15 July 1886, Volume 8, Number 9.
Perilous Times.
This expression is very common among God’s people. But I feel that some, and perhaps many do not realize the awful meaning these words express. Accept a warning from one who feels the weight of these words. The time is now upon us.
Satan comes as an angel of light,
Slyly sowing his blasting blight;
And we should watch with all our might
Lest we follow him down to endless night.
Perilous times! how true, how true!
No phantom then should we persue:
But in the Spirit’s strength renew
The purpose fixed, we will go through.
Yes perilous times: Awake! awake!
Our precious souls are all at stake:
The parties of case we must forsake
And all the bands of satan break.
Just look about! on every side;
See! falsehood reigns; and truth dolled;
In place of meekness, haughty pride.
Yea, all the last of sin abide.
We look around with longing eyes,
To spy the truth in some disguise;
We hope in vain! no glad surprise,
Returns to greet our anxious eyes.
Yet truth is somewhere to be found,
But not where pomp and sin abound;
“Though crushed to earth,” it will not down,
“But rise again.” with onward bound.
On every side ‘its sham and show,
And false love feigns where’er we go;
The same is true of high and low,
Except a few that better know.
There are a few, and O, how few!
It proves the words of Jesus true,
To death the Multitudes pursue,
The many lost; the saved hut few.
Do not this warning voice dispise,
Tis perilous times! lift up your eyes,
The devil comes in some disguise,
You may be taken by surprise.
H. R. Jeffrey.
Christ is the truth, Himself embrace,
He is thy soul’s sure hiding place;
Abide in Him, and know His grace
Will keep thee in Eternal peace.
Deshler O.
Dear Brethren: – I feel led to tell you my experience. I was a sinner until forty-six years of age, always trying to argue univeralism, but I became so convicted that I could not do that any longer. At length the Free Methodist tent was put up in Deshler, and while listening to brother Wade, I was struck down like Saul; all I could see was the bottomless pit. I promised God that I would ever be led by His Holy Spirit, and never go back into this wicked world for any kind of pleasure. Glory to God! I was made to rejoice, but was only richly converted. I was taken in on six months probation, seeking sanctification. Hot receiving it, I was there a year; but could not feel the sanctifying power. God sent a few of His chosen people to this place, and brother Kilpatrick preached on the subject of sanctification. I went to the altar and there received the fulness of God. Glory! Glory to His holy name! Then I took my name off the earthly class-book that is kept by men, and Jesus received me in full. Glory to God forever! I had the dropsy, heart disease, and chronic sore throat for 27 years, and for some time had not been able to do any work. The doctors all told me I never would see a well day again. Although I was swellen till I could not see day light, nor bend a joint in my body, through faith and the prayers of the saints and the anointing with oil, God healed me, and to-day I can wash and work right along, and sing Jesus, Jesus, all the way along it is Jesus. Through His precious blood I am saved, and ready to do anything for Jesus; free from all sectism and from smoking. I had smoked twenty-eight years. I told my mother of the great Physician that cured me. She has had poor health for thirty years. She came eighty miles to Deshler where there were people to pray for her.
I met her at the depot here, and took her at my daughter’s and there the brethren laid hands on her and the Lord gloriously healed her. How she works right along. Glory to God for free salvation that saves us to the uttermost. Your sister saved and washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Mollie Brown.
The Trumpet Office Removed.
With this issue we close our publishing work in the town of Williamston, Mich. Praise God for the wonderful prosperity He has given this work since our removal to this place There has been a steady and growing increase in the circulation of the paper. And in spite of all the wrath of the adversary the paper has gone out regularly to its subscribers.
And now Before this sheet reaches you, the Lord willing, we shall have reached our new home, and shall be happy to hear from our many beloved friends at our
Van Buren Co.
Let all the saints of God pray for a still more extensive, and thorough diffusion of the Heavenly, saving truth as it is in Christ Jesus. God bless and reward all the kind and liberal hearts and hands that have so freely contributed the Lord’s means to furnish this new resting place for the Ark of the Lord.
BY the help of God and His Word, we will write a few lines on the subject of feet washing, to show the vanity of some people who pretend to the world that they are Christians, and yet do not follow Christ, but follow after certain doctrines of their forefathers which they intermingle with certain parts of the Word of God. They, will not take the whole Word of God for their guide, but take only such parts as suit their creed, and to excuse themselves before the world they say, the rest is done away with, or that it is not for us now, but that it was only for the apostles, or is to take place in heaven.
The Word of God says; “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” There are denominations which throw away nearly every commandment which the Lord Jesus gives in His last will and Testament. Have we any right to call ourselves the children of God unless we obey Him? Then why throw away the commandment, of love, baptism, holy kiss, feet washing, the Lord’s supper, giving of alms, and many other commandments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? We are sure that those that are in the Church of Christ do not reject His Word, for they love Him, and for that reason they obey Him. “If ye love me keep my commandments,” — “he that hath my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me.” — “If a man love me, he will keep my words.” — John 14:15, 21, 23.
But is the washing of the saints feet, a commandment for ns to obey now? Yes, glory to God! It was given to the disciples by Christ Himself, and it is taught to us by the Apostle John in the 13th chapter of his Gospel. Some one says this was only for the Apostles to follow. Well then we have just as good a right to falsely say that all that Christ said was only for His disciples to fellow at that time, and not for us. And what Paul said was not, for us, but for the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, to Timothy, Titus etc. And the Epistle of James was to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, and Peter’s first Epistle is to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia. Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, and not for us. If you can prove that feet washing, as commanded in John, is not for us to follow, then we can prove that none of the New Testament is for us to obey. I praise God that you cannot prove such a thing, and that we do not want to try to prove the other, for it can not be done, for it is all for us, and we must Jive by every word Chat proceeds out of the mouth of God. If you do not obey Him you are not in Him, neither do you know Him, for the Word says, “and hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that says, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keeps His word, in him verily is the love of God perfected; hereby know we that we are in Him. — 1 John 2:3-5. Christ said to His disciples; “know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well: for so I am. If I then your Master and Lord have washed your feet: ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord: neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. — John 13:13-17.
Will you not take Christ for your Lord and Master? If you do you sought also to wash one another’s feet, for Christ has given us an example that we should do as He did. “Christ left us an example, that ye should follow His steps. – 1 Pet. 2:21. “Ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” This is a command for His disciples to obey. Are you His disciple? Let Christ Himself answer. “If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. — John 8; 31, 32. If we do not continue in His Word, we are not His disciples, and will not know the truth, but will be led away by the creeds of men; “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” — 2 Tim. 3:7. And why do you not come to the truth? because you do not continue in His Word. Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” There is no promise of a blessing to us unless we obey Him. “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not grievous. — 1 John 5:3.
“And he that keeps His commandments dwells in Him, and He in him.” — 1 John 3: 24. If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am there shall also my servant be; if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.” — John 12:26.
To follow Christ is to be and do like Christ, and He washed His disciples feet and told them they should do as He did.
You cannot expect the Father to honor you if you throw away part of His words and instead of that, serve the doctrine and creeds of men. We are sure He will not reward those who do not obey Him, but He will come “in flaming fire taking vengence on them that know not God, and THAT OBEY NOT THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS Christ. — 2 Thess. 1:8. Thus shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God.” — 1 Peter 4:17.
How can we escape the vengence of God? By obeying His Word, “Being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him.” – Heb. 5:9. This same Jesus says in His Gospel recorded in the 13th chapter of John, “Ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Do not believe it, when men for the sake of their creeds, say that such and such a commandment of our Savior is done away with, but “be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiveng your own selves.” —James 1:11. “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.” — Matt. 7:21
Let all hear and teach the words of Christ. “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing. — 1 Tim. 6:3. You must live by the whole Word of God, and not take part away to please the sect you have been ensnared into, for the judgment of God is upon those that make His words of none effect. — Rev. 22:19.
“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.” — Matt. 28:19, 20.
We have heard sectites say the Apostles failed to teach feet washing. This is false, for the Apostle John teaches us the very words of Christ, and it is so very plain that it needs no repetition. Does the Gospel by John teach us anything? Yes, It teaches us some of the things which Christ did, and His words. He came to save all that will do His will. “Whoso keeps His Word, in Him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him. He that says he abides in Him, ought himself to walk, even as he walked. — 1 John 2:5, 6. “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” — John 13:15.
The words and commandments of Christ lave not passed away, for heaven and earth shall pass away: hut my words shall not pass away. — Mark 13:31.
The Apostle Paul also enjoined this command of Christ — 1 Tim. 5:10. My prayer to God is, that many may be saved and take Christ for their Lord and Master, and be willing and ready to obey Him, for “blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” — Rev. 22:14.
I am kept continually free from sin. Praise the Lord! and His will he done forever. Amen!
E. G. Wickersham.
DEAR BRETHREN: — I was led to write a letter to the Stumbling Stone in answer to an article in that paper, of Dec. 1885, in which the Editor opposed healing by faith. In bis issue of March appears an article hearing my name, but not what I wrote. I cannot see how any man can be honest, when he takes only a part of a letter, and to some extent destroys the meaning of the whole.
In trying to explain away my piece, he said that the disciples did not try to Cast the devils out of the child that was brought to them. But how did they know that they could not cast them out, if they had not tried to do it. This is an effort to twist the Scriptures, in order to sustain his assertion that the disciples of Christ never failed, and because every body is not now healed for whom prayers are offered, therefore the healing, he claims is not of God.
The following is a true copy of the letter he claims to be my letter.
Mar. 10, 1886 Clarks Corners, O.
“Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. In the Stumbling Stone of Dec. 1885, I find an article published by Lyman H. Johnson, under the title, “The Healing Fanaticism.”
Brother Johnson, I desire to say a few things, as I understand the work of healing the sick is not, a miracle, and I have been astonished to find so much said in different papers, calling such work doing miracles. In 1 Cor. 12: we find many gifts, one of which is the gift of healing, another the working of miracles, * It is so plain I cannot see hew any one can blend the two together and claim it to be God’s order. James 5:14, 15, does not look like an inferior gift, for it is certain the sick are saved, and sins forgiven. You say if God was in this healing there would be no failure. We will let God be true, and say He was with His disciples. Luke 9:40. And I besought thy disciples to east him out, and they could not. Also Matt. 17:16. Now we will call Jesus as our witness. Is God with Him? Mark 6:5-8. He could there do no mighty works, save that He laid hands on a few sick folk and healed them. Matt. 13:58. — And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. I am in for every man to abide in the calling wherein he is called, and I think I am willing that each and every one of the gifts that God has in His Body should be in lively exercise, but some are very much dissatisfied, to have any one do more than they have been able to do.
Now I have a detector, and I use it to tell me which is bogus, and I abhor that winch is evil, and cleave to the good.
God’s ways are equal and man’s are unequal. With love to all.
Charles Wheeler.
Bro. Wheeler concludes, because the Scriptures speak of the gift of miracles, and the gift of healing, therefore the healing of a body by the power of God is not a miracle. But everything wrought by the Divine power, and beyond the laws of nature is a miracle. So to take faith healing out of the class of miracles would be reducing them to the effect of natural laws, or agencies, and denying the direct hand of God.
But how reconcile the apparent distinction between miracles and healing. We simply understand, that inasmuch as supernatural power was more frequently needed, and exerted in the line of healing than anything else, therefore the Spirit gave to some the special gift of healing, and to others the gift of miracles, in a general manner.
To all the Saints and Trumpet Readers Greeting. I have long felt that I ought to write for the glory of God, about His Word in these days when it is so much neglected. Paul, in writing to the saints and faithful brethren at Colosse says, “Let the Word, of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.” —Col. 3:16. There are four things to particularly notice in this passage. 1st. The Word of Christ, 2nd. The dwelling in you, 3d. Richly, 4th. And in all wisdom. 1st. The Word of Christ, which means the blessed Gospel of the Son of God, of which Paul says “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that believeth.” — Rom. 1:16 Christ says, “The words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life.” — John 6:63.
Now Paul says let the Word of Christ dwell in you.” Christ says “he that hath my commandments and keeps them, be it is that loves me.” — John 14:21.
Now how will we keep His commandments unless we know them, and how will we know them unless we read and study His Word. We all have, or can have the Word, or will of God in our homes: then how can we plead for an excuse, that we knew not what the will of God is. Now the enemy of souls, the devil is deceiving and ensnaring the souls of men, by providing all manner of reading matter, to keep them from reading the Word of God.
O! how he is deceiving the souls of the simple by these Sunday school books, Sunday school papers, and the so called church papers, which are nothing but the hus..s that the swine eat: when in the Father’s house there is bread enough, and to spare, and they famish with hunger, O beloved saints, raise your voice and testimony against this flood of corruption. How lean many are, that profess to be the children of God, from feeding on these husks, and neglecting the rich soul food in God’s Word. Do you not know that by neglecting the blessed Word, you are destroying your souls, and are guilty of despising God’s Word. God, by the prophet Isaiah says, chapter 55:2, “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfies not: harken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.” David says, “How sweet are thy words to my taste, yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” — Psa. 119:103.
Jeremiah says, 15:16, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them, and thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” If this is our experience, then the Word dwells in us, richly.”
Now then to have it, dwell in us “In all wisdom.” The Apostle James Chap. 1:5, says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not, and it shall be given him.” Then the key, “let him ask in faith, nothing wavering” is given to every believer, and he has access to the rich store house.
If we are in Christ, “in Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” then “all things are ours, and we are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.” Hallelujah! Then we are “no more strangers and for eigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God: and are milt upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner-stone. In whom all the building fitly framed together, grows unto an holy temple in the Lord.” — Eph. 2:19, 20, 21.
Glory to God! for His blessed Word. Glory to Jesus for the illumination of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, that leads us into all truth. I praise God that He is leading and keeping me, that I love His Word, and that He “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to the power that works in me, to whom be praise and dominion and power ever more. Amen!
Cyrus Mohler.
Lodi Ohio.
Page 2
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity of His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER and J. C. FISHER, Editors.
J. C. FISHER, Publisher.
TERMS, $1.00 Per. Year In Advance.
All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the Gospel Trumpet, in order to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible.
Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in Postal Notes, above that amount in Post Office Orders, or Registered Letter. Small amounts in two cent stamps.
A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gospel Trumpet. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper.
Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify ns regularly of their whereabouts.
The cross marked with a pencil opposite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes their paper discontinued.
Any one who does not receive their paper, should notify us at once, and it will receive prompt attention.
Address Williamston
Entered at the Post Office at Williamston. Ingham Co. Mich., as second class matter.
A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.
It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Orders are increasing; send on your orders.
Price 5 cents.
One dozen copies $0.50.
Fifty copies $1.75
Bible Proof s that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.
This tract contains 64 pages: the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $1.00.
God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the Trumpet can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good financial help to spread other matter for the Lord.
We have loaned out quite a number of books, to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, “MadamGuyon,” two volumes, Upham’s “Life of Faith,” and “Interior Life.” “Randall’s Travels in Egypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writing of God.”
WE have completed the Second Edition of Songs of Victory, to which we have added five new pages, three pages with notes, and two of familiar hymns.
The book now contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have otherwise improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no more raw edges, and the let lettering is expected to wear and retain the color.
Songs of Victory is specially adapted, for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school.
All orders accompanied by cash, will be filled, from single copy upward.
Price, Single copy, Manilla cover, 35 cts. Cloth limp cover, 50 cts. Per dozen Manilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, $4.8O.
Parties may order half or quarter dozen at same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the Gospel Trumpet Office, Williamston Mich.
A Brother offers for sale a farm of 80 acres of land, unimproved, situated in Southeastern Missouri, in Bollinger Co., on the R. R. from St Louis to Cairo III. Only one mile from the village, in a healthy locality, well watered, unincumbered, abstract of title furnished, warranty deed given to purchaser. Lowest cash price $400.
Any one desiring to purchase the above mentioned land, can do so by writing to the Gospel Trumpet Office, Williamston Michigan, or A. C. Bigler, Alpena Dakota.
The Bro. who desires to help the cause of the Lord, offers this land at cost price, and will give one half for the publication of the Gospel Trumpet and tracts, for distribution to the glory of God. Any one desiring to get a home in a mild, healthy climate, short winters, will do well to make this purchase.
Let all the saints everywhere, pray for the healing of the bodies through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, of the following brethren and sisters.
Pray earnestly for Miss Mary Malcomson, Vevay Ind., that she may be delivered from the power of disease.
Let all the saints pray for the healing of Bro. S. G. Odell and family, Loraine Ill., of bodily afflictions.
Also pray mightily to God to heal Sister Hettie Newman, Williamston Mich., of spinal fever.
Pray earnestly for the healing of Bro. Benj. Johnson, Paris Ill., of bodily affictions.
Also pray for Sister Martin, Paris Ill., who is blind.
Please make Sister Anna Beymer, Ft Scott Kan., a special subject of prayes for healing of bodily afflictions.
Mr. W. S. Gauntt Rome City Ind., asks the prayers of all the saints for the healing of both soul and body. He has been greatly afflicted for two years past, and believes the Lord will heal him.
Also for the healing of sister Rhodes, of the same place, of paralysis.
Also pray for the healing of John Martin, South Millford Ind., of Asthma.
Sister Swartz of Upper Sandusky Ohio; requests the special prayers of the saints for her healing of bodily afflictions.
Bro. Ezra Smith of Burbank Ohio, requests the earnest prayers of the saints for the healing of their son Franklin, who has been sick for many years.
Bro. Joseph Faulk, Waterloo, Ind., asks the prayers of the saints for his healing of bodily afflictions.
We wish to make an appeal to the beloved saints of God in behalf of dear Bro. Wm. N. Smith who has had the missfortune to loose his horse, which was his only means of travel. Dear Bro. and sister Smith have been seeking out the lost ones in the dark places, and in the inland towns where there is no rail roads, and many souls have been reached and brought to God; who otherwise would doubtless have remained in sin. Bro. Smith feels that the Lord wants him to continue to travel in this way, and believes the Lord will put it in the hearts of the saints to send a little of their means lo help him to get another horse. May God help you Brethren to all do your duty and come at once to the help of this Bro. who is thus left helpless, and not able to reach perishing souls. Any one desiring to help the Bro. and thus glorify God, please do so by sending your donations to the Gospel Trumpet Office. And the same will be forwarded to him.
Our Camp and Grove Meeting List.
This meeting will be held in Hamilton township, to commence July 20-29. Let all come with their tents, to this feast of tabernacles, a glorious time is expected.
Parties coming, on the Toledo Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk R. R. from the south, and north, get off at North Star.
This meeting will he held on the place of Bro. David Leininger, about six miles east and one mile north of Rochester Fulton Co. Ind. It will begin August 5th and continue about 6 days. There are many saints living in convenient distance from the place of this meeting, and every body desiring to worship God and seek His salvation is invited.
This meeting will be held in Venango Co. Pa., near the Bullion school house, on the Pittsburgh and Franklin Pike, commencing Aug. 13th 1886 to continue as the Lord wills. We hope the dear saints will all turn out, and help in the great work of the salvation of precious souls: it is the duty of every child of God to make a sacrifice of their own home comforts, and go out and help to gather in the poor lost ones. Oh come, for the fields are white already to harvest.
There will be a meeting in Bro. Z. R. Powell’s Grove, near Custards Pa. in August to take place alter the Venango meeting, the Lord willing.
Bro. Haner writes us of the projected Camp Meeting, near Chanute, Neosho Co. Kansas, to begin Aug. 28th 1886. A tabernacle is already purchased for the meeting, and other service in the holy campaign. There is a call for us to come to that meeting. If the Lord will, He will bring it to pass.
There will be a grove meeting, the Lord willing, at Jerry City Ohio, commencing Sept. 9th ’86, to continue over Sunday.
Any other parties wishing meetings, should communicate with us at once.
We have concluded to reduce the price of our tracts. Sabbath tracts to less than half price, 10 cts a piece. Tracts on the Church to half price, 5 cts.
Now we hope the readers of the Trumpet will all take an interest in distributing these tracts. They are cheap, and contain important truth. Friends of perishing souls can do a good work by perchasing and distributing the same. It does seem that these works should go out rappidly, and the means be used to help on the great work.
Las Vegas New Mexico.
DEAR BRETHREN: — I received a letter from Sparta, Wis. wishing to know your address, and asking your prayers for a man there who has a cancer on his tongue.
I wish to tell what the Lord is doing for us, since we have asked the prayers of the saints. Our little girl never complains any more of suffering in her stomach.
The cancer in her face does not scale off any more, but is not yet removed. The one in my face does not trouble me any more, but yet shows plainly. My worst trouble is my lungs, I have slight hemorrhage, when I overdo myself in hot weather. My little hoy is very delicate, and has weak lungs, and weak eyes. Pray foies, that God may deliver us from all our afflictions, which are many. I was so happy when I thought of being cured by the Lord Jesus. Your Sister in the Lord.
Mrs. John M. Albright.
Please send a testimony for Jesus
One of the latter day deceptions, is the age to come delusion, which heads principally in the Watch Tower.
We have probably not done our duty in blowing Trumpet blasts of warning against this satanic soul morphine. That is always a doctrine of devils, which detracts from the power of the Gospel of Christ, to save now, and raises a false hope for the future, an age to come salvation, for such as reject the Gospel of Christ today. Just to the extent men are encouraged in the belief that, by some hook or crook, the future will scoop them up to heaven and happiness, will they disregard salvation offered at present, and give loose reigns to the lusts of the flesh, and the carnal course of this world. This age-to-come falsehood is the chief doctrine of the blind Watch Tower. It is simply the old ridiculous doctrine, of universalism, and hell-rdemption-ism, dressed up in a new masque. The devil’s gospel is so rotten and abominable, that he must frequently clothe it in a new garb, to secure some respect, and deceive souls.
In the June issue, the editor turns water on his mill from the pen of Bishop Foster, of the M. E. sect. The bishop has been taking a look over the world, viewing the dark picture of 1,100,000,000 wretched heathen, and only 350,000,000. professors of the Christian faith, and but a very small portion of them are in any more hopeful condition than blind heathen.
The old bishop concludes the chances for the race are very dark, and as good as admits that the Gospel of Christ is not adequate to the wants of a lost world, which the Watch Tower man grasps as an occasion to show the need of his imaginary, probationary age-to-come. Thus these blind babylon priests show their ignorance of the real Gospel of God, by the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. And also their ignorance of the Word of God, which teaches that the few enter the way of life, and the many walk the broad way of destruction.
Foster, better acquainted with the impotence of Methodism, than the potency of the real Gospel of Christ, says, “I do not affirm that giving them (the heathen) the Gospel will improve their prospects (of salvation) or at all increase their chances.” “Possibly as many of them will be saved without the Gospel as with it.”
Is not this strange teaching for a professedly learned Bible student? Does it not give ignorance more credit than the true light of Divine truth? Here again, the bishop has forgotten that the Gospel is not that weak, insipid stuff which those truckling, hireling Methodist priests give the people. No wonder blind sectarians conclude the heathen had better be left in blissful ignorance than impose on them the miserable, powerless, sectarian college bread they have at home. The missionary efforts of sect religion, bears no comparison at all to that of the Apostles. Now they wear out several generations of preachers before they scarcely get a foothold in a heathen land. Because they depend upon education and money to carry on the work. But the Apostles and their successors, until the primitive power of the Church was supplanted by ecclesiastical machinery, or, in other words, until the apostasy began, went to the heathen in the power of the Spirit of God, and spake unto them with the authority of holy men; Christ also working with them, confirming the Word with signs and wonders, and the healing of the sick. And the result was, thousands turned to the Lord in a few days. And the power they used has never been withdrawn from the Church, by the Lord, Her Head. But babylon sects have been without the power of the Spirit, who works all these things.
While bishop Foster thinks ignorance better for the, heathen than the Gospel, or rather his babylon standard of it, Russel, the Watch Tower man, thinks nothing can be done scarcely to save the world, until his fancied age-to-come. He sets it up against Fosters ignorance theory, saying, “here is the brother’s mistake, he fails to see that the Gospel belongs to the ‘world [age] to come,’ as truly as to the present dispensation.”
This is a false declaration, without a shadow of Scriptural warrant. “The Word of the Lord endures forever,” we know; but that sinners will have the Gospel of salvation preached to them in a future dispensation is against the whole testimony of the Word. The words, “the world to come,” we have only found in these instances. — Heb. 2:5; 6:5; Mat. 12:32. In neither of which have we any hint that offers of pardon will be preached to lost sinners, in a coming age. That we are living in the last dispensation of time is most emphatically stated in the New Testament.
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace; Wherein He hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself: That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him.” — Eph. 1:7-10.
The Apostle here states, that God has made known to us the mystery of His will, and given us the “redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace,” which He hath purposed in Himself to give in the dispensation of the fullness of times. That is, we are now partakers of the blessings reserved for the dispensation of the fullness of times. Which means the dispensation which fills, or concludes time. The last dispensation of time, which shall be followed with eternity. “That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him. In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him. etc. It was for Christ’s disciples, and all that would believe on Him through their word, He prayed in John 17, that they should all be one, even as He and the Father are one. And this oneness is the purpose of God, respecting the fullness, or the finishing dispensation of time. Again the Apostle clearly asserts that we already have an inheritance in Christ, which is the great purpose of God for the dispensation of the fullness. And if we already enjoy the things purposed of God for the last dispensation of time then it is evident that we are in the last dispensation of time, and there is no probationary age to come.
“Neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” – 1 Cor. 10:10, 11.
If the testimony of Inspiration is true upon us are come the “ends of the world,” therefore the teaching that another age is coming, which will force upon men the salvation they reject in this dispensation, is a direct contradiction of the Bible.
“For must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world; but now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And ns it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment; — Heb. 9:26, 27.
The first advent, and sacrifice of Christ marks the end of the world, or the last age or dispensation of this world. The Watch Tower says, after this will be an age of universal salvation? but Christ says, “after this the judgment.”
“Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you. — 1 Pet. 1:20.
Nothing can be more explicit than this language. Christ, who was ordained of God, the Savior of the world, “was manifest in these last times, for you.” Then we are in the last times, and there is no probation time to come. The direct rendering from the Greek, in the Emphatic Diaglott is, “having been manifest but last of the times, on account of you.” Then we are in the last of the time ages, or dispensations, and nothing but eternity, and eternal doom follows the present dispensation of time.
“Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now art there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is to last time.” — 1 John 2:l8.
Either the Apostle John spake a falsehood, or the Watch Tower time-to-come is a delusive lie of satan, and doctrine of devils. Of course the latter is the case.
In the end of this dispensation, or age. Russel says another will follow, which shall open the gates of heaven to all the impendent sinners, who reject the Gospel in the present dispensation. But Christ says. “So shall it be in the end of this world (or age,) the Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they shall gather out
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of His kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth,” — Matt. 13:40, 41.
The gathering out from the kingdom all unholy elements, by the angels, is present truth, but shall terminate in the wicked being turned into hell, with all the nations that know not God, and obey not the Gospel of Christ. Coincident with the purification of the Church, by the angels, or ministers of the true Gospel, is the gathering together of the elect from the four winds, by the same instrumentality – Matt. 24:31, which is now going in, and proves that Christ is at the door, upon to appear. See verses 32, 33. But that will then take place? Thus says ..ussel, the blind tower man. Then shall some a golden age, that shall save the world of sinners, by the wholesale. But thus says the Lord. “The Lord Jesus shall he revealed, from heaven with His mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengence on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His ..ower : When He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in … them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that ..ay.” — 2 Thess. 1:7-10.
Russel says the world of sinners are going be saved in a coming age of time.
But the signs declare the Lord Jesus soon ..o come, and, “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the ..hrone of His glory: And before Him ..hall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a ..epherd divides his sheep from the ..pats. And He shall set the sheep on His ..ght hand, but the goats on the left.
Then shall the King say unto them on is right hand, Come, ye blessed of my ..ather, inherit the Kingdom prepared for on from the foundation of the world.”
“Then shall He say also unto them on ..e left hand, “Depart from me, ye cursed, ..nto everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was a hungered, And ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ..e clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we Thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto Thee? Then shall He answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.” — Matt. 25:31-34, 41-46.
The Scriptures might be multiplied, to all this sheet, and many more, which show the age-to-come theory a delusion of the devil. And its fruits can only give comfort to abominable sinners in rejecting the Gospel now, and following every corrupt lust of the flesh. In the name of Christ, we admonish all the saints of God not to suffer the baneful sheet in your house. Consign it to the flames ere it gives an indulgence to your children, or neighbor, to live in sin now, through the delusive hope of salvation hereafter.
What means will be brought to bear upon sinners in the imaginary age-to- come, not employed in their salvation to day? What says the Tower? “But this same Gospel is to do a great work for the poor blinded world in “the world (age) to come.”
So it is the same Gospel now preached, that is to do such wonders in the next age. How what reason is there to believe that sinners who reject the Gospel in this appointed day of salvation, will receive it in a future offer. “What stronger appeal could it make then than now? Backed by the dying love of Jesus, energized by the Holy Spirit, and enforced by the penalty of hell, and the rewards of heaven, what more can God do through the same Gospel in a future age?
The Watch Tower doctrine is a lie of satan similar to the one he put in Eve’s mind by the serpent. Then he said though you disobey, you shall not die, now he says, though you continue in sin, yet you shall all be saved. Give no place to the devil.
Send us a new Subscriber.
THE old Mother of Harlots, feels quite elated at seeing her unruly, once Protestant children coming back to her lap, pulling down their flags of hostility, and spiking their guns of protestation.
The nominal Protestant sects have not sufficient virtue left to protest against the mother abomination, so they put up the white flag of truce, kiss the Popes big toe, and mother and daughters fraternally join together in festivity, and in nude and lewd frolic. “The Catholic,” a Pittsburg Romish paper recently crowed over, Beecher advising one of his flock who approached him for information, to go and become a Catholic, and she would be safe in doing so.” Doubtless she would be as safe in Rome, as in Beecher’s sect, or any other.
That paper further reports that a Presbyterian congregation recently sang “Ave Maria,” and a leading Presbyterian paper pronounced that all right. The Romish organ then adds, “Presbyterians honoring the blessed Virgin by singing this most Catholic hymn, “Ave Maria,” is a wonderful change. Soon we will have them calling out with Catholics, “O Clement,” O Pious, O sweet Virgin Mary, pray for us O holy mother of God.” Thus Rome smiles to see the sects becoming rotten enough to come back on their plain of impious idolatry, and hell is moved from beneath to swallow them all up.
June 22nd, Bro. and Sister Fisher, Sister Sarah Smith, and sisters Celia and Rhoda of the Trumpet Office, and ourself, all came home from the Bangor camp meeting. And the next morning, Bro. and sis- F. Sister Smith and ourself started away again, for Maple Rapids, where the saints have a sanctuary in a pleasant grove, by the river side.
From the time of our arrival until Sabbath, the meetings were rendered impractical in the grove, by the falling rain. Meetings of small attendance were held in the grove, and in Bro. Cox’s house in the village. Several consecrated all to the Lord for full salvation. On Sabbath, 27th, the Lord favored us with a pleasant day, and quite a large congregation of people, listened with much attention and interest to the Word of God, fore-noon, after-noon and night. And though strong meat was issued to the people, the masses seemed to receive and acknowledge the truth. Much good was done in the meeting, and seed sown in many hearts that will in the future bring forth fruits holiness. The meetings are kept up in the grove every Sabbath, Bro. Wm. N. Smith and companion, and some of the saints from Gratiot Co., were at the meeting. Sister Sarah Smith went from there to Gratiot Co, to visit her. daughter, and son-inlaw, and the saints there, until the camp meeting. We returned to the work of the Lord in the office.
Merrill, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — And all the Trumpet readders; we are still alive, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Glory to Jesus! We met the saints at Merrill July 2, 3, and 4th, being impressed of God while at the Bangor camp meeting to go to that place.
When we arrived, we found a meeting had already been appointed, by one McClain, who is a Wesleyan preacher, professing however to be out of all isms; but belongs to the Mich. Holiness Association.
There are a few dear saints in this place, who have come out of the Wesleyan sect, and all isms, and God is in them of a truth. We learned before the meeting was over, why God sent us so far to meet the saints here. The meeting, was one of great power, and victory was on the Lord’s side. Glory to Jesus! “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and satan came also among them.” — Job 1:6.
A few of the Wesleyans were present, and tried to ring in, but could not, when the saints were filled with glory, and shouts of praise to God, the Wesleyans were dead, and could only shout at intervals, arid at the close of meetings. On Sunday fore-noon, while Bro, Shelly was preaching, he spake of the sin of sects, when one of the sect members jerked, and acted much like one having the St, Anthony’s dance, saying, “I’m a sect, I’m a sect,” in loud acclamations, while all the sect adherents present, set up a bable cry for the space of nearly two hours, rejoicing over their sect. I arose and told them that they were not of God, for they rejoiced not that their names were written in heaven, but that they were “written in the earth.” They gloried in the sect, and not in Christ, as it is written in the prophesy of Jer. 17:13. Also fulfilling the measure of their brethren at Ephesus — Acts 19:27, 28. — “So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at naught, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana (Methodism) should he despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worship.” “And when they heard the sayings they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians,” (Methodism.) Then came in their Deputy (Mc-clain,) and quieted them. The devil has a counterfeit that he calls salvation, that would deceive the elect if it were possible, but they discern all things, and cannot he deceived. The idol worshipers followed their leader off to Hemlock, where they held meeting. So the atmosphere being purified we had a glorious time after they left. O how it settled and established the true saints of God.
It is a fact all sectdom, and the world, worship the sect beast; but God’s saints worship Him only. One young man, whom the Lord showed me when became in, was of the devil, kept up a croaking like frogs, as in Rev. 16:13, making great confusion whenever he thought it would disturb the meeting most. But our God gave us the victory, glory to His name!
The brethren in this place have built a house of worship for the saints. Nothing but the pure Gospel to be preached in it. May God bless them, and keep them forever more. Amen!
Wm. N, & S. J. Smith.
Custards, Pa.
Dear Brethren: — Praise God for a full and free salvation that saves, sanctifies and satisfies me just now. Praise God for the Spiritual gifts which He has given me. He has given me the gift of healing, by the laying on of hands, and power to cast out devils in the name of Jesus.
Praise God, I am out on the blood and fire line for the Lord. Bro. Powell and I were permitted to meet the dear saints at Barkeyville the 30th of May, and found that grievous wolves had crept in and divided the little flock, but praise God, He showed us just who they were, and we rebuked the devil with all authority, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Ghost. We continued with the dear saints until the 3d of June, then we departed and left them wrapped up in the bonds of holy love. On our way home the Lord permitted us to meet the dear saints at Henderson, where He wonderfully baptized our souls with the Holy Ghost. Dear brethren pray for us that the Lord may lead us out, more and more. Amen!
Z. R. Turner.
New Florence, Mo.
Dear Brethren: — I have a copy of your paper, Gospel Trumpet, and love its contents very much. I send one dollar for one years subscription. My testimony is, that I am saved and sanctified wholly, thoroughly cleansed from all sin. Praise the Lord!
Wm. H. White.
Melrose O.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God for salvation. I do thank and praise God that He ever sent Bro. Kilpatrick in this place to preach the straight Word of God. Glory to God! the Word found a place in my heart. After about six months earnest prayer, and searching the Scriptures, I saw it was the will of God that I be sanctified. And according to His Word I placed all upon the altar, and presented my body a living sacrifice to God, and was sanctified by the Holy Ghost, through the blood of Christ; and by a living faith in God. Glory to God! He has wonderfully kept me from the evils of the world and from committing sin. Praise God! I am standing out upon the sea of glass mingled with fire, completely saved from all sects and every tradition of man. Glory to God! All the babylon dust has been shaken off. It has been over fifteen months since I experienced entire sanctification, and the fire is still burning upon the altar of my heart. Glory to God forever and ever!
“I am drinking at the fountain
Where I ever would abide:
For I’ve tasted life’s pure river
And my soul is satisfied.”
Praise God! I don’t have to walk alone in this narrow path; my companion received sanctification about the same time I did. Since that, my daughter sought God and received the pardon of her sins, and then subsequently was sanctified. Praise God oh my soul for His wonderful mercies! I praise God for the healing power. My wife was afflicted with dyspepsia for over twelve years, and taken medicine more or less all the time. But bless the name of God! since she was sanctified the Lord has healed her and she has not taken any medicine since, and she is enjoying better health than she has for years. Praise God for the healing power! Your Bro. and sister saved and sanctified, and kept by the power of God.
S. A. & S. A. Harris.
Earlton Kan.
Dear Bro. Warner, and all the dear Trumpet Family Greeting: — May the Lord bless you for Jesus sake. Amen! and Amen!!
I want to say to the glory of God this evening that I am gloriously saved from all sin, and kept by power Divine. Glory to God for salvation! Hallelujah to the Lamb forever!
Well beloved, the Lord is doing wonders in these ends of the earth. Glory to His holy name forever! He has given us a tabernacle, and we have raised it in Chanute in the name of king Jesus. Bro. F. H. Sumter is here laboring. We are expecting a glorious time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Pray for the meeting. Our tabernacle is 40 by 60 ft. And now we are ready for a meeting any time the Lord may order. Come ahead Bro’s Warner and Fisher, we will be happy to greet you any time. We are earnestly praying God to send more laborers into His harvest.
Our prospect for a crop was never more flattering. So you see God is blessing on every hand. Praise His holy name! As the Lord prospers us, we propose to contribute to His cause. And now beloved, I commend you to God, who is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless at His coming. To Him be glory, dominion, and power, forever and ever. Amen!
Your blood-washed Brother.
John H. Orr.
Tiffin O.
Dear brethren: — Find enclosed $1.00 for the Gospel Trumpet. I want to say to the glory of God that I am saved and kept by the power of God, free from all sects. I do praise God for what He is doing for me. It fills my soul with glory when I read the testimonies of the dear saints. I do praise God this afternoon for salvation that is able to keep us in the time of storm. Glory to God and the Lamb forever!
Your sister saved from all sin and washed in the precious blood of Jesus.
Emma Huffrey.
Akron Ind.
Dear Brethren: — Praise God for salvation full and free. I am wholly sanctified to God. Praise the Lord for His keeping power that keeps me every day. Praise God for giving me the light joy and peace in my soul. I am saved from all sin.
Your sister saved and sanctified.
Rebecca J. Bowen.
Raymilton Pa.
Dear Brethren: — I am still clinging to the cross, and trusting in the promise. I feel that I am one of the least of God’s children, as my gift and talent is very limited; but I can do a little. Our name has been cast out as evil, and we have been persecuted on all sides, but praise God! we triumph over them all, and give Him all the glory. Your Bro. in Christ.
J. R. Peters.
Allegheny Pa.
Dear Brethren: — I feel led to throw in my mite to help the Trumpet. I always feel spiritually refreshed when it comes. Praise God for salvation that gives joy, peace and comfort. I am out on the promise of God. Although I cannot go out in the field and work for God as some others, I am doing what little I can. Praise God for the advancement of His holy work. Go on my brethren, in the service of the Lord and I will meet you in Heaven. I will send, you one dollar. Your sister in Christ.
E. Ritchy.
Allegheny Pa.
Dear Brethren: — This evening finds me praising God for full salvation. He blesses my soul and keeps me, but I long to hear the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. We have no one to give us spiritual food but our Heavenly Father. We pray the Lord to send some of His messengers here to preach the Gospel in its fulness. Enclosed one dollar for the benefit of the Trumpet. I do not want to see it stop, for God is doing a great work through it. God bless you all. Pray for me. Your sister in Christ.
Maud Ritchy.
Pearl Pa.
Dear Brethren: — The Lord leads me to tell you that I am still trusting in Him. I have trials and temptations, but I go to my blessed Lord, and He gives me grace to overcome them. By the grace of God I will fight on. Pray for me that I may fight the good fight of faith, and at la6t, meet you all in Heaven. Your brother.
Harvy B. Bennett.
Quincy Ill.
Dear Trumpet Family: — May God enable you to sound the Trumpet louder and louder until all shall hear the sound thereof. Glory to God! its music is sweet to my soul. Oh but could the sound be heard in this wicked city. I am here going to school, have found but one lady in the second grace, and she belongs to the M. E. sect. Oh I am so glad I am saved. My home is near Vichy Springs Mo., where God has placed dear Bro. and sister Cole to watch over a little flock which He has given in there care. May God help them to declare the whole council of God. I ask the earnest prayers of the dear saints.
Your Bro. sanctified in the living Church.
C. C. Kennedy.
Winfield, Kansas.
Dear Brethren: — I have the witness of the Holy Spirit, just now, that I am wholly sanctified. The Lord has made me free from secresy and sectism. He has also delivered me from the bondage of tobacco, coffee, tea and pork. I am just as free as heaven. Glory be to Jesus! Your Bro. in full and free salvation.
Isaac Penington.
Tekonsha, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I can testify that I am fully saved by the blood of Christ.
God’s ways are not our ways. I fell, while on the Bangor camp ground, that there was at least a crumb for unworthy me: I did not receive the desired blessing until I was well on my way home, in a crowded car. How wonderful are the works of God! He has suffered my body to he afflicted since returning home, but I give Him all the glory. I have been out and testified once; was led to go to my father-inlaw’s, where the Lord helped me to let the light shine. It brought gladness to some, sorrow to others. There are some here who are hungering and thirsting after the true light. I pray God to send us help.
It is full salvation I have been seeking, and have found, praise His name!
C. D. Eldred.
Harrows Creek, Mo.
Dear Brethren: — I wish to give my testimony for the glory of God, the Lord is keeping me moment by moment. I joined the Baptist sect at the age of 13 years, but do not think I was converted, at least, did not live up to the Bible standard. Praise our God, He sent some of His fire baptized, blood washed preachers here to preach full and complete salvation, which delivers us from all sin. I do praise God that I accepted it; I praise God that He did take my feet out of the mire and clay, and placed them on the solid Rock, Christ Jesus. I praise Him that He called me out of darkness, into His marvelous light and liberty. I praise God that I do know. He hears and answers prayes. I exhort all sinners who may read this, to give your heart to God. Soon you will appear before the judgment bar of God, to give an account of the deeds done in the body. O! may God help us to be ready and waiting, and have our lamps burning.
The Lord keeps me and saves and sanctifies me by a second work of grace. The Baptists have turned me out of their sect; but not out of the Church. Praise God for ever and ever! Amen!
Martha J. Johnson.
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SOME months ago we spake of the Good Way in Mo., putting it in a very favorable light before our readers. We remarked, however, that it had a good deal to do yet to get out of babylon. Which means out of confusion into perfect uniformity, for “thy watchman shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion. Isa, 52:8.
In verse 2, the order is, “Loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” So we see the bringing again of Zion, is from captivity, namely spiritual, or “mystery babylon.” Therefore we are authorized by the Word of God to locate as yet in babylon, the priests that disagree, contend and debate, wrangle and jangle. For when God brings Zion out of babylon they “see eye to eye.’’ One of the evangelists of that association writes in their organ of June 12, as follows.
“It matters not to him (satan) how or upon what question, scriptural or unscriptural, material or immaterial, essential or non-essential, over which we may divide, just so we divide, and waste our time and strength biting and devouring each other, instead of vigorously and unitedly assaulting the man of sin and his iniquitous practices. Some, doubtless, become unduly alarmed by getting their eyes off of Jesus on these waves. Unlike Peter, instead of crying, “Lord save or I perish,” they go to prophesying evil. “The glory has departed from the holiness work in Mo,” “the anti-church-ism, no-church-ism &c.” (should be anti-sectarianism and no-sectarianism) is stagnating the holiness work in Mo.” “You ought to see it by this time,” writes one dear brother who has fled to babylon for refuge. Another who believes in the anti-sect or no-sect, says, “These anti-ordinance folks will ruin the work.” Well, another who is both anti-sect and anti-ordinance as well as an anti-co-educationist, says “this color question will ruin both the college and Good Way.” Is not this truly the time of shaking and sifting the holy people.”
What is tins but. babylon. One pleads for sects, others against. Some teach the Quaker doctrine of devils, and others contend for a part of the ordinances of Christ and possibly some for all. Some have favored the exclusion of the colored race from Pauline Holiness College, and other contended for the Bible equality. Which question we are thankful to see has finally been settled, by a majority vote of the managers in favor of equal rights to the colored. Well we hope the “shaking and sifting” will go on in Mo. until the complete “removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” But what makes the real return of Mo. holiness from babylon to be despaired of, is the disposition to stop the hand of God from further shaking and sifting. The evangelist from whom we quote above, further says,
“Beloved, in the name of Jesus Christ, let us remember that in all cardinal truths and essential points of Christian doctrine we agree. Let us not therefore allow a matter of opinion, or of former education perhaps, to do the very thing the enemy desires us to do. If our Quaker brethren believe the ordinances absolute, or a majority of Pauline holiness College Educational Association believe in the co-education of the races, let us still keep our hearts full of love to each other and to all men. Our motto being “holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” Follow the lead of our captain. Press the battle against sin. Present a solid front on the sin line, and victory is ours. Unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and charity in all.”
This latter sentence is the very quintessence of sect babylon. It is the pass word of the “three unclean spirits of devils that go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” All sectarianism excuse their abominable organized division’s by the cry of, “unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and charity in all.” So any part of divine truth they wish to disregard, they have but to classify with non-essentials, and they are at liberty to disobey it. But who ever found non-essentials in the Gospel of Christ? In what chapter and verse do we read of such things? In the name of Jesus Christ, we say there are no non-essentials in the kingdom of Christ. Again, where does the Word of God enjoin “charity for all,” — all kind of preachers, and “damnable heresies?” The kind of charity that God commissions us to give them is “hail and fire, mingled with blood,” and “wormwood, and the water of gall.”
“Follow the lead of our captian,” that is good advice, but if the writer refers to Christ, we must do as He did in renouncing, and scurging out all false teachers, false doctrine, and have no charity for pharisees, sadusees, ites or isms. The writer calls the different views on baptism etc, mere matters of opinion, and fruits of former education. This proves that they are still in babylon, and are without the real possession of the Holy Spirit, for He guides us into all truth. Not into opinions respecting the truth, but into the truth itself. “If any man be a doer of the Word be shall know of the doctrine.” “If ye continue in my Word, then shall ye be my disciples in deed, and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” What is needed in Mo. and every where else, is a host of men, who know the truth, the whole truth, “as it is in Christ Jesus,” and who are able to preach the Gospel with the authority of the Holy Spirit sent down from Heaven: and lead the people into the “Unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature, of the fulness of Christ.” And soon as the “watchmen see eye to eye,” the people taught by them will also come out of confusion, and be “perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment,” and they will also “speak the same things, that there be no divisions among them.” See 1 Cor. 1:10.
So long as the holiness preachers and people in Mo. talk the sickning babyhood twaddle, and disgusting babylon confusion, of “unity in essentials, and liberty in non-essentials.” They have no right a to speak against the sects, who shake hands over their walls on the same principles. If it is right to remain in ignorance of and compromise some truth, why lilt up the Bible standard on any truth? The same Spirit that guides into some truth, will “guide us into all truth.” But different opinions, and prior education, is made a pretext to agree to disagree. But the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from our “vein conversation received by tradition of our fathers,” as well as from carnality. These men talk of contending earnestly for holiness, but want to avoid disturbing men’s conflicting opinions; imbibed in sect education. This is silly child’s play. There is no consistancy in calling men out of the sects, and letting them still retain the errors of sect education. The Good Way is really a babylon sheet. Though it teaches against sects, it is inconsistent in itself. Being the organ of the South Western Holiness Association. All humanly founded religious organisms are sects, whether called churches or associations. The M. E. sect was ostensibly formed for the same purpose these associations were, but it is none the less an abominable sect. Sect means a cut off part, and any body not containing all believers, is schismatic, and sectional, a sect whether called church or association. And all such compacts are an abomination to God. For they cast a reflection upon Christ, and His body, as though His Church were not practical for the spread of the Gospel, and the promotion of its ends. Thus giving the glory to men, instead of to Christ. Therefore before the Good Way can consistently shoot at babylon, it should purge out the bable confession of its association and writers. And before it can oppose other sects, it should demolish the association sect, of which it is the organ.
Greenville Pa.
Dear Brethren: – I want to tell you once more, to the honor and glory of God, that Jesus saves my soul from all sin, and sanctifies me wholly. Yes, I am saved from all sin and am walking in the light. O glory to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world; for saving a sinner like me. I want to tell to the unsaved, though your sins be as scarlet, He can make you white as snow. Poor sinners sometimes think they have been so bad that they cannot be forgiven, and therefore put off there return to God, Many will put it off until it will forever be to late: for when the good man of the house be risen up and shuts the door, then it will be too late! too late!! forever too late!!! Oh! I am so glad that I am saved to the uttermost through the blood of the everlasting Covenant. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! Amen!
Melissa Donnell.
Bangor Mich.
Dear Brethren: — God bless and prosper you and the Gospel Trumpet. Amen!
Two weeks ago last night we had an ordinance meeting at Bro. Griffin’s, in Lee township Allegan Go. There were forty- seven who participated. We had a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost. There were eleven consecrations. Praise God, for the salvation work that is going on in this part of the country.
Last Saturday night we talked to a crowded house in Cheshire, Allegan Go. The Lord wonderfully blest the little ones, and saved one soul. Hallelujah! Yesterday we had the glorious privilege of meeting the little ones, and Bro. Speck, and sister Fisher at Bro. Johnson’s in Lee.
Bro. Speck spake to the people in the Spirit and power, which wonderfully strengthened the little ones, and sent conviction to sinners, for pardon, and to believers for holiness. We had a wonderful refreshing time, and the best of all was, nine souls consecrated. In the evening we met again at Bro. Joseph Smith’s; one soul consecrated.
From your Bro. Wholly sanctified.
A. B. Palmer.
Chicago, Ill.
Dear Brethren: — Praise the Lord forever! I opened a new mission for the French and English last week. The starving people are coming, to hear the glad tidings. Our Hall which seats 80 people has been filled every evening since we began.
Last Sunday we had three tough boys saved from their sins, tobacco, cigars, and the plague of sects — entirely consecrated to God. My heart is full of joy to see these new wonders of God in the hearts of sinners. Sister Webb helps me considerably; we preach on the streets before meetings in the Hall. I wish you could come and help us a little while. The devil is raging outside. Last night a boy threw a bucket of water in my face, wife’s face- and others as we were singing the praises of God on the side-walk. One Irish drunken woman slapped my wife in the face. A bombshell was thrown on the building. Praise the Lord, we hold the fort.
P. A. Seguin.
Detroit, Mich..
Dear Brethren: — Inclosed find two dollars for the Gospel Trumpet. Praise the Lord forever more! Yours, under the blood, and out on the promise; out of all systems, creeds and sects, and man’s doctrine. Kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time; looking unto Jesus my personal Savior, my physical and Spiritual help. From your Bro.
Charles Declaire.
Detroit, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God that in His infinite mercy He has found me, and although I am very weak in bodily health, the Lord blesses my soul when I sing praises unto Him. O how I would like to attend some of your meetings, but as it is almost impossible for me to do so, I ask all the dear saints of God to pray for me that I may be kept in this awful time, by the power of God. Your Sister in Christ.
Julia Declaire.
Edgewood, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord this morning for salvation that keeps me from sinning each day. Glory to Jesus! I Praise the Lord for the many precious promises that are in His Word. Glory to Jesus ! I am saved and sanctified, and praising God each day.
“I am drinking at the Fountain,
Where I ever would abide;
For I’ve tasted life’s pure river,
And my soul is satisfied.
There’s no thirsting for life’s pleasure,
Nor adorning rich and gay;
For I’ve found a richer treasure,
One that fadeth not away.”
Pray for me.
Effie Martin.
Edgewood, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — My testimony this after-noon is, that I am sweetly saved in Jesus. I feel the holy fire burning in my soul. Glory, glory be to God! I do praise Him for the light He has given me on His Word, and for leading me into this glorious light and liberty of the Gospel. He lifts me far above the trifling things of this earth, and makes me to sit in heavenly places. Glory to His name! I feel that God is letting me down deeper and deeper into His truth, and I am learning more of His will day by day. I am free in Christ Jesus; all straps and bands are cut loose from me, and I am sailing upon the ocean of God’s love. Glory be to His holy name forever and ever! And I am determined to live for Him, and to do His will just as His Spirit leads, that I may live a godly life before the world, and that I may be ready to go when the Master calls for me.
Pray for the dear saints in this place, that we may he kept in the unity of the faith, and that we may abound more and more in the love of God. Your sister, saved and sanctified in the blood of Jesus.
Louisa Moore.
Churubusco, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — And all of God’s little ones, greeting. As the reading of the Trumpet is such a blessing to us, we would contribute a little to its clean columns.
This beautiful Sabbath morning finds me on the solid Rock Christ Jesus. Standing aloof from all sect confusion, and am kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation. Since last fall God has done wonderful things for me and my family, for which I praise His holy name. The more I read in the Trumpet, about the meetings and salvation of precious souls, I can hardly wait for the time to come when I can attend a meeting of God’s true children. I look forward to the grove meeting near Rochester Ind. with joyful anticipation, hoping the Lord will make it possible for me to attend, and meet many of Christ’s little ones who have cheered me, in and through the Trumpet: to this end I ask the prayers of the saints. I have been desirous a long time to attend a meeting of God’s free saints, hut something always hindered.
To Bro. Warner I would say, God bless you and keep you faithful to your blessed work. We have never forgotten you since you were at our house six years ago, and I long to meet you and greet you. I heartily sympathize with you in all your trials and tribulations. Come to the Ind. meeting if the Lord wills. And to all my acquaintances in the flesh I would say, stand firm on the Solid Rock; let us not compromise and mix in with the sects, but stand aloof from them; for the Word says to mark them that cause divisoins, and avoid them.
The God of peace keep us in the bond of love through Jesus Christ our Lord, is my prayer. Amen!
Your Brother saved and kept by power Divine.
Henry Smith.
Deerfield, Ind.
Dear Brethren: — I thank the Lord for what He has done for me; I thank Him that He ever called after me, and saved me from my sins. Oh I do praise God for salvation full and free. I intend by the grace of God to stand for Him while I live.
I do praise His holy name for what I feel in my soul. I do praise and thank my Lord and Master that He ever stooped so low as to pick me up from the miry clay, and place my feet on the Rock Christ Jesus; for He says in His Word, Matt. 11:28, 29, 30, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” O praise His holy name for the many blessed promises that we have in God’s holy Word. I ask the prayers of all God’s people, that I may stand firm for Jesus. Your sister in Christ.
M. C. Marsh.
Maple Rapids, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me praise His holy name. O! I do praise God for salvation full and free. Hallelujah! For whom the Son makes free, is free indeed.
O glory to God! I was once bound like Peter with the chains of satan, but Jesus burst the bands asunder, and let the captive free, and now I am walking in the glorious light and liberty of the Sons of God, and will not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Praise God! I am not bound by anything now but love, and this bondage to love makes me perfectly free. Yes free to do the will of God in all things. O I do praise God for saving my soul. Hallelujah! I never can praise Him enough. He is all and in all to me, for I find Him a present help in every time of need. Truly He says He never will forsake us, nor leave us. For thus saith the Word of God, who shall separate us from the love of Christ, shall tribulation or distress, or pestilence, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved its. “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” O glory to Jesus! He gives us grace to overcome all of our trials, and makes us to rejoice in every conflict. For His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Praise God! I am a child of the King. O how glad I am, and thankful to God that He stooped down to save my poor soul. It is nothing that I have done, it is the gift of God, and it is not only for me, but for all that will come to Him. O! sinner, there is life for a look at the Crucified One. The Spirit and the Bride say come, and let him that heareth say come, and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely.” “He that drinketh of this water shall never thirst but shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Your sister, all the Lord’s.
Lodema A. Lyon.
Laingsburg, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — My testimony to-day is, that I am saved to the uttermost by the blood of Jesus, which cleanseth from all sin. I am ready and willing to do whatsoever the Lord makes known to me.
O I do praise God for a salvation which saves me from sin, and keeps me on the Lord’s side always. Oh its glory in my soul, for my Jesus dwells within, and there is no longer any room for satan and his works in my heart. I praise God that He has made me free in Christ Jesus, and keeps me by His mighty power, each day of my life. I gave myself to the Lord last February, and since that time I have enjoyed more than I ever did in sin. Last Sunday the Lord sanctified me, and the sweet peace which fills my soul, passeth all understanding. It is a joy that the world can neither give nor take away; and the half has never yet been told. O! the joy and peace it brings to our souls, to know that we are owned and accepted children of God, and joint heirs with out blessed Savior. I do thank God that there is a little band of saints in this place, who will stand straight for Him, let come what will; and who are ever ready to trust God and obey His commandments; knowing that with every command obeyed, there is a blessing.
Pray for us, that we ever remain faithful and ready servants of God. Your sister, saved and sanctified.
Effie A. Grennell.
Edgewood, Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise the Lord for full and free salvation. I am saved, sanctified and kept by the power of God. O glory to Jesus! I am bound by God’s assistance to make heaven my home. Glory to God! I praise the Lord for saving me from sin. Let the world speak of me as they may, I will live for Jesus. O! praise the Lord forever and ever! My heart … full of the Holy Spirit. Glory to Jesus my heart is overflowing. There was … baptized here, and I among them. Your Sister in Christ,
Thressa Cole.
Payne, Ohio.
Dear Brethren: — I am glad that I can say I am fully saved in Jesus. O bless His holy name! I could never say, until since the grove meeting, that I was so sweetly and fully saved as I am now. Hallelujah I am so glad that Jesus is my all and is all. I am no longer my own, Q! bless His holy name, for all that He has done for me. I am almost lost in wonder, love and praise, to think how the Lord has saved a poor sinner like I have been. O glory! glory!! glory to God in the highest! O how sweetly I am resting in His love to-day. He saves me this very moment. Bless His holy name! I am His and willing that He should use His own to His glory. I am on the sea of glass mingled with fire, and have the victory over the beast, and over his mark, and over the number of his name. Hallelujah to God in the highest,
Your sister, saved, sanctified and under the blood.