8 September 1892, Volume 12, Number 36.

Christ is Coming.


The Lord is coming, O my brother,
This he tells us in his word;
Be ye ready every moment,
Watch, and live beneath the blood.

Yes lie’s coming in his power,
And the mighty heavenly host,
With ten thousand angels ’round him,
Thus to gather home his church.

See him sending forth his angels,
For to gather into one,
Out of every sect confusion,
From all nations ’nenth the sun.

Yes, they’re flying, hallelujah!
With the mighty trumpet’s sound,
Crying, Gather home, ye ransomed,
For the Lord is soon to come.

Coming, thus his word fulfilling,
Coming, as the lightning’s flash,
Coming, in the clouds of heaven,
Coming, with the trumpet’s blast.

Crying, Wake! oh wake! ye nations,
Do not slumber on till death!
If you do you’ll wake in judgement,
Just to find you’re lost at last.

See them coming to Mount Zion,
Robed in shining garments white,
Crying, Holy! holy! holy!
We are saved in evening light.

Hallelujah, hear them singing,
We are gathered home to God,
Into oneness pure as heaven,
All redeemed in Jesus’ blood.

Geo. W. Howard.




IN a tract upon this subject, B. T. Roberts of the F. M. sect gives the definition of the term as follows: “The word sect is from the Latin SECARE, to cut off, to separate. The word SECTION is from the same root. Hence a sect is a portion cut off or separated from a body of which it forms a part. A sect of Christians is apart of the entire Christian body, separated from the rest by some pe­culiar doctrine or tenets which they Hold exclusively or to which they give especial prominence.” To this might be added the. specific definition of Webster: “A denomination which dissents from an established church.” With these simple definitions it seems surprising that all men cannot com­prehend their meaning. Above all, it is a profound mystery that a man could give such a clear definition of the term, and set up a sect god, the Free Methodist sect, and plead for it as B. T. Roberts does. It hardly seems possible that any one could be honest in the light of the definition he gives, and go on in sectarian idol­atry as he does. Truly no man can stand justifiable in such a position. Although many of the people love to have it so, this will be no excuse be­fore God. If a sect means a piece cut off, no sect can maintain life. In his definition he says, “A sect is a portion cut off or separated.” Nothing can live in this condition. There is no sect upon earth but what is spirit­ually dead. There may be a few souls in some of these dead institutions who have some life yet, but they must either obey the voice of God and “Come out from among them,” or else die under their poisonous shades. Every sect is separated and distinct­ly disconnected from the established church. This church is the one which Jesus built and said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against. This is the only church that there is in ex­istence. Every thing of man’s build­ing is a sect and not the “established church,” that Webster speaks of. We must conclude from this definition that any denomination or people that dissents from the established church, the church of God, must be a sect, or portion cut off or separated. The church of God cannot be a sect be­cause it is the body itself. If every person or persons were in perfect harmony with the body there would be no divisions nor sects. The only possible means to prevent sects is to keep in the body or church. The only possible means to keep in the church is to keep salvation. And the only possible means to keep salvation is to stay in the church. Jesus the vine, and we individually the branches; Jesus the body, we the members. Sectarians often plead that Jesus is the vine, all the different sects the branches, and they individually the branches of the blanches. But Jesus does not have it so. Praise his name!

The founder of F. M. ism gives six reasons why belonging to a sect is not of itself sinful; but in every reason he gives he condemns himself in the light of the Holy Scriptures. In his first reason he says,

“If any number of Christians are to act together they must of necessity constitute a sect. It is simply impossible for any man to bring the whole body of Christians to his way of thinking and acting on all sub­jects pertaining to a Christian life. To seriously undertake it would appear to im­ply mental unsoundness. Hence those who oppose sects are themselves a sect.”

He also states that those out of sects make certain beliefs their basis of fellowship, such as washing of feet, others the speedy coming of Christ, others the doctrine of holiness, and therefore are themselves divided in­to sects; and those out of sects hold their adherants to their unwritten creed with greater rigidity than organ­ized denominations do to their writ­ten creeds. He also asks, “Are there any other Christians in the world be­sides yourself and those with whom you are associated? Then you consti­tute a sect.” Thank God, all who belong to the church of God and noth­ing else act in perfect union. Just as the individual branches of the vine are in perfect harmony, and the dif­ferent members of the physical body have no division among themselves, so the different members of the church of God are one, perfectly join­ed together in one body. 1 Cor. 12:18, 27, 28. There is not the least ef­fort made upon the part of the teach­ers in the church to bring any one to their way of thinking. Much better than that, the whole effort is to see that each member of the body keeps the mind of Christ. 1 Cor. 2:16. This means, his whole word. There­fore it is not my way of thinking nor yours, but it is the mind of Christ. Of course it is impossible to bring all professors to this one mind, for all are not saved, hence not in the church, but every saved professor receives this mind when he receives Christ, and it is not the work of man to give it. With regard to certain beliefs or ordinances being a basis of fellow­ship and dividing the church, that is impossible. Those who are in the church and out of sects, and free from all doctrines of men, do not only be­lieve in the speedy coming of Christ, washing the saints’ feet, and the doctrine of holiness, but every thing else in God’s word; and instead of having an unwritten creed and hold­ing the members to it with rigidity, we have the written and inspired word, all of it, and nothing but it, which is the divine creed, to which every mem­ber of the body holds with a tenacity stronger than life. It is the reject­ing of part of this divine creed that makes divisions; but when we are willing to take it all, and nothing else, then sects and divisions are impossi­ble. Thank God, there is no use under the heavens for such a super­fluity as an unwritten creed. God has given us his word, plainly written by the Holy Spirit, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. The only reason why we are not perfectly as­sociated in heart with every Christian upon earth, is because a few of them are yet in sect bondage and will not permit us to associate with them. All the division there is, is made by sect builders and teachers; but as every honest soul gets the light and exper­ience of Bible holiness, the sect bon­dage breaks and divisions vanish. This makes us one with every saint upon earth or in heaven. Hallelujah!

In his second reason Roberts says,

“The proper administration of govern­ment among Christians, as such, requires a visible organization. Some are opposed to all church government; perhaps they are unwilling to be governed. They have no spirit of submission. But true Christ­ians are willing to be governed. They do not ignore such passages as Heb. 13:7, 17. — Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God. Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves; and 1 Thess. 5:12. — And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and ad­monish you. All such passages imply an organization. It is now impossible to bring all Christians into one outward or­ganization. Hence if there is any proper government among them there must be sects. A small body of troops may have but a single set of officers, but a great army must have its divisions, its brigades, and regiments.”

Church government is certainly very essential and no one who is in­deed a member of the church of God is unwilling to be governed. Any one who has not the spirit of submission has not the spirit of Christ. Eph. 5:21. To submit to the order and govern­ment of Christ according to his word is indeed the delight of all that have his Spirit, and there is not the least disposition in any such to ignore the passages above quoted. The order of the gospel certainly implies organ­ization, but instead of it being AN, it is THE organization. Instead of it be­ing human it is divine. Instead of a SECT, it is the CHURCH government, perfect and complete, without the addition or subtraction of sect inter­ference. The glorious system of di­vine government stands out clear and independent from all the counterfeits of modern times. One of the great errors of to day is as it was in the days of Israel’s apostacy: “They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and have hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” — Jer. 2:13. The only practical government and system that is able to stand is the one formulated by the Holy Spirit, the word of God. Men have forsaken this beautiful system and adopted human forms of government until the world is cursed with creeds of men. God’s plan is not into divisions, brigades and regi­ments. There is no officer in this system higher than captain, and every soldier is governed individually and directly by this Captain. Each gets his orders directly from him and fol­lows where he leads. He has the ex­clusive government upon his shoul­der. Isa. 9:6. No divisions, brigades or regiments, but one solid army led in person by this one divine Captain, who never lost a battle, and he is King of kings and Lord of lords. The servants, such as elders and deacons, are not used to help the Captain govern his army, but are only among the less than the least, to help the army to serve the Captain, and are rulers only in the sense of being help­ers, and members one of another. The divine organization, the church of God, was visible in the apostolic days, and although partially obscured during the dark and middle ages, stands out bright and clear to day in all her former glory, outshining every sect upon earth, and gathering into her sacred folds those who will open their eyes and come to her light. This is the body itself and can never be a sect. A sect is a part cut off, which can never be said of the body, the church.

In his third reason the writer says,

“The proper protection of the rights of individual Christians demands that there be organization, hence sects. Never was a Christian association so pure but that im­proper persons sometimes insinuated themselves among them. Never were great numbers so thoroughly converted but that some backslid.”

He then refers to Judas before pentecost, and Ananias and Sapphira afterward. He then asks, “Are the professed children of God to be gov­erned by lynch law? Yet under the no-sect theory, no other government is possible.” He also intimates that the no-sect people have no means of taking the important step in church discipline, and treatment of offend­ers according to Matt. 18:15-17. How blindly the divine organization is confused with sects! All the de­mands for the protection of individ­ual rights of Christians are fully met in the divine organization and its per­fect creed, the Bible. No unconvert­ed person nor backslider can exist in it, for they have no “part nor lot in this matter.” All offenders can certain­ly be treated according to Matt. 18:15-17, etc. in a much more scriptur­al manner than they could inside a sect. In the church there is justice shown toward those who might offend, but sects which are composed of hypocrites, and a very few saved people, are certainly incapable of properly treating such a case. Where in any of these fallen institutions could justice be obtained? In speak­ing of the no-sect people using a lynch-law government, it is glorious to know that the government is upon the shoulders of the Head of the church. Judas suffered from his own hands and chose what might be termed worse than lynching, and Ananias and Sapphira received even swifter retri­bution. The blessed gospel is full of wholesome instructions for the treat­ment of every possible difficulty, ac­cording to which every individual may be reproved, rebuked or exhort­ed with all longsuffering and doctrine. No unconverted person can possibly remain even among God’s people very long, where the fire of God is con­stantly burning, without either yield­ing to God and becoming a member of the church through Jesus, the door, or else going out and separating him­self. Especially is this true with re­gard to hypocrites. Thank God, “He shall lay judgement to the line and righteousness to the plummet.” No sect on earth is pure, but the church is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Hallelujah! The flaming sword of God’s word by the Holy Spirit will never permit any admit­tance without salvation. The condi­tions of admittance constitute its membership, which no man can either give or take.

In reason four the writer in defence of sects says that “Christianity itself in its origin was called a sect,” refering to Acts 24:5, and 28:22; and says that

“Paul did not say that he did not be­lieve in sects, but admitted the fact that he belonged to one and gave the called for explanation.”

It is true that Christianity was call­ed a sect; but by whom was it so call­ed? In Acts 24:1 we see the orator Tertullus appeared against Paul. In verse 2 he begins his accusation. In verse 5 he says that Paul is “a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.” In verse 10 the apostle begins to ans­wer his accusation, and in 13, says, “Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy so wor­ship I the God of my fathers.” — 14. In the German, the Revised Version, the Emphatic Diaglott and other translations, the word “heresy” is translated “a sect.” This then is the apostle’s answer: After the way which THEY CALL A SECT, so worship I the God of my fathers. He by no means admitted such a false charge that he belonged to a sect, although THEY called the church a sect. Their call­ing it so does not make it so. B. T. Roberts and other sect defenders bring the same charges against the church of God to day as Tertullus did in the days of Paul. They call the church “the sect no-sect,” but after the way they call a sect so wor­ship we the God of our fathers. And their accusations by no means are able to make the body of Christ a sect. In Acts 28:22 the Jews at Rome had heard of this so-called sect, but instead of the apostle admitting to such a charge, he at once “ex­pounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus.” No where in the records of the apostles can it be found that any one ever admitted such a charge. Roberts must certainly be aware of of this fact. The whole gospel is radically opposed to such a doctrine of devils, and happy is he who stands fast in the liberties of the gospel wherewith Christ hath made us free, and suffers not himself to be entan­gled with any yoke of sect bondage.

In reason fifth he says,

“No new sect should be formed without an evident necessity. To needlessly mul­tiply sects savors more of pride and am­bition than of Christian humility. When a sect abandons its distinctive principles it should merge itself into other sects with which it agrees. It has no longer a good apology for a separate existence.”

He then quotes Rom. 16:17, 18 to prove these statements. Why should he think that no new sect should be formed without evident necessity? If sects are necessary for the advance­ment of the truth, they are of God. If not, then they must be of the devil. If they are of God, then the more there are, the better. Why then dis­courage the formation of new sects? If they are right then he should make all he possibly can, and join every one of them. If it is necessary to be­long to one it ought to be the more necessary to belong to them all. Right here we see the selfishness of sects. No one can belong to two or more of them at once. This is much more selfish than the secret-society institu­tions. To belong to one secret society does not exclude a membership in all the rest; but no religious sect would be that liberal. If a needless multi­plication of sects savors of pride and ambition, it is necessary to have some standard of judgement by which to determine when a sect is needless. Man’s judgement could never deter­mine the needlessness, for each sect would have sufficient apology to de­fend its existence, declaring its abso­lute necessity. The only standard then by which this needlessness can be determined is the word of God. When this is humbly and honestly consulted we find that all sects are needless and contrary to its holy precepts. A brother was recently admonished by a sect preacher to join SOME CHURCH, as he called it. The brother told him to show him by the word of God WHICH ONE, and he would then be willing to join it. The preacher said he could not do that, for it was not to be found in the word of God. The scripture in Rom. 16:17, 18 shows very plainly that divisions and sects

(Continued on fourth page.)

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
For the Purity and Unity of His Church;
the Defence of ALL His Truth;
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, – Editor.

E. E. BYBUM, – Office Editor.

E. E. BYBUM and S. MICHELS, – Publishers.


TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance.



Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich.. as second class matter.



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The Ordinance of Feet Washing.

The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 cts. $1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss or from this office.


Must We Sin?

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A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts

A tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep 65 pages. 10 cst.

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Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages. 1 cent each. Per hundred $1 00

Why are you not a Christian? 30 for 10 cts.


The Ordinances of the New Testament

A new Tract, by Wm. G. Schell.

Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 cts. Per dozen 45 cts.



An interesting paper for the children. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year.

Address — The Shining Light,
Grand Junction, Mich.


The Great Tobacco Sin.

It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work of making the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent



Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 15 cents each.


By H. C. W.

100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, it doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coining in of the evening light. Illustrated. 316 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $1 00 six or more 80 cents each. For this book.

Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind. or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich.




This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation.

Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne a and start the songs of praise anew.

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A New Book,


This book is just fresh from the author’s pen, and a glance at the contents is enough to convince any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough khowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the present time, as well as in days past.

The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full salvation, according to the teaching of the sacred word.

It presents the gospel truth in such a way as to throw a gleam of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer.

The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection.


constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty-six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and overthrowing false ideas and theories concerning the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what circumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time.

It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time.

The third part of the book consists of the


These are wonderful testimonies of persons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after having been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suffered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted, with nearly all the parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties themselves.

It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the “giver of every good and perfect gift.”

It contains 248 good-sized pages; good, plain print, on heavy paper. Neatly bound in cloth, $ .75. Library (half morocco), marble edge, $1.10. Send two cent stamp for special terms to agents. Address,


Grand Junction, Mich.



D. Leatherman, Lizzie Bowles, W. J. Henry, W. M. Wilson, Mary Cole, Harriet Crawford, S. L. Catlin, J. Sullivan, Rachel Bollenger, Della Gardener, Elihu Bragg, T. J. Cox, L. J. Meslinger, J. D. Gould, Catharine Beach, N. M. Macbeth 2, Lydia Wressel, Mintie Jessup, Asa D. Hancock.



Bro. Bert Harrison desires the pray­ers of the saints.


Tullahoma, Tenn.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I earnestly beseech you to pray for the healing of Sister Barbara McConnell. Do all pray at once for the healing of her mind and body. She has a little boy about one week old. She is very sick and her mind is affected. Pray that she may be heal­ed, saved and sanctified.

Your sister in, Christ,

A. E. Fider.


Chicago, Ill., Sept. 4, 1892.

Dear Saints of God: Pray for the healing of Anna Gross, who is in the asylum for the Insane at Jefferson, Ill. We set the time for Sept. 11. May God bless all the saints with his Spirit of love and power.

In His name,

Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Meyers.

1343 Wolfram St.


Bro. F. H. Lewis, Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa. greatly desires some one to come there and hold a few gospel meetings.


Augusta, Ga., Sept. 1, 1892.

E. E. Byrum,

Grand Junction, Mich.

Dear Brother: Can’t you get some of the brethren to come to Augusta, Ga. I wish you would use your influ­ence with some of God’s ministers to come to this place. The people are seeking the truth and there is a big field open and if some one will come they will be well paid by saving so many souls from going down to per­dition. I have a hall that they can use free of charge, and they will be taken care of as long as the Lord eads them to stay, and I desire you and all the saints to pray for the healing of my body, that I may be useful in the Lord’s vineyard.

Your brother in Christ,

W. I. Macbeth.



Quite a number of persons have called for children’s songs, which we can now furnish for two cents per set of five songs, each with words and music. 15 cts. per dozen sets.




On Tuesday, Sept. 13, is the time set to enclose the pavillion on the Grand Junction camp ground, and do such other work as will be necessary to make ready for the coming assembly. We trust many of the brethren will come and help in the work. As many as can, bring tools. There will be plenty of work for all.


You will help spread the pure gos­pel and feed hungry souls wherever you place one of the books on Divine Healing of Soul and Body. It ought to be in every family, and has already seen the means of rescuing many perishing souls, and strengthening the faith of the weak ones. See that your friends have one to read.


We have on our hands but a few more of the valuable books HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS, as advertized in another column. Bro. H. C. Wicker­sham, New Pittsburgh, Ind. has a number of the books yet. These sub­jects are well arranged, with concord­ance, also with scripture quoted. Per­sons desiring to study the scriptures relating to holiness will do well to get one of these books. 376 pages, price only $1.00.




We this issue discharge a duty long delayed in speaking of this work. Be­fore we left home we were visited by Bro. Amos Barlow, the superintendent at St Joseph, Mich. We found him a sincere Christian, and in much love with his calling for the dear children’s sake, and for Christ’s sake. As he talked to us of the work our hearts were touched with gratitude to God for the blessing upon the homeless children. The object of this institu­tion may he simply told as follows: To seek homeless, neglected and des­titute children, take them and care for them until a home can be found in some good Christian family. Its business then is to seek out all child­ren that need homes, and to seek out all homes that need and desire the sunshine of the blessed little ones. It also keeps an oversight over all children thus placed, and removes to other homes any that are not satis­factorily treated. In this way a great blessing is confered upon society and upon destitute children at a small expense. I believe it is our duty to aid this good work by informing them of any children that need their aid, and of all families that desire to take and rear an orphan in the real nurture and admonition of the Lord. The institution is wholly run by free-will donations. Send to Bro. Amos Barlow, St Joseph, Mich. for a copy of “The Children’s Home Finder,” or for any information.



1st. Since in Adam all die, is it a natural death or a spiritual death?

2d. If we inherit the carnal mind from the fall of Adam, as David says in Psalm 51, “I was shapen in in­iquity,” etc., would not a man and his wife if both are sanctified wholly, bring forth offspring free from the carnal mind or fallen nature?

J. F. Howell.


Answer to first. The instant Eve and Adam sinned against God they died spiritually. And, in course of time, natural death also resulted from their sin. For we are told that “sin entered into the world, and death (all forms of death) by sin.”

Second. This question has been occasionally answered in the past, but as new persons come into the family of God, and as this is a very critical question, we will try to offer a few thoughts here. It does indeed look reasonable that the offspring of sanc­tified parents should be free from the carnal nature. But facts un­doubtedly prove the contrary. To account for this we may say that God has his own way, and knows his own business, and all his works are sus­tained by sound reason, whether we can comprehend his reasons or not. So it is enough for us to know that God does not see fit to exempt the children of holy parents from the ef­fect of the fall. This however we can see, that, since the salvation of man is a personal individual matter, and since it consists in these two things, namely, the pardon of all sin, and the cleansing of our nature, if purity were transmitted from a holy parentage, such children would be indebted to their parents for one part of their sal­vation directly. Whereas God’s plan is that Christ is the only Savior, and he only has the right and authority to save, and all must apply directly to him.


From The Holy Land.


Jerusalem, Pal., Aug. 3. 1892.

Gospel Trumpet: I write in reply to a letter received from a gospel work­er who forgot to give me his name. He wrote from Chicago, June 28th, and told me to direct to you. Would be pleased to answer his letter if he will write me again. I suppose he visited Bethany during his tour through Southern Penn., W. Virginia and Ohio last fall. Am glad to know that the precious truth is being scat­tered far and wide. We work among the Jews principally here, but go out to the Moslem villages occasionally. Many poor Jews who suffer as the winter comes on, for almost all the necessaries of life. Water also is scarce during the summer. It can be sought however. We have a women’s meeting weekly, where we teach them to sew, and tell them of Jesus’ blood and righteousness. This for the Jews.

In His name and service,

L. E. Dunn.




JESUS says, “He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me.” — Jno. 14:21. By this we see, in order to prove our love to God, we must keep his commandments; we may say that we love him, but there is a way to prove it. Bless the Lord! My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. — 1 Jno. 3:18. How can we do this? John also says, But whoso hath this world’s goods and seeth his brother have need and shutteth up his bow­els of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? — 1 Jno. 3:17. When we consecrate our­selves to God, we give up all to be used to his glory; now if the Lord sees fit to call on us for something unexpected (to us), we should be obedient, and say, Here Lord, it is all thine; do what thou wilt. Everyone that is truly consecrated to God will do this. But while this be true and we know when the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts it makes us obedient, there are also many that hope to be saved by their good works, such as paying the preacher well, and donating some of their means to build meeting houses, and probably bestow a little mite to help the poor, and yet destitute of the one thing most important — the love of God. Paul says, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity [love] I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cym­bal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all myste­ries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.” — 1 Cor. 13:1-3. We may do all these things and yet fail in something else if we have not this love. Read Rev. 2:1-5. At first when Jesus came to Peter to wash his feet, he refused and said, Thou shalt never wash my feet; but Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not thou hast no part with me. Jno. 13:8. Peter loved Jesus, and as soon as he saw this was a command he must keep in order to be a disciple, he obeyed at once, and afterward we learn that he received the Holy Spirit and was happy in obeying the truth. But many people do as Peter did at first; they refuse to have their feet washed, and continue so, hence they have no part with Jesus. If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the land, but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spo­ken it. — Isa. 1:19, 20.

To obey is better than sacrifice, but sometimes both are required. God may ask a sacrifice in some way, then we must be obedient in order to meet the requirements of God. Take for example the young man that came to Jesus, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said, Thou knowest the commandments, (nam­ing them). He said. All these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him, loved him and said unto him, One thing thou lackest, go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heav­en, and come take up the cross and follow me; and he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved, for he had great possessions. — Mark 10:17-22. He had not the love of God to prompt him to obey, hence he was sad and went away grieved. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world; if any man [or wo­man] love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. — 1 Jno. 2:15. The rich man and Lazarus is another example. Read Luke 16th chap. Likewise Ananias and Sapphira his wife sold a possession, and kept back a part of the price, his wife also be­ing privy to it, and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. Read Acts 5:1-10. See the result of such work. Eternal destruction and misery await all in such condition un­less they repent and make their peace with God. O my dear readers, let us obey God under all circumstances; then we have the promise of the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, Acts 5:32. If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them. We fear that many in these last days are as Ana­nias and wife, professing to have sold their possession, and the price con­secrated all to the glory of God. But where the fact is known, they are keeping back the larger portion to consume upon their own lusts. But we hope that none that are in this clear evening light, professing to be in this straight way of holiness, are doing such work as this. Dear ones, let us see that all is on the altar, then keep it there, and use all our time and means that God has given us to rescue perishing souls. Many poor souls as precious as our own, are traveling the broad way to destruc­tion. Let us do all we can. Are you called to preach? If so, you must obey or be lost. If not, do what you

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can in your calling. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send thither the feet of the ox and the ass [God’s ministers]. — Isa. 32:20. By helping to send the ministers over the land to preach the gospel of glad tidings and great joy to the people, you can sow the good seed beside all waters, and thereby lay up for your­selves treasures in heaven. Use the means, and improve the talent which God has given, and add to the exper­ience, as Peter says. 2 Peter 1:5-8. Then God will multiply his grace and peace unto you, and our talents and ability will be increased. Praise our God forever! Who is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord? Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Fath­er which is in heaven. — Matt. 7:21. Jesus also says, So likewise whosoev­er he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disci­ple. — Luke 14:33. But if we for­sake all and follow him, he promises in hundred fold more in this life, with persecutions, and in the world to come, eternal life.

Let us be obedient children. For Jesus being made perfect, became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. — Heb. 5:9. Praise his name! Here is another precious promise to all that hearken to his word. And it shall come to pass, if thou wilt hearken dilligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all the nations of the earth, and all these blessings shall come upon thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. — Deut 28:1, 2. Read also ..o the 9th verse. John says, He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. — 1 Jno 2:4. For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not grievous. — 1 Jno. 5:3.

Trust in Jesus and obey
His word, so firm and true,
Which teaches us the narrow way
Our Savior trod for you.

Thomas Carter.


Camp Meetings.


Nevada, Mo., Sept. 1, 1892.

To the Saints of God and Workers in the field: I wish to say that the Lord willing, we will commence a meeting at Rockville, Bates Co., Mo., Sept. 8. Any one passing through will find a welcome there. I would be glad for some one led of the Lord to come and help in that vicinity, as there are some good openings in Vernon, Bates, St. Clair, and Cedar Co’s. If any one feels led of the Lord to come and labor in these parts, let me know and I shall be glad to render you my assistance in the Lord.

Yours in Jesus, sanctified now,

R. F. Rapp.


Guy’s Mills, Pa.

The meeting at Hickory Corners, Crawford Co., Pa. will begin Sept. 10. We ask the prayers of the dear saints for God to bless the work in that place. We invite all the dear saints who feel led of the Lord to come.

E. J. Billig.


The Lord willing, there will be an assembly meeting, beginning Oct. 14, at Payne, O., and will continue as long as the Lord wills. All are invi­ted.



There will be a tabernacle meet­ing near the above place Sep. 10-20. Held the Lord willing, by Bro’s Otto Bolds, R. N. Gast and others.



The Lord willing, there will be a tabernacle meeting six miles north of the above place, Sep. 22-30.

Bro’s Bolds, Gast and others.

Meeting near Markleville, Ind. October 1-10.

Bolds, Gast & Co.


Meeting Decatur, Ind. beginning about October 12.

Bolds, Gast & Co.



The saints of Carthage and Webb City have decided to have their C. M. at Webb City. Mo. instead of at Carthage. They expect to have a tabernacle. Meeting will begin Sept. 27. Bro. Warner will be there the Lord willing the first six or seven days of the meeting. Let as many come prepared to take care of themselves as possible, and those who can not will be cared for; let all come who can. Those coming from east or west on the Frisco R. R. change cars at Oronogo.

Geo. E. Bolds.


Dupont, O., Sept. 1, 1892.

Dear Saints: As the time has been set for Sept. 28 to commence the grove meeting at Dupont, Ohio, let all the dear saints come that can, and come in the name of the Lord, praying that God may bless the meeting at this place, that sinners may be converted, believers sanctified, and the church built up at this place. The saints coming from the north or south will stop at Dupont, O. Those coming from the east or west on Nickel Plate stop at Continental, O., three miles north of here. Brethren coming from east or west to Continental write to Philip Kesler, Dupont O., who will furnish conveyance to all that come to the grove.

Philip Kesler.



The Lord willing, there will be a grove meeting near the above place in Dark Co., Sep. 10-20.

Bro’s Schell, Warren, & G. W. Howard.

Address S. J. Holsapple.

Brock, O.



The Lord willing, there will be a grove meeting near the above place, Sep. 22-30.

Bro’s Schell, Warren & Howard.



The Lord willing, a meeting will begin in the above place about Octo­ber 2.

Bro’s Schell, Warren & Howard.



This convocation in a beautiful grove at the edge of the city, will be held, the Lord willing, Sep. 15-25. A glorious time is expected. Let all the saints pray in mighty faith, and with much earnestness for all those meetings. Bro. J. F. Lundy, myself, and we trust Bro. Geo. Cole and Co. and whoever the Lord will, will be there. For any particulars address A. Markwell, 709 Maple St., Wichita, Kan.



The Los Angeles camp meeting will begin Oct. 13, and will continue ten days. Efforts will be made for ex­cursion rates from Chicago and Kan. City, for all who come from the east via. the Santa Fe route. Let all the saints upon the Pacific coast come to this meeting. Bring tents and bed­ding if possible. Provisions will be supplied at cost for all who are able to pay, and he that hath no money, come ye without money and without price. All who come from the east will be supplied with board and bed at lowest possible cost. We are ex­pecting great victory in the name of the King of saints. The tent meet­ings now in progress will probably continue until C. M. Let all who are interested in this mighty conflict, come and help us. The saints are all poor in this world, but willing to share what they have with those who have not. All who come by R. R. should notify us previously so they will be met at trains. Let all who expect to come write us, stating what arrange­ments they wish to be made for them while here.

Address J. D. Hatch, or J. W. Byers,

138 N. Los Angeles St.,

Los Angeles, Cal.



Freemont, Iowa, Sept., 1892.

Dear Saints: Another battle has just been fought for the Lord, and in the name of the captain of our salva­tion, and we praise God for victory in his name.

The cause of Christ has met with more disasters and reverses in Iowa than perhaps in any other state. Truly Satan has tried hard to kill it out, and yet it survives. The first few days the powers of darkness seemed to hold regency, but we bold­ly declared our trust in the Almighty for victory and the salvation of souls, and praise God, the forces of hell were driven back, and several souls were set free from sin and Satan by the blood of the Lamb. We truly felt that it was hard for the Spirit of God to work; there not being perfect harmony and unity in those who pro­fessed to be saints, and in some of whom we truly believe to be sincere. Of course this is an abnormal state, and not the real condition of God’s church sanctified in Christ Jesus. A cautious covered — and yet not all covered from people that see — influ­ence had been exerted against the camp meeting. But God put his ap­proval upon it, in the glorious and joyful salvation of some souls, not­withstanding the barriers in the way of his Spirit’s work. Also there were several cases of healing clear and powerful. One poor child was afflict­ed and evidently tormented by Satan; its screams were heartrending; God instantly delivered it and gave it rest. Another child was instantly healed of a high fever, having suffered for about two days. The fever left and it arose immediately and was well. O praise our God!

There are indeed dear precious saints in this country, while there are some poor souls that are straitened because their prediction that certain ones, by taking a stand against them, would lose salvation does not come to pass. It is a bad case when one’s salvation depends upon others fall­ing for its establishment. It is an ev­ident fact that such are perplexed be­cause the ones they would like to see shew out bad, keep the glory and vic­tory in their souls.

O how we wish God would send some good strong workers in this country soon, to carry on the battle of the Lord. We believe the way is open for the work of salvation to go forward. Who will go there this fall and winter? Write Bro. Arthur Har­mon, Hayesville, Iowa.

As our dear Bro Lundy had got en­gaged in the South we were appre­hensive we should be left alone in this meeting, so it pleased the good Lord to send our dear young Bro. A. B. Stanberry from Mo. with us who was truly blessed and used of God in the meeting. We were also favored with the faithful help of Bro. and Sister Krieble, and Bro. Thompson from Kenesaw, Neb. The few breth­ren whose hearts were aglow with God’s love also helped faithfully in altar work, etc. Bro’s Harmon and Edy also helped to hold forth the word of life. May God bless and use these brethren whereunto he has called them. We should love very much to remain in this country for some months. There seems to be many real honest and hungry souls. Poor backsliders came twenty miles and escaped out of the hell of a backslidden state, as they described it. And some of them pressed on into the second grace. We awfully fear that there were some came to this meeting, who, if the truth were known, would have felt better had the meetings been a failure. But there was joy among the angels of heaven over what was done.

Let all God’s people pray for our brothers and sisters here where it has been so thickly strewn with carcasses upon which the birds and beasts have been feeding for the last ten years. Now we go on to the Robinson, Kan. camp. Bro. Stanberry accompanies us to the two Kan. meetings.

I fear that our much fatigued and frail body shall need rest from the long line of camps at the close of the Kan. meetings, so that we may not be able to return and hold the meeting proposed at Car­thage, Mo. The will of the Lord be done. Amen. Cease not to pray for your weak brother, rich in the kingdom of heaven. O praise the King Eternal! Amen.


Grand Junction, Mich., Sept. 5, 1892.

Dear Brethren: After sending in the report of the first part of the Red Lion, Pa. C. M. there were many more souls saved each day until the close. It was truly a glorious time, and a rich feast to our souls. The people greatly enjoyed hearing the word of God preached in its purity, and many became willing to square their lives by the word, and were made to praise God and rejoice on account of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Devils were cast out in the name of Jesus. The last evening of the meeting quite a number of persons applied for the healing of their diseased bodies, and in accordance with James 5:13-15 were healed and gave God the glory.

On Monday the gospel workers started for their various fields of labor in the gospel field whithersoever the Lord directed. Bro. Clayton ex­pects soon to take charge of the Float­ing Bethel, and sail down the Ohio river as soon as the necessary means are furnished to purchase the vessel. There are $300 or $400 needed yet. Their plan for work in this way is a good one and will reach a class of people who will be hard to reach in any other way. Anyone furnishing means to help along this work, will thereby help to fescue the perishing, and can address Bro. G. T. Clayton at Grand Junction, Mich. and the let­ters will be forwarded.

Upon returning home by the way of Canada, the Lord had opened up the way and all arrangements were made or a meeting in Bro. Birdsall’s hall Monday night at Fenwick, Ont. The louse was crowded with earnest list­eners who seemed eager for the truth, and we trust they will walk in the light as God lets it shine upon their pathway. There was one consecra­tion for a deeper work of grace.

Tuesday night a meeting was held at Crowland, Ont., and persons from other places near by greatly desired a meeting. There are many places in Canada where the fields are ripe unto harvest, but O where are the reapers? Many places the seed has not yet been sown, and there is a famine throughout the land for want of the word of life.

Upon arriving home Aug. 31, I found the Trumpet family rejoicing in the love of Jesus, and the work here moving on in His name.

E. E. Byrum.


Mariasville, Pa., Sept. 1, 1892.

Dear Brethren in Christ: God bless you all. Amen. We arrived at the Pennsylvania C. M. in due time and found a large assembly of saints already on the old camp ground, waiting to hear the joyful sound. God was with his people during the entire meeting and there was quite a good many consecrated, the most of whom seemed to obtain a good experience. There were thirteen baptized and several were healed of bodily in­firmities during the meeting. Some over one hundred brethren and sis­ters attended to the ordinances of God’s house. Praise our God forev­er and ever! Dear Bro. E. E. Byrum was ordained an elder in the church of the living God. May God bless the dear brother and make him use­ful in his vineyard. The time having come for the saints to separate and the dear ones that were laboring in the meeting to go elsewhere to work for the Lord, Bro’s Clayton, Patchen and their wives and myself chose to go to Clintonville, Pa. Bro’s Jacobson and Cox, to Ten Mile Bot­tom, Pa. Bro’s June, Daugherty, Hen­ry and J. Rupert and wife to Marias­ville, Pa. Bro’s Warren and Bixler and wife to their homes in Michigan. God bless the dear brethren and give them souls for their labors. Pray for us.

Your saved brother in Christ,

A. J. Kilpatrick.


Somerville, Ala., Aug. 29, 1892.

To all the Saints, Greeting: Our testimony to day is that Jesus saves us from all sin, and keeps us filled with his eternal glory. Our last report was from Hartsells. From there we went to Somerville and commenced meeting on Friday night, but the next morning Bro. Achor left me to fight the battle in Ala. alone, though I am not alone, for Jesus is with me. We continued this meeting over two Sab­baths, during which time there were eight or ten professed either pardon or purity, with a number fully decided to reach entire sanctification speedily. This was a new field. Several were delivered from Babylon. Tobacco and sectism are the giants to be des­troyed in this country. Glory to God! He is delivering many souls from their bondage. We have pitched the bat­tle at Blue Springs, eight miles from Somerville. Earnest requests are coming in from every side for meet­ing, and if we fill all the places de­sired it will keep us until January or longer. But God can have his way with us. To him be all the glory. Let all the saints pray for us and this people.

Saved to day,

J. F. Lundy.


Tampico, Ind., Aug. 30, 1892.

I came with Bro. Orr from Beaver Dam C. M. to this part, and found meeting announced for the 21st, near Crothersville, where Bro. Howard closed meeting just before camp meet­ing. The Lord gave them another glorious meeting, closing the night of the 28th. A number of willing souls consecrated and were sanctified. May the dear Lord keep them eter­nally true and faithful, pressing to­ward the mark for the prize. We expect to begin a meeting near Bro. Fleenor’s this week. Other calls for meeting in these parts, but I ex­pect soon as the Lord will to go south, and ask the prayers of all the saints, “that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gos­pel,” and that the New Testament standard of salvation way be raised to its full height in the hearts and lives of all who will be true to God, in the south as well as the north.

Your brother filled with glory and out for the whole truth. Amen.

J. Cole.


Dimondale, Mich., Sept. 3, 1892.

Dear Trumpet Readers: May the dear Lord bless you all for his dear name’s sake. Amen.

The Banister grove meeting has passed and although the weather at first was bad so that we were delayed one day in commencing the meeting, yet the Lord gave us victory from the first meeting. The Advents had been there with a tent about eight weeks and then the Methodists and Baptists sent and got Mr. Cauright and the minds of the people were confused, but our faith surmounted every barrier and the truth was vic­torious in the name of Jesus; convic­tion was on the people in the first meeting. Dear Bro. Morrison and wife who had gone away from God were restored to the favor of God and made to rejoice in his pardoning love. Three others; two young men and one young woman were born of God and made to rejoice in his love. Several others who were in doubt were wonderfully convinced of the truth. Altogether a glorious victory for God and truth was the result. And we believe that God will bring out more in the future. Dear Bro. and Sister Walter, of St. Louis, Mich. were present and the dear Lord did wonderfully use Sister Walter in speaking the word to the people. We were much blessed in speaking the word in that meeting. Dear saints, pray for us that God may use us to his glory.

We remain your humble brother and sisters in Christ, saved, sanctified and kept by power divine. Amen.

T. J. Cox & family.

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IN infancy we learn how terribly nature punishes a violation of certain laws, and how promptly she applies the penalty. We soon find out the peril of fire, falls, edged-tools, and the like. We fail, however, to notice the equally-sharp and certain punishments which bad habits entail. We are quick to feel the need of food, but not so ready to perceive the dan­ger of an excess. A lack of air drives us at once to secure a supply; but foul air is as fatal, yet gives us no warning. Nature provides a little training for us at the outset of life, but leaves the most for us to learn by bitter experience. So in youth we throw away our strength as if it were a burden of which we desired to be rid. We eat anything, and at any time; do anything we please, and sit up any number of nights with little or no sleep. Because we feel only a momentary discomfort from these physical sins, we fondly imagine when that is gone we are all right again. Our drafts upon our constitu­tion are promptly paid, and we ex­pect this will always be the case; but some day they will come back to us protested; nature will refuse to meet our demands, and we shall find our­selves physical bankrupts. We are furnished in the beginning with a cer­tain vital force upon which we may draw. We can be spendthrifts and waste it in youth, or be wise men and husband it to manhood. Our short­comings are all charged against this stock. Nature’s memory never fails; she keeps the account with per­fect exactness. Every physical sin subtracts from the sum and strength of our years. We may cure a disease but it never leaves us as it found us. We may heal a wound but the scar still shows. We reap as we sow and we may either gather in the thorns, one by one, to torment and destroy, or rejoice in the harvest of a hale old age.

— Steele.


(Continued from first page.)

are of the devil, and all that cause them serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly. May we all take heed to the admonition and avoid all such characters.

Reason sixth.

“Christian liberty is not license. Men may talk about their freedom from re­straints. But this is not gospel freedom. Christ has his yoke. All his followers take it upon them. Humility, submission, and patience are prominent among the Christian graces. The no-sect leaders are not the least exacting of men in their calls upon their followers.”

He then quotes 2 Pet. 2:18, 19, to show that while they promise liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption, etc., meaning of course the no-sect leaders, as he calls them. The liberty of Christ is governed by his own law and restraints. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. Thank God, there is a vast difference be­tween this blessed yoke and the gal­ling human yokes imposed upon many poor souls. Every heaven-born soul is truly willing to take upon itself the entire system of Christ’s divine government; and to walk in all his commandments and ordinances blameless, is the highest delight of every one. This is all accomplished without the slightest interference of human legislation. Thank God, the anointing breaks every human yoke and burden. Isa. 10:27. We all serve one another in love, humility and pa­tience, in this blessed freedom, which can only be properly done outside of human organizations. Speaking of the no-sect leaders and their follow­ers, the writer certainly judges from his own sectish standpoint, for in the church of God Christ is the leader. No one else is followed only as they follow Christ. We are complete in him alone. No one is a leader only as he or she leads to Christ. Christ is all and in all. Every soul that follows him will certainly be led into perfect liberty and out of every doctrine of men and devils. No sect upon earth can hold a sanctified soul who will follow Christ the Lamb whither­soever he goeth. No one can obey his voice from heaven, Rev. 18:4, and remain entangled in any yoke of bon­dage. Some honest souls may not yet have heard this voice, but God is sounding it forth throughout the earth, and happy are they whose ears are open to all the heavenly precepts of God, and forever closed to the doc­trines of men.

J. W. Byers.




But the end of all things is at hand, be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” 1 Peter 4:7.

THE apostle Peter, with nearly all the other New Testament writ­ers, in finishing their letters or epistles warn us of the second coming of Christ. Jesus tells us of the signs that are to take place just before his coming. Paul tells us how to get ready. Peter tells us the standard to which we must measure, and John tells us how we shall be judged when he shall come.

We do not pretend to know just the day, or the hour when Jesus will come; but we do know by the Word that we are very near the end, and Peter declares that it is at hand. Jesus says, When you see the things come to pass, viz. — gathering together of his elect — know that the end is near, even at the door. Now we have seen this last sign come to pass. God is send­ing out his angels (ministers) and is gathering together his elect (sancti­fied ones). Knowing this, i. e. that the end is at hand, “be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer.” In another place Jesus says, Watch and pray. Now if prayer is essential, let us find out what it is and also its effect.

Prayer is petitioning or asking God for such things as we desire, or making our requests known to God. James says, in 4:16, “The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.”

In the Old Testament we have on record wonderful effects of prayer. It is said that Elias prayed that it might not rain; and it rained not for three years and six months; and he prayed again and the heavens gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Again we find that the people of Nineveh after hearing the preach­ing of Jonah went in earnest prayer to God which resulted in the salva­tion of the whole city; also in the New Testament there are many in­stances of answer to prayer. In one place we find Paul and Silas in pris­on, and while in prayer at midnight, there was a great earthquake, and the foundations of the prison were shaken and every one’s bonds were loosed, and the jailor seeing the mighty power of God, was saved, he and his house. Also read the 10th chapter of Acts and see what took place while Cornelius and Peter were praying, and also what followed. Many other instances could be men­tioned both in the Old and New Tes­taments. But let us now look at a few results of united prayers.

Jesus says where two agree on earth as touching any one thing it shall be done. For example, in the first two chapters of the Acts we find that the disciples were assembled in an upper room in continued prayer, which resulted in the pentecostal shower, and also the salvation of three thousand souls. Again while Peter was in prison, we find that many of the disciples were gathered together praying, and the Lord sent an angel and delivered Peter. Oh! there is not only as the poet has said, “a bless­ing in prayer,” but there is also a mighty power; nothing shall be re­fused those who pray in faith. Jesus says, “If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done.” If such was the result of prayer in former days, why will not the same cause have the same effect to day? It will, glory be to God forever and ever! Only seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened, ask largely, not only that your joy may be full, but that the power of God may be manifested to this sin-darkened world and the people seeing the effects of grayer, may be made to cry out, as on the day of Pentecost, “Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?”


FIRST. Watch and pray that ye en­ter not into temptation. — Matt. 26:41. We are surrounded on every hand by sin, temptation, trials, and persecutions. We have many things to pass through, and the devil is con­tinually trying all means within his power to overthrow our souls; so it Is very needful that we do much pray­ing as Paul says, “Instant in prayer.”

SECOND. In speaking of his second coming, Jesus said, “Take heed, watch, and pray; for ye know not when the time is.” As we have no knowledge of how long we shall be permitted to remain here in this preparatory state, it is necessary for us to heed God’s word, and how careful, yea how prayerful we should always be.

When praying we should always direct our petition to God. Paul says, “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplica­tion with thanksgiving let your re­quests be made known unto God.”

We should ever have a heart full of gratitude, praise and thanksgiving, for all that we receive from the boun­tiful hand of God. Paul says, “In everything give thanks.” In sick­ness, as well as health, in trouble as well as prosperity, in trials and temp­tations as well as happiness and bless­ings, in storm as well as sunshine, realizing the great hand of God in all things, and being in perfect resigna­tion to his blessed will, knowing that all things work together for our good.

We should approach the Father in the name of Jesus. Read John 16:23. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.”


In 1 Cor. 14:15, we read, “I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also.” First let us notice something about the Spirit. A prayer void of the Spirit is like a ship without a rudder. How often we hear people say over a very- long prayer, making the hearers weary with such a dead, formal and graceless prayer! Such have but lit­tle, if any faith, and seldom, if ever get an answer to their prayer, and should they receive what they pray for would be greatly surprised. Such prayers have a tendency to throw coldness on the people rather than conviction; and darkness rather than light. What is the trouble? Is it be­cause God has ceased to answer, or because he has respect of persons? No, it is all because the petitioner is void of the Spirit of God. “Like­wise the Spirit helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” — Rom. 8:26. And in the next verse we read that “the Spirit maketh in­tercession for the saints according to the will of God.” Oh! let the blessed Spirit lead and guide you in all things, as your soul sends up its petitions to God, either in secret, or public; let thy ears, eyes and heart, be closed to all around you, and let the soul pour forth from its very depths the earnest desire of the heart, and be governed and actua­ted by the Spirit of the living God.

SECOND. The understanding. In prayer, as well as anything else, we should and must have some knowl­edge or understanding before we can enter into it. A man to sing cor­rectly must have some understanding of music; just so in all things. What good would a rudder be to a ship, if there were no pilot? or what good would the Spirit be in prayer if we had not understanding. They must both go together to make prayer a success. Understanding includes: First, knowing what prayer is. Second, its worth or its effect. Third, to whom to pray. Fourth, how to pray and what to pray for. Let us read some more scripture telling us how to pray. Jesus says in Mark 11:24. “What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” Not only are we to believe that he can and will give us the desire of our heart, but believe that he does it now, and even while while we are asking we are receiving.

Prayer is the key that unlocks the great treasury of God, while by faith we reach in and lay hold on whatever we desire; but we cannot fold our arms of faith as it were and receive of God. We must pray beleiving. “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.” — Jam. 1:6, 7. “Pray without ceas­ing.” 1 Thess. 5:17. Now we can not always be praying audibly, neither can we be constantly on our knees in secret, although we should be engaged in the latter as much as possible, and in the former whenever the Lord leads. But we can wherever we are be sending up a prayer to God in the meditation of our souls. Again Paul says in 1 Tim. 2:8. “I will that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands with­out wrath or doubting.” After all wrath, malice, envy, hatred, and doubting are removed, then and then only can we lift up holy hands. Pray everywhere, pray at all times and un­der all circumstances, and never go where you could not offer up a peti­tion to God. In every temptation, affliction, trial or persecution, or what­ever your trouble may be, or whatever you may be called to pass through, take everything to God in prayer. We read in Luke 18:1-8 that “men ought always to pray and not to faint.” And he teaches them to not soon be discouraged but to hold on to God day and night till he does answer their petition. There was in a city a judge which feared not God neither regarded man; and there was a widow in the city; and she came unto him and said. Avenge me of my adversary, and he would not for awhile: but after­wards he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord saith, Hear what the unjust judge saith, and shall not God avenge his elect, which cry night and clay un­to him, though he bear long with them? I tell you he will avenge them speedily. This teaches us that we should not faint nor grow weary, but after bringing our petition to God we should hold on to him by an unyield­ing grasp of faith till we receive an answer to our prayers. “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and hav­ing on the breastplate of righteous­ness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wick­ed. And take the helmet of salva­tion,and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Eph. 6:13-18.

W. J. Henry.




THE Bible teaches that when a soul is converted, a change is wrought which affects the whole course of his life. Spiritual strength is also imparted, which enables the individual to obey the Lord. Before conversion, the carnal mind prevents obedience to God. A carnal mind cannot be subject to a spiritual law. The reason shown in the Galatian letter for man’s natural inability is that “the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” The Spirit of God convicts of sin, and then the sinner wants to be set at liberty. The Lord finds the sinner dead in his trespass­es, and by His Spirit he quickens to life. “But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickend us together with Christ.” — Eph. 3:4, 5. This quickening imparts new life and in this way we are created in Christ Je­sus unto good works. The life im­parted in this manner is life from Christ, and this life dwells in God’s children.

It is in this manner that Christ dwells in the heart by faith. The in­dividual is strengthened; his compre­hension of God’s love expands, and as these ideas grow in his mind, his love for God increases accordingly. By thus dwelling in God’s love he is growing in grace, and in the know­ledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The promises of God give hope of a future life and a glorious home, and so hold God’s children that they are anchored in Christ, Through these views, by faith, the eyes of their understanding are enlighten­ed, and they know what is the hope of their calling. Those glad scenes of joy constantly before our spiritual eyes, give the soul a keen appetite to feed upon the word of God, which be­comes sweeter than the honeycomb, and more to be desired than fine gold. It is in this manner that Jesus imparts his own spiritual nature to his children, and as their minds lift them up, they are led by the Spirit of the Lord to walk in the command­ments of God, so that it is God work­ing in them, both to will and to do of his good pleasure. This is certainly what the apostle meant when he wrote to the Galatians that the life which he was living in the flesh, was the life of the Son of God, and that it was Christ that was living in him. I understand the scriptures to teach that Christ infuses his own nature in to his followers through faith, so that the power of God rests upon them, and keeps them from the power of the wicked one. Such a heart swells up with gratitude to God, even as the water flows from a living foun­tain.

An individual who is thus given up to the service of God is converted He will be found magnifying the Lord in his heart; his words will speak forth the praises for his Leader, and all his work will be a testimony that there is a-living Savior who cares for his followers. This Savior invites us to to come to him and take his yoke upon us, and he promises that it we do so, we shall find rest to our souls.

Your sister in Christ,

F. M. Frey.



Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.
Psa. 119:129.


Ridgeville, S. C.

Dear Saints of God: I am led of the Spirit to write my testimony, which I hope may redound to the glo­ry of God. I am a living witness of his wonderful power to heal both body and soul. I was suffering from rheumatism for more than two years. I laid myself all on the altar and was healed. “The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and” if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.” — James 5:15. I am out on the promises of my Savior. Need none other physician than Him who healeth both body and soul.

I am your brother in Christ,

J. C. Pendergrass.


Lake View, O.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I praise the Lord for free and full salvation in my soul. I am both justified and sanctified, all on the altar to do God’s will as he makes if known unto me. I praise the Lord for vic­tory over the world, the flesh and the devil. O praise the Lord for his goodness and mercies that he has bestowed upon me! He has saved me from every thing that is of the devil. He has placed my feet upon the solid rock Christ Jesus, where the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. Pray for me that I may be kept humble at his feet.

Your saved sister,

Rosetta Warren.

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