15 July 1885, Volume 7, Number 9.
The Great Physician.
Words by S. G. Odell.
Music by J. C. Fisher.
O faint not weary soul,
Thy Savior’s near to thee;
He now will make thee whole,
Look up to Calvary.
Cho. — Hail fount of purity;
Hail! wondrous cleansing blood,
Hail! great security;
Thon spotless Lamb of God.
Behold thy Savior dies, He dies,
He dies for thee;
‘Tis finished, now He cries,
O captive soul he free.
Thy sins of crimson dye,
Shall white as wool appear;
To the blood fountain fly;
Twill cleanse thee, do not fear;
Thy sins of crimson hue,
Shall all be white as snow;
But nothing thou canst do,
But to the fountain go.
Behold the fountain near;
By faith, O plunge to-day:
O sin sick soul draw near,
‘T’will purge thy stain away.
No one has a right to re-print this song, without permission of the publisher.
SINCE coming to southern Ind. we have had the pleasure of reading the old Church Advocate. We see many names with whom we have formerly been associated “in the provocation in the wilderness,” where we “compassed Mt Sinai many days.” Well, it has been very profitable to our soul to look back and see what a “great and terrible wilderness” God has delivered us from. But oh, how we pitty the dear souls that are still toiling back in babylon. Many have very much seal, laboring to build up their organization, while God is pouring His judgements upon all such sect corporations. While these busy workers are trying to build up the sect corporations, God is burning them down. “Behold is it not of the Lord of hosts the people should labor in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity? For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory (holiness) of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” — Heb. 2: 13, 14. Sure enough the knowledge of the glory of the Lord makes sect building extremely rediculous, “very vanity.”
Jesus said, “The glory which thou hast given me, I have given them, that they may all be one.” That glory is entire sanctification; “For He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one.” — Heb. 2:11. That glory, puts away sects and divisions. That glory, or at least the knowledge of it, is fast filling the earth. Therefore men who are still trying to build up sects are like a man busy at work nailing lumber on his new house while it is actually burning down over his head. No man of good judgement would do that; but such is the tenacious zeal for sects, that men keep right on hoping to build up what Cod is burning down, “They labor in the very fire, and weary themselves for very vanity.”
One Elder, D. Blakely, who used to be represented to us as among the best in the spirit of the ministers of that sect, writes an article in Advocate of June 3, 1885, under the head, “Is the Day of Miracles Past!” As to what his opinion is, can be seen from the following extract. “The numberless cases of cures attributed to the power of faith, laying on of hands, oil, etc., to my mind a large majority of those that adhere to these fabulous reports, are teaching that this is equally the day of miracles with that of the Apostles, Christ, or of the Prophets.”
Observe that this professed preacher of the Gospel, pronounces all reports of healing “by faith, laying on hands, oil, etc.,” fabulous. This is ranker infidelity than the world is guilty of generally. They that read the prominent News Papers frequently find them recording instances of faith healing. They publish them as facts, often taken down by personal interviews of their reporters, and do not call them in question at all. But this preacher with less faith in the Word of God, pronounces them “fabulous.” He takes the old skeptic and heretical view that miracles were only to establish the Divinity of Christ, and the Gospel. But the Word teaches them as a regular means of saving souls. “To make the Gentiles obedient by word and deed.” — Rom. 15:18. To give boldness and authority to God’s preachers, Acts 4:29, 30. So then, so long as there are sinners to be subdued to Christ, so long as there are preachers of God’s Word in this world, so long the original objects of miracles still remain. So long they are needed. Hence the orders of the Lord, “These signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover,” are incorporated in His final commission which extends “to the end of the world.” Sixty years after the christian era began, James gave directions that if there be “any sick among you, let him call for the Elders of the Church, and let them pray over him anointing him with oil, in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” Is not this a miracle? Is it not in the Word to-day as it ever was? Did not God set in the body “gifts of healing? and these respective permanent gifts, distinguish the members from each other. Is not every characteristic member of the Body of Christ set, in permanently? What a dishonoring conception of God, that doctrine that He will not deliver His afflicted children out of their sufferings, lest it be a miracle which would conflict with the creed of the valley of dry bones. The trouble is, the gift of healing is communicated by the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who only comes to the sanctified wholly. And these preachers rejecting entire sanctification have not the personal Comforter, nor His gifts; hence are driven to the necessity of denying the great works of God.
O, how our soul does magnify God for deliverance from the dry bones and the interminable machinery of sect confusion. Halleluiah to God! we could but shout for joy when we looked over the old pile of rigging. Here we see boards enough to make an ice-house. O, what heaps of lumber, yokes? straps, wires, and rubbish too numerous to mention. Let us look at a few of these boards.
“Board of Education of the General Eldership.”
The Board of Education having by order of the Court of Dauphin Co. Pa. been constituted a part of the Board of Incorporation of the General Eldership, is hereby called to meet at Findley O., June 16, 1885. C. H. Forney, President.
Do you hear any such rattling of boards in the New Testament? Is the Kingdom of Christ of this world, that its boards are sawed and shaped by an earthly Court? What has the Court of Dauphin Co. Pa. to do with ordering the business of the “Church of God.” unless it be that that sacred name is prostituted to the use of an organization of earthly origin? How do you think such an announcement as the above would look in the Acts of the Apostles? “The Board of Education, having, by order of the Court of Coverer Felix, been constituted a part of the Board of Incorporation of the General Eldership, is hereby notified to meet, at Jerusalem, June 16, A. D. 60.” Would not that be a strange looking affair in the annals of the real Church of God? What provision has the Head of the Church made for the special education of its ministers? This we find recorded, that Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, having died for our sins, arose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father, obtained an order from the Court of Heaven, whereby He hath sent forth the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.” “That ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” And this holy board of education, coming down from heaven into our souls, “makes us neither barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus; Christ.” For Colleges have not taught, wise ecclesiastical Presidents have not known, and very learned Professors have not conceived of, many silly boards have remained in the dark; yea, “Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither have entered the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them to us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” — 1 Cor. 2:9, 10. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, by order of the Court of Heaven, fill up and constitute all the boards in the Church of God, and all the Committees.
“Special Committee Meeting.”
“Providence permitting, the special committee appointed to revise the constitution and Articles of Incorporation of the Eldership of the Church of God in Ohio will meet in the bethel at Findlay Ohio. June 17, 1885.
W. P. Small,
What has got wrong with the constitution of the Eldership in Ohio? The word “Eldership” means the Elders. If the Elders have a poor constitution, we commend them to God, “who forgiveth all their iniquity, and healeth all their diseases.”
Why are not the eldership, (elders) professing to be of the Church of God, not satisfied with the constitution of the Church of God, that was “once given to the saints,” to be in force to the end of time? Is it not a fact that until the establishing of Popery, and her babylon daughters, there was no such thing as making and tinkering up “constitutions,” “Articles of Incorporation,” confessions, and creeds? Did the early christians ever call a meeting to change their constitution? Nay. The first constitution and articles of incorporation, drawn up by the fully authorized, committee of Father Son and Holy Spirit, close with these words, “If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophesy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the Holy City.” So the real Church of God in Ohio and everywhere else has an unchangeable constitution, while all creed and constitution makers and tinkers belong to the works and captivity of babylon, and their so-called Church of God is a fraud, and its name an infringement on Jesus Christ, the sole maker, proprietor and Head of the Church of God.
Archibald O. June 21.
DEAR BRETHREN, and all the readers of the Trumpet. Praise the Lord O my soul! I feel constrained through the love of God that dwells in my heart, to write some, of my experience. O glory to Jesus! my heart is filled with the love and power of Jesus, this morning, which flows out toward you all. O how I wish I could sue yon all and praise God with you. I longed much to meet with you at the Bangor meeting, but the providence of God did not permit. My prayer to God is that He will greatly bless you there. My heart is full of praises to God for the grace He bestowes upon me. The Lord has blessed me powerfully the last six months.
The first of last Feb., being Lord’s day, I was at home alone reading the GOSPEL TRUMPET. I was reading about the first and second work of grace. I felt that it taught a purer and higher power than I had yet received. So I fell upon my knees, and desired with all my heart to obtain that experience; and immediately the power of God came upon me like a great stream, and like streaks of lightning. It went all through my soul and body.
My heart was so full of the glory of God, and it was so powerful that I hardly knew what I was doing for some time. O how wonderful it was. I walked the room praising God, and clapping my hands for the joy of the Holy Spirit: no tongue can tell the wonderful power of God, He gives to those that do His wall, and that seek Him with a whole heart. Ever since then the Lord leads me deeper and deeper into His love. The other night He blest ma so wonderfully that I could but sing, and praise God. O how He showed me His great love toward all mankind; and His freely offered mercy to all who will receive Him.
Bro. Warner was here a short time ago, and I was glad to see him, but his stay was so short, that it made me feel bad to have him leave so soon. I wished he could stay and preach the true Gospel a week. I hope the Lord will send some one here that can talk some in the German. The Lord has a good many children here, some in sects, and some out.
Praise God! I am standing tree from sects. How I wish that God would tear down all the sect walls; they are only a curse to the work of God, and I know the Lord will destroy them. I hope the Lord will open the way for me to come to some of your holiness meetings. I hope God will help me to have faith for my healing,
Bro. Warner left a book, on the Second Work of Grace here, which is a great blessing to my soul to read. The Lord bless you all.
I am kept by the power of God, saved to the uttermost.
John Brodbeck.
Elder J. P. Haner.
Urbanna Kan.
Dearly Beloved: — Praise the Lord! I got the Trumpet last night and I have read it all through. I could not stop until I read all in it. Glory to Jesus! The Trumpet gets better all the time. I love its Spirit. I love the pure red hot testimony. Praise God! they ring so pure and clear. Glory to God! we can tell whether a bell is rusty and cracked, as soon as we hear it ring. It does not sound like a new clear bell. So it is with testimony, when we hear it or read it, we can tell whether the holy fire ring is there.
Praise the Lord for testimony with the clear ring, bold and definite. No one can give the clear ring if there is a crack in his experience. For instance. Some say, I am free, sanctified wholly, and filled with the Spirit of God; and yet you will hear them crying out, my church, “my preacher, our church, your church.” Do you hear that? Ah, there is a bad sectarian crack in that bell. I can’t see the freedom there; it is a cracked experience. God help yon to give up the old bell, take the hammer of God’s Word and smash it all to pieces, then throw it in the furnace of God’s holy fire, go in yourself after it, stay there until all the dross, of sin and sectism is burned out; thus let God cast you over in the true mold of Jesus Christ, then your testimony will ring with the clear sound of the Spirit of God. Then you can say of a truth, “I am free, washed in the blood, and saved to the uttermost.” Praise the living God! I have got a new bell, entire sanctification, “through wide-spread holiness, which burns up sects and denominations.”
Well, says the devil, “I can solder your cracked bell, and make it sound about as good as a new one.” But all these cracked bell tinkers, are the devil and his agents; for Christ does not do that kind of work.
We have hosts of cracked, and devil soldered bells — patched up experiences. Some professing holiness and yet conformed to the world. Others testifying to full salvation, but saying, “I am of Wesley; another, I’m a Baptist;” and so on down through the line of sects. To all such we say, yon have let the devil come to you, transformed into an angel of light, and make you believe that soldering was just as good as a new bell. And that he could patch you up a holiness bell that would not cost you near as much as a new bell, and would be just as good. Well you have believed the devil and got the cheap bell. It is quite cheap indeed; it has not cost you the friendship and good opinion of your carnal sect, nor scarcely any of the good opinion of the world, nor the fashions of the world. Some got this devil tinkered holiness bell so cheap that you have not had to give up tobacco, nor leave your sect, secret societies, nor abandon your shown, picknicks, festivals, grabbags, and fairs.
Well you are badly cheated of the devil. If you know it, your bell sounds disgusting in the ears of God, and His saved ones. Paul says, “Ye are yet carnal, whereas there are divisions among you.” “Ye are yet carnal and walk as men,” and not as the sons of God. When God’s Word positively forbids sects and schisms, and says that they are the fruits of carnality, you cannot be wholly sanctified, and yet be sectish. For entire sanctification takes all the carnality out of us, and destroys all its fruit. Praise the Lord forever! When men “hear a voice from heaven saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partaker of her sins, nor receive of her plagues.” That command must be obeyed or we forget our sanctification, yea, and our justification also. This is clear truth to the spiritual mind.
O the rediculous idea of a lot of sectarianized sinners, some hypocrites, a lot of dead professors, and backsliders, organized together, and bound up in a bundle by their own creed, and call it a church.
May God save the people from such pits of delusion, and bring to naught old babylon. Glory to Jesus! He is doing it all over the land. She is shaking and trembling for fear of her loss. The saints are “fleeing out of the midst of babylon,” and “returning to Zion, with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads.” Blow ye the Trumpet on the walls of Zion, then the saints that have been in captivity so long will hear the sound thereof and will return to Zion, the holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem, and Church of the First born, that are written in heaven. Glory to God in the highest! Amen! “Babylon is like a threshing-floor, and it is time to thresh her.” “God hath judged the great whore which siteth upon many waters.” “She is now being consumed by the Spirit of His mouth, and must shortly be destroyed by the brightness of His coming.” Who is ready to obey God’s orders, and make war against her. “Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the Trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her.” -Jer. 51:27. Who will answer, gladly saying, Here am I, Lord send me?
Bless God for one I will go. Will you take a bold stand against the cold heartless sects, that some of the poor deceived souls therein may be delivered? Say yes, then put on the whole armor of God, and go into the battle. Where are you my brother or sister, in any of the several hundred sects? If so, God says to you, “Come out of her.” Do you know that you will not have any power until you obey God, and get free? O take the warning; you are in danger; she is fallen. One of her old rotten timbers may fall upon you. You may stay in there too long, and loose your life. “Flee out of the midst of babylon.” “Remember Lots wife,” look not back on your old idol. Escape for your life, she is on fire. Hear the rumbling of God’s judgements upon her. So her smoke ascends forever.
O my brother, I do praise God that we have escaped. Now take from the mountain of perfect love, and behold the great mass of conglomerated corruption you have escaped, by fleeing for life.
God bless you all. I am saved from all sin. Glory to Jesus forever!
Sandy Lake Mercer Co. Pa.
I am going on to know and do the will of the Lord. I have the victory in my soul, and just living for God alone. I want to keep humble at His feet, and trust Him fully to keep me, and help me along; and bless His name! He does. I shall stand straight for the Lord. We had a glorious meeting Sunday, and returned home this morning, refreshed with new wine from the kingdom, and full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Truly it was a refreshing time, from the presence of the Lord. Praise the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name! O that I had a voice like a Trumpet, that I might shout the praises of God, that might be heard to the ends of the earth. “I am drinking at the fountain, where I ever would abide.” Glory! Glory!! Your sister saved, washed and redeemed by the blood.
Mary M. Owen.
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Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity or His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER, and J. C, FISHER, — Editors.
J C FISHER, — Publisher.
Wm. N SMITH, — Business Agt
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A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.
It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Orders are increasing; send on your orders.
Price ………. 10 cents.
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WE Publish the following list of Camp and Grove Meetings, and Assemblies, which is as well as we can lay out the work at present. If other meetings are desired, we will do the best we can to fill in between. Some of the following may, in the Lord’s providence require variations.
Gratiot Co. Mich. Camp, Meeting July 24, to Aug. 2.
Payne O., Grove meeting, Aug. 7—16.
Sandy Lake Pa., Camp Meeting, Aug. 21—31.
Jerry City O., Assembly Sept. 16—20. Williamston Mich., Assembly, Friday, Sept. 24—28.
Beaver Dam Ind., Assembly Oct. 1—5.
Hunnewell Mo. Camp Meeting Oct. 9—19.
Mt Pleasant Iowa, or vicinity, Assembly, beginning Oct. 23.
Joseph & Daniel.
BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.
This tract contains 64 pages: the price is 25 cts.
God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the TRUMPET can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good financial help to spread other matter for the Lord.
We are now prepared to furnish beautiful Scriptural tract envelopes and cards 50 cts per hundred for each, on receipt of orders.
We would call your attention once more to the fact, that all business, and communications not private, should be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, and not to D. S. Warner, he having nothing to do with the receiving of such matters, being in the field most of the time.
We are requested to announce a camp, or grove meeting at Deshler Ohio, from September 4—13th 1885.
AUGUST —21—31.
AS many as possibly can are requested to bring tents and provision, as there are only a few sisters in this vicinity, that are able to do any thing a to relieve the wants of the people. If there are any who desire board tents built on the ground if they will send the means to Bro. Edwin Farrah at Sandy Lake Pa. they will build them for you, and those that cannot bring provisions can obtain or purchase them at the village or vicinity.
Let there be a general turn-out. We expect this will be one of the most glorious meetings ever held on the ground, attended by the power of God, in healing the sick, and the salvation of sin sick souls.
God is moving. Mighty signs and wonders are wrought by His true people, in the name of the holy Child Jesus.
News from the Field.
PRAISE GOD! our trip to Odon Davis Co. Ind. witnessed another victory by our King Emanuel. Friday’ June 5th Bro. J. M. Aleshouse met us at Switz City, and conveyed us to his place about 16 miles. As we passed through the village of Odon, near by which the Bro. lives, we notified the people that we would preach the Gospel on their streets the next afternoon. Not being accustomed to such sevices there was quite an interest. The people began to collect some time before the time arrived. Store-boxes, sidewalks etc. were converted into pews, and we had one of the best hearings we ever had on the streets. God mightily helped us by. His Spirit, to testily the Gospel of His perfect salvation, for an hour and thirty eight minutes. Bless God! the truth swept all the sinnership religion into the pit, from whence it came. Though real Bible Holiness had scarcely ever been preached in that place, and no holiness meetings ever been held there, so far as we learned, every hearer, even lawyers, doctors, and preachers acknowledged the practicability of perfect salvation and preservation from all sin, through Christ Jesus. A baptist preacher by the name of Warinner, who had been preaching to the people that no one can or does live without sinning in this world, and that all men sinned day and night, sat close by us, was covinced of the truth of the Gospel, and convicted of his sins. He sanctioned the Word, and acknowledged to others that it was all truth. We saw the tears in his eyes, and hoped he would become saved, and qualified to preach for Jesus, instead of for sin and the sect.
Sabbath, the 7th, we held services in a grove near old Shiloh bethel, 2 1/2 miles south of Odon. As the appoitment was only circulated after our arrival, there was not a large turn-out. The Baptist preacher sat near us while preaching in the forenoon, and looking into his face during the discourse, our soul was pained to see that he had shut his heart against the truth and salvation of God. Instead of coming down to an equality with Christ, he chose to have a reputation among men, to indulge the lusts of the flesh, and enjoy the friendship of the world. From that moment his “face gathered blackness.” During the afternoon preaching he showed every disposition to avoid listening to the Gospel of God. He came to some of the meetings afterward, just as the ungodly pharisees followed Christ, to “catch something out of His mouth.” On Wednesday evening, June 10, Bro. O. Allen met and spake to this priest of baal, standing in a public place of the village, burning inscense to the devil, in gratification of the filthy lust for tobacco. It is, however, not from this circumstance that we say to the children of God in those parts, that the man is without salvation, and his pretention to preach is by inspiration of the flesh, and for his own glory. “From such turn away,” “go not after them” nor bid them God-speed by your presence. With this reproof, we also ask this man’s pardon for not doing our whole duty in delivering the same to ids face. The last time he was present in the meeting, being Friday night, our soul was much burdened with thoughts of that duty, but supposing there would be subsequent chances, we forbore delivering the message then. And now we only mention his name out of love, for his soul, and sincere wishes for his salvation.
While living in Indianapolis some four years ago, we frequently spake to the people on the streets, and in the parks. One Sabbath after talking in Central park, a man name up and gave us his hand, confessing with tears that he was a backslider; that he had held license and preached a few years in the Winebrenarian sect, in southern Ind. We afterward had one or two prayer meetings in his house, in which he was much affected by the Spirit of the Lord. He gave us the names of Bro. Aleshouse and others, a and thus the TRUMPET became the forerunner of our visit to this place. Praise the Lord!
Meantime brother Rolland Cloe, and family, whom we met in Indianapolis, had moved back to Odon. The instructions we had given him on the fact of inbred sin, which had occasioned his giving up to the tempter, and the glorious truth of entire sanctification, still remained in his memory as a beacon light, and star of hope to his soul. Encouraged thereby he came back to the Lord. Both he and his companion gave themselves a living sacrifice wholly to God for time and eternity, and recieved the glorious Sanctifier. Sister Cloe has faitfully held on to the Lord through all her trials and tribulalations, and praise God! she has learned something about trusting God. In the midst of the thick cloud of unbelief that so commonly rested upon the people, we felt faith in that family, hence God showed favor to them, in instantly healing their dear son from a severe attack of fever, from all appearance, lung fever. We trust God will make dear Bro. Cloe a host through the power of His Spirit.
Dear Bro. Aleshouse, whom the Lord led to send for us, was much blest during our stay there; he is walking near the Lord. May the Lord stablish his soul more and more in the definite faith and knowledge of entire sanctification. Sister Aleshouse gained a great victory, and received a glorious anointing the last Sabbath. God bless all that beloved family, and reward their kindness to us.
Bro Wm. Montgomery, is a young preacher on the circuit there; he had been a disbeliever in entire sanctification, and the dear brother has greatly undermined his mentle energies, by the use of tobacco and coffee, and other excesses created by these cursed stimulants. But thank God the dear brother had an honest and open heart for the truth, confessed his error and consecrated for entire sanctification but not having reached the perfect abandonment to God, he did not get fully, into the land, but trust he will soon taste its heavenly fruit. God bless him and family.
Dear Bro. Oliver Allen was a liscensed exhorter in the Winebrenarian sect. In the kind providence of God, he had received the light of entire sanctification several years ago, and has been at times pressing largely into the land, gaining some of its borders, but not knowing how to hold the ground. Praise God! he died out, settled down on the Rock, renounced the sect relation, and got a fresh liscence from heaven. The Lord equip him with “hail and fire mingled with blood,” and speedily fill dear sister Allen with all the fullness of God. Bro. and Sister Moore and others took their stand on the side of holiness, some in the experience, others seeking; they would like if we could have remained longer, doubtless much more could have been done the second week than the first, but we are now “running to and fro,” “flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting Gospel to preach to them that dwell upon the earth, saying fear God; and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgement is at hand.” Yes, the Lord is coining, and God is swiftly spreading the light of perfect salvation, that all men may be prepared to stand in the day of judgement, or to fail into perdition with no excuse.
On Wednesday night we preached to a full house in the M. E. Steeple house in Odon. Some of that sect having heard us preach on the streets, sent an ivitation for us to preach there. The pastor was present, and listened to the glorious Gospel of complete salvation with as much interest as a marble stature would manifest. Before our arrival he asked what we preached, and being told that we advocated the doctrine of holiness, he said, “that’s the doctrine of the Bible.” But when he heard it preached, not simply as a nice doctrine to listen to, nor yet simply as Methodist doctrine, but rather urged home to the hearts as a definite and personal experience, essential to meet the duties of this life, and an indispensible condition to see God, it was not charming to his ears; so next thing we heard of the poor man, he was pleading for sin, and testifying for the devil that he did not believe that we could live free from sin. So after saying that holiness was the doctrine of the Bible, he prefers to take his stand with sinners. We were led of the Lord to appoint, a consecration and salvation meeting at Bro Cloe’s house in the village the next day. Quite a number came, most of whom were serious and longing for perfect freedom. Some approaches the experience, but it is a difficult thing for poor ensnared souls to break loose from the reigns of their jealous priests and plunge into the all cleansing blood. The next day we called to visit a family where a sister was sincerely desirious to obtain perfect holiness. While singing, praying, and talking salvation to them, the M. E. priest came around on the street, listening with a jealous heart, lest some his flock should obtain salvation, and find themselves “complete in Christ Jesus,” without the ism. He actually had the littleness, and disgusting sectishness to send a brother to us with this silly message, “Tell that man he must leave my members alone.” And repeating the charge, he added, “If he does not, he will see what the result will be.” As if he would have us arrested for trying to help poor souls into complete salvation. This man preaches that men should be men; men of’ dignity, and respectability. Says for thirty years he has been endeavoring to build a true dignified Christian character: and behold we never met such little childishness as the above request manifests. “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts; The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together, and all that took them captives held them fast; they refused to let them go.” — Jer. 51:33. “They take up all of them with the angel, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they sacrifice unto their net, (worship their sect,) and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous. Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations.” — Hab. 1:15-17. These Scriptures are perfectly fulfilled in the sect hirelings of these times, who fear and tremble lest their ensnared and starving members get free in Christ.
Well we bless the name of the Living God that He has raised up a little company there who will follow the Lamb wherever He leads, arrayed in white uniform and mounted on white horses. They announced meeting for twice a week, and expect to keep on throwing fire in that country. Praise God! the flames are spreading, as the following card shows.
Odon Ind. June 25.
Dear Brethren: — The Lord is with me in sanctifying power. Bless His holy name He has saved me thus far. My wife was sanctified the morning you left. Bro. Montgomery claims the blessing also. My sister is still seeking. The Lord – willing we meet tomorrow night at Bro. Cloe’s. The devil is still aroused and at work, having great wrath because he knows in has but a short time. But God is with us saving to the uttermost all that come to Him. Your Bro. wholly saved by the blood of Jesus.
Oliver P. Allen.
ON our return northward we spent Monday night June 15 with Bros, Bogert and Reber in the tabernacle in the above City. A good sized congregation was assembled, and the Spirit of the Lord was at work. Two souls professed conversion. We rejoiced to find some clear souls there, stripped from the world, and blessed with the true light of holiness. We met several that used to worship with us in that city. Praise God for His mercies and blessings toward us all! How wonderful and unexpected His dealings with our souls! O bless the Lord forever. We look back with astonishment, at the grace and goodness of God that enabled us, in this city, without means, without credit, without friends, to step fully out of all bands and canoes, and publish the glorious Gospel of God’s present truth, in the face of the opposition of the devil, and the world, the beast and all the false prophets, Gog and Magog, Babylon and Egypt, Sodom and Gomorah. O praise the Living God, we only “endured as seeing Him that is invisible.”
We were happy to meet our dearly beloved Bro. Geo. Reber. from Thorntown Boon Co. Ind., with whom we have, in years past, labored in several meetings, He was a Baptist preacher, but was finally thrown out of that branch of Rome for preaching holiness. The Bro. cofessed his mistake in remaining in her as long as he did. We feel that he and Bro. Bogert are honestly endeavoring to do the true work of God, but they have not sufficiently set the fauning-mill in operation. While we found some blessed souls there, we could see a large lot of sectarian chaff, wood, hay and stubble that needs to be either burned out or blowed out. They are evidently in a transition from babylon to Zion. Praise God! they are on the “way of holiness” and fast, “coming to Zion with songs of everlasting joy upon their beads.” O how we should love to have stopped a while with those dear brethren. They have the real uncompromising spirit. Bro. Reber can be a mighty power for God, being blessed with deep sympathetic nature and a tremendous voice. Bro. Bogert also has a heart to weep for lost souls. God bless them and their work, and may it please Him to bring us back to assist them in His good time.
We felt sorry that time did not permit us to visit our much beloved and very kind brother T. Nelson, and others. We praise God for a few moments talk with Sister Anna Thompson, who is confined to a wheeled chair, being helpless in body, but much blessed in soul, having a glorious experience of salvation and illumination of the Holy Spirit, with some rare gifts. How wonderfully the light of God in us blended together. The dear soul is looking to God for healing, God bless her abundantly. How we would love to have spent a day with this child of affliction. But the next day the swift chariots brought us back to the saints in Kosciusko Co. and the holy Spirit mightily helped us to preach the Word to a crowded house that night, God flashed light and conviction into many hearts. Resting one night, we held another meeting on Thursday eve, ready to depart the next morning for the encampment of the dear saints at Bangor, Mich.; five of the “beloved city” here accompanying us, Bro. and Sister Kiplinger having gone by private conveyance.
Praise God? how our hearts thrilled with joy as we came upon the sacred ground and beheld Jacob’s tents, and heard the holy throng singing the glorious refrain, ‘‘We,re tenting on the old campground.” Praise the Lord!
IT is with great joy, and humble gratitude to God that we are able to report to the saints of God scattered abroad the most blessed and fruitful camp meeting we ever attended. O praise the God of might and power, and salvation to the uttermost.
A glorious host of from two to three hundred holy saints were in attendance. There were 19 tents on the ground. There was almost a perpetual flow of praises to God going up, except in the hours of sleep. Such glorious music we never hoard before in our life. From the fact we never heard as many good voices, singing all parts, and all singing in the Spirit of God.
Many of the hymns were new, and expressing the advance and present light of God’s truth and glorious salvation. The music was heavenly, being mostly newly given by the Spirit of God, through Bro. and sister Fisher, and our dear Bro. Jeffrey. The preaching was in simplicity, and in the demonstration of the power of the Spirit. Much of the Word of God was read and quoted to the people. Which the Spirit of God made quick and powerful in the hearts of the hearer. There were four services per day, and except in the early prayer services, the altar was presented in every service, and nearly every time quite, or entirely filled, and we do not know of an instance where the seekers had to return again seeking the same blessing from God. Always the seekers became witnesses before the service closed. The work was deep and thorough. We look back now with wonder at the shallowness of the inter sect holiness work with which we used to be connected, scarcely any thing like the thorough breaking up and searching consecration we now see. Praise God for the fire that tests to the bottom of the heart, and consumes all the dross.
Between nearly every service the Elders were called to lay on hands and pray for
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the healing of afflicted saints. Probably not less than forty were healed of all kinds of diseases.
The mighty power of the Spirit reached its summit, on Saturday P. M., June 27. Two long seats were filled with seekers, and some at at third, all of whom seemed to and what they come to seek. As we walked around the large pavilion, it was a glorious sight to see the Lord’s busy workers. Scarcely an unsaved person could be seen but what one or two of the little ones were laboring with them to persuade them to seek their soul’s salvation. O praise God! how blessed to see little brothers and little sisters, some of them of only a few months experience, pleading with even the wise of this world. Glory to God for holy boldness, coupled with wisdom, and meekness. One voting man came to the camp that morning. In the afternoon meeting he came to the altar in awful agony of soul, seeking mercy. … powers of hell held on to him with, despiration, but the Almighty hand was upon him. The conflict was fierce and terrible. We believe he is a chosen vessel of God, and satan greatly feared to lot him to. Though we have seen far more terrible sights, in the deliverance of souls from he powers of darkness, this to many was awful. O praise God for the “Stronger man,” who is able to bind and cast out the enemy of the soul, and spoil all his goods. While this young man was in the fierce conflict between the power of God and the enemy of his soul, he thought of the cigars in his pocket. His conscience ..mote him with conviction for the sin of using tobacco as much as any other sin, Doubtless satan said, “you cannot quit using tobacco.” But taking sides with God, against self and the lust of the flesh, he drew a hunch of cigars from his pocket and threw them away with violence. A light smile instantly lit up his face. But ..e conflict was not yet over, and after a while, be thrust his hand into the same ..ket and found a few more of the cursed ..hings, and thing them away as if a deadly ..iper. Then permanent victory began to ..ome to his soul, and soon he was on his ..et praising God for deliverance. A wonderful and powerful work of God. As we record this instance of salvation, we must stop to say a word about all that ..oddy, surface work and false gospel that ..ts souls pass through into a profession of Christ, without even conviction on the sin of tobacco. Just think of men professing … be preachers of Christ, and yet in greater darkness than the poor penitent soul, while under the cloud of unpardoned sins.
They will even stand upon the sidewalks ..f our towns and cities, puffing out the slackness of their souls, without any com..unctions of conscience, while the first ..ins of Divine light that broke into that ..or soul, while tossed mid the dark ..es of conviction, revealed to his heart ..e vileness of the sin of tobacco using. … it not evident that the convicted sinner under the true Gospel of Christ, has a higher standard of righteousness than preachers have who live in the dense foggs of sect confusion.
The order was very good; there was scarcely any trouble or disturbance. The immense crowd that thronged the ground on Sabbath, especially the last one, were not all attentive to hear the Word, but for the large number present, it was quiet and orderly, and the work of consecrat on and salvation went on, over Sabbath as well as other days. The faith of the saints claimed victory over the mass of people in the name of Jesus, and the King Eternal held the camp beneath the power of His sceptre. Glory to His name!
The testimony was glorious, and wonderful. Exhibiting the fact that all were lively stones,” and “you hath He quickened.” Yea, “instant in season.” Even preachers had to be very quick. One hundred and twenty testified in fifty-five minutes, in one meeting, with much heavenly singing between.
One brother kept an account of the number who consecrated at the altar, and reported 190, on saturday. The sabbath and monday service increased the number to about 220. The number sanctified must have been about 200.
Of that number probably about 50 were both converted and sanctified, making two separate consecrations. It was a glorious sight to see so many noble young men and women forsake this world, and give themselves up to Jesus. O how the mighty power of God came upon them. The youngest gained a plain of light and strength, vastly beyond holiness professors in sectism, of years of experience even before the meeting closed; and wilderness preachers bear no comparison at all.
On Friday there were six immersed in the little stream close by the camp; the next day a large part of the saints went to the stream at Bangor, where 25 were hurried with Christ by baptism. Many of whom had been immersed before in babylon; but the Spirit led them to ignore that baptism, and God wonderfully blest them in this testimony against the old “city of confusion.” This was indeed a wonderful and glorious occasion. The Holy Spirit was most blessedly poured out upon all that obeyed the voice of the Master, and followed His example. Many began to shout praises to God as soon as they stepped into the water; and all came out shouting, glory to God in the hightest!
Sister Ida Shaffer, whose wonderful testimony is in this paper, and sister Sarah Wells from Onarga Ill. were carried away in the Spirit, and lay upon the bant like dead, and were hauled home. They saw wonders. O the glorious manifestations of God to His holy people.
Upon the whole this was the most glorious and fruitful Camp meeting we ever attended. O what love, union and harmony. The Holy Spirit was in charge over the meeting, and how blessedly all was managed by Him. There was not a jar, or particle of discord. And to the glory of God we are happy to say, that every meeting was a victory. Satan seems to have been entirely banished. So that he did not get a hand into one service. The harmony of the meeting without any human lords over it, demonstrates the ability of God to manage His own work, through the Spirit, and the workers also, instead of men managing His business. Praise God!
AFTER the Bangor Camp meeting we were constrained by the Holy Spirit to remain, and preach among the saints at a few points. The brethren had engaged the house of worship belonging to the Congregationalists. The appointment was circulated one week, driving which time we attended the Wednesday eve prayer meeting at Bro. J. L. Mead’s.
The house was crowded with saints; there were also present some sectarians and some non professors. The Holy Ghost was poured out upon us untill we were all filled, and began to speak, shout and make a joyful noise unto the Lord. The holy fire burned, and the saints shouted and leaped so the poor sectarians could not remain but went out, and looked in from without. The young converts were very bold and gave clear definite testimonies. On Friday evening we met with the brethren in Lee, Allegan Co.. The Lord gave us a message to deliver to the people, after which we had altar services. There were two converted and one sanctified. They were filled with glorious wine of the kingdom. Two of them were Winebrenarian converts or converted to Winebrenarianism. They came forward to the altar, and were soundly converted to God, after which they confessed in their testimony that they had nothing but a head religion. They praised God that they were delivered from the sect, and now added by the Spirit to the “Church of the living God.” O how their dear faces did shine with the glory of God. On Sunday we met with the dear ones at Covert. The saints had gathered for the feast. The house was filled, all anxious to hear the Word of the Lord. We preached the Word of the Lord on the subject of, perfect holiness.
The people sat and listened for about the space of three hours. We gathered in the evening again, the house being again filled We spake the Word of the Lord again to the people for a short time, after which we had a consecration service, and seven dear souls consecrated themselves to God, for sanctification and pardon. May God keep them from the evil of the world, and from falling. We had a season of glorious refreshing testimony in the Spirit of Christ, by the saints.
The Holy Ghost was poured out upon dear Sister Barner of Geneva, as she testified, she began to shout with uplifted hands. There was a stampede by the professors and others for the doors, headed on one side by the venerable Sabbath school Superintendent, and professors on the other side. Of course they all expect to go to heaven when they die.
But what will they do in that day, For the Lord Jesus Christ Himself shall decend from heaven with a shout; with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God. 1 Thes. 4:16. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 18 ver.
See that ye refuse not him that speaketh: for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now He hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot he shaken may remain.
Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:
For our God is a consuming fire. Heb. 12:25-29. What will these poor babylonians do that cannot stand a little sprinkling of heaven in the day when He shall appear with His mighty angels with Him. Dear sister Sherburne testified to the healing power of Jesus, which seemed to stir up the discordant elements and the unbelievers, more than any thing else. The pastor of the sect, arose to his feet, and solemnly warned the people against this way, and that they be not so easily carried away with this doctrine, and put not their faith in it untill the people who profess, prove it to be true by their lives; saying how can we believe what they say etc. God pity the people who are led by these poor blind carnal sinful priests, who cannot believe God’s Word, but have to depend on some outward profession, or life, and visible fruits, for the knowledge of salvation. But what saith the Scripture, “He that is of God heareth God’s Word.” If this carnal idolitrous hireling, had been himself a partaker of the fruits, he would have known of the doctrine, for “he that hath the Son, hath the witness in himself.”
The Spirit of God led me to tell him plainly he was destitute of salvation, which is the truth, in Christ Jesus, and “if the blind lead the blind, they will all fall into the ditch.” How true, the world loves its own. After the meeting closed, I was met in the isle by this man who professed to preach Christ, with others who were possessed of the devil, and with venom, and mob spirit. The preacher said to me, “you are the man that preached to-night?” I said yes, by the power of the Holy Ghost. He said, you don’t know anything about whether I have salvation or not. I replied, I did. And quoted, “He that is spiritual judgeth all things.” But he would not receive the Word. He said, I spake from opinion only. I was next met by some of the baser sort, who said, “you are a sinner, you have no right to come here and tell a man that has preached to us so long, he has no salvation, you are the fellow that needs the tar.”
Does not this prove, that the man has no salvation, when worldly men, who are filled with the poison of the false doctrine taught by them, manifest, the same spirit? The spirit of sectism and the devil are one. We were informed, that the daughter of this same hireling, also a member of the same sect, attended the skating rink and produced music from the organ for the skate waltzers. No wonder these would be mobbers, love this carnal priest. Have they not all the same spirit, which restrains him from touching their sins, and the professors their idols? And these are crying out. “mob! mob!” and saying to those whose hearts are open to receive the truth, and salvation, “are you going to join that mob?” Who are a mob, but those who po..ess a mob spirit and threaten, tar and feathers, and lynching, and heating? What harm hath God’s Holy people done? naught, but told the truth, did they not in the days of our Lord, cry out, “away with Him, He is not fit to live.” Was He not mobbed because He told the truth? The servent is not greater than his Lord. By His grace we have gone “outside the camp with Him, bearing His reproach.” And we bear not the sword in vain. “And every tree that beareth not good fruit shall be hewn down and cast into the fire.” Even so Lord Jesus. Amen!
Waukon Ia.
Dear Brethren in the Trumpet Office: May the richest blessings of God rest upon you all. And may the Lord add to the Church daily such as are being saved. We are all the Lord’s, soul, body and spirit, to do His blessed will. Husband’s health is very poor, and my health is not good, but will do the best we can for you.
Your Sister in the Lord.
C. A. Barham.
Send as a new Subscriber.
On the morning of June 27, ’86. Sister Ida with several others proceeded from the Camp ground, to the river to be baptized. While the company of saints were at the river, the most glorious scene occured. The Holy Ghost was poured out upon them, especialy upon those who were baptized, insomuch that, many were overwhelmed, and prostrated, by the mighty power. We now give the reader the experience of Sister Ida in her own words. “As I went down into the water, I was caught up in the Spirit, and I saw heaven opened. There appeared Angels with harps in their hands; they were all arrayed in white robes, with crowns of gold on their heads. They were standing by a river of water clear as crystal, shining like polished silver; the banks were fringed with beautiful trees, and fragrant, flowers. As I stood beholding this rapturous scene, the angels beckoned me to come over the river. As I was meditating how I should cross, immediately one of them stood by my side to assist me; he spake to me, and said, “follow me I’ll guide thee home,” He then led me forth, we seemed to walk on this river like the “sea of glass,” sparkling in the golden sunlight; and we soon reached the other side, where the band of holy angels stood.
Among them stood my brother, who departed this life three years past. He said to me in words so tender, “dear sister Ida you have met me at last.” We then walked up a narrow pathway; there was flowers of every hue on each side. Soon we reached a golden gate, through which we passed into a City of pure gold. I looked up and beheld the Savior sitting on a “great white throne,” arrayed in dazzling white robes, which outshone the sun, and a crown of glittering gold on His head.
He held a little child in His arms, and said to me, “these are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” He then told me to look, and being turned, I looked and beheld hell opened beneath. There I saw multitudes of people, of every kindred and tongue. I saw no children there. There were also fierce looking dragons or devils, and serpents, which were tormenting the poor souls in every possible manner.
Some were gnawing their tongues with pain, others gnashing their teeth, and writhing, and wailing, in their awful agony. Some were also praying for deliverance, but I heard a solemn voice repeat, “TO LATE! TO LATE!” After I had beheld this awful scene, I was told I must return. I entreated the Savior to let me remain.
He said to me, “YOU SHALL HAVE A SWEET LIFE,” but you must now return. I was then conducted through the golden gate, by the angelic band and down the narrow way, and across the beautiful river, and they bade me farewell, and told me I should meet them again by and by. They then all raised their hands and sang. “Victory shall be the chorus.” Just then the Spirit seemed to take possession of my body, and I was concious that I had returned to the earth, and to the dear saints who were watching over me.
I am thankful to God for this blessed experience, and the salvation of my soul from all sin. May God bless it to all the readers of the same every-where. Amen!
Ida Shaffer.
Lacota Mich.
A brother whom we believe to be honest, but not yet out of the foggs of sect education, writes as follows.
“As I write it occurs to my mind, that, in in as much as there are so many different organizations, there could be no harm in organizing another on strictly Bible principles, and to embody all the principles of parity, and all the ordinances of God’s house. Or if there is any such at present, let us try to build up that organization. For one, I know of no such organization.”
Note — All thoughts of “another organization,” dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ. They necessarily imply one of two things; either that the Church Christ bought and organized nearly 1900 years ago has been destroyed by the “gates of hell,” or else it has proved to be so deficient that the wisdom of men can provide a belter organization. The first is in direct contradiction to the Word, the second is presumptions blasphemy. What possible ground can there be for a new organization, unless it be that the “body of Christ” has become extinct, or is not a good organization for christians now? Is it not true do-day, as well as in Paul’s day. that “we are all baptized by one Spirit into one body?” And is not that body organized, “tempered together” by God Himself? And being, composed of visible men and women, is it not a visible body?
The brother talks as though the great number of sects already organized, makes it “no harm to organize another.” A great mistake. The multiplication of sin cannot justify sin; no more can the great number of sects justify the organization of another. “There should be no schisms in the body,” is God’s voice of thunder against all humanly organized fatcions, whether they be few or many.
The brother proposes that the new organization should be strictly on Bible principles. Well if it be strictly on Bible principles, then it must also contain the Bible principle of organization; and that is an organization by the hand of God Himself, through the Spirit. So when we come to an organization on Bible principles, we have to keep hands off of it, and “God must set the members every one of them in the body as it pleases Him.” There can only be one organization on Bible principles, and that is the Bible organization itself, “The body of Christ.” The brother says he does not know of such an organization. Well I will refer you to Acts 2. Where it is put on record that in the year 33, on the day of pentecost, at nine o-clock in the forenoon there was just that identical organization set up, on Bible principles, in Bible purity, and containing all the New Testament ordinances. And the same organization still remains, and in it we are even now builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. Amen!
THIS meeting will begin July 24th, the Lord willing, and continue until August 2nd. Let there be a glorious rallying of the saints. Come beloved, bring your tents, and feast awhile on glorious things from heaven. This will be our first camp meeting in these parts, and we are sure there will be a glorious outpouring of the Spirit there. The meeting will be held on Bro. George Stahl’s place, in Lafayette township, Gratiot Co. Mich., located one mile North, and six miles East of Ithaca. Six miles South of Breckenridge.
Brethren coming from the South, come to Ithaca, on the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk B. R. via. Owosso, a new road. Those coming East and west, come to Breckenridge, via the Saginaw and St- Louis R. R. Brethren can also come from the North, from Alma to Ithica.
The GOSPEL TRUMPET tent will be on the ground, if no preventing providence.
Also, the Boardman Church expect to come with a tent. There will probably be others attend from this Co. Now we urge the brethren in the name of Jesus to come with your tents. Let this be a glorious meeting. May the Lord help His people to make a sacrifice, of this worlds things, for a greater — infinitely greater — gain in heavenly things.
Brethren will meet us at Ithaca the first day, with conveyances. Any coming at a later date, and all coming to Breckonridge, please notify the brethren by letter in Wm. Kennett, Lafayette. Gratiot Co. Mich.
Paris Ill.
Dear Brethren in Christ: — I am gloriously saved just now. Thanks for your sending the GOSPEL TRUMPET. I do love the paper, it is so true. I enjoy hearing the blessed truth; may God bless you in the cause. Your Sister saved now.
Katie Price.
Sycamore Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — I will now send to the GOSPEL TRUMPET my little mite, fifty cts. Hallelujah! Jesus reigns. A Sister in the love of Jesus.
Sarah E. Stover.
Vichy Springs Mo.
My testimony is, Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to men.
I am saved to the uttermost and filled with Glory, sanctified, healed and kept by the power of God, and in the fight with the whole armor on, using the Sword of the Spirit with all the gifts, (tools) the Lord has given me.
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The Skating Rink.
There is a place in Leslie town,
That sets the young folks crazy
They skate and frolic round and bound,
Until their brain grows dizzy.
It is the rink, the skating rink,
Where young folks spend their money,
They’d better stay away, I think,
For there are quite too many.
It is a hall just newly built,
And stands just on the corner.
Just at the crossing of the street,
Conspicuous to the comer.
And some church members, don’t you think,
(I’m sorry to relate it)
Are often found in the rink,
I think E’re long they’ll rue it.
And if you tell them it is wrong,
They say they do not see it.
They say they’ll go it while they’re young,
And don’t you now forget it.
And so it goes, it is no use,
To try, for to persuade them,
They’ll turn again and you abuse,
They never will forsake them.
God save the people from the place,
That leads them down to ruin,
Help them the right way to embrace,
As on their way persuing.
Now if I, you, the truth do tell,
Pray do not be offended.
I’ll bid you all adieu, farewell,
And now my rhyme is ended.
R. Linn.
Leslie Mich.
DEAR BRETHREN: — I want to teIl you to the glory of God, how wonderfully the Lord is working with us on the healing line. Praise His holy name! He works all things after the council of His own will. Last Tuesday morning our little boy was taken sick. But nevertheless as we had a meeting appointed at Bridgeville, in the evening, we left him in the hands of the Lord, and went. God can work and none can hinder. Bless His name! that night one dear soul entered the Canaan rest; was wholly sanctified to God. Glory be to His name! for the saints everlasting rest. Well our dear little boy continued sick. Could cat nothing, and suffered a great deal, with pain. On Thursday night was our weekly prayer meeting. Just before we went, we was lead of the Lord to have prayer, and was led to pray for his healing.
We laid hands on him, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the spirit witnessed, and said, it was done. And the little fellow got up, and went to playing. So we departed with joy and gladness; giving God all the glory. But on our return, we found the devil striving hard, as he always does, to overthrow God’s work. The little one was suffering some pain; but God said he was healed. And in the morning it was the same; still continued to suffer. I asked the Lord what I should do, concerning the child. I soon felt led of the Lord to go to the Rapids, as I supposed to get something for the child. But when I got there, I received a letter from sister Lodema Lyon, saying, she was sick, and had been for two weeks, and was not able to be out of bed; and said the Lord led her to write for us to come and pray for her. She said she believed the Lord would heal her.
Then the devil began at me, and said, you are a great one to lay hands on the sick. Yes, he says, you have claimed you bad the gift of faith. And he says, there is your little boy sick yet. Then the Spirit spoke, and said, when you get home you will find your little boy well.
I thought, could it be possible. But glory to God, it was so. He works all things after the council of His own will. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! Well we had our team ready, and started for the sisters, at half past four o’clock, being full of faith, and the Holy Ghost; knowing God was able to perform that which he had so marvelously ordered. When we arrived there, found her sick in bed. Dear sister Knish was there, and two others; one a professer, and the other not. We talked with the sister a few minutes, told her how wonderfully God had led us. And we layed hands on her, and the power of God came on her, and she rose to her feet, and said, I am healed. She shouted and praised God while we stayed, which was two hours. Oh how the devil was stirred, and said, you will be sick again. But I praise God that He is able to take care of His own work. He says, these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name shall they cast out devils; and lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. It is all shall. Praise God! We often hear a voice saying, you had better not venture, it may not be done, and it will be an injury to the cause. Who says these things, but the devil? God says it shall be done.
If we are sanctified and made right for God’s use, let Him use us to His own glory. Hallelujah! Amen !
Emma A. Lyon.
AND they were estonished at His doctrine; for He taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.” — Mark 1:22.
Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases,” – Luke 9:1.
“For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us tor edification, and not for your distruction, I should not he ashamed.” — 2 Cor. 10:8.
“Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. — Titus 2:14 15.
The difference between the preaching of Christ and the scribes was, that He spake with authority, and they did not. And the name authority with which He spake, He also gave to His ministers and witnesses. “All power (authority) in heaven and earth is given unto Him.” And we are also commanded to “speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority.”
How was Christ invested with this unlimited authority? By the positive knowledge of the fact, that His words were not His own, but the Father’s which sent Him.
“He that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I heard of of Him.” “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.” — John 8:26. 28.
These and other Scriptures show us that Christ spoke with authority, because He knew that the Eather was speaking in Him by the unerring Spirit. The same is true of God’s ministers and witnesses, who live and move in the power and light of the Spirit of God. Christ said, “It is not ye that speaketh, but the Spirit of your Father which is in heaven.” “Ye shall receive power (authority) after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you.” Those that received the Spirit on the day of pentecost, spake with authority, because it is recorded, “They spake as the Spirit gave them utterance.” — Acts 2:4.
Jesus spake with authority, because He positively knew the truth of what He taught. As He said to Nicodemus, “verily verily, I say unto thee, we speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen.” — John 3:11. The greet fact, that the disciple, of Christ are to positively know the truth, and therefore testify with the same authority that He did, has never been apprehended by the sect-licensed ministry. “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, “lf ye continue in lay Word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” — John 8:31, 32. How were they to learn the truth? “Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth.
The positive knowledge of the truth, imparts authority, and that knowledge and authority is only received by the witness of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifyer and the Comforter. “Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
Now we have received, not the Spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which mans wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth.” — 1 Cor. 2:11, 13.
Therefore alt professed preachers of the Gospel, who do not speak with authority, are not sanctified illuminated, and impowered by the Spirit of God. They do not preach the Gospel with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven,” therefore they only “speak as the scribes and pharisees, and not us one having authority.”
In conversation recently, with a preacher who is on the babylon circuit line of work, he took exceptions with our teaching on the action of baptism. He said he believed that immersion was the proper action or mode as he called it, because all the inferences in the New Testament so indicate, besides he had thoroughly examined ancient Church history, and found that immersion was the uniform baptism of the apostolic Church. But, says he, “do you not set yourself up as a pope by teaching positively that immersion is the only Scriptural mode of baptism.”! He thought we were justifiable in teaching immersion as an inference, but not as a positive fact.
But it is just where all sectarian preachers live. What a contrast between such ideas and the Word of God. Christ did not say, “ye shall have inferences of the truth, and the inferences of the truth shall make you free.” “I’ye have inferences of these things, happy are ye if ye do them.’
“But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye have inferences of all things.” Oh this unmanly think so, guess so, Gospel of creed confusion is as far from the Word and Spirit of God as babylon is from Jerusalem, which is the Church of the First Born written in heaven.” We bless God’s holy name for authority, genuine license sent down from heaven, enabling us to speak with all boldness, and positiveness, the Word of the Lord. This license to preach is the Holy Spirit; He guides us into all truth, writes the new covenant in our hearts, and takes the things of Christ and shows them unto us; enabling us to declare that which we have seen, and testify that which we do know.
A person may examine a subject ever so thoroughly, but he can only teach the people what appears to be the truth, until the Spirit of the Living God invests his soul with positive authority, by the certain knowlebge of the truth. But in order to have the authority of the Spirit of God, man must be cut loose from all human systems and regulations, and must he committed wholly and exclusively to God to he taught by His Word and Spirit.
Hence it is, that sect dwarfed souls are shocked at us for “teaching as one having authority,” and not as they do, only giving inferences of the truth.
If we honor the Spirit He will honor us. The more we confess the authority given us by the Spirit, the more He will strengthen the assurance of God’s mighty truth in the soul. O praise God, it is glorious to stand before the people clothed with authority from the very throne of the Eternal God, and speak the word of truth with the positive assurance that every thought it given by the Spirit, and also every word selected by Him. For he has promised to be both “mouth and wisdom unto me” “That is, He both supplies the matter, and selects the language to communicate it. Praise God! this imparts such heavenly transports in preaching, such divine satisfaction in the soul, that every word is clothed with authority and produces conviction in the hearts of them that hear, of all but such as be “past feeling,” and given up to reprobacy.
There are different words in the Hebrew and Greek, that are translated by our English word know, and knowlenge. These original words have different shades of meaning, which the common version does not bring out. One of these words is Epignosis. Its full force is, perfect knowledge, exact knowledge, etc. We will give a few instances of that Word.
Rom. 19:2, “For I bear them record that they have a zeal of (for) God, but not according to (perfect) knowledge.”
These jealous pharisees had some knowledge of God but being without the Holy Spirit, like all formalists, they did not possess a correct knowledge, of the truth of God.
“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revellation in the (perfect) knowledge of Him.”
“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the (exact) knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” – Eph. 1:17. 4:13.
“And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in (complete) knowledge and in all judgement.” — Philipians 1:9.
“And have put on the new man, which is renewed in (perfect) knowledge, after the image of Him that created him.”
“For if we sin willfully alter that we have received the (full) knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.” — Heb. 10:26.
“Grace and peace ho multiplied unto you through the (perfect) knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.
“According as His Divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and Godliness, through the (complete) knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.
“For if those things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the (complete) knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ.” — 2 Peter. 1:2, 5, 8.
These instances are sufficient to show that the Comforter, the Spirit of revellation, does impart a precise perfect, and absolute knowledge of the truth, of the Father and of His Son our Savior.
Hence in the blessed light of the Holy Revealer we “speak, and reprove, and rebuke with all authority,” having the positive and Divinely emphatic knowledge of God and His truth in our soul, and the constant seal of the immutable God sent down from heaven, on all we speak in the name of Jesus. All glory to God and the Lamb!
A few weeks ago we wrote an article entitled “The Golden Age” which seems to create uneasiness in certain quarters. We delineated the symptoms of immorality in their warlike and disruptive tendencies as being unpleasant reminders of the seething sinfulness of the age in which we live. We supposed we were telling the truth; and we still have an indistinct recollection that we were penning facts. If the lucidity of religious journalism depends on our suppressing facts, and in that way deceive the people, we confess frankly we have little desire to enlarge our editorial proficiency. We hope our pen will forever be sufficiently opaque to resist the rays of such light. We would ranch rather he honest in a less public sphere, than to be the headlight of a train going in the direction of danger. We can never believe that suppressing, covering and hiding sin will culminate in good either to the state, church or individual. If it is beneficial to do this in national affairs, the same principle will hold good in personal application. Does it? God says: “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper.”
It is said that figures do not lie. The latest and most authentic statistical report gives the number of murders committed in this country in 1884 as something over three thousand; almost double the number for 1883. A hundred per cent, increase in one year is not a pleasant fact to contemplate. Suicides increased from a little over one thousand in 1883 to nineteen hundred in 1884. Almost a hundred per cent again. Who can contemplate placidly such awful and prodigious increase in crime without being convinced that public morals are becoming corrispondingly lower? Take another fact With all our church and moral appliances it is a fact capable of clear demonstration that the percentage of young men attending divine service is not as great as it was twenty years ago. These are facts, and we do not conceive it to be any part of decent journalism to keep them from the people.
Our religion does not depend upon a lie! It would be the part of wisdom to humble ourselves before God and address ourselves to seeking a remedy for these awful facts rather than keep whistling in the Nation’s graveyards to frighten away the unwelcome ghosts brought up from the misty deep of our frightful iniquities!
Church Advocate.
We admire the manly courage of this assistent editor. Elder M. S. Newcomer, in acknowledging and warning men of the present Sodom condition of the world. Men that have more love for their sects than they have for immortal souls, are continually crying out, “O the world is progressing finely, religion is triumphing so greatly that the forces of the world are nearly all won over on the side of Christ.”
This is a trick of the devil to keep the deceived masses in the cages of deception; contented with sect chaff, and willing to support false prophets. They are willing to sacrifice the souls of men for their personal ends, and let the masses go down to hell deceived, rather than allow a reflection on their idolised sects. “They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad.
Therefore they sacrifice unto their not, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion (salary) is fat, and their meat plenteous. — Heb. 1:15, 16.
If the watchmen were to open their eyes to the awful condition of the masses, and were to “cry aloud and spare not,” and warn the people of their sins, many would become awakened, and would flee to Christ, without the camp hearing His reproach. And the great sect Diana would be despised, and the false shepherd’s living would be cut off. But the true and honest men, that sees the world on the brink of hell will cry out the alarm regard lose of consequence. No! the religion of Jesus Christ “does not depend upon a lie,” nor yet upon covering the facts, nor withholding the truth. That is sensable advice, that we “humble ourselves and address ourselves to seeking a remedy for these awful facts.” For pur part upon those directions. Bless God we know the causes of the floods of iniquity in the land; namely, the corruption that flows from the pulpit of babylon. – See Jer. 28. We also know the remedy, the only possible hope of the blind and lost masses on their road to hell, thousands of whom “hope to get to heaven when they die,” yet having license from their teachers, live in lacivious lusts, and ungodly conformity to, and love of the world. But what is the remedy? Let the true ministers of the Gospel everywhere take the Strait edge of God’s Word, and apply it to every man, cutting off, and “leaving be, unto thee as a heathen and publican,” every man that will not be made perfectly holy in the blood of Jesus Christ, and walk in all the truth of God, through the Holy Spirit, through the Sanctifier and Comforter. Then when sinners see that professed ministers of Christ respect the Bible and draw the line between sinners and saints where God puts it, confessing the all that sin, are of the devil, and all that are in the Church, “do no iniquity.” Then when men testify by word and life, the perfect power of God’s salvation, and conclude in one common call, all sinners, in and out of sects, then we say, men will begin to fear God, respect the Bible, and repent.
Maple Rapids Mich.
Dear Brethren: – I feel this morning that I am all the Lord’s, soul. body and spirit, and I can leap for joy when I am persecuted for Jesus’ sake; and the more persecutions I have the stronger I am is the Spirit. I care not for this world, nor the things that are in the world. “I am dead indeed to sin, and alive unto God.” and “the life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourseves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered hath ceased from sin.” — 1 Pet. 4:1—14. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye, for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. On their part He is evil spoken of, but on your part He is glorified. Glory to God! Yesterday I was so wonderfully tried and tempted that it seemed as though I was almost. The devil was right before me, and such an awful feeling came over me; I got up and went to my room, and there I prayed earnestly to God, and resisted the devil, and oh now the Spirit of God came upon me and filled my soul. Oh glory to God for His Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth. O how glad I am that I ever gave my heart to God, and how good my blessed Savior is, when it seems as if I was almost ready to sink, He reaches out His hand, and raises me above the waves and troubles of this life, and guides our ship along with more speed than ever before. I never had such a trial since I was sanctified, but praise God, all things work together for good, to them that are called according to His purpose.
O pray for me, dear brethren, for I need the prayers of all God’s children. I am least of all, down at Jesus feet. Your sister, all the Lord’s.
Silver City Ioa.
Dear Brethren: – God b less you. Though we have not written you for some time, we have not forgotten you. You are much in our thoughts and in our prayers. I will ever remember you, and I hope the Lord is keeping you true to Him, preaching definite, unsectarian holiness. I am praying the Lord to send some of His true workers to this land.
Praise God! He keeps us free from sin and sectism. I see the rottenness of babylon more and more. Please send the TRUMPET. I wish you could come here and preach the true Gospel. Sectish idolatry reigns supreme in the people commonly. But God’s truth will triumph over all. Pray much for us. The Lord bless you in your labor of love, and keep you “exceeding joyful in all your tribulations.” Yours in the bonds of love, out on the promise, and under the blood.