15 April 1884, Volume 6, Number 7.

hort way to .bta… Salvation.

by Tomas Nelson.

crate, or transferal you interest and body, all you have and all … to the Lord, to be His for time …afity. Then let your ease rest … His hands. Qit all striving, …ing, worrying, an wrelling to … . But now what is to ..e done? … but trusting Jesus, that is all. ..er, trusting Jesus, that is all. ..u me a clean he..t. O God and … right spirit with time. Trusting …s one. Trusting, trusting trust … at is all.


..ently printed Fisher Nelson a … with the following scriptures …, and the verses in the other, … ..dw, to our reade as a corroborate he al..ve short..w. This is in­… way, walk in it.

... in we a cle..n heart, God, and renew a … within they, restore w… the joy of thin God … ..d teach ..eressors Thy … ..lauerej * shall be could to Thee.”


… … clean we von you, and … … all your ..ims, and from ..deb will … you a ..w heart will ..nd … … him will ..p within you: … … the ..ony ..aout of your … I will … you a he.. o..osh, and I … … within you those you to … … and you shall my judg­… … and ye shall … in the land … … the and ye shall my people, … … your God. Ezekiel …

… my ons and dauri, saith the … ..y.” There shall … eternity?


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Instantly Healed By The Lord.



Our daughter Ettie had been sick for free weeks, grew worse every day, until scarcely any one that saw her thought she could live another week. Several of the ..ints called on sabbath and went away ever expecting to see her alivegain again. Still we trusted in Elijah’s God, and kept laying, until near time for evening meet­ing, then brother Hewey McMullen and ..o, and sister Ward came in, and we all engaged in prayer in her behalf, brother I ..ewey and myself laying our hands on her. The Lord healed her. In less than one ..hur she was dressed and on her way to ..te meeting to give God the glory. That was six weeks ago, and she has remained well ever since, has not missed a single n..eal from that day to this. Praise the Lord forever and ever!

Ettie was converted and sanctified one year ago last November, and is still strong in the Lord. She is fourteen years of age, and has always had poor health, but the Lord has done His work well. We give Him all the glory. O I do praise God for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men.

The Lord is still with us. The dear saints are strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Praise His name forever!

Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and many dear souls in all the country about here are coming out of her, and are standing straight for God. Glory to His name!

Bangor Mich.


Answer to Question.


If a man is called of God to preach or teach the gospel, and is not connected with any sect, will the laws recognize him? And can he legally perform the marriage rite, etc.

A. W. Haynes

Greenville Ill.,

Ans, Yes. The laws of our free govern­ment allow all kinds of religions, God-servic, and sects, to perform their own marriage rites, as they shall choose. And any marriage is pronounced legal that is performed in accordance with the usages and customs of that body. Well the body of Christ, does not in her statute book, require written preachers license, the body of Christ does not in any wise favor the idea of a civil incorporation. She is a “holy nation, a peculiar people, not to sue, nor be sued, “not of the world,” and not to be conformed to the world.” There­fore as licensing, and incorporation, are not in her divine creed, they have no place in her usages and customs, and con­sequently are not required by law as a condition of recognition. “The usages and customs” based on the Bible, are these, God calls, and constitutes the elder, or minister, the church recognizes his place in the body, by a solemn ordination or dedication, by the laying on of hands, and prayer. Then it being the custom in the body of Christ, for such as have been joined together by the Lord, to appear before one of those scriptural elders, and so declare their union, they may be by him pronounced man and wife. This is our information of the laws of our country that marriage is pronounced valid, when performed in accordance with the usages and customs of the religious body to which they belong.


Still Delivered.


A brother writes thus, inquiring of us, O Daniel, is thy God continually able to deliver thee”? Through the amazing grace of God, we are able to answer from the lions den, and from the seven times heated furnace, yes. Glory to the God of our salvation, He keeps our soul above the world, the flesh, and the devil, and from all sin. He keeps us from these two ..ite regions of death, namely; the cold ..rated, grating, fruitless, spirit, of ..t hatred, on one side, and from ..rious, self soothing, carnality .. sect com.. ..omi..ing, all bogus … helping


Are they of God?


Every member of Christ’s body, which is the church, will rejoice at every evidence that the Head is being exalted, and truly recognized as “head over all things to the church.” And it is certain that He is be­ing recognized more and more every day among the saints as the physician of the body, as well as of the soul. Faith healing, or more properly, healing by Christs power, appropriated by faith, is no longer a mat­ter of uncertainty with very many of God’s chosen. Failing to find any limitation of His willingness, and power to heal so much as hinted at in the scriptures; and on the other hand, accepting the many plain promises, pledging Him to perform the work, the saints are fast finding that He does it. But as we generally find spurious coin circulated when the genuine makes its appearance, so also in regard to faith healing. It is stated in a recent number of the Christian Worker, that there are now twenty two faith cures in the United States, and several in Europe. Some are called “Faith ..es” some “Cures” etc, but the idea ..ne ..e same. As they present their claims to the con­fidence, and endowment, of the saints, we must bring them “to the law, and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8: 20. In John 5, 1-9 we read of a faith cure whose character it would seem. Jesus revoked by ignoring it altogether, in the then coming dispensa­tion. The healing was no longer localized in the water of the pool. Again, and even more unmistakable, is Matt. 24: 23, to 28. Here a localized Christ is a false one; if any locate Him in a “desert or in chambers” believe it not.” Could God speak more plainly? The “here or there” of verse 23 means any where, any special place no matter how honest any may be in specifying, and specializing it. Christ says “my sheep hear in voice.” Is this His voice or not? If not, where is His voice to be found? If it is His voice, what must the sheep do with one who says that Christ’s power or willingness, to heal the sick, is or must be, more fully displayed, or realized, in a certain particular house specified, and separated from all other houses, by the sign, Faith Cure, Faith Home or the like. If this is not a “Lo here”; if this is not localizing Christ and “limiting the Holy One of Israel” then tell us if you please what would be. If John 4: 21, does not forever do away with place worship, and worship of that kind which depends on place for inspiration, then what does the verse mean? By what law of human language does it mean ought else than as above? Turning to 1 Cor, 18, where the divers gilts of the Spirit are named, is there any hint that the “gifts of healing” rea any more located, or depen­dent on place, than “the word of wisdom” or “of prophecy” or “of discerning of spirits” etc? If I must have a special house, specially fitted up and planned, in which to point the sick to Him who “was manifested to destroy the works of the devil,” must I not from those scriptures, equally have a house specified, set apart and “dedicated” before I can, or may preach His salvation, for the sin-sick soul? It is plain to those that ..h to see. Bless God; no one has any patent-right on the sure mercies of our Redeemer. No one has scriptural right to say as the own­er and manager of a Faith Cure said to a saint whose husband (Brother Gilbert, of Dunlap, Kansas.) had recently died, “you ought to have brought him up to us and he would not have died.” As the word is “a discerner of the thoughts, and the intents of the heart,” we must in wisdom, as well as in charity, bring it to bear upon the motives which actuate men and women who would teach a localized Christ.

H. H. Mills.


We would not, by inserting the above article, detract from the good that any may be doing in such institutions, but wish to say that the abode of every holy family in God’s order, is a faith home, and in every community of the saints, certain member’s of the body have the general healing faith quickened by the Spirit into the gift of healing. Elders are to have this gift, and they are ordained of God in every local church. “Is any sick among you send for the Elders.” Do not haul the poor sufferer off to some “lo here”, but “send for the Elders.” Surely it is easier for the well to go to the sick than fo.. sick to go to the well.

Faith homes are hospita.. impy a slow process of re.. scriptural faith healing is ..e two syst..

Answer to Prayer.



Wife and I were sent for to pray for a sick woman. So we went in the name of the Lord, and taught, the word of the Lord, prayed, and sang. The Spirit of the Lord took hold of the woman, and soon after we left her, she was converted, and said that she did not have one pain about her body. Since then, a few more of us gathered there, and prayed, and sang. This morn­ing I talked to the woman that was wait­ing on the sick, and she said our prayers, and exhortations had as much effect upon her, as upon the sick woman, and in a short time she was converted to the Lord, and praising God. She wants us to come soon and teach them the way of holiness. Amen! O the wonderful working of Gods Spirit upon me since I was at the Assem­bly. God has shown me that if any is sick, and send for me to pray for them, I shall go doubting nothing, and if the sick will give themselves to the Lord, we shall lay hands on, and pray for them accord­ing the to Scriptures, and believing they shall be made whole. Not I, but the “Lord will raise them up.” And to Him be all the glory. O how it does whip the devil when we deny ourselves, and make ourselves of no reputation for Christs sake. Glory to Jesus who always causes us to triumph over the world and the beast. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith. Praise God! Amen!


Starved and Frozen.


We find in a Ft Wayne paper the follow­ing sad account of destitution and death.

Bloomington Ind., Jan. 23rd.

“A stranger, passing the Adams cabin, on Clear creek, eight miles south of here, thought he heare groans coming from it. He opened the door and went in. Near the fireless stove sat a men nearly dead with told and hunger, and to wear sad stiff to move. Even the power of speech was gone, the only sound he could make being the inarticulate moan which had attracted the stranger’s attention. In one corner of the room was a bed whereon, under scanty bed-clothing, lay the frozen body of the wife, who two days before had given birth to a baby, which lay uninjured in the frozen arms of its dead mother, whose last act was to nurse it at her freez­ing breast. There was neither fuel nor food in the cabin, and in a few hours both father and babe would have joined the wife and mother. The stranger hurried to the neighbors and procured assistance and relief. They were startled and shocked beyond measure to learn that such utter destitution existed near them.”

Well might that community wake up with a shock of horror at the discovery of such extreme distress in their midst. What a deep sense of shame, and remorse of conscience must have seized upon all who in that community are blessed with the necessary means to alleviate such bitter woes. But who in their selfishness did not “remember the poor,” and call to see if they were in want, dead or alive. O it is enough to move heaven to tears, and put a blush upon hell its self, that right in the midst of our boasted civilization, and surrounded by plenty, such horrid suffering, and death should not be sought out and relieved. O think of it, there lay the afflicted father and mother, freezing to death, and there lay scattered over the surrounding woodland the needed fuel, while the careless offal of many a neigh­boring kitchen would have gladdened the starving family with lifes necessities, and driven the death angel from their lowly cabin. O may God use this sad account to waken up all our readers, and start you out quickly to look up all the poor of your acquaintance, lest the death mess­enger be sent to your community, to bring to light, and publish abroad, to your shame and confusion, your heartless indifference to the souls and bodies of the Lord’s poor. O them two days of struggling with cold, and hunger, with pain, and death its self. Who can imagin its horrors! Yet no friend­ly neighbor came to their relief. No good Samaritan steps approached their haunt of misery. Lord God fill our hearts with that pure love, and pure philanthropy, that cannot lie down to rest, until we ..v that no poor family, or immortal … In our reach, is in actual suffering for ..ve can give or do. O “it is more … to give than to receive.” Yea it … blessed t.. go out through … the needy, than to lie down and close our eyes, when before us comes visions of their probable destitution. But a still worse state of heart and soul, is that pet­rified selfishness, which is undisturbed by visions of the poor by night, or solicitude for them by day. O ye professors of the holy faith, of our great Benefactor, Christ Jesus, know ye not that His “pure religion and undefined before God and the Father, is this, to visit the widow and the father­less in their afflictions, and keep himself unspotted from the world.” Nor is this pure God service alone to relieve physical distress, but is God’s surest means of reach­ing dark and hard hearts of sin. Suppose the inmates of the “Adams cabin,” were poor aliens from God, and some good man of God, had gone to see if they were in need of any thing, and finding them thus dicing in utter wretchedness, would have spared no means, or pains to make them comfortable, while the cold world passed by, not caring whether they lived or died. Would not that have touched their hearts and drawn them to the Christ that had directed His disciple to their relief? Would it not have wrought more for their salvation, than a hundred sermons? “The poor ye have always with you,” that you may never lack opportunities to do good. And may we not conclude, that God choos­es poverty as the lot of some people, that christian benevolence may be the means of drawing their hearts to Christ. How truly the gifts of Christ, through His dis­ciples, open a way to the heart for Christ Himself to enter. When the cold rebuffs of a selfish world, continually crush the heart of the poverty stricken, is it any wonder they loose confidence in human­ity? And this gained, the tempter has but a small task to divest them of the last bit of confidence in God the father of humanity. O how many sad despairing hearts are frozen up by the “cold charities” of this world, until some kind christly act, melts down the bitter icy heart, inspires confidence in man, which grace soon fans into divine trust, and crowns with the joys of a blessed salvation. O my beloved reader forget not the poor, for Christ is knocking at the door of their hearts, and only awaits the trifling gifts of your hand to unlock the door that He may enter and sup with them, and add stars to the crown of your rejoicing forever. Dear Lord, hasten forth thy little ones, upon errands of mercy, before despairing souls go down to eternal night, without ever learning that heavens pure love has come down to this earth. “Wherefore we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all His goodness, and the work of faith with power. That the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in Him, according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” — 2 Thes. 1:11, 12.


The love and all the graces that God gives us in regeneration, never needs changing; but the corruption of our nature needs to be removed, that the entire capacity, thus vacated, may be filled with the same pure love; and may be permitted to bring forth its fruit unencumbered by the weeds of inbred depravity.

This whole truth is clearly expressed in 1 Tim. — 1: 5. “Now, the end of the com­mandment is charity (love) out of a pure heart.”

Bible Proofs.




He who hath led, will lead
All through the wilderness,
He who hath fed, will feed,
He who hath blessed, will bless;
He who hath heard thy cry
Will never close His ear;
He who hath marked thy faintest sigh
Will not forget thy tear.
He lovete always, fails never;
So rest on Him, to-day, for ewer!

He who hath made thee whole
Will heal thee day by day;
He who hath spoken to thy soul,
Hath many, things to say.
He who hath gently taught
Yet more well make thee know.
Yet who so wondrously wrought,
Yet greater thing…ill.. .
He loves ..e the loving …;
..o rest o…

Elizabeth O..

2 page





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.


D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, – Editors.
THOMAS NORTON, Publisher. with J. C. Fisher financial assistant.


TERMS, $1.00. Per Year. In advance. To the Poor free.


All matter for publication must be sent to D.S. Warner.

All tinslness communications, moneys etc, must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET.

Addrss, Williamston 



Please observe the above directions.

Business letters that also contain matter suited for publication will be used.

Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in postal notes, over that amount in post office orbers.



There has been no Trumpet issued since Dec. 15th, until the present number.


The out side of this paper was set, and in form over two months ago. Hence some articles will appear out of season, which, in our eagerness to come to you soon, we did not stop to substitute with other matter.


Please exchanges and every body note our change of address to Williamston Michigan.

After one more issue we expect steam power, and there is no telling what God will yet do for the Trumpet if the devil dont quit his hellish opposition.


Just before leaving Ohio we were blesed with a good long visit from brother C. R Dunbar, of Pottersyille O. He is walking cloce to Jesus’ side, and his company was good for our soul. We held meetings a few nights in Wyandot and we spent our last Sabbath in the state with him and our friends at U. Sandusky.


Pittsburg Holiness Convention. This meeting was held over March 6—9

Brother Clayton writes that it was a sue cess. “Some converted, others sanctified, and a great deal of opposition broken down. Praise the Lord! Amen! Amen!! The work goes on. We continue the meeting here.”



There will be a meeting of the saints of God, at North Eagle Mich., May 3rd and 4th, the Lord willing. Let all come. Preaching Saturday night, and Sunday, and other services as the Lord directs.




Festus Robar, died April 1st, 1884. Supposed to be nearly a hundred years old. He lived with bro. Tuttle and family, his son-inlaw, who with his wife was saved last winter; he also was healed. Christ lived with thera, as a result the old father became cotvicted, called up the family at midnight to pray for him, and it is believed that he found pardon. We were blessed of God in proclaiming life in Christ on the funeral occasion.


A Childrens Paper.


At different times brethren have spoken to us about the publication of a children and young peoples paper. Recently the demand has been urged upon us again. We think it is of the Lord. The existing literature for the youth, is, as far as we are acquainted with it, to trashey to be of any use. We feel certain that good wholesome matter, largely scriptural teach­ing, can be presented in language that children will comprehend, and appreciate. Now we will issue such a paper just as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers can be procured. We will set the price at 25 cents a year, semi-monthly. Now let all interested in such a paper proceed at once to find out how many will be taken in your neighborhood, and report the same to ns at once. We mean now the number of papers we can rely upon, at your place, whether taken by subscribers or by friends, willing to pay for them for free distribution in Sabbath schools. If the number thus called for shall prove sufficient, we will begin the publication this spring, and either enlarge the paper, or decrease the price, as the growth of the subscription list enables us to do so Let all go right to work and send … the results as s..

Signs of the Lord’s Coming.


Burbank Ohio. Jan, 2nd.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner — A few nights ago I had a wonderful vision. I thought I saw a Sister looking up into heaven. I said “what do yon see.” She said, “behold the signs.” I looked up and I saw two balls of fire; one was very red and the other was blue. They were very high up. So I awoke, and as soon as I was fully awake, something seem­ed to say, “get up as soon as you can and go to the door.” I immediately arose and went out, and looking up I saw the moon, it was full. And there was a red ring around the moon, and a purple one inside of the red one. The rays of light reflecting through the rings were wonderfully bright. Then I saw a cloud that looked like a chariot which was as black as could be. It glistened wonderfully. It was coming from the West and going East. It came as fast as a train of cars, right toward the moon. I watched it and when it came to the moon it went behind the moon. It took about a minute to pass from behind the moon, and it went on east. Then I saw another but it was smaller than the first. It came the same way. It seemed to be about a mile behind the other, going at railroad speed. It went below the moon and behind it, and passed on the same direction as the other. Now I would not have thought so much about these clouds, had they passed on this side of the moon, that might have been a natural occurrence. But as it is I feel solemnly impressed that it was nothing less than the direct and wonderful works of God. Perhaps you can interpret it. I really feel that these are wonderful times. And Christ will not delay His coming very long. Wife and I are ready, saved, and looking for the coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are doing all we can for God. Praise the Lord for full salvation.

Your Brother and Sister,

Ezra, and A. T. Smith.

INTERPRETATION, — “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh.” “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” — Luke 21: 25, 26, 28, 36. These Scriptures are now being fulfilled. Daniel says “the wise shall understand.” Paul says “But ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief in the night.” Then the spirit­ual shall know the approach of the Lord’s coming. How? By the signs that Christ has given of course. Hence our brother having seen some of the signs, is constrained to say, “I feel that the coming of the Lord draws near.” Others have seen many similar signs recently. The papers have recorded them, and astronomers are being confounded, by being unable to account for the same. To our mind the scene above recorded, not only announces the coming of Christ near, but there is a moral fact, a lesson of present truth portrayed in it The moon is the Church, — “Who is she that looks forth as the morning, fair as the Moon, clear as the Sun, and terrible as an army with banners.” — Songs of Sol, 6: 10. The moon is a very striking figure of God’s Church. She shines forth upon all the earth, but it is with a borrowed light, reflected from the Son of Righteousness. How God is getting His Church separated from the dross and dust of this world, and encircling her with the glory of His presence and the intense eradiation of His love. Now also the fierce clouds of satanic power are rushing upon her with desperate fury. O beloved saints I tell you that nothing imaginable, could more perfectly portray the awful and trying tempests, the black, and fierce assaults, that have rushed upon our soul lately, and upon His holy work, committed to our hands. O my God! be­loved tongue nor pen cannot describe the ordeals of our soul. Devils fierce, devils in angels garb, and saints in error respect­ing God’s will in us, have rolled over our soul, like surge, upon surge. O my beloved the sweeping clouds, have scarcely been a mile apart. But glory to the God of my salvation, the Almighty arm has kep… from sinking, and we still feel detery… to labor on in this ancient Jerusalem … although we must see troublous … … …h we must fight with on…

and work with the other. O my beloved we are made so conscious of the wrath, and subtility of satan against our soul, that we cannot rest a moment without we feel the Everlasting arms-bearing us up, and the mighty walls of His salvation shutting us in. O beloved I know you are all praying for us. Praise God who gives us the vic­tory through Christ Jesus. Yes lift up your heads, for our redemption draws nigh. Hallelujah!

Christ The Refuge.



Poor sinner as you trembling stand,
Where fiery billows near you roll,
O flee for refuge while at hand;
The Savior waits to save your soul.

Cho. — Hallelujah come and trust Him,
He will make your heart to glow,
Come and plunge into the fountain;
It will make you white as snow.

O sinner ere that awful night,
Shall overtake thee, in thy sin,
O flee to Christ, who is the light;
Who saves all that come to Him.

O sinner hasten, look to Him,
Though in thy heart there’s not one ray,
His blood can cleanse it from all sin;
And make it light as perfect day.

O sinner, soon that awful day
Will come, when thou shalt surely know
Those who their Savior turn away;
Shall into darkness wailing go.

… ..e says with gentle voice,
Be not afraid, for it is I,
Just now if you will make your choice;
And turn to me ye shall not die.

The Two Witnesses.


There is a stripe of devils in the world that go in pairs, and always assume to be the two witnesses spoken of in Rev. 11. Look out for them, you will always know them by their attempts to scare you from rebuking them; warning you of their power to shut heaven against you, and smite you with plagues, etc. Two years ago last summer the Lord took me through a terrible furnace of trial for nearly two months: during which we were shown the satanic powers in a great many shapes, and forms, and deceptive schemes. After which, for some time, every meeting we attended we could recognize some form of devils, we had seen in the furnace. That fall we went to the first general assembly of the saints in Mich., there we met two beasts, claiming to be gospel evangelists by the name of Booze, and Byers, whom we recognized as some of the infernal spirits we had been notified of. By the grace of God we gave them the sop, after which satan showed his forked tongue in storms of hellish rage. Booze declared that he had shut heaven against Bro. Fisher and I, and that we would never receive another blessing from God, until we came to him and entreated his pardon. Not long after these deceitful workers went over to Indiana where they were not known, put out hand bills announcing themselves as wonderful “healing evang­elists,” “sensational singers,” great “moral scientists,” announcing certain, gospel themes for lectures, and charging ten cents admission. But failing in this device … ..e merchandise of the gospel they sold their property and moved into the northern forests of Michigan, and entered a tract of wild land. A man and his wife by the name of Smith, who had been blinded and seduced by them, and who believed that they were the Lord’s two witnesses, sold their farm and followed in to the wilds of the north, in order to have the society of his supposed angels of light. But some time after getting there, they found it necessary to decline their every demand for money etc, when these habitations of unclean spirits, thrower off their mask, and assumed their true satan­ic character. Last summer a letter was read at the Bangor camp meeting from this sister Smith, stating that these men had drop­ped their hypocritical garb, indulged in sin without shame, and reject the inspiration of the Bible.

Last fall we met two men who also claimed to be these “two witnesses.” They gravely warned every body not to speak a­gainst them lest something awful ensue; thus intimating that they had the power to ..e with plagues, etc. ascribed to the …” of Rev.

..ot deceived. Fear not man … You need not shrink from ..ving all m.. … ai.. the personation of those two witness for they will always prove false prophet’s. Do not therefore fall down before men be ..nce of their high claims, for the only gre..ess that God endorses is usefulness; “him that is great among you let him be your Inis­ter,” and “servant of all.” Men are to be “esteemed highly for then work’s like,” and even them that “labor more uhonhantly than they all” must after all admit that it is “not I but the grace of God that is with me.” Therefore “let no man glory in men “Surely men of low degree vanity, and men of high degree are a lie; to be lad in the balance they are; altogether lightest han vanity.” Then let us turn our eyes fruit all men to the Living God. All who alive fallen by the snares of the devil that we know of in these latter day, have do … so by running after some man. The devi.. ets silly men and women wrapped up in me one who wishes to draw away disciple after himself for their own glory or advantage.

The man that honestly flees from a men and women to God, and stays upon Him alone, will never be led astray. And ..hen the Lord gets your mind settled in Hi.., so that all men, right or wrong are lost ..ght of, you will have but little difficulty in dis­tinguishing between good and evil s..rits. Satan gets men and women confused, ..hen rushes them to take sides with this o.. that spirit. O flee from the face of all me and women under such circumstances. No dif­ference who is right or who is wrong. Let God attend to them, but you put your fingers in your ears, close your mouth, and run into God as the only safe refuge of your soul. We could not refrain from this lengthy digression from our subject, because we have our eyes so opened to the soul destroying snares of the devil, we must cry out and warn the saints of God to “cease from man whose breath is in His nostrils.” and cleave to the true an living God, and His unfailing word.

But we resume the subject. Rev. 11. “And I will give power unto nay two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days, clothed in sackcloth.” Those two witnesses, we understand, are the word of God, and the Spirit of God. Our reasons for this appli­cation will appear as we follow the record. The time of their testimony here spoken of evidently is the 1260 prophetic days, or 1260 years of papal rule. In the preceding verse, the same time is designated as 42 months, which equals 1260 days. That it covers the papal reign of persecution, is made clear by reference to Daniel 7: 25. “And he (the little horn, or papacy) shall speak great words against the most high, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times, and laws, and they (the saints) shall be given into his hands until a time, and times, and the dividing of time.” Time-one year, times-two years, dividing of time-half year, or three and one half years. Just equal to 1260 days, or as many prophetic years. Now during those 1260 years of bloody martyrdom these two witnesses prophesied in sack-cloth. The word mar­tyr originally meant a witness, and the fact that thousands gave their lives for the testimony of Jesus, proves them true representatives of the Word and Spirit of God. In sack-cloth, true humility of heart and humble trust in God.

“These are the two olive trees, and the two candle-sticks standing before the God of the earth.” verse 4. The two witnesses are identified with the two olive trees, and two candlesticks. Here the spirit of revelation carries our minds back over six hundred years, to the prophesy of Zecheariah chanter 4: — “I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, and two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. So I spake to the angel, saying, what are these my Lord. Then he answered and spake unto me, saying thin is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbable saying not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” — verse, 2 6. Here you See that in answer to what these two olive trees denote, the Word of the Lord, and His Spirit are brought be­fore our minds. Especially the Spirit is directly presents as the angels answer. But the prophet questions the angel again. “What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? And I answered again and said unto him, what are the … olive branches which through … golden pipes, empty the golden … themselves? — Then said he, t.. two anointed one ..hat st.. of the …

The stand he golden candle the even l..ps upon the top … 2. His d.. ..otes the Church.. … lam the church, universal … gold all tri.. in the fire, and im.. lam.., — the ..nt of the world. … side ..ands here an olive tr.. beat of, and oil represents t.. God. From the trees golden … the oil direc.. to the lamps … No ..ememer the two witne.. two olive tr..s, and those t.. sound of the oil that fills and … and life to the Church, which is the … ed under the figure of the go sin … with her golden pipes which ..p.. … oil … divine life directly from but … tree..-its source, to the lamp, ..ed. … it sh..nes for ..n as a city sat up but … . As therefore the two witnesses he.. to be the source of the Church … it is perfectly absurd to apply Christ.. two men. ..o do so were to ..oc.. two men as ..he source of you ..ho.. the fountain of your grace, a..ari.. light. Had the word of the hi.. that the two witnesses are the ..ak.. pipes that empty the oil into ..n.. … were no vi.. ..tion of scriptural pi.. them to me.. for men are in ..m.. the channel through which to ar.. God has li..m conveyed to ..s, “… . But as they are declared to be ..ins.. trees, the very source and fo.. ythi.. . Divine gra.. no men can fill ..ry g.. . But since Christ is the Word, and ..g cra.. is one with ..e Father and Son, ..ims … and Spirit ..e properly the two ..e cur.. the orig.. our eternal life. ..ora.. from w.. ..o.. all blessings flo.. ..rkne.. Lord wi.. our next we will fo.. ..oran.. witness and explain their de.. ..rit. p.. in the s..e and their standi.. ..ausing … their fee.. ..e.. . Mean while keep ..h swo.. pipes of ..r faith will open … but … abundan.. of the oil of life … ..d.. ..pt.. .




There is sprung up like ma.. union the extends all over th.. … earth; to …ray for the second … Christ. I ..ay we not conciu.. … ..s inspired this breat … devot gearts of His saints, t.. … eyes ..ra..n to Him, whose co.. … as ne..r a hand, and to be..stir … for souls, in view of that awful … coming. Thanks to S. H. Gibe.. … land N. J., for a beautiful little t.. … by this word wide prayer union … Melburne Prayer Union, from … take the following stirring extrac.. …

“Satan occupies a kingly seat, … of this world he goes about as a … venomousent, as an angel of … seductioned slaughter. Workin.. …
indeed eastly busy. Here and … away with ..r, pulling them out … thogreat authority idle their life … themselves, stead of “consider … moments it ..od instead of mont … s..d of w..e burnt offerings. … … of world, as set forth … cuts and ..es us to pray, and sc.. … o.. ..he Chur.. Why terry the wh.. … Why has ..e been such a lo.. … tw..en the promise and the ful.. … a.. God’s ..ahs have not yet ent.. … it God’s ..s have not yet entea.. … a.. God’s ..yptians are not yet … ..l: and ..od cannot do anything … ..ther. The delay is because o.. … … not gathered in, and that … … ..dolen.. and because of our self … … ..uly is ..nteous, but the lab.. … … ..on at ..e last effort is made, … … dect ..thered, Jesus will com.. … … Him to ..me, that is going to the … … God wi.. take care that everything else … ..n orde.. and in its season. W.. need … our the ones anewakened s.. ..ill. …
“Come ..ord Jesus,” shelter them. … involve the latter rain which precedes.. (it may.. the latter rain is ..lling n.. volves, horeover, the safety of the … belief my cause us to loose ..outless … the superfluities of grace; but no … sender he bridegroom from ..e bri.. … the Father giveth me shall co. … to me …

Hallelujah! who shall par.. … … Christ’s own Church from Ch.. … …

A union a of this kind must … … to God … Holy Ghost. We … … joy it will cenvey to the Lord … … to know that He is so sore … … longed or. When He says … … … fair one and come away,” … … … thy vo..e” — the sweet voi.. … … My Believed” (Cant. ii. 19 … … … to The.. except Thou ….

3 page 



Yes..ven Love s counterfeited by the ..eceive of souls. There is a pernicious ..irt [at has come up from the pit, and ..it of the ..nout] of the false prophets, ..hich ..eek to remove the offence of the ..oss Christ. It talks much about ..awing people to us, boasts of making ..nd ipy with idolatrous, Christ hating, ..ar.. find idol worshiping sepulchers. … that men always unnecessarily … own persecution, and claims ..ot persecuted. We have heard … boast of this spirit, that … and asked their prayers, that .. ..nvicted under their teaching, … why they do not get convert­… is they do not get convicted, … ..s drawn to them, because … ..ose whose testimony does … ..ose who hold the truth of … compromise. This false ..ra the proud, by saying we ..h against pride, and its ..ht manifestations, all of ..d in the sight of God. It ..in idolatrous Masons, by ..a.. faithful watchmen who ..athen mummeries, and … phemies. We have … Clears, this alluring spirit … siness to say any thing … because we do not know … – A falsehood that is ..r seed, to the Christ deny ..ost say that the man who … I of God to warn men of ..thof the devil, and remains ..rdol destroying system of ..efully, and inexcusably … ..o same way, this spurious ..urnal sect worshipers, by God has set against her, … holy fire. It is nothing …romise with babylon, the … ..evil, for personal applause, … ..e. It claims to be “all love,” …ve ..ything but a spirit of love, in … ..e ..ers for not loving, It berates … for ..t holding up Christ, yet only ..sip self instead of Christ.

..ru love “works no ill to his neighbor” … counterfeit, works the damnation … souls, by pampering them up in … nat love the Lord, hate evil,” Psa. … “Through thy precepts I get ..ending; therefore I hate every evil … Psa. 119: 104. “Thou shalt not … brother in thy heart; thou shalt in … rebuke thy neighbor, and not … upon him.” Lev. 19: 17. Here … that true love embraces the truth, … ..y false way, hates evil, and does … sin upon our neighbor, but re­… and a failure to do this is … hating your neighbor. The … ..t of God sees love in the heart, … ..al to God, and set for the defense … pel of Christ, and that walks in … ..t truth, and purpose of Christ; it ..ps such, and encourages them. … ..e false spirit joins affinity with … ..ate the truth. True love teaches … ..uplities Christ, the embodiment of … ..e, slays all the idols of the heart, … … ..t.. ..es, cuts off right hands, … …. through the blood of Christ … … on of the Spirit of God, of … … ..recions fruit. Gal, 5. … … ..ne continual soothing … … ..e, its all love, O! its all … … Universalism, drives … … from the throne of … “beginning, of wisdom,” from the … he disobedient, and fear of hell … conscience of the ungodly. False … ..s a whole Christ, strengthens the … pleases the flesh, compromises … fellowships error and sin, em­..s opposition to he word of God, and … ..on the devil in he heart of the per­..r. Instead of leading men and women ..od for real salvation from sin, it drives ..either into bondage, or into idolization ..f. Unless God pens their eyes, and … them grace to reject these spirits … or victims will be lost entirely. … alluring emanation of the devil … ..ely calls itself love, yes “all ..gets the eye off of Christ, and true … to His word, and thus opens the … ..ticism, all manner of surmisings … ..er, and strange workings of … lies, even among the innocent … ..d’s children to keep m the ..re we … ..he Lord, make no compromise ..ith babylon and rest every evil spirit, eadfastly in the spirit of Micah’s God. One of the policies of this deceiving spirit to get your eves off of God, through a ..ous zeal to save souls. This is a very itical point, here the true path of righteous­ness lays right between two regions of death, and woe to the so..d that turns to the right, or to the left. Awe heart full of ..e love of God, is always accompanied ..h a fervent desire to he..p soul out of ..t thralldom of sin. It is all pure disinter­..ested devotion to God, and ..e welfare of His creatures. It flows out ..n ferva..t de­sires for the salvation of all men. Yea more, it will have fruits it will gather with Christ. And the man who claims to be engaged in the vineyard of the Lord, claims to be saved himself, and even travels much abroad, and yet, from year to year, never sees souls brought into the state of regeneration, nor that of entire sanctification as the result of his personal instrumentality, that man we do not hesitate to say is a fraud, an “empty cloud,” a mere “wandering star,” and such we know of in these days of deception. Christ doubtless dwells in many humble souls, whose talents are small, and whose lives are circumscribed within the narrow limits of the household, or the shop, and consequently may have but few sheaves to present, in the time of harvest. But it is different with the public teacher. Now while we should have a faith and zeal that bears fruits of salvation, do not let the devil deceive you with that delusion, that you must compromise with babylon, help to build up her walls, swell her numbers, in­flate her pride, and abet her in cooping up poor souls, and making them drunk on the wine of the wrath of her fornication, thus converting them from comparatively harm­less sinners, to sectarian idolaters, and making them fourfold more the children of the devil than they were before. If God sends you to their meetings, go in the Spirit and in the pure love of Jesus warn sinners to flee from the impending wrath, and proud formalists to give up their idols, but do not fellowship either until they turn to God. Remember that God’s special purpose and work now, is to purify unto Himself a holy bride, for the coming of Christ, and if Christ has separated you unto Himself, and clothed you in His righteousness, it is more important that you “stand fast in the lib­erty where with Christ has made you free,” than that you should even try to save souls, when such efforts necessitate a compromise with, and fellowship of that confusion, out of which God has delivered you. If you are holy and loyal to God, defiled, fallen babylon, will not fellowship you, and it is not saving a soul at all, to induct it into a corporation that disfellowships holiness, and truth. So you cannot hope to save souls by joining labors with sinful sects; better labor as a “worker together with God,” and you shall reap in due season, if you faint not.




We are happy to greet your ears once more beloved, with the sound of the trump of God. The devil has spent all his infernal powers, in vain to crush this work of God. We have thoroughly learn­ed his attitude toward us. In his hellish clamor about us for many days, saving, “you must give up the Trumpet,” he has clearly committed himself against this cause, and all who are against this dissem­ination of the light of God, we know are on the devils side, either willfully or ignor­antly. O how hell has poured forth upon us. Night after night we had to leave our bed at two, three, and four o’clock at night, and go to the office and cry unto God to drive away the hosts of hell that had encamped against us. And every time the power of God dispersed these infernal spirits of darkness, the Lord re­commissioned us to blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on His holy mountain, and we were made joyfully conscious of God’s approving smile, for not having backed down before the legions of hell. But the devil having drawn to his side the best agents he could ever ex­pect to use against us, was fierce and de­termined to hush the trumpet sound of freedom from all sin, and babylon yokes. O hallelujah! hallelujah!! hallelujah!!! During this terrible combat with the powers of darkness, we had to do more fighting than working, hence the work went on slowly. We were ready to print about the first of February, then the Lord called us by telegram to Kalamazoo Mich., The next day our printer accidentally spoiled the rollers, so that he could not print. So the work lay until our return. After looking the Lord until He assured us that the office would be cleared from the mortgage, we ordered new rollers, and went to work again in the name of the Lord.” About the time we were ready to print, God sent Brother Thomas Horton, from Williamston Mich., who paid off the $ 500 mortgage, some other debts, charter­ed a car, loaded is up, and moved office household goods, Master Willie, and our-self to this place. Wife and child hav­ing remained behind to visit with friends. Moving just at the time, caused a few days delay in this issue, but now we ex­pect to greet you regularly. Praise the Lord! “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” So said Job. If it was the devil that took it away, he had to get a permit from God before he could do it, therefore it was of the Lord, and “blessed be the name of the Lord,” for when He permits the devil to take any thing away He has given to His children, He always returns fourfold. Glory to God. We have under­stood this principle long ago, and have thrown it in the face of the devil every time he has showed bis teeth at us. Bless­ed be God forever and ever, And thus hath God done unto us again. We left an office where we were hampered up in 14 by 26 feet, and here hath God furnished a building two story high, 28 by 84 feet, all of which is dedicated to the Lord. Containing a large meeting hall, and plenty room for office, and all families connected with it. It is however under repairs, and we have taken temporary quarters for a few weeks.


False Prophets Need to Advertise.


We have about concluded to advertise for no man, who wants evangelistic work. If men are fit meet for the Masters use, He will find plenty for them to do, and their work will soon advertise them. Their faith will soon “spread abroad every where, so that we need say nothing.” On the contrary those who must hang around idle until some newspaper opens a door for them, will generally prove to be a curse to the cause. By request of a professed evangelist, we announced him as ready for calls to labor, and as we thought he was a man of God, we so recommended him in the Trumpet. Hot long after we went to Lodi Ohio, with the little band there held meeting? a we Homes. … Spirit rested upon every meeting. So is the were con­victed, four were converted, one believer claimed, healing and sanctification. At the time of our departure the advertised evangelist was sent for. He came, the first meeting, for some cause was dull; he would not preach: a good congregation had come together, a brother felt it his duty to read and talk some. The Evangelist surmised that the brother did not have the Spirit, and followed his remarks with a dish of abuse, calling him a pharisee, etc. The Spirit was grieved away. The meet­ing continued over a week, but not another soul came to Christ. The preaching had the effect to excite contempt, and perse­cution upon the true children of God, and puff up the unsaved in their rebellion against Christ. The next place this ad­vertised evangelist was called to, was Jerry City, Wood Co, Ohio. Here his abuse of the Church grew worst, and worse. A few silly women cleaved to him one of which, while sleeping in a bed the false prophet had occupied the night before, had a new and very strange experience. All of a sudden she was hurled out upon the floor, by the new spirit that bad taken possession of her. The next morning she went to some sectarian, holiness opposers, and recanted for the Church. Said they had done wrong by leaving babylon, and were going to ask their pardon. Which babylon was disappointed in not hearing. This prophet forsook the saints, and with the few blinded souls, joined adinity with Free Masons, anti-holiness, tobacco using sectarians, and, loudly calumniated the saved children of God without a cause. He next came in the vicinity of Bucyrus, and out of his mouth came an evil spirit, that has blinded and seduced some of the free saints, and tainted many more of them. By it some of wish.. are tortured half to death, cramping … Je..s, and one poor victim even turned blind, and looked like a corpse. I feel sorry for such delusive works of the devil, but feel it my duty to expose it, because, unless these blinded victims get their eyes open, and get deliverance, there is no telling what those pernicious hallucinations will yet lead to. And we want all men to know that it was born of a false gospel, that effects “all love,” but is real hatred to the pure truth, abusive to all who walk faith­fully with the God of Micah, and is in compromise with defiled babylon. The word of God associates false spirits, with false prophets, and these torturing mes­meric works of the devil, came from re­ceiving such spurious stuff as this, “You have no right to say anything against Masonry,” against pride, sectism, etc, the Holy Ghost will attend to that. We heard this devilish stuff coming out of the month of the false prophet, R. S. Stock­well, and with it entered this mystic baby­lon, blind agony, working of the devil, in­to them that received the poison mess. From that same false prophet, there has emanated a deceitful liying spirit; which, if the victim does not repent it may be­come our solemn duty to expose it, but our constant prayer to God is, that all the dear ones who have fallen a prey to the deceiver, may be delivered out of his snare. We have only love in our heart towards all men, but supreme love toward God and His truth, and to Him we are deter­mined to sacrifice all things, all men and women, but by the grace of God we will not sacrifice the truth for anything.


Persevere In Prayer.


Brother Isaac Key, wrote us several letters, in which his soul was in great agony of desire to be filled with the fullness of God. He suffered great temptations of the enemy, because his desires were not realized. Many dark and despairing suggestions came from the “accuser of the brethren.” Jan 22nd, he writes he is still in the furnace. “I think it is His will to show me how great things I must suffer for His sake, and to let me get so hungry for this great lore of God, that when I receive it, I will hold fast my profession, which has great recompense of reward. Now I have faith that the Lord will fill me with the Holy Spirit, not many days hence.” Praise God! this is the faith that wins. The next day the brother writes again.

Herbst Ind., Jan 23rd.

Brother Warner — Glory to God! Last evening the Holy Spirit, began to come into my soul. When I awoke this morning all was quite different. Hallelujah to the Lamb, for His bright hope of glory that now fills my heart. O I am so glad the Lord had mercy on me, and gave me the long desire of my heart. This proves that the devil is the father of lies, and that God is faithful and true, to all that he has promised. O I am nothing, but the Lord is all, and in all. Amen.

Isaac Key.

O let every soul that is empty and needy lay this to heart. And though you have often sought a better experience in the past, renew the struggle, and stop not short of all the desires of your soul. Do not think that God is satisfied if you are not. O it is true that He is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to those that ask it, than parents are to give, good gifts to their children.


Healed By Faith.


Wyandot, O. Feb. 17th. 1884.

Dear Bro. Warner, this morning finds me well, and fully saved, hid away with Christ in God.

I will bless God forever and ever for sending you here. I have long felt it my duty, for the good of others, and the glory of God, to tell of the goodness and power of God, in healing my body. I was a great sufferer, was diseased all over my body; but now, thank God! 1 am quite well. In the first place, I had the heart disease from my infancy. I also inherited the catarrh in the head.

In the year 1848 I was thrown from a horse and seriously hurt inwardly, which caused the growth of an internal tumer in my right side. For this and other diseases I spent hundreds of dollars without realiz­ing any benefit. The phisicians told me there was but one more remedy, and that was a surgical operation. At the time I presented myself before God for the lay­ing on of your, and brother John Slagle’s hands, in the name of the Lord, for my healing, the tumer was so large that I measured three feet and five inches around my body, and the weight was such that I could scarcely walk thirty rods, and the heart trouble was so bad that many times my heart stopped beating, and I would fall like one dead. But now I am per­fectly well, and can walk and work as well as any woman. To God be all the Glo­ry. Oh I do praise the Lord that He ever led me to see that I could be healed of so much. We feel very sorry that you are going so far away, but the will of God be done. May God bless and keep you and use you until we meet above. Bless the Lord for the prospect of meeting God’s pure saints, and our dear Savior in glory.

If our fellowship here,
In Jesus be so sweet,
What height of rapturs shall we have,
When at His throne we meet.

Your sister in Jesus.

H. A. Hesser.



Williamston Mich., April 11th.

Dearly beloved brethren, we are happy, and rejoice for the privilege of once mor.. greeting you in the name of our Lord … Jesus Christ, through the columns of the Gospel Trumpet, which we expect to blow louder than ever before, according to His power who works in us mightily. The Lord having called us to engage in the work of publishing the gospel, as well as preach it. He hath associated us with our dear brothers, Warner and Horton. The Lord called dear brother Horton to the work, and filled his soul with the fire of the Holy Ghost. During the past win­ter through the instrumentality of our labors, which have been very fruitful a great harvest of souls has been the result of which we intend to speak more particular in the future, when we have time and space. We have just closed our last meeting of the winters campaign at Webberville, which resulted in the sal­vation of twenty souls, and a glorious vic­tory for the Lord. Glory to God for His saving power. It fills my soul just now. Our thoughts now turn to the many dear brethren, and our hearts long to see them as they to see us. Hallelujah we expect to come in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of the anointed Jesus. Brethren pray for us, that we may abound yet more and more. Peace be unto you all Amen!



About the first of Feb. we went to Kal­amazoo Mich. Found quite a revival inter­est. Sister Coggon, from Charlott, and sister Wilkinson, from Eagle, had been holding meetings for about a week in sis­ter Bates’ house. About every one that came to the meetings was much convic­ted, two souls had been powerfully con­verted before we came, and the night af­ter our arrival they were gloriously sanc­tified. The next night two aged backsli­ders were restored to God, and a sister sanctified. Ther was quite an awakening in that part of the city. A rain then took the snow away, leaving tire walks so icy that people could not well get out to meet­ing. So having an urgent call to come to Williamston Ingham Co. and assist bro. Fisher, we went on our way. The Lord wondrously baptized my soul the first night of my arrival in the meeting. God was at work in the hearts of the people. Bro. Fisher preaches the Gospel with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven, and without stint or compromise but it is God that gives the increase. We remained there eleven days and then leaving the glorious work going on, the Lord adding to the Church, daily such as were being saved, we returned to Ohio. We stopped three days with the Church of the First Born at Jerry City Wood Co. This flock had been bitten and betrayer by an soom inable wolf who came to them in sheep skins, and they were just recovering the effects of his snarling and rending. God manifest His power in the meetings; sin­ners were convicted, some sought, and one seemed to find the Lord in pardon of sin.


Salem Iowa, March 9th, 1884.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner — Praying God’s blessing to rest upon you this morning, would say for the encourage­ment of the saints, and to the Glory of God that my heart is fixed trusting in the Lord, and I never felt more firmly fixed in the center of God’s will, than I do this morning. I believe I can say I never did feel as firmly rooted and grounded in the faith as I do at the present. I can praise God this morning for all the trials of my faith, and firey furnaces, which almost took my life, for it has only settled me down firmer on the rock, and I know this morning that He will never leave nor for­sake me, but will take me safely through the rest of the way, without the smell of fire upon my garments. O praise the Lord forever! I’m passing through the furnace of affliction at present, but “I know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eter­nal in the heavens.” “My heart and my strength fails, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” Oh praise the Lord, for the faith He gives me this morning! The little one in south east Iowa are still firm on rock, are all clear of the sects, and praising God for victory and liberty in Christ. O praise the Lord! “Whom the Son makes free, is free indeed.” Brother R. has just closed a meeting with the saith at Clay Grove. A few were willing to come out and seek Christ. O such a few compared with the many that are on the downward road. So few that are willing to forsake all for Christ’s sake, and take the narrow way with Jesus. I am all the Lord’s and in for the war, if it takes my life. And I can truly say,

“Not for ease or worldly pleasure,
Not for fame my prayer shall be,
Gladly will I toil and suffer.
Only let me walk with Thee.”

Yours saved to the uttermost,

Jennie Room Carmichael.

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Grand Junction. Mich., Jan. 12th.

Dear Brother Warner — Praise the Lord for salvation, full and free. Brother Samuel Speck, and I are holding meet­ings four miles north of Grand Junction. The Lord is blessing our labors, and the enemy is much disturbed: but we have victory through Jesus Christ. Praise God forever. He is wonderfully blessing us, and souls are being saved, and added to the Church daily. Please send us some Trumpets.

Our meeting in Grand Junction, result­ed in fifteen souls being saved.

The Lord has healed me soul and body, so that I can be able to preach every night. Glory to His name. May the Lord bless you and family, and all the dear saints, and keep them all in the love of Jesus.

Yours in love,

S. Michaels.


Irving Ills., Dec. 25th, 1883.

Dear Brother Warner — I will send you $1.00 for the Gospel Trumpet, one year I love the little paper, it’s food is ..ch and sweet. I have been trying to get others to subscribe for it, but they would rather hang on to their old traditions. I am glad that I am saved from all sectar­ian principles, and covet nothing but Divine favor.

May God prosper the work begun with your paper, and keep you and its readers clear from the world, is the prayer of your true brother in Christ, sanctified and saved from all sin,

W. C. Woodward.


Sandy Lake, Pa., Jan, 7th.

Brother Warner — We had a meet­ing over Jan, 1st and 2nd. We had a glorious time. Two souls were gloriously saved. One was decked with a good deal of the world, if took more than a day for her to count the cost, but the last day of the meeting she deliber­ately stripped off her jewelry, and then went to her room alone, and the Lord blessed her wonderfully. Brother and Sister Mozier from Harrisonville were there. He had been passing through sore trials, but they both wents home gloriously saved, and blessed. They have made up their minds to come out of babylon. The Lord gave Sister Carmichael a mess­age for them, namely, they should go home and start meetings in the Lord, they gladly recived the orders. I believe they will soon have a little band there. There seems to be quite a number in their community wanting salvation. O how the Lord is moving on in power in all the land. The mighty God work on until every plant my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up.

Yours in love and holiness,

A. E. Maskery.

Himrods N Y.,

D. S. Warner, Dear brother in Christ — Please find enclosed one dollar, for the Gospel Trumpet. I do fully believe in those things spoken of in the Holy Scrip­tures. “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum, we have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary, and of the tabernacle which the Lord pitched, and not man.” — Heb. 8:1, 2. Amen!

Josiah Reed.


Alexandria Mo., Jan, 1st 84.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner — The Lord abundantly bless you. Amen! I Love to read the blessed Gospel Trumpet. Nothig ..s clearer to me, than the fact that the Lord is calling His true children out of the corrupt churches. But what seems so strange to me is, that when the are forced out of one sect, some of them do not see the hand of God in it, but with­out stopping to let God teach them by His word and Spirit, they go and creep into another just as bad.

O glory to God! I am so glad I am free indeed. Your sanctified sister, sweet­ly kept in Jesus,

L. G. Curtz.


Cambridge Neb., Dec. 56th.

Dear Brother Warner I received two copies of the Gospel Trumpet the other day. I read them with a glad heart. I like it very much, I think it the best ever printed. I pray God may give you grace … … … … ..ition I will

help you all I can in getting subscribers for the Trumpet.

I will say to the readers of the Trumpet that I am wonderfully saved, above all sin, sectism, and every thing that is con­trary to the word of God. Please send me the Trumpet, and some numbers to distribute. Tours and Christ’s for a pure gospel,

E. J. Brown.


Bangor Mich., Jan, 1st 1884.

Dear Brother Warner — Brothers Mich­aels, Samuel Speck, and I have been labor­ing for the Lord at Grand Junction Mich., a little over two weeks, the result of which is the conversion of fifteen souls, and the sanctification of ten of them. Glory to God in the highest for salvation that saves from all that is sinful.

From your brother who is saved, and sanctified to God,

A. B. Palmer.


Enterprise Vanwert Co O., Dec, 28th.

Brother Warner — The Trumpets are received, thank God they bring solid truth to my soul. I have also read your book entitled “Bible proofs of the second work of Grace,” I think it excellent. I believe you are on the right track. May the gos­pel tidings of full salvation sound out from your office to all the world.

Your brother in Christ,

J. M. Ayers.


Paw Paw Mich., Jan, 1st 1884.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner — May God bless you abundanfty. Glory to His name! I am well and happy in Jesus. I am still going to school here, and I have many battles for the Lord, and I find it necessary to have the two edged sword with me all the time. Praise the Lord! Jesus is with me all the time, and lights all the battles. Glory to God! O praise Jesus! We have had a vacation of about a week here, so I went to Geneva to see the saints, and I had a glorious time. I went to Grand Junction Friday and Saturday nights, and we had a glorious meeting. Souls were being born into the kingdom: and it made my heart thrill with joy to see them coning to Christ, to seek salvation. Praise the Lord, O my soul! I praise Him for His healing power. I am still healed. As I have testified be­fore, I have been a cripple for ove six­teen years, and I walked with a crutch nearly all that time, when I could walk at all. Over four years I could not get out of bed. Over the last eight years I walked with a crutch and cane. But last winter the Lord wonderfully healed me. Yesterday I started from South Geneva, to go home, and the way I went it is about fourteen miles, and I walked twelve miles of that distance, with the Lords help Praise God I am saved and sanctified by the blood of the Lamb. The sentiments of my heart is,

“Now I am resting, sweetly resting,
In the cleft once made for me.
Jesus blessed rock of ages,
I will hide myself in Thee.”

May God bless you. Your brother saved by the blood of the Lamb,

Bert Spalding.


Silver Lake, Ind., Dec, 23rd.

Dear Brother Warner — I am so thank­ful to God, that I yet enjoy this great salvation from all sin, through the precious blood of Jesus. The Trumpet comes to hand, is gladly received, and joyfully read. It does my soul good to read the many letters from Gods little ones, who are fully saved by the power of God. Dear Brother, I have never forgotten the time I first heard you preach full and free sal­vation, in Jesus our precious Redeemer, at the Yellow Lake bethel. I love to hear the trumpet of salvation sounded by those preachers who are not afraid to use the word of the Spirit against all sin. I pray God to give you strength, and means, to blow the trumpet long and loud, that wicked men may hear and cry out, “what shall we do to be saved.” The year 1883 is about closed, and the new year will soon usher in, I pray God that by His grace, I may say and do something for His glory the coming year. Let me say to the readers of the Trumpet, let us work for the Lord, work for the salvation of souls, for the coming of the Lord draweth near. Let us not neglect, nor be afraid to write for the Trumpet, and tell all the

wonderful works of God, in us and through us. O praise His name forever and ever!

Your Brother, saved in the precious blood of Christ and preserved in Him.

S. M. Smith.

Conestoga, Canada.

Brother Warner — I received your letter and feel thankful to God for the light I got through it. May the Lord bless you. You said I must have sanctification, I con­fess that I had felt the need of it this long time, but was not willing to give up all that kept me back. I was not willing to confess it, before the people. Every time I prayed God to take this inbred sin out of my soul the thought came, but you must confess it before men, and that will bring enemies and persecution. But God sent awful conviction to my heart, lor this ex­perience. But the enemy kept me back as long as he could, but I thank God that by His grace I humbled my self at the cross last nighi, and cried to God for help and full salvation. I told God that He must speedily deliver me or I should die, I felt as though I was dyeing, I knew I had every thing on the altar, but my faith was not strong enough to claim Christs perfect cleansing just now. I kept on looking to God until half past eleven o’clock. O I could not give up without victory. It came to my mind if I would go to brother Shatz’s and ask them to pray for me, it would help me, then the tempter said it is late, they are all in bed, and it would not do to go over and disturbs the family this time oi the night. But God helping me I went. They arose and welcomed me in, I broke right out in tears, and fell upon my knees, and asked them to pray for me; we called upon the Lord for half an hour. I said, “O Lord I cannot go home without victory.” I cried out in the awful agonies of death, “Lord I do believe, heIp thou my unbelief,” then my faith took hold upon the promise, and I felt the precious blood of Christ applied to my heart. Glory to the Lamb! This morn­ing I am sure that God has sanctified me throughout soul, body, and spirit. Just as sure as I am that God pardoned all my sins when I came to Him, a lost penitent. I went home praising God for a pure heart. O I do thank God that I can say, I am now under the blood, and rejoicing in a full and free salvation. And by the help of God I am willing to confess it before men and devils. Perfect love has cast all fear of men out of my heart. Now I can say that I thank God for this cancer, for He made it the means of bringing me to the death of self, that I could receive this second work of grace. I am now willing to suffer all the pains the Lord sees fit, and I am not afraid to die with the cancer if it is His will. But I believe it is His will to heal me now. I believe the Lord will do it thatmay I glorify Him still more.

I will ever declare His goodness, and wonderful works, wherever I go. Praise His name! Now I ask you to pray for my healing.

Your sister in the precious light of holi­ness,

Lucinda Miller.

If only every unsaved soul would let God show them the concerns of their soul, they like this sister, would become much more anxious for spiritual healing, than for life, health, or any earthly object. This sister wrote us in gaeat solicitude for physical healing, but from her letter we saw and informed her that she needed to get where she would be a thousand times more anxious for the destruction of the cancer of inbred sin, than for physical deliverande. Praise God! So it came to pass.


Waukon Iowa, Dec, 11th.

Dear Brother Warner — I write to thank you for the papers you sent us, we like the Trumpet very much, notwithstanding some have tried to prejudice our minds against it. We love the old Gospel sound and will stand by the Bible truth. My husband thinks you have taken the Bible stand, in regard to sects.

Yours in Christian love,

Clara A. Barham.


Bangor Mich., Jan, 27th, 1884.

Dear Brother Warner — I greet you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May the God of peace bless, and keep you ever, for His Sons sake. Amen! I am washed in the blood of the Lamb, and sanctified by a second work of grace. Praise Jesus! Brother Michels, Samuel Speck, and I havejust closed a two weeks effort, the result or which is the salvation of thirty-one souls. The meeting was held in the Osterhout neighborhood, in Lee township, Allegan Co, Mich., Bless the Lord forever!

Your brother in Christ,

A. B. Palmes.

Anandale Pa., Dec, 26th.

Dear Brother Warner I have received two copies of the Trumpet for which I give God glory. When I Tead the glori­ous testimony in the paper, it makes my heart rejoice. I am a now born creature in Christ Jesus. Things I once loved 1 now hate. O I do hate the world, the flesh, and the devil. I have been very weak in body since last March, but there has been a great deal of mercy extended to me through all my affliction. I have the con­sumption; have doctored a great deal. But praise the Lord I have not takea any medicine for a month. Two weeks ago I took the hemmorage; friends thought was dyeing, husband wanted to send for a doctor, I said I will not have a doctor. I commenced singing,

“The great Physician now is here, The sympathising Jesus.” I could not say more than a word or two at a time for the blood. But praise God’s holy name! before I got through with the song the blood stopped, and I am still here, and I believe the Lord is able, and I trust will raise me up, baptize me with His spirit, and use me to testify of His mighty power. I sacrifice all things to follow Christ. I gave up my tea and coffee for His glory. I tell every body that comes in of the precious Jesus, our Great Physician. But many do not re­ceive my talk, and some even persecute me for Christ’s sake. Pray that God may be glorified in my soul and body, in life or death.

Your sister,

Iva Shrader.


Petersburg Ind., Dec, 28th.

Brother Warner — Please continue the Gospel Trumpet. We have received several copies, and must say they do work for the cause of Christ, every one of them, and nothing else. I see there are a great many writing to the paper, testifying that they know they are fully saved in Jesus Christ. I cannot say that is my experi­ence at present, but praise God I believe in the salvation you teach. I and my wife have often talked the matter over, and both believed just as you teach, before we knew there was anyone else in the world that believed the same way. But we re­joice greatly to find that there is a great multitude of like precious faith. I felt that if I remained in the sect, and follow­ed their ways, I would stand a good chance to be lost with all of them who do not follow the meek and humble Jesus. I hope before another year passes, there will be thousands more come out of men’s ways, and follow Christ, in His way. May God speed the Gospel Trumpet on its way until the whole world shall see the true light of God. We ask all the true saints to pray for us, a little band, that we may stand faithful to God, for without Him we can do nothing.

Your brother in Christ,

Abner N. Fowler.


Webberville Mich., Dec, 22nd.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner May God bless you. Your letter came to hand, praise God for His wonderful works to the children of men. We praise God for the wonderful victory He has given you. Praise the Lord! He is also with us in complete victory. Some eighteen souls have been sanctified since we came here seven converted.

We expect to close here to night and begin at another place a few miles away. Give our love to all the dear saints. Pray for us. Washed, redeemed, and sanctified forever. Amen!

Joseph C. Fisher.


Look Mich., Jan, 1st.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner – The Lord is so wonderfully working here, and elsewhere. O Glory to God! We are holding meeting five miles west of Webb­erville. There is a glorious prospect here Last night there were two sanctified and one converted. Brother Springstein is here. As far as I can see he has come out straight for God, and seeme to be a saved man.

Yours saved and kept,

J. C. Fisher.


Brother and Sister Fisher are laboring at Williamston, Ingham Co, Mich.. He writes Jan, 20th, over forty souls saved there and at Locke, in a few weeks meet­ing, thirteen an one day. The work is spreading out m every direction. Many doors are open for their labors. A great awakening among the people. They will no doubt spend the winter in that vicinity he Lord mustering the redeemed forces from place to place as He did under their labors in Vanburen Co, last winter.

 Albion Ind.

Dear brother and Sister Warner – write to send you $ 2.00 on the … I am so glad the Lord lead m.. … your paper. I was surely in … ness when I began to take … and it has been such a great … to understand the blessed wo.. And O how it cheers my soul … precious letters written by the … in Christ Jesus. How I sh.. meet with them often. I … member of the Methodist so.. … years, but as your paper ga.. of God’s word, I began t.. all wrong, and that I wa.. the … Time and again I have … sin … the Lord, before I could ..ped … lieve that I could be wh.. … but … the Lord was indeed …, ..ed. … cleanse me from all sin … but … all the Lords, I consec.. … he … that I had to Him. A … … … by His grace I could ..dy Chr.. And I can truly say to oc.. saved, and I know th.. youho.. pure in heart; for I am, arari.. I hope to meet with you the hi.. a meeting somewhere the …


Walkerton …

Dear Brother Warner … reader of the TRUMPET … must say that I think .. fill ..y g.. are all together Bible. ..d, and cra.. some truth iound in no … Son ..ims I know of. May the I ..e two cur.. help you to hold up Bible. … … all sin, and a full exem.. ..s flo.. of men. We preach the … will fo.. ask God to make us … ..eir de … experience. Pray for … andin.. ..ausing wholly the Lords.

J. D.


Grand Junction, Vanbur.. Co

Dear Brother and Sister Warner The Lord is working in thi … Brother Michaels is here laborin.. … vineyard. There have been up … time three sanctified, and sev.. to do … to God. The saints from l.. … here last night. I am all the Lord Christ I live. On Christ the solid.. stand. Amen!



Irwin Ill., D..

Dear Brother Warner — I see … dollar for the Trumpet. I tha.. … patience and kindness toward … the sound of the Trumpet. I … strong meat for me I am po.. it seemed like I could hardly … money. God bless your soul. … work prosper over every oppos.. still saved by the blood of Je.. sanctified to do His willi.

Your brother in Christ

Henry …


Centerville Wayne Co., Ind., I..

Dear Brother Warner — Wit.. gratitude I write to let ..ou know … like the Trumpet very such. O … would love to attend o..e of of your … We believe in the life and powe.. … old kind of religion. We are l.. and thirsting after the kind he.. O it is not here, we a anxious … the real Holy Spirit ..wer preach.. that would stir both ..nt and si.. we had means, we w..d have so … come out here, but … are poor … takes money to tra.. I hope … open up the way and end some re.. ..tized soul here, to ..e up a people … would worship God’s Spirit, and in.. We go to church h..ng to get fed.. come away hungry or spiritual food..

Yours in Christ

J..b, and Sarah I..


Hendersville Nov, 5th

Dear Brother Warner – We have n.. from you since the … grove meeting … through the Trumpet, which is … welcome visitory. We are all w.. … abiding in Christ ..he true vin.. glorious meeting but we I.. has … any preaching ..nce the not meeting The Lord bless.. the ..ading of His word and we get a find … every time. A … glory to His name, His abounding lov.. and mercy to us ..ill ..eel that Christ … all, and in all to … health has been … much better sin … meeting. My lung.. … do not trouble … more. Praise thu Lord! A few o.. ..s up to Leba.. … and held a me … Marria Wolfor.. … house. She is … ..ing in the Lor.. She says her e.. …t so well she c.. take up her se.. …, and she is s.. … take up her se…
growing stron.. …
T.. ..nce this … ..t as … ..ead of the in recogn.. …, it looks as thoug.. … free churc..