27 June 1895, Volume 15, Number 25



Hark! dour sinner, don’t you hear?
Docs this promise reach your ear?
It was spoken by the great apostle, Paul.
Do you realize the need,
From your sins of being freed?
Oh! my God will gladly free you from them all.

Cho. — But my tied shall supply,
By Christ Jesus on high,
All your needs, be they great, few or many.
Just believe and abide.
And yon shall ho supplied
Affording to his riches in glory.

Do you need some one to give
You instructions how to live?
And to lead you in the path of truth each day?
We’ve this promise from the Lord,
If we’ll just obey his word.
We, though fools, shall never err nor go astray.

Are you needing clothes to wear?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
And though other sources all may seem to fail.
If you trust the Lord, you’ll find
Needs supplied of every kind:
By the righteous prayer of faith ye shall prevail.

Though you’ve nought to eat or burn.
And there’s no way you can earn,
Just remember how Elijah once was fed:
And the quails and manna fell,
For the Israelites as well:

So the righteous are not found a hogging bread.

And you need not be surprised,
If at times you are chastised:

When you need it, God has promised to supply,
Though your faith is being tried,
Never waver, but abide,

For you need it, and the Lord will show you why.

– E. G. Masters.




IT is the desire of every child of God to be where they can be used to his greatest glory, and that they may be the means of doing much good; and the Lord has furnished us with his precious Word filled with promises that never fail. But how often people fail to get the understanding of the Word; fail to make the proper inquiry of the Lord to know his will and to be enabled to grasp these precious promises. It is the business of the adversary, the devil, to put every possible hindrance in the way, and blind the children of God wherever he can, insomuch that they will be kept from doing the will of God, or know just what privileges they have. Right at this point is where we need the understanding of what to do, when the enemy comes in like a flood, as it were, with all his temptations suggestions and accusations, and such like, then we are to resist him, and resist him steadfastly in the faith, and he will be compelled to flee from us.

When Christ was tempted of the devil he met him with what was “written,” and then the devil began to try to quote Scripture: but Jesus told him something else that was “written,” and then rebuked him and commanded him to leave. And now what is our privilege at such times? We find that Jesus says, “Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy;” that he will never leave us nor forsake us, but will be with us even unto the end.

Our God is a God of power, and when we are filled with his Spirit, we are filled with power. When he tells the weak to say they are strong, they are not to do this in their own strength. While they are weakness in themselves, being filled with his promises they can truly say, “I am strong.” If you are a child of God, and feel that you are all weakness, and have no power within yourself to do great things, remember that is just the way God wants you to feel; for if you thought you were some one great, God could do nothing with you, and would have no use for you. You have only to turn the leaves of your Bible and find where it tells of many persons who were a power in the hands of God; but, oh, how weak they felt within themselves when God called them to the work. Moses began to make excuses, that he was slow of speech, and did not amount to anything, and the people would, not hear him, etc. Gideon said that he was the least of his father’s family, and poor. Jeremiah said he was but a child, and so with many other of the noted men of the Bible; yet, they had to look unto God for their strength and help, and it was only through the realization of their weakness that they were in condition to let go of everything else, knowing their only help was in God; then he could use them to his glory.

When he called his apostles and sent them forth, he did not go into the places of learning, nor among the highly educated class; but he chose those that he could use best to his honor and glory. Some of them were well educated, some were very ignorant and unlearned; and yet we find that he used them in their line of work, and in preaching the gospel with the same power; because it was God in them that did the work, and they were only willing instruments in his hands. Peter, only a fisherman by the sea-side, had signs to follow him in his work with mighty healing and salvation work, by which God was glorified, undoubtedly, the same as in Paul, who doubtless had a fine education. Yet, undoubtedly, Paul was useful in many lines in which Peter could not so well be used, but the same Spirit worked in and through them both, and the same power moved the hearts of the people in like manner. Each were enabled to boldly stand up, proclaiming the words of life without compromise, not fearing the faces of wicked men, or devils.


We are commanded in this day and age of the world to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. The hungry souls of to-day are reaching out after God, almost starving to death spiritually because of the blindness of their spiritual teachers of the past; are looking forward, hoping the time will come when they can have power with God as people did of old. But, behold, the time is now here when we are commanded to contend for the faith. But what is this faith, and how can we obtain it? We turn to the Word and find it is the truth, the word of God; and whenever people get the experience of salvation, and believe the whole word of God, and practice its teachings, they have the faith once delivered unto the saints. Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Then in order to be filled with the power of God we must be filled with the truth, leaving no room for anything else, and it will work out to the glory of God.

The yearning soul says, Oh, that I had the apostolic power! My dear friend, is that your wish and desire? If so, get on the apostolic line, in the line with God, taking his word and believing it, apply it to your heart, study it, and see what there is in it for you, and when you have reached the point where you can take the little book and eat it, as it were, and call it good, you will not only feast continually upon the riches contained therein for yourself, but you will see avenues opened up on every hand leading to ways of usefulness, whereby you can help others along the way.

To have the apostolic power, or in other words, to have the power the apostles had, will also include apostolic persecutions. Many are willing to have the power if they could be spared the persecutions. They can easily say, Lord, fill me with thy power, and use me mightily in thy work; but they hesitate in saying, Lord, here am I, ready for prison, ready to suffer reproach, burn at the stake, or be despised as the offscouring of the earth. The majority of so-called Christians of to-day are Christians by name. When the lines are drawn by the word of God as they will be drawn in the last day, the multitude will find that they have only been professors, and not possessors of the truth of God, that they have not been believing and practicing what Jesus had set forth in his Word. O what a wonderful time that wall be! when all men shall appear before the great Judge. It is better to have the lines drawn now, and the Word applied to our hearts to see whether we are really squaring our lives by the truth, to see whether we really are contending for the faith or not, and whether the spirit and power within us is the Spirit and power of God, or of the enemy.

The man or woman who lives in sin every day is a sinner, no difference what his or her profession may be. A child of God is one that is holy, one who serves God and lives without sin. If you hear a person contending for sin, that they must sin more or less each day, you may know that they are not contending for the faith once delivered unto the saints, that they are doomed to be lost unless they come to God and receive the change of heart, and meet the conditions of his Word. When we have Christ within us we have a great moving power that is able to defeat the enemy at all times. He will fight our battles for us, but yet we must do our part, and be active in his service, ready to move at his command. He has lost none of his power, and is just as able to heal the sick, and deliver from the power of Satan, save the soul from sin as he ever was.

Who would not serve such a God? Who would not be filled with his power? It is for all who are willing, and will meet the conditions of his Word.

E. E. Byrum.




Orchard Grove, Ind.

Dear Saints of the Most High God: I am saved and kept by the power of God. I have been reading and heeding the precious admonitions in the Trumpet on training our children for heaven, and I can truly say I thank God for the admonitions. And as I hear, and obey, God truly blesses my soul, and fills me with more love for the precious souls he has intrusted in my care, and the love in my heart for God grows stronger. And I feel like warning all the dear ones who bear the name of saints, and have children of their own, or any intrusted in their care, to be up and doing while it is day, and walk worthy of the vocation wherein ye are called. Do not think, dear ones, that God will be satisfied with us, just because we pray, and sing, and testify, and give our children (as the brother said in his article) Eli’s soft admonition. God commands us to teach our children, and to command them after us to serve him, and to bring them up in the nurture and admonition (fear) of the Lord.

When God saved me (over three years ago), he shewed me my duty toward my family, and praise his holy name, he has kept me faithful to my duty through all the trials and oppositions. Although the devil raged and called me a Catholic for being so strict in teaching the little ones to fear and serve God. He has kept me and showed me that perfect love casteth out fear, and perfect love does indeed bring forth perfect obedience to God in all things; or at least I have always found it so in my experience. Some may think that children two and three years old are too young to be taught to pray and serve God. But. God has showed me that youth is the time to serve the Lord. And in teaching the little ones to utter God’s praise and to pray (sacrifice) unto God, it is like little Samuel sacrificing before the Lord before he knew God. 1 Sam. 3:7. But there came a time when God called him, and spoke to him, and Samuel heard and obeyed God’s voice, 11th verse. It was then Samuel knew by the words of God what would befall Eli for not obeying God, and commanding his household after him. If we bring our children up according to God’s word, there will be a time God will also speak (send conviction) unto them and save them, just as he did little Samuel, for the promise is unto us and our children (on conditions) if we obey God and keep his commandments and walk in his statutes. But, dear ones, if we profess to serve God and let our children do as they please they will become the sons of Belial as Eli’s sons did, and God will cut us off from before him as he did Eli and his two sons.

I want to tell you for the glory of God, that before I was saved I loved to eat and to have everything good to eat (thus making my eating my god) and when God saved my soul he took the love for all such things out or my heart, so that I was satisfied to eat any thing that was set before me. But I verily thought I must have just so much on our table when anyone came, and for my husband (who is not saved), and so God bore patiently with me a long time in my ignorance. But at last for a chastening God let the old appetite come back to such an extent that it seemed that my soul would be destroyed through it; but praise God he taught me the precious lesson he intended I should learn, and now praise his holy name I have victory in my soul, and he has also helped me to bring the children into subjection so that they are willing to eat anything I set before them if it be only two or three kinds of articles of food at once, with seldom a complaint; where before there was murmuring with most a dozen different dishes, besides piecing between meals. But the dear Lord helped me to permit no piecing between meals, so when they came to the table they relished their meals, which consisted mostly of graham bread and butter, oat meal, cracked wheat, graham mush and milk, and fruit. And by denying ourselves in keeping just one article off of the table, I saved for the Lord in a little over a week $1.50, and can say to the glory of God we all feel better both physically and spiritually. Pray for me that I may never forget the precious lessons God has taught me, and that I may be faithful and truly humble before God, and may the dear Lord bless these lines to his glory, is my prayer. Yours in Jesus,

Nettie Tatman.



Do you give them to your neighbors and relatives after you get through reading them? or do you read them and then let them lie around until soiled or torn by the children, and then used for wrapping paper? I have seen “Trumpets” used in the latter way. To parties so doing I feel it my duty to say a few words. Did you ever pray about this matter? If not, then do so, and see whether you do not feel it your duty to save your papers and give them to your friends or anyone that will read them. A Trumpet was the first messenger of the true light to our community, which was followed, and was the cause of Holy Ghost ministers being sent for; and as a result, scores have accepted the light and a church has been established, holding regular services and a camp meeting every year. In the fear of God I beseech you to not use the precious truth for wrapping paper any more. I have seen religious papers and tracts placed in depots. I think this would be a fine opportunity to dispose of your Trumpets after reading them. If you preserve them carefully until you have several, (or should there be others taking the Trumpet in your community get them to unite with you) and place them in a suitable box or paper holder in some depot, post-office or public place. Eternity alone can reveal how much good may be done. By placing them in depots, they will be read by parties waiting for their train. Also depots are preferable as some of them will be read by parties that have never heard of the true light. This also would doubtless be a good way to dispose of tracts. To those that feel that the Lord does not want you to adopt the above plan, you doubtless could give your Trumpets, after reading them, to neighbors and friends with but very little trouble. “Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days.” “Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters.” Your saved and sanctified brother,

B. F. Roe.



Curtisville, Ind.

Dear Saints of God: I am praising the dear Lord this evening for this wonderful salvation that saves and keeps the soul; that there was ever a fountain opened in the house of David for sin and uncleanness. Glory to our God forever and ever! I can say truly the dear Lord has redeemed me, and justified and sanctified my soul; placed me in the one body and in the one church. Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Mat. 16:18. Glory to our God for the one body and the one church, and for the foundation the church is built on. Jesus says it is on a rock, so the dear saints of God are not afraid of the church falling.

Jesus says, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men to me.” He drew me out of all secrecy, filthiness, and sectism, and all confusion, jesting and fault-finding, and first settled me down in the one body and the one church; and oh how thankful I am! Glory to the dear name of our God! We find in Isa. 1:19, if we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land. So I just praise the dear Lord for the willingness and for the obedience, and I am just eating of the good things of God, and the way grows better and brighter. Hallelujah! “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe.” Well I am just so thankful I ever ran into this strong tower, and this evening I can say I am just hid away in Jesus. Amen and amen. Yours saved and sanctified wholly,

Lewis Land.

2 page




D. S. WARNER — Editor. E. E. BYRUM —
Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers.


Subscription $1-00 a year in advance.



DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI-SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in the faith once delivered to the saints.”


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An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty- five cents a year. Address


Grand Junction, Mich.




All the following tracts except the tract — “What is the Soul?” can be had in German.

Must We Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 cts.


The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, proving what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price 5 cents.


Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract containing four letters with many questions concerning the church, and showing the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen.


The Great Tobacco Sin. This is a very thorough tract on the subject, by D. S. Warner treating it from a Bible standpoint. 32 pages. Price 20 cts. per dozen.


What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also proved by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents.


“No-Sectism.” A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing the difference between sectism and the Church of the Living God. It exposes the false theories set forth, by Sims 62 pages. 15 cts. per dozen


The Secret Vice. This is a sixteen page tract — Illustrated, taken from “The Boy’s Companion,” and contains some plain talk to boys, giving them a timely warning against the evils of self abuse. 5 cts. per doz.


Visible Church Organization, Is it Right? This is the title of a tract reviewed by Thos. Carter, giving some points of sectarian discipline, compared by the word of God, also showing the difference between a sect and the true church. 48 pages. 15 cts. per doz.


Babylon, and What it Includes. By W. A. Haynes 79 pages. 20cts. per doz. This tract very clearly sets forth the true meaning of Babylon, both literal and spiritual. Showing by the Word of God just what classes of people it includes, throwing light on many important points of prophecy.


Sanctification. By J. W. Byers. 40 pages. 10 c. per doz. This contains much information for those seeking after holiness and a closer communion with God. It gives God’s part, and man’s part concerning consecration, and bow to get sanctified. — how we may know that we are sanctified, — how to keep sanctified, — and many objections answered.




MASONIC SALVATION. By Fred Husted. This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer having been a Master Mason, boldly brings the hidden and mysterious things before the public in a clear light. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts.

DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AM) BODY. By E.E. Byrum. Part of salvation, and how to get saved. Part 2 gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part 3 consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German. 248 pages. Paper cover, 25 cts.

PRIESTS OF ROMANISM; Or, Substitution for Marriage. By G. B. Collins. 15 cts. $1.44 per doz. A Compilation showing the evils of Priestcraft as it has come down to us from Pagan Rome, containing the full text of the oaths taken by Cardinals, Bishops, and priests: the awlul oath of the Jesuits and Roman Catholic canons.

HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. By H. C. Wickersham, Second edition. This a very valuable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, making it very convenient for the Bible student, it also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables, Bible helps, etc. Cloth, marbled edges, $1.00.

BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH. By W. G. Schell. Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true church and sectism, giving historical and scriptural proofs. Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cts. Address the Author at Anlo, Ohio, or this office.

THE SABBATH; Or, Which Day to Keep. By D. S. Warner. Nearly 200 pages. Paper cover 10 cts. $1.00 per doz. Cloth, 30 cts. It is a very through investigation of the whole subject of the law, and its obligations, the Seventh-day Sabbath, its object and terminus at the cross. The first day proved by prophecy, shadows, history and the New Testament to be the Lord’s Day and Sabbath of the Christian Dispensation.

THE BOY’S COMPANION. By E. E. Byrum. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to the boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects, Every boy needs advice and warning in time, and too often parents fail to give the needed advice until too late. The book is illustrated with suitable pictures which are aimed to leave a vivid impression upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and experiences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should have one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth binding 25 cts.

ECHOES FROM GLORY. By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. A second and thorough corrected edition of this new song book has just been issued. Containing 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invitation and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary instruction in music. Simple and concise — A practical self- instructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly, bound in pasteboard, price reduced to 49 cts. Per dozen $4.00. all prepaid



F. J. Van Velden, J. J. Frame, J. C. Green, E. Rensberger, C. Guiss, Lewis Basore, Winnie Cope, Levi Prouty, Fred C. Blaney, Mrs. Mary Bisher. A. J. Ellison, Henry Wendel, Leah Sell, Nellie Graham, Jas. D. Tramel, M. Kirkley, Emil Krautz.


Requests For Prayer.


Pray for my daughter who is seriously afflicted.

Leah Sell.


Do pray that I may be delivered from all the power and evil works of Satan, and be true to God the rest of my life.

Sarah M. Singleton.


Please pray for my little grand-son, Oliver, five years old, that he may be healed of spinal curve and supter. Has been afflicted four years. Pray also for my soul’s salvation. Yours,

Mrs. James M. Griffin,

Ethridge, Ky.


I earnestly desire the TRUMPET readers to pray for my husband, as I believe he is under deep conviction; also for myself, that I may be kept free from sin.

I. Wilcox,

Highbank, Mich.


I am eighty-two years old, have belonged to the Methodist church over thirty years, but cannot say I know my sins are forgiven. My body is much afflicted. Pray that I may be saved and healed.

Charlotte Pope.


Calls For Meeting.


Otwell, Pike Co., Ind.

Dear Saints of God: There are many here who greatly desire some of God’s ministers to come and hold a meeting sometime this summer or fall, as the Lord may direct. Your sister, saved in the one body,

Pauline Teague.


Arapaho, Okla.

Please pray that God will send some one of his holy anointed to preach to us here. There are a few here that have heard the evening light preached, and some are free in Christ; but we all need instructions and spiritual food. Your brother in Christ,

W. J. Newcomb.


The saints at Fortescue, and Napier, Mo., desire a tabernacle meeting soon, and trust God will send some holy minister filled with the power of God. Address,

H. A. Strond,

Fortescue, Mo.


We would like for some one filled with the Holy Spirit to come to Todd, Ky., as preaching is much needed here. There are a few of us standing for the truth. Write and let me know. Eubanks is the nearest R. R. station.

James F. McKinney.


We would like arrangements to be made for a grove meeting in August or September at Houston, Fox Co. Mo., and one at Bro. Lloyd Moys, fourteen miles from Houston. Who can come?

John Stag,

Houston, Mo


M. K. Smith of Michigantown, Ind., desires some of Gods people to come there and hold a tent meeting.


A camp meeting is desired at Philipsburg, Kan., some time in September and ministers in the West are requested to make arrangements for the same. Address

A. E. Drotts,

Slate, Kan.




There will be a tabernacle meeting at Buffalo, Muscatine Co., Ia., directly after the Iowa camp meeting.

S. L. Speck, B. E. Warren and Co.


There will be a tabernacle meeting near Wilton Junction, Cedar Co, Ia., at the close of the Buffalo, Iowa, tabernacle meeting.

S. L. Speck, B. E. Warren and Co.


The assembly or camp meeting of the saints of God in Louisiana will be held in Tangipaho Parish, La, at Zion Grove, near the Morris Retreat thirteen miles east of Hammond where it was held in 1894, commencing on Saturday before the second Sunday in October 1895, being the twelfth day of said month. All Christians are invited to attend as well as the unsaved. And as many as can, come prepared to camp on the grounds with provisions for the occasion. Bro’s A. L. Creel, S. H. Bozeman, R. H. Owens, J. B. Mills, W. W. Bradley, W. O. Williams and J. W. Hoover are especially requested to attend to hold the meeting; as well as all others of God’s ministers who can and will come and assist in his battle for truth. The meeting will last as long as God wills it. Come one, come all,

W. W. Bankston.


There will be a camp meeting of the church of the living God, on Bro. H. Rehbehn’s farm, four miles north-east of Fairport, Ia., four miles west of Montpelier, Ia, and one-half west of Pine Mills P. O., commencing July 3, and to continue twelve days. Let this be a general camp meeting of the saints of the Most High God, in Iowa and Illinois. Dear ones, come in the fullness of God, and bring tent and bedding, but if you have no tent, bring bedding. All coming by boat or R. R. stop off at Montpelier, Ia, Montpelier is on the Mississippi River and Rock Island R. R. All who desire to be met at either, boat landing or station, notify Bro. H. Rehbehn, Pine Mills, Iowa. The meeting will be in a beautiful grove. There will be plenty good water for man and beast. We will have a large tabernacle. 30×50. All who desire to get good and to do good are invited.

S. L. Speck, B. E. Warren and Co.


We desire a grove meeting here commencing Thursday, Aug 1. and lasting as long as the Lord wills. May the Lord send whomsoever fee will. All those desiring to come notify me or Bro. A, Crandall, Bedford, Calhoun Co, Mich.

D. Swanson.


Grove meeting June 23 to July 7. Samuel Traver’s farm, on the bank of Welland, Ont. river, one mile east of Salem meeting house.

J. A. Dillon and Co.


Berlin, Ont., Tab. meeting July 10-21.

Erie Co, Pa., camp meeting. Aug. 16-25.

Canada C. M., Aug. 28 to Sept. 9.

Jordan, Ont., Grove meeting. Sept. 12-22. Samuel Overholt’s woods.

St.Thomas, Ont., Tab. meeting. Sept. 26.

J. A. Dillon ,Bixler and Co.


Mc Lallen Corners, Pa., Grove meeting. July 5-11.

Tionesta, Pa., Tab. meeting July 13-21.

East Hickory, Pa., Tab. meeting. July 24-31.

Tidioute, Pa., Tab. meeting. Aug. 2-11.

Grand Valley, Pa., Tab. meeting. Aug. 13 -22.

A. J. Kilpatrick and Co.

Emlenton, Pa., Camp meeting. Aug. 22 to Sept. II.

A. J. K. and Co, H. M. Riggle and Co.,
Fink and Fry.


Pittsburg, Pa., Tab. meeting. July 16-30.

New Bethleham, Pa., Tab. meeting, Aug. 1-21.

Smithfield, O., Tab. meeting. Sept. 5-29. H. M. Riggle,

W. H. Cheathem and Co.


Meetings will be held at Oak Grove, Ind, June 22, to continue as long as the Lord wills. Also at Tampico, Little York, Columbus, Marion Tp., Cortland and other places in southern Ind. We will arrange and hold the above meetings as the Lord leads.

F. Rosenberry and W.H. Miller.


We expect the Lord willing, to hold a meeting near Mosgrove, Pa., on Father Stowe’s farm, June 27, to July 3. And in Bro. Latshaw’s grove, Big Bend, July 4-10, and at Clintonville in Bro. Shafer’s grove, July 11-16, and at our home near Barkeyville, July 18-31. Let all the saints that can, come, and whosoever the Lord wills; to assist in those meetings. I am looking to God to give me a helper in the gospel, a man that can sing, young or old.

C. W. Koonce.


Assembly meeting at Danisville, Miss., July 7 to Aug. 4.

Mrs. G. A. Thomas,

Welch, Miss.


A tent meeting, near Sears, in Osceola Go., South Orient Township, July 22d to continue as long as the Lord wills. Address Bro. J. Sturges.

W. B. Grover.



At Mill Creek Chapel, June 29, to continue over July 4. All are invited to attend this meeting.

A. A. Kinzie.



Elberton, Whitman Co., Wash., June 14, to July 8.

F. N. Jacobson and Co.


Camp meeting, Thayer, Oregon Co., Mo., July 24-Aug. 4.

B. F. Chase.


Auburn, Neb. camp meeting, Aug. 1-12.

M. H. Long.


A general Western camp meeting at Woodburn, Marion Co., Ore., Aug. 8-23.

J. L. Green.


Camp meeting, Aug. 16-26, at Vowell, Windstone Co., Miss.

R. H. Owens,

Freeny; Miss.


Camp meeting at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., to begin Aug. 15. and last ten days.


Camp meeting at Zion, Anderson Co., S. C., Aug. 1—15.


Camp meeting at fanning, Mo., commencing Aug. 20, and continuing as long as the Lord wills.

R. A. Pierson.


Camp meeting, McLallen Corners, Erie Co., Pa., beginning about Aug. 22.

Arthur Howard.

Grove or camp meeting, Aug. 11-20, in Bliss Township, Emmet Co., Mich.

Allis R. Fisher.


Camp meeting, Frisco, Ark., beginning Sept. 12.


The Norwood, Mo., camp meeting is desired to begin about Aug. I. Further particulars will be given later. Bro. G. L. Cole and Company are desired. All saints and workers are invited. Any workers feeling led to come, write Bro. Woodward or me. Norwood, Mo.

W. M. Wilson.


There will be a camp meeting near Standard, Okla. (Logan Co.), located ten miles west of Mulhall on the R. I. R. R., S. F. R. R., eighteen miles east of Hennessey. Expecting Bro. G L. Cole and Co. in charge, the Lord willing, and all other workers desired that the Lord may lead. Everybody invited to attend. Leave the time for the workers to determine. Yours in the one body,

S. Post,

Standard, Okla.


The Vichy, Mo., camp meeting will be held as usual on Bro. J. Thornton’s farm, ten miles north-east of Rolla, and ten miles from St. James, Mo., beginning Aug. 15, and continuing as long as the Lord leads. Come praying that God will pour out of his Spirit abundantly. If you are sick, come in faith to be healed; do not stay away because you are a sinner, come and get saved.

No huxtering of any kind allowed on or near the ground. Meals will be furnished to all who are able to pay at 15 cts., workers and God’s poor free. If you are poor, come, you will be taken care of. Those who can, would do well to bring your own bedding. Bro. Geo. E. Bolds and Co., and Bro. G. B. Collins are expected.

James Thornton.

Vichy, Mo.


A grove meeting is to be held in Noble’s grove, about 3 1/2 miles north of Tekoa, Whitman Co., Wash., July 12-22. Tekoa is on the O. R. & N. R. R. For further particulars address Bro. Wm. Franklin, Box 93, Tekoa, Wash.


There will be a grove meeting northeast of St. Louis, Mich., on the bank of Pine river, near Goodyear school house, along the river road about six miles, commencing June 22, and lasting over Lord’s day. Come prepared for all day Sunday. All who can, come and help in this place. Your brother saved and in the one body,

David Mitchell,

St.Louis, Mich.




Bro. G. B. Collins will have a line of holiness literature with him at all meetings wherever he may be, which can be purchased at regular rates.


C.Cloe, Richmond, Ky., writes, “I have for sale, a tent for seventy dollars, which cost $120. It has been used three times, and will seat 500 people. Ten oz top, eight oz. sides.”

I wish to ask all saints and others desiring to correspond with me, to direct letters to Powell, La., and those desiring an answer, please send stamps as I am not able to buy stamps to answer all. Your brother in the one body,

W. W. Bradley.

Workers in the field should keep us notified where their mail is to be sent, so it can be forwarded to them when directed to this office. We will send papers for distribution each week, to field workers when we know their address.

As last week’s issue of the Trumpet was omitted on account of the camp meeting, we have on hands this week more News from the Field than we are able to publish. Some reports will have to be left out, while others must be considerably shortened.

Bro. Byrum and Bro. Daugherty are on their way to the Washington camp meeting; also expect to be at the Woodburn, Oregon camp meeting, and visit the churches along the Pacific coast. Letters addressed to them at Grand Junction, Mich, or Gridley Cal. will reach them.

Bro. A. B. Palmer writes from Chicago that “the Open Door Mission” is again open for gospel work; also that God has a tabernacle on 52 and State sts. in which meeting commenced last evening (June 23.) There is also another tabernacle to be pitched this week. God is working in this wicked city.

“Train your children for heaven” is now ready in tract form, of book size, containing over fifty pages, with a neat cover in colored paper. This little book should be in every home in the land. Supply each of your neighbors with one, and see if God will not bless you in doing so. Price per single copy 10 cents. Per doz. $1.00.


We now have on hands some tablets for letter writing and suitable for general writing purposes. They contain one hundred sheets of ruled paper, with nice neat scriptural verses printed on the heading of each sheet. There are twelve different forms of the scriptural headings, and are put together so that leaves can be torn out from any place within the tablet. Price post paid, per single copy 30 cents. per doz. $3.00. Envelopes with scriptural verses 30 cents per hundred.



This glorious and wonderful annual convocation near Grand Junction, Mich., is now over. The hosts of God have met in the name of Jesus, and again the farewell greeting has left the thrill of joy in all hearts, and this morning the camp that has for ten days been thronged with the holy seed, and vocal with the praises of God, is filled with the hush of a holy awe, and a heavenly sacredness. The very stillness seems to hallow the place, where such a multitude of souls have recently met with God and communed with him, and gone on their way rejoicing with his rich blessings upon them. The songs of the redeemed leave this deep, sweet echo in all our hearts, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!” And surely the whole earth shall be filled with his glory.

About seventy-six ministers of the everlasting gospel were counted in attendance.

The number of saints was nearly, if not altogether, double that of any former year. Fully 700 of the holy remnant were present to enjoy the great feast. “They came from afar.” Many of the States were represented; from Eastern Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Mo, Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, California, Wisconsin, and round about to Canada. Scarcely was there room under our large pavilion — 40×70 feet — for all the dear saints to be seated. Oh what a sight! Jesus and his glory was in the midst. How pure and heavenly the fellowship of his saints! What showers of holy joy came down from heaven in all hearts! Oh how fresh and precious the present truth of God was poured cut by the Lord’s messengers! A marked and wonderfull advancement was manifest in spiritual wisdom, and the knowledge of the deep things of God. New and precious things were brought out of the store-house of prophetic and symbolic truth. How beautiful the new disclosures corroborate all the unfoldings of the past! More and more we are finding out why his name shall be called “WONDERFUL,” both in the sublimity of his truth, and in the marvelous achievements of his grace. All glory, and honor, and dominion be unto his name forever and forever! Amen.

The real work accomplished during the meeting cannot be counted or estimated until the last great day. Quite thorough faith drilling meetings had been in progress nearly every night for about three weeks before the camp, held by Bro. J. Cole. And many saints came in about one week before the appointed time; so that a glorious fire was burning for many days before the feast time, and souls saved almost daily. But the burden of those labors, and also during the camp time, was for an advance in experience, and increase of wisdom and power and special gifts of the Holy Spirit. There was a mighty moving forward in many respects.

The Lord’s day, according to announcement, was kept as a day of universal fasting. No meals were served at the Home or at the tents, so far as we know; only the children were fed. The word of God went forth with power, and many souls were saved on that sacred day. A great multitude of requests for prayer were read from parties dwelling all over the United States, and a few from foreign countries. The prayer of faith was offered for all.

In several particulars it was the

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most apostolic assembly we have ever witnessed. A free table was set for all who wished to eat. The large stock of provision having been purchased by faith, and given out by faith, and the Lord supplied all things, and no one had need of ought. The means were deposited by free will offerings to pay the bill.

Also daily, and a few times twice in one day, the holy rite of immersion was administered in the lake nearby. 151 in all followed Christ in that precious ordinance of his kingdom.

On Saturday, 15, P. M., the other two ordinances of Christ were observed. It was a solemn and glorious service. A scene never before witnessed by us; so vast a multitude following the meek and lowly Lamb of God. About fifty towels were employed. Great joy overflowed all hearts. Perhaps not less than twenty-five dear little children sweetly engaged in the precious service.

Twice a day the children met in their little park where they were instructed in righteousness and salvation, and many little ones consecrated to God, and received his grace. Some of the little disciples followed Christ in baptism.

A great many applied for healing of body, most of whom we believe, received the healing touch. A young man was kicked by a horse on Saturday evening. One stroke took effect upon the left shoulder, the other near the heart. He was very serious- injured. The next morning a physician examined him and found the shoulder dislocated, and set the same. That forenoon, the young man gave his heart to God and was saved from his sins. In the afternoon some of the elders were called to pray for and anoint him for healing. We found him indeed very bad; greatly swollen over the heart. There was no regular respiration, but a flutter of the heart, with an occasional heavy breathing, attended with pain. He was kept from utter suffocation by the use of fans. Prayer was offered to God. his wounds annointed with oil and by the laying on of hands and prayer, his heart soon resumed natural action. The healing was claimed in the name of Jesus. Presently he raised up his left arm, then both arms were lifted up with thanks to God. In a few moments he rose up without so much as anyone giving him a hand. He called for his shoes, and was soon walking the floor praising God, and stepped on the porch and testified before a large concourse of people, how God had healed his soul and body, and was well from that time.

Near the close of the meeting the Lord began to show his people that the reason certain healings were not accomplished was because they came more properly under the head of miracles, and required the definite gift of working miracles. Such cases as stiff limbs, blind eyes, etc. As soon as the distinction was made, it was clearly seen by all. That gift was scarcely claimed in the body. Some were stirred in their hearts to apply for it, and did so. But we confess there was not a real manifestation of the same. Perhaps a more general increase of faith will have to come to the support of the few who have laid hold upon that gift. And for sometime we have been impressed by the light of prophecy that 1896 will be one epochal year in the onward march of God. And perhaps the working of miracles is reserved as one of the marks of that glorious fulfillment of prophecy. However, the Lord is certainly stirring up that gift, and its fruits must shortly appear. Oh blessed be the name of the Lord, the great captain of our salvation!

There was quite a moving out by the ministry to seek spiritual gifts, and a more perfect equipment of the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. And we believe that far more sweeping waves of God’s salvation and glory will go forth from this meeting than ever before. Two young men from a Baptist seminary in Louisville, Ky., and one from the Moody institute, Chicago, were among those in the rapid Jerusalem institute which came down from heaven. Glory to God! “His going forth is as the morning.”

Dear Bro. Hahn, editor of the German TRUMPET, and Bro. Halbesleben, from Wisconsin, and other German workers carried on meetings in their language every day, which were much blessed of the Lord.

The order throughout the meeting was truly very beautiful. On Lord’s day the throng of worldly spirits was probably not more than one-half that of former years, while the number of saints, the power of God, and the fruits of salvation were greatly enlarged. The altar seats were daily crowded with seekers after God, and through Christ their souls were satisfied. A rapid advancement in numbers, and thank God, a real increase of God and all his holy graces in his saints is indeed visible to all eyes. And let all the earth magnify his holy name! Amen.


News from the Field


Ionia, S. C.

We expect to hold a meeting at Ashland, S. C., and then go to Darlington the last of June to attend the assembly meeting. Persons writing to us can direct their mail accordingly. Yours in Him,

J. E. and Rivie L. Shaw.


Grand Junction, Mich., June 8, 1895.

Dearly Beloved: Since our last report God has been with us in power, in saving souls, sanctifying believers, and healing the sick. We held a few meetings in company with Bro. Cheatham at our home at Cochran’s Mills, Pa., which were profitable to the church. On May 4 we bade farewell to wife and children and joined Bro. Stowe and Co., on their trip to camp meeting. On our way here we held meetings at the following places: Butler, Pa., Burbank, Wauseon, Pioneer, Ohio, and Girard, Mich. Bro. William Smith and wife were with us in the meeting at Burbank, O. In the above meetings there were about thirty-seven consecrations, and quite a number healed. We are here in the meetings which are a feast to our souls. I would just say, I expect to have a tabernacle 35×56 in use this summer. Will begin meetings right away after this meeting. All persons desiring tabernacle meetings in Pennsylvania this summer, please let me know at once. Address me at Cochran’s Mills, Pa. Your sanctified brother in Christ,

H. M. Riggle.


Teegarden, Ind., June 12, 1895.

Dear Brethren: About May 11, I went to the Brenneman S. H. and began meeting in the name of Jesus, which continued a little over two weeks. And praise God the truth went forth by the Spirit of God. Three dear children of God were buried with him by baptism. Bro. Filhour, and family were with us in that meeting whom the Lord used much in singing and praying. We were also much refreshed by the coming of Bro. Ed Ellis and Bro. Sparling. Bro. Ellis was used of the Lord in presenting the Word. At the close of the meeting we observed the ordinances. Wife and I went on Friday, the seventh of June and held meeting at New Hope school house, four miles north-east of Bremen, Ind, over Lord’s day. I am now at home. Would like to have been at the camp meeting but it seems the way was not opened for us both to go. Now dear saints, I do earnestly beg an interest in your prayers, that God may open the way for me, that I may continue in the gospel field, as I have many calls, and would love to fill them if I could. Pray that God may keep me in his order, and very humble. Your saved and sanctified brother,

S. P. Strang.


Buffalo, Ia., June 7, 1895.

Dear Brethren: We had a good meeting at Kingston, Mo. Several were both justified and sanctified; six or seven were immersed. The Lord has a precious little church of twelve or thirteen at Kingston, and with them we enjoyed a most precious ordinance meeting. God bless and keep all firm and true is our prayer.

We came to Wilton Junction, Ia., May 25. Held meeting there until the 30th, during which time one was pardoned and several sanctified, also eleven were baptized and some over thirty participated in the ordinances. Praise God for his showers of blessings on all our souls! From Wilton Junction we came to Fairport, Ia. Stayed until June 3. At this place, one pardoned, one sanctified and eleven happy saints were immersed in the Mississippi river. We enjoyed a precious ordinance service with the the church at Fairport also. From Fairport, we came to Buffalo, Ia., and remained here until June 7. During this time several were sanctified and two baptzied by Bro. Akers in the Mississippi. We contemplate holding meeting here after the Iowa camp meeting. On our way to the Grand Junction camp meeting, we will stop in Chicago and purchase a large tabernacle for these meetings. God has provided the means. Praise Him! We anticipate glorious results, by the help of God, from the forthcoming meetings. Your brethren, and co-laborers,

B. E. Warren, and S. L. Speck,


Oakland, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: Since April fourth we have been constantly in the work of the Lord, and he has blessed our labors. We first joined Bro. Riggle and Co., and Bro. W. E. Warren in Dubois. Some precious souls were saved. Praise God! We remained here about one week, after the other brethren departed for other fields, having moved to another part of the town where a door was opened to the truth, and God blessed the meetings here. From here we went to Starburg; found the dear ones rejoicing in the oneness of the gospel of Christ. Held meetings seven nights with the church here, during which there were seventeen consecrations in all. From here we went home, stored away our household goods, sold all loose property, took our wife and two children, and since then we have held two very successful meetings, one in Oak Ridge and one in Millville; both places being new fields of labor. At these places the Lord raised up a precious little church of about twenty-five. Baptized seven.

We are now in meeting in this place which is indeed a very dark place. But praise God, the truth wins. Honest souls are beginning to see. Babylon in this place begins to totter and God’s children come out. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! We are much in need of some one who is consecrated to the Lord to sing; a sister would suit best. Who will come? Let the Lord lead. Amen. Yours in the church of God,

I. S. Me Coy and Wife,
and Wm. Gallagher.


Easton, Cal., June 5, 1895.

Dear Saints: We closed meetings at Fresno last Sunday evening. God was with us in apostolic power, confirming his word with signs following. The limited time we had for these meetings served only as an introduction of the evening light. I have long since guarded against setting a time as a limit to a series of meetings, but occasionally this cannot be avoided as in this case. The Lord knew the circumstances and I do believe he made the most out of the matter. Many souls have confessed a benefit, some for pardon, some for sanctification and healing. Truly we can say, “He hath done all things well.” Bro. J. M. Hudson came from his work over on the coast and spent most of the time of meetings with us. He was publicly ordained as elder. Bro. Clam was also with us. We began meetings at this place yesterday afternoon; will continue over Sunday, the Lord willing, then go north.

I wish to make a correction in my poem entitled “He is just the same to-day,” the type-setter made a mistake which destroys much of the real meaning of the entire poem. In the third from last verse, in the third line, it should read, But he “rose” a mighty conqueror, instead of, But he “was” a mighty conqueror, as it appears in the Trumpet. The fact of his resurrection is omitted, without which, he could not be just the same to-day. May heaven’s richest blessings rest upon all. Pray for me. Your brother separated unto the gospel,

J. W. Byers.


Elberton, Wash., Saints’ camp meeting.

I left Fresno, Cal. June 10. The meetings at Easton were a seed-sowing time. A few souls were blessed in the various benefits of. the grace of God. Six saints were baptized. Were refused the use of the hall owned by the M. E. sect, but a door was opened near by, and the congregations were fairly large and much interested. Bro. J. M. Hudson and wife were my companions and fellow helpers; also Bro. F. J, Van Velden. I spent Tuesday, 11, with dear Bro. Schroeder at San Francisco. Oh how my heart bounded with thankfulness to meet our dear boy once more, and to find him safely in the fold of Christ! It is quite evident that the Lord will have us lay siege to San Francisco in the near future.

Left that city Tuesday evening. Preached at Portland, Ore., the following Thursday morning. Many were the wonderful works of God my eyes beheld. The wonderful Mt. Shasta, over 14,400 feet high, completely covered with ice and snow, is indeed a marvel of Father’s handiwork. Reached this, camp ground safely Friday afternoon. Found a number of saints already camped on the ground. Still they kept coming. Some are here from Idaho, Oregon and Kansas. Probably over a hundred will be here during the meeting. It is wonderful how the gathering out has been accomplished in this country in so short a time. Many doors are open in different directions. The saints are well established in the clear light, and the holy flame is burning brightly and spreading with rapid speed. The work in the camp is well under way. Souls are accepting the gospel for soul and body. The Holy One of Israel is the presiding officer in the midst of us, and doeth all things well. All glory to his holy name! I expect to be at the Woodburn, Oregon, camp meeting, the Lord willing, which begins Aug. 8. Your humble brother,

J. W. B.


Boise City, Idaho, June 10. 1895.

Dear Brethren: May God richly bless you all, Amen. April 24 took train at Creston, Wash., arrived in this city the 26th P. M. We were three days and two nights in making this trip. Our journey was indeed interesting and instructive. The scenery was especially interesting and beautiful from Pendleton to Boise City. Through the kindness of God, we had the happy privilege of crossing the Blue Mts. The climate from Huntington to this place especially, around here, is the most pleasant, mild and beautiful we have yet found anywhere in the West. This city is the most beautiful, quiet and peaceful of any, which we have been in on the coast, farming, etc., is accomplished by means of the Irrigation System.

April 28 we began meeting in the M. E. chapel, about ten miles west of the city. The meeting lasted about ten days. We next held a ten day’s meeting in the Belfry school house. Two raised their hands for our prayers. Next held a ten day’s meeting in the Cox school house. Here we found the people willful disbelievers in sanctification and much in sympathy and fellowship with sin and carnality, especially the Baptist preacher and people and some M. Es. However we found a few honest souls who treated us and the pure gospel with respect. In mercy we pray God to save them out into this glorious light. Before leaving there we went and held one service in the Idaho Soldier’s Home. We were received and treated by these sons of the Republic with perfect respect and courtesy. God truly met with us all and richly blessed our souls. Left a good supply of Trumpets and tracts here. During the first series of meetings we held, inquired earnestly and much of God touching the immediate results of salvation work. The Lord deary made us understand that not much would be done only gospel seed sown by the way. We have done our part in His name and leave it all with him. Dear Sister Worbois was sanctified wholly and God renewed her call to the work. The 11th we start for the Washington camp meeting. After that, the Lord willing, we go to Woodburn, Ore., and labor in those parts till fall. Yours in all the truth,

F. N. and Susie A. Jacobson, Saints G. M.,

Elberton, Wash.



”Thy Testimonies are WonderfuI.” – Psa. 119:129.


Grant, W. Va.

Dear Saints: I am saved and kept, by Jesus power free from all sin. We are hemmed in on all sides here by Satan, but if Jesus is for us, who can be against us. Pray for me that I prove faithful. Your sister,

Laura Geer.


Casstown, O.

Dear Saints: My testimony is, I am saved in Jesus, trusting him for all things. Praise God for a salvation that makes new creatures of us! I can praise him for the voice that said, “Come out of her, my people.” I obeyed that voice and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless the Lord forever! Your brother in Christ,

Albert Bergstreser.


Eastonville, Colo.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I feel it would be to the glory of God for me to write my testimony to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. I first heard the pure gospel preached about one year ago, and some time after that I came out of Babylon, and on last Lord’s day was baptized by Bro. J. E. Roberts of Denver, and I do praise God for leading me to this glorious experience. I am justified freely and sanctified wholly. I have real peace in my soul at all times. I can truly say, I am dead indeed to the world and my life is hid away with Christ in God. Glory to his holy name!

Your sister saved and in the one body,

Eva H. Dyer.




EMRICK. — Died near Castine, Ohio, May 1, 1895, Samuel A. Emrick, aged thirty-six years, three months and one day. Bro. Emrick leaves a wife, two children, an aged father, seven brothers and three sisters, also many relatives and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Bro. Emrick was taken from this world in health. He fell off his horse and broke his leg. The doctors amputated it, which resulted in. his death. Bro. Emrick made no profession of religion until in his last illness, when he gave his heart to God and was saved. His last words were, meet me in heaven. Bro. G. W. Howard and Bro. Jesse McFarland labored and prayed with him until his last. May God bless the bereaved wife and children and enable them to meet the departed husband and father in heaven.

S. L. Speck.


Atlanta, Kan.

SHARUM. — Charles Edward Sharum infant son of S. A. and N. A. Sharum, was born Sept. 21, 1894, died May 31, 1895. This little one was sick only a few days. It seemed to be the Father’s will to remove the little plant and transplant it in the kingdom above. Funeral services by the writer. May the blessed Lord comfort the parents is our prayer. Yours in the faith,

W. H. Before.


West Point, Pa.

BOOKHIMER. — Sister Ella Laura Bookhimer was born Aug. 8, 1863, died May 6, 1895, aged thirty-one years eight months and twenty-eight days. She was saved in the evening light about two years prior to her death and lived and died happy in the Lord. She was afflicted for nearly two years, yet she did her own house work up to the time of her death. God saw fit to call her home. Through all the trials, sufferings and persecutions she was firm in her God. She leaves an unsaved husband, father and several brothers and sisters. May God bless the bereaved and draw them unto him, that they may join her around the throne in heaven. Funeral services by W. J. Henry and Wm. Anders. Text Psa 23:4, and Heb. 9:27.

B. F. Weikel.


Belgique, Mo.

PEARSON. — Oliver Ray Pearson departed this life June 4, 1895. His death was caused from a dog bite. This makes two I have lost in this way. Your brother in him,

Denis R. Pearson.

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Bible Readings.


Arr.by J. W. B.





Luke 8:19-21 — Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come at him for the press. And it was told him by certain which said, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

Heb. 2:11 — For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is hot ashamed to call them brethren.


1 Jno. 1:7 — But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

3:14 — We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.


Deut. 20:1 — When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. 8 — And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say, What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? let him go and return unto his house, lest his brethren’s heart faint as well as his heart.

Judges 7:3 — Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people twenty and two thousand; and there remained ten thousand.


Deut. 15:7-12 — If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth. Beware that there be not a thought in thy wicked heart, saying, The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand; and thine eye be evil against thy poor brother, and thou givest him nought; and he cry unto the Lord against thee, and it be sin unto thee. Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto. For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor and to thy needy in thy land.

Mat. 7:3-5 — And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; then thou shalt see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

18:15-17 — Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. 21-35 — Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants. And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his Lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him and forgave him the debt. But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him a hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. And his fellow servant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. So when his fellow servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done. Then his Lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee? And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

Mat. 25:31-46 — When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was a hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

1 Cor. 5:9-13 — I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Rom. 14:21 — It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.

1 Cor. 16:20 — All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with a holy kiss.

Gal. 6:1, 2 — Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

1 Thess. 5:12-15 — And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And beat peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men. See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. 25, 26 — Brethren, pray for us. Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.

Jas. 4:11 — Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

5:19, 20 — Brethren, if any man err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.


Rom. 16:17 — Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

AT CORINTH. 1 Cor. 1:10 — Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the judgment.

2 Cor. 13:11 — Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

AT THESSALONICA. 1 Thess. 4:9-12 —But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one- another. And indeed ye do it toward all the brethren which are in all Macedonia: But we beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more; and that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.

2 Thess. 3:8-15 — Neither did we eat any man’s bread for nought; but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. But ye, brethren be not weary in well doing. And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.


Sayings from an Open Bible.


(By G. B. Collins.)


No sect contains all the children of God; his church does. Therefore, the church of God is not a sect.

1 Cor. 1:2. Col. 1:18-24.

The trouble with a great many professors is, that they live so loose and shackling that truth forsakes them entirely.

2 Cor. 3:3. Psa. 119:165. Prov. 3:3.

There are too many “Indian gift” consecrations. What we place upon the altar should be left there for all time.

Heb. 13:10-12. Mat. 23:19.

It is very easy to say, All I have in my possession belongs to the Lord. Just let him call on you for some of it, then your neighbors can tell all about your consecration.

Prov. 5:9, 10. Luke 14:12-14. Mal. 3:10.

The Lord’s secret is with the righteous: but the wicked and froward are an abomination in his sight.

Psa. 25:14. Luke 16:15.

Do one can obtain wisdom without prudence. They are twin sisters and dwell together. When in possession of these, it is to hate evil.

Prov. 16:6. Dan. 2:21. Eccl. 7:19.

It is true wisdom to serve God. There is a blessing for the man that will hear her voice through the Word.

Luke 11:28. Eph. 2:19, 20.

When a body of men put the Bible into the hands of an unsaved, indiscreet person with the command to preach, reminds one of a gold nose-ring in a hog’s snout.

Prov. 11:22. 2 Cor. 11:14, 15.

There is a vast difference between sectianity and Christianity. Sectianity: world-like; Christianity: Christ-like.

Rom. 12:2. 1 Cor. 2:16.

It is just as easy for a man to live after the blood has been drawn from his veins, as to expect that we can separate the Word and Spirit and derive any benefit therefrom.

Rev. 11:3, 4. Zech. 4:3-6.

The theologians of to-day are very much mistaken when they preach the Bible over in eternity. Had God intended that book for us after we leave this world, he would have waited until after death before giving it to us.

2 Tim. 3:15. 1 Cor. 6:2.

A coal heaver with white hands, a blacksmith with a clean face during working hours, or a professor who just went to the dance to look on, or to the circus to take the children, who enjoys salvation, are three things I would like to see.

Rom. 12:2. Prov. 4:14-17.

It is hypocritical to claim peace with God (after receiving the light) when we are all tricked out with the paraphernalia of the devil.

1 Pet. 3:3. Isa. 4:16-26. 1 Tim. 2:9.

A disorderly person, a false witness, or he that soweth discord among the brethren, are to be shunned as we would shun an adder.

1 Thess. 3:6, 14. Prov. 19:5-9. Micah 2:1.

Lot did not stay in Sodom because he could not get his children to go with him; he did not even look back to see what had become of his wife.

Gen. 19:14-26.

All doubts and perplexities are simply cares. Jesus says cast them all on him.

1 Pet 5:7.

Ye are my temple.

1 Cor. 3:16.

Repentance cleanses it.

Prov. 28:13. Ezek. 33:15.

Faith provides for it.

Rom. 5:1.

Prayer is the messenger.

Mat. 6:6. Jno. 16:23-26.

Joy is the musician.

Rom. 14:17.

A fish cannot live out of water, no more can the church of God exist out of the element, holiness.

Gal. 5:19, 22, 33.

It may be a help to some of God’s dear saints to know that purity is not maturity. “Grow in grace.”

2 Pet. 3:18.

All gold is not refined to the same degree and height of fineness, but pure gold will endure the furnace or the test of acid; thereby it is discerned from the counterfeit metal.

Zech. 13:8, 9. Mal. 3:1-3.

Put yourself in his place, is a motto that salaried sect preachers and rulers of their synagogues seldom think of.

Prov. 11:46.

We may not be able to know the whereabout of some one’s grave. But that is no reason that it does not contain a skeleton.

Luke 11:44.

A good man, no matter how poor, always leaves an inheritance for his children, whether they accept it or not. The most children do not like heaven’s coin.

Prov. 13:22.



“Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” – Psa. 119:129.


Cleo Springs, Okla.

Dear Readers of the Trumpet: Feeling led of God this, evening to write a few lines to testfy for the love of Christ in my heart, will say God justifies me, answers my prayers and cares for me altogether, as I have been left alone, God having called my beloved husband home. I wish to ask an interest in your prayers, that my faith may be strengthened and my heart cleansed from all sin. Yours all for Jesus,

M. J. Nosler.


Flortssaut, Colo.

Dear Saints: I feel it my duty to take the kind privilege of writing my experience. How encouraging it is to read the wonderful testimonies which are given by those who are saved through Jesus. We were accustomed to hear sect preachers teach us, that we could live in sin and by so doing enter into everlasting happiness with God, which is indeed calling God a liar. Some eight months ago I was favored with the pure Word through Bro. Sticksel, and his example plainly showed me that a true child of God can live free from all sin. I was on the verge of giving myself to Jesus when I was called to attend the Denver University where I fell in with my former companions who were conformed to this world and there I walked in the ways of sin until my return in April; and now praise the Lord, I am walking in the light as he is in the light. There are five saints here in God’s fold, and I believe others are being called. I was a Roman Catholic for several years and a firm believer in that faith, but God knew my willingness to accept his word and has sent it deep into my heart. I ask all the saints to pray for me for I am a child in the ways of Jesus.

Wm. H. Halthusen.


Carterville, Mo.

Dear Saints of God: I believe it will be to the glory of God for me to write my testimony and tell of the mighty power of God to save, and hls wonderful power to heal. Bless his dear name forever! He saves me just now, sanctifies me wholly and keeps me by power divine. He is our great physician in sickness. I stand on his whole word without a doubt or fear. Glory be to God! For he says in his blessed Word, that heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. Mat. 24:25. Our little Bessie took sick very suddenly; a high fever came over her; she kept getting worse all the time, until she became unconscious of everthing and lay there with her eyes closed. She would not open her eyes or pay any attention to us when we spoke to her. We thought of sending for the elders, but none were close at hand. So we were agreed, according to the Word, Mat. 16:18, then trusted, according to Psa. 37:5, and the work was done according to Jas. 5:15. Glory be to God in the highest! Yours in the one body,

G. W. Brake.


Smithfield, O.

Dear Saints of the Living God: I feel led by the Spirit to write my testimony, it being the first time. I praise the Lord this evening that he saves me and keeps me from all sin. I never heard the evening light preached until this last winter. I was a Methodist and had been for five years. Of course I thought the Methodists were all right. So I was prejudiced against the truth. G. Clayton and wife were holding meeting here at the time. I saw that one or the other was wrong, that both could not be right. I said the Holy Spirit has promised to guide me into all truth. I took it to the Lord in prayer and he let me know I was wrong. Then I was glad to accept the whole truth. I can now see things I did when a Methodist that I would not do now under any consideration. I was so blind I could not see that it was wrong to wear gold and try to follow the styles of the world. Now I have no desire for such things; the Lord has sanctified my nature. I am willing to obey God in all things and under all circumstances. Three weeks ago, the Lord healed me of stomach disease which I had for nine years; had doctored a great deal, but praise the Lord, he healed me and without any nasty medicine. I recommend my Savior as a physcian for soul and body. The Lord has raised up a few in this place who are willing to walk in the narrow way. The very powers of darkness are arrayed against this cause, but blessed be God, Jesus has promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church. My husband and I are clear of sectism. We belong to Jesus, the living church of God, a church that has been organized for over eighteen hundred years. I ask God’s children to pray for me that f may be kept humble and faithful in the Lord’s service. Your sister in the one body.

Emma Barcus.


Tullahoma, Tenn.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I do praise God to-day for what he has done for me. I thank him for the peace and victory he has given me. I never can thank him enough. How glad we ought to be that we can flee to Jesus in time of trials and temptations! How comforting his blessings are at such times! The devil must take his departure when God says so. Oh how glad. I am to-day, that I ever learned to love and serve my Redeemer. What peace and joy we find in Jesus! My daily prayer is that I may sink deeper and deeper into his will, and that I may not be deceived by the enemy; that I may be kept low and humble, that all I do and say may be to his glory. Dear ones, how careful we ought to be, to follow in his footsteps, that we are not a stumbling block for others, thereby injuring God’s cause, when he has done so much for us. I like to read the testimonies in the Trumpet; I am strengthened by them many times. While in secret prayer the other day, I was strongly impressed to write to the Trumpet office and request those sending to that office for literature, to pay the postage themselves (if possible) and not expect the dear ones there to pay it for them. It would not be very much for you, but would soon amount to hundreds of dollars for the work of the Lord. Remember how God respected the widow’s mite. I feel that it is God’s will that I should make this request for the advancement of his cause. I find it is so glorious to take God for our physcian for both soul and body. I earnestly ask your prayers that I may ever prove faithful and grow stronger every day. Pray for the little ones at this place as the enemy is seeking whom he may devour. I have learned that God’s grace is sufficient for those that yield all into his will. Praise his name forever and ever! Your sister all for the Lord,

Mrs. C. W. Forbes.

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