “Thy kingdom come,” and after the necessary sacrifice is made it will come to them in the power of the Holy Spirit; it will be Pentecost spanning the dark ages and the stormy blasts of nineteen centuries, and given to those who pray, “Thy kingdom come.” It will be Pentecost imparted to each seeker in 1894 in U. S. A. or elsewhere that call mightily on the name of God. Thanks be to his name!

Christ said there were some of them in his midst who should not taste death until they should see the Son of man coming in his kingdom, which he says comes not with observation, for the kingdom of God is within you. We understand by this the kingdom had not yet come, and was not to be seen coming but was to be realized in power and great glory. While it was not seen coming, yet the effect was very visible. While we see not the gentle wind that blows its gentle touch and fans to cool the heated brow, so we feel the gentle touch of divinity in the office of the Holy Ghost, which is righteousness, joy and peace.


Matt. 5:3 — Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The poor are a specially favored class of people. Have the gospel preached unto them, are chosen rich in faith, i. e. when they comply with the requirements of God’s word, and all who become heirs to the kingdom, will be brought to the one common plane; become humble and submissive in spirit. To be in subjection is to adhere to authority; one who lives under the power or control of another. Hence a person of a rebellious nature and disposition is not a subject of Christ’s kingdom because the carnal mind is not subject to his laws nor can it be. The only remedy is to kill out evil dispositions.

A preacher once said, the people of this world were the subjects; which if it were the case, there would be some very wicked ones, and constitute a very unruly kingdom. But by a scriptural investigation he will find they do not belong to Christ, but to the kingdom of darkness.

“But if you refuse and rebel ye shall be devoured by the sword.” — Isa. 1:20. The sword of the Lord devours the wicked, hence they are not in, or of the kingdom. All sinners and rebellious are on the outside and belong to the devil, because his works they do. But those who are willing to humble themselves to perfect obedience are of the kingdom of light. All who reject the New Testament ordinances are not subjects. All who adhere to sect creeds and reject holiness are not; but those who walk the straight and narrow way cast up for the redeemed, constitute the kingdom of light and righteousness in this world.

E. F. Houghton.




WOE to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time — Rev. 12:12. Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, that putteth thy bottle to him, and maketh him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness! Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, the cup of the Lord’s right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory. For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid, because of men’s blood, and for the violence of the land, of city, and of all that dwell therein. Hab. 2:15-17.

This is the awful proclamation of almighty God against the man or woman “who gives his neighbor drink.” I would to God we could sound the awful alarm, with such trumpet blast, that would reach the ears of all people and nations.

What an awful calamity is upon this sin-cursed world; because of the wickedness that abounds, that are dragging millions of poor mortals down to a drunken, destitute, suffering, miserable existence; which blasts all hope, destroys health, and sometimes inflicts ruin and degradation upon many of the helpless, innocent, little babes a parental conceived nature, more fit the occupant of a brute than the angelic form that lies before us. He has imbibed the fiendish appetite from his drunken father or his addicted mother and only lives to curse those who begot him, in his cursed existence, and hastens to early, untimely, criminal life, and a premature, pitiful end.

This fiendish foe invades the family circle, and spreads sadness all around, by thrusting his venomous fangs of horrid death deep into the vitals of the dearest tie of the social relation. The maternal joy, that a man child is born, is soon echoed with bitter heart rendings, for the vital virus is fast preying upon her once fondled hopes. It produces weakness instead of strength; sickness instead of health. It destroys vital function, blasts filial affection, destroys father’s hopes, breaks the poor anxious mother’s heart and brings her to a sorrowing death. Ah! the sad, welcomed foe is. STRONG DRINK, RUM.

How many bright homes, with all the fair connubial prospects of the lovely youth in their conjugal covenant, is soon blasted by the stealthy and unsuspecting entrance, of the mocking fiend, in the supposed innocent, accustomed glass of beer at the social tea; till, alas! it has dragged the once loving companion, to a miserable debauch, and the young and once cheerful bride is broken-hearted and despairs of hope or happiness, sinks into an horrible hell. Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! Isa. 5:11.

Dear reader and traveller to the bar of God, beware! It is a subtle fiend, a foe. It destroys life, excites, exhilarates, and maddens the brain, distracts the mind, poisons the system, defiles the blood, impairs usefulness and unfits people for the association of men or angels, but only fit for the company of brutes and devils. Hence, the dreadful woe is pronounced unto him that giveth his neighbor drink, etc. Prov. 23:29-32.

Oh ye saloon keepers, hear your doom proclaimed by God Almighty. No drunkard or extortioner can inherit the kingdom of heaven. 1 Cor. 6:10. You are extorting the poor people’s money for naught. Ye murder your neighbor for his hard-earned pennies, and rob the widow and orphan. No murderer can enter heaven. — Gal. 5:21. 1 Jno. 3:15. Your awful doom is written on the wall. The wicked shall be turned into hell, with all the nations that forget God. Ps. 9:17. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Rev. 22:15. You can have your coffers full, from the penury of your neighbor’s scanty earnings, live on the luxuries of the land and your family appear among the fashionable in society, but God’s word cannot fail. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for what a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Prov. 20:1. Oh ye foolish, deceived men who deal out death and damnation to your neighbors. For what will it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his holy angels; and then shall He reward every man according to his works. Matt. 16:26, 27. They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; none of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ramson for him. Psa. 49:5-7. Why boasteth thou in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. Thy tongue deviseth mischief; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good: and lying rather than speaking righteousness. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall destroy thee forever; he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. — Psa. 53:1-5. Hear, oh thou destroyer and repent, quickly!

G. R. Achor.


But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. — 1 Peter 2:9.

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. — 1 Jno. 3:8.

Page 2




D. S. WARNER — Editor. E. E. BYRUM Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS Publishers.


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DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI-SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in “the faith once delivered to the saints.”


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The Shining Light.


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Babylon is Fallen. What Church should I Join? Sects. The Master’s Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Spiritualism, or Bible Salvation vs Spiritualism. Price 10 cents per dozen.

Small tracts of various kinds for free distribution, at 10 cents per hundred.


Marriage and Divorce. A tract of 32 pages, giving the Inspired word of God on the subject. Price 5 cents.


The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent.


Must We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 cts. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred. $1.50.


Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract containing four letters with many questions concerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen.


“No-Sectism.” A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D S. Warner, showing the difference between sectism and the Church of the Living God. It exposes the false theories set forth by Sims. This tract contains 52 pages. For free distribution, 15 cts. per dozen; $1.00 per hundred.


The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price, single copy 5 cents. Per dozen 40 cents.


What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents Per dozen 80 cents.


The Secret Vice.

A small illustrated tract of 16 pages with neat cover. It gives a timely warning to the boys against the evils of Self Abuse, a habit which is prevalent throughout the land. The tract is attractive, interesting, and points out certain evils against which boys of every age need to have warning in time. Price, doz. 10 cts. 100, 40 cts. 1000, $3.00.


MASONIC SALVATION. By Fred Husted. This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer buying been a Master Mason, boldly brines the hidden and mysterious things before the public in a clear light. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 38 cts.

DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. By. E. E. Byrum. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German 248 pages. Paper cover, 25 cts.

HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. By H. C. Wickersham. Second edition. This is a very valuable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, making it very convenient for the Bible student. It also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables. Bible helps, etc. Cloth, marbled edges, $1.00.

BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. By W. G. Schell. Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true church and sectism, giving historical and scriptural proofs. Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cts. Address the Author at Anlo, Ohio, or this office.

ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. A second and thorough corrected editon of this new song book has just been issued. Containing 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invitation and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary instruction in music. Simple and concise — A practical selfinstructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly bound in pasteboard, price reduced to 40 cts. Per dozen $1.00. all prepaid

THE BOY’S COMPANION. By E. E. Byrum. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to the boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and warning in time, and too often parents rail to give the needed advice until too late. The book is illustrated with suitable pictures which are aimed to leave a vivid impression upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and experiences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should hove one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 25 cts. Cloth binding 40 cts.

The Bible Readings. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 30 cts. each.

Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. Manilla cover 26 cts. Cloth 40 cts. Per dozen $2.40 & $3.60.




D. E Weidner, D. M. Russell, Clema Koonce, A. F. Adams, A. Summer, Oscar B. Nelson, John Stake, S. M. Decker, F. Rosenberry, L. A. Kaufman, J. C. Green, M. Clark, C. P. Shore, F. F. Young, John B. Vervalin, D. C. Stauffer.


Requests for Prayer.


My mother, Catharine Martin, requests you all to pray for her Aug. 5, at 11, A. M. that she may be healed of deafness. Do not forget the date. Your sister, saved.

Dora Dickinson.

My little son desires prayer to be offered that he may be saved, and healed of heart trouble and other diseases. Also pray for us all here. We desire some one to come and hold a meeting about Aug. 15.

Mary A. Broom.

Wilksburg, Miss.

Watonga, Okla.

Dear Saints: Please pray on Sunday at 12, A. M., Aug. 12, for the healing of my body of catarrh and neuralgia in my head and female complaints from which I have been a sufferer for some time. Pray that the Lord may heal me sound and well. Your saved sister,

Sarah A. Allen.

Pawnee City, Neb.

I earnestly desire your united prayers for my daughter. She is about seventeen years old and has enlargement of the hip, or spinal disease. It appeared all of a sudden about a year ago, and was very painful, but has got some better. Pray that she may be healed and wholly sanctified. Yours in the one body,

Jane Brown.


Call for Meeting.


A grove meeting is wanted at Markleville, Madison Co., Ind., about Sept. 12, by a good company of workers. Address, Lucinda Bray.

We hope some one who can preach the pure gospel will come to this place. Also I ask you to pray, that my faith may be increased, and my body strengthened. M. B. Mayo, Mt Sylvan, Smith Co., Tex.

We want some man of God who is sent of God, to come to Colorado, and stay from two to six months and preach the pure gospel. There are several school houses can be procured.

C. P. Shore.

Falcon, Colo.

Richmond, Ky., July 15, 94.

Dear Brethren: I have a tent and would like to have some of you to come here and hold a meeting; one who is called of God to do evangelistic work, and present the gospel in all its purity. Let me know who can come. Your brother in Christ,

Cave Clore.

Moreland, Mich.

We greatly need some one filled with the Spirit of God to come up here in this part of the country to preach the gospel in all its purity; for there are a good many here hungering and thirsting after the pure word of God. We would like to have Bro. Bixler or any one else the dear Lord may direct to come here. There is a school house that will be open to any one that the Lord may send. It is two and one-half miles north of Moreland.

W. H. Calaway.

West, Point, Pa.

The saints here desire a camp meeting near this place this fall, and extend a call for some of God’s holy fire-brands to come here and assist us. We would be glad to have Bro. Schell or Henry & Co., or whoever the Lord leads. The exact time and place has not yet been decided, but probably about Sept. 13. Particulars later. We have never had a camp meeting here. Any one feeling that the Lord would have you come, write me soon.

B. F. Weikel.




Brother W. J. Smith writes that the Melrose, O. grove meeting will be held Aug. 1-8, instead of commencing Aug. 15, as formerly announced.


The Norwood, Mo. camp meeting, will likely be postponed as the Small Pox is raging near the camp ground and the brethren have decided not to have the meeting now.

Those desiring to rent tents for the Neosho Falls, camp meeting, can do so by sending two dollars in advance, to Sister M. E. Sain, Neosho Falls, Woodson Co., Kansas.

Brother J. D. Baugh, Eldorado, Saline Co., Ill., is still pleading for some company of gospel workers to come to that part of the country to meeting. Who feels the Holy Spirit moving them to go?


Mrs. Ella Weaver of Monticello, Ill., has been writing to the saints at various places for both financial and spiritual aid. We trust that some one from that place will visit her and find out about her needs.


A forty page tract on “SANCTIFICATION,” by J. W. Byers, is now ready to send out. It is aimed for free distribution, and we will send to any address, postage paid at the rate of ten cents a dozen.


We have on hands at present a few hundred BIBLE READINGS, by Bro’s Speck and Kilpatrick formerly sold at seventy-five cents each which we now offer at thirty cents each. Per doz. three dollars.

Bro. Carter’s tract entitled: “VISIBLE CHURCH ORGANIZATION — IS IT RIGHT?” is now ready, contains forty- eight pages, price three cents each; thirty cents per dozen. The latter part of this tract contains the words of John Wesley on the subject. If you have friends who are rather skeptical on the church question, send them one of these tracts.


Sister Grace Stratton of Richland, Kalamazoo Co., Mich., writes: “We wish to have the saints unite with us in prayer, that the Lord will send some truly saved person here to carry on the house work, as I feel the Lord wants me to leave my home here soon, and follow him.” This will doubtless be a good home for some consecrated sister, as Sister Grace feels led to bid adieu to Father and Mother, and go forth to rescue the fallen.


Brother C. E. Hunter writes, “I will not be at the Kentucky meetings as I had intended, as the Lord has directed otherwise. I will attend the Bennett Mills camp meeting, at which time any one desiring me to hold a short meeting, or assist in a grove or camp meeting between there and Neosho Falls can notify me at McGrath, Mo. as I expect to be at the Neosho Falls and Winfield, Kan., camp meetings, the Lord willing.”


Brother and Sister Decker write us from Indianapolis, Ind., they have moved their tabernacle into a more central part of the city, now situated on West St., opposite the military Park. “The Lord has raised up some precious souls to stand for his truth.” “Last night tent was full.” “Many souls are hungry for the truth.” They are very anxious that some brother, well armed with the word and Spirit, come to their help. Who will go? Address G. M. Decker, Gospel Tent, Cor. N. Y. and West Streets, Indianapolis, Ind.


Some of the brethren from a distance desired to know how much is due yet on the expenses of the Grand Junction camp meeting. Brother Michels being out in the gospel work since that time notice of the same has been neglected. The amount unpaid is about eighty dollars, which will be due Aug. 10. Also in October two hundred and twenty-five dollars will be due on the purchase of the land for the camp ground. Any one feeling led of the Lord to help pay this can send the money to Bro. G. W. Baughman, or Bro. S. Michels, Grand Junction, Mich.


Bro’s F. F. Young, Gig Harbor, Wash., and F. N. Jacobson, Oaksdale, Wash., write that the saints along the Pacific coast desire a school for the education of their children where they can be instructed and trained under holy influence. These brethren desire the saints along the coast to write to them concerning the prospects of a school. Such a school is doubtless much needed and would be pleasing to God if properly conducted. Such matters should not be undertaken without fully knowing the will of God concerning the same, as there is a great responsibility resting upon those who undertake such. We are not personally acquainted with Bro. Young, however we make mention of his earnest appeal.




Hodgdon, Me. July 25, 1894.

Dear Brethren: I rejoice to say that I am completely saved. God has led me to the place where I see that I must be free from sectism, aud I step out this month from Methodism, the denomination in which I have formerly been endeavoring to serve Him. My experience in the ministry has proved that the Holy Ghost cannot be confined by denominational lines nor be controlled by parliamentary rules. I feel that dare not, by becoming a member of any sect, be responsible for even a nominal barrier between myself and any other child of God.

I like your tract, “Babylon is Fallen,” and enclose a small amount for some copies, and a subscription to the Trumpet the remainder of the year.

The writer whose name is at the head of that tract presided at the last session of the E. Maine conference, of which I have been a member for seven years. I am sorry to say that instead of lifting his voice in warning against the dangers so clearly emphasized in the tract he seems now to see but one danger to Methodism; viz, holiness. It is only recently that I have been led to see that the two are antagonistic, for I have taken the ground heretofore of a loyal Methodist and contended for a return to the old path marked out by the sect founder, Mr. Wesley. I see that holiness is against not only Methodism but all isms, and when we get filled with the Holy Ghost we have no longer use for them, all of “one heart and one soul.” My prayer is that God’s people may keep their eyes upon Jesus only and not give heed to “seducing spirits and doctrines of devils” so common in these last days. Then God will lead them out of all darkness into His marvellous light. Yours in Jesus,

C. H. Fuller.




A general assembly meeting, Floyds Knobs, Ind. Aug. 24 to Sept. 2.

Marshall, Okl., Oct. 18-29.

Jeffersonville, Indiana, Sept. 15 to Oct. 1.

Leighton, Mich., Aug. 22-28.

There will be a meeting beginning here August 25, at Damascus school-house near Millville, Miss., and last as long as the Lord leads.

Elnora Dennis.

Millville, Miss.




St. Louis, Mich., Aug. 2-12.

West Liberty, Logan Co., Ohio, Aug. 10-20.

General Western samp meeting, Auburn, Neb. Aug. 10-22.

Beaver Dam., Aug. 14-23.

Bushong, Kan. Aug. 22 to Sept. 3.

Winfield, Kan., Oct. 4-15.

Smithport, Pa., Aug. 2-14.

Venango Co., Pa. Aug. 30 to Sept. 9.

Mole Hill, W. Va., beginning Sept. 15.

The camp meeting in Canada is expected to begin Aug. 23.

Camp Meeting at Renfroe, Leak Co., Miss, begins Aug. 24.

Vichey, Mo. Aug. 30, 1894.

Marquand, Mo. Sept 1, 1894.

Lowndes, Mo., Sept. 13, 1894.

New Carlisle camp meeting will be on the old camp ground in Mr. H. Trumbo’s woods, Aug. 22 to Sept. 2.

Ten miles south of Doniphan, Ripley Co., Mo. and near Poynor, Aug. 25 to Sept. 3. All lovers of truth invited. Those coming by rail, come to Doniphan.


Brother J. K. P. Whitecotton writes us the time for the above camp is set to begin Aug. 30, on the same ground occupied last year. About seven miles north east of Pennsboro, which is on the B. & O. R. R. Come and help, whoever the Lord sends.

Jerry City, Wood Co., O.

The time set for the Jerry City camp meeting is Aug. 23, and continue as long as the Lord wills. We want some holy man of God to come. Particulars will be given hereafter.

Wm. H. Miller.

There will be a camp meeting at Lanagon, McDonald Co., Mo., beginning, the Lord willing, Aug. 22, continuing as long as the Spirit may direct; Brothers and sisters, we need your help on this battle field. Many are the souls that are perishing for the bread of life. Who will come to their rescue. Your sister in this holy war,

C. A. Sunderland.

Granby, Mo.

The general Eastern camp meeting of the Church of the Living God, will be held about two and one-half miles north of Me Connellsburg, Franklin Co., Pa. Aug. 16-27 McConnellsburg is near the Cumberland Valley R. R. A stage line running to Mercersburg and Fort Loudon the nearest stations. All comming by rail on the Pa. R. change at Harrisburg; those coming on B. & O. R. R. change at Hagerstown. Arrangements will be made to accomodate those coming from a distance. Every body is invited, and especially all the eastern brethren that can probably attend this meeting should come. A glorious outpouring of divine grace and Spirit is expected. Let the church every where pray for the success of this meeting.

Camp meeting at Kensington, Smith Co., Kan. to commence Sept. 20 and last over Sunday Sept. 30, the Lord willing. Kensington is on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. The camp ground is close to town. All that can are invited to come to this meeting. All those that can, come prepared to take care of themselves, all who are not able will be taken care of as far as possible. Many souls here are in favor of the real truth and an ingathering of souls is expected. Let all of God’s little ones come filled with the Holy Spirit and praying for the meeting. Bro’s J. Willis and W. A. Haynes will be here, the Lord willing, and any one of God’s holy messengers that feel led, come to help in the battle against the enemy of souls. For further information about tents, etc., address Bro. J. C. Thayer at this place.

Geo. Vielguth.

Neosho Falls, Kan.

Good canvass tents 9 x 12 can be rented for use during camp meeting at Neosho Falls, Kan., Sept 6-17, by notifying me at least ten days before meeting begins. Tents will cost about $2.00. Meeting will be held in a beautiful grove just at the edge of town. Well of good water on the ground. Persons attending are requested to furnish their own bedding and other things necessary for use during their stay, as it is impossible to provide for any but workers at this place. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates near the ground. Good seed was sown here last year. We think the attendence from surrounding country will be large. The presence of all saints who can come will be of great aid in the meeting. The park is situated in easy walking distance from the M. K. & T. and Santa Fe R. R’s. Pray that all that we may do, may be done to the glory of God. Your sister in Christ,

M. E. Sain.




Strasburg, Pa., beginning Aug. 30

Hopkins, Allegan Co., Mich., Aug. 10-15.

Grove meeting, Eagle, Clinton Co., Mich. Aug. 18-23.

South Boston, Wash. Co., Ind. Aug. 16- 30.

Three and one-half miles east of Otto- kee, Ohio. Aug. 15-22.

Address N. Gorsuch.

Dodge, Ky. Sept. 5-11.

There will be a grove meeting near Melrose, O., commencing Aug. 1-8.

W. J. Smith.

Roselm, Ohio.

A Tabernacle meeting will be held, the Lord willing, right after the Beaver Dam camp meeting, eight miles west of Rochester, Ind. Brother Palmer, is desired, and whoever the Lord will send.

Samuel Plantz,

Rochester, Ind.

There will be a grove meeting held at Sweetser, Grant Co., Ind., commencing Aug. 28, lasting until Sept. 1, or longer if the Lord wills. If any of God’s ministers feel led to come, or any of God’s saints, address to us at Sweetser.. Yours in Christ,

Wm. H. Bragg.

Brock, Ohio.

There will be a grove meeting near Brock, O., beginning Aug. 9, and continuing until the 19th. Every body invited to attend. Those coming by rail on the Big Four stop at Versailles. Those coming on the C. J. & M. stop at Rosville. Notify S. J. Holsapple.

A grove meeting at Foraker, Hardin Co., Ohio on the C. & E. R. R. Aug. 22. Bro’s J. N. and Geo. Howard and wife are desired, and whoever the Lord may send. Your saved Bro.

Charles Ford.




Sidney, O., Aug. 22-30.


News from the Field.


Litchfield, Mich., July 20, 1894.

Dear Trumpet Readers: This morning finds us saved with perfect victory in our souls. We feel like reporting some of the work of the Lord since the camp meeting. From the camp meeting on our way here we stopped over one night at Kalamazoo, met with the church at that place and had a glorious feast to our souls, then came on to Litchfield and held meeting nine days in Sister Blodgett’s neighborhood six miles west of Litchfield. The people were very busy with their harvesting. Congregations were very small at first, but by holding on to the Lord by fasting and prayer there was quite a good attendance and good interest. From this place we went five miles north-east of Litchfield in Sister Hall’s neighborhood and held six meetings. In this

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meeting one sister was gloriously sanctified. She said she had been converted for some time and had light on the true church, so had not joined any sect, and had just been hungering for the truth and an opportunity to consecrate and get a satisfying portion. We also met with three others at this place, a man and his wife and a young man who lived with them who had been converted a number of years; had never met with any of the saints until coming there about six months ago. They also had never joined a sect. Said in the meeting they believed God had sent them to that place that they might find the true people of God. At this place there have been but two sisters who are out in the evening light, but have been living it before the people. Oh how it does our souls good to go to a place where those professing to be out this straight way are living their profession right before the people, that they will have to acknowledge of a truth that God is in them.

The Lord willing we will hold a three days meeting in Sister Blodgett’s neighborhood, beginning tonight, then go to Pioneer, Ohio and hold meetings near there until the Ottokee grove meeting. We saw something in the last TRUMPET suggesting that this meeting be changed; will say we received a letter from the church at that place; they thought it best not to change the time, and if Bro. J. N. Howard feels led to the Beaver Dam meeting, we have written to others and feel that the Lord will provide the necessary help. Yours in the one body,

J. N. & J. E. Worden.

Payne, Ohio.


Lapaz, Ind., July 24, 1894.

Dear Saints, and Readers of the Trumpet: We testify to you, that the grace of God has been sufficient in every time of need. Praise God for the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1 Jno. 5:4. When we trust the Lord, he not only helps us to preach, but to practice what we preach. This we are sure is very necessary. Brethren, let us be sure we always live what we preach in every thing, giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not be not blamed. 2 Cor. 6:3. After the Grand Junction meeting, we came with Brother Keeling to South Bend, Ind. He held some meetings there, but we went to Mishawaka and held meetings first on the street, next in the Park. The last of the meeting we held in the Disciples’ meeting house. Brother Keeling was with us one night. He then returned to South Bend and went from there to Teegarden. We went to Elkhart and began a meeting about one mile from town, held over one Sabbath, about six services in all at that place. If any of the brethren get there, call at Brother Kryder’s, in Elkhart, 712 Blaine Ave. The place where we held meetings is in a Union meeting house, open for meeting any time. It would seat a large congregation. If some one would go there later in the season while people are not so busy, a good work could be done, or if some company would go to Elkhart while the weather is warm and have a tabernacle meeting, a good work could be done. But perhaps they would have that anti-ordinance doctrine to contend with FromElkhart we went to South Bend, met with the saints there one night, and the Lord manifested his power in the meeting. The next day we came to Lapaz. We were there two nights, then attended meeting at Buffalo school-house, Sunday and evening. The Lord willing we begin meeting at the Ewalt school-house to night. Pray for us that the Lord use us to his glory.

Edward and T. E. Ellis.

Grand Junction, Mich.


Antwerp, Ohio, July 10, 1894.

Dear Brethren: We are glad to report victory again through Christ. We commenced the Antwerp meeting June 28, with the oppressing powers of h..ll thick all around; but the meeting had not continued long until God by his power raised it far above all antagonism. Sinners have been deeply convicted, and thank God, some have met the conditions, melted down and obtained pardon. Believers also have been gloriously sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. Also, God’s truth and his Spirit working conjointly have undeceived some who were in the “gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity.” The good Lord has given Antwerp a complete revolutionizing by the pure Gospel which went forth by the Holy Spirit in copious showers falling on the town, making some feel glad, and others lamenting the downfall of their idols. Uncle Alex Kilpatrick was with us during all of meeting except the first few nights. Bro’s J. N. and Geo. Howard were also present part of the time and were much blessed and used of the Lord in the meeting. Also Bro. W. L. Kilpatrick, with a number of other brethren from Payne, and some from Bro. B. J. Fleck’s neighborhood. The altar was filled last night and others raised hands for our prayers. May God save them. God knows, and it is written in heaven just who and how many were saved, and to him be all the glory. Bro. Speck did not get to this meeting, as was previously announced. We expect him to join us at Little York, Ind. Truly we are living in perilous times. We hope to return to these parts this fall the Lord willing, where we are anxiously desired to hold both meetings and singing school. All that desire meetings in our reach, address me at Springfield, Ohio. I would say in answer to the many calls that come from Northwestern Pa., that we should be glad to hold meetings this fall at your places, and will if I can get away. Pray for us.

B. E. Warren and A. J. Kilpatrick.


Ellisville, Miss., July 21, 1894.

Dear Saints of God, Greeting: We are glad to report victory on the Lord’s side. I went from Cuba, Ala. to east Louisana the last of May. I got off at Covington, La., and went to Welcome and preached twice to the people there with good result. From there I went to Zion Grove, La., and met Bro’s Bradley and Watkins. Brother Bradley had to return home and Brother Watkins remained with me. We had meeting several days with blessed results. Several were justified and quite a number were sanctified. I believe about every one that commenced to seek for the blessed experience the first of the meeting obtained it before the meeting closed. The people were certainly hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and thank God. they were filled. From Zion Grove, we went to Union school house and preached from Friday night to Sunday night. The crowds and interest increased here; one dear brother was sanctified, and others seeking. The next place was a Methodist community where the people were much interested, and many asked our prayers. We went back to Welcome, several were justified and sanctified in this meeting, some who were very hard opposers were affected by the truth. Here we baptized six, and ordained Bro’s Ben Rogers and J. L. Bernard, deacons in the church of God. May God help them to be loyal to their calling. We had a precious ordinance meeting, one dear little boy about 11 years old took part with us, he is very small for his age, but it was blessed to see him follow the example of his Savior and not be ashamed.

We next went to the town of Ponchatula on the I. C. R. R. where Bro. Bradley lives, and preahecd four nights. This is considered a hard place, but God blessed us with a precious meeting, and there was some salvation work done.

At Amite City we met with more opposition to the truth than elsewhere. It was hard to get the people out, and the sects held meeting so as to keep their members away, but some came any way, and the Lord blessed the few that would come out. At Hammond, La., three services were held, some were interested in the truth while others ran from it.

We went back to a school house where several were justified and sanctified. Here the people were taught as well as elsewhere definitely about home living and training children, that proved a blessing to many. Seven were baptized the last of the meeting, five of the seven I was told were over fifty-five years old and two of them had been Catholics, but the truth was effective and thank God will prevail. I stood on the end of the long bridge across the river and talked to the large crowd on the bank, on the subject of the resurrection, from 1 Cor. 15. Oh it was a blessed time. That night we had a precious ordinance meeting in which fifty or sixty took part. Brother J. W. Hoover was ordained elder here. The next morning dear Brother Watkins and I had to separate.

I went from there by Welcome where I preached once on my way to Hickory Grove. Here we had a good meeting. I never saw people more anxious for the truth. There was some salvation work done. From there we went to Abita Springs and preached to a large crowd in the city hall, some Jews and other nationalities were present. Most of them were Catholic. I preached to them on the second coming of Christ, and the signs of the times, and quite a number rose for prayer.

Thus our stay ended in Louisana, and I went back to Cuba, Ala. and met my family, then to Ellisville.

I want all the saints to pray for me and family as they are not very well. I have been and am now hindered from getting in the work regular, by financial oppression, but I believe God will help me out. I want your prayers to that end. All who want me to hold meeting, address me at Bozeman P. O., Lauderdale Co., Miss.

Samuel H. Bozeman.




La Rue, Ohio, July 25, 1894.

E. Floyd Banister, infant son of Bro. John Banister, departed this life; aged 7 months and 13 days, — a little bud plucked by the hand of God, to bloom forever in eternity.

See No. 207 in “Echoes from Glory.” Services by

B. E. Warren.


Western Park, Kan.

Rosa Jane Ashton, wife of Bro. T N. Ashton, departed this life March 26. 1894. She was born March 26, 1858; making her exactly 36 years old the morning she died. A husband and five children are left to mourn, but they do not mourn as those who have no hope. She was fully resigned to the will of God. She stated before her end that she was ready to go. The husband and some of the children are saved.

J. A. Miller.


Died, near Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich., July 22, little Johnnie Smith, nearly one year old. Little Johnnie was a bright little bud, but the angel of death hath borne him away to bloom above. And may his presence in heaven incline the heart of the father to seek that home where he can dwell with Johnnie in the presence of Jesus and the angels forever, and bind the heart of the mother still closer to Him who hath saved and washed her in his blood. Funeral service by

Allie R. Fisher.


Sister Abigail Farrell was born near New Pittsburg, Randolph Co., Ind., May 29, 1851, and died July 25, 1894; aged 43 years, I month and 26 days. She was married to Moses M. Farrell, Nov. 19, 1868. To this union were born eleven children, five boys and six girls, two of whom have preceded her to the spirit world. She leaves a husband also to mourn her loss. Sister Farrell was saved in the evening light during this meeting held in Father Wickersham’s granary eight years ago last May, and since that time she has lived a devoted Christian. May God bless the dear children and husband, and help them to remember the prayers and entreaties of a dear mother, to get saved from the sin of this world and meet her in a better one. Funeral at Praise Chapel by writer.

H. C. Wickersham.


West Monterey, Pa.

Edward McCoy, son of I. S. and Nannie McCoy, departed this life July 11, 1894. Age 11 months and 17 days. The Lord seemed pleased to pluck this bright little bud from among us, although it seemed hard to give it up, for it had prospects of being an intelligent and useful child for God; but God knows best, and we are resigned to his will. The death of the child has been the means of bringing the parents closer to God. Funeral service by the writer,

O. J. Sybert.


Stony Point, Ky.

Died of consumption, July 14, 1894. Miss Maggie Patsie Conner, daughter of Sister Jennie and John Conner. Age 14 years. She was buried the following day at the Clintonville cemetery, in the presence of a large congregation of sorrowing relatives and friends. A few days before she died she said she had faith in Jesus, and was willing to trust him in life or death; and a few moments before the end she called her parents, brothers and sisters to her, and bade them farewell and exhorted them to meet her in heaven.

John T. Crews.


Castroville, Cal., July 19, 1894.

My dear husband, Evan T. Edwards, left this world to be with Jesus, the 15th of this month. He was sick just two weeks. Oh how he did want some of the dear ones to be here to pray for him. He wanted to have Bro. and Sister Randolph to come, but we couldn’t get any mail to them on account of trains not running, and we really didn’t know just where to telegraph or we would have sent a telegram to some of the saints in the north and they could have come on the boat. It seemed he couldn’t have faith enough alone to be healed, but he thought he could if he could feel that it was God’s will to heal him, but said he couldn’t feel that way. But he made a full consecration to God and asked the dear Lord if it was his will, to heal him; if not, to accept him in the better world. He seemed to get better, but the disease finally went to his brain and he became unconscious and passed away just like a child going to sleep. The Gospel Trumpet was his delight; he loved it next to his Bible. I have the evidence that he is on the other shore, and it will not be long till we will meet to part no more.

Your sister,

Olive A. Edwards.


Near Albany, Whiteside Co., Ill., Mother Nancy Byers departed in peace from her earthly tabernacle, to her house not made with hands, in the blissful presence of Christ, on Sabbath, July 22, 1894. The days of her sojourn on earth were sixty- one years and two days. She was born in Franklin Co., Pa., July 20. 1833. Her maiden name was Whistler. She was married to Andrew Byers in the year 1850. In the same year they both gave their hearts to God, and were saved in Christ Jesus. And in all these forty-four years they have walked in love and harmony, and in faithful obedience to God to all the light they knew.

Their lives were devoted to the happiness and welfare of others. Our dear departed mother in Israel was a mother to all. She never wearied in labors to supply the needs, and furnish comfort to all around her, as long as strength enabled her to do so.

She was a devout lover and reader of the Bible. That holy book was her daily companion. She not only loved and worshiped the God of the Bible, the giver of salvation, but she adored and ardently admired the same God as the Author of nature, the Creator of all the beauties and wonders of the material universe. She never wearied in the contemplation of the wisdom, and the beauty-loving charater of God, as seen in the book of nature. To her eye every flower was a beatitude in the Divine character, and an expression of the bliss he desires to confer upon his creatures. In this trait of her character, and indeed, in all her blameless example, we confess, our acquaintance with her has been a blessing. It has greatly increased our vision of God in all the realm of his creation.

Mother Byers was called to pass through great suffering in her last days, in all of which she showed the utmost resignation to God, patience and peace of mind.

In the last meeting she attended she left the following testimony: “I do love my Savior, and I am walking hand in hand with him. It is so glorious to serve him. One thing I regret, and that is that I have not done more for him. I often feel that my time is short here, and I can depart and be with Jesus.”

At that time she also used the following scriptures: “Set your affections on things above, not on the things on the earth.”

“We look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen.”

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”

Though sweetly resigned to the will of God, she greatly longed for the happy day to come, that would set her free from this failing house of clay. And so the dear Lord took her, and without a struggle she fell asleep, and her ransomed spirit went home to the arms of Jesus.

She leaves a husband and five children, to feel and mourn their loss. They are all saved but one. Oh that he and his may now seek the grace of God! She leaves many other friends who will also miss dear “Grandma.” In fact the whole community have lost a true friend. And yet it seems to us a continuation of her life could do no more for all than her past life has, and may yet do. “For she, being dead, yet speaketh.” Her prayers are recorded in heaven, her tears are bottled up; her whole life is a sermon that shall ring in the ears of all who knew her, while they live.

She and Father Byers have felt the great parental responsibility; and have labored hard to bring up their children in the “fear and admonition of the Lord.” And by his blessing, great satisfaction has crowned their labors. Bro. J. W. Byers is a chosen instrument of the Lord, now publishing salvation on the Pacific coast. Bro. Andrew, the youngest son, is wholly consecrated to the work of the Lord; now being used as proof reader, and in other useful labor in this office. Sister Luella, the youngest of the family, is the divinely chosen companion of the life and labors of Bro. W. J. Henry. Sister Nancy, the eldest, preceded her mother five years, and to day they are together with Jesus. May all the dear family at last be happily united in glory. The Lord comfort and bless the bereaved. She chose this beautiful and appropriate text for her funeral sermon: “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” Ps. 17:15. The services were attended by a large congregation.

D. S. Warner.




O Mother dear, can it be true
That you have left our earthly home,

And left our hearts all bleeding so
To think you’ve gone, no more to come?

To look upon your lifeless form,
Brings feelings of the deepest grief;
But as we should in every storm,
We look to God, and find relief.

But mem’ries dear, that linger yet,
Still move our hearts to mournful thought.
Our Mother’s gone! We can’t forget
The solemn change death’s hand hath wrought.

What doth it profit to suppress
Our deep emotions, all aglow?
Our lonely hearts are comfortless. —
‘Tis all because we loved you so.

Far back in youth’s delightful day
We oft had thoughts — how sad they were —
Of when, sometime, you’d pass away,
And wondered how we could endure.

But ah! those thoughts are realized,
The chord of love is broken now;
We gaze with feelings solemnized
Upon your cold and tranquil brow.

The hands that soothed, the lips that kissed,
The voice that cheered, — are still in death;
But hark! Immortal words! We list
And hear her sing with silent breath, —

“When this earthly house shall fall,
And my days are numbered all,
Then my house not mode with hands
Evermore in glory stands.”

At this we turn our eyes above,
We see her mansion over there;
With Jesus now she reigns in love,
A choicest jewel of his care.

‘Tis sweet to know she’s with her God,
All dressed in angels’ bright array;
Her triumph tells that we too should
Be “ready for the crowning day.”

The time she spent was not in vain,
Nor yet her prayers and counsels given;
Some prayers unanswered, yet remain
Securely bottled up in Heaven.

The beautiful life she’s left behind,
Her beautiful nature, sweet and bright,
Her beautiful deeds and actions kind,
Inspire us to do the right.

Yes, Mother dear, ’tis true! ’tis true!
The angels came to visit thee,
To call thy soul, and it withdrew
And passed into eternity.

So now a sadness fills our breast,
But brighter thoughts have broke the spell;
We know you’re now in blissful rest —
The Master doeth all things well.

A. L. B.

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Paul says in Rom. 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed.” We notice that the text confers a command, and when Paul spoke the above words, he did not only refer to one particular point but meant it in the broadest sense of the word “conform” which is, not to be like, or make like, or act like, nor agree with the world in any of its unnecessary and extravagant customs. Therefore it is not only confined to personal vanity, but is better understood when measured by the rule of fashion of which I wish to speak.

I am aware that this is a most vital question, and that there will be many ready to take the negative side if not with any more argument than to cry, “crank” or “fanatic,” and I am sorry to say perhaps many of those will be professed saints of God.

Fashion is one of the gods of this world and has duped more men and women than any other god of idolatry. Its laws like the Medes and Persians, must be obeyed. We find this giant of Christianity and decency having some who profess to be the the children of God, under the galling yoke, causing them to submit to the most inconvenient practices, many of which are injurious to health, and repugnant to good reason.

There are two extremes, one of which I have just spoken; the other is fanaticism, in which many are led to believe it is God’s will for them to dress, or act, or engage in things beyond all reason, and perhaps could be termed all decency, and try to condemn all others for not coming to what they have feigned out of their own minds to be proper, which always brings a reproach on the cause.

Without a doubt God wants his people to be clean and neat, and always be presentable, for God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.

But remember the line must be drawn between the world and holiness, and we are on one side of the line or the other. How can we do this and all come to the same point? Let me tell you. It is by getting holiness of heart. Paul said: “But be ye transformed.” How? “By the renewing of your mind.” If any have gone through the transforming process of God, they are of the same mind and are walking as He walked, and their deportment, daily walk, conversation, and dealings, with their fellow man is in harmony with the Holy Spirit. Praise God for the Spirit that leads us into all truth. Thy word is truth. — Jno. 17:17.

Dear brethren, let us all remember whenever we lay down a code of laws outside of the blessed word to govern any person or persons, we are conforming to the world. That is the way Babylon has obtained all her mass of confusion, and the way the world makes her fashion is by saying that thus and thus shall be the custom or style for such a period.

Paul says again in 1 Tim. 2:9, “In like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel.” While God is no respector of persons we must admit that this is as binding on the men as well, as far as teaching the lesson of sobriety and modest apparel. He tells us in plain words what not to wear, and what we do wear, to wear it modestly. Dear ones let us obey the word of God. “Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey?” Rom. 6:16.

Oh says one, “God does not look at the outside but at the heart.” While that is so, He expects the outside to correspond with the inside, which always does, therefore He said, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” The heart contains the thoughts and intents of man either in holiness or sin, of which the outward manifestations are an index of the inward quality. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? — Matt. 7:16. A holy heart does not produce superfluity, extravagance, pride, revelry, banqueting, abominable idolatries, etc. My dear friend, get the pride out of the heart and the feathers will not be left on the outside, as sure as mortification is the result of death. Your life and actions plainly show what is in the heart. People unnecessarily lavish their means upon themselves and their children and still claim to be doing the will of God. How can this be? Let us ail be fully conformed to the will of God and he will be pleased, and our souls will prosper.

J. H. Rupert.



Psa. 119.129.


Houston, Mo.

Dear Trupet Readers: My testimony is, I am saved from sin. I am on the mountain top of God’s glory. His joy is my joy, and His peace is my peace. I expect to soon be out to work for God and perishing souls. Pray that God’s will be done on my part, and I be true to my calling. Your brother,

John Stage.


Lawsonham, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: I am thankful to day that I ever heard the evening light preached, and can truly say that I am saved through Jesus. May the power of God rest with all his dear children. Pray that the Lord may direct some true minister to come to this place where there are many poor souls dying for the bread of life. Your saved brother,

S. H. Gray.


Mc Gees Mills, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: I desire to write a short letter to the Trumpet to tell you that I have been called out of the Methodist sect by reading your blessed tracts. I have been a Methodist for over eighteen years, and was blind as all others that are still in sectism, but many times was warned of God that this was not the way to serve God. And I am now convinced that no sect is right. I ask the dear saints of God to pray for me. Your sister in Christ,

Mrs. Carrie Sunderland.


Mill, S. C.

Dear Saints Everywhere: I can say I am saved and kept by God’s power, and free from all sin and sects, also tobacco, to which I have been a slave till the true gospel was preached. The Evening Light is truly shining here, and all true Christians are coming out. I will just say to all, Come out now into the one body which is Jesus Christ, and be saved. You will enjoy the Holy Spirit, because it is given only to those that obey. Acts 5:32. Please pray for my husband that he may be saved. Your sister in the one body,

Nancy Pell.


Waynesfield, Ohio.

Dear Saints of the Living God: We feel it is of the Lord to tell the readers of the Trumpet how the little church at Waynesfield is prospering. Praise the dear Lord! We are still saved and kept by the power of God. Praise His dear name forever! We ask all the dear saints of God to pray for us here that we all may sink deeper into the will of God. We desire a tent meeting here about the last of August. Bro. J. N. Howard and Brother Schell are desired or whosoever the Lord may send. Your sisters in the Lord,

Nancy Landis and Sadie Brewer.


Center Point, Iowa.

Dear Saints of God: I feel that it will be for God’s glory for us to write and tell how God has healed us in answer to prayer. Bless his dear name! My throat trouble was instantly healed, and I know God has healed me of deafness. Praise him forever! Oh we do praise him that he has saved, sanctified, and keeps us from sin day by day. Dear saints, pray for us all, that we may always live just as the dear Father wants us to, and ready for whatever work he has for us to do. Yours happy in Christ,

Minnie H. and Myrtle Caldwell.

Edgerton, Ind.

Dear Saints of God, Greeting: I am greatly impressed to write a letter to the GOSPEL TRUMPET for publication. Glory be to God in the highest! I am so glad I can say I am saved and sanctified, happy soul and body each moment I live. O praise God for salvation full and free! It has not been quite one year ago that I was holy sanctified. Praise God he spoke peace to my poor soul, and I have been happy ever since. I am now past thirty. Glory be to God! I do not want to hear anything else preached, only holiness. I want every dear saint to pray for my dear parents, brothers and sisters, also James A. Harding. Pray that we may meet as an unbroken family circle around God’s throne. God bless you all. Your brother in Christ,

I. N. Gallant.


Edgar, Neb.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I feel led of God to write my testimony. I am saved just now. The dear Lord saved me from all sin over three years ago. I am so glad that God showed me this straight way. I do praise God for salvation that keeps me saved every day. I am dead to the world and its pleasures. The dear Lord has taken up his abode in my heart, has taken everything out that is not of God. The Lord raised up a little churce here. Some are standing firm for God, but the god of this world has blinded some of them. He that will endure to the end will be saved, so says the word of God. Praise the dear Lord forever! I am saved just now, and sanctified wholly.

J. E. Smith.


Veedersburg, Ind.

Dear Saints of God: I feel it would be to the glory of God to write a few lines. My heart goes out to God in praises for his mercies toward me. The Lord has wonderfully blessed a few of us in this place. It is through God’s mercy that we have been kept. Two families of us meet together twice a week in a little prayer-meeting. God is able to keep that which we have committed to his care. Praise God and the Lamb forever! When I read of such grand meetings among God’s people, my heart goes out to God in prayer that may be permitted to meet once with them on earth. Dear ones let us live for that grand and and glorious meeting where parting will be no more. Pray for me that I may be of more use to the Lord in the future. Pray :or my daughter that she may be sanctified. Your sister, saved and sanctified to do the Lord’s will.

Tillie Craft.


Dodge City, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: I have been intending for some time to write and request you to pray for the healing of my daughter’s lungs; but this afternoon I feel so burdened for my dear husband that I leave her with God, and ask you to pray for him. He has been once converted but is now a bitter opposer of holiness. Pray that he may be justified and sanctified, and brought out of sectism. I am sweetly saved and standing on God’s promises. Four of my children have been saved since I came out of sectism, although it has been only about eight months since I saw where I stood. We are standing alone with God, as there no one else that has come out in the evening light. I have never heard the evening light or pure gospel preached, but am still asking God to send some of his ministers this way. Your sister in Christ,

Ellen Ashenfelter.


Wilton Junction, Ia.

Dear Gospel Trumpet Readers, brethren and sisters in the Lord: May God bless, keep and save you by his Spirit continually dwelling in your souls. I want to tell you of the glorious victory that God is gaining in this community. We have five God-sent workers, who are working night and day, and fasting and praying for perishing souls; and we do thank our kind and heavenly Father that it has not been in vain. There have been four converted within the last week, and some with myself, are seeking for sanctification. I feel the great need of an entire cleansing from all that is not right in the sight of God. I want all of God’s dear people who read this to pray for my cleansing, that I may rise above temptation and mightily rejoice in tribulation. God help me to see him as he is. We do ask the prayers of God’s people, that the little ones at this place may be kept humble, with their eyes fixed on Jesus. We feel so thankful that God is gaining victory in this place, and some who have turned aside from the truth in the past, are now receiving the true evening light.

L. M. Townsend.


Floyds Knobs, Ind.

Dear Saints of God: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony for the first time. I cannot praise the dear Lord enough for his goodness to me, that he has brought me out of darkness into this marvelous light, and has given me a willing heart to forsake all for Jesus. Oh! I do praise the dear Lord for salvation full and free, and that he keeps me from sin each day. What peace, joy and comfort we have in our blessed Redeemer. It fills my soul with glory to tell the hungry thirsting soul of the redemption story. I have been a member of the German Evangelical sect for twenty-five years. I praise the Lord for deliverance from sectism and all things that were not pleasing in his sight. I have also taken Jesus for my Physician. I can testify to the leafing power of God. I was healed of La Grippe last winter, and our little darling boy, now two and a half years old was wonderfully healed two or three different times, for which I give God all the glory. I praise the Lord for victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. I ask an interest in the prayers of all God’s people, that I may ever be found at my Master’s feet, doing his will. Your sister saved and sanctified,

Louisa Luther.


Lithium, Mo.

Dear Saints: I feel led to write my testimony once more. I can testify to full and complete salvation that saves rom all sin. I was first justified, and afterward I presented my body a living sacrifice and the Lord sanctified me wholly. I know my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. I can praise the dear Lord for saving me from sectism. I was a Baptist and that was all, going on and processing and not possessing. When I heard the pure word preached in its purity, I began to weigh myself in the balances, and the word soon showed me I was found wanting. Then I began to pray to the Lord in earnest, both night and day, till he did save me! Now I am standing tree rom all isms and schisms, in the one body. Pray for me, that I may be kept very humble and live very low at the Savior’s feet. Amen. Since I left Denver I have not been able to meet any of the saints, but God has just given me the victory, to talk to poor deluded souls, and to my con- connection who are all living in sectism. My prayer is to God to send some of his holy ministers this way. There is a big scope of country here that has never heard the pure gospel. We read that many false prophets would rise and deceive many, and if it were possible they would deceive the very elect. There are many of these prophets in this country to day. The word says, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 Jno. 4. There is a people here professing holiness but are all wrapped up in sectism. God just gives me the victory in talking and reading the word to them. I have also scattered a good number of tracts and papers among them, and some are getting very anxious for the truth. Dear brethren, if there are any of you near this place this summer, come. Can not Bro’s R. M. Haynes and R. B. Hicks come, or some of the brethren from elsewhere? Lithium is six miles from Chester, Ill., four from St. Mary’s, Mo., and ten from Perryville, Mo. There are several doors open here. Come brethren in the name of Jesus, filled with the holy Spirit, that God in and through us may save may save many souls here. Address me at Lithium, Mo.

W. A. Hargis.


Marquand, Mo.

Dear Saints: I started from here ast January in company with Brother and Sister R. M. and Lizzie Haynes, and travelled northeast as far as Reed, Ind. (travelled in a covered carriage) holding meeting along the way, at different points, and intended going on the Grand Junction camp meeting, but while at Reed, Ind. the dear Lord showed me the time had come for me to return home, but provided me only two dollars and forty-five cents for the journey, a distance between four and five hundred miles. He seemed to impress me to start on foot, but I was fearful at first it was not of God, and called to mind an article I had read in the Trumpet a few weeks before concerning religious tramps. I became afraid of bringing reproach on our blessed Christ and his cause and could hardly decide whether or not it was the Lord leading me, and so was much in prayer about it while in meeting on Sunday night, and on the way home, but he seemed to show clearly that if he led me so that even his saints should call me a religious tramp, I must submit to it, and he would be responsible for me and his cause.

So the next morning, Monday May 28, I started and never in all my life felt so sure of God’s leading. Bro. Haynes brought me as far as Anderson, Ind. a distance of twelve miles, when at my request he turned back owing to business and the Lord’s service. I felt it uncharitable on my part for him to go further, so we parted at 11 A. M. and although a poor walker the dear Lord enabled to get to Veedersburg, Ind. about 7 P. M. Wednesday May 30, a distance of one hundred miles. I walked most all the way. But at Danville, Ill. He provided me with money to pay my way on the train from there home through our dear Brother Wm. Hinton. I came from Danville to Todd’s Point, Ill. and stopped over Sunday with Brother E. D. Mast, and through the kind liberality of him and family I was enabled to get home with one dollar. The starting on this trip was a trial, but praise our God forever, it proved a great blessing, for God did wonderfully bless my soul in starting out on this trip, and since that time He has been wonderfully settling me down in his precious will. Beloved, let us not fear to follow where his hand leads. For I have found he has a spiritual work for me here and he was preparing me for it through this trip. We have had some grand meetings here since my return, one precious soul came out of sectism and God’s little ones have been strengthened. Persecution is running pretty high, and the devil is doing all he can to hinder the work. I have been laboring with my hands since I came home, and holding services whenever the Lord so leads. Expect to remain here until after camp meeting. Will probably be at Cape Girardeau, Mo, to help Brother and Sister Haynes in meeting there in August, but will return here to camp meeting, aud am not sure what the Lord will have me to do after this. Now dear ones all pray earnestly for me that God will keep me and make me useful, and lead me in a plain path. Your brother saved and sanctified,

R. B. Hicks.

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