1 June 1884, Volume 6, Number 9.

Theological Cleanings from an Unknown Pen of the Seventeenth Century.


Sixty Propositions to the Philadelphian Society, Whithersoever Dispersed. (as the Israel of God)

A D 1619.


The idea is here recognized that the messages to the seven, churches of Asia, are prophetically his­torical of the Church of God, universal through­out its mundane history, and that the condition of those several churches, bears an analogy to the church in different periods of time. The church at Philadelphia being the only one against which there was no evil alleged by Jesus, represents the pure bridal church, prepared in the end of the are to receive the Lord. It must be evident to all that these predictions, which were said to have been made in the seventeenth century, are now beginning to come to pass.



There shall be a total and full redem­ption by Christ. This is a hidden mystery not to be understood without the revelation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is at hand to reveal the same unto all Holy seekers and loving enquirers. The com­pletion of such a redemption is withheld and abstracted, by the Apocalyptical seals. Wherefore, as the Spirit of God shall open seal after seal, so shall this redemption come to be revealed, both particularly and universally.

In the gradual opening of the mystery of redemption in Christ, doth consist the unsearchable wisdom of God, which may continually reveal new and fresh things, to the worthy searcher. In order to which the ark of testimony in heaven shall be opened before the end of this world, and the living testimony therein contained, shall be unsealed. The presence of the divine ark, will constitute the life of the Philadelphian Church; and wherever that is, there must the ark of necessity be. The unsealing of the living testimony within the ark of the Lord must begin the promulgation of the everlasting gospel of the kingdom.

The proclamation of this testimony of the kingdom will be as by the sound of a trumpet, to alarm the nations of the earth, and more specially all the professors of christianity, because attended with the power of acting all wonders.

So there shall be an authoritative decis­ion given forth immediately from Christ, to the putting an end to all controversies concerning the true church.

This decision will be the actual sealing of the members of this church, with the name of God; giving them a commission to act by the same; this new name will distinguish them from the seven thousand names of babylon.

The election and preparation of this church, is to be after a secret and hidden manner, as David in his minority was elected and anointed by the prophet of the Lord; yet was not admitted to the out­ward profession of the kingdom for a con­siderable time afterward.

Of the stem of David a virgin church, which hath known nothing of man, or of human constitution, is yet to be born.

And if it be yet to be born, then it will require some considerable time before it gets out of minority, and arrives at the full and mature age.

The birth of this Virgin Church was visionally typified to St. John, by the great wonder in heaven bringing forth her first born that was caught up to the throne of God. – Rev 12th.

For as a virgin woman brought forth Christ after the flesh, so likewise a virgin woman is designed by God, to bring forth the first born after the spirit, who shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, and with power.

The virgin that is here designed must be as of a pure spirit, so also of a glorified body, and all over impregnated with the Holy Ghost.

This church so brought forth; and signed with the mark of the divine name, shall be adorned with miraculous gifts, and powers beyond what has been.

Hereby all nations shall be brought unto it so that it shall be the Catholic Church, according to the genuine and utmost lat­itude of the word.

It must be an anointed church; whereby it may truly bear the name of Christ, or Christian, being with Him anointed to the Priestly, Prophetical, and Royal Dignity.

Hence there will be no bonds or impo­sitions; but the holy unction among these new born Spirits will be all in all.

This Catholic and anointed church, must be perfectly holy, so that it may worthily bear the name of the Lord our holiness.

Until there be made ready such a church upon the earth so holy Catholic, so anoint­ed, that it is without spot or wrinkle, and that is adorned as a bride to meet her husband; Christ will not personally de­scend to solemnize the marriage and pre­sent the same to His Father.

But when the bridal church shall be made ready, and thoroughly cleansed, and sanctified from every spot of defilement through the blood of Christ, then He will no longer delay His coming in person.

There is not this day visible upon the earth any Holy Catholic, anointed and Bridal Church, all the churches and pro­fessions being found light when weighed in the balance, therefore they are rejected by the Supreme Judge.

Which rejection and condemnation will be for this end, that out of them a new and glorious church may rise up, in whom there shall be no fault to be found, like as He finds none in the Philadelphian Church. – Rev. 3rd.

Then shall the glory of God, and of the Lamb so rest upon it, as the cloud upon the typical tabernacle, so that it shall be called the tabernacle of wisdom.

Though this Philadelphian Church is not known in visibility, yet it may be hid at this present time as in the womb of the morning.

Notwithstanding it will be brought forth into visibility as coming out of the wilderness within a short period.

Then will it go on to multiply and pro­pagate itself universally, not only to the number of the first born, (which is 144, 000.) but also to the remnant of the seed, against whom the dragon shall make con­tinual war.

Wherefore the spirit of David shall most eminently revive in this church, and most specially in some or other select members of it, as the blossoming root, which is to precede the day of Soloman in the blessed millennium, these will have might given them to overcome the dragon and his angels, even as David and his army over­came Goliah and the Philistines.

This will be the standing up of Michael the great prince of Israel, and will be as the appearance of Moses against Pharaoh, in order that the chosen seed may be brought out from their hard servitude.

Egypt doth figure out this servile cre­ation under which each one of Abraham’s seed groan, but a prophet and most proph­etical generation will the most High raise up, who shall deliver His people by mere force of a spiritual arms.

Fur which there must be raised up cer­tain head powers to bear the first, offices, who are to be persons of great eminence, and favor with the Trinity, whose dread and fear shall fall upon all nations, visible and invisible, because of the mighty acting power of the Holy Ghost, which shall rest upon them.

For Christ before His own distinct and personal appearance will first appear and represent Himself in some chosen vessels anointed to be leaders unto the rest, and to bring them into the promised land, the new creation state.

Thus Moses, Joshua, and Aaron, may be considered as types of some upon whom the same spirit may come, yet to rest in greater proportion, whereby they shall make way for the ransomed of the Lord to return to Mount Zion.

But none shall stand in any considerable office under God, but who are tried stones after the pattern, and similitude, of the chief corner stone, Christ.

This will be a firey trial which very few will be able to pass, or bear up in, where­fore the waiters for the visible breaking out of this church, are strictly charged to hold that fast which they have, and to wait together in the unity of pure love, praying in the Holy Ghost according to the apostolic pattern that they may be sent forth to multiply more universally.

This trial will be of absolute necessity to every one in particular, and to all in general for the constituting and cementing of the true Philadelphian Church, by clearing away all the remaining infirmities of nature, and burning away all that is of hay, stubble, and dross, which they may have added to the work of the Lord.

For nothing must remain in this pure church but what can remain in the fire, for as a refiner will the Lord purify the sons and daughters of it and purge them as perfect righteousness.

Though the operation of the Holy Spirit in these waiters may for a long time con­tend with many infirmities and evils, yet if it be kept continually warm and watch­ed to, it cannot at the last but work out a perfect cure, and bring about full and total redemption from the earth.

There may be some at present living, who may come then to be fully and totally redeemed, having another body put on them, that is one after the priestly order.

This priestly anointed body will render them impregnable, and qualify them for that high degree of spiritual government which they are called to.

Wherefore it is required on our part to suffer the Spirit of burning to do upon us the refining work, fanning us with the firey breath; and searching every part within us until all be pure and clean, and we thereby arrive to a fixed body, from whence the wonders are to flow out.

This body will be the sealing character of the Philadelphian Church.

Upon this body will be the nation of the Urim and Thummin, that are to be appropriated to the priests of the Mel­chesidechian order, whose descent is not to be counted in the genealogy of that creation which is under the fall, but in another genealogy which is from the res­toration.

Hence these priests will have a deep inward search and a divine sight into the secret things of the Deity; will be able to prophecy in a clear ground, not darkly and enigmatically for they will know what is couched in the first originality of all beings, and in the eternal anti-type of nature, and will be capacitated to bring them forth according to the divine counsel and ordination.

The Lord whose hand is lifted up swears in truth and righteousness, that from Abraham’s line according to the spirit, there shall arise a holy priesthood.

Abraham and Sarah were a type of that which should be produced and manifested in the last age of the world.

The mighty spirit of Cyrus is appointed to lay the inundation of the third temple, and support it in its building.

There are such characteristics or marks whereby the pure virgin church so found­ed, shall be continually known and dis­tinguished from all others, and whereby the unction and true sound of the Holy Ghost shall be discerned from that which is false, low, and counterfeit.

There must be a manifestation of the Spirit, whereby to edify and raise up this church suitable to the resurrection of Christ.

This manifestation must be in the abso­luteness of power, as well as in the beauty of holiness, so bringing down heaven upon earth and representing here the New Jerusalem state.

In order to which, spirits which are thus purely begotten, and born of God, can ascend to the New Jerusalem above, where their Head in great majesty doth reign and receive there, such a mission whereby they shall be empowered to bring down to this world its transcendent glory.

None but those that have risen with Christ in the regeneration can thus ascend, and none but those that have so ascended and received of His glory can descend again to communicate the same, being thereby His representatives upon the new earth, and subordinate priests and princes under Him.

Now he that is ascended and glorified has made himself, as it were our debtor, consequently he will not be wanting in qualifying, and furnishing certain high and principle instruments who shall be most humble, and as little regarded as

David was, whom he will dignify with honor and priestly sovereignty, for the drawing to them the scattered flocks, and gathering them into one fold, out of all nations and languages.

Therefore there should be a holy emula­tion, and ambition stirred up among the bands of Jesus, that they may be of the first fruits unto Him that is risen from the dead, and so be made principle agents for Him, and with Him, that they may if possible be of the number of the first born of the New Jerusalem mother.

All the lovers of Jesus, and true waiters of His kingdom in spirit under whatso­ever profession or forms they are dispersed ought to be numbered among the Phila­delphian Spirits, to whom this message appertains.

The society is not the church, but pre­paratory to the church of Philadelphia, it consists of those who have associated to wait in the unity of the spirit, for its glori­ous appearance, and manifestation, where­fore there is such a strict charge given to them throughout the message, to be watchful and quicken up their race.


A Great Mistake.


“The Church of God is today courting the world.”

Dr. Howard Crosby.

Is that so? Can it be possible that the divine organism of which Christ is the head, the Church which is His body, that holy nation and peculiar people, which have been joined to the Lord, redeemed from all iniquity, and washed in His blood from all sin, and clothed in her pure raiment of righteousness? Js it possible I say, that she would reach down her snow white hand from her heavenly place in Christ Jesus, and woo the companion­ship of this drunken sin polluted world, that lies in iniquity? Would not that kind of mating be a case of extreme am­algamation, and of unequal yoking togeth­er. We supposed that courtship always implied some degree of affinity, and adap­tation. But, “what fellowship hath right­eousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?” Is it possible that such direct antipodes are seeking a matrimonial union? Surely this Dr. has made a grave mistake. He farther says, “The ball, the theatre, nude and lewd art, social luxuries with all their loose moral­ities, are making inroads into the sacred enclosure of the Church.” Well that would be an awful sight to behold. But how can these things be? Where is there a door that will admit such things “into the sacred precincts of the church.” Christ says. “I am the door,” and there is no other. Can men pack all such abomina­tions into Jesus Christ? Does He admit such stuff? Surely the Dr. has widely missed the mark again. Again he says, “It is the old trick of the devil,” this union with the world, “The Jewish Church struck on this rock, the Roman Church was wrecked on the same, and the Protestant Church is fast reaching the same doom.” Well then this “Protestant Church” can­not be the church of God. For while the former is fast reselling its doom, no “old trick of the devil,” nor all “the gates of hell shall ever prevail against” the latter. Surely there is room for the sounding of the Trumpet of God’s truth, while the law­yers and doctors, and all the priests, and dumb dogs of babylon are still in such ignorance as to what the church of God is. Had the man said that babylon was courting the world, it would have been some hearer the truth: but not exactly the straight thing either. For the courtship of babylon and the world has terminated in the matrimonial bond long ago. Though they are still celebrating their union with numerous feasts of revelry.


“It, is my duty to stand to His word. Sink or swim, come heaven, come hell. Lord Jesus if thou wilt catch me, do, if not, I will venture for thy sake.”


A love My Savior



Blessed Jesus I do love thee,
Spring of life Thou art to me;
Spring of never fading beauty,
Thou art mine, and Thou shaft be.

Cho. — Glory glory Hallelujah,
Jesus saves me fron all sin;
At His feet I’ll humbly trust Him,
And eternal praises sing.

Yes I love Thee blessed Savior,
Thou O God a fountain art;
I will praise Thee and adore Thee,
Ne’er would I from Thee depart.

Love Thee, yes, I’m Thine forever,
I would clasp my hand in Thine;
With Thy tender mercy lead me,
‘Till I reach the end of time.

Then with Thee we’ll join the number.
Of the loved ones now redeemed;
And we’ll sing with loud hosannas,
Unto Christ our God and King.

Note, — No one has a right to copy this song with­out the permission of the author.




If you could be as humble when you chose rich apparel (which I flatly deny) yet you could not be as benificient, as plenteous in good works. Therefore every shilling which you needlessly spend on your apparel, is in effect stolen from the poor! For what end do you want these ornaments? To please God? No! — but to please your own fancy or to gain the admiration and applause of those who were no wiser than yourself. If so, what you wear you are in effect tearing from the back of the naked; and the costly and delicate food you eat, you are snatching from the mouth of the hungry. For mercy, for pity, for Christ’s sake, for the honor of His gospel, stay your hand! Do not throw this money away. Do not lay out on nothing, yea, worse than nothing, what may clothe your poor, naked, shivering fellow creatures.

Many years ago, when I was at Oxford, on a cold winter’s day, a young maid (one of those we keep at school), called on me. I said, “You seem half starved. Have you nothing to cover you but that thin gown?” She said, “Sir this is all I have.” I put my hand in my pocket, but found no money left, having just paid away all that I had. It struck me, “Will thy Master say. ‘Well done good and faithful steward. Thou hast adorned thy walls with the money which might have screen­ed this poor creature from the cold.’ O justice! O, mercy! Are not these pic­tures the blood of the poor maid? See their expensive apparel in the same light; thy gown, hat, head-dress!”

Everything about thee which costs more than Christian duly required thee to lay out, is the blood of the poor! O be wise for the time to come. Be more mer­ciful; more faithful to God and man; more abundantly clad (like men and women professing godliness) with good works.

It is stark, staring nonsense to say, “Oh, I can afford this or that!” If you have regard to common sense, let that silly word never come into your mouth. No man living can afford to throw away any part of that food or raiment into the sea, which was lodged with him on purpose to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And it is far worse than waste to spend any part of it in gay and costly apparel.

For this is no less than to turn whole­some food into deadly poison. It is giv­ing so much money to poison both your­self and others as far as your example spreads, with pride, vanity, anger, lust, love of the world, and a thousand “foolish and hurtful desires” which tend to “pierce them through with many sorrows.” O God arise and mantain thy own cause! Let not men and devils any longer put out our eyes and lead us blindfold into the pit of destruction.

Sermon by John Wesley.


Get subscribers for the TRUMPET. Try it and you will do some one good, help us, please the Lord, and get a reward in glory.

2 page





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.


D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, – Editors.
THOMAS NORTON, Publisher. with J. C. Fisher financial assistant.


TERMS, $1.00. Per Year. In advance. To the Poor free.


All matter for publication must be sent to D.S. Warner.

All tinslness communications, moneys etc, must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET.

Addrss, Williamston 



Please observe the above directions.

Business letters that also contain matter suited for publication will be used.

Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in postal notes, over that amount in post office orbers.



Please observe our direction in sending mail. Bro. Fisher and myself are often absent. Hence, matter, to habe proper attention, must expect to be opened in case of our absence, unless, you write on the envelope “private.” Send all matter of business to the GOSPEL TRUMPET.


GENERAL MEETING AT WILLIAMSTON. Sabbath June first, the Saints and friends of the Lord Jesus will rally at the newly repaired hall, in this place. Meeting on the streets, Saturday P. M. previous, and in the evening in the hall.




This annual camp-meeting will com­mence, the Lord willing, June 4, 1884.

A good lumber pavilion has been erect­ed for the audience. Beautiful grounds, good water,” etc. Bring tents all that can.

Showers of blessings are expected from the presence of the Lord. There is much interest among the people in reference to this meeting. Many are coming to seek salvation and healing. The power of God Will be present to heal them all, in soul and body. Thorough holiness, conversion of sinners, healing the sick, and helping each other into all the power and gifts of the Gospel of Christ will be the leading object of the services.

Come, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Ground, two miles north of Bangor Van­-Buren-Co., and two miles west of Breeds­ville. Those coming from the south stop at the former place; from the north and east, stop at the latter place. Parties from the west can come over the lake from Chi­cago to South Haven, which is only about seven miles from the camp


This annual camp-meeting will begin, the Lord willing, August 23, 1884.



Quite a bad mistake occurred in the “make up” of the last Trumpet. The ed­itorial note that is thrown in among the correspondence, on the last page, should have followed Sister Kilpatricks letter at the bottom of the column.

The object is to call brother Dotys at­tention to the fact, that the parties that were pronounced by him ”more spiritual,” and on account of whom we were branded as carnal, have, by their confession, proved that he has wronged us. Will he show the honesty and candor of a christian and recall it? Since this mistake necessitates an illusion to the matter, we would also warn brother Doty that the same God that has proved him and his informant false, in the Harvester of last fall, will also confound the works of the devil, in that paper of May 1. I trust that God will yet teach that dear little man of the Harvester that it does hot pay to fight against God, and the Sword of His om­nipotent truth. Well we are happy in the pardon of all our enemies, and in the blissful fact that we have neither reputa­tion, nor any cause of our own at stake. Hallelujah! Ride on O Lord, we are ready to do and suffer for thy name.


Strange Fact.


Is it not an astonishing fact that away back in His twilight dispensation, nine­teen, hundred years before Christ, Abra­ham had a far more perfect conception of God’s Church, than educated sectarian preachers now have, nearly nine teen hun­dred years since Christ has come into the world, and founded his Church. “For He looked for a city which hath, foundations whose builder and maker is God.” While they all, as their ideal of the Church, look for a corporation, of which some man is the builder and maker, and which, with­out a foundation is built upon the wood and stubble of a paper creed.”


Value of Temperance.


Often old men of drinking and tobacco using habits, are cited as samples of lon­gevity and vigorous health; and the argu­ment is held forth that these habits are not destructive of life and vitality. But they simply prove that life is tenacious, and some men are much harder to kill than others. Let it also be remembered that life and health are not to be measured by the number of years that this animal frame is able to hold together. Ho, life and health should be measured by the standard of practical utility, and thus meas­ured, it consists more in mental and moral energy than in mere physical. What are our aged men of intemperate habits but pickled animality, a curse to themselves and a nuisance upon the earth? A total wreck and miscarriage in life, of what should have been an honor to the human species, they are only permitted to hang upon the confines of time, as a monument of God’s goodness, in creating the human constitution with such wonderful powers of endurance, and as a warning to the rising generation, to shun the path that so clouds the life and ends in a wretched death and future hell. Compare these aged sinners against the laws of God, with the aged of total abstinence. What a contrast. Take for instance Heal Dow, who recently delivered an interesting and telling address to a large audience, at Gardner Maine. And who was the chief instrument in the hands of God, in estab­lishing the liquor exterminating law of that state. “He has just passed his eight les birth-day, but is almost as vigorous as thirty years ago when he commenced his crusade against rum. His extraordi­ordinary physical and mental vigor at this advanced age, affords a conspicuous exemplification of the benefits of total abstinence.”

Reader will you choose the path of purity and virtue?




They are many, including all people who think inward evil cannot be destroy­ed while we live, but must be kept under subjection. The following from the Gos­pel Expositor, sets that doctrine in the right light.

“The only deliverance which these good people can see, is the temporary victory over a healthy and never-to-be-extermin­ated foe. This foe can be whipped any number of times a day, but insists on turning up, for the next round, just as fresh as ever. What is to be done with him? Why, whip him down again. What! again? Yes, again. But what is the use if he is going to rise right up again? O, it is your only hope to keep pounding him down by main force; you must never give up of course. We would like to suggest a motto for the repressionist It is, Never say die. “This is actually what they tell us. Pound away, give him a black eye, keep him under, sit on him, stand on him, chain him down, but never say die, for he can’t die till you do.”

“Repressionists keep a sort of hospital for sin in the heart, where it can be nursed and kept alive to the last gasp.”

How directly opposite this doctrine is to the gospel teaching, “dead to sin,” “free from sin,” “no more conscience of sin.” “The old man crucified, and the body of sin destroyed.” “As He is (as Christ is) so are we in this world.”


The Offence of the Crass.


We see in a western exchange, Brother D. C. Brenneman, a holiness evangelist, while preaching in a school house, had eggs thrown at him through window. He says, “I am fully satisfied that satan’s appearing in the form of an angel of light in the community, and taking on the sanctity of a profession of holiness, and yet whispering lies about holiness evan­gelists, and true holiness people, because they are free from the super-ecclesiastical sect yoke, was the cause.” Yes the chil­dren of the bond woman, always perse­cute the children of promise. Wherefore come out from among them and be sep­arate, saith the Lord.

Light Advancing.


In California the saved people that do know their God, have come out of sect babylon. An Evangelist writes from there to an exchange.

“God has organized in South California, “Holiness Bands,” independent of every­thing but God. Bible their creed, — recog­nize by a vote any whom God calls to preach, who go sent of God, — Preach, teach, baptize, administer the Lord’s sup­per. Elders serve in charge of spiritual, and the deacons temporal interests.”

The state of Mo., has a large represen­tation of holiness people, yea holy people. They are almost enemas declaring, their freedom from babylon, and their comple­tion in Christ. One brother writes us that full nine out of every ten liaise taken this stand, on Christ the solid rock.


A Fruitful Old Letter.



Dear Brethren: — I do thank the Lord that He has a peculiar people zealous of good works. I have received the Gospel Trumpet. Although we are strangers in the flesh, I thank God that we are brought nigh by the blood of Jesus, and baptized by one Spirit into one body, and have been made to drink into one Spirit. Yes I see and feel that the same Spirit dwells in me that is in you.

I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the Spring of 1862. That summer I enlisted in the army. There I lived a con­secrated life the best I knew, had much of the Spirit. On the 21st of March 1864 I wrote home to my brother and his wife. They were members of the Free Will Bap­tist sect, and made light of those that were wholly consecrated to God, and walked and talked with Him in the Spirit But about four years ago they experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And while cleaning house last May, she sat down, being weary and hungry for spirit­ual food. Seeing something on the floor like a letter, she picked it up and read the identical old letter I had written them from the army, full of the love of God. It fired her soul with joy. Having God in her soul instead of sectism, it read much different than it did nineteen years ago. Then she wrote me a letter and put the old letter in. I opened the envelope and my eyes recognized the old letter. I did not stop to read her letter, but read the old Stained one first. Now I had been a backslider for over twelve years. I soon saw the Lord in the preservation of that message, and its return to my hands. The fallow ground of my heart was broken up. As soon as I had finished the two letters. I went Into a little room, fell on my knees, and confessed my sins to Jesus. How sorry I was that I had crucified Him, and put him to in open shame. The dear Savior met me there. He left the ninety and nine sheep in the fold, and took me on His shoulder and brought me back to the fold. That night I went to the prayer meeting, I told them that I had turned from my evil ways to serve the Lord. They seemed amazed and astonished, as I had been so wicked In this little village. Every one knew me as a wicked man. The next night after my work was done. I sat down in my shop to write an answer to the letter, gave her in detail all that had taken place with me up to that time. But I felt that I was not ready to finish the letter. Though I had received the pardon of my sins, I felt I must make an offering of myself to God. When I wrote this the power of the Holy Ghost came upon me. Then two devils made their appearance, in the form of finely dressed commercial young men. One of them said he would write my letter for me as he could do it better than I. He fold me to look around for something to offer to the Lord. I did not heed him, but wrote in the letter that I had offered myself a mere bundle of rags to God, which was all I had to give. God accepted the sac­rifice and burned up all the cross, so noth­ing but the pure metal remained. I saw the dross run off from the metal. Then I wrote that God had filled this body with the Holy Spirit Then I shouted, glory hallelujah to God and the Lord Jesus Christ. There sat the two devils until I began to shout and give God the glory. Then the one that had done the talking, got up and said to the other, “Who ever heard of metal coming from rags, no one can ever make sense of that.” So they vanished out of the shop, the door being closed. Well I am a poor letter writer, but I do not let the evil one write my letters for me. I thank God I am all the Lord’s ever since that time. The Lord is my shield and buckler. He hides me in the shadow of the great rock. May God and His son Jesus Christ dwell in you in all wisdom and grace richly.

Jan. 26th.

Himrods N. Y.,

The Saints Inheritance.


We having said in our last that the out­pouring of the Spirit, or the baptism or the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier, was the promised inheritance. Let us continue to “search the scriptures,” for we desire to speak “as the oracles of God,” which is a sure foundation. Now let us read Acts 26 chapter, 16: 19, here we have St Pauls commission from the mouth of the Lord Jesus. “Rise and stand upon thy feet, for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness, both of the things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee; delivering thee from the people, and the gentiles, unto whom now send thee, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sancti­fied by faith that is in me.” Can any one which hath the faintest gleam of the light of the illuminating Spirit of God, fail to discern the two works of grace described in this scripture? Of course those who have not their spiritual eyes opened, and have not turned from darkness to the light can discern the light, no matter how brill­iant the light may shine, but when they “shall turn to the Lord, (the light) the veil shall be taken away.” Marvel not then that the Apostle to the gentiles tells more about the glorious inheritance of the saints, than all the rest of the Apostles, and so strictly defines it as a distinct and separate work of grace, for he thus receiv­ed it from the Lord Jesus. And thus he preaches through faith in Jesus, first, the forgiveness of sins, second, inheritance with the sanctified. Again He saves us, first, by the washing of regeneration. Second, and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. – Titus 3: 5. This were enough one would think to convince the most skeptical. What is regeneration but the new birth, or the washing away of our sins, through the blood of Christ? What is the renewing here of which the Apostle speaks, but another application of the blood of Jesus Christ, by which we are made perfectly whole? Let us through the grace and light given by the Holy Ghost explain, by the first act through faith in Jesus Christ by the power of the Spirit and the blood, we enter the new creation, we having an inward consciousness of our acceptance of God, by the removal of the load of guilt, and condemnation resting upon our guilty conscience, from sins committed. Praise God! “the worship hers once purged, should have no more conscious of sin.” Nevertheless we are still conscious of an inward depravity, or sinful nature, not of sins committed, but of sin inherited, after we are justified from all our transgressions. So then by regeneration we receive the Spirit of adoption, or Spirit of grace into our heats. Now the Spirit being planted in us, a conflict ensues, the Spirit making war with the evil nature, or “fleshly lusts which war against the soul,” “and these are contrary one to the other, so ye cannot do the things that ye would.” – Gal. 5: 17. This is that root of bitterness, which so often springs up and troubles us. So then we have not a complete salvation until the blood of Christ hath cleansed us from all outward and inward sin, or all sins we have committed, and also removed the nature which caused us to sin. What then is the renewing? It is a renewal of the power of the Spirit, and the blood which mortifies or crucifies and puts to death, and destroys the body of sin or nature. Rom. 6: 6. “Being then made free from sin, we have our fruits unto holiness, (which is sanctification) and the end ever­lasting life.” – Rom. 6: 22.

Thus we see entire sanctification means to be entirely cleansed from all sin, leav­ing the heart pure, for “the end of the commandment is charity, or love out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned.” – 1 Tim. 1: 5. Peter declared before the Apostles and Elders assembled at Jerusalem, that God gave the Holy Ghost to the gentiles, as well as the Jews, “and put no difference between them and us purifying their hearts by faith.” God is no respecter of persons, He made no distinction between the Apostles and the common people. For the promise is unto even as many as the Lord calls. “The blood of Christ then through the eternal Spirit, (the Holy Ghost) purges and purifies us making us every whit whole.” Dear Brother or Sis­ter “have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” If not why not? Have ye received the renewing? Have ye not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost for you or not? If not may the “eyes of your understanding be en­lightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe.” – Ephes, 1: 18, 19. “Put off the old man, and put on the new and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind,” and ye shall be renewed in power and knowledge, yea “filled with the knowl­edge of His will in all wisdom, and spirit­ual understanding; giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to he partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.” – Col. 1: 9, 12. Let us farther enquire into the mystery of this blessed inheritance. Paul tells the Ephesian brethren “that after they heard the word of truth in which they beicived, and after they believed they were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earest,” or pledge, or security of a farther in­heritance, or the redemption of the body “that mortality might be swallowed up of life,” for He that wrought us for the self same thing is God, who also hath given us the earnest, or security of the Spirit until the redemption of the purchased possession. And we are clothed upon with that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. – Ephes. 1: 13, 14. 2 Cor. 5: 1, 5. Paul also in his epistle to the Hebrews, urges the Hebrew brethren to go on unto perfection, not resurrected perfection, but christian perfection, not Adamic perfection, but Adamic purity, not a growth or maturity, but relining, purity effected by the relining fire of the Holy Ghost. “For He hath perfected, by one offering forever, them that are sancti­fied, whereof the Holy Ghost is a witness to us; for after that He had said before ‘This is the covenant that I will make with them, after those days, saith the Lord.” – Heb. 6: 1. 10, 14, 16. This cov­enant that the Apostle speaks of here, is synonymous with the covenant made with Abraham. “Jesus, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate.” When: “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting cov­enant, make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen! Heb 13: 12, 20, 21.

Jo..ure.. .

To Be Continued

A Priest Renouners Rome.


A Romish Priest of Canada, sends a letter to his lordship the Bishop, recanting and forever renouncing Roman Cathol­icism. He says that the “new ridicu­lous dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and the infallibility of the Pope.” are be­lieved by very few, if any of the priests and bishops. But that they were “given out for the ignorant multitudes of Rome.” “The confessional is a snare school of per­dition to the priests and their fair peni­tents.” “I was more and more every day the witness of an unspeakable moral deg­radation and corruption in the lowest ranks of the clergy, and of an unbearable impudence, avarice, insolence, gluttony, villainy, and heartless tyranny among the bishops. Every day it was more and more evident that a church where infamies that would have made the people of Sodom blush, and where acts of tyranny which would have puzzled a Caligula, were of daily and unchecked occurrence, could not be the Spotless Bride of the Lamb of God. “I have passed days of prayer, study, and meditation of the Holy Scriptures, as I had never had before.

“Suffice me to tell you, my Lord, that by the great, mercy of God, the result of those prayers, studies, and meditation, is that I have given up the Pope for Christ. I have exchanged the lying traditions of Rome. for the simple and pure gospel of Christ I have forever gone out of the Church of Rome, supposed to be founded on Peter, to belong to that universal and really Cath­olic Church, which has no other funda­mental and corner stone but Christ. Pray­ing our merciful God to grant you and all the priests of Rome the same favor.”

Yours truly,

P. A. Seguin.

A good step; mar many more priests of she old mother and harlot daughters, follow him to the same Rock.

Get subscribers for the Trumpet

Try it and you will do some one good help us. Please the Lord, and get a reward in glory.

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The Two Witnesses.


We closed our last with remarks upon verses. 9, 10, of Rev. 11. There we see the two witnesses, lying dead in the streets of babylon, “called Sodom and Egypt. Babylon means confusion, and confusion, discord kills the force of testimony, hence in all the streets of mixed sect babel lie powerless and lifeless. As the Word and Spirit of God demolish all sects, they ..an only maintain an existence by crushing these two witnesses, hence their prostration in her streets.

We will not attempt to explain the three days and a half, but proceed to follow the results of those witnesses standing up af­ter that short time. “The Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet: and great fear fell upon them which saw them.” — verse 11.

The unstified voice of God’s Word and Spirit is a ”noisome grievous sore to all them that receive the mark of the beast and them that worship his image.” As it is written of the prophet Amos, “The land cannot bear all his words.”

“And they heard a great voice from heav­en saying unto them, Come up hither; and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud. And their enemies beheld them.” – ver, 12.

Here again the blessed Spirit had to open up our understanding. What is meant by these witnesses’ ascent into heaven? As in many other places, the Church is here alluded to: for she is a “heavenly plase in Christ Jesus,” and our “heavenly Jerusalem.” That the Word and Spirit of God still offer salvation to a lost world we are happy to believe, but that these faithful witnesses have in a degree withdrawn from the world and assended up into the Church, as the place of their more spenial operations, is a fact that many prophesies of present truth teach, and the great special holiness reform strikingly exemplifies. The peculiar work of the Holy Spirit at present is that of “cleansing the land,” and “cleansing the sanctuary.” Which means the purification of the Church. In Ezekiel 38 39 we have the great battle for the extermination of Gog and Magog, — sectism. Then it is “I will call for a sword against him throghont all my mountains, saith the Lord. — 38; 21. “It shall be ill the latter days,” “In the latter years.” — 38:8, 16. The object of destroying and burying these forces is to “cleanse the land.” — For this work the Lord has now, in these last days, concentrated the “hail stones” of His Word, and she consuming fire of His Spirit, to which — Take warning — He will yet add His judgements; “For in my jealousy and in my wrath have I spoken, surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.” — 38; 19.

“And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be clensed.” Supposing that the sanctuary here meant the earth, and its cleansing to be at the coming of Christ. Mm. Miller based, principally on this text, belief of the advent of Christ in 1843. His followers since clam that his calculations were correct, but that he erred in the location of the sanctuary, which they is up heaven; thus the devil has deluded them into the notion that Christ is now at work cleaning out heaven, so to be fit for their reception, instead of having Him come and purify their hearts meet for Heaven.

Whether we can or cannot know the precise year that Christ entered upon this work the scriptures and existing facts, conour in declaring these “the last days,” “The day of His preperation,” when He is purifying the Church for His Bride.

The above passage will be understood in the light of Ezekiel 45:18, and Levit 16, 19, where the “altar” or “sanctuary” is cleansd by the high priestly offering in the “most holy place,” and these inner sanctuary offerings were figurative of our entering, by the blood and sacrifice of Christ, into the holiest of all, or the experience of entire sanctification. — Heb. 9, 10.

Yes, Christ, by the living energies of His Word and Spirit, the two witnesses, is now shaking raid sifting whatever is called the Church, to separate the few grains of wheat from every chaff pile of denominationalism, sectism, and anti-sectism. Truly the “net has been gathering of all kinds,” for hundreds of years, and now the good and bad are being separated.

Many other clear prophesies declare this present special work in the ecclesiastical heavens, and the intense commotion that ensues. But let us resume the recod in Rev. 11:13. “And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake, were slain of men, seven thousand: and the rest gave glory to the God of heaven.” This is not a literal city: for it “is called Sodem and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” But He was crucified at Jeruslem, hence net literally in those places And the city not being literal, but a moral force, the earthquake that convulsed it, and destroyed a tenth part of it can not be a literal one, but must be an upheaval by the force of moral powers, a religious commotion and revolution. This is noth­ing else but the mighty shock that is now blasting and consuming the great city of worldly religion.

“We give thee thanks, O Lord God Al­mighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.” And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldst des­troy them which destroy the earth.” “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earth­quake, and great hail.” – Rev. 11:17-19.

Yes every soul that is emancipated through the all cleansing blood of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, from the thralldom of priestly yokes, and inward foes, may well break forth in joyful thanks­giving to God, who has taken to Him His glorious power, and is reigning in their hearts with the glorious scepter of His love. “And the nations — denomi — nations — were angry, and thy wrath, – God’s wrath is come.” In Isa. 13, and many, other places, the great holiness reformation is represented as the consuming fire of God’s wrath upon all the wood, hay, and stubble which has brought disgrace upon His holy name. That He “should destroy them that destroy the earth.” Who are they that destroy the earth? In Jer. 50, and 51, God pronounces His judgments against babylon, and marshals His true saints against her, saying. “Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her.” — 5l:27. And in the two preceeding verses she is called, “A destroying mountain saith the Lord, which destroyeth all the earth: and I wilt stretch our my hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and make the a burnt mountain * * * “Thou shall be desolate forever saith the Lord.” All can see the identity of “Sodom and Egypt.” of Rev. and Babylon of Jerimiah, both have “destroyed the whole, earth,” both are to be destroyed by the burning fire of God’s judgments. Now no person of sound mind will for a moment think that the literal babylon is here spoken of, for that city did not extend over the whole earth and could not therefore produce this general destruction. A few of the many scriptures will suffice to show how the deplorable divisions and corruptions of the Catholic and Protestant apostacy, has destroyed the whole world. Christ prayed fervently “That they all (who believe) may be one thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” “That the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them as thou hastloved me.” – John 17; 21, 23. Now no one can be so blind as not to see that the sect divis­ions rival organizations of the great apostacy, remove an important condition to the faith in Christ, that He declared necessary to save the word, and consequently works the destruction of the whale earth. O how solemn and awful this fact. How long O Lord must this wholesale deception and destruction of souls go on? Come O thou most high God, and consume the walls that divide thy children, and sweep away the bonds of union between thy own, and the children of this world. Far better have a few “good figs” in each place, and they allin one basket, and all “very good,” than to have a great many baskets, of good, specked, and rotten, all mixed together. We are commanded to “Let our light shine before men, that they seeing our good works, may glorify our Father which is in heaven.” How it is almost universally ad­mitted, that the light of the present denominational religion has become darkness, hence “great darkness.” Hence our Fath­er is not glorified, and revered by the masses, and thus repelled from Him perish in their sins. “O thou that art named the house of Jacob, is the Spirit of the Lord straightened? Are these His doings?

Even of late my people (professedly) is risen up: as an enemy. ” Micah 2, “I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing; they commit adultery and walk in lies; they strengthen, also, the hands of the evil doers, that none doth re­turn from their wickedness. They are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof, as Gomorrah. Behold I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall; for, from the prophets of Jerusalem, is profaneness gone forth in all the land.” — Jer.; 23, 14, 15. In­verse 18, above quoted, you see that the Spirit of prophesy is dwelling on the end of the world, and the Judgement: is nigh. Just as Daniel 12, associates the deliverence of “thy children,’’ through Michael, with the resurrection, it being near to follow.



Try The Spirits, Whether They be of God.


[Abridged from the Good Way.]

The more glorious and essential the truth, the more the evil one seeks to pervert and. turn it into a cruse by false teachers, or by the impressions of his own vicious spirit. “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” – 2 Cor. 11:14, 15. “Beloved, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” — 1 John 4:1.

What shall we “try the Spirits” by? The word; and that word furnishes plain instruction to all, that none be left in the dark. “And when they say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar Spirite: – * * * should not a people seek unto their God? * * * to the law and the testi­mony: if they” (the Spirits) “speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” – Isa. 8:19, 20.

One of the sure marks of the leading of a false spirit, is they scarcely ever refer to what God says in His word, as a reason why they do, or do not, believe or disbe­lieve, this or that; but “the Spirit has revealed to them.” this or that, or “they have been impressed” to do or not do thus and so, without any, or but vere little regard to what He has said about the matter in His word. Through led by the Holy Spirit in the past, they now imagine the Lord has licensed them to indulge in conformity to the world doing many things forbidden, or refusing to do many things enjoined in the word.

Another mark: they are unwilling to acknowledge they were wrong, no matter how great or manifest the mistake they have made, &c., &c. The ultimate fruits of false leadings always bad; so “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for re­proof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” – 2 Tim. 3:16, 17. So what ever is contrary thereto cannot be of God; for God “cannot deny,” or contradict Him self. “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” Hence all “revelations,” and ”impressions” contrary to their teachings cannot be from the spirit of darkness. The Holy Ghost is the very God, and never contradicts him­self.

Never was there a time when satan was more busy than now, “with all power, and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish: because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might he damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” – 2 Thess. 2:9-12. His ingenuity is taxed to the very utmost to deceive the very elect, in these “last days.” The soul that does not stick to the word, as the rule of faith and practice, is at sea without helm or compass, the sport of the winds and waves of deception, which will soon engulf and wreck them in eternal destruction.

Let none ignore the glorious privilege of this dispensation, the enduement and guidance of the Holy Ghost; but let all try the spirits by the word, that none be deceived. Refrain from all that is of doubtful righteousness, according to the word; “For he that doubteth is condemn­ed” if he partake. It is safe to give the right the benefit of every doubt, the word being the judge.

Her Have Plagues Come.


A Wesleyan Elder reports in the organ of that branch of modern confusion, his work in Ingham Go, Mich., He alludes to their losses last winter, through the power of the gospel of holiness, preached by Brother Fisher. Quite a number of their members passed over into the land of Canaan, and proclaiming themselves free from all foreign jurisdiction, they refused any longer to “pay toll, tribute, and cus­tom, to the kings on the other (babylon) side of the river.” For this is that which was spoken by the mouth of the prophet, “It shall come to pass in that day, that his burthen shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing,’’ – Isa. 10:27. Yes the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and “thorough holiness,” as an editor of that sect said, “destroys sects and denotninations.” So the destruction of two Weslejan classes, proves that thorough holiness was preached to them. Well, this detraction from the kings revenue, and priests bread and butter, has been no small plague to babylon. Thus writes the overling, “Two of the appointments on the circuit were aband­oned by order of the Quarterly Conference in view of this plague.” Observe that this full and free salvation, which, — if a man will visit those communities, he will find has its fruits unto holiness, with abundant thanksgiving to God in the Spirit, – is ac­knowledged to be unto babylon a plague which makes her desolate. To this agrees the scriptures. “Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate; every one that goeth by babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues.” – Jer. 60:13.

“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” — Rev. 18:8. “And the first (angel) went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome grievous sore upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worship his image.” – Rev. 16:2. Therefore “Come out of her my people, that ye be not par­takers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues,” – Rev. 18:14.


Genuine Love.


God love is a very different thing from human sentiment or sympathy God love enforces obediance. You deny your child its wish, but its pleading may prevail against your judgment. Not so with God love. You may cry and plead but God is inexorable. We tell plain truth when an­ointed with love. If you want me to cut to the quick, and tear away the masks of sin, and probe through in ray preaching, pray upon me a baptism of God love.

John was the loving, loving disciple, He calls men “liars.” “If any man say he love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar.” “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” “Who is a liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?” “He that sayeth I know him and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar.” “If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie.” I have more of real God love unmixed with earth than ever before.

[ Vanguard.]



Burbank O., April 28th. Dear Brethren: — God bless you. Truth crashed to the earth will rise again. I tell you brethren you have many warm friends here, notwithstanding all the lying of the enemies of our Lord and Savior. I often think of you, and though at a distance apart, when I read the Trumpet it seems we are together. Brother Ecker preached at Lodi, a glorious bible sermon. In the Holy Spirit he proclaimed fall salvation, and freedom from all sin and sects. I do not think he will stay in the sect much longer. He was also impressed to go to West Salem. He procured an appointment in the Methodist house, the M. E. Elder was present, he asked him if he might preach the truth to the people. He said he might. So he took the sword of the Spirit and cut them all to pieces. When through preaching he asked if there were any sinners that wanted salvation, when twelve rose up. We are having good meetings at Lodi. We want a camp meeting here this summor if possible. Dear brethren be faithful in blowing the Trumpet, and show the people their sins, and you shall be rewarded with a crown of everlasting life.

An intrest in your prayers I crave,
That we may meet beyond the grave.
O blessed day, O glorious hope,
My soul leaps forward at the thought;
When in that holy happy land,
We’ll take no more the parting hand.
Your brother and sister saved in Christ,


Jerry City Ohio, May 16.

Dear Brethren in Christ: — I want to say Glory Hallelujah to God with all my heart, soul, body, might and mind. Then I want to fay give glory to God all ye ends of the earth. Praise ye the Lord!

The Jerry City meeting was a feast to our soul from beginning to end. The saints came from dif­ferent places bringing the Holy Ghost fire with them, and as soon as we met, like fire brands, all was in a blaze of divine power and glory. During the meeting one claimed healing by faith, one re­claimed, others entered into the more perfect full­ness. Sinners were convicted, but did not yield. Praise God! that spirit of anti-Christ was revealed, reproved, and cast out of sister — Glory to God. The sect people here are “set on fire of hell,” against” the saints. O Hallelujah to God and the Lamb, for ever and ever. While satan is raging the redeemed, of the Lord are shouting praises to God. Christ has said, “Upon this rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” O how I do praise God that I am in this Church which is Christ’s own body. In Him I am complete. All the shore lines are cut, and I am sailing free in the shoreless sea of God’s infinite love.

Your sister saved in Jesus, under the blood, and kept by the power of the Holy Ghost,



It might learn the “Harvester,” “Highway,” “Gospel Banner,” “Eire and Hammer,” and other editors a good lesson to inform them that the “anti- Christ,” spoken of in Sister Smiths letter, is the same spirit they have given place to. We are happy in the assurance that the same will be cast out of others, and all the defenders of babylon who are honest enough will yet find out that when they fight against God, they simply give place to the devil. Bless God, we freely forgive them, for in their intoxication on “the wine of her wrath,” they know not what they do. Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Amen.



Worstville Ohio, April 17. Dear Brethren: — We feel like giving God the glory for the victory He has given you through our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God forever and ever. May God, the Holy Spirit, for­ever bless and keep those dear brethren that have ministered to the wants of the blessed TRUMPET. O, bless God, He will take care of His cause, and His organ. In the name of Jesus Christ, we bid it god­speed with all our heart. O beloved, trust in the Lord and He will keep you. Hallelujah! He is going to have the TRUMPET published in spite of all the powers of darkness, and the very gates of hell. Bless God! we feel relieved, and feel like shouting victory on Israel’s side. Hallelujah to God! we are saved to the uttermost. Wholly sanc­tified just now through the precious blood of Christ. We are saved clear out of, and are standing far off from. Babylon. And we do not join with the mer­chants of the earth, “ciying alas for her,” but we shout oer the fall of all the isms of night, and sing of God’s infinite love. Glory to God! He gives us the good of the land. May God bless all the dear saints at Williamston.

Your brother all for God,



Macksville Ind., May 11th. 1884. Dear Brethren: — I am not rich in this worlds goods, although “made ruler over all my goods, and caused to sit down to meat,” according to the promise of the servant that should be found watching, and open the door when his Lord cometh and knecketh. By grace, I am saved through faith, that not of my self, it is the gift of God. The promise being sure to them that call on the name of the Lord, and do the will of cur Father in heaven. There are many delusions sent, but they can only hurt them that receive not the love of the truth, but hold the truth in unrighteousness, and have pleasure therein. Jesus says “My sheep know my voice, and a stranger they will not follow.” My prayer to God is, Lord have mercy on me a sinner, saved by grace, and deliver me from all evil. The Lord knoweth them that are His. I send you one dollar for the TRUMPET.



Onarga Ill., May 5th. 1884.

Dear Brethren: — May God bless you, and lead you beside the still, waters, is my prayer I am so glad you are still standing straight for God. Go on my Bretheren, no matter what people may say or do. Lot us stand still and see the salvation of our God, who has done so much for us all. Praise His holy name forever and ever! God is still lead­ing me, blessed be His holy name! He is leading me so sweetly to night, glory to His holy name. I have felt some-what led for one or two weeks, to write to you in regard to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. I feel now that I was too hasty. I have not felt real free since I wrote to you to stop the paper. I do now repent and let the Lord lead me. I know the Lord has been leading me in the past, but I was in too much haste at that time. I am willing to repent for God gives me the light so I know what to do.

May we be ever “looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearance of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Praise His holy name He can do wonders for us. “He is all and in all.” He has left us His “example that we should walk in His steps.” We need to be very meek and lowly before our blessed Savior at all times. I want to be more humble before God. He has done much for me. I have a right to praise Him for His goodness to me. He still keeps me saved and healed. I am trying each day to walk nearer my God to thee. We have very blessed meetings here; God meets with us every time, and blesses us and makes us strong in Him: we have a little flock of fourteen. We all need your prayers; most of us stand free from sects. O how blessed it is to be free in Christ. I am so glad I am free in Christ; He makes me free indeed

I am glad I can stand alone for Christ. I need no sect to lean on. Praise the Lord He is my support. Pray for me that I may grow stronger in Christ. Please send me the Trumpet. Enclosed find one dollar. May God bless you, is the prayer of your sister, saved and healed by the Lord,


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There is a sect here that call themselve Disciples, but unlike the disciples of old they do not claim to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and even deny that the Holy Spirit is now given to men. They are very partial in allowing all the real Holy Spirit power to the Apostolic, times, and none for our day. This young harlot daughter claims to be very strict in the letter of the gospel, in the breaking of bread every Lord’s day, but all that is crucifying to the flesh they pass by; such as the washing of the saints feet, holy living, and modest plain dressing they set aside. To correspond with their sen­timents and practice, they should get out a revised edition of the scriptures, read­ing as follows. “Ye ought not to wash one anothers feet.” “Though a man love the world the love of the Father may be in him.” “Be ye conformed to the world.” “He that is born of God doth commit sin.” “Receive ye not the Holy Ghost,” and “be not filled with the Spirit.” for “Ye shall not be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” “The promise is unto you but not unto your children, nor to them that are far off.” “The kingdom of God is meat and drink, but not “righteousnest, and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.” “If ye will only be baptized in water, and diligently take the Lord’s supper every fornoon, ye may abound in hope but not through the power of the Holy Ghost.” “For the offering up of the gen­tiles are acceptable unto God not being sanctified by the Holy Ghost,” “We can­not now glory in tribulation which work­eth patience, and patience experience, because the love of God that was shed abroad in the apostles hearts, by the Holy Ghost which was given unto them is now witheld from us.” These scriptures would be sufficient for their creed, and they could doubtless find a ready sale for such a version, among their sister denominations; as it would compare much better than the old bible with their spiritual and moral status. They claim to have been buried with Christ in baptism, which is all right, for people that have died unto sin, but they read Romans 6:7, thus, “For he that is dead is not free from sin.” Also, “Know ye not that your body is not the temple of the Holy Spirit.” “The Spirit killeth, but the letter giveth life.” There­fore “The ministration of the Spirit is done away among us,” “but where the Spirit of the Lord is there is fanaticism.” Since the Apostles and their generation have passed away, “let your women adorn themselvs with braided hair, gold, pearls, and costly array.” “For we are not sanctified through the offering of Christ.” – Heb. 10:10. I heard one of them preach that there was nothing in sanctification any way. They hare however one consolation, i e, there is no danger that they will “fall away,” that a “renewal unto repentance” will be impossible, for they never were “enlightened, and have not tasted of the heavenly gift, and were never made par­takers of the Holy Ghost, and have not tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come.” – Heb. 6:4, 6.

We cannot charge this sect with hypoc­risy, seeing they deny the very life and power of the gospel. Though they can not develop cheek enough to say right out that they are the identical and only scriptural church of Christ, they nevertheless try to make the assumption. But they come a good may off from meeting the description of the true church by Paul. “Without spot or wrinkle or any such thing,” “holy and without blame before Him in love.” But we must confess that this sect is very accurately described elsewhere in the scriptures. “In the last days,” we read they should make their appearance, “Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power tbereof,” – 2 Tim. 3. Is it not strange that men should be de­ceived by this sect, whose only distinguishing feature is that they take from the gospel its very center of virtue, and essence of power. The only distinguishing feature of the gospel is, “the power of God unto salvation,” from all sin, by the all cleansing blood, and the sanctification of the Holy Spirit. Take this away and there is no power to raise us above the level of the heathen. Remove this and all that is left is an empty farce, a hollow sound, which mocks the wants of an immortal soul, and leaves it still bound under the law of sin and death.

O let us have the blessed gospel of de­liverance from all sin, the glorious refin­ing fire of the Holy Spirit, and the real “love of God shed abroad in out hearts by the Holy Ghost.”


Daniel says, in the ‘‘time of the end,” when “many shall run to and fro, knowl­edge shall increase,” and “many be puri­fied made white and tried.” When “Mich­ael shall stand up for the deliverance of the children of thy people,” “there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” This time of trouble is portrayed by Christ in nearly the same language. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” – Matt. 24:21. This language occurs in connection with the signs that Christ has given of the des­truction of Jerusalem, and of the end of the world. Though it more immediatly follows allusions to the former event, it doubtless has more special reference to the troublous times that are all through the scriptures associated with the destruc­tion of babylon, and the deliverance of God’s children out of her. We used to wonder why the Lord so mixed up the signs and events that relate to the des­truction of Jerusalem, with these that refer to His coming, and the end of the world. The fact is these events are strikingly analagous. The scriptures that proclaim the desolation of the Jewish nation such as, “I leave your house desolate,” etc. are now, by the Holy Spirit speaking in us, applied to the Gentile sects. And the words of Peter on the day of Pentecost now speak in thunder tones to all the real salt that is still back in babylon, i e “Save yourselves from this untoward generation,” – “Escape out of the bloody city.” As the holy saints of God fled out of Jerusalem, so the redeemed that follow the Lamb are now being Jed forth of the sect Jerusalem, as it is written, “For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel be your rereward.” For “The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their King shall pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them.” — Isa. 52:12. Micah 2:13.

Again as the wrath of God was poured out in the destruction of Jerusalem, after the true salt had escaped our of her, so the “destruction from the Almighty,” is coming upon the bloody and confused city of sectism, as “His people come out of her, that they partake not of her sins nor receive of her plagues.” As it is written, “Woe unto them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation. The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of babylon, to declare in Zion the vengance of the Lord our God, the vengance of His temple.” – Jer. 50:27, 28. “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning, and famine, and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” – Rev. 18:8. Well the departure out of babylon, is the return of the saints into the unity of the Spirit, their gathering together again in the name of the one Shepnerd, preparatory to the coming of the Bridegroom. And true to the figure, this pure church, or ancient Jerusalem, must be built in “troublous times.” Hence in cennection with the “great tribulation” spoken of in Matt. 24. it is said. “He will send His messengers with a loud sounding Trumpet, and they will assemble His chosen from the four winds – from one extremity of heaven to the other.’’ verse 31. Emphatic Diaglott. This gathering is not deferred, as many suppose, until Christ comes, for immediatly after it is written, “Now learn a parable of the fig tree,” “when you see these things begin to come to pass, then know that the time is near, even at the door.” So the gathering of the elect together by the trumpeting messengers of God, is one of the things that is coming to pass just be­fore the Lord returns, and with other things is to notify us of His speedy appear­ance. These angels are the same spoken of in Revelations, that fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preich to them that dwell on the earth, saying “fear God” etc. “for the hour of His judgement is at hand.” Observe the har­mony of scripture. Matthew tells us that the appearance of these angels, is one of the sagns of Christ’s coming. The Revelator has them proclaiming His judgment near.

These messengers of the Lord are identical will Michael of Daniel 12. Now in Luke 21, we have a more extended description of these days of the signs of His com­ing. “For these be the days of vengance that all things that are written may be …. ver. 22. “And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.” Yea “The kingdom of God draweth nigh at hand.” – 25, 26, 28. Well to all whose eyes are open, it is saen that these things are “beginning to come topass.” A swift flying ministry is publishing abroad that, “thorough holiness which destroys sects and denominations,” burns up the partiton walls, add unites the children of God in one body in Christ Jesus.” And true to the word of God perilous times are upon us. The powers of the heavens are shak­en. There are signs, – strange phenomena – in the heavens, the earth and the waters. And they are not merely strange sights that awake curiosity, and pass away, leav­ing no harmful effects. No, such is not their prophetic description, neither their actual character, but in their wake is heard lamentations and woe. Yea they cause “distress of nations, with perplexity, men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth.” Some time ago we picked up a Toledo daily of Jan. 20, in which was over a column of details of these prophetic events. Great floods submerging whole towns, and large portions of cities, and carrying away many lives and millions of property. Fearful hail storms, and des­tructive wind storms, demolishing towns and county buildings. Awful tornadoes and cyclones in diverse places, carrying terror and distress, destruction and death, in their course. These strokes of divine wrath, though awful in their magnitude, are becoming so common that they excite but little attention and remark. Now and then a journalist wakes up to the awful reality of these social, national, religious, and elementary commotions, that shake the earth, and the very heavens above, and they are compelled to cry out, “Surely God is smiting the earth with the rod of His indignation.” Surely “Every morning doth he bring His judg­ments to light.” This is literally fulfilled before the eyes of all that open up and read, each morning the news of this con­vulsed and sinful world. O can men be so stupid and blind as not to see that the world is already entering the throes of the judgment of Almighty God?     O pre­pare to meet thy God.






Dear Brethren: — I want to give you a little of my experience, how I got the blessing of perfect love. When I first heard this holiness doctrine preached, I fought against it with all my might, and the devil made me think I was doing a wonderful work, but I soon found out that he was deceiving me. At that time I was badly in debt, and had failed to meet my obligations. So the devil took me in an­other way, he told me one day I had failed to pay my debts, and never could pay them, and also told me that I had been deceived in regard to ray conversion, and all my praying and attending the means of grace would amount to nothing, because I had failed in worldly matters. So I would miss heaven, and was sure for hell, I stopped and began to reason the matter with the devil, and he proved to smart for me. I believed his words, and got dis­couraged financially and spiritually, and was in the prison house of the devil thirty days. But something seemed to say to me one day, “God is not partial, He has just as much salvation for you as for those that have been testifying of this great salvation. I had been praying all these thirty days, but to no ayail: so I gave up in despair. Satan made me believe I was a total wreck, financially and spiritually. But about the expiration of the thirty days, I was one day feeling very much down hearted. I went to ray barn and there wrestled with God until I got relief.

So I earnestly prayed to God to give me a clean pure heart, and I want to tell you that prayer was heard in heaven, and bless God it was answered. God told me I had not been deceived in my conversion, as satan had tempted me. I was converted, and he gave me a pure heart, and such a joy and peace that I was made to shout or the first time in my life. The horses in the barn were scared. I went from the barn to my house, praising God and shouting for victory. My wife, like the horses was scared, and thought I had gone crazy. Praise God? I could now endorse, and believe the fullness there is in God, and also His keeping power.

Well it was not long until I had my debts all paid, and now for ten years I have beeen gloriously saved and kept by the power of God unto salvation. I feel so happy and gloriously saved in the blood of the Lamb, I cant help but give praise to God for victory through Christ Jesus. Oh praise God! Hallelujah to His name for ever and ever! Glory to God! my heart is so full of joy unspeakable and glory, that I cannot find words to express my feelings. I praise God for a full and free salvation. I am sanctified to God. Pray for me. May God bless all the reades of the Trumpet. Amen? Your brother saved through and through by Jesus blood.     May 5th, 84.

Menlo Iowa.



Wilber Neb., March 8th.

Dear Brethren: — Praise the Lord! Our meeting has closed, and I want to say that it resulted in much good. The preacher in charge of the meeting received the glorious experience of en­tire sanctification. His nam is Elder J. D. Etherton a memher of the Church of God, Nebraska eldership. Also a sister of that church, and two others are seeking. One was pardoned. Praise the Lord forever! Brother Etherton says he expects to hear from the Standing Committe soon, but he does not fear the ecclesiastical lions roar. I think he will obey the call of the Lord in Isa. 52:2. He is waiting for orders from the Master, and says he will preach holiness regardless of the Church. Glory to God we want no cowards in this fight We call for full salvation men. There is great need of straight holiness teachers, for,

In the cages of deception,
Souls are pining to be free,
While the shepherds of old bable,
Do not give them liberty.

Your brother free in Christ, and sanctified in His blood, and kept,



From Iowa.

Dear Brethren: – The Lord bless you in your labors for Jesus sake. We received the GOSPEL TRUMPET, and like it very much. We like its plain straight teaching all through. Praise the Lord for a pure gospel, free from babylon gags and oppression. I praise God today that I am His free woman. Free from all sin by the blood of Christ, and out of all the defiled sects. I stand on God’s immutable word, and He tally saves me just now. Yes I can say deep down in my heart, glory to God, I am standing free in Christ. I am cleansed in His blood, and belong to Him soul and body. Let the Trumpet sound long and loud, and may it be in the future as in the past, uncompromising always giving the certain sound.

Glory to God! I am so glad that he tells us in His word that, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin,” and the Spirit speaks the same in my heart. Yes all sin, not a part only, glory to the Lamb forever. Amen! I send you five dollars as a donation. I hope the saints will all help in this the Lord’s work.

Your sister in Christ, sanctified wholly,

Charity E Endersby.


Hunnewell Mo., Dec, 16th.

Dear Brethren: — To you and all the holy brethren and sisters greeting. My soul rejoices over the glorious wonderful works of God. We thank the Lord always as we read in the GOSPEL TRUMPET, for His great love and light, and for His glorious Spirit of truth, who leads us into all truth, and does fill our soul with such a sweet agree­ment and rollowship, with all those who are sancti­fied in Christ Jesus, and who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Yes all the pure and the true ones hear and know the voice of our Great Shepherd, and Bridegroom, and they love to obey Him in all things. O what a glorious agreement and unity there is in all who have the real Spirit of God, and know the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Glory to God we have Jesus in the soul, He calls us brethren, and His word is our meat and drink. All things in God are one. The Father Son and Holy Spirit are one. His word is a unity. All His people are one. One family with one Head, Jesus Christ who is Lord over all. For “He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one, therefore He is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Glory to God forever! May the blessed Lamb of God still continue to lead us in His foot steps, and may He strengthen your hands in blowing the Trumpet around the whitewashed walls of sect­arianism, unill all God’s people come out into perfect freedom in Christ Jesus, where they can progress in the Spirit. Amen! Enclosed find three dollars for the Trumpet. Truth is fallen in the streets here, and is ridiculed and despised. About fifteen or twenty here have professed and testified to entire sanctification about four years ago. But one after another entered the Methodist sect door to please some of their rich kinsfolks, and as the, sight of God showed me very plainly their mistake, I was led for about three years to admonish them and hold the word of God before them. There was warefare. Some acknowledged the truth, but would not walk in it. Others fought for their sect wall and so the Spirit was grieved away. They got their preachers to abuse and ridicule us, until the Spirit told us to stay away. Now they are about lead. They have chosen a drunkard to do their singing. Dear brethren, I wish one of you could come here and hold a meeting, or do you know my one near that we could get. But we want no one but of the pure tribe of Judea. The people are in darkness and think they have light. O we need such Holy Ghost power and fire preaching here to open the eyes of the blind, and turn them from the power of Satan to God, and show them their glorious inheritance.

Your brother in Christ,


Hin.. …

Dear Brethren: – I am glad that you have withstood the firey trials that you have passed through for Jesus sake. It is God’s way to prerare you for greater use to His glory. I am all the Lords to day. It is nearly a year since God forgave my last wanderings, and baptized me with the holy fire. Glory to God and the lamb forever, there has not been one dark or cloudy day since. There are three sect preachers in this place of about four hundred souls, and it is claimed there has not been one soul converted in ten years. I try to pray for the people of this place, but the Spirit seems to say “let them alone, they are joined to their idols,” … given over to reprobacy of mind. I cannot pr.. but by God’s grace I can live holy and unblamable before God, in their midst, so that they could see if their eyes were opened, and could hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as he gives me utterance, if their ears were pricked. I tell every body about this way of living, not I but God in me. Brother W. I am poor in this worlds goods, but rich in a title to an poor in this worlds goods, but rich in a title to an inheritance in glory, without any encumbrance up­on on it. It is worth more to me than all this world, and all that I have is the Lord’s, and He told me to send you $ -, and I would be more than repaid. It is of the Lord, you receive it and use it to His glory. Your brother, hid with Christ in God.



Vichy Springs Mo., May 2nd.

Dear Brethren: – I am glad to see the TRUMPET once more. Hope to see you soon. Expect to start next week. Have a big message for you when I get there. I praying for grand success and victory for you. Truth will triumph, if we hold to Jesus and His word victory in sure. Amen! Glory to God I have victory in my soul. My trust is in the Lord, and I expect to follow as He leads. My heavenly Father is rich, and in Him I own all things, so I am rich, praise the Lord.

Your brother saved,



Desmoins Iowa, April 29th.

Dear Brethren:I have wondered why I did not get the TRUMPET for so long. I have wished for it so much. I am     alone, and yet not alone. My Savior is my abiding guest. I go to Cambridge tomorrow, to help in a holiness meeting. I assisted in a meeting at Wheeling, twenty miles south of here, last Feb. where God wonderfully poured out His Spirit. Seventy seven arose one night for prayer, and all might have been saved had there not been a clashing element of opposition to holiness in the churches. But notwithstanding all the opposition, many received pardon, and several were sanctified. I have been working in the Masters vineyard nearly all winter, and God has wonderfully blessed my work. To Him be all the glory. I die daily. “Still I live, yet I, but Christ liveth in me.” I am crucified with Christ.

Your sister in Jesus,

H. A. Lewis.


Dixon O. Jan. 17th.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led to say to the glory of God, I have recently sought God in the pardon of my sins, and He freely forgave and justified me. I then gave myself to Him for entire sanctification, and He washed me while in the blood of the Lamb. Praise the … my soul is free just now. The devil greatly t..nts me, and sometimes nearly overcomes me, but try.. in Jesus I sin kept by the power of God, though th.. unto salvation. O I am so glad that the … of Jesus Christ God’s son, cleanseth me from all sin just now. I admonish everybody to … this great salvation which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. O sinner come quickly to the S..

“Though late you may return,
Be in time, be in time.”

O I want, all God’s children in pray that I may ever stand up for Jesus, discharge my duty, and warn sinners to flee for safety in Jesus. That I may live only to the glory of God.

Your sister in Christ,

Maggic R. M…


Onarga Ill., F… ..th.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God for full salvatoin, so tree in Jesus. Glory to God for full feet victory in my dear Redeemer. My hand trembles with the divine joy that fills my be.. white I pen these lines. Jesus keeps me in p.. ..nce, praise His holy name. O I next keep my … on Him, and not lock here or there. I … ..way.. to sit at Jesus feet, and be taught of H… I have made a complete com.. to the … … I am so glad He gave me strength, had … r.. to give up all for His sake, Espesially the things ..eted in and leaned upon for support .. used to trust in the M. E. denomination, but the blessed ..d sent Brother Kent to Onarga to held a holiness meeting and among other good things he … us plainly that we must be “saved from our churches. Well I thought about it, and prayed the Lord s..d..eel my mind, and came to the co.. thatI could not be saved from a thing and still supp.. in. Praise God, I am now free from the galling yoke of sectism, and Christ is my all sufficient Savior. The devil is going about as a rearing …. S.. times he speaks through the press, and ..ies .. slander sanctification, the precious dect.. the bible, I am glad that God gaves you wa.. to put to silence by the word of God their that flee up against God, His holy cause and truth. I have been praying that God would give you gi.. and wisdom to patiently endure as string Him that is invisible. That you may keep in the sweet love of God, while you are called to battle with the churches of God and truth. Keep close to God, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Keep to the word. Sis..d with the God and the truth.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting. And let all the people say. Amen! Praise ye the Lord!

Mrs. A REED.


Auburn Ind.„ Jan. 16th.

Dear Brethren: – I hereby send you two dollars on the Gospel Trumpet. God bless you in the good work you are doing. You are bringing many to the true light, and fe..lation of the bible. May God grant that all true saints may se.. come out of all divisions, and dwell in Christ alone. I count myself free from all sects and divisions, and I wish that God would send some one preach the pure word here.

Anna Pepple.