15 December 1886, Volume 8, Number 19.



Died near MtPleasant Iowa, Nov. 9th, Maud McCormick, aged 11 years, 9 months and 15 days, daughter of Sister M. E. McCormick. Little Maud was sick about six weeks with Typhoid fever. She expressed perfect, willingness from the first, to depart and be with Christ, and so desired.

Before her death she called for her little brother and sister, and little Charlie, who lives in the family. When they came, she prayed for the Lord to save them, then with shouting, she clasped her hands, look­ing up, and talked to Jesus, and asked each one to meet her in Heaven, as she pressed them to her bosom. She then thanked her dear mother for leading her to God, saying you have done your duty, and the Lord has answered your prayers. She was conscious to the last. Just before she died she said she saw Jesus across the river, waiting for her. About her last words were, “Blessed Jesus, You have a home for me.”

In the morning she threw her arms around her mother’s neck, and said, “I am dying, but I love you.” Her spirit then fled from it’s earthen temple, to be clad in snowy white.

How sweet to know she’s resting,
In the Savior’s arms above;
And with the Angels singing,
Where all is peace and love.

We miss her in the circle,
When we join in family prayer,
But memory’s golden girdle,
Shall unite us over there.

We prom sed that we’d meet her,
In the realms of glory bright;
We’re trusting in our Father,
He will help ns do the right.




SISTER Leah Miller, of Anthony Kan., writes to a Bro. and Sister at Jerry City Ohio, as follows. “When you had your drove meeting, I realized in my heart when I went into my closet to pray, that God was doing wonderful things for you at Jerry City. O how we rejoiced with you. It was wonderful how God let us feel that: meeting. I got a letter from sis­ter Huffrey felling about the grand time you had.

We have started a prayer meeting here One young man is called of God to preach the Gospel. At first he hung on a dead preacher who denies God’s commands of baptism and feet-washing. But the Lord gave him the discerning of spirits, and showed him that he was not in God’s or­der, and he had to drop him. Glory to God! I do not know what God is going to do for us, but I look for souls to be saved. Hallelujah! Glory to God for salvation!

Your sister washed in the precious blood of Jesus.

Leah Miller.

Praise God for the Heavenly Telegraph that reports the glorious work of God, and connects in sweet and Heavenly fellow­ship of the Spirit of God, the holy people, the world around.

The station houses along any R. R. line are all threaded, and connected by the wires that run I he whole length of the road, bringing all the stations into talking distance of each other, though some of them are a thousand miles apart.

Well God is “over all” His saints, and “through you all, and in you all.” So they are all threaded, and pervaded, and com­bined by the mighty, omnipresent, all dif­fusing, all-searching, and instant commu­nicating, and sweet sympathetic feeling, chord of Divinity. Therefore the same God that was blessing our souls, at Jerry City, being over, through, and in, Sister Miller, in Kansas, enabled her to feel the thrills of His glory in our souls.

All the saints of God are in a straight line from earth to Heaven, and God is through that line from end to end. And every heart is a station where messages ate sent and received. The Holy Spirit is the operator in every sacred office along the line. “There are diversities of opera­tions, but it is the same God which works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall.” “All these works that one, and the selfsame Spirit.” “And no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.” — 1 Cor. 12.

Thus we see that the Holy Spirit is the absolute president, and sole manager of this whole mystic line of communication between heart, and heart, soul, and soul, and between Heaven and earth. He “takes the things of Christ and shows them to us.” “He shines in our hearts to give us the light, of the knowledge, of the glory of God, in the face of Christ Jesus.” He searches all things, yea. the deep things God, and there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed. Not only the deep things of God, but also the hidden things of dis­honesty He brings to light. He reports to the children of God what now is, and shows the things that must be hereafter.” All petitions to the heavenly King must be drawn up by Him; “For we know not what things to pray for as we ought but the Spirit of God makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be utter­ed.” The Holy Spirit alone has authority to use the name of Christ, before the throne of God: and no other name will there prevail. “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in Spirit, and in truth.” Must worship in Spirit. It cannot be done any other way. Every attempt to worship God in another way, is really worshiping another God.

A man goes in haste to the village to send a telegram, he rushes into the tele­graph office, and asks for the operator, but is told he is absent. What intense eagerness there is in his mind for the appearance of that man in his office. He asks every man he meets of that opera­tor’s whereabouts, but no one knows. He is wrought up to a high pitch of anxiety, that operator is all his inquiry. The Law­yer is in his office, but that does not help his case; the physician is ready to respond to any call in the line of his profession, leisure mechanics are looking for employ­ment, but none of these can meet ins wants. “Where is the telegraph opera­tor,” is all his cry. Every business, and professional man in the place may be at their post, ready to wait on customers, but there is only one man in the place that knows how to use the electric wires, and become a medium for the man to commu­nicate the urgent missive.

There stands the battery, the mysteri­ous talking instrument, and there run the wires to the desired point of communica­tion, but there is no mediator to officiate between the message sender and receiver.

Such is the absolute office of the Spirit of God. His business cannot be executed by another. No man can even say that Christ is Lord, but by the Holy Spirit.

No man can worship God without the Spirit, No one knows “what things to pray for as we ought,” without the Spirit of God to indite, and mediate the prayer. Education may be acquired, but the world by wisdom knew not God. Colleges are unable to teach the secret of Heavenly communication. Phylosophers, and wise Sages may be sought after, but their ken falls far short of Heaven’s insight. Wealth is unable to purchase a hearing with God. Honor and fame fall short of Heavenly converse. And man’s “goodness extends not to Thee.” And though men possess, like the instruments of the telegraph office, a natural basis or ability of communion with God, no other but the Spirit of God can operate the instruments, or faculties of man’s moral, and religious organization, so as. to reach the ear of Heaven, and hear the response.

The living Spirit of God, who framed the immortal mind, and created the mechinations of man’s spiritual organization, can alone operate the wonderful, heav­enly, magnetic, instruments of the soul.

Without the Spirit of God in the heart, attempts at prayer — except to call for mercy, and even the truly penitential prayer is moved by the Spirit of God in conviction — were like a simpleton plying his fingers to the magnetic instrument, in imitation of an operator. In God’s ear it were nothing but foolish jargon of sounds.

Or stilt more ridiculous, such praying might be compared to some half-wit, running along a telegraph line, yelling out some contused sentences, and expecting the wires to carry the same to the ears of a distant friend.

Nay, all dispatches must start from the regular office – the heart, and there too must the answer be received. Not in the head nor yet from the priest’s lips. God speaks to the heart of man, and the heart talks to God. But all this works the selfsame Spirit. And when He is absent from that sacred office, having been barred out, or grieved away, then there is “no an­swer of God.” And this same Comforter who spans the Heavens and the earth, with His glorious bond of love, also joins in one all the children of light, and though sundered far apart, He enables them to live in speaking and feeling nearness to each-other. “For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the Spirit joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.” – Col 2:5. Praise God, for the blood that has brought us so nigh. Amen!





During our labors at Lindsey Ohio, we incidentally met a man from Bellevue O.. whose daughter is consumptive. We told him of the Mighty Physician of soul and body. The tears rolled down his cheeks; he said he believed Christ would heal the sick, and that he himself was seeking to know the Lord. God blessed our soul while talking with him, and we hoped he was chosen of God to be the means of bringing the pure Gospel to his place. He returned home, procured a meeting house three miles in the country, and sent us an invitation. To which we responded; but found the people so filled with the god of this world, namely, covetousness, and sectarianness, that there was no room for Jesus at the Inn, Bo after preaching a few sermons in the name of the Lord, we were permitted to “depart out of that city,” and return to Lindsey. From whence two of the dear brethren brought us back to dear father Roush’s, dear Bro’s. Spacky and Miller, of Jerry City, having written us that they had arranged for an ordinance meeting there over Saturday and Sabbath 20, 21. Praise God! It was joyful to meet those beloved brethren and sisters again. Bro’s. S. and M. also came. The meeting was a glorious feast to our souls.

The mighty power of the Spirit filled dear Bro. Roush’s house where we were assem­bled. On Sabbath, dear brother George Roush and wife consecrated themselves wholly to God, gave up sect, and all this world for the sake of Christ. As the Bro. testified to full salvation, the holy fire and power of the Spirit came upon him, and turning to his brother he said, “O this is a different state of things,” then followed the beautiful sight of three brothers clasp­ed in each-other’s arms, in one bundle, moving about the house as the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit carried them, and the dear old father and mother praising God, with streaming tears of gratitude. And indeed the Holy-Spirit fell upon all in the house who were saved, and we rejoic­ed with them that, did rejoice. O praise God for the Holy fire!

In the evening we had a solemn and ho­ly ordinance service, and we” realized to our soul’s bliss, and edification, the words of Jesus. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” Bless God! these words of our holy Redeemer are true, not­withstanding all the growling, and fret­ting of anti-christ spirits that gainsay them.

On Monday morning we met at a place in Rising Sun where there is “much wa­ter,” where four dear saints obeyed the imperative commission, and sacred exam­ple of Jesus Christ, being “buried with Him in baptism,” and again that which is written came to pass, namely, “Blessed are they that do His commandments.”

Taking our leave of this blessed, and lovely little Church of the First-born, “they that were of our company” were brought on our way by the brethren from Jerry City. That night we had a glorious Holy Spirit, melting little meeting at the house of dear Bro. and Sister Miller. O how sweet and sacred the precious Spirit

of God was to our souls. Two dear girls, daughters of Bro’s. Spacky and Miller, came to the mercy seat, and gave them­selves up to the Lord. One for pardon, and the other for entire sanctification. God bless those two dear children. Bro’s. S. and M. expect soon to go forth on a winter’s campaign for the Lord. They feel led to go to Daviess Go. Ind. The Lord bless them. Sister Miller gives the Church of God a good example of self-sacrificing love for Christ’s sake. Having taken the care of two of Bro. Spacky’s motherless children, one an infant, that he might give himself up to the holy calling of the min­istry, and then says amen to the call of her husband to go with him.

O ye selfish souls, who are unwilling to leave your homes, and also want your hus­bands at your warm fire-sides, simply for your selfish pleasure, when souls are going to hell for the want of some one to tell them the simple story of the cleansing blood, and bow with them in prayer to God, how dwells the love of God in your hearts? With what money salvation has saved for you, in cutting off tobacco, coffee, tea, and all other “superfluities of naughtiness,” and sinful extravagances, you could wall nigh give the winter to the service of rescuing perishing souls at stake. Let every soul either go forth to the great battle, or help some one else to go.

Wednesday, 24, the Lord brought us all to Payne Ohio, where we were thankful to greet so many holy brethren. Found some additions to the Church by the “in­crease of God,” since our visit, here a few months ago. Found dear Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick at home, having recently returned from the glorious field of battle. Word was sent to as many of the saints as could be reached, and a blessed meeting was held at Bro. W. L. Kilpatrick’s that night. One brother consecrated down under the sanctifying blood, and under the covenant of eternal trust in God for constant victo­ry. There being no place to labor here at present, we expect to tarry with the kind saints here but a few days, until our wings shall have sufficiently grown to fly over to Lagrange Ind. Meanwhile we expect to go to-day over to Bro. Howard’s neigh­borhood, and assist in a meeting there Pray for us.



Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus, greeting. This morning I am giving glory, honor and praise to God, for salvation to the utter­most. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! Amen!

We are having glorious meetings here, God is working mightily. One dear Bro. that had fallen away has been brought back to Father’s house, where there is bread enough and to spare. “Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. Ho. that comes to me shall never hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” He also says, “He that hungers and thirsts after righteousness, shall be filled.” I praise God that. I am filled with the hidden manna that is in the Holiest of all. And it fills ray heart with glory, to tell the hungry thirsting souls of the Redemption story.”

Yesterday the Lord took Bro. Cox and family, and ourselves up into the township of Elba. We had a glorious meeting, three souls sanctified. O praise the Lord! It the Lord will, we expect to be in the field more than usual this winter.

Your Sister, saved eternally.

Emma A. Lyon.


Melrose, O.

Dear Brethren: — My testimony to-day is, that I am saved to the uttermost, from all sin, and filled with the power of God, and out in the field, laboring for the salva­tion of perishing souls; for we see many souls at stake to-day, going down in dark­ness and despair for the want of the Word of God. I praise God that I have salva­tion, full and complete, that just saves me from all the works of the devil. I am sanctified, a o satisfied, and ready to see Jesus come. Your Bro. saved in Jesus.

Daniel Bryant.



AFTER the close of our labors at Red Lyon, we came to Henderson, Pa., and held a few night’s meeting with the Church at that place. O what a glorious time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Never have the saints of God enjoyed such power, fellowship, and unity, as at the present time. The Divine presence was wonderfully manifested at every meeting, and those who had been bound were loosed, and set at liberty. O what glory filled each holy breast, yea, we all seemed to drink in all the infinity of His fulness, in love, joy, power, and glory. Every night was a glorious victory to all our souls.

On Thursday night the presence of the Divine, seemed awful, and glorious. On Friday night at Bro. Butterfield’s, the Lord delivered Bro. Wm. McClellan, an aged brother, over 70 years old, from the habit of tobacco. Glory to God! for his deliver­ance. Sinners had been referring to him as a good man, and thus using him as an excuse for their sin, But the Bro. being honest, after seeing the sinfulness of the filthy habit, he declared he would no lon­ger be a stumbling block. So he consecra­ted it, and himself to God forever more.

O how the Lord loves and blesses such as obey Him. On Saturday evening, brother Charles Perrine, who has long been want­ing the glorious Sanctifier consecrated him­self, soul, body, and spirit to God, but did not receive the witness of the Holy Spirit until Sunday evening, after the ordinance meeting. Then he was baptized with the tire and power. Hallelujah! He leaped and shouted, and praised God with all his heart, and voice. O how the saints rejoic­ed and praised God for his deliverance.

Sister Sadie Butterfield was also glori­ously sanctified Saturday eve, and received the witness. Sister Melissa Donnell, whom satan had nearly overcome by his devices, and had caused her to speak reproachfully of God’s servant, was gloriously delivered by the power of God. O I do rejoice for the deliverance of this dear mother in Isra­el. Sister Donnell is the mother of Sister Alice Davis, and Sister Nannie Donnell, who are helpers in the Lord. O it was wonderful to see the manifestations of joy manifested by those two dear sisters. Oh let ns praise the Lord forever!

It we should try to tell, or explain the wonderful manifestations of the Spirit, we could not. we should utterly fail; it is be­yond description. O glory to God! I will just say I never saw a more wonderful, or powerful meeting, all were a unit, and had the very pentecostal fire and power. The Church was “tempered, and all compacted together” by the mighty Spirit.

There were 47 brethren and sisters who took part in the Ordinances, and ail were happy in obedience. O I do praise God for this true grace wherein we stand, and rejoice forever more.

May God keep these precious souls from the evil of the world, and perfect in holi­ness, sealed, forever more. Amen!



Dowagiac, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God for a present salvation, that I enjoy in my soul just now, that saves me from all sin, and for the victory I have in my soul this mor­ning. Glory to His name forever! Praise God for what He is doing for my soul day by day. He keeps me sweetly saved amidst all trials and temptations, and I am enabled to praise God in them all O glory, glory to the name of Jesus! O I can­not help shouting praises to God.

I do thank God for sending Bro’s. Mich­els and Speck to Covert about two years ago, where they taught us the plan of sal­vation. I was a member of the Methodist sect, yet Bro. Michels showed me that I was a sinner in the sight of God. When I was willing to give up all for Christ’s sake and follow Him, the floods of glory came into my soul, and the blood cleansed out all sectarian spirits, and everything contrary to His Divine will. One year ago I moved to this place, where I do not have the privilege of meeting with the dear saints of God, but I am kept, and God gives me strength to bear all the trials that come upon me. Praise God for the Bible, He has left for me to read, and I praise Him too for the Trumpet. It is food for me, to read the blessed testimonies of the dear saints. O glory! glory!! halleluiah!

Let us sound the jubilee. O praise God for this perfect freedom which I have in Christ. I know that I am saved and sanc­tified through the recious blood of Jesus. Your sister in Christ.

Jane Potter.

2 page





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Definite of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction or Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, – Editors.
J. C. FISHER, Publisher.
SEBASTIAN MICHELS — Business Manager.


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BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.

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WE have completed the Second Edi­tion of Songs of Victory, to which we have added five new pages, three pa­ges with notes, and two of familiar hymns.

The book now contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have other­wise improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no more raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color.

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Windfield, Kan.

Gospel Trumpet. I ask all the holy people that read the Trumpet, to pray for my son Arthur. He is possessed of an evil spirit. At times he is vicious, and threatens to kill all who come in his way. We tried to get him in the State Asylum for the Insane, but he was rejected because we bad lived in the State so short a time.

He was kept in jail two nights; but he got hurt, so we took him out, and now have him on our hands, with no one to look to but God. I am kept at home to take care of him, and cannot work at my trade.

I am in need of help. Any one sending us assistance will receive our prayers, and God will bless you. Pray that God will save and heal my boy. To God be all the glory! If led of the Lord, will Bro. War­ner and band send us a handkerchief by mail, with the power of God to cast out the evil spirit.

I am sanctified wholly just now. Amen!

Isaac Pennington.

Pray God to heal Sister Sharp, of La­clede Mo. of great bodily afflictions, and give her the fulness of the Spirit of God.

Arcola Ind.

Dear Brethren: — We are greatly af­flicted. Three of us bed-fast at once. Our little babe is very sick with Scarlet fever and Dropsy. Pray earnestly that we may be healed. Your Bro.,

E. K. Menges.

Sister L. Carpenter of Attica Ohio, re­quests all the saints to pray for her healing of a Cancer. Earthly physicians can do no more. All pray for her.

Let all the saints pray for dear Mother Krause of Beaver Dam Ind., who is very sick.

Pray for Bro. Laughlin, Odon Ind, that he may be healed of Asthma.

Also pray for Sister Laughlin’s healing, of consumption.



All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub­lished.



Maple Rapids, Mich.

Dear Brethren: – I will send in my testimony for the Trumpet. I can say that I am saved and sanctified, and the Lord heals all my diseases. I am so glad I ev­er took this narrow way.

Yes I will stand up for Jesus,
He has sweetly saved my soul;
Cleansed me from inbred corruption,
Sanctified and made me whole.

Your sister saved in Jesus.

Julia Lyon.



Saratoga Ind.

Mr. Warner — I read your article on baptism. It is an evident fact in my mind that the Scripture teaches but one mode of baptism, and that is immer­sion. You made that very plain; but did not say how the action should be, back­ward, or forward, single, or triune.

Paul says in Rom. 6:5, “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the like­ness of His resurrection.” Here, by planting, the Apostle has an allusion to bap­tism, which he calls a planting; then to baptize in the likeness of His death so far as action is concerned, He bowed His head and gave up the ghost. Then to have a likeness, we must bow in baptism; for a back­ward action would not be in the likeness of His death. I believe in baptizing according to the commission given in Matt. 28:19. Read it carefully. If you can prove backward, and single immersion to be ac­cording to the Gospel, let us hear the Scripture for it, and oblige

E. W. Birum.


The arguments here presented for face forward immersion, are so weak and silly that we cannot answer them without feel­ings of aversion. We are planted togeth­er in Christ Jesus by the operation of the Spirit, of God. “Baptized into Christ, have put on Christ.” Namely, our baptism in­to Christ, invests us with the life and character of Christ — His holiness, purity, and power. But being baptized into Him, we are not only partakers of His Spiritual, and moral life, but being identified with Him, we are also partakers of His death. We must he crucified, and die to sin, with Him who died for our sins. And upon this fact Paul based the literal water bap­tism. “Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death.” Namely, by our Spiritual baptism into Him. — Rom. 6:3. We partake of Bis death, therefore, or to symbolize this fact, was literal baptism instituted. Our baptism in water, repre­sents our planting together in Christ by the Spirit. Hence literal baptism is a monument of Christ’s death and burial, and a testimony that we too are dead with Him. Our baptism being a burial, which always presupposes death, is a profession of the crucified Christ. It declares the fact of His death, burial, and resurrection, and not any particular attitude of His body in the instant of His death. Remember the planting together is by the power of the Spirit, but there is the same action in baptism, whether it be in water, in the Spirit, or in suffering. The idea is always that of being submerged into the element, whether it be Spiritual, metaphorical, or literal. So baptism of the Spirit, is spo­ken of as a “planting together m the like­ness of His death,” because literal baptism is a submerging into the watery grave and the two are symbolic of each-other. We say that the words, the “likeness of His death,” have no allusion whatever to any motion or attitude of Christ’s body in the hour of His death. But the words, “likeness of His death,” signifies the sym­bolizing of His death, a monument of the fact of His death, If baptism were to likeness the attitude of Christ’s body in death, then the person to be baptized must, first be fastened on a cross, his arms extended, and he must be put into the water in an erect position. Where has our Dunker sect a single text to prove that the “likeness of His death,” has any more reference to the bowing of His head, than to the extending of His arms on the cross. Yea we demand a. single text to prove that the “likeness of His death has reference to any motion or attitude of His body at all. You have not a single hint for this application of the Word in all the Billie. It is simply a Dunker tradition and superstition. The Word does not say that we are “planted together in the likeness of the bowing of His head.” But in the “like­ness of His death.” But what had been spoken of before as conveying the idea of His death? Answer, burial. “Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death.” The fact of His death is declared by His burial, and the “likeness of His death” is therefore simply our burial with Him. This is so plain that “a wayfaring man, though a fool shall not err therein.” Unless doubly blind by carnality and creed.

The grave is the symbol of death. This is the only thing here spoken of by the Apostle in the whole lesson, as denoting His death. And by our submerging into the liquid grave, we show the operation of the Spirit of God, by whom we are bap­tized into Christ, and into His death. Rom. 6:3, 4.

The burial and resurrection of Christ, is then the true prototype, or the Scriptural model for the act of baptism. Are the Dunkers fool enough to think that Christ was buried with His face downward? Is that the way they bury their dead? They ought to do so, or stop their blind super­stitious clamor for face downward baptism.

Concerning triune baptism, we say that not one instance can be found in the New Testament, nor in the first two hundred year’s history of God’s Church, where a person was immersed three times in wa­ter, as baptism.

Are not the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit one? Therefore one act is sufficient to represent all. Ah Dunkers hold and teach that the word baptize, translated into simple English would be dip. This is a fact, though immerse is us­ually preferred, as a word of the same meaning, and thought more elegant.

Then the Scriptures in plain English would say, “Many of the Corinthians hearing, believed, and were dipped.” It does not say they were dipped, dipped, dipped, nor yet does it say they were dipped three times, but they were simply dipped.

Also there is “One Lord, one faith, and one dip,” or one immersion. One im­mersion is not three immersions.

So New Testament immersion is a. single act, but that of the German Bap­tists three actions.

Again the symbolic truths, or “doctrines of baptism,” utterly forbid three dips, as well as face forward immersion. Christ was only buried once, and arose once, but three immersions would represent Him as immerging, and emerging from the tomb three times. Hence it falsifies the fact, that baptism is designed to portray, and is therefore an invention of man.





DEAR Bro. Warner, and readers of the Gospel Trumpet: — Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied unto you.

I am drinking at the fountain that flows deep from the well of God’s salvation, walking beside the pure river of the water of life, and plucking from the trees which grow on this side, as well as on the other side of the river, and which yield their fruit every month; whose leaves also are for the healing of the nations.

For some time I have had the pleasure of reading the Trumpet. I love it’s plain and fearless teaching of Gospel truth; it’s exposure of hidden hypocrisy and deeds of darkness under cover of religious pro­fession. Surely the time has come when men will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts do they heap to them­selves teachers, having itching ears.

Sunday-school teachers and theological lecturers may tell us that infidelity is wan­ing,, and that the Bible is being studied more to-day than ever before, in the world’s history, but the truth remains that the devil has the world rocked to sleep with the Bible in their hands, and infidelity sits in cushioned church pews, and feeds and fattens on the so called “gospel” of to-day. As characteristics of that, gospel, society has taken the place of brotherly love, conversation is season­ed with wit, instead of grace, and the love of Christ is supplanted by love of dignity and self-respect. God’s command to His ministers remains, “Lift up your voice, cry aloud, and spare not, and show Israel his transgression, and my people their sin.”

I have noticed that some seem to glory, not so much in the tact that precious souls are saved in their meetings, as that “the devil was wonderfully stirred.” Now let me urge you dear friends that you put hot so great stress upon this fact. While it is true that where plain, uncompromising, Bible truth is told, the devil will be stirred, and often the heathen will rage, and the people imagine vain things, yet there is such a thing as devils fighting each-other, and you can readily see that God can get no glory from that. It is a fact that some experience so great satisfaction in this get­ting the devil stirred, that they make use of the most extravagant, often uncouth, and uncomely expressions, which only serve to make rude fellows of the baser sort, boisterous with laughter, while others who might otherwise accept the truth become disgusted and go away unsaved! The meeting closes, and the report is sent m with no other result than that the “dev­il was wonderfully stirred.”

The Lord bless every one of His ministering servants, and help them to preach the uncompromising truth in the simple language of the Gospel of Christ. Make it the business of your life and labor, to bring precious souls to the feet of Jesus and get them thoroughly and blessedly saved, and do not glory in mere attendant circumstances.

Again I have noticed that some men grossly misinterpret Scripture, for the sake of proving a point in question. Now none but the most disastrous results can come from so doing. Unsaved souls will see that the Word is being handled deceit­fully, and will lose confidence in the teacher, and in the doctrine taught, though the doctrine itself may be perfectly true, and good. No man can accomplish anything toward establishing a truth by false reasoning. If a doctrine is not true it cannot be made true by any sort of reasoning, and if it is true it needs no false argument to sustain it. Several times I have notic­ed, in proof of the fact that our present sanctification was the will of God, the following Scripture quotation: “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead bur Lord Jesus, *** make you perfect.”

I will not say that this was designedly misapplied, but it was certainly very care­lessly done; tor if any one will notice with any degree of care he will at once see that this word now, as used here, has no refer­ence whatever to time, but is simply an expletive, or introductory word, having no grammatical signification. It is often so used, as you will find by glancing at the beginning of chapters through the Bible. It is similarly used in the expression, “Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar,” “now upon the first day of the week,” etc., and so in many other places.

Now the Lord help every one of us to be very careful about attaching wrong meanings to any Scripture.

I am saved with an everlasting salvation; tree from sectarian bondage; free from the bondage of sin; trusting neither in horses nor chariots, nor water nor creeds, but in Christ alone, by whom also. I have access into this grace wherein I stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.

J. C. Richmond.

Bloomington, Ill.




Sedan, Kansas. Sister Mary L. Baxter, wife of Wm, O Baxter closed this mortal life Oct. 23d 1886, aged 41 years 5 months, and 13 days. She was born in Van Buren Co, Iowa May 10th 1845.

In 1862 she joined the so called Christian denomination, and was immersed by a preacher of that sect. She lived in this faith about fifteen years, and backslider.

Sister Baxter settled with her husband in Chautauqua Co. Kan., about 1869, where they have lived ever since. About 1874 at a grove meeting, she was reclaimed and lived in a state of justification up to all the light she had till last August; God sent two Evangelists to Sedan, where she lived, to preach holiness, and there she listening to the truth of God’s blessed Word, became convicted tor entire sanctification. She sought the power of the Holy Spirit, and through faith in Christ was made white in the blood of the Lamb. Since that time she has been a power for God. She was warned of God some time before she was taken sick that she must soon die. She often told her husband, and other friends about it, always saying, “The Lord’s will be done, I an ready, yes waiting dear Jesus to meet Thee.” And often shouted Glory to God for salvation that saves to the uttermost, and keeps me in perfect peace.

When she was taken sick some of satan’s agents tried to persuade her to send for a quack and take his poison drugs, but she said no, never. I will truss my blessed Savior. God took her home, and a husband, and a large circle of saints are left to mourn; but glory to God! our loss is her eternal gain, we bow in humble submission to the blessed will of God. She died in the triumphs of faith in God.

Funeral services by the writer, Sunday. Nov. 14th 1886, from Job 8:9.

John H. Orr.


Pittsville, Pa.

Dear Bro. Joseph: — I write you told you know how we are getting along. We are having glorious prayer meetings, and we are all growing very fast. I do thank God that He ever sent you here. Pray for me, and all the little ones here.

Your Bro. saved and sanctified just now. David A Farren.

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Sedan Kan.

Dearly beloved Brethren: – May God bless you with all spiritual blessings for Jesus sake. Amen! I closed meeting here the 17th of Nov. with victory on the Lord’s side. Glory to Jesus be given! God gave wonderful liberty in preaching the holy Word of truth. Souls were saved from all sin. Glory to Jesus for victory! Oh glory to God in the hightest! Salva­tion is rolling on. We had an ordinance meeting at the close that will long be re­membered. Glory to God! Oh how precious to obey God in every thing.

Your free, brother saved.

John H. Orr.


Jerry City O.

Dear Trumpet readers: — The last two days have been the most glorious, days I ever experienced. We had meeting Sat­urday night, Sunday and Sunday night. Five souls consecrated for sanctification.

O glory to God in the highest for salvation to-day! I am a child of the King, wholly sanctified to God, free from all sin. Will start in the field in a few days for the winter’s campaign. All the saints pray for me. Your Bro. under the blood.

Wm. H. Miller.


Deshler O.

Dearly beloved in Christ: — We are sanctified through the obedience of the truth. Praise God the Sword turns every way to keep the way of the Tree of life. The way is still open, and the battle is getting hot in Deshler. Babylonians are fighting hard, but we are holding up each- others hands and the victory is ours. Hal­lelujah! Souls are being saved. Praise God forever and ever!

E. J. Hill & A. H. Lea.


Woodston Kan.

Dearly beloved Brethren: — The Lord bless thee and strengthen thine heart and make thee to increase and abound in the love of Christ, Jesus. O hallelujah! I have complete victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Bless God! I am all the Lord’s and He is mine. Another victory for God and holiness. The meeting closed at the Kingcade S. H. with glorious victo­ry on the side of the Lord. Hallelujah! I came here 71 miles north-west, of Woodston and began meeting the last of Oct. in the name of King Jesus, for the salvation of perishing souls. This was a new field Holiness had never been preached here before, none in the experience; not one to my knowledge ever heard a sermon on holiness. Bro. Coy, one who was justified and had taken the Trumpet for several years, made up the money and sent for me to come and hold a meeting, and I came  in the name of King Jesus, and in the power and strength of the Holy Ghost. I began to preach the awful truth to the people about sects and against them, and a few squirmed and got mad and quit the meeting: the doctrine of salvation was clearly set forth in the light of the Word of God. We had large attentive congre­gations; they were very anxious to here the truth. Almost the entire community have assented to the truth. There were as gloriously saved, sanctified wholly, and wine converted to the Lord, reformed their lives, mid said they were going to live a different life. Many more seeking this blessed way. All these came out of babylon. The M E. sect was split wide open; the class leader was sanctified and scratched his name from the sect book, left babylon and returned to Zion. Bro. Bagenstos left the sect; he was prejudiced when we first came, but the sermon we preached on sectism, showing the evil of sectism, and then showing the one Body, the one Church, this knocked all the prejudice out of him and he left babylon and returned to Zion. Hallelujah! Those that are saved are very strong in the faith. May the Lord preserve them blameless unto the end. May they be true unto the Word of God and the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for me. I love this blessed way more and more. Your free Bro. sanctified whol­ly, and built in the Church of Christ.

J. P. Haner.


Maple Rapids Mich.

To the saints of God, greeting: — I am reigning by one Christ Jesus, who gives me the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Praise God!

Last Saturday night six dear young saints came to our place, and we went down to the water and baptized them in to the name of the Lord. The mighty pow­er of God was present, and the little ones came forth shouting the praises of God.

T. J. Cox.


Hamer O.

Dear Brethren: — Praise God we are saved and filled with all the fulness of God. Hallelujah to our God! We came to Hamer in the name of our King, the 6th of Nov., and opened fire on the enemy. Our company at present is myself and fam­ily, a brother and sister in the flesh and in Christ Jesus, and Bro’s Daniel and Alex. Praise God! the meeting contin­ued in the power and Spirit of God, and every meeting was a success and a victory for God. The meeting lasted ten days, and the result was a harvest of souls for the Master. Quite a number of the saints from Payne were here in the fore part of the meeting and labored with us in the Lord. Bro. and sister Shaner remained up to the 15th. Glory be to God! The number of souls saved in the meeting was about 15 converted and 12 sanctified. Sabbath the 14th, after the day service, we went down to the river and 14 followed the Master in immersion, (baptism) being dipped in the water. Hallelujah to our God! Devils and poor blind sectarians were compelled to yield to the mighty pow­er of our God, and were in perfect subjection unto us through the name of Jesus. O hallelujah to God! Dear ones this warfare gets more and more glorious as we advance. We are out for God on the blood and fire line, and although not supplied with the necessities to make us and family com­fortable in the approaching winter, we are in this campaign of fire. Hallelujah to God forever and ever!

Last night we started a meeting at Bro. Samuel Caupern’s, which will continue over Sabbath and as much longer as the Lord wills; one consecrated for and ob­tained pardon last night. Praise God! the work goes on in spite of the enemy.

We expect, the Lord willing, to go from here to Palestine, Putnam Co. of this state and elsewhere as the Lord directs. Hal­lelujah! the hand of the Lord is good on us. Your Bro. saved from all sin, sancti­fied and tried. Hallelujah!

J. N. Howard.


St Louis Mich.

To the Church of the First-born, whose names are written in Heaven. Glory to Jesus for His saving and keeping power! On the 13th of Nov., we held meeting in the Zimmerman neighborhood, the Lord was with us in power. Sunday the 14th, we went to the Barton school-house, for an all day meeting; first meeting began at 10 o’clock and lasted till after 2. We preached from Eze. 4:7, and Rev. 22:1. The Lord manifested His mighty power. Eighteen found their way to the altar, some for forgiveness of sins, and others for entire sanctification; all were blessed of God. O what glory came down our souls to greet. We had an intermission for two hours, and commenced services again about four o’clock. Bro. Shelly preached and the power of God was still wonderful, and some four or five more found their way to the altar. It was a wonderful day for the Lord. We went jack to the Zimmerman neighborhood for a few nights; the saints were much strengthened. From there we went to the Ehl neighborhood, where the Lord again showed forth His mighty power. There were 24 in all at the altar. God wonderfully blessed them. Seven followed the Lord in baptism. We left the Church there in good condition. From there we went to the Merrill neighborhood, found the Church there in a very bad state: no union whatever. God helped us to give them the Word, which is judgment. The fogs of babylon were dense. Seven or eight souls presented themselves at the altar, and victory came flooding in. Glory to Jesus! We are now through in these parts, and expect to move out as the Lord leads. O how our souls are yearning after the perishing ones. Dear ones, pray for us that God may wonderfully bless our labors in saving perishing souls, and that the Jesus which dwells in us may magnify himself, and show forth His mighty love, for sinners, to the saving of the soul.

Wm. N. Smith & A. J. Shelly.


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Bannister Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God that I can say I am saved just now, and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus my savior who is able to save and keep us from all sin. Glory be unto His name! O it is joy unspeakable to have this blest assur­ance in our hearts, that we are saved of God and ready for his coming; for in such an hour its ye think not, the Son of man cometh, and dreadful will be the situation of those who live contrary to the blessed commands of our Lord. I feel to-night that all I can say or do for Him is but a poor recompense for this great salvation, which Jesus died on Calvary’s cross to bring to even poor unworthy me. But I am determined to do whatever the Lord makes known to me while He lets me live. I am all sold out to do His will, and I love to follow in the footsteps of my blessed Redeemer. I praise God for the freedom which the saints enjoy; free from sect, sin, and satan. Glory to God! I am walking in the light as God gives it to me, and find a blessed comfort in living for Him alone. Praise God! I am on the Rock Christ Jesus, and let persecutions come, and satan howl, my foundation standeth sure. Glory to God forever and ever! God’s Church has many opposers in this place, and many are ever ready to persecute His children; yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions, but through the grace which God has given, we are enabled to praise the Lord through all, knowing that “all things work together for good to them that love God, who are the called according to His purpose.” O how I should love to have meet with the saints at the assembly, but God willed otherwise, and His holy will be done.

I am looking forward to the great as­sembly where the ransomed of the Lord shall meet to part nevermore, and where all is peace, joy, and love, and continual praises to the Lord most high. May God bless those whom He has called to preach His Word, is my prayer, and may its truths sink deep in the hearts of many and may they be broughs to see the true light and walk in it.

My testimony is that I am saved, sanc­tified, and trusting in God who is mighty to save and keep. I am praising Him for His many blessings unto me. Glory to God and the Lamb forever! Amen! Pray for me. Your sister in Christ.

Effie Grennell.


Raymilton Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I will write for the glory of God, that I am saved through the blood of the Lamb, and the word of my testimony. I am saved from all the al­lurements of this world, and I do espe­cially thank my God, that He has saved me from all sects. I am free in Christ, my living Head. I am saved and sanctified and wonderfully kept by the power of God, under the cleansing blood. Praise the Lord! Last evening a few of God’s people met at Bro. Job Perrine’s, and we had a glorious refreshing in Christ.

Your Brother.

G. P. Butterfield.


Maple Rapids. Mich.

Dear Brethren: — May God bless you, and all His dear children, with all Spirit­ual blessings. Amen!

This evening I am saved, praise God! As I write I feel the glory in my soul, flowing like a river. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! The cleansing stream has reached me, glory to the Lamb!

Your Bro. saved, sanctified and kept by the mighty power of God.

T. J. Cox.


Mound City Kan.

Dear Brethren: — The Trumpet is ever a welcome visitor at our home; it is all the holiness preaching I have, so I cannot do without it. I am so glad we have brethren who dare to proclaim the whole truth of the Gospel, as presented before the world in the Gospel Trumpet. I know it has been the means of bringing many out into the true light. I am free from all sects, and the Lord has wonderfully kept the these five years in Kansas; away from the holiness and ordinance meetings which I always loved to be in. The sweet rest and peace He gives me day by day, is worth every thing to me. I know the Lord does not want me to go with any sect, but live out upon His promises. I praise His name for the keeping power. He is the only sure refuge; “I will trust Him though He slay me.” May God bless you all, and all the dear saints abroad is the prayer of your sister in Christ.

Ann Skinner.


Bannister, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led to write my testimony for the Trumpet. I praise the Lord for salvation full and free. I am saved and trusting in God, the Rock of my salvation. Praise the Lord! we have many persecutions, but He says His grace shall be sufficient for us. I am thankful for this, glory to Jesus! I thank Him that He has shown me the light, and I am determined to walk in it as long as I live. I am all given up to do His will in all things while life shall last.

Pray for us here in this place, that our faith fail not, and that we prove faithful unto the end. Your brother in Christ.

H. M. Reed.


Beaver Dam, Ind.

My testimony this evening is, that I am saved and sanctified, and kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time. I do thank God that, I can walk in the light as He is in the light. It was a long time that I wandered in dark­ness, but the Lord Jesus Christ has deliv­ered me from all the bondage of the devil. O the Lord has been so good to me! Be­fore the Lord saved my soul I could not read to amount to anything; but He has taught me to read His holy Word. Glory to God! The Word of God is food to my soul, for “the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.”

Your brother, saved, sanctified, and kept by the power of God. Amen !

Alvin Bryant.


Beaver Dam, Ind.

Dear Brethren: – I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. I do thank God for saying my soul from this wicked world, I am sweetly resting In the arms of Jesus, thought have passed through many tri­als, it only drives me closer to Jesus. O praise God for the victory I have in my soul at all times. We have glorious meet­ings here, and the Lord blesses my soul every time I go. I am trusting in Jesus everyday. O let us firmly trust in God, for He is able to keep us. I came from Payne O. to Beaver Dam, and expect to stay with Bro. George Bryant’s this winter. We are saved and kept by the mighty power of God. I am but eleven years old, but the Lord sweetly saves my soul. O praise His holy name! it is so sweet to trust in Jesus. Pray for me.

Your sister, saved and sanctified, and kept by the mighty power of God.

Annie Hitzman.


Augusta, Georgia.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved, sanctifi­ed, and kept by the mighty power of God. I am out in the field, fighting against spir­itual wickedness in high places. Pray for us, that we may continue to have the vic­tory over sin and satan.

There are a few saints here, out on the clear sea of glass. Glory to God for lib­erty! Your brother saved and sanctified.

A. H. Sanford.


Murray, Pa.

Dear Brethren: — I sought for the Lord among the sects, thinking I could live a Christian with them, but found it impossible. Last spring the Lord sent brother and sister Moore, of Edgewood, Mich. here, and they gave us the true light. I sought and found the Lord. I am still traveling in the straight and narrow way to my heavenly home. I never attended any of the meetings of the saints, but I read the Trumpet, and take the reference to the Bible, and it shows me plainly what to do.

I am praying God to send some of His people here to work for the salvation of souls, and I believe He will do it. Pray for me, that I may be kept in the right way and be sanctified. Your brother.

L. E. McCracken.


Bellevue, Mich.

Dear saints of God: — My testimony to­day, is that I am saved, and washed in the blood, and made white as the snow. I do praise God for picking me up out of this wicked world, and placing my feet on the Solid Rock Christ Jesus. Glory to God and the Lamb forever! May the Lord keep us all, is my prayer. I remain your sister in Christ.

Angeline Hibbard.

Reaver Dam, Ind

Dear Brethren: – I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. I praise God for salvation that I enjoy in my soul, and that saves me from all sin just now. I am saved, wholly sanctified, and kept by the mighty power of God, ready to revealed at the last day. Glory be to God for­ever and ever!

Your brother, under the blood.

Edward Ballenger.


South Haven, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise God for sal­vation full and free. Glory be to Jesus! for the victory I have in my soul just now.

I praise God for picking me up when I was traveling that downward rode to de­struction, and placed me on this high-way of holiness. Glory to Jesus! The Lord has saved me from tobacco, and from all filthiness of the flesh; also from secret so­cieties. And I am doing the Lord’s will in all things. I ask an interest in the prayers of God’s people, that I continue firm unto the end.

Your Bro., saved and sanctified through and through, by the Holy Spirit.

William Warren.


Hartford, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — As I have never writ­ten my testimony for the Trumpet, I be­lieve it will be to the glory of God, that I write and tell what the Lord has done for me. I thank Him for saving my soul and for keeping me every day, and for all the blessings which I receive from Him. I am saved and sanctified, and desire your prayers, that I stand firm. Yours in Christ.

Cora V. Branch.


Sharon Centre, Ohio.

Dear Brethren: — I can say from the very depths of my heart, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” O how my soul doth rejoice in the Lord. Glory be to Jesus, who saveth me to the very ut­termost, and is doing such wonderful things for me, and not only for me, but for all whom the Father calleth, and who are added to His Church.

O what a wonderful stir there has been here since Bro. Wm. and Sister Jennie Smith were here proclaiming thereat truth of the Word of God, which is sharper than a two edged sword, which revealed the devil who has been deceiving the people so long through the so-called churches which are nothing but snares of satan, gotten up by men. “Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobates concerning the faith.” — 2 Tim. 3:8. But glory to God! the Apostle says in the next verse, “They shall proceed no further: their folly shall be made manifest unto all men.” Praise God! their deeds are manifest here, and some have escaped out of babylon. O what a glorious meeting we had last Sabbath, when a few of the little ones from Lodi were here. What wonderful power the Lord did manifest through His little ones, especially those lately escaped from the sect pens. O glory to God for His wonderful dealings here!

Fray for us that we ever stand firm, and that the Lord may use us in the salvation of many more precious souls.

Your Bro. saved, sanctified and sweetly kept by the power of God.

Jos. Plough.


Hagerman O.

Dear Brethren: — I am saved and sanc­tified through the blood of Christ. O I do praise God for this blessed salvation. I am free from all babylon works. O glory to God! the dark days are gone, and I am in the light of our dear Savior. I praise God from morning till night. There is but a few of us here, but I hope and trust this glorious salvation will sweep over the land like wild fire, sweeping out all the works of the devil. I praise God that my little daughter is saved. She is twelve years old and is happy in the love of God. It is wonderful to see the power of God man­ifested here. My uncle has been nearly blind for two years so he could not see to read. Last Sabbath in a meeting held at my house by Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick and Bro. Daniel Bryant, he received his sight. I am saved and ready at my Savior’s call­ing. I ask all the saints to pray for me, as I have not been in this cause long.

Your sister in Christ.

Margaret J. Hughes.

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THE editor of the “Christian Voice, and Banner of Holiness’’ occupies a ridiculous position, trying to renounce the sin of sectarian, and still contend for the ism. It reminds us of those tipplers that like their drink of the crazing stuff, and yet think the liquor trade ought to be kept in the bounds of restrictive laws. They do not believe in prohibition, of the curse and grime, but want it circumscribed to such limits as meet their degree of lust for the blithing stuff, and all who have more burn­ing and unbridled lusts than themselves, they think should be held in check. They believe in regulating sin, and crime, and misery, but not in doing away with it. But Jesus Christ believes in utter prohibition, yea in the destruction of all the works of the devil. Some one writing in the above named paper of Sept. 11, utters the fol­lowing words.

“In common with all spiritual Christians We deplore the prevalence of the sectarian spirit, and the sectarian that it sustains, so blinding to the minds of its votaries, and so contrary to the Spirit of Christ and the Word and work of God.”

It appears that these words were a little too strong for some of that papers sectarian supporters. So in the issue of Oct. 16, the editor reproduces the above paragraph, and writes an article defending the same, and yet trying to console such as are liv­ing in the fellowship of the soul destroy­ing sin it deplores. He says, “That in the statement given above there was no intention to make a show of favor, for advantage, toward that large class of Christian people which persistently affirms that one of the greatest evils ex­isting, and antagonizing the work of God’s Spirit, is found in the division of God’s people into church parties, denominations, or sects, while really we are as much in­volved in the evil deprecated as are other Christians making no pretentious to being holiness people, we are well assured.”

This language implies, that, “A large class of Christian people persistently affirm that one of the greatist evils existing, and antagonizing the work of God’s Spirit, is found in the division of God’s people into church parties, denominations, or sects.” Second, the editor admits that the large class that hold the above view, are “Christian people.”

Third, the editor says he is well assured, that the writer’s remark that “all spiritual Christians deplore the blinding sectarian Spirit, and the sectarian it sustains,” was not intended to give advantage to that “large class of Christians,” who really cry aloud and spare not, saying, come out of the temple of idols, and forsake the soul blinding gods of babylon.

Forth, the editor bases the above assurance on the fact that, “We — both editor and writer — are as much involved in the evil deprecated as are other Christians making no pretention to being holiness people.” So Mr. Kent, the Voice editor, confesses he is involved in the evil of sectarian as much as other people not professing holiness. A pretty position for a pro lessee! holiness editor. He had better repent of his evil ways and doings and seek salvation: first pardon, then a pure heart. But it seems to make a difference where men stand, as to how much weight you should ascribe to their words. For in stance, if a man who discards all “church parties, denominations, or sects.” were to say, that “the sectarian spirit, and the sectarian it sustains, is blinding to the minds of its votaries and is contrary to the Spirit of Christ, and the word and work of God,” his words would be understood as favoring the idea of coming out of the blinding an­tichrist parties. But Mr. Kent and his writer, being themselves “involved in the evil deprecated.” may say the same, thing and yet it makes no “show of favor for advantage toward that large class of Chris­tians” who are not “involved in the evil,” but have come out of her.

This is a point well taken. No man’s renunciation of an evil will have any weight while he himself is involved in the evil. “Thou that sayest, a man shall not steal, dost thou steal?’’ “Thou that sayest, ye shall not commit adultry, dost thou commit adultry?’’ Thou that sayest that sectarian and sectarian are evils that blind men’s minds, and are contrary to the Spirit of Christ and the Word and work of God,” art thou guilty of the same evil? Well may you think your words will have no force to cause men to flee put of the confusion of sects and parties while you stay in them yourself. A man belonging to a horse-thieving company, might talk ever so strongly against the wickedness of horse-stealing, and those of his clan would not be convicted by his talk while re remained “involved in the same evil he deprecated.” But let a godly man who stands clear of the nefarious business, rebuke a horse-thief, and it will cat to the quick, and will be a marked advantage toward that thief’s quiting the business. One reason that Christ “spake with authority and not as the scribes and phari­sees,” was because His life was suited Hi­s is teaching. While the pharisees, yes modern as well as ancient, “say and do not.” There are plenty to-day who cry out against the sin of, and the sins in the sects, in order to deceive and secure the patronage of honest men who have come out of the filthy cages, and yet stay in the vile habitation of devils in order to hold the friendship and support of sect idola­ters. They try to sit astride the fence and say, lord babylon and Lord Jesus. They give the He to all they say against sectarian, by staying in sectarian. By their words they confess Christ, but by their works they deny Him. being corrupt, and to every good work reprobate. H. Ackers said in the pulpit in U. Sandusky a few years ago, “that the sects were sending more souls to hell than all the saloons,” but being a sectarian himself it did not hurt the conscience of the sects, so they call him a good fellow, and promoted the hypocrite to sect Elder. But let a man capable of reproving them, by being clear himself, say those words,and they feel like promoting him clear to Heaven with a shower of stones as the Jews did Stephen. Bishop Foster may call his sect “A pompous empty fraud,” and speak of the “mil­lions of souls” that its festivals, frolics, “nude of lewd art,” and hireling ministry, are sending to hell, and no Methodist thinks of throwing rotten eggs at him, because his membership in the sect speaks louder for it than his words can against it. In other words, his actions neutralize, and kill his words. Actions always speaking louder than words. These men strike sin as Baxter says fond women slap their child and then hug and kiss it. It is silly and disgusting to hear sect devotees crying out against the sin of the very sects they fight for. One would suppose from the follow­ing words, in the article under considera­tion, that the babylon Voice editor were dear out of babylon himself.

“That the sectarian spirit largely pre­vails and works untold evil, all except the blind can see.” “But that the secta­rian spirit is not of God, we are certain; and that sectarian is as evil as the spirit which inspires it, we hesitate not to de­clare. It is contrary, as the declaration affirms, “to the Spirit of Christ, and to the word and work of God.” And that it is “blinding to the minds of its votaries,” all experience and observation shows. Tinder its blinding influence things of men’s de­vising, and of little importance, are made to be of overshadowing magnitude. The things of God are lightly esteemed, and to a great extent set aside. Clearly defined scriptural tests of grace, character, and life, are ignored, and such as compliment and satisfy prejudice and partisan feelings are readily adopted.” “Indeed there is no limit to the “havoc” made “of the flock” of God under the influence of the sect spirit. It becomes the meanest type of self-righteousness, and being associated with organic and working agencies it has world-wide opportunity for conquest and permanency.”

“The sectarian spirit is not of God,” and “sectism is as evil as the spirit which in­spires it.” Now sectarianism is the spirit of the sect, while sectarian relates to the sect itself, and both are condemned by the editor of the Voice, as being equally evil, and not of God. He speaks of sectarian being inspired by sectarian. Cer­tainly it is the sectarian spirit which breeds sects. And as every thing brings forth after its own kind, sects must be as abom­inable in the sight, of God, and as ruinous to souls as the spirit that inspired them. But it is also true that sectarian — sect ad­hering — diffuses sectarianism — the sect spirit. And “there is no limit to the hav­oc made of the flock of God, under the sect spirit. It becomes the meanest type of self-righteousness.” And yet this same editor is crooked and inconsistent enough to brand, as the worst thing a man can do, to flee out of sect regions, and escape this consuming dragon that is making unlim­ited havoc of the flock of God. Is it safe to be penned in with such a hellish mon­ster? What says this wise editor? Of course you should not come out, lest you be what he has frequently denounced as he worst of all men, namely a “come-outer.” Where then shall we flee for safety? We suppose the Voice editer would cry, ‘Clime up here and sit with me astride he fence.” The devil says, stay in the sect. Kent says get on the fence, but God says, “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, therefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, says the Lord, and I will receive you.” Judge ye who is safest to obey, whether the devil, Kent, or the Lord. We have frequently heard a “Voice” from Jacksonville Ill. saying stay in babylon. “And I heard an other voice from Heaven saying. Come out of her my people, that ye be not par­takers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Thank God we have obeyed the latter voice, and we are com­plete in Christ Jesus.

After confessing the withering curse of sectarian, and sectarianism, the beast, and the Spirit of the beast, this editor points to holiness for a complete remedy to cure the sect malady.

Here are his words. “One of the offenses of spiritual saints is their not having enough carnal zeal for our party.” “They deplore the prevalence of the sectarian spirit, and know that only the spiritually that represents true holiness will arrest, reprove and cure this evil. Nor will they be deceived by any popular union performances, made up of salutations, and conpromise manners that even publicans and sinners can excel. Nor yet can they be blinded by the religiousness of the sect­arian spirit. The horrid persecutions, en­dured by millions, have been born of religiousness inflamed by partisan hatred.” “Unlike attempts to bring about union by agreement in organisation and effort, the holiness mission contemplates bringing as many as possible into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, and thus “unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, that we be no longer children, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine * * * but speak­ing the truth in love may grow up into him in all things.”

The inveighing of sectarians against the sectarianism of other people is of little advantage to the cause of God. But the realization and manifestation of the unify of the Spirit involved in full sanctification is of infinite importance in the Church, and to the work of God. For this Christ prayed, as did Paul. This was contem­plated and fully provided for in redemption. For this the apostles strove and la­bored night and day; and, thank God, all fully sanctified souls know, enjoy, and re­joice in this blessed unity. In the love and light of this unity the selfishness and blindness of sectarian dies the death, and the full Christ life abides and is manifest. Thus may it ever be.”

If then holiness will care this dire dis­ease of sectarian, will it leave a man in the charnel house where the leprosy rages? Again, if holiness brings men “into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,” will it leave its recip­ients scattered and disintegrated into all the 666 different sect faiths? No man of good sense will affirm chat while men still adhere one to the faith of the M. E. sect, another to the Presbyterian faith, another to the U. B. faith, and so on through the 666 names of blasphemy, that they have all come to the “unity of the faith.” The editor says,“ All fully sanctified souls know, enjoy, and rejoice in this blessed unity.” Then all who adhere to, and contend for the conflicting sect faiths, are not fully sanctified.

Again, “In the love and light of this unity” “the full Christ life abides and is manifest.” This is true. But “is Christ divided?” Is he for Paul, in one man, for Peter in another, for Luther in another, for Wesley in another, and so on round all the family of the daughters of the mother of harlots?

Again we say to all you that stay in babylon, or pretend to hang on her picket fences, do not make yourselves ridiculous and obnoxious by crying out against the abominations of sectarian, while you still hug the carcass.



Edgewood, Mich. Dear Brethren: — I am saved and kept by the power of God. Glory to Jesus! O I do praise God for ever calling after me. My determination is to make Heaven my home. I am rejoicing in the Rock of my salvation, and have that sweet peace in my soul, which the world can neither give nor take away.

Pray for me, that I may ever take up my cross, wherever I may be, and walk in the light as He is in the light Your Bro. saved and wholly sanctified,

Franklin Hill.



Fayette O.

Dear saints and beloved readers: — You saw any testimony in the Trumpet of Nov. 1st, and of course you would like to know how I am getting along. Well, I will tell you the best I know how. For a number of months before I sent in my testimony, I began to feel that I was not living for God as I ought, and I began to pray to God for light to show me in some way what it was I wanted. And as I said in my testimony, some one had kindly sent me a couple copies of the Gospel Trumpet, and by reading them I saw there was something more for me to obtain. Praise the Lord! Well, I wrote to the Trumpet and sent my testimony also, and they sent my letter to Bro. Warner and he answered it. When he was at Lindsey, I thought it was not a very great distance and I could go there and hear the truth preached as it is in Christ Jesus. And O how I thanked God when my companion said I could go, and willingly gave me the money to go with. I was met at Lindsey Nov. 4th by one of the saints, and we rode about 14 miles to Bro. Walter’s. Then after supper we rode about four miles to meeting. What a glorious meeting we had. When the saints sang it was music; they sang in the Spirit. That was my first meeting with the saints. Sunday evening I was sancti­fied wholly to God. Praise the Lord O my soul! O how I realize that it was not through anything that I had done, but through the mercies of God. O I just give God all the glory and praise. I cannot thank and praise Him enough. While I was there with the saints I saw three of the sisters healed, two by the laying on of hands, and one dear little babe that had been afflicted from birth, (I believe.) It had the scald-head. That night it rested so well, and looked real bright in the morn­ing, and ate quite a breakfast. Sisters Smith, Emma Miller and myself stayed there all night, then walked back to Bro Walter’s in the morning and remained there until Thursday morning, then I started for home. I will never forget the kind hospitality of Bro. and sister Walter, and the other saints. I was happy and praised the Lord all the way home. I can raise my hand now when I sing and praise the Lord.

I attended the M. E. prayer meeting Thursday eve., and I testified with boldness of the goodness of God. (One sister says to another, she is sanctified; what sister Hitchcock said went right through me like electricity.) They could not sleep nor eat much for a day or so; they thought that salvation was for them as well as for oth­ers. O there is a great many here in Fay­ette that want salvation. Praise the Lord for honest hearts. To-day was the first time I went to the sect meeting since. I came back; and as I went to sit down I says what music is that? I looked up and there was one man playing the violin and another the organ. The one that played the violin had not been inside of a meet­ing house for twenty years until last fall; his wife was converted and he went a few times to meeting. I wanted to get right up and come home, and I would, if my companion and a strange sister had not been with me; but I will not, go again. I am as dead to the sects as I am to the world.

Your sister saved and kept by the power of God.

Carrie Hitchcock.


Carlisle, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — When 15 years of age, God for Christ’s sake pardoned all of my sins. I joined the (so called) Church of God, but soon went back into the world. I remained in a backslidden state until about four years ago, when I was brought very near death’s door. Through the prayers of my parents, (J. S. Smurr and wife) and a promise on my part to serve the Lord and walk in the light of His Word, I was again reclaimed.

About six months ago my parents sent me the Trumpet, and by reading it, and reading the Scripture, I find there is a more perfect salvation for me, which I earnestly desire to obtain. I have never heard a true holiness sermon preached yet. Pray for my complete salvation.

From your sister seeking full salvation.

Mrs. E. Harwood.


Edgewood, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I have that sweet peace in my soul this morning, that the world can neither give nor take away.

Praise the Lord, O my sent and all the is within me, bless His holy name! Glory to Jesus! our great Redeemer, and ..der brother, who has gone on before us, prepare a place for us, that where He there we may be also. Hallelujah! I a on my journey to that better land, who.. the wicked cease from troubling, and t.. weary are at rest. Your brother, save and sanctified.

Silas Hi…


Rising Sun, O.

I feel led In write my testimony for … Trumpet. God bless the Trumpet fam.. and all it’s readers with all Spiritual blessings, and in the end everlasting life. … my prayer this morning.

Glory be to God! I am well, and saved and blessed, and kept by the mighty power of God, each day and hour. Hallelujah to God for the sweat and perfect pea.. and complete victory over all sect dev.. and over all ungodly speeches that sect … and devil-possessed men and women rail out against me. O praise God for … sweetness and completeness that I h.. in my soul just now, through the blood … Jesus. Alter nearly a year’s labor for God I, by permission of the Lord, came ho.. two weeks before the Jerry City meetings and praise God! I found my folks all w.. and glad to see me. And glory to God! my husband gave me what was necessary to make me comfortable for the wind campaign. Glory be to God!

I speak of this because the devil prejudiced the minds of some against for leaving home and all for Christ, the salvation of perishing souls.

God wants me to write my vision who in He gave me a warning.

About two weeks before the meeting Jerry City last year. God showed me vision that I must obey the voice of G.. or lose my salvation, which I could no.. lord to do, after God had pardoned all sins 45 years ago, and sanctified my … 26 years ago. I saw in my vision a la.. house, with steps straight up in front … door, and I was to go up those steps administer some medicine to the sick saw myself, dressed in a beautiful w.. robe, without a spot or wrinkle on it.

Glory be to God! for putting the w.. robe on me. The house, and the st.. and the ground were as white as the s… And I had in my left hand a glas go.. with some medicine in it, which was two different colors; one like blood, … the other like fire. Praise God for … blood and fire! I started to go up and I got half way up the steps, they slips past the door, so that I could not ste.. at the door. But I went on till I rea.. the top, and then, O my Lord! I shall ..er forget that feeling, when I reached … top, the whole steps came loose from … house and raised straight up. And … not dare drop the goblet, and I found … self and stairs falling back. I gave … scream, and there was a man at the … of the stairs, and he caught them, … placed them back in front of the door, … I stepped in. Glory be to God, I an.. that building to-day, namely, going al.. offering salvation to sin-sick souls. P.. God for cutting the last shore line.

I told the Lord He would have to o.. the way so that no man could gain-say.. call, and it is wonderful how the Lord … open the way, making my husband … children all willing for me to do the … of the Lord. Glory be to God! I an.. sold out to Jesus. O hallelujah!

The Lord keeps my head above … waves and the persecutions of the de.. and all the wicked lies that are told … “the father of all lies, who, when he spe.. a lie. speaketh of his own; for he is a … and the father of it.” Glory be to Got … am no more of this world. Christ s.. in John 15:19, “If ye were of the wo.. the world would love his own.” “I.. and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.” – 2 Tim. 3:…

Glory to Jesus! I am not of this wod.. therefore the friendship of the wo.. knows me not. I am dead to all sin a.. sinners, standing in Jesus, on the So.. Rock. Hallelujah!

Your sister, saved and sanctified.

Sarah Smith


Lafayette, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I thank the Lord today for what He has done for me. He … saved my soul, and gives me a willing heart to serve and trust Him. I have ..ken Him for my physician, and He he.. me of all my diseases. I have been ve.. sick since the Gratiot Co. camp meeting but by the prayers of the saints, and the laving on of hands by the Elders, I w.. healed. I give Him all the glory for wh.. He has done for me. I used to have the thick neck, which bothered me in singing and in breathing very much, but God has healed my throat, and gives me a voice … sing His praises. Who has a better right to praise God than I? I intend to serve.. Him as long as I live.

Pray for me, that I may do His will in all things, and he more like Jesus every day, and every moment of my life.

Your sister saved and sanctified.

Anna E. Zimmerman.