21 March 1895, Volume 15, Number 12.




(Written for the funeral occasion, and read before the people.)

Here lies the sacred house of clay
Of one whose life was love;
The ransomed soul has passed away
To dwell with Christ above.

The angels seem to hover round
To look upon him now;
For precious in the sight of God
The death of Father Howe.

Our hearts are awed in reverence, too.
As we so clearly trace
The peaceful halo on his brow,
Of death in living grace.

For this dear pilgrim understood
Our life to sanctify.
A living sacrifice to God.
Is more than grace to die.

He found the inner court of God,
He entered there to stay;
And through the dear Redeemer’s blood,
Washed all his sins away.

He chose the way of holiness,
He walked in heaven’s light,
And even to his latest breath,
He kept his garments white.

He turned from all this world away,
He knew its gold was dross;
He wisely chose the pilgrim’s way
Low at the Savior’s cross.

Yea, more, he saw that every way
But truth alone must fall,
And blessed the trump that sounds to day
That “Christ is all in all.”

He fixed his eyes upon the mark
Of an immortal prize.
And all along that blissful hope
He kept before his eyes.

Dear neighbors, we commend to you
The grace that ever shone
So beautiful in Father Howe,
And led him safely home.

His life shall stand a witness true,
A light in all this place.
That you can all be holy too,
Preserved in perfect peace.

He proved it so through many years,
He lived it every day:
He told you oft wait grateful tears
The beauty of this way.

And though his voice is silent now,
His life yet speaks to you;
And when you think of Fattier Howe,
You know this way is true.

Dear Mother Howe, and many friends,
To you this voice is giv’n;
It tells you of the saints that go,
All pure and ripe for heav’n.

Yea, precious in the sight of God,
The death of those who die;
To Him that washed them in His blood,
Their happy spirits die.

And there dear Father is at home,
His journey has been long;
So let no heart now weep in gloom,
But sing a cheerful song.

Yea, why should we be sad at all?
Though nature fondly weeps,
A soul has gone with Christ to dwell,
His body only sleeps.

And o’er the mound that marks his bed,
A bow of hope is placed, —
The resurrection of the dead
Will crown him with the blessed.

D. S. W.




AS AN alarm is being blown in Zion, and as a terrible convul­sion, or as the fearful earthquake produced by the exploding of some great volcano whose crater sends forth volumes of fiery substance, deluging all around, with the torrents of flaming destruction; just so has the blast of God’s everlasting truth in mighty thunder tones begun to shake this sin-cursed earth. The God of heaven has sent forth by a power unseen, a great shaking; yea, a devastation that is bringing down the powers of the archfiend, and ex­posing all the ungodliness carried on under the cloak of a profession of salvation, revealing the works of man and devils, showing them up in their true character. And with the voice of a great trumpet every honest soul is being awakened to the realization of the degenerated condition of the professed world, also the dissipated state of affairs carried on by human­ity in general. The broad and com­prehensive law given by the infallible Judge of right, is being brought forth in all of its brightness, glory and splendor, bringing all nations before the bar of heaven’s truth, delivering to every creature the pure Word that shall meet them at the consummation of time, or at the final judg­ment of that last great day.

Without compromise the eternal Word must go forth unto victory, conquering and to conquer. Follow­ing Jesus the head, we march forth with the written judgment that dis­perses the ignorance of sectish night, repudiates the powers of hell, coun­teracts the multiplied forces of the great destroyer of souls, casts away all formality, rejects every heresy, delivers from all confusion, gives power over the sectish beast, and brings us to Zion with everlasting joy. With the harps of God tuned by the Holy Spirit, standing on the sea of glass, we sound aloud unto our King the joyful praise arising from hearts made free in Jesus’ blood. And in this joyful existance the sweet vibrations of heavenly music is heard to resound through the throng of united believers. To the throne of God goes the melodious strains of the song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. 15:2, 3. Many generations have sung of this song as something in the by and by; in the great beyond, or the joys to be received after passing into the unseen. But a host of puri­fied ones are singing this song now in this present evil world.

For the glory of God we will no­tice a few notes in the song of Moses, or the song of deliverance sung by him. In Deut. 32, we find the above named song. Also, Ex. 15. Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. * * * Because I will publish the name of the Lord; ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the rock, his work is perfect; for all his ways are judgment; a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. Verses 1, 3, 4. Thus we sing that our God is competent to create or perform a perfect work, which needs no legislation of man. He built his church on a sure foundation; yea, a perfect structure that calls for no ecclesiastical machinery of man, bands or straps to preserve it from falling. Being perfect, man cannot add unto the perfection thereof. To all who believe the contrary part, let us sing. Do you thus requite the Lord? O foolish people and unwise! You light­ly esteem the rock of salvation; you provoke him to jealousy with strange gods, and with your abominations, you sacrifice unto devils and not un­to God; to gods whom they [primi­tive Christians] knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. Verse 17.

Many new gods have arisen in the last few centuries in the form of isms and divisions, and are repre­sented by the many so-called churches that our apostolic fathers knew nothing of. Not having space or time to name all, or even half of the many new gods that people worship, there is one that rises before our vision, from the which I feel God would be glorified in having the cloak of hypocrisy torn off, exposing the wolf fangs and the cloven foot of Sa­tanic operation, revealing it in its hideous form of delusions, and all the nakedness of its ungodly charac­ter, as made known by the Word of life through the living God, whom we serve. This worshipful institution is known as F. M. ism, and is truly a god newly come up. And the weight of its own testimony shall break its skull, and lay its lifeless form out before the truth of almighty God and be given to the ravenous beasts and birds of prey to feast upon during the great sacrifice that is prepared at the supper of the great God. Eze. 39:17-20. Rev. 19:17, 18.

In a small tract compiled by one Geo. W. Fitch, who sets forth the origin and doctrines of F. M. ism, we read:

“In the Genesee conference of the M. E. church, about the year 1858, several preachers and many members were excluded from the church [M. E. sect} for their adherence to the principles of Methodism, [not God’s word] especially to the doctrine and experience of ‘entire sanctification’. Appeals were made to the general conference [instead of God] which were denied. Those excluded could not only join any other Methodist body, for there was none that agreed with them on the issues on which they were thrust out. Therefore, they [not Christ] felt compelled [be­cause of their ignorance of God’s word] to form a new [dis]organiza­tion.”

A new god newly come up. Again, “The Free Methodist church was or­ganized by a convention of layman and ministers which met at Pekin, Niagara County, New York, on the twenty-third day of August, 186o.”

Give ear, O ye people, to this, that the F. M. sect was set up by a convention of laymen and ministers at Pekin, N. Y. in 1S60. Christ said in A. D. 32 he would build his church. Matt. 16:18. And in 60 and 64 the apostles tell us it Has been built. Eph. 2:20-22. 1 Pet. 2:5, 6. So between those two dates, 32 and 60, we know he fulfilled his promise. Yea, on the day of Pentecost, at Jerusalem in 33 A. D. the church of Christ was per­fected, as it then received all the ful­ness of God in entire sanctification that made its members of one heart and of one mind.

How is this, the heavenly church, compared to F. M. ism which was not thought of until eighteen hundred and twenty seven years after Christ completed his organization? The church of the first-born has God and his Christ as founder. Heb. 11:10. Matt. 16:18. But this new god, new­ly come up, has a company of falli­ble men for its founder, and how can it be perfect? Oh what a contrast! And, my dear reader, will you take warning and flee from sect confusion to the church of the living God? Es­cape Babylon ere her burning takes place with you in her fold. Flee, in Jesus’ name, lest the vengeance of the fierceness of God’s wrath comes up­on her while you are rioting with her in the abominable idolatries of a Sa­tan-operated institution.

Again, “They [F. M’s] tried hard to stay in the old homestead [M. E. sect], and not until they were unjust­ly and tyrannically expelled did they organize another church.”

What blindness to try to stay in an institution that you say was tyranni­cal toward the nature of truth and holiness. If that old homestead was the church of Christ, why did you not stay there? Man does not con­trol the heaven-born church built by Christ. So you were ‘turned out, O ye F. Ms, by whom? man or God? By man you have said; yet you clung to that man-operated ism “with all that filial affection which a child feels for its mother.” You were sor­rowful because you were compelled to leave it. You built another ism operated by man. Have you bettered it any? You say:

“All hope of obtaining anything like justice was cut off. What could be done? To stay in the M. E. church was impossible. We had not left. We were unjustly and cruelly turned out. To what other church could we go and find a home? We knew of none”

Oh, ye poor victims of tyranny, you were without a home, you were away from Father’s house, and not ac­quainted with our mother. Gal. 4:26. You knew of no church where “you would be welcome.” Then you were outside the church of the first-born, and did not know where to look for it. Why did you not repent of your ungodliness? then Jesus would have let you in his church. But you did not think of him, did not know he had a church. Had you any Bible? or could you not read? Oh, you thought Christ was dead, did you? and the government was all on your shoulders. He was unable to govern his kingdom, and you took it upon yourselves. “The necessity of an­other organization was upon you, there seemed to be no alternative.” You would have gotten out of it, but impossible. You were forced to con­struct something you did not want. Why not now come out and forsake it, and receive the truth of God? Every honest soul wants that. Do you? You did not want your sect; you certainly want, or at least need something, and that is to discern the body of Christ. You ran from a lion and a bear caught you; you escaped the bear, and the serpent sent his poisonous fangs into your system un­til you were overcome by the poison, became so intoxicated that you for­got Christ had a church. Repent, turn to Christ! he will extract that poison, clean you up, and give you a place in his fold where you will be wel­come. You wanted to stay in the M. E. sect and could not, you did not want your F. M. sect and had to take it. Oh what confusion! Babylon indeed. “Come out of her, my people.”

Again, page 24 we read, “It is gen­erally admitted that no precise form of polity is brought to light in the apostolic churches; but this has been left to adapt itself to the varied con­ditions of society, as the piety and the wisdom of the church should de­termine.”

In the name of Jesus, I say, this is one of the most cunningly devised falsehoods that the inhabitants of earth are cursed with. To say that there is no precise form of govern­ment brought to light in the word of God, this is throwing a lie in the face of the lovely Son of God. Read Matt. 16:18. Eph. 2:20-22. 4:1-16. 1 Cor. 12:1-13. 12:18. 12:24-28. 1 Cor. 1:10 Rom. 12:1-8. Jno. 10-9. Rev. 3:7. Isa. 22:22, Jno. 15:2. Ex. 32:33. Psa. 87:56 Heb. 12:22, 23. Matt. 18:15-17. 2 Tim. 3:15-17.

After reading these and many other such scriptures, none but those who have rejected Christ and his Word, and are deluded by Satan will ever dare to assert that Christ gave, no precise form of government, but left it with conscience-seared and hard-hearted men to construe as they like, to suit their ungodly divisions that cannot be subject to the govern­ment of heaven. Such is a slander on the Son of God; and may such poor souls be awakened to the reali­zation that God is still alive, still has a church governed by himself, and man has no part in it, except to abide under and obey the law given by him. Page 29. Having asked several questions for applicants to answer, we read,

“The person giving affirmative an­swers to the above questions shall, with the consent of three-fourths of all members present at a society meeting, be admitted to all the privi­leges of a member.”

You are voted into this new god, newly come up, by three-fourths ma­jority, neither can you get in without

their consent. But all who repent and forsake their sins whether in the crowded street, house of worship, solitary closet, or field of labor are immediately received into the church of the first-born, with only the Holy Spirit as witness; yea, born into it. Praise the Lord! God help every true soul to escape the works of the devil, in the which the end is sure destruction.

Coming to another note in our song, we sing, A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell [depths] and shall con­sume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains [sects]. Deut. 32:22. O praise the God of heaven! the fire of eternal judgment and truth is setting the very foundations of the multiplic­ity of creeds on fire; they are consum­ing away the wrath of the living God. Her hour is come; Babylon has fallen. Flee, ye people, to God for refuge, lest you receive of her plagues, and perish in her awful doom. Awake, ye heathen, come through the valley of judgment; enter the valley of de­cision on the right side, ere your spirit takes its flight into the great beyond, from whence there is no re­turning. Lost! lost through all eternity! will be the cry. Yours in the love of Jesus,

W. A. Haynes,

Flag Springs, Mo.


Trenton, Neb.

Dear Trumpet Family: I am saved, bless the Lord forever! I have been a member of the Christian sect for a number of years. But praise God, that I heard the true gospel preached by Sister Kriebel, and I accepted the truth. God has seen fit to heal me. I had been afflicted for ten or twelve years. For six months before God healed me I took six doses of medicine a day, which cost me fifty dollars, and it did me no good at all. When I got right with God he made it known to me that I could be healed. So I was healed according to God’s word. Dear ones, let us all go to God in time of trouble, and take the money that we pay out for medicine to help spread God’s true word to all nations. I was sore tried the next day, but God says his grace is sufficient for all that will put their trust in him. Praise the dear Lord forever! Your brother, sanctified wholly,

James M. Fitzgerald.


Lowndes, Mo.

Dear Brethern and Sisters in Christ: This finds me saved and my life hid away with Christ in God. Bless the Lord forever! I am so glad I have found a Savior that saves from all sin. I have learned to take the Lord for my physician. Our little girl got sick and there were no elders here to call, but I had this promise: if ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. John 15:7. Praise the Lord! I went to him and my child was healed in that very hour. Dear ones, when we read the requests for prayer let us not neglect to go to Father about it, because I can realize the worth of prayer. When my wife was afflicted, he healed her in answer to prayer. I pray God to send some of his holy firebrands here again to preach his word. If some one would come now filled with the holy Spirit I believe much good could be done. If any one feels led of the Lord to come, there are two school houses open for them. If you come write to me at Lowndes, Wayne Co., Mo. Pray for your brother un­der the blood,

H. W. White.

Page 2




D. S. WARNER — Editor. E. E. BYRUM — Office Editor. E.E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers.


Subscription $1.00 a year in advance.



DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI-SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in “the faith once delivered to the saints.”


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An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty- five cents a year. Address


Grand Junction, Mich.




All the following tracts except the tract — “What is the Soul?” can be had in German.


Must We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 cts.


The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price 5 cents.


Question and Answers on the Church. A tract containing four letters with many questions concerning the church, and showing the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen.


The Great Tobacco Sin. This is a very thorough tract on the subject, by D. S. Warner treating it from a Bible Standpoint. 32 pages. Price 10 cts. per dozen.


What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents


“No-Sectism.” A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing the difference between sectism and the Church of the Living God. It exposes the false theories set forth by Sims. 52 pages. 15 cts. per dozen


The Secret Vice. This is a sixteen page tract — Illustrated, taken from ‘‘THE BOY’S COMPANION,” and contains some plain talk to boys, giving them a timely warning against the evils of self abuse 5 cts. per doz.


Visible Church Organization, Is It Right? This is the title of a tract reviewed by Thos. Carter, giving some points of sectarian discipline, compared by the word of God, also showing the difference between a sect and the true church. 48 pages. 15 cts. per doz.


Babylon, and What it Includes. By W. A. Haynes. 79 pages. 20cts. per doz. This tract very clearly sets forth the true meaning of Babylon, both literal and spiritual. Showing by the Word of God just what classes of people it includes, throwing light on many important points of prophecy.


Sanctification. By J. W. Byers. 40 pages. 10 o. per doz. This contains much information for those seeking after holiness and a closer communion with God. It gives God’s part, and man’s part concerning consecration, and how to get sanctified, — how we may know that we are sanctified, — how to keep sanctified, — and many objections answered.




MASONIC SALVATION. By Fred Husted. This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer having been a Master Mason, boldly brings the hidden and mysterious things before the public in a clear light. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts.

DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY. By E. E. Byrum. Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German, 248 pages. Paper coyer, 25 cts.

PRIESTS OF ROMANISM; OR, Substitution for Marriage. By G. B. Collins. 15 cts. $1.44 per doz. A Compilation showing the evils of Priestcraft as it has come down to us from Pagan Rome, containing the full text of the oaths taken by Cardinals, Bishops, and priests: the awful oath of the Jesuits and Roman Catholic canons.

HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. By H. C. Wichersham. Second edition. This is a very valuable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, making it very convenient for the Bible student. It also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables, Bible helps, etc. Cloth, marbled edges, $1.80.

BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. By W. G. Shell. Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true church and sectism, giving historical and scriptural proofs Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cts. Address the Author at Anlo, Ohio, or this office.

THE SABBATH; Or. Which Day to Keep. By D. S. Warner. Nearly 200 pages. Paper cover 10 cts. $1.00 per doz. Cloth. 30 cts. It is a very through investigation of the whole subject of the law, and its obligations, the Seventh day Sabbath, its object and terminus at the cross. The first day proved by prophecy, shadows, history and the New Testament to be the Lord’s Day and Sabbath of the Christian Dispensation.

THE BOY’S COMPANION. By E. E. Byrum. This is a nest little volume with interesting chapters to the boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and warning in time, and too often parents fail to grave the needed advice until too late. The book is illustrated with suitable pictures which are aimed to leave a vivid impression upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and experiences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should have one of these hooks to read. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth binding 25 cts.

ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. A second and thorough corrected edition of this new song book has just been issued. Containing 282 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invitation and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary instruction in music. Simple and concise — A practical self- instructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly bound in pasteboard, price reduced to 40 cts. Per dozen $4.00. all prepaid



Melvin Stuart, Wilson L. McLendon. W. H. Hodge, Mrs. L. E. Copeland, I. Underhill, F. Rosenberry, G. H. Farmsworth, Wm. Gates, Elias Stonebraker, Olive Lockwood, A. K. Morrison.


Requests for Prayer.


PRAY for me April 1, for both soul and body.

Mary A. Carpenter.


PRAY that I may be enabled to know the way of the Lord more perfectly, and walk in the light.

B. F. Caldwell.


I ASK you to pray for me, that the Lord may heat me. I have a bad cough and my lungs are affected, and I am trusting God.

Samuel Peters,

Granby, Mo.


MY left side has been afflicted for three years. Pray the Lord to heal me. In answer to prayer he took away the appe­tite for tobacco.    

J. M. Harmon.


Dear Saints: We desire that all the dear saints pray for the church here at Berlin. We are only a few who are trying to walk according to the gospel in the evening light. The severe opposition from a class of people who profess sancti­fication greatly hinders the work here, but we praise God for helping us to keep the victory. We trust the Lord will send Bro. Schell or some one to help Bro. Dillon in the work. We are poor, and ask all the saints to pray that the Lord may provide the necessary means and a place to set the tabernacle, and that many souls may be saved. Yours in the one body,  

S. S. Mover,

Berlin, Ont.


Calls for Meeting.


Dear Brothers and Sisters: There is still a call in this land for the pure gos­pel. If the heavenly Father wills, please send some of his swift messengers this way. They will find hearts and homes open to them. And may they be of his own choosing.

Caroline Street,

Cedarville, Modoc Co., Cal.




Grand Junction camp meeting, June 11-20.

Now is your time to get literature cheap.

UNTIL April 15, we will sell books for one-half the regular retail price. This offer brings some of them be­low cost price, and will not continue longer than the appointed time. So now is your time to buy books.


We have 300 000 tracts for sale, English and German, from one to seventy pages, which we offer until April 15, to send by freight, at only 12 cts. a pound. This includes any of our tracts which have been selling for 5 cts each, or less. No orders sent at this price unless $2 0o worth or more are ordered, with cash. In these special offers, the purchaser is to pay freight charges, which will not be any more on one hundred pounds than it will on ten pounds. Get a box of tracts to distribute on your way to camp and grove meetings in cities, place in depots, etc., and God will bless your labors,


At 12 cts. a pound, you get from 800 to 1600 pages for 12 cts. Can you not afford to get a supply of tracts for free distribution? We will make an assortment of all kinds, or fill order according to your own selection.


THUS reads Gal. 5:19—21 in Conybeare and Howson’s translation of the epistles of Paul; “Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are such as these; fornication, impurity, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, enmities, strife, jealousy, passionate anger, intrigues, divisions sectarian parties [instead of heresies in the common version], envy, mur­der, drunkenness, revelings and such like. Of which I forewarn you [as I told you also in time past,] that they which do such things shall not in­herit the kingdom of God.” Ob­serve the word heresies in Greek is plainly and literally rendered relig­ious parties. Are not all the sects of these last days, commonly mis­named churches, religious parties? Then they are not of God, but are the works of the flesh. They are class­ified with the basest sins of wicked and depraved men; even with drunk­enness and murder. And positive warning is given to all that such as do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Then flee out of all religious parties and abide com­plete in Christ. And let all who are out stand far off and be safe in the refuge of truth.

Bro.S. P. Strang writes us again from So. Chicago, Mar. 11: “There have been sixteen or eighteen con­secrations, besides several that have renounced Babylon, and come out of her. Praise God!

Some of the sect preachers are crying out that we are bringing in divisions, and taking their best mem­bers. Jesus says, ‘My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me.’ I think we will have an ordinance meeting next Lord’s day. God is working in this place. Oh, how I do love the work of the Lord! Pray that the way may be open for me to stay in the work. I am willing to sacrifice anything for the cause of Christ.”


Georgeville, Pa., Mar. 14, 1895.

To all the saints in the east desir­ing meeting this spring and summer I would say that the Lord willing we shall work on the Eastern coast t his coming year. We have engaged a tabernacle for tabernacle meetings. We start east in a few days, through Washington, Baltimore and Phila­delphia, also will be in New York City a few days. Any one desiring meetings along the line or in these cities let us know at once. Address us at Dawson, Pa. I have lost ten Divine Healing, paper cover, some­where this winter. If any one has found them, please send them to me, or let me know. Yours in Christ,

W. J. Henry and Co.




PAUL said unto Timothy, “I charge thee therefore, before God, and the Lord jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his ap­pearing and his kingdom; Preach the Word.” 2 Tim. 4:1, 2. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. “John bear witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake. He that cometh after me, is preferred before me; for he was before me.” “And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit de­scending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not; but he that sent me to bap­tize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost, And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.” Jno. 1:1, 14, 15, 32-34.

This is sufficient to prove that the Word spoken of is Christ. Then Paul charged Timothy to preach Christ. Now this is a command to all who are sent out to preach the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then to preach Christ, we must preach the words he left with us, the inspired record of the teachings, the commands and the words of our blessed Lord and Mas­ter. “But,” says one, “how can we preach the language of Christ when we do not understand it?” Obey the Word and thou shalt understand the doctrine. “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. Jno. 14:26. “Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine; therefore said I, that he shall take of mine and shall shew it unto you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Jno. 16:13-15, 33. “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, noth­ing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind, and tossed.” Jas, 1:5, 6. And the 25th verse says, “But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liber­ty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” Christ said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” But, VISE VERSA, we would be his enemies. How many professed Christians are there in the world to day who do not do whatso­ever Christ commands? You can find them wherever you go. “Preach the Word.” Preach Christ. Preach the gospel of the blessed Lamb of God. Preach it to every creature. “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me, in heaven and in earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, bap­tizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com­manded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Mat. 28:18-20. We find that the Scriptures all tend to one point, and that is the commandments of the blessed Christ, for, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” The willing and the obedient shall eat the good of the land. Hallelujah! Amen.

John F. Starches.


News From the Field.


Bro. W. P. Halbesleben writes that he has been holding meetings in and near Rice Lake, Wis. and souls have been saved.


Tullahoma, Tenn., Mar. 7, 1895.

We expect to start about April … for the Grand Junction camp meet­ing, traveling by team, and our route will be as near straight north as pos­sible. We expect to stop along the way and hold meetings wherever the way opens. Our address is Tullahoma, Tenn.

L. Slate and D. L. Fidler.

Bro. R. B. Hicks expects his field of labor to be S. E. Missouri, and N. E. Arkansas during the com­ing spring and summer, and writes: —  “We will need many tracts in this work, and I could use a number at present if I had them. Any one wishing to preach the pure Word in this way will mail tracts to me at Marquand, Mo. Any one in these parts desiring meeting will please correspond. Address as above.”


Winchester, Ky., Mar. 8, 1895.

Dear Gospel Trumpet: We closed our meeting in Harrison Co., with a number saved. The enemy of souls was present to oppose the work, and we were persecuted but not forsaken. 2 Cor. 4:9. We first commenced meeting in a school house, but on the second night we were notified that the patrons objected; yet they brought no accusation against us. We were called to the bedside of a sick man on the day following, where prayer was wont to be made, and he that was sick was healed by the pow­er of God, after which he arose and dressed himself, and went about his work praising God. To him be all the glory. Amen. An aged man sent for us to come and pray with him, which we did, and he began to amend from that hour. We were then invited to Lees Lick, Ky. where the work was opened up in private houses. Acts 20:20, 21. We went on Friday night to the school house, where we met a large assembly of people who were anx­ious to hear the glorious gospel. From here we went to Connersville, where we preached a few nights in a private house with a great interest. Saved. Heb. 7:25.

E. R. Baber and Co.

Humboldt, Kan.

To all of God’s Children, Greeting: I wish to tell you that the seed that was sown at Neosho Falls, Kansas camp meeting is being watered and God is giving the in­crease. Souls are being saved in our little prayer meetings at that place, and God’s little ones healed when afflicted. Praise the Lord! Oh that God would send forth more laborers! I believe I could find souls to labor with every day if I could give all of my time that way, but I cannot go on­ly half of the time, and I often think of the scripture, “Why stand ye here idle all the day?’’ when I see others that God is calling to work and they have so much to hinder them. Many precious souls are longing for salvation, but they are to be sought out, hunted out, fished out. Many of them to be found in that way that never come out to meetings. Dear ones, when we pray for God to send more laborers into the vineyard, if he should answer our prayer sending us, do not shrink, but “Here am I, send me.” Oh that every one could have it said of them “she hath done what she could!” The time is short. Let us work while we can. There are some precious souls thirsting for sal­vation in Chanute, Kan. others at Geneva, Kan. Pray for us, that we let God use us to his glory in ill humility, giving God all the glory. Your sister in Christ,

Sallie Rogers.


Flag Springs, Mo., Mar. 10,1895.

Unto the Saints of God We Send Greeting: We are still rejoicing in the fullness of a present and perfect salvation. After labor­ing in the West for several months, we returned to Missouri, where we have been spreading the fire of heaven among the inhabitants of this part of earth. About the 8th of February I went to Mound City, where Bro. M. Stover, Jr. had begun to give the Word to those who were seeking the same. The 21st he left us, going to Grand Island, Neb. I remained until the 25th. The Lord truly accomplished his design; as the Word went forth in Jesus name the earth­quake of God’s judgment, caused the powers of hell to be dispersed, and glorious victory was the result from first to last. Day after day souls came to the throne of mercy, re­ceiving the forgiveness of sins, and subsequently, through the boldness given in regeneration were caused to receive the inheritance of entire sanctification. God bless the little congregation there. From there I went to Milton, where we had meet­ing in a private house until after the 3d of March, where many precious seeds of the gospel were sown, the fruits of which will only be revealed in the last great day. May the great judge himself reward the dear ones there for their kindness shown unto the servants of God. May they keep free, be firm, and at the consumma­tion of time, receive a crown of eter­nal glory. From here we go to Iowa soon, the Lord willing. Pray for us, that we may be useful in the cause of Christ. Yours in the perfect love of God,

W. A. Haynes and Wife.


Reliance, Va., Mar. 13, 1895.

Dear Saints of God: Since my last report I have held in the name of Jesus a meeting at Happy Creek, Va. and at Wapping school house, and at Howlsville. At the different places had large congregations and good order. At Happy Creek the hireling priests would not permit me to preach in their places of worship, as I did not come representing some human organization or body. Well, I do praise God for the one body, the true church. The time has come that they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts heap [hire] to themselves teachers, having itch­ing ears, and shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Tim. 4:3, 4. So many hate the truth; they don’t want to hear it. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie that

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they all might be damned who be­lieved not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thes.2:11, 12. Dear brethren in the ministry, hold up a perfect Christ that wrought out a perfect salvation, regardless of what the world may say or do, as we are in perilous times.

I will meet with the little ones here in the pine hills if Father wills it so, and then will start on the 18th for Springfield, Ohio, to be used to the glory of God. After holding meeting there will go wherever God leads, I had received a letter from a dear brother in Syracuse, N. Y. in reply to the request I made in GOSPEL TRUMPET for some one to come as a singer. I have written to the dear brother, but have failed to hear from him. I believe that he is a reader of the GOSPEL TRUMPET, and would like to hear from him soon. There are quite a number of Bereans here now, since the Word has gone forth; they are searching the Scriptures to see if these things are so. Hallelujah to Jesus! God bless you all. Your brother all on the altar,

F. Rosenberry,

No.119 N. M. St., Springfield, Ohio.


Greenwood, S. C., Mar. 12, 1895.

Dear Saints of the Living God: Since our last report, we went to the Viola school house for a few days, but the weather being unfavorable the attendance was small. I then went in company with dear Bro. J. D. Gillespie to “Stumphouse Mountain,” where dear Bros Campbell and Elenburg held a meeting in October. Was truly glad to find a few dear saints rejoicing in the Lord, and they seemed to be greatly encouraged by our short visit. On our way back to Anderson we stopped two nights with deaf Bro. J. P. Pierce, at Walhalla. Preached twice for the colored peo­ple to the M. E. meeting house. I then went to Anderson, where I had left my sister. We held meeting in town nearly a week, with good result. A few souls were saved. March 1. we went to Zion, the saints’ new meeting house at Piny Grove, where had a precious time of rejoicing together. Praise the Lord! We had a very precious ordinance meeting. Dear Bro. John Elenburg was or­dained elder in the church of the living God, and dear Bro’s White, Smith, and Kay were ordained deacons May the Lord help them to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they are called. Eph. 4:1-3. We ask the blessings of God upon all the dear people where we have been, who so kindly cared for us and supplied our needs while with them. We came to this place the 8th in company with Bro. J. M. Campbell, who lives here. Commenced meeting in a hall with very good attendance and good interest. We trust that souls will be saved. In about two weeks we will go to St. Clair, Tenn., the Lord will­ing. Remember us in your prayers. Yours in Jesus, contending for the faith,

Thos. and Amanda Carter.



“Thy Tnttmonies are Wonderful.” Psa. 119:129.


Nowata, I. T.

Dear Saints: I am praising God this morning for a salvation that saves all the time. Oh how sweet it is to have that peace in cur souls that flows like a river! Oh, dear ones, when we have found that one week of prayer has done so much in Settling us down on God’s word, let us continue our week all through the year. Pray for me, that I may be kept humble. Your sister saved,

Sarah Young.


Pollock, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: I was to the assembly meeting at West Monterey. After listening to the word of God, great powers of darkness fell upon my soul. I was making a profession of being saved, but had neglected to do my duty and had backslidden. Af­ter, much prayer and laying on of hands I saw my lost condition. Was deceived by a delusive spirit that had me bound and deceived. After acknowledging covered sins and promising to make all wrongs right, I received pardon, and glory to God, I can say my name is written above. Praise God for this beautiful evening light! I believe there is more for me, and I ask an interest in your prayers. My husband is not satisfied, and requests your prayers that he will overcome. Your saved sister,

A. E. Hogan.


Piqua, O.

Dearly Beloved Children of God: I am saved through the blood of Je­sus, and kept by his power. He healed me of catarrh which I had for ten years. Please pray that I may be healed of gravel, and that my lit­tle girl may be healed also, and that my husband may be saved. The trials through which I have been passing have made me stronger in faith. Your sister in Christ,

Clara L. Smith.


Blackburn, Ark.

Dear Saints of God: I feel led this morning to write my testimony to the GOSPEL TRUMPET as I have not been permitted to testify to the public since last July. Though I praise God for a living testimony, pray that I may be delivered from this bond­age. I know that I am trusting God. Praise his dear name! Also I do humbly ask you to pray for the heal­ing of my little girl who is afflicted with catarrh and kidney affection. I know that Jesus is able and willing to heal her if we meet the Conditions in the Word. I know that I am walking in all the light I have. My soul is as free as heaven this morning. I know that I am abiding in the vine. Oh praise God forever and ever for his goodness to me all the time! The longer I serve him the belter I love him. Your sister sanctified and kept by power divine,

J. A. Courtney.



Conroe, Texas.

Dear Trumpet Readers: For the glory of God and the benefit of others I desire to testify of his heal­ing power. When but a child I con­tracted an ulcerated limb with which I suffered for about fifteen years, and many times at the hands of the physicians without receiving any benefit from them. About one year ago, in my ignorance of God’s ways, I joined the Baptist sect, not knowing any better, until I had been with them about six months, when God sent some of his children here to preach the Word in its purity, and I heard the command of God, “Come out of her, my people.” Rev. 18:4. I came out and left the old ruins, not taking a stone for a corner from Babylon, and am free in the body of Christ, the church, and the Lord has sanctified my soul, and I wish to say to his honor and glory that my sore limb is healed. Oh, dear saints, praise God with me for his wonderful good­ness to us. It is blessed to know that we have such a wonderful Sav­ior, who is able to keep us pure in heart and heal our bodies. I am unable to praise him enough for what he has done for me. Pray that the Lord will send some one here to preach, as there are some who desire to be baptized. The little church here is standing alone for Jesus, and he is blessing our labors. Glory to his holy name forever and ever! Your sister sanctified, healed, and satisfied in Jesus,

Sarah Jones.


Slayden, Tex.

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Thanks be to God for the salvation of my soul, and for the true light of the everlasting gospel of the kingdom that shines just now in my heart and gives me joy unspeakable and full of glory. I realize my feet planted firmly on the Rock. I have the blessed Word and abiding Comforter which is a heaven below, and it teaches us not to forsake the assem­bling of ourselves together. But here there is nothing but sectarians. Oh what shall be done for this people! Dear brethren, who can be sent here? Enquire of the Lord whom he will send to this white harvest field to rescue thousands and thousands of sinking perishing humanity. Not even one laborer in this great field. It seems that all around this state there have been sent holy anointed heralds to warn the people to flee from the wrath to come. But this is one place that has not been sought out yet. I have been impressed for some time to make a loud call through the TRUMPET for help to this people, but believing the Word I trust in the Lord that this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world before the end shall come, and when the knowledge of the Lord is herald­ed abroad then shall all be fulfilled. So shall I rest in the promise of God and do my duty as it is shown me. Pray much for us here. Yours in the faith,

Julia A. Marcee.


Corbin, Kan.

Dearly Beloved: God bless you all with the fullness of grace. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed my transgressions from me. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. The Lord has set me to work in his vineyard at the ninth hour in a little barren weedy corner that I thought it useless to try to redeem, but he tells me he is not willing that any should perish. And so I asked him for seed to sow, and he sent the GOSPEL TRUMPET tracts and I have sowed them on every side and tried in his name to root out some of the weeds. I am all alone here, but I can see that the spirit of life causes fear to come upon those that dwell in the earth. Praise the Lord! He heals me and my children. Bless his holy name! I thank God daily for the GOSPEL TRUMPET and SHINNING LIGHT. I am praying that God will send a preacher of the pure gospel into our locality, and I believe he will permit me to worship with the saints and to be re-baptized and to participate in all the ordinances. Oh how I long to be with the holy rem­nant in body as I am in spirit! Pray for my unbelieving companion. Your sister in Christ,

Florence Dayton.


Grand Junction, Mich.

To all the Dear Saints, Greet­ing: I feel like writing my testimony for the glory of God. Last June the dear Lord made known to me what he would have me do. I obeyed, and found joy and gladness. I was then worn out in mind and body, but the Lord has renewed my strength, and filled me with might in the inner man. Praise his name! I have also learned to trust him for the neces­saries of life, and never once have I come to want. He has supplied me with all things that pertain to life and godliness. We are told in the Word, “Bring ye all the tithes into the store house that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you, the windows of heaven and pour you out a bless­ing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Truly, “My cup runneth over.” God has in every way verified his promises; even as I write this, God has answered prayer, doing even more than I could ask or think. How precious to my soul are these words, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Oh what shall I render unto God for all his benefits toward me. I realize more and more what it means to be a meek, humble follower of God. I find, too, that if we follow the Lord, he will bring us off more than conquerors. And while he permits temptations and trials to come upon me, I know they are the “need be’s,” and the promise is, “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the floods, they shall not overflow thee.” I am not afraid the Lord will forget me. I ask an interest in your prayers. Your saved sister,

Georgia Cook.


109 S. Mill St., Lexington, Ky.

Dear Saints of God: It has been sometime since I have written my testimony of what the Lord has done for me. Praise his name forever! He has wonderfully saved and kept me every day from the sins of the world, although the trials and temp­tations have been thick around me; but still through the deepest of these there was a bright light that ever kept shining in my path, which guid­ed me through the seemingly darkest day. Praise his name forever!

I have found a friend, oh such a friend! one in whom I can trust all things at all times; let come what may. He is ever willing to help me, and if I only look and trust him, who does all things for the best, I surely will be victorious in this life, and also the life to come.

I felt led of the Lord to come to this place and take a course in pho­nography and type writing, and by his gracious help I hope to succeed in my undertaking, all being to the glory of God. I find the people here totally ignorant of the true gospel. They, or most all I have talked to on this great subject, say they never heard of the “church of God,” “Guess it is something new started up.” May God help them to open their eyes to this blessed light which fills my soul with such unspeakable joy and gladness.

I thank God that I have drank of “the river of pleasure,” and found that great peace which the world and its so-called pleasures cannot give, neither can it take, if we only do the will of our Father in heaven. I want all of the dear saints to pray for me, that I may be ever humble and obedient at the feet of Jesus, that I may be given strength to carry on my studies, and that all I do, be to the glory of God. Your sister in the one body,

Lillarvah Wilburn.


Englewood, Ill.

Dear Saints of God: I feel the Lord leading me to write and tell of his goodness to us. I feel It will glorify God to tell of his wonderful power to heal our bodies. Our baby who is nearly three years old was taken very sick with diphtheria. My husband who is not saved, neither believed in divine healing, as he had never seen any one healed, said if he could see some one healed, he could believe it. We sent for a doctor, and baby steadily grew worse. And we had counsel three times and had four doctors to see him. And at the end of fifteen days the disease had reached the critical point, and it was then that we, husband and all real­ized that no earthly help could save our baby’s life. We were doctoring him all the time, doing everything that loving hands or earthly help could do. We were giving him medi­cine at the rate of a dose of medicine every fifteen minutes, and had orders from the doctor to give him a pint of whiskey a day, or even more if we could, and we were trying to obey the doctor’s orders. But on the morning of the fifteenth day we could see that baby was growing worse, and that he could not live long unless he had help. There were three of of God’s dear children stopping with us, and to them the Father showed that he would heal baby if all medi­cine was stopped, and that he wanted to get great glory out of healing the child. Husband had then got where he could fully trust baby in the hands of the Lord, and was perfectly will­ing to stop all medicine. And at four o’clock in the morning we anointed him and did according to James 5:14, and the dear Lord instantly healed him, and in less than fifteen minutes he was sitting up, and the next morning we dressed him and put him on the floor to play. Praise our God forever and ever! It is now three weeks to day since the Lord healed him, and he has not had any bad symptoms. The doctors were warning us all the time, telling us if baby lived he was liable to have paralysis. But praise our God who doeth all things well, he has no symptoms of paralysis. God did a perfect work. Praise the Lord!

Your sister saved and kept by power divine,

Laura Wiley.




Atlanta, Kan.

Gregory. — Died February 19, 1895. Frank Gregory of Atlanta, aged fifty- four years. Bro. Gregory was sick a long time, and like king Assa, made the mistake of trusting the doctors instead of God, but he finally saw they were doing him no good, and consecrated to the will of God. On the morning before he died he sent for me to come and annoint him for healing if it was the Lord’s will. He said to me in conversation, speaking of the evening light, “I have been a fighter of this way. I don’t know that it is the Lord’s will to heal me, but I have made a great mistake. I feel as though if I had taken the Lord for my physician at first, I would have been a well man long ago. I see it now; I could not then. I was not close enough to God.” I want my family to profit by my mistake and not do as I have done. I want to testify that I have accepted this way, and living or dying, I am the Lord’s. I have no choice in the matter.

He is the father of seven children, all of whom survive him, also his companion. All claim to be saved. We pray all may go on to perfection and walk in all the light of God. We hope that the holiness fighters, especially those in and around At­lanta with whom he used to asso­ciate may take warning and cease to fight, and accept the light that will lead through the shadows of death, to light, life and immortality beyond.

V. Roof.


HOWE. — Near Eagle, Clinton Co., Mich, our dearly beloved father in Israel, Daniel B. Howe departed in peace to be with the Lord, Mar. 10, 1895. He was born in York State, Aug. 3, 1805, hence he had reached the advanced age of eighty nine years, seven months and seven days.

He was converted to God A. D. 1854. He and dear Sister Howe and his only surviving child, Sister Cheese- man, all took their joyful departure cut of sect confusion thirteen years ago, when the present truth was first held up in that place. And the dear Lord has kept them sweetly hid away in the secret place of his pavilion all these years.

Dear Father Howe was blest with health and to a good old age; and in the last years of his life he was able to go from house to house and talk of the love and saving grace of Jesus, and pray with the people. He had the love and respect, and indeed the ut­most confidence of all that knew him far and near, except, perhaps a few extremely sectish spirits. The holy life of the dear old pilgrim has prov­ed a great blessing to all the commu­nity. In him was fulfilled these pre­cious words, “With long life will I sa­tisfy him, and show him my salvation.”

He leaves a saved companion, one daughter, and many friends. May they all have grace to live after the beautiful example he has left them.

Funeral services were held in their house, and was a very precious ser­vice, the following very appropriate texts were read and considered:

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psa. 116:15.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them. Rev. 14:13.    

D. S. Warner.


Poplar Bluff, Mo.

Southard. — James B. Southard and wife, Minnie, died March 7, 1895. James died three o’clock in the morn­ing and Minnie died at eight o’clock the same evening. Both were buri­ed in the same grave. Ages twenty and twenty-three. Neither father or mother to mourn their loss. In their last hours they both received pardon and died with victory in their souls. Text Isaiah 28:12. Funeral by the writer, 

J. C. Barker.

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Train your Children for Heaven.


A REGENT article from the pen of Bro. Haynes, stirred our soul with the duty of adding some thoughts the Lord gave us by the Spirit while preaching the Word here last fall. Let us look at the injunction and promise of Prov. 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” The statement is based upon sound physiological principles. As a rule, men keep on through life in the channel they have become accustomed to in early life. The seaman is not satis­fied with any avocation on earth so long as his energies meet the demands of a sea-faring life. The railroader cannot content himself with a change to any business that does not run on wheels. And so the majority of men continue in the course of life to which they become inured in youth. So likewise men are apt to pass their days in control of those moral elements under which their pre-nat­al existence and early life were moulded. How very important, therefore, that life is launched aright, in order to secure a happy voyage, and reach a blissful heaven.

In meeting the responsibilities resting upon parents, and those in charge of children,


must be avoided. First, that awful de­ception of Satan which trains up a child in good morals, and a form of religion, and often only the latter; and causes it to think that it is now a Christian, and if sprinkled, a church member. This is educating the child to rest in a lifeless form, which will most likely close its ears to the good news of regeneration unto life, and sanctification into the image of God. In this sad graceless state, the masses of the sectarian membership are hopelessly penned up.

But upon the other hand, men have committed an error no less fatal. Know­ing that salvation is something more than tutored morals and drilled formality; that all hearts must have the transform­ing grace of God, the deceiver has led them to relax discipline, and ease their conscience with the notion that they have met all parental responsibilities by setting a good example, administering good ad­vice, and Eli’s soft admonition, “Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people. Nay, my sons, for it is no good report that I hear.” 1 Sam. 2:23, 24. This is about as far as many professed saints think their duty extends. And when their boys grow up “sons of Belial,” and go head­long to hell, they say, “Well, I have done my duty, I always gave them good, ad­vice, and if they will not heed it, I cannot help it.” But is this all the Bible requires of parents?


Hear it, dear parents, for if you do no more than he did to save your children from hell, it ought to make your “ ears tingle” as well as his. By the mouth of the little boy Samuel, God spake to Eli. and still speaks to all like him, “I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin I will abo make an end. For I have told him that I would judge his house forever, for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. Therefore have I sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for­ever.” 1 Sam. 3:12-14.

What an awful sentence! And in one day the two sons of Eli were slain, and went down to destruction. 1 Sam. 4:11. And on hearing the news their old father also fell over and expired. Ver. 18. Thus when God began he also made an end.

The displeasure of God came upon that father, because he restrained not his sons from making themselves vile. To re­strain means “to check,” “to hold back.” So we see that God has placed in the hands of parents, check-reigns, by which they can, if they will, turn their children out of the road to destruction, and hold them back from running down to hell. This truth has always been impressed upon our mind by the word of God: hence, we have always been disgusted with that abominable effeminacy which allows children to grow up in sin, dis­honor God, disrespect their parents, and serve the devil, under the very roof where their parents profess to be the ser­vants of the Most High God. Such parents may, with propriety, claim Eli as their representative head; but should blush to classify themselves with the seed of


He was chosen of God to represent the family of the redeemed in Christ; “Because,” said he, “I know him, that he will command his children and his house­hold after him, and they shall beep the way of the Lord.” Gen. 8:18, 19. He not only commanded his children, but all his household. Nor did he only govern them in temporal and domestic duties, but he commanded them after him, to serve the same God he did, and obey the same religious duties.

God abhors mixture, and his godlike servant did not believe in having some of his family, or even his servants serve the devil or other gods while in his house.

And now, beloved, as sure as Abaham is the father and pattern of all who be­lieve in Christ, — See Rom. 4:11, 16; Gal. 3:7, 29, — we can see in him what God de­mands of us. And we learn the same lesson in his dealing with Eli. In these two-records God has set before us, in the most pre-emptory manner, the respon­sibilities that devolve upon Christian parents. Eli admonished his sons, but he did not restrain them; nor command them. Abraham commanded his chil­dren to walk after him in righteousness. The displeasure of God came upon the former, and his seed was cut off from the earth. But the blessings of God were pronounced upon the latter for his faith­fulness, and he was honored with the title of “faithful Aoraham,” Gal. 3:9, and set forth in the word of God as the pat­tern and father of all true believers in Christ Jesus. Whose children are we if follow his example? Beloved, do you do this? Do you command your children after you in the service of God? Do you restrain them, hold them back from liv­ing in sin? Behold, as a father after the pattern of Abraham, you have just as good right, and it is just as much your duty before God, to command your children to serve and obey God, as to require of them the ordinary duties of this life.

D. S. W.

(To be continued.)


Bible Readings.


Arr. by J. W. B.





Jno. 6:39.40 — And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

2 Pet. 3:9 — The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness: but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should per­ish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Tim. 2:1-6 — I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, interces­sions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave him­self a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Tit. 2:11, 12 — For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men, teaching us that, denying ungodli­ness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, rigoteously, and godly, in this present world.


Mat. 6:10 — Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Psa. 110:3 — Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Isa. 1:19, 20 — If ye be willing and obe­dient, ye shall eat the good of the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be de­voured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.


1 Thess. 4:3 — For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication.

5:14-24 — Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yoursel­ves, and to all men. Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of

evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

Mat. 18:14 — Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

1 Pet. 2:15, 16 — For so is the will of God: that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of ma­liciousness, but as the servants of God.

3:17 — For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.

1:15, 16 — But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

4:29 — That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. 19 — Where­fore, let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faith­ful Creator.

Phil. 2:13 — For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

2 Cor. 13:11 — Finally, brethren, fare­well. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.


Rom. 12:2 — And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Eph. 5:17 — Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

Col. 1:9 — For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.


Mat. 7:21 — Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

12:50 — For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Col. 4:12 — Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.


Mat. 26:39-42 — And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? watch and pray, that ye enter not into tempta­tion: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.

Jno. 4:34 — Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

5:30 — I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

6:38 — For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

Heb. 10:5 — Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not, but a body hast thou prepared me: 10 — By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

13:12, 13 — Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.


Jno. 7:17 — If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

Heb. 10:35, 36 — Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recom­pense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

1Jno. 2:17 — And the world passeth away, and the lusts thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

Isa. 1:19 — If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.


1Thess. 5:23, 24 — And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.




Dear Saints of God Everywhere: The time has surely come when God requires every one of us to do our duty in scattering the blessed truth of the pure gospel to a lost and perishing world. Now while God has many dear consecrated workers who are doing all they can and would be glad to do more if it was in their power or the way was open, yet we deem it neccessary to stir up the pure minds of God’s little ones every­where in regard to this matter. Per­haps there are those who do not fully realize the great need that exists of pure holiness literature to count­eract the pernicious influence result­ing from the distribution of hundreds and thousands of tons of printed matter which is the means of leading millions of souls to hell. Do you not know that it has been but a few weeks since there was a donation of $35,000 00 made to a certain institu­tion to publish and scatter literature which is so set and arranged that every one who reads and believes it is led into darkness? Is it not true that the emissaries of Satan are at work with unusual zeal and energy deceiving souls everywhere by every possible means and that he uses the printing press as one of his chief in­struments?

Again, there are thousands of souls who would gladly do right if they only knew which way was right, but they have been flooded with that which appears to represent the true doctrine, but it has only brought con­fusion and darkness to the minds and hearts. A poor sinner, well up in years, told me a few days ago with tears in her eyes that she would give all she possessed in this world if she could only know which was the right way, and was so anxious for any­thing that would reach her case. Look again and see the thousands of souls who by the practice of vile and impure habits are daily drawing nearer the awful pit. Oh, can we not do something to reach these perishing ones. Yes, thanks be to God we can all have a part in this great work. Will we do our duty? Now while the special offer on books and tracts is open may God grant that there be a hearty response on the part of every one who has of the Lord’s means to spare. I know of no other Publishing House who has ever made an offer like this, es­pecially on tracts, twelve cents per pound. Now, dear ones, you who have the means, if God lays his hand upon you to take a part in this work, be true and loyal to the cause, or the blood of souls may rest upon your skir..s.

The little leaflets and tracts can be scattered everywhere and many souls may be reached and brought to Christ. Likewise how many pre­cious souls who to day are happy in the Lord can trace the first precious seed sown in their hearts to the reading of some one or more of the books or tracts. How many there are who were once poor suffering mortals, some on the verge of the grave, who have learned by reading the book of “Divine Healing” that Jesus is a perfect Savior for both soul and body and have learned to trust him. Thus they have received a touch of his healing power and are now happy and free. Praise his dear name! Will we help carry the glad tiding of great joy to other suff­ering thousands while the books are offered so cheap? They can be sold at a profit and some given to the poor, while they also can be loaned to neighbors and friends to read and thus sent on their mission of mercy. If you have not the means at hand to place an order alone, two, three or more can throw together and get what is needed. And if you have absolutely nothing with which to glorify God by buying books and tracts you also can do a part and share in the blessings bestowed. You can pray earnestly that God will bless the means sent in and the

literature sent out that it may reach many poor perishing souls and bring them to the light of the pure gospel. Read 2 Cor. 9:6 to 13.

“Oh who will help to save the lest?

A. Raderaugh.



“Thy Testimonies are wonderful.” Psa. 119:129.


Gowen, Mich.

Dear Saints: Since I last testified through the TRUMPET, through ans­wer to prayer God has saved my husband and it makes home happy. The good Lord is wonderfully keep­ing us soul and body. This is a dark place. Husband and I have tried to hold up the light and God is moving. One dear soul is receiving the light. To God be all the glory! Oh how I love the way of salvation! The longer I am in the way the brighter and better it gets. I mean to be true to God until the end. Pray for us. Yours in him,

Henry and Hannah Cory.


Hammond, La.

Dear Saints: As I never have added my testimony to the many I have read I feel it my duty to write. I am praising God this morning for full and free salvation from all sin. I know that Jesus saves me and sanc­tifies me through and through. I heard the true gospel preached in its purity two years ago. and I do thank God that I accepted it. I am out fully for the Lord to do all I can for the rescue of the perishing. I lived in sectism seven years, seeking to know the right way, and praise the Lord, now I have found it. The Lord keeps me each day. I can take the Lord as the physician for both soul and body. I ask the prayers of all the saints. Your brother in Christ,

H. L. Robertson.


Fugate, Mo.

Dear Saints: My testimony is I am sweetly saved in Jesus from all sin, praising God for the sweet peace that I enjoy in my soul. I have only been living in the evening light about eighteen months and truly it is a glorious life to live, to enjoy the presence of the Lord each day. Truly the Lord is all and in all to me; but when I look round at my neigh­bors and see them going on in this worldly pleasure I am made to say, Lord, are there few that be saved? Now, dear saints, let us that are saved live true to God each day that the world may see that we have been with Jesus. Your sister all on the altar,

Fannie E. Ball.


Watson, Mich.

Dear Saints: I can say Jesus sweetly saves my soul and keeps me by his power. I do know that I am dead to this world, that my affections are set on things above. I am stand­ing all alone here. It is seldom I see any of the saints, but praise God he is with me all the time and does wonderfully answer the prayers of his unworthy handmaiden, in heal­ing my body, and also my children, for which I give him all the glory. It seems sometimes the enemy arrays all his power against my soul. I ask you all to pray that I may get a deeper sinking down into God, that I may be able to stand firm unto the end. Also pray for my husband that he may be saved. I remain your very unworthy sister in Christ,

Rose Wilcox.


Andersontown, Md.

Dear Trumpet Readers: It is through the mercies of God that I am permitted to pen you these few lines to tell you how glad I am to read so many testimonies corresponding with mine, and how I love all of God’s people; but they are very scarce in this neighborhood, only find one now and then that is free indeed, cut loose from everything. It means something to have every strap and yoke off. I do rejoice that I have found the right way and have learn­ed to walk therein. I do praise the Lord for keeping me far above all the trifling things of earth. I am justified freely and sanctified wholly. Your sister in Christ,

S. E. Melvin.

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