1 May 1886, Volume 8, Number 4.

We Shall Meet.


Farewell dear friend a long farewell
Since we shall meet no more
Till we are raised with thee to dwell
On Zion’s happy shore.

Cho. — We will meet you in the morning
When the shadows pass away,
We will meet, we will meet,
We will meet, we will meet,
Yes we’ll meet you in the morning,
Where all tears are wiped away.

Our friend and sister, lo, is dead,
Her cold and lifeless clay,
Has made in dust its silent bed,
And there she must decay.

But is she dead? no! no! she lives,
Her happy spirit dies
To heaven above and there receives
Her long expected prize.

Methinks I see her joyful stand,
Before the God of Heaven;
He smiles, she enters Zion’s land,
And her reward is given.

In robes of innocence and love,
Her virgin soul is dressed,
And all the angel hosts above
Rejoice to see her blessed.

Farewell dear friend, again farewell,
Soon we shall rise to thee,
And when we meet no tongue can tell
How great our joy will be.




HERE comes to us a document, that looks to the incorporation of God’s Church, Though we cheerfully believe the sincerity of the parties that have undertaken to tinker the kingdom of Heav­en, in the Spirit of God we abhor the very suggestion of such a movement. We know by the light of Heaven, that it was devised by the devil, and is a snare of satan, for the overthrow of she truth. In the name of Jesus Christ we warn every free child of God to stand far off from every such project, and we earnestly admonish those souls that have shown a restless spirit shout the Church of God, to abandon your scheme of error and corporation, and we humbly say unto you that if you persist in it, if will be to the peril of your souls, and the hurt of all that you enlist. The reason given for the enactment of this little creed is, “To comply with the laws of the State of – So we will be recognized to marry, and all other things that come under a pastors duty.”

But if those dear brethren will stop a little and consult God, and even the laws of the State respecting the solemnizing of marriage, they will find there exists no necessity for such corporation. We are not certain that we have read the laws of marriage in that State, but we have read those of a few other States, and find them very much alike; and they all empower any regularly ordained preacher of the Gospel to solemnize marriage. And some do not even mention ordination, much less corporation. In fact the laws on this point are very broad, and even provide for sects who have a peculiar manner of marriage, outside of all forms of the law, except where a practice might arise that conflicted with our national laws, such as polygamy. We are very sure that the laws of the State from which this incor­poration creed comes, do not contain any necessity for the same. And if they did, we should not regard them by the grace of God, it is better to obey Him than man or governments. While the Word of God requires us, as individual Christians to be subject to the laws of the land, in the payment of tribute (tax) etc., it does not teach us to fix up His Church with laws that run on the line of civil government.

According to the constitution of the Unitid States we do know that this gov­ernment gives the privilege for all men to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. And our con­science being enlightened by the Word of God revolts at the idea of incorporating the New Jerusalem that came down from God out of Heaven, under the laws of this sinful government, which legalizes satan’s saloons, and brothels. Jesus Christ said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” Hence not conformed to this world, or its govern­ments. While Christ teaches individual disciples to be loyal citizens, and the laws of the government requires the same sub­jection from Christians as from sinners, no government has a right to impose rules upon God’s Church.

This petition for an incorporation really contains a babylon creed, which we would no sooner sign our name to than to the Roman Catholic sect. The document starts out as follows.

“The general assembly and Church of the First-born. This assembly shall be known as the Church of God, and wholly sanctified believers in Christ, and in un­ion with all saints scattered abroad, greet­ing.” Then follows the declaration, “that the law of God given through Christ, con­tains a Divine rule of faith and practice for the Church of God.” We find about the same utterance in every sect creed, although they proceed to institute anoth­er law. Article third says, “Believing every such local assembly of the affore-said Church of God, after its entire sanc­tification is Divinely authorized to ordain her ministry.” etc.

Again, “The assembly of believers are a part of the great Body of Christ, incor­porate, and in universal fellowship with all the wholly sanctified saints.”

“Herein and hereby subscribe our names respectfully in petition for an incorpora­tion according to the statute laws of the state of – ”

The general assembly is spoken of as the Church of the First-born. Then a sectional assembly is introduced, which is “a part of the great body of Christ incorpor­ate.” From which we would infer that every State should have an incorporation, distinct from each other, and “each assem­bly (state incorporation) shall have the exclusive right to the oversight of its well- fare, and the adjudication of differences.”

This is nothing else than tinkering up a system of man’s arrangement. God’s Church knows no sect, nor state line di­visions. These state corporations are tribunals of adjudication of difficulties.

This provides for the old babel confu­sion of sect sanhedrim, and human court- martials. It is all contrary to the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ, and directly in the way of the Holy Spirit. Suppose God sends a Holy Ghost man, like a blaz­ing comet across a neighboring state, and there he meets a professed teacher that is rotten in doctrine and in heart, what is the result? He cannot let the Spirit of God have his way, and rebuke the evil worker. No he is from a different diocese, and he must let the man alone, for “each assembly shall have the exclusive right to the oversight of its welfare, and the adjudication of differences.” This is all a mass of machinery got up for the devil to run, and to make, jealousy, strife and every, evil work.

All such systems directly dethrone the Holy Spirit, and presume to take His business in our hands. They are the dev­ils hooks to catch innocent souls, and make a man an offender for a thing of naught. They provide for the adjustment of differences, but there are no differences in Gods Church.

All obey the Savior’s Word,
As the angels do above,
All agree, no babel tongue is heard,
In this Eden home of love.

When men have differences of spirit or doctrine, it is because they are not of God. Such need not “adjudication,” but salva­tion. They need to he admonished with the Word, rebuked sharply, or cut off by the Sword, and delivered over to satan for the destruction of the flesh. God’s Church makes no provision for the flesh, but are saved by the blood of Christ and all have the same mind. Babylon overlooks sal­vation, makes great provision for bicker­ings, strifes, troubles, quarrels and accord­ing to their faith so it is; there is plenty of work for judges, pettyfogers, trials, ad­judications, and the whole thing tends to damnation, and the pit.

Glory to Jesus! we have heard the angels call, and escaped the sure destruction that is written on the wall. Every child of God is incorporated into God the Fa­ther, Son and Holy Spirit. The Almighty Omnipotent, spans all the states, kingdoms and the islands of the sea. He knows no state lines, and needs no stale incorporations. “He is over us all, and through us all, and in us all,” and “He worketh all things in all.” We wish to say in the name of Jesus Christ, that God’s Church, so far as relates to the nature of her gov­ernment, Head, authority and the liberty of her members, is not in a transition state. Glory to Jesus!

Now in Christ we’ve found a freedom, which eternally shall last.

We are not looking about to see what else, or what better to subscribe to. “We are complete in Him.” For some years we were in an unsettled and transition state: but for four years we have lived and worked in the sweet and positive knowl­edge of the Divine order. In all our communion with God, in the constant study of His Word, and in all the assem­blies of the saints in those years, we have not been shown by the Spirit, the need of any new departure, either by way of ad­dition or subtraction; save the constant increase of Divine power. Before that we were rapidly being led into more perfect light in the order of God, and farther dis­coveries of babylon machinery, which we cast overboard.

One apology for this incorporation is to entitle the Church to hold property, to choose trustees, etc. Now this is all a mistake again. There are various ways in which God’s Church can erect meeting houses and hold them without such cor­porations. The house can be deeded in trust to the elders of the Church. Again even trustees may be chosen to hold prop­erty without an act of incorporation.

Finally we say unto all saints, if you want to have your mouth stopped from rebuking sects, and if you want to put a club in their hands to beat you over the head, just go into an incorporation act.

Even though you might conscientiously think yourself free from sects, you would start all hell and babylon to crying out, “sect, sect, you are a sect yourself.” And you would have a big job to convince even honest people to the contrary. If sects are evil, God help us to “avoid the appear­ance of evil.” The work of God is going gloriously forward without any such in­stitution of the world; why go to tamper­ing with it? Let the Spirit of God con­tinue to preside without the encumberence of human machinery.

When we began to preach against sects, we were in just such an organization. The result was the rebukes we sent against babylon were hurled back at us. So God put us out free where we could “shoot at her round about,” and thank God! not one arrow has rebounded against us.

And as the Lord God liveth we shall never be “put into a corner again.” If it were necessary we could do without meet­ing houses, but do without freedom to preach the whole counsel of God without, embarrassment, by the grace of God we will not for any consideration.





Let all the saints every where, pray for the healing of the bodies through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, of the following brethren and sisters.

Bro. J. S. Smurr of Rome City Ind., pray that the Lord may heal him of a cancer.

A Sister in Norwich Kan., desires the prayers of the saints that she may be healed of her bodily affliction.

Another request for the prayers of the saints and ministers of God, for the restor­ation of soul and body by Mrs. A. P. Fritz Alaiedon Mich.

Let the saints of God pray mightily to God for the healing of Sister Owen, Sandy Lake Pa., of cancer.

Also Sister D. Rousch, Rising Sun Ohio asks prayers for her healing.




TO all the dear children that belong to the Church of the Firstborn, I am impressed to write some of my experience through the blessed Gospel Trumpet. How desirous the Lord was to sift me from all sin. Many times in the past years I felt the need of a pure heart. I would find myself saying and doing that which was so wrong and unchrist-like. I wished many times for some good holy man to talk with in these hungry and thirsty hours. The Gospel Trumpet was brought for me to read. In reading and comparing with the Scriptures I found I had been asking the Lord amiss. I saw if I obeyed the Word of God my brother and sister would be against me. It took me some time to de­side what to do. Glory be to Him that rules all things for the best. He brought me down into deep affliction. It was to show me my condition more perfectly. My religion was put to a test. The ques­tion came, are you willing to die? This straggle was hard, thinking how I valued those golden hours, I could not say, the Lord’s will be done. At this trying hour I thought I must request the Church to come and pray for me. Then a voice came saying, “can the church save you? they are earthly, not heavenly.” I could not understand what Jesus meant; for I knew it was Him talking. Then the word came saying, “I am the good Shepherd.” I thought if Jesus calls the church earthly and unsaved, where am I. I said, Lord what wilt Thou have me do? He says, “Repent.” O what anguish of soul to think you have eternal life and have it not.” I asked my dear Father what I must re­pent of. Glory be to His name! He said to me, as though some one spoke, the wearing of gold, plating of hair, extra yards in dress goods, so much outward adornment, that I had nothing for the needy. I do praise my God for those hours of afflictions, it does seem to me that the Lord did sift me. Glory to my God! He has delivered my soul forever.

Many are living with there names in these earthly churches (sects) thinking they have eternal life and have it not. I do admonish such in the fear of God to flee from all these. Only the pure in heart can see God. I do praise my dear Lord that. I am now living to please Him, not the world. I was willing to drink the bitter cup of repentance, and my Father has forgiven me all. I am so happy to say to all the dear saints, I am now seek­ing for a pure heart. For the past two months it has been glory in my soul. I do praise God for the sifting power. Glory to the Lamb! Pray for unworthy me. How good it is to know that our Savior goes on before. We know His voice, and by the help and power of God I am determned to do all I can to help other souls out of all the snares of satan and sin.

Your sister all on the altar, trusting in the promises of God.

Clara A. Kinney.

Archbold Ohio.




A Brother offers for sale a farm of 80 acres of land unimproved, situated in South-eastern Missouri in Bollinger Co., on the R. R. from St Louis to Cairo Ill. Only one mile from the villiage in a healthy locality, well watered unincumbered, ab­stract of title furnished, waranty deed given to purchaser. Lowest cash price $400 Any one desiring to purchase the above Mentioned land can do so by writ­ing to the Gospel Trumpet. Office, Williamston Michigan, or A. C. Bigler Alpena Dakota. The Bro. who desires to help the cause of the Lord offers this land at cost price, and will give one half for the publication of the Gospel Trumpet and tracts, for distribution to the glory of God. Any one desiring to get a home in a mild healthy climate, short winters, will do well to make this purchase.





Dear Brethren: — Find enclosed $1,00 for the welcome visitor at our home? (the Gospel Trumpet.) We bless God for the Bible truth it contains. Hallelujah! the devil and blind sectarians oppose it, but glory he to God, truth cuts its way, and love will melt down all foes, and the pure Word will conquer all that oppose it. O hallelujah! Let all the dear saints join with me in praising God for the glorious victory I have in my soul over the world, the flesh and the devil, and for His so won­derfully delivering my wife and I from the hands of a mob of wicked men, and secta­rian professors, who urged them on by their threats of the law, and trying to com­pel me to keep my mouth shut, when God said to me to lift up my voice like a Trumpet against the abominations of babylon, and her false prophets and pastors that scatter the sheep of His pasture? — Jer. 23:1, 2, in a gathering, of one of her harlot daughters, the United Brethren, (or rather disunited.) Bless God! they cannot stand the hail and fire mingled with blood.

Hallelujah! we are out on the hail, fire and blood line. Glory! Glory!! we know no compromise with the devil. Poor blind souls being deceived by “their father, the devil’’ and the lusts of their father they will do.” Some of this stamp said to us, “keep away from our meeting, yon are tearing our church down.” Bless God! we told them we belonged to the Church of God, and that the gates of hell could not prevail against it. God put His Spirit upon me to read His Word, but the carnal priest in “command of this meeting” re­fused us the privilege to read, but hallelu­jah! having the law of God stamped upon our heart and written in our mind, we be­gan to quote as the Holy Spirit brought it to our rememberance. This, to use the phraze of one of the priests, (for there were three of them) “set the house on fire,” and there was a rush toward us from the back part of the house. O glory to God! when He revealed to us their evil intentions we threw up our hands, and shouted the loud praises of God, while our enemies stood all around us helpless instead of “dragging us out by the hair of the head.” Well to God be all the glory! This was a good expo­sition of the rottenness of sectism in this community, and God blessed it to the good of a few souls, in showing them what the true Church, the body of Christ is, and they declared their freedom from sectism.

Dear saints, pray that God will use us to His glory. One soul seeing how God cared for us and how rotten the sects are, after counting the cost (meeting being dis­missed) knelt down before God, confessed his sins and found pardon, and after rejoic­ing for a season in the pardoning grace of God, began to call on God for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. In about two hours and a half the fire came, and though wife and I went home after meeting was dismissed, we felt that God was doing His work in rescuing some poor soul.

Hallelujah! Beloved, the world knoweth us not because it knew Him not. Well those sectarians proved their ignorance of God and the Holy Spirit by going from one to another and asking, “what does he mean? what does he want? Has not God forgiven your sins?” “Yes.” “What more do you want?” “The baptism of the Holy Ghost.” So they were compelled to leave in dismay.

Dear saints of God, it seems that the devil is now making a greater effort than ever before to deceive the people; the sects are made friends with each other, like Herod and Pilate, because all are against Christ. See Rev. 16:13, 14. 19:19; 20:8; and 17:14. This is now taking place.

Your Bro. sanctified, made white and tried, ready for the defence of the Gospel, and the destruction of sectism. Enclosed find $3.00 for one dozen Songs of Victory, and please send some hack numbers of the Trumpet to canvas with, think I can get some subscribers.

J. N. Howard.


Hunnewell Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved and free from all sects, sanctified wholly, and dwell­ing in the holy land. Glory to God!

Your Bro.,

F. P. Howe.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.


D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, — Editors.
J. C. FISHER, – Publisher.


TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance.

All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the Gospel Trumpet, in order to in­sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible.

Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in Postal Notes, above that amount in Post Of­fice Orders, or Registered Letter. Small amouts in two cent stamps.


A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gospel Trumpet. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper.

Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts.



The cross marked with a pencil op­posite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes their paper discontinued.

Any one who does not receive their paper, should notify us at once, and it will receive prompt attention.

Address, Williamston



Entered at the Post Office at Williamston. Ingham Co.
Mich., as second class matter.





A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.

It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Or­ders are increasing; send on your orders.

Price ………. 10 cents.

One dozen copies ………. $1.00

Fifty copies ………. $3.50







BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.

This tract contains 64 pages: the price is 25 cts.

God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear right of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Trum­pet can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi­nancial help to spread other matter for the Lord.




The dear little ones in the Office have been making up all the Church and Sabbath tracts we have printed. We have yet a good supply on hand. Let them be sent on their way, preaching the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus. The Church tract ten cents, the Sabbath tract 25 cents. 20 percent commission to all who order to sell. We also call attention to the fact that the publication offers 20 percent commission on Trumpet subscriptions. Let all work for the Lord.




We have loaned out quite a number of books, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, “MadamGuyon,” two volumes, Upham’s “Life of Faith,” and “Interior Life.” “Randall’s Travels in Egypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writing of God.”




WE have completed the Second Edition of Songs of Victory, to which we have added five new pages, three pa­ges with notes, and two of familiar hymns.

The book now contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have other­wise improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no more raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color.

Songs of Victory is specially adapted, for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school.

All orders accompanied by cash, will be filled, from single copy upward.

Price. Single copy Manilla cover 35 cts. Cloth limp cover 50 cts. Per dozen Ma­nilla cover. $3.00. Cloth, $4.80.

Parties may order half or quarter doz­en at same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the Gospel Trumpet Office, Williamston Mich.


Our Camp and Grove Meeting List.



THIS will be a grand meeting, and will be held on the Old Camp ground, two miles North of Bangor, and two miles West of Breedsville.

Parties coming from the South, leave train at Bangor, from the North, at Breeds­ville. The Brethren will secure reduced rates on the Michigan Central Railroad, from Battle Creek to South Haven.

And on the Chicago and West Michigan rail road, parties going to the camp meet­ing should ask for excursion rates. This meeting will begin June 10th, and contin­ue, the Lord willing ten days. Let all come with their tents that possibly can, those that cannot tent will be otherwise provided for.


This meeting will be held in Hamilton township, to commence June 24, and con­tinue as long as the Lord wills. Let all come with their tents, to this feast of tab­ernacles, a glorious time is expected.

Parties coming on the Toledo Ann Ar­bor and Grand Trunk R. R. from the South and North, get off at Ashley.


This meeting will be held in Venango Co. Pa., commencing Aug. 8th, to contin­ue as the Lord wills. We expect a glori­ous time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Let all make arrangements to tent on the ground. We hope to hear from the brethren in reference to the ground and place.


This meeting might be arranged to take place the last of July, as we have no meet­ing set for July so far. We want to hear from the brethren in reference to time and place as soon as possible.


We ought to have a meeting in the West some where the last of August. We hope to hear from Bro. J. P. Haner. He and the other brethren can make arrange­ments for a meeting in their locality, and if the Lord wills some of us will come over.


This meeting will probably take place according to previous announcement, in the vicinity of Prospect Chapel, Randolph Co. Ind., May 15-20.

Any other parties wishing meetings, should communicate with us at once.



The worst kind of blindness, “the blind­ness of their hearts.”


“Cast not away therefore your confi­dence, which has great recompense of reward.” —

Yes God will pay a larger bounty for a little genuine faith, than for great heaps of good works.


For the benefit of the saints everywhere we give you the following light we have received of the Lord. Knowing that the arrests are usually made through the Spir­it of retaliation, we once were in doubt as to whether the saints should make any arrests, as we feel no inclination to return evil for evil. A year ago last fall we found our Sabbath night meetings utterly spoiled by the bad behavior of the wicked who were largely influenced by sectarians, and made believe that we had no recourse to law, because not au organized sect. Some­thing had to be done. A resort to the law was suggested. We took the matter to God in prayer, desiring to know if that course were pleasing to Him or not. The Spirit first gave as this thought. “The law is good if used lawfully.” Then we sought the wisdom from above, to know what were the lawful use of the law. This light came to our mind. We are under the law of love. “Therefore all the law is fulfiled in one word, namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor.” Then we saw that it was our duty to prosecute offenders when ever led to do so by the principles and motives of love. “Love worketh no evil to his neighbor.” Love therefore worketh that which is a blessing to men. The point was clearly settled in our mind. Arrests were made for bold disbehaviors. The result was the Sabbath evening before the trial came off there was excellent order. The Spirit could work as not before for a long time. Two souls consecrated and were saved. The meeting was consistent with civilized society, a satisfaction to the saints, and an honor to God. One of the parties pled guilty and settled for ten dol­lars before the trial. The other having a little money to back him, stood the trial, and through the manipulation of the se­crecy and the prosecuting attorney, the jury disagreed. But it having cost him a good deal, he and the wicked generally have been compelled to keep pretty shady, and the worship of God is carried on in decent order.

Now what can be more in harmony with the principles of love than this forced civilization of brutish men who would otherwise not consider. This not only re­strained sin in the parties prosecuted, but exerted a very civilizing effect upon many others. Brethren beloved everywhere, this decision is of the Lord, and you do not do your duty if you allow the wicked to spoil the work of God. I have never known the law to fail to settle such row­dies. If you use it they will thank you for it in riper years. If you do not they will curse you.




We wish to make an appeal to the be­loved saints of God in behalf of dear Bro. Wm. N. Smith who has had the misfortune to loose his horse, which was his only means of travel. Dear Bro. and sister Smith have been seeking out the lost ones in the dark places, and in the inland towns where, there is no rail roads, and many souls have been reached and brought to God; who otherwise would doubtless have remained in sin Bro. Smith feels that the Lord wants him to continue to travel in this way, and believes the Lord will put it in the hearts of the saints to send a little of their means to help him to get another horse. May God help you Breth­ren to all do your duty and come at once to the help of this Bro. who is thus left helpless, and not able to reach perishing souls. Any one desiring to help the Bro. and thus glorify God, please do so by send­ing your donations to the Gospel Trumpet Office. And the same will be forwarded to him.



Alpena Dakota.

Dear Brethren: — Enclosed — for the Trumpet. When the Gospel Trumpet used to come to me, I would commence to read it as soon as I came home from the Post Office. I would often forget to eat my dinner while I was feasting on the Heav­enly manna, and I could scarcely lay it down until I read it through. Oh how it would cheer my very soul to hear so many testify for Jesus, that were cleansed in His blood. O how my soul doth crave for the cleansing blood to be applied to mine and family’s hearts. O I pray to the Lord that we all may be able to give ourselves a living sacrifice, wholly accept­able to the Lord. Yours in the Lord.

All remember us in your prayers.

A. C. and C. Bigler.



I give you the experience of an old man of the Advent sect. He got saved, de­clared his freedom from babylon, and was delivered from tobacco. He was wonder­fully blessed of God. He had a family living with him that opposed him very much. Could not praise God without be­ing severely persecuted. A married daugh­ter lived near him, who also persecuted him, and though a Methodist, often fried hard to persuade him to use tobacco. His testimony was, that God blessed him in all these persecutions.

One night he was taken with a severe pain in his chest. It grew worse and worse until he thought he would have to die. While thus suffering he saw something approaching his bed, which, in the dark­ness of the room, he could only see as an erect form. It spake these words, “If you don’t use tobacco you will die.” He an­swered, “then let me die.” The words were repeated three times, and each time he replied that he would father die than return to the use of tobacco. Then the form, which of course was the devil him­self, disappeared, and also all his pain and distress. And the Lord wonderfully blessed his soul. O how the Lord poured His blessing out upon him when he testified to this. But persecution still increased. The devil, that family, and that Methodist daughter combined their determined forces to overthrow his soul. The daughter tried her best to persuade him to use tobacco. She even went to town and saw a doctor, and got his decision, and brought it to her father, i.e., that he would have to use tobacco or could not live long. Finally the persistant and hellish efforts of that family, his daughter, the doctor and the devil prevailed upon the old man to use tobacco again.

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept and garnished.

Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Luke 11:24-26.

How truely this Scripture was fulfilled. When we went back and preached the Word of God at that place, this man jumped up in a rage and left the house. And the next time he was present again. Soon the Word of God touched the devil in him and he began to rage and spit out his fury. We rebuked the unclean spirit and proceeded with the subject; but free- quently he interrupted the meeting. Tell­ing me I was of the devil, a liar, false prophet etc. Finally he thanked God that he was under the old Mosaic law. Surely he was under the curse, as the Scriptures declare; for the very devil was in the ex­pression of his face.

Here then is a poor soul, lost, in the hands of satan, and on the way to hell, through the use of tobacco. Think of this, if any one reads this who uses tobacco.

The lusts of the flesh war against the soul, and if you yield to them, they destroy the soul. All know that tobacco is a filthy habit, and if any man defile the temple of God him will God destroy.

A. M. Dick.

Shawtown Ohio.


Maple Rapids Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I am praising God this morning for eternal victory in my soul. Behold God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid,for the Lord Jehova is my strength and my song, He also is become my salvation.

Well, Dear Brethren, on our return from Williamston, we stopped at sister Emon’s. We found her ready to consecrate her all to God. She had a good experience. Pray for the dear one, as she is all alone in that place. Your sister in Christ Jesus, saved and sanctified wholly.

Emma Lyon.


Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord for a full and free salvation. Praise God! we were at meeting to-day, and the Lord sanctified my soul. I was sanctified three years ago this month, but the devil got the upper hands of me. I could not live that way any longer, so the Lord picked me out of the hands of satan. Now I am saved and free from all sin. The Lord healed me of catarrh. Praise His name! He keeps me by His power Pray for me.

Your sister saved and cleansed from all sin.       

Libbie Lyon.



Concordia, Kan.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you all I want to tell you what the dear Lord is do­ing for us in this part of Kansas. I came to this place, six miles South of Concordia, at the Union Valley school house. We commenced meeting the 13th of March, in the name of King Jesus, for the salva­tion of perishing souls. On the 14th the J. B. preacher came, and as you well know, did all he could to kinder the meeting. We never got to preach again until the 15th. God gave us great liberty in the Word. He wonderfully anointed us to preach the Word, and there were over twenty arose for prayers, then the U. B. preacher came back and did all he could to stop the meeting, he warned the people, and told them to be careful, for they would get all muddled up and would not know where they were; but they did not listen to their prophet. They still came to see for themselves, and to hear the truth, although some of the old rusty ones came to criticise, and do all they could against the work of the Lord.

In a nice way their prophet had told them that, they had better stay away from the meeting, but they still came to hear the truth. O my beloved. God was with us in mighty saving power. Hallelujah!

The meeting has continued up to the present time (Mar. 27) with victory all the way. Many precious souls have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, that the body of sin might be destroyed; sanctified. I want to say to the glory of God, that I never was in such a glorious meeting. O how the pure gold does shine when made pure from the dross.

When I first came here they said there was no such thing as a man being sancti­fied, and living without sin, (that is some of the rusty U. B’s.) When we showed them that a man could not be a Christian and commit sin, and that a man that went on committing sin, and professing religion was one of the worst of sinners, a hypo­crite, and that sanctification was a Bible experience, then they would get it just before they died. They were whipped on that point, then they growed into it. They were defeated there, then they got it when they were converted. Shame on such twisting. Quite a number have given up that idea; yet some have the audacity and impudence to still say they got it when converted, yet they will say they get mad. They have the carnal mind, yet they say they are sanctified. Shame on such men, who have the face to dispute the Word of God, and then call themselves Christians.

God have mercy on them! The work has been mighty here: there has been several converted, some reclaimed, and some over twenty sanctified wholly Hallelujah! Then quite a number seeking.

The Lord willing, the meeting will close to-night. (the 27th.) In the number sanctified were two preachers, straight for God. Hallelujah! God bless them for­ever, and make them firebrands for His own use. From here, the Lord willing, we will go to Table Rock Neb., to open foe upon the ranks of the enemy of souls. O how I do hate the work of satan! Pray for me, beloved brethren, that my mouth may speak the Word of God in the power of the Holy Ghost soul down from heaven.

I am out on the blood and fire line; the main line, free in Christ, sanctified and kept by the power of God. Pray for me, ye blood-washed pilgrim army. Amen!

John P. Haner.


Maple Rapids, Mich.

To the Gospel Trumpet, and all the dear saints greeting. May the God of peace sanctify and keep you blameless unto the coming of our Lord. My testimony this morning is that I am saved to the utter­most. sanctified by a second work of grace, doing the will of God. Praise His holy name forever! The Lord is working with us in the salvation of souls. We felt impressed of the Lord to go over into Elba Tp. and hold a meeting. We obeyed, and commenced meeting on Sunday; and had meeting every day and evening foe eight days. When we commenced the meeting, there was not one in the place that enjoy­ed salvation, but the Lord blessed the Word, and the labors of His children in the salvation of souls. The meeting closed on Monday, with 25 babes in Christ, with uplifted hands, singing songs of victory.

Some very bright experiences: may God in love and mercy keep every one of them in the truth, blameless. We praise God

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… the help of the saints from Ashley. The Lord has brought us to Maple Rapids, and we are working for Him. We had ..eting in our own house on Wednesday ..ht; had meeting on the Island Sunday. ..e Lord meets with us in all of our meet­-.. ..s. Pray for the success of the Word in ..s place. Your brother in Christ.

T. J. Cox.


Grampain Hills Pa.

Dear Brethren: — Wife and I started ..n our home at Edgewood, Gratiot Co. ..h. March the 17th, and arrived at Gram- .. Hills Pa. the 19th. Oh what a place ..piritual darkness! I have a great ma-.. relatives here, and they nearly all be- ..g to the M. E. sect; but I have not met … person that enjoys full salvation. Our ..sage to them is lull salvation; but ..n we go at them with the Sword, (the ..d of God) it hurts them, and they do … like to hear it. They all worship the ..st, (the sect) and they do not like to ..e us touch on that point.

..ray for us that we may yet be enabled ..ring the light to some poor soul, and … the real power of God may be man- ..ed among them.

… our Bro. and Sister all the Lord’s.

W. A. and L. Moore.


Waterloo Ind.

Dear Brethren: — This day finds us .., saved, sanctified and kept by the ..er of God through faith, ready to be ..ealed in the last time. The Lord is at ..k here. Last Thursday night brother … sister Drowley and myself began ..eeting in the Lord’s name at Waterloo … the sinners are beginning to be troub.. on account of their sins. Babylon is ..en! is fallen! Monday night brother ..el from Auburn arose and claimed his ..dem. May the Lord be with you all. ..y for the work at Waterloo.

Your Bro. in Christ.

D. J. Cross.


Waterloo Ind.

Dear Brethren: — This day finds us well … saved. Praise the Lord! Bro, and ..er Drowley have been here, and the ..d has raised up a little band of five ..e, and we cannot get along without the ..w Song Book. You will find enclosed …cts for the same.

From your Bro. and Sister in Christ, ..ed, sanctified and kept by the power.

H. H. and C. J. Hevel.




Sims Ind.

All glory to Jesus! I am free this morn­-..g. Free from sects, isms, organisms of ..an and the devil; (for the devil is the ..stigator of all man ism in regard to ..ristian organization.) free from tea, cof..e, filthiness of the flesh, and every other ..omination conceived by the devil, and ..ut in practice by man. Praise the Lord! … have my fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. I was converted about ..en years ago at a union meeting of the denominations; and continued in a justified state for a few years, then commenced trying to live out the sinful religion, that ..s so much taught at this present day. This was a hard life. I began to prosper an worldly matters, and soon became ex­alted. Then the Lord laid His hand upon me, because I gave not the glory and honor to Him. About one year after this, I was renewed and felt justified before God. Then feeling the need of the keeping power of God, I began seeking that power, which is the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the promise of the father through sancti­fication. The consecration and sacrifice being made, the Lord accepted the offer­ing and sanctified the gift, and I am fully sayed in Jesus, while the hand is writing on the wall; sanctified and meet for the Master’s use. Hallelujah! I have the victory over the mark of the beast and the number of his name. Praise the Lord! I have long awaited the time to see a peo­ple spring up, zealous of good works, whose foundation was Christ Jesus, whose God was the Lord. Praise the Lord! the time is at hand. I am standing alone here, so far as saints are concerned, yet one standeth by me greater than all men, who is more terrible to his enemies than a great army with banners.

And unto the dear Brethren. I say, stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage, but continue steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Wherefore the rather, Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom be honor, glory and everlasting dominion forever and ever. Amen!

Your Bro. in Christ.

Elihu Key.


Timberville O.

I feel led by the Spirit of God to write my testimony. I thank God for a com­plete salvation. Seven years ago I found myself to be a wonderful sinner, and saw I would be lost if I should die in that con­dition. I came to the Lord and confessed my sins and He for Christ’s sake forgave my sins and added me to His Church which was purchased with blood. But not know­ing what the Church was at that time, I joined the M. E. sect and was sprinkled and obeyed the doctrine of the M. E. sect for four years and a half. I then saw what the will of God was, and two years ago I consecrated myself to God, and was sanc­tified. Well the devil is in a rage. The M. E. sect has gathered all her forces to hold her fort, but God gives His sanctified ones the power to overcome the beast and his armies. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! I was at their meeting one night, by the Spirit directing me, and asked for the privilege to give in my tes­timony; but the sect preacher told me to sit down and shut my mouth or he would put me out of the house, and send me to jail. The Lord opened my mouth and I told them I was saved. Glory to God! Saved from all sectism, and every thing that is of the wicked one. Glory to God! I am saved and kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Bless the Lord O my soul! Your Bro. saved and sancti­fied with the blood of Christ by the Holy Ghost.       

David Smith.


Grant Ind.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God. Glory to His holy name! He keeps me every mo­ment and hour without sin, and in perfect holiness, ready to be revealed at His com­ing. I was in babylon ten years; but am now free as the birds in the air. When in babylon my testimony was this, “I have been in the church ten years. I know I do not live as I ought to at all times, and I am up and down, but I intend to go to Heaven when I die. Pray for me that I may be faithful.” Glory to God! I don’t have to wait until I die to be saved, but am saved now from all sin. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” The Word says, “Not every one that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of Heaven; but be that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.” “This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” Glory to God for the fulness!

Your Bro. saved, sanctified and kept by power Divine.

Mark Bowen.


St James Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God that it is my privilege to follow the leading of His Holy Spirit, as He has promised to lead us into all truth. I praise the Lord for what He has done for me. He is pre­cious to my soul. He is blessing me every day, and I am free from doubts and fears. O how I do love to read of salvation that keeps us free from sin and makes us hap­py all the time. Hallelujah! I can say to-day that I am sanctified through faith in the Son of God.

Clementine Beckham.


Akron Ind.

Dear Brethren: — My experience is, I am saved and sanctified in the al-cleansing blood of the Lamb. Praise God for bringing me out of the sects; for I can see plainly that those creeds are possessed with devils. Paul warned us of those human creeds. Acts 20:29, 30, “For I know this, that after my departing, shall grevious wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.”

Right here is where the jealous devil stepped in and began dividing God’s child­ren. Dear saints, in the name of Jesus, lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh.

About six weeks ago the devil sur­rounded our place of worship and fired on us with eggs and clubs and bricks. Some were hurt with the blow of clubs, but have recovered again. Praise God for salvation! It will carry us through for Him.

Your Bro. in Christ saved and sanctified.

D. F. McIntire.


Gobleville Mich.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord keeps me in His arms. I am saved, sanctified and redeemed in the blood of the Lamb, ready for my Master’s use. Yours in Christ.

Mary F. Wright.


Harland Ind.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved and fully trusting in God to be kept from all sin. Praise the Lord! He is keeping me in per­fect peace. I am trusting in the Lord, and He will keep me and never from me part. Your Bro. in Christ, washed in the blood. Pray for me.

Fredrick Myers.


Glendale Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise the Lord for His saving power. He saves me from sin each day of my life. Praise His holy name for salvation full and free! Whom the Lord has made free is free indeed. I am free. I do praise the Lord for the glo­rious light He shows us in His Word each day. Your sister saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God.

Luthera Travis.


Logan Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God to-day for a full and complete salvation. 1 want to live the balance of my days entirely in the sweet will of my Father; and what things were gain to me, I count but loss for Christ. Phil. 3:7. I am so delighted with the way; it grows brighter and bright­er. It has been seven years since I con­secrated myself to God, and He accepted, cleansed and sanctified me. Glory to God! I received this grace as a second work, and this is the Bible way, and the way so few travel. Oh! that all men would praise the Lord for His wonderful works to the children of men. I wish that some of God’s chosen ones would come here and preach the Word once more to this people. Your sister saved and sanctified.

Eliza Jarrett.


Beaver Dam Ind.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you all. Glory to Jesus! we are all well and saved. I have glory in my soul and am reigning with Christ. We had a glorious meeting Sabbath evening; we claimed the victory and one soul was saved. The Lord is strengthening the saints here.

Your Bro.,  

J. U. Bryant.


Glendale Mich.

Dear Brethren: — My testimony is, that I am saved to the uttermost by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time. Praise His holy name forever! I am sanctified by a second work of grace. The devil puts on a bold face, but he can­not break the lines, for I am fortified on all sides by the salvation of the Lord. Praise the Lord for the armor of salvation! It is kept bright by continual wear. I have never found so much need of help as I have of late; but let the Lord provide as He sees fit. I rest complete in His promises, for if God is for us who can be against ns. Yours in Christ, washed in the blood, living, without sin in the sight of God.

Thomas Travis.


Worstville, O.

To all the dear readers of the Trumpet, Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied un­to you abundantly for Jesus’ sake.

My testimony this blessed Lord’s day is, I am saved, washed and redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus; free from all sects.

I have seen so much of the abomina­tions of babylon this winter, I feel that I am eternally saved from all of her works. They are sinful in the sight of God, and His people. I do praise God for freedom in Christ. O glory to God forever and ever! I also want to testify to the power of God to heal. Glory to His name! He has healed me many times. When I was three years old I had scarlet fever, which settled in my head, leaving me almost en­tirely deaf. Some times I suffered greatly with my head: at times I could scarcely hear at all. I suffered for almost twenty- six years in this way; then I heard of the healing power of God, and I called upon Him, and He healed me. Glory to His name! He also healed me of a cancer of eighteen months standing. Praise His name forever! May God bless all the dear saints. Amen! Your sister in Christ, sanctified and tried.

Mattie Howard.


Albany Ill.

Dear Brethren: — I can testify that the Lord sanctifies me wholly. Praise the Lord for a free and full salvation! I tried in my weakness to preach the Gospel in a justified state for twenty years; but I felt there was something wrong. I was not what I ought to be. I tried to please the brethren rather than the Savior. But thank the Lord for His unspeakable gift. The blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed me from all sin. I am justified, sanctified and satisfied. Oh the Lord is blessing me wonderfully. There is a band of God’s little ones here who are trusting the Lord for all things. Pray for us that we may be kept free from the bondage of sectism. Yours in the bonds of love.

Andrew Byers.


Sycamore O.

Holy and Beloved Brethren: — I feel that I must obey the Spirit’s voice, and go on unto perfection. I will have sore trials, but what have I to fear? God’s grace is sufficient in every time of need. I do so desire the second work of grace in my heart, which I know can be sought and found. I was horn into the kingdom of my blessed Savior in 1882, and ever since, have, by the help of Jesus, been clinging to the cross. But oh, my blessed Jesus, how can we hear without a preach­er, and how can they preach except they be sent? We pray God to send some holy saint to Sycamore and surrounding neigh­borhoods, to pour out the vials of the wrath of the Almighty on the hearts of the peo­ple. I am paralyzed, yet I feel that with Jesus dwelling in my heart, I possess all things. Your sister.

Sarah E. Stover.


Dowagiac, Mich.

Dear Brethren: – I praise God for salva­tion that saves me from all sin. Glory to the name of Jesus for the sweet commun­ion in Christ Jesus! The love of God dwells in my soul continually. The devil has been trying in nearly every way that could be thought of, to draw me away from God, but I am praising God for complete victory in my soul. His grace is sufficient for every trial. O I give God all the glo­ry for what He is doing for me; He is bap­tizing my soul with the holy fire, O glory glory! glory!! to the name of Jesus! O I never can give Him glory enough for what He is doing for me day by day. Praise God for the healing and cleansing blood, that cleanses me from all sin just now. The Lord is my physician, ever present to heal me or my child when we call on Him. Praise the Lord! all the glory belongs to God. I am still standing firm on the Sol­id Rock, Christ Jesus, where the gates of hell cannot prevail against me. I am saved and sanctified through and through by the blood of Jesus. Your sister.

Jane Potter.


Akron, Ind.

Dear Trumpet readers: — I feel led this morning to write my testimony. Glory to God for salvation full and free! I am saved and kept by His mighty power. I do praise God that the light came, and I received it, and was delivered out of the old Methodist sect, into the light and lib­erty of God; and saved from all the work of the devil. I am delivered from tobacco tea and coffee, and from all idols. I do praise God for salvation full and free.

The Lord is with me, and I do not fear clubs, eggs, wicked men or devils. Your Brother, saved and sanctified wholly.

F. Edwards.


Lee, Mich:

Dear Brethren: — My testimony is that I am still on the clear sea of glass. Oh I do praise Jesus for giving me a full and tree salvation. God so blessed me to-day that I had to leap and shout for joy.

The devil has tempted me wonderfully lately, but I just prayed and looked to Je­sus, and I feel glorious over my trials and temptations. I know that if we look to

Jesus He will carry ns through. I expect to attend camp meeting at Bangor this sum­mer if I am alive and well, and God per­mits. I leave all in the hands of the Lord.

Your sister saved and sanctified, waiting for the summons from on high, to go and reign with Jesus and all the dear ones gone before.  

Mrs. Ella M. Shaffer.


Six Points, Ohio.

Dear Brethren: — I enjoy a full and complete salvation. Praise the Lord! I am free from all sin. My soul is filled with the glory and peace of God. Your brother in Christ.

C. Aumangher.


St James, Mo,

Dear Brethren: — The Lord bless you all. I can testify that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin, and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly.

Your Brother in the Lord Jesus.

Wm. Eikman.


St James, Mo.

Dear Brethren: — Grace, mercy, and peace he multiplied. According to His mercy He saved us by the washing of re­generation and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

The blessed Lord, through His tender mercy and compassion upon us here, sent some of His little ones to us, to spread the fire of the Holy Ghost, and thanks be unto God, some of the droppings fell on us.

I came out from behind the devil’s breast­works, and surrendered to the mighty King who neyer lost a battle. The sects are be­coming very uneasy, they are much alarm­ed about their craft, for it begins to tremble, when the pure testimony is put forth in the Spirit, it reminds them that there is some­thing lacking. They have been trying to close all the synagogues against the holy people. But God, who is greater than man, kept them open. Praise God! that He has kept His watchful eye over the resolute few until the army is now strong enough that if a flag bearer should be mar­tyred for the cause of Christ, there are plenty left to set up the flag, for one can chase a thousand, and two put ten thou­sand to flight. This leaves me rejoicing in the hope. Pray for me.

M. A. Marcee.


Beaver Dam, Ind.

Dear Brethren: — Praise God for a full and free salvation! I am wholly saved to God. Praise His holy name! He has done a mighty work here in this place. We had a glorious meeting last Saturday night. The Lord was there in power. Praise God! He fills my soul with glory, and has swept, all the works of the devil out of me. I used tobacco for about 22 years; but God has cleansed me from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Praise His holy name!

Pray for us that the Lord may still con­tinue His work here.

Your brother saved and sanctified.

J. F. Bryant.


Fostoria O.

Dear Brethren: — My soul is saved by the blood of Christ. Glory to His name! We are having prayer meetings every night, and the Lord is working wonderfully with the people. Souls are coming out of the sects and crying against them. They need some one to preach the straight Word to them. We are having good meet­ings and the Lord is with us in power. Praise the Lord for the sanctifying power that keeps me free. O! my heart is full of the over-powering glory of God. Pray for us.

Carlin Gilbert.


Litchfield Ill.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you all. About three months ago God spake peace to my soul; ever since that time I have had glorious victory. Hallelujah! Now I can testify that Jesus justifies and sanc­tifies me. Glory to God and the Lamb forever and ever! My wife is also glori­ously saved. Glory to Jesus!

Your Bro. saved.

Isaac. Ramsey.


Akron Ind.

I praise the Lord for salvation full and free. I am saved and sanctified. Praise the Lord! My house has become a house of prayer. Glory be to Jesus for His keep­ing power! We have meeting four times a week at private houses. Babylon is wild with confusion here; but let them rage and howl; the Lord is with His peo­ple. Glory be to His holy name! I am free from all sin.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

John D. Bowen.

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O keep not silent if within,
Thy heart doth burn with love for Him
Who bled and died on Calvary,
To set thy soul from, bondage free.

Think O my brother how he came,
Thy soul to save from death and shame;
Ye are my witnesses saith He:
Tell what the Lord has done for thee.

O keep not silent brother, then,
But speak with tongue and write with pen;
And let the trembling sinners know,
How to escape from death and woe.

These lines were composed by Ruth Sprague, a blind sister of Bellevue. Her testimony is, “I have been a follower of the meek and lowly Savior for ten years, and in all those years He has been my guide, and He leads me and keeps my feet on the Solid Rock, Christ Jesus. His blood cleanses me from all sin. I desire the prayers of all the saints that my sight may be restored, that I may use it for His honor and glory.

Your sister, saved and sanctified through the blood of the Lamb.

Ruth Sprague.




TRULY Isaiah Reed of the Highway, and head of the so-called free Church (or sect) of Nevada. Ia. has proven him­self to be one of those reeds shaken with the wind of his own doctrine; which is this shoddy false holiness, which is like the blight that comes up from the dead sea. It corrupts and destroys every thing within its sphere. This poor “Human head,” so called by one of the prominent sect devotees, is surely one of the weak­est reeds that ever grew in the quog mires of babylon. He has been floundering around, walking after the imagination of his own heart, and in the light of his own fire. He sought relief from the inhabit­ants of sect Ashdod, the prognosticators and stargazers, Rice and Rowley, whose tottering craft is already sinking. But even they could not prop up this “Human bead,” or more properly speaking, “Dagon.” “And when they of Ashdod rose early on the morrow morning, behold Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the Lord; and the head, and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him. Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that came into Dagon’s house tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day.” So those who so enthusiastically cried out, “God bless the Free church of Nevada, and Isaiah Reed its “human head,”  are so devoted to their sect idols or gods, that they are even willing to accept, and have grafted into their corrupt tree, the M. E. sect, this poor stump of Dagon.

Wherefore behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan. Though Babylon should mount up to Heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the Lord. The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire: and the people shall labor in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary. — Jer. 51:52, 53, 58.

So Isaiah Reed beholds his folly, and the error of his false dreams, being confounded, for all the founders shall be con­founded, and their works come to naught. He beholds the crown of his pride swept away. The Reeds and flags shall wither. The paper reeds by the brooks shall with­er and be driven away, and be no more. —  Isa. 19:6, 7.

Doubtless Isaiah Reed knows that sect making and Bible holiness does not agree. The Bible classes all sect mongers, and creed makers together, with all other mongers. The apostle Paul can easily be understood in his epistle to the Galatians. 5th chapter 19-21 verses. Here the Apostle declares in the strongest terms that those which do such things shall not in­herit the kingdom of God. He speaks of seditions, heresies, which in the Emphatic version is translated factions and sects: which is correct. So all sect makers, and those who practice it, shall not inherit the kingdom of God, but have their part in the lake of fire, where all the beasts and false prophets are to be consigned. God is not the author of sect babylon confu­sion, He never created nor founded one, they are all the work of human heads, and must perish. The Church of God is of Divine origin, and not created by fleshly mortals, for mortal man cannot create that which is Divine; but, sects are the carnal inventions of man, wrought through strife and vain glory. But such is their love for filthy lucre that their conscience being seared as with a hot iron, they can violate the law and Word of God with impunity. They, like Demetrius of old know that by this craft they have their wealth, and they esteem the wealth of, and the applause of the world greater riches than the riches of Christ. So those crafts men, if they are not able to make a great sect god of their own, they are content to make shrines to some other of the great sect gods. The so called sectarian holiness associations are nothing but shrines made ..y those craftsmen, to the sect gods.

The greed and covetuousness of those craftsmen are fully exemplified and manifested in the organs of these so called ho­liness associations, many of them that come to our office on the exchange list, are well laden with secular carnal advertisements, especially the “Highway,” or rather low way published by Isaiah Reed, called the organ of the Iowa holiness asso­ciation. This sheet has nearly one whole page filled with secular advertisements: such as patent articles and medicines, etc. Surely such holiness is not of God, but of the devil. If we compare these things with the teaching of the Word of God, it is as crooked as the devil himself. Truly as the Scriptures saith, “my ways are not your ways, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” So then the “Highway” of Ia. is not God’s highway, but man’s highway.

The Lord’s highway is the way of holi­ness, the unclean shall not pass over it; no ravenous beast shall go up thereon; but the redeemed shall walk there. No covetous person who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of God, nor of Christ. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” “Behold a whirl­wind from the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked, in the latter days ye shall consider it per­fectly. I have not sent these prophets: yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.”

Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on and fall therein; for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the Lord.”





Battle Greek Mich.

Dear Saints of God: — I am still rejoic­ing in Christ. My mind is especially im­pressed with this Scripture. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Language fails to express the blessedness of this relation to God. It is deep as the sea, fathomless as the ocean. Oh this rest in Christ, this fulness of love, this consciousness that we are entirely the Lord’s, resting upon the eternal Rock. This oneness with our adorable Lord who has redeemed us, and made us heirs of immortal life. Oh that all would seek salvation, and realize the preciousness of the cleansing blood, and the waves of ho­ly joy that flows into the sanctified soul. How inexpressible, how satisfying, giving rest, sweet rest.

Blessed freedom from sin, victory over desease through faith in His power to heal and save.

Oh the joy of knowing Jesus,
It has dawned upon my soul;
I have found the great Physician,
Grace and power that makes me whole.

Yes these eyes so bright and perfect,
Long were closed to human view;
Till by faith I claimed the promise.
In His book so dear and true.

Now its precious Words I ponder,
And delight therein to find
How He healed the sick of palsy
And the lame, the halt and blind.

Come oh sinner, come to Jesus,
All who would be free from sin;
He will gave both soul and body,
Making you complete in Him.

Your Sister saved in Jesus.

Emma Miller.

Hartford Minn.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led to write to the Trumpet. Praise God for salvation full and free! Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! We reached home the 7th of March and I went to the Free Methodist meeting. They had a testimony meeting, and gave all a chance to speak that loved the Lord, so myself and wife declared our­selves free from all sects and machinery of men, and out of babylon. Glory to God! It touched the idol of their heart, and they all turned against us; even the sinners took it up; but praise the Lord we wiil not compromise one bit. O how I do thank the Lord for the meetings at Jay and Randolph Co’s. Ind., and for the light brother W. gave us on the Word.

We have received two of our Trumpets since coming home. O what joy it brought to our hearts to read the testimonies of the dear saints that got free at the meet­ing in Ind. Glory to God forever! Well, I do hope the Lord will send some of the dear saints out here to preach the straight Word, either Bro. Warner or Bro. Fisher. O what need of light to be flashed here. I ask all the saints to pray for us, as we are alone here. Glory to Jesus! we have victory. Your Bro. and Sister saved by the blood of Jesus.

E. and M. Key.


Maple Rapids Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led of the Spir­it to write for the Trumpet. It fills my soul with glory to read the strong testi­monies for the Lord. O the Lord blesses me day by day and keeps me in the way of the Redeemer. I am pressing my way onward and upward. I praise the Lord for taking care of me. My soul is filled with praises to God for saving me from sin and satan. Though my name be cast out as evil, I will follow Jesus my Lord. He has saved me from sin. Praise the Lord for deliverance!

“I’m fully Thine, yes wholly Thine,
All on the altar Christ Divine;
The Word of Jesus I believe,
The sanctifier I receive;
All on the altar I abide,
And Jesus says I’m sanctified.”

Your Sister saved in the blood of Christ

Belle Anthony.


Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — My testimony is, that I am saved, sanctified and kept from all sin, ready to meet my blessed Lord when He comes. I can say praise God! with all my heart. Yes, I will praise Him for what He has done for me, and for His beeping power. I have been sick for fourteen weeks, but thank God I am healed by the power of God and the laying on of hands! in the name of the Lord Jesus. O praise God for His love and tender mercies to the children of men. My tongue cannot express the gratitude I feel to Him for healing me from so much distress and pain. Jesus is my hope and glory, yes, my hope without a fear.

O how sweetly Jesus whispers,
To each pure and holy child,
I will shield thee from all danger,
Till you reach the end of time.

I have washed thee, I have cleansed thee
In Mine own redeeming blood,
Thou art sanctified and holy,
Ready for thy home above.

These lines came to me one morning during my sickness, as I felt all given up to the will of the Lord. Pray for me. From your sister in Christ.

Lottie Anthony.


Silver Lake, Ind.

To all of God’s sanctified ones, greeting. My prayer to God is that all who have asked an interest in our prayers may have the blessing of God’s Holy Spirit showered down upon them, that they may be made to rejoice with exceeding great joy. I am so glad when I read the Trumpet, to feel the unity of the Spirit in so many testimo­nies of Jesus’ saving power. Jesus says, “blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Praise the Lord for the fullness, when we get filled with the Holy Spirit. Dear brethren let the Spirit guide us, and then we will not fall into sin; for Jesus says the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost, shall lead you into all truth. Now he that falls into sin has forgotten to watch and pray, and has grieved the Holy Spirit away.

Jesus says “he that speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him, but he that speaketh a word against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven in this world, neither in the world to come.

God leads His children in the way of salvation. The devil leads his children in the way of persecuting the saints; but Je­sus says fear not them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But rather fear Him who has power to kill, and to east both soul and body into hell. We have had quite a stirring time at Old Franklin, where the U. B. sect held forth, the preacher in charge preached sanctification as a second work of grace, and sectism combined, and as the meeting was not far from my residence and I could see many souls grouping their way in darknes, I felt led by the Spirit to labor for their salvation. I was permitted to see many rejoice in a Savior’s love. Now listen to what the minister said to those new born souls. “All that wants to join the church come forward and give me your hand, and God your heart. Don’t stay away without any fence around you.”

Now here is what God says about the babes in Christ. “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body.” etc. Now if God sets the members in the Body, (the Church) as it hath pleased Him, is it not mockery for a minister to pretend to take believers into the Church? I feel to re­joice to-night that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of life, I am so glad that Jesus gives me strength to testify to His cleansing power wherever I go.

Your Bro. saved by the precious blood of Jesus.

S. M. Smith.


Odon, Ind.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise God for cleansing me from all sin. When I was seventeen years old I was converted and joined the sect. I lived in the sect a year and did as near right as I could, but being weak, the devil drew me away, and I went back into the world. I went on in the world for some time, as wicked as I could be. But God laid His hand of affliction upon me, and I suffered for seven weeks under the doctor’s care, but got ho better.

The Spirit of the Lord said to me, “Repent of your wickedness and send for the Elders and you shall be healed.” Thank God! I obeyed, and was healed.

I thank God that I am wholly sanctified; washed in the blood. Glory to God!

Nellie J. Hanes.


Hamilton, Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I came across a Gos­pel Trumpet the other day, and I was obliged to say amen! that is the truth.

Now there are still a few professing ho­liness at this place, still clinging to the “poor old stranded wreck,” that I would rejoice to see set free in Jesus.

I was saved seven years ago; was in a sect. I had been saved six months before I heard the voice from Heaven, “come out of her my heople!” but I did not heed the Heavenly voice; I thought I could stay in and do more good. There were about 75 or 80 in the sect at that time who claimed the blessing of holiness. I stayed in that old worldly-conformed, man-made, God­forsaken wreck, and saw one after another that testified to full salvation, drift back again into the world in two short years.

Out of about eighty, only three were left to stand up for God, and claim that the God of peace sanctified them wholly. The false shepherds fleeced the flock, and turned them out in the storm to die. The last sect preacher that came (after they were all killed out but three) told us it was bet­ter that a millstone were hanged about our neck and we cast into the midst of the sea, than to offend one of these little ones by testifying to how holy we were. I was paying forty dollars a year to this same preacher for trying to put a millstone about my neck. That steeple house has not one saved soul left, and now they have “carnal peace.” No one to disturd their slumber of death. That preacher will learn the meaning of that Scripture, when the Trum­pet shall sound and God’s little ones shall go sweeping into the City. Well bless God, I am a free man in Jesus. “He has set my feet in a large place.” God’s pasture never gets short, bless His holy name! He keeps me so pure, “my cup runneth over.” Hallelujah! I am hitched on to the great reservoir of Heaven that never gets dry. We have a holiness chapel here, we meet each week, and best of all, God is with us, and the blessed Holy Ghost is our leader. God bless you, in your sin-killing, sect-killing work. All for Jesus, and not a penny for sects. Saved and kept by the power of God.

J. H. Manning.

Jackson O.

Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord for sending me a copy of the Gospel Trumpet. Enclosed you will find $1.50. Please send me Bible Proofs of the Second Work of Grace, and place my name on your sub­scription list.

My testimony is that I am the Lord’s He is all and in all to one. Praise His name forever! The Lord saved me from tobacco after I had used it for fifteen years, and has brought me out of babylon. I don’t know whether there is any holiness people in this state or not; but I am saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus.

Pray for me that the Lord may give me grace to testify to what He is doing for me. Your brother in the faith once de­livered to the saints.

C. W. Howe.


Raymilton Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I am led this evening to testify for Jesus. He has led me out of bondage and set me free. I am out of babylon, severed from all sects and creeds made by men. I believe in a free salva­tion, and rejoice in the same. The secta­rians are howling and growling around as usual; but let them howl, they cannot hurt a christian. Praise God for victory!

The saints met at Bro. Eider’s on the 13th of March to attend to the ordinance of baptism. Nine souls were immersed and followed in the footsteps of their Master. We have much opposition here, but by the assisting grace of God, we intend to push the battle to the gate. The saints meet together often and have glori­ous meetings. We here the shouts of victo­ry from many states in the union. Also from the Dominion of Canada. We retain the echoes of their triumphant songs.

In God we trust.

J. R. Peters.


Geneva Center Mich.

Dear Brethren: — God bless you. I do praise God this morning for this wonderful salvation that saves me from all sin, and keeps me free in Christ Jesus. Glory to God for this freedom! I tell you, dear brethren, I enjoy this wonderful salvation. Glory to God! Whomsoever the Son maketh free, is free indeed. Glory to God this morning for the glory that fills my soul! We have wonderful meetings here. The Lord is blessing His saints, and souls are being saved I do praise God for the salvation of poor sinners. Glory to God! I do bless God that He ever sent brother Warner here, for he has done much good in the name of Jesus. Several have been saved and others are under conviction. May the Lord bless all the dear little ones and keep them holy and without blame before God. I am sweetly saved and sanctified. Glory to God! I am ready to work for the Lord any time He calls me.

Your Bro. saved through the blood.

Barney Warren.


Corunna Ind.

Dear Brethren: — May the Lord bless you all, and keep you saved is my prayer. I am saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation ready to do God’s will at all times. I am out on God’s promise, and under the blood. God has called me to work in His vine­yard, and by His grace I will not shun to declare the whole counsel of God. The devil gets stirred up when we preach the straight Word. I wanted to get the M. E. house in Corunna, and they told me that if I would not say any thing about the one Church, I could have it. But I told them that the Word says, shun not to de­clare the whole counsel of God. Last Sunday we preached on the one Church at Green’s Corner Ind., with good effect. The Lord is with us at all times. May the Lord bless all the Trumpet readers, is my prayer. Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

Jesse Drowley.


Glendale Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord for salvation that saves from sin. Hallelujah to God! I am walking in the light as God lets it shine on my pathway. The Bible says. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Praise God! I am walking in the light. Glory be to Jesus! It is sweet peace in my soul all the time. Blessed be Jesus! Hal­lelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! God wonderfully blesses my soul every time we kneel in prayer. Pray for me. Your sister saved and sanctified.

Mary Root.