11 May 1893, Volume 13, Number 19.

Revelation 13th Chapter.

John stood upon the seashore
And saw a beast arise;
Seven heads, ten horns, ten crowns he were.
(The Devil in disguised).

His heads were decorated
With names of blasphemy
Popish nations designated
As “Christians?” Don’t you see?

Spain, Italy and England,
And Germany and France,
The popish brand called Switzerland
And Belgium, too, perchance.

The beast was like a leopard.
All spotted, steeped in sin;
Scarlet stained, this friend unfettered,
Spotted without, within.

All nations heard him roaring,
A lions mouth had he;
Pope adoring, pope imploring;
To him they bowed the knee.

The followers of Jesus
With hear-like feet he trod;
Murdered, plundered, tore in pieces
Blasphemed against their God.

His arms the Inquisition,
The blazing pile, the rack;
Torture, Excommunication,
(The sacriligious quack).

The Devil gave him power
And great authority
To crush, to kid, destroy, devour
The saints, whom Christ made free.

Twelve hundred sixty years
(One year for a day)
Nations groped in doubts and fears
Under the monster’s sway.

Then dawned the Reformation,
The hydra groaned with pain:
Luther published free salvation
The German head was slain.

Another beast religion
From earth’s tradition came:
“Protestant a sectish legion
Mixture of sin and shame.

He exercised the power
The Roman beast possessed,
Deceiving souls each day and hour,
This wolf in sheep’s skin dressed.

The Roman beast was raging,
His offspring stole his trade;
Youthful, sprightly, smooth engaging,
More proselytes he made.

The second beast was hated;
The first was hated, too:
Th* utmost hatred, unabated,
Existed ‘twixt the two.

But now they’ve ceased to cavil,
They’re walking hand in hand;
Both recruiting for the devil
And building on the sand.

The German head was wounded;
The deadly wound is healed.
“Luther these were unfounded,”
“Protestant act repealed.”

The priests say, “Come and join us,”
The preachers say the same;
Priest and preacher chime in chorus:
“Come on, we’ll take your name.”

A second Reformation
Now sweeps throughout the land —
“One Lord, one faith, one salvation,”
Is heard on every hand.

This “Earthquake” shakes the heaven,
Fresh impetus now is given
The Romish beast et. al.

The second beast decided
To lake this case in hand.
Coincided, plan provided
To make a final stand.

The “Plan” — a Christian Congress,
Religious Parliament —
Bring together Jannes, Jambres
From every continent.

“We’ll send for other Pagans,
In union there is strength,
All creeds and clans, the worlds’s expanse,
Throughout its breadth and length.

The Boodh from Eastern Asia,
High Priests from Hindostan,
Monks from Russia, Priests from Prussia
And Shintos from Japan.

Parsees who worship fire,
Seven hundred thousand strong;
Mohammed from the Turk’s empire,
Confucius from Hong Kong.

The System Heliocentric,
The Brahmins from Delhi,
Brazilian, Roman Catholic,
Joss also, front Shanghai.

Tartarian, Alkoranists,
Arabian, Persian, Turk;
And on the list arc Judaists
And Romanists from Cork.

We’ll send a flying herald
To North, West, South and East;
We’ll form a Federation, called
The Image of the Beast.

This awful Pandemonium —
Religious Jubilee
Of Christendom, will surely come —
Chicago, Ninety-three.

This Polygenous Specter
Of hierarchal-reign,
Will soon display the popish scepter —
The heretics arraign.

Then let us worship Jesus
Who sits upon His throne;
No number, name, nor mark on us,
But Father’s name alone.

John E. Roberts.

Denver, Colo.




PERFECTION in Christ is the state of being perfect; completeness. Christ wrought out a perfect salvation, and we can only be perfect through a perfect Christ. He gave us his word, which is perfect, and his commandments are contained in his word, or rather his word is his commandments; and in order to be perfect we must obey his word, and if we fail to obey, we become disobedient. And by our disobedience declare that we are not his children, but belong to the opposite party and are not on the straight and narrow way to heaven and eternal happiness, but on the broad road of destruction that leads to eternal misery, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched, where the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever. To be perfect is to be fully saved in Jesus, and keep saved by obeying his word. If we are not fully saved in Jesus we are not perfect in him. The word says, Now are ye complete in him.

We may claim to be perfect children of God, but if we disobey the least of his commands, we fall short just that much, for the blessed Savior with his own lips declared that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God; for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend [to sin] in one point, is guilty of all. How will it be with those who do not obey his commands, and say this or that is not essential and is of no use? Did Jesus come to trifle with men’s souls when he gave his word to be obeyed, and his life a ransom for fallen humanity that they might be redeemed from the curse?

Six thousand years ago God declared to Adam in the garden of Eden, that in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. They disobeyed and the consequence was they fell. Sin entered into the world and death by sin, so death has passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. Is God’s word modified? is it changed? Not one iota. But declares the Psalmist: Thy word O Lord is forev- settled in heaven. He is unchangeable, and so is his word. By our first parents disobeying, they fell from their purity or perfection, and became transgressors of the law. Our beloved John says, For sin is the transgression of the law.

Now by obeying Christ’s perfect law, his word or commandment, we are restored again, brought back to purity. See 1 Pet. 1:22. David says the law of the Lord is perfecting, converting the soul. While Adam and Eve fell by the disobeying of God’s word. How can any rational being claim to be in line with God and his word by disobeying the same? It is as much an impossibility to be perfect and yet wilfully disobey as it is for a leopard to change his spots or an Ethiopean his skin.

God’s word is his law and must be obeyed if we expect to dwell with him in eternity. What will become of the multiplied thousands throughout the world who are claiming to be Christians (Christ like) and disobeying his word? The word cuts them off. What are they basing their hopes upon? It must be upon their conscience, for so many say that their conscience is clear. The question would naturally arise, Where do they get their conscience from? Surely not from the word of God; if they did it would certainly condemn them and not be clear when they disobey. I know that when I would disobey my earthly parents’ word or commands that my conscience condemned me. And how much more will the conscience smite if we disobey Gods word, unless filled so full of Babylon wine that there is no conscience, or as the apostle declares it, a conscience seared as with a hot iron. Oh what a mist! yea. Egyptian darkness is over the multitudes of people, knowing their profession and hearing their conversation, and talking to them of perfection in Christ they would make the Bible to clash. Oh the perversion of the word through the false teaching that is extant in the world to day! it is heart rending, an in many places the hirelings are warning their flocks to keep away from “those holiness cranks” or fanatics.

If the people would read the pure word of God for themselves and be willing to obey it in its simplicity, and take it as the man of their counsel, what a change there would be! But instead of doing this they will listen to their treachers; and so many preach that we cannot live free from sin, but do sin more or less every day. Christ must have failed to perform his mission into the world, for his name shall be called Jesus to save his people from their sins. When we talk to some of those creature worshipers about them using tobacco they will often reply, Our preacher uses it, and give no attention to 2 Cor. 7:1, but follow the dictates of their conscience that they get by listening to their preacher. Dear saints of God, be perfect The word commands it; God requires it of all his children. The disciple is not above his master, but he that is perfect shall be as his master. Often we are pained to see even some claiming to be true followers of Jesus, who are not measuring up to the Bible standard of perfection. God requires no impossibilities. His yoke is easy, his burden light. His commands are not grievous. I am praising God for this perfection.

Yours in Him,

F. Rosenbery.




NOT long since a sister in the Lord wrote to us for advice as to whether it would be best for herself and her husband to help support a popular church, there being no class of live Christians in their community. The following is a copy (somewhat revised) of the reply we sent her, and thinking it may be of use to others in like circumstances we send it forth in tract form.

  1. The majority of people in the popular churches are spiritually dear), some of them are “twice dead, and plucked up by the roots.” They do a shallow, superficial work, which, in many cases, deceives souls to their eternal undoing. Their so-called conversions do not measure up to Bible conviction. Their lives are no-toriously inconsistent and worldly. Their preachers and their wives lead the way in the fashions and amusements of this Christless world. They go contrary to their own rules and to the Bible every day of their lives. Many of their preachers are bound with oaths that are enough to chill the blood of a cannibal. They have been hoodwinked and cable-towed, and led around some lodge room half naked. The real work of salvation from all sin the majority of these preachers oppose. Now for you to support that kind of a church is really helping the devil, and taking your stand against God. There can be no neutral ground in this matter, for the Bible says, “He that is not with me, is against, me and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abroad.”
  2. The word of God plainly teaches a clean-cut separation between his people and the world. Speaking of those who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof, the apostle says, “from such turn away.” It is not likely that the apostle after telling us to separate from them would justify us in turning right around, and supporting them. Again, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” “Be not partaker of other men’s sins, keep thyself pure.” Now when we give of our means to support men that we know are worldlings, and that are not preaching the whole truth, if we are not thereby bidding them God-speed, and partaking of their evil deeds then we fail to comprehend what the English language means. God told Jeremiah, “If thou wilt take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth; let them return unto thee, but return not thou unto them.” He was not only to be separate himself, but to separate others.”
  3. The Bible also teaches that we are to spend our means only for such things as will glorify God, and that for the expenditure of every cent we shall have to give a strict account at the judgment. Now just look at the matter from this standpoint. Suppose you give to the preacher of a fashionable church say twenty-five cents or one dollar. He. goes to the store and spends your money in buying a big feather, a gold ring, or perhaps a plug of tobacco, or pays his lodge fee, or perhaps he spends it in going to some Christless amusement. Now if you cannot spend your money for such things how can you give it to help some one else buy them? To do so is to sin with your eyes open. Do you think God is pleased to have you spend his money in helping to keep up the greatest obstacle to the promotion of his own cause and thus virtually fight against himself? While there are men engaged in preaching the pure truths of the Bible, and whose lives are consecrated to promote “pure and undefiled religion,” will it please God and satisfy you at his bar, to withhold help from them and give it to those who fight the old fashioned way of the cross? What answer would you give to the Lord if he should ask you why you had passed by one of his own and given his money to an hireling? If you can go to these churches without attending their amusements or conforming to the fashions indulged in by most of its members, you cannot do it without giving your patronage to a worldly conformed fun-loving institution. Tertullian says with great force and truth, “It is not enough that we do no such things ourselves, unless we break all connection with those who do.” A higher authority says: “When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him.” — Psa. 50:18. It is the solemn duty of every child of God to put in his means where it will do the most good, and remember he keeps a strict account of all our expenditure of his property.
  4. You speak of the necessity of helping to support that popular preacher in order to have an influence with the people. Permit me in all love to say that on this point you are mistaken. It is not necessary to compromise or to do wrong to have an influence. If you live right, walk in the old paths, and keep the blessing of God on your soul you will certainly have an influence. We have never known one single case where a Christian increased his influence by helping to support a fashionable church, but we have known many cases where they lost all their influence by it. If you testify against worldliness and sin of all kinds in such meetings you won’t be wanted there anyway, they would rather have you stay away. But if you should begin to tone down and keep back part of the truth in your testimonies and exhortations they will be apt to run after you. Even though it were possible to gain an influence by supporting such preachers it would not be right to do so, because that would be “doing evil that good might come,” which the Bible forbids. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
  5. Suppose the preacher you have in your midst for the time being is a little better than the ordinary run of popular preachers, that does not make matters any better because your means help to support a church which as a whole is worldly and fashionable. When he is gone, just as likely as not somebody will follow him who will tear down any good that may have been done by his predecessor.
  6. To help support a worldly church is not only contrary to the word of God, but will surely cripple your usefulness and injure your experience. We have never known one yet to keep clear on that line, and it would be a miracle if you could. Don’t try it. Let us faithfully warn you against the leanness and backsliding of heart that will surely come by thus lending yourself as an instrument to propagate “a vain religion.” We beseech you so to act in this matter that before the flaming judgment seat Jesus will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Selected from a tract by

A. Sims.




Dear Saints: I do praise God for a free and full salvation that saves me from all sin and sanctifies me wholly. I cannot praise God enough for what he has done for me. He not only saved the soul, but he is my physician and healed me of a deafness of twenty years standing, and I can truly say he is able to heal all manner of disease. I do praise God for his goodness to me, and not only me, but to our family. My little boy twelve years old, was afflicted from childhood. Last October when the brethren were at our house holding meeting, they laid hands on him for the healing of his body and he has been stout ever since. To God be all the glory. He is saved. I do praise God for ever leading me out into the evening light, and for his keeping power. Hallelujah!

Your sister saved and sanctified,

A. B. Morris.

Guy’s Mills, Pa.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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the Defence of ALL His Truth;
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




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The Ordinance of Feet Washing.


The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 cts. U$1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss, or from this office.


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This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew.

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Gospel Trumpet Pub. Co.,
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Bigel Hunter, J. A. Phillips, B. E. Andrews, M. Lane, Anna Darby, Sarah Allen, Mrs. G. Bowman, Emma Johnson, Mrs. Isaac Billings.


Requests for Prayer.


Pray for Mrs. G. Bowman and family, Mt. Pisgah, Ind. that they may be healed of their afflictions.


Pray for the healing of the wife of Nelson Alward, Broden, O.


Julia A. Taylor, Grass Lake, Mich. desires your prayers that she may be fully saved and healed.


Mrs. Martha McKelny, of Richburgh, N. Y. asks for prayer in behalf of her children who have whooping cough.


Barbara Morris, Augusta. Ga., desires the saints to pray for her on the last day of May, that she may be sanctified wholly.


Oakwood, O.

Dear Brethren: Will you please unite with us in prayer, in behalf of my brother who is very badly afflicted. He believes he will then be restored to health. We know no reason why he should continue to suffer. We do believe the Lord will raise him up.

Your sister in Christ,

Amanda Campbell.


A sister writes: “I have just received a copy of the GOSPEL TRUMPET and thank God for the paper, and I have felt many times that there was something lacking in my spiritual condition. I am a weak, nervous woman, and have an invalid husband, and also have two sons who are unsaved. Pray earnestly for us.”


A very earnest request from, Temple, Crawford Co., Ind., is sent by Sarah Hanselman, who has been severely afflicted for many years, who desires prayer in her behalf that she may receive the cleansing of her soul, and be healed of all her afflictions.


Hanisbury, Ark. Apr. 30, 1893.

Dear Friends: I am an afflicted little girl ten years old, have abscess of the spine. I have laid face downward for nearly three years. My back is covered with big sores clear to the spine. The Drs. all gave me up, but God has not. I am Mamma’s only child, and have no papa, but I love God with my whole heart. Will you pray tor me? Mamma wants to take me to Hot Springs in two weeks, but I don’t want to go. Pray for me that the dear Lord may heal me so I won’t have to go. I trust him, but if Mamma would only wait, I know he would heal me. I am like the man that lay at the pool, waiting to be put in when it was troubled, and if Jesus would come this way so I could arise and walk and praise his name, how happy I would be.

Your loving little friend,

E. Brower.


Augusta, Ga. Apr. 21, 1893.

Dear Saints of God, Greeting: Having received a great blessing from my first request for prayer in the Trumpet, I take the liberty to again ask the saints of God to offer a special prayer to God for me.

The burden of sin that gave me so much trouble, has been removed, and I do believe if the dear saints of God will make my case a special prayer I will be fully sanctified, and will be enabled to fully consecrate every thing to the Lord.

Your brother,

R. M. Gear.


Calls For Meeting.


A true holiness preacher is wanted at Mt. Pisgah, Ind. Address Mrs. G. Bowman.


Thomas P. Abbott of McLellan Corner, Erie Co., Pa., writes that they desire some one to come there and preach the pure gospel light.


A meeting is desired at an early date in the vicinity of McConnellsburg, Pa. Address Sister Lizzie Oyler.


Bro. R. Cloe writes from Eubanks, Ky., that God has a fire-baptized church at that place, and they are calling for some more ministers of God to come to that part of the country to preach the true gospel.


John Kinney, Lafayette, Stark Co., Ill., desires to hear the gospel preached in that community but says he is too poor to pay the expenses of any one coming. He also desires prayer in his behalf that he may be sanctified.

818 N. Cory St. Findlay, O.
May 8, 1893.

Dear Brethren: The saints have secured a house for meeting, for this month in the town, and are prepared to bear the brother’s expenses and desire Bro. Schell or whom the Lord may send. Address.

G. M. Campbell,

818 N. Cory St. Findlay, O.
or David Smith,
Station B. Findlay, O.


Sister Emma Johnson, West Plains, Mo. writes: “A few of us have been saved and standing here for eight years, and have made call after call for some one to come this way to preach the pure gospel, but no one seems led to come. May God send a mighty conviction on their souls to scatter out everywhere to help to strengthen the weak, and give other poor souls the evening light.”


Can Brother Willis and company come to Brighton on their way to camp meeting this spring? A meeting house can be used to hold meeting in, and school houses in country. Lord send some Holy Ghost men willing to work for the Master and lead sinners from darkness unto light and life. In Jesus’ name come with faith in God and his love for poor fallen mankind lost in sin. All the dear saints pray for the work in Iowa. Please write if coming, and state the time.

Mary E. Allaway.

Brighton, Iowa.




The Grand Junction camp meeting, June 9-18.


Do not forget the requests for prayer this week.


The new song book will soon be published, ready for camp meeting I services.


Bro. Speck sends in a report of a glorious work being done near Tampico, Ind. and souls are being saved.


A meeting is now in progress at Stanley, W. Va., by Bro. Jacobson and others. They report salvation work in other meetings previously held.


After many months of faithful labor for the Master along the Pacific coast, Bro. J. W. Byers and wife have returned to Ill. again, and expect to remain a few months and also attend the Grand Junction camp meeting.


We have just received a very precious letter from the brethren in England, with a glorious report of the work of the Lord there. Several places are opening for the gospel work there and the Lord is blessing their labors. Their address is, No. 7 Chatham street, Liverpool, England. They need your prayers and encouragement.


Bro. Chas. Orr, who sold his home last winter in order to obey the call of the Lord to come and teach the school on the camp ground, now desires to build a small house for a home on the camp ground, but has not enough money to complete the work. They are living in Grand Junction at present. He and his family are all consecrated to the Lord and the work of the gospel, and are worthy the aid and support of the brethren, and are giving their whole time free of charge. They desire to build a home before camp meeting.


In writing articles for publication, always write the heading at the beginning, so it can be seen at a glance what has been written about. Write very plainly with ink; and do not crowd the words too much. If good paper is used, it may be written upon 50th sides. Always number the pages in proper order, but never paste them together. To heed a few such suggestions will greatly aid in preparing manuscript. Do not cake it tor granted that the Editor who receives thousands of letters has plenty of time to spare to correct unnecessary mistakes. We are always glad to receive any articles which the Lord moves any one to write.



The Religious Press Association of Philadelphia sent an advertisement of the book on Divine Healing, to the Sunday School Times, which is one of the popular religious papers of the United States, and after receiving a reply, wrote us as follows: “The publishers of the Sunday School Times have advised us that they do not think that their publication is one which should be the means of introducing your book ‘Divine Healing of Soul and Body.’ They decline therefore, to accept the advertisement.”

That paper has a wide circulation among almost all denominations, and aim to instruct the youth of our land, as well as older ones, and teach them the ways of the Bible. The publishers believe that the day of healing is past, and like Asa, resort unto “the physicians instead of unto the Lord,” for healing, and teach their readers to do the same. They get their support from all the creeds of Babylon, and worldly advertisements, and are afraid to introduce a book that sets forth a full salvation, and exposes sin on every hand, and insists upon a “pure religion.” They have fears that if the people get the word dealt out in its purity that it will expose their “vain” religion and thus diminish their purse and support.




There is a class of people who like smooth things and are rebellious, lying children, and will not hear the law of the Lord, and want the prophets to prophesy smooth things and deceits. Isa. 30:9, 10. They turn away their ears from the. truth and are turned unto fables. 2 Tim. 4:4.

There is a class of prophets who peach to please the people. They prophesy lies in my name, says the Lord by the mouth of Jer. 14:14. The Lord says in Jeremiah 23:21, I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. Some are on the line to please the people. They say that God has called them out of Babylon, yet they do not say that others must come out, but say, let God show them if they ought to come out. The Bible says, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Rom. 10:17. And how shall the people hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach except they be sent? Rom. 10:14, 15.

God says that Babylon is fallen, and God is calling his people out. Rev. 18:4. Put yourselves in array against Babylon; all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her; spare no arrows, for she hath sinned against the Lord. Jer. 50:14. We as preachers must preach against all sin, so if she has sinned we must shoot against her. Jer. 50:15. Babylon is fallen and is become the habitation of devils. Rev. 18:2. Flee out of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul. Jer. 51:6.

Some claim to have the Holy Ghost and do not keep all of the commands of God, as, the ordinance of feet washing. The word of God says. When the Spirit of truth is come he will guide you in all truth, Jno. 16:13, not in part of the truth. So we must keep the command of feet-washing, as well as others. Jno. 13:12-18. The Spirit of truth is the Comforter, Jno. 15:26, and the Comforter is the Holy Ghost, Jno. 14:26, and the Holy Ghost is the sanctifier. Rom. 15:16. So if we say we are sanctified and are not being guided into all truth, we are mistaken Some preach that we can be sanctified and belong to a sect. If so, it will not take long to get out by walking in the light. Let us see what God says in his word. For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of One. Amen! Heb. 2:11. Not divided up into hundreds of different sects. Well I pray God to show them that rebel against light, that God will purge out from among his children, the rebels and them that transgress against him. Ezek. 20:38. Transgression is sin. 1 Jno. 3:4. And if we are saved and do not walk in the light, we will go into darkness. Jno. 12:35. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. 1 Jno. 1:7. Jesus also that he might sanctity the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Heb. 13:12. If we are sanctified we are cleansed from all sin. So if we know it is God’s will that we be sanctified, we will go into darkness it we do not walk in the light and go on and be sanctified. To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not. to him it is sin. Jas. 4:17. Now let us see what God says in his word. For this is the will of God. even your sanctification. 1 Thess. 4:3. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly (entirely). 1 Thess. 5:23.

Some say that they lack power, and want to get a little more power. Well let us see what they lack if they lack power. But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Acts 1:8. So if you lack power, get the Holy Ghost, then you will be filled with power. Truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord. Micah 3:8. Some say that they are hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Such need to be filled. God says that such SHALL, be filled. Matt. 5:6. Well let us see what the Word says about being filled. The Holy Ghost is the sanctifier, Rom. 15:16, and he, the Holy Ghost gives us power. Acts 1:8. And Stephen was full of faith and the Holy Ghost, also full of power. He was not hungering after righteousness if he was full. God’s table is full of fat things, says Isa. 25:6. So we need not be hungry, for God says we shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord. Well if you are satisfied you are not hungry. The willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land; but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. Isa. 1:19, 20. What is meant by the sword? Let the Bible tell. The sword is the word of God. Eph. 6:17. The word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, when preached in the power of the Holy Ghost. So if we disobey we will perish by the sword and die without knowledge. Job 30:12.

We warn the people to not disobey God for their souls’ sake. If you find a lack in your soul, get to God and he will fill it. Praise the Lord! if we have the Holy Ghost we have fire, Matt. 3:12, and power. Praise the Lord for fire and power! God bless the saints, and keep them full of faith and Holy Ghost fire and power. And to you who are hungering after righteousness, eat from God’s table and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Isa. 55:2. The Bible says we shall live by the power of God; so we ought to have it. 2 Cor. 13:4. And are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. Some claim they are called to preach, but if the Lord has called such, they did not tarry long enough at Jerusalem. Why should they tarry at Jerusalem? To be endued with power. Luke 24:46. What kind of power? Holy Ghost power. Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. Acts. 1:8. The Bible speaks of some without power. Job 26:2. Well if we are without power, we ought to get to the Lord and get it, for we need all the power God has for us. Some resist the power. Let us see what God says of them that resist. They that resist shall receive to themselves damnation, Rom. 13:2. Others deny the power, having a form of godliness, but denying the power

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thereof; from such turn away. 2 Tim, 3:5. So we see they are professors, having only a form of godliness. May God help his saints to see that God in his word says, from such turn away; that is, to not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph. 5:11.

J. N. Worden.




IF we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin. — 1 Jno. 1:7. There is a peace and joy in the experience of those who sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, whose summit can only be reached by those who are willing to obey God, by walking in all the light of his word. Jesus is the light of the world and if we follow him we shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. Many are seeking soul rest, and testify they desire the experience of holiness, yet they prove by their lives that they are not willing to do all God’s word requires of them in order to obtain the experience. The word is God’s revealed will to man, and walking in the light is a cheerful and willing compliance to its teachings, and absolutely necessary, in order to enjoy perfect peace, fullness of joy, and complete soul rest, or the life that is hid with Christ in God. God’s people are a willing people, and they will prove their willingness to please God by obeying his blessed word, and except we deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Christ we cannot be his disciples. The way of the cross is a self-denying route, as Christ’s life gives in clear example, and the only gospel track to glory. Jesus walked this way, and tells us to “follow his steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.”

Dear reader, your salvation cost the suffering and death of the Son of God; and if you don’t value Christ’s mission in the world enough to follow him by walking in heaven’s light as it is flashed upon our pathway from day to day, you need not be surprised when you feel lukewarmness and indifference begin to lower the temperature of your first love. The word says “Be not conformed to this world,” and forbids the “wearing of gold.” — Rom. 12:2; 1 Pet. 3:1-5. We see many professing to follow Christ, disobeying these commands and still claiming they are walking in all the light they have; and you speak to them about these things, and they try to justify themselves by saying they can’t see any harm in them. Thus they depart from the reverence due God’s word, and a code of reasonings from a moral basis finds a higher seat in their blinded conception, than the positive, recorded law of God. We met a Methodist professed holiness evangelist who wore gold and worldly conformity. We asked him what sanctification did for him. He says, “It makes me love my church,” (the M. E. sect.) We admonished him to lay aside his gold and tobacco, and he gave us to understand the M. E. preachers bought their goods and paid for them and it was nobody’s business if they got them honestly. Thus they put darkness for light, and worse than that, they will not have the light. Woe unto her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city. She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord; she drew not near to her God. — Zeph. 3:1, 2. Christ and his disciples were ‘”disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious” to those that believe he is precious, but to the disobedient, a rock of offence, even to those that stumble at the word. — 1 Pet. 2:8. Having these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Yet men will use tobacco, acknowledge it is filthy, and say they don’t see why it is wrong, all at the same time. It is wrong because God condemns it, and if you will walk in the light you will have fellowship with God, with all the children of God, and a knowledge of divine acceptance in your own soul. Praise the Lord!

Some try to excuse their unwillingness to walk in the light by saying, I have never received the light that it was wrong to wear worldly conformity, or that sectism was wrong, or that it was wrong to use narcotics, etc., and at the same time have repeatedly listened to the teachings of the word on these lines. To such we would say, God’s word is a “light for our feet” to walk in, and its entrance giveth light, and if you will receive the straight word you will have the light, and it is your duty and privilege to walk in it. The Holy Ghost reveals the truth to the obedient, either by direct revelation or through his faithful servants, (and either one is authority when the spirit and word agree), and it is our duty to walk in the light, lest the light we have become darkness. Many have trouble with their old habits, and often return to some of them, because they are not anxious and willing to walk in all the light they have. Dear ones, it is dangerous to be slack concerning our duty in the Christian walk. As a result of this carelessness we see the same carelessness manifest itself all the way through their profession. Careless about family prayer, careless about secret and public prayer, careless about going to meeting or testifying to the goodness of God, and in fact their lives are unsettled and unhappy, when “walking in the light” would make them a flaming fire for God and a lighthouse to this sin-benighted world. We see many calls for fire-baptized ministers, and truly they are in demand, and God is using them to flash the blessed evening light of gospel truth from east to west. When the call is answered, if by a Holy Ghost man, he will preach against everything the word condemns, and now your holy life is needed as a corroborating testimony to what he is preaching; but alas! you have been guilty of the very things condemned by the word, and instead of enjoying the meeting you feel some codemnation, and instead of your life being an unimpeachable witness to the world, proving the grace of God to keep man, it is a stumbling block. A sister gets up and testifies that she believes the gospel preached and yet in her worldly conformity, makes a cross the world cannot fail to notice; or a brother arises to testify to the grace of God he has received through the word preached, and has not been cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh, but is still a slave to several masters of appetites, and all begin to wonder why the perfect fellowship does not exist, and why the church at that place does not prosper better. Brother, it is because you (and probably others) are not walking in the light as you should. You come together and pray for more light and for the success of the cause. Now change your prayer and pray for grace to walk in all the light you have, and you will see a different move forward in your own experience and be better qualified to help your brother along.

Another result of failing to walk in the light, originating from the carelessness disobedience has produced in your own soul, is clearly manifested when camp meeting time begins to approach. You begin to think it costs too much time, means and labor, and the devil suggests you had better not have a camp meeting at your place this year, and may be you will have better crops next year. The sects used to have camp meetings, but their backslidden, careless condition, does not value the worth of souls high enough to offer their time and means to gather them in, and they have given an example followed by all who fail to walk in the light. God’s word requires nothing of us but what is for our good, and perfect obedience is necessary to present happiness and future prosperity. The condition of fellowship and cleansing is “walking in the light;” and as the obedient child is happy and contented, a source of comfort to its parents, and promises future usefulness, so is the child of God that is obedient to heaven’s mandates, filled with joy and peace in believing. Then let Zion awake and put on her strength, and Jerusalem her beautiful garments, that the Gentiles may see thy righteousness, thy willingness and thy obedience.

Your brother in the evening light,

A. B. Stanberry.


News from the Field.


Akron, Kan., May 5, 1893.

Dear Saints: Our last report was from Levant, Kan. Since then we visited the church at Cornell, and God gave us a blessed meeting over Saturday and Sunday. Two followed the example of our Lord in baptism. One was Bro. Harrison whom we believe God will lead into fields of usefulness the rest of his days. We then came to Hope, Kan. and met Bro. and Sister Fike. God has led this brother and sister out of the River Brethren sect. He had been an Advent preacher for ten years. He is now fully given up to the work of the Lord. We go from here to Arkansas. We met dear Bro. Markwell at Witchita trusting fully in the Lord. The churches in the west would be glad to meet any of God’s firebrands.

Your brother saved,

James Willis.


Hammond, La., May 2, 1893.

We have been in this state about three months and have more calls than we can fill. Attendance large. Behavior good. Interest great. People hear gladly, and generally endorse the truth and treat us kindly. May God bless them. Meetings have continued about one week at a place. Many requests for prayers; hope the dear ones who read this may be agreed in praying for them. Some have been justified, and many more left seeking. I have been longing to get over the same ground again, and assist those who need help. Holiness has been such a stranger here, and people have so long lived in sin, that it seems hard for them to repent and give up sin for heaven. The worst opposition we have met, has been from those who claim to be church members, and live in sin, and would testify for every body else, that all sin, etc. and expect to get to heav- in that way. Bro. Smith has been with me all the time. Bro’s Bradley, Boothe and Chandler, most of the time. The Lord is with us. To him be all the glory. Amen. Your brother in the front of the battle,

J. Cole.


4315 N. 21ST, St. Louis, Mo., May 3, 1893.

Dear Saints and Readers: May the blessings of heaven rest upon you all. Amen. I am very thankful that I can report constant victory and perfect peace, all through the mercies and blessings of God. After being away one year and two days, the dear Lord has permitted me to return to my home and meet with my dear mother and father and the loved ones in the flesh. Indeed it was a happy meeting, and oh, how it fills my heart with love and gratitude to my dear heavenly Father when I think of his blessings of the past year! All our lives have been preserved and we are once more permitted to meet in reasonable heath, but I am sad indeed to tell you that they are unsaved, and my dear sister that was saved and healed at the campmeeting last June is now unsaved. Through fashion and worldly conformity and pride she was overcome and makes no profession, but through the mercy of God, her eyes are much better than before. We send forth a warning in the name of Jesus against this great soul destroying sin — pride. My folks willingly admit that they are not living as they should, and yet they have a desire to be saved and do the will of God. Dear saints, pray for them that they may be saved before too late.

There is not much chance to hold meeting here without a tabernacle, only street meetings. I expect to have meeting somewhere before I leave, the Lord willing. Pray that the way may be opened and souls be saved. I am fully in the hands of God to go where he says. Truly the harvest is very great and few are willing to forsake all and follow Jesus in this great work. The meeting at Evansville, Ind. was good, considering that the people were very busy. The congregations were small but they gladly received the word. The saints were strengthened and several others acknowedged the truth and invited me to return. Such places could be reached much better by the use of a tabernacle. I had the privilege of preaching to a company of Free Methodists. They have a “Floating Chapel.” I visited them and talked with them. They said they did not wonder at people being disgusted at the churches (sects); there is so much revelry and abomination in them. And yet they tried to make it seem necessary to continue therein, by saying we could not get along without such. I am glad there is a way, “highway,” above all the works and traps of the devil, and I am in it and need no assistance from below, but my help all comes from above. I am free indeed in Christ and him alone, complete in him. Hallelujah! May God help the people to see the truth and discern the body of Christ (the church), and come out of everything else. 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Rev. 18:1-5.

The past year has been the happiest of all my life. I have seen many dear souls saved from sin and delivered out of the Babylon confusions of men in this world, and made to rejoice in the wonderful freedom in Christ. Praise his name forever! I expect by his grace to ever be found working for my Savior who has done so much for me. I request an interest in your prayers that I may be instrumental in the hands of God in winning souls to the true way from earth to heaven.

Yours and Christ’s, sanctified wholly and kept,

Thomas Carter.


Atwood, Kan. May 3, 1893.

Dear Saints: May the peace of God keep your hearts through Christ Jesus. I am glad to report victory in my soul over all the works of the devil. Praise the dear Lord! I am kept through the power of God free from all sin. Hallelujah! And I can say he has proved a present help in every time of need. We are holding forth the word of life to the people of Atwood. We begun meeting about April 20th. We found much prejudice at first, but we came in the name of our King who never lost a battle. We are holding meeting in the court house. Well praise the dear Lord, there are many doors thrown open for us now, and the people sit and drink in the truth. It does our souls good to see the poor sinner listen to the truth so earnestly. Oh may God save their poor souls! We ask the dear saints to pray earnestly for the work in this part of this western country. Also pray God to sink us down deeper into his will, and that we may be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We believe God is going to do a work at this place.

Your brother, saved and kept through faith by the power of God,

T. A. Philips.



Psa. 119:129.

To the Much Loved Saints of God: It is with gladness in my soul and praises to God that I have this testimony that Jesus saves my soul. I know that I am all consecrated even to death in any way. I would not knowingly commit what might be called the least sin. For I know that if we would not rather die than sin, we are not sanctified. Therefore my body is a living sacrifice, as Paul says in Romans 12:1. And always bearing about in my body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in my body. Read 2 Cor. 4:8-11. I know the blood of Christ does completely purify my heart from dross. Dear saints, pray earnestly for me, for I have many hard trials. Oh that I may prove true to the end!

Your sanctified sister,

Julia Courtney.


Dimondale, Mich.

Dear Brethren: My testimony is, that 1 am saved, for which I give God all the glory. Oh glory be to God forever for what he has done for me! It is wonderful how God has brought me out of secret societies, sin and sectism. And to-night finds me on the solid rock Christ Jesus, where I expect by the grace of God to stand firm until He shall call me home to praise him in eternal glory.

Your brother in Christ,

D. H. Carlton.


Guy’s Mills, Pa.

Dear Saints of God: This afternoon finds me saved and kept by the mighty power of God to do his blessed will in all things. He sanctifies my nature, and gives me that peace that is like a river flowing deep in my soul. Oh how can I love him enough for what he has done for me in bringing me out of sin and sectism into this glorious evening light! I give all the praise and glory to God for his keeping power that he has bestowed upon me. Jesus tells us in Jno. 16:33, These things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace; in the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.

I do thank the dear Lord that through him I have overcome the wicked things of this sinful world. Oh praise his name forever for the way he has and is still leading me! We can truly say that the way grows brighter and brighter as we press forward, onward and upward to the mark of our high calling in Christ Jesus. Pray for me and wife that we adorn our profession in the sight of all men, living each day of our lives up to what we profess in all we say or do, being living epistles, known and read of all men, doing the will of the Master. We trust the Lord will lead some of his true ministers here to preach the pure gospel.

Your saved and sanctified brother all on the altar,

H. P. Morris.


Evansville, Ind.

Dear Readers of the Trumpet: I feel like giving my testimony this evening, as the dear Lord has done so much for me. He set my soul free and set me on the solid rock, my blessed Jesus. Oh my soul is free! I am free from all of this worldly care. I think more of my Jesus than all this world’s goods. Glory to Jesus! He healed my body of affliction. Last July I was taking down and I was not able to do my own work any more. And I was not fit to die. I knew this, that if I died I was without hope in the next world, without God, and a sinner. O how many are in the same fix to day, yet do not seem to care. I saw my sad state and called on my Lord and he heard my cry for help. I told him I would turn and serve him in his way, let it be as it would. I did not believe in holiness then. My neighbor, a dear sister, had told me all about it too, but Satan wanted his way. But glory to God, He showed me I was to come out straight for Him, and I did so, and was blest with good health ever since. Praise his holy name for his love! I am having some hard trials now. My husband has gone back in the world. He seems worse than he was before. I want all of the dear ones to pray for him that God may save him yet. He will not go to meeting and he is opposed to me going. God’s will be done, not mine. Oh I want to see him right with the Lord! Pray for me that I may hold out faithful to the end, and not be a disgrace to my Lord. Brother Carter was with us last week and we were greatly blest and all that heard him. God bless all of the saints, is my prayer. I am all on the altar for Jesus, to do his will. I am happy, saved and sanctified. Glory to his name!

Nannie Downs.

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The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream: and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord. Jer. 23:23.

AS I stand upon the sea of glass mingled with holy fire, where the body of Christ is rightly discerned, and view from “Mount Zion” the surrounding “mountains and hills” where the priests of Baal have set up their altars, and where God’s holy name is blasphemed, how those words of God come to the heart: “He that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully.”

We find some dreams of falsehood in a book entitled “Church Order,” written by D. L. Dagg. Dagg is a popular Baptist theologian and as this sect calls itself “the church,” necessity compels it to contradict all others. In the book just named, this theologian refutes the theory produced by others as concerning what they call “church militant and church triumphant,” and says the church is not thus divided, but defines it as “church local and church universal.”

“Church local is a body of believers organized according to the New Testament order [which order he thinks is a sect organized by man, as we will see]. Church universal is the whole company of those saved by Christ. “On page 98 he says: “Local churches [sects] possess external organization, and in this organization human agency is employed. And since every church [sect] on earth has probably one or more false professors in it, it may be objected, that if God had designed the churches to be free from false professors, he would not have committed the management of them to fallible men.” Notice how much fallible man has to do in the management of the church of the living God. Jesus said he would build the church. Matt. 16:18. The apostles say it has been built. Eph. 2:20. 22; 1 Pet. 2:5. And God takes in the members. 1 Cor. 12:18. So man has no part in the management of the church unless he would take the place of God. Jesus gave himself to sanctify and cleanse the church. Eph. 5:26. The church is his body. Eph. 1:22, 23. The people of God are his body. 1 Cor. 12:27. Jesus is the vine and they are the branches [members]. John. 15:5. Jesus is holy. Heb 7:26. And if the root [Christ] be holy so are the bracnhes [members]. Rom. 11:16. Now as the saved of God are his church (GR. ECCLESIA, congregation), it follows that companies of saved persons located in different places are indeed local churches (congregations); as, the seven congregations of Asia, etc. And these compose the universal church, with those in heaven. Some see but one church, after all the false dreams of Babylon.

Now we will notice the false professors spoken of. As all such are sinners, and the church holy, they are no more members of Christ’s body than Judas was after he betrayed his Lord. For every sin that a man doeth is without [outside] the body [church]. 1 Cor. 6:18. True they are in the different sects, but yet with all other sinners are outside the church of Christ. Again, he says, page 129: “The members of a local church may be known by the record of their names in the church book.” Here is our proof that he calls sects local churches, which are only known by their names on a sect register. But on the same page he says “the church of the firstborn are written in heaven, and no record on earth determines their membership, but it may be known by their fruits of righteousness.” Praise the Lord, this last named church is the one the saints of God are in and no other; who are written in heaven. Heb. 12:23. Then what use for another than the “church of the firstborn?” His answer is, The universal church is in progress of construction and will be completed at the end of the world. Page 137. He says Christ’s church is not complete: so Jesus made a mistake if this be true, and did not build a complete church. And man undertakes the business, build sects, that he thinks are complete in this world, and finishes what Christ failed to do. What does God say? “Christ as a son over his own house, whose house are we [saints].” Heb 3:6. The house of God which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. 1 Tim. 3:15. And ye [saints] [the house or church of God] are complete [present tense] in him. Col. 2:10. This upsets another false dream. “What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the Lord.”

Again he says the subjects of Christ’s reign are divided into two classes, the obedient and disobedient; the obedient subjects are the same persons that compose the church universal. Page 139. So that leaves none but the disobedient for those who are known by a sect register: here he tells the truth plain enough. “For they that depart from me shall be written in the earth [on a sect register] because they have forsaken the Lord. Jer. 17:1-3. And to forsake the Lord is to forsake his church. Again, page 143, he says. “Membership in the church universal is determined by God himself; the infallible judge determined the membership in the great ECCLESIA, but fallible men admit to membership in local churches [sects]; hence a corrupt element finds entrance into local churches, and because of it they are not strictly homogeneous with the universal spiritual church.” Here Dagg says plainly that God manages the church universal or great ECCLESIA, but man rules the churches with external organization as before mentioned, or man-made sects. And this is the reason they are corrupt, and are not homogeneous with the spiritual church of Christ.

How can any rational beings who have their senses exercised to know good from evil, say that these isms are of man and are corrupt, and still remain in the mass of corruption, and delusive drag-nets of Satan? God help all to touch not the unclean thing. “Come out of her my poople.” May the blessings of God rest upon all the saints of light.

Ho, all ye people, come and join tie heavenly shoal;
Flee out of Babylon, deliver every man his soul.
The bride of Christ is holy, in shining garments white.
Arrayed to meet her husband in everlasting light.

W. A. Haynes.




Dear Saints of the Living God: May the dear Lord bless you all abundantly. Amen. I have been very much impressed to write my testimony to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. This morning I am saved from all of my sins, and cleansed from all my idols, and sanctified through and through by a second work of grace: and my soul is filled with the eternal glory. 2 Tim. 2:10. Hallelujah! And I am all on the gospel altar, fully consecrated to the service of my Master and his only. Praise God forever and ever! I have received a number of letters from brethren full of sympathy for me, in my recent loss by fire. One brother writes, I feel like writing to you to encourage you, and says take it to the Lord, ect. Dear saints do not think that I am down in the mouth or discouraged. But I am praising God for salvation and for his loving kindness to me, and for the wonderful lesson I have learned. I must confess that I had got out of the order of the Lord when I stopped at home to fix up a home here in this world, which is soon to be burned up. While poor perishing souls were calling to us for meeting, that they might hear the word of God and get saved and make their escape out of Babylon confusion and the world.

I was perhaps a little like Saul, when the Lord sent him to smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and he disobeyed God, and saved the best of the oxen and sheep, to sacrifice to the Lord. He no doubt thought like a great many people, he was doing it for the good of his cause, for the benefit of the church, etc. I thought I was fixing up the Lord’s farm to increase the income. I did not think that while I was at home fixing up a farm, perishing souls were being lost, that might have been saved. God needed my services more than he did a farm. A precious soul is worth more than all this world. The Lord sent me out to preach the everlasting gospel and not run home every little while to fix up a farm. He loves obedience more than sacrifice. The disobedient are punished; and I thank God from the bottom of my heart that God showed me where I was, before I got too far away from him. All things work together for good to them that love God, and I know that I love God. And I know it has worked to my good and 1 have profited by it. Praise the Lord! Yes I can praise my God for it all, for I know I will be more obedient to him hereafter. The willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land. Glory be to his name! I am sinking deeper and deeper into the perfect will of God, and I am more fully consecrated to his service than I ever was before. And by the grace of God I will forever be true to him, and I expect to die at my post, for I cannot afford to lose my soul. My soul is worth more to me than all this world and every thing in it. Jesus says, What will it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

O dear ones, it is awful to see professors living careless in this world, committing sin every day, and going on in all the abominations of the world, and the devil makes them believe they are doing the best they can and they will be all right in the end. O may God open the blinded eyes of the people that they may see their condition before it is too late. O yes, and I see professed saints dabbling in the things of this world, some chewing and smoking tobacco, others dressing in the fashion and style of the world, and dressing their children the same and bringing them up in the fashion and style of the world, instead of bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. O dear ones, you cannot afford to live thus, you will miss heaven. It means a great deal to be holy, to live a holy life, to obey all the word of God and keep all of his commandments.

James says. If we keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point we are guilty of all. — Jas. 2:10. Remember his church is pure and holy, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing. — Eph. 5:27. Heaven is a holy place and nothing unholy shall enter there. O may God help us all to live holy lives in this world and follow the example of our Savior. He is our example and we must follow his steps who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Dear ones, we must die out to this world and everything in it. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world. — 1 Jno. 2:15, 16. The friendship of the world is enmity with God. Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. — Jas. 4:4. How can we be God’s children and be saved, while we are his enemies? Praise God for a salvation that saves from the world and every thing in it! Amen.

M. M. Stover.




Please explain Ecc. 7:20. “For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.”

ANS. This language in the text was spoken by king Solomon, B. C. 977 years. And to get a full understanding of the above text, we will have to take another text from the mouth of the same person, twenty- three years before, when Solomon said in Prov. 14:30, 34, “A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy, the rotteness of the bones. Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

Here we can plainly see that these two texts do not harmonize. And many who do not understand the word of God, and are without the Spirit to guide them, claim by reading such texts as we have set before us, that the Word contradicts itself. But we I wish to say to the glory of God. that it does not. It only draws the dividing line between the just and the unjust, and Solomon makes it plain in his own case.

No doubt when Solomon started out in life, when yet quite young, he loved the Lord God with all his heart, which we can plainly see by reading 2 Chr. 6:13, 14, B. C, 1004. For Solomon had made a brazen scaffold of five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high, and set it in the midst of the court: and upon it he stood and kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward heaven and said, O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth: which keepest covenant and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts. Well could he say, three years after, with his heart fixed in God (like all other children of God) “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Praise God! this is the language of every child of God, who love God with all their hearts.

But we find Solomon, twenty-three years after, in the above text. Ecc. 7:20, with his heart not fixed on God, but on strange women. — 1 Kings 11:1-4. But King Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians and Hittites; of the nations concerning which the Lord said unto the children of Israel. Ye shall not go into them, neither shall they come in unto you: for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods: Solomon clave unto these in love. And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart. For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God.

Then like many others who have turned away from God, with their eyes and heart fixed on strange women, will cry out and say. “There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not.” For in then backslidden condition they are like a drunken man while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, they think because they are drunk every body else is drunk; and will go as far as to say they love God, while in such a condition. But we do know that in the glorious light of the gospel of the Son of God, that great Redeemer does not dwell in hearts where other gods dwell, but in the heart that loves to obey him and walk in all his precepts. “Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

J. A. Dillon.



Psa. 119:129.


Augusta, Ga.

I am led of the Lord to add my testimony for the Lord. He keeps me sweetly saved in Jesus and preserved by his mighty power. I ask the dear saints to pray for me that I may be humble and be used to the honor of his holy name.

From your saved sister in Christ.

Jane Williams.


Smith Center, Kan.

Dear Brothers and Sisters: I am so thankful to the Lord for his cleansing and keeping power. Praise God for his goodness and kindness toward the children of God! I have been in the service of my Lord and Master for fifty years and am not tired of the blessed way, and am in possession of a salvation that keeps me from sin. Praise his holy name! I was sick last winter but God saw fit to raise me up again. I have passed through a great many trials in my life time, but my blessed Redeems has kept me through them all. I had to give up one of my darling boys last summer; that was a great trial for me, but my blessed Savior helped me to bear it. I have great reason to think that my loss was his gain. Pray for me that I may be kept humble and obedient to God.

Your sister in Christ,

B. A. Williams.


Hartsells, Ala.

Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus: Peace be multiplied unto you all. Well, beloved, I can say to the glory of God that I am saved with an everlasting salvation. Blessed be the name of the Lord! Since the Lord sanctified my soul, I have had perfect victory over all sin and temptation. The Lord has wonderfully kept and protected me in every respect, and I am praising him day and night. The Lord be with you all. Amen.

John Shaneyfelt.


Kittanning, Pa.

Dear Trumpet Readers: God be with you till we meet at Jesus’ feet. I feel it my duty to write my testimony and tell of the wonderful healing power of God to me. To day finds me still saved, enjoying a free salvation. Last month seven of us were sick, supposed to be diphtheria or tonsilitis. No one knows what I suffered. No tongue can tell my misery in pain and fever. My jaws were closed and stiff, so that I could only get my little finger between my teeth. One day while reading some in the “Book of Divine Healing,” I read some wonderful testimonies on healing. I wept awhile then something seemed to want me to get up out of bed. I arose very weak, dressed my self, and the dear Lord did heal me instantaneously, and took the soreness away. About fifteen minutes afterward I went to the kitchen very hungry. Ate a half-cup of bread and broth, and was very thankful for the privilege. To God be all the glory. And from that very hour I am gaining strength every day. Praise the Lord! We are all better. The Lord has been our physician soul and body. Some would say if we would not have a doctor, some of our family would be missing. I’m so glad I’ve learned to trust him, just to take him at his word. And I thank God for the straight narrow Bible way to heaven.

Your sister, sinking down deeper into the will of God.

B. L. Shelton.


Phoenix, Ariz.

Dear Saints: I feel it would be to the glory of God for me to write my testimony. I know that I am saved and filled with the light of his presence, and oh how my soul goes out after those who are going on in sin and rebellion against God, those who are trampling his blessed word under their feet, who say by their actions they do not want to be saved! Oh may God help his little ones to so live and walk that others may see and take knowledge that they are in truth the children of God! About two years ago I was saved. I joined the Free Methodist church, but the Lord showed me that I could not be free there. But I did not obey, until the Lord showed me I must come out or lose the light out of my soul; and when I came to this decision I gladly came out of Babylon and received a wonderful blessing in so doing. Praise the Lord for the blessed guide he has left us to lighten our pathway and lead us into glory! Oh I do praise him for his saving power and sustaining grace, that he keeps me unspotted from the world. I know that I am out on the promise and under the blood that cleanses from all sin. I am walking in all the light he gives me and the way grows brighter day by day. There are but few of us here, but the Lord meets with us and wonderfully manifests his power. I wish the dear Lord would send some Holy Ghost anointed preacher here to preach his everlasting gospel. All pray for me, that I may be instrumental in turning many souls to God.

Your brother, saved and sanctified,

Harry Alexander.

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