15 June 1890, Volume 10, Number 12.



I have heard the gentle voice of Spring —
She hath come to her old-time haunts,
And hillsides echo, and valleys ring
With the happy notes which she loves to sing
O’er the birth of the first young plants.

The bare trees rustle their brandies gay,
As they hear her pass along;
The blackbird turneth his joyous lay,
And streamlets leap on their seaward way,
With a burst of merry song.

Spring hath come to our land again,
And she roameth wild and free;
She stcaleth away through the shadowy glen,
Or visiteth kindly the homes of men,
With her smiles and minstrelsy.

Spring hath come; but she sheddeth tears
O’er many a new-made grave:
Of those she smiled on in other years —
Over their bosoms the young grass peers,
And the earliest flowers shall wave.

Spring hath come, and her smile is ours,
And her promise of lovely things;
The soft sunshine, and the fragrant showers;
But who shall gather the latest flowers
Which the beautiful Sibyl brings?

We know that her smile is upon us now:
But what of her darting lay?
Ah! that may be of the smiling brow,
And the blooming cheek in dust laid low
By the touch of swift decay.





And Eli all came unto all the people, and said. How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word 1 Kings 18:21.

HISTORY repeats itself. The time of Elisha was simular to ours. That was the era before the rising of the sun, when darkness covered the earth, and the dim light of God’s truth broke forth, be­tween the mountain peaks of spiritual er­ror and sin. This is the era of evening light, when the Son of Rightousness is gath­ering His true saints out of the general con­fusion, and is concentrating His power and light in His pure remnant, and making one more effort through them to wake the na­tions of earth to righteousness. God worketh in a marvelous way His power to pro­claim, and though all devils array them­selves against the weak arm of flesh, God, using weak men, is mighty in the over­throw of wickedness in high places, and God in Christ is all powerful over man and nature. Then as well as now, the powers that be, the nominal Israel, had driven the true prophets out of the land, and hired a false class of teachers that were time serv­ing, self seeking, proud, domineering, and spiritually blind watchmen, who neither cared, nor had courage to protect the peo­ple from their enemy, sin, that was ruining them. May God’s Spirit guide us in the description of God’s providence then and now, and lead us to follow Christ, and not the fashions, and pleasures of sects that are leading their votaries to destruction.

The Son of Righteousness was foreshad­owed as soon as the terrible darkness of sin fell on our race. The sentence of jus­tice, which, because of man’s sin, delivered man over to spiritual death, and to disease and literal death; was tempered by mercy, that promised a Savior, who appeared all through the ages. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abra­ham, Joseph, Moses, Daniel and David, and all the inspired prophets were instruments God used in preparing the world for the rising of the Sun, e. i. the Lord Jesus, who is the tree of life to take the place of the tree of sin and death. Moses, was the schoolmaster dispensation. God appearing to men to make known His power and will and the law abounding in types and shad­ows of righteousness, joy and peace which came with Chist. Now notice the pare principles of Christ’s kingdom in His ser­mon on the mount, Matt. 5th chap. He de­scribes what manner of people are to be His disciples. Poor, meek, merciful; pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted, reviled evil spoken of for Christ’s sake, and they are, blessed and happy under all these trib­ulations, and they are to be the salt, or pre­serving virtue of the earth. When they lose power, — the Spirit of God, — there is no salt to preserve, and every thing tends to ruin. The history of mankind demonstrate this. The flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the fall and destruction of the kingdoms of the past. The blind leading the blind, when none have this light. All who have the God-light in their hearts, can lead others. They can instruct in the blessed way of righteousness, peace and joy in the holy Spirit. It is a light that shines more bright­ly until the perfect day. A light that shines more glorious when placed on the candle­stick of persecution. It is the very charac­ter of Christ beaming forth in all they say and do. Jesus said, “verily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do, shall he do because I go to the Father.” The present is the age of healing; of super­human manifestations. Here perfect love casteth out fear. God’s holy people love God, and one another so that they do all the commandments of God, and with joy un­speakable greet eachother with a holy kiss, and love to talk with one another about the glory of God, and all His precious dealing Their life is righteousness above the Scribes and Pharisees, being all consecrated to God. The kingdom of God’s love is in them, and they are ever ready for any sacrifice for Christ. Free from all desires of sin and evil, they live above the controling influence of civil codes, and yet cheerfully subject to ev­ery righteous and just demand of their coun­try and government. How can murder theft, adultery, etc. spring from a pure heart.? God within them, the source of all goodness, manifests Himself in doing good to the un­just as well as to the just. And their char­ity is not done to court favor nor to get applause from men. And in fact, to fulfill all the perfect pure precepts of Christ, He de­mands that we be perfect. This is a won­derful high standard, but does not exceed the grace and power of Christ to fulfill in us. Such only seek the glory of God in all they pray for, and His will is always their will. They also as counseled by their Divine teach­er, lay not up treasures on earth, but in Heaven. They enjoy the greatest blessing, a pure heart, and the richest treasure, the in­dwelling Christ. And having sought first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and obtained it, all things which are bless­ings indeed are added unto them. So in forsaking all for Christ, they get all, yea a hundred fold in this life, and eternal life in the world to come. We are known, not by our talk or pretentions; but shall be judged and rewarded in accordance with the good we have done. And if we have not built upon Christ, and obeyed His Words, all will fall, and our soul be crushed amid the ruin of our own works.

Christ went about doing good, healing the sick, saving the lost, and finally died to express His love and to save the world. Af­ter raising from the dead, and ascending to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to sancti­fy His disciples, and preserve them in a life of holiness and unity with Himself: that their life should be the continuation of His own pure life on earth. The Holy Spirit has come, and the promised signs of His pow­er do follow them that believe, and so es­tablished His Church on earth.


After sin separated man from God they wor­shiped the Sun, or idolatrous worship took the place of devotion to God. Men sought out many inventions to satisfy the cravings of their depraved hearts. A priest-hood pre­tended to know and teach God, for money, honor, and the favor of man. So men had the choice to follow God or idolatry. God had His representatives that separated the precious from the vile, those that served God, from those that served idols. But in Elisha’s time the ruling power ordered all of God’s true representatives to be killed. So God selected Elisha to be His messenger, remov­ed him away and hid and preserved him, in spite of all the wicked powers that sought his life; God and one man proved a majority here, all the powers of hell could not pre­vail against him. God fed him by ravens, and by a miracle furnished him with an un­failing supply of flour and oil, and through him showed His healing power, and His con­trol over rains, and finally destroyed the priests of Baal, and the wicked rulers.

The analogy between then and now is very apparent. The sectarian rulers and forces are trying hard to kill the true representa­tives of God by slanders etc. and they are do­ing all in their power to keep them from being beam by the people, so that they may carrry on their idolatrous worship of sects and creeds, men’s opinions and organiza­tions. The men who have the seal of God’s presence are ruled out of the sects, and out of official positions, while the creed and dead form venders set at the feast, and occupy the fat positions. But all the true follow­ers of Christ are despised and forsaken, persecuted, reviled, and missrepresented. A haughty, priest-hood; deceive the people with false doctrines, and put them to sleep with a false hope, and soothe their conscience in a life of sin. They preach tradition in­stead of truth; and creeds in place of the Spir­it, forms instead of godliness, In fact are largely pagan inform, and only christian in name, heathen in character, and christian in pretentions. O God! deliver us from this perverse generation that have killed the prophets, stoned them that were sent unto them, and burned the reformers.


To cover up this fact, they teach that the age of miracles is past. That Christ did not mean what He said, when He declared that they that believed on Him the works that He had done they should do also, and great­er works shall ye do because I go unto my Father, I would send unto them the comforter. Seeking honor one of another how can they believe? And having lost faith in God: the power of faith is departed. In­spiration must be supplied by education, and the preacher represents a school, not Christ. His style is a repetition of earthly masters, and His matter the parrot like re­production of old creeds, and the traditions of the founders of isms. Instead of men re­penting and being converted, they rise for prayers and join the sect. Instead of being saved into the Church, they are voted into the sect.


The signs that follow true believers, and prove them such, they are destitute of. A godless Church cannot have the signs of God, as it would make God a liar. God takes the common and unlearned to confound the wise New testament wine must be put into new bottles in order to save it. So God has with­drawn His arm from the sects, and now His mighty arm is manifest among His people who stand in His Truth free from all sin, and corruption that now control in the sects of confusion. Hence in her are left desolations. Instead of union there is divisions, fighting, and confusion. Having exalted themselves in Christ’s stead, and made merchandise of His love and His Gospel, He leaves them to their destruction. Baal worship was a god­less religion, with winch God had nothing to do; but it was controled by heathen, and de­signed to exclude God from the country. Just so the present day sects never were di­vinely instuted. The morning light of the Gospel went under a cloud when Constan­tine used the cross for political purposes. The Church soon became a throng of pa­gans, called christians. Christ was used as a means of extending and perpetuating po­litical reign over fellow man. This subversion of the spiritual object of the Gospel to earth by glory was followed by cor­ruption, and the dark apostasy.


Follow Christ or Baal? Baal promises pleas­ure but gives sin, death, and ruin. Right­eousness exalteth a nation but sin is a re­proach to any people. God’s Kingdom is righteousness, that brings peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The gods that depraved men choose to worship, keep them from di­vine mercy and grace. If you serve Baal God cannot own or bless you. But, thank God! all over the country are men who have laid their all on the altar, consecrated themselves to God, and He has sent down the Holy fire of His love upon their souls, and their fruits show they are an offering acceptable, well pleasing to God. The Gos­pel Trumpet is heralding the evening light, proclaiming liberty to the captives, opening of the prison to them that are bound, the blind receiving their sight, and the lame made to walk and leap. Sinful lepers are cleansed and made whole. The deaf hear, and the dead in sins are raised, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. With these before us, we now in the language of Elisha, ask whom will you serve; who will you follow? Christ or Baal? The former gives you truth and love, happiness and peace, the other error and sin, misery and woe. God help us to follow Christ, and not remain in the ranks of Baal, the babylon confusion of the 19th century. Amen.

John Storrer.

Stenger, Franklin Co. Pa.

Dear Saints: — I feel it my duty to write my testimony to the Trumpet, as I desire to be a follower of Christ in all His appoint­ed ways. I am out of babylon, and re­spect not sects; only the Lord. There are no saints here, but I praise the Lord for free salvation through His name. I em­braced this salvation over a year ago, but to ray sorrow through the unbelief of others I almost made shipwreck of faith. I thought there must be some way to con­tinue in the faith, but had almost failed when the Lord sent Bro. F. Rosenberry, from Ohio, here on a visit, and he gave me a Gospel Trumpet which was food to my soul. Through weakness I failed in the service of the Lord and the enemy of my soul had power over me, but I praise the Lord that He has given me light once more through an article in the Trumpet of April 1st — entitled “Resisting the Tempter.” I praise the Lord for that piece of knowledge on the truth. It is just the way I had to come when I first saw the light. I wish some of the saint s would come this way and bring glad tidings of great joy. Our nearest station is Chambersburg. There are many sects and much babylon here, but I praise the Lord for the evening light. I have been very much afflicted in body but have faith in the Lord that He has all heal­ing power. He is my only physician. I have no faith in any other, and feel led to ask the prayers of the saints that I may learn of Him who has done so much for me, and be able to discharge every known duty in His service.

I would be pleased to have an explana­tion of what is commanded in 1 Cor. 1:10, 13. Is this really necessary? I desire the wisdom of the Lord on every hand. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Pray for me that I may be true to Him at all times. Your sister desiring the grace and help of God to become more strong at all times and ready for the Master’s use.

S. J. Belty.


In the Scripture spoken of Paul says: “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and there be no divisions among you; but that ye be per­fectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” “Is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?” — 1 Cor. 1:10, 13.

This Scripture very clearly explains it­self. Yet the great majority of the people fail to realize the meaning of it, and to know that it is applied to all christians. They are urged to be of the same mind, and that there be no divisions among them. Truly this is necessary, for it is when they are of one mind and one accord that teey have power with God. And while in such a con­dition they will see “eye to eye,” and some will not be trying to do away with the com­mands of God, or pleading for sin, worldly conformity and popularity, secret societies, and sectism, etc. while others are contend­ing for the faith once delivered to the saints. The Word teaches us that the Church is the body of Christ; and He is the head, and all saved persons are members of His body. And we are “complete in Him.” There should be no schism (division) in the body (Church.)

It is sad to know that the greater number of those who profess to be christians, do not discern the body of Christ; do not realize that the moment that a person is saved that they are then in the Church. People have met and organized religious denominations or sects, and ensnared many honest souls, but the time has come when people begin to see the awful abominations of sectism, and the honest ones are heeding the call: “come out of her my people.” — Rev. 18:4. There are christian people among them or the Lord would not make that call. Many are bound down in sectism who are not sectish at heart, such ones God will soon deliver, if they will walk in the light as He reveals it to them through the Word. Again there are others who think they are free from it, and when the truth is given them in its purity, they are found to be full and overflowing with prejudice and sectish principles, even rejecting the teach­ing of the Gospel. To be plain about the matter, we would say upon the authority of the Word of God: if you belong to any religions order or denomination, secret society, or any thing of the kind, “come out from among them” for your soul’s sake; for you can not remain in them and keep salvation when you have an understanding of what the Word teaches in regard to such things. You may bring forth their good principles in their defense, but God requires all good, and no bad principles. The Church of the Bible is “holy and with­out blemish.” — Eph. 5:27. It is the only one that will take a person through to glo­ry. The New Testament is the only by­laws and discipline needed. If you fail to get into this one, you may join all the sects in christendom and then miss heaven. There is but one door; and that one is Jesus Christ! through His atoning blood we have access. Then sink deep into His will and be submerged by the wave of His glory and you will be enabled to see “Jesus only.”

E. E. Byrum.


North, Carolinia.

Dear Saints: — It is to the glory of God that I write my testimony through the Trumpet once more. I am still rejoicing in the Lord, the Rock of our salvation. Praise the Lord! He has delivered me from the hands of satan, and now I can serve Him in the beauty of holiness. Yes, I have this perfect peace in my soul. Glo­ry to Jesus! I am saved to the uttermost from every thing that does not pertain to life and godliness. Dear saints as I must say that I never felt so near perfection in all my life as I do to-day, there is more, but God knows what I have passed through in the last two months. The Lord has chosen me out from the world, and placed me in the Church of the living God. Jesus said whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. — Luke 14:33. There are very few people that want to forsake all. So many people love the world, and the Bible says: if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye, and tlre pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. — 1 Jno. 2:15, 16. The churches of to-day are of the world, and I could not belong to them, because the Bible says: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If we were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the Word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” — Jno. 15:18, 19, 20. “Know ye not that the friendship of this world is enmity with God. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God.” — James 4:4. “Yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer per­secution.” — 2 Tim. 3:12. God’s plan has been, separation from the world, and from every thing that is wrong. But the devil wants to keep the good and bad mixed to­gether, and he generally gets more bad than good, and that makes it all bad. The devils plan in these day’s, is to get people to join the sect, or something else, and he knows if he gets them to join the sect, he has his own way with them. What a delusion and what a snare the devil has gotten the people into, and the devil says: you must not judge. Well when Jesus was speaking in the 7 chapter of Matthew about judging, he was speak­ing to the hypocrites, they have no right to judge: “for Jesus said unto them, thou hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of the brother’s eye. I praise the Lord to-day that my eyes are opened, and I see clearly the perfect way. Praise the Lord! Dear brethren we must follow the meek and lowly Jesus at any cost. We must be will­ing to suffer with Him, if we expect to be glorified together. And Paul says that the suffering of this world is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us. Brethren put your whole trust in the Lord, and all will be well with you. Here I am with Jesus, He is every thing to me. His fender love has won my heart, and now He keeps me free. May the Lord bless and keep all the saints un­spotted from the world amen.

G. K. Snipes.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, — Editor.

E. E. BYRUM, — Office Editor.

E. E. BYRUM and SMICHELS, — Publishers.


TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance.

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(Per half Doz . . . . . . . . . 3.30
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Address: — Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich.



John. Mitchel, Conrad sawer, F. Rosenbery, Chas. Wheeler, C. A Barham, N J. Sartin, F. N. Jacobson, Mary Kigar, John Guyer, W. B. Grover, Belle Gould, J. W. High, L. Fox, John Staple, G. J. Detweiler, Anna Perrine, E. Fales, H. Hevel, J. C. Hull, Leah Kulp, Jacob Wingert, J. A Peacock. Grant Shimer, Matilda Songer. Lydia Shellhammer, J. W. Bagenstos. Elizabeth Carmichael, G. H. Houghton, Grant Ferree, Sophrona Hewe. Martin Logue, L J Benn, Myra Turner, Mary Hodgden, Barthena Milk. Nancy Ring, Samuel Martz


Camp and Grove Meeting List.



This annual feast will be held on the old camp gronnd June 10-18. No new audi­torium will be erected but 1, and perhaps 2 large canvas pavilions will be pitched on the ground so as to accommodate the large concourse of people that come on sabbath, with preaching from 2 or 3 stands.

Let all the holy saints, and such as wish to seek God come from far and near. Better provisions we trust, will be made for teams than heretofore, and we hope that all things will be very satisfacto­ry and to the glory of God. Saints come in time, or tarry after the meeting, and make us a visit at the Trumpet office, the Lord willing. Amen!



Will be held at East Jordan Charlevoix Go. Mich. Commencing June 20, 1890, and continuing until the 25th, or longer as the Lord wills. Dear saints of the living God let there be a great coming together in the northern country. Come filled with the Spirit ready to battle for the King. Dear Bro. Michels “come over to Macedonia” and help us. Any one coming from the South by R. R Stop off at Boyne Falls, and will be met by notifying Bro. M. H. Haley. East Jordan Mich. And those coming from Antrim, and Traversa Co. come by Steamer Lon. A. Gumming’s, direct to East Jordan. We expect to get half fare rates on this boat, and to all along Pins Lake. Brethren from Charlevoix and East Jordan, come on Str. North Star, as we have made arrange­ment with the Captain for one fare for round trip, this includes every dock to which the steamer can go. All come up to this feast of the Lord.

W. B. Grover.


The Lord willing there will be a Grove Meeting 4 miles north west of Antwerp, Ohio, commencing July the 4th to continue as long as the Lord leads. The saints desire Bro. J. N. Howard to be in attendance and as many more can come will find a ..me.

Grant Shimer.



The Church at the above place have decided to have a camp meeting, beginning July 10, ’90. The people desire us to be there, but do not know how that will be; but have no doubt the Lord will supply plenty of preachers. So we make the announcement in the name of the Lord. There is quite a general interest we are told, in the surrounding country in the coming meeting. The Church had called for a camp meeting last year, but no workers at leisure. We trust there will be a glorious rally this year. We will be there if the Lord should so arrange. Amen.

Address Nancy J Sartin.



August 1—9. In a beautiful Grove on the farm of Bro. Samuel Crow, a short distance east of Deerfield, Ind.. And saints from all parts are invited to come and tent on the grounds. If you cannot tent, come any how, and you will be taken care of, in the name of the Lord. A good seated pa­vilion is on the ground. The nearest Sta­tion is Deerfield, one mile west on the Panhandle R R.; Ridgeville, four miles west, on the Grand Rapids and Ind. R. R. And Union City, eight miles east on the Bee Line (C. C. C. & I,) R R. All coming to Deerfield, notify Bro. Samuel Grow; Deerfield Ind. and those coming to Ridgeville, notify Bro. Noah Fowler, Deerfield, Ind. and those coming to Union City, notify Bro. Fletcher Byrum, New Pittsburg, Ind Persons from afar who have not the means to pay board will be freely fed. Come in the name of Jesus, all who love God, ant all who would seek to know Him and His great salvation. We expect a good time in the Lord, all glory to His name. Amen. Any information desired concerning the meeting. Address:

H. C. Wickersham.

New Pittsburg, Ind.


Beaver Dam, Ind. Campmeeting.
Time changed.

THIS annual feast of tabernacles will begin August 12th and continue until the 21st A glorious coming to­gether of the fire-brands of the Lord is expected this year. Persons coming on the Lake Erie and Western, from the north or south, stop at Rochester, Ind., write Bro. David Leininger, Akron, Ind. Those coming from the east or west on the Nickle Plate, stop at Mentone, notify Bro. F. Krause, Beaver Dam, Ind. These coming on the Chicago and Atlantic from east or west, stop at Akron, Ind, notify Bro. R. N. Gast. at Akron. Coming from the south on Cincinati and Wabash, stop at Sil­ver Lake, notify Bro. S. M. Smith at Silver Lake, Ind. Coming from the north on that R. R., Stop at Claypool Notify Bro B. F. Bear at Burkett, Ind.



The Lord willing, will be held at Hunt­ington, Ind. August 21—26. A pleasant grove has been procured at that place by Bro. Gardner, near his place, and close to the town of Huntington.



The time of this meeting unless changed will be August 26—Sept 3. More partic­ulars hereafter.



The Lord willing, will be held near Sid­ney, Ohio. August 28—Sept. 1. That place is on the D. & M. & the C. C. C. & I. R. R’s. Address Bro. Grant Ferree. Sidney Ohio.



Cedar Vale, Kan.

Dear Saints: — Mother Harp is badly afflicted, will you please pray God to heal her. Your saved sister.

M. Frazee.


Sigourey, Ia.

Dear Brethren: — I ask the prayers of all the saints for mine and my sisters healing. Your Bro. sanctified wholly.

V. D. Todd.





OF Poems of Grace and Truth, who have changed their address since subscribing for the same, please notify us at once where to send the book, if you have not already one so, as we expect to deliver the books about the last of June.


FOR want or space for publication we still nave a number of testimonies and ar­ticles on hand, yet we love to hear from you all, and it will do you no hurt if all your writings are not published. We will insert as many as possible. We would love to publish all the good spiritual testi­monies of our readers but our paper is much too small. When you write, do not use a pencil but write plainly with ink.


We expect one of the best meetings on the Bangor camp-ground this year, ever held at that place. At this writing, June 5, many saints from a distance have ar­rived, ready for the glorious work.


Every man and woman that goes to camp-meeting with intentions of staying some days and nights, should at least bring some bedding, if possible. Haw often I have heard dear saints say, if I only had known I could just as well as not have brought some bed-clothing. Well you know it now, and I would stir up your pure minds by way of remembrane. But there are those coming this year who have has no experience in going to camp-meeting, and to all such we say come to live inde­pendently so far as it is practical. Bring a tent, bedding and food, all you that can. But there will always be a place to quar­ter if you only bring your own bedding, and if able there will be a place to purchase the necessary food, but if not come any how if you come to get or do good bread shall be given you, and your water shall be sure.

If all bring along bedding that have it to bring, there will be no trouble to furnish a sleeping place for such as have none. So such are welcome also.

From the above remarks it may readily be inferred that it costs something to at­tend a camp-meeting. And so it does if you are able to pay your way. Many do not think of this. They have been to grove meetings, etc. and found free open hearts and houses, and a welcome to dinner, etc. But campmeetings are quite different. Here we all go out into the woods to serve God a few days, and there are no big farm houses, and extention farm tables on the grounds, with a cellar full of provisions down below. Each family can do but lit­tle more than carry with them stuff for their own use, without they were to pull up stakes and move at once, which would not pay for 8 or 10 days residence in their new home. But while all who are able and circumstanced to do so should come prepared to live without dependence upon others, it is also written, that “the poor have the Gospel preached unto them.’’ And they have a right to hear and enjoy it on the precious camp ground too, so let them come nothing doubling, or fearing, if ye seek to do good.


Come to work for the Lord. Many goto camp-meetings supposing they have noth­- to do but to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn, and first thing they know they find their stock of grace is getting smaller ever day, and some actually back-slide during a camp-meeting. God help every saved child, of God from the least to the — well they are all least, and I do not know how to finish the thought, without I turn it back­ward and say from the least to the “less, than the least,” — to come to work for God. Let the weak say, I am, strong and all go to work for God, and you will both get good and do good.


SOME one writes for information in re­gard to Sabbath schools, stating that at one place the saints organized one, and elected all the officers and teachers outside of the church. The second Sabbath, in order to have it opened with prayer, elected one of the brethren as superintendent; sent for Cook’s lessons leaves and quarterlies etc. Yet there are a number of saved persons in this community. What shall be done?

We would say this: we believe in hav­ing Sabbath schools. it is something en­tirely too much neglected among the peo­ple of God. But we believe in having the schools run for God, and let the devil have no part nor lot in the matter. The super­intendent should be a holy person ,chosen of God for the place, and he should see that none but holy teachers are allowed to instruct the children, such as can teach them to love Jesus and His Word. The offering of prizes, having picnics and christmas trees etc. is an abomination in the sight of God, and diverts the mind of the children from Christ instead of leading them to Him. Where there are enough saved persons in a community to conduct a school they can do a great work for the Lord in that way, but do not yoke yourselves up with unbelievers and let the devil run the whole thing, neither give place to fault­finding, croaking professors, but let the Lord lead, and you obey His commands


Bro. J. Cole’s address, has been Brownstown, Ill. By mistake we had it Brownsville, but the above is correct. His permanent address will now be Grand Junction, in care of Gospel Trumpet, the brother writes us concerning his now method of teaching penmanship “I give instruction be corresponding “I have over 75 training lessons by my new racing process, which I give, with needed instruction in rapid penmanship for 1.00. The Lord has wonderfully helped me in this. To God be all the glory. Amen!

J. Cole.

Grand Junction, Mich,


The matter of this work is already shipped to the Book-binder. It has been a great task to learn this new business of stereotyping on such particular and diffi­cult matter as poetry, and we have had hard I labor to get this work done by the June camp-meeting, but we are in hopes we can yet some of the books returned before C. M closes. And now we must ..n..dy appeal.. all God’s holy saints to help us in this matter. We have over $300, debt that must be paid soon and the expenses of publishing are large, so we beseech you all in the name of Jesus to send in your subscription for the book as fast as possible. I know you will all value the work more than double its cost. O beloved, we are indebt for the sake of Christ, for the sake of publishing the very truth, you are so grateful to God, has reached your hearts. And we see no way to meet it but by the sale of this book. Remember your humble servant, and the Office expences, and all help us beat our burden by sending in the price of the book. $1.50. Agents are also wanted, with good commission. The work contains about 350 pages, with a few illustrations. Also our engraving. Excellent book paper, and will be hound in cloth of beautiful colors. Please dearly beloved, help us speedily. Our note, we have just learned, will be due earlier than expected, and may God move a thousand dear heart at once to send help to your poor brother in Christ, and besides the book, you will have our great gratitude, and God’s blessing. Amen!




Grand Junction, Mich. June 2 1890. Dear Saints of God as I have not writ­ten up our labors in the field for some time, I feel God will be pleased in giving an ac­count of our efforts to promote the cause of God and of holiness since our last meet­ing in Pa. (March 10th.)

We left Pa. for Burket, Ind. March 11th, to help in a meeting which had already comenced under the earnest efforts of our Bro’s. in Christ, Rothermal and Pence of Columbia City, Ind. Before we reach­ed there God had already made deep im­pression upon the people, and had also get at liberty a few honest souls. The meet­ing continued with deep interest and ef­fect until the close. There were in all about 5 made free from all sin, and the little Church much strenthened in the faith. At the close of this meeting (held in Yellow Creek Bethel.) The brethren returned to their homes, and we went 9 miles South West to help Bro. Warner in a meeting at Hahn’s S. H. The battle be­gun in power and in the name of Jesus March 20th. This was a sweet little meet­ing to all our souls, though we had to let tie awful rebukes of God’s eternal truth upon some perverse men who wore without sal­vation and who had left the Lord for a thing of naught. The meeting continued over a week, during which time God was pleased to set free one poor soul who had never tasted the goodness of the Lord, and reclaimed 3 or 4 backsliders. At the close of this meeting Bro. Warner returned to Grand Junction, Mich, I sent an appointment to Ilion Ind, for April 12 and 13th. Here we met a few honest and Spiritual souls who had stepped out of all sin and sectism. We preached three times with a real relish; for we could see the people taking the truth. Our next meet­ing was an ordinance meeting in Yellow Creek Bethel 3 and a half miles south of Burket, Ind. May the 4th. Oh hallelujah! This was a most precious feast to all our souls. There were present of the saints about 35 all of whom participated. We then appointed meeting for the 10 and 11th at Clay Pool, Ind in a hall which Bro. G. Raker had rented, for this purpose. The people turned out to hear the truth, insomuch that the house was well filled. This is a new place, and we hope and trust God will open a door of utterance in that place for the truth to be preached, nest all or winter. The 15th, we took train at aforesaid place for Grand Junction, Mich. where we met the dear Trumpet family who live in the Lord and work hard to promote His most sacred truth in the earth and hearts of the people. Dear breth­ren in Christ, a word or two here in the name of Jesus’ we believe will be to God’s glory. Since I came here this last time my heart has been deeply touched with sympathy for the dear little ones who have left all to follow Jesus in this work without money and without price. Only one out of the 11 who devote their whole this work receives wages, he being a mar-

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ried man is compelled to support his fami­ly. Dear brethren just think for one moment, 11 bright talented young men and women who have left all avocations which demand a salary, and give their whole time to a work from which they receive no wages as far as money is con­cerned. I call this consecration that measures up to that required in the Bible — Matt. 16:25. Bro., sister have you made such consecration? Have you shut up your bowels of compassion against such willing and self sacrificing saints?


Sabbath May the 18lh. we met with the Church at Geneva Center. O what a feast we had in the Lord! We met our dear Bro. Michels at this place and had the privilege of hearing his voice in praises to God once more.

Thursday evening we met with the Church at the Log House in Lee. God blessed our souls in reading His Word to the people of God.

Sabbath the 25th. we met with the Church at Bro J. Smiths in Lee. God most wonderfully blessed our souls and lifted many of the little ours in shouts to Him. Of a truth it is heavenly to get among the true people of God.

Our last meeting in May was held in South Haven in a hall, this meeting con­tinued from the 29th. to June 1st. We preached five times in the mighty power of the Spirit of God. The people attend­ed with deep interest. One soul justified and sanctified to God, soul, body and Spirit, and the little ones, much strengthened in the Lord. The saints at this place must not be neglected by the preachers who can reach them; as they need much encouragment. Amen!

We are your Bro. and sister fully re­deemed by the blood of Jesus, and filled with God and His holy fire.

S. L. & A. L. Speck.


Fulton, Ill,

Dear Saints of the Lord Jesus: — Grace mercy and peace from the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ament! I am happy to report that we are still saved, blessed and kept by the power of God. We arrived at. Ollie Keokuck Co. Iowa. May the 8th, remained about 10 days, found sister Lizzie McCormic holding meeting in the Carter school house. Bro. Lindley came on Saturday and remained with us during our stay. The Lord wonderfully blessed us.

The power of the enemy was strong against us, but the good Lord gave us the victory. Praise His holy name! A number were reclaimed for which we praise God. Bro. Lindley baptized live on first Lord’s day. It was a glorious scene. It was estimated that nearly fifteen hundred persons were on the bank of the river, to witness the service. God wonderfully witnessed to the hearts of the little ones who followed Jesus in the ordinance; in the evening, we washed the saint’s feet, and partook of the emblems of His broken body and shed blood, which was very sol­emn, and yet glorious on account of His presence. Praise His holy name! The breth­ren pitched the tabernacle here; the attend­ance was good, the people seemed hungry for the truth. The people at Hed­rick are very anxious for Bro. Warner and Co. to return in September to hold a tabernacle meeting. May the Lord bless and save souls. Amen! We stay over Lord’s day, and then resume our journey for Bangor C. M. The Lord pro­vides for us by the way and gives us a place to stop every might. Hallelujah! Amen.

Pray for us. Yours under the blood.

Wm. N. & S. J. Smith.


Galesburg, Kan.

To all the Saints Greeting: — May the dear Lord bless you all abundantly. We are praising God for complete salvation and precious victory in our souls over all the powers of satan. Our last report was from Humboldt. From there we went about three miles to a school house and began meeting. The Lord fought for us and prevailed, tolerable good order was kept during the entire service, five souls professed pardon, and most of them conse­crated for a clean heart and received forgivness .Prejudice was much removed, and a good feeling left in that neighborhood, and some deeply convicted, whom we trust will yield to the wooiags of the Spirit, and receive the salvation of their soul. We next went about eight miles, and held a few meetings. The saints were strength­ened and edified, and one reclaimed that had been discouraged, having again received the joy of salvation. From there we came back to Bro. Rogers and had a precious ordinance meeting, eighteen saints were present and took part. Some of them were new converts that had never ate bread at Father’s table before and the glory of Got filled our hearts to overflowing’ and the saints shouted aloud for joy. Some of them had just come cut of babylon and had never seen it on this fashion before and they did enjoy it, and said it was the best meeting they were ever in. Truly the deal Lord has kept the best of the wine until the last of the least. (The last of the Gentile’s dispensation,) but praise our God we that have followed Christ through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, are enjoying it gloriously.

We are now at Galesburg visiting the Church here for a short time. Yours sancti­fied preserved and called.

G. L, & Mary Cole. & Lodema Kaser.




Bangor, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord, this morning for salvation full and tree. Jesus saves me just now and keeps me each day. Oh, I do praise God for the wonderful heal­ing He has done for me and my family within the last year. I have not had the privilege of meeting with the children of God to give in my testimony, I feel led to testify through the Trumpet of the won­derful power of God, that others may be strengthened in faith.

I do praise the Lord for a willing heart and mind, and desire to serve the Lord and trust Him for all things. I was healed of Erysipelas a little over a year ago. Last September when Bro. Achor preached here, he and Bro. June laid hands on my lit­tle boy who had been sick nearly all sum­mer, and the Lord healed him. A few months ago there were tumors growing on his eyes, one on each eye, and we obeyed the Word, and called for the Elders who laid on hands in the name of the Lord and he was healed. O praise the name of the Lord! A few weeks ago the same child who is only two years and six months old, was taken sick, and we applied to a doctor at once, which did no good, and he became so sick we thought he would not recover, and the Lord showed me that medicine would do no good in healing him, so I spoke to Bro. June about having a season of prayer, after which he laid on hands and the Lord healed the child. O praise His great and holy name forever and ever, for His goodness and mercies toward His be­lieving children. Pray for me that I may ever prove faithful in trusting the Lord.

Your sister in Christ, saved and sancti­fied.

Eliza Turnipseed.


Hesperia, Mich.

Dear Saints: — I feel lead by the Lord to write my testimony to His honor and glory. I do praise the Lord for sal­vation full and free, that keeps us from sin each day. It has been a little over a year, since we first heard the blessed even­ing light. I am so thankful that He gives us honest hearts to accept His blessed Word. Oh how I do praise the dear Lord for His healing power of body as well as the soul. He has healed my body three different times, for which I give Him a the glory. I had the quinsy so bad that I could scarcely speak aloud, and I laid aside all medicine, and took the dear Lord for my physician, and held on to His blessed promise that whatsoever ye ask in faith believing we shall receive, and He did the work. Oh dear ones let us put our whole trust in the Lord. Oh if the Lord would send some of His strong workers into this part of His vineyard, there is a big field of labor here.

Your sinter under the blood.

Ida D. Evans.


Norwood, Mo.

Dear Saints: — I am saved with a salva­tion, sanctified wholly to the work of the Lord. I have been preaching 12 years for the Free-will Baptist. Last August, through the instruction of sister Emma Johnson, I accepted the light of the Gos­pel, and I now believe in holiness. I once was blind, but now I see. Blessed be the name of Jesus! I have laid every thing upon the altar, let come what will for I am a soldier for God, and Christ is my captain. I have put on the whole armour. Glory to God! I would be very glad to have some of the saints come here and help in the work. Now is the day of sal­vation. If anyone can come, write and let me know when you can come.

Your saved Bro.

Peter McRindley.

Diamond Springs. Mich.

Dear Saints: — I have the sweet peace and everlasting joy in my soul. And by the Lord’s help I have been enabled to stand and have victory over the devil. Praise the Lord! He has promised that His grace is sufficient for us. I can say that I have round His promise true. If we are hid away with Christ in God the enemy will not hurt us. The way is growing brighter ev­ery day as I journey along. It was Jesus love that overcame and won my heart. I know that if I let the Lord rule this heart of mine that He will lead me safely through and at last gain a home in heaven. Sinners will you come and be free? there is dan­ger in delay, come while you may, call up­on Him while He is near. ‘‘Though your sins he as scarlet they shall be white as snow.” I am justified and sanctified by a second work of grace. Pray for me.

Matt. A. L..p..b..w.


LaPaz, Ind.

Dear Saints: Jesus Has given me com­plete victory over the devil and all his powers. He gives me sufficient grace to en­dure all the frowns and scoffs of the world. He keeps me sanctified, soul and body, and gives me glorious victory. I am filled with astonishment when I think of Jesus’ won­derful love. He said “come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” I came and, oh how sweet has been the rest. The Lord does guide me continually, and I am standing, walking, overcoming, and living by faith these days. My prayer is that God may keep me to understand His Word, and the deep things of God, we need to know within our souls. The soul is to be fed and strengthened by the Word. Oh how we love the Gospel Trumpet. Truly God’s children shall be fed, even in a time of fam­ine. I remain your Bro. under the blood and out on the promise. Praise God!

J. M. Deniston.


Merrill, Mich.

Dear Saints: — My testimony is that I am saved and doing the blessed will of God. We are having good meetings in this place. Dear sister Walters, and broth­er Reeves met with the saints in this place the 12th of May. Had meeting in the school house, then went to the river, and three were buried with Christ in baptism. Had an ordinance meeting in the evening. Twenty two took part in obeying the bless­ed commandments of God.

Paul says when he saw the brethren, he took courage. How much good it does the children of God to meet together. Some times when we meet together. we find some getting discouraged. O dear brothers and sisters, prove faithful to God. Heaven is something worth living for. Since I have found this peace and joy in my soul, it is worth more to me, than any thing else. Do you think your way is hard to live, when you are living for God?

And poor backslider if you are discouraged, try again, God’s grace is sufficent for you. Think of an endless eternity. O where will you spend it? From your sister saved through the precious blood of Jesus.

Belle Gould.

Farmland, Ind. April 21 1890.

Dear Brethren — The Lord has heard my prayer for my healing. My stomach and lungs are well. Glory to God in the highest! Praise His holy name! I do not cough a particle. In fact I do not suffer in any way, but still I want more divine power in my soul.

Please pray especially for that.

Arbelia Wright.


Kennard, Ohio.

Dear Brethren: — The Lord has saved me from the snares of the devil and sancti­fied me wholly. Praise His holy name! He has taken me out of babylon, and I feel the love of God in my soul. I praise Him for salvation that saves from all sin. God bless all the ministers in the field. Let all the dear saints pray God to send more laborers in the field, and that many souls may be saved.

Your sister in Christ.

S. L. Yoder.


Vinland, Kan.

Dear Saints: — I praise God for the Gos­pel Trumpet. I have been wanting it a good while, but was not able to take it. It does my soul good to hear the testimonies of the dear saints. I praise the Lord for salvation that makes me free from sin, and all sects. I am sanctified to do the will of God in all things. Your sister.

Mrs. E. R. Daily.

Frisco, Ark.

Dear Trumpet Headers — This is my first time in writing my testimony to the Trumpet I am glad I can say that I am saved and sanctified wholly. I was justi­fied 33 years ago last June, and united with the Baptist sect, lived with them un­til last October 2 years ago when I heard holiness preached, which awakened me to see the dead formality, they were in, and I was glad to “flee out of the midst of her.” I have not grown tired of this way, but the more I find out about it the better I like it. We have had some good meet­ings here, there were about 20 here at first, but when tribilation and persecutions arose, some turned aside. There are but very few who are willing to take the truth. We believe in all the ordinances, as laid down in the New Testament, and we would be glad if any of the brethren pass­ing through would stop off at Porter and preach awhile for us. We need some straight preaching here very much.

From your Bro. saved and sanctified.

D. H. Kilman.


Walkinsville, Mich.

Dear Saints: — The Lord saves and sanc­tifies me wholly this morning. He keeps me by His power, through faith and obedi­ence to His commandments. Praise the Lord I feel free this morning. I feel hap­py this morning in the Lord, as I write these few lines to know if we never meet on earth, we will meet in glory. It is a straight way and blessed way, and I am not tired of this way. Pray for me.

You sister in Christ.

M. L. Boon.


Cane Hill Mo.

Dear Saints: — I feel that it would be to the glory of God to write my testimony. I know that Jesus keeps me every moment I know I am saved from all sin and sanctified wholly, praise God for the sweet peace and rest. I realize that the dear Savior has power to keep us saved. Praise His holy name for ever.

Your sister saved in Jesus.

S. A. McCain.


Hesperia, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — I feel led by the Holy Spirit to write my testimony, for the Lord has led me out of nature’s darkness into His marvelous light. I lived in a sinning and repenting state, for 12 years, until about a year ago when the Lord sent dear sister Stowell into the neighborhood where I live, and I received the straight word Praise the Lord, I now stand on the solid Rock Christ Jesus, the chief corner Stone. Oh hallelujah to God for salvation that saves from all sin. Well rise little ones here are doing all they can for the Lord.

Your Bro. saved and kept by power divine.

Charles F. Evans.


Six Mile, Ind.

Dearly Beloved Saints: — I feel led to write my testimony this evening. I am saved and kept by the power of God from all sin just now, and do praise Him for my deliverance from all sin. I feel de­termined to stand for God alone, to trust Him for all things. O praise His Holy name! What wonderful love and peace He bestows on His children. Pray for us that we may do God’s will in all things. Oh how sweet to know we are ready to welcome the Lord when He comes.

Your sister saved and sanctified.

Emma George.


Humboldt, S. Dak.

Dear Brethren: — I received three copies of your paper to night, and was so pleased with them and the teaching and testimonies, that I got filled to overflowing. Praise God for such a paper, I love to read such papers. But I am in the drouth stricken district in Dakota, and am not able to pay for it, but I see you have made a provision for such. If the Lord so directs please send me the paper, and if He makes a way for me to pay for it I will do so as soon as pos­sible. And I want to give my testimony to all the dear saints. I am rejoicing in my Savior’s love to night. I have just returned home from a glorious prayer meeting; where all were filled with the Spirit Glory to God. I can testify to the saving power of Christ. and not only that but to the keep­ing power that keeps from Sunday morning until Sunday morning, there era no blue Mon­days in the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Praise God! for a salvation that saves every day all day and from ALL sin.

A. I. Oaks.

Huntington Ind

Dear Saints: — I praise God for a full and free salvation that saves me from all all the the world and the devil. We this day declare our freedom from sects and all the teaching of men, and every thing that does not correspond with the Bible. Little by little had the sect spirit got hold of us, and did not release it until now. I am glad for the brethren at Claysville. Brother Beaver and Rickert. I praise God for sending F. N. Jacobson here It is a fact that the light must come that we can see it clearly before we can walk in it. I praise God for the willingness to step out as it comes. May God help us to see more clearly as we both have declare I our freedom. We here now ask pardon for all where ever there has any wrong men done and I ask the dear saints to pray for us that the Lord may let the light shine more clearly that we may never be over­taken again. We are saved and kept by the power of God.

John P. & Eliza Holley.


Denver, Col.

Dear Saints: — I feel the Lord leads me to write a confession of the condition I have men in, the last few months and of the harm I have caused the work of God: by not be­ing fully saved, going on with a profession. I humbly ask all the saints of God to forgive me, and pray especially that I may be kept humble low down at the feet of the Savior, doing the will of God in all things.

James E. Wallace.


Doves Hill, Ind.

Dear Saints: — I can say I am saved from all sin. Oh I do praise my dear blessed Lord, for placing my feet on the Solid Rock. Glory to God! I know I do love the Lord better every day; although in the last two or three weeks I have been going through fiery trials, but God’s grace is sufficient, and my trust is in the Lord. Your sister in Christ.

Nancy A. Sharum.



ROBBIE E. — Son of John E. and Jennie Burkholder, was born in Franklin Co. Pa. Oct. 3, 1882. Died in White side Co. Ill. May, 18, 1890. Aged 7 yrs. 7 mo. and 15 days.

The bereaved parents came to Ill. this spring, and had been here but a few weeks when God saw proper in His infinite wis­dom to lay the hand of affliction upon their oldest child. He was taken sudden­ly with violent spasms and fever which terminated with typhoid. The little suf­ferer was prostrated only one week, when his peaceful little spirit departed to the bright beyond. Among his last words, he said to his parents, “Tomorrow I am going home, but you do not need to go now.” As his mother came to his bedside he said to her, “Good by mamma I am going to be an angel.” We rejoice that the parents have the glorious hope of meeting their precious treasure beyond this world of sorrow. May God bless the bereavement to the advancement of their eternal wel­fare. Funeral service by the undersigned. Text, 2 Sam. 13:23. I shall go to Him but he shall not return to me.

He shall not to our home on earth return,
But we to him shall go and join that throng
Of heavenly angels, who beyond earth’s bourn,
Their praises chant with everlasting song.

The graves contains a part of life’s affections,
Whose earthly links are rent by death’s decree;
But in that bright and glorious resurrection,
Each broken link again restored shall be.

Not as those who have no hope, we sorrow,
But joy our hearts with glorious rapture swell,
Beyond this veil well meet with Him to-morrow,
Where sorrow, pain, nor sickness never dwell.

J. W. Byers.


April 1890.

DIED at Bristol, Ind. of consumption, sister Ettie Palmer, the wife of Wm. Palmer. She leaves a husband and 2 children to mourn their loss. She was afflicted about one year, and bore her sickness with patience. Said she was ready for Jesus to take her home. May God bless the friends that are unsaved and save them that they may be prepared to meet her in heaven. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

A sleep with Jesus, all is well,
Sanctified in Jesus blood.
She now beholds her Savior’s smiles
In the paradise of God.

Safe in her pure and peaceful home
In the realms of glory bright.
No foes can there forever come.
In Jehovah’s awful sight.

Farewell dear Ethie, till that day,
When the Lord shall bid us too
Drop off our home of mortal clay
And depart to dwell with you.

Sarah Woodyard.

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THE report of a Mo. preacher, quoted by Bro. Gary in Trumpet of May l..t.., stating that a large number of the holiness people here have lost their power and expe­rience of holiness, and are simply keeping up a dead form, and that he had about come to the conclusion that the Church question is in advance of light, and that it is best to drop the sect question entirely,” has brought a duty on our mind to publish some of the causes of this savorless good-for-nothing salt in Mo. Whether that writer refered to the Good-way association holiness or not we do not know; but at any rate it corresponds well with the state of things in that mixed association. Of all things in the sight of God what is more repulsive than a profess­ion of holiness without salvation, and accom­panied with abominable jealousy, and conflicting faiths. For the deliverance of honest souls we must admonish them to come out of that so called Good-way confusion. Sev­eral years ago, that Mo. H. association, the Good Way and Pauline College at College Mound Mo. were inter-associated together. Jno. Weed was at the head of both the Col­lege and the paper. J. A. Smith was also prominently connected with both. People of dark colored skin, had enjoyed the privileges of that college; but this did not seem to be congenial with the kind of holi­ness(?) these leaders had, and alter some months internal war and commotion, along the color line, and after equal rights had carriediits enemies reagitated the matter, and finally carried their point, and unceremoni­ously drove the colored students out of the College. This was nothing less than a sin against the “God of the spirits of all flesh.” “Who hath made of one flesh all men to dwell upon the earth.” God’s displeasure has been clearly manifest against that whole association business ever since. This was in 1886. in about one year the College died, and was silently buried. Mr. Weed has in these few years broken up financially, the Lord has taken every tiling away from Mm. He weighed over 200 pounds, and his health is gone, and he is a poor invalid seeking health in the West, or was when we were in Mo. last fall. J. A. Smith has died and gone to Eternity. In his illness confessed he had no faith for healing but put his case in the hands of physicians. Last fall that mixed holiness association held a meeting in their tabernacle in South West Mo. when God suddenly sent a storm, and tore it all to pieces. There were present, remarked a sister to me who attended the meeting, about three kinds of faith. Anti-ordinance holiness, semi-anti ordinance holiness, and some who believed the whole New Testa­ment. They had appointed Sabbath to at­tend to the sacred ordinances of Christ, and go announced to the people But knowing they were divided they were apprehensive that a manifestation of their want of unity would look bad in the eyes of the people, and hurt the meeting, so they concluded to defer the ordinance service until at the end of the series of meetings; so whatever reproach their contrarieties would produce it would not hurt the meeting. But God see­ing they did not discern the Lord’s body, and were not ‘‘one bread and one body” cut the meeting short on Monday. A brother who was under the pavilion at the time it perish­ed, told me, the meeting was very Spiritless, and the instant the storm struck it he had a strong feeling that it was to expose then cause to reproach. First the pavilion was rent into two halves, and then the mystic hands of the storm tore off one strip after another; until the whole was rapidly torn to pieces. What was remarkable, and caused even sinners to declare that it was providen­tial, was the fact that no trace of a storm was found in any direction, and the corn shocks but a short distance away were un­disturbed.

A brother who is well acquainted with the backsliding of this Mo. holiness, writes us the following. “The whole association have killed themselves opposing color, and the ordinances of Christ. Their strength is gone, they are spiritually dead. There are very few of their preachers that have the Spirit of Christ. Their paper is run by a stock Co. and (he editor is paid a salary. I tell you if it were left for God to run, there would not be another paper issued; for it is an abomi­nation in the sight of God.”

This last expression may seem pretty string. But let us give you a few extracts of its teaching. In Good Way of March 22, 1890. One writer says, “some of our breth­ren have been bewitched, it seems, and have turned from the truth as they were first taught, in that they teach one mode of bap­tism, and foot-washing as an ordinance in the Church. One has preached it publicly and boldly, as a direct command from God. So you see that forces all to wash feet, or you are no christian. Why? Because the Word says in 1st Jno. 2:4. “He that saith I know Him and keepeth not His command­ments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Here is a sample of Good Way holiness. The traditions of babylon taught them that the word baptise meant either sprinkle, pour or immerse, or all three, or any thing you please or nothing at all particularly, and now men filled with this stupidity, and creed superstition think it awful that some of God’s chil­dren have been led by the Spirit into the Truth, and have grace of God enough to con­tend boldly for the faith once delivered to the saints. It is not pleasant no doubt for men to learn that their profession of love to God is falsehood. But I see but one way out of the difficulty, and that is to get salvation and obey the truth.

Again says the disturbed writer. “Breth­ren these things divide God’s children, and we are taught to beware of those that cause divisions contrary to the Word.”

True: but those that teach you to do the things that Christ commanded us to do, make divisions according to the Word. “Separate the precious from the vile,” as the Bible commands us to do. Draw the true line be­tween those that obey God and those that do not. The Word of God both teaches that there is “one baptism” and that we “ought to wash one anothers feet,” and the complainer is simply separated from those that know and do the truth; because be is not willing to do what he ought to do. Is it the Southern Methodist discipline that teach­es three ways of baptism, or the New Testa­ment.? The former and not the latter. Which teaches “one baptism?” Answer. God’s Word. So it is the Word that the parties complain­ed of are teaching, and he that rejects is guil­ty of division

But the climax of presumption we now give you. He says. “I would not practice it in the Church in any way, because I believe it to be sacriligious.?”

O may God pity the presumption 0f such creed blinded opposers of God’s Word. Shame on a professed holiness editor who would insert such disgusting ignorance. The above makes Jesus Christ guilty of a sacrili­gious act, yea and He even told His disciples to do the same thing, according to His ex­ample see Jno. 13: And Paul instructed Timothy 32 rears later: to receive no widow into the number of benefisaries, unless she shall have practiced that alleged sacrilige 1st. Tim. 5:10. O ye blind guides, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, and falsely accuse the Son of God and His saints, how can you stand in the day of Judgment, when you will be measured by the Words of Jesus.?

This Good Way association is guilty of sectishness and falsehood. In issue of Nov. 23 1889. the editor is informed that a cer­tain Bro. had desired us to come and preach the Gospel at his place, and counsel is asked of him whether it were best to allow us to use their house of worship. The edi­tor openly replies: no. Keep him out, and adds: “D. S. Warner and his helpers are en­gaged in sectarian work.” “And whosoever the preacher is — namely, who desired us to come to that place — the Church ought to la­bor with him according to Gal. 6:1 If he cannot be restored to right doctrine, it will be the duty of the Church to withhold fellowship from him.” This is abominable and sectishly sickening. O the poor shaky stuff, trembling for fear the whole counsel of God will be proclaimed, and their craft suffer loss, and they are oven ready to excommunicate a preacher for desiring to hear the truth. The so called “right doctrine,” which they wished to restore the brother to is simply Mo. holiness associationism, in pref­erence to the body of Christ. For this is the chief difference. We preach that men are complete in Christ, in His body; which is the Church; and they rally to their sect association. O dear Jesus pity the peo­ple led by such teachers. How disgust­ing in the sight of God their hypocritical charge that we are engaged in sectarian work, while they themselves are doing the very thing of which they falsely accuse us. We have been clear before God of all sects, and sectish associations for over ele­ven years. When the Good Way and about all the other holiness papers cast their aspersions at us, and accused us of tearing down the Church, calling the sects the Church. And God so suddenly moved out of all their sect holiness and left them dead, that the Mo. association have been compelled to confess that God is on the Anti-sect side, and have made some pre­tences of coming out of sects themselves. And now, behold, while yet strapped up in their association machinery, which the light of God took us out of over eleven years ago; they have the impudence to call us sect workers. I have before me an ar­ticle cut from the Good — rather confusion Way — of Mar. 31. 1883. entitled “come-outism.” Which virtually condems the idea of coming out of sects, and standing com­plete in Christ, which is called “false come-outism.” And here is what they call “true come-outism.” Now the spirit of true come-outism would sift all these sects, and wondrously reduce their proud numbers to very modest proportions, and make those sects what God would have them.” So you see they taught stay-inism, in 1883. Clean out the sect, instead of the “voice from Heaven: Come out of her my people.” At the Jacksonville Ill general holi­ness Convention, the present editor of the G. W. arose in our hearing and got off this disgusting testimony. “Here stands one sanctified Southern Methodist preacher.” Then they were kicking at us for teaching the holy people to came out of the sects, but now, they wish to make appear that they only are out of sects. God is judging their abominable hypocrisy. The G. W. has been a mass of confusion right along. Some of its writers plead for sects, or at least have done so within a couple years past. Some teach the quaker doctrine of devils; others contend for a part of the New Tetament ordinances, and bitterly renounce the rest. Some accept the whole. A fews years ago they were all divided up on the color question, until they at last drove the colored students from the place. The G. W. is indeed one of the most babylonized sheets we know. So long as the holiness preachers and people in Mo. talk the sickening babyhood twaddle, and dis­gusting babylon confusion, of unity in es­sentials, and liberty in non-essentials.” they have no right to speak against the sects, who shake hands over their walls on the same principles. If it is right to remain in ignorance of and compromise some truth, why lift up the Bible standard on any truth.? The same-Spirit that guides into some truth, will “guide us into all truth.” But the blood of Jesus Christ I cleanses us from our “vain conversation received by tradition of our fathers,” as well as from carnality. These men talk of con­tending earnestly for holiness, but want to avoid disturbing men’s conflicting opinions, imbibed in sect education. This is silly child’s play. There is no consistency in calling men out of sects, and letting them still retain the errors of sect education. The G. W. is really a babylon sheet. Though it teaches against sects, it is inconsistent in itself. Being the organ of the South Western holiness association. All human­ly founded religious organisms are sects, whether called churches or associations. The M. E. sect was ostensibly formed for the same purpose these associations were, but it is none the less an abominable sect. Sect means a cut off part, and any Body not containing all believers is schismatic, and sectional; a sect whether called church or association. And all such compacts are an abomination to God. For they cast a reflection upon Christ, and His body, as though His Church were not practical for the spread of the Gospel, and promotion of its ends. Thus giving the glory to men, instead of to Christ. Therefore before the G. W. can consistently shoot at babylon, it should purge out the babel confusion of its association and divisions And before it can oppose other sects, it should demol­ish the association sect, of which it is the organ.

One duty remains yet for us to meet in this article. Were it not that dear saints down South who have never met us and who know nothing of our individual affairs have requested us to say something respecting the very unkind assault made upon us; in the G. W. of Nov. 23. 89. by certain stockholders, of that paper, we should prefer to pass it in utter silence. First, because every truly sanctified soul, who is clear in the light of God has but to hear us, or read the Gospel Trumpet and we know the Spirit of the living God will witness to their soul that we are of God. Second, God’s truth is the same no matter what any man is or is not, and every hon­est heart will embrace the truth as fast as it comes into his comprehension, no… mat­ter what good or evil may be said of the in­struments who publish. All men are noth­ing, but Jesus and His precious Truth are all. The article refered to is clearly the product of a blind stupid jealousy. Satan well knows, and many editors and publishers have found out that when men get fully saved out of the traps of babel machinery, and once fully discern the glorious Body of Christ, in the clear evening light, they lose all relish for the milk and water liter­ature of association sectism. Hence it is no strange thing that persons both sectishly and financially interested in such liter­ature would spit out the contents of their jealous hearts. O God! my soul is amaz­ed at the awful rashness of editors and big­oted preachers rushing into print with evil surmisings, that will appear against the … in the day of judgment. O I pray God that it may be laid to their ignorance, and that God may forgive them. This preacher Elkins and wife and McIntosh, whose names appear with the article, were met by us in all love and kindness, and treat­ed with christian respect. But they acte.. like pouting children, sat back, usually did not kneel during prayer. This we were told by some that noticed. Elkins, on both our visits there, was filled with abomina­ble surmisings, and though he knew nothing wrong of us, nor d..red affirm nothing, he showed a very great desire to surmise, and make himself think evil. His own speech­es on both occasions, clearly proved him­self destitute of one real ray of Holy Spirit light in his soul, to any truly enlightened saint of God. They try hard to put us in a bad light before the world, and babylon holiness. By alluding to the fact that I have a living wife. S0 I have, but by the grace of God I do not propose to quit preaching the Gospel on that account. Having a good conscience before God and all men in this matter. My poor wife was overthrown seven years ago, and went a way from me, and all those years I have done all in my power to induce her return. But my letters have not even been answer­ed, and many personal visits have been evaded. What more can a man do? I have cut her money to come on, a few months after departing. Have offered any­thing in our domestic affairs she wished, and have in all kindness for these years written her invitations to return, and re­quired no conditions at all on her part; which facts I can prove. And every thing she held against me, I said to her, I would take all upon me, and asked her pardon. Knowing that in her blinded condition she could not judge righteous judgment, I asked her pardon for all according to the verdict of her own perverted mind. God lead me to do this as an extreme effort to recover her poor soul from the awful blight of the deceiver. And new, while scarcely a sinner, that I recollect hearing of, in all our four years travel, that opened his or her month in evil surmising against us, and not a half dozen who were base and mean enough of all the awful spirits we met in sect babylon, to do so, it remained for a few association worshipers in Mo. to condescend lower than any reg­ular professed sectarian has done. They try to color a dark thing over us working in company with an old Sister 67 years of age, whose husband was perfectly willing for her to go forth and work for God, until his health failed last fall, when I at once advised her to return, and so the Lord lead her. The rest of the company were two wholly consecrated and exemplary sisters of 33 and 37 years of age, and a young brother, who was yet a boy when we start­ed. With the two sisters under the care of a mother in Israel, it seems none but a heart that is corrupt and devilish could make evil. One thing I do know, that we can appeal to all men and women before God; where we have labored, and challenge the first appearence of evil in our deportment. A second thing we also know that while we were in the field we were in God’s own order, He having formed the Co. A third thing we know is that we were in New Testament order. see Phil. — 1:3. Acts 13:13. Acts 21:8. And we thank God that we also know this fact, that the day of judgment will reveal many hundreds of souls that were saved where we have labor­ed in these years. As to their scoffing at our praising God, and their growling at the fact that we claim, and thank God, possess the authority of a New Tetsament preacher, and do not preach as babylon holiness teachers and pharisees do, but knowing the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, “we speak the things that we do know,” we have no apology to make. Much of the article is beneath our notice, and some things, we are sorry to say, betrays a very elastic conscience in the writers. All of which they will give an account in the day of judgment. Now we say this in conclusion, that this whole Mo. association holiness is dead; just as sect holiness every where else is utterly abandoned of God, and it is left desolate, confused, and spurious. God help all honest ones who love the whole truth, to come out from among them and be established in the present truth.



Barkeyville, Pa.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — God bless you all that you may abound in the grace and love of God more and more I feel led of the Lord to write my tesimony, and a little of my experience.

I was saved in Jesus when I first heard he blessed evening light, and it was food to my soul and I walked in the light as last as the Lord let it shine in my soul; I was praying for light when the Lord sent some of His children, all strangers in the flesh, but not in the Spirit, and I never heard the Word of God preached in its purity till I heard the ministers of God preach it. Praise God for His true Word. Through division and strife among these that professed to be God’s children, I began to lose zeal, and in dark times when I could not see, I failed to trust God, lost confidence in some of the true children of God, began to doubt my own salvation and got into despair and suffered wonder­fully, it was all the hell I ever wanted. I could not find language to express it. In the deepest of despair the devil told me I had belter give up: I told him I would not, but clung right to Jesus and told him to take my natural life if necesary, but save my soul. Glory to Jesus, He delivered me. He is mighty to save, and strong to deliver and I lived an up and down life for three years, some times had the victory, some times in the valley. And the devil had brought in some other disturbing elements to disturb my peace. I had a desire to get on a high place, and I saw it was for me, but it took so much of my time to con­tend with the devil, the bondage I had suffered him to bring me into. I could not get free to work for God. So God sent some of His free children to preach the Word in its purity, and I saw where I was and called on the Lord and He delivered my soul from the bondage of the devil, and sanctified me by a second work of grace. Praise God I have made a deeper consecra­tion than ever before. And I am dead in­deed to sin and kept by the power of God. Praise God I am free just now, ready to do the whole will of God.

Clemma Koonce.


Edgar Springs, Mo.

Dear Trumpet Readers: — My testimony for Jesus is that He saves me now. I feel that His blood washes whiter than snow O how I praise the Lord for the way He is leading His little ones at this place There are but few saints here, but I do pray God that He may send more of His holy ministers here to preach the Word. Sister Allie R. Fisher and Co. last fall held meetings here in the name of the Lord, and it has made a deep impression upon the hearts of the peple. Many are want­ing them to come back. They have sowed much good seed, and we hope they, or other ministers of God, may come and reap the harvest for the Lord. We want all the saints to pray for us, that we may ever stand firm.

Your Bro. saved in Jesus.

J. E. Beets.

—‡* * *‡—

Deer Creek, Ind.

Dear Saints: — We feel led to write a few lines in honor of Jesus, who has done so much for us. O praise the Lord! We are still saved by His mighty power and rejoicing in this glorious evening light. We have prayer meeting once a week and the Lord is with us to own and to bless. I am saved from the use of tobacco for which it took from 25 cts. to 50 cts. per week. We are saved from coffee and tea, and all sinful and worldly pleasures. O what a glorious saving power. Truly, His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Pray for us that we may be found standing straight for our God at all times. May God’s richest blessings rest upon you all. Yours in Christ.

Robert. J. & Caroline Monteith.


Clover Dale, Mich.

Dear Brethren: — We praise God that we are all standing firm in the Lord, and are kept by the mighty power of God. And He keeps us in the unity of the Spirit. So we can say that the Lord is our helper, and will not fear what man shall do unto us. We have three meetings a week, and the Lord meets with us in power and love. O we do praise God that we can meet to­gether a and praise God in pure love, and pure Bible salvation. Dear saints pray for us that we ever stand firm, and earnestly contend for the faith, which was once de­livered unto the saints.

J. B. Polley.

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