8 February 1882, Volume 5, Number 3.
The Gospel Trumpet.
Edited and Published in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by
J. C. Fisher. Corresponding editor.
Office – 625 West Vermont Street,
Indianapolis, Ind.
TERMS, $100 Per Year. For a less period at proportionate rates.
To The Poor, less or free.
Object — The glory of God is the Salvation of men from all sin, and the union of all saints upon the Bible.
Remittances for fractions of $1 may be sent in three sent postage stamps; and upwards by P. O. Money Order or Registered Letters.
Agents allowed 20 cents commission on each subscriber, in clubs of five and upwards. Sample copies to agents for canvassing sent free.
Entered at the post-office as second class matter
Separation From The World.
Bro. Warner: — I am charged with fighting holiness people; and some say I have a devil, etc.
I propose to give you for the church, a few reasons out of many for my course, during the last three years. In the 7th chapter Deut., and third verse, we find this language: “Neither shalt thou make marriages with them. Thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son. Nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son,” and in the 4th verse, we have the reason why: viz., “For they will turn away thy son’s from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the
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Lord … … … … …, and destroy thee suddenly.” In this same chapter we find who the Lord’s church or people are, and oh what precious promises for all those who are standing alone in the fear of God. Thus in the 6th verse we read: “For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God, the Lord, thy God, hath chosen them to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.” Now beloved hear again in the 7th verse: “The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you because ye are more in number than any people, for ye are fewest of all people.”
I want to say that the Lord has led me out of Babylon, and redeemed me from the bondage of darkness, (Egypt,) and I am satisfied that I can serve the Lord better by having nothing to do with the darkness, except to reprove it. In the 16th verse of the same chapter, I get my orders for fighting the darkness: “Thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eyes shall have no pity upon them; neither shall thou serve their gods, for that will be a curse unto thee.” Also in the 17th, and 18th verse, “If thou shalt say in thine heart, these nations are more than I, how can I dispossess them. Thou shalt not be afraid of them, but shalt well remember what the Lord thy God did unto Pharoah and all Egipt.” Also in 20th, and 21st verse: “Moreover the Lord … God will send the hornet a… ..m, until them that are … hide themselves from … .. destroyed.” “Thou shalt … ..ned at them: for … ..od is among you, … ..nd terrible.” He … .. 22nd verse: “And … God will put out … ..efore thee, by lit… thou mayest not consume them at once lest the beasts of the field, (sinners and ungodly,) increase upon thee.”
I notice that every things went apparently well among the sectarian holiness people as long as they had no opposition in the publishing line, and they would not publish any thing from the Church outside of Babylon; but it seems that a hornet has stirred them up, sure enough, since the true Church has begun to publish for herself. We want the Church every where to take this matter in hand, and spread the news by increasing the circulation of all papers that present the truth, as the Lord wants it, and fear not the consequences, for He says: “My word shall not return unto Me void.” Do not forget to give cheerfully to those brethren who are publishing the “word,” they should be supported by the Church, and that, without them asking. Remember that all we have is of the Lord, and belongs to Him; not one tenth, but all; therefore ..nd for … …
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..catter them around, and be up and doing, “For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.” “The night is far spent the day is at hand.” May the dear Lord knit all our hearts together in love, even so come Lord Jesus. Amen.
The type of piety now-a-days is too ecclesiastical. Bebause it is ecclesiastical it is too cautious, and because too cautioui it is ineffective. Work that christians now do is work of the church rather than for Christ; for the advanecement of the sect, more than the glory of God; the sect has superseded the Savior.
— Banner of Holiness,
God’s Church.
I want to call the attention of the readers of the Trumpet to a few thoughts that God has shown me while reading 1 Cor. 12th chap.
“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him.” — ver. 18. I have been asked, “how will you proceed without a church?” etc. Now I want to show that I have not come out of the Church, – God’s Church – at all.
God has a visible, organized Church in the world, and only one, and it is independent of all human organizations. I repeat, to leave all the organizations, of the present day, which men call churches, — “our churches, – does not imply leaving God’s Church, at all. God’s Church, we see from the above scripture, is always organized by the Holy Spirit: but no two human churches are organized just alike, here is there confusion, because men have undertaken to do God’s work.
They undertook to build a tower to heaven 4. 000 years ago, and God confounded them, just as He has all the “high places” of this great sect babel.
But why has God reserved to Himself the prerogative of organizing His Church? “He hath set the members, (not some of them only, but) every one of them, in the body as it hath pleased Him, that there should be no schisms in the body.” Here you have the reason, plainly stated. God so intensely desired the unity of His Church, that He would not allow men to attempt its organization, lest they create schisms in the body. But in utter disregard of God’s holy word, men have gone to organizing churches, as they call them; but the result is only the creation of partition walls; bringing in “damnable heresies,” — sects, or “divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine we have received.”
Oh! God, can men be so blind as to still build up and hold up these accursed walls.
Now read verse 27. “Now ye are the body of Christ.” Some think that their sect is right and none other is; while many tell us. that all of them are right, all branches of the body of Christ.
Now beloved, in all good conscience before God, and with charity for all men, let us test these things by the word of God. If you are right give us thus saith the Lord, for your branch churches, but if we, who you call come-outers, really belong to, and represent the only Church that God recognizes in heaven or earth,
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reject the truth.
We are members of the body into which the Holy Spirit set us; which the bible calls “the Church of God.” Now I ask, what branch, or human organization, can you say God set you into by His Spirit? not one; none of you dare make that claim.
Again, verses 25, 26. where is a sect whose members “have the same care one for another.” It is only the real body of Christ’ the true and holy Church of God, that has such, a vital union, that “if one member suffer all the members suffer with it, or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.” No human organization contains this measure of pure love and sympathy.
“But how does God set the members in the body? Christ says “I am the door, by me if any man enter he shall be saved.” “By one Spirit are we all baptized into One Body.” The moment a person is converted to God, he is in the Church, and though he were a thousand miles away from every human sect, he is recognized before the court of heaven, as a full member of God’s Church. This “is God’s way of taking in members; and any so-called church, that has a different door than Christ; a different way of taking in members than by regeneration, and adoption of the Spirit, is a fraud, and a cheat, yea, a rival of Christ’s Body.
Men are put out of the church by the same power that takes them n. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit. He taketh away.”
The instant a soul committeth sin in his heart, he is out of the Church; his “sin hath separated between him and his God.” No need of church trials, with all their partiality, to throw men out of the chursh.” The Lord attends to that business, Himself; and He will not screen a man in his sin, because he has plenty of money to give the preacher and the church. O, I do praise God for the simplicity and beauty, of the gospel of Christ.
Let our pravers be, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is done in heaven.” Amen.
..igonier, Indiana.
A Destructive Heresy.
There is a.. eternal antagonism between true holiness, and fanaticism, in all i.. phases. And the individual p.. ..ssed of the fullness of the Holy Ghost, will be able to det..t fanaticism in others, whet.. ..r it be in outward act or deport ..ent; or in the more subtile form heratical teaching; the Spirit and the word agree; and the Holy Ghost moves and works in harmony with the written word, and never contrary thereto. To the sinner the word says: repent and believe the Gospel; to the believer says this is the will of God, raven your sanctification.” And we find the Holy Ghost moves and works precisely in this order, and never in the order of synchronous, regeneration and a sanctification as modernly taught, both within and without the ..le of sectarianism, and where c..er this heresy obtains be it without or within, the sect church, ..e work of the Spirit is effectually ..indered, and surely brought to ..ught. The write has been brought face to face with the p..tical workings of this distruction heresy, when, formerly ident.. with th.. M. E.
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..fied to entire sanctification by faith in Jesus Christ, and urged the church to come up to the standard of the “fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ.” On the other, the minister while admitting a second word, claimed that it was only the anointing, and that the body of sin, the adamic root as destroyed in regeneration. The controlling power thus entrenched in a falsehood, and in conflict with God’s order, the result was that a protracted meeting held for three weeks, was a disastrous failure, and afterward this minister set himself squarely against the “second grace,” and opposed them in every way possible. But I wish to speak of this heresy in its relation to the come-out movement — it is our great peril, and the sooner we begin to discern its insiduous approach and expose it, the better. Wherever this heresy obtains among come-outers, a bitter and intolerant spirits will surely manifest itself, and in connection there with, we may expect the out cropping of fanaticism. The writer has been receiving from time to time, during the last four years, copies of the Stumbling-Stone, and while much truth is found in its columns as to the evil of sect divisions, the distructive heresy of Count Zinzendorf is held with inveterate opposition to the gospel order. Consequently from this stand point the holiness movement is of the devil, and second grace christians are in need of the first grace. The Stumbling-Stone seems to attack every movement extant, even to the “Salvation Army” as well as all holiness associations and bands for the promotion of entire sancitfication, even the position of the Gospel Trumpet he calls a holiness schism, because the editor makes a destinction between justified and sanctified believers. And he proposes to “kick brother Warners justification cob house into pi,” by which he exhibits his ignorance of the real plan of salvation, he might as well talk of kicking God’s word to pi, as to overthrow the two destinct works of grace, justification and sanctification. Will he deny that the justified are commanded to go on to perfection? and that “by one offering He (Christ) hath perfected” forever them that are sanctified, and that Christ “sanctifies the pepole with His own blood.” Heb 6: 1. 10: 14. 13: 12. These tests, and hundreds of others, just as clear, and in fact the whole tenor of the Bible, proves conclusively that the personal, sealing and sanctifying Comforter is, “received after that we believed.” and not when we believed for pardon; that, “Holy brethren” (Heb. 3:1,) that is, justified children of God are to go on to a higher state, i. e., “perfection,” and that is not to be a gradual development — though a growth there always is in any real state of grace – but the definite experience of sanctification, which is declared to be wrought by Christ Himself, and through His blood,” which cleanseth from all sin, which, of necessity is an instantaneous, moral renovation, and being always enjoined upon, and promised to such as have already followed Christ in the regeneration, is a second work of grace. By the above … similar remarks the Stumbling Stone editor reveals the entagonism in his heart to the “second race” in the
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my honest conviction is, that a comeoutism that sets itself squarely against holiness as a definite experience, subsequent to pardon, is surely of the devil. It is a fact that wholly saved souls, who are spiritual and discerning men, detect at once the carnality in such persons, and, quite naturally are led to conclude that if such spirits are the fruits of comeoutism, I will have nothing to do with it. Thus this spuriour anti-holiness comenotism is a snare of satan to deter honest souls form separating from sectism, leaving them under the pressure of unholy corporations, which often results in compromise and the loss of the Spirit of God. A comeoutism that sets itself to fighting the sects in a vindictive spirit, condemning and unchristianizing all who do not at once come out, cannot be of God. Let us lead the children of God to the true apostolic unity, but never attempt to drive them out of Babylon. And above all things, let us keep sweet and deal kindly with persons who, under the blinding influence of sectarian education, cannot yet see the sin of sects, and the true Church of God. Sound teaching, in connection with the comout movement, is of the utmost importance. False doctrinal theories, and extravagant notions, cause untold disaster to the cause of God we represent. In the Good Tidings of Nov. 23 d, we find an article by W. R. Mann, embodying very grave error; he says: “The soul yet seeking sanctification is not yet converted,” again: “If I am not holy, or in entire sanctification, I have not found God according to His word, for He is both holiness and sanctification, and I am yet only a seeker, and have not yet come to God’s work of conversion, which is finding Him.” This is very shallow talk for worldly wisdom, and has no place at all in Spiritual wisdom that cometh down from above. It seems to me that a child ought to teach W. R. M., that God may be found by the soul, over and over again in His various phases, to meet the various wants of the soul, as those wants come up in consciousness. Is it possible that a man who affects so much wisdom, is yet so blind as to imagin that if God is once apprehended by the soul in his pardoning mercy, that there can never be in time or eternity, any further discovery of His riches of glory, and infinity of grace? The above doctrine is a direct contradiction of God’s word. Jesus declares His disciplet “Not of the world, even as He is not of the world,” and that they had followed Him in the regeneration, and had their “names written in heaven,” yet He prays the Father to sanctify them, future blessing. Paul acknowledges the election, of the Thessalonians, and their very faithful lives and then prays for their sanctification. But we cannot multiply instances, this two-fold, salvation is the great truth of the bible. W. R. M., also says: that “convertion is the restoration of adamic perfection.” Now it is the plain teaching of the New Testament, as well as the universal experience of justified believers that they still have this inbred foe to contend with, until destroyed by sanctifying grace. And it is moreover not true that we attain “adamic perfection,” in this life at all, for that would imply the restoration of our impaired …
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attainable now, but not adamic perfection. I hope the editor of the Good Tidings does not endorse the above views, if he does I predict disastrous results: for Good will not suffer true holiness people to support such heresy. Let us observe the order of God, and a void unsound teaching.
Coutinued Extracts From Geo. E Thrall.
Says Dr. Cummings: “I have learned what true catholicity, is. Since I began to study the Apocalypse, I have learned how poor and evanescent, are all the distinctions of sect; how real and substantial is the grace of God.
I have learned how unimportant it is to be a ‘Churchman’ or Dissenter’; how unspeakably precious it is to be a ‘Chrstian.’
I have seen upon the stage of that mysterious drama, that all distinctions except those of Christ and anti-christ, drop away: these alone appear upon the scene, and these alone are cast up before the ‘Great White Throne.”
There are no sectarian, temples in heaven.
In a vision of the night, John Wesley once found himself at those gates, and began to inquire who were within: “Any Wesleyans here?” ‘no,’ “Any Presbyterians?” ‘no,’ “Any church of England men?” ‘no,’ “Any Roman catholics?” ‘no,’ “who have you here then?” “we know nothing of any of those names, we are all christians, here, and of them we have a great multitude which no man can number, of all nations and kindreds, peoples, and tongues.”
The conception is grand! It could only come from the mind of
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The Gospel Trumpet.
— OF THE —
If you wish to be led into the wonderful salvation of the Bible. It has the highest recommendations, and is by far the cheapest work of be kind out. Contains 493 pages; excellent cloth binding. Price, one copy, $1.25; by mail, $1.35. very liberal offer to agents. Address D. S. Warner, 625 W. Vermont street Indianapolis, Ind.
Bro. Obenchain is engaged in a meeting at Versailes, Brown Co., Ill.
If you know of a brother or sister any where, that you think would be interested, or particularly benefited by the Trumpet, please send me the name and address.
We printed two thousand papers this issue; it is quite a task on our hand press, But praise God He gives me blessed health and strength, and I am perfectly satisfied to work on with the means the Lord has furnished, until He sees proper to give me others.
New Exchanges.
“The Vanguard,” by C. W. Sherman and W. T. Ellis, Quincy Ill. A small, semimonthly, sound and radical holiness paper; a “fenced bra–son wall,” and “sharp threshing instrument against all spurious holiness. It will do good. Price 50 cts per. year.
We were, put back several day’s in this issue because we had to return some things to the Foun-
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..pected improvements on our old press, which cost $10,50. There seeemed to be many discouragements in the way of enlarging, but by hard work, much prayer and trusting God; the Lord has brought it to pass, praise His name. The expenses of enlarging were $43,00 all of which the Lord provided in due season. Praise God we lack for nothing.
Being thrown behind, we date this paper the 8th, instead of the 1st. If we can catch up we will resume our old date, if not we will continue dating about the time of issue, and call the proper number of papers, the Trumpet year, however extended it may be. It will depend upon the means at hand to employ help.
A Brother writes from Texas to the Banner of Holiness, deploring the backsliden state of the holiness work in that State. He only knows of two bands that meet regularly in the State. He says that, “opposing preachers, and joining the Free Methodist sect, have been cited as the cause:” but he thinks it is for the want of thoroughness. He says; “the great cry is, get holiness and stay in your church.” Ah here is just the trouble, not only in Texas, but every where else. Holiness and sects, are directly antagonistic; they cannot live conjointly: either the one or the other must die, if they are not divorced. Sects are the fruit of sin, holiness versus sin, and all its fruits. No wonder the holiness work is dying in Texas. “Stay in your churches” – sects, is the devils policy to destroy the work of God.
Bro. W. T. Ellis gives his position in the Vanguard as follows
We preach for God and belong to no association, band, or sect. They and the world belong to us, however for all the good we can do them or get out of them, and we belong to God. “The general assembly and church of the first born:” Glory to Jesus! We serve Jesus only.
We have no connection with any visible church except the apostolic one; over which the Holy Ghost has made us an overseer and a dolos (or slave) to, in Quincy.
We are a thousand times more non-sectarian than the come-outers,”
Well if brother E. is not a comeouter himself I would like to know what he is. Come-outers are simply those who’ for love to Jesus, have comeout of all human “association, bands and sects, and belong only to the “general assembly and Church of the First Born”. Since brother E. claims the honor of being outside of the sect camp, he ought manfully to take the reproach of being witout the camp with Christ. He claims to be a thousand times more unsectarian than other come-outers. Now what is the real difference? simply this, they maintain that organized divisions are wrong, he says they are all right. So in his estimation a come-outer that endorses sects is less sectish than a come-outer that ignores sects In other words an outside prosectist is more antisectarian than an outside antisectist.
Victory Again.
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We have been here three weeks during which time, eight, have been converted and thirteen sanctified twenty-five declare themselves free from sects, and clean, through the word. Most of these are in the land of Beulah, and dwelling on the mountain, where the golden sun-light gleams, and are knit together in love, which is shed abroad in the heart, by the Holy Ghost which is given unto them. Hallelujah! the fire still burns, for our God is a cousuming fire, to whom be glory forever and ever, amen.
Joseph C. Fisher.
Which is at Indianapolis.
This is apostolic phraseology. Before men had presumed to found churches, there was no need of any such distinctions as, “whose church,” “what branch,” etc. All the saints of God, in one town or community, constituted one love – bound fraternity, and it was always known to belong to God, the “Church of God, which is at Corinth,” the “Church of the Thesalonians in God our father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
If we were to read the apostolic records, then turn to the present day theological nomenclature, we would conclude that the children of God had bought out their Fathers Kingdom and glory or else there has been a whole ..le God-robbery by a class of eccesiastical dignitaries. Indeed from the present day literature, and conversation, one would hardly ..arn that God owns a Church any more. Instead of letters being addressed to the Church of God in one city, and the one Church in one city sending greetings to the one divine family in an other city, we read and hear a great deal about Dr., such-a-one’s church, the honorable so-and-so church, and the right reverend D. D’s. church, and so on and on and on, through the whole catalogue of Gospel merchantisers, in the same city.
Well I want to put the fact on record, that God has a Church in Indianapolis: a few children that have not denied their Father’s name, nor robbed Him or His glory. How many real members there are in God’s Church in this place I do not know, God keeps the books and we have no desire to number Israel. I am glad however to know, and enjoy sweet fellowship with a few here who are with us in Christ Jesus. For some months past, satan has tried hard to remove Gods Holy name, which He had recorded here. O how the enemy of God, tries to get God’s little ones to looking at something else besides the body of Christ. “Our Church” “Eldership,” “Salvation Army,” or anything that, he can jet the people to “join,” instead of simply being “joined to the Lord,” is a trick of satan to rob God, and separate souls from Christ the ”head and the only name.” But thank God there is a coming back
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Sabbath January 22nd was a day of victory for God. In the evening we met at brother Prentices, on north Tenn. st., the Lord was there in power. In the Spirit of God I read, and talked upon Col. 2: and urged the little ones to “hold the head,” “Jesus only.” The testimony was glorious; sister M. E. Hill, a blessed saint, much gifted by the Holy Spirit, one of the number that stood up last winter to abandon all sects and creeds, but who had never yet taken her name off the sect book, arose and said in substance as follows: using her own words as near as we can, “When I was a poor awakened sinner, I never felt more convicted before God for my sins, than I feel convicted to night by the Spirit of God and His word, for the sect, in which I am held as a member, I must tell you the sad truth, as the Spirit has shown it to me to night. God only knows the trouble I have with my children, some of them have been converted but the influence of the sect has made it impossible to keep them from conforming to the world not a vain and sinful indulgence, but what is found in the leading members, and here it has beer, over and over “Ma won’t, you buy this, and it is no harm to wear that; why the preacher does this, and the preachers wife wears that, and they are good christians.” I was in a close place, I had to admit all this, then I had to tell them, that though the church done so and so, the bible forbids it, but I they would plead up the church, and I would plead the bible: but inspite of me and the bible the church has led them away from God. To day we had our sabbath school in the kitchen, or basement, and they had two or three festival last week, and the floor was so dirty, that it was not fit for children to meet in. O this is Babylon, sure enough, and if God lets me live to go back once more, I will demand my name off of that book.”
During her talk, the Spirit came upon us all, and God wonderfully put His seal of approbation upon this disclosure of the seducing and damning influence of Babylon, which I have very faintly discribed. May the Lord sustain that dear blood washed saint, in the path He has marked out for her.
Union in Christian Work.
A well-known gambler in Massachusetts was brought to Christ through just this influence, and he said to me, “Mr Earle, wherever you go, tell the world of my conversion; tell them I could withstand the appeals of each denomination when they worked separately, but when they united in a meeting; I saw the spirit of love prevailing among them, I felt its power, and gave myself to the Savior.”
A talented physician, who had advocated infidel sentiments for many years, came in to one of our meetings on the Pacific coast, and publicly made this statement: “For the last four years I have been convinced that there was no real foundation for infidelity; and, when I looked upon the different denominations, often speaking unkindly of each other, and refusing to work together for the salvation of souls, I felt there was about as little in the churches to rest upon. But when I attended this union meeting, and saw the brotherly love manifested, then I felt there was a reality in religion, and that I needed it. Nothing seemed to reach me until I felt the power of this union of denominations.”
— Zions Watchman.
The above experience in the labors of the Evangelist Earle, demonstrates a fact that I have always
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great cause of all …emy, the general unbelief, irreverence, impenitence, and consequent, eternal loss of human souls. Talk about souls being saved by the various denominations, is a great mistake; I now make the assertion, and will, ere long, demonstrate the same, in an article on the subject, that all the sects on the face of the earth never instrumentally saved a soul. I appeal to the whole christian world for the proof of this fact, that it is only when men and women, to use the words of Bro. T. K. Doty at the Jacksonville convention, “get beyond their denominational lines,” that God can, and does bless their labors. This fact is well known, and every where acknowledged; for instance: when a revival is to be promoted, you always hear the cry, “let us throw aside our sects, and work for the salvation of souls.” And it is only to the extent, that christian effort goes beyond the sect lines — for the time being ignores, casts away and looses sight of all sects — that God honors it with the fruits of salvation. Now in the name of Christ I ask, what are sects good for, if not to promote soul saving? Again does not common sense teach us, that if the presence of sects renders a revival effort nugatory, that a return of sect intrests must necessarily blast and ruin the new born souls that were reached during a temporary abandonment of sects. Surely what will prevent a revival, will kill a revival. And when the revival sprit dies out of a comunity “first love,” christians usually die but with it. Thus It is an awful fact, that the sect devil keeps the masses of mankind out of God’s kingdom, and blasts with death, a large percent of the few it fails to debar. If God is so well pleased with a partial suspension of sectism, as to visit a community with such convicting and saving power as above reported, what would reasonably be expected, if all christians would entirely and forever abandon party idols, and work together as “one fold,” under “one shepherd.” Such an event would indeed melt down and consume the frozen domain, of satan’s kingdom.
Asked by Wm. Marshall.
Dear Brother: — I think you mean well, but I hardly know what to think of your idea of doing away with sects entirely. If you will allow me, I would like to ask you a few questions.
1st, do you not believe that almost all true christians are to day, identified with some of the sects?
I freely allow that there are a great many very good people in the pales of the various sects, many who are entitled to the christian character, and who, because of the sect education they have received, and who have not heard the Gospel preached in exposition of sects, may have a good conscience before God; but their christian character is necessarily dwarfed, their spiritual minds narrowed and their fruit fulness much hindered by such party relation. But we cannot allow that “almost all true christians are identified with the sects,” there are thousands, the best salt of the earth, out side of all schisms.
2nd, Is it the most spiritual persons that withdraw from the sects?
To this question we are able to reply from a standpoint of positive knowledge, and an extensive observation. In the name of Christ I answer, yes. If space would allow I should love to confirm my answer by refering to instances, but I must forbear. I give it as my testimony before
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Gospel o.. “One …, one Shepherd,” and “One Lord, one faith,” and “One body,” that they who had been living the most devout and useful lives, and the clearest witnesses to sanctification, accepted “the truth, and not a few have walked in it. While the most carnal and sect ..big..ted, have fought and persecuted us.
3rd, do you think the religion and morals of the human family would be better, if all the different sect societies should disband, say, on the 1st of January 1882?
The answer to this question needs qualification. It were much better to go to Jerusalem, or to that particular mountain in Samaria to worship God, hard and impractical as that might be, than not to worship Him at all. But how much more glorious the joy and blessed liberty of “worshiping God in Spirit and in truth.” In the blindness of sectarian education, many suppose that to leave their sect, were to loose all virtue, and abandon all devotion to God. Of course to disband the sects in the light — or rather in the darkness — of going to the world, and to the practice of sin, would prove disastrous to many souls, but even then, I think upon the whole, God would be glorified, and society benifitted, for then were the great obstruction to God’s Church removed, and many who thought their foundation ruined forever, would soon learn Christ to be their head and blessed sufficiency, as they never could have apprehended Him in the sect cage. But to disband, destroy and forever abandon all sects, in the Light of God’s word, to restore the unity of the body of Christ, to worhip God in freedom from all sect yokes and manacles, to “see Jesus only,” all holding the head, Christ, and recognizing the Holy Spirit as the organizer of the one true Church that the Lord founded nearly nineteen hundred years ago: and to whom the Lord can alone add members through Spiritual adoption. To accept the Bible to the exclusion of all erring and divisive human creeds and all sect tests of fellowship, and hold all regenerate children of God as members with you, in the one divine family in heaven and earth. In short to disband all sects, and all christians come back to God’s word and the “faith once delivered to the Saints,” were the greatest blessing that God could bestow upon the human family. Millions of dollars of the Lords means now wasted in large gorgeous and rival sect temples, that lift up their proud steeples over against each other, on the same street in our cities, and in the same villages all over the land could be used for the glory of God where needed, instead of being sacrificed to the great sect Diana of pride: and lust. Then there would be no two eyed “our church,” idolatry to corrupt “the worship of God, and mingle its blasting curse in the effort to save souls: and by its wicked selfishness, jealousy and rivaly, drive away the Holy Spirit, and leave the revival efforts destitute of genuine fruit of salvation as we now see it all over the land. But we cannot here onlarge upon the curses that would be averted, and the blessings of God that would necessarily follow a universal distruction of all sect organizations on the face of the whole earth. The overthrow of all these “holds of every foul spirit,” would quite drive the devil from the footstool of God; fill the earth with the sin consuming power, and glory of God, and all heaven with shouts and songs of victory and hallelujah to the Lamb.
Other questions will be answered in our next issue.
Our Motto‘s
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… is from Gods is … pure then peacable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” — James 3: 17
“Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people.”
“Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them! for they be all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men.” “And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord.” – Jer. 9:1-3.
A few words upon those scriptures. Purity first, in the order of time, is indeed the sublime wisdom of God. “Father sanctify them.” “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” “But tarry ye at Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” Do not attempt to go out and labor for me, until I shall have taken you through the fire of the holy Ghost, and purify you, and purge you as gold and silver, that ye may offer unto the Lord an offering in rightiousness.” — Zech. 13:9. Mal. 33.
Then being first sanctified and meat for the Masters use, they are prepared unto every good work. — 2 Tim. 2;
“Now the God of peace, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work, to do His will.” – Heb. 13:20, 21. This is God’s order “first pure,” sanctified holy, perfect through the cleansing blood, then only can we properly serve God; “being then made free from sin, and become servants to God, we have our fruit unto holiness.” The normal condition of God’s servants is freedom from sin, “first pure.” But the wisdom that
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cometh from above, puts purity first, in point of importance. The man that does not make heart purity, the great, and paramount theme, and labor first of all else to get believers in the experience of a clean heart, has not that experience himself. Even if his special calling should be to lead people out ofsecretism or sectism he will only do so through the blood if he knows the real way of holiness himself.
Purity first, because it is the objective end of the atonement.
Purity first, because it restores the soul in the image of God; Purity first of all, because it is the normal condition of the soul in which all the graces, and fruits of the Spirit grow, and spring forth uninteruptedly.
Purity is first, and paramount because it removes all bias for error and all resentment to truth and puts the soul in an attitude to receive all that at finds in the will of God,
Purity is godliness, and “godliness is profitable unto all things “having the promise of the life that now is and that which is to come.” “Happy are the people that are in such a case,” yea “blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
“First pure then peaceable.” Until you get a pure heart, to you Christ and His true embassador do “not come to send peace, but a sword.” The true Gospel of God, is all sword to you, until you are “first pure.” And he that preaches a gospel of peace, where carnality exists, is satans preacher, and agent in the perdition of souls.
A few words on the passage containing our “second motto.” Please reader, open your bible and read the latter part of the preceeding chapter, and I think you will see that here is a prophetic complaint of the prasent disintegrated, and dead condition of Zion, as a result of the shallow and adulterated preaching all over the land.
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of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, peace, peace; when there is no peace.” – Jer. 8; 11. How could language better discribe the spurious conversions of the present day – “only believe and you’ve got religion now,” and such liko instructions, without exposing sin in the light of God promoting genuine repentance, and real conversion. “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed, neither could these chaffy, flowery car tickling pulpit orations and essays, only tend to excite applause, and secure “hire,” and as a natural result, conscience dormant, and even the vilest abominations, are unblushingly practiced in the name of religion. ”Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images, (formulated creeds,) and with their strange, vanities.” – Ver. 19. If the horrid styles, the gambling, fish pool and grab-bag develtries, by which … popular sects obtain their mo…o not present a scene of … ..ge vanities,” then it would … difficult for satan toget them up. “Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men that I might leave my people; for they are all adulterers, an asssembly of treacherous men. And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the eart; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not Me, saith the Lord.” – 9:2, 3.
No man with his spiritual eyes oped, can fail to see the fulfillment of the above in the present Babylon of sects.
Are they not all living in peace fellowship and “friendship with they know not God. O it is an awful truth, that the religion of these proud and popular sects, is the deceiving and damning religion of the devil. How can corruption be valiant for the truth. “Thy word is truth” saith the Son of God, and a return to the word of God, would leave every sect shell of mans invention, to rot and come to naught. All sects are founded upon error, hence the zeal for error, the taboos, and proscription enacted against all who will not uphold sect walls. Thank God the trumpet is a “discordant element, among the professedly holiness periodicals. Having no craft at stake, it can afford to be; valiant for the truth,” yea, for the whole truth, as it is in Christ Jesus.
Leaving The Church.
A dear brother writes to us as follows: “I think you have erred in leaving the Church of God, and yet God is blessing you and the Trumpet.”
It does seem that the anti-Christ sect beast, has deceived all the nations of the earth, and has set up in every mind something else, instead of God’s Church, an idol of some kind that supplants God and His work. How it does tickle the devil to hear men call a construction of brick, or lumber, or a human compact or corporation, “The Church.” When will God’s children cease to use the devils coin, and circulate his lies.
“The Church of God:” how dare men give these sacred, bible words, the devils upplication. Five minits examination of the Gospel of God, should be sufficient to show any one of sound mind, that the “Church of God,” is the “body of Christ” – that “holy temple in the Lord,” into which we are set by the Spirit of God, and by blessed assimilation and holy attraction, are made joint members, with and naturally enjoy the fellowship of all ..er
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branchos or saints, who live by the one life of Christ.
To talk about “leaving the Church of God and yet receiving the blessing of God,” — is Babylon confusion. There is absolutely no way given under heaven and among men, whereby we can leave this Church of God, but by ceasing to live by faith in, and obedience to Jesus Christ, or falling into, and continuing in sin: in which case God does not and cannot continue His blessings upon that soul, as before. Therefore, when certain preachers in Ohio, published that I had left the Church, (which was false, for they, themselves cast me out of their synagogue for the crime of preaching real experimental holiness,) they declared the fact, that what they worship in the name of the “Church of God,” is only a “creature” of men, to which they invite members and report “accessions” through a different process than that of regeneration, which is the only accession to God’s Church. And when people talk of us having left the Church, because we withdrew last fall from a human corporation called the “Northern Indiana Eldership of the Churchs of God,” they simply show that the devils counterfeits still pass current with them; they call that the church which does not answer the bible discription of the Church. Oh how hard it is to get rid of the marks of the beast, and the num of His name.
If some more would suffer the excision of this useless appendage, there would be quite a vacuum made for the reception of this “fullness.” The term Eldership as used in this case, is both contradictory in itself, and a perversion of God’s word. Where the Apostle Paul speaks of “laying on the hands of the presbytery,” the Bible Union and some other versions render “hands of the Eldership,’, and I think correctly too. So I accept the word eldership as a biblical term: but what is its obvious meaning? Simply the Elders of the church in one locality, or in a district or country as the case may be. To apply it therefore to an organized corporation is a missapplication, a perversion of one of the word’s of God’s holy book. It is contradictory, and asserts a falshood because the corporate “body” to which it is applied, is not composed of elders, but of brothers, and sisters, a few elders and without doubt some sinners and backsliders: so this use of the word, “changes the truth of God into a lie.” Like every other body that is not identical with the body of Christ, this “new Eldership” as it is often called is a rival of the body of Christ, and is used by the devil to generate party spirit, and sectish bigotry. Nothing is more natural, than the disposition of carnality to want to get up something besides the Glorious Church of the First Born.
The reason is obvious, Christ build His own Church, adds the members and spews out the unworthy; “He is head over all to His body the Church,” the only real ruling power, except as He chooses to execute His will through some of the members,
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Hence this gives no place to aspirants, who wish to work up something that men can build, so as to receive the glory, and become lords over the work of their hands. As sister M’Creery says in her history of the origin of the Free Methodist: during the six years that they were contented to work with a single eye, and let God build up His own Church, and receive all the glory; the Spirit was with them in mighty power to save souls, because they had no craft to look after: put after they set up the F. M. idol, it was all “he O he, go up Free Methodism” And ceasing to work exclusively for God’s Kingdom, of righteousness, peace and joy in the holy Spirit,” and founding another sect, that they call “Our Church,” they necessarily became double eyed, and lost the – real power of God; so after our meeting last fall, we heard the call to rally up the party spirit; and to apologize for the addition of this sect corporation to the several hundred already in the mazes of Babylon. It was called the “Northern Indiana eldership of the church of God, opposed to secret, societies.” Just as though the Church that Christ Himself founded did not oppose, secred societies, therefore it is necessary to form another “body,” for that purpose. Thus every sect on earth is an insult to God; even their formation implies that we are not complete in Christ, hence the “necessity,” as B. T. Roberts said of our organizing another sect.
T. DeWitt. Talmage says: “I think that men are sometimes kept from returning to God by the fact that we are too anxious to get them in certain denominations of churches. Now, do not talk Presbyterian catechisms, or Episcopalian liturgies, or Methodist love-feasts, or baptistries to a man whose chief anxiety is to have his soul emancipated. Who cares what church he belongs to if he only belongs to the church of Christ bough by His blood? Yet I have seen, when a man began to speak of his sin, people rush toward him and say, “Going down to our church? Going to be sprinkled? Going to be immersed? Where are you going to church?” when we ought to take a higher position.”
Here is a clear distinction acknowledge between the “Church of Christ, bought by His blood,” and all such corporations as the Methodist, Prerbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal etc. This language of the bold preacher, also shows us clearly, what every man of comon sense and a little reflection, must see, that the presentation of these earthly compacts, cannot in the least aid, but do positively obstruct the salvation of a soul. Wonder if it has not occured to that great mind, that if the “Church of Christ,” is the only place to go for salvation, that it ought to be good enough to live into the exclusion of all these “denominations of churches,” which cannot save.
Wayne., Iowa. Dec. 23, ’81.
Dear Brother:
The Lord bless you. Amen. I am much interested in the Trumpet and wish to continue a reader of it; so the Lord will bless me in paying for it. Last Sunday while preaching, the Holy Ghost came upon me to the filling up and comforting of my heart, in a wonderful manner, How my soul was refreshed and my faith strengthened. Praise God! I am not, so far, a comeouter, but I am by the help of God doing all I can against sectarianism, I publicly preach against it. The Lord has freed me from it. I love all God’s people. The blood cleanseth me now. Your Bro. in Christ.
John Krupp.
Is..t the Night.
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Hill Greek, Borgue Co. Texas., Jan. 7th 1882. Ed. Gospel Trumpet, Dear Brother – The Lord brought one of your papers to me, I like its sound. I am standing on the Rock Christ, and I do thank the Lord for His mercy in bringing me out, and freeing me from man-made organizations and sect pens. There is about twelve or fourteen in this neighborhood that are trusting the Lord for full salvation, and are free from all the isms of the day, (or night more properly speaking.) We are persecuted for the name of Christ, but thank God we can rejoice in it. Yours in Christ.
Nancy H. Osburn.
Bro. A. M. Raper kindly sojourned with us a few weeks and greatly assisted us on the Trumpet; about two weeks ago was galled away to see his brother in Kansas, who was very low with quick consumption. We have just received the following from him. “Brother is very low, had a bad spell to day, and came near dying. He prayed, and I prayed unto God for his restoration, and all of a sudden the power of God came upon us, and I said. “Willie, the Lord is going to bless you;” he said yes, and in a moment a great calm came over him, and he soon began to praise God, and said “I saw the Lord come in at the door, and He saves me.” He exhorted his wife to serve the Lord. Glory to God! he is now saved, but probably will not live long. Pray for us. I had meeting last sunday in the school house, forenoon and night; some said: “that’s the truth.”
Complete Salvation
Dear Bro. Warner I feel led of the Lord to write a few lines for Jesus’ sake. The Lord has shown me some of the abominations that are committed in the sects; and has led me back to the “one Shepherd and one fold”. Hallelujah to the Lamp for ever and ever! Our God is marching on: for “if ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” And “herein is my Father glorifed that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples.” Here is the Church that God ownes: all the members are united in Christ.
I say blow the Trumpet loud and long for some are hard of hearing. I believe we are living in the last inch of time for the Gentile’s return to God. I am so glad that I have found complete salvation before the fullness of the Gentiles be come in”, — Romans 11:25.
“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before Him in glory, be praise forever. Your brother sanctified wholly, and kept by the power of an endless life.
B. George.
Hardensburg Ind. Jan. 6.
The Eyes Opened
Lodi Ohio. Dec. 12. Dear Bro. By the blessing of God, your book has done me a great deal of good. I only entered the blessing of perfect love last March and like Apollas, needed to be instructed in the way of the Lord more perfectly. O it is a blessed thing to learn of God and the power of His grace. I agree with you in regard to those sect divisions. What saith Paul? “For while one saith I am of Paul and I am of Apollas, are ye not carnal”? And ‘to be carnally minded is death. I stoodthere myself once believing that I ought to labor to build up the se..t that
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I belonged to. But thanks be to God! my eyes were opened, and now I can see every man clearly. “Now thanks be unto God for this unspeakable gift.
I see you are meeting with strong opposition, in the stand you have taken against sects. One minister — professing holiness — said to me when I asked him to buy one of your books, “I do not want to read his book. I do not think him a safe man: for he is trying to fear down the churches that Jesus Christ established”‘ I wished him to prove that Christ stablishe sects – babel, confusion. God is not the author of confusion. To many professed holiness people are tied to sects. Lord deliver them. Bro. fear not to declare the whole counsel of God: “lift up your voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins”. The Lord bless your lead you, and keep you unto the end. Amen. Your’s for full salvation.
Cyrus Mohler.
The Narrow Way.
Terre Haute, Ind Dec. 13 ’81.
Dear brother Warner: — I want to write to you and tell you how I get along. The way seems more and more narrow. Oh I realise if I move one step toward God I am not as other men are. I meet with opposition every where I go, but I care not for this for I see in speaking against worldly things, such as modern-day churches and ministers of the same, decieving and being decieyed, I stir the whole house at once, like Christ and the apostles did; some are anxious to hear the truth, while others say, let us along, don’t disturb our peace, so the house is divided, a good sign we are on the Lord’s side. I am saved only on this line. Glory to God! To walk and to be like Christ, is more glorious to me, than all the peace this world can afford; it is not peace I am seeking. Jesus says: “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Praise God for this sword that “Pierces to the dividing asunder,” yea causes divisions, yes divides from all sin; and wages war on the devil and his combined host. If it were not for the blessed Lord to help me I would faint; but God is able to make the weak strong. I am willing to, and must be a pillar in God’s house. Praise God! I am standing on the Rock, yes, living in it, and drinking of it, I am waiting on the Lord and shall be strong.
May grace mercy and peace from God the Father Son and Holy Ghost, abide with you and all saints every where.
Yours washed in the blood of Christ.
Joseph A. Peacock.
Love at Home.
“There is beauty every where, when there’s love at home:
There is joy in every sound, when there’s love at home;
Peace and plenty there abide, smiling sweet on every side,
Time does softly sweetly glide, when there’s love at home.”
How often those lines fill the chambers of my mind, when I look in a home of discontentment and confusion; a home that is void of the bright smiles of a kindly father, and loving mother; a home that has been deprived of the sweet light of pure affection; a home where hearts have wondered away from the altar of true devotion; a home that is dark, miserable uninviting, melancholy and despairing; a home in which the Satanic serpent coils, hisses, and sinks his deadly fangs to the very heart of the heapless ones, who are chained to its prison walls with an unfortunate destiny. Can you wonder then that these few, sweet and simple lines of truth swell our
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heart, having looked upon this dark picture of dispair. Who that has witnessed the sad, sighs of distress that filled that mothers heart, can suppress these thoughts? O how often we see homes, that outwardly assume the most beautious rosette hue of happiness, which, alas, inclose the dark monster in his most soul freezing magnitude. But you will say, “this is only true in certain classes, but not among christian people,” true it is not among real christians, God forbid! but it is found among your church members that pray with much eloquence, and affect munch piety before men. Yea this vile subtle home devil, lurks in the heart of some that profess the calling, and assume the character of pulpit officiates; it even dwells in the heart of your professed sanctified brother, who mockingly worships God in your midst, while his poor wife sits silently at home with a care-worn throbbing heart and eyes that have the dark fringe of broken heartedness, and breaths a prayer to God for the wrecker of her happiness. O you miserable foul-tongued professing saints, flee, flee, for the walls of Babylon will surely crush you! Repent and bring back the bright smiles — ay tears of unspeakable joy — to your wifes downcast eyes; repent and rekindle the love that you are smothering with sorrow: repent and hear anew the happy shouts of your children, that now shrinks from you with fear and trembling; repent and make your home a sanctuary of earthly blessedness; repent I admonish you, or confess your carnalized heart to the world, and do not conceal it through professed hypocritical devotions to God. Repent for the wrath of God is upon you, and the time draweth nigh when you will be called to account for the sins done in the flesh.
Bros. E. J. Colborn, Sala, and M’Laughlin, are holding a meeting in Maroa, Ill. God is there in power. May man y.. be save.
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Dates corrected, and the glory given to whom it belongs. – D. S. W.
On the mountain top of vision
what a glory we behold,
Eighteen hundred years of vict’ry,
are tinging earth with gold:
For the saints are overcoming
with their testimony bold;
The truth is marching on.
Chorus — Glory, glory hallelujah,
Glory, glory hallelujah,
Glory, glory hallelujah,
The truth is marching on.
For the glory of the Father,
Jesus taught in Galilee:
And preached the great salvation
that delivers you and me;
And a million voices shout it,
“Redemption’s full and free;
The truth is marching on.
Cho — Glory, glory, etc.
From the cabin on the prairie,
from the vaulted city dome;
From the dark and briny ocean,
where our sailor-brothers roam,
We hear the glad rejoicing,
like a happy harvest home;
Salvation’s rolling on.
Cho — Glory, glory, etc.
Eighteen hundred years of marching:
eighteen hundred years of song:
The Conqueror advances,
and the time will not be long,
When He shall come in glory,
and overthrow the wrong;
Our God is marching on.
Cho – Glory, glory, etc.
Nahum’s chariots are speeding,
as the lightning’s on their way,
And their flying “torches” tell us,
’tis the “preparation” day. — Nah. 2:3, 4.
For the Bride is getting ready,
and the Lord will not delay;
The marriage feast is near.
Cho — Glory, glory, etc.
Precious “knowledge is increasing,”
«evening” light begins to glow, – Zech. 14:7.
With the trump of full salvation,
“many running to and fro,” – Dan. 12:4.
And the song of glory echoes –
Christ has washed me white as snow;
All glory to His name.
Cho – Glory, glory, etc.
The long dispersed “remnant,”
of Jehova’s chosen race,
Are flying from all nations,
to their ancient dwelling place;
And the Gentile world is surely,
in its closing day of grace;
The Lord is just at hand.
Cho – Glory, glory, etc,
In the valley of decision,
there’s a battle drawing near:
Sectish Gog and Magog powers,
round about the saints appear,
But our God is our munition,
and our hearts shall never fear;
The victory is sure.
Cho – Glory, glory, etc.
And when the war is over,
with the saints, forever more,
On the blissful heights of Glory,
we will shout the battle o’er,
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we will join the Conqueror,
And crown Him with all praise.
Cho – Glory, glory, etc.
From Our Correspondents
“Success crown your labor of love in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus.
May sectarianism totter and fall to its very base, and glory and unity fill God’s Kingdom of peace and righteousness.
God grant that the trumpet of salvation may continue to sound its certain blasts, until Babylon be overthrown by the power of God and truth.
Mrs. L. L. and Eld. J. Martin.
Woicottville., Ind.
“I hope you will be able blow the trumpet in Zion, and will give it a certain sound so all of God’s little flock will know how to prepare for the battle; as the Captain supplies each soldier with weapons that are “mighty in pulling down sectism, (Satan’s strong hold.) O, I want to see her tremble while I am in the army, so I can join with good old John and shout “Babylon is fallen,” Victory, victory, through the blood of the Lamb. Hallelujah the Lord Omnipotent reigneth.”
Charlie Whecler.
Clarks Corner, Ashtabula, Co. Ohio.
“We are still holding on to God by faith; trusting fully in the Lord; we can stand all the storms of the adversary and shout: “hallelujah I‘m saved by the blood of the Lamb.”
We had a protracted meeting at our place, held by Bro, Lowman; Bro. Maggert was here one week Bro. Zimmerman three days; had a good meeting, some were converted, and some reclaimed. We are much pleased to hear that the paper is going to be erlarged, hope it may, and soon as possible become a weekly. May the Trumpet still blow forth the truth untill many fall back on the old Bible foundation.
D. L. Houser.
Cedar Creeke., Ind.
“God bless you abundantly, Amen. My heart is with you to do the whole will of God, regardless of great or small men; bigots or devils.”
T. F. Dolan.
Washington, D. C.
“I have received two numbers of the Trumpet; the sentiments therein taught are, and have been mine for fifteen years. My wife stands with me. Let the Trumpet continue to sound louder and louder, until the walls of sectarian Jericho falls.”
J. C. Allabru.
Polo, Ill.
“The more I deepen in Christ, the better I understand the doctrine brother Warner advocates and acquaint mys..h with the early history of the Friends; the greater s.. … … … the two. He does not insist upon entire separation from the world in every form, stronger than they did.”
Fariba Wilson.
Westfield, Ind.
All the readers of the Trumpet are requested to pray for the recovery of sister O. H. Kyle, from cancer.
Also, for a dear brother and sister in Illinois, who have lost the favor of God. They love the truth, repent their shortcomings and are praying, for the return of peace and assurance. The brother is also afflicted; pray for his restoration.
Brethren and sister will you pray for these dear souls?
God. All who have been, are, and ever shall be saved, from the fall of Adam, to the end of time; all the redeemed on both sides of the dark river, are the one indivisible Body of Christ:
“Angels and living saints, and dead,
But one communion mate;
All join in Christ, their vital Head,
And of His love partake.”
Christian Oneness being a thing created and fixed, the next point is to show it. It is the will of God that the inward reality be outwardly seen, be so apparent, that the world may recognize its existence, and feel its power.
So He planned that His people form every where, a public relationship called – “the Church,” — which as One Body, should manifest the One life. Were our unity merely spiritual, it would make no impression: men do not care for abstractions.; they notice what is done, what ‘comes out;’ so the Church was to be a thing which folks could hear and feel and see.
This Church which includes the vast household of faith, all the elect, the entire family, has a great deal said about it in the scripture, and it is always spoken of as one thing, never in the plural except when allusion is made to different localities of the church. Look at the list of its names in the bible: Body of Christ, Bride of Christ, Church of God, Church of the First Born, City of living God, Family in heaven and earth, Flock of God Fold of Christ, assembly of the First Born. Golden Candle-stick, God’s Husbandry, Gods Heritage, Habitation of God, Holy City, Holy Mountain. Thus the Church is spoken of in the bible in forty seven different ways, and always as one single thing. The Church of Christ is a single institution. We hear around a great clamor of churches, “this one’s church and that one’s church. The Episcopal church, and the Presbyterian church. The Master never recognized but ONE — “My Church” “On this Rock I will build my Church”
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… Church of Jesus Christ was a brotherhood a family. Nothing but distance prevented this one Church of God from meeting in one assembly. But being scattered, it testified its oneness by mutual recognition. A christian in New Testament times, could go from congregation to congregation through. Palestine, Asia-Minor, Greece, Italy, Egypt and Ethiopia, and be received by all as a member anywhere. This unity was also manifested by fraternal acts the Church of Macedonia, and Gallatia, made contrubutions for those of Judea. The Church at Ephesus wrote to the disciples in Achaia, exorting them to receive Apollas. St Paul desired the brethren at Rome, to receive in the Lord, Pheobe, a deaconess of Cenchrea, The churches of Asia saluted that of Corinth, and the Collossians were told to salute the brethren of Laodicea, and to interchange Epistles with them. On this one church, the martyrs fixed their eyes and their hearts. Polycarp, a disciple of St John, as he was led to the stake, obtained one hour for prayer, and in that prayer, we are told he remembered all who were connected with him, and the whole Catholic Church throughout the world.”
We need a more radical, thorough and persistent reformation, than any the world has witnessed since the days of Christ and His apostles — a mighty moral earthquake which will fill the minds of men with awful terror and amazement, and will compel them to think whether they want to think or not — one that will show that the popular Christianity is no more the Christianity of the Bible than is Ingersollism, and in some respects not half so consistent; that will drive out of existence the ecclesiastical cliques called churches and crush to atoms their sentimental theological pretences; one that will compel the sneering bombastic Masonic dupes, who claim to be the apostle successors, either to confess that they have been imposters or go without their pay; a reformation that will create a sentiment which will demand a true Christianity or none. We need a reformation that will be furnished with mighty prophets of God, who will go into the centers of civilization, and with Scripture and argument make the searching, sin-destroying truth blaze like lightning in the faces of false teachers, until, cowering and whining they sneak away, or humbly and openley confess their condition. We need a reformation which will reach the centers of church and state, and which will sweep away and tear to shreds every structure that is not f..ened to the unmovable rock and built of everlasting truth. – Such a work as this would destroy the greatest delusion that has ever cursed the earth, and would be the means of the Bidlical conversion of vast multitudes of souls.
– Sword.
The Banner of Holiness.
Begins the year with many brave and noble words. We are really thankful to God that Bro. Brook’s resignation, and its acceptance by the board, has been reconsidered, and Bro. B., continues editor of the “Banner.”
We have dearly seen for some time that the Lord had His hand upon that dear brother, to lead him out of the confusion of tongues, and to use him in liberating the Lord’s sheep from sect pens, and the false shepherds that feed themselves of them put feed not the flock. In his ..st
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words, of the new year, he ones his readers to understand tha.. a “Baptist holiness association, or a Methodist holiness association,” are only contradictory terms, because there is no such thing as Baptist holiness or Methodist holiness. He calles the sects, “human sects,” human organizations,” and seems to brush them all aside as very insignificant, when compared with the great cause of holiness, God bless the Banner and its editor, and may the Spirit lead him fully out of all thats “human,” to a proper apprehensions of the Divine Church.
From a very interesting letter, from a father of Israel in New York. My Dear Bor’s. Warner and Fisher: – Sincere thanks to some one, for several numbers of the Gospel Trumpet. I do not know how to thank you enough under God, for such Gospel utterance as yon boldly put forth in that sheet. I sincerely wish, I pray that it may grow to be a weekly, greatly, enlarged, and be pecuniarily supported; may God accomplish it in His own good time. For years I have wished in the Spirit of prayer, that a paper with the twin object of holiness and unity, might be established by some one; but not until yesterday did I hear the sound of your trumpet; perhaps never did I so regret the absence of means to help spread such preacious and important truths, as you put forth. About twenty years ago, when B. T. Roberts was crowded out of the M. E. Church. I begged him not to entangle himself again with the yoke of bondage, but he did. I do not know of a single person within one hundred miles of me, that sympathises with my union views; except me man and wife in Buffalo, 37 miles from here, and my son 12 years old, who, thank God, is a good christian boy, and intelligently opposed to sectarianism: hence you may know my appreciation of such papers. I would rejoice if I had the means to support my family, so that I could give my entire time to writing upon my special calling from my Master, i.e., the overthrow of sectism.
R. W. Lyman.
Arcade., N. Y.
Continued Victory.
My Dear Bro. Warner — Blow the trumpet again, give it a certain sound. Glory to God He still leadeth and causeth us to triumph in His name. We have just closed a series of meetings of ten days. Our labors in the Lord were very fruitful, though we met with opposition by the enemy of righteousness; the Lord made bare His arm and fought the battle for us. Oh who shall be able to stand against Him? He is mighty and strong! Oh how true the words of our Lord Jesus. “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first” oh how often this awful fact comes under our own experience. We were invited to come and preach by a lady who desired us to hold a series of meetings, in reply to the request we asked her if she could stand the awful test of the unadulterated word of God, she replied “we could not offend her by preaching the word,” but when the awful test came she could not “stand the storm.” How many sun-shine christians there are in this day; they go on feeling until the storm clouds of battle are gathering, then they flee and leave you alone. Oh yes, when they loose their feelings, they loose their religion; they have no root in them: for when tribulations and persecutions ariseth, because of the word, they are offended. Matt. 13:20, 21. One evening as we preached the word of God the
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whole house was filled with the Holy Ghost until the very air seemed thick; all but a few then came to the altar, and there we witnessed what we never saw in all our travels or labors; one dear sister, while at God’s sacred altar, was smitten by her companion and compelled to leave the house. Oh I pray God that He will forgive him for that awful sin, and that he may yet be saved, still the fire of the altar burned and brightened more than ever, three souls were wholly sanctified by the cleansing blood. On sabbath evening Jan. 1st, God poured out His Spirit upon us until the house seemed to be shaken, sinners were shaken and wept, sought and received pardon. Hallelujah to the Lamb forever! On monday evening the fire burned again and four more were sanctified: one dear sister, who from her childhood belonged to the M. E. sect, was one of them that stood up and spake with boldness, declaring what the Lord had done for her: enabling her to over come the prejudices and education of a life time. During our labor here eight souls were sanctified and two converted; four came out of sects; so God has a little band of Holy saints in Greenbush, Mich.; sanctified and meet for the Masters use. Hallelujah! I am saved by His precious blood just now.
Joseph C. Fisher.
I feel led to give a little of my experience to the Gospel Trumpet readers.
About nine years ago the Lord pardoned all my sin. It was only a few days until I felt something more in my soul; and what it was I did not know. I had not heard sanctification preached, but the Lord led me to feel its need, and then led me to make a full consecration to Him, and the Lord sanctified me at. my own home. I had never met with any person that enjoyed this grace, and did not for several months afterwards. I have since then obeyed all the light that God has given me, and by Gads grace I am now “walking in the light, as He is in the light:” and they that follow Him shall not walk in darkness. I thought all holiness people were free from sectarianism, until five years ago, when we had a holiness tabernacle meeting in this place The preaching was clear, on holiness: but on sunday the Lord showed me a wonderful mistake in the meeting. The dear old brother said: “every one go to his own church.” I went to the M. E. C., much grieved in my heart, knowing that the Lord was not in it. Until then I never seen how wrong sectarianism was. The Lord showed me what a great evil it was to have His people divided. I saw that the sects were nothing but houses built upon the sand to be washed away by the floods and rains: for, “her sins have reached unto heaven,” “how much she has glorified herself, and lived delishiously, so much sorrow and torment give her: for she saith in her heart: I sit a queen and am not a widow; therefore shall her plagues come in one day, and death famine and mourning, and she shall be burned with fire; and he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, a cage of every “unclean and hateful bird.” That is just the way sectism is going on growing worse and worse: “deceiving and being deceivd,” until they shall all be destroyed by the coming fire of God’s wrath.
I love the Lord with all my mind and strength, and that leaves no room for sectarianism
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Filled with the Spirit.
Dear Bro. Warner: — Allow me to say to you, that I am now filled with the Spirit; glory to God! The Lord bath anointed me with the oil of gladness. I now realize as never before, that all old things have passed away, and behold all things have become new, and all things are of God: glory to His name! I am rejoicing in the freedom of His dear Son. I am under bondage to no man, nor to any sin.
Oh brother, now real to my spiritual understanding, are the precious words of Paul, that “The kingdom of heaven is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”
For they who in these things serve Christ, are acceptable to God and approved of men.
Glory to God! I have at last reached the fountain of cleansing.
The fire has descended and burned up the dross: The offering is accepted, for He has answered by fire. Glory to His name!
Brother Warner, I am unable to express what the Lord has done for me and my companion, for there is no language to express it: I believe that “glory” comes the nearest of anything I can think of; for, “Whom He justified them He also glorified:” and I do realize this to be my experience. Glory, glory, glory! I can say, we appreciate the visits of the Gospel Trumpet.
Dear brother, I want to say to you be encouraged, for you are no doubt in God’s order. I want to say to you what Paul said to Timothy, “Preach the word.” I am so glad that we have the Word to regulate us; if it were not so we would all be in confusion
I am astonished at the different religious papers, they all need sifting by the Word.
But glory to God, the anointing which I have received remains and I need no man to teach me, yet I can be taught by men.
The Wesleyan preacher, Bro. Smith, is holding meetings here with some success. The Lord is on the giving hand. Some of those here who are standing free in Christ are being greatly blessed, glory to God. May God bless you. Amen.
Fairmount, Indiana. Jan, 13.
I was converted to God in 1833. Have endeavored to live it christian life ever since. For the last five years I have been, as far as I know, entirely consecrated to the will of God, excepting this: that I was a great lover of my tobacco. I had used it for 51 years, and I had about as leave think of taking my life as to give up its indulgence. During a holiness meeting last fall in our place, a good deal was said about this filthy habit, but I resisted the light and stubbornly contended for my idol. But finally in reading 2 Cor. 7:1. “Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” I was deeply convicted of the sin of using tobacco, and resolved to quit it, for Christ’s sake. I took the tobacco out of my mouth, and laid it down calling upon God to deliver me from the appetite. Oh the wonderful fact! that instant the Lord removed every particle of the appetite
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that I was never able to conquor. For three hours I sat powerless upon the floor; my entire body was numb and helpless to the end of my fingers.. This was the Refiners fire. My soul was filled with glory; the whole house was filled with the awful presence of God. My wife was wonderfully sanctified by the Spirit, of burning; and has since been kept by the power of God. And from that hour to the present time, I have never felt the least desire for tobacco; yea I loathe it. All praise to our Almighty Savior.
Charlottsville., Ind. Dec. 26.
Strongsville., Ohio. Nov. 25′ ’81
Dear Bro. Warner: — I am on the altar; glory to God He saves me now. Praise His name! Twelve years ago He converted my soul, and five years ago sanctified me wholly; and saved me from sectism three years ago. I came out from the society to which I belonged, and God blessed me in the act, and has kept me clean ever since. I belong to the Church of the first born; God’s beloved Church. Hallelujah! My soul is full of glory which inspires my tongue. I have been wanting to tike the Gospel Trumpet ever since I saw it at the Big Prairie camp meeting, where I bought “bible proofs” of sister Warner.
Please find fifty cts. in this letter for the Trumpet. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Wm. N. Smith.
Paul preached everywhere “repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ,” in order that men might enter God’s holy church through Christ, “the door.”