15 April 1886, Volume 8, Number 3.
If our readers will excuse us we will once more condescend to notice satan’s Stumbling Block. From the December. 1885 issue, we see that one blind snake of La Grange Co Ind., and another at Toledo, Ohio, both being much bruised, are feeling their way toward each other. T. H. L. writes a card to the Stumbling man, furnishing that sheet about the kind of snake bane it delights in. And proposing to “meet us in the strength of Elijah’s God.”
We have seen an exhibition of the boasted strength of his, (not Elijah’s) god, and praise God! we are well satisfied. Poor Thomas is pretty rank in lies and blasphemies, but his elder brother Lyman Grumbling Stone greatly outdoes him. As God has the wicked in derision, and laughs at their calamity, we can but smile as we see the ferocious hissing of this bruised “generation of vipers.” We do not think that Lyman had any need of lye to wash the form when he printed that sheet, for he and his brother Tom, had lies enough in that one article to cut all the ink on the form. Well we have not the slightest objections to any falsehood this party may feel disposed to indulge in against us. For after the absurd, extravagant and abominable lies told in that paper, no person of good common sense can believe anything it says. We deem it an honor to be evily spoken of by such men. Glory to Jesus! we bind all such rash and hateful aspersions as ornaments around our neck, as Bunyon did.
Let as just hear these two sons of blasphemy, a few words, and their ancient brothers.
“Warner and Fisher’s miracles which they perform are in the same line of modern spiritualism, or devilism.” – Tom.
“The most manifest fanaticism, the work of lying spirits, or spiritualism, is in all their healing.” — Lyman, the modern scribe.
“And the Scribes said, He hath beelzebub, and by the prince, of the devils casteth He out devils.” — Ancient scribes, pharisees and hypocrites.
You see these modern scribes are full brothers to the ancient generation of vipers. Now hear Christ’s answer to both ancient and modern blasphemers.
“How can satan cast out satan?”
“And the Scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth He out devils. And He called them unto Him, and said unto them in parables. How can satan cast out satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
And if satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can outer into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man, and then he will spoil his house. Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme; But be that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit. — Mark 3:22-30.
Christ also asked these blasphemers this question, “If I cast out devils by the prince of devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? Doubtless the only answer they could have given to that question in truth was, “we do not cast out devils at all.” This, Christ knew very well. The argument connected with the Savior’s question is this, If I am a bad man, and have a devil as you say, and you are all good holy men, you surely ought to excell in manifestations of the power of God. But where are our fruits? “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also,” where are your works? “These signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out devils, and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” Where are the proofs that you are Scriptural believers? Before you open your mouths in blasphemous prating against those that do these things that Christ said Bible believers should do, you had better get salvation, and show the works of God yourselves. So we say to blind pharisees, Tom and Lyman. If we by the prince of devils cast out devils, by whom do ye cast them put? O ye perverse generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? You know there is not a soul born of God through your labors from one years end to another and yet you are bass enough to chafe and growl at others through whom God does show forth His saving and healing power.
As your fathers did, so do ye. They led about the Son of God, and denounced Him as of the devil, and in as much as ye do the same to the least of His saints ye do it to Him. Shame on you. Better get whore you can do something for God yourselves, get the beams and thorns out of your own eyes, before you let your wicked lying tongues run in the earth, in all manner of false accusations, and rediculous false-hoods. “For there is no faithfulness in your mouth; your inward part is very wickedness: your throat is an open sepulchre, you flatter (each-other) with your tongues.”
Mr. Grumbling Stone is a nice fellow to cry “spiritualism, and freelove-ism” to others, after he himself left his own wife at home and traveled in spiritual matrimony with another woman some months.
This is probably the only time his poor frozen heart ever felt anything like love; and as it happened to be the devil’s freelove, he is blind enough to judge every body who has the “love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit,” as in the same condition.
This is not surmising on our part; for we actually read an article in his Stumbling Stone, or more properly, Grumbling Stone a couple years ago, in which he used this disgraceful freelove career of his, as a sample of the experience of all the wholly sanctified. The man having been filled with satanic love himself judges others by himself. But we praise God for the perfect love of Jesus, which casteth out all fear, and which is the bond of perfectness. “He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
Praise God for this sweet refuge in the heart, in the heart of my God. Praise God! In this Heavenly place we are as little disturbed or obstructed by the aspersions of chafing, frothing, pharisees, as a locomotive would be by flies alighting upon the track. Praise God, our heart is full of prayer to God for the salvation of all out enemies, who hate us and say all manner of evil about us falsely for Christ’s sake.
The Lord forgive them for Christ’ sake. Amen!
Arcola, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — This is the first time that I write to you. One year ago I did condemn the doctrine that you preach. I was a member of the Free Methodist sect, but on account of some wrongs that I saw in the F. M. sect, my eyes began to open and I got under condemnation for belonging to their sect and disbelieving their doctrine. I never could believe that an episcopal form of church government was right, nor can I find any proof in the holy Word of God to substanciate any ecclesiastical power. I also believed that the office of Elder was no more than a Spiritual overseer, and not an ecclesiastical head, taking all control and power over the Lord’s people. I also am a disbeliever in infant baptism. Only adult believers are the proper candidates for baptism.
I also am a strict believer in feet-washing, believing if to be the duty of every! true Christian. So you see, under these circumstances I could not conscientiously be a Free Methodist under their rules and doctrine, and having during the last two years, read a good many of the Gospel Trumpets, and becoming convinced that the doctrine that Bro. Warner teaches is the Word of God, I wrote down my reasons for leaving the Free Methodist sect, handed them to the class leader, and told him to hand the same to the preacher in charge.
Thank God, I feel no condemnation in the least for what I have done, although I have suffered persecution by the F. M. preachers, they having tried all in their power to induce me to come back into the sect; but seeing that they failed, they turned around and condemned me to the uttermost; claiming it was the works of the devil that worked in me, and that I was under condemnation and had lost my soul. I confess that it tried me greatly at the time, but praise the Lord, I got victory in my soul. I care not how much they persecute me, I know I am on the Lord’s side. I can sing amidst my trials, praise the Lord! If the Lord is willing I will soon give my full experience to the readers of the Gospel Trumpet.
Your’s in Christ.
M. K. Myers.
IN our last we had just come to Geneva Center. Here the saints have a house of worship in process of erection. It will be a good commodious house, and is much needed. I hope they will be able to finish it this summer: may the Lord abundantly prosper them. We met many beloved saints here. The Lord wrought powerfully in the meetings. We continued with the Church here one week, daily feasting together upon Christ our sacrifice, and bread from heaven. Six souls were converted to God, most or probably all of whom had been on the Lord’s side before, but had let go their hold of faith. May the Lord keep them all unto eternal life.
About the same number were also sanctified wholly through the blood.
Others were under conviction, but having received a call home to help work in the office, and desiring to go to our dear Bro. Joseph Smith’s, and meet the Church that assembles in his house, we closed the meetings here and went over to his place Sabbath eve. Surely Bro. Smith and his dear family love God’s holy nation, and have built a synagogue for them. Quite a good house of worship constructed from an old house, repaired and enlarged.
Praise God! we found it a delightful place to worship God. A holy sanctuary.
O what glory filled the place, and inspired our souls. Here we realized, “Heaven come down to the sanctified wholly.”
The first day there was a case of casting out devils. The work had began on Sabbath evening before, at the other place, where many devils came out with loud cries, being cast out in the name of Jesus Christ. Glory to Jesus! as it was in the days of Christ, they crowded together in some of whom the devil raged and muttered, because he was being cast out of the suffering victim.
Some who were deeply convicted at the former place followed us to Bro, Smith’s, and gave themselves to the Lord. There was great joy in Heaven and on earth, at the salvation of dear brother Thomas Warren, who a lew years ago was among the saints, and doubtless enjoyed salvation, but he lost the grace of Cod out of his soul, and became a poor lost man, in the hands of his enemy. We confess that we feared he was sealed of the adversary, and irredeemably lost. O what amazing triumphs of Divine grace was his salvation. How it filled our hearts, and called forth streams of gratitude from the heart of his dear saved wife and son, and indeed all the saints, with the angels in heaven. But O the glory that filled his redeemed soul.
On Monday night he was joyfully converted, and on Tuesday he presented his body a living sacrifice wholly to God, and was fully sanctified. The dear soul went down in the very depth of humility, and desparate earnestness. Not long after his testimony the mighty Spirit of the Living God began to fill his soul and body. Hallelujah! how the mighty power of God almost burst the earthen vessel, until night. O it was wonderful, wonderful!
We only remained two days and nights at that place, during which quite a number were converted and sanctified. The last day Bro. Wooden consecrated for entire sanctification. This Bro. had been saved, and called to the ministry, but satan had overthrown him, and filled him with various delusions, and the spirit of opposition to the saints. He preached against the Bible doctrine of holiness, and other truth. But finally be saw that the cause of God went right on in spite of all his efforts to oppose it, and he was convinced that he was even fighting against God. Through the faithful labors of Bro. A. B. Palmer, he had recently been restored, and now he made a complete confession, and consecrated and claimed entire sanctification. May God bless and use this dear Bro. for His glory, and the salvation of many souls for Christ’s sake.
In each of the four neetings at this place there were from two to five consecrated to God. We were sorry our stay was so short. We hope to meet all those beloved saints again ere long.
Our dearly beloved Bro. A. B. Palmer came to this place the last evening before we left. He is a good man, full of faith and the Holy Ghost, and much people were added to the Lord, through his labors the past winter. Having heard that we were going home for a season, he came to engage the little ones that were assisting us, to labor at his place, where we suppose he, with them, and perhaps Bro. Michels also, is holding a protracted meeting. The Lord bless the truth to the saving of many precious souls in that place.
The morning we started home we found the intense interest in the meetings, the loss of sleep, and our work, coupled with a sudden attack of cold, had nearly reduced us to the sick bed. We stayed most of the night at Bro. and sister Bell’s in Kalamazoo, and reached home “Wednesday morning at nine o’clock, very weak. Our soul was filled with joy and thanksgiving to God, our body had no power to express, on meeting the dearly beloved Trumpet family again. Glory to Jesus for the pure love that binds together the holy saints of God. We found here dear Bro. S. Speck, Bro. and sister Graver, also sister Clara Morrison, who being blest of God with the gift of song, was assisting in the meetings. Also was no little surprised to meet sister Alice Davis here, she having accompanied Bro. and sister Fisher from Pa. Protracted services had discontinued here; but the Church is prospering in the Lord.
The day we arrived at home, a good steam engine was brought into the Trumpet Office, by the kind blessing of God. Bro. Fisher having previously engaged the same. Thank God that we live to see this day. The glorious work is spreading like fire in the earth. Glory to God and the Lamb! O what hosts of fire baptized saints we have met. With the increase of numbers there is a continual advancement in the clearness and power.
Michigan seems to be the best field that we light upon. For some reason, God is smiling upon souls here, and they are easily captured for Jesus, and remain steadfast in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship.
One thing we much regret that there is not more wisdom among the saints respecting healthy diet. Laboring in five Counties in Ind. and two in Mich., we have not found a single family that did not have pork on their table about every meal. In fact we do not recollect a single meal without pork. Now this is a very unhealthy food. A great breeder of scrofula, cancers etc, and a general dwarfer of physical and mental power. A sad thing to feed to children.
Another great pity is the common use of white bread. O that God may keep His saints from thus wasting the precious wheat He gives us. Better give one half of your wheat to the poor, than half spoil it all, and then have but a bushel of flour from two bushels of wheat. If you have it ground as the God of nature requires it should be, you will have a sack full of flour for each sack of wheat, and though not as heavy as a sack full of bolted flour, each pound is worth much more to the system.
Men have told me lately that fine stock raisers have discovered the virtue of bran, insomuch that it can scarcely be bought at the mills, it being all bought up by that class to grow fine stock. They have found that nothing will made such good muscle and tough bone. Well dear parents, in the name of Jesus we ask you if your children are not worth more than your dum brutes. Why rob them of the necessary bone, muscle, and brain food. And why waste half of the Lord’s wheat, to conform to the proud habbits and perverted tastes of this sinful world. The merchandise of babylon is “cinnamon, and odors,” “fine flour” “wine” “slaves,” and “souls of men,” etc, — Rev. 18. Wheat is also spoken of in the catalogue, but by-far the larger number of articles are just hurtful condiments. Showing the sensual age in which we live, when the human family spend more for what is a curse to them, than for healthful necessities of life.
O Lord lead thy children to simple, holy, healthful habits of life for Christ’ sake. We earnestly pray God that if we are permitted to return to those kind families of the holy saints, we will be blessed with the precious nourishing bread of the whole wheat. How much better our body keeps up, and endures the labor when thus favored.
Well we have great reason to praise God for His kind preserving and upholding hand, during the winter’s campaign. We were truly favored with good weather, and good roads, and every needed blessing.
We were out just eleven weeks to the same hour of the day. During which there were over 200 souls consecrated for pardon and for entire sanctification.
There were about twenty healed by faith in the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord!
Sedgwick, Kan.
Dear Brethren: — May grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ inspire your minds with holy ardour and flaming zeal in holiness, to spread the honor of His name as far as the wretched race of Adam has peopled the earth, until holiness to the Lord shall be the motto of all nations.
I believe in the power of God to save to the uttermost. Every one that is willing can be saven from everything that is contrary to the will of God.
About five years ago I was condemned for using tobacco, and for wearing ruffles and laces, feathers and flowers. I said, I cannot give up the use ot tobacco. I heard a voice saying to me, “will you trust me,” and I said yes Lord, and I took my tobacco and pipe, and threw them in the stove.
The next morning I saw the broad, and the narrow way. I could not see the width of the broad road nor the end of if, but on this road I saw a great multitude, and they were both men and women, dressed in all the fashions of this world, and there were so many they could only move very slowly. I could see their feathers and flours, ruffles, laces, jewels and many other articles. I saw the narrow way at the same time. There were but very few on this way, but they were all dressed perfectly plain. I saw this four days in succession.
“We must walk by faith, and we must walk in the Spirit. “This I say then walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.” How many think more of getting rich in this world’s goods, than they do of the salvation of perishing souls around them, and will not give a penny for the advancement of Christ’s cause and kingdom. I pray God that their eyes may be opened to God’s truth.
The last days are even now at hand, but it is glorious to know that in these days it is the blessed privilege of believers to walk with God. If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit. — Gal. 5: 16-25. We must walk in love if we are followers of Christ, and God’s dear children; we must walk in obedience, and we must walk circumspectly, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. We must walk in the light if we are God’s children, concealing nothing, but be frank, open, sincere, truthful in every word, and we must walk worthy of our vocation. We are called unto the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ cur Lord. O how happy is the walk of a Christian in this poor perishing world. I belong to God, soul body and spirit, to do His will.
Elizabeth Newsom.
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Page 2
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER, and J. C. FISHER, – Editors.
J. C. FISHER, —– Publisher.
TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance
All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the Gospel Trumpet, in order to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible.
Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in Postal Notes, above that amount in Post Office Orders, or Registered Letter. Small amouts in two cent stamps.
A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gospel Trumpet. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper.
Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts.
The cross marked with a pencil opposite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes their paper discontinued.
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A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.
It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Orders are increasing; send on your orders.
Price ………. 10 cents.
One dozen copies ………. $1.00
Fifty copies ………. $3.50
BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.
This tract contains 64 pages: the price is 25 cts.
God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Trumpet can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good financial help to spread other matter for the Lord.
We now have on hand a supply of Bible Proofs of the Second Work of Grace, which we are anxious to dispose of as soon as possible. Frequently brethren have been writing for the book, and have not been supplied. Please now send in your orders and they will be promptly filled.
Price $1,25.
We received a good letter from Bro. P. A. Seguin, No. 34, Blue Island Avenue, Chicago Ill. The brother is struggling hard against great opposition from babylon, and financial pressure, to publish his French paper, Trumpet Evangelist, which is designed to reach the poor French Catholics that are now bound in the prison houses of babylon. Bro. Seguin is a converted Roman Catholic priest, and stands free from babylon, and is entitled to the symyathy and aid of all the saints of God.
Let all who can, glorify God by sending to this worthy Brother, a few dollars, or postage stamps, as five or ten cents, as you can and it will be a great help to him, and will be thankfully received.
We are now prepared to furnish beautiful Scriptural tract envelopes and cards 50 cts per hundred for each, on receipt of orders.
We have loaned out quite a number of books, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, “MadamGuyon,” two volumes, Upham’s “Life of Faith,” and “Interior Life.” “Randall’s Travels in Egypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writing of God.”
As it is now time to make out a list of meetings for our summer campaign; therefore we wish to hear from the brethren in the different parts in reference to camp and grove meetings. All who desire camp or grove meetings should notify us as soon as possible, so we can make the best possible disposition of our time. Do not ask us to publish a camp meeting unless you expect to tent on the ground.
Any meeting in the grove would be a grove meeting, unless the brethren tented on the grounds. Let us hear from you.
We ought to have a camp meeting in Gratiot Co., Mich, again this year, also on the Bangor grounds, one in Pa., and other places. In each we want to know if the brethren will tent, and about how many.
Praise God! The New book is sending a tidal wave of praise and glory through the land; flashing Gospel light unto many hearts; sounding out the clear notes of Gospel truth, and exerting a mighty influence for God, and His salvation in the hearts of the people. The publication of this book is a glorious epoch in the onward march of Divine truth. The first edition has nearly all gone forth singing the dear Redeemer’s praise.
We now begin to publish the second edition, to which we expect, to add a few new pieces with notes. Songs of Victory in well adapted for Sabbath schools, camp and grove meetings. Now is the time to order for Sabbath school, and other meetngs. Numbers can be ordered from one dozen upward, at the same rates, as per hundred. Price 35 cents. Cloth 50cts Per dozen, $3.00. Cloth $4.80.
Unless it should be to defer for warmer weather, there will be a grove meeting in the vicinity of Prospect meeting house, on the line between Randolph and Jay Co’s, Ind. May 15th-20th.
This annual convocation of the saints will begin, the Lord willing, June the 10th and continue over ten days, on the old Camp Ground two miles north of Bangor, Van Buren Co. Mich. We may designate this as a general Camp meeting for all the saints every where, for such it has become. It was a marvel of Divine power and glory last year, and we expect the coming meeting to exceed in glory, all others, as the redeemed hosts have been much increased in numbers, and advanced in the power and fire of the Holy Spirit. Make your arrangments to come with a tent.
This will follow next in order. A glorious time is expected, and the salvation of many souls. The meeting was a hallowed feast last year, and is expected still more glorious this season. This meeting will be held the last of June, or the first of July.
These meetings will probably be held about the same time in August. Time will be arranged soon as possible. Besides these we can hold a number of grove meetings, etc. Persons wishing meetings let us know, and we will arrange for as many as possible. We expect to make a trip to Fulton Canada, and another up north to Charlevoix Co. Mich. Persons that live in the direction of these places, desiring our labors, write us soon.
Please dear readers do hot forget, and omit to give us your address when you write. Do not presume that we recollect your address. We only have index to your name on our book by means of your address. Please always remember and observe this, and thereby save us much trouble, and precious time.
We are yet in debt on the publication of this work, and desire much to have it cleared up. Please send orders for the book, price $1.25, or donations. Remember the book would have been paid for long ago, were it not for our struggles in publishing the Gospel Trumpet, against the adverse storms of the “prince of the powers of the air.” If you feel that you did not do your whole duty to the cause at that time, you can now help to make up what we then fell short. I am so thankful to God for His blessings upon His great work. And I feel sure He will speedily help us out of this embarrassment. It is a real burden on our heart. God bless the willing and obedient.
BECAUSE it is said the disciples followed Christ “in the regeneration,” and as many as believed on Him were born of God, — Matt. 19:28. John 1:12, 13. And It is also recorded that the “Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified” — John 7:39. Therefore some have fallen into the erronious notion that regeneration is wrought without the Holy Spirit.
Again we have heard of a teaching that admits the operation of the Spirit of God in producing the new birth, but that He performs His work and then goes His way, and that the regenerated do not possess the Spirit of God until the second grace of entire sanctification. Both of these doctrines are erronious, contrary to the Scripture, and hurtful to the soul.
Christ positively says we are “born of the Spirit” — John 3:5, 6. And that the Spirit of the Lord enters every born again soul, is equally clear by the Word. Before the day of Pentecost Christ said to His disciples, “It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” — Matt. 10:20. He did not put the speaking of the Spirit in them in the future, but says it “speaketh in you,” a present fact.
I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are Thine. And all mine are Thine, and Thine are mine. — John 17:9, 10. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His. — Rom. 8:9. But Christ declared the disciples His, before pentecost, hence they had the Spirit of Christ.
The Apostle makes this matter very plain. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God. — Rom. 8:14-16.
The inward possession of the Spirit, of God is a fact wherever Divine sonship exists. And this possession of the Spirit is the witness of sonship, and His indwelling is inseparable from that relation. “The quickening of your mortal bodies,” in Vr. 11 of this chapter, refers to the second work of grace, the bringing of our entire body into harmony with the will and nature of God. And this second work of entire sanctification is wrought by Christ’s Spirit previously dwelling in us.
To redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of Sons.
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts crying, Abba Father. — Gal. 4:5, 6.
The new birth is identical with adoption. Both represent the process of becoming a son, though the former figure is stronger than the latter. Now it is expressly said that adoption is by the Spirit, and being sons, the Spirit of Christ, the first born of the family is sent forth in our hearts. Without this Spirit of adoption in our hearts we are not a child of God at all. For this “Spirit bears witness with our Spirit that we are sons of God,” and surely it cannot testify to our consciousness from a position outside of us. Then it is a fact that the Spirit of Christ dwells in every regenerated heart.
How then do we reconcile this fact with the other fact that the Spirit is received in entire sanctification as we see on the day of pentecost?
There is no difficulty if we attend to the reading of the Word. What does God send forth into our hearts because we are sons? Ans., “the Spirit of His Son.” That is the Spirit of Christ, the second person. But “there are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word (Christ) and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.” — 1 John 5:7.
Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. — Matt. 28:19.
Here we see that in addition to the Spirit of Christ, the second person, there is the Holy Spirit, who is the third person Himself. Now it was in this person that “the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.”
The spirit promised to believers, the sanctifier and comforter is always the third person.
And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever;
Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. — John 14:16, 17.
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me. — John 15:26.
Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak; and He will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for He shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. — John 16:13, 14.
In all these Scriptures the Spirit promised to believers, is personified by the pronoun, “He.” He is therefore not the Spirit of the second person, but a person of the Trinity Himself. And by reference to Matt. 28:19 and 1 John 5:7, we see He is the third person of the Triune Godhead. Hence in person distinct from the Spirit of the second person, the Son, which we receive in regeneration. This distinction may be thought contradicted by the language of Christ in John 14:17, where the same “Spirit of truth,” the comforter promised to believers, already dwells with them in the regenerated state. This will be readily understood in the light of John 14:8, 9. — “Philip saith unto him Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto Him, have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, show us the Father?”
No one can fail to distinguish between the distinct personality of the Father, and the Son; and yet he that has seen one has seen the other. Because they are one in essence, mind and character. Yet distinct in person. So the Spirit of Christ and the Comforter are one in nature, yet distinct in person. So the third person dwelt with the regenerated disciples, in essence, by the Spirit of adoption. The world, even penitent sinners, cannot receive the Comforter, because I they “see Him not neither know Him; but ye (converted) know Him, for He dwelleth with you,” namely in the Spirit of adoption, which is the same in essence.
There were, we may say, three dispensations, or stages of development in the Divine plan, corresponding with the three persons of the Trinity. The dispensation of the Father covers the patriarchal and Mosaic ages. Then God was revealed as the Father and Creator of the Universe The dispensation of the Son was a short one, covering the ministry of Christ, and the Church up to Pentecost. Then was the Son of God the Redeemer of the world revealed. And on the day of Pentecost the glorious dispensation of the Holy Spirit was ushered in. The Son was with the Father before the world began and “was in the Church in the wilderness, and with the angels which spake to Him in Mount Sinai, and with our fathers; who received the lively oracles to give unto us. – Acts 7:38. And yet there came a time when He was manifest to men by incarnation in the flesh. So the Holy Spirit had operated in the earth from the beginning, but was manifest in these last days as never before. So this is the dispensation of the Spirit, called the “ministration of the Spirit.” – 2 Cor. 3:8. Gal. 3:5.
The three dispensations, of the Father Son, and Holy Spirit, have each a representation in human experience. First the sinner feels and dreads the existence of God, the Creator and Judge of the world. He trembles at the thought of his Maker, and dreads his judgment bar. In the plan of redemption God appears in the person of the Son and the Spirit, but the sinner has not entered the redemption scheme, therefore is arraigned before the tribunal of his conscience and Creator.
But when the soul surrenders to Jesus and receives the glorious pardon, he passes into the spiritual dispensation of the Son. Then it is Jesus, Jesus all the day long. Then we can tell to sinners round, what a dear Savior we have found.
The shortness of the dispensation of the Son, in point of time agreed with the shortness of this dispensation in experience. The whole tenor and imperative voice of the New Testament, urges justified believers on to the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, through the sanctifying blood of Jesus Christ. Though justification is properly called the dispensation of the Son, and entire sanctification that of the Spirit, yet it is true that the Son of God and His wondrous truth is revealed to us a great deal more fully under the reign of the Comforter, than possibly could be before His reception. He does not speak of Himself, but bears testimony of Jesus, and takes the things of Christ and shows them to us. Yet His wonderful inspiration and illumination, puts the soul in a new and glorious realm of Divine light, which is the glorious crowning dispensation of the Spirit of God in our soul. The marked and peculiar heritage of the saints of God in the last days, or closing dispensation of time. To this Holy Spirit reign of righteousness, all past prophesy looked forward with great interest, for “in the last days,” says Joel, ”He will pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.” And behold the “tabernacle of God shall be with men.” As God hath said, “I will dwell in you and I will walk in you.” This heavenly dispensation of the Spirit of God in our hearts, is the saints greet jubilee. Glory to God and the Lamb.
Sister Mary Ann Green, died March 24th 1886. Aged 33 years, two months, and twenty six days. Her disease was paralysis of the heart. She said the day she died, all was well. The will of the Lord be done.
Farewell, their Sister, fare thee well,
How much we miss thee none can tell:
With aching heart and throbbing brow,
In vain we wait thy coming now.
Hew oft through life’s long weary race,
Thy hopeful words and smilling face,
Through nights of pain and days of grief,
Have brought our burden hearts relief.
In days to come when lone and sad,
Thy presence ne’r shall make us glad;
Thy tired feet no more shall go.
On busy errands to and fro.
Farewell dear Sister sweetly sleep,
Where heavy lids no longer weep;
God’s will be done, His way is best,
His grace shall sooth the sorrowing breast.
And when life’s troubled seems are o’er,
We’ll meet where parting comes no more.
I would say we have a good many books in the hands of agents unpaid for. Quite a number have had them for some time and have failed to make returns. We do not intend to make it a rule to fill orders not accompanied by cash: you will therefore confer a great favor on us by sending us what is due, as we are in great need of means at present.
This is a beautiful morning, and I am impressed to write my experience. I have been a sufferer for forty years; but for the last twelve years a great sufferer. The doctors said I could not be cured; but bless God, He has cured me. Bro. Wm. Smith and some other little ones came to my house about four weeks ago; and brother Smith prayed with me, and laid hands on me in the name of the Lord, and I was healed. I am well now, praise God!
Bless God for the saints! I am free from all sin and sects. Your sister.
Polly Colby.
Page 3
By Enoch Wickersham.
Have you left the Church? No, I have just got right into it. I feel that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of life. But do you belong to the visible Church? Yes, I belong to the Church which is built upon the rock. — Matt 16:18. And it is a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but is holy and without blemish. — Eph. 5:27.
It is the Church of the First-born, which are written in Heaven. – Heb. 12:23. I belong to the united brethren; for we have one Master, even Christ: and we are all brethren. – Matt. 23:8. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in Heaven, the same is my brother. – Matt. 12:50. “So we being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” – Rom. 12:5.
I belong to the disciples; for Jesus said, “If ye continue in my Word, then are ye ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. – John 8:31, 32. The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his Lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his Lord. It they have called the master of the house beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his house-hold? — Matt. 10:24.
I belong to the Church (not sect) of all Christians; because the followers of Christ were called Christians, and I am following Christ with all my heart. “If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed: but let him glorify God on this behalf. – 1 Pet. 4:16.
I want it distinctly understood that I belong to no sect. I may be falsely accused of belonging to a sect, but it is absolutely false. Even as Paul was accused of being “pestitent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout all the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.” – Acts 24:5.
All sects are organized by man, and are not of God. “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to naught the understanding of the prudent. Where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” – 1 Cor. 1:19, 20, 25.
“If this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to naught; but if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to light against God.” – Acts 5:38, 39. “Every man is brutish by his knowledge; every founder is confounded by the graven image: for his molten image is falsehoods, and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of error; in the time of their visitation they shall perish.” — Jer. 57:17, 18
“How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked. Ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise O God, judge the earth; for thou shalt inherit all nations.” – Psalm 82:2, 7, 8. “That men may know that thou whose name alone is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” — Psa. 83:18.
I hold to nothing, and belong to no organization but that one organized by Christ through the Spirit. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. – 1 Cor. 3:11.
So we see that Christ is the foundation of the Church, which is His Body, and He is the head of the Church. “God hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be Head over all things to the Church, which is His body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all. — Eph. 1:22.
Christ is the head of the Church; and He is the Savior of the Body – Eph. 5:23. “And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist: and He is the Head of the body, the Church; who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; that it all things He might have the pre-eminence.”
“For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell.” – Col. 1:17, 18, 19. I belong to no division. Neither am I for Otterbein, Wesley or Campbell. Neither am I of Paul or of Apollos, or of Cephas: but I do praise God that I am for Christ. Now it any of you say, I am of one denomination, and another says I am of another denomination, then are ye carnal. Is Christ divided? was any crucified for you but Christ? were ye not baptized in the name of Christ? For ye are yet carnal; for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and division, are ye not carnal and walk as men? Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?” – 1 Cor. 3: 3, 4, 5. “Now I beseech you brethren, by the mane of our Lord Jesus Christ, that there be no division among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the same judgment. -1 Cor. 1:10. “Now ye are the Body of Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set us in the Church as it hath pleased Him. — 1 Cor. 12:27.
Praise God for unity in Christ Jesus! Your brother saved and sanctified through Jesus’ blood.
Odon, Ind.
Dear Brethren: – Grace be multiplied unto you and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
I feed led of the Lord, to write my testimony for the glory of God. I am saved from all sin, justified and wholly sanctified to God, through the blood of Jesus Christ. “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we also have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand” — Rom. 5:1, 2. This grace is entire sanctification, and coming after justification, is a second work of grace. As Jesus prayed for His disciples who were already regenerated, “sanctify them through Thy truth, Thy Word is truth.” — John 17:17. Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.” — 1 Pet. 1:23.
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and the renewing of the Holy Spirit which He shed on us abundantly.” — Titus 3:5. Being born of the water and the Spirit, we have peace with God, being justified freely from all our sins. “And the water that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” — John 4:14.
And whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God.” — John 3:9.
Again John testifies, that “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” — 1 John 5:18. If them that are born of God do not commit sin, as the Word of truth declares, that cuts off all sect denominations, because they do not believe in living without sin. Therefore they are of the wicked one, for John says that “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” — John 3:8. I praise God, there is a pure remnant left, who have come out from sin and sinners, and all the sinful sects. Yet it makes us feel sad when we look at the awful condition of this world.
The great multitude sit in gross darkness, and are blinded in their sectarian idolatry. “They are gone out of the way, they are altogether become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” — Rom. 3:12. “Not every one that saith Lord. Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name, and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works?” But Christ will answer them, “I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
Probably their mighty works were labors to build up their sect, and though they lived in sin, they doubtless prayed, “when we come to die, save us,” but deceived by the false teachers, they lived in sin, and died in sin, and must go to the sinners doom. Glory to Jesus for salvation form all the works and snares of the devil. Pray for me. Your Bro. in Christ,
Wm. L. Montgomery.
At my residence in VanBuren Co. Mich, on the 31st day of March, 1886, Bro. John Abbott and sister Minnie M. Harbin, both of this County. God bless them and give them a life of peace and prosperity,
Sebastian Michels.
Send us a new Subscriber.
Odon, Ind.
To all the dear saints and readers of the Gospel Trumpet, grace and peace be multiplied.
I have just been reading the “Gospel Trumpet, and my soul is filled with glory.
When I was in the sect I had the spirit of bigotry, but now thank God! I have the spirit of humility and littleness.
Praise God! I am out in the field preaching the pure Word of God; for I am debtor both to the wise and the unwise. And I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth. Though but few believe it, I will do my duty: then I can say with Paul, “Your blood be upon your head.”
Some time ago I was led to commence a meeting five miles west of here, in a marshy district. After getting full consent of the teacher and directors, my dear Bro. Wm. MtGomery and myself opened fire on the people in the name of Jesus.
We continued the meeting from Feb. 12th till Sabbath eve, the 21st.
The first two days the powers of darkness were arrayed against us mightily. Monday the 15th the teacher closed the house against us, thinking that would stop us. But glory to God! He gave us the victory, and moved the hearts of the people to open their houses. Though some of the people had to walk on foot-logs, and some of the houses were very open and cold, we had crowded houses.
God layed the worth of souls upon our hearts, and endowed us with, mighty power to preach His Word. Sinners were made to confess the power of God, and skeptics confessed that they had learned more while we were there than they had learned in all their lives.
The people here are extremely poor in this world’s goods; so babylon preachers paid no attention to them for want of hire. But Jesus said, “the poor have the Gospel preached unto them. All glory to God! there were four dear souls made rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom of Heaven.
Three were truly sanctified, and one justified. Many were deeply convicted, and promised us to never give up till they obtained salvation. Many requested us to remain longer, but through much exposure we were unable to labor longer at that time, hoping to return ere long again.
Bro. MtGomery and myself have commenced another meeting at a little town called Epson. They have threatened us with eggs, but. none of these things move us; for our Jives are hid with Christ in God.
Praise God for the holy fire in our souls. Pray for us. Your Brothers, completely saved in Jesus.
R. Cloe & Wm. MtGomery.
Liberal, Mo.
Dear Brethren: — Praise God this morning for full salvation! The blood cleanses me from all sin.
God’s cause in South-west Mo. is moving forward in spite of the devil. The greatest hindering causes in the way of the march of our King, is the love of money and of the sect idol. May God help you through the columns of the Trumpet, to uncover the vile system that falsely calls itself the church. Many evangelists in this State are out of babylon, and yet feel timid about speaking against her.
A person who has been sanctified and still pleads for babylon, soon turns out to be a fighter of holiness. O how I praise God that He has told us to put ourselves in array against babylon, and spare no arrows. The sect spirit is strong even in the Co. “Holiness Association.” They are not of God, but create division and strife.
Praise God for the one Church, for it is all there is. If the evangelists would have power they must cry against all sin.
Secrecy and sectism are not touched by many, because they are so strong. Shame on one who professes to stand for God, and yet fear to attack any form of wickedness. Dear readers pray that I may have power to destroy sin. Your Bro. out for the war, ready to answer calls, to go anywhere to work for God.
D. H. Richie.
Portland, Mich.
Dear Brethren, and Trumpet readers: — We praise God for salvation full and free. It makes all free who enjoy it. Those who are not perfectly free, do not enjoy a perfect salvation. Christ’s salvation destroys all yokes, and breaks all bands, and delivers us from all creeds. “If the Son therefore shall make you freer, you shall be free indeed.” — John 8:36.
This is the Gospel we have espoused and do preach. Praise God for the indeed freedom!
Dear brethren, we have just closed another meeting. It was a new field; the people came out and listened very attentively, while the Word was preached; sinners were stirred, some gave their hearts to God. Some of the sectarians were very much moved, and stood up for their dear old craft, which was being shaken. Some said they were “Methodists through and through,” and others, “United Brethren to the back bone.” — Which we well know, for they did not belong to the body of Christ, (the Church) for their fruits were unto sectarianism, and not unto holiness.
But we are all for Christ, and our fruits unto holiness. Jesus said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. And so we preach Jesus only. And all that come to Him bending on their knees, crying for mercy, find Him to the joy of their hearts. Several were sanctified, and a number healed. It shook the village very much, the daily inquiry was, “what do you think of the healers, at Howell school house?” Some thought as Gamaliel did, concerning the Apostles preaching and healing. — Acts 5:38, 39. “And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or work be of men, it will come to naught: but if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it, lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.” They say if the healing and soul saving will stand through warm weather, they will think it is of God. Praise the Lord! He has a Church here that the gates of hell can not prevail against.
It pains my heart to hear of the damnable practices, and endulgences of the ungodly sects, pretending to be the Church of God. Well may Jer. prophesy of these hypocrites. — Jer. 5:28-31. “They are waxen fat, they shine, yea they over-pass the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper; and the right of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for these things, saith the Lord? Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?” Some have come out of the sect and declared their freedom, rejoicing in Christ, their salvation.
The Eagle saints were here a few times, and gave in their testimony with good effect, which was much needed to help the work.
The saints are much delighted with the Trumpet, and some have already subscribed for it. May God increase the work here and elsewhere.
Our experience is, we are saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, unto salvation. Your Bro. and sister.
Wm. N. & S. J. Smith.
Henderson, Pa.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord for salvation on the Bible line. I praise God for what He is doing here at Henderson; we are having glorious meetings, the power of God is being manifested from time to time in a wonderful manner. Many who have not come out as yet, are convinced that God is with us of a truth. I pray God that they may not only be convinced, but that they may receive the truth in their hearts and be saved. Nine of the dear saints followed their dear Savior in the ordinance of baptism, on the 13th, and some of them came up out of the water shouting the praises of God. Many more have requested to be baptized, which will be attended to soon. Your Bro. saved just now, and kept by the power of Ged.
J. S. Perrine.
Earlton, Kan.
Dear readers of the Gospel Trumpet, the Lord bless you. Amen!
I have just arrived home from the field, glory to God for the preservation of our lives. Hallelujah! Bless the Lord! I want to report to yon what the Lord is doing in these ends of the earth.
Sister Benedict, sister Haner, myself, and other workers commenced a meeting at Three mound school house, near Ward P. O. Wilson Co. Kansas, March 23d, and closed Apr. 2nd, with the following blessed results. — Eight souls sanctified wholly, and six conyerted to God. Glory be to His holy name forever! I never saw just such a meeting in my life, such thorough work. O glory to God! I never saw such grand displays of the power of God, and I never saw such earnest workers. I never heard so much definite testimony to a second work of grace. Glory to God, the little ones are all on fire for God. Hallelujah to the Lamb forever! Blessed be God for His wonderful works to the children of men! To God be all the glory. Your brother saved and sanctified by faith in Christ, and kept by power Divine.
John H. Orr.
StJohns, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I am glad to tell you that I am saved, and no more in the service of the devil. Oh! how long he deceived me and kept me in his ranks: but praise God! although I found myself sealed with seven seals, I found also that the Lion of the tribe of Judah was able to loose the seals and let me free. Hallelujah to His name! and although in the most humble walks of life, I find that Jesus is not ashamed of me, but is with me all the time. He says, “Come unto me * * * for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls.” Praise His name! If He had not been lowly in heart, He would not have picked me up; but when I come to Him I was “strong in faith,” and “hoping against hope;” I staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but gave glory to God. Also through faith in His promises was and am “sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ,” and am kept by the power of God. Praise God!
Your Brother in the Lord.
Edwin B. Lyon.
Fowler Mich.
Dear Brethren: — Praise the Lord! I am all the Lord’s, and praise Him for full salvation in Christ. The blood of Christ as a Lamb without spot or blemish, sanctifies me wholly.
Now unto Him that is able to keep you and all His holy ones in the love of Christ forever, be praised forever more.
Your Brother in Christ.
James Moore.
State Line Ind.
Dear Brethren: — This day God is my Father, Jesus is my Savior and the Holy Ghost is my Comforter, and the Angel of the Lord my keeper. All will be happy with such company. I have nothing to fear. “They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed but abideth forever.” I live every day at the foot of the cross.
You will find enclosed $1.00 for the Trumpet, for I would be lost without it. The Trumpet has been a blessing to me. I have learned so much, and it does me so much good to read what others are doing. Pray for me. From your Sister in Christ.
R. A. Songer.
Sweetser Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I feel led to write a few lines. We feel the mighty power of the Spirit in our souls, and are abounding more and more in this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Praise the Lord! God does so wonderfully save us through the raging, snaping and growling of the sect dragon. Oh! he is raging terribly. Glory to Jesus! They are gnawing their tongues for pain. The walls of babylon are shaken, and the priests are rallying all their forces to hold them together. We have our meeting regularly twice a week. God is with us in mighty power. Hallelujah! The sects have appointed their meeting on the same nights that we have ours, to destroy our meetings; but by the grace of God we will move right along. Praise God for victory that we have in our soul this morning. There are many here I believe will accept the truth and walk in the light. May God bless and keep you. Your Bro. in the faith, and washed in the blood, and sanctified.
W. H. Bragg.
Ithaca Mich.
Dear Brethren: — My testimony is this afternoon that I am saved of God and sanctified. I have that peace in my soul which passeth all understanding, that which the world can neither give nor take away. I do praise God that He ever called after me and gave me a willing heart to serve Him. I would not exchange this salvation that keeps me from all sin each day, for all this world and its pleasures. I am bound by the assisting grace of God to do His will in all things let come what will.
“All this life is blissful sunshine, Earth is subject at our feet; Heaven pours its richest blessings, Round our throne of love complete.”
Your Sister in Christ, saved and kept by the power of God. Pray for me.
Nettie Simmons.
Page 4
By Samuel Speck.
“THEREFORE being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Rom. 5:1.
The effect of being justified is “peace with God.” Justification is a deep work and is felt in the soul, and comes previous to sanctification. To stand justified before God we must be free from all actual transgressions — free from all sins committed.
No one can stand justified one hour before God and violate any known duty that God enjoins upon him. All who have justification are inwardly seeking (not fighting) sanctification, or a pure heart. The Spirit of Christ in them is constantly craving and desiring to be made free from all encumbrance of the carnal nature which regenerated (unsanctified) babes in Christ possess in the soul. For proof let us apply to John 1:8. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” Many are undecided as to the meaning of the above quotation; some say it is the discription of all christians and there best attainments in life, which is contrary to the whole tenor of the Bible. I will call your attention to the fact that the Bible teaches us of two classes of christians first babes in Christ, i. e., regenerated. Second those who are wholly sanctified being cleansed from all inbred depravity. Now we will see who John is addressing. In his first Epistle he says, ”I write unto you little children (why?) because your sins are forgiven you.” Mark,” “sins,” in the plural, not inherited, but committed. 1 John 2:12. I wish you would notice the vast difference between these two quotations. “If we say that we have no sin,” — 1 John 1:8. Sin, not sins in the plural, but sin in the singular, possessed and not committed. “He that committeth sin is of the devil.” — 1 John 3:8. If this 8th ver. had reference to sins committed, it would be an utter impossibility to be a child of God at all; and would make the Scriptures conflict. For “he that committeth sin is of the devil” — (not of God) — 3: 8. ”Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin.” — 9. The meaning of 1 John 1:8 is this, if we that are pardoned of all our sins that we have committed up till the time God forgave us, say we do not still possess the inbred sin, “we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” In the 9th ver., John speaks of both, sins in the plural and sin in the singular. “If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The former are forgiven. The latter is taken or destroyed out of the soul by the cleansing blood of Jesus, “by presenting our body a living sacrifice,” and calling ou God for a “clean heart.” John emphatically declares in the 5th chap, and 17th ver., “All unrighteousness is sin, “and there is a sin (one sin) not unto death.” Why is it not unto death? Because it is not our sin, or is not imputed to us, until light reveals the privilege and duty of its destruction. Now to illustrate this one sin, suppose we were subject to a life long disease that would produce much pain and uneasiness and in a short time destroy our life, and we knew of a cure that would remove it from our body. And we should refuse to apply the remedy, we would be obliged to suffer its effect. So this seed principle of inherited sin is a life long disease of the soul, unless removed by the great remedy, the blood of Jesus Christ. Paul in Heb. 12:1, calls this sin the “besetting sin.” (Em. Diaglott, the close girding sin.) And in Eph. 4:22, “the old man,” and he commands us to “put off the old man with his deeds.”
Dear reader if you have this besetting sin in your heart, O yield your all to Jesus, and “present your body a living sacrifice to God.” “And the very God of peace will sanctify you wholly.” — Rom. 12:1. 1 Thess. 5:23. When we make up our mind to give all up to Jesus, and submit to the death of the old man, O how he will plead for his life; for he don’t like to die. He will cleave to your soul till the last tie is broken that binds you to this world. For he knows the body he once indwelt will be dedicated to God for the temple of the Holy Ghost I wish to say, while at camp meeting last June two miles north of Bangor Mich., I discoyered in a young Bro. that claimed to be wholly sanctified to God, a lack of power and peacefulness in his soul. I felt impressed by the Spirit of God to go and invite him to the altar. So I went to him and asked him to come and get more of the power of God in his soul. He said no, I am all right. I did not feel satisfied with the reply, so I asked him if he was wholly sanctified to God. He answered, I am. So you don’t have any carnal feelings rising up in your heart, such as impatience, anger, discontentment etc. “No, I keep them down, I don’t let them come up.” O how many there art in the same condition to-day that are trying to keep down that which God wants to take out of their soul by the blood of Jesus Christ. O bring the old man to the cross and let him be put to death. Amen!
Williamston Mich.
Meridian Mich.
To all the dear saints of the Lord greeting: — To-day (Feb. 25) I have entered upon ray seventy-second year. How good the Lord has been to me all these years. In taking a retrospection of the past I am led to exclaim with the Psalmest, “Goodness and mercy has followed me all the days of my life.” God in His great mercy, more than fifty years ago pardoned my sins and adopted me into His family. Bless His holy name! And between thirty-five and sis years ago He sanctified my soul, body and spirit, and set me apart for Himself and service. Glory to His name forever! There has been times when I have been led out to labor for souls, and I have seen the work of the Lord prosper in my hands. To God be all the glory. And to day I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost burning in my soul, and if I only had physical strength I would surmount every obstacle and go out in the name of the Master and try, by God helping me, to gather souls into the gamer of the Lord. There is times when I am sitting alone in my little room, that I feel such an intense longing to see precious souls brought into the true light, that I feel something as Knox did when he was pleading for Scotland. His language was, “give me Scotland or die.” The multitude are going the broad way to destruction and the great mass of professing christians, close their eyes, unless sometimes they make a spasmooic effort to doub with untempered mortar; and and if the blind lead the blind they both fall into the ditch. My prayer is, Lord lay thy helping hand. What saith the Word, “The works that I do shall ye do also: and greater works than these shall ye do, because I go unto the Father.” O ye dear saints of the Lord do you believe it? Then let us get hold of the arm of the Lord with that unyielding faith which laughs at impossibilities, and cries, it shall be done, and God will honor such a faith, and we shall see the work of the Lord greatly revived in our midst. The Lord is very precious to my soul to-day. While bowing before Him this morning in my little room,
“Heaven came down my soul to greet, While glory crowned the mercy seat.”
Glory to God and the Lamb for ever and ever! The very hairs of my head are all numbered. I am proving more and more that sanctified trials are among the choicest blessings of my Heavenly Father, They bring me into a very intimate communion with Him, and in communion with God my soul finds its center, its rest. There has to be cutting off right hands, and plucking out right eyes, hut God gives me the victory in my soul by the moment. Hallelujah! The Lord has not cast me off in the time of old age, but my last days are spiritually my best days. O the blessedness of this salvation! My soul exults at the thought. Your Sister saved by the blood of the Lamb.
B. M. Isham.
Lompoc Cal.
Dear Brethren: — There are a few of us who meet in a school house about two and a half miles from town, every Sunday. There was quite a number of sectarians came to our meeting at first, but when they found out that we were living for Jesus alone, opposed to all sects, which are guilty of practicing the works of the flesh, some of which are factions, division, heresies or parties. (See Gal, 5:19-21 New version.) They refused to obey God, and would not come any more. I felt gloriously blessed when I first washed the saints feet, truly realizing Jesus words, when He said, speaking of washing each others feet, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” O I do feel truly thankful for the goodness of God to me, having sanctified me wholly, cleansing me from all sin, and opened my eyes to the evils of sectarianism, and enabled me to overcome the beast and his immage. Bless the Lord O my soul! Your Brother in Christ.
W. C. Olinger.
Barkeyville Pa.
Dear Brethren: — This evening I feel led to write and let you know how the Cause is prospering in this place. We are all standing up for the Lord, against the power of the enemy of souls. Although there have wolves crept in, in sheeps clothing, and are trying to divide the flock; but we are praying for deliverance from the spirit of them. We have had good meetings here the last few weeks, and we pray God to continue the same, and to meet with us in the future as in the past.
Dear Brethren we want you all to pray for us, that we may hold out faithful to the Lord, and finally make Heaven our home. I still feel to thank God for leading me out in this evening light, and glorious freedom in Christ Jesus. We are delivered from all sect bondage, and are standing up for the Lord on the Bible line.
From your Bro. saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God.
S. S. Jones.
Teagarden Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I desire to honor God by a straight and unwavering testimony of His wonderful saving and keeping power. He has saved me from the Grand Army, from the U. B. sect, and all sin. Praise His holy name! On the eve of the 5th inst., He wonderfully blessed my labors at a little private gathering, and brought a soul to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. On the eve of the 6th, I preached my first discourse to a crowded house in this place; text Matt. 5:48. During the entire discourse, good order was maintained. But alter dismission, satan roared vehemently. But by the word of our testimony we overcame him, and the victory was the Lord’s, My inmost soul seemed to be all on fire through it all. Oh praise God and the Lamb! I have been an active babylon member of the U. B. sect, and steward of class at this place. On with drawing the leader, Bro. Jonas Forsyth followed, also Bro. J. Dare, and my wife; that leaves only four or five in the class. I pray that they too may come out of her. and assist in rendering unto her double recompense. Pray for us. Your Bro. saved and sanctified.
Dr. R. Neville.
Six Points O.
Dear Brethren: — My testimony is, that I am saved and sanctified, washed and redeemed through the blood of the Lamb, I am free in Christ. I am all the Lord’s, praise the Lord oh my soul for His goodness toward me! I do praise God for what He is doing for me. It fills my soul with glory, when I read the testimonies of the dear saints. I am trusting in God, oh glory to His name! I am out of babylon, standing on the promises of God, Jesus sweetly dwells within, and I want to be filled with the power ot God every day and every hour. Glory to His holy name! Oh how He bears me up amidst the trying scenes of life. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth them out of them all.” Bless His holy name! O how I do praise God just now for this wonderful salvation. I praise God that know what salvation is. Praise His name forever and ever! Your Sister in Christ.
Leah Cupp.
Teagarden Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God for what He is doing for me. He has been my Physician for one year. Last winter He healed our baby when all said he was dying. I left him in the hands of Jesus, and He healed him. Glory to the name of Jesus! He has given me the gift of healing by the laying on of hands. There is a little band of us here; two have the gift of healing, one the gift of teaching. God has set the members in the body as it has pleased Him. I am saved and sanctified through the blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! I am in the Church which the gates of hell shall not prevail against.
Your Bro. in Christ.
John H. Dare.
Fertigs Pa.
Dear Brethren: — I do praise God for salvation that saves to the uttermost. O glory to God forever and ever! I am saved and kept by the power of God. O glory to God! I now am free; for whom the Son makes free is free indeed.
I belonged to the Dunkard sect for almost eleven years; but never had any salvation, and the Lord showed me that I must come out or be forever lost. When I was willing to confess to the world, and ask God to forgive me, He spake peace to my soul. O, it is glory in my soul! It is about one year since I experienced salvation, and I am still walking in the light. I am poor in this world, out I have found a richer treasure, one that fadeth not away. I now belong to the Church of the Firstborn, whose names are written in Heaven, and am cleansed from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. I am cleansed from tea and coffee, so that I have no desire for it. O dear ones, stand firm! “I know thy works, and tribulations, and poverty, but thou art rich; and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not; but are the synagogue of satan. Fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer.” O I do praise God for saving my poor soul. His praise shall be in my mouth continually. Your Sister in Christ.
Sarah L. Stover.
Ovid Mich.
Dear Brethren: — This glorious Sabbath morning finds me saved and doing the Lord’s will as He makes it known to me. I have just returned from Ind. Left Bro. Jesse Drowley and his wife holding meeting in the name of the Lord, at Cedarville. May they have success is my prayer. Oh glory to God for the sweet peace that I feel down deep in my soul, to know that I am one of His children.
Your Bro. in the love of Christ, saved and sanctified by a second work of Grace. Pray for me that I prove faithful.
Edward Ehl.
Lafayette, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — May God bless you all is my prayer. Praise the Lord! I praise God that He ever culled after me, and I accepted His call and to-day I am saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last day. It has been about two years since I started to serve the Lord, and I am not tired of the way yet. Last New Years night I received sanctification. I do praise the Lord for salvation that saves us from all sin. We have glorious meetings in our neighborhood. Souls are being saved and sanctified. Praise the Lord for His saving power! Pray for me that I may always stand firm for God, and do His will.
From your Sister saved by the power of God.
M. E. Drowley.
Deshler, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — Glory to God for full and free salvation, that saves to the uttermost! Glory to God for the light that I have in my heart. I am saved from all sects and confusion; praise the Lord! I am saved from tobacco and tea. I used tobacco about twenty years, but I am saved from all filthiness. Glory to God, and the Lamb forever! I am kept by the power of God, trusting Him every moment.
Your Bro. washed in the blood.
Orias Larcom.
Freemont Center, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — By the help of God I will write to the Trumpet. My testimony is that I am saved and sanctified, washed and redeemed in the precious blood of Jesus. I know that my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. Praise God! I am free from all sects. Pray for me that I may always be a follower of Christ.
Caroline Johnson.
Dushville Mich.
Dear Brethren: — Please find enclosed one dollar for my Trumpet. Your Bro. in Christ, outside ot all sects, creeds and human arrangements. Bless the Lord forever! Amen!
J. K. Snyder.
New Pittsburg, Ind.
Dear Bro. Warner: — Praise God forever! God is with us and in us. O praise His name forever and ever! The dear saints meet often together, and the Lord just fills us full of His power all the time We had meeting at the Prospect U. B. house yesterday. The Lord met with us and blessed us. Five came to the altar to seek sanctification. Praise God! two received the blessing. Four have professed sanctification since you were here. One of that number is my dear Mother. Praise God! The dear saints at this place want you or Bro. Fisher to come as soon as you can and help us. If you can’t come now come in the summer and hold a grove meeting. Bring as many of the saints as you can with you.
Your Bro. saved and sanctified through Jesus blood.
H. C. Wickersham.
Morral, O.
Dear Brethren: — God bless you and all who are in simpathy with the cause of holiness. I am standing on the sure foundation. Christ Jesus, and walking by faith, with my eye on the prize. I have wanted to write you for a long time in regard to starting a plan to secure you and brother Fisher a tabernacle for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and the salvation of precious souls. What do you think of the plan?
Yours in Christ.
J. B. Wolfe
East Jordan Mich.
Dear Brethren: — The Spirit leads me this morning to write to you. Praise God! I believe the Lord has much people in this place, and the Lord has led me to write, asking you to come and work for Jesus in this place. The blessed Lord has called me to go forth and labor for Him. Three weeks ago last Lord’s day I obeyed the call. O what a blessing came into my soul. I felt as though I was lifted right up in the arms of Jesus.
If you cannot come yourself, send some one filled with the Holy Spirit. How it pains my heart to see the sect preachers come around and ensnare the people into bondage. There are many here that I think will receive the truth, and I hope you will come soon. Your Sister,
Julia B. Crowell.
Maumke Ind.
Dear Brethren: – I do glorify God tonight for full and free salvation. O how I do thank God for an every day salvation. Praise the blesed name of Jesus for a salvation that just saves us from all sin! Though I am surrounded with sin on all sides, yet I do praise God for a salvation that sweetly saves and keeps me every moment. O I do thank God for the Spirit of truth that leads me, and the holy anointing that He has given me. Praise His holy name! He has given me the anointing that abideth forever. I thank God for the Trumpet. I do love to read the testimonies of the dear saints of God, and I thank God for the fellowship that I have with all that have the Holy Spirit. Glory to God! I know I have the Holy Spirit, and I realize what Paul means when he says we are absent in body, but present in Spirit. Glory be to God! I have sweet fellowship with the dear saints that are miles from me. I often think when I am around at my daily work, what a glorious time it will be at the judgment day when we meet all the dear saints, and behold each others friendly faces. O glory glory to God! We will never have to sing the saints farewell, because we will never have to part. O my soul says glory while I write. Well I cannot tell half that I feel in my heart, but glory to God I can tell I am saved. Ever since the Payne Ohio grove meeting, I have been reigning in life by one Christ Jesus. I thank God for the Holy Ghost song book.
Dear Brethren I would like to ask this question. Has any one that has the gift of healing a right to anoint with oil if they are not ordained? Praise God! I know He has given me the gift, and I feel free to lay on hands. I have asked the Lord to show me, and I feel that I ought to be ordained. Now what do you brethren think about it? From your sister saved and sanctified
Jane A. Castle.
The use of the oil is associated with the gift of healing. If so led, the oil may be used by all who have the gift of healing. The Elders are spoken of by James, be cause they are generally in poesession of the gift.
Gilman Ill
Dear Brethren: — I am saved and kept by the mighty power of God. I am truly glad to say that He keeps me sweet all the time. I can say, “Salvation in Jesus, I’ve found it, I’ve got it, glory to Jesus, I’ll sing it, I’ll shout it.” Praise the Lord forever more for what He is doing for us.
Your Bro.