15 September 1885, Volume 7, Number 13.
The Mercy Seat.
Words and music H. R. Jeffrey.
Blest was the hour, that heav’nly fire,
Lit up my darkened soul,
A heavy load by Jesus power,
Did from my bosom roll.
Cho. — While at the mercy seat I knelt,
My Lord I did behold,
No tongue can tell the joy I felt,
Tis better felt than told.
O, blessed gift, from off the throne,
There came a living spark;
A holy light within me shown,
Where all before was dark.
O, holy light, still shine on me,
Sweet rays of heavenly love,
Naught else but thee. O let me see;
Till crowned in heaven above.
O, let me feel, from day to day,
His presence still so near;
A holy light, to mark the way,
While I shall sojourn here.
No one has a right to re-print this song, without permission from the publisher.
John. P. Haner.
DEAR BRETHREN: — and all Trumpet reader, I feel led by the blessed Holy Spirit to glorify God my heavenly Father, by taking up my pen once more, and writing a few lines in the name of the Lord Jesus. The subject I wish to write upon, is the second work of Grace. This is no new doctrine, yet it is very new to some: so now. I am sorry to say, they have never heard of it before yesterday, others doubtless have never yet heard there was a Holy Ghost, or sanctification.
This is one of the most important subjects in the Word of God; just as much necessary and just as indispensable as regeneration; the new birth. I see some very deep searching men of God, have written on this great Bible subject, the second work of grace: yet I have never found any that can make it plainer than the Holy Ghost has revealed it in the Word of God. I have read some very able works: I have read some ten or twelve books on holiness, of which Bro. Warner’s Bible Proofs of the second work of grace, I think is the clearest. Thank God for such men as Bro. Warner. After I came into the experience of holiness, Bro. W’s book was the first to fall into my hands, which I will always thank God for. The Bro. I got the book of allowed it would be to strong meat for me; but no, give me the strong meat, glory to God! I want something that is real food to my soul.
Now brethren and sisters I would recommend Bro. Warner’s book to you as one of the best, if not the best, works on holiness. If you have never read it, ask God in give you $1.25, and send it to Bro. Warner for the book. I have one in my possession praise the Lord, I would not take ten dollars for it, and do without it.
Well praise the Lord there is a second work of grace. For proof we take Rom. 12:1, 2. Here we have the command to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.
Now for the Word just as it is. “I beseech you therefore; brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service, and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Hallelujah! Can language more emphatically or explicitly set forth the twofold salvation; the second work of Grace? Hallelujah! Well says the Zinzindorphor, “all that I did when I was converted. I made a complete sacrifice to God; I came confessing my sins and God for Christ’s sake forgave my sins, and made me perfectly holy.” So you made a complete sacrifice when you was converted? What kind of a sacrifice did you bring, what was it for and where did you offer it, on what altar? When you answer these questions correctly then you will be prepared for one more chance; you must receive it as a Christian.
Now to the first question, and what kind of a sacrifice did you bring, was you dead or alive? If you was alive, then you was in a state of justification, so consequently it was a second work of grace, and if you were dead in trespasses and in sin, then you were not alive were you?
I was dead, and ”you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sin.” Paul.
So we find you did not meet one condition required in Rom. 12:1., for it requires a living sacrifice, and you were a dead sinner.
2nd What was the sacrifice for, was it to cleanse Adamic sin, or in-bred sin; the carnal mind? Was it for entire sanctification? Did you when you were at the altar cry out to God to sanctify you? Or did you, as all other sinners, cry out to God for Christ’s sake to forgive your sins? Your actual sins were what troubled you.
A guilty sinner in the sight of God, you felt that unless God forgave you, you were lost. It was forgiveness you wanted; not sanctification. The sacrifice was dead in sin and was offered for transgressions, and not sanctification. When I was converted
I had never heard there was such a thing as sanctification; my preacher always told me I could not live without sin, so I never as much as believed in sanctification.
The holiness people set it forth as in the Bible, to follow justification, a state of perfect innocence, not sinning and repenting — for repentance is forsaking sin, not continuing to commit sin.
“Hallelujah! I have found it,
What my soul so long has craved,
Jesus satisfies my longing;
Through His blood I now am saved.”
Now we see you were not sanctified when you were converted, because you could not make the consecration, for you were dead then, you did not want sanctification, you wanted pardon, not purity.
3d Where did you offer the sacrifice? On what altar did you offer it? On the golden altar in the sanctuary, or “Holy place,” the Christian altar? The golden altar stood at the door of the second vail where the priest offered the sacrifice and sprinkled the blood for the uncleanness of Israel, not for transgression. You know it was not for uncleanness, but for transgression you came. So I came as all other sinners, to the brazen altar outside the camp, just at the door of the first vail, where I confessed all my sins, left the world behind; there is where I was made alive from sin, where the Holy Spirit sprinkled my heart from an evil conscience — justified — my sins all forgiven. Hallelujah! I passed right in to the sanctuary or Holy place.
Now I am no more of the world. I have become a new creature in Christ Jesus.
2 Cor. 5:27. Now I have become alive; for I have passed from death unto life. 1st Jno. 3:14. I have become holy in degree, for all my guilt is renounced by the blood of Jesus. I could not offer myself on the golden altar; for I could not get, there until my sins were forgiven. I was dead and could not offer myself a “living sacrifice.” Paul says, “I beseech you brethren;” but he would not call sinners brethren, no and he says, “by the mercies of God” and I had not yet obtained mercy.
I was not holy, for I was a rebel sinner. So I had to give it up, as all honest men will, that I never done any of this when I was converted. The command in me was, “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” I was not commanded to consecrate for sanctification; but now I have passed from death unto life, and am ready to obey the text. Hallelujah! glory to God! there is more for me, praise God! there is a second work of grace! Amen! and Amen!!
Paul says, “brethren.” I was not a brother, for I was a sinner. “By the mercies of God.” I bad not yet obtained mercy; “that ye present,” offer openly your bodies a living sacrificed I could not do that, for I was dead in trespasses and sins. “Holy and acceptable unto God.” I was not holy, neither was I acceptable with God — neither was it my reasonable service, for I could not do it. So anything I can not do is not for me to do. Hallelujah!
Now comes the second change, and “Be not conformed.” What is it to be conformed? To reduce to a like appearance, well you see this is not to the sinner; for a sinner is already conformed to the world. “But be ye transformed.” What! “transformed? yes: let us see what it is to be transformed. Transform, “to change from,” “to be changed.” Amen! There is the second change; we were first changed when we were regenerated, then we became brethren, obtained mercy through Christ. Hallelujah! we were dead, but now we are alive. Just there is the transforming. From what form do we change? Now we see form is to mould, to make, shape or image. Well you by sin lost the image of God, which was perfect holiness. Now we see this second transforming restores this image, as David says, “He restoreth my soul.” Amen! restore is to bring back. Hallelujah! Amen!!
“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Renew, to repeat, make anew. Well halleluiah renewing of your mind, intelligent power, inclination, thoughts, opinions; well hallelujah, we see the second work of grace is a moral change of the mind and the heart, and lakes place in brethren who have been truly regenerated, and become alive to God. Amen! No surprise when we examine this text with the Spiritual eyes, with the Holy Ghost in all of His fullness, that Paul would make this address unto believers, and not unto sinners. What a glorious change the “second grace” is unto the one that has passed through the transforming. Hallelujah! And all this is for what? what saith Paul, “that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Hallelujah to God for full and free salvation! Amen!! Well says Zinzindorphor, is this all you have to prove a second work of grace? O, no, my brother, we have a plenty of Scripture just as strong as the one we have been examining. We shall give some more. John 15:1, 2. In the second Vr. he says, “and every branch in me — every believer — that beareth fruit. He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit” — purge, to cleanse, to clear from impurity or sin. Hallelujah! it is one work of God to graft us into the Vine, then if we bear fruit unto perfection. the Father purgeth or cleanseth us; which is a second work of grace, and you can not deny it, the sophistry of man, nor the gates of hell can not over-throw these works of the Son of God. Hallelujah!
Now we turn to Rom. 5:1, 2. Then to 2 Cor. 1:15., that ye might have a second benefit, margin, second grace, benefit or grace, Romans 1:11. Rom. 15:29. Gal. 4:19. 1st Thess. 3:10. 2 Cor. 13:9, 11. John 17:17-19. 1st Thess. 3:23, 24.
Here we have the united testimony of several texts, all bearing on the same point. Hallelujah! Now we notice St. John, 17; 17., “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy Word is truth.” Zinzindorph says “we are sanctified when converted, yet Jesus prayed for she disciples to be sanctified: now if the were sanctified, why did Christ pray the Father to do some thing He had already done? But we see they were not sanctified; for we see the carnal mind cropping out in several forms, in fear, in anger, in pride, and several different forms; in weak faith, yet they were Christians, it don’t say they were Methodists, yet they were not of the world — Jno. 17:16. They were regenerated, because they were not of the world. If we had more as clearly regenerated men and women, we would have more stepping into the cleansing fountain. “They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.” And Jesus prayed for them to be sanctified. Well you say that was for them; yes for them “and all those who shall believe on me through their word.” John 17:20. The reason, my friends that you are not sanctified is this, you are not in a state of justification, or you can not hear and have never heard it your duty and privilege to be sanctified wholly. May God open your eyes to this one fact, that yon must seek holiness or backslide and loose your Christian light, sanctification.
Paul says to the Thessalonian brethren this is the will of God even your sanctification, then he prays for them that they may be preserved blameless, soul and body and Spirit. Hallelujah! How long? not until the devil tempts you, but until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! Now dear brethren this subject is so deep and so interesting that I can hardly stop, glory to God! I have been in this glorious way, in the High way Isa. 35:8., for two years, and the way gets narrower and brighter all the time; “Twas blessed then, his glorious now, and better on before.” Press forward into the land of corn and wine. Pray for me, Acts 20:32. God bless you all. Amen!
Urbanna, Kansas.
By Mrs. B. M. Isham.
MAN can baptize in water: Christ only baptizes in the Holy Ghost. John the Baptist realized this. He said “I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance; but He that cometh after me, is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, He shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and in fire.” Mightier than I! Weak and small did John and his baptism appear, in comparison to Christ and His wondrous baptism.
When the Lord asked water baptism John was amazed, and “forbade Him saying, I have need to be baptized of Thee.” His thoughts were upon the Spirit. He felt the need of that baptism of power. The Savior magnified this baptism. His discourse on that last night with His disciples when the supper was instituted, was mainly about the baptism of the Spirit.
He most tenderly and eloquently set forth its value and necessity. The apostles were commanded not to enter upon their ministry until baptized with the Holy Ghost, and the Lord Himself testified, “John truly baptized in water; but ye shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost, not many days hence.” Acts 1:5.
When the day of Pentecost was fully come the Comforter came: the precious promise was fulfilled. This blessing was not for the apostles alone, nor for the Jewish saints exclusively, but for all the called. And it fell upon the first Gentile converts even as upon the apostles. Cornelius and his household were baptized in the Holy Ghost. At Ephesus believers were found who had not received the Spirit nor heard that He had been given. Paul led them quickly to look for the great baptism, and they received it to the joy of their souls.
He refers to the power of the Spirit in them, in the epistle he afterwards wrote to the Ephesians. He says “ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance;” that is the first fruits of heaven, the fore-taste of eternal bliss. Love shed abroad in the heart by the Spirit, was heaven begun.
Is this baptism still available? may we enjoy it? There is no intimation of any undi to its continuance. We never read that the Spirit shall depart from the saints. Jesus declared that the “Comforter should abide with us forever,” and as His coming was a baptism, His abiding implies the baptism of every new borne disciple: the continued baptism of all who believe.
This baptism involves an overwhelming all-pervading fullness of the Spirit in the soul. “For He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” “Be filled with the Spirit.” “Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.” “The Spirit of God dwelleth in you,” are Scriptural descriptions of this baptism which abides with us forever.
As the words of Jesus are positive and clear, we are certain that this glorious baptism is a perpetual inheritance of the saints. From the depth of our soul, we thank Him for the assurance; “I will pray the Father and He will give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.” Glory to Jesus!
The Spiritual results were to abide forever. Bless the Lord! “If the Spirit of Him who raiseth up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.”
It is proper now, therefore, and will be to the end of time to say: “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether Jew or Gentile, whether bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.” Precious baptism! The glory of the Savior’s reign: the power which creates a-new and glorifies. The Divine presence which abides with us forever: the Spirit of power. Do we enjoy His fullness? Are we filled with the Spirit? Or is He quenched, grieved, resisted, crowded into a coiner by carnal purposes passions and pleasures? The full measure of the Spirit comes in when self goes out. Self must die, and then God the Spirit will fill us. At the foot of the cross, reckon yourselves dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God, believe, confess, and the Spirit will make your reckoning true, and fill you full of love, power and peace. Glory to God in the highest! Amen!!
Meridian Mich.
MY object in writing this account of my experience of faith in the Lord Jesus, is to honor and glorify God.
About eighteen years ago, while attending a series of revival meetings, the Holy Spirit began to strive so powerfully with me, that I was made very miserable on account of my sins.
I resisted the Spirit for a while, thinking that at a more convenient time I would give my heart to God. One night I heard very impressive importunities made in my behalf. The voice seemed to come from heaven. Listening attentively for a moment, I endeavored to relieve myself of the impression it made upon me, that it was not personally intended for me. Directly, from the same direction where the voice seemed to come, a dove appeared making its way towards me. It seemed to seek a place of rest, but my heart no being in a fit condition to receive it, it flew to the ground beside me.
I awoke, but could no longer resist the Spirit of God, but yielded to my convictions at once. The joy which each newly born soul realizes upon becoming a child of God, can be much better felt than told. My joy was complete, and I realized that I had become a new creature in Christ Jesus. The Lord blessed me wonderfully in my regenerated state, but since experiencing holiness, He has been meat and drink to my soul, and I can say to the honor and glory of God I have been feasting at the King’s table. Praise the Lord! O my soul, our heavenly Father heals the body as well as the soul. The age in which miracles of healing are wrought by faith, through the Spirit, is not past as some would have us believe. The precious promises which the Lord has given unto us in His Holy Word, such as are recorded in James 5:15; John 15:7; Luke 17: 6. including many others, have not lost their effect. Faith is now in its same power that it was in the ages of the Apostles, and the Lord will respond to the healing of the body as well as the soul.
The writer has been afflicted with lameness, caused by a sprain, for fourteen years which has often disabled me to attend the public means of grace. Almost a fortune has been spent to be restored, without any permanent cure. On four different occasions the Lord has restored me to such an extent as to be able to attend Divine services; the house of worship being about a half a square away.
I took my lameness to the Lord in prayer, called upon the Elders of the Church, was anointed in the name of the Lord, according to James 5:15, and glory to His holy name, the first evening I walked without a brace, which I was obliged to wear continually, a distance of six squares to attend a meeting.
On the 20th of April I was instantly cured of dyspepsia, by which I was seriously afflicted for many years.
Feel confident that in due time I will be fully restored, because I left it all with Jesus. All praise to Him who bestows according to our faith.
Elmira C. Deck.
Bethlehem Pa., Aug. 17, 1885.
Page 2
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
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D. S. WARNER, and J.C. FISHER, — Editors.
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WE had a very pleasant ride on the Nickle Plats R. R. from Payne to Cleveland. Passing through about the most beautiful parts of the State of Ohio. But that R. R. proves rather defective as a passenger route, having but one train each way per day, and that compelled us to lay over in Cleveland until 10, A. M., the next day. So we reached Ashtabula to late for a train, and had to lay over another night. But having started in good time we arrived still in advance of the meeting. Praise God for the privilege of meeting the beloved saints once more.
Glory to Jesus for the fellowship of the sanctified children of God. Another year has passed around, and God’s faithfulness has sustained us. Satan has done his utmost, but God is the refuge of His saints, their help forever more. O praise His holy name forever!
It pleased the Lord to send a good deal of rain during this meeting, all of course is according to His benign wisdom. Other circumstances prevented the meeting from being as fruitful as other meetings this summer. Nevertheless there was a number of souls powerfully sanctified, and baptized with the Holy Spirit. Many of the saints were advanced in the way of the Lord, and some noble hearts were won to the truth, whom we expect will soon enter the kingdom of God. We closed Sabbath 30th, and in the evening a company of 12 saints of God drove over to a Winebrenarian camp meeting a few miles from Barkaville Pa., where we spent
We reached the ground just before night. Were provided with shelter by Bro. Chr. W. Koonce, who held a tent on the ground. Bro. K. has been a minister of the West Pa. Eldership for 10 years, but recently he informed the class at Barkaville where he resides, that it was “essential to his salvation,” that he should demand his name off of their book. He and his sister both made their escape out of babylon, and “delivered their souls,” — Jer. 51:6.
On the way we met a good many people returning from the camp, and we were no little astonished to see so many of them smoking cigars. Finally the thought forced itself on our mind, “can it be possible that they are selling such things on the camp ground?” But considering that it is the Sabbath day, and the people holding the camp meeting profess to be the “Church of God.” such a thing surely could not be. The very thought was shocking and preposterous. When a half mile away, we saw a smoke ascending at the camp. As we entered the ground we observed a crowd of sinners standing about a building with a sign, “boarding tent,” and the smoke from their many cigars blended into a cloud that we had seen from the distance. Soon after landing, we said to a brother, “let us walk up and see what they have to sell there.” We did so, and adventuring our lives into the poison fog, we walked the whole length of the long building all opened in front displaying a large stock of every variety of ware that would be necessary to satisfy the pride, vanity, and lust of a horse race, or any vanity fair throng of this ungodly world.
We were shocked, and amazed, at this horrible Sabbath desecration. The chief sale was tobacco. There the nasty filthy, stuff was piled up from one end of the building to the other. The vile curse of the earth, in every form and shape the devil ever invented it, freely sold on the Sabbath day, and that on a — O the blasphemy — “Church of God” camp ground.
In all our travels, east, west, north and south, in various states, we have never witnessed such a horrid scene of babylon’s rottenness. The whole sect seems to be a spued out mass of corruption. Over 30 board tents surround the audience seats, but only four were occupied, which was in striking comparison with the words of the prophet, “It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation * * * But wild beasts of the desert shall be there. And their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there: and the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.” Isa. 13. Several times during the night a large dog came into our quarters, which helped to impress our minds with the doleful creatures of babylon’s desolate habitations. In fact every thing wore the dismal aspect of prophetic fallen babylon.
Her merchandise was “gold and silver and precious stones,” Jewelry, toys, soaps, vails, fancy neckties and fichues, currycombs, candies, peanuts, lemonade, fruits, whips, tobacco plugs, tobacco, pokes, and tobacco cigars.
“Thyme wood, and all manner of vessels of ivory, and all manner of vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron and marble. And cinnamon and odors, and ointments, and frankincense and wine and oil, and fine flour and wheat, and beasts and sheep, and horses and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.”
Well we have quoted largely of the Revellators invoice of babylon merchandise: the stock may not be exactly the same now, as the trade changes somewhat with the variations of the styles and tastes of the world. The Revellators catalogue of items does not cover a twentieth part of that exhibited on this ground, yet it may include some things not in this market, very likely there was no wine sold on the ground here, except “the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
In all sobriety we must cry out, shame shame on such ungodly works of the devil.
It was all licensed by the preachers in control of the meetings. And such men have the wicked presumption to call themselves ministers of Christ. One of the “merchants of these things which were made rich” by the “abundance of her delicacies,” though we understand he makes no profession of Christ, was ashamed of the unhallowed traffic, and though his contract included another year, he said he would never come back again. He confessed that if he were to open up such traffic on Sabbath, at his place of business in town, he would be prosecuted; but the super-abundance(?) of righteousness (?) of these tobacco soaked preachers, it would appear was to atone for the same sins on their camp ground. Surely it has come to pass what is written of the inhabitants of fallen babylon. “They overpass the deeds of the wicked” — Jer. 5:28.
After taking some refreshment, and having obtained permission to praise God, we engaged in our evening devotion, with singing and prayer to the God of our salvation. Our doors were soon crowded with young foils to hear the singing.
The tobacco smoke was so dense that we could scarcely endure it without getting sick. But after a few songs and prayers were offered, every one cast their sigars away, and listened with seriousness. This they did without a word said by any of us. Praise the Lord!
The next morning some of our number had some talk with the preachers, one of whom soon became so stirred up, that the police had to stop the conversation. Four out of the five priests that were running that meeting were seen by us, offering up their tobacco incense to the devil, the god of their lusts. Surely “I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing. * * * They are all of them unto me as Soddom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.” — Jer. 23. “Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel commiteth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary, but turn ye yet again and thou shalt see greater abominations. So I went in and saw and behold * * * there stood men of the ancients of the house of Israel, with every man his censer in his band (rather in his mouth) and a thick cloud of incense went, up.” — Eze. 8. Surely, “my people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains (sects): they have gone from mountain to hill, (from big sect to little sect) they have forgotten their resting-place.” – Jer. 50:6.
The corrupting and demoralizing influence of that tobacco smudge can only be a blasting curse upon the morals of the whole community. Imagining themselves the servants of God, they are indeed the servants of the devil, and the lusts of the flesh. While laboring ostensibly for the salvation of souls, they are themselves unsaved, living in divers lusts, and hating all that have “escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” Instead of being instruments to save souls from sin, they set the example of sin and filthiness, and thus “strengthen the hands of evil doers that none doth return from his wickedness.”
The meeting had been in progress four days, and no soul had been saved. Not a seeker. Not even a place for a penitent to kneel, no straw on the ground. The pulpit was the only place to kneel, in the congregation, as though they did not expect a poor penitent to seek God, and that the preachers should do all the prying.
Being monday morning, the services were made later than the usual hour. The priests were doubtless perplexed how to perform in the deadness of their souls.
“The singers in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites.” — Isa. 33:14. Not one of them would venture to preach. The services were confined to one hour. After reading a psalm, the preacher announced that all should be free to serve God by prayer, and testimony, and song, requesting brevity of each. So as our hearts were “springing up” full of the love of God, we opened our mouths to praise the Lord, in singing a verse occasionally. After several had spoken we arose and testified to the great “salvation we have in Christ Jesus with Eternal glory.” We aimed to be very brief, but occupied seven minutes by the watch, when they began to sing. But they being but a few and “feeble folk,” their song would not have interfered materially with our remarks. However we struck in to sing until they stopped, and then sat down.
After one or two spoke Bro. Joseph testified, and gravely reproved them for the spirit they had manifested, in singing a brother down, when there were but a few to occupy the time. One woman had even talked longer than we had. When he was through talking the preacher announced, the time had expired, and closed the meeting. But Sister Fisher had strictly timed the whole service, and found that they had cut the hour short just 15 minutes. Having began at 10, 30, they closed at 11, 15. Reducing the meeting to 45 minutes, to avoid hearing a few more testimonies; which to all the “worshipers of the beast” is a “noisome grievous sore.” – Rev. 16:2.
After the services were dismissed, the high priest and president of the camp meeting ordered us to leave the ground as soon as we could pack up, and depart, forbidding us to sing, pray or preach within, one mile of their tobacco smoked camp.
When asked why they would not allow us to worship God there, the president, McElvain, said it was because we held a second work of grace, which they did not believe. Why should they fear to hear the testimony? If they really believed that there is no “second grace,” they need not fear that any of their flock would obtain it. According to their position, they were afraid of a thing that does not exist.
What brave soldiers! One of the preachers. Elder Flowers, arose in the speaking meeting, and said. “According to the little bit of information I have received concerning Christ’s salvation, it is all received at once.” Certainly a man that only has “a little bit of information,” respecting Christ’s salvation only has a little bit of salvation; and that little bit of salvation was doubtless all obtained at once, for it was so little it could not have been divided. And when that very “little bit,” is analyzed, it is seen to consist in a mere “name to live,” a “form of godliness,” anointed by love of self and love of sect. We commend the poor priest with his “little bit of information,” to “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ that the Father of glory, may give unto him the Spirit of wisdom and revellation in the knowledge of Him: that the eyes of his understanding may be enlightened; that he may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” instead of having a “little bit of information,” in his darkness. If he will “cleanse himself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God,” he “might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding.” If poor carnal priests, who only have “a little bit of information,” concerning the kingdom of God, and a very large stock of bigotry, and Spiritual ignorance, knew how rediculous they appear in the sight of God, and men who have the “Anointing that abideth and teacheth of all things,” they would be glad to hold their peace, and not expose their ignorance. The preacher who led the meeting, Mr. Leech; is saturated with tobacco, and adicted to horse trading, and worldly, foolish jesting. In his remarks he said we should “exemplify Christ,” that is our lives should be like His.
The Lord led us to ask him if he regarded himself an example of Christ’s character, whether he could consistently say to boys, and men generally, “follow the example I set before you?” Not having “sanctified the Lord Jesus in his heart” he was not “ready to give an answer.”
He paced the pulpit being speechless. We repeated the question including both him and the president, neither answered.
We then told the latter something about them being of the same spirit the old Jews
and pagans were, who forbade the apostles preaching any more in their towns. We also called, their attention to the abominable and wicked traffic we saw on their ground on the Lord’s day, which was licensed by them, and sanctioned by their filthy habit. They could allow that corrupting bane of society, but a few little children of God who have obtained pure hearts, and desired to “worship God in the beauty of holiness,” they said “away with them.” To these polluted priests of baal, tobacco is a sweet, delightsome incense, but holiness a terrible nuisance. The poor pitiable priests grew so mad that they paced the pulpit like chained tigers, but could not open their mouths, and finally went into their den behind the pulpit.
“The mighty men of babylon have forborn to fight, they have remained in their holes: their might hath failed; they became as women: they have burned her dwelling places, her bars are broken.
“For thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of babylon is like a threshing floor, it is time to thresh her: yet a little while and the time of her harvest shall come.
“My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord.” — Jer. 51.
Well we are compelled to give the manifestations at that camp, the credit of being the filthiest and vilest forms of babylon we have ever met. An unconverted man who was there and witnessed, the scene, said to them “God deliver me from such a sect.” They are destitute of God’s grace. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation, * * * teacheth us, that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously and godly, in this present world.” — Titus 2.
But these live in the filth of the world, “walking after their ungodly lusts.”
News from the Field.
Geneva Center, Mich.
Dearly Beloved in the Lord: — I am led to tell you through the Trumpet, that I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God. O, how I do praise God for His saving and keeping power, and for the wonderful work last Lord’s day. The saints met at Sincber school house south of Covert. Bro. Grover spoke the Word in power, and the Holy Ghost fell upon the saints, and they all praised God with one accord, and the sinners were wonderfully stirred up, and when opportunity was given, and an altar set out, it was filled; some seeking pardon and some sanctification. Many were convicted. God bless them. May every one that can wield the sickle prepare for the great harvest that is now on hand.
The grace of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, be with you all. From your brother, saved of God.
S. Michels.
Vichy Springs, Missouri.
Dear Brethren: — May the Lord abundantly bless yon in every good word and work. Amen! I write to give a short report of what is going on here. On the 4th I preached near Vichy, on the Church; some were stirred, but I told them we drew no lines of separation, only what God drew in His Word and by His Spirit, so that it is the work of sectarians and not of us to divide Gods people. And that God’s Church includes all that are good, both of doctrine and people. While all that are not good are outside the Church, hence all sinners are outside the Church of God, and all saints that belong to any sect have two yokes, one the easy yoke of Christ, and the other the sect yoke, and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But I am free, having only the easy yoke of Christ etc. My Sister preached in the afternoon from Isaiah 28:16, 17. At night we had a glorious little meeting — 2 sanctified, three healed, some received gifts and all felt the power of God. Hallelujah!
On the above date (July 8) a few assembled by the river side and were baptized. We retired to Bro. Baugh’s and proceeded to ordain 3 to the office of Elder, and 2, to the office of Deacon, after which we held our first ordinance meeting; the Holy Ghost directing in baptism, ordination, etc.
It is a difficult matter to fully describe the state of the work here, some have joined the different sects, while others have their idols of some kind or another. Only the fewest number are entirely true.
Wheat is almost a failure here. People are poor; but they are free hearted, and willing to divide the last meat and bread they have. I am in the fight against sin and satan, and all sect abominations of the devil. Praise the Lord for the blood that cleanseth, and the anointing that abideth.
We lost much labor by not being clear on the Church sooner. My love to all the saints. Your Bro. in the Body of Christ.
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A pure heart will not attribute dishonesty so long as men’s motives can be favorably construed. But when men sin against light and knowledge, and oppose and falsely characterize that which they have acknowledged the truth of God, it becomes our duty to admonish such men as “subverted and sinning.”
No man, at least in babylon, has ever acknowledged the truth of Christ respecting what His Church is, and what the sects are, more clearly than T. K. Doty, of the Harvester. About seven years ago he said boldly in his paper that, “There is not one word between the lids of the Bible favorable to sects or denominations, they are the result of sin in the body of believers. Thorough and widespread holiness destroys sects and denominations.” He has since reiterated about the same word. In his book he admits that no sect, nor all the sects are the Church of God. But that the Church is the body of Christ, a Divine institution. This he also says, as one of the Chicago committee. At the Jacksonville convention he said that the sects were not the Divine plan, and that some-time God was going to set in motion a fire that would burn up the sects, or language to that import. During the Chicago convention, Bro. Shaw heard him say that, “Sects are not God’s hightest idea of the Church.” So he informed us. Here we can see the shrinkage in the man’s uprightness, as he tarries in babylon. At Jacksonville he admitted that sects were not God’s idea of the Church, now if is not “His highest idea.” One would suppose from this language, that. God has no very definite idea of His Church, or has various conflicting ideas of His Church. Sectism is one Divine idea, and something else is another, and higher idea. Confusion. In reading Harvester of Sept. 1, we begin to dispair of its editor ever getting out of the fogs of babylon. He seems to be getting more and more bewildered, and his darkness more dense. Speaking of the holiness people in Missouri he says.
“In an inquiring state, the devil got among them, in the shape of a kind of no-organism, or Warner comeoutism. Still they mostly had Christ and holiness. But since the sectarian showing at the Chicago meeting, the evil one has fairly broken loose among them. The work is being desolated by the hot wildness of the comeout element that heads and centers in The Good Way paper. Death follows!”
We feel sorry that a man occupying the position of a professed holiness editor, and much more, a minister of the Gospel, would descend to such dishonerable littleness. The sects are not God’s Church, and without one word of sanction between the lids of the Bible. Yea, they are the fruits of sin, and to be destroyed by holiness, and yet when men honestly separate themselves from these anti-bible, anti-christ products of sin, this subverted sectarian, cries out that they are led of the devil. He has not only admitted the sinful origine of the sects, but also that the body of Christ is the Church. And now be gives the devil credit for leading God’s children from the works of sin, to the true “Church of Jesus Christ which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.” It is true he slanderously unsrepresents the body of Christ in which those brethren stand. He alludes to the Good Way as their organ, and as he doubtless reads that paper, he positively knows that he is belying those children of God. As we have the happy privilege of reading that paper, we feel it our duty to rebuke and admonish you for bearing false witness to your readers. You know very well that the Good Way does not teach “no-organism.” You know it does teach the very organization that you and your Chicago committee tell us is the Church. i.e., “the body of Christ.” Will you let the sect idol of your heart lead you to the presumption, of calling the “body of Christ,” into which “God hath set the members, every one of them as it hath pleased Him,” no organization? Does not holiness require men to be honest? Are you an honest man when you charge upon a class of people and paper a position you have never seen in that paper? If you have read the doctrine of “no-organism,” in the Good Way, will you please give your readers the words that teach it? and if you cannot produce such teaching in the columns of that paper, will you manifest the part of candor and uprightness by taking back your false statement?
Again you charge upon them the sip of ism — “comeoutism” Can you prove your charge? Ism signifies sophism, sect, or heresy. The Word says that. “God tempered the body together,” “that there should be no schism in the body.” Now you know that all the sects are organized schisms, that they are “without one word of sanction between the lids of the Bible, but are the fruits of sin.” And you know that “holiness destroys sects and denominations.” Therefore how dare you charge with the sin of “‘ism” such as obey God, and come out of all the isms of sin? But suppose we were to admit that the holy people in Mo. bad become a sect, a “comeout-ism,” what right have you to say that therefore, “the devil has got among them,” when you belong to a sect yourself? If the devil were to get among them by their becoming an ism, is not the devil equally in all Wesleyan Methodism? If it were a sin to live in a comeoutism sect, are you not a sinner in the Weslyan-ism sect?
You speak of “Warner come-out-ism.” We counsel you in the name of Jesus Christ to repent of this silly attempt to excuse your own sectism. Down deep in your heart you know you are speaking falsely against the saints in Mo. You have never seen any Warnerism taught in the Good Way. That name has not occurred there, neither can you point to a single sentiment that can be traced to any man of that name. You are guilty before God of two wrongs. First you try to brand those that come out of sects as being a sect. For what ever is an ism, is a sect: both mean schism or out off faction. You cannot prove that coming out of all schisms, is schism. You cannot prove that by abiding in Christ, “the Body,” the whole, we are in a schism, a part.
Second, you falsify the truth, when you attribute to any man, that which is of God. If you read your Bible you will find that the doctrine of the “Body of Christ.” being the Church, is the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ. Second, if you will turn your ear toward God, you will “hear another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” — Rev. 18:4. Again, thus saith the Lord, “Come out from among them and be ye separate.” 2 Cor. 6. Now that which is the positive commandment of Jesus Christ, and the solemn voice of God from heaven to His children at this very time, you sneeringly call “Warner comeoutism.” May God “give you repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth.” Do you not know that God holds you to speak the truth? What right have you to cry “Warner comeoutism,” until by an honest comparison of our teaching and the Word of God, you prove that we have taught a doctrine that is of our self. This you never have done. For the last four or five years you have announced to your readers that we are deceived, led astray, etc. etc. And yet you have never attempted to prove us wrong by the Word, of God. We have sent you the Trumpet right along from the beginning, there you have our teaching in plain print. And while you have acknowledged in your paper, and to different persons, that you regarded us as an honest man, and of a good Spirit, you have never, to my knowledge, taken up a single doctrinal point and honestly attempted to point out the error you have falsely accused us of. If you have ever done it please send us the paper, and we will take back this charge; Yea we give you a chance to do it yet.
You may do so in your own paper, or in the Gospel Trumpet. No honest man will renounce a sincere child of God without first trying to show him his error by the standard of Divine truth. Shame on such unmanly ungodly sputtering against a man, without attempting to prove him in error. You know the child of God you are prating against. We have labored together in more than one meeting. “We are made manifest in your own conscience.” You have never dared to impeach our uprightness of heart before God. Therefore if you were governed by the love of God, you would have candidly labored for our restoration, if you honestly believed us in error. Yea if you sincerely believed us teaching dangerous doctrine, your duty toward your readers, would have led you to farely quote our teaching, and then by the Word of God, show up our error. Your whole course shows conclusively that you are condemned by the truth we preach. You have not been able to take hold of a single article of the Trumpet and prove the doctrine false. But you have shown your disgusting weakness by crying out against what you cannot overthrow and you know it. Shame on you. You confess that sects are the fruit of sin, but because you live in them you cry out that we are deluded, because you cannot endure the hail stones of God’s wrath upon your filthy cages of unclean birds. And though it is a fact before God that all the sect adhering, and sect defending holiness in the world has backslidden, and become a stumbling block to the world, a curse to the cause of true holiness, and a stench in the nostrils of God, you have the disgusting affrotery to predict that death will be the result of the Mo. holiness people coming out of the “fruits of sin,” and abiding in Christ alone. Where is your authority for such a prediction? Can you point to it in God’s Word? Have you any foundation in facts? We have witnessed more souls saved unto God this summer, than we did in any two summers in the interbabylonian work. And there was five times the amount of power and fruits of salvation then in the sect holiness meetings, than there is now, since the voice has come from heaven saying, “Come out of her my people.” In fact the whole work of holiness in the sect plain is an empty farce; God has moved on and left your house desolate. “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and become a habitation of devils, and hold of every foul spirit.” You are in fellowship with men who are possessed, with devils and you know it not. H. Ackers and others whose names frequent your columns are cages of unclean spirits. You have sinned against the very truth you have admitted. You have gone into blindness. You are already suffering God’s plagues upon babylon. And if you do not soon escape out of her, distress and mourning and desolation is your doom. For the time of her visitation has come and she shall be utterly burned with fire.
There is another bit of inprudence in the same paper that shows that you have passed the point of hope, and are going down beneath the curse and plagues of God upon the sin created sects. The following, clearly indicates that your conscience is seared as with a hot iron.
“Bro. Caughlan of the Bible Evangelist and Bro. Kent of the Banner walk into Bro. Kiergan, now associate editor of The Good Way, for his strong anti-church notions. Perhaps the disease is beyond the reach of caustics.”
As you shall have to answer in the day of judgement, you know that you are lying against Bro. K. when you charge him of “strong anti-church notion.” Had you not so clearly put yourself on record in the past, we would attribute this to ignorance. But there is no cloak for your sin. You have confessed that the sects are not the Church, but the body of Christ is, so when Bro. K. opposes the sects and earnestly contends for the Church, you falsity him knowingly, when you call him of anti-church opinions. You know he is anti-sect and not anti-church. And you know the difference between the two. You have said that the Church is the body of Christ, and that “sects are the fruit of sin.” Is it a diseased condition of the soul to renounce the “fruits of sin?” Or are you not cursed with the leprosy in your own soul while you live in a sect, which by your own confession sin has built? “Woe unto them that put darkness for light, and fight for darkness.” But pray tell us how those two men are to wade into Bro. K. for renouncing the sects as of the devil? Have they got any Bible weapons for the assault? Behold you have confessed that “there is not one word between the lids of the Bible favorable to sects and denominations.” How then shall they make war against the man, without any Bible grounds? Shall they simply do as you do, cry, fanatic, deluded, etc., and make no attempt to prove it? But why do you not wade into him yourself? or why not wade into the Trumpet?
Because the spoiler is come upon her, even upon babylon, and her mighty men are taken, every one of their bows is broken: for the Lord God of recompenses shall surely requite.
And I will make drunk her princes, and her wise men, her captains, and her rulers, and her mighty men: and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the King, whose name is the Lord of hosts.
Thus saith the Lord of hosts: The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken, and her nigh gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labor in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.
And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to make the land of babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. Jer. 51:56-58, 29. Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars.
Nahum 3:13.
THIS general gathering of the saints in Ohio, will begin September 16, and continue until the 20th. Come all who can. The brethren will do all they can to entertain the saints. Nevertheless it were well for all who can to bring with them some bedding, and provisions, so that no one be so burdened as to out off their privileges of getting the good of the meetings.
All who come by R. R., should inform brother F. Spacky, or Wm. Miller by letter, to Jerry City, Wood Co., Ohio, which place they will come to. Persons coming on the Ohio Central, stop at the station near Melrose. On the T. and I. to station near Jerry City, (can’t speak the name.) Those coming Baltimore and Ohio, to Breardstown. Come all that can.
Battle Creek, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — The Lord Jesus, who redeemed my soul from hell by His own precious, precious blood, saves me to the uttermost just now! Praise His holy name for filling my heart with gratitude, and my mouth with thanksgiving. My dear loving Savior workes through me His own good will. There are at least two souls here who are, or seem to be just ready for the full light of God’s eternal truth, and as they have both, at the same time passed through the purgatory of Adventism, and about the same time were set down among our “little flock,” together with several other coincidents, I am very, very strongly impressed that the Lord means a special work done here. The one I refer to, is the dear hungry soul sister Emma wrote you about. The other is a dear saved man, Basil Stephanoff, from Macedonia, who was remarkably converted to the Lord Jesus in his own country, called to the ministry and led of the Lord to America, where he first heard of sanctification, and came into the experience; I think, about two years ago, and is so pressed in Spirit, “burning up,” he calls it, for his own people that he is making every effort in his power to return. Very strangely the Lord led him to our little meeting on Friday evening of last week, where he preached the Word in its purity, also spake on Saturday eve, and Sunday morning and evening expecting to leave Battle Creek on Monday; but to his own surprise, the Lord impressed him to remain during the week, and asking permission be expects, the Lord willing, to speak every-night this week. His preaching on the first and second work of grace is all clear, but be is not in the clear light of God’s Word on sectarianism. He seems somewhat mixed up with the dragon power, yet hating it with all his soul, but not having the light as to what is the remedy. A number of the sects have tried to bribe him, and send him back as missionary in their behalf, offering him a large salary, but he will not be bought; he seems hungry for the truth. The sects are eager to get him, as he understands fifteen different languages. Among them, the German, the English and Greek. I believe Greek is his native tongue. He was it Baptist before he was sanctified, but he says the Holy Spirit look all sectarianism out of him; but he did not know there were a people who did not believe in organizing into a sect, before last Friday. I have given him your book, “Bible Proofs,” and nearly all the Trumpets I had, and your tract on the Sabbath. I had none of the tracts on the Church, in the house. And he seems to be hungering more and more — comes over every day for texts etc; sometimes twice per day. Of course he needs some correcting, here and there, but he is remarkably humble and earnest, and my heart yearns and bleeds for his entire freedom in Christ. I told him he was not in the light of the prophesies and Revelation, on sectarianism, and he is very anxious to see some, of you, he agrees with your views in every-thing he has been able to examine and understand.
The dear Lord has assured me, He would save souls in Battle Creek, and who can tell what He may do, soon. I do feel such an intense desire to give the Lord back His own, which He has committed to my care, that almost every mouthful I eat, I wish those that are spent for the Lord could enjoy. I believe sometime He will let me give more of my means to His cause. Bro. Stephanoff is looking to the Lord for means to carry him back to his native country.
May the Lord bless you continually and direct your steps. By His grace may you be permitted to come to Battle Creek to break the bread of life to a nation that know not the Lord Jesus. Some of us will attend the Williamston assembly meeting, if the Lord opens up a way.
Your sister saved by the blood.
A. K. Thomas.
Bucyrus, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — As I was reading the Trumpet, the Spirit bade me write. The saints met at Father Couts, Sabbath July 19th, and were addressed by Bro. Sensney of Upper Sandusky, subject John 15 — 14. “Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.” It was backed up by the Holy Ghost. There were two that obeyed and were buried with Christ in baptism.
After that the ordinances of feet-washing, and the Lord’s supper was observed: all the saints washed feet, which was a blessing to all. The meeting was a victory from first to last. Hallelujah! There were some that washed feet that never saw that solemn ordinance performed before.
Glory to God, for victory! The sect, or Quaker devil, appointed a meeting in opposition, they went out from us, but they were hot of us. They oppose us for “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever. I (Christ) have commanded you.” Matt. 28:19-20. They are deluded of the devil, and led by false teachers. Praise God, there are some that are on the Bible line of holiness. A few of the saints went to Nevada Tuesday eve, and had meeting with a sick man, we had a glorious waiting with the Lord. May God plant His Church in Nevada, is my prayer. Bro. Sensney was there from Sandusky, and Sister Hesser and Father Lilly from Wyandot. May the Lord bless them all. My soul says Hallelujah! just now, for His goodness to me. Glory be to Heaven’s King!
Your brother saved through and through. Pray for us,
A. H. Lea.
Bangor Mich.
Dear Brethren: — God bless you with all might and power, with all wisdom and knowledge, that you may be still more abundant in your labor for the Master. All glory to His holy name, for He saves even me just now. O how complete this calm holy rest: closer and closer He folds me. O I am stablisbed, strengthened and settled. My pathway grows brighter and brighter. O praise the Lord forever, who so wondrously saves and sanctifies me just now.
Lottie Blackwood.
St. James Mo.
Dear Brethren and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ: — I feel led to inform you of the work of the Lord here. We have glorious meetings. Bro. J. Cole and sister Mary have been preaching here. A number have been saved, five sanctified, and four were baptized, and came up out of the water shouting and praising God. A good many saints came from other places, some 20 miles. The devil was stirred up mightily. The Lord has given us power over all the powers of the enemy. The Lord is mine, He is my all and in all. I give Him all the praise. I do the trusting, and God does the keeping.
The grace of bur Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen!
Your brother saved in Christ.
Wm. Eikman.
Tiffin, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — I must write you a few lines and tell you that God saves me to-day. Praise God! I am all sold out for Jesus, and my soul is satisfied. I am drinking at the fountain that never runs dry. Hallelujah! the dear Savior has done so much for me; He has saved my soul, and healed my body, and saved me from tea and coffee. Praise the Lord, O my soul! The devil tries hard to make me believe I am not healed; but God gave me the witness, and faith to believe. Praise His holy name forever! I realize daily that He does wonderful things for me. I am tried as by fire day and night, but God’s grace is sufficient in every furnace. Glory to God! whom He loves He chastens.
I ask the prayers of all the saints. Your sister saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus. Amen!
Emma Huffsey.
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By Isaac Key.
TO all the Gospel Trumpet readers, grace, love and peace be multiplied unto you, through the knowledge of Him who has culled us to glory and virtue: to whom be glory both now and forever. Amen!
The Lord leads me to write something about my late experience, and two dreams of which God showed me the interpretation about one year ago. I dreamed that I saw a large building with many rooms, and but very few people in them. But beyond them was a light building where many people were gathered together. So I started through the building. It appeared that I had five rooms to go through. Representing the five sects I have passed through. Namely the M. E. Quaker, U. B., New Light, and Dunkard. I had no trouble to get through them all but the last. As I was about through the last, I could see the beautiful light outside of the building, the five rooms. I looked back to these rooms, they were preparing something for me to eat. But they failed to get it ready. I went away hungry. But in the light place the people all seemed to be hearty and pleasant. So I awoke. I was much impressed with the dream, and desired to know the meaning of it. The Lord made known to me the interpretation of it by His Spirit. The rooms were the different sects of babylon. The light building was the true Church of God. I passed through all the five sects without much trouble but the last, to which I looked back. “Remember Lots wife.”
“But try the spirits, whether they are of God; for many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
About six months after the above dream, there was a spirit that told me to go back to the Dunkard sect, which said that it is no sect. And the same spirit told me the Trumpet people were deceived by a false delusion. I wondered if this could be so. The same spirit told me to write to one of the Dunkard preachers, and so I did. He answered the same by saying, they were glad, and rejoiced greatly that I was coming to make peace with them, (that abominable sect of the devil.) So after I moved out here, they called a meeting and invited me to attend. I went by the leading of the same evil spirit, which said to me they are all right, for they believe in all the commandments of Christ. So they began to examine me. They asked me why I was coming back. I told them that the spirit told me to do so. They asked me several questions. I answered them according to the same spirit. So they consulted between themselves, and came out of the room, and said that the church would take me back if I made a full confession. So they asked me why I had baptized by single immersion? I answered as the evil spirit told me; for they think a person can’t be saved without three dips, face forward. They told me to go to the person I had baptized and confess that I had baptized her illegally, and then we will take you back, but we will not allow you to preach for a while. So they dismissed. But thank God I did not have my name put on their class book; but I did not preach any. In a course of time I began to feel another Spirit working with me altogether different. So I asked the preacher if it was not about time to allow me to preach as before? He said, no, they had not seen fruits yet. So I tried the spirits, and found that I had been cast into prison by the devil. I soon found the reason they would not allow me to preach, was because I did not wear my clothes as they do, nor wear long hair parted in the middle. I only went to four or five of their meetings and it is terrible to see the coldness of that sect. Truly that part of babylon is falling. I told one of them if I was in the way I would leave, but they said, no we have no members to spare. I have come out for good, and forever. Glory to God! and now you can see that the interpretation of the dream was true six months before it was fulfilled. I never had any trouble to get through all the other sects, but the Dunkards was terrible for me to pass; and in the room that represented the Dunkards I saw them fixing something to eat, but I ate nothing. So they were getting all things ready to have a communion meeting and feet-washing; but they failed, and put it off until next fall.
Dear beloved brethren and sisters and all ye that fear the Lord, both small and great, I warn you to not be untangled again with the yoke of bondage, even as I was led; for soon as I went into that dark dungeon began to die unto holiness, and to loose my sweet communion with God, our heavenly Father. Thank God for sparing me to get out of that cage. He has renewed me again by the Holy Ghost, and tells me to feed His sheep, and feed His lambs. But while I was commanded by men not to preach, I dreamed that I owned two while horses and kept them in a log stable, and one day as I passed the stable I saw the horses, and they wanted something to eat and drink; but it happened that I did not give them anything, and the next time they were very poor and starving, and it appeared that I could not give them anything. I did not pay much attention to the dream, and in a short time I dreamed the same thing over. Then I asked the Lord of glory what it meant, and He made it known to me by His blessed Spirit, that it was because I had quit preaching, and letting the people starve for spiritual food and the water of life.
Dear brethren I have found and proved that these sects are all invented by the devil and his agents, and he is in them as an angel of light showing himself that he is God, and he has scores of ministers that are partaking of the forbidden fruit, because it looks nice and satisfies the carnal mind: “they ask and receive not, because they ask amiss that they might consume it upon their lust.” Surely my faith has been tried as gold in fire. Bless God! Its all for good; for the devil knows very well that I was called with seven voices from the glory world to go and preach the everlasting Gospel, and satan has tried many ways to destroy me from the face of the earth. He has told me “there is no use of you preaching, for you havent much education, and you can’t leave your family, for they will suffer, and then you will be worse than an infidel:” also saying “where is the good that you ever done in preaching, you had better stay at home and let some better man go in your place.” But I have resisted the devil and he has left me, and I have set to my seal that God is true, and that His Word will stand after the heavens and the earth pass away. Bless His holy name! I am now on the side of light, and have great joy, because my Leader has delivered me from the Egyptian bondage. The host of satan was after me, but my Leader has led me on until I saw the red sea and the mountains on either side of me, and satan’s host after me. So this was the time that the evil spirit said, “Go back:” but glory to God! I have passed through the red sea and the waters have closed in on my enemies, and I can say now, Glory to God for victory over the beast and over the number of his name.
And now dear brethren, if God leads you to publish this, let it be a solemn warning to us all, to be steadfast unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Amen!
Your brother saved from all sects of men, converted, sanctified, tried, and renewed by the Spirit of the living God and coming up through great tribulation.
THERE are many who walk in there own ways, and after the desires of their own hearts, doing what they please-who dream of going to heaven, without stopping to consider whether they are right or wrong. There are multitudes who sing. “We are marching to Zion,” whose feet are still in the broad way that leads to death and hell, and whose path is folly’s road. New ways, new methods have taken place of the old fashioned Bible holiness, and they “sit and sing themselves away to everlasting bliss,” instead of dying out to sin and carnality, hating the garments spotted by the flesh, and forsaking this world of vanity which lieth in wickedness.
Worldly policy generally has the ascendancy, while landmarks are obliterated, old light-houses removed, and gay worldlings in pursuit of pleasures have drifted beyond the warning voices that tell them of danger. In the absence of Pentecost, however, to draw the multitude together, and spiritual feasts for the hungry souls, they starve them, while they feast the body on dainties which the daughters of Sodom could not surpass in preparation, with all their “pride and fullness or bread, and abundance of idleness.” To feed the mind, comic songs, recitations and lectures are given, instead of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, the bread of heaven, and the water of life.
A strict conformity to the Gospel of Christ and His disciples, would depopulate many churches. If all the relatives of Ananias and Sapphira should meet a like fate for their lying and covetousness, church members [professing christians] would be far less in number and much more power than now. The early Christians, who roved in the mountains, hid in dens and caves, clothed in sheep skins
and goat skins, of whom the world was not worthy, would never recognize these ladies of the present day, laden with jewelry, banged and frizzed, flounced and covered with the trappings of pride, who say “my heart isn’t set on these things,” yet profess holiness, nor claim them as fellow-heirs of the promises. If we want Pentecostal fire we must make the same consecration, and stand by the consequences, as they did; for it brings a stir, and reproach, and blow and death; but the form of godliness without the power, is in reality worldliness, and doesn’t, disturb the devil. As a man said: “The devil don’t know there are any churches in our place.” But the soul that leaves the world behind, parts with the trifling things of earth, forsakes the husks of vanity and sin — their faces set like a flint Zionward, shall walk with Christ in white the highway of holiness cast up for the redeemed, and shall find, when the conflict is over, the warfare endue down by the river, the pearly gates open, the victor’s crown waiting, the martyr’s welcome home, to be forever shut in with God, away from earth’s sorrows, conflicts, and sin.
“Ask for the old paths.” Don’t stop short of the Bible-route of glory. Search the old guide-book thoroughly. Dig deep and find the Rock; you’ll know when you get there, for you will strike fire, and glory will come. “If thou incline thine ear etc., then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea, every good path.” — Prov. 2:2-8. Know thyself what God requires, and walk therein, and results shall be glorious here, “rest to your souls;” and the world, seeing we put a difference between clean and unclean, unholy and holy, some souls will come forth without the camp unto Jesus, bearing His reproach, and get saved; and then they will understand Jesus Christ’s Words when He said to them all: “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself — take up his cross daily and follow me; and whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
Rolling Prairie, Ind.
Butterfield Mo.
Dear Brethren: — May the blessing of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you. Amen!
After quite a delay the Lord wills that I write a few lines for the Gospel Trumpet. We expect, the Lord willing, to leave this part of the country in a week, and go to Hunnewell Mo. or Palmyra Mo. Expect to meet many of the dear saints and ministerial brethren there, and have a real hallelujah time. Some may think strange that I have not written more for the Trumpet, but I will tell you dear ones, that I have had a pretty hard time, and all perhaps because I did not obey the Lord. Over a year ago, before we moved down here, I heard a voice more than once say, “Go preach my Gospel.” I said, “I Will after we get down in S. W. Mo. and get a new place fixed up a little, then I will go.” Well praise the Lord! most all ray horses died, and we have had a real smash up, for our good, and God’s glory. Praise the Lord! God will get the glory out of it, from the fact I expect to go preach the Gospel, and when I preach, to declare the whole counsel of God. Hallelujah! I am wonderfully saved from all compromise of the devil. May the Lord bless you all. Amen! Your Bro. in Christ.
R. J. Brown.
I will just say, as husband has been writing to you, that I am rejoicing in the healing power of God. It has been my lotto so trust in God that He, by His own mighty power, has healed me of a disease which I had been suffering from for over fifteen years, and to day I can say I am kept by the power of God. I have told it to many in private conversation, and I am willing to tell it in both private and public, at all times: for it is .o. wonderful to be able to hold on to God by living faith, so that He can keep us from all sickness. We are trusting in God for His Spirit’s power in all things. We expect to still grow in grace and in the knowledge of God. I feed to praise God for what He has done for us, and expect to continue to grow stronger in God as time passes away.
Your sister in Jesus.
Eunice J. Brown.
St. Louis Mich.
To all the saints of God in Christ Jesus, greeting. We are led of God, and moved by the Holy Ghost to tell to the saints abroad how the Lord is working in the hearts of His children in Gratiot Co. On the 22nd and 23rd of Aug., we held a two day meeting in the Zimmerman school-house, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the benefit of the saints. On Saturday there were 42 of God’s little ones present. And on Sabbath there were 67 testimonies for Jesus. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! People came and brought their dinners with them and staid in the school-house from ten o’clock, until after evening service. All day there was a continual rejoicing and singing of praises to God, except while the people were eating. Glory to God forever! In the evening we commemorated the Lord’s death by eating of His flesh, and drinking of His blood, and washing the saints feet. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” Hallelujah! Glory to God forever! Sixty two of God’s little ones engaged in the ordinance; young and old and middle aged. “The Lord adds to the Church daily.” On the 12th and 13th of Sept., there will be a two day meeting at the Round school-house, in Bro. Drowlys neighborhood, commencing on Saturday at 2 o’clock if the Lord wills. All are invited to come and partake of the fat things of the feast. We are saved and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. Amen!
A. J. Shelly and family.
Edgewood Mich., Aug. 30.
Dear Beloved Brethren, and readers of the Gospel Trumpet: — We are saved, washed, and sanctified, by the blood of Christ Jesus, and kept by the power of God, unto salvation, through faith in the blood of Christ, glory to God! and settling deeper into the things of God. O how God is helping us to hold up the straight light before the people, in word, and deed. Glory to his name! “And many shall be made white and purified.”
We met with the saints of Gratiot Co., on Lord’s day, Aug. 30th, in a school-house, one mile south of Edgewood, Hamilton township. The Lord was there in mighty power. Bro. Eugene Reaves preached the unsearchable riches of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost; followed by Bro. Shelly, and some others. Conviction rested upon many of the unsaved, and sectarians were pricked to the heart. Seven presented themselves for healing, on whom we, with the brethren, laid hands, and the Lord showed forth His mighty power to heal. One of God’s little ones, (Bro. Muffley by name,) whom the family left home sick in bed, not able to walk, had to be drawn in a chair to the breakfast table. He was impressed of God, that if he could get to the meeting, he would be healed. He asked God to give him strength to come, and God heard his prayer, by a persistent effort, and by the help of God, he walked a half mile, reached the school-house at the eleventh hour; in time to receive the promise. After the closing of a glorious testimony meeting, we repaired to the river bank, where Bro. Shelly administered the ordinance of baptism, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. To our surprise we found Bro. Muffley one among 13, to follow their Lord in immersion.
There was a very large crowd of people in attendance. The Spirit of the Lord was there in power, to witness to the obedience of His children. Glory to His name!
Wm. N. Smith.
Williamston Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I feel that it is the will of God, that I should testify through the Trumpet, what my blessed Jesus has done for me. When I was sinning against Him, by His love and mercy He ever followed me, and at last constrained me to give Him my heart, and O how I thank
Him that He gave me a willing heart to accept Him. O praise His name forever and ever, for His wonderful mercy, and tender love! Thank God. I am saved and sanctified: and it is all just a precious gilt from my dear loving Father.
O it is His will that none should perish, but that all should be saved. Then poor sinner why will you not come to Jesus while He is waiting, for soon it will be too late, and then prayer will be in vain. O how He loves you, and desires to give you eternal life, but you reject Him and will not accept the priceless gift He offers. O I pray you to forsake this world and give your heart, and your lives to Jesus; it will pay here, and then you can go and live with Him in heaven, when this life is ended, instead of being banished to that awful place of torment, which was not prepared for you, but for the devil and his angels. O just think of it! to live with the devil forever and ever! no end to the torment of those who will not obey the Gospel. My earnest prayer to God is, that more may accept His salvation which is so freely offered; but remember we are not to trifle with the Spirit of God. He will not always strive with you.
Dear saints of God, I ask an interest in your prayers, that I may ever live right down at Jesus feet, and ever serve Him with a pure heart. Bless the Lord! His blood cleanseth my heart just now.
Your sister redeemed by Jesus’ blood.
Celia Kilpatrick.
Paris Ill.
Dear Brethren: — I feel led of the Spirit of the Lord, to tell you that God is still on the giving hand. He so blesses His little ones in our meetings, the devil gets much stirred nearly every time we meet. Sectarians call us mormons and all kind of slanderous names, and threaten to put us in jail for shouting and praising God. O praise His holy name!
We would love to have some Holy Spirit baptized man that does not fear man or devils, come here and preach the true Gospel, and fear up the dens of satan. One more sister stepped out of babylon last Sabbath. Praise God! we are saved out of babel, and all her festivals, and vain and foolish parties. May God open their sin-blinded eyes. My soul is all on fire for God.
“On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.”
Your sister.
Kate P. Price.
Dimondale Mich.
Dear Brethren: — God bless you. I do praise the Lord for salvation full and free.
I can’t praise Him enough for saving my soul, when I thought there was no help for me. O how He does fill my soul with His love. Glory to Jesus! We had a glorious meeting yesterday. Eight of the dear saints came over from Benton to our meeting. The Lord did manifest Himself in much power. Sinners trembled, and could not remain in the room, but came back and sat again as long as they could. One of them, I don’t think can hold out long.
How glorious it is that we can leave ourselves and all things in His hands. The Lord has wonderfully healed my poor body. Husband was very sick last Friday, and the dear Lord healed him. Praise God! He has made me to see the right way, and walk in His blessed footsteps. Praise the Lord forever and ever! for salvation to the uttermost. Your Bro. and sister.
Fred and Rhoda Canedy.
St. James Mo.
Dear Brethren: — Grace mercy and peace from the Lord be multiplied unto you, through our Father, Amen! I praise God for what I feel in my soul from day to day. Yes He satisfies all my longings. Oh glory to His holy name! With much love to you dear brethren in Christ, I ask your prayers in my behalf. I am persecuted, but not forsaken. I give all the glory to Him who died on Calvary to save me. Glory! glory to God! Pray for us and our children, that God may give us more light and grace to stand faithful till we all meet on mount Zion above.
Your Bro. in the Lord Jesus.
Wm. Eikman.
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