1 March 1886, Volume 7, Number 24.
The Old Ship, Zion.
We are sailing on the old Ship of Zion,
We are sailing to the home of the blest,
Where the holy angels wait for our coming;
In the city where the saints sweetly rest.
Cho — When the tempest passes over,
We will meet each-other there on that shore,
When the tempest passes over,
We will meet each-other there on that shore.
Millions have already reached that blest harbor,
And are singing with the loved gone before;
Millions more are sailing over the river,
To those mansions on that beautiful shore.
Spread the canvas to the winds, let the breezes
Gently wait the noble Ship to the shore;
All on board are sweetly singing to Jesus,
Who will bring them to the bright evermore.
When we all are safely landed in heaven,
We will gladly shout our dangers are o’er,
We will walk about that beautiful city;
And we’ll sing our happy songs ever more.
— Sel.
WE bade farewell to the dear saints and family at home, Bro. Clinton Sherburne and sister Ida Shaffer accompanying us to Henderson Pa. We were met at the (rain by dear Bro. Wm. Frost, who conveyed us to his home. That evening we met at Henderson where quite a congregation had gathered, and we spake the Word of the Lord to them. On Sun day, Jan. 3rd the power of God was wonderfully manifested, and all our souls were refreshed from the presence of the Spirit. One soul was sanctified by the Holy Ghost and testified by shouting and praising God. On Tuesday following, the Spirit, of the Lord was poured out, and two more souls were delivered. The nest day we met at the house of Bro. Alexander Elder, where the Lord baptized our souls with the fire and power of the Holy Ghost, and four more souls were delivered from the powers of darkness, and set at liberty rejoicing in their Savior. On Tuesday the 7th, the Lord gave us another victory, and three more souls were happily converted to God. On Friday we met at Bro. Charles Perrine’s; the Lord was with us in power, and three were wholly sanctified to God. O glory to God! How marvelous are His works. On Wednesday the 13th, we again gathered at the house of Brother Warren Armstrong, where we made a bold attack on the enemy’s ranks, which resulted in the taking of two more prisoners for Jesus. Thanks be to. God who always giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The same day in the evening at Henderson, several others consecrated and received pardon. On Friday evening the loth, we had another glorious outpouring of the Spirit upon us. Two received pardon and two sanctification. On Saturday the 16th the fire of the Holy Spirit was intense. O what liberty the saints enjoyed. At this meeting there were three more sanctified to God. The, next day the Lord’s day, the Lord helped us to preach the unsearchable riches of His Word, after which six consecrated and received parden. The next evening there was another most glorious outpouring of the Spirit of the Living God, and five more consecrated for pardon and three for sanctification. Again, on the 20th, we met at Bro. Peters’; the holy war was waged, resulting in another victory for the Lord and His saints, and three more souls were captured for the Lord. O glory to God! In the evening of the same day in the village, the mighty power of the Spirit was again manifested; four more sought and received pardon; the saints were filled with power, and great glory. Thursday the 21st was a glorious day and a searching time. We met at Bro. Frost’s, many consecrated for the anointing and received. Three were sanctified. In the evening at Henderson was another glorious time of refreshment; four souls were sanctified, one received pardon. On Friday the 22d we met at the house of Bro. Isaac Brake-man; as usual, the Captain of our salvation was there, and led us on to another glorious victory. Hallelujah to His name! At that meeting one poor soul received pardon and four sanctification. In the evening of the same day at Henderson, the Lord deluged our souls; it seemed as though all the fountains of the great depth of God’s love and power was broken up and flooded our hearts. O what wonderful power. The altar was crowded with seekers, four souls gloriously sanctified by the power of God, after which they leaped, shouted and praised God. The Lord’s day the 24th, we experience another mighty visitation of the Spirit of the Lord, and we all partook of the spiritual refreshing. Two sought and received pardon and two sanctification. The next evening one more was sanctified. Our next meeting resulted in the taking of two more prisoners for the Lord. On Wednesday we rallied again at the house of Bro. and sister Peters, arid another soul was taken for Jesus. At this meeting Bro. Wm. Dean who for a long time had been under the care of a physician, under whose treatment, he testifies, he was constantly tailing, was healed and made every whit whole. From that moment he has felt no pain or symptoms of the disease; he testifies boldly before all, that he feels as young as though he was but seventeen years old. Oh! praise ye the Lord for all His wonderful works. Hallelujah to His name! On Tuesday Feb. 4th, we went to Stonesboro and met at Bro. and sister Shaw’s; Sister Shaw had been ill for some time, but the Lord healed her. This was one of the most-wonderful meetings we ever experienced. Some were prostrated under the power, some were leaping and shouting, in fact it was a real pentecost, and the very same power. One poor soul came, after the meeting closed and desired salvation. We there engaged in singing and praying. She then consecrated, the Lord saved her and she joined in praising the Lord. O hallelujah to God! I do praise my God for His wonderful blessing upon my poor soul. O let us magnify the Lord our God, let us exalt His name forever more. On Wednesday we met at Bro. and sister Peters” again, and we experienced the most wonderful presence of the mighty Spirit of the Lord. O it was just melting; every one was filled to the uttermost. Some were prostrated under the influence of the new wine, while others were leaping, shouting and otherwise praising the Lord. One Bro. received the witness to his salvation. On Feb. 4th, the Last day meeting was a glorious one, at Bro. and sister John McClellan’s. The Holy Spirit here was again wonderfully manifested. The Lord enabled us to preach the everlasting Gospel to them. Three souls sought salvation and were accepted of Him who calleth all poor sinners to repentance. In all during our labors here, there has been about 80 conversions and sanctifications. O how the Lord did sustain us in preaching His Word. Many of the sectarians did all they could to hinder the work, but without effect. Of all those converted and sanctified, but very few were young persons; nearly all of them heads of families. Many of them who were in the past staunch old Methodists, came out of babylon and were grafted into the “True Vine” and are now praising God for their deliverence. May God ever bless and reward the beloved saints for their tender love and care for us, who so kindly sheltered us from the cold and storms, and provided for our every comfort.
Your Bro. washed in the blood.
Bro. William Myers, near Palmyra Mo.
The following is from his parents.
Dearly beloved, the Lord has made us sorry by laying His hand upon our beloved son William, and it pleased the Lord to take him out of this world. He died the 10th of last Jan. He gave his heart to the Lord when Bro. Warner, and Bro. and sister Fisher were here and held meetings last spring. A few days before his departure, he had a vision. He saw himself up so high, where everything was so beautiful. We are praising the Lord in our bereavement, for His wonderful and powerful lessons He is showing us all the time. And we want to glorify Him in every step of our sojourn here, and in every action of our life. Praise His great name, for His mercy endureth forever! O dear Lord help us to be prepared at all times to stand before Him. So that we can truly say, “If this house of our tabernacle were desolved, we have a building, a house not made with hand, eternal in the heavens.” Your brother and sister in the bond of love and union with all the saints. Pray for us.
Charles C. and Barbara Myers.
By John P. Haner.
DEAR BRETHREN; — And all readers of the holy Trumpet, I am led of the Lord to write to you this beautiful morning on a very important question. Is it right to use tea and coffee?
Brethren, come let us reason together. Is it right to spend the Lord’s money for that which is of no use to us, for that which does us no good, but injures both body and mind? You remember when you made your consecration, you laid all on, the altar; you gave all to the Lord: your time, your talent, your influence, your property, your-lands, your money and all you have, to be used to the glory of God.
Indeed we were the Lord’s before, for He has bought ns with His blood. Yea we were His by creation; for He is our creator. He has created us by His mighty power, and placed us here to till this land of His, to glorify Him in our bodies and spirits which are His. O what a mistake so many people make in saying, “this and that is mine, and I can do as I plesae with it, it is none of your business what I do with my own.” O shame on you, poor man, robbing God. How long will ye rob God. How long wilt thou, O vain man, steal the glory from God, and give it, to man? Come brethren, don’t be calling that which thou hast thine own; for you have given God a quitclaim deed. You never gave a warantee deed, for it was never yours: you never had any right to call it yours, therefore you could only quitclaim, and release all claim on God’s property. O how man is deceived. He thinks he is rich, when he has nothing he can call his own. Shame on man! Brother, it is all the Lord’s. Now conies the question can you, dare you spend the Lord’s money for those things that give your Father no glory? Have you not heard the voice of the Lord against those things? O my dear brother do not turn a deaf ear to my epistle, the pleadings of your brother, who loves God with love unfeigned. Brother and sister, ask the Lord about these things. Just think of the money that is spent yearly by God’s people to sacrifice to these idols: look at the money spent for the vessels to make your stimulants in.
Now Bro, how much money do you spend each year for this useless thing, for tea and coffee? then add ten years, then twenty, and see how much of the Lord’s money you spend for that which destroys your mind and body. Could you not glorify God more by taking the money you spent for this narcotic, and give it to some poor man or woman of God, that is called to work for the salvation of souls, who is wanting means to buy bread for family?
You are spending the Lord’s money for naught, and think you God will not call you to account for this? Stop now, for! Jesus’ sake, and for the sake of immortal souls, who are perishing for the bread of eternal life. Think of that poor evangelist that has sacrificed all to come to your place to preach the Gospel of Christ, and to help you: his garments threadbare and his dear family at home in needy circumstances, while you are spending money for tea and coffee, which are not necessary.
Now to return to my subject, O my Bro. while I write this epistle my heart aches, my soul mourns, and my eyes fill with tears, and I cry, O God, get thy people right down to the bed rock of full consecration. My beloved friends, and brethren I never felt so in all my life. While I write to you my heart seems to come up in my throat, it seems to almost break. I know this will glorify God. I feel God’s people need light on this subject. I can hardly write for weeping, and crying, my God, my God lead the people.
You remember that dear brother that came miles to labor with you, and when he went from you, you never asked him if he had any money to go on; you had no money to give him, you had spent the last dollar for coffee, you have none for him, but when the coffee is all gone, you manage to get some more. How is this, brother? I speak from experience. I have traveled in the last year about 2000 miles, and I want to tell you, my brethren, I have spent about $100, traveling, that the year before, I worked for. While God was calling me to go into all the world to preach salvation: many times going on foot, many times destitute, afflicted, and tried, at some places, not a cent was offered me, to help me on my way, while many professors of holiness were spending dollars for coffee and tea. Shame, shame!
Yet amidst all this, I am determined by the grace of God to go and preach this salvation while I have power to crawl on my knees. Glory to God! I am consecrated right down to bed rock. J am willing to wander in dens and caves, with, the sheep skin and goat skin pilgrim company, poor and afflicted.
Now brethren I will give you an extract from an article on this subject by Dr. Ellis. in his valuable little book on Avoidable causes of Diseases. Hear him speak.
“Coffee causes a great variety of symptoms. It causes a peculiar form of head ache which commences in the morning, gradually increasing untill the middle of the day or later, and then declines. Both coffee and tea palliate or allay the symptoms they cause, and patients always suffer from such symptoms for several days when they discontinue their use. Coffee excites the bowels to unnatural activity and consequently weakens the digestive organs. It often destroys the appetite for breakfast, especially children. It excites more powerfully than almost, any other substance in use, the sexual propensity, and is a fruitful cause of licentiousness and this over-excitement is followed by premature impotency.
Tea causes head ache, violent palpitation of the heart and a peculiar gone feeling at the pit of the stomach. These symptoms are worse when the patient has been-some time without tea and are ameliorated when he again partakes. Coffee and tea excite the nervous system and brain, hasten on a premature, but consequently imperfect development of both body and mind. It parents will persist in using these injurious substances themselves, I do not think they have a moral right to give them to their children thereby polluting their natural appetites, giving rise to an unnatural craving for these substances, the use of which will do incomparably more injury to the growing organizations of the young than to those of adult men or women. Multitudes suffer from nervous and sick head aches, palpitation of the heart, goneness at the pit, of the stomach, loss of appetite, derangement of the stomach and bowels, from the use of coffee and tea, without ever suspecting that these beverages injure them: in fact feeling all the time that they do them good because they suffer when they attempt to leave I hem off, for they palliate or alleviate, for the time being, the diseases they have caused, as do all poisons. If parents have no regard for their own health and lives, may it, not be the duty they owe to their children to set them better examples than to use these substances before them.
Every one can but see upon reflection that it is very wrong to allow children to use these poisons. But we are told by some that tea and coffee contain more or less nourishment. Well, supposing they do, and so do the body and head of a rattle snake, but if we were to steep up his snake-ship, head, poison and all and drink the tea, we might perhaps pay dearly for our folly, The deadly nightshade, hemlock, henbane, and all poisonous plants, when analyzed, may be found to contain more or less of materials which are useful for food, but they also contain substances which are poisonous, and therefore they are unsuitable for food or drink. The nutritious portions of tea, is in a great measure, if not entirely insolable, so that if we do not eat the leaves we fail to get the nourishment they contain.
The physician who is aware of the symptoms and diseases which tea and coffee so frequently cause, and have seen such symptoms and diseases gradually abate when the use of these beverages has been discontinued, as I have, can have no doubt about their being improper articles, especially for children to use. Cold drinks are more invigorating than warm, and are greatly preferable, except at meals.
There are persons who are in the habit of drinking freely at their meals (a bad habit by the way) who cannot use cold drinks with impunity, and perhaps they are best for no one, but surely there is no excuse for taking tea and coffee so long as hot water milk and sugar are more plenty and cheaper than either.”
Now brethren, we have the advice of one of the best of physicians, which I heartily endorse, the Lord says for us, ‘what-soever we do, to do all to the glory of God.” I see the testimony of several in the Trumpet, that they are saved from tea and coffee, glorious deliverance.
Now brethren I leave this with you and God, do not pass this by for Jesus’ sake.
I am saved from sects, from tobacco, from tea and coffee, and all other sin.
Pray for your humble blood washed brother, sanctified wholly and kept by the power of God from all sin unto salvation.
God bless the Trumpet and all who work in its interest and all who read it.
Urbanna, Kan.
DEAR BRETHREN: — I would tell to the world what great things the Lord can do for them that trust Him, and obey His commandments.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not, shall be damned.”
Now what follows the believer? “And these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall cast out devi’s, speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison it shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” — Mark 16:
Glory be to Jesus for the authority He gives to His children.
My little girl Lillie, five years of age was healed of whooping-cough by the great Physician when it was at its height, and the Lord awoke me in the morning about day break, and told me she was healed, and she was yet sleeping, and told me to go and tell it. I obeyed the voice and told her father and the rest that God had healed Lillie, and then such a flood of light filled my soul, that I just walked the floor and shouted glory to God, for about two hours. She was healed between the hours of mid-night and day-break. Glory to His matchless name!
That was in August 1884, then in Jan. 1885 she was stricken down with Scarlet fever, and diphtheria, and O beloved ones, no one but the dear blessed Lord Jesus and myself knows the straggle I had wish satan for I had lost a little boy four years old with the same disease, and my little girl nine years old lay two weeks in the greatest agony and suffered every thing but death before she got well. I had trusted Christ for my soul for years, but glory to His holy name! He can save body, soul and spirit.
When my little girl was taken it came in its most violent form. I was alone at the time, so I went to my Father on my knees and asked Him to send me help, and while I was yet asking the Lord heard and answered me and sent me two, dear ones, and we claimed the promise, “they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover,” and she was healed. The enemy tried hard to get her little body, she went into one of the hardest fits I ever saw a child have. After she came too from the fit, she slept about a half hour. She then awoke and said, I am healed. God has healed me., and glory to His name! she was. I need no physicians any more, but Jesus. Praise His name!
Mary Owen.
Beaver Dam Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord this evening for salvation that saves me from all sin. Glory be to God! How can we praise God enough? O how my soul rejoices, for I am saved to the uttermost, and sanctified wholly to God. The. Lord has wonderfully blessed me and my family. Praise the Lord for salvation that, sweeps all the works of the devil out. How can we neglect such a great salvation, when Jesus is able to save to the uttermost? God help the people to come and be saved is my prayer. Pray for me, Brethren, that I may stand firm on the Rock, Christ Jesus. H. Bryant.
Page 2
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, —– Editors.
J. C. FISHER, —– Publisher.
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BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.
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The dear little ones in the Office have been making up all the Church and Sabbath tracts we have printed. We have yet a good supply on hand. Let them be sent on their way, preaching the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus. The Church tract ten cents, the Sabbath tract 25 cents. 20 percent commission to all who order to sell. We also call attention to the fact that the publication offers 20 percent commission on Trumpet subscriptions. Let all work for the Lord.
Praise God! The New book is sending a tidal wave of praise and glory through the land; flashing Gospel light unto many hearts; sounding out the clear notes of Gospel truth, and exerting a mighty influence for God, and His salvation in the hearts of the people. The publication of this book is a glorious epoch in the onward march of Divine truth. Many hundred have already gone forth singing the dear Redeemer’s praise. Send in your orders. Numbers can be ordered from one dozen upward, at the same rates, as per hundred. Price 35 cents. Cloth 50cts. Per dozen $3.00. Cloth $4.80.
We have loaned out quite a number of books, to accommodate brethren and friends: but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, “MadamGuyon,” two volumes, Upham’s “Life of Faith,” and “Interior Life.” “Randall’s Travels in Egypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writing of God.”
OUR brethren of the Holiness church must not indulge the happy delusion that they can without molestation make the claim to all that is pure and holy.
Some of our Free Methodist brethren, (with all deference belt said) are willing to admit that the churches of the present day are the Babylon of Rev. 18; 2, except the Free Methodist church. In this manner we may go through the whole list, and each will make but one exception; but when we have completed, all will be excepted.
Our brethren make it quite a pleasantry in disposing of the government and authority of the Holy Ghost in His own church (of course it is not expected the Holy Ghost will preside where His government is repudiated) they call it “a blindfolding affair of the devil” and say “with them everything is Spirit, Spirit, Spirit. The Holy Ghost does every thing, organizes churches, put in officers, and members, votes in the good, and votes out the bad, etc, etc.” Surely the Holy Ghost can well be left to defend His own church, for He can do that, also, in addition to what our brethren sarcastically states He does. It is a difficult work we know, and we pity our dear brethren while engaged in the impossible task of taking one of those harlots of Rev. 17:5, and attempting to dress her, and fit her up, to appear like the Bride of the Lamb.
O my dear brethren the Lamb is not deceived. “Christ is the head of the Church.” But we see a great many assuming to be heads, and it matters not whether they be in the singular or in the plural number, if they are presuming to occupy the place that Christ, the head, only should occupy; they are out of order, and are playing in the hand of anti-christ. It is strange how men can be deceived into the belief that they can rule deity. And that because they cannot see God the Holy Ghost; that therefore, flesh and blood like themselves must be set up in authority with a code of laws and ordinances, composing a human government to give God’s people tangible rule.
It is the old story of the children of the Jews demanding a king. They could not see God, and therefore He could not organize — could not control — could not vote — “there was no government but the invisible and spiritual,” and hence, “it was a sort of nothing-ism, no man-made organization.” O hallelujah! Who set up Moses? Who instructed him in every movement and step and held him to the strictest account? Who put Joshua to the front and gave him his orders to the minutest point? Who ordered the battles and determined the results? Who gave the messages to the holy prophets ? Read, read the record, my brethren, and let God speak. Let us put our hand upon our lips, and keep silence.
Invisible! Yes — the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are unseen, are eternal. Glory be to God! These temporal things perish with the using; but the things of God endure forever. Give us the Rock.
[Though the Spirit, who organizes is invisible, the Church He organizes is visible. Ed.]
Who called and ordained Paul, and all the apostles? “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” Who said this? The Holy Ghost, (Acts 13: 2.) “So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost etc.” And we have it all through the record — These being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, labored when, where, and in the manner that the Holy Ghost directed. They needed neither Popes, Bishops, Elders, nor Deacons to tell them what to do, where to preach, nor how long to stay. They were under higher orders, Hallelujah! No man nor set of men ruled the people of God by authority, in the apostolic time, but by teaching and example. We live under the same dispensation of the Holy Ghost to-day, and we propose to exercise the same blessed privileges of Holy Ghost government, thank God. O my brethren, do not reproach God’s people for believing in the Holy Ghost as all and in all to them; being as He is, the representative of the godhead among us. Who exposed Ananias and Sapphira? Who liberated Peter? Who sent him to Cornelius? Who told Cornelius to send for him? Who sent Paul to Ananias? etc, etc. Who liberated Paul and Silas? The Invisible. “He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches.” One would think, by the expression of the brethren, and the language they use, that they have something better than the Spirit, and can dispense with Him, but this is not their case. They would not for their lives do such a thing. But it is this deception — This thing that is foreign to the Spirit, that is set up. They look at it, and admire it, and laud it, and hug it to their bosoms. —
Well, we just see how they do it, and how they are deceived. They don’t worship any of the other six or seven hundred idols that are set up. Neither do any of the other sects worship their idol; but each their own. Creatures of their own building — The work of their own hands. Just as much so as was Aaron’s calf, or Dianna of the Ephesians; and if it is touched they will cry out.
Now if I have wronged any dear brother, the Lord forgive me. But my God help me to strike at the idols with all fearlessness and fidelity. Amen and Amen!
In the town where the writer resides, there was, three years ago, a company of undenominational holiness children, who were serving God with much encouragement from the Master, and a goodly number of souls was the fruit. During the year that followed, satan came with deceptive voice and work, and gathered a number of that company into the Free methodist sect. Up to that time unity, fellowship of spirit, and brotherly love prevailed among them. All were absorbed in the salvation of souls and the advancement of the Master’s Kingdom. But just as soon as the sect inclosure surrounded those precious souls, there was a division. Then, they had another interest to foster, which was the Free Methodist sect. Not God, not Christ, not the Holy Ghost, but an harlot.
Such will be the result in the work of the brethren of the Holiness churches in Southern California. It will separate those who have worked in harmony, without any corresponding benefit. They will now gladly work with any who will put on their garb, which is so freely offered.
Good Way.
Sister Louisa Russell, of Lafayette Mich., writes us a good little article, correcting the expression of many of the saints, saying, “your unworthy Bro.,” “your unworthy sister.” She quotes plenty Scripture showing that the saints are worthy, while those rejecting Christ “count themselves unworthy of eternal life.” Notwithstanding the Scriptures repute saints worthy, they also teach that in another sence we are all unworthy, unprofitable servants. And so the pure humble heart feels.
SATURDAY, Jan. 23d, five dear saints and ourself, came from Rochester, Fulton Co. Ind., to Deerfield, Randolph Co. Ind. Reached Bro. Isaac Key’s about ten o’clock at night. The next morning a nominal christian preacher had an appointment in the meeting house near by, so we, having been expected by the people, went over. We sang some of the heavenly Songs of Victory in the Spirit, and in power. This so confounded the dead priest that he could not find anything in his Bible to preach, and after he got into the pulpit he invited us to preach.
Praise God! He gave us a message full of blood and fire. Hallelujah!
Before closing, the preacher told the people that he had come with the intention of remaining and protracting meeting through the week. It is very evident that some sectite had gone to see him on Saturday and got the old man to occupy the house that week, to keep the Gospel out.
At night the preacher look the pulpit and preached a little dry sermon, and told the people he would preach night about with us and we would all work together. But before meeting closed, we arose and told the people that we were out of babylon, on the blood and fire line, and could not yoke up with dead priests of babylon, and therefore would go elsewhere to labor. The whole affair was a plot of the devil to get us to splice on to old drift-wood that God could not move out of the way. Hallelujah! we went over in the edge of Jay Co. and opened fire in a U. B. house called Prospect.
Glory to Jesus! though standing in babylon’s pulpit, we poured out the vials of God’s wrath upon the seat of the beast all the hotter. Hallelujah to Jesus!
Two souls at the altar the first night, five the next day. Some, while seeking a “deeper work of grace.” and seeing what it cost, especially the sect idol, drew back. And some of them grew blacker every day until fully given over to satan’s control. O the awful rage of satan! The country was all alive with raging, hissing serpents and devils. Threats were common. One woman was heard to say “they ought to be driven out of the country with shot-guns.” Hallelujah!
But the work of salvation went right on in spite of the devil. Souls saved every day. A Baptist preacher came into the neighbor-hood, foaming out his venom. Said we ought to be put in jail, and offered his service as one to take hold of the matter. The-house was crowded at night, and good congregations in the day.
We held the meeting there from Monday eve, till the following Sabbath day. Then we went back to Bro. Key’s, the house being vacant, we held meetings two days. The house became so packed at night that we could not continue night meetings. So having left an appointment for the saints, at Prospect on. Wednesday eve, the Lord sent us back there. We found that the “three unclean spirits like frogs” had gathered Gog and Magog against the saints, the U. B. pastor was to be there, but did not come. We felt the house was packed with devils while we preached. Three penitents at the altar. We had testimony meeting, when a woman arose by inspiration of the devil, and began to defend babylon. A young lady who is a member of the sect, but who, we are told, attends dances, began to clap her hands, and cry out for “our church,” her face being contorted by the influence of babylon spirits; when the roughs, in the far end of the house began to clap their hands and yell like so many demons. We hushed the rabble in the name of Jesus Christ, and then called attention to the kind of spirits that sect babylon is mixed up with. The scene was a good thing for some who had come out of babylon. It was a fair exhibition of the foul spirits, unclean and hateful birds we had told the people were in her. The saints were greatly strengthened. Some said they just then lost the last bit of sympathy for babylon. Two women hunted up the man that held the class book, and ordered their names off. A local preacher of that branch of Rome, got up in the spirit of the beast, said that any man that was so holy that he could lay his hands on sick persons and heal them, should not want to preach in a sect house. Said that the pastor was to be there that night, but for some reason did not come, but he will come and “straighten things up here according to his own notion, this is his pulpit, and his people.” Two of the trustees, having embraced the truth, as it is in Christ. Jesus, desired us to hold meeting there the next day, but seeing how the sect wine was working, and feeling that it was filled with foul spirits, we would not meet in her desolate walls again. So we returned to Bro. Isaac Key’s over in Randolph Co. and held meeting the next day and night. The Lord blessed His little ones, and we shouted His praises.
Some four or five more souls were converted and sanctified. Glory to Jesus for His campaign of fire that sweeps over the land, enlisting the pure that are able to stand! Glory to Jesus! At these two places, about five miles apart, there are about twenty-four precious souls, most of whom are clear and clean, and established on the sea of glass, but some need to go on unto perfection. Dear brother Henry Wickersham, who was a local preacher of the U. B. sect, and his companion, died out to all this world, and received the glorious anointing of the Holy Spirit, the blessed sanctifier. May the dear Lord keep them, and use them mightily. How grand and glorious, but O how real, to see men and women of good standing and influence in babylon, count all that gain but loss for Christ, and die to all friendship, fame, and glory of man, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, and the incorruptible glory of His cross.
People have dealt in cheap shoddy religion so long, that they feel like stoning us when we state the cost of that we are commissioned of Christ to offer the people; nevertheless when men consent to pay the price, they are always highly pleased with the results. Glory to Jesus!
How He poured His glory into our soul as we poured out the vials of God’s wrath upon babylon, right in their own house. The Spirit of God was on the people in much conviction from the first of our entering in among them, but soon we saw and felt the Spirit grieved away because souls were, drawing back from the pure light of God. The Spirit put it upon us to smite several with personal blows with the “hammer” of His Word. This set pretty hard on them, but in most cases it worked mortification unto; death, and then a glorious resurrection unto the life of Christ. One dear brother who had been a Disciple, came down to. the altar and got gloriously saved. He is here on a visit, from Kan., and ere this shall have reached the reader, lie will be scattering the fire in the western prairie. God bless the dear brother. Pray for him, dear saints. His address is,. W. B. Fields, Keelville, Kan.
From Randolph Co. we came to Bro. Wm. Bragg’s, at.
Sweetser, Grant Co. Ind.,
On Friday, Feb. 5th, Bro. Isaac Key with us. A large M. E. house had been offered us, and in a few hour’s notice, quite a large congregation convened that night. Praise God, we had much liberty in preaching the Word. The next day we all went to Bro. Bragg’s brother’s, whose wife had been very low for twelve days. The evening before, Bro. Isaac Key called and prayed with her. We also took her case to God that night before retiring.
The next morning she seemed a little better. She had not eaten scarcely anything during the twelve days, was so low she scarcely noticed her children. We read some Scripture, and all testified of the mighty healing power in Jesus. Sister Frankie Miller old all about her wonderful healing, and that of her two cousins. The blessed Jesus was therein mighty power. The sister being saved and strong in faith, was anointed with oil in the name of the Lord, then laying on hands, with one accord we believed on God for her healing. Hallelujah! The mighty Spirit of God came upon her, and she sat up in bed and praised God, declaring that she was well. Calling for her clothes she was soon dressed and walking the floor shouting praises to God. Hallelujah!
What a time! most of the saints were leaping and praising God. The very house was filled with His glory. In a few minutes she sat upon a rockingchair, when her boy three years old, came up to her side, she picked him up and sat him on her lap. This was marvelous, considering the fact that she had to be fed like a helpless child.
It pleased God in His providence, to send the attending physician there shortly after we came, and he was perfectly captured by the power of God. He arose and confessed the Spirit of God was there, and that he believed the sister would be healed. Confessed that he had been joyfully converted, and he wished he had
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gone on to still higher attainments. He was perfectly willing to turn the case over to Jesus and let Him have all the glory. A very rare thing for these earthly phisi-cians. We regard him as one of the noblest hearts of that profession we have ever met. When the healing power came and the saints shouted the victory, the dear man shed tears of joy. God bless that dear man, save him fully, and give him many stars in his crown.
The mother-in-law of the healed sister, seeing the true faith of the Gospel, renouced babylon, consecrated for holiness, and received the anointing Another sister also consecrated all to God, for holiness of heart.
That night the large meeting house was filled, excellent order, great interest and all hearts apparently open to the tenth. Sabbath day and night we proclaimed the awful present truth of God respecting babylon and the true Church of the Living God. The Spirit was upon us in mighty power. Great conviction on many hearts. Sabbath, one young man was melted down, came to the altar and obtained pardon. An old mother in Israel consecrated for sanctification and was blessed. We never saw such a large congelation so generally receive the truth, in our life. It is supposed that nearly a thousand people were in the house Sabbath eve. Monday, had a small meeting at Bro. Wm. Bragg’s. The healed sister was there shouting and praising God. A few consecrated for pardon and sanctification. A dear old mother who had been 40 years in the Dunkard sect and never experienced any salvation in her soul, until two weeks ago, told her experience, consecrated for sanctification, and took a good shout. This, said Bro. David Leininger, was a greater miracle than the instantaneous healing of the sick sister.
That night, as we were preaching, the Spirit showed us that the sect people who had bowed such free consent to the truth, had drawn back in their hearts, not will-to loose their reputation, and standing in sectism, nor give up their tobacco and other idols, for Christ’s sake. The Spirit was grieved away, conviction largely passed off of the hearts of the people, and what bid so fair for one of the greatest Miming to God we had ever .witnessed, passed off like a morning dew, and our peace returned upon ourselves.
Tuesday evening at Bro. Bragg’s, just before going to the meeting, a sister was sanctified and wonderfully baptized with the Holy Spirit, and she claimed also to be healed at the same time. Three others received the anointing of oil, for healing, and in laying on of hands claimed complete healing. The great physician was there in wonderful power. Glory to His name! Preached that night to a full house, the solemn fact of the close of the Gentile harvest, then sang the “Saint’s Farewell.”
Scattered about, here are several families of the holy remnant.
Clifty Dale, Mo.
Dear Brethren: — May the Lord wonderfully bless and keep you in His glorious way, using you for the moving forward of His blessed kingdom and Church clothed in garments of white. Amen!
Glory to God in die highest, on earth peace, good will to man. Hallelujah!
The devil is mad and raging, sects howling, and all opposong elements throwing their force together, but none of these things move us. Since Jesus is our Captain, and salvation our walls and bulwarks.
The Lord has wonderfully increased my courage, and given me Holy Ghost authority and power to preach His Church, and declare the whole counsel of God, and stand against wrong of every kind. We are “searching the Scriptures” and the Lord is giving us a blessed experience of His truth. I feel that under God I owe you all a great debt of gratitude, and truly we are one in Christ Jesus. I still praise the Lord for sending me to Mich.
May the Lord abundantly bless all the dear saints in Mich. If the Lord send any of you this way, we will be glad to meet with you, let us know some time beforehand, and we will try to meet you at depot. If you come within 200 miles of here be sure to let us know.
Sister Mary wants me to say for her, that she is glad she has escaped out of babylon, and is now established in the true Church of God, opposed to all the works of the devil and sin, in and out of babylon, with the real glory of God in her soul. Hallelujah! and wants all the saints in Mich, to pray for us.
The Lord has been doing some wonderful healing here this winter, of various diseases, and even Palsy of 14 years standing. A number have been sanctified, as well as converted. We are just getting ready to go to meeting and will start soon.
My testimony is, that the very God of peace sanctifies and keeps me preserved in Christ. Amen!
Old sister Bell fell on the ice, hurting herself badly, on Thursday evening and was confined to bed until Sunday, when we had meeting in the same room where she lay helpless, not able to turn herself in bed. At the close of the sermon she was healed and got right out of bed dressing herself and testifying to her healing, shouting and praising God tor His goodness, and said the Lord just filled her soul with an eternal sluice of praises, and some of her children and grandchildren began weeping, and she began preaching to them the mighty saving and healing power of God, as she went from one room to the other, in the presence of many witnesses. Wholly sanctified and in God’s order, with the holy fire burning. Amen! Your Bro. in the Body of Christ.
J. Cole.
Shawtowst, O.
Dear Brethren: — I want to say to the glory of God that I enter in the new year with my soul full of the glory of God. O praise His holy name forever and ever!
With wife and little Clara we have just returned home, found the children and the rest of the saints trusting in the Lord.
Since my last, there has been a number of souls saved and healed; the Lord is with us in great power. 0 it makes my soul cry out glory! glory!! to the most high God! O how pleasant and delightful it is to have a continual flow of God’s love in our soul. O how good the Lord has been to us, and how much He has blessed our labors. I am saved from all sin and all schism. Babylon is fallen, is fallen. One M. E. priest in Deshler, Ohio had two or three members that were pretty well saved, and one of whom the Lord healed not long since in one of our meetings. He told them that they must stop their shouting, that he could not have it, as there were about fifteen of the members against it, and that they must keep still. The same false prophet was asked what he thought of a change of heart. He replied it was all bosh. One of the sisters told him she would burn at the stake before she would keep still when her soul was fall. So she left the old wreck.
Glory be to God! Come out of her my people, for she is filthy, and not fit for a saint to enter her threshold.
And yet there is now and then one in her, that is trying to serve the Lord. May they speedily make their escape.
The Lord bless you all. Your humble brother, saved and sanctified.
A. M. Dick.
Deshler O.
Dear Brethren: — We are having a glorious meeting at this place, and the saints are wonderfully baptized with the fire of God. Glory to Jesus! Every meeting the Lord wonderfully blesses His Church, and He is blessing our labors. God is daily adding to the Church those that are saved. Praise His holy name! The people in Israel are wonderfully stirred and interested, especially the outbreaking sinners. There is a general conviction on all that attend, also on the honest part of babylon. Glory to God in the highest! Bro. Wilson is laboring with us. The Lord is wonderfully blessing him in delivering the Word. O how God manifests His power! It does appear that there is power enough manifested to turn Deshler upside down. Yes, we realize it is the very same power that they had at pentecost. Praise God! But with all the power of God, the devil is also trying his power. He is raging in his fury; but God has said, “Upon this Rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Well, glory to God! we believe it. We are all given up to God, and by His grace we will stand and declare all the truth. We dare not shrink though earth and hell oppose us. Glory to God for salvation! A little daughter of Bro. Baker’s was taken very sick, and the brother came to town, not for a doctor, but for an elder. Bro. Wilson went with him and anointed the child, and it was immediately restored. O praise God for healing power!
A. M. Dick.
Earlton, Kan.
Dear Brethren: — May the Lord bless you for Jesus’ sake. Amen!
I feel led of the Lord this morning, to write a few lines for your encouragement.
Bro. and Sister Haner and myself commenced a meeting in the name of Jesus, at Mount Pleasant, Kan. Jan. 22nd, and closed the 3d of Feb. Of course we met with some opposition from the sects: but praise God for victory every time. O how sweet it is to obey God and keep in His Divine order. Praise His name forever! Hallelujah to the Lamb! Well, the Lord was with us and we had a glorious meeting. Pour backsliders reclaimed, one converted and three sanctified, and the people generally stirred, and a goodly number of old dusty bibles being searched. Glory to God, for His Word, and for His wonderful works to the children of men.
O brethren, let us buckle on the whole armor of God, and re-consecrate our all to this blessed, blessed work. Just think for one moment, so many precious souls hungering, thirsting, and starving for salvation, just tied and bound in sectarian shackles, and do not realize their awful condition. O my God, help the people to cry aloud and spare not. O glory be to God for freedom! O may God awake us up afresh to duty, and just poor on the old Jerusalem fire until our souls shall be lit up for the glorious work of soul saving.
Your Bro. under the blood.
John H. Orr.
Grand Junction, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — God bless you all. Amen! Praise God! I am saved this morning and kept by His power, and am permitted to meet the dear saints at Osterhout once more. Yesterday we met our dear Bro Palmer. The Lord is using him in the salvation of many souls. Some consecrated each meeting we were with him. Sunday evening we went to Bro. Johnson’s where we talked to the people, and after several testimonies we set out the altar, and seven came to the Lord, some for pardon, and some for sanctification. Bless God! the work is going on. Our labors in Ind. was crowned with souls, and much light was spread. We believe it is like bread cast on the water that will be gathered before many days. God bless the dear ones that dared to step out for the Lord! Well, we expect to tarry here a few days; we are in the bands of the Lord to go anywhere He leads.
Your Bro. saved and sanctified.
S. Michels.
DEAR readers of the Gospel Trumpet, I must write a few lines and let you know how I have been used in sectism.
I first united with the Free Baptists. Bless God! I always was very loud, and believed in doing everything with my might. So I thought I would wake them up; but it did not work very well. They told me I would have to stop that noise. So I went to the M. E’s, and there I found that it was always a jar, and jangle, every one wanting to be boss and run the thing, in his, or her own way. There was scarcely any revival, because of the disunion and pride. Praise God in the highest! The mists are clearing away, and the clear light of day now breaks into our hearts. The Son of God speaks and says, “follow me.” “I am the true vine,” “I am the Church,” “abide in me.”
Soon after the Lord added me to His Body, the Church, I felt that God had a special work for me to do. I tried to avoid those feelings, but could not get rid of the call. Well I was urged by my pastor to go before the board, to receive a license.
I did so; but they were all unconverted men, and did not want me to hold the office of an exhorter in the great M. E. sect.
Bless God for salvation. There is only one way for men to get to heaven. “Come unto me, says Christ, and I will give you rest.” All have to come by the cross. He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Thank God, we do not need to join the creeds of men, but only the Church of the Firstborn, which is written in heaven.”
Well I have left the M. E. sect, and am abiding in Christ the true vine. I have not obtained that perfect rest of sanctification which I desire. I am determined; to serve the Lord all my life, and I ask all the dear saints to pray for me. Yours in Christ.
Stanley Matthews.
Send us a new Subscriber.
In Memory of Willie A. Arnold,
Who died Dec. 16 1885., Williamston Mich.
I’m lonely since my brother died!
O, none can fill that vacant place:
My heart is full of grief and woe —
I nevermore can see his face,
Till I from earth shall pass away
When he will come to guide me o’er
The dark river, to realms of bliss,
To dwell with God on that bright shore.
I’m lonely since my brother died!
Oh! can I never see him more,
Nor clasp him by his loving hand,
Nor gaze upon the smile He wore?
Nor kiss those lips so rich and red,
Nor look into those eyes so true,
That sparkled like a dewdrop lent
From heaven’s own arch of purest blue?
I’m lonely since my brother died!
His voice in song is hushed on earth;
My song shall be a mournful dirge,
While others’ songs are full of mirth.
In springtime when the snow had gone
We wandered by the brooklet’s side,
And sat beneath the grapevine boughs,
And lingered there till eventide.
We roamed the woods and plains together,
We plucked the flowers from off the hills;
We gathered fruit from nut-brown trees,
The stones and shells from purling rills;
Eggs we found in barn’s high loft,
We climbed the trees for birdie’s nest;
With books in hand to school we sped,
Then home returned to love and rest.
I feel that he’s gone home to rest,
Although cut off in manhood’s bloom;
He’s gone to wander with the blest,
And left me here to follow soon.
Upon his grave we’ll shed our tears,
And turn our eyes to’ard heaven above,
To learn that all is vain that’s here,
But where he is, there “God is love.”
Yes, Oh! I am so lonely now
Since God hath called my brother home;
I know I ought not mourn or weep,
For I have said, “Thy will be done.”
God is so good, so kind, so true,
It ought not cause me grief or pain,
For He hath said in His good Book,
“The pure in heart shall meet again.”
Selected by Mary M. Arnold.
Dash Mich.
Dear saints of God: — I am saved to the uttermost, and God fills my heart with His holy love. All glory and honor be to Jesus who died on the Gross to save us from all of our sins. I am washed and redeemed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. My soul says, glory to God in the highest! I have had a great deal of experience in my life time serving the devil. I don’t believe there was ever such a wicked wretch, and disgrace to humanity as I was. I was working in the woods this winter until the 20 of Jan., when God laid His hand of affiction on me. I tried two different physicians, but they did me no good. My kind old mother entreated me to give my heart to Jesus, and thanks be to God, I was persuaded to kneel down while in family worship and God saved my soul. I am saved from tobacco and everything that is not of God. All honor and glory to him that keeps me so sweetly saved and sanctified in Jesus.
Adelbert Cunningham.
Battle Creek Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I feel like writing, and telling what the Lord has done for me. O how the Lord is blessing and saving my soul. I am bound by the help of the Lord to serve Him as long as I live. Praise the Lord for what I feel in my soul! The devil has tried very hard to destroy me, but by the help of God I have resisted him. Praise the Lord! I feel that this testimony makes satan rage, but I praise God that I know His power is greater than all the power of the enemy.
Hallelujah to the Lamb for His cleansing and healing power! O I do praise God from whom all blessings flow. He has done so much for me, I shall ever thank and praise His holy name. O glory to Jesus! The glory all belongs Him.
One night I was taken with a severe pain in my body, sometimes it was so severe I could hardly draw my breath. My companion told me to ask Jesus to take the pain away. I did so, and in one moment the pain was taken away. Praise the Lord! Since then I can lay down and rest in peace every night. Glory to Jesus! My faith grows stronger in the Lord. We are haying glorious meetings here. The Lord is with us in mighty power. Praise the Lord! Amen!
Your brother in Christ. Samuel Worden.
Covert Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I do praise God this morning for salvation that saves me each moment of my life. I praise His holy name for picking me up, a poor sinner and placing my feet on that solid Rock, Christ Jesus, where I intend to stand by the grace of God. I praise Him for what He has done for this place. He has saved eight souls in the last few weeks, and if we prove faithful, I have faith to believe He will save more. Glory be to Jesus! My soul is filled with praises to God for deliverence from all sin. He keeps me by His mighty power each day. Glory be to God! I am sweetly resting in Jesus this morning. Praise the Lord! I am saved, sanctified and ready to do the Lord’s will whatever it may be. Praise God!
Madie Morrison.
Williamston Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I want to say to the glory of God that I am saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus, and made every whit whole. In the winter of 1865 I first gave my heart to God, and was born into His kingdom, and have been sinning and repenting ever since, until two years ago the 9th of January; then God forgave all my sins, and five days later He sanctified me wholly. I gave myself a living sacrifice upon the altar and God accepted the gift. God says in His holy Word, “He that sanctifies and they who are sanctified are all of one. Glory to His holy name! I will praise Him for what He has done for me. He has done a work in my heart that the world knows not of, and they cannot take it away. Praise the Lord! I do thank God that He sent Bro. and sister Fisher into our neighborhood to preach the true Gospel as it is in Christ Jesus. I was a great sinner in the sight of God, but tonight I am free from all straps and bands. I belong to the Church of the Living God, and my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. God for Christ’s sake forgave my sins, and the God of peace sanctities me wholly.
“I want to stay with Jesus,
He is my king and priest;
He prurifies my nature,
His love a constant feast.
“I want to love my Savior,
Because He first loved me;
To me He showed His favor,
His precious blood I see.
“I want to serve my Jesus,
He’s done so much I know,
He gave me blessed freedom,
Because He loved me so.”
Your sister saved in Christ.
Mary A. Arnold.
Grand Junction, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord today for ever saving my poor soul. Blessed be God for salvation that we know we are saved! Oh I praise Him for the victory I have in my soul over the evil one. I am growing in grace and in the knowledge of the truth; learning to let the Lord have His way with me. I love the sound of Jesus name, it sets my spirit in a flams. I’m redeemed, praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name!
L. Merwin.
Coloma Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I feel that the Lord loves me and keeps me from all the sin of this world. I am wholly sanctified and washed in the blood, and kept by the power of God. Praise God forever and ever! Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Joel S. Turner.
Dushville Mich.
My testimony is that I am the Lord’s. He is all and in all to me. Bless His name forever! Wife and I are standing alone for Jesus, out of all sects, rooted and grounded in the truth and on the Rock. The Free Methodist wolf got in the little flock and took all but wife and I. Dear saints pray for us that we may be kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time. Amen! I am an old man, but God saves me. Your brother in Christ.
S. K. Snyder.
Teagarden, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I am saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! Bro. Michels has got the sects wonderfully stirred up around, here. The Lord gave me light on babylon and I came out, and now I am free. Glory to Jesus!
Your brother in the faith once delivered to the saints.
John H. Dare.
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Dear Brethren of the Gospel Trumpet: It tis with much joy and pleasure that I am allowed by the grace of God to tell not only you, but many “more”, who read your valuable paper, of my conviction, conversion and entire sanctification. And dear brethren, being as I was, such a sinner, I was led to believe by God’s grace that it might be the means of causing some poor sin-sick soul to think and pray to Jesus Christ for the pardon of their sins. I was out in the world, working as hard as I could, and bringing all the force I could bring to bear against those who claimed to be children of Christ Jesus, and I was always pleased when I could secure some one to help me ridicule God’s people.
I engaged in all wicked sports, was a frequenter of saloons and gambling houses, and to be plain with you, I was the devil’s right hand man. I delighted in using profane language and denying the validity of the holy Bible and the existance of God. In fact I believed nothing in regard to God or the Bible and always became angry when it was talked about in my presence. I would rather miss my meals than loose a chance to condemn the doctrine of the. Bible, and I delighted in condemning the true and living Son of God.
But thanks be unto the Almighty God. such is not now the ease. No, thanks be to God, 1 am now a changed man. I went on in wickedness untill I had reached the very brink of the yawning chasm of sin which was open and ready to engulf me, but Christ Jesus came to my rescue and I was saved by faith through the Lamb. Now before I was saved, the thought came to my mind that I had been serving the devil long enough, and that I had wasted over half of my life in his (the devil’s) service, and that I was none the gainer but in every case the looser, and further, that I had been deceived long enough by the devil. So I determined if there was a pardoning God, as the holiness people told me there was, that I would find Him. So I started to look for Him.
So I began to read the Bible, and not only read, but search, and searching of the Bible was not vain for I had faith, and in my anguishing state I was led to pray, and dear friends, in my broken and prostrate state of mind, coupled with a broken and contrite heart, I did pray, and I prayed with faith believing, and the Lord heard me.
I went to a holiness meeting at King’s school house in Kay County Mo., conducted by Bro. Ulysses Sargeant, of Lawson. Ray Co. Mo., and on a Sunday, after the meeting was over, I began to ask questions about this religion that I had been abusing so much, and several began to talk with me, and from their earnestness, I was led to pray all the louder, and thanks be to God, I am able to tell the world that Jesus Christ heard my prayers and pardoned my sins, and He did hot keep me in the dark about it, for I was satisfied that Jesus Christ had done for me what the devil never could do. That is to-pardon my sins.
So I continued to go to church to hear more, and I heard so much more,, and so comforting were the words as they came from the lips of Bro. Sargeant, and other brethren and sisters, about sanctification.
And they were so earnest in their belief, backed as they were by the Spirit of God, that I determined to see if I could secure this blessing of sanctification, for I was not sanctified with just being pardoned, I wanted more, and by God’s grace, I have received the blessing of sanctification. Yes, since I am sanctified I am set apart for the work of Christ Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. He leads me into all truth. The truth is that we holiness people have got to raise the standard of Bible regeneration to its proper height, where we will not break His commandments. Dear friends in the Lord let me say to you, that at repentance, we stop sinning, because if we did not stop sinning we would not be repenting.
At justification we are freed from guilt, and being at the same time regenerated, we have the new life to keep us from sinning. At sanctification, the inward, evil nature, or bent to sin, is taken away. At regeneration the sinful fruit has stopped bearing. At sanctification the evil root is taken away. At regeneration the outward life becomes righteous. At sanctification the inward nature, and outward life is perfectly holy.
Since my sanctification I do not desire or manifest any of the fruit of the carnal mind, my life is correct. Thanks be unto God tor such a life. Sanctification has destroyed inward sin with me, thank God.
I can hot help thanking God for His kindness, in stooping so low as to hear and save such a wretch as I was, and now see what He has done for me, and He will do the same for all who believe (based by faith.)
I consider my conviction, conversion and sanctification to the cause of Jesus Christ as something wonderful. Just stop and think, two thirds of my life a hardened and unbelieving wretch, and to know as I do know now that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth me from all sin, and sanctifies me wholly. Dear friends when I received this Spiritual blessing, my joy was so great that I could not talk (for the time being.) I laughed and Wept for joy to know that I was one in Christ Jesus,
Yes one in Christ Jesus, as the Father and the Son are one. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the god’s? Who is like Thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” — Ex. 15:11.
Dear Brethren of the Gospel Trumpet, we have had four brethren down here, working for Christ, who have sown the seed in the name of God, for justification and sanctification.
The little band of holiness people down here, are called the crazy band, but I do thank God that I am one of the so called band of holiness people in Christ Jesus,
Your brother in Christ.
M. M. Jackson.
Richmond, Mo.
DEARLY beloved, and to the Church I write this epistle, that of God I was sent and not of man, to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As the Lord sent me to Jersey City N. J. last June, one year ago and said, “Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and preach that the kingdom of God is at hand, heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out devils, go without purse or scrip, gold or silver, and with but one coat:” and glory to His name! I will continue to do His will let come what may. Praise His name forever I After I came to Jersey City N. J., my Master made it known that I should go to Pamrapo N. J. last March; and doing the will of my Father in the name of Jesus, in both cities as the Spirit led. I find the more I please my Father the less I please man. But if I yet please men I am not the servant of Christ. “The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil,” or of the devil. I know what it is to have the world to hate you, and the offences do not come from the ungodly, but from the sinner, or the professed christains: for we see in God’s Word there are three classes of people. The Word tells us, if the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear. — 1 Pet. 4:18. The ungodly is he that knows nothing of God. The sinner are they that have been to God and convicted of their sins and are living under condemnation in their sects: and from them that think they are saved; they are the ones that offend the little ones, and they think they are doing God’s will. John 16:1, 2, 3.
About the last thing the devil came to me with, was a minister of an organization under the name of the “church of the Firstborn” that have their own creed with the name of a woman attached, and you must join this organization under this creed which was agreed to by them; and if you do not agree with that you are not of them they say. But glory to God! His Church has a creed with no name only Jesus Christ the Lord. One meeting night about two or three weeks ago I was sitting in a back seat. This minister came to me and advised me to keep still, or they would apply the law to me and have me locked up. My reply was, Praise the Lord! as the Spirit leads I speak.
About a year ago God gave me this as you will see, and I must obey my Father. Jer. 1:4-10, 16, 19. Now what I am led of the Spirit to write this for, is to show what the Lord has shown me by a dream concerning both Jersey City and Pamrapo, as I asked Him to show me by a dream or vision, and glory to God He did. He showed me in a vision the awful darkness and confusion of babylon in these cities. 1 looked to my right, and saw a man, and I began to talk salvation to him. I was rejoicing in my soul through it all. But soon a man came to my right side and touched my shoulder and said, “Come this way.” He had a lamp in his hand something like a R. R. lamp, but the light was like an electric light, and with him were some printers. He led me out over an embankment.
The two cars I saw filled with people in darkness and confusion, are Jersey City and Pamrapo. On Christmas day I was waiting for God to show me something. I was not out of- my room until the afternoon mail, when that man came with the lamp and the printers made known. And glory to God! that lamp was the Gospel Trumpet. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Hallelujah! what a deliverance! O my Father save thy people from sectarianism and babylon. Glory to God, the Trumpet has brought light into Jersey City. I see no report from Jersey concerning the pulling down of the devil’s works, and the establishing of the true church of Jesus Christ. As the Church met at Bro. William’s, he handed me a dollar to send for the Trumpet. Yours in Christ Jesus.
Worstville, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — And to all the, saints of God greeting. Elect according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father: through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Christ.
Grace unto yon and peace be multiplied. Glory be to God! Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also, we have access by faith, (sanctified by faith that is in me, says Jesus) into this grace wherein we stand, (Hallelujah to God!) and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, and not only so but we glory in tribulation also, (glory be to God! for unto us it is given to suffer with Him. as well as to believe on His name) knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience, and experience hope, and hope maketh not ashamed, because the lore of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto you.
Glory be to God for this wonderful salvation! “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified, whereby the Holy Ghost also is a witness unto us.” Hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Who is it to be perfected or sanctified? And He gave some apostles: and some prophets: and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints; hallelujah! the saints are to be perfected. — Eph. 4:11, 12, 1 Thess. 5:22, 23. – Abstain from all appearance of evil, and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; who? verses 1, 4, 5, 12, 14.
They were brethren, because they were in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. — Eph. 1:1. And Jesus says, Jno. 15:2, every branch that beareth fruit, He (the Father) purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit. So we see that it is the regenerated believer in Christ (or the saint) that is purged, perfected or sanctified. “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Hallelujah! It is not only God’s will that every unsanctified saint be sanctified but that every sanctified soul know how to keep or possess, his vessel in sanctification and honor. — 1 Thess. 4; 3, 4.
Hallelujah! Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple, of my God, and he shall go no more out, and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from God, etc. — Rev. 3; 11, Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. — Gal. 24:6 Hallelujah! We are children of the free woman.
“Church of God, thou spotless virgin,
Church of Christ for whom He died;
Thou hast known no human founder,
Jesus bought Thee for His Bride.
Sanctified by God the Father,
Built by Jesus Christ, the Son;
Tempered by the mighty Spirit,
Like the holy Three in One.”
Glory! Glory!! to God! Preserve you blameless. Hallelujah! We are the Lord’s, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ. Glory be to God forever and ever!
My testimony is, I am saved to the utmost, and kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Sanctified by the Holy Ghost with the blood of Jesus.
I have just returned borne from the east part of the County. God has established His Church there. The beloved saints there are a mighty host for God. A few souls were saved during the meeting, and mountains of prejudice were removed from the hearts of the people. The sect devil was stirred wonderfully, but glory to God, he was compelled to retreat, so wonderful was the power of God manifested in every meeting, in the preaching of the Word and the testimonies of the saints. Hallelujah! Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick was carrying on the meeting as directed by the Holy Ghost, when we joined him and remained through part of the meeting. Hallelujah! He has gone a few miles north of there to open fire on the enemy again.
Your Bro. sanctified and tried.
J. N. Howard.
Maumee, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I do glorify God tonight for full and free salvation. O how I do thank God for an every day salvation.
Praise the blessed name of Jesus for a salvation that saves us from all sin.
Though I am surrounded with sin on all sides, yet I praise my God for a salvation that sweetly saves and keeps me every moment. O I do thank God for the Spirit of truth that leads me, and the holy anointing that He has given me. Praise His holy name! He has given me the anointing that abideth forever. I do thank God for the Trumpet. I love to read the testimonies of the dear saints of God, and I do thank Him for the sweet fellowship I have with all that have the Holy Spirit, and I realize what Paul means when he says we are absent in body but present in spirit.
Glory be to God! I have sweet fellow ship with the dear saints that are miles from me. O I often think, when around at my daily work, what a glorious time it will be at the judgment day, when we will meet all the dear saints and behold each-other’s faces. O glory to God! We will never have to sing the saints fare well, for praise the holy name of Jesus, we will never have to part. Well I cannot tell ‘half that I feel in my heart, but glory to God! I can tell that I am saved, I have got the uttermost salvation. Ever since the Payne Ohio grove meeting, I have been reigning in life by one Christ Jesus.
I do thank God for the Holy Ghost song book. The book has the right name, for they are songs of Victory. Amen!
Your sister, under the blood.
Jane A. Castle.
Lagrange, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I do praise God this morning for salvation that saves ns from all sin, and keeps us cleansed from all unrighteousness. O praise the Lord for what He has done for me! He took me out of the miry clay, and placed me on the Solid Rock, Christ Jesus. I do praise God that I have the well of water springing up into everlasting life. Praise God, for freedom in Christ. I can now see where I had a yoke on me that Christ did not put on me. It was the sect yoke, but when I heard the true Gospel preached, I accepted it and got under the blood, and it took that sect yoke off of me. Now lean say I am free. Hallelujah to God for free salvation! Praise God! He says “wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you”
O how much uncleanness we can see in the sects. Since we have had our eyes anointed, we can se clearly. Praise the Lord!
O how much we have to praise Him for: He is our family physician. He has given me the gift of healing, and has called me to preach His Gospel to the people.
Praise God! Since we moved to this place, my husband and I are alone to fight the battle for the Lord, but bless God! He is keeping us from all sin, and I am ready to rush to the battle wherever He leads.
I intend to use the Sword in the name of Jesus. Your sister sanctified “through the blood of Jesus, and kept from sin every day.
Phebe Myers.
Bangor, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I thank the Lord for salvation. He has cleansed me from all sin, tobacco, tea and coffee. Praise His name forever! While I am writing I feel the Spirit burning in my soul. We are having showers of Divine blessings in every meeting. The Lord’s little ones are leaping, shouting home to Zion, happy in the evening light. I do thank the Lord for the light and understanding he is giving me, in His blessed Word. Bro. Palmer is holding a meeting in Lee, Allegan Co. with good success. The Lord is. therein might and power. I was there one night and Bro. Palmer, full of the Spirit, gave them strong meet. The altar was full, and new born souls were reposing in God’s love and some prostrate on the floor.
Dear ones, stand fast in the Lord, and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for me that I stand fast. Your Bro. saved by the blood.
Samuel Belville.
Coal Hill Pa.
Dear Brethren: — I do praise God this evening for salvation. O glory to God and the Lamb! My heart is full of praise always. I am wholly sanctified and washed whiter than snow. I am now living for the Lord alone. O I am so thankful to God that He did pick me up out ot the world. Satan is at work here every day, but praise God I still stand firm. I am settled in the Rock that was cleft for me.
Your Bro. saved and sanctified wholly to the Lord.
W. T. Goodman.
Dear Brethren: — I do praise God for salvation full and free. Glory to God for what He has done for me. He has picked me up out of this wicked world, and washed me whiter than the snow. O how thankful I am to the Lord. I shall praise His holy name forever! Several years ago my husband and I joined the Evangelical sect. We thought that was the right one and no other. We had a good ways to go to church and could not go very often. Just because we did not attend, they put us out of the sect; but glory to God they can’t put us out now. There was a few of God’s dear saints sent here to preach last fall, and we both were saved and sanctified wholly to the Lord. Glory to God! We now belong to the Lord’s Church, where our names are written on the Lamb’s book of life. I do praise the Lord that I am free from all sects. O glory to God! I feel so happy in my soul, for the praises of God are always in my mouth. Praise the Lord forever and ever! Amen!
Your sister saved and sanctified to the Lord.
Anna E. Goodman.
Hoppertown O.
Dear Brethren: — The Lord leads me this morning te write my testimony for the Trumpet. O how I do praise the Lord for ever taking me out of the darkness and placing me in the light of Christ. O glory, glory to Jesus for what I feel in my soul just now, although satan is raging in this place. Glory to Jesus! He gives me peace within my soul. It is about seven months since the Lord called me out of darkness, and I can say I enjoy myself more m one day serving Jesus, than I did all my past life. O glory, glory to His name forever! O dear saints, let us all work faithful for the Lord; the harvest is great and the laborers are few. O dear ones stand firm.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but, are the synagogue of satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of yon into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev. 2:9, 10.
O I do praise Jesus for His keeping power which keeps us day by day. Tongue cannot express the sweet comfort and peace that I feel in my soul. O glory to Jesus! Your sister saved and kept by the power of God unto salvation.
C. Coon.
Dear Brethren: — I can testify for Jesus of the salvation that keeps me day by day without sin. Glory to Jesus forever and ever! Pray for your sister that she may ever prove faithful.
Ida Bensinger.
Lacota, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God this Lord’s day for what He has done for me. He has saved me from all sin, and keeps me each day of my life without any desire to commit sin. I am saved and sanctified, ready when the Lord calls for me.
Martha B. Reeve.