9 June 1892, Volume 12, Number 24.


Knowing this, That the trying of your faith worketh patience — Jas. 1:3, 4; 5:7, 8.

There is a rare and sparkling gem,
Not seen in many places;
Because the thoughtless pass it by
With reckless step and blinded eye;
They fail this little charm to spy,
“One of the Christian graces.”

This precious gem, so seldom seen,
Makes deep and lasting traces;
’Tis better than the finest gold,
And for the same was never sold:
It’s worth is better felt than told,
“This King of Christian graces.”

You ask me where this gem is found.
’Tis found in heavenly places;
“Not in the lofty steepled hall,
Where mystic Babel’s utter fall
Is plainly written on the wall,”
Instead of Christian graces.

Where then? I hear you ask again.
Look in secluded places:
Methinks you’ll find the very kind,
With other graces still behind,
Helps for the poor, the weak and blind,
In honest hearts and faces,

As you take time to solve this rhyme,
Your mind my secret traces;
“For patience is the gem so rare:
In Jesus you will find a share,
Oh, trust His loving, tender care,”
And prove His lasting graces!

Emma I. Coston.




The following is from Ignatius, who lived at the beginning of the second century.

“BE not deceived with heterodox opinions, nor old unprofitable fables. For if we still live according to Judaism, we confess that we have not received grace. For the divine prophets lived according to the. gospel of Jesus Christ. For this they were persecuted, being inspired by bis grace, to assure the disobedient that there is one God, who manifested himself by Jesus Christ his Son, who is his eternal word. If then they have indeed cast off their old principles, and are come to a new hope in Christ, let them no longer observe the Jewish Sabbath, but live according to the resurrection of the Lord, * in whose resurrection from the dead our resurrection also is ensured, by him and by his death, which some deny; through whom and by whom we have received the mystery of believing; and on account of this we endure, that we maybe found disciples of Jesus Christ our only teacher. How can we live without him, whose disciples even the prophets were? for in spirit they expected him as their teacher. Let us not then be insensible of his loving kindness: For if he measured to us according to what we have done, we should be ruined. Therefore, being his disciples, let us learn to live according to Christianity: he who follows any other name than this, is not of God. Lay aside then the old bitter leaven, and be transformed into a new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. For Christianity is not converted to Judaism, but Judaism to Christianity, that every tongue confessing God might be gathered together. These things I warn you, my beloved, not because I have known some of you thus ill-disposed; but, as the least of you, I am willing to admonish you, that ye fall not into the snares of vain glory, but that ye may be well assured of that nativity, suffering, and resurrection, during the government of Pontius Pilate, of which literally and really Jesus Christ was the subject; who is our hope, from which may none of you be turned aside. I know that ye are not puffed up, for ye have Jesus Christ in yourselves; and the more I praise you, the more I know that ye will be lowly minded.” Beautiful view of their genuine humility! He proceeds thus: ‘‘Study then to be confirmed in the doctrines of the Lord and of the apostles, that in all things which ye do, ye may have good success in flesh and spirit, in faith and love, in the Son, and the Father, and the Spirit. Knowing that ye are full of God, I have briefly exhorted you. Remember me in your prayers, that I may come to God, and to the Church in Syria, of which I am unworthy to be called a member. For I need your united prayer in God, and your charity, that the Church in Syria may be thought worthy to partake of the dew of heavenly grace through your church. The Ephesians at Smyrna, whence I write, together with Polycarp, bishop of the Smyrneans and the rest of the churches in the honor of Jesus Christ, salute you: they live as in the presence of the glory of God, as ye do also, who have refreshed me in all things. Continue strong in the concord of God: possess a spirit of union in Jesus Christ.”

From Smyrna he wrote also to the church of Tralles, the bishop of which was Polybius, “who so rejoiced with me,” says he, “that I beheld all your multitude in him. Receiving therefore your divine benevolence through him, I seemed actually to find you, as I have known you to be, followers of God. For since ye are subject to the bishop as to Jesus Christ, ye appear to live, not after man, but after Jesus Christ: who died for us, that believing in his death ye might escape death.”

In what follows we have an intimation of the weak and infant state of this church; which though sound, had probably not been so long planted as the rest. And the martyr seems to express some consciousness of superior attainments and gifts, though never the less restrained by deep humility.

“I have a strong savor of God; but I take a just measure of myself, lest I perish by boasting. For I now must more abundantly fear, and not attend to those who would inflate me with pride. I love indeed to suffer, but do not know whether I am worthy. I need gentleness of spirit, by which the prince of this world is subdued. Cannot I write to you of heavenly things? Ye are infants; and I fear lest I should hurt you: I fear lest, through incapacity of receiving stronger meat, ye should be injured in your spiritual growth.” He goes on to guard them against schisms and heresies, to remind them of the foundation of the gospel; viz., Christ and him crucified; and, in his usual manner, to recommend obedience to their pastors, he modestly thus concludes: “As I am not out of the reach of danger; but the Father is faithful in Jesus Christ to fulfill my petition and yours, in whom may we be found blameless.”




About thirty years ago the dreadful disease of consumption came upon me, with an awful cough. All kinds of medicines that could be obtained were used, but in a few years it seemed that relief was a failure, and my case became a hopeless one. My body was a mass of disease, and wrecked with pain, insomuch that tongue cannot express the sufferings through which I passed. Strong tea and smoking tobacco were excessively used, and I was also advised to take opium. Not knowing the evil effects of it, I began using it, and soon the habit fastened upon me. If at any time I was deprived of opium it seemed as if a million red hot needles were piercing me, and I suffered the agonies of death until again supplied with the stuff to which I was enslaved.

After I was converted, in answer to prayer my health became some better for a time, but I continued the use of opium, not being fully awakened to the great evil of such a habit, and knowing my utter inability to give it up.

Before I was sanctified I had to consecrate to quit taking opium, and risk my life entirely in God’s hands, and when I had given up all things he sanctified my soul, and swept away the appetite, Two days afterward I had hands laid on me for my complete healing, after having been shown in the night that it was his will to heal me.

My long sickness had left me almost a skeleton, and my body was a mass of disease and corruption, steeped with the poison of opium and drugs. But the Lord spoke the words and I was healed. Then I became hungry and could eat almost any good wholesome food without injury. Immediately after the healing power came upon me a cleansing processs began, and my system was relieved of all poisonous effects, and my body was left very wreak, The brethren laid on hands and asked God to fill me with his Holy Spirit, and the power of God came upon me. I arose, leaped and shouted, and went to meeting, and the Lord spoke through me in mighty power. Blessed be his name!

For one week after being healed I stayed with a sister in Christ and attended the meetings, and each day my husband and children would come with opium, but always finding me improving did not offer it to me. I cannot find words strong enough to warn people against the use of opium. A person can so easily become a slave to it, but when once enslaved nothing but the power of God will break its chains. The Lord keeps me wonderfully saved and healed.

Mrs. F. A. Abbott.




I do thank Almighty God that he has so willed it that I can write with my own hand and tell of his mighty power to heal, save and keep me. Glory and praises to his blessed name! And I can truly say, Once I was lame, now I can walk; once I was blind, now I can see. I can say, as did the woman of old, My faith has made me whole. One of his precious promises is, “If ye ask in faith believing, ye shall receive.” I asked in faith, and I did receive. Glory to his name! And from the moment I was healed — two weeks ago to night — I have not had an ache or pain, neither do I get weary. I can work, and walk anywhere, — something I had not been able to do for two years.

I was severely injured by a fall, which resulted in epileptic fits, and was getting worse all the time. I was taken to my bed the 7th of January, and became so bad that I lost my mind and eyesight. The doctors said I would never get well. And I never would by human skill, but the great Physician, our Savior Jesus Christ, the healer of all diseases, saw fit in his kind providence to restore me to health and strength. “God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform.”

I know if I live a hundred years and work for him, I can never repay him for his goodness and mercy to unworthy me. My daily prayer is that I may live a pure, humble, devoted Christian life, and tell others of his power to heal the body as well as the soul. If we ask in faith believing, the prayer of the righteous availeth much.

I cannot find words to express what is in my heart, what I saw and the way I felt when I was healed. I can only say it was a direct answer from God to my prayer of faith. I must close by saying, The half has not been told. I ask an interest in your prayers that I may be kept humble and faithful unto the end,and that I may be a bright and shining light for him who did so much for me. Yours in Christ,

Minnie Chapman.

Dayton, O., Feb. 27, 1892.



THE following conversation was suggested to our mind from the fact that certain persons within our knowledge were convicted for, and sought sanctification, subsequent to regeneration, and testified to the same, and have now turned to the Zinzendorf doctrine, denying a second work of grace.

The term Citizen applies to a child of God, who has returned and come to Zion (the city of God), and is established in the sanctifying grace of God. And the term Mover applies to a person that is “like the wave of the sea, driven of the wind and tossed,” etc.

C.Well, Mover, you look as though you were lost, please tell me, Where have you been?

M. Oh, I have been up among the sanctified people hunting a second work of grace.

C. Did not find it, I suppose?

M. The truth is, it was sanctification I wanted, and I was told it was obtained by a second work of grace; but I have found out better now. There is only one work, so I am going back to be satisfied. Better come and go along.

C. No, no, I cannot do that; I am located here in Zion (in the upper part of the city). I counted the cost and built my house on the solid rock, and all these years it has stood the storms. And more than that, God’s word says, “Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good.” And we are not of them that draw back. You say you are going back to be satisfied. Now if there is only one work of grace, why were you not satisfied before? Did you not receive that work?

M. Oh, yes; I recieved that work of grace, but I was misled.

C. Will you please tell us how you came to be so misled?

M. Once upon a certain time there were some holy people came into my neighborhood and held a meeting. And such wonderful preaching I never heard in all my life! They sang so lovely and had such liberty in testimony, and were so happy and joyful all the time, and had so much Holy Spirit power in them that I realy got convicted for sanctification. So I sought for it, and was blessed, and professed to be sanctified; but I have heard it explained different since. And I have been reading my Bible lately, and I see plainly now there is only one work.

C. Mr. M —, let me ask you, Do you think sanctification is a Bible doctrine and a definite experience?

M. Certainly; I could not object to that.

C. And you got convicted for that experience after you had recieved the work of grace you spoke of, then sought for it, was blessed, then professed it as a second work of grace, did you?

M. I did.

C. Now let me understand you a little better. You say sanctification is a Bible doctrine and a definite experience (hence a good thing), and you were convicted for it after you were born of God. I ask you, Was it God or the devil that convicted you for sanctification? (“The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?”)

M. I think the second work of grace is a delusion of the devil.

C. That is not answering my question: who convicted you for sanctification after you were born of God?

M. I have been somewhat perplexed, and I could not say.

C. You are real ignorant about this time. But you say you have been reading your Bible lately; if so, you might give me a Bible answer. Do you read anything in your Bible about the devil convicting a child of God for sanctification? Christ prayed for the sanctification of believers. Jno. 17:19, 20. Is the devil in league with God? You have gotten yourself into close quarters. You said the holy people were so filled with the Holy Ghost, that you really got convicted for sanctification after you were born of God; that explains the whole matter. Christ prayed for your sanctification, and the Holy Ghost convicted you for it. So a second work of grace is all right yet, isn’t it?

M. I confess you have me a little bothered, but sanctification by a second grace is a heresy, and I am delivered from it.

C. Mr. Mover, I wish to call your attention to your testimony. You said you testified to sanctification by a second work of grace. Sanctification is by the Holy Ghost. (See Rom. 15:16.) And now you say this second work is a heresy; we put your testimonies together, and the Holy Ghost is the author of heresy. That is blasphemy. Like Ananias and Sapphira, Satan hath filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost. The Bible tells me where you are moving to. You can read it for yourself. Matt. 12:31, 32 and Rev. 21:8. And you will not find any stopping place at the first work to be satisfied with as you suppose: “But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.” — Heb. 10:27. About your getting delivered from the the second grace, that is nothing strange in these perilous times. I have known of several already that have been delivered from it, and if you will read the following scriptures you will see the cause. Jas. 1:15; Heb. 6:4-6; 10:26; 12:15; 2 Pet. 2:22.

M. Mr. C, I have been silent a good while, and you have done most of the talking. I do not think my case is in as bad a condition as you represented it. And next time I come I will bring my Bible and try and show you your mistake about there being a second work, or second grace.

C. You would only be wasting your time. The devil was around before I ever met you, and that was his errand; and if you come with that message I will know you are his agent. And when he could not succeed, I do not see any use in your trying, for he is older in the business than you are. Hallelujah to Jesus for the victory!

Yours, sanctified by the second grace,

(To be Continued.)

Page 2





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The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full salvation, according to the teaching of the sacred word.

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The BELIEVER is led to see the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection.


constitutes the second part of the book. This consists of twenty-six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and overthrowing false ideas and theories concerning the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what circumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time.

It gives a history and testimonies of healing from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time.

The third part of the book consists of the


These are wonderful testimonies of persons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after having been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suffered for years immediately arise and walk, after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted, with nearly all the parties who have herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the book, so that persons doubting the truthfulness of the same can write to the parties themselves.

It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the “giver of every good and perfect gift.”

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Grand Junction, Mich.



Goo. Rickter, Mrs. Lillie Sylvester, Sigel Hunter, M. E. Curtis, Annie Cooper, J. W. Byers, Mrs. W. M. Goodhart, F. L. Smelser, Isaac Blinker, A A. Wingert, J. R. Stephenson, Sarah A. Ferris, J. R. Currier, W. H. Defore, E. H. Kiser, Mrs. F. A. Dayton, Ostis Wilson, Lucy Kirk, Wm. S. Bennett, S. P. Strang, J. P. Merrill.



Bro. Jno. Lettow, Norfolk, Neb., desires your prayers that he may be sanctified and healed.


Dear Saints: I am saved through the grace of God. Glory to his name! My sister in Cal. desires the prayers of all the dear saints for the healing of a tumor. She is a great sufferer, and is very weak in body. Pray for her healing June 14th, at 12 o’clock at noonday.

Your sister in the Lord,

S. M. Clemons.

Stix, Miss.


Sister Clara C. Ramsey very much desires that you all pray for the healing other body Sunday, June 12th, at six o’clock in the evening.

H. T. Gibson,

Canal Dover, Ohio.


Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. — Heb. 12:14.


The blessings of the Lord are for all who obey his word.


Every body is invited to the camp meeting, June 14-22. Come in the name of Jesus.


The book on “DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL AND BODY” is having a wide sale, and we are now able to promptly fill all orders! Many are writing that after reading it they are better enabled to walk by faith upon the promises of God. Persons desiring to help spread the truth by selling the book can write for agents’ terms, and sell books during leisure hours. The territory is not limited.


The first meeting was held on the new camp ground, doubtless all of a hundred saints met, and the glory of the Lord in the midst. Praises ascended from full hearts to the most high God as a sweet smelling sacrifice, and the blessing of the Lord came down like the dews of heaven upon his people. Next Lord’s day, June 12th, there will be another assembly under the new pavilion at 10:30 A. M. and about 2:30 P. M. The saints will bring along their dinner, and spend the day on the consecrated ground. Pray that God may be pleased to pour out his Spirit in mighty power upon us as a glorious prelude to the encampment of the hosts of the Lord. Amen.


A number of dear saints and some kind unsaved friends have been laboring very faithfully for the Lord on his camp, and yet there remains much to do. I pray God that a strong force may come out to the work the remaining days. Let as many dear saints as possibly can pitch your tents on the ground, and work for God. If you have not learned in the past, you will learn, that to receive the precious blessings of God that attend a camp meeting, you must camp. Do not let the petty trifles of earthly care keep you from enjoying the rich blessings and saving truth that will there be freely issued out by the Holy Spirit.


An unprecedent amount of water has been for some time past poured down from the clouds of heaven in this country, and so far as we can learn, everywhere else. But yesterday — Lord’s day, June 5th, — and to day we have sunshine, and we trust the Lord will continue to smile upon us. But as we are passing through a perihelia of some of the planets, — their passing near the sun — we may look for terrible storms, floods, etc. The papers have just announced the utter destruction of Harper and another town in Kansas by a sudden and terrible storm. A number of lives were lost and many injured. Only in God is our safety from the angry elements. Truly, “Mens’ hearts are failing for fear, and for looking on those things that are coming on the earth.”



Let all the saints of God in every direction who wish for camp, grove, and other meetings, write immediately and state where such meetings are wanted, and about when would suit you; giving all the range of time you can, so as to enable us to arrange your meeting in line with others; and thus save time and traveling expenses. If you have written before, it would be well to write again, lest no note has been made of your former call. A good many workers from various parts will be at the meeting here, and it will be a good time and place to take all the requests for meetings before the Lord, and see who will be led to respond to each place. If your meeting has been arranged and workers secured, Amen. Send us a notice. It might be well also for brethren in the work, who cannot be here, to write and inform us if you will be ready for marching orders from the Lord, so that we can depend upon you to be at meetings in your reach. Amen.


We had hoped to be able to report this week something definite with regard to reduced rates on the two railroads here to the camp meeting. With regard to the Chicago and West Mich., we are yet in hopes of rates from as far south as New Buffalo, and from as far north as Holland, and we may possibly be favored with the privlege of a train stopping opposite the ground. We expect to hear soon from the company. Let all saints coming on this line ask for reduced rates to the camp meeting here, and if you have to pay full fare, it would be well to take a receipt of the agent, stating you paid full fare coming, and you might get reduction on the return. On the Michigan Central nothing has been done. But I think this line, and nearly all rail-roads give half fare for companies of ten or more. Let Plainwell and Kalamazoo, and other places join together and avail yourselves of that privilege.


Camp Meetings.


This glorious assembly is just at hand, — June 14-22. Saints are busy at work on the ground, and we trust all things will be ready. The large, cool pavilion is all laid with floor, and will be comfortably seated. A boarding house is being erected, and all who are not provided for otherwise will be fed free, except when men are led to pay as a free will offering unto the Lord. The meetings are free for all; and pasture will be furnished for the teams, all that come to stay some time, or during the meeting. This is all free unless any wish to give. No outside sale stands or huxtering will be allowed within the limits of the law.

The saints have labored, and paid their means to prepare this beautiful campground by the side of the pleasant Lester Lake, all for the glory of God, and the welfare of the dear people; and we invite all to come and enjoy the rich privileges of the pure gospel; and all we request is good, orderly conduct on behalf of the people that attend, which also we expect.

The glorious gospel of primitive Bible salvation and holiness will be taught in all their fulness, and with all their graces and gifts. Not only do we expect to see a great many souls saved from sin by divine grace, but the sick also are coming from far and near tube healed by the power of God, through faith and the laying on of hands, with prayer. Also, if need be, devils will be cast out of any who may be possessed, and desire deliverance: for according to the commission of Christ, all these signs are to follow them that believe.

It is wise for men and women, when practical, to go to camp meeting prepared with the necessities of life. At least do not fail to bring some bedding

Though the buildings have been erected, and the ground prepared at a large expense, we resort to, nor will we suffer, any of the modern abominations commonly resorted to in order to make money for religious uses. No gate fee; all are welcome to the grounds free of charge. Nor will we as much as take up a collection, nor drive the people away with ungodly money begging, so often witnessed in these days of “vain religions.” It is our determination to j have all our camp meetings run on the principles of sobriety and righteousness, and all with a single purpose of glorifying God in the salvation of perishing souls: to do good to all men as we have opportunity.

We should also add that the deep and wonderful things of prophecy and Revelation will be expounded and taught to the people by those who are taught of God to know and impart these glorious mysteries, especially the striking and awful truths of prophecy that are now transpiring on earth, and soon to come to pass. Come, every body, and hear the wonderful truth of God. Let all who are saved and, filled with the Spirit come to work for the Lord. And you that lack any thing in your soul, come to be filled. And, dear unsaved friends, come and avail yourselves of the great salvation offered so freely in Christ Jesus. Come and “Hear, and your soul shall live.” O make your escape from sin in this last hour of mercy! And let all the saints everywhere pray God to till the consecrated place with his mighty saving and healing power. Amen! Amen!



Camp meeting will commence July 21, 1892, if the Lord wills’ at the Termenter school-house, five miles east of Norwood, Mo., and six miles west of Mt. Grove. The saints have procured a piece of land at that place for a permanent camp ground. It is a beautiful place for camp meeting. Those coming from the east will get off at Mt. Grove, and those coming from the west, at Norwood. There will be arrangements made for conveyance free of charge. Norwood and Mt. Grove are both on the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis R. R’s. Brother Bolds and Co. are expected. We shall be glad to hear from all workers who fuel led to attend.

Address Bro’s Peter McKinley,

J. W. Cale,
W. M. Wilson.



The Lord willing the saints south of Melrose desire a grove meeting the 1st of August. We desire any of God’s ministers filled with the holy fire to come. For further particulars write to meat Melrose, Paulding Co., Ohio.

Your saved brother,

Josephus Hunt.



There will he a grove meeting on my place, commencing Saturday evening. July 2d, and continuing until after the 4th. Pray that God may save souls at this meeting. Any one coming from the west, stop at Burbank, O. Those coming from the east, stop at Creston, O.

Address Ezra Smith.

Burbank, O.




The general belief among people of to day is, that the day of miracles is past; that these things ceased with the death of the apostles, and that God does not heal people in those days as he did when Christ was here upon earth. Such a belief is only the opinions of men, and not the teaching of the word of God.

When Jesus was here upon earth he went about healing all manner of disease, casting out devils, etc.; and when he sent out his disciples he gave them power to do the same things; and by reading the blessed word we find this power and authority was not only given to the apostles, but the promise is just the same to all those who believe on him. Jesus says: He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. — Jno. 14:12-14.

Here we find that believers in Christ will be able to perform oven greater things than he performed. In Mark 16:17, 18 we read: “And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Thank the Lord for such promises! The time is unlimited in which believers are to do such things. But there are conditions: We receive of him because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. — 1 Jno. 3:22. There are many precious promises to meet the case of ev-

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ery one. If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. — Matt. 18:19. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. — Jno. 15:7. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. — 1 Jno. 5:14, 15.

These scriptures very plainly show that it is our privilege to ask for the healing of our bodies as well as the healing of the soul. You may just as well say that the day of salvation is past, as to say the day of healing is past; for there is just as good promises for one as for the other. And when God fails to fulfill his promises regarding the healing of our bodies, when we come to him according to his word, then the word of God will become a dead letter to us; will be of no more use to us than a last year’s almanac.

The trouble is with the people, and not with God and his promises. His word will not, and cannot fail. People have departed from the “faith once delivered to the saints,” and entered the ranks of the sects of the apostasy, where they are taught false doctrines, and become almost strangers to the real power of God; and thus there is a spiritual famine through out the land, and people are hungering for the bread of life.

God has said that in the “last days,” he would pour out his Spirit upon his people, and in the evening time it should be light. Behold, that time is how here, and his word is being fulfilled. The primitive power of the church is being restored, and his children are enabled to discern the body of Christ — the true church, — and “earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.”

In the fifth chapter of St. James we ..ind the instructions given to the children of God in times of affliction and sickness: Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? ..et him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — James 5:13—16.

This is the means set forth by the word of God for his children. If any of them are sick, what are they to do? Send for a doctor? No; the word says, Send for the elders of the church.” To give medicine? No; “Let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” “THE PRAYER OF FAITH shall save the ..ick, and the Lord shall raise him up. Medicines may be used by those who have no faith in God, or those of his children who are afraid to trust him, or walk out upon his promises.

Professing Christians of to day spend enough money for medicines and doctor bills, to send missionaries to every land and nation, and spread the gospel throughout the land, to the ..our winds of the earth. You may consider this an exagerated statement; ..ut just sit down and make an estimate of the expenses of such in your own family, and a few other families, for the last five years, then compare it with what has been paid ..or salvation purposes, and you will ..oon be convinced of the fact. Take ..nto consideration that the Lord of- ..ers his blessings free, and it costs no more to be healed than it does to ..ave sins pardoned. For it is God Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.” — Psa. ..03:3. “Many are the afflictions of ..he righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” “He is the ..ame yesterday, to day, and for ever.”

E. E. Byrum.


Grand Junction, Mich., June 6, 1892

Dearly Beloved Saints: The Lord fill you all with the riches of his. grace and glory for his name’s sake. Amen!

We look back over our Western tour this spring, and all along we see the precious care and love of God lavished upon us. We left home very weak, and though we were all the way round disappointed in meeting with such cold, wet weather, the Lord God made up for all things by his own peculiar blessings. O praise his name forever and forever!

May the dear Lord abundantly bless and reward dear Brother and Sister Newkirk, with whom we lodged in Denver, and where every kind attention was bestowed upon us. And, indeed, all the saints there deserve much gratitude from our hearts, and blessings from God for their faithful ministration to our wants to the full extent of their ability. God bless their liberal hearts. In no place that we have preached the gospel in the past, has Satan labored more desperately to destroy the cause of Christ than in Denver. But in the darkest hours we believed that our labors there had not been in vain, and that the seed sown would yet prosper. And indeed we believe, the church of the living God is now established there. May God prosper it for Christ’s sake.

At Colorado Springs, we were all kindly received and cared for in the house of dear Brother and Sister Behner. The Lord bless them for his name’s sake. We found no favorable openings for the gospel there. Had a few sendees, found some precious saved souls of the Sweedish tongue, who are out of sectism, and love the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and relieve some good was accomplished. Left brother Smith and Co. there to continue the work.

At 4 in the morning, May 25th, I took train eastward. Admired the lofty peaks near Pueblo. Came through the length of Kansas on the Santa Fe R. R. Saw a great deal of beautiful wheat in that state, also on irrigated lands of east Colo. Arrived at Hedrick, Iowa, May 26, a few miles from which we met dear brother Achor. We held meetings until over Lord’s day. Here we met with a painful experience. All who live in the Holy Spirit, and perfect fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ must suffer with him; as the apostle said, must “fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in pur flesh, for his body’s sake, which is the church.” — Col. 1:24. Bro. Achor, coming here a week or two before us, found a self-pampered, and heady spirit holding sway over God’s children. In the past few years many of them have seen at different times, confessed the wrong spirit among them, and some had been compelled to entirely withdraw from the same. Brother Achor discerned the condition of the party, admonished him privately, and indirectly reproved in public, all of which was rejected, leaving the heart larder. We endeavored to converse with the same man also at his own house, and in preaching the word renounced his dark and terrible spirit. O how we suffered in our soul, in sympathy for that soul that has cost the blood of Christ! How soul sickening to one in the light and love of God, to see such as we dearly love going into outer darkness! God only knows what pains we bore in our heart with our crucified Master. How strange, how dreadfully strange, that men who have seen others go into the hands of the devil, and then call God’s ministers popes, etc., because we faithfully admonished them of their condition, will yet follow in the very steps in which they have seen them go to destruction! When others in the past committed sin, lost salvation, and went out from among us because they were not of us, and then spake evil of God’s ministers; this man knew they were of an evil spirit; how is it then that he does not see that he also is filled with evil, when he belches out the same things that they did, and some of them continue to do? O may God pity such for Jesus’ sake, and give them repentance unto life! Now the beloved who have fully escaped that spirit, O watch and pray, and keep yourselves in the love of God! It is a nice and beautiful point, but the grace of God, and heavenly wisdom, will enable a holy child of God to perfectly resist a wrong spirit; and yet keep the heart filled with love and sympathy for the person thereby deluded, and treat him with that kindness and respect that is due every fellow human.

And to you who are endeavoring to serve God with a sincere heart and a pure conscience, but do not clearly discern where the trouble lays, we admonish you in the love of Jesus, as we also did in person, keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus, and him only. Take no sides with any man. A party spirit even in favor of parties that are right, will put you wrong, and under some degree of darkness. Men out of God do not deserve your defense; men in God do not need, or desire it. So for your souls’ sake bridle your tongue; stick up for no man on earth, but abide in Christ, and stay on God in truth; and when the glorious fellowship of the Spirit is sufficiently developed in your soul by a close walk with God, and a good degree of discerning is given you by the Holy Spirit, you will have no trouble to know where your fellowship is, and who are in the true Spirit of God with a pure heart. O beloved, I warn you in the name of Jesus, take sides only with God, and let him adjust your fellowship! And should you never be able to determine just who is right and who wrong, it is safe to cleave to the Lord Jesus, and let no man encoil your soul. A false spirit seeks adherences; seeks to have you hold with him or her, as the case may be: but a true spirit seeks to have you right with God; consequently will admonish you, and if needed, point out your faults, even if it drives you from him. O may God keep his honest hearted people in the day of trial! Amen!

We are happy to report that two souls who had been discouraged, and lost the shield of faith, renewed their consecration to God, and we trust were really restored to spiritual life in Christ Jesus. Another was sanctified wholly in the meetings held by Bro. Achor before our arrival. Praise God!


Denver, Colo., May 31, 1892.

Dear Saints: This morning finds us saved in Jesus, and rejoicing in full salvation. We met the dear saints at Denver, with dear Bro’s Warner and Willis, and the next day accompanied them to Colo. Springs, Colo., Brother Willis and family going to Arizona and California. After Brother Warner returned home we tarried several days, visiting and talking salvation. We found a precious church of Sweedish brethren and sisters having wonderful light. It is wonderful how God is leading out the honest souls of every tongue and nation into the pure light. Oh, how rejoiced they were to find a people of God among the Americans! And I assure you our hearts were a! so much rejoiced. Dear Bro. Anderson expects to get to the C. M. at Grand Junction, Mich. May the dear Lord open the way for the brother to get to go. He desires some of God’s preachers to come to their place. His address is 517 Florence Ave., Evenston, Ill. We are herein the name of Jesus; have meeting to night.

Pray for us, and the work of God.

Our address is 2206 Downing Ave., Denver, Colo.

Yours, saved in Jesus,

Wm. N. & S. J. Smith & Co.


Lompoc, Cal., May 26, 1892.

To the Dear Saints of God, Greeting: May our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. We are triumphant in the victory, that overcometh the world, even our faith, over all the opposing elements of darkness. The meetings are prospering victoriously. Sinners are yielding to the sweet impulse of the holy convictions of the Spirit. One poor penitent at the altar last evening. Conviction unusually deep. Some staying away from the meetings in order to resist yielding. Three consecrations for heart cleansing last Sunday. One sinner saved in the evening. Have three services every Sunday, with good interest and attendance. The Lord is with us in power. We truly realize the apostle’s words, “Workers together with Him.” Our hearts are burdened for the souls of this people, and we do expect a glorious ingathering. Babylon is raging and foaming out her shame. The saints are singing the song of Rev. 15:3, 4, and the voice of harpers harping with their harps is heard, giving praise to the King of saints. Hallelujah! Expect baptismal services soon. Pray on, dear saints.

Your humble co-workers, separated unto the gospel,

J. W. & J. Byers.


Galesburg, Kan., May 30, 1892.

Dear Trumpet Readers: This morning finds us saved in Jesus, and trusting him for all things. For about a year I have been holding meeting at the Meeker school-house, four miles north of Galesburg. Many times the enemy would try to discourage me by telling me that my labor was not in the Lord, as I could see no evidence of the good of my labors. But God comforted me many times with this precious promise: “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” — Ps. 126:6.

For the last three months I have been feeling led to have a protracted effort; but owing to my business profession, and having a drug store, did not imagine I could hold a meeting. So I tried to get some of God’s ministers to hold it: but when they were ready, the way was not open; and when the way opened, they did not have the time. Bro. Cole and Co. held a few services and then went to Atlanta, Kan., leaving Sister Lena Shoffner to assist in the meeting. We commenced May 10th, in the name of Jesus, and continued until May 25th, when we closed with precious victory on the Lord’s side. Fifteen souls were at the altar, most of which were justified, and some sanctified wholly.

From the very first God gave us liberty in presenting his truth, and we realized it was not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Much good was done in removing prejudice from the minds of the people, and we trust that the way will be opened in the near future for another meeting. And a dear soul who had been an invalid for about three years, and not able to attend services, realizing that God had forgiven all her sins, expressed a desire to be buried with him in baptism; and she was carried into the water, and followed her Savior in the ordinance of baptism. It was a solemn scene. One so weak, willing to risk all to follow him. May God bless her few remaining days, and may she be the means of leading many of her friends to Christ. There are several others that will be baptized soon. Last night we met to observe the ordinances of the house of God, and the Lord met with us in great power. After services three presented their bodies living sacrifices, and were sanctified wholly. The cause of Christ is advancing in these parts, and we expect to see many more come out in this blessed evening light. The Lord willing, Sister Lena Shoffner expects to start for the Grand Junction camp meeting soon. And I expect to hold meeting at four different places each month, and also at Galesburg each Sunday evening, and as fast as the Lord opens up the way I expect to step out in the blessed work. I am willing to give up my profession, drug store, and all I have, and spend all my time in warning poor, perishing souls to come to Christ, as soon as the way opens. The will of God is all I care to know.

Your saved brother in Christ,

S. G. Bryant.



Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.
Psa. 119:129.


Portland, Ind.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I feel led this morning to write that I am saved and sanctified. The Lord saved me from the use of tobacco, to which I was a slave. I smoked for about thirty years. I had tried to quit it in my own strength, but could not; the appetite was so great that it seemed almost impossible; but there is nothing impossible with God if we are willing to trust him. I do praise God that the saints ever came here and showed me the pure light. I have belonged to the Methodists and was converted, but drifted back into the world. I was sometimes trying to be a Christian, and then again I would give up and think there was no pardon for me. But praise the Lord! he pardoned me. Then came the trial: I quit my tobacco, but I was so tried that I could not sleep nor rest. A sister told me that I would not have to suffer long if I would not yield to Satan, for he was tempting me. I went to meeting again with the intention of getting fully saved and sanctified. Bro. Speck laid hands on me and prayed for God to take away the appetite and cleanse me from all sin. I believed, and it was done. Oh the joy that came in my soul! I cannot express it, but it was wonderful just to know that every thing was gone, and me a new creature in Christ Jesus. Pray for me.

Your saved sister,

Rebecca I. Nash.


Carthage, Mo.

Dear Trumpet Readers: I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God through faith in Christ. I want to tell all the dear saints everywhere that the last year has been the happiest year of my life. O hallelujah! how it fills my soul with joy while reading the testimonies in the Trumpet. It brings sadness and often tears to my eyes to see so many calls for workers in the Master’s vineyard, and so few to fill them. It has been my earnest prayer to God during the past year that I might be set free to work for him. Well, glory to Jesus! the time is near at Hand that my wants will be supplied; and I give him all the glory, because it is due unto him. If the Lord is willing I will be at the camp meeting at Grand Junction.

I remain your saved brother,

Edward Cox.


Zeeland, Mich.

Dear Brethren; The precious blood of Jesus cleanses me just now from all sin. Oh, I am so thankful that we do not have to grieve one whom we love so well, by continually sinning in thought, word and deed, as so many blind guides teach; but that we can reign in life by one Christ Jesus. Blessed be God forever for this happy peaceful life. It has been two years since this blessed evening light was preached here; and God for Jesus’ sake forgave my sins, and the way has grown brighter all the time. How glorious are the testimonies of God’s faithful people. But what a dreadful day of reckoning there will be for the scorners who reject the Lord Jesus Christ. The light has been preached in this place a number of times; but the Lord has said, “Because ye are luke warm I will spew you out of my mouth.” Dear ones, let us pray much for the work of the Lord, and those engaged in it. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. Pray for me, that I may be strong in the Lord, and when the last trump shall sound with all the dear saints meet in glory.

Yours in the Master’s service,

Katie Pruim.

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HOME; within its portals we look to find the master minds of earth: the statesman, the warrior, the lawgiver, the poet, as well as the yeomanry; the back bone of progress and the stay of nations. Sacred place! Many are the fond memories that rise up as sweet incense, when we go back over the years that are past and gone.

These homes were the making of us, of the people, the nation, the world. Are they not then of importance to us? Should not their welfare claim, at the very least, a part of our time. The hope of nations is in their home circles. God looks to the home circles of his children to increase his people and his kingdom. We naturally ask ourselves then, How can the best result be obtained from the home? results glorifying to God.

The body, we have already learned by experience, can be used to best advantage when in a state of health; the mind, likewise. Now let us with God’s help apply these or other rules of health to the home. We trace our habits, ideas, peculiarities, and characteristics to our homes. Many beliefs come from the same place. We trace the rise and fall of nations to the influences of home. We trace the wise and good and great to their home, and find it such as to bring forth these fruits: the liar, the thief, and the villain, to their home, and find the tree there that brought forth these fruits. Fathers and mothers, does that sound harsh? Possibly; yet, it is too true. The former are the results of healthy homes, the latter of homes morally and physically diseased and subverted. Home means everything in it as well as surrounding it. Do we find God, the Bible, pure- devotion, and books of choice literature? That is home, sweet home! Do we find novels, the cheap trashy story paper, the cards, and profanity, etc? That is home, sad home! One is health, the other is disease. Whence comes envyings, strifes, hatred, and intemperance? O banish these from earthly homes, these foul spots and blemishes from the sanctuary of home, and allow the angel of peace to fold his wings and abide with you.

Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife. — Prov. 17:1. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. — 15:17. Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble therewith. — 15:16. How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! — 16:16.

Let us get wisdom, and with all our getting get understanding. Should we fail to lay aside every weight, our children inherit the same weight. How much better to lay it aside now than that they should wear it also. A home divided against itself cannot stand. Division is a disease of which strife is a later phase. Is there anything wrong in the mental machinery of the child or children? should they be scourged for it, when you are to blame? Here is a child with a temper as high as old Adam can string it. Search yourselves and see the seeds of that mental disease in your own natures. The remedy, God’s grace and eternal vigilance on your part. There are many mental diseases that need volumes; yet they are familiar to all, and the above remedy is for all. Turn the channel of thought upward quickly if possible; if not, then gradually replace the fiery thoughts and books of the pit by pure literature. Do nothing rashly; use common sense. The inveterate reader of “Dime” literature would not be satisfied at once with a strictly Bible diet. Parents have the right to choose for children, hence are responsible for them and their ideas, be they healthy or unhealthy. Here opens up a field for extensive work: the school here comes in, and to the forces of home are added those of the teacher. The teacher is a parent in a wider sense than those of the home. Yet he is chosen in many cases with as little or less care than a person would choose a servant for the farm. Like the horse, many times he is chosen for strength, like a picture, for appearance, and dozens of other like reasons for like qualifications. Is it any wonder that children come out of our school rooms infected with diseases of the mind. Parents leave their children in the care of teachers, boys and girls, whose minds are not yet settled in virtue. It matters not many times whether they have a single quality as an imparter of instruction, just so they are able to answer a few questions in regard to their studies, and somebody else’s theory of teaching. They are turned loose to experiment on the minds of the little ones. Character building depends much on the natural inclinations, talents and temperaments of the subject in hand. Temptation is always abroad, ready to draw the mind and heart within the meshes of sin, the source of all mental disease. Be watchful, prayerful, parent, teacher brother and sister. ’Tis yours to guide, yours to put forth a helping hand. What you do, do in the fear of God, and to his glory, and your reward shall be sure; yea, if the path of duty brings furrows of care, the hand of him who brings his reward with him will smooth them again. Amen.

F. Husted.




JESUS is the sovereign, universal King, and “only potentate.” He only is the Christ of God; he is the Savior of men, neither is salvation in any other. “Ask of me,” saith God in the covenant made with his Son in the untold ages of the past, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen [Gentile nation] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth, for thy possession.” — Psa. 2:8. Not only is he Lord over all the earthy but, “when he bringeth in the first, begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. — Heb. 1:6. Jesus is the King eternal over all heaven and earth; yea, throughout the vast universe. His kingdom is therefore an exclusive kingdom; it leaves no place for any other. It is the stone that breaks al other powers to pieces, and fills the whole earth. His church is likewise exclusive; it does not live and let live other institutions called churches. The word of truth acknowledges no other churches besides the one divine fold founded by the Savior. He who discerns this sacred body of Christ is bound to discard every thing else; and he who acknowledges the confused multitude of mens’ creeds, and party organisms — churches has never “discerned the body of Christ,” which is the church. Eph. 1:22, 23; Col. 1:18, 24.

The Spirit of the God of the Bible is an exclusive Spirit. It repels and rejects every other spirit. God’s children have all been “baptized by one Spirit into one body, and have been made to drink into one Spirit.” — 1 Cor. 12:12, 13. This all searching and eternal Spirit in the hearts of the redeemed of the Lord, takes cognizance of what kind of spirits dwell in the hearts and bodies of others who claim to be the worshipers of God. If of opposite character there is no fellowship. If all are in possession of the pure and gentle Spirit and nature of God, the blessed elements of heaven, their hearts flow joyfully together, and this is fellowship, pure, heavenly, and the source of much happiness. Thus the Spirit of God indorses himself, and excludes all others.

The religion of Jesus Christ is exclusive in its nature. It compromises with no other. It justly assumes to be the only true religion and announces all others as of the devil. This very characteristic has chiefly elicited the persecutions that have befallen Christ and his church in all ages. Had Christ been willing to fuse with Jewry, and endorse along side with his own law the laws and traditions of the Jews, they would not have crucified him. Had the apostles grafted the new faith on that Old Testament code that was ready to die and vanish away, then, says Paul, would the “offence of the cross have ceased.”

At one time under the great persecution inflicted upon the saints of God by pagan Rome, the pagan rulers offered to spare the lives of the Christians, and give them their religious liberty, if they would but acknowledge their gods, and their religion as being also genuine. But this they could not do, even to save their lives. Nay; Christ, and the system of divine worship he founded, only is of God. It alone is the truth, and every other is a lie, and a fraud. And as it was then, so it is now: to confess any other religion and creed but the New Testament, is to deny Christ. To confess there is any church but the one Jesus built, is to make God a liar. To be honest in the sight of God, and to stand upon the offensive foundation of the exclusive Christ, and his exclusive church, kingdom, and religion, is what stirs hell to clay, and calls out what little persecution saints have to endure in these last days; which however prophecy clearly assures us is going to yet assume degrees of severity that will deserve the name of persecution. O praise God! My soul says, Let it come as the providence of God shall permit, and he will over rule it to his glory; to the more perfect purging of the sanctuary, and to the spiritual improvement of his remnant.

The sects would have no objections to us accepting the Bible name. Saints, if we would confess that they, in all their pride, tobacco filth, and abominable world conformity, are saints also. They would not care if we do use the title given by the mouth of the Lord, i. e., “The church of the living God,” if we would only confess that all the sects are likewise churches of God, — sister churches. But this would be confessing a falsehood. The Lord owns no sisterhood of sects, but ascribes to “mystery Babylon,” Rome, a family of harlot daughters. The Bible gives no place for a plurality of brotherhoods in Christ. But one is your Father, and all ye are brethren, “one family in heaven and in earth. — Eph. 3:15. For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office; so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. — Rom. 12:4, 5. Only “one body in Christ.” As we discern that body, and know that God has inducted us into the same, it were dishonesty in the sight of God, and a base cowardly compromise to please men, to admit that some six hundred ether bodies are also in Christ. Yea, it were making God a liar, since his word says there is ‘one body in Christ,’ only one. John Winebrenner was too honest a man to sanction such a lie. Hence he taught an exclusive Church of God, and as a result met with persecution from the sects, who were unchurched by the word of God, But at the same time, he and those joined with him did not, in their day, possess sufficient light to avoid the formation of another sect. This they did when they organized themselves together in general, and annual eldership incorporations. Though they call themselves the Church of God, they soon found themselves without that Bible holiness, and that identity with the body of Christ that authorized an exclusive use of the sacred title, “The Church of God.” And finding them selves no more that divine body than other bodies organized by men, and, moreover, becoming more and more destitute of godliness, they felt the inconsistency in crying, “sect” to their sister sects, when one of the family. So they dropped all opposition, confessed in plain words in their organ, that all the other sects were churches of God also, and so they are now received in peace in the Babel sisterhood.

But in the last eleven years God has raised up a people who fully discern the body of Christ. They have taken their stand upon the platform of “all truth,” as it is in Christ Jesus. By the process of salvation they have been taken into the one fold of Christ. John 10:9. The Lord himself added them to his own body, the church. Acts 2:47. They teach and accept no other conditions of membership in the church, than those conditions found in the word of God. And by a life of perfect obedience to the divine will, of faith toward God, and of holiness unto the Lord, they have this witness that they please God. and are abiding in the one and only church of God, which is the body of Christ; and which includes all the saved of God in heaven and earth; they with perfect consistency, and loyalty to God, resist every other spirit but that which they have received of God; reject every other so called church but that which Christ built upon the rock; and say to all honest disciples of Christ who have been falsely taught, and taken by men into mens’ churches. “Come out of her.” “Come cut from among them.” And though this is the point offence and of persecutions, by the grace of God we will not compromise the truth to save our lives. All sects are associated together on a plane of sisterly non-exclusiveness. They dare not teach “one God,” “one Lord,” “one body,” “one Spirit,” “one faith.” “one way;” because no one of them dare set up the claim of having and being in that one God, Lord, body, faith, Spirit and way. Not one of them hold a divine charter for their existence, hence no one challenges the right and title of another. In other words, all are without foundation in the word of God: therefore they agree to not question each other’s foundation. All live in glass houses, hence must not throw stones at one another. But we repeat again, that in these last days God has raised up a people who believe the word of God, and act accordingly. Christ has but “one fold,” one church, and knowing we are saved into this one fold, to be consistent before God, and act out his word, we must ignore every other so called fold or church. With a view of destroying the work of God, the enemies of Ezra and Nehemiah propose to join with them in building the temple and the wail. But they answered them. The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we, his servants, will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem. — Ezra 4:3; Neh. 2:20.

They were then an exclusive people unto the Lord, and their reformation at Jerusalem is a grand type of the present reformation, in which God is restoring a pure church, the bride, the Lamb’s wife. “As the Lord liveth, what the Lord saith, that will I say.” It were bigotry for one sect to say, “We are the church.” and all the rest frauds. But for God s true saints, who follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth and belong only to him, and adhere only in “his body, which is the church,” and which includes all saved men in heaven and earth, in or out of sect folds, for such to talk of other churches were inconsistent, and God-dishonoring; yea, confusion. Therefore, be sure you are right, then go ahead in holiness of heart and life, and let earth and hell rage. “Noah condemned the whole world.” One man mounted on eternal truth can safely defy all the devotees of human creeds, and systems on earth. There is “one God.” Amen! Then all others are idols. “One body.” Amen! Then all sect bodies are excluded. “One Spirit.” Then all spirits not in fellowship with the pure in heart, are not of God. One Christ, and all others are anti-christ. Here we stand in defiance of hell and earth. Amen.




ABOUT one year ago, the Methodist preacher at Crowland, Ont., announced that he would lecture on Bugology, stating that every one that did not attend was to send one dollar, so as to swell the fee at the door. So the preacher began his cruel work; pulling the legs off one bug, and pretending to put them on an other.

Then he called another preacher to witness the scene. After watching it closely for some time, he pronounced it a humbug. They have many other fraudulent schemes of seducing the people. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. — 2 Pet. 2:18.

“In Missouri hugging societies have been introduced to swell the sect treasuries, and the following is the scale of prices: Girls under sixteen years of age, 25 cents for each hug of two minutes. From sixteen to twenty years of age, 50 cents. From twenty to twenty-five years, 75 cents. School inarms, 40 cents. Widows, according to looks, from 10 cents to $2.00. Ministers are not charged. Editors pay in ad’s, but are not allowed to participate until everybody else is through. MINISTERS NOT CHARGED.”

But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. — Jude 17, 18. Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: a heart they have exorcised with covetous practices; cursed children: which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. — 2 Pet. 2:14, 15. They were as fed horses in the morning: every one neighed after his neighbors wife. — Jer. 5:8. Sectism prospers where the flesh is pampered; the eye is pleased; ambition to excel is prized: the glutton is praised, and the miser is worshiped. To day many of the trap doors of hell are concealed beneath the spire of popular meeting houses.


And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore. — Rev. 18:11.

Here is a clipping from a secular paper:


How Ladies of a Church Tried to Pay Debts and Bay Coal.

Buffalo, Feb. 4. — A lively row is in progress at Burns, a little town about twenty miles from Buffalo, growing out of a new money raising scheme introduced at a church social hold there in the Lutheran church parlors. The church is heavily in debt, and the ladies advertised a social in the church to raise money to pay the preacher and buy some coal. The men of the congregation had all been seen and informed that the women had a big surprise for them. Across one cud of the room was a curtain. For an hour the the guests chatted after the old fashioned church social style. Then the curtain was suddenly withdrawn. There in a row stood six of the prettiest women in the congregation, blushing and smiling, each bearing upon her bosom a placard, on which wore the words: “You may kiss me for 25 cents.” It was fifteen minutes before the device began to work; but when it did, the silver quarters fairly showered into the young ladies’ circle. Old and young eagerly rushed to the front to exchange coins for kisses. The show lasted only a short time, when the curtain was again drawn. Then the storm burst. The women were jealous of their husbands, and a dozen or more family fights were started at once. Soon it was announced that the women would pose again in a short time. Then the angry women tore down the curtains and blew out all the lights. A scrambling for the door followed, and for over two hours the church I members gossipped and fought on the sidewalks. They finally dispersed and a factional church fight is the result. No services were held at the church last Sunday.

Preachers and members going in co-partnership with circuses, theaters, and fairs, selling their tickets for a percentage to sustain their craft.

Here is a Bill of Fare at a sect festival held in Ontario, on the 6th of August, 1886: “100 yards race, prize, bottle of whiskey; 200 yards race, bottle of brandy: putting stone, keg of lager; three quick jumps, bottle of champagne; single mens’ race, bottle of wine; committee’s race, bottle of brandy; running long jump, 8 gallons of lager; running long jump (Emeralds only), keg of lager and bottle of wine.”

It is no wonder Bishop Foster is said to have tried to have the clause struck out of their creed that forbids dancing, so they could add this attraction, ..oir to their craft.

G. T. Clayton.

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