1 May 1890, Volume 10, Number 9.

Leaning on Jesus.


have been alone with Jesus,
My head upon His breast;
For I was so very weary,
I wanted there to rest.
I have been alone with Jesus,
He bade me stay awhile;
And I felt it very precious,
The sunshine of His smile.
For I was weary, weary, and longed to be at rest,
And oh, it was so peaceful there, while leaning on His breast,

Shall I tell you what I told Him
While I was waiting there?
I told all my trouble,
I told Him all my care;
… told him satan’s whisperings
Oft’ called me into sin;
And I asked Him if I might not,
Forever stay with Him.
For I was weary, weary, and longed to be at rest,
And oh, it was so peaceful there, while leaning on His breast.

Shall I tell you what He told me
While I was waiting there?
For it took away my trouble,
It took away my care.
He told me how He loved me,
His wayward erring child;
And I felt so very happy,
For still on me He smiled.
For I was weary, weary, and longed to be at rest,
And oh, it was so peaceful then while leaning on His breast

Then He told me I was welcome,
To stay with Him for aye;
And He said that He would never
Cast His loving son away.
“Hark!” He said, “I am your Saviour,”
Firm as a rock I stand;
Come and rest beneath my shadows,
When weary in the land.
Oh! ’tis precious, very precius, to lie on Jesus’ breast
For when the heart is weary, tis the only place of rest.

Selected by Emma J. Miller.




“What is that to thee? Follow thou me.”

NOW dear brethren, it behooves us all to examine ourselves, and see if we are following Jesus by precept and example, in DEED and in truth, without any selfish motive or vain glory and strife: for He knows our hearts and all about us. There are two examples of the Saviour I want to consider. Namely, baptism and I feet washing. Now reader please give me your attention without any selfishness, as I must soon appear before the judge of the quick and the dead, for the way, I teach God’s Word, and you for the way you hear and receive it. Some people say that three ways of baptism are right; namely, sprinkling pouring and immersion, but I have never heard them give a “thus saith the Lord” for it; they always give their opinion, or say some Bro. teaches it that way; they say baptism never has been settled as to the mode, and will refer to some Rev. D. D’s., meeting in controversing the mode, and could never settle it. They use that as a proof of their argument: and then denounce the same persons for their sect walls of division, and their teaching as being of the devil. God pity such! They say also there is no Bible for a mode, and it never has been settled, then they will set up the 3 modes and try to bring all to them regardless of the Word of God. and their conscience in the matter, and all that will not come to it, they will denounce as being sectish, and of the devil; then call that straight holiness. If that is straight, God pity the crooked. Now reader you need not take Rev. D. D’s. counsel, nor any persons opinion to settle it. Just take the example of Jesus, or the way; for He says, I am the way. And you have it settled for time and eternity. Matt. 3:16, 17. “And Jesus when He was baptized went up straightway out of the water: and lo, the heavens openen unto Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him. And lo a voice from Heaven saying. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” The Father was well pleased with this act, and you see when He was baptized, He came up out of the water Mark relates it the same way, tells us He was baptized of John in Jordan. Mark 1:9. See 10. We should take Jesus for our way of baptism, because He says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. — Jno. 14:6. Some say it makes no difference about taking His way of baptism; just any way a person wants to be baptized will do as well; we might just as well have our way in anything else; but Jesus does not say so. He says: “If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up the cross and follow me. He says again, take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.” Some will teach self-denial until it comes to baptism, then they teach denying the cross and taking up self; and will teach wearing the yoke of Jesus, and learning of Him, till they come to baptism, then put on some Bro’s. yoke, (or opinion) and learn of him. May the Lord help us to learn of Jesus in all things that pertain to life and godliness. The Father was well pleased with His obedience of baptism. Not only in this, but He did always the things that pleased Him. (Jno. 8:29.) Some will try to explain away the simple word, “IN” or “OUT.” They say it does not mean what it says, but means at or near by, and they take such scriptures as Christ went up into the mountain, and Zaccheus climbed into a sycamore tree. It seems they can use common sense in every particular except this. I say, when the Lord says into, He means what He says. Now in regard to climbing up into the tree, it does not say he went into any particular part of the tree, as the body or limbs, but just said the tree, and of course it takes the branches and all parts of the tree, to constitute a tree. As many members, but one body. Now we will examine some places where the word INTO occurs; and say it was to mean at, or near by, and see how folly is manifest. God says: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God”. Psa. 9—17. If into means at or near by then nobody will go to hell only at or near by, and the Lord would have to make them another place to stay. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the City.” (According to their definition of into, we could never enter through the gates at all, never get into the city; only at or near by. If that was true no one would go to Heaven nor hell. (Rev 22:14.) Christ commanded the apostles to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. (Mark, 16:15 Then the apostles would only be at or near by the world and not in it.

May the Lord save us from trying to explain away the simple Word of God. Now as Jesus is the way, if anyone will show me where Jesus was poured or sprinkled after He was baptized of John in Jordan, then I will obey and teach three baptisms. And if the Lord has three instituted modes of baptism, then for me to be baptized only one way would not be coming up to the standard of God. Some say: “one believes one way and one another; now where is your example or Bible for it?” O this idea that God wants some of His children baptized one way and some another, cometh not of him that calleth you; as Paul says: “Who maketh thee to differ one from another?” 1 Cor. 4:7. The idea that persons are in posession of the same spirit, and have the same word to go by, and then the spirit and word to guide one to be baptized by pouring, another by sprinkling, and anothers by immersion. Then people try to make a unit out of three modes, and bring all to it, though they might as well try and unite the Presbyterian, Baptist, and Methodist in love and let every one hold to his creed; while I admit if a person is truly saved they may have been baptized or even sprinkled etc. yet there is brotherly love and fellowship. But the Holy Spirit is our guide and will guide us into all truth. The guiding however is not instantaneous as sanctification, but continually guiding us. So we have many truths to be guided into after we are sanctified. There are no scriptures that teaches us that God would have some of His children baptized one way and some another way. Now I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no division among you, and that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and judgment. 1 Cor. 1:10.

There is always a mind and judgment that goes before baptism, and I say that 3 baptisms are not one mind or judgment. Now notice more of the Bible for baptism. John was first baptizing in Jordan but goes to Enon because there was much water there. (Jno. 3:23.) Now if sprinkling would do as well why did he go to Enon where there was much water? Some people nowadays do not go to the water to baptize, but imagine or they pretend to by using a cup of water. You see it does not take much for them, and they stand up and preach to the people that there is no Bible for a mode; then they will set up 3 and say, “there is Bible for three modes” and try to get God’s people believe it. Now I say there is Bible for only one. And it is the way Jesus and His followers were baptized, viz., by going down into the water and coming up out of it, and not by pouring or sprinkling a little water on their heads in a house.

Some are now imposing upon infants by sprinkling them, saying: “Baptism is the answering of a good conscience.” But of course infants have no conscience in the matter; we all know they have no knowledge of the papal ceremony. There is no Bible for infant baptism, neither by precept or example.

Please notice the way that Philip baptized, see (Acts 8;27—40). There are two things about his baptism, God directly, or through Philip, taught him. Baptism, and namely, the conditions of the very same mode or way that Jno. baptized. For when Philip went to him, he asked if he understood what he read, and he said: “How can I, except some man guide me.” Then Philip began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus. We have not all the conversation that passed between them, but he preached unto him Jesus: but as they went on their way, they came to a certain water, and the Eunuch said: “See here is water, what doth hinder me from being baptized? And philip said: “If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. You see he did not baptize him until he had examined his qualifications, (i. e., proper faith in Christ). And they went down into the water, both Philip and the Eunuch. Some say if that was any sign that the Eunuch was immersed, Philip was too, for they both went down into the water alike; But notice the balance of the verse, and it will explain itself. “And he (i. e., Philip) baptized him.” Some will say, “well he might have sprinkled or poured water on his lead.” People do not go into the water to get a little water poured on their head in these days. Some say Christ, in speaking of the baptism of John, said: “John baptized with water.” But in the Greek and other translations, it is IN water, and not WITH. Suppose he had; that would not change the way. He spoke of the elements John used and was discriminating between the two, (i. e., water and Holy Ghost). He told them that John baptized with water, but they shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:5.) We speak of washing clothes with water, yet they are put in it.

Some wrest the baptism of the 3000 on the day of Pentecost, pretending they were not immersed. Yet they cannot prove that 1000 was baptized one way and the rest some other way. They think contrary to the scriptures, because they say, “all that believed were together, and of one mind and one heart.” There was divisions among the followers of Christ as touching baptism, for Christ left them the example to go by.

Some people resort to philosophy to try and keep others from following Jesus. God says: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” — Col. 2:8. They also resort to human sympathies and say, it is right to baptize any way a person wants, not giving thus saith the Lord, and say when they baptized one they all got happy. Then they will make remarks about others getting happy and shouting, and say it was of the devil, — and even go so far as to call them hypocrites. The apostle says, “They speak great swelling words, having mens persons in admiration, because of advantage.”

Now dear brethren consider what I have written. The Lord has led me and I have resorted to the example of His Son, and His Word, for my proof. Some are denouncing those who believe and teach one baptism, as not being holiness. I say again, just please give we the example of Jesus for the three ways, and His Word for it, then I will obey, and teach it, and not before; but please do not give me any more of your opinions. Only give me God’s Word, for there are too many opinions contrary to Jesus, in the World now.

Dear brethren, before you teach three ways, first give thus saith the Lord for it, and then be baptized three ways before you teach it. Thou that teacheth another, thou shalt not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that teacheth others, three ways are right, hast thou taught thyself, hast thou obeyed? The husbandman must first be partaker of the fruit.

Some say we ought to let it alone, and not teach baptism. Pretend God has sent them to teach the Gospel, His Word, and then when it comes to baptism, leave it to the people. Jesus called it God’s council. — Luke 7:30. Paul told the brethren at Ephesus he was pure from the blood of all men, because he had not shunned to declare all the council of God. — “Acts. 20:27, 28. and baptism was part of the council. By the grace of God, I will follow the example, that Jesus left me to follow, and take Him as my way and that a narrow one, and not shun to declare all the council of God. Some professors may fall out with me and backbite, but thank God, I can and will love them and pray for them. We do not want to go to heaven, hating any one yet we must not like the ways of persons that are not right with God.

Some teach that a person going to administer baptism for the Lord, has no conscience in the matter, the subject has all of it. But I have never heard them give the word for it. Jesus told the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, some say He did’nt say any thing about the way, for them to be baptized, only the names etc. But the next verse says, “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Matt. 28:19, 20. and He had told them He was the way, “follow thou me.” And according to some people’s argument, if a person did not want to take Jesus for their way, for baptism, and wanted to be baptized some other way, and the teacher had no faith in it because he had no example of Jesus, nor word for it, and he would have to baptize him regardless of his conscience in the matter. And the Word says, “whatsoever (i e anything) is not of faith is in. — Rom.” 14:23. And that would force him to obey and commit sin regardless of his conscience in the matter. Now some of you may ask if I will let you have your say so and conscience. God bless you! I have no chain on your conscience nor lock on your mouth. But be sure you use sound speech that cannot be condemned, and then you may say what you like, perhaps some of you have already said more about baptism than you have Bible for, or that is glorifying to God; think of it The Lord knows; just let your conscience bear you witness in the Holy Ghost, and it will guide you into all truth; for the Word is truth. Give the Word for sprinkling and pouring and do not go back under the law to establish it; for whosoever is justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace. Some people do not believe in Jesus as an example of baptism. “What is that to thee follow thou me.” Some say, we are free in Jesus. Of course we are, and from the devil and all his works, but you fail to do what Jesus says and bondage will be the result. — Acts. 3:2, 3. God bless all His people and help us to follow Jesus. I will write on feet washing next time, and tell why I write through the paper. Dear saints pray for me. Your Bro. in Christ saved to the uttermost, and walking in the light as He is in the light.

S. H. Bozeman.


East Jordan, Mich.

Dear brethren and sisters in Christ: — Bro. Grover has been preaching in our town for some weeks past I did not hear him until last week, Fri. evening; fact, I did not want to hear him; I had in heard enough about him. But on coming home, I found out that he had captured some of the choicest lambs Bom us; (the Presbyterians and the methodist) the case was becoming serious; I must oppose this teacher of an error, but to do so fairly, I must be an ear witness; I must see who this prowler was. During the day, I was seeking the lost lambs, and came upon three of them in company, and three sheep of this new fold; Bro, & sister Sheldon and sister Courtney. I was favorably impressed with their spirit, and bearing, for one reason, because in the case of one of our sisters, Bro. Grover had accomplished what I had failed to accomplish in her case or any other; viz. to substitute the inward for the outward adorning. We had a conversation, and I proposed prayer, and asked God to show them THEIR errors and me MINE, and to lead us into the light and truth, as it is in Christ Jesus. Sister Courtney followed me in prayer, asking God to answer my prayer. Of course I went to meeting open to conviction. In fact I have not intended to resist or reject God’s Word for years. What was my surprise, on hearing Bro. Grover, to find that he had been largely misrepresented; to find one barrier after another removed, and God’s spirit bringing us nearer together, until I found he was more like myself than any man I ever met; and we had christian fellowship such as we never had before. His people too I found to be God’s people; receiving and practicing the Gospel of Christ in its parity, simplicity and power as I had longed for years to see it received and practised. I found also that the power of God had rescued and reached some dear ones whom I failed to reach in babylon; that the power of God had saved them among other things from the use of tobacco, as I have longed to see it; and some of them from tea and coffee also. I have never felt perfect christian fellowship toward any tobacco user; not even Spurgeon himself. Of course when I came to see the fruit of this Gospel Tree, it was not difficult for me to see that their interpretation of the command, “Come out of babylon”, was correct, and I obeyed.

Years ago I was called by a vision to preach the Gospel. I was baptized with the spirit in a wonderful manner, but my message was distasteful and considered false by the people. They would not endure sound doctrine, and God wished me to speak no other. They wished me to speak like other ministers smooth things but I could not, so I have lain on the shelf for 13 years, waiting a brighter day, or rather day for it has been night, prophesied of, which I praise God has dawned at last.

In my acquaintance with this people I see an open door which no man can shut, for which I have been looking, and by the grace of God I shall enter it. And though there are many heresies, God will give triumph to truth and righteousness. Brethren pray for me that Jesus may reign so completely in my heart, that it may not be me that speaks and acts, but Christ, and that the word of God may have free course and be glorified.

Your saved Bro.

Moses H. Thompson.




Decatur, Miss. April, 4 1890.

Dear Brethren in Christ: — I feel led of the Lord to write a few lines to let you know how we are getting along out here in the South, I am still praising God for full and free salvation in Jesus. Glory to God! I am still saved and sanctified through the truth. Praise the Lord! we have a little band of christians out here. We have not much preaching here, and the most of those that claimed holiness, are gone on the side of sectarianism, and have no experience whatever. I would to God some good Bro. would come down here. Some good minister of Jesus. We do not want any unless they have the Spirit of Christ; for we have plenty here that pretend to be, having a form of godliness, but they seem to be all money makers, sectarian leaders, selfwilled and so on. Let us work in faith, for without it is impossible to please God; Brethren if any of you can come South to help us so. We would be glad to welcome some of you here, our home is consecrated to the Lord. May God bless you all.

Pray for us.

W. Rufus McMullan.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, — Editor.

E. E. BYRUM, — Office Editor.

E. E. BYRUM and SMICHELS, — Publishers.


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Address: — Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich.




J. A. Ingham. A. A. Hitchcock. Sarah E. Beaman. Lucy Willemфn. Samuel Jacobson, J. W High. John Mitchel. Isaac Coy. J. Cole. C. C. Waddle. E. E. Bell Josse Drowley. Mrs. E. E- Yeaman. David Comer. Geo. E. bolds. Nettie Henderson. John Mau olf. E. Huffrey. J. Farree Wm. Spray. H. V. DeRouse E. A. Stevenson. J Ramsey. J. H. Davis. Wm. Gooding. Henry Davis.


Camp and Grove Meeting List.


THERE will be a camp or grove meeting in Augusta, Ga. near Enterprise Mills commencing May 15th, if the Lord wills. Let there be a general coming together of all the saints from every where. A general invitation is given to all who love the truth. Pray earnestly for the work of the Lord in this place. Address: — W H Morris Enterprise Mills Augusta, Ga.


There will be a general assembly meeting in Hamilton meeting house, Gratiot Co. Mich. May 30th to June 5th. Bro. Palmer & our Co. hope to be in attendance, and whoever else the Lord sends. Let all the saints in that part of the state come up to the great feast.



This annual feast will be held on the old camp ground June 10—18. No new auditorium will be erected but 1, and perhaps 2 large canvas pavillions will be pitched on the ground so as to accommodate the large concourse of people that come on sabbath, with preaching from 2 or 3 stands.

Let all the holy saints, and such as wish to seek God come from far and near. Better provisions we trust, will be made for teams than heretofore, and we hope that all things will be very satisfactory and to the glory of God. Saints come in time, or tarry after the meeting, and make us a visit at the Trumpet office, the Lord willing. Amen!

Bedford, Mich. March 29th 1890.

There will be a grove meeting at Johnstown, Barry Co., Mich. Commencing May 28th and continuing until June 4th. May the Lord send some holy brethren full of the Holy Ghost and fire to preach the Word. We feel it would be to the glory of God for Bro. A. B. Palmer to be in attendance, and trust the Lord will lead him to come, and as many others as can come. Battle- Creek is the nearest R. R. station, and any of the brethren will be met at the depot by notifying Bro. D. Swanson & Bro. W. Merrit of Bedford, Calhoun Co. Mich.

Your Bro. saved in Jesus.

Thos. Daniels.

A camp-meeting is called for in Gratiot Mich., in August.

A grove-meeting is wanted this summer at Hamilton, Ind.

A beautiful grove with a hall in the midst, a hundred feet long, at South Haven, for a meeting of the saints, June 6-8. This is just before camp-meeting, South Haven is by the lake side, on steam-boat line. We trust that many dear saints will come in time to take in this meeting A glorious time is expected.

For information, address

M. Miner.


THE saints are earnestly requested to join in prayer, Thursday May 8th, at 10 o’clock A. M. for sister Charlotte W. Carmichael, of Henderson Pa. that she may be healed of bodily injuries received by falling from a bridge.

ALSO pray for the healing, of Bro Samuel Smale, of ADRIAN PA.




OVER two hundred pages of this work is already stereotyped. Our pen has been going and the Holy Spirit inspiration has been flowing freely in our mind and heart, and we bless the Lord for many precious things He has given us. The book will contain about 350 pages. We are working hard to get it out by the June camp meeting. And we are praying God day and night to move a thousand subscribers at least soon after published. Send in your subscription as the Lord leads. Price $1.50.



SUCH we are having just now. The New Springs for the press have been received, applied with good satisfaction. Other parts were found worn out, and have been replaced with new, enlarging the expenses from what we expected. This, with the balance soon due on the Stereotype outfit, and our book paper, will amount to about four hundred dollars, that will have to be paid inside of about 20 days. We know of no source to expect it save from the Lord. We will trust Him, and pray much that such instruments as He may choose will be found willing and obedient, and receive the blessing from the Lord. Thank God: some have been sending help toward the New Springs, to whom we give many thanks. AMEN!



THE PENTECOST, a paper of California the organ of a new man-tinkered holiness sect, in issue of March 19, contains a partial report of their creed brewing committee, from which we take the following extract. “The committee appointed by the association to revise the rules and prepare something for adoption by the association suitable for publication and general distribution, has this to say here and now. We have had three meetings, or one meeting occupying parts of three days, and find the work assigned us more arduous than was at first supposed”.

One would surely suppose by the reading of such reports, that the twelve apostles had either failed to get the Pentecost baptism Christ had promised to guide them into all truth, and so they had failed also to set forth a sufficient code of rules for the government of God’s people. So these California divines have undertaken to do what the Apostles were not capable of doing.

Then there is a slight mistake, it would appear from the above committee’s work, in what the apostle Peter wrote, about A. D. 66. When he declared that God “according to His divine power had given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and virtue.” — 2 Pet 1:3. Either Peter did not tell the truth or the works of that Cal. committee do not pertain to godliness.” If the creed rules concatenated in 1890, and all that have been tinkered up from the first man-made thing, at the Nicene Council, A. D. 325, down to this time, if they or a single one of them have been needed to promote, and sustain spiritual life and godliness, then Peter’s words have proved false. But if indeed Peter told the truth, and so he did, all things needed, or that in any way pertain to life and godliness were given us through Christ and the apostles, then all this, creed, rule, and system making, from the first to the last, is a God-dishonoring deception of the devil.

No wonder this committee has an enormous task. Their work is only supposed necessary because of the dark age superstition, and sect education, which hang like a dense fog over their minds. A laborous task indeed, to build a tower, or tinker a creed, with God Almighty confounding their speech.

This new sect talk much about their pentecost bands, etc. But let us consider that good old common sense pentecost meeting that was held about ten days at Jerusalem. Did the 120 disciples proceed to elect a President, Clerk, Treasurer? and constitute a string of committees? and submit to each their work? Was there a committee to frame or “revise the rules, and prepare, something suitable for publication,” etc? Was there a committee on program, who reported Peter to prepare a paper for the opening sermon? Nay before sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost, they were not fit for such do.. liberations, and after they received the Holy Spirit, He guided them into all truth and they did not need to make laws … committee machinery. But should soul one say, that they did write, rules and instructions in righteousness. Certainly they did. They were inspired to write the whole New Testament, the perfect law government. And that is just why God has left no rule formulating for the California committee. But let us again note the contrast between the Jerusalem pentecost and the modern foggy pentecost works. Now they appoint a committee of half dozen or more, require them to spin rules, for the “adoption of the association.” But when the apostles wrote, they did so by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and their work needed no discussing, amending, and adopting by vote, as in babylon holiness, or modem sham pentecost confusion. Doubtless there are good sincere men and women in that young daughter of confusion, but their creed making is sickening to any fully enlightened child of God.




To keep salvation in your soul you must resist every anti-christ spirit. The devil will blind you, and begin to switch your soul off the direct line of truth, the only way to Heaven, just as soon as you allow sympathy to go out after some one who is deluded of the adversary. I do not mean sympathy for them. We can have deep sympathy, and even much love for the most fallen and deluded, yea and will have while the heart is pure. But while the Holy Spirit fills and moves our hearts, we will not have sympathy with any person that is of the devil. We utterly resist their spirit, and stand clear from their influence. To have sympathy with any other spirit, is to drink in and allow some confidence and fellowship to go out toward them. Satan knows that this will poison and kill a soul, hence he knows enough to cloak his most ungodly instruments with the similitude of meekness, gentleness, and humility. Satan knows that the mass of formalists that make up the denominations are without hope, and wishes to let them sleep. He also knows that the saints who are strong and fully enlightened, and established in the present truth, are shielded against his flatteries, and vile aspirations; so he chiefly aims to murder the soul of those who are weak, and do not have much discerning among the saints. To do this he puts as many as possible of his servants to publishing, slimy and deceptive sheets, and sending them about, just as men deposit rat’s bain to kill vermin. Such is usually sweetened to make it palatable, or made to resemble food, yea actually put on bread and other articles of food, so as to better secure a bite. So do these servants of satan, teach right good food, in some of their sheets. Some innocent hearted saints who have not very thorough licensing have had these papers sent to them and have seat some of them here, stating they seem to teach some truth very straight, but there is something in their spirit, that is repulsive to the Spirit of God in their hearts. Well dear ones I trust you have learned that satan is now transformed into an angel of light, and no marvel if his minister are also transformed into the appearance of God’s messengers.

Some time ago, we got a letter from a man in Mo., stating that he was about to start a paper on the straight Bible line, and he wished a copy of our subscription list. We wrote him to first let us read his paper, and we would be able to judge whether to take that responsibility or not. Well the paper soon got along, and its name is the Branch, and it declares itself anti-ordinance. But we have since had no call for our subscription list, and it would seem as though the man knew we could not conscientiously bid God speed to such false teaching, hence wished to procure our readers address before we knew the character if the prospected paper. Now, we wish to say in fear and love of God, that no teacher is in possession of the true Spirit of Christ who opposes what Christ and His apostles practiced, taught, as the elements of the “kingdom of heaven,” and of the New Testament,” as the three positive commands, usually called the ordinances of Christ are clearly classified. We would not say that a person who had been educated in the Quaker heresy, and surrounded by its influence, may not be a child of …, but hearing the whole truth taught, … reading his Bible, the Spirit of God will as certainly lead him into the truth, as He is the “Spirit of truth,” and then he will obey the Word or become subverted, and deceived into the lie that you can ..eep Christ in the heart, and set aside his commandments. There is no coherency between all this anti-ordinance confusion. T. H. Low, the remembrance of whose fall from the characters of a good and truthful man, to that of a dreadful spirit, from whom the pure Spirit of God shrinks as from a serpent. The remembrance say of his deplorable fall is painful to our heart. O that the infinite mercy of God may be permitted to tear the awful spell of satanic delusion from his soul. He testified to entire sanctification as a positive fact in experience, when he was in a saved state, also knew that the ordinances of Christ were valid. After blinded, he cast away one portion of divine truth after another, and now cries down both entire sanctification as a distinct second work of grace, and the ordinances of Christ. Here he stands exactly on the platform of Lyman Johnson. And though not one hundred miles apart, both imagine themselves called to publish a paper. Were there any need for this if both had salvation, and bad the truth? Is it not a confused sectish devil-lane expenditure of means? And now Low charges Johnson with making “wicked exaggerations which blind the people.” And ‘‘falsehood,” etc. Well Low became a disciple of Johnson, and Johnson being declared guilty of “falsehood,” will account for many hard things said in Low’s paper against certa.. saints. Both anti-ordinance, and anti-holiness, and proved anti-Christ by their own testimony.

There is a little sheet called Truth Crushed, the editor of which, being ignorant of what the ordinance of baptism is, thinks it sectish for a person who knows to teach the people what the command of Christ is. It is also confusion. And several other little sheets filled with more or less darkness, deserve to be put in the fire, or left in the po..t office. Two wandering stars in Chicago are working together, and each must have a paper of his own. If either were of God why the other? Look out for that extremely slimy one recently started by the chief of the apostates. O dear! what a gentle spirit! “Speak not evil of any man,” is made a cloak to cover a rotten heart. A tongue that has defamed, in public, in print and under oath in court, and has shown no fruits of repentance. And now takes up the satanic plea, and says, “speak not evil of any man.” Namely if he is crooked and of the devil just let him alone. For, as that deceived man wrote in a letter last summer, that it was all wrong to rebuke a person if he is crooked, “for if a man is destitute of the Holy Ghost he can’t do any harm any way.” Which would virtually imply that none but Holy Ghost men are capable of doing harm. Satan knows that where the true light has shone, nothing but straight truth will be received, hence to get a soul in fellowship with devils he will set some of his ministers to teaching good straight doctrine on holiness, etc. to draw into fellowship with him, some he knows will never be tie deceived by such flagrant lies as anti-holiness, anti-ordinance etc. If an angel from heaven (professedly) teaches ..ary other doctrine than that ye have received in God’s Word, reject him. For he that God sends speaketh the words of God.” And if a devil from hell, or an apostate from Chicago, or any where else teaches the veritable Word of God, reject him. For, saith the Lord, “I will not that ye have fellowship with devils.” But their handling of the truth, for the purpose of deceiving, does not spoil it, nor make our love for it any less.

God’s Church is a unit. Speaking of Titus, Paul said, “Walked we not in the same Spirit? Walked we not in the same steps?” — 2 Cor. 12:18. As the body is one, no one member is lead in a rival attitude toward another. If God sets one person to publishing a paper, he will not set another at the same within a few hours mail train apart, incurring double expenses, and both pressed for means. The trains now carry the mail so swiftly over the earth that there could be nothing but erroneous notions or selfishness actuate an able minister in leaving the field and setting up a little printing affair, if he is in harmony with one that God has already established, for such would be an imprudent use of time and means. We speak these things in the fear and love of God. In babylon each one is for himself, In Christ all are for God, and all serve God with one shoulder.

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Sidney, Ohio. Apr., 8, ’90.

Dear Saints: — This evening finds me sweetly saved in Jesus, and praising the dear Lord for salvation from all sin. Since our report in Nov., we have been in the field most of the time. Our dear Bro. J. N. Howard came to this place and began meeting Wednesday after Christmas, and the Lord was with us through the entire services, which continued till Jan. 9th. From here we went to New Hampshire, O., was reenforced by Bro’s, Schell and Bolds who continued with us, preaching the Word with glorious results. Several souls were saved, and the Church strengthened. We left the Church in a good condition at that place. From there we went to Stynos and held a few meetings, and then returned to New Hampshire, and from there went about 5 miles north to Waynesfield where we found much prejudice against the truth. Truly darkness does cover the land, and gross darkness the people in this little Sodom and Gomorrah. The battle was hot, but our weapons were not carnal, bless the Lord! Some, tried very hard to disturb the meetings, but this did not stop us, for God did wonderfully help us in preaching. There was no one saved at that place; and so when they would not hear us at that place, we went to the home of Bro. Focht at New Hampshire, and was conveyed to Flatbranch near Bellefountaine, where a few souls were saved, then went south of Bellefountaine, and found a number of saints there. Several were saved and 13 baptized. We came to this place and held a meeting with good results, and went to Six Mile, Ind., where I was taken sick, and returned to this place where I have been ever since, and found the enemy at work trying to deceive souls. When the Lord showed me the need of the sword, we began to cry unto Him for strength in time of need, and He was our strength, and raised us up out of our bed, and wonderfully helped us to preach His Word, and exposed the deceptive spirit of the devil. Some fell at the feet of Jesus, and confessed their errors and sin and was gloriously saved.

Your Bro. in Christ.

Geo. W. Howard.


Auburn, Ind., Apr. 20, ’90.

Dear Brethren: — May God bless you all. The meeting near Antwerp, begun Mar. 13th, and continued till Apr. 2nd. which closed with victory and good results for the cause. Much prejudice was removed, and darkness cleared away, and a number were convinced of the truth. The whole meeting was a glorious one. The Church much edified and strengthened in the Lord, many received light, and were determined to walk in it. God bless and keep them all unto the end. No account was kept of the consecrations, there were probably 12 or 16. Oh what joy in Heaven over the wanderers return. One was baptized by dear Bro. Basore. However several remained to be baptized, and we hope they will obey the Word at the first opportunity. Our dear Bro. Howard was with us in the meeting a couple of times. 30 saints took part in the ordinance of God’s house. God bless and reward dear Bro. and sister Peck, whose abode was our hospitable home. The Lord reward all the dear ones for their kindness to us.

Apr. 3rd, we begun meeting in a large hall in the town of Payne which continued till the 15th, closing with a glorious victory for the truth. God bless Mr. Hyman, who kindly gave ns and the saints the free use of his hall. This kindness was much appreciated. It was the first opportunity in Payne to preach the truth in general, large congregations were present every evening, especially on sabbath evenings, who listened to the Gospel with interest, and good order from first to last. Many were convinced of, and acknowledged the truth. We believe that the seed was sown in many hearts, many were convicted yet they did not yield; we hope they will yield to God in the near future and be saved. Amen! A number of the beloved saints from a distance were present who enjoyed the feast Dear father Spray from Ridgville, O. and others. One sister who had lost her experience, was delivered from the powers of satan. She had a hard struggle, but she gained the victory, and went home saved and joyful in God. There were several saved and sanctified, and a few cases of healing at both meetings. Oh how our hearts were made joyful and strengthened in the work by the arrival of our much beloved Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick and Company the last week of the meeting whom the Lord used much. In the evening of the 14th we had a precious ordinance meeting, and altar service, when 5 bowed before God and got the victory. 34 saints participated. Our souls were blessed in obedience, and the meeting closed with quite a conviction on the people. Bro. Kilpatrick went to Jerry City, O., and Bro. and sister Dillon went to Beaver Dam to take a rest. The Lord abundantly bless Bro’s. Howard and Basore whom the Lord also used in the work. How precious for dear holy brethren to meet and enjoy each others society and fellowship in heavenly places in Christ. The Lord reward the dear ones for their labor of love to the saints, and our beloved Wm. L. Kilpatrick whose house was our kind home. Hallelujah! We were much advanced, and better qualified in the Lord for His work during our stay in O. Bless the Lord! On our way to this town we met with the saints near Antwerp, had a precious meeting, one consecration. Hallelujah! We arrived here the 16th, had a precious meeting at night with a glorious refreshing from the Lord. One was healed, and one back-slider reclaimed. Bless the Lord! To-morrow we begin meetings east of Auburn. Thence we go to Ridgeville Corners, O., the Lord willing. Love to all. Pray for us, that we may be kept humble, fully saved and qualified in Him for His works and service. Amen!

Your sanctified Bro. and sister in Christ.

F. N. & Susie A. Jacobson.

Grand Junction, Mich.


Dushville, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — To-day finds me saved and I feel like doing my Master’s will, in spite of all men. Jesus says, wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business. He also says: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo. I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. — Matt. 28:19, 20. I find that it brings peace and joy to my soul to do the whole will of God, and this is the will of God, even your sanctification. — 1 Thess. 4:3. To-day I have victory in my soul over all the powers of darkness, although I meet with opposition on all sides, but Jesus gives me the real go through in my soul. We are not of them who turn back, but to them that believe to the saving of the soul. I find it a good way. Jesus says: “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Jesus is all and in all to me; He is my physician.

Last Lord’s day, I meet with Bro. and sister Walters, at St. Louis, Mich. and preached to the little Church. I expect to start, for Sherman City, to preach to them soon. We have had some real good meetings in Dushville, a few have been saved. One dear soul came out of babylon, and was buried with Christ in baptism, and today is rejoicing in Christ, who has made her free. The Church here is in quite good faith; they are willing to take Jesus for their doctor. Bro. A. Pierce has two small children, were taken very sick with the scarlet fever, and obeyed the Word of God, and laid on hands and the Lord done the work, and to-day they are both well. Bless the Lord, these signs shall follow them that believe.

Your Bro. in Christ.

Jesse Drowley.


Anthony, Kans. April 15, ’90.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — May God’s richest and choice blessings rest upon you, is our prayer. We wish to say to the glory of God, that we are still rejoicing in complete salvation, although we have been silent in the Trumpet, yet we have not been silent in the open field of labor for God Our souls have been saved every moment since we last told of God’s, dealings of love to us. Praise His holy name! We came west the last of Jan. commenced the work of the Lord in Harper, Co. after which we went to Sumner County. The Lord blessing us much, although we met opposition, yet a few dear ones have been redeemed from sin, and woe, also many of God’s children have been sanctified, and advanced in the divine life. May God bless them and keep them true until the glorious end of time. We also had a precious ordinance meeting, at Bro. Sorrels, 5 dear ones were buried with Chrst in baptism. We commence meeting again to night. Let all pray for us, and the work of the Lord. We remain as ever yours in the work of the Lord. Saved now.

Ed. & Hattie Houghton.


East Jordan, Mich.

Dear Brethren: We are saved and kept by the power, upon the clear sea of glass, mingled with fire. Praise God for the keeping power. We have just closed a five weeks meeting in the village of East Jordan, with a glorious victory on the King’s side. At our last writing, there were fourteen who had come to Jesus; since that time, up to the close of the meeting, there were twenty eight more, who came forward and sought the Lord, or for sanctification, and testified that the Spirit witnessed lo their acceptance with God. O how we do magnify the Lord of hosts for His wonderful works among the children of men. Praise His name! we were filled with joy, and praises unto God, at the deliverance of dear Bro S. Richardson, from the Presbyterian power, who came out shouting praises unto God; the dear Bro. has opposed the truth and light, for three years, but at last the Lord found a way to his heart, and he saw the light, and truth, and came to Jesus and received forgiveness of sin, and an inheritance among them that are sanctified. Praise God, how it fills our souls with the melting love of God to see the face of the redeemed radiant with the glory and to hear their voices in the great congregation, praising God. O our souls send forth a loud, and prolonged shout of glory to God, in the highest. Praise God for His wonderful work among the children of men. Many souls were delivered from the dragon power. On Lord’s day there were seven of the redeemed went down into the water and were buried with Jesus, and thereby fulfilling the commandments of their Master. In the evening we all gathered at the house of our dear Bro. Haley, and followed the Master in washing the saints, feet, also of breaking bread, which was a glorious feast to our souls, and all of the redeemed were melted with the love and power of God. There were 37 who took part in this ordinance. Praise God! how the Son did manifest, himself unto us, truly “if we do His will, we shall know of the doctrine” Dear brethren, pray for us that we may be kept in the Lord’s order.

Your redeemed Bro. in the Lord.

W. B. Grover.


Akron, Ind. April 24, ’90.

Dear Brethren- — We are praising our God this morning, for complete salvation. At the close of the campaign, for God, in Pennsylvania, which lasted about 8 months we left the dear ones in Pa. April 7 th, and started for Payne, Ohio, where we found the dear brethren of that place waiting our coming, as dear Bro. F. N. Jacobson was engaged in a battle for the Lord. We remained with them for a little over one week. Leaving dear Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick, who we expect to join ere long. We came on our way home to our much beloved Bro. & sister Gast, where we are at present.

Yours sanctified wholly.

J. A. & A. J. Dillon.


Welland Ont. Canada.

Dear Saints: — The Lord is with us here in the North Country, which is so cold, spiritually, but the Lord has a remnant over here, whom He has brought through the fire. The work of the Lord is moving on rapidly here. Since our last report we made one trip west of here visiting the saints at Fenwick, and on our way home, from meeting a man met us who said, he believed Bro. Cook was dying, and would not have the doctor, but said we had better go and see if we could do any thing for him, as he said he did not believe in that way bo he would drive on for the Dr. Accordingly we stopped on our way to S. Arms, and found Bro. Cook very sick, but the Lord healed him, and when the Dr. got there, he was sitting at the dinner table eating his dinner. That evening we met with the Church of God, at S. Arms. The dining room of the old hotel was well filled, and the little ones were rejoicing in the Lord, though babylon had been doing her best to overthrow the faith of some. We then went south to Bro. Evens, and found him and sister Evens strong in the Lord, they expect a grove meeting there this Summer. From their we went to Dunville to meet the Mackenty Bro’s. Three of them are preachers. The five brothers and father were all drunkards, they were converted at their homes, and many others were converted under their labors. They worship in their little meeting-house without any creed, and seemed to be quite sound in the faith. We came home and commenced meeting in a school-house, which lasted one week. Three consecrations then the school-house was closed, but the work did not stop. The Lord is doing a glorious work in the private houses there. I have been at home for some time, Bro. Atkinson has been building us a house, and I have been helping him. I expect to start out tin’s week, the Lord willing. Dear saints pray for us.

Yours in Christ on the frontier.

G. T. Clayton.


Anthony, Kan., March 27, 1890.

Dearly Beloved Saints: — I am drinking at the fountain that never runs dry. I am saved by the power of God, and sanctified. Praise God for such a salvation! I have only been in this true light a short time; but it is miraculous how easy it is to keep from sinning, when we do not want to sin, and when we love God so well that we would die before we would disobey Him. It is wonderful to see just what God can and will do for his children when they will obey him in all things. I find that it is the little foxes (little faults) that destroys the vines “(God’s children).” So beloved watch little matters. The devil knows that he cannot get you to murder your neighbor, nor steal a horse but by using caution not to approach you too suddenly he can get you to thinking some evil or finding fault in some one else before aware of it you are in his embrace. Keep a look out on these points.

Bro. Ed. Houghton and Sister Hattie Houghton are with us and have been for some time. The church has been wonderfully strengthened; a few have consecrated themselves and others are stepping out into the light, but the devil has almost universal reign in this community, and it is all caused by that little idol called the church. God says: “Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Now what would be the use of me trying to defend the church with such promises as these before me. God will take care of the church. Though the ark looked to Uzziah as though it would turn over, he was commanded to not touch it. So if God says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, we need not be meddling with His busines and saying that someone is trying to tear down the church. I do not see why it would be an insult to God after He has spoken so enphatically on this point.

I want all the dear saints to pray for me that I may be kept humble, and sitting at the feet of Jesus. I have been under the influence of satan so long, that he was loath to give me up, but praise God he had it to do. Your Bro. saved and kept by the power of God.

W. G. Sorrels.


Columbia, Kan., Mar. 8, 1890.

Dear Brethren: — I will write you my testimony. This evening finds me saved and sanctified wholly. Glory to God!

Sister Alyea and I came to this place five weeks ago to-night, and commenced meeting in the name of the Lord. 18 souls were saved and sanctified. Bro. J. C. Nichols was with us part of the time. We have had a real glorious meeting From 5 to 8 hundred people attended. I praise God that I am out on the independent line subject to God’s will only. Glory to God for freedom in my soul. I praise God that He has manifested His healing power here. We have had children’s meeting and some of them have been converted. Last night a little boy only 12 years old preached. He has been sanctified 3 months and it was wonderful how God poured out His Spirit, and many eyes were moved to tears. Quite a number would like to have such an experience of holiness, but are not willing to pay the price

Yours in Christ.

Lena Shoffner & Della Oakley.


The meeting continued until Thursday 8th. There were 9 at the altar and about 50 stood up for prayers, and while we partook of the ordinances one dear soul came to the altar and cried for help and mercy and God heard his cry. A lady was healed of rheumatism, and a young man was both converted and healed. One man that had heart disease, was healed. 25 were saved and sanctified, and they are all ready to stand up for the straight truth. That is a new field, but God has planted a little Church there that the gates of hell shall not prevail against.

Lena Shoffner.

Carthage Mo. Mar. 28, 1890.

Dear Saints: — After our last report from Bellefontaine Ohio, there were a number of souls saved as reported by Bro J. N. Howard, we then came to Sidney Ohio, where we found some entirely destitute of salvation; which, when we visited that place before, professed a good profession. Others seemed weak, and but few seemed clearin their souls; but the Lord worked, and sent forth the truth which was effectual, and a few souls seemed to be established in the perfecting grace of God. Then passing through Randolph Co., Ind., we came to Willow Chapel, near Portland, Jay Co. Ind. Here satan had sowed the seed of discord, and some fruit had already been produced which was very corrupt, and had brought much reproach on the cause at that place. May God help the dear ones everywhere to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of perfection, that the work of God be not hindered. The Lord sent forth the truth here with the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and the crookedness was exposed, and most of them were willing to acknowledge their wrongs, and get down before God and get salvation. Praise the Lord! By this of course the unity of the Spirit was restored, and the Church we trust will profit by their experience, and keep themselves in the love of God. From here we came to Praise Chapel, near New Pittsburg Randolph Co. Ind. here the church seemed to be real clear, and on the forward move for God. Praise the Lord we were glad to meet with the dear Saints and enjoy the sweet fellowship, of the Spirit. Next we came to Clarke Co. Ohio, where we met with many of the dear ones who were enjoying freedom in the Lord. here we separated with dear Bro. Schell, with whom we had labored for some months. And started on our way home, stopping at Freedom Ind. And held a few days meeting in which 4 souls consecrated themselves, to God and were sanctified by the blood which Jesus shed without the gate. Praise the Lord for His wonderful love and power! also much prejudice was removed from the minds of the people, and an interest created within them to learn more about the way. We trust that whoever the Lord, sends to work in Southern Ind. will not forget this place, but endeavor to visit the little Church at Freedom Ind. I am now at home where I will remain as long as the Lord wills, and work in these parts; but I am ready to go at the Lord’s bidding at any time. My testimony is that I am saved to the uttermost, and kept by the power of God through faith unto, salvation. Amen

Otto Bolds.



DIED at Lapaz, Ind. April 5,90. Sister Sarah Forsyth. Age 42 years and 8 months. She is the wife of William Forsyth. She leaves a husband and five children behind. And has two little ones gone on before to welcome the coming of their mother. She was afflicted about 8 years, bore here sickness while, on her death bed, with patience. Said she was ready for Jesus to take her home. May God ever bless the friends that are left behind, and save the unsaved, that they may be prepared to meet her in heaven. May the Lord ever bless and keep dear Allie, who has been reclaimed since her mother’s death. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

Funeral services by the writer.

Mrs. M. E. McCormrck.


Died April 2, 1890 at Forest Home, Antrim Co., Mich., the infant son of Bro. Pollard and sister Sarah Willis. May the dear Lord ever bless them and keep them walking in the light as He is in the light.

’Twas but a little tender bud,
Though ever dear to thee;
God in His wisdom called it home,
To blossom in eternity.

Funeral services by the writer.

Leroy Sheldon.


Died in South Arm, Charlevoix Co. Mich. the infant daughter of George & J. Patrick. Aged, 1 yr. 2 months. We pray God to bless these unsaved parents, and may they give their hearts to the Savior so as to meet little Laura where parting will be no more.

W. B. Grover.


Died in Evaline, Charlevoix Co. Mich, on March 6th 1890. Aged, 78 yrs. 7 months and 12 days, Mr. Joel Smith, father of Bro. and sister A. Smith. God bless and keep those who mourn. Amen.

W. B. Grover.

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Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.” — 1 Cor. 11:2. For I have recieved of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, took bread. — Verse 23. And when He had given thanks, He break it, and said take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. — Verse 24. After the same manner also he took, the cup, when he had supped, saying, “this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in rememberance of me.” — verse 25. “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come. vr. — 26 read 1 Cor. 10:16, 17. Jno. 13:14, 17. Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? — Acts. 10:47. Jesus’ command. — Matt. 28:19. In a paper, “the Branch” reads the following. Jesus commanded, baptize all nations, not — with John’s baptism. (water) — but with — Jesus commanded baptism — “the Holy Ghost and fire.” — Did the Lord Jesus ever command His disciples to baptize, with the Holy Ghost, and fire? No. I answer by the Word. John said: I indeed have baptized you with water: but He, (Christ) shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost. — Mark. 1:8, 10. I quote from “the Gospel Exhortation, and Reproof,” paper. Any spirit that says, Jesus commanded water baptism in Matt. 28. Mark. 16. Luke. 22. Jno. 20. or any other place, as touching this dispensation, is a lying spirit. Now let us see what Jesus said, when John forbade Him to be baptized; Jesus answering him, said; “for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness.” — Matt. 3:15. read 2 Thess. 1:8, 6. Praise the Lord!

Your sister in Jesus.

Clara Beever.

Bracken, Ind.




Roanoke, Ind.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I feel led this morning to write my testimony in behalf of the healing power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, especially in our own case, not for any worth or merit of our own selves, but all for Christ.

Sometime near the first of January I came home from meeting at a very late hour, had been having a dull headache all day, I was seized with a cramp in my stomach and lungs; it closed up my lungs until I gasped for breath; and if the devil was ever after a poor afflicted soul, he was after me; all I could do was to say, “Lord help me;” the cramp left me, but I suffered a great deal of pain especially in my head and eyes. This was on Monday night; I lay in bed until Wednesday. Thursday I was seized with such severe pain all over my body, neither could I bear to see the light for such pains of my eye balls. I got so sick I did no know what to do, and even in this helpless and suffering condition the devil came with almost overwhelming power; saying, “now I waited too long to send for a doctor”, and even tried to make me believe my consecration was not accepted because I had no evidence of ecstatic feeling of joy. But praise the Lord forever and ever! Just then the spirit of the Lord came upon me, and I immediately turned my face to the wall and told Him all about my case. I told Him he promised to give me whatsoever I asked if I believed. I told Him I believed His word and that whatsoever meant anything that would be to His glory. I told Him if it was His will, I would suffer it out. I asked Him to make it plain to me, and told Him if it would be to His glory, He should heal me so I could get right up. Immediately I felt the healing process going through every nerve in my being. Hallelujah to Jesus who saves even me. As I am writing, my eyes are overflowed with tears of joy. Praise the Lord! The result was, I got right up and dressed myself and then went out to do some work, and have been well ever since. All glory and honor to Jesus for His saving and keeping power while I am trusting the blessed Lord.

I was in the service of our beloved country where I suffered much from different diseases and lost most of my upper teeth by scurvy; and the others very much decayed, and caused attacks of toothache, and when the aches come, I just say: “I am trusting the Lord to keep back the pains”, and I go on trusting and all the pains disappear. Praise the Lord! I am trusting the Lord, while He is doing the keeping, and I am praising His name.

Samuel Jacobson.



Dear Brethren- — We are saved, and sanctified, and God is making it a deep work upon our hearts. When we pray with a great desire, for any thing, we get it, when we feel the great need. Prayer is the sincere desire of the heart. God brings us through by a great scourge, because of the wonderful backslide. God does not exalt any rebel, that distrustfully wasted his goods, or his heirship, immediately, but he will scourge such ones, and prove them and if they will bear it patiently, after they have suffered it awhile He will establish, strengthen and settle them, and they shall receive the crown of life. We are standing patiently in our lot by His grace. If a sanctified man should fall, if he ever gets back, it will be by great patience, and great scourging, and God will not use him so much right away, for he made a reprobate of himself, and went away from Christ, was banished behind the vale, or dark wall, then he is driven, and bruised by the devil. One hour exalted to higher hope, and the next hour cast down; a curse in his own eyes. He is a vagabond to himself, because he is deceived of the devil, with the worst thing the devil can find; to be raised high up, and flung down again. He thinks he wants something one hour, but the next he knows he despises the thing he wanted, but the devil says to him. Do not be alarmed, you will get through some day, and God will move the world by you. Only your brethren do not know you are the chosen one. The devil would try to tell him he was Christ; at least He says: you are the one to raise all the dead, and have all power at your bidding: and yet the asylum cannot hold such a man. He will seem smart at times, but his raving is great, and deep waters have passed him o’er. He is lost from his God. O fallen man do not let the devil make you believe some day all heaven will be ready at your call, and the next minute that you are ruined. After the devil exalts his victim so high, then he throws him down, and says your are cursed. There he tells the truth; as he always tells some truth to make it look reasonable, but he says: you are cursed forever, you have committed the unpardonable sin, and I have you fast and you need not think God can get you strait, and he will send him, delusions to make him think sure the brethren not are right ,or they are not strong, or not many of them are saved. The only way out of the devils hands, is to get in the furnace if God permits, that is seven times hotter than it needed to be, and submit your self to every brother in Christ, keep very humble, and do not presume to be a teacher until the Lord establishes you, and give you the commission. Even while in the furnace, the devil will try to give you vain ideas with a desire to have them universally accepted, to prove you are smart. Poor victim!

Your Bro. in Jesus, once a backslider, but now saved, sanctified, and tried.

M. W. Richardson.


Truly of all persons, the poor backslider is the most miserable. It seems that words cannot be found to describe the condition and feelings of one who realizes his backslidden condition. Oh wretched one I lost in the desert of sin; strayed from a loving Savior, who is calling for the lost; bound down in sorrow, with pain and grief, and woe on every hand. Such ones may seek pleasure in gay society, or revelry, or roam about to case the mind, but all in vain; life is a burden; all real joy and peace has departed, and the soul seems doomed to everlasting torment, and the evil one whispers that there is not a ray of hope. But we open the blessed book, and read; there we find Jesus still calling for the lost. “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” “Whosoever will, may come.” Dear backslider, that means you, just as much as it does the sinner who never had the love of God in his heart. The Lord says He is married to the backslider, and you will never be at peace until you return and pay your vows to Him. It takes a heart repentance, and acknowledgement of sin, and perfect submission to His will to be admitted into His family again.

But there is another class of backsliders who come under the haed of deceived ones. Such ones have lost the grace of God out of their souls and go on with a profession, as before, and generally with a vehement zeal, but with a zeal not according to knowledge. They will claim that they have received wonderful light in advance of their fellowmen, and at times seem to be wonderfully blessed.

Then the difference between the two classes of backsliders, is that the first realize and acknowledges his condition, while the other does not, but goes on deceiving and being deceived, and it is difficult to convince them of their real condition, because they are puffed up in their own conceit, and will not condescend enough to receive Bible instruction. Yet such deceived ones appear to display great humility; satan has become an angel of light to them as the Word teaches, and they have become his humble servants, receiving his transformed light that they may better deceive. Then backslider stop your evil career; though you may deceived men, you cannot deceive God. Turn your face Zionward return and do your first works, which is repentance. The Lord of heaven is waiting to receive you.

E. E. Byrum.




Archbold, Ohio.

Dear Saints: — It has been some time since I have testified through the Trumpet Thanks be to God for a people who dare to be Israel. I do bless the Lord for the Jacobs who are honest and willing to become Israel. The Lord has purified unto Himself a peculiar people: they shall dwell alone and shall not be counted among the nations, but above all nations. Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus that I hearkened unto the Lord. I am asked why I do not go here and there to entertainments: They say: “How do you enjoy yourself’? I tell them that I enjoy the Lord and He keeps me happy and entirely contented and far above the trifling things of this world. He keeps this temple of His alive and full of glory, and ready for every good work. Some thinks my Bible reads different from theirs. Bless the Lord! Some are beginning to see and are searching the scriptures to see if these things are true. Dear ones pray that God will keep me humble and wise in winning souls. Pray for this place also. I believe that God will visit this place in the near future, I know when He comes there will be a mighty shaking among the dry hones. Oh hallelujah! I do know God will keep Israel. He has not planted a few of His people here, and there for naught. Bless His name. Your sister in the Gospel, in joying the holy seal. May God bless you all and keep you sealed with the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Clara A. Kinney.


Rockland, Pa.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I am saved with an everlasting salvation. Two years ago last Jan. I gave my heart to God, and felt it my duty to be baptized, as the word of God teaches us to repent, believe and be baptized. I was opposed so much that I did not, and God showed me that I did wrong; for I should not obey man, but God, and I felt so condemned that I gave up trying to do right. And He permitted an affliction to come upon me, and I suffered for about one year, when I again sought the Lord and He saved me, and on the 26th of March I was buried with Christ in baptism, and on the 27th hands were laid on me for my healing, and the Lord healed all my afflictions. That was just one year ago, and to-day finds me saved and trusting in God.

D. C. Johnson.


Ithica, Mich.

Dear Saints: — I can say to the glory of God that I am the servant of the Lord, and willing to trust in God, the rock of my salvation. It has been ten years since I gave God my heart, and I am willing to give thanks and praise to Him for saving my soul and leading me in the straight and narrow way. Truly the way is straight and few there be that find it. May God bless and keep all His children and give each one of them a willing heart to follow in His footsteps and believe the whole word he has left us to follow, is my prayer.

T. O. Dodge.


Farlen, Ind. March 26 1890.

Dear Saints In The Lord: — I want to testify to the great healing power of God. Praise His holy name! My little son took sick and became so bad that we did not know what to do. I had said that I would not send for a doctor, and the Lord wonderfully tried me to see if I would yield to the tempter. And bless God, I did not yield to satan. We had tried all that- medicine would do of our make up, but it was not worth a cent; it did not do the least bit of good. At last I thought I would write to the Trumpet family. And the very time the Trumpet family prayed the child begin to get better. When I got the letter from the Trumpet Office, the child was healed. And I give God all the glory.

Your Bro. in Christ Jesus, down under the blood and willing to do His will in all things whatsoever He assigns me. Pray for me.

Wm. E. More.


Sethton, Mich.

Dear Saints: — May the grace of God be with you all and abound more and more. I wish to give in my testimony once more to the glory of God, who hath saved, and sanctified me, and keeps me by His mighty power. Oh I do praise His Holy name, for the way He has led me. We have been much shut in from the world this winter by sickness, but the Lord knows all about us, and just what was for our good. We did not get to see any of the saints. I had been sick for 5 weeks, and got no better, but rather grew worse and became discouraged about getting well, and thought I bad consumption, and it would be no use to ask to be healed; that the Lord would not heal me; so I gave up to die. But one morning as we read of Christ healing the lepers, the healing power came like a flash of lightning, and was gone as quick, but it left such a sense of God’s wonderful power, and His ability to heal every disease and sickness no matter how long standing, or how difficult for man to cure, and it seemed as though if I could have grasped it I would have been made perfectly whole, but as it was, that afternoon I went to work and commenced to gain strength from that time, and can do most of my work now. I have renewed my consecration to the Lord, and asking what more I could do; the answer was, trust in the Lord and be faithful. I ask you all to pray for my father’s healing.

Your sister in Christ.

E. W. Gardner


Vichy, Mo.

Dear Brethren: — We are still saved, and praising God for freedom in Christ, and a salvation that saves from all sin We here enclose $1 for the Trumpet, which is a very welcome visitor at our home. We are thankful to God that we have the privilege of reading the testimonies of all the saints. I praise Him for what He is doing here; some are geting more settled in the Lord. The darkness is very great. Brother Cole has been working in this part for some time; the Lord was wonderfully blessed his labors, for which we give Him all the glory.

Your Bro. and sister in Christ

James & Sarah Thornton.


Union Home, Mich.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I feel led this morning to write my testimony. I praise the Lord for this full and free salvation, that keeps us saved all the time. I praise the Lord this morning, that I am saved and sanctified and kept by His mighty power. I am determined by the assisting grace of God to stand firm, for Him, let come what will, and ask an interest in the prayers of God’s children that we ever keep saved.

Your Bro. and sister redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.

O. W. & L. A. Zimmerman.


Meridian, Miss.

Dear Saints: — I want to send out my testimony through the trumpet, that all its readers may know that Jesus hath cleansed me from all sin, and the very God of peace sanctifies me wholly: I can never praise Him enough in this life for what He has done for me, but I do thank God for an eternity, where I can praise Him forever, and forever. Hallelujah! Pray for me that I may keep low at the feet of Jesus. Amen!

J. L. Whitlock.


Bangor. Mich.

Dear Saints: — To-day finds me saved to the uttermost preserved in Jesus, free from babylon, praise God forever. Oh how wonderful to be made free, and to be kept steadfast. Oh my soul rejoices in the precious love of Jesus. He is indeed my satisfying portion. Pray that I may be kept humble, and meek, low at Jesus’ feet.

Your sister in Christ.

Caroline Robbins.


Columbia, Ind.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — I still have complete victory, and salvation in Jesus; and am doing the whole will of God. The Lord has a glorious little church planted here, and we have good meetings, hallelujah! He fills our souls with all the fullness of God. Pray for us that we may be kept by the power of God.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified, and satisfied.

S. Ramsey.


Huron, Kans.

Dear Saints: — I feel led to testify through the Trumpet that Jesus has saved me from all sin. Glory be to His holy name for salvation that keeps us free from all sin and sectism. The Lord has wonderfully saved me from sectism, tobacco, and all the filthiness of the flesh. Praise the name of Jesus forever and ever. Pray for us all out here that we may keep low at the feet of Jesus.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

Albinus Haynes.

Hawthorne, S. C.

Dear Saints: — I am saved from all sin and kept by the power of God unto salvation .The devil at this place is raging. But the saints of God have the power over him. Praise God! I belong to the Church of the first born which is written in heaven. I am standing firm for God Pray for me that I may continue unto the end.

Your Bro. in Christ.

John Bruce.


Cassville, Mo.

Dear Brethren: — I am at home now, but expect to be in the field again soon. We are in great need of a tabernacle here and if we can get one I have some of the Lord’s money now. There has been much crooked teaching here by the so called holiness people. I will obey God at all hazards.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified.

Wm. Griggs.


Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — This morning finds us still redeemed with victory in our souls over death, hell and the grave, and over all our adversaries. Yes praise God, we are delivered out of the hands of our enemies and those that hate us, that we can serve God without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all our lives. The truth shall prevail.

J. T. & Emma A Lyon.


Merrill, Mich.

Beloved Trumpet Readers: — This morning finds me sweetly saved in Jesus, with the joy in my soul, and standing straight for God.

Pray for me, that I may be kept humble and obedient to the will of God.

Sylvester A. Frost


Butler, Co. Mo.

Sister Sarah E. Brown the daughter of the aged sister Foss, departed this life the 27th of March 1889, leaving a husband, and seven small children to lament, but their loss is her gain. Her last moment were spent in prayer, and singing anthems and songs of victory? and praising God. She passed away without a sigh, or groan, leaving these words to our memory. Oh death where is thy sting? oh grave where is thy victory. Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Butler, Co., Mo.

Sister Mary S. Foss. Age 62 years, and 25 days, departed this life March the 24 1889 in the trumph of a living faith, leaving many friends, and relatives to mourn their loss. She was sanctified five years ago, and was ordained as deaconess, and has been faithful to her calling, as a servant in the Church of God. She has five daughters all of whom are saved.

“Our sisters both are gone to rest’
Among the holy and the blessed;
Whom we shall meet no more below,
For Jesus called for them to go.”

Funeral services by the writer.

A. E. Lewis & M. A. Marcee.

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