1 August 1884, Volume 6, Number 12.
Camp Ground Meeting.
The saints in Western Michigan, have a general convocation on the Camp Ground, two miles forth of Bangor, August 16, 17. Praise God! let all come together with one accord in one place, and the place will be shaken where they are assembled. God bless that holy assembly, Amen.
Grove Meeting In Ohio.
The beloved saints in Medina Co. Ohio wish us to announce a grove meeting in that Co. beginning August 9th to continue several days. One Mile South of Friendsville, and four miles north-east of Burbank. Which will be the best point to come to by rail-road. Brethren coming that way address brother Ezra Sudib, Burbank, Wayne Co. O. stating when they will come, and they will be met. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Brother and Sister Fisher, and ourself expect to be there. We would love to meet may of the dear followers of the Lamb at that meeting.
We will have some time between the close of the above meeting, and the Sandy Lake Pa Camp meeting, which we will use, where the Lord will.
There will be a camp meeting, the Lord willing, at Williamston Mich. commencing July 30th 1884. Let every body come up to this glorious feast of tabernacles. Bring your tents dear brethren, and your provisions, so as to entertain strangers, and let not the poor depart from your tabernacle without being filled both with meat and the Holy Ghost. Let us give ourselves continually to prayer, and the work of the Lord.
This meeting has been called of the Lord, and the time is very short, and what we do we must do quickly; souls are perishing and sinners are going to hell and many of the saints come short of the fullness of God, which qualifies them to labor in this last struggle of God Almighty to save a perishing world. Now Dear Brethren God has blessed you with an abundant harvest, then come out and offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable unto Him, and labor for Him, as a due expression of your gratitude unto Him for His abundant blessings to you all. O ye great formers. ye that have on the mantle of the Lord, consider Elisha who was an extensive farmer, who had twelve yoke of oxen plowing and he with the twelfth at the time Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him; how he left his oxen and ran after him, and returned and slew a yoke of oxen and fed the people, then went and ministered until Elijah. Then leave your oxen and horses and farms and come up and sacrifice unto your God.
assembly meeting. The annual assembly of the Church of the First Born will begin the Lord willing, Sept. 25th 1884 at Williamston Mich.
A Blessed Testimony, and Vision.
Jerry City Ohio, May 21st.
Dear Brethren: — I am saved to day and washed in the blood of the Lamb. My robes are white as snow. O I praise the Lord for His saving power, and great love toward us. That He can forgive all our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. O Glory to God from whom all blessings flow! He has cleansed me from all sin, and given me the victory over the beast and his image. And I am standing on the sea of glass. Here Jesus saves me and keeps me clean. We are all saved and waiting for the coming of our Lord and Master. May the Lord ever keep us all sweetly saved.
Dear brethren, please send me the Gospel Trumpet. Your Brother saved through and through. Praise God!
Wm. J. Henry.
Yes all that really stand on the sea of glass appreciate God’s Trumpet.
Three years ago, God showed us that that sea of glass represented the Gospel basis, upon which only they stand who have the victory over the beast, his image, and the number of his name. — Rev. 15:1-3 which means they have got clear of all sect rubbish, and tradition, and stand on the pure Word of God, mingled with fire, the Holy Spirit.
Nearly ever since then “holy people” have been writing to us, in the same light which they received by the Spirit of God, and by visions.
The following
given to the above brother, and sent to us by the Elder of the Church of God at Jerry City O., clearly agrees with the Scriptures, and shows just how Christ is leading all that know His voice.
Jerry City O. June 9th. ’84.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord that I am still saved, in these perilous times. The Lord is leading His Church in a wonderful manner. He is preparing His Bride for the great marriage feast of the Lamb. Glory to God! He is bringing in those who are willing to know the way of truth. Elder J. Long, from Bowling Green, was with us a week ago yesterday. He enjoyed himself very much. He says, haying tasted of the salt, he would surely come back again. Praise the Lord! “They that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.” The old man says he finds scarcely any thing but death in the sects: preachers and people, are blind leading the blind, and falling into hell together. Surely they are blinded by the god of this world. “Eyes have they, but they see not, ears they have, but they hear not, lest they believe the glorious Gospel and be converted.” The Word of God says, that the “friendship of the world is enmity with God,” and “he that will be a friend to the world is an enemy of God.” O praise the Lord for the victory! The Church here is free from the yoke of babylon, and saved from all sympathy for her. The saints shout for joy, over the wreck of her fall. Surely the blood of the martyrs will be required at her hands,”
Praise the Lord! He is leading out of babylon, all such as are being saved. I will tell you what the Lord has done for brother Henry. He could hardly let go of the sect, until about two weeks ago, when the Lord appeared unto him in a vision. He belonged to the U. B. sect. He was sanctified a few years ago, and was wonderfully filled with the Spirit, and power. Insomuch that the sect preachers could not stand his testimony. Of course he met with opposition, backed down lost the fullness. He had been seeking the Lord again earnestly. And in his dream, he found himself in a place where all seemed to be his enemies. He said to one, ”let us get out of this place and go home.” The person addressed, said he was a holiness man. Then Brother H. began to talk to him, of the glorious experience he had received, and now in part lost. The man replied, “I was there when you received that experience, and know all about it.” Also reminded him of many other good meetings, he had been at, and remarked that he was also present. He also remarked that he would lead him back into the experience again, if he would follow him. Brother H. then started to follow after him. It seemed they soon came to the U. B. meeting house, where Brother H. used to worship. As they approached, he saw, just beyond the house, something like water, but more like a sea of glass. Their course took them right past the house, over the porch, and right on this sea of glass. As they reached the platform, bro. H. heard them singing within, and stopped. He noticed another person standing by, to whom he said “This man I came with, said he would lead me into the experience of holiness if I would follow him; but I cant walk on sea of glass and thought I would turn in here.” But he replied, “You ought not to go into this house, for those within, are your worst enemies, and the enemies of God. but you follow your leader, and keep your eye on him, and you will be safe. So he started, but when he stepped off the porch it seemed as if some great power laid hold upon him, and pulled him back. He struggled with all his might, but could not get away. It seemed so glassy he thought he could not walk. He looked to his guide, but he was some distance ahead, but yet in sight. He called to him for help. He asked the man that stood by, whom he recognized, as a holy man, who his leader was. He told him “it is Jesus.” He then cried out to Jesus, when immediately He was right by him. The Lord asked him what ho wanted. He said he wanted to get loose, and follow him. Jesus reached him His hand, when suddenly there seemed to fall from him great chains. He could hear them clank and rattle, but did not dare look back to see them, because the man of God had said, “Keep your eye on your leader. Jesus now took him by the hand, and he found he could easily walk on the narrow, straight track, over the sea of glass, and his soul was filled with glory. Bless God! the glory can be seen upon him ever since. He rejoices and praises God continually. For he has renounced old babylon and all her seductions, and is a free man in Christ Jesus. O glory to God for freedom in Christ Jesus. Your Brother saved through the precious blood of the Lamb.
Phillip Spackey.
The saints in the light will understand and appreciate this glorious vision. It describes the experience of thousands.
He that would follow Christ, must pass by all sect institutions. He that tarries, and lusts after babylon altars, will find Jesus passing on, and leaving him. He that is joined to sect babylon, by party creed, name, and spirits, is bound by the devils chains.
He that would follow Jesus on clean Gospel plain of holiness, must east off all sect bonds. He that would walk with Jesus in white, will feel the sect chains of bondage, in any branch of babylon. If however, he is of her spirit, and not longing for holiness they feel not he accursed chains.
To the Saints Abroad. Greeting in Love.
Dear fellow saints in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus, Beloved of God, and called according to His purpose, in the Spirit and power of holiness. We rejoice greatly for the sweet fellowship we feel in our soul with you all. Blessed be Jesus our Sun and shield, whom we love above our very life, and for whom we have suffered the loss of all things? and whose precious blood purifies us, soul, body and spirit. Amen!
Dearly beloved, the Lord wills that we speak, a word unto you, in His name, humbly beseeching you all to help forward this work of the Lord. Much money has been laid out by bro. Horton to furnish a good office, and oweing to the failure in the crops, and doubtless in some cases a failure to do their duty, they income is such that the publishers begin to feel that. unless there is soon an increase in the receipts, they will be justified in dropping to a monthly. This would …de them to devote part of the time to the publication of tracts and other matter that would help the finances. Although such tracts are needed, we know very well that a monthly paper will not meet the demand. Therefore it is needful that we write unto you to stir up your pure minds, and humbly beseech you to do what you can, in sending means. We know there are many dear hearts that long to do, but have not the means. God bless all such! And there are thousands whom God has prospered in the things of this world, who, if they could hear the voice of God’s Spirit, and properly estimate their privileges, to do good, in sending the saving light of truth to poor souls that are perishing, in the mazes of sect corruption, would soon endow this publishing house with means sufficient to flood this world with the pure Gospel of Christ, and heaven and earth with shouts of victory, and praises to God and the Lamb. Oh brother and sister will you honor God with your substance, and have a part in the great reward for helping immortal souls to God. Oh beloved do lay up your treasures in heaven. Invest in the cause of Christ for His name’s sake.
“The experience of holiness takes away sectarianism.”
Well said. No brother Reid try it.
Saved And Healed.
By A. H. Lea.
I was converted Dec. 22d, 1874, and lived a sincere christian life for eighteen months, with the exception that I was a slave to tobacco all the time. Our minister took his tea. “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfies not: harken diligently unto me and eat that which is good and let your soul delight its-self in fatness.” — Isa. 55:2. Here the Lord showed me that I was doing wrong, in spending money to satisfy an appetite of my own creating, and promised God that I would do it no more. But I made the promise in my own strength,” and the result was that I failed to keep it. But the Lord said, “pay thy vow,” and I said I will Lord. Then I went to Him for a special work in my soul. I told Him of my failing, and falling on my face before Him, implored His help. I had a roll of tobacco in my pocket, and the Lord said throw it away, and the work shall be done: and I said I will obey, and threw it away and praise the Lord! the fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice, and I died. I was dead to all around me, for the space of three hours, when my heavenly Father saw fit to resurrect me in newness of life. Praise the Lord! that was July 16th, 1876. I could not use tobacco since, for God cleansed out of me, the appetite. Praise His holy name! I commenced the use of tobacco when but eight years old, and used it until I was 40. in all, 32 years. I never can praise God enough; for He healed me both soul and body. About the first of Jan. 1884, I went to a meeting of the saints, at Father Coutz’s near Bucyrus O., and the brethren said this meeting was for the salvation of sinners, and the sanctification of believers and for the healing of the body. I had a disease of the head, caused by getting frozen. I went to different doctors, and they told me that I never could be cured. So I gave up all hopes of ever being well again, but the holy Spirit told me that I could be healed. So I made it known to the brethren. Then I went down before God, and the brethren laid on hands, and Bro. Warner anointed me with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus, and we prayed that I might be healed. And the Lord answered our prayers, and glory to God I was healed, made every whit whole. I give God all the glory. Praise His holy name! for He is able to save, and to heal all manner of diseases. I am as well as I ever was in my life. I am saved from all human organization, washed in the blood of the lamb. I find Jesus a present help in every time of need. He is always near to comfort, and to bless. He lives in me, the hope of eternal glory. I realize that the past is under the blood. I know that I am. His by ad..ion, and free grace, His … … … me just now.
Bucyrus, Ohio, July 13th.
Thee Work In Missouri-
Caillicothe Mo. May. 3rd. 1884.
Dear Brethren: — For several days I have been impressed to write to you. In Dec. 82 I wrote you, and soon received a reply from you, giving scriptural views of the Church, etc. with which I fully concurred. I have since had no reason to change my views, but am the more convinced that God has but one Church, and that He keeps the record of its membership in heaven. At the time I wrote to you there was a great deal of division among the evangelists, and holiness people generally in this state, on the subject of the Church, and sect relationship. But we are praising God that that question is now settled with a large majority of the holiness people. I believe that nine out of ten of the evangelists are straight with the Bible in the one Church of Christ. Some of us have been laboring, and praying with great patience for the time to come, when we, as teachers in Mo. might all reach the clear Bible light on this subject. We have labored under many difficulties. If the holiness papers, had been open to discussion on this subject, the matter would have been settled sooner. I showed brother A. M. Kirgan your letter yesterday. He said he endorsed every word of it.
Dear Brethren we are going to have great opposition on this line. But it is God’s line of march and we must stick to it or leave Him. Praise God He is with us, and we are sure to succeed if we remain true to Him. I believe our heaviest opposition is from tame, and sect compromising holiness editors and preachers. But God will remove every obstruction He will either bring them out straight or remove them from the work.
The Lord bless you brethren; let us keep pushing the battle. Reprove, rebuke with all long suffering and doctrine. Patiently wait for the fruits of the word, for they are rapidly appearing, and will continue to spring up. Yours sanctified wholly.
F. H. Sumpter.
A Holy Celebration in Iowa.
Mt Pleasant, Iowa, July 7th 1884.
Dear Brethren: — What thanks can we render to God for you, for all the joy where with we joy for your sake before our God. And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love. “Elect according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace unto you and peace be multiplied.”
I would like to see you that I might tell you something of what God is doing for my soul. Hallelujah! About 40 of the saints gathered at Oakland on the fourth to celebrate our liberty and freedom in Christ Jesus. The ”King Immortal Eternal Invisible,” was present and oh what a feast to our souls we enjoyed. O Glory to God! for the real freedom in Christ Jesus. It was blessed to sit and drink in the Spirit as it flowed from heart to heart. It was a real victory through the blood. Our God kept away all evil and dissenting spirits. Glory to His name! It was a real melting time before God.
Our Saturday night meeting was blessed, a feast of fat things indeed. It is wonderful how God is leading His little ones here, how He enables them to discern evil spirits, and to stand free from them. O glory to His name! We had a Bible reading on sabbath, the 6th, asking for truth. The Lord blessed it and it moved the adversary so as to manifest himself.
O let the Gospel Trumpet blow the certain sound, and keep true to God, and thy God whom thou servest will continually deliver thee O Daniel. Amen I and Amen! Your brother in Christ. Saved to the uttermost.
C. Z. Lindley.
Instantly Healed by Faith.
To all the saints Greeting. We want to say to the glory of God, that the great Physician leads us to acknowledge God’s healing power. Our child, 13 months old, fell into a cellar, and was hurt very badly. So that it was thought that it would not recover. For ten days we held on to God’s, promise, that the prayer of faith shall saw the sick, and the Lord shall false him up. After continuing in prayer, until we get to where we could say, ‘Thy will be done.” God instantly healed the dear child. O praise His holy name, for His great goodness and mercy toward us! We are out on the promises, and under the blood, that cleanses us from all sin, cut loose from babylon, trusting Jesus only. The work is still going on here. God is perfecting His little ones in this country. Praise His name, yours ia the love of Jesus.
Nehemiah, and Mary Vincent.
His Church.
Says, Dugan Clark, a Quaker, and editor of the Gospel Expositor, a professed holiness paper. — “God’s message, ‘Be ye holy for I am holy.’ is not to the Methodists, nor Quakers, nor Episcopalians, nor Presbyterians, nor Baptists — it is to His Church.
Is not this a direct acknowledgement of the fact, that the Methodist, Quaker, Episcopal Presbyterian, Baptist, any or all other sects are not God’s Church? Does not the language clearly distinguish between all these human, organisms, and God’s Church?
Hence they are not God’s Church at all. To whom do they then belong? We thick Luther’s declaration sound, i.e., “Whatsoever is not of God, is of the devil.” When men think of the Church from the Bible standpoint, they admit that, neither, nor all of the sects, is the Church: but when they think of it from, their party idol standpoint, they are ready to store as for ignoring their “no-church,” sect dianna, and fire up the prejudices, of their sectarianized friends, against us, by crying ”no-churchite.” This is the confusion and inconsistency of the Highway, from which we take the above words.
Thank God we belong to none of the sects, but to God’s Church, to which is addressed the message, ‘be ye holy for I am holy.”
2 page
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, – Editors.
THOMAS NORTON, Publisher. with J. C. Fisher financial assistant.
TERMS, $1.00. Per Year. In advance. To the Poor free.
All matter for publication must be sent to D.S. Warner.
All business communications, moneys etc, must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET.
Addrss, Williamston Mich.
Entered at the Post Office at Williamston, Ingham Co. Mich., as second class matter.
Please observe the above directions.
Business letters that also contain matter suited for publication will be used.
Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in postal notes, over that amount in post office orders. Where these cannot be obtained, send by registered letter, or small amounts in two cent stamps
By J. C. Fisher.
I’m redeemed I’m redeemed,
From the darkness of the night,
That so thickly enveloped my soul,
In my heart there hath gleamed’
Rays of wonderful light,
Where the waves of thy glory doth roll.
Cho – I’m redeemed praise the Lord,
I’m redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
I am saved from all sin and I’m walking in the light.
I’m redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
I’m redeemed by thy blood,
From the power of the grave,
And the victory I have over death,
Oh that wonderful flood!
O I felt its power to save!
When I plunged in its fathomless depth.
I’m redeemed from all sin’
And I’m walking in the light’
And thy Spirit illumines my way,
I’ve no fear now within’
“For the terror of the night,
Nor the arrows that flies by day.’
The redeemed they shall walk,
In the pathway of the just,
Which shines brighter and brighter each day,
They shall sing and shall talk,
With the bright angelic hosts,
Where all sorrow and sighs flee away.
Note no one has a right to copy this song,
without permission of the author.
We have just published a tract of sixteen good sized pages, neatly bound in extra paper. Written by brother J. C. Fisher, the contents of which is pretty well expressed in the title page as follows.
A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.
This little work has been much needed. Nothing is more clearly taught in the Word of God than the identity of Christ — His body — and the Church, and yet no truth is more generally overlooked. Through the current sectarian teaching, nearly all think the Church is a human organism. Thus, through the tradition of dark age creeds, Christ is supplanted by the work of men’s hands. Therefore this humble presentation of truth, cuts off all party rallying grounds, and draws all directly to Christ. For “unto Him shall the gathering of the people be.”
Let every body that loves the truth, and the souls that need it, send in their orders for the little book. And all that God has blessed with the means, will glorify Him by ordering a dozen or more to feed poor hungry souls with pure, strong, Gospel food. You will also assist the finances of the office by helping to scatter this little work. Order freely, we have printed three thousand of them.
Price………………….10 cents.
One dozen copies…………..$1.00
Fifty copies………………3.50
Orders may be sent in postal note, or small amounts in two cent stamps.
The Leader of this Movement.
In several papers we have recently noticed frail man spoken of as the leader of what is called “the come out movement.” Such remarks betray shameful ignorance of the Bible; for therein Jesus Christ is the leades of the “come out of babylon” movement. He, the “Captain of our salvation.” The “Commander and leader of the people,” does not say, “go out of her.” nor yet ask some man to lead his people out, except by the faithful preaching of the Word. But with a loud voice of a leader, He says “come out of her my people, that ye be not pertaker of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.” If Christ were in babylon Himself, He would have to say “go out of her,” but He has gone out before His people, hence He says “come,” “come out of her.” “For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your reward.’ Isa. 52:12. You see beloved, the Lord goes before, and is Himself the leader of them that come out of Babylon, while the God of Israel is their rere guard, cutting off the attacts of the babylonians, who remain behind and “refuse to let them go.” — Jer. 50:33. “I will surely assemble, O Jacob! all of thee. I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make a great noise by reason of the multitude of men. The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it —— but who has lead them out? —— and their King shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.” — Micah 2:12, 13. Glory to God! Here is the leader of the come out of babylon movement. But He is not the man that has been so stilled by blinded and silly opposers of the truth. He is no mortal man on earth. But the “king Immortal, Invisible, Eternal.” The Lord Jehovah passes on before them. The sheep know His voice. The same voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her my people.” It is God speaking, “I will assemble, oh Jacob, all of thee.” “I will put them together.” —— organize them. “I will put them together, as the sheep of Bozrah.” Take them from the several hundred wolf pens, where they have been fenced apart, starved and fleeced. “I, the Almighty will do this thing.” “For thus saith the Lord God. Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.
As the shepherd seeks out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep and will deliver them out of all places (sects) where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.” — Eze. 34:11, 12. “Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey, and I will set up one shepherd over them, and He shall feed them, even my servant David.” — e.i., Christ the “root and offspring of David. “And I, the Lord, will be their God.” Amen! — Ezekiel 34. Read the whole chapter. God Himself, is the leader of His sheep out of the apostate organized divisions. He brings home to Himself, “as the flock in the midst of their fold, where they make a great noise by reason of the multitude of men” that are escaped and have gained the blessed freedom of the Gospel. Even as it is this day. Praise the Lord! For in many places, “they have broken up (the sect pale) and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it, their King passing before them, and the Lord on the head of them.” Blessed be the Lord for this glorious Leader. All they that have come out of Her recognize no other, and need no other. And all that know not the voice of this shepherd, remain back in their dispersion and confusion.
Opposite Policies.
All sectarian holiness workers, labor on the supposition that the sects belong to God, and that the devil has brought into them some of his works, which they are trying to purge out. But God is moving forward in the opposite direction. While they treat the sects as belonging to God, and are trying to get the devil’s stuff out, God treats them as belonging to the devil, and is calling “His people to come out of her,” and thus escape the plagues of her destruction. These two policies directly conflict with each other. Which will succeed? Thus saith the Lord, “Every purpose of God shall be fulfilled upon babylon.”
Will some dear brother explain “To deliver such an one unto satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” — 1 Cor. 5:5
Isaac Kee.
This is the Light the Lord gives us. When all has been done that can be done for the salvation of a crooked, stumbling soul, and such a one persists in yielding to the lusts of the flesh, and filth-mess of the spirit, thereby bring reproach upon the cause of Christ; and if he still tries to shelter his evil character by a professed membership in the Church of God, and seek to classify himself with the saints, it is their duty to withdraw fellowship from him, if necessary renounce him publicly. This puts him in his true light before the world. Turns him over to the devil, or classifies him with satan’s children, where he belongs, which mortifies his pride, humbles his soul, and may prove the destruction of his fleshly lusts, and the salvation of his soul, preparing him for the coming of the Lord Jesus. Whereas if they were to suffer him to pass himself as one of the Church he would cover his vile character, by the Churches good life, and be found a hypocrite, and lost at the coming of Christ.
Bro. R. P. Gooding, of Maysville Allen Co. Ohio, writes that they are going to have a special meeting in his community, over Aug. 8, 9, and 10. We are invited to meet with those dear children of God, at that time, but cannot because of prior engagement in Medina Co. May the Lord there in much power, ane grace, and many of His little ones come together to drink in the same, and praise His name.
Basket Meeting.
Mt Pleasant Iowa, July 27th 1884.
Dear Brethren: — Please say through the Trumpet that the saints expect to have a two days basket meeting near Oakland, Henry Co. Iowa, Aug. 23d, 24th. Let all the saints attend. Come filled with the Spirit, and ready to work for the Master. God is working here, and the devil is raging? Some of the saints may suffer, but we have victory in Jesus. We had a blessed meeting last Saturday night. Some seeking. Can you be with us at the basket meeting? Yours in Christ.
C. E. Lindley,
The Camp Meeting Here.
Praise God! The King is in the Camp, and the saints shout glory in triumphs of His Cross. The meeting began last Thursday. But a few souls were saved up to Monday morning, but God has since rolled burden for souls, and spirit of prayer upon His children, and Holy Spirit is mightily at work. There were four converted, and about six sanctified yesterday. (Tuesday) Many awakened. Seven tents on the ground. Three houses of the saints by the ground, which is at the edge of town. We abide its our house with some of the little ones stopping with us, not being very far from the camp. Order is good. Attendance quite large. Praise the Lord!
Aug. 23d this feast of tabernacles begins, in brother and sister Farrah’s beautiful grove two miles south of Sandy Lake Mercer Co, Pa. The Lord willing, Brother and sister Clayton from Pittsburgh, Brother and sister Fisher, and our–self expect to be there, and the Glorious King of all saints will be there, with salvation and blessings upon the people, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Come every body in the name of the Lord.
The last of this week, Brother and Sister Fisher and our–self go to the grove meeting in Medina Co. O. Thence to Pa. hence we cannot, get out a paper the middle of August. The Lord willing we will greet you again September 1st. Let us have your continued prayers. Hallelujah, we are leaping and shouting and praising God, in the blessed fullness and sweetness of His love. Amen!
For Jesus’ Sake.
Dear beloved brethren and sisters in the Lord, if ye love Jesus, I beseech you to consider the following matter. You all know our clear brother Warner has thrown his whole might, soul, body and mind into the work of publishing complete salvation. Many of you know that blessed book he has written, “Bible Proofs, of the Second Work of Grace.” He had 2000 printed, cost some over $1,100. which is all paid but about $300. he has a few over two hundred books left yet. Now the publishers, the Mennonite house, are pressing him very much for the rest of their pay. It is an easy matter to make an appearance of evil out of this, and it is being flung at brother Warner, and used as a reflection upon the cause, by that sect. It is true they have had to wait a long time, and bro. W. feels thankful that they have born it as well as they have. But now beloved we feel moved to say, that this matter must be shouldered by the saints, and this occation of offence removed out the way. Our brother has done what he could. You all know that not long after the completion of this work, he was led of God to take the Bible stand against sects, and for the Body of Christ. This cut off the sale of his book among all who are wedded to the sect idol. All the sectarian holiness editors and evangelists have since cast their influence against the book, even though they had highly commended it and some of them pronounced it the best book in the world besides the Bible. Brother W. has clearly seen what was needed in this age of ignorance and confusion, and at the sacrifice of all things, and with the intense ferver of his soul, he has thrown his might into God’s hands, to do His will. And while God has greatly blessed his labor, He seems not to have given him time to develope the necessary financial faith and tact to meet the wants of the work committed to him. Hence it is evident He would lay that duly upon others, and we are commanded to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” And now beloved in the Lord it is very important for the clearing of the truth, and the relief of our dear brother’s mind, that this matter be shouldered at once. Yea we feel like saying to yon all in the name of Jesus, that this three hundred dollars, must be raised immediately. Many of you should send orders for the book, $1.25. And then we suggest, that every one that can, send donations from one, to twenty–five dollars. Let it be done speedily, for Christ’s sake. If you love the Lord Jesus Christ, and our brother who has suffered so much for His sake, I know you cannot help but respond to this. In the name of God we beseech you all to do so between now and Sept. 15th. Send to Bro. Warner’s address, by Post office order, registered letter, and amounts under $5.00 by Postal note. All receipts will be privately acknowledged.
In the love of Jesus.
The Work In Western Mich.
Bro. S. Michaels writes, July 22.
Praise the Lord for complete salvation just now. The Lord is using me on the borders. or in the ”regions beyond” the saints. The Lord is blessing us and backing the truth with power, and sinners are made to quake and tremble. The work is going on, and souls are being saved. The Lord willing, there will be a meeting on the camp ground near Bangor, the 16th and 17 of Aug. I expect to put forth efforts to help the Trumpet as soon as the people thresh their grain. Trust God will open many hearts to give means. Dearly beloved of the Lord. The Lord bless you and keep you all under the blood. Amen!
Bro. T. W. Travis, from Glendale Van Buren Co. Mich. July 15th.
Severel of the brethren from South and West Geneva were here on the 13th, and we had a glorious time. There were four baptized, at Scott Lake. O glory to God! He wonderfully blessed my soul, in obeying Jesus in this command, praise God I have washed my soul and body from the dust of babylon. God so filled my soul when in the watery grave with Christ, that I felt unwilling to rise to the surface again. I cannot tell you how happy I was in my soul. It was the most solemn baptismal occasion I ever witnessed. Sinners and babylonians stood off and looked on in silent amazement. The faces of some of the latter turned black
They are awfully stirred trp. Surely old babylon is near her utter distinction. The Lord has spoken it, and it is close at hand; they feel it too, hence have, great wrath. The school house was well filled. Bro. Michaels read and preached from the 17th of John. The power of God filled the house, which brought tears to the eyes of most of the people. Glory to God! The work is spreading in every direction. We have frequent meetings in different localities which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, often last to a late hour. One was so attended by the divine glory, that we did not close until two o’clock at night. The Lord keeps the good work rolling on, He is opening up new light to us all the while. May the Lord be with yon all. Amen!
Brother M. T. Maddox’ Writes from Grand Junction July 22.
Dear Brethren: — My prayer is that God will continue to “blow the Trumpet, and go with whirlwinds,” all over the land, carrying, the true Bible light. Praise the Lord forever and ever for this pure salvation so full and free in my heart. May God bless you all and keep you abounding in the spread of the Gospel. All the saints are setting along welt here: the Lord is with us all the time, our weekly meetings are precious. One poor sinner gave his heart to God and was converted, two weeks ago last Sabbath. I am saved and sanctified wholly to God, and ready to be revealed in the last time.
Sister Emily Barner writes from
Geneva Center, Mich. July 18th
Dear Brethren: — I praise God for a full and complete salvation, that keeps me just sweetly saved all the time. O I do praise the Lord that He ever called after me, and gave me a willing heart to accept of the Holy Gospel. I thank Him too, that He took me out of babylon. Now I do know that I shall stand firm; for God’s grace is sufficient for me. Hallelujah! I am saved and sanctified, washed and redeemed in the precious blood of Jesus.
I must tell you that there has been four souls saved and sanctified since the camp meeting. God is adding to His Church daily such as are being saved. There are more under conviction, that we expect to see saved soon. We had a glorious meeting last night. God was with us in might and power. Your sister in Christ.
Healed, By The Power Of God.
J. N. Slagle.
Dear Brethren: — I am still saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus. Glory to His holy name. I am “abiding in Him and His words are abiding in me;” so you see I can ask what I will and it shall be done for I have to ask according to that word that is abiding in me. My mother in law came to visit us this summer, or rather live with us, and she had been an invalid for 12 years, had not walked alone for over a year, when she came to our house she came on a bed very feeble. I began to talk to her about being healed by faith. It seamed, she grew worse, and worse. We began to think her end was nigh. One sabbath afternoon she seemed to be declining fast. I was called to her room. She did not know what she should do, for she was very weak. I told her I did not know unless she would look to the Lord and be healed. I laid my hands on her then I asked her if she knew she ever had a change of heart, She said I guess not. I told her the promise is “if you have committed sins, they shall be forgiven”. In about a minute she was praising God. And she felt, better in body. The following Tuesday she got another bad spell. I was called to her room, commenced rubbing her hands, I told her I thought the Lord wanted to sanctify her before she got out of her bed, she said she was ready. I again laid hands on her, telling her the best I could, how to consecrate herself to the Lord. All at once she was praising God for that blessing, for which she had been praying all day. Glory to God! then she got so she could sit up some during the day. On a sabbath she felt very weak I came in the room, she wanted me to lay my hands on her I did so, telling her to look to the Lord for healing I accepted the work as done, sat down and commenced reading some scriptures about healing, I asked the Lord to strengthen her, when she jumped up, saying “I can walk! So I can“! She was full of the dory of God. Went to my wife shaking hands, came to me also, then went to the door called to her son saying, “I can walk! So I can! She has been walking every day since. took a ride out to one of the neighbors to day. O glory to God! My soul says hallelujah! for the wonderful power of God to heal and save to the uttermost. Your Brother in Christ.
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By J. C. Fisher.
Oh Lord the victory now is mine,
By cleansing in thy precious blood,
And all the glory shall be thine,
I’ll tell the virtues of that flood.
Cho. Yes all the glory shall be thine,
My tongue with ceaseless praise shall sing,
Oh wondrous victory it is mine,
Thy blood has cleansed me from all sin,
On every feature blessed Lord,
Salvation doth so brightly glow;
Within my heart sings every chord,
Thy blood makes whiter than the snow.
Oh now thy glory shines so bright,
And its refulgent dazzling rays,
Fills all my heart with floods of light,
In one perpetual glowing blaze.
Sweet rivers of thy precious love,
Flows through my heart in sweet repose,
Supplied by fountains from above,
Each day the channel deeper grows.
Perfect in love, no fear I know,
Redeemed, I’ve victory over death,
I triumph now o’er every foe,
I’ll praise thee. Lord whilst I have breath;
Note no one has a right to copy this song, without permission of the author.
God Moving in Mo.
In Good Way of June 21st, Bro. A. M. Kiergan appears in a straight forward vindication of God’s Church in opposition to human sects. The editor then opened his columns for the discussion of the subject, but no reply has yet appeared in that paper, and in the last Good Way we see that the editor is becoming rather fearful of the free discussion of the subject, He is evidently between two fires. If he lets the truth flash out through his columns, it will cut off many sectarian supporters, and if ho closes his columns against it ho is in danger of being left by a large army in that state who haw come out of babylon and are free indeed. God bless the Good Way editor, and help him to be true to Cod at any cost. We take the following extracts from Bro. Kiergan’s article.
“A I’resent Issue.” The above title becomes an open door to a frank and Christian consideration of the subject in hand. That an issue is upon us none can deny, and an issue, too, fraught with consequences of greatest moment. As the matter now stands, to refrain from grappling with this issue, as God may lead, cannot be interpreted by any other word then cowardice. All that we need to he careful about is, that we have from God a correct under standing and a correct expression of the truth. “Comeoutism” is defined as no-churchism.” There may be such a thing as a no-church-party, but it has not been my misfortune to meet with, any such.
To defuse Comeoutism by no churchism is simply an injustice, if applied in the wholesale manner above indicated. For my part I object, to both words; [So do we.] I would much prefer the word stayinism. or Primitive Christianity I say an injustice, because I am persuaded there are very few of those christians who have conscientiously come out of the sects, but as truly and firmly believe in the Church of God as any sect devotee in the world; and it might be added, and just as Scripturally. True, they do not believe in the Church after the sect definition of it, for that always invests the Church with rules of man’s invention, and recognizes its presence only where such rules exist. So the real issue is not upon no-churchism but upon the real character and constitution of the “Church of God.”
Ecclesia ton The on — Church of God — is simply a congregation of faithful worshipers of God, constituted and working according to the New Testament.
Now, I ask in all candor, if such a congregation refuses or fails to worship and work according to the rules of man’s invention, what right has any one to dub it come-outism or no-churchism? And what jurtice would there be in it? Or, suppose you invest the congregation with all the rules of sects, would it make it any more the Church of God? On the other hand, if it were divested of all such rules, would it make it any less the Church of God? Surely not. Yet this seems to be exactly what our friends are doing who raise the cry of no churchism. So it is again affirmed and confirmed that the real issue is not between no-churchism and the Church of God, but between human creeds or rules, the sects they constitute and build, and the Church of God.
The above definition of the Church involves some points thoroughly vital:
It must be constituted according to the New Testament plan. That plan must not be transcended in any direction. But it is asked “How can we certainly know this plan?” Just lay aside all leaning on self and preconceived notions and go to the Word of God. The essential error leading from the simplicity and beauty of God’s Church is, that only the outlines of the constitution thereof are laid down, and much is left to man’s wisdom’ according to expediency in making rules to fill out these outlines. But we will find every necessary provision in the Bible, and that is just what all the no-sect people as far as I am informed, believe.
The Church of God on earth is visible. It is so because composed of visible men and women and of certain principles which can only be practiced in a literal way. If our sectarian friends mean by “visible church organization” the constitution of a society by rule of man’s invention, then we need not wait for so called no churchism to deny it, for the Word of God upsets that notion world without end. No human rules can make it more visible than God has done; but they may make, something else’ not the Church of God very literal, earthly, visible and sensual. Is it not stange that some people cannot seethe organization and visibility of the Church of God unless they can hear the hum of the ecclesiastical machinery, be the wheels thereof never so few and small? Strange! The nature of the Church involves a God given qualification for worship and work, which is no other than a real and Scriptural experience of saving grace. “Cod seeks such to worship Him as worship Him in spirit and in truth. None others can worship Him. True there may be persons claiming fellowship with the saints who have no fellowship with God. They are among the saints but not of them. Paul writing to the Church at Corinth on this very point said; “put away from among you that wicked person. Now all the rules of all the sects in the world could not have made him “of them” or a member of the Church of God. He was a child of the devil despite all his claims to the fellowship of the saints, and simply because he was not a child of God Ah! experience is the basis of membership in the Church of God not subscription to human creeds.
The Way of Salvation.
By J. N. Howard.
“But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein; he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”
In the name of Jesus we present the awful truth of God to all that, in the providence of God, it may reach, and admonish you to live in perfect, and humble obedience to every command of the Lord Jesus Christ; for that is the only way to retain our salvation. “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the month of God.” — Matt. 4:4.
“Hear ye that are afar off, what I have done; and ye that are near, acknowledge my might. The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring lire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burning? He that works righteously and speaks uprightly; he that despises the gain of oppression, that shakes his hands from holding bribes, that stops his cars from hearing of blood, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil. He shall dwell on high, his place of defense shall be the munition of rocks: bread shall be given him; his water shall be sure.” Hallelujah to God for His glorious promises. But they are only to the obedient. Jesus says, “He that hath my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me.” — John 14:21. And, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”
“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you; continue ye in my love. How? “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in His love.” — John 15:9, 10. In verses 11, 15, He says He “has spoken these things, that His joy might remain in us, and that our joy might be full.” Reader, would you have the pure, everlasting joy of the dear Son of God, in your heart? would you prove your love to Jesus? then be cleansed in His precious blood, from all sin, and then live in perfect obedience to all the commandments of Jesus, both by he Word, and Spirit of God. And these two always agree in enforcing the will of God. The latter always leads into obedience to the former. If you would prove yourself to be a friend of Jesus, He tells yon how to do it. “Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you. There is a sect that call themselves “friends,” but by rejecting the ”commandments” of Christ, they prove that they are not Christ’s friends; but, like other sects, they are generally conformed to the world and enemies of Christ. In the final commission of the Lord Jesus Christ, He said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” — Matt. 28:19, 20. Here Jesus plainly commands His disciples to baptize them that believe in Him, and teach them to observe all things whatsoever He had commanded them. But these professed “friends,” teach their disciples not to do those things. They say that Jesus nailed, baptism, feet–washing, and the Lord’s supper, to the cross. Did He institute the latter two, one night, and strictly charge the disciples to do the same in remembrance of Him, and the next day nail His own “New Testament” ordinances to the cross I Would He nail His ordinance of baptism to the cross at His death, and then, after His resurrection command it to be done? He did the latter, hence to teach that He did the former, were confusion and contradictory. Shame on such false teaching. It cometh not from above, but is earthly. Christ is the prophet of whom it is written, that we should “hear Him in all things whatsoever He shall say unto you, and it shall come to pass that every soul, which will not hear that. Prophet, shah be destroyed from among the people.” Acts 2:22, 23. The Apostles did teach others to be baptized. — Acts. 2:38, 39. And all “continued steadfast in the Apostle’s doctrine, and fellowship.” ver. 41, 42. An inspired Apostle says, whosoever shall keep the whole law, and offend in one point he is guilty of all. Hence we see it is better to obey all things. Yet it is absolutely necessary to our continued, and eternal salvation, to obey all the commands of the Lord Jesus. In His prayer to the Father, Jesus said, “This is life eternal that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” — John 17: 3. To know God, is life eternal. By what can we know that we know Him? Answer, “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.” “He that saves he knows Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar.” “He that says he abides in Him, ought also to walk even as He walked.” Now let as see hew He walked. He says “I have kept lay Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” — John 14: 32; 15: 19. Many profess to love God with their whole heart, when they have scarcely a scriptural proof that they love Him. But on the contrary, by their works they deny Him and prove that they do not love Him. Neither do they love God’s true children, ..h less their enemies. But how any we know that we love one another? The positive proof is all summed up in these words. “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments.” — 1 John 5: 2, 3. But can we keep all the commandments of the Captain of our salvation? Yes, and the Apostle John testifies that His commandments are not grievous.” Glory to God! I add my testimony to that of David’s. With a pure heart and the glory in our soul, it is delightful to run the way of all His commandments. The Psalmist says they are “truth and righteousness.” and “settled forever in heaven;” and even in trouble and anguish he says, “thy commandments are my delight.” O what graceless ignorance, all this whining about the “bondage” of keeping the ordinances of the Lord Jesus Christ. Such complainers of the Lord Jesus ought to read James, 1: 16-27, and get some of the Spirit of Psalm 119. May the Eternal Father give every professed child of His to understand that Jesus never gave as any commands, but what He intended should be obeyed. And He never Purchased any salvation, for us to slight. When He said seek first the kingdom of Cod, and His righteousness.” He intends we should not stop short of the latter. All that refuse to seek His righteousness, are represented by the foolish virgins, and without the “oil of glades.’ And not having the “second grace” the “oil in their vessels, with their lamps,” “they will only discover their sad want after the door shall have been shut, and will be too late to buy the oil of salvation. May God help you, dear reader, to examine your lamp, and see if it is burning, see if you are in the faith, if you are really justified in the sight of God, living without committing sin. If so, then you should at once “go on unto perfection,” “perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” This is the “more grace,” even entire sanctification, which makes us “perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect,” and “one even as Christ and the Father are one.” see John 17: 21—23. Perfect holiness removes all party walls’ and schisms. “For both He that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one, for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Heb. 2: 11. It is evident from this, and many other scriptures, that Christ is ashamed of all this “my church,” “your church,” “and our church” confusion; of all unsanctified, tobacco and sect defiled, carnal babel, that constitute the current religion of these times. Christ, the Father, and angels in heaven ashamed of this divided, corrupt denominationalism? Why even the devil would be ashamed of much of their works, if it were carried on in his name.
“Awake, Awake, put on thy strength O Zion. Put on thy beautiful garments, oh Jerusalem, the holy city: shake thyself from the dust; arise and sit down, oh Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, oh captive daughter of Zion.” Glory to God! I have shaken off the dust of babylon, and now stand complete in Christ. I entered this glorious experience by a second, distinct, and instantaneous work of grace in my soul. Your Brother for the whole truth.
The Offence of the Gospel.
By James Caughey.
I would rather be called “impertinent” by man, than “unfaithful” by the Lord. Which is safest, think you! By the way, this revival is the season for the study of human nature. It is with minds as with the fields upon a farm — it is the season, wet or dry, which develops the nature of the soil, and the roots which best flourish there accordingly. When all is quiet, and the Gospel comes in word only, how very good-natured sinners are! The preacher is a very fine fellow, — an agreeable, eloquent gentleman, if you please, of rare talents and learning, — the very preacher for them! How polite and amiable they are! Fine thoes for church-members, too! Religion is hashing in the sunshine of the world, and they share it. But, let the Gospel come, not in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and with much assurance. — 1 Thess. 1:5, — searching the inmost of the soul, flashing the lightning’s of eternal truth around the walls of the temple: then are the dispositions and thoughts of many hearts revealed. — Luke 2:35. Let the truth of God strike home once or twice with unexpected vividness, then behold the altitude of the carnal mind, what indignation what malice what revenge, may be, against him who flung the fatal weapon, and against all concerned!
We real of a viper which hides its teeth … its gunts, requiring good sight to detect them. Simplicity might conclude them hartuless. Provoke the viper: the teeth are instantly seen, protruding in battle array! It is thus with the carnal mind, the world over. This enmity is not apt to slumber in a revival. It is like the American snake, seldom caught napping in hot weather. In cold weather, when the thermometer is below zero, there is no danger from snakes; bring them to the fire, however, and life and enmity will soon appear. It is like fire smouldering under a heap of ashes — that is carnal enmity; stir it up, and it shows red life sufficient to kindle a conflagration that many waters could not quench. Neutrality is next to impossible, when the true Word is preached. Like the pendulum in a clock, the mind finds no rest in an intermediate space between likes and dislikes, affection and aversion: it is ever in one state or the other, and files indifference. It must be on one side or the other, on the side of religion or on the world’s side; on the Lord’s side or on the devil’ aside. Well some good among the evil; if my preaching hardens’ it softens others. That is a mercy. If my preaching stumbles some, it humbles others; and saves them, too. My Master’s preaching had a similar effect. He was a Rock of offence, a stone of stumbling, to many. — Rom. 9: 33. “Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising-again, of many in Israel,” said Simeon. — Luke 2: 34. There were weepers under His ministry: ay; and eyes as tearless as the firmament during the three years drought under Elijah the prophet; By the side of my Lord Jesus allow me to stand, and rise or fall with him, in human estimation. “The disciple is not above his Lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord.” — Matt. 10: 25 Amen!
Devils themselves cannot maintain neutrality. They could not in the days of our Lord. But [pardon me] there was a dignity and candor about devils not found in many human opponents of revivals. Devils always accosted our Lord with respect and deference, “I know Thee, who thou art, the holy one of God; art thou come to torment us?” Again: “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God; art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” Again: “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.” Again: “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not.” Such was the language of devils, usually estimated as mind at its worst. Great energy in their deprecations, but great respect and veneration. But look at the treatment our Lord received from the tongues of sinners. Anything of this respect and deference to his character? “Is not this the carpenter’s son?” And they called him “a wine-bibber and a glutton, a blasphemer a perverter of the nation, a drunkard, a friend of publicans and sinners, a Samaritan, the prince of the devils, mad, possessed of a devil,” and other hard names, and language. That Name, to which every knee upon earth, as well as in heaven, shall bow, made a jest and a by-word! That devils prompted to all this I would not deny; but it seems they could not or dare not, do so themselves.
The Sect Barnacles.
By, B. George.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God for the truth, the Trumpet brings to us. Spirituality is very low here. The sectarians here, think of the Trumpet, like the people did of the prophet Amos. “The land cannot bear all his words.” They cannot endure the present truth, but want smooth things, I see in the Banner of Holiness of Jun 6, an article from Reid of the Highway, in which he calls the various sects, the branches, of which Christ speaks in John 15. Is it possible that any man can be so blind; or must we conclude that even good men cannot be quite honest, and sustain human sect divisions. Can any child that is capable of reading at all, read John 15, and not see that individual believers are the branches spoken of by Christ and not sects. Bro. Reid calls all the sects, the ship of Zion and the had members the barnacles, on the bottom, or hindrances to the ship. But if he reads his bible he ought to see that the Body at Christ, the Church, is the Ship Zion, and the sects are the huge barnacles, the greatest hindrances; to the old ship Zion. His says that holiness wants the job of taking the branches off of the ship; but is hindered by ecclesiastical powers. Well now if the sects hinder the work of holiness, they are hindrances to God’s Church, and that is just what the barnacle is to the ship. If these sects, or ecclesiastical powers, hinder the ship, as he says, and yet they are the ship of Zion as he calls them, then the ship is a hindrance to the ship. Did you ever see worse confusion? Surely that poor man is in babylon. According to his talk he wants to clear the hindrances from hindrances; take the barnacles off the barnacles. Better call things by their proper names, call the sect, a sect, and the Church the Church, instead of trying to get the barnacles off the sects, cut off the sect barnacles themselves from the Church, with all their deformities. How blind a man must be to identify the sects that men have made in these modern times, with the Church which our Redeemer bought with His own precious blood. The Church of the First Born which is written in Heaven. Thank God! I belong only to the Church, and not to any of the denominations, hence I am not troubled, with those hindrances. I am redeemed by the Precious blood of the Lamb, and kept by the power of God, through faith.
Six Mile Ind. June 14.
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Ionia Jail, July 15,1884.
Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus: — Greeting to all the saints. I do appreciate my high calling in Christ Jesus though we must be confined in prison for His name’s sake. I would be glad to see you all. Glory to God. I am free in Christ, and my soul is bounding with His love. This is He that was with the Church in the wilderness. And He is with me in this jail, or I could not retain the Holy Spirit of Christ in my soul. I am pushed around called a crank, looked upon with scorn, cursed, etc. The salvation men are having a prayer meeting, and the criminals are mocking. They have shut me in the cell. Glory to God! the devil, is turned loose in Ionia. There must be more done to reach people on the streets. And the children should be looked after. It is Christ’s will that the children should be converted and saved very young. Dear Brother and saints, pray for me.
Geo. D. Mealy.
Winfield, Kan. June 16, 1884.
Dear Brethren: — I have been wishing to send for your paper some time. I had two sent to me by Lemuel Lowe, and they seemed as though the Lord had sent an angel to me. I joined the baptist sect with a determination to find the Lord; but I could not find Him there. I often came away from their house hungry in my soul, and disappointed. God has given me five visions, and plenty of scriptural light to show me that they are corrupt, and strayed far away from Him. Now if there is a right path, and I know there is, I want to find, and walk in it. I wish I could be at some of your meetings, but as I cannot, I want you to send me the Lord’s paper. And Glory to God, may He bless you more, and more, in your good work. I have the Spirit of the Lord, and he that is of this Spirit, I know him, and love him. Pray for me that I may be made pure and holy. From your brother.
W. E. Pierce,
Pittsburgh Pa., April 25, 1884.
Dear Brethren: — We hail the Gospel Trumpet with great joy, it has the right ring. We have started a Faith meeting, in connection with our holiness meetings. Bro. S. P. P. Young, of the Church of God has been severely censured for assisting us. He is a man full of faith, and I believe, has the gift of healing, is called to that specific work, and he has arranged his business to give his entire time to this work; and has for some years done so. The Lord has been wonderfully with him. The saints think the time very long for you to come and visit us. I am sure the Lord will bless you in your work. No compromise with the devil. No extreme but the truth of God, and His word is one boundless ocean, only partly explored as yet. Praise the Lord for His truth, through it I am sanctified, this morning. Hallelujah! Yours truly,
G. T. Clayton.
Breedsville, Mich. Aprii, 29th.
Dear Brethren: — As I have been reading the Trumpet to-day, it fills my soul with glory, to think you have victory over every thing, and have the paper once more circulating through the land. I praise God for a complete salvation that saves me just now. It is glory, glory in my soul! We have good meetings, and they are feasts to my soul. It is more than my meat and drink to do my Masters will. Hallelujah to God for the peace that I have in my soul. I praise God that I am out of babylon, and in the narrow way. I am rooted and grounded in Christ’ and dead to the fashions of this world, and am complete in Christ Jesus just now. Glory to God! Your sister in Christ.
Z. Lowe.
Geneva, Mich. May 9 th.
Dear Brethren: — The Lord bless you all. Glory to God for His saving power. Forty years I lived in this world without; hope. But glory be to God I am saved just now. I thank God for the light, and I am walking in the light, even as He is in the light, and the blood of His Son cleanseth me from all sin I am persecuted, but not forsaken. Cast down, but not distroyed. Glory be to God and the Lamb forever. I have complete victory-over the devil and all his angels. Glory! Glory! Glory! be to God! Amen!
Thomas G. Warren.
Vandama, Mo. July 13 th, 1884. Dear Brethren: — I feel a great interest in you, and the rapid spread of the Gospel, is authorised by Jesus, and practiced and taught by His chosen Apostles. I would say be of good cheer. — Jas. 1:1-4. Count it all joy when you fall into temptation; for the trial of our faith worketh patience; let patience have her perfect work; that ye may be perfect, entire, wanting nothing. Marvel not if friends leave, or forsake you. Satan may gain powerful elements against you and the truth; but truth is mighty, and will prevail. “It is written” – 2 Tim. 3:12, “Yea and all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution. “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven.” — Matt. 5:10-12. “Think not Strange of the firey trial which is to try you. But rejoice that you are made partaker of Christ’s suffering, that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye. Jas. 1:12. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him. For He has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, find I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” — Heb. 13:5, 6. Therefore I would say, though ten thousand foes arise, and friends forsake, buckle on the whole armor of God, and battle the harder against satan and sin. Let us consider all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. May God’s blessings rest on the Gospel Trumpet, and the good it may do toward the perfecting of the saints. After much and careful searching of the scriptures I can clearly see that baptism in Water is the duty of all that believe in Christ. And that Holiness, sanctification, or cleansing from all sin, is necessary to the perfecting of the saints in this world, and eternal life in the next. I felt it a duty on me to declare the truth, but soon the Lord taught me through the Trumpet He had already men in the field, declaring the same Gospel in its purity. I rejoice that you know the truth and proclaim it though the world oppose. I see five commandments in the Epistles to great, or salute the brethren with an ‘Holy kiss,’ and “kiss of charity.” Do you believe it a duty? [yes, and pratice it.] We need the truth preached here. I can hardly help crying, come over into Macedonia and help us. Would that the Lord would send you. Now may grace and peace be with you, and may God guide and help you with His Spirit in all truth. Yours in love of all truth.
J. M. Robinson.
Geneva Center, Mich. Apr. 2Sth, ’84.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God to-night that I can say to the glory of God that the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son cleanseth me from all sin, and praise His holy name it keeps me each day, and enables me to “walk in the light as He is in the light.” I am “kept by the power of God unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.” Hallelujah to the Lamb! God’s true saints here, “stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free,” and in spite of all the powers of satan which are wonderfully manifest against them, still shout and praise God and the Bock of our salvation. “Behold I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect precious, and he that beleiveth on Him shall not be confounded.” Glory be to God for His glorious promises which we have when we live so there is no condemnation resting upon us. Praise God who gives us the victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How the love of God does fill my soul just now. Glory to His name for salvation that saves me, and keeps me, and preserves me blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sister Myers died the 17th, of this month she was saved last fall, when Bro. Fisher held meetings here and when death came it found her ready and willing to go. She just fell asleep in Jesus without a groan or sigh. O Glory to Him who saves us and removes the sting of death, for the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. Well glory be to God and the Lamb forever, I am saved and sanctified by a second application of the blood. Glory be to God, unto the ages! Amen! Your brother in Christ.
W. B. Grover.
Chesaning, Mich. May 18th.
Dear Brethren: — This day finds me saved by the power of God. The long slumbering forest trees are begining to quicken into life, and untold their green foliage once more, reminding us of the Saviors words, “Behold the fig tree, and all the trees, when they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is nigh at hand.” Yes the spiritually illuminated see signs that anounce the Saviors coming near, even at the door, they are unfolding before our eyes, as visibly as opening leaves of the spring forests. O that all would be ready for the Bride-groom’s coming, would heed His voice, saying, “Arise my love, my fair one and come away,” from all sinful associations. “For lo the winter is past, the rain is over, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land: the fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell. Arise, *** come away.’ Songs of Sol. 2:10-13.
As I look over the forest, I see here and there a green tree, while the great mass of trees seem very slow to respond to the quickening rays of the spring Sun. Even so, but a few souls comparatively, heed the voice of the Bridegroom, and “arise” in the beautiful spring tide of holiness, and are walking in, and trying to hold up the pure light of God’s present truth, among the great wilderness of dead, leafless, and fruitless trees, who look with surprise upon the joy of those who are resurrected from the winter of sin, and are clothed in the living virdure of holiness, having “put on the new man which, after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Looking over our town we can see many tall steeples, but your description of the two witnesses lying dead in her streets is a striking picture of present facts. It seems that the Word and Spirit, are without power, or privilege to arise and speak the truth that is so much needed. Your brother, saved and sanctified.
F. P. Smith.
Bangor July 22, 1884.
Dear Brethren: – I want to testify through God’s holy paper, and tell what the Lord has done for me, and what He will do for every one that will let Him.
I do praise God this morning for salvation full and free. Praise the Lord! I have perfect deliverance from all sin; and the Son of Righteousness shines in my soul, Oh I do praise Him for His goodness to the children of men. I do thank Him for sparing our lives untill we could hear the true light of God’s Word. It took a good while for me to get where God wanted me, but I know that my Lord is well pleased with me now. And the Holy Spirit is a witness to my cleansing. Oh glory to God and the Lamb forever and ever; which taketh away the sins of the world. The Lord has taken all sin and sectarianism out of my heart. I was so drunk on the wine of babylon that I thougnt we could not keep salvation unless we had our name on some book. But, praise God! my name is on the Book in heaven. I hear Jesus saying, in a sweet voice in my heart I have heard thy petition I have pardoned thy sins. I know in that volume on that page white and fair, hallelujah to Jesus! my name’s written there. Glory to God let the Trumpet blow. It is meat and drink to my soul, for it speaks the truth. Your Sister in Christ, saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time.
Carrie June.
Medina Ohio, May 22.
Dear Brethren: — May God bless, and mightily sustain you unto the end of the great battle. Amen!
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose.
The saints here, praise God because “none of these things move you.” Keep in God and all will be well. Job lost all, yet he held fast his trust in God, and his integrity. There are many highly elated, in their sins, over the fall of certain that have renounced the the truth of Christ, which condemns their idols. God have mercy on them. Wife and I are praying for you daily, that God may keep you in the faith once delivered to the saints. Christ is the head of the “Church, as the Husband is the head of the wife.” So says the Word. God does not permit the Church to lend Christ, nor suffer a woman to usurp authority over her Husband. Men of God must be subject to Christ, and holy women in subjection to their own Husbands, that is God’s order: and when men undertake to walk in the light of their wives they soon get into the hands of the philistines, and are apt to get their eyes put out. Brothers *** walked in the orders of his wife, and was led into the F. M. sect, and has become a class leader, usurping the place of the Holy Spirit, in leading meetings.
What blindness! But thank God! the blind cannot lead those that have their eyes open. O how true that article on “counterfeit love,” in the Trumpet of April, 15.
The Lord has opened up a place for the pure Gospel in Creston. We have meeting there every two weeks. Your Brother and Sister
Wm. and S. J. Smith
Narrows Greek, Mo. July 11th.
Dear Brethren: — I received two sample coppies of the Gospel Trumpet. I think they are precious. I should like very much to take your paper. I hope you will be blessed in your work.
For the glory of God, I can say, I am saved and sanctified. Praise the Lord! I feel a great desire to know, and do the will of God, and nothing but the will of God I have been in this good way five months.
O what a grand state to stand in, holiness before God. I am persuaded that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Glory be to our God. Your sister saved in Jesus. Amen!
H. S. Johnston.
Enterprise O. July 10th, 1884.
Dear Brethren: — I am still trusting in Jesus, and I ask the prayers all God’s saints that I may be perfectly healed. Since some of the dear saints have visited us, wife and self have been wonderfully blessed. The people are becoming convinced of the real way of salvation. I am refering them to the Bible for poofs of holiness. The Word cuts like a sword. Many are convinced, but some are stiff necked, and love their sect idol too much to give themselves up to God. O praise the Lord! the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son cleanseth me from all sin. I tell the people there is only one way to heaven. Jesus is the way. May God bless all His people with the out pouring of the holy Spirit. Some do not understand about sanctification. I tell them its the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, which consumes all inborn sin, unrighteousness, wood, hay, and stubble, out of us. Praise God! Jesus is able to save to the uttermost, them that come unto Him, by faith. Your brother and sister, saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.
James M. and Elizabeth Ayers,
I praise God this afternoon that He ever called after use, and took use when I was a poor sinner washed find redeemed me in His own precious blood, Glory be to God! I stand on the solid Rock, Christ Jesus. Saved and sanctified. Praise the Lord! The first day of last November I went to Brother Warren’s to prayer meeting, and it was there the Lord sanctified me wholly to Him. Praise His great and holy name for this wondrous grace I have read some of Sister Barner’s Gospel Trumpets and they are a feast to my soul, and I would like to have the Trumpet sent to me. Your sister in Christ.
Edna Finch.
GENEVA CENTER, Mich. MAY 3 1884. Dear Brethren I praise God for a full and complete salvation, one that saves me from all sin, and saves me just now. I praise God that His grace is sufficient to keep me in sickness, and in health. On the 10th of January I slipped on the ice, and put my ankle out of joint, and broke one bone in my limb. I was sick for four wecks, and praise God I was not out of patience once in the time, and I give God all the praise and the glory; for I know it is by His power that I am kept.
I recieved the Trumpet and it is food for my soul. There is a little band of u3 here, but glory to God, we have serious meetings, and the Lord adds to the Church daily those being saved. O it is my daily prayer to God that He will tear down every thing that is not of Him. From your Sister saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus.
Emily Barner.
An Experience.
By Nehemiah Vincest.
Dear Brethren: — Grace, Mercy and Peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Amen!
I feel led by the Spirit of Jesus to write a few words of testimony for the Lord Glory to His name! Through His grace I am able to bear witness with the resolute few, who dare to go through, of the power of Jesus to save to the uttermost. Bless God! I have taken the narrow way, and my soul is satisfied.
“All my life long I had panted,
For a draught from some ceol spring
That I hoped would quench the burning.
Of the thirs: I felt within
Hallelujah I have found it,
What my soul so long has craved,
Jesus satisfies my longing,
Through his blood I now am saved.”
From the time I was fourteen years of age I tried time after time to live a christian. Three different times I “Joined the church” as they call it, but every time I failed, because they never really taught me what salvation and Christianity is. Once I united with the U. B. once with the U. P. and once with the M. P. sect. But I starved to death in those “pales.” I found by experience that most of the so called pastors, cared but very little for the flock; as they were hirelings, when they saw the wolf coming they fled away, and left the sheep to the prey of their enemy. The last year I tried it in the M. P. sect, the ‘Pastor’ lived within one mile of my house; he drove by our house two and three times a week, but never once called to see how we were getting along: but had time freqently to call with his rich brethren, who were able to pay him. But being poor, and unable to pay the preacher, I got no encouragement or advice. So I let the devil take the advantage of me. O the wretchedness that followed. I went from one step to another in sin, until I got to drinking and spending my time and money at the saloons, robbing my family, and destroying my health. But glory to God He had mercy upon my poor soul. Through the faithful efforts of brother W. W. Roberts for my salvation, I was prevailed upon to come to meeting. There God, in His infinite love made me feel my sins, and after one week agony of soul, I promised God that if He would forgive me, I would seek entire sanctification. Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! There came a solemn, sweet peace to my soul. Hallelujah it was done. “Being justified by faith I had peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom I also (afterward) had access by faith into this grace wherein I now stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Soon after I felt His pardoning love, I remembered my covenant with God, and laid myself, family and all on His altar, claimed the promise, and by faith was sanctified wholly through the blood of Christ Jesus. Now I can begin to realize what Christianity means. Glory to God! it does not mean for me to be bound up under some party creed, gotten up by man, or have my name enrolled with a lot of other sinners as it once was But it means for me to have my name written in heaven, and to be joined to the Lord. Glory to God! it means for me to love the Lord with all my heart, mind and might. To follow Him, and Him only. . After I had obtained the blessing of holiness, a methodist preacher told me that the best thing I could do was to join his church, and insisted that if I did not I would backslide. But I told him that the Lord Jesus had enterd my name on His own class book of life in heaven, and I was going to trust Him to carry me through. Well bless God I am still saved, walking in the light as He is in the light, and realizing that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth me from all sin I do not know what the Lord will do with me yet. But, glory to His name! I mean to keep under the cleansing blood, and stand true to my Lord in His own truth, and free from every sect, and all sin. I can see the mixed up multitude of the denominations, and God says, “Come out from among them.” I am glad there is not one sinner in the “Church of the First Born, written in heaven.” “And they shall call them the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord.” — Isa. 62:12.
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” And if the inside of the platter is clean, the out side (namely the body, said Jesus) must be clean also. For our body is the temple of God, and if any man defile the temple of God, him will God destroy. Glory be to Jesus, He took the appetite of tobacco, whiskey, and coffee away from me, and cleansed me soul, body and spirit, for His use. O that every body would see this great salvation and enjoy it. Keep blowing the Trumpet. Give the alarm, shout the news of full salvation, and the coming of the Lord, I ask the prayers of all the saints that God will anoint me with His Spirit more and more.
Your brother in the truth as it is in Christ Jesus.
Mt Pleasant Iowa.