29 August 1895, Volume 15, Number 34.



Jesus left his throne in heaven,
Suffered death for you and me;
For thy heart he now is asking.
Oh, what will your answer be?

Cho. — Sinner, see your Savior bleeding,
Listen! Jesus call for thee.
Sinner, hear him gently pleading.
Oh, what will your answer be?

Thy poor heart, by sin is darkened,
Endless death is all you see;
Jesus loves thee, he will save you,
Oh, what will your answer be?

Our dear Jesus is so loving,
That he gave his life for thee:
If you slight him, he may leave you;
Oh, what will your answer be?

Life on earth is so uncertain,
Death, this hour may call for thee;
If your Savior yon have slighted,
Oh, how sad the answer’ll be.

Now in glory he’s preparing,
Mansions bright for you and me;
If we’re ready when he calls us,
Blessed will the answer be.

Minnie A. Yerdin.



UNDER this head, one Thos. H. Nelson, writes an article in the PENTECOST HERALD, which they propose to put in tract and sell for the consolation of Babylon. The author, we are told, is the head of certain bands which the reader will find mentioned in Eze. 39:4, and which pertain to the Gog and Magog army. Gog — Romanism, — Magog — Protestism, – and all sect-supporting bands and associations are exactly what are spoken of in the above scriptures. And this entire Gog and Magog army, with their bands shall fall ‘‘upon the mountains,” — sect institutions, — and God says, “I will give thee unto the ravenous birds — evil delusive spirits — of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.” Oh the awful powers of deception that have devoured the masses of sectism, and all in sympathy with it! Surely the words of Christ are now true, “Many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.” Mat. 24:11. “With all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they may be saved.” 2 Thess. 2:10. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; * * * who believe not the truth.”

The truth is God’s word. That Word forbids all sects, schisms and divisions, heresies. And it farther says, that “a sectarian man, after a first and second admonition be rejecting, having known that he hath been subverted who is such, and doth sin, being self-condemned.” Titus 3:10 — Young’s Bible Translation. This is literally and correctly translated. But Mr. Nelson and all subverted sectarians virtually say that whoever is not a sectarian man, an endorser of the modern sects, is of the devil.

Let us briefly consider the positions taken in this article. First, Let it be distinctly understood that all that Mr. Nelson says about “come-out- ism,” divided, and discordant elements which have come out of the modern sects, have not the remotest application to the saints of God whom he has called out, and saved out of her, and who are in perfect harmony in the Spirit and truth of God. The same thing that he opposes we have no fellowship with. Over fourteen years ago we declared that “come-out-ism” is no more of God than sectism. But what is come-out- ism? Anti-sectism, and come-out- ism simply make the idea of separation from sect the rallying point and not Christ all in all. But God is not responsible, nor yet his church, for the fomentations, and overflow of the turbid elements of the present fallen sects. God never calls such out of her; that is often the work of the devil to hinder God’s present truth. But we hear “another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that you partake not of her sins, nor receive of her plagues.” Rev. 18:4. God only calls his own people out of the confusion of the multitude of corrupt sects. And all who obey his voice pass through the blood, and are cleansed from all sin, schisms, division and confusion; and God fulfills his word in “giving them one heart and one way.” Jer. 32:39. And, according to the demands of the New Testament, they all “speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you: but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” 1 Cor. 1:10.

We have said that we renounce come-out-ism as strongly as does Mr. Nelson. But that sectish writer shows deceit and dishonesty in confounding people who have brought with them out of the sects the confusion that is in her, with the true work of God in saving his own people out of her into the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man. In other words, he uses the elements which have come out of the sects, with the confusion and spirit of sectism yet in them, to fling reproach upon the remnant which God has called out of that babel of divisions, and taken the sin and confusion all out of them. To condemn God and his work, he confounds it with the devil’s work. This is a shocking sin that unless repented of, will sink his soul to perdition.

He says, “We grant that there should be no division among God’s clean people, nor is there any.” That is just what we teach. Bnt he seeks to lower the standard of unity from its Bible plane, and reconcile it with the ORGANIZED DIVISIONS of modern Protestantism. Herein he shows himself a veritab..on of confusion.

He knows very we.. the present- day sects are not one as Christ and the Father are one. He says, “I have been slow to speak, but after prayerful examination of this tree in the spirit of Christian investigation, I am satisfied from its fruits, it is of Babylonish origin.” Certainly that which comes out of Babylon without getting Babylon taken out of it, is of Babylonish origin. But if this sect idolator identifies this “come-out- ism” tree with God’s called-out holy remnant, he exhibits shameful dishonesty. He also proves himself guilty of falsehood. He has either not examined this holy reformation, as he says he has, or else he falsifies when he says he has found its fruits evil. The conversion of thousands of sinners, the sanctification of believers, the healing of all manner of diseases, and the perfect unification into the one body of Christ, of thousands who were alienated by sect walls before they heard the present truth, are the only fruits that he or any other man can truthfully ascribe to this work of God. Except it be this, that Babylon suffers the loss of her best members wherever the present truth comes. But this cannot be helped, although it is very derogatory to the interest of all sect builders. It is impossible for the Lord to call his people into unity, without calling them out of divisions.

This blind guide thinks that a spirit of pure love, humility, and a single desire to glorify God is incompatible with a separation from everything forbidden in God’s word. Here is light for darkness and darkness for light. We say by the authority of God’s word, that no one can have a single eye, and the whole body full of light, while he has an eye to please God and yet be subject to the interests of a sect organization. We would like to ask Mr. Nelson if the apostles and primitive Christians, had the “spirit of pure love, humility,” etc. Did they organize, or join a Methodist sect or any other? Did they form Pentecost bands, and make themselves popes over them? Did they belong to anything else but the body of Christ, which is the church? Eph. 1:22, 23. If they could have the right spirit, obey all the word of God, and be useful in his hands without any, and all of the creeds, sect organizations, party names, Babylon bands and endless machinery of modern Romanism, Protestantism and associationism, cannot we do the same? If they lived with a “single desire to glorify God,” outside of everything else but the one church of God, why do we have to join ourselves to the modern sects and Magog bands in order thus to live?

When Mr. Nelson seeks to condemn God’s children for discarding all human creeds and modern sects, why does he not give us scripture to back his position? Thus saith Thos. H. Nelson is about all we find in the article. He knows the whole word of God is against him; that it forbids all divisions; “that there should be no schisms in the body.” 1 Cor. 12:25. And that the formulator of any kind of a party in God’s church is a heretic, and guilty of one of the most grievious sins condemned in the New Testament. He also knows that the sects of Protestantism, along with his Magog bands, are organized divisions: and unless utterly blinded by his idol, he knows very well that any attempt to reconcile these many rival factions with the unity taught in the Word, is utterly disgusting and absurd. Every sect and band arrangement that men have invented on earth is an insult to Jesus Christ. They all virtually reproach him with not having furnished a complete organization to carry on his own work of salvation. The founders can have no excuse for the thing they have fashioned, except it be that they are wiser than Christ, and knew better than he, what is needed to evangelize the world. Had Jesus wanted anything like the modern sects or bands he would have organized them himself, or authorized his ministers to do so. But no, he came to take away the only partition wall, then extant, that between Jews and Gentiles, and make of twain “one new man, — one new and united body, — so making peace.” He positively told us “there, should be ONE FOLD and one shepherd.” These words utterly exclude and reject every fold but the one of which he is the door, and salvation the mode of induction. Jno. 10:9, 16.


Mr. Nelson says, “The definition of a sect, as given in any lexicon, covers come-out-ism fully as well as it does any other denomination.” We make no defence of come-out- ism. But because Mr. Nelson either ignorantly or unscrupulously applies that term to God’s saints in the evening light, who stand clear from all isms, the spirit of come-out-ism not excepted, we take our stand on the word of God and deny his assertion, so far as relating to God’s holy remnant. He nor any other man has yet proved, nor can prove, that men who are only baptized by one Spirit into the one body of Christ, which contains all Christians in heaven and in earth, belong to a sect which means a cut-off faction. We know that God has saved our soul from sin, into his “one fold.” And we challenge any man on earth to prove us a member of any other body. We utterly ignore every organization and compact on earth but the household of God, the “one family in heaven and on earth.” We enter no door but Christ, enroll on no book on earth, but our names are in the “Lamb’s book of life,” “written in heaven.” We subscribe to no creed but the word of God. We have no tests of fellowship but the fact of fellowship. In other words we fellowship all who are in fellowship with the Father and his Son; and who walk in the light as God is in the light. 1 John 1:7. We acknowledge as in the one body of Christ all who have his Spirit and the fruits of salvation. We receive as a brother every man whom God receives as a son, and acknowledge him as a member in the same church in which we live. This, neither Mr. Nelson nor any sectarian on earth does or can do. No Free Methodist can truthfully say that every Christian on earth is a Free Methodist. Nether can any other sect member say it. So all such, if they wish to acknowledge oneness with all Christians, can only do so by ignoring their own sect, and falling back upon the platform of God’s church, to which we adhere, to the exclusion of every schismatic body. So when they adhere to their sect fold, they sever themselves as a fragment, and are guilty of the sin of division. Their zeal is usually all for their own sect, but to dodge the rebukes of God’s word they say, we are all one in God’s church. Shame on such abominable crookedness and hypocrisy!

Why did not Mr. Nelson quote the definition of sect in some lexicon? or why does he not take our writing, and by the Bible prove us a sect? Yea, why do all our enemies fail to take one sentence out of any of our numerous publications, and by the Bible prove us a sect, or in error?

There is not a doctrine or sect that we renounce but what we quote their own words, and overthrow the same by the word of God. This the enemies of God’s truth never do. We have never known one to even attempt to overthrow what we really teach. “Every one that has written or spoken against us to our knowledge, has first misrepresented us in doctrine, slandered us in character, or identified us with elements with which we have not the least fellowship or companionship; and then on on their false premises, evil spoken of us. But all such dishonesty God will bring into judgment.

Now we humbly invite Mr. Nelson or any man on earth to prove, if he can, by our preaching or by anything we have written, that we occupy any other ground than that we have just announced. And second, we invite any man to prove by the word of God or by the meaning of that word, that the body of Christ is a sect. To prove us a sect Mr. Nelson has one of two things to do. Either he must prove us members of some other body than that of God’s church or he must prove that divine fold itself a sect. The first he has not attempted to do. He says he has investigated this work; he must therefore surely have read some of our literature. But he gives clear evidence that he is unable to pick a single flaw in the identification of the saints in the evening light with the church Jesus purchased with his own blood, and founded on the rock. Yea, he virtually confesses this identity. For when he would attempt to prove that we are a sect, he tries to prove that the church of the living God is a sect. He says, “When Paul was called ‘ringleader of the SECT of the Nazarenes,’ he rather gloried in it than denied the charge; also when his Jewish brethren declared as concerning this SECT we know that it is everywhere spoken against, Paul justified its existence at once.” Here is the same slander on the apostle that Roberts, Sims and other subverted heretics have been guilty of before him. This is fully exposed in our review of Sims, in the tract, “No- Sectism.” Suffice it to say that the reader will find the above denomination of God’s church as a sect was only by the enemies of the same who were utterly ignorant of its real character. And the context shows that the apostle repelled the charge of him being the ringleader of a sect. He declared they could not prove it true. But he said, “After the manner which they call heresy — a sect — so worship I the God of my fathers.” Thus the inspired apostle rebukes both the ancient and modern pharisees and hypocrites who falsely branded the church of God a sect. O how desperately crooked and deceitful sectism does make men! Over forty years ago Wm. Starr, a Presbyterian minister, confessed that it would spoil an angel from heaven to come down here and join any of the existing sects. And how much more is this true since Babylon is fallen and become a habitation of devils!

God’s church is not a sect. Let us define the two and see if they are the same. The church is defined by the Word to be the body of Christ. Eph. 1:22, 23. Sect in the New Testament is from the word HAIRESIS, which by the translators of the Common Version, is five times translated sect, and five times changed in form to heresy: and heresy is used interchangeably with divisions. See 1 Cor. 11:18, 19, and in the margin the former is rendered sects, and the the latter schisms. Surely there is a great difference between the church, the body of Christ, and a sect a heresy.

But again we will prove the statement false that the church is a sect by the definition of sect, as given by B. T. Roberts, the Free Methodist founder, as follows:

“The word sect is from the Latin SECARE, to cut off, to separate. The word section is from the same root. Hence, a sect is a portion cut off, or separated from a body of which it forms a part. A sect of Christians is a part of the entire Christian body, separated from the rest by some peculiar doctrines or tenets which they hold exclusively, or to which they give especial prominence.”

This is a true and faithful definition, and any man has but to consider it to know that God’s church is no sect. It is not a cut-off faction of some general body of which it forms a part. Nay, it is the entire body of Christ itself. There is no system on earth of which Christianity is a cutoff part. Mr. Nelson surely knew that when he followed in the steps of the old Christ-rejecting and crucifying Jews. And by taking up their blind falsehood he proves himself as unscrupulous and perverted as they. May God have mercy on his soul, and give him repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth. Amen.

Page 2




DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI-SECTARIAN, sent forts, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body the Unity of all true Christians in “the faith once delivered to the saints.”

Subscription, $1.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor.

Send money by Post Office Money Order, Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps..

Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address.

If you do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and we will gladly mail you another copy.

Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same.

A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber.

Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address.

When you write, be sure to give your address: name, post-office, county, and state.

All business communications, moneys &c. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible.

Editors, D. S. Warner, and E. E. Byrum.


Grand Junction, Mich.


Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co. Michigan as second class matter.


THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 1895.




H. F. Dunagan, L. V. Strickland, Lorenzo Cook, Julia Myers, J. D. Gillespie, Thomas Clifton.


Two or three carpenters are needed for a few weeks to work here at the office in putting up a new press room. If any such feel led to give their service to the Lord in this way, write us at once.



This meeting will be held on the Camp Ground, one mile north of Grand Junction, Mich., from Oct. 1— 10. Let all who possibly can, make arrangements to attend this meeting.


To those who have not read the piece in last issue regarding the new Paper Folder, it would be well for you to do so, and then take the matter earnestly to God, and see if he will not show you your duty. “Every man accordingly as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Cor. 9:7.


Sister Julia Myers writes that after leaving Grand Junction July 17, where she had been since camp meeting, the Lord has wonderfully provided and opened the way for them to get to the Gospel Ark, where they are now needed in the gospel work. Not having space in the Trumpet we have had to omit her news report.


We believe it would be well to give a word of advice to God’s ministers and workers in the field, and to all who send in obituaries for publication. We would love to publish all the obituaries that are sent in, but for want of space we cannot do so. Many of them that are sent are so long that we are obliged to cut them down about one-half. We quite often receive an obituary of some little child, or of some person who is known only to a very few of the readers. We believe that the space in the Trumpet which some of these obituaries occupy, could be more profitably used in some other way. Let each one of God’s children use wisdom in this matter, and also in sending in news from the field. Make everything as brief as possible, and only send such as will be profitable to the readers. By so doing you will save us much time and labor from cutting down pieces in order to find room for them in the paper. Also there are many testimonies sent in, which for mere want of space we are unable to publish. Occasionally we get letters from persons asking why their testimony was not published. We wish to state that during some weeks we receive more than twice the number of testimonies that we are able to publish. Some of the many we receive, we know by the Spirit of the Lord, it would not be to God’s glory to print. Others again are too poorly written with a lead pencil. Let all those who wish to testify in the Trumpet be satisfied to be living witnesses to those around you, and prove your testimonies by your lives; and then if God wants you to testify through his paper he will move upon you to do so.

There are many of the dear ones whose contributions we would love to publish just for their sakes, but we believe the Lord’s paper is more for the interests of his cause in a public way, and therefore we must select accordingly. God is moving on with lightning rapidity, and he is sifting his people. And there are many that now have a profession who, unless they settle upon the Word, will soon find themselves in darkness. Oh beloved, let us move out upon God’s truth, and build on nothing but the truth. God wants nothing but his plain definite truth published. We receive much at this Office that is chaffy, and we have to think that some whom. God has spiritually qualified to publish salvation are not doing their duty in writing for the Trumpet. There are times when after discarding what is not good, there is not much left to publish that is good. May the Lord stir up those whom he has called, chosen and qualified, to do their duty in sending out the truth through the Trumpet. While we would advise all to prepare their manuscripts as good as they can, as to writing, spelling, punctuating, etc., remember that the qualifications are not merely these, but they are qualifications of the Spirit. May God help the dear ones to move forward in this line, and pray for us that we may also do our duty. Amen.

The Publishers.




Can one that is regenerated, and has not learned of sanctification, but is walking in all the light he has, go to heaven?

And is he holy in any degree?

A soul that is born of God, has a right to heaven. But perfect holiness is the qualification to enjoy that place. And this is the will of God. Hence if a person knowingly refuses to get wholly sanctified, he forfeits justification. But if he knows not how to attain it, he is like a little child who is not able to comply with conditions, and such God will doubtless cleanse unconditionally.

Yes, every justified child of God is holy in a degree; and the second work cleanses from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness. 2 Cor 7:1.


The Work in Honolulu.


We feel the hand of the Lord upon us to open up the work of the pure gospel in Honolulu, which is the capital of the Hawaii Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, two thousand one hundred miles from San Francisco. The Lord willing, Bro. Daugherty and I will sail for that place immediately after the camp meeting at Los Angeles, Cal., which begins Sep. 18. We are confident the Lord is doing the directing to this place, and we desire to scatter about seventy- five dollars worth of tracts and literature, and be able to open the work in the quickest possible manner, as at present we feel the Lord would have us spend about two months there. This is on a line to other foreign fields which can be opened later by other workers.

Now dear ones, we ask you to make special prayers for us, and that the work may be speedily opened there. And if the Lord moves you to help to establish the work thereby sending a few dollars, or cents, send it to me to Los Angeles, Cal., so as to reach us by Sep. 25. After that time send to Grand Junction, Mich, and it will be forwarded.

E. E. Byrum.


Requests For Prayer.


Shady Grove, Ky.

I have an ankle sprained by being thrown from a mule. Pray that I may be healed.

Wm. N. Hubbard.


Pray for the eleven-year-old daughter of Martha Starling, of Corning, Ohio. She has a lame and deformed back, the result of a fall. Pray Sept. 1. Your brother in the one body,

J. L. Dennis.


Grant’s Pass, Ore.

Dear Saints of God: Last spring I was cured of a cancer in my mouth, by the power of God through the prayers of God’s people by a request published in the Trumpet, for which I give God all the glory. Am now suffering from dyspepsia; pray as soon as you read this that I may be healed; also pray for the conversion of my husband, and that he may be able to give up the use of tobacco.

Mrs. P. B. Ridley.


Calls For Meeting.


A true minister of God is wanted to preach the gospel in Atlanta, Ga. Address W. C. Keenan, W. & A. R. R. Shops, Atlanta, Ga.


Peoria, Ill.

Dear Brethren: We have many kinds of false doctrines preached here and hundreds of poor souls are being deceived thereby and God has laid it on me to do my utmost in bringing his holy light to this wicked city. Now I have no money to speak of, but I have a place where God’s people can come and sleep and eat, and I also have a place in my heart for all of God’s holy truths, let them be ever so plain and searching. Now I ask God in the name of Jesus to send some of his anointed ones here without delay to declare his whole counsel. Hoping to hear from some of God’s little ones very soon, I remain your brother in Christ, anointed for any place that God can use me. Amen.

B. S. Boyles.

1617 Main St.




The general Eastern Pennsylvania C. M. will commence Sept. 5. Will be held at Chalfont, Bucks Co., Pa.

Address, B. F. Weikel,

West Point, Pa.


Attercliffe, Ont. Tab. meeting. Sept. 12-22.

St. Thomas, Ont., Tab. meeting. Sept. 26.

Winona, Ont. Oct. 16.

J. A. Dillon, Bixler and Co.


Smitheield, O., Tab. meeting. Sept. 5-29.

H. M. Higgle,
W. H. Cheatham and Co.


Philipsburg, Kan. Camp meeting, to begin Sept. 13, and continue over two Sundays, and as much longer as the Lord wills. For further information write to J. M. Handy, Philipsburg, or A. E. Drotts, Slate, Kan.

W. E. Kenny.


Camp meeting, Frisco, Ark., beginning Sept. 12.


There will be a meeting beginning September 21, and last as long as the Lord wills, at Fentress, Miss. Come one and all, and help in this meeting.

R. H. Owens.

Freeny, Miss.


There will be a grove meeting, the Lord willing, beginning on Friday, Sept. 6, on W. M. Kelly’s Josey plantation, near the Spring, five miles north-east of Lucknow, S. C. on the S. C. & N. R. R. To continue as long as the Lord wills. Let all who can, come.

E. B. Haynes.

Lucknow, S. C.


Roark, Mo. Grove meeting. Will begin Sept. 25, instead of Aug. 15, as heretofore announced. Those coming will get off at Butterfield, Mo., on the Frisco line. Write me at Roark, Mo.

James A. Montgomery.


There will be a camp meeting held in the court house at Lebanon, Mo., beginning Sept. 14, and continuing as long as the Lord wills. Bro’s G. B. Collins and Otto Bolds are expected to assist in this meeting, and any other fire-baptized minister will be welcomed. There will be a tabernacle erected in the court yard for the benefit of people who want to camp. All are invited to come, but prepared to care for themselves.

G. E. Bolds.


There will be a camp meeting held by the church of the living God in Bro. O. E. Kilpatrick’s grove, two miles south-west of Payne, Paulding Co., Ohio, on the old flat rock road. To begin Sept. 18, and last Until Oct. 1.

J. N. Howard.


As inquiry has been made concerning the camp meeting ground at Payne, O., as to whether it will be permanent, I am authorized to say it will, the Lord willing. Any one desiring tents will please send your order at once. As there will be some expense preparing grounds, buildings etc., any one desiring to give a freewill offering to help defray expense of same can forward same to the undersigned and it will be rightly applied.

J. N. Worden,

Payne, O.


La Rue, O.

There will be a tabernacle meeting near Cochranton, Marion Co., Ohio, Sept. 4— 15. Bro. Wm. G. Schell will be present. Your brother saved in Jesus,

Matthew Kerr.


There will be a grove meeting five miles south of Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Mich. Aug. 29-Sept. 1.

D. S. Warner and Co.


There will be a grove meeting beginning Friday, Sept. 6, in Ingersoll Township, Midland Co., Mich., about six miles south of Midland, to last over Lord’s day. This is a new point, and let all who are led of God come. But come prepared to help take care of yourself. The ministerial brethren and sisters from Gratiot and Saginaw counties are expected to come in the name of Jesus to help publish this wonderful salvation. Amen. Your brother,

T. J. Cox.



Grand Junction, Mich.

Dear Children of the Lord: May the precious Word of God with its attending glory abide by faith in your hearts. My heart is filled with pure love to God and man. I am thankful for a faith and trust in God that heeds not seeming discouragements and impossibilities, but gives sweet rest and contentment amid the most adverse circumstances. My heart and soul, are enlisted forever in heaven’s cause.

The Lord willing the school here will begin Monday, Sept. 2. We have much faith and bright hopes for a prosperous school year. The children have made considerable spiritual advancement, however there is yet much for them to gain, and we ask your prayers. By working together with the Lord and praying the prayer of faith many of the disadvantages of the past have been overcome. Praise the Lord! We have so much to pray for. So many precious tests of faith, to keep us always interested and growing. Our daily food is received by faith and prayer. In fact the Lord has so nicely arranged all things here that every thing needed from a postage stamp to the building of a house is made a matter of earnest prayer to Him. This life of constant dependence upon the Lord is very dear to us. It is hereby our faith is constantly increasing. We are thus drawn to a closer walk with God. We are indeed a highly favored and happy people. As we look forward toward the fall and winter we see many many things to be supplied, but by faith they are all supplied and every thing looks bright. We have calmly and assuredly settled down upon God’s truth with a faith that does not waver. We hope you all will pray for us and the work here.

Your brother rejoicing in the truth,

Chas. Orr.


News from the Field


Rimersburg, Pa., Aug. 19.

Dear Saints of God: The meeting at Rimersburg resulted in the salvation of eight souls. Brother I. S. McCoy and Brother Cheatham who were used of the Lord in preaching the Word, were with us a part of the time in the meeting. This is a new place. We are now on our way to the Emlenton camp meeting.

C. W. Koonce.


Grand Rapids, O., Aug. 21.

Dear Brethren: The grove meeting at Ottokee, O. closed on last Sabbath evening with victory on the Lord’s side. The unity of the Spirit had been broken between some there, but about all got back to the Lord. There were about fifteen consecrations in all. Eleven were baptized. May God fully establish, strengthen, and settle each one in the church at that place, is our prayer. We came here by the will of God yesterday. This is a new place. Pray for us and the work of God here. Your brother and sister.

C. H. and Mary Tubbs.


Burg Hill, O. Aug. 16.

Dear Children of God: We commenced meeting in the United Brethren house not far from Burg Hill, O. Held meeting two weeks. The meeting was a success. Some souls were saved. Praise the dear Lord! From here we go to Youngstown, O. This is a place of forty thousand inhabitants. The Evening Light never has been preached there. I am all alone with God in this great field of battle. But he wonderfully blesses my soul and helps me preach his word. Your sister in the one body,

E. J. Billig.


Centralia, Miss., Aug. 13.

Dear Trumpet Readers: We are glad to report victory in Jesus’ name. We commenced meeting July 28, at Mulberry, near Turnerville, Miss., lasting until Aug. 9. Eight claimed to be justified, some of which were buried with Christ in baptism. Three claimed sanctification. Most every body confessed the truth. We met with but little opposition in that place. Bro. L. V. Strickland and wife were with us in the meeting. May God bless the dear ones for their kindness while in that meeting. Your brother saved, and on the forward move for God.

F. M. Williamson.


Holstein, Mich., Aug. 10.

Dear Brethren: This morning finds us saved and praising God. We began meeting at the Pine Grove school house June 28, and twenty have been saved with good prospects of more to follow. We had a glorious meeting. Yesterday the crowd was too large for the house, so we had the service in the grove near the house. After services went to the beautiful water of Lake Michigan where seven were buried with Christ in baptism, and at the afternoon service five more came to the altar for repentance. Praise God! We have been alone in the work here, myself and family. To God be all the glory.

Geo. Filhour.


Stanley, W. Va. Aug, 20.

Dearly Beloved Saints: We are still praising God for victory over all sin. Meeting dosed at White Oak, W. Va. Lord’s day with a grand victory for God. Two consecrations for pardon in the last meeting. In the afternoon we had baptizing, in which two happy saints followed the Lord in this holy ordinance. God also manifested his power in healing a child which the doctors had given up. Praise His dear name! This place is bound under the sectarian power. There are not two families in the whole neighborhood of one faith. Our prayer is that God may break the sectarian power and set their captive souls free. Here we also met a man that calls himself the Savior. He says he was crucified and his blood was shed, and can save all that come to him. I have not seen any one yet that he has saved. The scripture being fulfilled proves we are in the last times; so let us all stand true to God unto the end. We are now at Stanley, W. Va., helping the brethren get ready for camp meeting. Yours in the love of Jesus.

S. A. Yoder, S. J. Ruffner.


Bitter Root Mountains. Aug. 11.

Dear Brethren: Well, dear ones, we have just crossed the summit of the Bitter Root Mts. and are now camped on a beautiful mountain stream full of nice trout. Have just passed through a fine huckleberry patch, and are now camped where there are ripe wild strawberries. Our horses are enjoying the nice shade and fine clover that seems to grow here just to accommodate the poor traveler. We have had some very rough roads, therefore we enjoy the rest. The 8th of August, ice froze in the water bucket and the grass was white with frost. This country seems to be fully in the hands of Catholics. God willing we will be in Missoula, Mont. about 18th of Aug. From there will go to Helena. Any one wishing to correspond with us can write us at Helena, Mont. We are not fully decided how we will go from there. Any one wishing to hear the pure gospel, write us at once, and we will give it earnest prayer, and if it is God’s will, will come and hold a meeting for you. Dear ones, pray much for us that we be fully in God’s order and do his will in all things, and that God will go before us to Dakota and establish the truth there in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Geo. W. Bailey and Co.


Wellsburg, W. Va. Aug. 22.

Dear Trumpet Readers: The meeting at Steubenville was the most interesting one we have had along the Ohio River, We had from four to six services about every day, and souls were saved throughout the meeting. There is a pressing need for some one to visit the churches between here and Pittsburg, Pa. as they are all young in experience. There were two saved and one healed at East Liverpool last week. A young brother in Rochester is closing

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out his business and expects to go into the work of the Master soon. I went to Moundsville, W. Va. and held a few meetings at the M. E. summer resort; found but few hungry souls out of the masses. Preached in Wheeling, W. Va. on Sunday evening in the tabernacle, a meeting house built by Mr. Herren two years ago, which cost $35,000. It was built for the poor of the city; the only restrictions are that sectism and politics are not allowed. The people seemed interested in present truth.

The meeting started off well here. We expect to get through in time to move to Rush Run, O. so as to attend the Smith field, O. tabernacle meeting.

G. T. Clayton and Co.


Emlenton, Pa., Aug. 23.

Dear Saints of God: To day finds us rejoicing in God the rock of our salvation. Praise God! Since the Grand Junction camp meeting we have been almost constantly in the field of labor. We began a tabernacle meeting at Pittsburg, Pa. July 16. The works of darkness were exposed and the powers of hell were made to tremble. The devil stirred up some crooked sectarians to lay in complaint to the police against distributing the “Secret Vice” tract to their boys. Charges were brought against us for distributing obscene and immoral literature. Without giving us a defence, the head of the police department gave us orders to take down our tent and leave the city, under penalty of being put in the work house. We obeyed the Word in Luke 10:10, 11. Mat. 10:23. Bro. Clayton was with us a few days in the meeting. We found some professing to be out this way, in awful fanaticism. They tried to force their legal yokes upon us, by holding us to take off our collars, and have our hair cut short all over, etc. And when we would not come to their terms, they seemed to regard us as sinners. We admonished and rebuked them, and told them what spirit they were of, but they refused to receive admonition. My God, help people to stay on the Word! We next held a meeting at Oak Ridge, Pa. Aug, 1 to 16. In this meeting quite a few were saved and others were cleared up and sanctified. We next held a meeting at Starburg, Pa. This was quite a clearing up time. Some were saved and delivered from devils. In all there were about twenty consecrations. We are nowhere in the camp meeting, which began last night with victory for God. Pray for us. Yours in holy love,

H. M. Riggle and Co.
and W. H. Cheatham.


Woodburn, Ore., Aug. 15.

To all the Dear Saints of God: After saying farewell to the dear saints at Spokane last Monday evening, 12th, I took the west bound Northern Pacific train for Tacoma and Portland. Crossed the Cascade mountains next day which was indeed an interesting ride. Arrived at Portland same evening and reached this camp meeting next evening at six P. M. Found the work of salvation well under way and met Bro. and Sister Jacobson and Bro’s Daugherty and Byrum who had preceded me to this place from Wash. Also met Bro’s Green and Peterman who have been engaged in the work here in this country. There are a number of saints and seekers here from different parts of Ore. which I believe will take the holy fire along home and set this whole state ablaze for God. The work at Spokane has been a fruitful effort in the gospel. A great work is opened among the Germans. Oh how my heart longed for the ability to preach in that language! Here I received power to make my first public prayer in German. God has need for a consecrated German brother in the ministry at Spokane and vicinity. There is a class of hungry, earnest, honest people who are just starving for the gospel, and all they need is to hear the preaching in their language. Also a few Scandinavians received the truth and many of that nationality can be reached in that city. Bro. Byrum and myself had a hard persistent fight of faith, but to day there is a precious church there built upon the rock. The interest was just beginning to spread. Bro. Geo. Martin remains there to carry on the work. A number were blessed in the various gospel benefits, for soul and body. Am on my way South as fast as the way opens. Expect to reach San Francisco, Oct. 1, Lord willing, where I expect to meet my dear family from the east and open up the gospel work in that portion of Cal. Feel led to stop at Meridian, Sutler Co., Cal. on my way south, for a meeting there. Am well and happy, soul and body. Your humble brother set for the defence of the gospel,

J. W. Byers.


St. Louis, Mich. Aug. 19.

Dearly Beloved Saints: The Bliss, Michigan camp meeting was another victory on the Lord’s side. The cause is but young there and not very far advanced in numbers or spiritual attainments. But we found dear good brethren and sisters who had received the present truth through the labors of Sisters Fisher and Gardner, and were rejoicing in the Lord, and in their freedom from confusion. A camp has been located there among the lofty hills, with a good spring near by, and we expect the Lord will bless and prosper his work in that community. They would be glad for more frequent ministerial visits, or for some brother to locate among them. It is a healthful country with good productive soil. Three souls came to God the first meeting, and every day witnessed the sanctification of believers and the conversion of sinners. The Lord was also present to heal the sick. Three times the ordinance of baptism was administered by Bro. Levy, and great glory was upon the holy service. There was one dear old pilgrim who had been sprinkled in her infancy and for many years had desired to follow the example of Christ and be buried with him in baptism, but her Methodist preachers all refused to administer the ordinance to her and thus ignore their popish rite of sprinkling. Oh how her soul rejoiced for the privilege of following the example of Christ! What heavenly tranquility shown in her face, as she came out praising God that “it is finished!” Another sister was baptized who had been a Methodist fifteen years and never was converted till the day before her burial with Christ. In all there were nineteen baptized. The last night of the meeting we observed together the sacred memorial services, of washing each other’s feet, and the Lord’s supper. It was very precious, realizing the adorable Master was in the midst.

Dear Bro. Isaac was called of God to be an elder over the flock of God, and he was ordained to the sacred office by the laying on of hands. May God bless this dear brother and keep him very humble and useful. And may the richest blessings of heaven rest upon all the dear little ones in that north country. Truly we enjoyed our stay with them.

Our company arrived here on the St. Louis camp ground, on Saturday morning and found the fire burning. Bro’s Sheldon and Merrit present and many saints. God is working gloriously. Praise His name! Amen.


Woodburn, Ore., Aug. 18.

Dearly Beloved Brethren: We are now in the midst of the camp meeting at this place, here in the beautiful Willamette valley, and the work of salvation is going on in the name of the Lord; souls are being saved, believers sanctified, and the sick and afflicted healed.

Bro. and Sister Green, Bro. James Peterman and a few others have labored faithfully to have a camp meeting here and to get the truth established in the hearts of the people. There is much prejudice here against the pure gospel, nevertheless there is quite a good attendance and the power of God is manifest with signs following. Bro. Byers, Jacobson and company are here. Also Bro. Chapman and company from Washington, recently arrived, having come about 400 miles in wagons, crossing the Cascade mountains. One man from Eastern Ore. drove across the mountains and came to see if he could find Christ precious to his soul, and is now rejoicing in the love of Jesus. Bro. Pugh, a minister of the “Christian” sect, came nearly 200 miles on a bicycle, and has found the pearl of great price to his soul, and is ready to start out with the Bible commission and authority sent down from heaven, to preach a pure gospel of full salvation.

On last Monday a brother from southern Ore. requested me to accompany him to Salem, the capital of the state, to visit his wife who has been in the insane asylum for about two years. The saints at the camp went in earnest prayer for her deliverance from that place. Arriving there the attending physician told us he could see no material change in her since her arrival, but God put it into his heart to consent to her being brought to Woodburn for a few days. The Lord has delivered her from the powers of Satan and cast out the evil spirits and saved her soul, clothing her in her right mind, and we trust there will never be occasion for her return to Salem.

Last Sunday a man by the name of Troyer, sixty-two years off age, came to the meeting, much afflicted in body, and sick of his sins, and gave his heart to God, and had all his sins taken away, also the appetite of tobacco, by the power of God. The following Tuesday while at work he fell, and met with a serious injury of his body and left leg. He sent to the camp for the elders, according to Jas. 5:14. The man sent, stopped on the way and of his own accord, sent a doctor, who had the injured limb dressed and bandaged from hip to foot to a board, before we arrived, stating that he would have to keep his bed for six weeks. The brother consecrated for sanctification and was anointed, and in a few minutes after prayer and the laying on of hands, the pain was gone and the swelling rapidly departing, and today he rode four miles and walked one mile to the meeting. The meeting will probably last another week. Bro. Daugherty and I expect to stop at Roseburg tomorrow, on our way South. Yours in him,

E. E. Byrum.


Tiller’s Ferry, S, C.

Dear Saints Everywhere: We were in a meeting at Lamar, S. C. at our last writing to the TRUMPET. The Lord was with us and the truth went forth to victory. Our next meeting was held at Lucknow, S. C. Here we were met by two of the Boylite, or “True Light” preachers and their congregations. We at once agreed with them to hold joint services, giving them equal time with ourselves. Praise the Lord, I began to preach the pure word, — they following contradicting, and trying to defend their sect for five days, when the last one of them were blown out as sinners under the blasts of the everlasting word of truth. Oh, how sad to fine in some denominations now, as it was with these poor deluded people, not one true child of God living free from sin! Dear saints, how such people so deluded and bound by that powerful false spirit, Satan, appeal to our sympathy for help and deliverance. I saw there were honest people among them but bound, I fear, by chains of error in Babylon, worse than any I have met with. Let us plead to God for them.

The founder of this sect, C. Boyle, about twenty-five years ago began to preach that Babylon is fallen, pointing out the cold, dead formalities in the different denominations and teaching a mere change of mind as the standard of salvation. A number of people seeing that his charges against Babylon were true, and the new birth being moved out of their

way in becoming Christians, as they were led to believe, joined in with him, and many more would have, but for the doctrine of infant damnation, and other repulsive doctrines of devils taught by him. And the very fact that he (Mr. Boyle) having cried out against Babylon, before God sent His servants, the devil is using it to keep some who are honest from accepting the truth and finding out which voice is the Lord’s.

Satan saw that the fall of Babylon was coming when he seduced Mr. Boyle twenty-five years ago and sent him forth to prophesy falsely, preach these fearful doctrines of the pit, and cry against Babylon. We can clearly see the cunning of Satan in this. Wherever these Boylite preachers have gone there is the bitterest prejudice against God’s true ministers. As soon as it is found out that we preach against sectism, we are saddled with the charge that we preach that infants of unbelievers are lost, that the apostles were sinners, unconverted men; and other doctrines of the devil that the Boylites preach, whereby a great many people are kept away from hearing the pure word preached. There may be many more in the world like them.

From Lucknow we went in the Smithville community and held some meetings in different places in the neighborhood, with blessed success. Five more here were baptized, making sixteen in all in that place. We returned to Lucknow and held services two days and then went to Ashton and held a three days meeting with great victory for the truth. Some got salvation and got out of Babylon, and are to be baptized two weeks hence when we are to return and continue the meeting, the Lord willing. Bro. Joseph Caughman, E. B. Haynes, and W. S. Mathis were with us in this and some off the other meetings.

James E. Shaw and Co.



‘Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” – Psa. 119:129.


Greeley, Colo.

Dear Saints of god: May God’s richest blessing be yours. I feel that I would like to tell God’s goodness to me. He saves and keeps me each day. Praise his dear name! Yesterday I had a trial of faith. I had a large ironing to do, and oh I felt so bad! I almost fainted several times. Then the voice of the Lord said to me, “Come unto me.” Then I fell on my knees and asked God for health and strength. Oh praise the Lord! he heard and answered. To him be all the glory. I arose and did my ironing. Pray for me that I may grow stronger in the cause of Christ. Your sister,

Laura E. Hartley.



 Spokane, Wash.

Dear Saints: I do praise God that the evening light ever came to Spokane. I can testify to the saving and healing power of God. Over two years ago I became afflicted with rheumatism which settled in my right hip and also in the joints of my limbs. The pain was so intense that I could not lie on my right side at all, and it was with a great deal of pain and difficulty that I was able to go up and down steps or to walk about. And the first day of August 1895, after making a full consecration of myself and all to God, I took divine healing by anointing and laying on of hands; and blessed be the Lord, I was healed from that hour, the pains leaving me. And to day I can travel around and up and down steps with the same sprightliness that I ever did. To God be all the glory. Yours in the. love of Jesus.

Mrs. L. A. Perry.


627 Trenton Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.

Dear Saints: I am led by the Spirit of the Lord to write my testimony for the first time to the Trumpet. I was born of the Spirit in March 1892. I had the clear definite witness of the Spirit that my sins were washed away by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I was out in the field at work when God pardoned my sins and poured the glory into my soul, and for about two weeks I enjoyed the experience of Moses when the Lord talked to him face to face as friend communes with friend, also as in Isa. 55: 12 all nature seemed to me to be singing a song off praise to the God of my salvation.

But in a few short weeks this blessed communion was broken. I was told by those to whom I looked for teaching that I must find a church name somewhere, and I not realizing that I was already in the only church that God has, the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth, 1 Tim. 3:15, and Heb. 12:22-23, was beguiled into that greatest snare of the devil, sectism, and joined the United(?) Brethren sect, and then I lost the peace of God out of my soul. I would go to class meeting and when I would meet some of the older members and want to talk about God, they would soon change the subject to the weather or real- estate, or something equally frivolous and worldly. Praise God that he has broken my bands and set me free! May he help them to recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Tim. 2:26. Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give thee light. Eph. 5: 14.

About one year and a half ago while I was wandering from mountain to hill asking the way to Zion, as spoken of in Jer. 50:4-6, I was walking along the street one day and saw a little tract lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and read this address on it: “The Floating Bethel, Sixth St; Revival services every evening.” And as I was seeking God I determined to go to one of the services. The evening I went there was an ordinance meeting. It was also the last meeting held on the Floating Bethel in Pittsburg. But God just led me by his Spirit and his word to see that the ordinances were right, and I took part in them. That was in March, 1894; then in June I saw Bro. G. T. Clayton in Uniontown, Pa., and followed the Lord in the ordinance of baptism. Praise God for the leading of his Spirit! As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Rom. 8:14. I did not get fully cleared up however, until I came to the Grand Junction camp-meeting this year. But while there, God cleared away all the mists of confusion, sanctified me wholly, and gave me power over all the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19. Praise his holy name forever! I had been holding to several Plymouth Brethren doctrines among which was the Millennium doctrine, also that the believer cannot get rid of the old man or carnal nature, and that a believer can sin and yet not be cut off. May God deliver all honest souls out of these delusions of the devil before they wake up to find themselves in the regions of the lost. My wife and I stand alone with God in the blessed evening light in this portion of this wicked city. Pray for us and those who are near and dear to us, for it makes our hearts cry out to see them going down to an awful doom. For God’s word says that all who forget God shall be cast into hell. Psa. 9:17. And how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation. Heb. 2:3. How do people expect to spend eternity in heaven with a God that they have ignored and forgotten in this world? In that condition they shall never see him except in judgment when he shall say, “Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting punishment.” If they have to get up picnics and other things to satisfy their worldly desires in this life, what will they do in eternity? God’s word to all such is, “Repent, and believe the gospel.” I praise God that he is all I want.

“All my soul can wish forever,
I do find in Christ replete;
Every blessing and the Giver,
In my peaceful bosom meet.”

Your brother saved, sanctified and and kept by the power of God,

James S. McCreary.

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SINCE that little tract entitled “Social and Sexual Purity” has been sent forth, I have received many letters inquiring for truth, and desiring a more definite understanding in reference to our sexual relationship. And while upon the camp ground at Grand Junction that subject was touched lightly upon, but not as fully as might have been, after which. I noticed many real hungry ones who were desiring to do the whole will of God, and were as far as they knew at the time. Such questions as these were asked: What is temperance? What are the bonds or limits of our sexual relation with each other? Does God command total abstinence except for the sole purpose of procreation? What is the law in reference to the extent of procedure? etc. As many have as yet failed to comprehend the will of God concerning this subject, while others come to the wrong conclusion in regard to our object in setting forth the truth on this line, I feel that God would be glorified by a few remarks in the way of explanation.

Man and woman stand out before the whole of creation, representing a divine workmanship, a perfect organism. Man is a social being, and by this we realize the omniscience of God, as he has incorporated in man a nature that longs for the sweet joys of companionship, the which if he is left without, he is a solitary and dreary existence, miserable in himself, without any real happiness, because he is out of his element. It was not good for man to be alone, hence God gave to him a help meet, a companion called wife. And there is in man a natural function, coexisting with that of his companion, that enables them to be competent by divine providence through cohabitation to generate a new being as far as the corporeal or material body is concerned. Yet God performs a work distinct and separate from that which he has enabled man to do; and that is the formation of the soul. We read, “The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit-soul-of man within him.” Zech. 12:1. While man within himself possesses those natural procreative powers that develop the body or material part, God himself creates within that, the soul, called “the inner man.” Man has power to generate the former, but God alone has power to form the latter. The soul is alone the seat of sin or purity, yet it is capable of being spiritually deformed if through the debauchery of those who create the tabernacle in which it dwells, there is left to it a dwelling place that is polluted by sinful passions (which are hereditary), and if the mind that controls the body (as the strongest agent of the soul) is wrongly influenced by the parent mind or generator.

Paul gives us an example to this effect. “And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband; and let not the husband put away his wife. But to the rest speak I, not the Lord [that is, no special command]: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified [induced to get saved] by [the godly influence of] the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified [induced to get saved] by [the godly example of] the husband, else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us unto peace.” 1 Cor. 7:10-15.

The interpretation is this: If the wife gets saved and the husband not, and he still desires to remain with her, she must not leave him; for her godly life may, and does many times win the husband to Christ, and vice versa. But if the unsaved desire to break the marriage vow, and will leave, let them depart. For God has called to peace. There must not be any family quarrels; there must not be any hatred, envy, jealousy, or wrong feelings of any kind existing between your sexual relations, if so, your pro-creation will be possessed of an unclean nature, unholy desires, or abnormal passions. And it is far better to allow a separation than live in misery yourself and have cursed children. On the other hand, if the purity of the saved one influences the other to get saved (“For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband?”) then perfect peace reigns supreme; husband and wife are indeed one; their affections are all pure; a love exists that never did before. O how sweet the union of perfect love! Now their procreation are possessed with a pure, holy, and loving disposition, with normal desires and passions, with no unholy and depraved nature as the former; but are easily controlled, and not quick to take up with evil practices. This ought to overthrow the delusion that two sanctified ones generate offspring that are without the carnal mind. That would make them independent of the blood of Christ; take away their volition and moral responsibility.

“Now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband: and likewise the husband hath not power over his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” Verses 1-5.

Here we learn that abstinence or indulgence depends upon the agreement between the two parties. There are no legal restrictions binding to any certain limit, but each one must accede to the wishes of the other as far as is right and consistent. If both agree in the Lord for total abstinence except for pro-creative purposes, amen. If an agreement is made for a time for the purpose of prayer, the Lord be praised, and if for a longer time, so much the better; but be sure God is in it, and not just a resolution, or the devil will tempt you sure. If one has a stronger will power and mere perfect normal passions, defraud ye not the other, lest an incontinent desire arise, causing the mind to run in a licentious channel and fornication be committed. It seems to me that those who understand the truth, and know that excessive cohabitation saps the system of real vitality, deadens the senses, and causes the brain to lose its activity, seeing the strength lost in submitting to sensual lust that could be spent to the glory of God, they would begin to cry unto God for deliverance from the jaws of sensuality. Make a forward move on this line, and your spirituality will increase, and the power of God will be manifest in you as never before. Amen.

W. A. Haynes.




In these last days of time the devil has his agents resort to every possible method of deception, even twisting God’s blessed word to prove his points. Let us notice several of the many passages of scripture that false teachers use to try to convince people that they cannot live without committing sin.

First, let us notice 1 Jno. 1:8. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” To understand the word of God we must know who is talking, who to, and what about. John was talking here to little children (babes in Christ) as he tells us in chapter 2, verse 1. They were only justified and had not obeyed the command of God in Heb. 6:1, otherwise they would have had the fullness of joy spoken of in the fourth verse of the first chapter. It seems that the very object he had in view in writing to them was to teach them what to do in order to obtain a fullness of joy, for he says: “These things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” By turning to St. John 15:11 we find Jesus uses almost the same language in addressing the disciples prior to their sanctification or reception of the Holy Ghost. “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” What things had he spoken unto them? “If ye love me keep my commandments: And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you.” Jno. 14:15, 16, 26. This promise was fulfilled on the day of pentecost, thus giving them the fulness of joy. See Acts 2:1-4. Let’s go back to 1 Ino. 1:7. “If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” This verse shows us that these “little children” were not yet purged from all sin. In the ninth verse he tells them what to do in order to receive the cleansing. By beginning at the tenth verse and reading backwards to the seventh we can understand it much better. John after showing them that they did not get rid of the carnal mind in their first experience, teaches them just what the second work of grace is. A little later he tells them that he that saith he abideth in Him ought himself to walk even as He walked. 2:6. How did He walk? “For even hereunto were ye called: because. Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.” 1 Pet. 2:21-23. Again he tells them “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” 1 Jno. 3:8. This scripture is certainly far from teaching a sinful experience of salvation.

Another verse that these blind priests of Baal lay a great deal of stress upon is found in Eccles. 7:20. “For there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not.” They seem to forget that since Solomon wrote this verse, Jesus Christ came here to save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21. If we were to take Solomon as a criterion men might as well as he, have hundreds of wives, for he set such an example. This would probably suit those carnal-hearted preachers who sin every day in word, thought and deed. Let us see now if Solomon’s assertion that “there is not a just man upon earth,’’ will hold good under the New Testament dispensation. There was a man named Joseph and he was a good man and a just. Luke 23:50. Herod feared John, knowing he was a just man and holy. Luke 6:20. Read also Matt. 1:19. Luke 2:25. Acts 10:22. Tit. 1:8. These scriptures certainly prove that Solomon’s assertion is not true of the New Testament dispensation.

In Prov. 20:9 we hear from Solomon again. He says, “Who can say, I have made my heart clean; I am pure from my sin?” Paul answers in Acts 15:8, “And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost even as he did unto us, and put no difference between us and them [the Gentiles] purifying their hearts by faith.” And so with every scripture that is brought to bear against holiness; there is always another one to explain it if we only apply it. May God help every young convert to beware of these stumbling blocks of deception, which the enemy tries to throw in your way, and keep your eyes on Jesus alone, living a life of purity and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us, that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Tit. 2:11, 12, 14. That he would grant unto us that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. Luke 1:74, 75.

Now dear saints, seeing we have so many precious promises of this kind, let us live a life of real spotless Christlike chastity, so that all with whom we come in contact will be made to acknowledge that there is a reality in serving God in the beauty of holiness. Your saved brother.

Robert L. Farquar.




St. James, Mo.

Dear Saints of God: In September 1891, the Lord awakened us to the truth of his word, and by his mercy permitted us to accept and walk in the light. And we will ever praise him that he has delivered us from all the yokes and bondages of sectism and secret organizations, and all things that are earth-born and are of men’s origin, and take nothing but his word for our guide and touch not the unclean thing. He has received us and sanctified us to do his will, and is able to keep us saved. Praise his name! We are able to overcome all things through him. The Lord says a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it. Isa. 35. I wonder if any who may read these lines, profess to be in the way but have not yet been cleansed from filthy habits. If so, pass under the cleansing stream and be washed and made whiter than the snow, or you will be left outside at the gate of heaven. But some say, we cannot give them up, others, they are such a comfort. Well what will you do in eternity? God says, if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy. Which temple ye are if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. Now since you cannot get into heaven in this condition what would you do in the fiery furnace, with this craving appetite through all eternity, that you think you cannot do without one day here? Some say it will kill them to give it up. Well then, resolve in your hearts to die clean men and women. But I do not believe I ever heard of one dying in the attempt to give it up; but I have seen several who had to give it up to keep from dying. And as for as it bringing such a comfort, get Jesus in your heart, and he will be far more of a comfort than a stinking pipe or filthy quid. It is wonderful how people will sell their souls for so little a price. My Lord, awake people from such morbid drowsiness! Whomsoever the Son maketh free is free indeed. Yes, bless the Lord, I know it. Now dear ones, pray for us, that we may ever be humble and obedient to his will. Your brother and sister, saved in Christ,

Wm. H. and Martha Miles.


Furthermore then we ceseech you brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus Christ, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. 1 Teess. 4:1, 7.


An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. 25 cts. a year. 10 or more copies to one address. 18 cts. a copy per year, or any part of a year at the same rates.

Address, the Shinning Light, Grand Junction, Mich.


Paper and Envelopes.

Envelopes with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly arranged. 30 cts. per hund.

Writing paper in tablets, containing one hundred sheets, with various designs or scriptural headings. 30 cts.


Sunday School Cards.

Small cards in assorted colors containing one verse of scripture, suitable for Sunday Schools, etc. 10 cts a hund.



Size 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes and verses, printed on colored paper, in large type, can be rend at a distance of fifty to one hundred feet. Suitable for posting in public places, offices, homes, etc. By mail, 20 cts. per dor.



Law and Gospel. 5 cents per hundred.
Life or Death.
Where shall I Spend Eternity?
Please Don’t Swear.
Is your Soul Saved?
Look to Jesus.
That Little Black Devil.
Have Faith in God. 10 cents per hundred.
Parable of the Tobacco Seed.
A Friend to the Friendless.
Lost and Found.
Why are you not a Christian?
50 Scriptural Objections to Sects. 15 cents per hundred.


Poison. Tobacco as an Evil.
Nine Years an Invalid.
Masonic Mysteries.
A Charge to the Rich.
To the Boys.
The Evening Light.
Questions for Sunday Keepers.
Hints on healing 5 cents per dozen.
Word of God and Sectism Considered.
Social and Sexual Purity.
Babylon is Fallen.
What Church should I Join!
The Master’s Call.
A Wonderful Deliverance.
Little Things.
The Apostasy.
Repent Ye and Believe the Gospel.
The Secret Vice.
Startling news to Mothers.
Sanctification. 10 cents per dozen.
The Great Tobacco Sin.
Questions and Answers on the Church.
300 Scriptures on the Church.
Christian Science.
Visible Church Organization. 15 cents per dozen.
Must We Sin?
“No Sectism.”
Can We Fall?
Babylon, and What it Includes. 20 cts. per dozen.
Marriage and Divorce. 5 cents.


Children’s Songs.
A small pamphlet containing five songs for children, with words and music. 10 cts. a doz.


The Church of God.
By D. S. Warner. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 cents per dozen. Proving what is the Church of God, and what is not.


The Ordinances of the New Testament.
By W. G. Shell. 5 cts. 43 cts. per doz.
Sets forth the ordinances of the scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and which are still in vogue.


What is the Soul?
By D. S. Warner. 10 cents. 80 cts. per soz.
100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element, which goes to God death of the body.


Masonic Salvation.
By Fred Husted. Paper cover 35 cts. Cloth 35 cts..
This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer had been a Master Mason


Bible Readings.
158 pages. Cloth, 30 cts, $3.00 per dozen.
Contains Scriptural references on about one hundred subjects, arranged by S. L. Speck, and A. T. Kilpatrick.


Anthems From the Throne.
148 songs, 90 with music. Manilla 25 cents. Cloth 40 cts. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation.


Priests of Romanism; or, Substitution for Marriage.
By G. B. Collins. 15 cts. $1.44 per doz.
Shows the evils of Priestcraft, also contains oaths takes by Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and Jesuits.


Train Your Children for Heaven.
By D. S. Warner. 10 cts. $1.00 per dozen.
A serious examination of the power and authority that God has placed in the hands of parents, and the solemn responsibility resulting therefrom.


Holiness Bible Subjects.
By H. C. Wickersham, 400 pages. Cloth, $1.00.
A very valuable book with arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables, Bible helps, etc.


The Boy’s Companion.
By E. E. Byrum. Paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 25 cts.
This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and too often parents fail to give the needed advice until too late.


Divine Healing of Soul and Body.
By E. E. Byrum 248 pages. Cloth, 75 cts. Paper cover, 25 c.
Part I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved.
Part II gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body.
Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. In English and German.


Biblical Trace of the Church.
By W. G. Schell. Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cts.
Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greatest Trials and Triumphs of the Church in the whole Christian Era, and describes the age in which we now live.


Echoes From Glory.
By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. Music, 40 cts. $4.00 per doz.
Words only, 10 cts. $1.00 per doz.
A song book containing 232 new, and beautiful songs, also instructions to beginners. A good book for Camp, and Revival meetings and Sunday Schools.


The Sabbath; or, Which Day to Keep.
By D. S. Warner. 186 pages. 10 cts. $1.00 per doz. Cloth 30 c. A very thorough work. Proving by Scripture and history that Christ took away thy old law and its Sabbath; and the first day is the Christian Sabbath, or “Lord’s Day” of the New Testament.



By D. S. Warner. This book of Poems contains 343 pages, and was formerly sold for $1.50, but owing to poor print we now offer what few copies we have left for 60 cents a copy, post-paid.

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