28 February 1895, Volume 15, Number 9.

My Father Knoweth.


Precious thought, my Father knoweth,
In his love I rest;
For whate’er my Father doeth
Must be always best.
Well I know the heart that planneth
Nought but good for me;
Joy and sorrow interwoven,
Love in all I see.

Precious thought, my Father knoweth,
Careth for His child;
Bids me nestle closer to Him,
When the storms beat wild.
Though my earthly hopes are shattered,
And the tear drops fall,
Yet He is Himself any solace,
Yea, my “all in all.”

Sweet to tell Himself He knoweth.
Roll on Him the care,
Cast upon Himself the burden
That I cannot bear.
Then without a care oppressing,
Simply to lie still,
Giving thanks to Him for all things,
Since it is His will.

Oh to trust Him then more fully!
Just to simply move
In the conscious calm enjoyment
Of the Father’s love.
Knowing that life’s checkered pathway
Leadeth to His rest.
Satisfied the way He taketh
Must be always best.

Selected by Lucy M. Lewis.




THERE are many people con­stantly seeking favors of God for the healing of their bodies, or for this thing or that, and never seem to receive much, if any benefit from their frequent applications for divine favor. Generally their principal trouble lies in their faith, — or no- faith — as the case may be. And too often the works are neglected that are to go hand in hand with faith, such as laying aside things that are a hindrance to spiritual progress. In case of sickness it too often happens that the wrong kind of works are ap­plied with faith, to help the Lord along with the case; using medicine and drugs instead of removing every hindering cause of spiritual progress. We are the ones who need the help at such times, and not the Lord; so let us see to it that the right kind of works go with our faith. God will answer according to our faith, as we walk in the light and obey his Word.

In the case of the lame man (Acts 14:8-10) we find he had faith to be healed. In another place we read that Jesus “seeing their faith” healed the sick.

Some get the wrong idea of faith, and wait for some wonderful mani­festation of power to take place in order to have faith. They look upon faith as some monstrous thing, when Jesus says, if we only have faith as a grain of mustard seed, we can remove mountains. You know that is very small, but is something bearing much fruit from a little seed, dependent entirely upon surrounding circum­stances for its development and yield­ing of fruit.

Faith in God, then, is just believ­ing God, and making use of his Word, “doubting nothing.” As the little seed is planted in the ground before it will bear fruit, so must we be in Christ, and be enclosed round about with the walls of salvation. And as we live in that way, nourished with the dews of heavenly grace, even though our lot may be cast among wicked people, our surroundings are walls of salvation and we can keep hid away in Him.

Having now obtained the faith of Jesus, we have access to the throne of grace to present our petitions to our heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ our mediator, knowing that the many promises of his Word are for us. We also find that he not only desires to grant us the desires of our hearts, but is abundantly able to do so. 1 Cor. 10:13. He not only came to destroy all sin out of our hearts (1 Jno. 1:9), but also to heal all our diseases. (Psa. 103:3.)

The first thing required, is to see that all sins are forgiven NOW, and the “body of sin” destroyed, leaving the soul pure and holy in the sight of God — sanctified.

The little seed of faith, as it were, is now planted in good soil, where it can expand without limit, bearing — faith — “much fruit.” When it lays hold upon a promise of the Word, “doubting nothing,” the result will be a fulfillment of that promise. Faith and works go together. (Jas. 2:17.) The outward life must be in harmony with the Word; the motive for call­ing upon God must be for his glory, and not for a selfish purpose, lest in such a case we find that we have asked amiss. (Jas. 4:3.)

The one who lives hid away in the secret of his presence, does not de­sire that which would be displeasing to the Lord, but desires to please him in all things, and do that which would glorify his name.

Our diseases do not glorify God, but it is through the healing of them that he is glorified; and if we come to him with the proper motive in view, with an unwavering faith in his Word, the answer will be forth-com­ing, and the work done accordingly. Do not come to him expecting to be­come famous on account of your healing, nor a noted instrument in the hands of the Lord, but only as a humble servant, sitting at the Mas­ter’s feet, ready to do his bidding.

When you realize that you can take God at his word, let there be an examination also to see if you are humble enough to give God all the glory, and so that he can trust you with an answer to your prayer, then you can rely upon his Word, and trust him for an answer to be performed according to his will as he has prom­ised.    

E. E. Byrum.




DO not err, my beloved brethren. Jas. 1:16. To err, is to make a mistake, to blunder, to sin. WEBSTER. For some time I have felt led of the Lord to write on this subject. In Babylon poor souls are taught that we cannot be perfect in this life, and God’s people cannot be made one, short of heaven. Also, we are told by modern holiness teachers that we are all liable to mistakes and errors.

Now, in an intellectual sense, it is true that we are liable, and do make many mistakes. Let me be clearly understood. I mean in temporal af­fairs. In our everyday life there are many things take place in which we may be mistaken, for in an intel­lectual sense, we are not perfect. In telling a man the distance to a certain place, we might be mistaken in the number of miles, and in seeing some sight, our eyes might deceive us and we tell it, not just as it really was. In hearing some one testify, or seeing them do something which we think is not just right, we might be mistaken in their motive, and there­fore judge them incorrectly. And so, in this way we might make many intellectual mistakes.

But when it comes to the word of God, the Holy Spirit, and our-eternal salvation, God has made the way so plain, that if we stay on the truth, and follow the guidance of the Spirit, there can be no danger of making a blunder or error. All failures are on man’s part. God’s salvation, our redemption, is as sure as it is eternal. If we meet the conditions of the Word, our calling and election is sure. If we fail to do this, we do it through neglect or willfulness, and deviate from the way of truth, and lose our soul by our own choice. Now, let us look at some of the plain truth of God’s word on the subject of error, and let the Word decide this important question.


The wicked have laid a snare for me, yet I erred not from thy precepts. Psa. 119:110.

The above scripture teaches us that although the devil and wicked men may do all they can to lead us astray, it is possible for us to stand clear for God, and not deviate from the Word. In this way, dearly be­loved, we fully believe God means that we are not to err. And as long as we are in perfect Harmony with him, he will not allow us to go astray, either to the right or left.

Another very strong text we find in Isa. 35:8. — And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness; the un­clean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those; the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err there­in.

Here the Word positively declares that while in the way, we shall riot err. Is it not utterly impossible for a man to deviate from the way, or by any means err from the way, and vet remain in the way? No, my beloved, if we are in error, it is sure that we are out of the way, or have not known the way. We cannot be in the way of truth and the way of error at the same time.

Wherefore, I was grieved with this generation and said, They do always err in their heart, and they have not known my ways. Heb. 3:10.

Here we find that the Lord was grieved with them because of their error, and in the next verse we find he would not permit them to enter into the land of promise. This lesson teaches us, dear ones, that unless we renounce and stand clear from all er­ror, we cannot be partakers of his holiness, or enter into the Canaan of his rest [sanctification]. Error is of the carnal nature and is located in the heart, and must be eradicated before we can live a life acceptable with God. He says, in the above text, “They have not known my ways.” This harmonizes with what Jesus says in Matt. 22:29. — Jesus an­swered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scripture nor the power of God. Again, the prophet says, If they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them. Isa. 8:20.

By this we learn that if men really understand the word of God, and are in the light, they will preach accord­ing to “this word.” If they speak not according to the Word it is be­cause there is no light in them, be­cause they understand not the Scrip­tures. Dear ones, we surely must measure men and women by the word of God. Jesus says, If any man will do his will, he shall know the doc­trine. Again, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Free from what? Not only free from sin, but surely, free from all the error of the apostasy. Praise God! The darkness of error and superstition is past, and the light of God’s eternal truth now shineth. We have no excuse; we are commanded to study the Word, to rightly divide the word of truth. The promise is, that when He, the spirit of truth is come, he will lead and guide into all truth. Jno, 16:13. Will lead us into truth, not error. How much truth? Ans. All truth, nothing but truth.

Dear ones, in the light of God’s eternal word, we are compelled to de­cide that when men and women get into error, or deviate from the truth, they not only step away from the Word, but are led by some other spirit than by the Spirit of truth. The Spirit of God leads out of all er­ror, and into all truth. If we follow the word of God and the leading of the Spirit of truth, we will never, can never be led into error. Dearly be­loved, God demands us to all be one. The only way we can be made one is by all being sanctified by the Holy Spirit, taking us out of all our errors and former traditions, and taking out of our hearts the cause of error (the carnal nature), and bringing us all to a knowledge of the truth as it in Christ Jesus. To err from the doc­trine, is to cause a split, a heresy, a sect. Every sect in existence has been caused by a deviation from the truth. To destroy sectism, remove the cause (error), and sectism and all partyism will vanish away.

Error, or heresy, is teaching some­thing short of the requirements of the Word, or else adding thereto. The only way to avoid error is to be filled with the Spirit, and stand squarely on all the Word, and noth­ing but the Word, rejecting every­thing, and utterly ignoring everything besides. Also, we must know our place in the body, and abide in our calling. Surely, if the foot were to try to do the office of the hand, it would make a mistake, or the hand would make a mistake if it tried to do the work intended for the foot, or any member of the body trying to do the work of another would be very sure to err. But if each member stays in its place as God intended, and let the Spirit guide each one in the Word, there will be no danger of error.

I have seen some trying to imitate and do the work of others, and, of course, not being led of the Spirit of God they had to resort to theology, history, or intellectuality, and, of course, would get into, and teach er­ror, and being too proud to confess their fault, would stand against and oppose those who are really led and taught of God aright. Now, breth­ren, all have not the same office. We are not all prophets, or evangelists, or pastors, or teachers; but we all have our place in the body. Some think that unless they can preach prophecy, they are not qualified to preach. Others who are not called of God to teach, go into old fields and try to settle and establish the church, and, of course, get into error. May God help us all to be resigned to our calling. If God has not call­ed you to preach prophecy, then let it alone. If you are questioned con­cerning any portion of Scripture which you do not understand, be hon­est enough to confess it. Preach and teach what you know; and what God has not shown you by his Spirit, in the name of Jesus, let alone, no differ­ence whether others preach it or not. We must all be taught of God. If you are in error in any way, when convinced of your error, confess and renounce it in the name of Jesus. Oh, I pray God to keep us all in his perfect order, that the whole church, as one grand musical instrument may work, all in perfect harmony, God himself putting his hands upon the keys at his will.

Another cause of error is not wait­ing on God for the Spirit’s leading, but trying to interpret the Scripture by the wisdom of man. Brethren, these things ought not so to be. Sometimes the devil would try to make us believe we are receiving light away ahead of the rest of God’s ministers, and without a willingness to counsel others, or prayer to God, we begin to interpret the Word with our own wisdom. Now, brethren, if God gives us something new out of the Word, the Holy Spirit will wit­ness to our souls, also, the Spirit that led us into the Word, will sanc­tion the truth in every sanctified heart. But if what we teach is con­trary to, and cannot be sanctioned by the teaching of the rest of God’s ministers, this ought to convince us that we are in error. Then if we have the Spirit of Christ, we will humbly confess and denounce our error. If a scripture comes to us which we cannot interpret, let us take it to God and ask him to teach us by his Spirit the right understanding. And if he does not at the time see fit to reveal to us the true understand­ing, let it alone until he does. If we are true to God and led by his Spirit at all times, he will not permit us to be led astray, or into error. It is our duty to have our hearts open to re­ceive things both new and old from the mouth of God. But in these last days of peril and deception, it be­hooves us to weigh every word we hear, measure every step we take, live in all the word of God, be filled with the Spirit, be much in prayer, and kept in the humility of Christ. Then patiently wait on the Lord, and he will keep us in his perfect will, and will not permit us to be led into any of the deceptions of the devil. But if we get exalted and wise in our own eyes, and begin to think we know it all, we will be sure to get in­to error, for it is the exalted or proud which err. Read Psa. 119:21. — Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy com­mandments. Again, the Word says, He that refuseth reproof, erreth. Prov. 10:17. We are of God. He that knoweth God, heareth us. He that is not of God, heareth not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. 1 Jno. 4:6. By the above scripture we plainly see that if any man has the Spirit of God he will receive the word of God and correction from any one. But if we reject reproof or admonition, it proves that we have the spirit of er­ror. The Spirit of truth leads into all truth, and any spirit that rejects, or is not willing to receive all the word of God, is the spirit of error.

Now, let us see where the Word classes those that err. Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which converteth a sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and hide a multitude of sins. Jas. 5:19, 20. Here the Word classes those that err, as sinners. Oh, my people, they which lead thee, cause thee to err. Isa. 3:12. Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth thee to err from the words of knowledge. Prov. 19:27.

Brethren, let us lift the standard higher than ever before. In the name of Jesus, in the light of God’s word, can we justify living in error? Surely not. The word of God goes against error from beginning to end, and when the whole truth is preached in the Spirit of God, it will destroy and remove all error. If we are in error because of our former teaching, or should step aside from the Word, and are honest in heart, we will listen to reproof or correction, and the Spirit of God will lead us back into the Word. And then by living humbly in the Spirit, we will be kept from all error, and forever be established in the present truth. Ye, therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. 2 Pet. 3:17. Yours saved from error,

W. J. Henry.

Page 2




D.S. WARNER — Editor. E. E. BYRUM — Office Editor. E.E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers.


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Beatrice Sapp, J. W. Byers, J. D. Baugh. Mrs. L. J. Pope, F. M. Long, Alice Iden, Jos­eph Gripe. D. B. Moore, Joseph Kobler, J. L. Adcock, J. H. Shepherd, S. D. Phelan, Mar­shall Frazee, Fletcher Burns, J. J. Hicks, J. W. Enlow.


Requests for Prayer.


PRAY For the complete healing of

F. F. Miller,

Anthony, Kan.


I WANT the prayers of the saints, that I may be saved.

Vincent Case.


Pray for the healing of myself, husband, son and two daughters, and that we may be fully saved.        

Mrs. McElroy.


PRAY for my mother and myself, that we may be saved and healed.

Mary Bolds.


PRAY that I may be healed of catarrh and other bodily afflictions, also that my faith may be strengthened.

Retta Bolds.


PRAY for the healing of our bodies. I have had palsy, and been nearly blind with sore eyes. Your brother,

J. A. Evans.


I DESIRE to ask your earnest prayers for my son, that he may be saved, and know the will of God concerning himself.

Leah Sell.


I DESIRE you to pray that I may be healed of the diseases of my body; also pray for my children, that they may be saved.    

Nancy Crosson.


I FEEL the Lord wants me to ask your prayers, that I may be healed and have the perfect peace of God restored to my soul.   

Mrs. W. M. Goodheart,

Benton Harbor, Mich.


Dear Saints of God: Please pray for the divine healing of catarrh of the head and throat, on March 13. Also pray for an increase of faith.

Lizzie Farringer,

Hermitage, Pa.


PRAY for the healing of my baby. He has catarrh and ear ache; and also pray that I may be healed. I have had dys­pepsia for nine years. Pray for my poor blind boy; he is at Philadelphia, in the Blind asylum. Make special prayer to God for the healing of his eyes. I feel that God can and will restore some sight again.    

Mrs. Mary Weingard,

Tionesta, Pa.


PRAY for me, that I may have a great increase of faith, and that every symptom of disease be removed from my body. I have the assurance that the Lord is going to do it. Pray that he may make all grace abound unto me, and pray for my son and his wife who are unsaved and live in my house with me. My heart longs for a reformation in my home, which is very unpleasant to me now. Your sister, saved and all on the altar,

Susie Fisher,

Winchester, Ind.


Calls for Meeting.


WE WOULD like to have some of God’s true Holy Ghost ministers come here and hold a meeting. I feel the Lord would do a good work here. We pray God to send some one as the harvest is ripe. This is a drought-stricken country, but God has some means here to carry on a meeting. Cannot Bro. Fly and Co. come? Your brother,

Ira Kefford,

Levant, Kan.


COULD not some of the true ministers of divine doctrine come here and preach the gospel in its purity? I believe a good work could be done at this place. Do not come unless filled with the Holy Spirit.

Alice Farringer,

Neshanock, Pa.


Dear Brethren: We want some one to come here and hold a meeting about July 1, and some one that has the gift of healing. Who will come in the name of Jesus? Please let me know. Your broth­er in the one body,

J. A. Evans,

Millborn, Tex.


CANNOT some of God’s messengers come here and preach the gospel in its purity? Come as soon as possible; the people are anxious to hear the truth. This is a little town on the Union Pacific R. R., twenty- six miles east of Portland. Address

Edward Cole,

Latourell Falls, Ore.


Dear Saints of God: We desire that some of God’s fire-baptized ministers may come here to preach the pure gospel. We are poor, but we trust the dear Lord will provide and open the way. Cannot Bro’s Thos. Carter and J. M. Campbell come? Your saved brother,

Ashford Newell,

Lamar, Darlington Co., S. C.




THE time has been set for the Grand Junction camp meeting to be­gin Tuesday, June 11, and close Thursday, June 20, lasting ten days. Those desiring to attend will have plenty of time to earn enough money to pay their own fare, and help some one else to come. We look forward to this meeting as a wonderful soul­saving time, and spiritual advancement to believers. Let there be many earnest prayers sent up to the throne of God in behalf of the same.


In ORDER to introduce the SHINNING LIGHT into homes and schools every­where, we now make a special offer to send it until the first of June for three cents a copy, where five or more copies are ordered to the same address; that is, five copies until June 1, only 15 cts; 100 copies, $3 00. If you want to help the children along order some papers for them. This offer only lasts until June. Send in your orders as the Lord directs.


THE German paper is now being sent out semi-monthly, and has reach­ed several thousand homes each issue, although the regular subscription list has only reached about 200 names, but it is on the increase. Price same as the English Trumpet; one year, $1.00; six months, $50; three months, $.25, Commission to those sending other new subscriptions with the cash, 20 per cent off. Send all orders and business letters to this office, and all letters for puplication to the editor. Fred L. Hahn, 466 16th St., Milwau­kee, Wis.


6000 BOOKS — 30 DAYS.


WE now have on hands about six thousand books, ‘‘Divine Healing of Soul and Body,” paper cover, 248 pages, price 25 cts. In order to get the truth before the people, and also the cash to pay our indebtedness, we make a special offer for the next 30 days. Will send

100 Books by Freight for $10.00,

which is only 10 cts. each; cash to be sent with order, and the purchaser to pay freight charges. If you desire to help preach the gospel, encourage the sick to take the Lord for their physician, and thereby aid us in the publishing work, now is your chance. — See next issue for special tract offer.




  1. Explain Matt. 26:26. Was the meal they were eating something regularly connected with the Lord’s supper?

  2. Did they eat a meal before communion, as spoken of in 1 Cor. 11:20-26?

Yours and oblige,

M. Kirkley.

Answer to first. The meal Christ and his disciples were eating at the time the Lord’s supper was enacted, the Word plainly tells us was the passover, a feast of the Jews. Ver. 17-20. There is not a single intima­tion of any meal regularly connected with the bread and the wine. That new institution and the passover are all that are mentioned in the whole lesson, and the latter was nailed to the cross, and ended at the death of Christ.

Answer to second. There is no in­timation of a meal before the com­munion of the Lord’s supper in 1 Cor. 11. But the carnal church had actu­ally substituted a meal of their own instead of the Lord’s supper. For this, the apostle rebuked them. Clearly intimated that the institution of Christ was not at all to take the place of a meal to be: eaten to satisfy hunger. Hence, said if any man was hungry, let him eat at home. But in eating a meal they did not eat the Lord’s supper at all, but their own supper. He also explicitly informs hem what he had received from the Lord, which was simply the bread and the cup, as Jesus had instituted it. And any class of people that attempt to bring in a whole meal to fill their stomachs, expose themselves to the same rebuke that Paul gave the dis­orderly Corinthians.



To All the Dear Saints, Greet­ing: I feel led of the Lord to write a few lines regarding the Home, as we often get letters from people wishing to send children, or come themselves, and as we have all these to answer by letter, I feel like writing a few lines, telling what the Home is for. It is a well known fact that many of the ministers of the gospel are hin­dered by having the care and support of their children upon them. And when this home was proposed, it was for the purpose of relieving the mes­sengers of the truth, and thereby aid in the spread of the gospel. While we would be glad to help all who need it, if it were in our power, yet we cannot open the Home to every one who feel that they would like to be where they could have religious influence; if we should, there would soon be no room for the children for whom it was intended. And, dear ones, if you cannot have faith to trust the Lord where you are, how could you trust him here, where we know what it means to pray, “Give us this day, our daily bread?” I would say, the Home is intended only for the children of the ministers, and while we would like to help others, we can­not make it a general home for every­body. As tor the widows, we know what is said of them in the fifth chap­ter of 1st Timothy. And as Bro. Michels has felt called to take charge of the farm and Home, let him have, at least, the satisfaction of knowing that while he is deprived of the priv­ilege of preaching the gospel, he has lightened the burden of others, and not left the word of God to serve ta­bles. Acts 6:1-5. The Lord bless you all. Amen.

Georgia Cook.



FOR the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that denying un­godliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Titus 2:11, 12. That we might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life. Luke 1:74. 75.

Surely this scripture is plain enough that we should not wait till the last hour, or until we feel the sting of death, to make peace with God. We see so many that will not yield to the Spirit of God till death strikes them, and then they are either scared or excited until I fear they fail to get the real experience. The word of God teaches us that now is the ac­cepted time; to day is the day of sal­vation. Some may say they want to enjoy the pleasures of this world as long as they can. I would rather en­joy the love of God and the sweet peace I have in my soul one day, than the pleasures of this world a lifetime.

I have never seen a single case yet where one repented and gave their heart to God when they thought they were dying and afterwards got well, but what went back into the world. I will relate one case that I have wit­nessed in the last year, of a young man taken very bad with pneumonia. He had two doctors holding counsel over him, and he thought death had struck him. He called me to his bed­side, and wanted me to pray for him. I asked him if he was not prepared for death. He said he was not. Wife and I knelt by his bed-side, poured out our hearts to God in prayer for this poor soul. He claimed his sins were pardoned, and he was ready to die. He afterwards got well, and was soon partaking of the worldly pleasures; and when asked in regard to the matter, he said he was scared, and did not know what he was doing. “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near.” Truly, the time to seek the Lord is while you have health, while you have time and opportunity. God’s Spirit will not always strive with man.       

J. H. Ball,

Fugate, Mo.




FOR ye are bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and spirit, which are God’s. 1 Cor. 6:20. Brethren, let every man wherein he is called, there abide with God. 1 Cor. 7:24.

Now we are servants of God, Jesus Christ being our example or pattern. Leaving us an example that we should follow his steps. 1 Pet. 2:21. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Eph. 1:4. So God has chosen us for that purpose, to glorify his name by our Christ-like life.

Once we were sinners, but God’s mercy reached unto us, and the ene­my and all the works of sin were cast out. Christ has taken up his abode in our heart, and lives and rules the temple to the good pleasure of his will. Truly we are bought with a great price, costing Christ so much suffering, all for us, that we might be redeemed from ail sin. Since Christ has been so Faithful even unto death on the cross, then let us gladly render unto him all the service of our life, consecrated for use or abuse, only that his name might receive the greatest honor and glory. We read that the apostle Paul was a chosen vessel of God. For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake. Acts 9:16.

What are a few severe trials and sufferings of this life to be compared even with the peace and joy of a soul that is wholly given up to God? And besides this, is life everlasting with God. Although we may suffer for the name of Jesus, it is only to work out for us a deeper experience, that we may be more able to trust God. We have the promise, If we suffer, we shall also reign with him, 2 Tim. 2:12. Wherein ye greatly re­joice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: that the trying of your faith, being much more pre­cious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise, and honor, and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1:6, 7. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur­pose. Rom. 8:28. Let self be cruci­fied, and all its ideas and notions be swept away, give God a good chance to work in you the good pleasure of his will, and you shall be able to glo­rify God. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

Arkam J. Bixler.


News from the Field.


Payne. Ohio, Feb, 18. 1895.

To All, the Saints of God, Greet­ing: We have just closed a nine days’ meeting last night at Latty, held in company with Bro. W. L. Kilpatrick, which was mostly a seed­sowing time. There was a good in­terest and good order. May God bless the people at that place. We expect to go home to day to stay a few days, then go wherever the Lord leads. We ask an interest in your prayers. Our address is, Payne, O.

Your brother and sister in the one body, sanctified wholly,

J. N. and Ida Worden.


Industry, Pa., Feb. 16, 1895.

Dear Brethren: I feel God would be glorified in reporting the work here. Bro. Cheatham and myself have been holding meetings in a pri­vate house, as the U. B’s refused us their house; but God is wonderfully working, saving souls, sanctifying be­lievers and convicting the people. Many of the U. B’s are won to the truth, and are condemning the trust­ees for refusing the use of the house to us. The congregation of saints here was established last summer through the Floating Bethel. The work has been going on since the boat left, and now God is adding to the number. The modern Phari­sees of the town are wonderfully stirred. The Lord has joined Bro. Cheatham and myself together for work, and we feel led to labor in Kentucky. Anyone desiring meet­ing in Kentucky, or between here and there, can write us at E. Liver­pool, O. There is great agitation here over the meeting, and professors take it as a great insult when asked about their souls. There has been fourteen at the altar so far, and many more deeply convicted. Much love to all the brethren.

B. F. Roe and W. H. Cheatham.


Welland, Ont., Feb. 17, 1895.

Dearly Beloved of the House­hold of Faith: From the assembly meeting in Pennsylvania we went to the town of Edinboro, in Erie Co. Preached four nights in the Advent meeting house, having seating capac­ity of between three and four hundred

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The last evening, extra seats had to be put in the aisles; many, also, had to go away who could not get in the building. Five held up their hands for prayer, and a deep solemnity over the whole congregation. But the last night being on Saturday, on Sunday we had to give way for their preacher whom they had sent for, for that day. We went to McLallen Corners for over the Lord’s day. Three of the five came over to the feast, and God wonderfully saved their souls. We came to Canada in the name of Jesus, and are at work for our Master, and the held is ripe and the laborers few. Lord’s day morning, 16 inst., we went two miles from Fenwick and held service in a little meeting house. Nine came to the altar for pardon. In the evening we came to Fenwick (while wife held the fort in Bro. Kennedy’s neighbor­hood); one came to the altar for pardon, three held up their hands for prayer. The Lord willing, will commence a meeting in Dr. Birdsall’s hall, in Fenwick, 25th inst. We de­sire the prayers of God’s children for the gospel work in Canada. All de­siring to correspond with us, our per­manent address will be Welland, Ont. Yours in much holy love,

Jno. A. and A. J. Dillon and Co.


Woman’s Faith Home, Danville, Ill. Feb. 17, 1895.

Dear Saints of the Living God; Grace and peace be multiplied unto you all. This evening finds me well and enjoying the love of God, though it seems that I am placed in the same position (comparatively) as the three Hebrew children. Though the fur­nace I am in is a spiritual one, theirs was literal. But praise our God for his wonderful keeping power! I can say with Paul, Nothing shall be able to separate me from the love of Christ, for he is precious to my soul. Bless his dear name! Well, dear ones, trials have been coming thick and fast since I came to the Home, but praise God for sufficient grace to keep that which we commit to him! We have three patients, one desiring you all to pray for her, as she has inflammatory rheumatism in her limb, and has not walked for three months. She is saved, has given up medicine and desires to fulfill the Word, Jas. 5:14. She desires that we all pray in her behalf, that she may be able to work for the Lord. She says it was sent on her for disobedience, being once called to work for God. Pray earnestly for the Home, that God may raise up a missionary, as I ex­pect to go into the field to labor in a company soon. May God bless your labors for Jesus’ sake. From your humble servant,

Mary E. Metter.


Newaygo, Mich., Feb. 20, 1895.

To the Dear Saints of God. Greeting: May grace and peace abound unto you. The meeting four miles east of Hesperia was blessed of God. Five souls embraced the truth, and were made happy in a Savior’s love. The weather was very stormy. Went to Sister Fribley’s, in Oceana Co., eight miles north-west of Hesperia. Had meeting in a school house, two and one-half miles west of her place. Sister Fribiy lives in the locality where the Hesperia camp meeting was held some years ago. Some confusion, which was made by parties at that meeting, poisoned the minds of the people, so we had great prejudice to overcome, but the Lord did own his truth, and we left many friends to the came, with many requests to come again, and many desired a grove or tent meeting the coming summer. Al­though none got saved, we believe God got glory out of the meeting. Here, also, we were much hindered by storm and cold and snow-drifts, so the meetings were lightly attended. We did some visiting, which we be­lieve was blessed of God to some souls. From there we returned to near Hesperia, and found the little ones firm, and the same day to Freemont, and the next day to Ne­waygo. The truth does mightily pre­-

vail We expect to go next to Big Rapids or in that locality. Think the meetnig will close here to night. Pray for the work in this place, that God will give power and grace so that souls may be saved. We remain your brother and sisters in Christ,

T. J. Cox and Co.


Chicago, Ill., Feb. 21, 1895.

Truly we realize the hand of God in the rescue work in Chicago. While we feel our own weakness and lack, yet we know we have Christ, and in him we stand complete. Christ is made unto us wisdom, righteous­ness, sanctification, and redemption. Glory be to his holy name! Truly, God has called and sent out instru­ments of his own choosing, and we are just standing still to see the sal­vation of the Lord. The battle is his, and thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through Christ.

Several weeks ago the Lord led one of his servants here to preach in the slums and visit the dens of iniq­uity, that through him Christ might shine forth upon the lost souls in this place of awful darkness. Souls are being saved. Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth for­ever! Every afternoon we have holi­ness meetings, and every night the Word is sent forth by the Spirit. Friday afternoon fifteen men were sanctified. The Holy Spirit is mani­fested in power in every meeting. Oh praise our God! As the Spirit fell upon us Sunday afternoon, the policemen and others crowded about the outside to see what the noise meant. God is at work, and will continue to make his presence felt. Pray for us, that we keep hid away in Christ, dead to self, the world and the devil, with an eye con­stantly single to the glory of God. The Rescue Home has been opened above the “Open Door” Holiness Mission, 396 Dearborn St., Chicago. We have rented the flat, furnished at thirty dollars per month. We pay fifty dollars rent for the mission. My God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Amen. Saved, sancti­fied, and kept by the power of God.

Mary Houskeeper.


1021, 15th St., San Diego, Cal., Feb. 13, 1895.

To the Dear Household of Faith: We have recently spent two weeks with the church of God at Los An­geles. Found the work on the for­ward move. There has been a fall­ing away? on the part of some, and a mighty? deepening down into the truth, on the part of others. But few can understand the awful powers of de­ception that are in full force in these cities. Unless the full price is paid, and the full experience of perfect sal­vation obtained, the soul will most cer­tainly make shipwreck of faith; and when in this perfect experience there is nothing to secure our final passport into glory, but to be steadfast, un­movable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. While at Los Angeles we witnessed the salvation and healing of a few. Our own hearts were much encouraged, and we trust we were able to impart some spiritual benefit to those with whom we met. All the faithful are learning the im­portant lesson of standing alone with God, and as these perilous times are increasing in power, the almighty power of God is proving to us infinite­ly greater in us than that which is in the world. Oh, dear ones, we cannot tell you what inestimable lessons we are learning. The dear Lord is so patient and longsuffering with us. It seems that we are hardly through one lesson when another of quite a different nature is given us. Some of the sweetest disciplining is laid upon ns at times, but none too severe, for “afterwards” we can look up into Father’s loving face and say from the depth of our souls, Thou hast done all things well. We feel the royal grace upon us, and with the whole armor on, we go forth conquer­ing in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Rom. 8:38, 39. Please do not forget to pray for us. We remain as ever, your brother and sister, set for the defence of the gospel,

J. W. and J. Byers.


Chester, England, Feb. 9, 1895.

To all the Saints in America, England, Germany, and Elsewhere, Greeting: May the richest of God’s blessings ever abide with you all. This beautiful morning finds us all sweetly saved and abiding in the true vine, Jesus Christ, and steming the billows and storms of opposition and deception, though rough and stormy, we always keep the beacon light in view. Praise the dear Lord for his love and goodness to the children of men! Well, it is almost two years since we landed on the shores of old England, and many a battle and conflict we have had with the enemy of our souls, yet we are encouraged to continue the conflict until the end. One of our greatest trials and hindrances in this country is to secure places to hold meetings. In the first place, our means has been limited ever since we have been here, which has put us to a great disadvantage many times to such an extent, that we were obliged to go to places and stay sometimes six or seven weeks before we could get a place to hold meetings with any success, simply because we did not have the means to procure a house. This has been one of our greatest trials in the foreign fields, while we see the sectarians and blind leaders deceiving the people, and having everything monopolized in the way of money and meeting houses. They make a demand for means and get it, but let a man of God hint in re­gard to means, and the finger of some is pointed at once, and the cry, “Why don’t you trust God?”

Now, dear people of God, I am writing this letter in the name of Je­sus, as my soul has been praying to God for some time to show us how we can get at the people with the gospel. To go out on the streets will not do alone any more, as many of the sects have spoiled the interest in such meetings, by their loud profes­sion on the streets and their ungodly? lives at home, until many people will not stop to listen. Then there is the poor class starving, many of them, for food for the natural man, and reason teaches us that a hungry man wants bread first. So we have been praying God to show us how we could get at such souls with success; and now I will make known to you what God shows us, then we have done our duty. And should such not come to pass our souls are clean, and we will do as we have been doing in the past, and we do know that when Jesus comes we will have nothing to regret, but will have done that which we could do.

God has shown us that if we had a gospel wagon fitted up to live in, and so arranged as to throw open to preach from, and go from town to town, and in connection with the wagon have a cook department where we could make food and invite the poor starving little children and dis­couraged adults, give them some food, then talk salvation to them, in the first place, it would restore confidence to many that have been hearing of the wonderful love some people have got; but they say, Go, and be ye filled, but do not open their bowels of com­passion. In the second place, it would be obeying a God-implanted pleas­ure, which should be in every? soul, to relieve the suffering. I do believe that this would be self-supporting in a little while.

Now, dear brethren, do not think this a fancy of my own. God has put this upon me to write what I have written, and now I leave it with you. Bro. Daugherty has come to Chester to be with us over Sunday, then re­turn to Blackburn, where he has been for some time, battling against the powers of darkness. How our hearts did rejoice to meet him again. Sis­ter Shoffner, and wife and I have been here over a week, and God is blessing our labors. On Monday? night we had altar service, and there were nineteen came forward, and some got what they came after. Well, this leaves us all sweetly saved, and very? well in body. Continue to pray for us, all you that know the worth of prayer. Yours in the church of God,   

J. H. Rupert,

No. 38 N. Brook St., Liverpool, Eng.



“Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” Psa. 119:139.


Bruce’s Lake, Ind.

Dear Saints: I can testify this morning to my salvation. I do know that the dear Lord does save me, and keeps me free from sin each day, and enables me to do his will. My whole desire is to do the whole will of God, and ever be found humble and obedient. Dear ones, pray for me that I be true to the Lord. From your sister saved and kept by the power of God,

Minerva Freeman.


Levant, Kan.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greet­ing: Our testimony is we are saved through the blood of Jesus, and he keeps us every hour. Bless his name! He is our physician for both soul and body. Our baby was sick and had a very high fever. We took its case to the Lord in prayer, and glory be to God, he healed him. To God be all the glory. It is so blessed to trust Jesus. We want you all to pray for us, that God will open a door of utterance to us, and that we may? use the same to his glory. Your brother and sister sanctified, and kept by power divine,

Ira and J. Kepford.


Tionesta, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: This morn­ing finds me sweetly saved in Jesus. Praise his holy name forever! It is only about a year since I heard the evening light preached, and was much concerned about it, and was soon convinced that they preached nothing but the straight Bible truth. I was convinced that I was not on the right way, for I was a member of the old Lutheran sect ever since I was seven­teen years old. Now I am thirty-one, and never experienced salvation till a short time ago. Oh, hallelujah for his cleansing power! I realize that I stand upon a sure foundation that cannot be moved, and I am enabled to reign in this life. I feel that God has led me out of sectism and dark­ness into this evening light that now shineth in my soul. I ask all the dear saints to pray for me. My hus­band is opposed to this way, and the Lutheran minister comes here, and tries to persuade me that I am led astray, and wants me to come back to sectism, but by the help of God, and much prayer from God’s child­ren, I can abide with Christ Jesus. Your saved sister,

Mrs. Mary Weingard.


Dear Trumpet Readers: I feel it my duty to write my testimony and tell what the dear Lord has done for me. I am saved and sanctified, and find it glorious to serve the Lord in the beauty of holiness. I have been afflicted with rheumatism and other complaints very bad for the last four years. The Lord has healed me in a most wonderful manner of many of my complaints, but I am not entirely rid of the rheumatism yet, but am trusting God for an entire healing. Praise the Lord forever for his good­ness to me! I learned many wonder­ful lessons at the tabernacle meeting at Kirwin last fall, for which I do praise the Lord. It was there the Lord gave me the victory? and fully sanctified my soul. I am still praising him for his keeping, power. One night I was taken with a severe pain in my stomach, and it was so severe I could scarcely breathe. I asked the Lord to heal me, and immediate­ly I felt a wave of healing power roll down over my face and as far as the pain went, and the pain was all gone. Praise the dear Lord for­ever! The doctor with whom I doc­tored for a long time (and like the woman spoken of in Mark 5:26, got no better, but rather grew worse), told my companion that I never would be any better, that I had no constitution to build on; but praise God, the great Physician does not need any constitution to build on. Praise his name! I realize that there are many things in this life to try us, but the Word says the trying of our faith is more precious than gold. I think we all have a work to do for the Master, and it is our work to live holy lives, and set a godly example, so that all may see that we are fol­lowers of the meek and lowly Savior. I ask you all to pray for me, that my faith may be increased so that I can fully claim God’s promises, and be made every whit whole. Your sister,

Anna Bradley.


Darlington, S. C.

Dear Saints: With a deep, sweet, abiding peace in my soul, I will endeav­or to write a few lines of my exper­ience. Just a little over a year ago, the dear Lord saw fit to take to himself our darling little babe. Oh, how sad I felt, and yet never in all my life have I been happier. Al­though we dearly loved her, yet when the Lord made known to us that he was going to take her, we willingly submitted to his will. But in a few days after her death, it seemed I never was in my life so much troubled. I knew that I gave her up willingly, but I had, as it were, taken her back. I soon realized what an awful condi­tion I was getting in. I was unfit for the work the Lord had for me to do, and instead of being a help to my dear husband, in the work, I was a hindrance to him. I cried unto the Lord for help, and wrote dear Bro. Byrum to make special prayers at the Trumpet Office for me, and, Oh, bless the good Lord! I dug down deeper and deeper until I felt per­fectly satisfied about him taking our sweet little babe, and am every whit made whole. I do not feel anything at all in my way now.

One great difficulty that was in my way was, I depended upon my hus­band too much. I was not willing to be parted from him in the work. I praise God that now when he wants him to push the battle in one place, and me in another, I can say, Amen. I am sitting at Jesus’ dear feet, learn­ing precious lessons day by day. I do thank and praise God for the glorious evening light that shines brighter and brighter in my soul. Truly, I have been delivered from the power of darkness, and enabled to see the true light, and Oh, how sweetly it shines in my soul just now!

I love to read the precious Word, so wonderfully inspired by the Holy Spirit, and my soul wonderfully ad­vances as I apply it to my heart in my everyday? life. Praise the Lord!

I am now ready to start out in the work again, and I am better fitted for the work than ever before. Sa­tan is mad, and is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He made threats when the Lord gave us our little babe, what he was going to do if husband let me die, because we would not use medi­cine, nor send for a doctor. Oh, praise God! I have the great physi­cian, Christ Jesus with me, and all the threats that Satan can make will not move me. I quit using medicine, and trusted Jesus long before I got out of sectism. I wanted to do, and be all that the Lord would have me be and do, but had no one to encour­age and help me. I seemed to have an experience that went far beyond most of the preachers’ experience, and how they did fight against me when I would tell them of how won­derfully the Lord healed me of all my sicknesses. I did not see the true church then, and how I longed to see God’s children all come to­gether and be of one mind, and have the same care one for another. Glory to God! many souls here in the South are coming home to Zion.

Pray much for us, that we may meditate upon the great truths of God’s precious word, and walk wor­thy of our calling, letting our light shine forth in ail we say or do, being rooted and built up, and established in the faith, abounding in grace more and more. Yours in the one body, saved, healed and kept,

Rivie Lee Shaw.

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Bible Readings.

Arr. by J. W. B.


THE ATONEMENT. (Rom. 5:11.)

(Atonement: — Setting at one.)


JUSTIFIED FREELY. Rom. 3:24 — Be­ing justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

SAVED FROM WRATH. Rom. 5:6-11 —  For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were en­emies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son; much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

TRESPASSES NOT IMPUTED. 2 Cor. 5:18—21 — And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself, by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are embassa­dors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteous­ness of God in him.

Rom. 4:6-8 — Even as David also describeth the blessedness of man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness with­out works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

RECONCILIATION. Heb. 2:17 — Where­fore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make recon­ciliation for the sins of the people.


Gal. 1:4 — Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.

Rom. 12:1, 2 — I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your rea­sonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

REDEEMED FROM THE CURSE OF THE LAW. Gal. 3:13 — Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.

REDEEMED FROM ALL INIQUITY. Tit. 2:14 — Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

SANCTIFICATION. Heb. 13:12 — Where­fore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered with­out the gate.

2:11 — For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.

HEALING. Mat. 8:16, 17 — When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast put the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

RESURRECTION. 1 Thess. 4:14-16 —  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.




AND in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel, only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.” — Isa. 4:1.

This prophecy is now being fulfilled by sect Babylon as they generally try to attach Christ’s name in some way or form to their sect names, thus hoping to take away the reproach of being a sect, or harlot daughter, in the mystery Babylon family. But they only add the sin of blasphemy against Christ’s name, to the sin of division or heresy, thus doubly call­ing for the wrath of God that is to be poured out without mixture.

But strikingly is this fulfilled by the Christian Union sect, that is try­ing hard to unite the sects under the pretense of union. They oppose sects, but give a hearty welcome to all kinds of sect leaven, the more the better, just so equal liberty is granted by all, that you can believe just as you please, if you will let me believe just as I please, and you acknowledge me, and I will acknowledge you, and we are united. Most all honest people in the sects are disgusted with all sects and are looking for the unity of God’s people to be brought about in some way; and not knowing exactly God’s way of uniting his people, they are willing to try most any tinkeredup union, thinking it just the thing. Especially will this work to suit many people that want to unite without giving up any of their old sect tradi­tions.

The Union sect admits that the family of God is identical with the church, and that Christ is the only head, and door, and salvation the mode of induction, etc., and certainly no Bible student could object to that. But if the above is correct, why form the Union? hence they must offer


It is affirmed that ‘‘THE church” is one thing, and “A church,” or local congregation is quite a different thing; as the local churches were many, and had elders and deacons, as offices in local congregations us­ually in a town or city; and that “THE church,” or general body was not thus organized. This might look logical and plausible, and this is the way the little Union sect tries to hide her sect organization, and thus blind­fold those that have not clearly dis­cerned the body of Christ which is the church. The Union introduces itself as being a local body of Christ, and not “THE church.” Therefore she must have some other mode of taking in members different from the general body, some ceremonial per­formance that will catch a sinner as well as a Christian, sectarians and hypocrites of every type and shade, and call it union.

I was at one of their meetings re­cently where, a number were taken into the Union, and the preacher put the proposition like this: “All that wish to be identified with the Union, or to designate the fact that they wish to belong to a local body of Christ at this place, to study the Bible, to have Sunday-school and prayer service together, etc., come forward and give us your hand while a song is being sung.” Several came forward and gave the hand: all Christians and well-wishers were in­vited to come forward and shake hands with them while the clerk took down their names. And this was the way they were taken into the Union, supposing it was not a sect.

But Bible facts are these: “THE church,” or general body of Chris­tians includes every saved soul, and not one sinner. And the church in any town, city, or community includes every saved soul that resides in that town, city, or community, and does not include one unsaved soul. Hence, A local church is that part of the gen­eral body whose members reside in any town, city, or community, and is not a something distinct from THE church.

As God’s church was first set in order at Jerusalem, we will examine the divine record and see how mem­bers were taken into the local con­gregation at Jerusalem. Christ said, I will build my church, in Matt. 16:18. Of course, this could not be complete without the gifts of the Spirit, that were given first in Jerusalem on Pen­tecost. After he ascended, about one hundred and twenty that had fol­lowed Christ in the regeneration, see Matt. 19:28, also Acts 18:16, as they were all of one accord, hence, were all regenerated, they were thus gathered at Jerusalem, and the Holy Spirit descended. Acts 2:14. Peter began to preach. Verse 14. The peo­ple were pricked in their hearts, or convicted. Verse 37. They asked what to do. Peter told them to repent and be baptized every one of you. Verse 38, Then they that gladly re­ceived his word were baptized, and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Verse 41.

We now review from Pentecost after the Holy Spirit came: 1st. The Word was preached. 2nd. The peo­ple were convicted. 3d. They were told to repent and be baptized. 4th. They gladly received the Word by repentance and faith. 5th. They that gladly received the Word were baptized. The number was about three thousand.

Thus they were added. And from that day the Lord added to the church daily such as were being saved. (Emphatic, verse 47.) Thus we see salvation was the mode of in­duction into the church at Jerusalem. And if persons became members that way in Jerusalem, it must be the same in every other city, town, or community. How does this compare with the way the Union takes them in? Now if the Union preacher had just said that his union was a thing quite different from the church of God, he would not have been far from the truth, for if one local con­gregation be so different, all added together would be still more differ­ent, enough so to be a sect, and a very tricky and deceptive one at best.


The logic of the Union preacher reminds me of a similar case that oc­curred in the South among the Bap­tists where my brother was preach­ing. The Baptist preacher said that the Bible taught that there were two churches, one a spiritual church, and the other a visible church. He prov­ed the first by the Bible, but some­how he failed to have the proof for the second church with him that day, but said it was the Missionary Bap­tist church. He said the spiritual church included all the children of God; also, he could fellowship my brother in the spiritual church, but he could not fellowship him in the Missionary Baptist (as my brother was not a member of that sect). Here he admitted there were two kinds of fellowship, that of the Spir­it in the spiritual church, and a Bap­tist fellowship among the Baptists. The preacher was asked how a man became a member of the spiritual church. He said through Christ, salvation being the mode of induc­tion. But how do they get into the visible church? He said, Through water baptism. My brother told him that when he got his proof that God had two churches, one a spiritual church, Christ the door, etc., and the other a visible church by the name of Missionary Baptist church, and water baptism the mode of induction, and that God required people to be­long to both, “I shall stand ready for the water, and you shall be the man to baptize me.” The preacher left to hunt his proof, but never returned to prove up and receive the candidate.

Why don’t the preachers know better? If they were as diligent in seeking to find the truth as they are to cover up the sect and deceive the people, no doubt, they could long be­fore this have known the way of the Bible, and be able to teach others the right way. But thank the Lord, God has a few that can discern the body of Christ, which includes all its members, and cannot be deceived by sect cunning. Yours in truth, in the one body, 

G. L. Cole.



“Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.” Psa.1l9:129.


Attica, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: May the dear Lord bless you all. I am thank­ing and praising my dear Savior this morning. I can truly say that Jesus is sweetly reigning in my soul. He keeps me by his blessed Spirit. He saves me from all sin and heals me, and gives me perfect victory over all the powers of darkness, and unclean spirits, for which I give him all the glory. I want to honor and glorify his name by telling it to all mankind. Your sister in Jesus,

Ann E. Apple.


Seneca, Kan.

Dear Saints of God: I can say to day we are praising God for salva­tion full and free. We, like many others, were M. E. members, but do praise the Lord we are members of Christ Jesus. Praise his holy name! We have never been baptized, but desire to be by a true saint of God. The evening light has never been preached here, and there is great need of gospel food here. Our house is open to any of God’s true minis­ters that will come and hold meeting God bless the dear saints. Your brother and sister in Christ,

H. G. and C. B. Locke.


West Monterey, Pa.

Dear Saints of the Living God: I am praising God for a full and free salvation, which gives me perfect victory over the devil and all his works. God took me into his fold three years ago. He gave me sweet love and joy and peace in my soul, and I have been praising him contin­ually ever since, for the sweetness and completeness he has given me. The Lord took me out of sectism and secret societies and has given me a satisfying portion. He is my physician, and heals me. Pray that I may always keep under the blood of Jesus who has made me pure and holy. I remain your sanctified brother.

W. D. Keefer.


Welch, Miss.

Dear Saints: I am praising God for victory in Jesus’ name over all manner of sin. Eight years ago last August God for Christ’s sake par­doned my sins and made me a happy child in the Lord. By earnest prayer in faith and a complete consecration, the very God of peace sanctified me wholly and filled my heart with the divine love that casteth out fear. Since then I have had various kinds of trials, but praise God, my experience is, that each trial just makes me stronger in the Lord. Glory to Jesus! I ever expect to stand firm for God. Pray for me. Your hum­ble saved sister in Jesus,

G. A. Thomas.


Austerlitz, Ky.

Dear Saints of God: I can praise the Lord for his mercies to me. For his sweet salvation that he has given me to walk in his footsteps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. 1 Pet. 2:21, 23. About two weeks ago while reading the Word, as was my usual service I found that I was in fault; and having an honest heart, I laid aside all things, and fell down at the feet of Jesus’ for him to destroy the load of guilt. Praise God! By prayer and fasting I got victory through faith in Jesus Christ. About a week afterward I was convicted for the perfect love that casteth out fear, and by meeting the conditions of his Word, I received the second benefit, was wholly sancti­fied. I am afflicted with liver trouble and other diseases. My system is in a run-down condition. Praise the Lord! I am trusting him for my Savior and physician. And I desire the prayers of all who read my testimony, that the Lord will heal my body. May God bless his dear children and keep them under the hollow of his loving hand. Your brother in the one body,

A. R. May.

Myrtle Point, Oregon.

Dear Saints of God: I feel it my duty to write my testimony, for the first time. I do praise God that I ever stepped out in this evening light. I am not sanctified yet, but want to be. I want to be pure and holy as he is holy. I have never heard the whole Word preached. I pray God will send some holy minister here next summer to preach Bible truth. I read the GOSPEL TRUMPET which is loaned me, It does my soul much good to read it. Bro. Stover was here last winter, but I was very sick and not able to go and hear him, neither was I caring much about being saved at that time. It has only been about six months since I commenced to serve God. Now I trust him. I had bad colds, neuralgia once, and ulcerated tooth ache, which the Lord saw fit to heal. I used to trust to a doctor; was taking medi­cine all the time and was never well. Now when I get sick. I trust the heavenly Physician. Pray for me, that I may be sanctified, that my husband may be saved, also, that I may be able to raise up my children to do God’s will. Your sister,

Dora Billings.


Grand Junction, Mich.

Dear Saints: I feel the Lord di­recting me to write my testimony for his glory, and for the benefit of oth­ers. I am glad to tell you that God is leading me by his own hand, and guiding me with his eye. He per­mitted me to hear the evening light preached almost six years ago, and enabled me to give up sin and accept Christ as my Savior. My heart was filled with pride, and I had high am­bitions of worldly honor. I knew that to give my heart to God meant death to my pride, and well do I re­member before, making my consecra­tion, of fully deciding to give up an article of my dress attire that was, it seems, the greatest idol of my heart in the line of dress. O the hallowed memory of that eventful night, when I dropped on my knees and asked God to forgive my sins, How sweet­ly he spoke to mv soul. Who dare say that you are a Christian, and yet yon do not know when Jesus forgave your sins? God led me to read his Word very much, and I was led on to entire sanctification. God wonder­fully witnessing. My lot was cast in a great measure among people who were unsaved, though some of them professors; but God was faithful to his promise, “I will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able to bear, but will with the temptation make a way for your escape.” But as time passed on I began to listen to the accusations and temptations of the enemy, and finally I was over­thrown. but soon got back to God; but instead of taking a firm stand for him, I did not pursue the right course, and soon got under the crushing power of the devil, and his coils were wrapped round me tighter and tighter. Of course, I desired to serve God, but the light in my soul had gone out, and the enemy’s coils were drawn about me in such a way that I would not venture to tell any one just how. It looks very strange, but I let the enemy deprive me of real common sense and reason in the matter of serving the Lord; and my yoke (which the devil put upon me) was very hard to bear; and, too, my mind became the receptacle of all that he was minded to bring before me. O the anguish I suffered! After a few months, being with the children of God. I made public and private consecrations, but was not willing to acknowledge my backslidden condi­tion for some time, though it began by listening to the accusations of Satan.

But God has sweetly delivered me from all the power of the enemy, and my soul is free in him. Praise his name! Though my affections were once set on things of the world, I find it precious to have them set on things above. And Jesus has called me to labor for him, as he also did when he first saved my soul, and enables me to be content to live with the neces­saries of life, rather than hoard up treasures on earth. Though I once courted the admiration of the world, I am now satisfied to have Jesus’ ap­proving smile resting upon me. I feel now that I have done my duty, and so leave this with you and God, trusting it may benefit some soul, seeing that in the Lord there is de­liverance for the oppressed. Yours in the Lord,

Jennie McNichelson.

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