1 July 1881, Volume 4, Number 13
The Gospel Trumpet
Entered and Published in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by
D. S. Warner & J. C. Ficher.
Office – 525 West Vermont Street, Indianapolis, Ind.
Terms, 75 cts per year in advance.
For a less period at proportionate rates.
Single copies five cents.
Object – The glory of God in the Salvation of men from all sin, and the union of all saints upon the Bible.
Remittances for fractions of $1 may be sent in three-cent postage stamps; $1 and upwards by P. O. Money Order or Registered Letters.
Agents allowed 10 cents commission on each subscriber, in clubs of five and upwards. Sample copies to agents for canvassing sent free.
Entered at the post-office as second class matter.
Instantaneous Sanctification After Pardon.
The advocates of error are always forced to take refuge in the most obscure portions of Scripture, and as these are properly interpreted, they fail to answer the purpose. But while the distinct experience of purity, is the most apparent, and striking truth in all the holy Bible – it is such to … Spiritual … … … ..indiced.
Teach additional ray of light increates the force and multiplied of ..nber of its proofs, and … … we look into the pure original Word, every apparent line of whey is resolved into distinct and harmonious luminaries of this full and instantaneous work of divine grace in the soul.
In the Greek language there is a tense called the aorist, with which we have no correspondent in the English verbs. The aorist tence always denotes instantaneous action, and never gradual or repeated action. We have not space to allow the testimony of the standards of the language on this point, the Scripture will satisfy all of this truth. A few instances are sufficient.
Luke 13 24: Strive (present tense – persistent netion) to enter in (aorist tense — once for all) at the straight gate.
Luke 18 13: But smote (imperfect, smote repeatedly) upon his breast, saying. God be merciful (aor. — pardon instantly) to me a sinner.
John 5. 44: How can ye believe, (aor.) which receive (pres., continually, habitually receive) honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?
“This interrogatory implies the impossibility of a single genuine act of faith, springing up in a heart persistently courting human applause.”
– D. Steele.
Luke 17. 14: And it came to pass, that, as they went (pres., progressive action – were going) they were cleansed (nor. instantaneously).
John 2. 16: Take (aor. instantly) these things hence: make not (pres. be not continually making) my Father’s house a house of merchandise.
1 Cor. 15. 34: Awake (aor. at once) to righteousness and sin not (pres. be not sinning).
These examples abundantly establish the position of our New Testament grammarians that “the aorist tense never indicates a continuous, habitual, or repeated act.
These texts will will suffice to Spirit of inspiration was very careful and precise in observing the distinction of the tenses, when two verbs occur in the same verse, one denoting prolonged or repeated, and the other instantaneous action – the latter is always indicated by the aorist. Now let us refer to a few texts all verb in enjoining an instantaneous and new experience of purification for justified believers.
John 17. 17: Sanctify (aor. once for all) them through thy truth.
Rom. 6. 13: Nor render repeatedly (present imperative) your members as instruments of sin, but render (aor. by a final act of unreserved surrender, once for all,) yourselves, (not your members by a repeated and piecemeal consecration,) to God, (or for God’s course, say Tholack) as alive from the dead.
Alford here remarks, “The present imperative denotes habit; the exhortation guards against a recurrence of a devotion of the members to sin; this, the aorist imperative, on the other hand, as in chapter 12. 1, denotes an act of self devotion to God once for all, not a mere recurrence of the habit.”
Rom. 12. 1: I beseech you, therefore by the mercies of God, that ye present (aor.) your bodies — entire, as single act, never needing to be repeated.
If in Paul’s conception, believers were to be sinning and repenting all their days, as the best that grace could do for them, he would have used the present imperative, “Be presenting your bodies again and again.”
In Alford’s note one 1 Peter 2. 5, he says, “the aorist is here used, because no habitual offering, as in rite or festival is meant, but the one once for all devotion of the body, as in Rom. 12. 1, to God as His.
Rom. 13. 14: But put ye on (aor. a single definite act,) the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not, (pres. quit making,) provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.
Acts 15. 9: And put no difference between us and them: purifying, (aor.) their hearts by faith.
2 Cor. 6. 13: Be ye also enlarged (aor.)
An instantaneous enlargement by the of the sanctifyer.
As these Scriptures are addressed to justified believers, the instantaneous experience they teach is necessarily a second work of grace. A purification of the nature after pardon. — [From Bible Proofs.]
(to be continued.]
The Church.
The subject before us is one of such vast importance that it is with reluctance that I attempt to helping me I will pen a few thoughts.
I am pained many times to sees so much in holiness papers from holiness preachers and teachers, about “the church, and most every time making the sect to which they belong “the church.” I believe this ought not to be. I will only refer to one particular case, that from the pen of my esteemed Bro. Bryant, in the Banner of Holiness, of last April, under the caption of “God’s Church.” Truly as the brother says, “good men are hedging up their own way, and of the cause, by their unwise course,” but there is more than one way of this hedging process, one of which is this harping so much about “the church,” and when you pay strict attention, we find they mean the M. E. denomination.
Now brethren, this is filling the plain truth, but we must ex-.. … … . I agree with the brother in saying that God no where commands us to come out of the church, but He does command us to come out from the world, whether the world be found in some sect or anywhere else. It is true that God so loved not only the church, but the world also, that He gave His only begotten Son to die for it, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life; but we no where read that he so loved the M. E., Baptist, Preshyterian, U. B., Wesleyan, or any other sect, that He gave His Son for them. The Bible makes a vast difference between “the church” and all sects. It commends the church as a divine and sacred institution, but all the sects spoken of in the New Testament, the Pharisees and Sadusees, etc., the Lord Jesus rebuked and termed hypocrites, generation of vipers and children of the devil.
Paul, who is the apostle to us Gentiles, labored zealously for the promotion of God’s church, but he would have nothing to do with sects. He addresses his epistle thus: “The epistle of Paul, the apostle to the Romans” — not to the Methodist Episcopals. In the introduction of his epistle to the Corinthians, he gives us the source of his commission, but recognizes no sect. “Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God and Sosthenes our brother unto the church of God, which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours, grace be unto you and pence from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” Passing on the second epistle to the Corinthians, we find about the same salutation; it is not addressed to the Lutherans nor Presbyterians, nor ta the great M.E.
So also his letter to the Galations, the Ephesians, the Philippians, to the Collossians, and on through the whole catalog, not one of them is addressed to any sect or denomination, but to the whole church of God, to all the members of the body of Christ in that place.
We next take up the apostle James – did he write letters to any sect or denomination? Oh, no, “James a servant if God, (not of the Cumberland Presbyterians) and of the Lord Jesus Christ, (not to one sect or tribe), but to the tribes.” Again, “My brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.” We find good old Brother Peter addressing, not a certain sect, but all the “elect that were scattered abroad greeting.” — Glory to God! And so with the beloved apostle “whom Jesus loved” – his epistles were general, or to individuals, none addressed to sect, Also, the revelations through him, were addressed, not to any party, but “unto the angel of the church of the saints in one place, as the one church in that place. But to return to the article, we are told that God loved the church. So he does, much better than we can love our wives, but this is no proof that he loves sects. I also believe that the thought of leaving “the church,” and the desire to build up any particular sect are both of the devil, and when any soul is thus tempted he ought immediately fall upon his knees, or commence to shout aloud, and scare Satan so far back into his den that he would never attempt the like again.
Truly “we are bought with a price,” and a dear one too, and we should abide where we are called, in the church,” but not in the sect. We can not concur with the advice of our brother, that men should go to their own sect meetings every time, and pay all their money there.
Doubtless holy ones are often led of the Lord to attend worship, following the above advice, some times, our money is given to one of the devil’s servants, who comes around sowing his seed in the name or a servant of God “wherefore do you spend your money for that which is not bread.” Isaiah.
The brother says, “We are told than in the Methodist church we can not have our rights, etc. They can not help themselves, and they won’t want to, if we do our duty.”
I would ask where have you been the last three years, or what kind of holiness have you in the community where you have been? I fear there is not much of the Jerusalem straightness for God in it, or your experience and observation would have taught you differently. As for myself I was reared a strict sectarian. I sought and found Christ in the pardon of sectarianism, and have been so kept ever since; unto God be all the glory, I now rejoice that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, and not because it is written on a certain church record. I close this article with a heart full of love to God, and all man king a heart that is cleansed from all sin just now.
Union City, Ind.
Leading of the Spirit.
By H. R. Jeffrey.
How few have the true idea of the leadings of the Spirit. Nearly all of the sects teach something of the Spirit as the leader, but it is presented in such a vague and indefinite manner by most of them, that few people grasp the real truth of the Spirit’s ..ding. Son a … the ..o … ..ach that th.. … the … … and therefore … … … at this is contrary to the Word itself. But many claiming to believe in the dire.. ..ion of the Spirit, seem to have … a partial conception of His cla … … as their leader in all ….
They acknowledge of the Spirit, but at the same time they can not hold a meeting without a human leader, and if they have none they are at a loss to know how to proceed; but with their leader they go through a form of worship whether the Spirit is present or not.
I am sorry to see the same practice among some of the holiness people calling out by random some one to pray or speak, thus taking the place of the Spirit.
The most successful meetings I ever attended were those in which the Spirit had entire control from first to last; where no head was recognized bur Jesus Christ, and no leader but the Holy Spirit – each member having equal liberty to exercise when and in what way the Spirit dictated to him, either in reading the Scripture, speaking, praying and singing. Oh, how often the Spirit is grieved by being ignored and set aside by a human leader. How, I ask, can the Spirit of God lead a meeting successfully when some man usurps His place?
Oh, God, open the eyes of the little ones to see the truth as it is revealed in the Word, and bring back thy church to the apostolic order. What we have here said is not intended to ignore the fact than the Holy Spirit does often lead through some instrumentality, but what we do oppose is men leading when not controlled by the Spirit. May the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth.
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The Gospel Trumpet.
Any age proved by the Spirit of God to help, on this work of the Lord, by donations or otherwise, your liberalities will be received as from God, and used to His glory.
Our printer authorizes us to say that the Trumpet will be on time hereafter.
We were happy to receive a short visit from our much esteemed Bro. J. R. Kemp, of Union City.
A campmeeting will be held at Hartford City, Ind., commencing August 26th, and to continue tea days or longer if the Lord will. It will be run straight 0n the line of holiness.
The Lord seems to direct us not to confine ourself to the office, as we had announced. We have now made our arrangements to be oat in the vineyard of the Lord much of the summer. Will at tend campmeetings, and hold meetings as the Lord directs.
The Toronto Globe, a few months ago, sent two experienced journalists through the State of Maine to hunt up fact in reference to the Maine liquor law, and report them accurately. One was a believer in prohibition and the other an advocate of the license system. They visited every part of the State, and investigated the prevalence of sobriety, the difficulty of procuring strong drink, and the sentiments of the people in reference to the law. The results were summed up by the prohibitionist as a complete vindica… … … law. The … … … self admit … … … of the law, … … … ..n the State the … … … had made drinking rare, and had decidedly conduced to the welfare of the people in the reduction of poverty, crime, …. Take courage ye people of this favored land. God has began to deliver us from the destroyer.
At a meeting of the Salvation Army in this city, a month or more age, it was agreed that the little army does not claim to constitute as organization of itself, but is simply age form of work carried on by God’s church. All o..ice.. and little were also dropped, and Christ alone is recognized as our leader, through the Holy Spirit. As to uniform other then oneness of heart, nothing will be used. Those who wish to carry a Bible and hymn-book, may if they desire provide a Bible pocket supported by belt and strap, lettered Salvation Army. The Lord is blessing the work — souls are being convicted and converted who never go to meeting-honess.
We have taken a permanent position every Sabbath at Oak Hill, a pleasant place at the North-east edge of the city, where our congregations are increasing from week to week, and the Lord always is the ..st
The Pure Testimony, a small monthly, “devoted to a holy war against all sin,” largely filled with testimony, Wilkabarre, Pa, price 25 cts per year.
The Crusader, a brisk little sheet, full of straight, clean cut truth, sound on holiness. Mottoes: “Fight the good fight of faith,” and “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.” We welcome it to our list of changes and commend it to our reader”. Polo. Ill.
THE People Methodist comes out upon the Methodist people for attending shows. Contends that the discipline positively forbids it, and yet a large portion of that sect do patronize these places of vanity.
“We bear,” says that paper, “that one pastor in this city, publicly advertised the last cirrus, by telling his congregation to go if they wanted to.”
Is such a corporation that violate their own creed, and the sacred Bible by patronizing these works of the devil, and yet turn people out, for the crime of claiming holiness of heart. Is such God’s church? To be consistent that sect ought to change their ways, or revise their discipline to harmonise with their works, make it a crime to be holy, and to commendable follow the world.
Donations to the Gospel Trumpet.
Every week God is patting His seal of approbation upon the Trumpet. The circulation is steadily increasing. The Lord is opening ap quite a field in which to sound the trumpet of salvation in Mich., through Bro. Fisher. O..it.. a demand for the paper comes from Alabama, while Illinois and Iowa probably sends us ..re subscribers … … ..ber two states. Let all who love the truth and go in for thorough, through and through holiness, not stack their efforts to spread the light. One dear young brother at Danfort, Ill., has sent us a goodly number of names, with cash for the paper, out of his own pocket. God will bless all such efforts to do good, and reward the instrument. May many, who are far more able, follow his good example.
The following donations have been received since the last issue:
G. Sander … $15 00
H. R. Jeffrey … 1 50
J. E Kemp, present to companion, …….. 1 00
The former donation recognized from Bro. Jeffrey should have been credited one dollar each to his companion and, himself. The Lord bless Sister Jeffrey.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Hour of God’s Judgment, and Consequent Fall of Babylon,
Is an excellent tract of 78 pages, by A. D. Jones. published at Zion’s Watch Tower, No. 101, Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. It is a thorough exposition of the present confusion of sectism, and an earnest call to come to God and the Apostolic order. We expect to draw from this work for our readers in next issue. Send for the tract.
Second – Heal Journal – ….
We have often wondered whether the call to edit a paper was genuine, when the main tools used in its editing were the scissors and paste-pot.
These thoughts have been called oat by reading several papers, that, though very good, contain hardly is “stick full” of matter from the editor’s pen, leaving out a few business notices.
Should not those who “start papers” have “something to say?” Should not their paper be a medium through which the thoughts and opinions a the owner are given to the world?
Well, We trust positive men will come to the front. Men who are ashamed of nothing but sin, and not afraid to beard the old lion in his den.
The above we cut from a very sensible editor.. in the Crusader, and we wish to say amen to the same. We believe that God’s call to every man, is in harmony with, and is based upon his fact for that kind of work; and he that is genuinely called of God to edit a paper will manifest the fact that God has put something more in him – yea, something different than an itching ambition to edit a paper – an ambition that drives its victim to books and papers old and new, to hunt up something to “fill tap,” a part of which goes in for editorials.
O this godless, aimless — except to be an editor — this mere parrot like paper editing is sickening to think of. God pity all this editorial vanity, that goes about patting others on the shoulder for a “puff” in return, thus purchasing an editorial recognition, with a little silly inflation of others, who, like themselves, stand in much seed of something to easy their conscience for inflicting their editorship upon the public.
It is remarkable how these self-loving intruders into the editorial ranks, know each other, and come to each other’s assistance, of course for help in return.
A man that is commissioned of the Almighty will not face every way the wind of popular sentiment seems to blow. He will not study to please men, nor cater to those who do not love the truth, for their patronage.
It is sickening to see how carnality will pallaber with high sounding and God dishonoring titles, to please carnality and thus sandwich into a patronage sufficient to speak of self as “the editor.”
We have not written these lines rashly, but from the conviction of duty to rebuke the sin of covetousness and vain ambition, and the Holy Ghost will apply it just where it belongs.
Apply the Remedy.
One plan that Satan has invented to should sin from the “hammer” of God’s word, is this: “Say nothing about tobacco, pride, Free Masonry, sect idolatry, &c., until people are saved, then you can lead them to abandon these favorite forms of sin.” This is a precaution of the devil, and is just as sensible as to say, you must wait until a man is recovered before applying the remedy to his case. “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation,” but in order to save, it must be applied to the malady of the soul.
The exposing and condemning of sin, must go hand in hand with the lifting up of the remedy for sin. “But if you touch those darling sins of the people, they will get angry and not come back again.” Well we do not think that amiable worldling, whose mammon idol Jesus touched, until he went away sorrowful, ever came back again. But the Saviour did none the less thrust the sword into the very idol of his heart, though He doubtless know is would drive him off, in a worse condition than be came — with a knowledge of hit sin.
The Apostle Paul might have avoided many stripes, promoted revivals, gained much applause, and taken up heavy collections, where he was stoned, imprisoned, or driven out; had he followed this modern wisdom. We see him at Athens ascending that greet Acropolis, a vast composition of sculpture, dedicated to the national glory and to the worship of the gods. Here be stood a lone stranger, surrounded by every form of idolatry. Before his eyes towered up the sculptured forms of Minerva, Jupiter, and Apollo, of Mercury and the muses, standing near the sanctuary of Bacchus. Here would have been a good place to practice the above precaution, but no, as be beheld their idolatry, “his spirit was starred within him,” and he opened out at once upon the sin of their superstition and idolatry, he ignored all their idols, and set up the true God, whom he declared was not worshiped with men’s hands, nor dwelt in their temples. Acts xvii. (17) 22—31.
Here is a model preacher, where idolatry is the ruling sin — idolatry is the subject of diseases. Accordingly where tobacco is the people’s, pet god, there the true mouthpiece of God will thunder against its filthy habit. Where pride is dominant, it must receive the special blows of the gospel hammer, and so on with sectism, secrecy, and every other abomination.
But we are told, “you can not succeed in that way.” To which we answer, that all success in promoting revivals, that is consequent upon not hitting the darling sins of the people, is of the devil, and is a spurious work.
Doubtless most preachers of the present day, and some of our professed holiness evangelists doubt have managed the case of … young man much more successfully than Christ did. They would have invited him to the altar, had a few prayers with him pressed the promise upon his credulity, and soon led him to profess and rejoice; and they would have published around in the papers the great work wrought through their labors, eves the salvation of a very wealthy young man. While the devil would have been equally jubilant over his new coat of whitewash. But we are told that all outward sins are but sprouts of the old Adamic root — inbred on — and when it is removed they also disappear, and consequently we need not touch these sins. The premises is correct, but the conclusion is a fatal error. Paul did not keep silent about the sect spirit that began to develope itself at Corinth, and simply urge them on to heart purity, but he endeavors to convict them of their in dwelling carnality, by pointing to its apparent fruits.
The gospel of holiness strikes at the whole man, and the whole life, and while it is true that evil habits and tempers have their root in inbred sin, both the root and its sprouts must be removed at one stroke, and all attempts to get soul wholly sanctified without searching the idols of his heart and the outward sine his life, can but result in deception in daubing with untempered mortar.
To be made every whit whole, the gospel must be brought to bear upon every moral defect — there he a universal application of the remedy.
There are two extremes to be avoided – first that of urging people to believe for a pure heart without out agonizing all their idols, especially them most cherished ones, which ..de to a spurious profession. Second: That of striking continually outward sin without giving prominence to the Great Physician, which leads to resolutions to “do better,” and to self efforts to improve the outward, life without coming to Him who can purify the inward fountain.
The true gospel smites every form of sin with the hammer and fire of God’s wrath, and at the same time exhausts the Son of God as a complete remedy, which both convicts people of their sin and idols, and drives them to the sheltering cross.
Visible or Invisible.
“Now as to the visibility of the church of Christ — will Bro. Warner please point it out, with its boundary lines? Where is the true visible church of God?
“The church of God so called, is a sect, a denomination, but is not a sect, on universal a whole.
“So.. professors … … false — only the true ones a.. ..leally in God’s church.” — H. C. Jackson.
We have ever endeavored to know nothing about the church, except as set forth in the Bible. “To the law and to the testimony” to the Word of God, we go to learn the character and elements of the church of God. “The spiritual church of God is not a sect,” this in truth. “Only tree ones are really in God’s church,” this is also a fact. So far we agree, prec..oly. But the brother asserts that the true church of God is invisible — we claim that it is visible. What saith the Lord? The word church, from Eodisia denotes “called out” — a community of believers who have been called … … by the gospel and Spirit of God separated from the world for the service of God. The idea of in visibility is not found in the Bible word — church.
And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people.” Acts 11. …
“And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done, with them.” Acts. 14. 27.
Here the word church is used in harmony with its express meaning — e. c. the society or community of the children of God, who are often drawn to meet together in the worship of God. Was that an invisible assembly that. Paul met with and taught a whole year? Did the apostles Paul and Barnabas gather an invisible something at Antioch when they gathered
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the church, and reported the wonderful works of God? Just drink of “the whole church” an invisible host convening together to pray and prophesy, and worship God.
Was that the “true spiritual church of God” that were all together with one accord in Solomon’s porch, and to which no sinner durst join himself? If so then according to our brother’s bless it was an invisible body. How then did “the people magnify them” if invisible? Acts v. 12, 13.
Again, we read that “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” Acts ii. 47.
Sorely this was the true church, and if invisible, the Lord must have reduced men to invisibility, by adding them to an invisible body. The Apostle Paul testifies that he had “wasted,” “persecuted,” and “made havoc of the church of God.” Acts viii. 1-3. 1 Cor. xv. 9. Gal. i. 13. How in the world could that blind Pharisee have taken bold of and wasted the church if an invisible body? How did be happen to find it, if it could not be seen?
What visible nonsense this at tempt to vaporize and ghostify God’s church on earth. But it is claimed that the true church is a spiritual organization, and the Holy Spirit who organizes it, not being visible therefore the body be organizes is invisible. This is by no means true. Can not an invisible agent produce visible effects? Did not God who is a Spirit, create and organize this world and the physical universe? Let us try the above logic. God the invisible, created and organised our bodies, therefore our bodies also invisible, and all men and women are mere apparitions.
We are asked to point out the be Cleansing, of the church, but even though we could not fix the precise line between the church and the world — this does not prove her invisible. One state is bounded by visible lines, by rivers, etc., another is not, is the one therefore visible and the other not?
The inference drawn above is this: because some things pertaining to the church are not perceptible, therefore the church itself invisible. Is this true? Let us try it. The soul and mind and many other things connected with the human being are invisible, therefore the human being is invisible. This deduction is just as sound as that which destroys the visibility of the church. But we deny that even the boundary lines of the church, when in her normal condition are invisible.
“Ye are a city set upon a hill, the light thereof can not be hid.” “Ye are epistles of Christ, known and read of all men.” “By this shall ALL men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John xiii. 35. Here is a clearly perceptible boundary fixed by the Lord himself. Again, “He that is spiritual judgeth, (discerneth in the margin) all men.
It is a strange thing indeed that the malady of sin should be so slight, that no perceptible difference should appear between the healed and those still under the plague. God has fixed a great gulf between His church and the world, and it is only the confusion of Babylon — a mixture of religion and the world by the sect daughters of the mother of corruption, that has obscured the boundary line, and bridged over the chasm between the world and the church. So that we are now asked, “where is the true visible church of God?” O that the Almighty would blow from His threshing floor the heaps of sectarian chaff that God’s church may appear in its primitive glory. There are other questions, asked by the brother we should love to answer and may in the future.
Apostolic Power.
We find in our scrap book the following words spoken by Bro. Railton at the Jacksonville (Ill.,) Convention. May the Lord help us who are seeking for power with God and man to consider the conditions of attaining that power.
“You talk about apostolic power, but you can not have apostolic power without you pay the apostolic price. They left all. Men often come to us and say, ‘I wish to join the Salvation Army.’ I wonder if they are able to drink the cup, and be baptized with the baptism, that Christ, the great “Captain,” endured. I am a communist — not of the Paris kind, but of the Jerusalem kind. I gave myself, yes every fibre of myself to God, and from that time to this I have not known what it is to hold personal property. I never will, never can have personal property.
We never can receive a man, as an officer in this army that thinks of a salary, or of owning property. You must leave all and follow Christ. O my brethren, if you want the apostolic power, and glory and results, you must pay the apostolic price. Who will do it?”
I … … … .. … were uttered at the same place by T. K. Doty, of the Christian Harvester:
“No one is qualified to promote the work of holiness until he or she have a clear experience of a pure heart.
“If we expect to do much in promoting holiness, we must make a hobby of it. God holds us personally, and bolds us persistently to this work, and I love it. If I were to live three hundred years more, and God would keep ray hands always upon the plow of holiness it would be all right.
“Again, if we are to succeed, we must come together simply as the body of Christ, laying aside our ecclesiastical jackets. Let us go out upon the broad sea of glass, and work for Jesus.
“Some seek only to run holiness on denominational lines, and are constantly losing power and becoming swamped in their experience. We do not hesitate to admit that modem denominationalism is not God’s idea — we believe the time will come, when these party walls will all crumble down, and the sooner the better. God’s children should all be one, and I shall labor for that oneness. Pure hearts, though of different capacities, are all exactly alike, and should not be separated by any lines whatever.
“Holiness will never prosper where high churchism is in power. The great test in the holiness work is super-denominationalism. Parish lines are run off to keep us from working for God. We must assert our rights, and say to this hydra-headed monster ecclesiasticism, get down into the dust.
“Let us step beyond our denominational lines and work for the church of Christ.”
It were injustice to Bro. Doty hot to inform our renders that with the above noble words, he still thought we should not attempt to abolish sects at present, but that we should bear with the evil. But how can we remain in our denominations, and at the same time “step beyond our denominational lines.” Surely if you cross the line, you are a “come-outer.”
Is it not strange that men so generally admit that when we are to do something effectually for God — when a real work of grace is to be promoted, we must throw denominationalism all aside, step right out of our sect lines, and work and act, just as if we held no sect relations and yet they will plead for the perpetuity of those sects. In the name of Christ we ask, if we can not use sects in the work of saving souls, but they are only a hindrance, then what are they good for? If we must fling them away in the time of battle, it seems to me useless to carry them along only for dress parade.
If we must all “lay aside our ecclesiastical jackets” in the time of an engagement, had we not better put them off permanently, pile them up and burn them, so that we may always be ready for the battle without any divesting of jackets.
“Let us step beyond our denominational lines, and let us work for the church of Christ.”
Here is a clear distinction between denominations and the church of Christ. Now it seems to us, that since they are two distinct things, the latter is all we need. Does the “church of Christ” need any supplements? Finally we would say that what is here advised is just what God’s children, who are branded “come- outers” are doing. They are stepping beyond all denominational lines to work for the “church of Christ,” only they are not those who “say but do not,” neither do they step beyond the sect lines for the time of holding a meeting, or for a moon, but they propose to stay “upon the broad sea of glass and work for Jesus.” Glory to His name!
Bro. Wm. S. Worley’s tabernacle will be used in the following meetings:
Urbana, Ill, | July 20th to 30th | |
A Tabernacle meeting. | ||
Comargu, Douglas Co. Ill | Aug. 3th to 11th | |
Camp-meeting. | ||
Terre Haute, Ind. | Aug. 10th to 11d | |
Alvin, Vermillion Co. | Aug. ..th to Sept. 5th | |
Near Hardensburg. Jennings Co. Ind., | Sep. 6th to 19th | |
Hartford City, Ind., | Sep. 2th to 30th |
How few of ministers dare …!
The truth of Immanuel.
Reprove the sinner by lips ..ky.
Rebeke the faults of every day.
To preach for hire, not for souls,
To covet money as it rolie.
Such calling came from … …
To please his mind and worldly plan.
To feed themselves and not the …
To gather up for earthly …
To lay up treasures on the …
Is seeking not eternal worth.
To dare not mention of the …
Nor many things that’s wrong beside,
Because it tends to cut the fure,
Is preaching just for earthly care,
To set the heart on things be..
Will make the carnal mind to grove.
It blinds the soul from words of love,
And binders it to meet above.
– John W. Wentworth.
Bro. A. C. McCurby, of Rorse City, Indiana writes of a glorious pestecostal roeeting at Jefferson Union, Noble Co., Ind. A blessed fence to the sent.
Bro. W. S. Varcurun, from Warvaw, Ind. bow located at Tolona, Ill., says: “Please send some holiness workers out here.” May the Lord send them: amen.
From Eld. W. W. Roberts, Salem, Iowa:
“Am in the test health, I have been for years. Praise the Lord for He gave it to me. The everlasting arms underneath us we must have victory. I think the time that will peculiarly try men’s souls are upon us. The devil will, if possible, thwars the holiness work. Probably sectarianism will be the next thing in the way. Be of good cheer, brother — O how grad it is to be instrumental in the salvation of an eterally- bound soul.”
From Eld. W. P. Burchard, Plymouth, Ohio.
“Am latending to go in o the active inyuletry — expect to do what little I can for Jesus, what little time I have to live. I have passed through seas of troubles and trials aluce the Lord has cleansed me from the leprosy of sin. I thank God for the old kind of religious.
“O how sweet it is to know the blessed Lord, and to always that heavenly peace in Christ. Praise God! Praise God!! May the Lord bless you. Amen.”
From Bro. D. D. Johnston, New Washington, O.
“I should be pleased to donate you $100, but cannot now. The Lord ismy leader. We attended a United Brethren campmeeting in Plymouth Ohio, the last two Sabbaths. It was held for the conversion of sinners alone, (as the leaders right sanctification,) but there were none converted. A few of God’s little ones got together and was instrumental in Cod’s hands in getting one sanctified. Hallelujah God has His own way. It somewhat offended the leaders, but think the leaders did not offend the devil once.”
Bro. J H. Welsh writes of a glorious street meeting held by himself, J. E. Kemp and E. J. Colborn, in a town ten miles east of Union City:
“God came down in wonderful power — we heard a cracking among the old dry bones, when we began to ask God to kill the old land sharks, and make straight the paths of holiness. O how God came to our rescue. The world begins to demand the all and true gospel of Holy Spirit, salvation power.
“Year brother saved.”
… ts, and … … an once people of God. Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to men. Amen.
I am happy to know that this day finds me sheltered in the rock of ages. Oh, how precious to know that “all things work together for good to them who love God, to then who are the called (unto holiness) according to His purpose, for whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, * * * and whom He called He also justified, and whom He justified them He also glorified” — i.e. sanctified. Rom. viii. 28, 29.
Am on my way to Bur Oak, Mich. God has blessed my labors there and added to be church of the First Born, having their names written in heaven. Oh, that is the place to have them recorded. I am year brother, born, thank God, in the same family.
T. H. Low.
The Good Old Religion.
“And all that believed were together, and had all things common, and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men us every man had need.” “Neither was there any among them that lacked.”
Here is the genuine fruit of holiness. Oh, how far short of this standard the present day, sect encumbered holiness falls. But we praise God that as the blasting influence of human religion is being thrown off, the pure unselfish and divine religion of love begins to manifest its fair fruit again. Here is a precious first fruit of the return from Babylon to the place where God has recorded His name.
“Onagra, Ill.,
“June 20th.
“Dear Brother: — Fourteen years ago, by God’s grace, I found the inner life of sanctification, and since then God has led me out of all sects into that liberty of Christ, and He has kept me, glory to God!
I love to read the Trumpet, and believe that the Lord is leading it. I have been asking God to direct me, and I believe it is His will that I send you $45 for the Trumpet office. I do so in the name of the Lord, praying that God’s blessings may go with it.
“Your Mother in Christ.
“G. Sander.”
From Bro. E. P. Kyle.
Dear Brother: — I am glad to learn that God is blessing and sustaining the Trumpet. The Lord continue to bless you, and help you to “cry aloud and spare not, lift up your voice as a trumpet, and show, Israel her transgression,”
Show the sects, the Free Masons, and Odd Fellows, the ungodly and the sinner their transgressions. Go ahead, “see no man save Jesus only.” Remember that the great God of the universe is with you. Fear not. Stir three worlds for God. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion — make it sound out the clear sweet notes of Canaan. O that it may be heart from one end of the globe to the other. Remember that some people are partially deaf — blow loud and distinct.
Glory to God, sound His praises in all the earth.
I am on the war path — have enlisted for life — am doing all I can for the glory of God. The Lord is with us, bless His holy name. The old serpent has set up his claim on all the territory here, but in the name of the Lord I am contesting His claim. Praise the Lord he is becoming stirred. O how he does hate sanctification, and I love to bold up the light to the people. Glory to God forever! Sanctified by the precious blood of Jesus, and kept by the power of God, through faith. The Lord … the Tr… in Jude 24.
From Bro. Fisher.
We have just moved to Carson City, Mich. Praise the Lord we are saved through and through. Hallelujah to the Lamb! We had a glorious time over Sabbath, June 6th. Met with the beloved brothers and sisters at Emerson and Lafayette. Praise the Lord, thirteen of God’s little ones followed Jesus’ footsteps, and were burned with Him in baptism. In the evening there was a great gathering of the people of God, and the Lord’s supper and the washing of the saints’ feet, and Lord’s supper were observed, in obedience to the Saviour’s example, and commands – all the dear saints of God look part.
We tarried for the night with our dearly beloved brother and sister Reeves. On the morning following, we had a wonderful out-pouring of the Holy Spirit at the family altar. Sister Jessie consecrated her all to God and was sanctified by the blood of the Crucified One. Hallelujah to God forever! Amen.
We had a good time last Sabbath — met with some dear people we had never met with before — found one sister saved, with many to follow in the future. Dearly beloved, pray for us. I know the Lord wants us to stand firm and straight, with every shore line cut, that we may float clear for God, and this we will do by the grace of God. We are saved and under the blood just now.
J. C. Fisher,
Carson City, Mich. June 25.
4 page
Religious H..ilism;
Under this held the editor of the Highway of April 30th, gives as an important article. Though he regards the practice of many coming out of the existing sects as the “worst form of anti-ism,” yet he thinks that it is mainly caused by the corruption and “super-ecclesiasticism” in the present day churches. “How can we, but allow some excuse, for those who, tempted tried, denied, ostracised socially, if not disciplined, haye at fast chosen to walk alone with God? Surely any one that is assimilated, and joined to God, would rather walk with Him alone than be ..ed up with such unholy elements. Nay, it is not a mutter of choice, but of absolute necessity, for no man can be true to God, when under the government or such ungodly forces.
“Another cause,” says Bro. Reid, “which begets this religious nihilism is the continued toleration of the world in the in the church, the ‘abomination of desolation standing where it ought not,’ and the official permission, backed by the majority of the church to have it so.” Here is an honest admission that in the sects are of the world, and world. This is no exageration.”
Row we ask in the name of Christ, how can any man be holy unto God, when yoked up with the world? Yea, unequally yoked, for the world has the majority, and can therefore vote and carry out all manner of ecclesiastical wickedness, and the few saints that are joined to them, are “partakers of their sins,” unless they them. A good reason for come-out.. himure enough. Bro. Reid see effect think the sects Both age …prohibition k.. an awful crisis. He … the above and other causes are now, and have been at work generating this cloud of anti-churchism, which threatens, in its zealot like “Saul,” not Paul, Spirit to pray havoc among the churches.”
“We have no idea that this anti- churchism will ever be any less while things continue as they are.
Undoubtedly as predicted in the Highway some months ago, “The great holiness movement, is to be a real moral earthquake yet.”
We hope that the editor of the Highway will not get scared if God should sweep away more than he had expected when he penned the above lines. Surely the walls will have to go — denominational creeds, names and distinctions will be consumed from among God’s true children are long, unless the holiness fire is extinguished.
Again, “come out from among them and be ye separate,” as they (come outers) use it, is made to apply to a christian in the church, whereas the plain teaching is, as expressed in numerous other passages, an exhortation to the church at large to come out of the world, with which the has commingled.”
Grant it — but what if the church at large does not obey? will that excuse personal disobebience. No, the Highway would doubtless answer, that “every one must give an account to God for himself.”
Well, the Highway admits that the world is tolerated in the church, with even “the official permission,” and “backed by the majority of the church,’’ in many instances, therefore every obedient child of God must come out of such worldly churches, or be condemned, by the word of God. But the great mistake, and the one made by nearly everybody that set up a plea for denominationalism, is that of calling sects “the church.” To us it is an astonishing thing that any can not see the striking difference between any sect or all of them together, and God’s church. They are so far from being identical that scarcely anything that is affirmed of the church of God, will apply to any sect, or all of them. For instance, “The Lord added to the church” — this is not true of any sect in the world. Preachers take men into them — “Christ is the head of the body of the church” Eph. i. 22. Col. i. 18. This is not true of any sect.
To be in Christ is to be in the church, (Acts ii. 47, v. 14,) but thousands are in the sects that do not know Christ, neither is membership in any sect essential to being in Christ.
Induction into the church produces a moral transformation, not so the joining of a sect. The door of God’s church “stands open night and day,” — that of sects is opened at stated, seasons.
Thus we might go on until every peculiarity of the church is mentioned, and find no parallel in sects whatever, there is positively no essential element of salvation in anything that goes to make up a sect. As Bro. S. S. Cone has dearly demonstrated in Good Tidings, a man may be invested with all the virtues of Christian character without a fiber of any one sect, therefore he may be righteous, outside of all of them. Though no Protestant sect claims with Rome, that out of her enclosure there is no salvation, yet by identifying their sects with the church, they use the same exception to hold their members from going out into the liberty of the Sons of God.
The consciencious Catholic is told that however corrupt the church may be she is a divine institution, and there is no salvation without her walls. So the man who, fears God enough to cry out against the mixed parties that divide, weaken, and expose to shame the religion of the Son of God, is renounced as one going about to tear down the church. And the same old Catholic lie is used to keep people in their sect pens — i.e. the church, meaning their sect, is of God and it wont do to leave her, notwithstanding her corruption, and malgovernment.
Now I beg of all who would oppose the principles of come-outers, to be strictly honest, and meet the issue square in the face, do not charge them with teaching that men should leave the church when they only admonish you, as Paul did the factions at Corinth to abandon these human organisms, adhere only in the church that Christ purchased with His own blood. We do not doubt the honesty of many of our brethren in using interchangeably sects and the church, such is the force of education, but to one who has got away from the traditions of the elders, to the Bible alone, such an identification is preposterous and almost blasphemy.
“For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed.” Joel 3:21
Dare to be a Daniel.
For the Gospel Trumpet.
Dear Brother: — I will write you some of the meditations of an honest heart when nearest the throne, where the light shines brightest, and where eternal realities are unfolded to us by God’s telescope as seen by the divine eye. What awful realities are before us — behold the broad road that leads to eternal death, thronged by millions, who are pasting heedlessly down to the awful abyss of everlasting night!
Yes, they are going, going, going! how fast, Oh, how fast — hundreds are making the awful plunge daily. We stand amazed, and ask why must this be so? Why this reckless march to death? We think of what God has done to redeem them, of the awful cost of their salvation. Indeed we can not think of any thing more that God could do than He has done, to save this sin stricken world. Jesus Christ, by the grace of God has tasted death for every man.” and why, we ask again, must this innumerable multitude go down to the night of despair? since their salvation is provided at since an infinite price, and all heaven is interested in their eternal happiness? And the thought comes home to our own heart, “what can we do to assist in their deliverance?” The voice of God comes to our ears with awful force, “the harvest is great, but the laborers are few” — “work while it is yet day, for the night cometh.” Again, “why stand ye here all the day idle?” “Let him that he..reth, say come to the waters of life.” “Go work in my vineyard to-day.”
Well, we find ourself in the Lord’s vineyard and willing to work. We put on the armor God provides and move forward to the battle; but soon we are met, not apparently by the foe, but by a lord, claiming to have authority over God’s heritage — the keys of ecclesiastical power conferred by human enactments, and unless your appearance suits, and your armor is just according to his notion, and finally unless you are willing to join his ecclesiastical brigade, you will most likely have an interdict put upon your work, especially if you should happen to be moneyless and unpopular. Of course it matters not how many souls might be saved, if their brigade would not receive the glory, you must not proceed. If you are willing to hand in your name to them, they will doubtless take it insta.. ..ne numbers at th.. … call; but if poor’s … upo.. ..ar you will scarcely be notice however good a sol..er you may ..e in the estimation in of God. … the other hand, if you have … duty money and much worldly influence, and do much to sustain the popular stand of the brigade, you will have a high seat and an easy birth, plenty festivity and dress parade, and no warfare except against other denominational regiments, and especially against the holiness cause, which already threatens their craft, and lordship over God’s heritage.
Yes it is just this very pretty (?) system of corporate divisions in the general army, that above all things else, is filling the world with unbelief, and the world of woe with in victims.
Christ commanded us to pray saying, “Thy will be done in earth as it is done in heaven.” Now do you suppose that if the church of the First Born, the spirits of just men made perfect,” who by this time know perfectly the will of our Heavenly Father, were permitted to return to this world in the flesh, that they would divide up and scatter out among the different sects, for Paul and Peter, for Apolos and for Wesley and for Luther. Or would they all seek to join the most popular sects, take in all secret societies and smile on the devil himself, and coax him to stop his rebellion against God, and thus without any fuss, win over the whole universe to God and heaven?
This seems to be the plan of some of our holiness evangelist; but true and earnest christians do not go on that line. In the army we had a good sample of anti-sect worship. There were true christians that had belonged to the different sect regiments, and some that belonged to no sect, but to the Lord only, these all worshiped together in sincerity, they prayed as if they expect it were the last prayer they should ever make on earth, and sectarian foolishness was not coutinenced there, no time for such childish nonsense — if a chaplain intimated anything the kind he was disdained by every sensible person. And those meetings were owned and blessed of God, ond it was not chaos as some seem to think the religious world would be were it not for sects.
I believe if Gabriel would sound a signal with his mighty born, and then delay three months before the final call to judgment, there would be a mighty tumbling down of the sect walls, all the foolishness of “your church” and “our church” would soon vanish away. And the one question would be, are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? God hasten the time when Christian people will be united in one glorious effort to save the lost. Amen.
Terre Haute, Ind.
At the annual meeting of the United States Brewers’ Association, held in Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. H. H. Reuter, the president, after giving the statistics of the production of beer by the different states made the following significant remark: “The state of Maine, with only 7 barrels last year and 7.121 barrels the year previous to that, has now disappeared altogether from the list of beer-producing states.” What better proof is needed of the salutary effect of prohibition legislation? Many of the secular newspapers sneer at the Maine law, because drinking still prevails to some extent in large cities. On the same principle, we might, repeal the laws against murder and theft, because they fail of securing absolute prohibition of these crimes. The fact above stated shows that the prohibition law of Maine is fully as dangerous to the liquor traffic as the criminal laws are damaging to the business of thieves and assassins.
— Ex.
An old Christian once said: “Let my Lord weave my piece of time with white and black, with weal and woe; let the rose be neighbor with the thorn. Sorrow and saint are not married together; or, suppose it were so, heaven shall make a divorce! Life is short, therefore crosses can not be long.”
The promise of Jesus is like an unsigned check until the believing soul endorses it by its faith; then it is negotiable at the bank of grace. Many do not under stand this, and plead the promise most earnestly, and wonder that it draws nothing, while they refuse to believe. They might just as well present a draft at a bank, and plead intensely to have it cashed, while they refuse to endorse it. When we are pleasing a promise for full salvation, we endorse it by believing that we do receive it; that instant we shall feel that the promise is honored, and we do receive.
– Sel.
The assertion that those who make holiness a speciality become “narrow,” and are “men of one idea,” is not disparaging to any man’s character. If a man has ari.. idea largo enough to take in all other ideas, he has no occasion to abandon it, nor need he fear being made “narrow” by it. One idea, and that a good one is better than no idea at all, or than a number of very poor ones.
“Bible Proofs
Or, Entire Sanctification subsequent to Conversion, including a striking description of the great Holiness Crisis from the Prophets.”
Bible Proofs is printed upon, beautiful tinted paper, and is bound excellently in cloth by German book binder.
We aimed to write a small book cheap for everybody. so we were unwilling to raise the price in proportion to the enlarged scope the Lord gave us to write. As a standard of prices on other books of this kind, J. A. Wood’s “Perfect Love” has 314 pages, and sen.. ….
Bible Proofs has 498 pages,
MORE THAN one third more,
and a little larger sized pages and we
SELL it FOR THE SAME, $1.25.
When we fixed the price so low we thought to allow agents only about 25 cents on the book, but in order to send the work forth upon its mission still more rapidly, we have concluded to give
40 Cents on the book to Agents.
This will enable agents to do well financially, and do a great work for the good of souls. We do not hesitate to say that the contents of the book was in a wonderful manner communicated to us by the leadings of Holy Ghost into the unsearchable mysteries of the blessed Bible. We want agents in every community, and for all the campmeetings. Those who are putting forth efforts are doing well. Please write to us all who will sell some in your own community, or take a regular agency.
625 West Vermont St.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
“The most thorough and satisfactory on the subsequence of sanctification yet written. – Christian Harvester.
“As its title indicates, it abounds in Scripture Proofs of sanctification as a Second work. I.. fairy ma.. them. Many of its positions are new, but well sustained.” – The Highway.
“It is a poem along the highway.” – Prof. J. M. Mansfield.
“I have just read your book through, and I want to say to all in our day, if you want to get the best book in the world besides the Bible, get D. S. Warner’s Bible Proofs of the Second Work of Grace, and you have it.“ — Daniel Keck.
“Your book is doing a great amount of good.
Eternity alone will unfold the glorious effects of Bible Proofs of the Second work of Grace.” –