13 October 1892, Volume 12, Number 41.

Christ Is All.


I entered once a home of care,
For age and penury were there,
Yet peace and joy withal;
I asked a lovely mother whence
Her helpless widowhood’s defence:
She told me Christ was all.

Cho. – Christ is all, all in all,
Yes, Christ is all-in all;
Christ is all, all in all,
Yes, Christ is all in all.

I stood beside a dying bed
Where lay a child with aching head,
Waiting for Jesus’ call;
I marked his smile, ’twas sweet as May,
And as his spirit parsed away,
He whispered, Christ is all.

I saw the martyr at the stake,
The flames could not his courage shake,
Nor death his soul appal;
I asked him whence his strength was given,
He looked triumphantly to heaven
And answered, Christ is all.

I saw the gospel herald go
To Afric’s sand and Greenland’s snow,
To save from Satan’s thrall:
No home nor life he counted dear,
Midst wants and’ perils owned no fear,
He felt that Christ is all.

I dreamed that hoary time had fled,
And earth and sea gave up their dead,
A fire dissolved this ball;
I saw the church’s ransomed throng,
I heard the burden of their song,
’Twas, Christ is all in all.

Then come to Christ, oh come to day!
The Father, Son and Spirit say;
The bride repeats the call;
For he will cleanse your guilty stains,
His love will soothe your weary pains,
For Christ is all in all.

Selected by J. W. Byers




“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” — Matt 28:19, 20.

FOR sometime I have been led out to write on this subject. As I look around and see the great mass of people plunging daily into hell without any one to point them to Jesus; and see the awful darkness, sin, superstition and delusions this world is sinking into, and the terrible judgments of God that are now rising up before it, I am made to cry out in my soul, My God, my God, have you not more consecrated men and women that you can send out to the rescue of perishing souls! I have heard some sing. “Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing,” and again, “Had I the wings of a dove I’d fly.” Yes, they would like to sing, and yet they do not use the one tongue that God has given them. They would like to fly, but the course they take would be for home; they are afraid to take God at his word and obey the call, but if they should get a few miles from home, in a few days they get a revelation that something is wrong at home, it is time to plant their potatoes or husk their corn, or sow their wheat; so they take wings and fly away home, and generally they get swallowed up by the cares of this world, and then they ask God to open the way and let them out again, only to run home in a few days.

Not long ago some one asked me concerning different brethren that God has used mightily in the past; they asked where they are now. Well, I had to tell them that one of the brethren had married and had located. His address for nearly two years had been the same place. Another brother was also married and had no home, so he was building a house. Another brother did not have his house finished yet, so he could not be in active work for some time. Another company had gone to take a rest for a few weeks. One of the preachers had to go home to sow his wheat. Another brother has a very nice home with everything around him to make him happy in this life; God has blessed him much; his granary is full, also his cellar abounds with good things; so you see such a man has something to forsake, and, of course, keeps him at home much of the time. Another brother told me if he only had a wife to leave with his children then he could go. Well, he got the wife, but then his excuse was that he was in debt, and, oh, if God would only send him a buyer then he could go out into the work. So the Lord sent a man to buy his farm nearly a year ago; but still he is at home.

Brethren, has God called you? If so, either God or yourself has made a mistake. He says, Go, and you say, I can’t just now, I will after I do this. But Jesus says, Let the dead bury their dead, and come and follow me. But you say you have a family to look after and provide for. I thought the word said, “Ask what you will and it shall be done.” Surely there must be a mistake somewhere. I tell you it is no wonder that some preachers are so rusty, and are always the same, never advancing. Dear brethren, Jesus says to forsake all. And again he says, “Verily, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, but he shall receive a hundred fold now in this time, houses and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. — Mark 10:29, 30.

O brethren, step but on the promise of God; he has promised to supply your every need. Oh, for the sake of perishing souls, let us have more faith in God. Ask largely that not only your joy may be full, but that others also may be benefited by your faith and trust in God.

Again there are those that have a stamping ground of their own, something like a circuit: they go stamping and preaching over the same old ground, hardly ever getting out of their circuit field; and if they should go into a new field for a few days and souls get saved, and many are calling for them to come to other places and preach the gospel, they will probably get a money letter from some old burnt over district, asking them to come there. So they leave the meeting while souls are at the altar, regardless of the pleadings of souls for them to remain. Without asking God about it, they fly back to this old stamping ground and preach for weeks without a soul being saved, and wonder what is the matter. I’ll tell you what is the matter; you are badly out of the order of the Lord, you deserve a good whipping of the Lord, and no doubt you get it. The word says, if they reject you in one city, flee into another. Why keep pounding away where the light has been given and rejected, while there are so many places open where they have never heard the truth? Some say they are called to go to a certain place, and after they get there and God is using them, and they have calls all around them, all at once they find that the Lord has made a mistake, and that they are a thousand miles in the wrong direction, and away they go back to see their folks. God help you, just as though your friends were better than any one else, you use the means that God has placed in your hands to run away from the Lord.

Brethren, there are many souls that have never heard this glorious gospel, even right in our own land. There are many, many calls; the whole Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida, lies before us to evangelize; also some one must cross the water to other lands. Oh! who will say, “Here, Lord, am I, send me?” Some are praying for a million souls in ninety-two; but have you done your part? Have you worked faithfully all. the past year? Now the harvest is past, the summer is ended, and what have you done?

It is also true there are those in the work who had better be at home, or working on a railroad, or a better place for them would be at the feet of Jesus, asking God to have mercy on their waywardness. It is one thing to be called of the Lord to preach, and another thing to be anointed and sent. Some preachers start out in the work, and seem to think their whole commission is to thresh Babylon; so they will take a great line of references that they have looked up themselves instead of getting them from God, and they start out and preach in a harsh, rasping manner, without a spark of fire in their forge, and blow all the people out of the house or preach them to sleep. O for Jesus’ sake, dear brethren, if you are called to this work, tarry at Jerusalem till you are endowed with the Holy Ghost; then as you go out preaching the mighty word of God, the glory of God will be revealed upon you, and the word preached will have its effect upon the hearts of the hearers.

Another thing I see that I cannot believe is of God is that four or five strong preachers or workers band together, while the young workers have to go into the field alone. This keeps many of the young workers out of the field that, no doubt, had they a few words of encouragement, or help from those that are stronger, they could be used of God in the salvation of many precious souls. But still, young workers, this will not excuse you. Jesus says, “Go,” and, lo, I am with you, and it is your business to go trusting God. Your weakness is no excuse, for he says he has chosen the weak to confound the mighty. Your limited education should not hinder you. Your youth will not excuse you, because he says, Let no man despise thy youth. O take the little Book and start in the name of Jesus! In your ignorance let Jesus be your wisdom; in your weakness let him be your strength; in trial, temptation, affliction and persecution let him be your strong and mighty tower. Go in the name of Jesus. Go, and may the love and favor of God go with you, and may you return in the day of final gathering with many sheaves, many stars in your crown, and hear the Savior say, Come, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord.

W. J. Henry.




Beloved Readers: I feel pressed to write some on a great and all important question: the body of Christ, the church, the bride, the Lamb’s wife, and who is she, and where will the Lord find her when he comes to receive her to himself?

The word of God says, As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. When he comes they will be marrying and giving in marriage; and again I might further add, and they knew not till the flood came; and they will know not till he comes. The professing church and the world are marrying and giving in marriage. When you join a sect denomination you are married or joined to it, you embrace with affection the system of your choice and become joined to it.

In Howell’s book No. 3 of the Statutes of Michigan you will find the registration of the birth of your sect or denomination, and also how many members there have to be to constitute a body. Now you will find many bodies registered there; secret societies and all systems of such like. But you can not find the body of Christ there, but you will find the idol of your love if you are in love with man-made churches.

The body of Christ is a pure and spotless virgin. She is not defiled by man. Man after man has gone out preaching what he believed, instead of preaching Christ, the church. But each one set a system of his own, and they got followers. This is what you may call divisions. The truth says, Mark those who cause divisions. We are not to have anything to do with those who cause divisions.

Now reader, do you belong to some man’s divisions? or do you belong to Christ? You cannot belong to the world and Christ at the same time. You know that God seeketh those who worship in spirit and in truth. He does not seek those who worship after some man-made system. You will notice at the day of pentecost (Acts 2 chap.) that they were all of one accord, one mind, 3000 souls were added by the Holy Ghost, to the body of Christ or to the church of the firstborn. They worshiped in spirit and in truth. They were not divided by technical points of doctrine, but each one was in harmony with the word of God, and they worshiped in spirit and in truth.

If you join a church, to that church you belong. But the body of Christ is not of man, but made and built by God himself. If you are married to a man, to him you belong. You cannot belong to two men at once. Neither can you belong to this world and Christ at the same time.

Now divisions are of the devil. You know you cannot dwell in division and be wholly sanctified; and you know, if you are familiar with the scripture, that without holiness no man shall see God. God is calling out a people to the name of Jesus as he has said in his word, where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst. Some say, When you go to heaven you will not be asked what church you belonged to. You will not get there to be asked if you are living according to the word of God. Most every professor will get angry if you speak against the sect to which he belongs, and you know when you get angry you show the flesh. The old Adam is not dead, and when the old Adam is not dead you are not wholly sanctified. Satan knows well that if he can keep a believer from being wholly sanctified he has greater hope sof him. There are two works of grace; 1st, justification, second, sanctification. Is your name registered in the Lamb’s book of life, or is it only registered in a sect class book? This is an important question.

The parable of the ten virgins, five wise and five foolish. The wise have the spirit of truth which the work cannot receive: the five foolish have not the Spirit, but were worshipers by systems. This truth is to show how it will be when the Lord comes, when the saints are taken up the foolish will seek for the Spirit but will not find it because the Spirit and the bride will be taken up out of the world, as the scripture saith, when the Master hath risen up and shut to the door there is no more entrance, the day of grace is then closed and the Spirit that is in the world convincing man of sin, righteousness and judgement has forever taken its flight. Then the door is shut and no man can open. To day professed Christendom are spiritually building the Babel tower. Perhaps they do not realize it, but if they do not, it does not change facts. Each sect is trying to make a class of Christians of their own; they have a way of their own, and a language of their own to express their system. But they have become confused, as they did when they were at the tower of Babel. They speak in different tongues; these tongues are the doctrines of each sect. They are divided, each one building for himself, and so they build, and will build till the Lord comes. But those who are led by the Spirit of truth do not build but wait for their Lord. You see the builders of Babel towers or systems in the 17th chapter of Revelations. Read and see, she is called a woman. Do you belong to her? God says her name is Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, and abominations of the earth. I hope and trust you are not of her; if you are, Rev. 18:4 calls you out. “Come out of her my people,” saith the Lord. Do you believe you belong to God, if so, and you are in the city Babylon, “Come out of her.”

Some say the Roman Catholic church is Babylon, then if she is she is the mother of harlots. Do you belong to any of her harlot daughters? If so “come out.” “Be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.” The beast is covered with name of blasphemy, do you belong to any of those names? Christ is the church. If you call your sect a church it is a name of blasphemy. Now I might write as long as life lasts and not be able to tell you the fullness of this mystery of Babylon the great, etc. As in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. But little attention is given to the warning. But the Lord will come shortly to receive his bride. Will you be one of the members which constitute his body, the church? We find in Revelations 16:19 that the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God. Almost the whole religious world is in bondage to the Babylon system. Even the kings of the earth have committed spiritual fornication with her, — the city of Babylon. Many of the old prophets spoke of her and her plagues. She will not go into the kingdom herself and stands in the way so that others cannot enter.

You may think I speak plain, but if is the Lord’s own words. “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion and trust in the mountains of Samaria,” etc.

We stand in the paths of holiness, all given up for Christ. We should now wait with patience for our Lord. While we wait we gather to his name and he feeds us with the bread of life. Praise his name forever! With me it is glorious, grand eternal truth.

Your brother, wholly sanctified,

John H. Harris.

Page 2





Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
For the Purity and Unity of His Church;
the Defence of ALL His Truth;
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.




D. S. WARNER, – Editor.

E. E. BYBUM, – Office Editor.

E. E. BYBUM and S. MICHELS, – Publishers.


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Grand Junction, Mich.




W. J. Smith, Geo. Treed, F. N. Jacobson, J. Willis, E. Rensberger, J. F. Howell, Deborah Bruner, James H Lloyd, N. Rensberger, Jno. T. Brown, Wm. Bassett.




There is an earnest call for some of God’s real anointed ministers to come and preach the pure gospel at Dellvale, Norton Co., Kan. Let some one go who can rightly divide the word.

Address Ira Kepford.


There is a call for a holy minister to come to Surprise, Neb. and preach the gospel in its purity.

Address Ida J. Dowers.


Jacksonburgh, Kan., Oct. 5, 1892.

A meeting is greatly desired in Smith Center, Kan. Who can come and labor for the salvation of souls here in Western Kan.? Cannot Bro. Geo. and Sister Mary Cole come and help us here in the West? Let whosoever the Lord may send come; there cannot be too many workers. Come for the harvest is great and the laborers are few. God has some dear children in Smith Center, that are very hungry for the pure gospel.

If any one of God’s ministers are led of the Lord to come to this place and want any particulars, address Sister C. B. White.

Your sister in the one body of Christ,

Nancy John.


Bro. W. J. Henry and Co. expect to begin a meeting Oct. 12 at West Point, Pa.


Bro. Jacobson writes that a meeting will begin Oct. 13 at the Batey school-house, five miles east of Greenville, and will continue 10 days, or as long as the Lord wills. For further particulars address Bro. J. L. Hoobler, Leech’s Corners, Mercer Co., Pa.


A lease of one-half acre of land on the Grand Junction camp farm, will be given free of charge to any true minister of Christ, who wishes to build thereon a home for his family. For full particulars and conditions, write to us.


A brother writes us that he subscribed for the WORD OF FAITH, supposing it a good pure magazine, but he soon found it had no crumb of real soul food for one who enjoys the present truth, in the evening light. So he wrote and asked the editor some questions which called out no little heresy. Surely everything that is not in the real light of God is going into darkness. Be careful that you do not allow heretical literature to come into your house.




Bro. Wickersham writes us of three instruments of Satan who set up a tabernacle near New Pittsburg, Ind., and began to hold meetings. They soon fell out, and Haner and Porter cast Fisher out of the tabernacle; after which the two former also fell out. Thus God confounded the prophets of Baal, and they having come in one way fled out three ways.

We are also informed that the chief apostate is using our name subscribed jointly with his to an article in the Trumpet of Feb. 1st. 1887. in which the Bible standard of the marriage covenant is lowered. Of that article we will now speak. A few weeks prior to the above date, while in the house of Bro. Wm. Bragg, near Sweetser, Ind., there was a rap at the door. On being opened by the brother, a face appeared which, in a few seconds I was forced to recognize as that of Fisher, though there was something remarkably changed and repelling in the countenance. Had I obeyed the Spirit of God, I should have known that the man was fallen. Soon he requested a private talk, when he disclosed the startling news that he was going to divorce his wife, and that he had changed his former views, and now held it lawful to marry a second wife. I told him I had just written an article in answer to enquiries, in which I had excluded all such rights by the word of God. He insisted we had been in error, and that I should write immediately to the office and hold back that article. I did so, willing to give the matter more full investigations. Several days later we both met at the office, and he had his views written out, and wished me to add to it and jointly sign the same. His new discovered license was his constant topic to me, and it was only after he had succeeded in influencing my mind and to some extent blinding my eyes to the leadings of the devil in the matter, that I consented to do so. But afterwards, when the cloak of hypocrisy could no more hide his sad apostasy, I saw my mistake, confessed it to the readers of the Trumpet, and asked the pardon of all for having given countenance to his loose doctrine. Had it been any man on earth but him who had labored in harmony with me for years, I would not have ignored the Spirit’s larum when we met at Bro. Bragg’s. But when his voice is once unheeded in a case, it becomes weaker to our consciousness. And now we remark for the benefit of all, that when that wicked man uses that article teaching a loose divorce law, he simply uses the product of his own corrupt heart and mind which we, through his pressing solicitation, gave countenance to, and which he knows we have long since recalled and confessed our wrong. And any man, with one honest principle, will not use, to prop up his bad deeds, an endorsement that has been recalled and renounced.




What is the man of of sin in 2 Thess. 2:3?

F. McDowell.

Ans. The man of sin, in the above text, has special reference to the papacy: but in a more extended sense it includes the apostasy before it reached the climax of popedom, and also includes all ecclesiastical power and authority not of God, even all protestantism, for all these organisms, with their mother Rome, practically supplant God, and sit in the temple ruling in His stead.


Camp Meetings



This general assembly of the saints of God will this year be on the Grand Junction, Mich. camp ground. The Lord willing the meeting will begin Wednesday. Oct. 26th. and continue perhaps a week or ten days, just as the Lord may lead. Many who were not at the C. M., also those who were blessed with the privilege of being there have been looking forward to the time of this meeting with a great desire to attend and enjoy a rich feast from Father’s table. The camp meeting season is about past for this year, but we are praying for, and believing God will cause a harvest of souls to be gathered at that place Now let every child of God pray the success of this meeting, and a wonderful deliverance of souls from the bondage of sin and the powers of Satan. COME PRAYING. Everybody invited. You who are bound down by the powers of Satan, afflicted, or steeped in sin, come, and God will meet you in power, upon the conditions of his word.

The meeting will be carried on the same as a camp meeting, and about the only reason it is not called a camp meeting is that it is so late in the season that it is rather cold to camp out in cloth tents. There are a number of board tents on the ground, also a sleeping tent, and those coming should bring blankets and covers, as such can be brought as baggage by those coming from a distance. There I will be provisions made for all who come.


There will be a two days’ meeting at North Eagle, commencing Oct. 22 at 2 o’clock P. M. Ordinance meeting Sunday evening, the Lord willing.

T. J. Cox.



The Lord willing there will be a tabernacle meeting at this place commencing Oct. 25, to continue as long as the Lord leads. Brother J. N. Howard and wife, A. J. Kilpatrick, and B. E. Warren and wife are expected. We invite the saints from everywhere to attend this meeting. All come who love Jesus. Let every one who reads this pray for God to make it a glorious time for the saving of souls, and leading his people out of sectism.

Yours in humble praise to the God of our salvation,

Jesse Wade,
W. W. Stevenson,
Jas. F. Flynn.



I am requested to say that our camp meeting is postponed until Oct. 29th. We desire the Lord to send us a good minister, a regular firebrand. All the saints are requested to come that can. We will do our best by the Lord’s help to take care of all who come. We expect Brother W. W. Bradley to help us. All that come stop at Hattiesburg, Miss. The meeting will be held at the Union school house, ten miles from Hattiesburg and three miles from Rawels Springs. All who come by R. R. should notify us previously so they will be met at trains. Let all who are interested in this mighty conflict come and help us. There can be a glorious work done here.

Your sister in Christ,

Alice Dutton.

Styx, Perry Co., Miss.


There will be a general assembly held at Bluff Springs, Leake Co., Miss., beginning Friday night before the first Sunday in November. Bro, A. J. Kilpatrick is desired if the Lord wills, or any one whom He may send. We want all Father’s children to come that can. If those brethren from Michigan can come, please let us know at Freeny, Miss.

Your unworthy servant,

R. H. Owens.




Behold, I lay in Zion for foundations stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a me foundation” – Isa. 28:16.

WE know that the prophet without doubt refered to Christ; for hear him speak: “Did ye never read in the scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?” Matt. 21:42. We see by ver. 37, that in the parable he refered to, God sent him and the Jews rejected him. We find that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, Acts 4:12; while there are so many ways called churches, and all claim Christ for their foundation. Whoever saw six hundred houses built on one foundation or one stone! Now the church is built on Christ; as he said, And upon this rock I will build my church. Matt. 16:18. And when the church was built, see if there were any divisions; no, verily, but they were all one in Christ Jesus, were one family, had one Father even God. And we see that in all the scriptures, God is the father of the righteous, and there is but one family. Yet we find many that say, Though we live in a sect we are of God. This may be true until they hear the word of God, which says, Come out from among them and he ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing. 2 Cor. 6:17. And you must come out or be lost, for you are joined to this dead formality of the world.

Now the children of God get into his church by birth. They do not join it as you did your sect. Glory to God for this way into his church! Now we notice the oneness of the church in the outset. “And all that believed were together and had all things common.” — Acts 2:44. This is the way that we are taught, and the church is spiritual, and its name is Jerusalem. “But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” — Gal. 4:26. It is not humanly organized, but we have a mother, and are born into his glorious church. “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” — John 3:3.

There are many ways by which we understand the name of the church of God. It is called Kingdom, Body of Christ. Church of the Firstborn. And he is the head of the body the church. — Col. 1:18. See also Ver. 24. Now hear Paul: And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Eph. 2:20. This is the same stone spoken of in the text. But in the Bible there is not the name of one modern sect.

“Finally brethren farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace, and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” – 2 Cor. 13:11. Now if we are not all in one body we cannot be of the same or one mind. Well the way is to get out of all dead formalities of the world and get into the church of God, and get wholly sanctified. Glory to God and the Lamb! I hope that this will be to the glory of God, and will call some poor soul out of Babylon.

Your brother, saved and sanctified,

John Jones.

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SOME time ago a physician called upon a young man who was ill. He sat for a little while at the bedside examining his patient, and then he honestly told him the sad intelligence that he had but a very short time to live. The young man was astonished; he did not expect it would come to that so soon. He forgot that death comes “in such an hour as ye think not.” At length he looked up into the face of the doctor, and with a most despairing countenance repeated the expression:

“I have missed it — at last.”

“What have you missed?” inquired the tender-hearted, sympathizing physician.

“I have missed it — at last” he again repeated.

“Missed what?”

“Doctor, I have missed the salvation of my soul.”

“Oh! say not so; — it is not so. Do you remember the thief on the cross?”

“Yes, I remember the thief on the cross. And I remember that he never said to the Holy Ghost, Go thy way. But I did. And now he is saying to me, Go your way!” He lay gasping awhile, and looking up with a vacant, staring eye, he said: I was awakened and was anxious about my soul a little time ago. But I did not want to be saved then. Something seemed to say to me, Don’t put it off; make sure of salvation. I said to myself, ‘I will postpone it.’ I knew I ought not to do it. I knew I was a great sinner and needed a Savior. I resolved, however, to dismiss the subject for the present. Yet I could not get my own consent to do it until I had promised to take it up again at a time not remote and more favorable. I bargained away, resisted and insulted the Holy Spirit. I never thought of coming to this. I meant to have made my salvation sure, and now I have missed it at last.”

“You remember,” said the doctor, “that there were some who came in at the eleventh hour.”

“My eleventh hour,” he rejoined, “was when I had that call of the Spirit. I have had none since — shall not have. I am given over to be lost. Oh I have missed it! I have sold my soul for nothing — a feather — a straw — undone forever!” This was said with such indescribable despondency that nothing was said in reply. After lying a few moments he raised his head, and looking all around the room as if for some desired object, he buried his face in the pillow, and again exclaimed in agony and horror, “Oh, I have missed it at last!” and died.

Reader, you need not miss your salvation, for you may have it now. What you have read is a true story. How earnestly it says to you, “Now is the accepted time.” Christ has suffered, the just for the unjust; and God’s word to you is, “Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” — Acts 16:31.

“To day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. — Heb. 3:7, 8.


The change is soon coming, and who will be ready
To stand before God in the great judgmen; day?
Oh, will you take warning and flee from the misery
That surely is coming to sweep you away?

Cho. — O Sinner, be wise and give heed to the warning:
Oh, awake to the doom that awaits thy poor soul!
Don’t treat it with lightness, contempt and with scorning,
For God’s awful judgment on thee will soon fall.

The sentence is uttered, the word hath been spoken.
The time is appointed, thy doom to be sealed.
Remember God’s word can never be broken,
He’s now at the door and will soon be revealed.

Then where will thy hope be? and oh, what a picture
To see thy past life all uncapped to thy view,
And hear the Judge saying, “Now take your departure,”
And go into torment! Oh, will it be you?

How fatal, poor sinner, will be thy misfortune,
How sad to behold thy deplorable state!
Thy soul to be bound with eternity’s cable,
Will hold thee forever in the fire-burning lake.

Can you thus confined in the flames of destruction
Have any excuse for the loss of your soul?
Will you not remember the warnings of Jesus,
Could you but deserve such a dark, wretched goal?

Barney E. Warren.

Worldly Amusements.


My Dear Young Friends: A question was asked by one of your circle, “Is it wicked to see a horse race?” I may answer at once, “No, it is not wicked; i. e. if you mean by seeing a horse-race two or three horses are loose out in a meadow, they get to play amongst themselves, and start off running, chasing and racing in their joyful, natural animal sport.” We sometimes see oxen or cocks fighting each other in the streets or in the yard. I do not feel that it is wicked for you to simply see the act for a moment: but if I see they were tearing and destroying one another, it would be wrong for me not to interfere and try to separate them. But if you were to go where men professionally keep and train cocks and oxen for fighting, put them into a cock pit or ox pen, while crowds come to witness the bloody beastly frolic — if you were to go to see such a sight you would be disgracing yourself as a man, and shaming the name of Christ.

Just the same if I were to go to a regular horse race. The horses are kept and trained for that purpose at a great deal of expense. I would be encouraging those who thus throw away God’s time and money. They are worldly, godless men, and the entire associations of racing men, racing courses, and racing days are “earthly, sensual, devilish.” It is cruelty to animals to drive them at such a fearful speed as they are compelled to do in a race. Men’s lives are uselessly risked, and that too is wrong. But the greatest charge against horseraces is their utter worldliness and wickedness. “Know ye not that the friendship with the world is enmity with God.” “Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is an enemy of God.”

The spirit of worldliness is the the spirit of Satan. Shallow, worldly conformity is drawing away far more souls to damnation and destruction than is done by means of intoxicating liquors. How inconsistent for a professing Christian to boast, “Oh, I am free from intoxicating liquors, in fact I fight against that cup of devils,” at the same time he is intoxicated with worldliness, and is thus taking the devil’s other cup of godless, ruinous pleasure. Our dear young people cannot take coals of fire in their bosom and not be burned.

If you yield to such enticing influences you will surely wander away from God. “Evil communications corrupt good manners.” You cannot consistently pray the Lord’s prayer, “Lead us not into temptations,” and at the same time go headlong into temptation. God cannot answer your prayers if you go right contrary to it in your action. If you are earnestly seeking after God, or have already given him your heart, and are seeking to grow in grace and to be more and more like Jesus, you will not want to go to horse-races, dances, theatrical performances, and such worldly compromises. Further you will soon learn to keep from the worldly amusements which the devil is step by step bringing into our modern churches. Crazy socials, necktie parties, carnivals, mimic old-fashioned schools, masquerade, old folks’ concerts anв all such silly, clownish, vulgar, worldly amusements as are being introduced in this age of compromising Christianity, you will quickly learn to refrain from and oppose. The fact that they are gotten up in the name of Christianity only makes them even more dangerous in some respects than the dance and horse-race. I beg you to follow close to the loving heart of Jesus, and be watchful as he bids you. Let your lives be filled with his happy word and work. While you thus feast in your Father’s house you will not hunger after the corn- husks which Satan’s swine eat in their famine land. If you are enjoying the luscious grapes of Eschol and and the milk and honey of Canaan you will not want to go back to the flesh- pots of Egypt. Therefore look well

to the state of your precious souls in the presence of God. This is the only way of safety and happiness.

E. L. W. — India Watchman.



The dear Lord is laying it on my heart in a wonderful manner to write you about Sister Mattie Clark’s healing of April 22d, 1892. She was taken sick April 1 st while at work and suffered much all day, and at night was alarmingly ill. Saturday morning I called on her and found her in bed with every symptom of diphtheria. but she was trusting in the great Physician, though suffering intensely for ten days. She was put to the test of faith. Sister Bolinger, of Kalamazoo came and united with us in laying on hands in Jesus’ name. God answered prayer, and for one week she kept gaining and walked to our house, about forty rods distant.

On Monday, April 18 she resumed her work as usual but suffered much before and kept growing worse until midnight Tuesday, when it went to her heart. When we arrived we found her seemingly in the jaws of death. Her mother having been sent for from Grand Rapids, was there doing all a mother’s hands could do for the relief of our dear one, but we saw at once she was past human help, and took her in our arms never leaving her bed for eighteen hours, felt that the angels would tear her from our embrace every moment of the time. At the end of that time the sinking spells seemed less, and I went to my family for a few moments and returned to find her unable to speak above the lowest whisper and so much lower, and so continued for four days. During that time she told us in a faint whisper that she saw a beautiful stream of water, and immediately inquired of Father if it was the river of death, and it receded from her view. Friday morning she asked Father in heaven why it was she did not get the healing, when he whispered, Be still and I will let you down so low that the precious souls you have been so burdened for here shall see and behold the glory of God. Immediately she sank into the will of God and seemed to be passing into eternity. A telegram was sent to Kalamazoo for Sister Bolinger to come on first train, which was due in a short time. We prayed and held on with a faith that takes God at his word. When she came into the room waves of glory came flooding our souls as she walked the floor weeping, yet praising God, or truly he was there already. She immediately prepared to obey Jas. 5. The unsaved still stayed to see what would be done. We asked them kindly into another room while we anointed her with oil in the name of Jesus. Then the door was opened and we sang, “Touch the hem of his garment,” and still she lay cold and almost lifeless. We sang again, “Sitting at the feet of Jesus,” and lo, she sang with us and raised her hand, but when we sang “May I prove I’ve been with Jesus who is all my righteousness,” she sprang from my arms and sat upright praising God! The unsaved in the room came and stood by the bedside of the dear one whose lips they had kissed a short time before so cold, were now warm with vitality, and she was truly healed by the power of God. To him be all the praise.

Mary Grote.




Visalia, Cal., Sept. 30, 1892.

Dear Trumpet Readers: God bless you one and all. I do praise God for complete victory over all sin this day, and every hour as the moments roll by. Now as our camp meeting is over here we can report favorable results. The meeting was a success from beginning to end. Souls were saved and sanctified. Dear Brother J. W. Byers was with us, and did good work for God. Also Bro. Myers of Woodland, Cal. Brother Byers started home last evening (Los Angeles), and Bro. J. Willis leaves at 2 o’clock p. m. for Nebraska. Wife and I will attend the camp at Los Angeles, Oct. 13, where we hope to greet dear Bro. Warner, with many others of the saints of God. Hallelujah! Now I do rejoice to know that I am so sweetly saved from all sin and sanctified wholly. My wife and I are one; included in the body of Christ Jesus.

Your free brother, saved to the uttermost,

John J. Bentley.


Payne, O., Sept. 24, 1892.

Wife and I visited the little church west of Geneva, Ind., in the neighborhood of Bro. D. H. Hart. Held meeting over Lord’s day. They were encouraged to press on and were strengthened in faith. Wife returnee home and I came to Dupont, O., the 28th. Was made to rejoice to meet dear Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick there. The meeting was very good considering the coolness of the weather for out door meeting. One soul was sanctified during the meeting, and we believe many received light. The Sabbath and night meetings were well attended. Bro. T. Kesler and wife are alone at Dupont. May God bless him and raise up others at that place. We closed there Oct. 5 on the account of the cold. Will be at Antwerp, O. until the assembly meeting at Payne.

Your saved brother,

H. C. Wickersham.


Wichita, Kan., Oct. 5, 1892.

Dear Saints, Greeting: He who always causes us to triumph in his name, truly wrought a good work in Webb City, Mo. We arrived there the evening of Sept. 27th, and found Bro. and Sister Sunderland’s tent pitched in the town, and well filled with people. Meeting had been held in it the night before and a couple of souls saved. This night again a few more came seeking God and found his favor. The tabernacle was well filled every night, and day and night the work of salvation went forward. There was great joy in Webb City. Ten were baptized, a good many healed, and God was glorified. About eighty took part in the ordinances of Christ. The saints were very demonstrative on the occasion. Many leaped and shouted in the fulfillment of the words of Jesus, “If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them.” Perhaps one thing that led to such a general baptism of great joy in the observance of washing the saints’ feet, was the fact that a large portion of the assembly had in the past been under the influence of that Ft. Scott Methodistic holiness which so vehemently oppose this command of Christ, and muddy the waters with their feet, instead of washing one another’s feet as they ought to do. This sect, having made lies their refuge, and evil speaking their policy, we are told, is rapidly coming to naught.

There were at the meeting workers, Bro. and Sister Sunderland, Bro. Geo. and Sister Cole and Co., Pro’s Caudell, Stanberry, Keeling, Rapp, Britton, Hunter and others. The saints in Webb City have a good meeting house in which the services are being continued. About six were at the altar on Monday night the last night we were there.

Bro. and Sister Cole go home for a season. Bro. and Sister Sunderland go to Anderson, Mo. Bro. Price McCulloch accompanied Bro. Rapp, and expects to assist him in the work. I returned alone to Wichita yesterday, and rejoiced to find Bro. Stover, his son, Bro’s Randolph, Winters, Witfield and Wendel, yet holding forth the word of life in this city. The Lord has saved some souls, and we expect to see more saved as we remain here over the coming Sabbath, then accompanied by Bro. Winters, go on to Los Angeles, Cal. The weather is warm and pleasant and God is blessing your unworthy servant with good health. O bless His name forever! Amen. We are sorry we cannot visit the saints in Arizona, but expect to do so on our return.

Norman, Mo., Oct. 7, 1892.

Dear Fellow Laborers in the Gospel Truth: May the riches of God’s grace and blessings be with you. Amen. Thanks be to God! We have victory in our souls this morning, and a perfect salvation that saves from all sin just now. Glory to Jesus! We are here in battle array against all opposition to the truth. Praise God! And we have never had the powers of hell hurled against us in such force in our lives before as since we have been in this place. But blessed be God, the meeting is moving on gloriously. Many already decided and others under deep conviction. Pray for us and the work that many precious souls may be saved, and that false teachers, false spirits and doctrines of devils may be exposed and utterly driven out, that truth may be known and accepted here. We are expecting Bro. A. B. Stanberry soon to help us in the work.

Yours in him,

L. E. Copeland, Nola S. & Julia Myers.


Markleville, Ind., Oct. 6, 1892.

Dear Saints: It has been some time since we greeted you through the columns of the Trumpet; but we are happy to report victory all the way along. We are thankful to God to be able to testify to full salvation. The perfect peace of God flows through our hearts, and we are abundantly satisfied with the greatness of his salvation. Praise the Lord! Since we reported through the Trumpet we have been permitted to preach the word in some new places, with good effect. We have also been permitted to labor in a number of other meetings with other brethren, and to see the salvation of a goodly number of souls, for which we give God all the glory: We report of the tabernacle meeting at Sidney, O. that it was a success. The Lord was present to carry on his own work. The meeting was not so fruitful in the way of gathering in the lost as it doubtless would have been had it not been for the great failure on the part of many professing holiness to live up to the standard of holiness. This, of course, always creates a bitterness against the truth, which must be overcome by the power of God through the Spirit, in preaching the truth and living to its standard. We are happy to say that most all who had made failure in the past humbled themselves before God and had the blood applied to their hearts, and testified that they were determined to trust God and follow him in the future. We pray God to bless his church at Sidney and keep all the dear ones faithful. There were present as ministers of the word of God, Bro’s S. L. Speck, J. N. Howard and myself. Two days before the close of the meeting Bro. Speck went to join Bro. B. E. Warren in a meeting at Larue, O. At the close of the meeting Bro. Howard returned to his home at Payne, O., and we came to this place, where we have a good tabernacle pitched, and are expecting the Lord to work in his own way. The meeting began last night; the congregation was small, but we trust there will soon be an increase. This is almost a new field. Pray for us and the success of the gospel here, and wherever the Lord may send us.

Now I would say to all who desire meeting, that we have no obligations farther than the meeting at Decatur, Ind., which will close perhaps apout the last of Oct., and any who desire our labors can correspond with us either at this place or Decatur, Ind., and we shall be glad to fill every open door it is possible for us to reach. We had felt somewhat impressed to move a little farther east, but we leave the matter in the hands of the Lord, ready to labor wherever there is an open door.

Your humble brother and sisters in the Lord,

Otto, Lillian M. & Louie Bolds.

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THE atmospheric temperature is extremely changeable, sometimes one hundred degrees above, and anon forty below zero. Some means must therefore be ordained to create the more heat the colder it is; and the less the warmer, so as to keep the bodily temperature even. A self-acting instrumentality, as simple as efficient, effects this, viz.: the colder the air the more dense it is, and therefore contains the more oxygen and nitrogen for its bulk. Hence the three pints of air inhaled at each breath, yield the more oxygen the colder it is, just when the most heat is needed. The colder the air the more heat it both requires and generates; so that healthy persons need little fire even in winter; because Nature increases the supply of heat in proportion to its demand.

Since the breath yields much more ozygen per hour in winter than summer, yet can combine with only its fixed equivalent of carbon, we need to eat the more food, and that the more highly carbonized, the colder the weather. Hence appetite is the better the colder the weather, and relishes more highly carbonized food, such as fat, four-fifths of which are carbon. This is equally true of butter, honey, various oil, nuts, and the like. Hence the Esquimaux can drink down gallons of train-oil, and eat twenty or more pounds of meat per day, and fourteen pounds of candles at a meal, without injury; indeed cannot live without an immense consumption of carbon. The great condensation of the air consequent on extreme cold allows him to inhale proportionate quantities of oxygen, to burn up which he must have this great supply of carbon. We should, therefore, eat more in cold weather than in warm, and food richer in carbon.

Meat is unnecessary in winter, because vegetable food contains more carbon than animal. The albumen of wheat is over half carbon, and four pounds of starch contain as much as thirteen of meat. Molasses and sugar are about all carbon, except their water. All vegetable oils contain about four-fifths carbon, and hence nuts should be eaten in winter. Honey, butter, olive oil, etc., contain it in as great proportion as fat meat, which is made by an excess of food in fattening animals over breath, and liable to be diseased.

Graminivorous animals, reindeer, etc., can inhabit very cold regions, while most carnivori are confined to warm. If meat is so conducive to animal heat and life, why are lions, tigers, etc., confined to warm climates? As oats keep the horse abundantly warm, why not oatmeal keep man warm enough in winter? Ask the Highland Scotch, from time immemorial, if their oatmeal cakes and gruel have not kept them warm enough to camp out, even in winter, with snow for their pillow and blanket.

Civilized life gives too much carbon, not too little. This is especially true of the sedentary. They breathe but little, because they exercise little, and live mostly inheated rooms, where the air is both rarefied and vitiated. Hence they inhale but litttle oxygen, and therefore require but little carbon to burn it up. Yet such eat, and keep eating, as heartily as out door laborers, and often more so. That fall coolness which brings relief sharpens up appetite, and they take still more carbon, thus keeping up both its superabundance and their disease; whereas, if they would eat sparingly meanwhile breathing freely so as to burn up its surplus, they would obtain permanent health.

Human Science.


Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness — Isa. 55:2.


“Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Isa. 52:9, 10.

WE were much impresssed in reading those words lately. The fore part of the chapter describes the present holiness awakening, the last reformation on earth. God’s remnant puts on their strength, the sanctifying power: and Jerusalem, the Lamb’s wife, puts on her beautiful garments. And the daughter of Zion, that was in Babylon captivity, looses herself from the bands of her neck. And, as a result of this perfect holiness, “from henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.” After abandoning all human crafts where Satan can get in, and abiding only in the body of Christ, where no sinners can enter, a thorough separation has ensued. Praise God! Now the “watchman see eye to eye,” — ver. 8, and they all “publish salvation.” — Ver. 7. And to the separated remnant God says, “Break forth into joy, SING TOGETHER.” And this triumphant reformation of full salvation and a pure church, “all the ends of the earth shall see.” O praise the name of the Lord!

But now to this sanctified remnant God says, “SING TOGETHER.” The glorious songs of this returning host occupies a prominent place in prophecy, a prominent part in promoting salvation.

Thy watchman shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion. — Isa. 52:8.

And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. — Isa. 35:10.

The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. Sing O daughter of Zion; shout O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. The Lord hath taken away thy jndgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the King of Israel, even the Lord, is in the midst of thee: thou shall not see evil any more. In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. — Zeph. 3:13-17.

There are other texts which foreshow the glorious and prominent part that holy song is to serve in this reformation. Yea, we do not hesitate to say that the above scriptures specially refer to the ransomed of the Lord who have returned from Babylon to Zion, and constitute the bride the Lamb’s wife, ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. It is a fact that this battle is very largely carried on by spiritual song. God has specially gifted the saints in heavenly music to fulfill the above predictions. Every where it is admitted that none on earth sing so sweetly. Satan is every where busy in creating prejudice to keep the people away but God sweeps away those sand bars by the waves of heavenly music in the “camp of the saints.” Thousands are drawn to the meetings by the beautiful singing where the word of God gets hold of them, and proves the power of God unto their salvation. Therefore since it has indeed pleased God to exalt music to such an important use in this great battle, it is our indispensable duty to learn to “SING TOGETHER,” as we see it commanded by the prophet. This can only be perfectly secured by learning to sing by note. O how our souls are pained and the Spirit of God grieved, by the dear saints sometimes coming together from various localities, where they had drifted into different ways of singing the same pieces, and now they all go in as loud as they can, each person singing as he or she has been accustomed to, regardless of the rest. Sometimes it happens that those know not the music correctly have the loudest voices and drown those who would lead the song aright. And so is heard a babel jargon, instead of a joyful sound. Now the remedy for this is, a great many more saints should learn the note system, and such as do not know how to sing by note should keep back a little until they hear how the tune runs. Because you know how the song is rendered in your place, is no reason that you know how to sing it correctly. Such may sing it with the Spirit, but not with the understanding. Now in the name of Jesus, and for the glory of God we humbly beseech all who possibly can to learn the note system. Thousands can do so with the help of most any book with the rudiments, yea, learn in a short time, by the help of the Lord, who think you never can learn it. In the name of Jesus get you a book, and go at it. You see we, as a people gathered of the Lord, have a commission to “make his praise glorious.” Speaking directly of this glorious campaign of fire, the prophet says, “From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous.” And right along beside this march of triumph another sound, a doleful wail of Babylon is heard, crying, “My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!” — Isa. 24:16. Again we humbly beseech all who can to teach the people how to SING TOGETHER, and if you have no teacher, learn it from some book, take time to master it by practice. Amen.




For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are his.

1 Cor 6:20.

TO glorify God is to love, praise, admire, and esteem him above all things else, knowing that we ourselves are nothing, that all power and praise belongs to God, and to comply with every conditon laid down in his holy word. Glorify God in your body. How? By using it only for that purpose that will be to the praise and exaltation of the blessed name of Jesus. “Know ye not that ye [saints] are the temple of God? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” 1 Cor. 3:16, 17. Heb. 3:6. Is it to the glory of God to eat and drink that which is superfluous; to wear that that is not for comfort, neatness, and cleanliness; to do or practice anything that Christ would not do, or that his word condemns? The answer comes, Nay, verily. The question is often asked, Can any harm come of a saved person keeping company with a sinner? This is generally alluded to in the sense of courtship. And as God moves us to sound a warning we say in the name of Jesus that pure and undefiled religion is that we walk in the steps of Christ, and keep unspotted from the world. “Be courteous to all,” is a command, but this does not imply that we should mingle with or be yoked with unbelievers in courtship or any other way. 2 Cor. 6:14-18. I have known those whom I believe were fully saved, to keep company with sinners, and in a short time they had no fellowship with the saints of God, little by little their spiritual vitality was sapped, and before they were aware of the act they were left a spiritual wreck, a sinner, and in the snare of the devil. Not only this, but to be unspotted from the world is to be free from every device gotten up by the world, and this foolish courting is an abomination in the sight of God, going and staying all day and most of the night, coming home in the dark, slipping in at the back door, ashamed to be seen, so sleepy next day and not it to work. This is an invention of Satan, made to destroy souls. Of course this is practiced in Babylon, and as sectism is one of Satan’s inventions, he is at home in all his factories. But this is something that must not, yea, will not be carried along in this blessed evening light. If God wants any one to marry, he will find a suitable companion and bring them together without so much as a year or two years’ nonsensical courting to find out whether they are suited or not. My experience is one that cost me dearly. After being entirely saved and preaching the everlasting gospel, not being aware of all the devices of Satan, I was led into this very rut of which I am speaking, and almost became a captive to the will of the devil; but God delivered my soul. Hallelujah to Jesus! And now I can see as I never could have seen otherwise, the great importance of giving our talents, time, and bodies to the glory of God, to whom we belong. This message is written as God gave it, and may it accomplish whereunto it is sent, and keep some dear souls from falling into Satan’s pits and the experience of the awful truth when it is too late. To all the faithful, grace be multiplied, and to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

W. A. Haynes.




We are told to make mention of the dealings of the Lord with us to all who read this give God the praise. My baby, four months old, was taken with spasms three weeks ago, and a week from that day had another, and before the week was out had seven, five in one day. Her stomach and bowels had never been right. I had doctored with the doctor a great deal and he never did any good. I lost a baby six months old that had them for four months. We gave it up, could not be cured, and of course I was discouraged when this baby had them, knowing that no human power could cure her. I had doctored with the doctor till Friday night, and she kept getting worse, so I laid it aside and looked to the dear Lord. It did not seem his will to heal her, so I thought I would call for the elder of the church, as in James 5. I sent a telephone dispatch to Sister Bollinger at Kalamazoo, and she came on the first train, and we prayed and anointed with oil, but did not get any direct answer that she was healed. When she came out of the spasms she screamed about an hour or more in awful pain. Well the Lord took away pain so she did not cry when she had another. But Sunday morning she went into another spasm at three o’clock and lasted until after eight o’clock. We all gathered around expecting to see her die at any moment: but when she came out of that she worked her hands and feet until she was bloated, and then she was so stiff, all but her arms, we could not bend or move her. In the meantime we thought we had better call in a doctor to see what he would say, also in the eyes of the people, for the room was full. Saints and sinners came and went, expecting to see her die, and the doctor came and said she could live but a short time. He tried to loose her tongue from the roof of her mouth, but it was stiff in death. So we laid hands on again and we all felt as though she would live. From that hour she began to mend, and Monday she was very weak, but Tuesday, seemed to be as well as ever. Then the enemy brought on a terrible cough which we think is the whooping cough. But she is well to day, and better than ever before, for her bowels are all right, and I am so glad to give God all the praise. The doctor says she can live only four weeks. Some say the spasms will come again, and some are confounded and say, Isn’t it wonderful? I believe when God does a work he does it complete. He did in my soul and he can in the body. I am saved with an everlasting salvation, and the mighty power of God keeps me from sin and unspotted from the world, walking in this evening light, and sanctified in Christ.

Jessie E. Irland.

Plainwell, Mich.

Fairbury, Nebraska.

Dear Saints: I praise God this morning that I have a Bible experience. I am converted, or justified, past sins all blotted out, and sanctified wholly, cleansed from all inbred sin. Glory be to the name of our God! I love God this morning with all my heart. I thank God I ever heard holiness: it is one of the grandest themes that can be either written, read or spoken, or thought about. I do praise God that I was ever led out in this blessed evening light. I am from Columbus, Kan., left there the middle of June, have traveled considerably. Oh, I would love to meet a true saint of God again. Pray that I may stand firm.

H. Slaughter,


Independence, Mo.

Dear Saints of God: I will now write my testimony. I thank you for sending me the paper. It is food to my soul. I praise God for a full and free salvation. He keeps me by his mighty power from all sin. Glory to God! He is a precious friend to me; has led me beside the still water for a long time. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for four weeks. It has settled in my right arm. I ask all of the saints to pray for my healing. God says we may cast all our cares on him, for he careth for us. I do realize that Jesus is all and in all to me, and that I am out on the promises and under the blood. I am saved sanctified and satisfied with the way.

From your saved sister,

Mattie McDaniel.


El. Cajon, Cal.

Dear Friends of the Trumpet: I feel it my duty to write my testimony, and let you all know that I am still standing fast and holding to the promise and the victory of Christ, which has made me free from the world and all its pleasures, and even the use of tobacco. God has taken all the appetite away in every form, for which I give him all praise. He has brought me through some severe trials ever since last fall when Bro. Byers was holding meeting in his little tent in the El Cajon valley, close to the Boston Ranch where I was working. I went to his meeting Christ‘s accepted me as one wandering from his fold, saved me, also sanctified me. Praise his holy name! I hope all the brethren will pray for me.

Your brother in Christ,

Wm. Ziegler.


Pilot Point, Tex.

I praise the Lord to day that I am able to give in my testimony for my Savior. I am sorry to say that I have been a backslider, but happy to say that the Lord has reclaimed me, a poor and undone one. I am justified by faith and sanctified through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I knew that my sins were forgiven for I had the love; and now I know that I am sanctified, for I am filled with glory, and my love is made perfect love. I ask the prayers of the Christian brethren that I may keep humble in the sight of the Lord, and be a faithful worker in his vineyard. O young converts, follow not the traditions of men, but put your trust in the Lord and he will save you. Amen.

W. G. Pierce.


Vichy, Mo.

I do praise God for all his great blessings to me. I know that my redeemer liveth and that I am on my way to bright glory. Praise the dear Lord! I find while traveling along i.. this life a great need of more holy love in the heart. Oh how we saints of God need that love so pure so holy that when we meet the coldness of sinful men and women we can to go God in prayer and ask him to forgive them, they know not what they do. God said in his word, he will be with us in the sixth trouble and will not forsake us in the seventh. O praise God! I find him a present help in every time of trouble. I never went to God but what I found comfort. Fathers and mothers, look to your children’s welfare. Always treat them kind and never discourage them in any way. Your sister in Christ, saved and kept,

Lieuteci.. ….

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