15 October 1884, Volume 6, Number 16.



Verily, “the misery of man is great upon him!” Behold the wretched fallen creature! The pestilence pursues him. The leprosy cleave to him. Consumption is wasting him. Inflammation is devouring his vitals. Burning fever has seized upon the very springs of life. The destroying angel has overtaken the sinner in his sins. The hand of God is upon him. The fires of wrath are kindling about him, drying up every well of comfort, and scorching all his hopes to ashes. Conscience is chasti­sing him with scorpions. See how he writhes! Hear how he shrieks for help! Mark what agony and terror are in his soul, and on his brow! Death stares him in the face, and shakes at him his iron spear. He trembles, he turns pale, as a culpret at the bar, as a convict on the scaff­old. He is condemned already. Con­science has pronounced the sentence. An­guish has taken hold upon him. Terrors gather in battle array about him. He looks back, and the storms of Sinai pursue him; forward, and hell is moved to meet him above, and the heavens are on fire; beneath, and the world is burning. He listens, and the judgment trump is calling; again, and the brazen chariots of ven­geance are thundering from afar; yet again, and the sentence penetrates his soul with anguish unspeakable — “Depart! ye accur­sed! into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels!” Thus, “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” They are “dead in trespasses and sins;” spiritually dead, and. legally dead; dead by the mortal power of sin, and dead by the condemnatory sen­tence of the law; and helpless as sheep to the slaughter, they are driven fiercely on by the ministers of wrath to the all-de­vouring grave, and the lake of fire!

But is there no mercy? Is there no means of salvation? Hark! amidst all this pre­lude of wrath and ruin, comes a still small voice, saying: “much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded un­to many.”

Mercy appeared on the hill of calva­ry. “Where, “said Justice, “is the Son of God?” “Behold him,” answered mer­cy, “at the foot of the hill!” And there he came, bearing his own cross, and followed by his weeping church. Mercy re­tired, and stood aloof from the scene. Jesus ascended the hill, like a lamb for the sac­rifice. Justice presented the dreadful bond, saying, “This is the day on which this ar­ticle must be canceled.”

The redeemer took it. What did he do with it? Tear it in pieces, and scatter it to the winds? No! He nailed it to his cross, crying, “It is finished!” The vic­tim ascended the altar. Justice called on holy fire to come down and consume the sacrifice. Holy fire replied: “I come I will consume the sacrifice, and then I will burn up the world!” It fell upon the Son of God and, rapidly consumed his human­ity; but when it touched his Deity it expired.

Then was there darkness over the whole land, and an earthquake shook the moun­tain, but the heavenly host broke forth in rapturous song — “Glory to God in the highest! on earth peace, good will to man!”

This abounding grace is manifested in the gift of Jesus Christ, whose mediation our reconciliation and salvation are effected. “With him, believers are dead unto sin and alive unto God.

Our sins were slain at his cross and bur­ied in his tomb. His resurrection hath opened our graves and given us an assur­ance of immortally. “God commends his love toward, us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us; much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him, for if when we were enemies, we were rec­oncile to God by the death of his son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”

Hither, O ye guilty! come and cast away your weapons of rebellion! Come with your bad principles and wicked actions your, unbelief and enmity and pride, and throw them off at the redeemer’s feet! God is here, waiting to be gracious. He will receive you — He will cast all your sins be­hind his back, into the depths of the sea, and they shall be remembered against you no more forever. By heaven’s “unspeak­able gift,” by Christ’s invaluable atone­ment by the free and infinite grace of the Father and the Son, we persuade you, we beseech you, we entreat you, “be ye recon­ciled to God!”

it is by the work of the Holy Spirit with­in us, that we obtain a personal interest in the work wrought on Calvary for us. If-our sins are canceled, they are also crucifi­ed. If we are reconciled in Christ, we fight against our God no more.

This is the fruit of faith. “With the heart man believeth unto righteousness.” May the Lord inspire in every one of us that saving principle.


Sanctified and Tried.


Williamston, Sept, 25th ’84.

Dear Brethren: — I do praise God for salvation full and free. The Lord has sanctified me, and tried me in the fire; praise God I have labored in the very fire until the dross and all sympathy for the works of the devil are cleansed out of me. “Many shall be purified and made white and tried.” — Daniel 12: 10. It is impos­sible for those that are sanctified to es­cape the furnace. “Now no chastening for the present seems to be joyous, but grievous, nevertheless afterward it yield­s the peacable fruits of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” Heb. 12: 11. Hallelujah to Jesus for His love that fills my soul just now! “The Lord also shall roar out of zion and utter His voice from Jerusalem and the heavens and the earth shall shake, but the Lord will be the hope of His people and the strength of the children of Israel.” — Joel 3:16. Praise God! He will not leave us, nor forsake us. Praise Jesus for those blessed promises! “Then shall ye know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in zion my holy mountain; then shall Jeru­salem be holy, and there shall no stran­gers pass through her any more.” — Ver. 17. “Awake! Awake! put on thy strength, O Zion, put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the un­clean. Shake thyself from the dust, arise and sit down (in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. — Eph. 2: 6.) O Jerusalem loose thyself from the bands of thy neck. O captive daughter of zion, for thus saith the Lord, ye have sold yourselves for naught and ye shall be redeemed without money.” Redeem means “to purchase back from sale or from slavery,” to rescue from the bondage of sin or its penalties. Isa. 52; 1-3. Praise God! He is redeem­ing His people from the yoke of secta­rianism, and will give unto them that escaped “the double everlasting joy.” — Isa. 61: 7, and ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, i.e., when ye escape out of Babylon; and “ye shall praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt so wondrously with you, and ye shall never be ashamed saith the Lord.” — Joel 2: 26. “And it shall come to pass that whoso­ever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered; for in mount zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said.” — Joel 2: 32. Come ye that are led captive by Babylon and be delivered. “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues; for her sins have reached unto Heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities.” — Rev. 18: 4, 5. “And He cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habi­tation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, “and a cage of unclean and hateful birds; for all the nations have drunken of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” — Rev. 18: 2, 3. The way, and the only way out of babylon, is under the Blood. Get cleansed out, and enjoy your freedom in Christ, for whom the Son makes free is free indeed. — John 8: 36. Praise God! all those that have come out of babylon, appreciate their deliverance and freedom in Christ. “Ye which have escaped out of her, lift up your voices like a trumpet.” — Isa. 58:1, “Put yourselves in array against babylon round about, all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows for she hath sinned against the Lord.” — Jer. 50: 14. “Reward her even as she rewarded you. and double unto her double, according to her works; in the cup which she hath filled, fill unto her double.” — Rev. 18: 6. “Thus saith the Lord, I have set watch­men upon thy wall, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence.” — Isa. 62: 6. Praise God! “Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice, with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again zion.” — Isa. 52: 8. Here the words of Paul, “Now I beseech ye brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye shall speak the same thing and that there be no division among you, but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment.” (Em. Diaglott, “Sentiment.”) 1 Cor. 1:10. I do praise God for the bond of Christian love that binds all the pure in heart together in the unity of God’s eter­nal Son. Praise God for the gift of His dear Son “from whom the whole body fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint supplies accord-to the measure of every part, makes in­creace of the body, unto the edifying of itself in love.” — Eph. 4:16. “Put on charity which is the bond of perfectness.” Col. 3: 14, for the end of the command­ment is charity out of a pure earth. — l Tim. 1:5. I do praise God for the love of Je­sus, that is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost which is given unto me. Rom. 5: 5. Your Brother in Christ.

Samuel Speck.


Filled with the Holy Spirit.


What does it mean? Evidently more than simply receiving the Spirit. Does it not denote very clearly, being brought entirely under His control, so that every faculty of the mind is directed by Him, is purified, sanctified? But we are not to understand being “filled” in the sense of our being unable to hold more: no, a boiler may be full of steam as soon as the water is partially heated, but there is no power there; by increasing the fire, the pressure becomes greater until hudreds of pounds of pressure is felt on every square inch. So may God’s children be filled with His Spirit, till the pressure becomes so great that the power is manifested by the work performed. When filled there must be a safely valve for the surplus to escape from, otherwise even the stones would cry out. David says “I will run the way of the commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart.” Surely if a vessel is enlarged it can be filled again and again; our attainments may be higher and still higher until we reach a slate of perfection.

We cannot set limits to she grace of the Spirit. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. We observe that the difference between those who are “filled” with the Spirit, and those who are regenerated is both in degree and in nature. One has the Spirit and inbred sin within, while the other is purified and “filled,” body and soul. One state is that of childhood the other perfect manhood, not the man­hood of a dwarf; but a fully developed man, with ability to labor. Manhood is not like childhood. In childhood others work for us, in manhood we work for others. When men fully receive the Holy Spirit, they receive power, are filled with power that enables them to resist and conquer the Adversary, and this is done with comparative ease. O what joy there is in being filled with the Holy Spirit; it is unspeakable and full of glory. It gives a peace that reaches beyond our comprehension, a peace the world can in no way effect. “My cup runes over.” Joy flows like a river; not the stagnant pool or weak rivulet, but like a river calm, deep and wide. Like the grand Ocean, boundless. Being “filled” with the Spirit, causes us to bear fruit, what delicious fruit, joy, love, longsuffering, peace: unlike the fruit born by the nat­ural or unsanctified. Evil communication, filthiness, and such like. When filled with the Spirit, although tossed on the sea of trial, hither and thither, within there is a great calm. Will the Lord in­deed come thus in the person of the Spir­it and dwell in us always? Most assur­edly. He says, “If ye abide (stay, live,) in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done.” Here then is the secret of the whole matter, stay where Christ puts you, (which is in Himself) let. His words stay in you, you can ask for the filling and it is granted. O that all who profess to be Christians could realize the blessed­ness of being fully cleansed and filled with the Spirit.


Holiness in the Ordinances of Christ.

The word ordinance is defined by the dictionaries of our language, as a “Rule established: observance commanded; es­tablished rite.” Any thing therefore that is commanded or enjoined by authori­ty, is an ordinance, whether Religious, State, or City ordinance. James says, “There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy” — 4: 12. “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiv­er, the Lord is our king; He will save us.” Isa. 33: 22. The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, and final Judge is the “one” and only lawgiver. All authority in heaven and earth is given unto Him. “He shall not fail, nor be discouraged, until He shall set judgment in the earth, and the isles shall wait for His law,” — The whole Bible invests Christ with the character of a “Lawgiver,” “Lord and Master,” “Com­mander and leader,” and “king of kings.” “The government shall be upon His shoulders,” and “He is a son over His own house.” “He is the mediator of the New Testament.” He is a perfect exam­ple of the Christian life. Hence He says, “follow me.” “Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.” The great commission says, “preach my Gospel,” “teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you.” Similar scrip­tures might be multiplied to a great length. Therefore to deny Christ the authority of a legislator, as the Advent­ists do, is shocking blasphemy, and to classify the positive ordinances of the New Testament, under the law as a class of semi-infidels do, is an insult to Christ and a vile heresy of the devil.

I never yet met, nor read after any man that disbelieved in the positive in­stitutions of the New Testament, that could define his positian, and stand by it. Floundering in their ignorance, they will read Rom. 14, and apply the instructions there given to the ordinances of Christ. They confess Christ as the author of the Lord’s supper, but put it on the plain of indifference. He commanded it, but it is bigotry to insist on its observance. “Let nor him that eats despise him that eat­s not, and let him that eats not de­spise aim that eats.” “Let us not therefore judge one another any more,” etc. That is, they say, we should not make any difference between those that partake of the bread and wine, and they that do not. Each should do as they choose, and neither should try to correct the other. What abominable doctrine. Such babel confusion proceeds from the wilderness darkness, where no one dare profess to know the truth, hence all are bound to show equal regard for views that are opposite to theirs as their own, not knowing who is right, but all guess­ing their way in the dark. Now any man that will apply the instructions in Rom. 14, and similar teaching in Gal. and in other epistles of Paul, to the ordinan­ces of Christ, is in gross darkness or else he is subverted and dishonest. The whole lesson relates to mere social and dietic habits of life. “One believeth he can eat all things: another, who is weak, eats herbs.” The same libery is given respect­ing the Jewish Sabbaths. Some had ap­prehended the full liberty of the Gospel, others had not yet; each was free to an­swer his own conscience. In regard to these social, and domestic customs, Paul becomes all things to all, that he might gain some. But did he also subject the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ to this prudential rule? Did he wave them in some places, and enjoin them in others? Or did he teach them as such matters of indifference, that to do or not to do them was all one? Paul conformed to the dif­ferent social and traditional customs of the people, in various countries, but he did not; take such latitude in reference to the principles and precepts of the Word of the Lord. See 1 Cor. 9; 19-22. “To them that are without law, as without law (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.” You see clearly by the Apostle’s words that he only con­formed to the different customs of people, so far as he could and keep in the law of God in Christ Jesus, but that he could not swerve a particle from the laws of the Mediator of the New Testament. There is a great contrast between those princi­ples that apply to prejudices and notions respecting eating and drinking, and those that apply to the real commands of the “last Will and Testament of Christ.” In the former every one must satisfy his own conscience. In the latter every dis­ciple must “live by every word that pro-cedes out of the mouth of God.” And the application of the optional principles that govern the former class of actions, to the statutes of the Son of God, is the work of the devil. Concerning the eating of herbs, or meat etc. let every one “judge what is good,” according to the best light he has on health laws. But when Christ came to wash Peter’s feet, and he refus­ed, the “Lord and Master” did not say, “It is all right Peter, I let every one ‘be fully persuaded in his own mind,’ and act as he shall choose.” O no, He talked quite differently. — “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.” Then the doc­trine of option, in respect to the ordinan­ces of Christ, is a doctrine of devils.”

Again they plunge to the other side of the pit they have digged, and tell us that the washing of the saints feet, the-Lord’s supper and baptism, are of the law, hence done away. But this dishonest dodge can only serve until some one opens the Bible and reads that “The law came by Moses, but grace and truth by the Lord Jesus Christ.” “The law and the prophets were until John; since then the kingdom of heaven is preached.” Such false teaching can only be devised for the ignorant: for such as are so ignorant as not to know whether these three ordi­nances are recorded in the Old or the New Testament; whether it was Christ that was baptized in Jordan, or whether it was Moses. Whether it was Moses or Christ that broke bread, gave the cup, and washed the disciple’s feet. But for­tunately the people that do know the Lord have read their Bibles, and have observed that “the Law came by Moses, but grace and truth, — including the pos­itive ordinances of the Lord — came by the Lord Jesus Christ.” And preferring Christ’s truth to satan’s lie, they “follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes,” doing His commandments.

Again these propagators of the quaker error, say that these institutions have no relation to, nor in any way promote righteousness, but Christ says, according to the common version, “thus it behoov­es us to fulfill all righteousness.” In the light of the Word, we see glorious lessons of holiness in the ordinances of Christ. We find in each of the three pos­itive institutions of Christ, a monument of something pertaining to Christ, and a beautiful figure of something relating to the Church.

“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ, were baptized into His death?” — Rom. 6:3.

Here we see that the act of baptism is an act of induction: an act that puts us into something. In the above instance it is into Christ, and into His death. That is the act of the Holy Spirit. “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.” Being brought into Christ, we partake of Christ, His life, His grace, His mind and nature. But Christ is a suffer­ing dying Savior, so if baptized into this Christ we must be baptized into His death, as well as into His life. For “It is a faithful saying, if we be dead with Him, we shall live with Him.” “Therefore (because of this induction into His death) we are hurried with. Him by baptism, into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also (having in our baptismal burial professed to be dead to sin,) should walk in newness of life.” “For if we have been planted together in the like­ness of His death, we shall be in the like­ness of His resurrection.” — Rom. 6: 4, 5. These scriptures clearly point to our Spir­itual baptism into Christ, into His death, as the cause and ground of our literal burial in the ordinance of baptism. And this declares the death to sin, that results from our baptism into Christ. Hence we have Spirit baptism — death, literal bap­tism — burial and resurrection with Christ. As relating to Christ, therefore, baptism is a monument of His burial and res­urrection. As relating to us, it is a figure of our death to sin, buried out of sight of this world, and resurrection with Christ to the life of God. Baptism being a sub­merging beneath the water, suggests both the idea of a burial and a washing, both of which are associated with it in the New Testament, and both of which are strik­ing figures of our salvation. Hence it was said to Paul, “why tamest thou, arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins.” Now that the water of baptism can wash away sin literally, is impossible, for sin is not upon the surface of the body; it must therefore do it typically. In other words it is a figure of our purification from sin. As expressed by Peter, “The like figure whereunto baptism does also now save us.” It is then a monument of Christ’s burial and resurrection, and a figure of our salvation. Yea it is a strik­ing figure of our salvation to the utter­most, a clear declaration of perfect holi­ness. In this light the Apostle brings it forward as a strong appeal to the Roman brethren to “reckon themselves dead in­deed unto sin, and alive unto God through Christ Jesus.” This whole Epistle is written to urge them on into the grace of entire sanctification. The argument here is this, “Shall we continue in sin,” since even in the act of baptism you de­clared that you had embraced a system of faith which produces utter death to sin and the world; it being a burial, which always supposes death.

Here then we find the ordinance of bap­tism, being a monument of the great fun­damental fact in the plan of human re­demption, is a standing, perpetual insti­tution, throughout the redemptive age. For in all time the resurrection consti­tutes the ground of the Christian hope; therefore to the end of time this striking monument is appointed of God, to tell to a lost world our triumps in Christ over death and the grave. The great fact of holiness, entire death to sin and the world, being the great end of the atonement, and the normal condition of the soul, all ages of the redemptive period need this divinely appointed, and striking declara­tion of the same. Hence we find in the commission of Christ, which extends “al­ways, even unto the end of the world,” every one that believes in Him, is com­manded to receive baptism by the hands of His messengers.

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The passover feast commemorated Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, and pointed for­ward to the sacrifice of Christ; hence ceased when fulfilled in the antitype — Christ’s death. Baptism, though not an institution of the highly typical covenant of Moses; being of the New Testament, and not of the Old, is nevertheless both com­memorative, and typical, and as it was with the former rite, is in force until that which it typifies is wholly accom­plished; namely until the last one of the Redeemed shall have been “put to death” with Christ, and cleansed from all sin by His blood.

Holiness, then is most emphatically taught, and strikingly portrayed by, and in the act of literal, scriptural baptism; and while the Gospel continues to offer holiness, water baptism continues to por­tray, teach and confess it.

Now let us look at the doctrine of the Lord’s supper. It is clearly set forth by Christ and the Apostle Paul, as “showing His (Christ’s) death, till He shall come.” That is its monumental or commemorative import. Luke 22: 19, 20; 1 Cor. 11:34. Now the death of Christ is another great fundamental fact of the Gospel. To His cross, and no where else, can we point sinners for an assurance of pardon, and believers for the blood of entire cleansing. To set forth His atoning death, till He come again He has instituted the Lord’s supper. The breaking of the loaf preaches the breaking of His body, His death. The use of the wine points to His blood which cleanses us from all sin, and all unrigh­teousness. This crucifixion, and this a­toning blood is to be preached to the end of the world, hence the giving of the bread and wine He emphatically ordained in His body, “till He shall come again.” While the Gospel of holiness through the death and blood of Jesus, is sounded into the ears of men, the same Gospel is to be preached to the eye, by means of the bread and the “fruits of the vine.” Ho­liness is the great central, objective end of the Gospel. Holiness through the death and the blood of Christ, is the glo­rious truth symbolized by the bread and wine. Therefore so long as holiness is being promoted on earth, the Lord’s sup­per is needed to set forth the atoning sac­rifice, even “Christ crucified among you.”

But there is another fact just as essen­tial to, and inseparable from holiness as that of purity: that is unity. That holi­ness cannot exist without producing one­ness we have shown by many scriptures in the last issue. You might just as well think about separating fire and heat, as talk of holiness and division. As we can­not have scriptural union without script­ural holiness; neither can we have script-urtl holiness without perfect unity. There­fore the promotion of unity, is properly the promotion of holiness. Hence he that labors to destroy divisions, without leading souls to Gospel perfection, as a second work of grace, by sanctification, — Heb. 10:14, is not sent of God. Like­wise he that professes to teach and pro­mote this bible, experience of entire sanctification, and yet justifies sect divi­sion, is sent of the devil. In either case the fruits are but the corrupting, and the destruction of the true work of God.

Now this great truth of perfect unity, which is inseparable from, and identical with holiness, is the typical object of the Lord’s supper.

“The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread (loaf) which we break is it not the communion of the baby of Christ? For we being many are one bread, (one loaf) and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.” 1 Cor. 10:16, 17.

Notice that Paul is not speaking of bread which Moses broke, nor yet which Christ broke, as if it were a matter of the past. But it is the “cup of blessing which we bless,” the “loaf which we break,” We the Apostolic Church, at the time of his writing do actually practice the breaking of this bread, and the participation of this cup. This was 26 years after pente­cost. Therefore every man that teaches that these things were done away by the cross, or from the time of pentecost, is guilty of teaching a positive lie, of which the devil is the father. The Quakers say the Spirit of God leads them to put away these things; but Christ say “do this in remembrance of me, till I come again,” and 26 years later the Apostle says “we bless” the cup, “we break” the loaf. We practice what Christ com­manded. We the inspired apostles, and the true Church of God do these things. Were the Apostles of the Lamb wrong, or are those modern disbelievers in a part of the New Testament in error? By the grace of the Lord Jesus, and the authori­ty of God, we take the Sword of the Spirit and cut all such off from the true saints of God. While it stands upon record that the Spirit of God “guides us into all truth,” we cannot be upright before God, and allow that a single teacher of that antichrist theory is led by the Spirit of God. They are all deceived by the devil and led by a false spirit, and will be con­demned by the Bible in the day of judgment, if they do not repent and obey the truth. Now you say we do not have charity. By the grace of God wherein we stand, we have no charity for sin, but must obey God in “casting down imagin­ations, and every high thing that exalt­s itself against the knowledge of God,” and this will we do through the “weap­ons” He has given us, which are “mighty through God.” — 2 Cor. 10:4, 5. But do you not assume too much authority? We assume nothing of ourselves, but God says, “Take the Sword of the Spirit.” “Go through the city and smite.” “These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.” — Titus 2:15. Glory to God! Wherein “we know the truth,” we are clothed with “all authority.” “And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him.” John 3: 19. If we know that twice five makes ten, we know also that twice three does not make ten. Knowing the truth, we know positively that he that “is of the contrary part,” is not led by the Spirit of truth. “He that is not of God hears not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” “He that doeth the will of God, shall know of the doctrine.” To know the truth, and yet fellowship the opposite is babylon confu­sion, and thank God we have come out of her. Being “strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power,” we are able to do His will. And here is the attitude in which God’s Word sets us toward all who reject the ordinances of Jesus Christ. “And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.” 2 Thes. 3:14, 15. Were we the only man on earth that believed the Word of God in these positive precepts, we should not have the slightest doubt but that, in so doing we should condemn the whole world as Noah did.

Such presumptuously call the ordinan­ces of Christ, the “doctrines and com­mandments of men.” “Carnal ordinan­ces,” this is blasphemy before God. Lis­ten to the strong rebuke sent down upon all such by the Apostle Paul, — “I certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” — Gal. 1:11, 12. But were the ordinances a part of the Gospel Paul re­ceived by revelation of Jesus Christ? They were, by his own testimony. Hear him, “Now I praise you brethren that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you.” For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread: and when He had given thanks, He brake it, and said, take eat: this is ray body which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. Af­ter the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remem­brance of me.” — 1 Cor. 11:2, 23, 24, 25. We feel to bless the name of God that the way of truth is so “plain that a way­faring man though a fool, shall not err therein.” Paul delivered to the Church­es, certain “ordinances,” mark, he speaks in the plural. He then received more than one ordinance by “revelation of Je­sus Christ.” He then proceeds to in­struct them in reference to what he calls the “Lord’s supper,” one of these ordinan­ces, and says that he had “received it; of the Lord,” and delivered it to them. Us­ing the same language that Christ Him­self did, when He instituted it 26 years before. The Lord’s supper a command­ment of men? Shame on the wicked presumption that would assert such a falsehood, in direct contradiction to the inspired Apostle. Let us enquire when Paul received the Lord’s supper, with the other ordinances of His Gospel? Surely not before he was converted, for then he was persecuting the saints “ignorantly in unbelief.” It must then have been since then. Now that event took place over tow years. after pentecost. Then we have positive proof that two years af­ter Christ had ascended up to Heaven, and taken His seat at the right hand of the Father, He had not turned to be a quaker. And we wonder where our qua­ker friends will go to get their evidence that He has since changed His mind. Twenty-six years after pentecost, we find Paul recording in the history of the saints of God, that they practiced the ordinances of Christ as He had delivered them, and commanding them to do so; and in the Same Epistle, he has a word that seems to have been intended for the benefit fo all those deluded ones of our day, that claim to be so very “Spiritual,” that they do not need the outward rites of Christ’s “grace and truth.” Hear Him. “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or Spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the com­mandments of the Lord.” — 1 Cor. 14: 27. So when Paul wrote to the Corinthians to keep the ordinances as he had delivered them unto them, he wrote the command­ment of the Lord. To disbelieve it, is in­fidelity, to disobey is sin.

Returning to the typical import of the Lord’s supper, namely, the oneness of all hat believe; we find it is appointed of God an essential, perpetual condition of His Church. Hence that blessed com­munion of the bread and fruit of the vine, which is ordained of Christ to represent and enforce that condition, is a perpetual institution.

We have seen that every monumental and typical fact ascribed to baptism, and the Lord’s supper point to holiness, and are living fundamental facts in the plan of human redemption. And as every point of bible truth they show forth endure to the end of the Gospel age, the ordinances that are instituted of God to preach them to the eye and heart, also endure. Had they been based upon temporary princi­ples, that have passed away, there would be no more ground for their observance, but this is not the case, hence they re­main in force “till He come.”






Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.


D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, — Editors.
J. C. FISHER, – Publisher.


TERMS, $1.00. Per Year. In advance.


All matter for publication must be sent to D.S. Warner.

All business communications, moneys etc, must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET.

Addrss, Williamston 



Entered at the Post Office at Williamston, Ingham Co.
Mich., as second class matter.


Please observe the above directions.

Business letters that also contain matter suited for publication will be used.

Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in postal notes, over that amount in post office orders. Where these cannot be obtained, send by registered letter, or small amounts in two cent stamps




We have just published a tract of six­teen good size pages, neatly bound in ex­tra paper. Written by brother J. C. Fisher, the contents of which is pretty well expressed in the title page as follows ‘CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.’

A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.

little book. And all that God has, blessed with the means, will glorify Him by or­dering a dozen or more to feed poor hun­gry souls with pure, strong, Gospel food. You will also assist the finances of the office by helping to scatter this little work. Order freely, we have printed three thous­and of them.

Price…………………………. 10 cents.
One dozen copies………….. $1.00
Fifty copies………………3. 50

Orders may be sent in postal note, or small amounts in two cent postage stamps.


Brother and Sister Fisher are now engaged in a meeting at Payne Paulding Co. O. Will be there several days, then go to Mt. Pleasant Iowa, and la­bor a month. Any one wishing to correspond with them can address them there.

We go to Battle Creek Mich, to begin a meeting Oct. 15. We ask the prayers of all God’s saints that the Power of God may be manifest in that great babel of Materialism, and Spiritualism. Af­ter closing there we start on our tour to the south west, visiting such places as the Lord directs, on our way. The Spirit has placed on our mind Beaver Dam Kosciusko Co. Ind, Roann, Wabash Co. Grant Co. and a few points is southern Ind. Let us hear from brethren wishing our labors It would be well for such also to send us means to come on.



Of no Reputation.

Dr. Clark says in his comments on this passage. “He emptied himself: did not appear in His glory, for He assumed the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of man. And His being made in the likeness of man, and assuming the form of a servant was a proof that He had em­ptied Himself, laid aside the effulgence of His glory.”

“It is not said that Jesus had nothing to do with the making of His character but made Himself of mo reputation.’ He looked diligently after the real living and doing o the Father’s will, and then let the Father take the entire care of His outward and historic reputation. If we want to be, and live holy, this same spirit must have full possession of us. We constantly agree to be esteemed as little nobodies, not only by the he world but by the Church as well; to be suspicioned and held at a distance; to have old and in­timate acquaintances greet you will the frigid formality of strangers; to be ‘as a dead man—forgotten;’ to be imposed up­on without stoutly defending yourself; to have the plume plucked from your hat and worn by another; to toil and let oth­ers get the reputation of doing it; to be neglected and disesteemed by professors of holiness; to be hated by some holiness people who are worldly, and to be casti­gated by other holiness people because you do not run into all their whims; fi­nally to be misunderstood by the best saints; to get with Job into a place where about the only ‘record’ and the only repu­tation you have is ‘on high,’ and yet through it all to follow Jesus in His meek and loving Spirit; to hide in His cleansing blood; to ever press after universal holi­ness and peace, not for the sake of any Church, sect, or holiness party, but to please Him that He may be all m all; this is the price of true saintliness.”

Christian Witness.

Bro. Warner, it does seem that the a­bove is a fair and truthful setting forth of the life of the pure; how sad it is that weakness, fear, and doubt, so plainly mark many of the holiness people. Ho­liness means war, yes more, it means death to sin, and war upon all wrong. I have been reading, studying, and praying much since I heard you at the woods meeting in Ohio, a few weeks ago. I think your teaching is not wanting in Scriptural support.

D. Ecker.

Burbank, Ohio.


The War in Pennsylvania.


Anendale Pa. Sept. 27th 1884.

Dear Brethren: — We are having the hardest fighting here I have ever witness­ed. The first evening I preached and ex­posed sham holiness, and showed by the Word that none have any license to com­mit sin, and they stoned me on my way from the meeting; then they began to “pray that I would depart out of their coasts.” We continued to use the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and smite; but there were several other preachers there, and some of them wore ready, as soon as any one was wounded to put one of the devil’s sticking plasters on the wound. Stones and rotten eggs, continued for several evenings until I preached on the subject of the two saving-works of grace and showed how the car­nal mind existed after pardon; then came a great clamor and pleading for sin, and “many were offended in Him,” and they pushed me out of the house. Yet I was joyful, and glad that I was counted wor­thy to suffer shame for the name of Christ, the Lord drew a dividing line, then came the testing time. Quite a number of pro­fessors present, and all that were on the Lord’s side were invited forward; but few came. Then the Spirit of the Lord fell on one of the brethren, and he began to expose the fornications of babylon, and some arose to their feet, came forward, caught him and placed their hands on his face to stop him: but the message was of the Lord, and they had to hear it. By this time the community was in a rage of excitement for several miles around. They met in different places to consult what they had better do with us. So they con­cluded to put a man up to preach that would please them, and do it by force. Then came a great contest. When I went into the stand to preach, the M. E. priest arose in the back part of the congregation and said, “Don’t let that man preach,” then came the fiendish yells, “Carry him out,” Many of the rabble were members of some sect, and had taken part in the meeting at first. The house was full, and men came to the stand several times to carry me out, but my time had not yet come. God had given me another terri­ble message to deliver to this people. The Lord kept me very calm, and I sang “Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.” The tumult being ceased I was permitted to deliver the message. Many sinners are convicted, some have come to the altar. we will not compromise, al­though some say we must, or leave the community. By God’s help I will not leave until the Lord wills.

G. T. Clayton.


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3 page



Text “For thus saith the high and lofty One that in­habits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of theh umble, and to revive the spirit of the contrite ones.” Isa. 57. 15.


Great God, who worlds in being flings!
And from dark chaos, order brings
To Thee, Thou high and lofty One,
Eternal Father, Spirit, Son,
My heart in greatful homage bends,
While prayer like insence sweet, ascends

Up to Thy throne, where waiting stand,
A bright, angelic, eager band,
Whose highest joy’s Thy will to learn,
And swift as thought, that will perform,
And can it be, that ears like Thine,
Will hear such faltering words as mine?

I blush, to Thee, so vile a thing
As my poor heart, an offering bring,
Yet none, dear Lord, Thy grace more needs;
And none, more hopeless, mercy pleads —
Ah, smite not Thou, with anger’s rod,
This helpless, worthless worm, O, God!

Nay, nay my soul, the love that speaks
To thee, from Calvary’s rugged steeps,
Bids Faith “mount upon Eagle’s wings;”
And claim the promise which it brings,
If thou, on Christ, my Son, believe.
Thou shalt, through endless ages, live.


The Union of Love.


Dear Brethren: — I praise God to day for a full and complete salvation, Hal­lelujah to the Lamb, who has purchased our redemption! I stand all Redeemed by the Blood. Glory to God! I thank God I was permitted to meet with the dear saints at Williamston. Some of the dear ones desired those verses on Chris­tian Love, and I will send them to the Trumpet. Your sister saved and sancti­fied. Maple Rapids Mich., Oct. 7,

How sacred and how dear the bond,
Of Christian hearts are one;
Yes God has bound them so close,
By His eternal Son.

They all are one in mind and heart,
They all see eye to eye,
Now sinners you may think it strange,
Bat we can tell you why.

‘Tis for the God of fallen man,
That Christians must be one:
So that the blinded world might know,
That He had sent His Son.

This is the prayer that Jesus made,
The last, but O how great;
For all poor sinners He prayed,
Because He knew their fate.

Oh yes, His loving Son He gave,
To rescue fallen man:
That we, through Christ might heaven gain
And rest at God’s right hand..


The Devil’s Preacher Factory.


Colleges are necessary to fit men for the work of the devil, and the business of this world, but instead of fitting men for God’s work of saving souls, they (such as they are,) are the-devils device to trans­form them into spiritual blindness, to do his work of soul-damning. They are but satans playhouses. It must indeed be a­musing, and highly pleasing to the arch fiend of hell to have professed christians lavish the Lord’s money in erecting large houses, and employing a class of worldly wise spiritual fools, to gather up the most promising children of God, and there drill out of them the last spark of God-life, God-power, and God-wisdom, and make them drunk on the “wine of her fornica­tion,” and polish them up for his fashion­able, pompous ministration of damnation. The parents offer up their children as a sacrifice to parental and sectarian pride, the priests teach them for hire, and the devil schools them for his service, and hell reaps the fruits of the whole business. But is it not necessary to have an educa­tion in order to preach the Gospel? That depends wholly upon the object of your ministry. If it is to make a “good appear­ance in the pulpit,” “draw crowds” to yourself: obtain applause from men, win distinction, and a good salary, it is neces­sary to “study to show thyself a workman, approved unto” men; that needs not be ashamed before this “refined age,” of any inelegant speech or imperfect gesture. But if the object of preaching is to draw souls to Christ, and glorify God in­stead of self, then for heaven’s sake flee from the colleges, die out to all sin, loose all your, reputation, receive the “Wisdom that cometh from above,” which is “full of mercy and good fruits;” Humble your­self under the mighty hand of God, and be filled with that “anointing that abid­es, and teaches of all things. And He will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. Yes both Mouth and wisdom. The Holy Spirit of God gives both the saving word, the most fruitful thought, and the most effectual “mouth,” or language, to express it. For both the Preparation of the heart, and the answer of the tongue, are of God. But here is the objection, people have to God’s short course, or the Holy Spirits way of mak­ing preachers. If He Give them a mouth and wisdom, they will have “adversaries” to withstand, yea they must make them­selves (them ­solves) of no reputation, and be hated of all men for Christ’s sake. But this is just the opposite of what they want. They de­sire to make friends instead of foes. They want honor, but no dishonor. They pre­fer to be rich, making many poor, rather than “Poor making many rich.” They love the fashionable dress-parade of ministerial pomp and show, but refuse to en­dure hardness as a good soldier, in the real battle; they seek to be a polished, guilded bowl, to attract admiration to themselves, but cannot endure the thought of being a rough “Earthen vessel,” filled with Treasure, the real spiritual food to feed the hungry souls of men; the excel­lency of which is not in the vessel, but in the contents, and the praise of which belongs to Him that filled it, rather than to the vessel. Therefore, not aiming at God’s object of the ministry, they must a­void God’s short Pentecost course of qual­ification for the ministry. And to accom­plish their end, they must subject them­selves to a long, dry, weary course devised by the god of this world. God’s ministers are set for salvation to the ends of the earth; but of this work you hear scarcely any thing said in the college. There the talk is “how to draw,” (to self.) “How to win the people,” (to the sect.) “how to be a brilliant speaker.” How to succeed, not particularly in doing good, but in the profession, by securing a good salary and ministerial standing. A friend of ours at Adrian, gave us some account of the a­bominable secret societies formed by the students; in which candidates for the min­istry participated. What can be expect­ed but worldly, masonic lovers of dark­ness rather than light, of men schooled in these secret, selfish, sin concealing, conclaves of darkness? A year ago last winter, a couple of the students, under­took to get up a revival in that school. There were some awakening, and it is claimed a number converted. The meetings were occasionally attended by some of the chief priests of the institution, probably to see that nothing was said by the young men that would endanger their craft. But these ‘principal of the flock,’ could not be induced to say a word, in the mee­tings, and they afterward put their foot upon, and refused the privilege of a simi­lar effort. By which they show that they are wholly oblivivious to any thing that approaches the work of Gospel salvation. The devil wants nothing better to spoil souls for the ministry of the Gospel, than these dead, carnal, antichrist Professors, that control the sectarian colleges of our day. But shall men go out to preach the Gospel with out an education? In the name of Jesus Christ we say to every man and woman whom He hath called, stop for nothing, but the Sanctifier, the Holy Spirit of God. If you know enough to talk to your family, and your neighbors, on the various daily topics of conversation, you have education enough to let God use you in saving souls. If you have the love of God in your heart, you can talk about Jesus and His salvation better than any thing else. If you are destitute of that, you cannot preach the Gospel with all the learning of the colleges. Talk about going to college, to acquire learn­ing, and language to preach. Is it not a fact that the less education, the more sim­ple the language, hence the better un­derstood, by all classes? But it is said that however much is in the heart, it re­quires the study of language, to bring it out. We deny the statement. God says “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Talk about a man go­ing to school to learn how to talk the love of God, when the heart is running over full. Foolishness. It is not in the arts, schemes, straps, yokes, or muzzles of bab­ylon, or powers of hell to keep it in. All the authority of the dragon, the two beasts, and the image of the beast, togeth­er with all the prophets and priests, that worship the beast, are not able to silence a man, that is full of God, the fire of His Spirit, and the power of His truth.

What would you think of a man that saw a family slumbering in a burning building and instead of rushing to the house, and shouting the alarm, he walks over to the City library, consults Websters Dictiona­ry and several other standard works, to see just what words would be the most elegant, to use in giving the alarm, and after clothing the message in the most ap­propriate language, he steps over to the sexton, procures the key to the large meeting-house, enters the fine pulpit, and practices an hour or two, on accent, em­phasis, and elegant gestures, and after the whole matter is thoroughly, and scientific­ally prepared, he now proceeds to the building to find it in ashes, no telling whether the inmates are perished or not. Does this look ridiculous? Much more the silly farce of a holy fire baptized soul go­ing to college to learn how to shout the praises of God, and the salvation of Christ Jesus, until thousands of souls have drop­ped, into hell, and until the poor man has lost all knowledge of salvation him­self, and finally goes out to humbug the people with stale theological chaff, and husks.”



With one Shoulder.


“For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call up­on the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent.” — Zeph. 3: 9.

This is a glorious chapter of present truth. The verse quoted, describes the purity and unity of the “remnant of Is­rael,” that God is now gathering out of babylon. “A pure language,” signifies a Gospel language. It is a fact that errone­ous doctrine, and practices, necessarily take away unscriptural language. Thus out of the antichrist, sect apostasy, has arisen all such phrases as our church, your church, which branch of the Church? Open the doors of the church. Sacra­ment, etc. The return to a pure language means, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God.” “Sound speech that cannot be condemned.”

“One consent,” in the margin is render­ed “one shoulder.” “Serve Him with one shoulder.” What a glorious description of the perfect unity, and sympathy of heart, and concert of action among the saints of God, after coming out of baby­lon, and becoming perfectly organized by the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord! When God sets the members, every one of them into the body as it pleases Him, they will be compacted together, raised up together and they will be workers together, even with God. They will not “pull the shoul­der away” from each other, and each one “seek the things of his own.” Glory to Jesus! “they will bear one anothers bur­dens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” “If one member suffer, all the members suffer with it.” “And great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them. and brought the price of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostle’s feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” That is serving God with one shoulder. Every member of the body putting their shoulder to the work of the Lord, as they have the means and ability. One Shoulder! What a vivid picture of utility and unity. The whole Church is shoulder, — able to bear up, ready to as­sume the responsibilities of workmen, strong workmen in Christ. The whole Church is “one shoulder,” — i.e., all their energies are concentrated into united force for God. Whatever work one mem­ber is called to do, or whatever responsibility assume, every other member stands right by him, and bears the burden with him.

This blessed concert of heart, and ac­tion is beginning to be manifest in the free saints of God at the present day. Shortly before the Assembly meeting, we received a letter from Bro. Wm. Frost of Pa. making an appeal to all the saints of God, and lovers of truth, every where to report what they can give to free the Trumpet from all its present wants, and asking us to fix a day in a month or two hence, when all should send in their offerings unto the Lord. He wished us to publish this as a general ap­peal, assuring us that he had been moved by the Spirit to make the call.

During the Assembly here the Lord led the saints to move out in the same direc­tion, not knowing of the letter we had received from brother Frost. A meeting was called to consider this matter. Many dear ones expressed their earnest desire to help on this great work, and their will­ingness to do all they possibly could. Bro. A. B. Palmer drew up the following item, to which all the little ones said, Amen!


We, the undersigned believe it to the glory of God, to relieve the Gospel Trum­pet, from debt. Therefore we agree to pay the amount set opposite our respec­tive names, for the purpose, on or before thirty days from date.

Williamston Mich., Sept. 29th 1884.

Though quite a number of the brethren had left for their homes, and but few were present of the surrounding country, there were subscribed by them that were pres­ent, the sum of $73.75. Some $13 were paid in cash.

Now we blend this, with the appeal made by brother Frost, and ask all the dear brethren and sisters every where, to remember the date, and at that time, do what you can. God is moving on His great work. Many of you have been greatly blessed by this instrumentality. We have stood by our calling through “floods of ungodly men,” and storms of trials. The Almighty God has now raised up the help we need, our dear brother Fisher. God has blessed him with a business and financial gift that we have lacked. O how we have prayed the Lord to raise us such a coworker, and for four years God has called him to the work, and now at last, thank God, he has fully apprehended his calling, and assumed the responsibility of the same.

Since the assembly meeting Bro. F. has the interest in the office, held by Thomas Horton. This is to the glory of God. Though Bro. H. has rendered a very time­ly, and important service by his means, for which we shall ever remember him with much gratitude, and pray God’s blessings upon his soul, for various reasons it was needful that he be released from further participation in this work as he also desired to be. And now we feel as­sured that God will move the saints with one shoulder, to help Bro. Fisher through. He desires to sell his horse and buggy to apply on the debt. Will not some one of the saints assist him by purchasing the same. There will be about lour hundred dollars to raise, should he sell his horse and bug­gy. Now brethren, let not your hands be slack. Many should give $10. to $25. There are many tracts and books to be published, the time is short. Quickly invest your means in the bank of heaven where it will never burn up. Bro. Horton has kindly given us the use of the office room, and dwelling apartments, free of rent, the large lot, and the entire low­er story of this large building, so long as the Church continue to pay him the very reasonable rent for the hall above, which is contracted for a year.

The dear brethren work for their board. The saints in the country are very land to bring in supplies. So that the expenses are very low, and every thing is encour­aging. Only now let ail do their duty, and the work will go right on, for the glory of God, and the salvation of souls. Send by Bank Draft, P. O. Order, Postal Note, or Registered Letter to J. C. Fisher, and all will be acknowledged, and you shall be blessed in the deed. Send your offer­ing by October 29th as a payment is to be made then. Take this matter to the Lord, and send your name at once, sta­ting how much you will give at that time. That will enable brother F. to make arrangements to meet the obliga­tion. The Lord bless you all. Amen!



Dispensation of the Spirit.

By Wm. N. Smith.

It seems to me that it is very easy to be seen that we are living in, or under the same gospel dispensation that the apostles were namely, the Spirit’s dispensation, although some of the very important doc­trine of the gospel have been overlooked, especially entire sanctification, or perfect love, by the sectarians of all ages. It seems to me that the Editor of the Day Dawn has been asleep for the last eigh­teen hundred years, and has just woke up to the fact that we are under the Holy Ghost dispensation, hence seems to think that we are now entering a new dispensation. He thinks that as the Mosaic dispen­sation ended at Christ’s crucifixion, which took away the legal ceremonies, so now, there is a change in the dispensation, in which the ordinances of Christ have passed away. This is gross error, for it would im­ply that the New Testament is now taken away, as the Old was then. If that were true what have we now to live by? what have we to preach? Either the whole Testa­ment is passed away, or but a part of it. But where does that Editor find Bible proof that a part of the New Testament should become null and void at this time.

The Apostles all preached the same full­ness that we preach. Paul said, Rom. 15: 29. I am sure that when I come unto you I shall come in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ. We have no more to preach, than the fullness. Well my ex­perience is that I am living under the dis­pensation of the Gospel preached by the Apostles; for it is the very same power they had on pentecost. Glory to God, I am redeemed and washed in the blood of Christ, and filled with the Holy Ghost.




Healed by the Lord.

Geo W. Sisco.

DEAR BRETHREN: I love to read the Trum­pet, it does me so much good to read the sympa­thizing testimonies. I will do all I can to help on the work of the Lord. Praise the Lord! I am still saved and washed in the all cleansing blood of the Lamb. The Lord leads me to send my tes­timony to the Trumpet, I must tell its readers what the Lord has bone for me. I was sick for seven years, and so bad some of the time that my folks would stand round my bed, looking every moment to see me die. I was in a bad condition. I tried all of the doctors that I thought could give me any relief, but I could find nothing to help me, I had given up all hopes of ever geting well, and began to prepare to die, and sent for some of the dear brethren to pray for me. Oh Praise, the Lord, the good Lord sent some of the brethren to my house and when they came I was in bed, they prayed for me and I felt better, and I sat up in bed and listened to them talk, and tell their experience. After meeting some of the brethren talked to me and asked me whether I thought the Lord could heal me. I remembered of reading where in the fifth chapter of James, and 15 th verse, “And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have commited sins they shall be forgiven him.” I felt that I would like to serve the Lord what time He let me live. So the next day the brethren had meeting at my house, and I ventured oh the Lord, and was healed, by faith in my Savior. Oh Praise His name. Oh the sweet comfort and peace in my soul. Oh I do feel to praise my Lord this blessed Lord’s day, for what he has done for me. He has blessed me with health now for 18 months. Oh praise His name for His goodness to me; I am still paved to day. Oh my brethren, how I would love to see you, may God bless and keep you, is my prayer.

Melrose O. Sep. 28.


Pittsburg Pa. Sep, 22. 84.

Dear Brethren: — We returned home from Sandy Lake, to let God use us wherever He desired, and the Lord had the work prepared for us. The devil was ready for fight, and so were we, in the name and strength of the Lord. In the first meeting some of the babylon forces were present, but God gave us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The next meeting was called by some one, do not know who, to see if we could not all unite to work for, the salvation of souls. This afforded us a good opportunity to bring out the word of God, and show them that they had to be one with the children of God, and that it was them that had made the walls of partition. We also had a grand victory for God at Library, about 15 miles south of Pittsburg. One sanctified and quite a number convinced of holiness. We could not procure a place to continue the serv­ices at present. Expect to return if the Lord will.

I am now at Anendale, Butler Co, Pa. A few of God’s dear saints, here, and the usual multitude of dead professors. Though the people are joined to their idols, we expect a victory for God before we leave.

September 23. Well praise God. Wife and I having packed up and started out for the Lord, I am here in His service. I had no idea that the work was so great, but God has made it very plain to me of late. I would like much to have been at the Assembly meeting. If the Lord will, I may be out that way in the spring. The Lord has called my wife into the vineyard, and we have arranged to give our whole time to the work. We expect to take a trip to Kansas and Nebraska. God bless you abundantly. I never enjoyed as much of the pres­ence of the Lord in all my life.

G. T. Clayton.


Sandy Lake, Pa. Oct. 6. ’84

Dear Brethren: — The Lord is keeping and blessing me. I do praise Him for the wonder­ful change. He has wrought in our daughter Lola. But she is not wholly sanctified yet. Hence she is often discouraged, and tempted. However she still bears the cross for Jesus.

Praise the Lord O my soul. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord forever. Glory. Glory, to God and the Lamb, forever and ever. O Hallelujah. My soul is so full of glory I can hardly write. I have got more of the glory of God in my soul than I had when you were here. I am going down deeper and deeper into the ocean of God’s love. The Lord is wonderfully filling Sister Shaw, and fiting her up for the work. The Lord wonderfully manifests Himself in our meetings. Praise the Lord. Some times last Sabbath three and four were filled with the Spirit, and shouting the praises of the Lord at once. Bro. Clayton is holding meeting at Ane­dale. All that can of us are going down. I am saved just now, washed in the all cleansing blood of the Lamb.

Mary M. Owen.

4 page

The Glorious Assembly.


Shall we undertake to describe this ho­ly convocation. Many remarked that it came nearer to Pentecost than any thing ever seen before. A day or two before the time appointed the saints began to arrive: and on the commencing day, and the day following they came in like tidal waves of fire. The one pure Spirit of the Living God filled the hall all the time, and flooded the hearts of all the saints with a continual stream of joy. And the place with “Loud sounding” praises.

Sabbath afternoon after a discourse by our dear brother Fisher, two long altars were crowded with souls seeking God, in the various wants of their souls. Glory to God! the Lord was there to answer their faith and prayer, and nearly all found what they sought. The meeting was a huge feast for the saints of God throughout. The mighty power of God rested upon them: hearts were melted, in nearly all the meetings, and they filled the altar. The first altar service was without invitation: during testimony sis­ter Culaday, from Detroit, a worker in the Salvation Army, came to the altar for entire sanctification, others followed until the altar was nearly filled. There were present brother and sister Wm. N. Smith, Bro’s Ezra Smith and Mohler, from Me­dina Co. O. Bro. and sister Frey, sister Cul­aday, and Bro. Waterfall from Detroit. The latter is a cataract, a whirlwind of fire, a street, hedge and highway worker of forty years in that city. God bless his glowing heart of love for fallen and lost souls. Sister Webster, a blind lady from St. Joseph Mich. came to see what the Lord would do for her. She knew God, and has a strong conviction that the Lord will heal her. She died out to her dear “Church home,” and was gloriously sanc­tified. Trust that God will also enable her to believe to the restoration of her sight. Sisters Emma and Frank Miller, sister Thomas, and sister McCullum came from Battle Creek, Mich. Several times the congregation were moved to deep awe and gratitude to God, as they looked into the brilliant eyes of sister Emma, and heard her grateful testimony of the won­derful mercy and power of God, that re­stored her from blindness at the Bangor Camp Meeting a year ago last June. Glo­ry to Jesus! Sister Frank’s testimony, of healing from ten years affliction, and par­tial blindness, last June, was also blessed of God: many other glorious cases of heal­ing and wonderful salvation, were on the witness stand for Jesus. At this meeting sisters Thomas and McCullum were both healed and sanctified. Many others were healed, how many sanctified we can give no report. The Lord knows. Many who were holding the grace of a pure heart, received great increase of power, and infilling of the Holy Spirit. Some who had wandered from the Lord return­ed, and found a joyful welcome to the arms of Jesus. Glory to God for a mer­ciful Father, that restores His children to His love! A few souls were converted. One Bro. Showers, who has had, as he tells, an extensive experience in sin all over the United States, gave himself to the Lord, and we doubt not is soundly converted.

There were a host of saints from Van Buron, Clinton, Eaton, and Gratiot Coun­ties, all in the Spirit, and were greatly ed­ified and strengthened.

A fervent spirit of self sacrifice and earnest toil for the salvation of souls, seemed to animate every member of the Body. The number of those that are sep­arated wholly unto the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, is rapidly increasing. God is evidently making a “Short work upon the earth,” and He wants “Many to run to and fro.” Hence His command, “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say I am strong.” — Joel 3: 10. That is, God is calling men and women to drop their agricultural and mechanical imple­ments, and with the weapons of God’s ho­ly war rush into the conflict, to “pull souls out of the fire.”

The world is full of great educated preachers, who not submitting themselves to the wisdom of God, have become fools and destitute of the only strength, that is adequate to the ministry of His Word, and seeing they think themselves strong. God confounds them by saying to the illit­erate, and naturally “weak, be strong,” these being filled with the Spirit are able to bring to naught the wisdom and power of all the worldly “divines.”

The meeting was supposed to close on Tuesday night, but it being late, and the ordination of certain brethren and sisters, being the order of the Lord, a meeting was appointed for the next morning. Quite a number met, several cases of heal­ing were wrought by the power of God through faith and the laying on of hands. Bro. Morse from Gratiot Co. and Bro. Wm. N. Smith and his companion Jennie Smith, having been ordained of God, were ordained by the laying on of the hands of Elders, to the work of the minis­try. Bro. George Butters, was ordained Elder in the Church of God here, and Bro. George Cole Deacon: Bro. J. C. Che­ney Deacon of the Church in the Fulton neighborhood.

Eld. D. S. Warner was also sol­emnly ordained, and dedicated to the holy work of the ministry, as an evan­gelist; to travel and labor abroad, wher­ever the Lord shall lead: in which capac­ity, he has also been used in the hands of the Lord; as also Elder J. C. Fisher and his companion Allie B. Fisher, they hav­ing been, regularly ordained to the same, four years ago. These three are by the grace of God commended to the favor of General Ticket Agents, for ministerial rates on their respective roads.

After the services in the hall, the com­pany of the saints went to the river where fourteen “willing and obedient,” souls were immersed. Glory to God in the high­est! It was wonderful how the Holy Spir­it was poured out upon them. Can it be possible that any man who fears God, will oppose that which Christ, and all His A­postles walked in, taught and command­ed, and which God so strikingly confirms by the Holy Spirit sent down from Heav­en. In the days of Elijah, it was agreed that the “God who answers by fire, He is God,” but the false prophets of these days are more desperate in their opposi­tion to the God of the New Testament. Then the fire from heaven, upon the altar of the true prophet and his sacrifice was conclusive, and the false prophets, four hundred and fifty strong, had to submit to be put to death, but now these whited sepulchers, behold the mighty baptism of fire sent down from heaven, as a sure test between the God of the Testament, and that of the Quaker heresy, showing that the former, and He only is God, and still have the impudence to ar­gue in favor of their idol. “In the name of the Lord I will destroy them.” For we have the commission to “Go through the city and utterly slay old and young.”

Several of the number that were im­mersed, had submitted to that positive command of the Lord Jesus before, but some of them had wandered from the Lord into sin, and having been restored, were led of the Spirit to declare their faith, and the washing away of their sins, by the holy ordinance of baptism; which is in accordance with the tenor of the scriptures and the practice of the apostolic Church. Also some ignored heretic baptism, as both brother Fisher and ourself did, by receiving the ordinance again last June, at the Bangor Camp meeting. And thank God! we ignored the ordination received by sectarian hands seventeen years ago, and was “blessed in the deed.”

We shall ever have reason to thank God for the benefit derived from the Ohio as­sembly last fall. Though much of the good anticipated, was not realized, because of the evil powers that were permitted to “en­compass the beloved saints,” yet the less­ons learned as a result, have furnished a protection against the devil in all subse­quent meetings. The fact is, we were de­livered from priest-craft, and had a sol­emn abhorrence of every thing that sav­ored of lordism. Hence we declared the meetings free, yes free for heretics, false prophets, and virtually for the devil him­self. In our zeal to avoid all dragon au­thority, we had also lost sight of the di­vine authority, and God had to permit that victorious conflict with the powers of hell, to teach us the necessity of using, not lordism, but the double-edged Sword of the Almighty, upon every thing that is not clean and straight before God. Since “We know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before God,” “We know that we are of God, and he that hears us not is not of God.” And the only sense in which we “give place” to such as are deformed and darkened by antichrist traditions, and “doctrines of devils,” is in this wise; we “give place” for them at the altar, where, by entire conse­cration and faith in the blood of Christ, they may be cleansed from sin, and all “Foolish conversation received by tradition of the fathers.” Glory be to God, there is now a flaming sword in the assembly of His saints, that can only be endured by those who know and do the truth, and such as honestly wish to know and obey the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. We be­lieve that all future time, and eternity will not erase the glory of this assembly from the memory of the redeemed.

How remarkably this building is suited to these general gatherings.” None of the Saints came empty handed,” but they brought in plenty to eat, and many of them bedding. There were from 25 to 30 staid with us nights, and all the brethren’s houses were filled. It would be very much to the glory of God, if the saints would buy this properly as a perminent rallying place. The office is an excellent one, light, warm and commodious; the dwelling department, has six good sized rooms, well arranged, over a half acre of ground, with the river at the rear end, handy for watering, for baptism and etc. An excellent well of water, soil rich grav­el, roads always good, comparatively. The hall 28×85, just the place for the assem­bly meetings, and if the work continues to multiply in the same ratio it has, there will be no spare room by another year. May the Lord stir up the saints to buy the property. It can be had for about $1100. It is cheap, 85×28 two story, thor­oughly painted, new stone foundation new roof. God puts His seal of approval upon those annual gatherings, and we must have a place: and many were mov­ed by the Spirit in reference to this mat­ter, while here. The Lord bless His chil­dren with liberal hearts, to secure this place for His work.

Owing to the rain, some of the saints who came in private conveyances still tarried after the close of the meeting; therefore a meeting was held thursday night at Bro. Butters’ where one soul was convert­ed to God. Friday night, another glori­ous meeting was held at Bro. Geo. Cole’s, One sister sanctified wholly. The Spirit was present giving great joy and liberty to the little ones. All hearts praised God for the glorious salvation of Bro. and sis­ter Glassbrook and Bro. Showers. The two brethren had been victims of the sa­loon pitfalls. Bro. G. came into the Trumpet house one evening, a short time be­fore the meeting, and there surrounded by the happy family, surrendered to God, and was saved. His wife has since been wholly sanctified, and they are a happy family. Bro. S. is a single man and has been very far down the broad road. Glory to God! All the wicked men of Williams­ton cannot turn their feet aside from fol­lowing the Lord; though they have tried every way, that satan could devise.

Bro. Samuel Speck, from Van Buron Co., and Bro. and sister Wm. N. Smith, from Ohio, are still here (monday Oct. 6). Yesterday, the services were blessed of the Lord. In the afternoon we had the privilege of immersing seven more of the saved. The great work is breaking forth |n every direction, more and more rapidly, truth, mighty Truth is prevailing and bab­ylon having already fallen, is receiving the plagues, of the wrath of God poured out by the holy saints that stand on the sea of glass mingled with fire. The glory of the “latter house” is beginning to shine forth. Hallelujah! This Assembly is a glorious epoch in the history of God’s great work. Mighty power of the Spirit rested upon the meetings, as high as five and six were laid out at once by the pow­er of God. All glory to God for the in­tense love that binds the saints together. O how sweet the fellowship of those who are “dead indeed,” to the world.





We may lay it down as a principle, that the Holy Spirit does not. either by his gentle influences or by those which are more sudden and powerful, so ope­rate upon a person as to guide him into any course which is truly irrational and absurd. Now, we know, in many cases, if we should yield to the direc­tion of mere impressions and impulses, especially those which are of a powerful kind, we should be led to do those things which, to whatever lest or measurement they might be subjected, could not es­cape the denomination of irrationality or absurdity. Of such impulses the Holy Spirit can never be the author, because nothing which is really absurd and irrational (we speak not of the mere appearance, but of the reality of absurdity) can come from that source. I recollect once to have read the account of a person, published by himself, in which he gives the reader to understand, that on a certain occasion he was suddenly and violently seized by the power of God, as he expresses it — an expression undoubt­edly synonymous, in the view of the writer, with the power of the Holy Ghost; that he was raised up by this divine impulse from the chest on which he was sitting, and was “whirled swiftly round, like a top, for the space of two hours, without the last pain or inconvenience.” We do not see on what grounds such an extraordinary result as this, so unmeaning, SO unprofitable and absurd, can properly be ascrib­ed to the power of God or the power of the Holy Ghost; especially if it be susceptible of explanation, as we think it can be, in a considerable degree at least, on any natural principles. We know that the Savior was full of the Holy Ghost; but we do not read of his being subjected to any operation of this kind. We know, also, that the apostles, although they were plentifully endowed with the Divine Spirit, and under his teachings wrought various wonderful works, yet were never at any time made the subjects of such irrationalities. We have here, therefore, a mark of distinction, viz., — that various irrational and absurd results may flow from natural impressions and impulses, but can never flow from the true operations of the Holy Spirit.

Those impulses and impressions which are from the Spirit of God are of a peaceful and gentle char­acter. They never agitate and disturb the mind but on the contrary, lay a wholesome restraint upon it and hold it in a state of deep solemnity and of at­tentive stillness. This is the precise state of things which is needed as preparatory to the mind’s per­ceptive and reflective action. The first question of the soul, when it is thus arrested by the true im­pulses of the Holy Spirit, is, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” It pauses; it reflects; it inquires; it reads the Bible; it watches the providences of God; it prays: it asks for the assistance of the Holy Spirit upon its perceptions and reasoning: and it dares not take one step to the right hand or to the left, until all its perceptive and reasoning powers have been exercised, under the sanctifying guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that, although we may admit that there are sensitive impressions and impulses which are from the Holy Spirit, yet they are not of themselves, when they are really from that right and good source guiding and controlling principles, but are merely preparatory to the action of such controlling principles, which are to be found in the intellective rather then the sensitive part, and such impressions are to be known by the decisive mark or characteristic which has now been given: viz., they are peaceable holding the mind in a state of solemn and quiet attention.

If the Holy Spirit inspires any thing, he will al­ways give time to consult upon it with God. Im­pressions and impulses, which are not from the Holy Spirit, but from some other source, such as a disordered imagination, the world, or the devil, are not of that peaceful and quiet character which has been mentioned, but are hasty and violent. In viola­tion of the great Scriptural maxim, ” He that be­lieveth shall not make haste,” the person who is under this pernicious influence thinks he cannot be too quick. He makes but little account of obsta­cles; he cannot take time for interior examination: he has no open eye to God’s outward providences: he is too impetuous, too much possessed by himself or by Satanic influence, to engage in calm and hum­ble prayer for guidance: in a word, he rashes blindly, onward just as his great adversary, who is especially interested in his movements, would have him.



We are called of God to expose all the works of the devil, but wish to keep our hands off all the works of God. The above teaching in the light of Scripture is in general sound. God has appointed rational, and beneficent channels for the manifes­tation of His power; such as healing and other mir­acles. But it is very probable that where the faith of these operations has not been preached, He may show his mighty power, by taking the bodies of men through rather strange, and super-human ex­ercises, to show the people His mighty arm. While we allow that this may some times be the case. We are aware of the fact that satan, is the father of most of these, strange and irrational operations. We may tell the scarce of such workings by their fruit. If of God they will carry conviction to the hearts, of men If of the devil they will not be at­tended by these results, but will harden sinners and stumble weak believers. Last winter after those spurious workings of the devil had entered the hearts of some in Ohio, we were atoping with a family, where we observed the young man had ceased to bear the cross. We asked his mother why this was so. She replied in the presence of one of the victims that these strange works had overthrown him. We also saw with our own eyes, sinners turned away with hardened hearts. Some of whom stepped up to the poor deluded preacher and told him to the face that they did not think there was any God in the works carried on that night. This we heard said to Stockwell, in Bro. Buchers house. Crawford Co. O, last winter. We have often seen men and women fall and lay mo­tionless by the overwhelming presence of the pure Spirit of God. But they did not look like haggard corps, pale as death and sunken eyes, and even blind, as Mrs. Chandler in Ohio, was last winter, when the devil through her demanding of us to give up the Gospel Trumpet. Blessed be God for our escape from those delusive powess of satan.



The Body of Christ the Church


Jesus came to present unto Himself a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. — Eph. v. 27.

Question. What is the Church?

Answer. It is the body of Christ (Eph. i, 22-23 and Col. i. 24.) or a body of believ­ers in the Lord Jesus Christ — an assem­blage of the Firstborn, which are written in heaven. — Heb. xii. 23; Rev. xxi. 27. This body is holy. — 1 Pet i. 16. “Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. — Heb. xii. 14.

Q. Is the body of Christ divided?

A. Ho. There shall be no schism in the body (no division,) but that the mem­bers should have the same care one for an­other. — 1 Cor. xii. 25. There is one Body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. — Eph. 4. 4. Of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named. — Eph. iii. 25. Ye are all one in Christ Jesus. — Gal. iii. 28. And are built upon the foundation of the Apos­tles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone. — Eph. ii. 20. Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house. — 1 Peter ii. 5. I am the vine ye (holy people) are the branches.

(Hot different sects.) He that abides in me and I in him the same brings forth much fruit. — John x. 16 One Lord, one faith, one baptism. — Eph. 4 5. Ye are complete in Him which is the head of all principality and power. — Col ii 10. He is our peace who hath made both one and has broken down the middle wall of parti­tion between us (all God’s people). — Eph. ii 14. In whom alt the building fitly framed together grows unto a holy tem­ple in the Lord (not in man); but for a habitation of God through the Spirit. — Eph. ii 21-22. And has put all things under his feet and gave him (Christ) to be the head over all things to the church (not man’s so-called church), but his church which is His body. — Eph. i. 22-23 Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular. — 1 Cor. xii. 27. (But only when fully saved.) For as the body (hu­man) is one and has many members and the members of that one body being many are one body, so also is Christ. For by one spirit (Holy Spirit) are we all baptized into one body (which is Christ). — 1 Cor. xii. 12-13 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. — Eph. v. 30. If any man be in Christ he is a new creat­ure. — 2 Cor. v. 17. Whether we be Jews or Gentiles; whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit, for the body is not one member but mady. — 1 Cor. xii. 14.

Q. How are the members taken into this body or Church?

A. God sets the members every one of them in the body as it hath pleased him. 1 Cor. xii. 18.

Man has nothing to do with the taking in or putting out. — 1 Cor. xii. 13.

No man can put a child in our family or put one out; each son and daughter must be born into the family. God’s church or family is the same; we must be born again if we want to see the kingdom of God. — John iii. 3.

The Church is an organic body, organ­ized by God himself through the Holy Spirit. The so called churches (scts) of the present day are nothing but a man-made institution. It is not the Church nor the body of Christ.


Because it is not holy but carnal. For ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisi­ons. Are ye not carnal and walk as men? 1 Cor. iii. 3. 4.

To be carnally — minded is death. — Rom viii. 6.

It is divided into different names, sects, creeds, forms and ceremonies which is for­bidden in God’s Holy Word. The Co­rinthians were sharply reproved by the Apostle Paul for their divisions and strifes, and preferences for Paul, Apollas, and Cephas. — 1 Cor. iii. 3-4; 1 Cor. i. 10.

That there should be no schism (divis­ions) in the body. — 1 Cor. xii. 25.

But men paid no attention to the prayer of our Savior; that they all may be one, as thou Father art in me and I in thee; that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me — John xvii. 21-23.

Nor to Paul’s teaching, but commenced to build sectarian walls with high steeples, until history records six hundred names (or sects) A great Babel of sectarian con­fusion and vain glory, and the people have become so blinded with this sectarian dark­ness that they call it religion and think they are on the way to Heaven if they be­long to one of the sectarian bodies, which is a delusion of Satan.

And the same Spirit prevails now.

One says, I am of Wesley; another, I am of Luther; another, I am a Catholic, and another, I am a Presbyterian.

Our Church, our brethren, our denom­ination, and our minister.

The Bible knows nothing of our Church.

Q. Don’t we read of the Church at Corinth, Ephesus, and Thessalonica?

A. Yes. We read of the Church of God at Corinth to them that were sanctifi­ed in Christ Jesus. The Bible knows the Church of Christ: the Church of the Living God redeemed with blood and inhabited by the Holy Ghost. The Bible knows nothing of our minister, hired, paid and controlled by us sectarians. It speaks of men full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Acts vi. 5. sent of God to proclaim his Gospel to every creature (2 Pet i. 21), without regard to creeds, or sects, or syn­ods, or conferences, or colleges.

Dear reader, the night is far spent: the day is at hand. Cast off the sectarian yoke of bondage. Be no longer unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unright­eousness, and what communion hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial, or what part hath he that beliers with an infidel, and what agreement hath the Temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God. As God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Where­fore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. — 2. Cor. vi. 14-18; Rev. xviii. 4

Tract by E. M. SCHOBEBT, M. D.,

Wilkes-barre, Pa.

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