1 May 1883, Volume 5, Number 20.
The Gospel Trumpet
Edited and Published: the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, by
D.S. WARNER. J. C. Fisher. Corresponding editor.
TERMS, 50cts, Per Year. For a’less period at proportionate rates. To The Poor. less or free.
Entered at the Post Office at CARDINGTON as second class matter.
Notice the change of address.
All exchanges and correspondents please address us at Bucyrus. O., hereafter.
After May 2nd address all communications to us and the Trumpet, to Bucyrus, O.
Our next Trumpet will be five wide columns. It will be the same size as the Sword and Vanguard, at one dollar per year, semi-monthly. Praise the Lord!
Solid Meat.
This paper is all set solid, hence contains one-sixth more matter.
Healed by Faith.
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Bro. Warner: — I praised God when I saw in The Trumpet that the Lord had healed sister Bortner. I had the impression, when I left her, that she would never be cured any other way.
Not long ago a sister was healed here in answer to prayer. She had been sick for some time, and was expected to die. Two sisters that enjoy the blessing of entire sanctification staid all night and prayed with her that she might be restored. Her earthly physician was there; he said she could not last but a few nights. She could not speak nor notice any thing. But sisters Clark and Bickam had strong faith in God. They told him that she would live; but he was very sure she could not, and wont for another physician; and, while he was gone, the sisters laid hold on the promises of God for her. and she instantly came too and talked; knew all her friends that were there. She said the Lord had saved her. When the doctors came, the one just called, said; “Why, you need no medicine, you are nearly well.” The other said: “I am astonished to see such a change. God’s power alone could have done this! Praise the Lord!”
A week ago I staid all night with this sister and she told me all about it; so I know it is true. Now, loved ones, remember your unworthy sister, that I may keep in. the narrow way; then I know I will have an abundant enterance into God’s everlasting kingdom and glory. I praise the Lord with all my heart. I ever will rejoice in His full salvation.
Ann Skinner.
Oswego. Kan.
Written in Heaven.
Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 12
Bro. Warner: — The love we have for you and the Gospel Trumpet, or the truth it teaches, leads us to write you these few lines in the name of Christ. We love all my brothers that are engaged in this glorious warfare. The Trumpet is very welcome to our honses. It teaches the pure truth of God. The same truth has been taught here twetve years ago, and many received it, but as soon as severe persecutions arose for the word’s sake, most of them went back. But thank God! a few have held out faithful, and it seems that, the harvest is great in this country and the laborers few. Bro. Warner, if the Lord will, I wish you or some of the true ministers of the Cross of Christ would come and preach some here. Pray for us that we may be wholly sanctified and preserved blameless. Your brothers in Christ, and His Church which is written in heaven.
A. B. Weldon,
H. J. Armstrong.
Free from the Law.
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I can say this morning, “Bless the Lord, О my soul, and all that is within me praise” His holy name.” I am free, glory hallelujah! Free from all sin and sects. I once joined a sect that claimed to be no sect; they call themselves the Church of God, but I fear that they are more sectish than most others. The Lord fully saved and led me out from among them. Then I was taught by man to keep Saturday for Sabbath. But praise the Lord! He delivered me out of the Adventist sect. I tell you the devil will never get me there again. God showed me we are not under the law but under grace. Yes He showed me in a vision and by His word to throw off this yoke of man, and if I did not I should die spiritually. I was glad to give it up, and since. I came out of that ism, the glory of the Lord has filled my soul. О praise His name forever.
The Lord is working here now in much power. Six wholly sanctified and one reclaimed, and still there are more to follow. Some more of the dear ones have recently got out of the Adventism, and are now praising God and working for the Savior in the Spirit. О praise the Lord! it seems as if I cannot praise him enough. I would say to all that may be troubled as I was in reference to the Judaic Sabbath, flee from that snare of the devil, and be’ not entangled in the yoke of bondage. I am determined to be led by the Holy Spirit, for He will led us into all truth. And they that are led of the Spirit of God are the Sons of God. Your sister washed in the blood.
Camp Meetings.
Sandy Lake Pa.
A meeting will be held in a grove a few miles from that place beginning August 7th, which we expect to attend and which we are looking forward to with much interest.
Payne, Ohio.
It was pretty generally agreed, but not fully decided, by the Saints in Paulding and Van Wert counties, to hold a grove or camp meeting, beginning about the 1st of August. Trust in the Lord, it will come to pass if mighty power.
There will be а camp meeting at that place beginning August 31st. There are new about one hundred free and sanctified souls in that county, many of whom the Lord Jesus took into His Church the past winter, and we expect to meet the Lord with them in much power.
There will be a grove or camp meeting two miles north of Bangor, Van Buren county. Mich., beginning June 15th, 1883. We look for a glorious time of power …..
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the Chicago & West Michigan railroad. Persons coming from the north stop off at Breedsville and go two miles west. Come in the name of the Lord. Come and see.
A Tabernacle.
Brother Lemuel Rice, of Ada, Ohio, writes us that he is buying a tabernacle, and he and Brother Stockwell will be ready to respond to invitations to hold tabernacle meetings as soon as the weather will allow. Also, Bro. Rice desires to assist in camp meetings wherever he can. Whoever wishes the use of his tent for that purpose address him at Ada, Ohio.
An Experience Churchly.
By Lemuel Rice.
Dear Bro. Warner: — About two years ago God called me to preach the everlasting gospel. Glory to His name. Just before this solemn call I received the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of peace in my soul; and I know what that wonderful language in Eph. 3 means, experimentally. I was a member of the Wesleyan society, but being in an M. E. community, and having previously been a member of that society I thought I could do more good in my neighborhood if I would leaye the Wesleyans and join’ the M. E.’s. So I took my letter intending to hand it in; but I felt the restraining hand of God upon me. The burthen and anxiety of my soul to know what the trouble, was became very great. Finally the Lord showed me that my intention of joining that society was the cause, and that I must give it up, my wife at the same time experiencing the same. The moment I gave it up I felt the pressure taken off me, and the Lord wonderfully blessed me and revealed Himself to me. To be still more sure I was being led of the Lord, I asked Him to give me something in the Word to confirm me. Instantly came ringing through my mind these very meaning words: “Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Glory to God for the message! I have been a good while finding out what it means. At first I only supposed it applied to the M. E. sect; so I handed my letter back to the Wesleyans. But God permitted me to see my mistake again, and now I am free. Glory be to God forever and ever! Such is only a small part of my experience churchly, and I am well assured that God does not intend me to be a silent spectator of the scenes that are to follow in the days that are to come. God has. through the blood of the everlasting covenant, destroyed all schism in me. Hallelujah! My all is on the altar, and I intend to go forward just as the Lord makes the way plain. Let, us pray that
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God himself may guide all our steps. I am confident that he will. Your brother saved to the uttermost.
Ada, O., Nov. 7.
Victory in Iowa.
Salem, 1a., Feb. 11. 1883.
Dear Bro. Warner: — After our love to yourself and family, will say to the glory of God and praise to Jesus, that we are in our own land (read Ezekiel, 34: 13, 16, and 37 chaps. 21 and 28 verses); have been in Egypt and got fired of its bondage; have crossed the red sea and wandered through the wilderness; have murmured at the bitter waters, and the measure of manna itself. Although it was the true bread from heaven it did not wholly satisfy us in the wilderness; have crossed the Jordan, and eat the good of the land flowing with milk and honey; have been to Babylon and through the furnace, and although we did not hang our harps on the will low, we do not want any more experience in that country, and we expect, by the grace of God, to be in the high mountains of Israel (Isaiah 40 chap, and 9 v.) when Jesus comes. In this blessed land the watchmen see eye to eye (Isaiah 52 chap, and 8 v.) The. inhabitants all speak one language; none are poor, for the whole land belong to each one of them; none are sick; and, glory to God, none die; for the same shepherd who leads them gives them eternal life. We are at work for the King of this country, trying, like Moses, to lead those, whom God hath ordained to eternal life out of the bondage land, and, like Joshua, to lead those who are in the wilderness over into Canaan, and, like Zerubabel and Joshua, to bring the captive daughters of Zion back from Babylon to their own land.
We have had some meetings in which some, probably twenty or thirty, have professed to be converted, several sanctified wholly, and the holiness cause advanced. Have had some grand meetings of late; on last night we had the witnesses to gather into a meeting being held by the M. E. church one mile south of where we live; twenty or thirty of them were there and took the fort, and had a grand victory. Have just closed a meeting at a Union house (no sectism tolerated there) where a blessed work was done, and many left seeking full salvation. We expect to hold one or two camp meetings in this county, if the Lord permits, the coming summer. Warn, you to arrange to be with us. Hope the blessed Lord may keep you in the land of corn and wind and supply all your wants richly, in Christ. Jesus. Pray for us.
W. W. Roberts,
A servant of Jesus Christ.
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— Remember.—
While you read this paper, the editor will be personally at work erecting a house in which to carry on the work of the Lord. If we were building a house for our self we should want to count the cost before commencing; but we are building this house unto the Lord, and the earth and the fullness thereof are His, hence we need not stop to count, since He says go forward. The undertaking is wholly by faith. While at work with our hands we shall pray without ceasing, to our Heavenly Father to send us the means. However we do not expect Him to send us greenbacks nor gold and silver down from heaven. But we ask Him in the name of Jesus Christ to send it to us through the mail, from the willing and obedient hearts and hands that dwell in the land. Praise the Lord oh my soul! Let all hearken to the Spirit’s sweet voice, and obey. Send just what you can, and we will build just as the Lord helps us. We are satisfied with most any place that we can live in just so we can carry on the work of the Lord without paying rent. While at work here we will be having matter set at. Cardington for the first large paper. So just as soon as we can get a place competent to put our press into, we will have it shipped and will then be ready to print the first side of the paper. And we hope and pray God that the work will not be held back for the want of means, lest you be long without a paper. Any one wishing to work for the Lord upon the house, come along. Address us at Bucyrus. Ohio.
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A Letter and Answer.
Dear Bro. Warner: — Having by the providence of God read one of your papers, I found many things that I must say amen to. Yet there are several points that I wish, to ask you some questions, as I desire a more perfect knowledge of these things. You speak of a Church that is larger, than any church on earth, and this is to be that Church coming out of a… of the sects, and being an ent…e separate people, united by ..e unction of the Holy Spirit. ..y I wish to know how long … it has been since such uniting … taken place in these latter …s. And where has that Church been from the Apostols days to the present time? How are the members outwardly united with the Church? What are the ordinances? What are the rites or bonds of membership? There are other questions I would like to ask you. Your brother, in the love of Jesus.
Jacob O. Leatherman.
Dear Brother Leatherman: — Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Your kind letter of inquires is received. Now get your bible and we will sit down together for a few moments.
First. God’s Church is not those who have joined some sect, nor yet those who have come out of sects, but all men and women who are “added to the Lord,” (Acts 5:14) or whom the “Lord added … …..
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Now to be joined to the Lord and to be added to the Church by the Lord is all the same thing, because the Church is Christ, or His body. — See 1 Cor. 12: 12. Here the body is called Christ, and in verse 2S it is called the “Church.” “We are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.” — Eph. 5: 30. “And gave Him to be the head over all things to the Church which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.” — Eph. 1:22, 23. Now set it down forever that the Church (and there is but “one fold,” “one body,”) is the body of Christ. But no sect is the body of Christ, therefore no sect is the Church; but as all sects more or less are lilted with sinners, these sinners do not become members of the body of Christ — the Church — by simply coming: out of their sect; therefore no sect is the Church of God, nor yet do such as come out of sects constitute the Church, but all who are in Christ Jesus, whether in heaven or on earth — Eph. 3:15 — whether insects or out of sects; “For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body” — the Church. — 1 Gov. 12:13. But the bible condemns sects and schisms 1 Cor. 1st chapter and 3d chapter, and 1 Cor. 12:25 — and God is now calling His children out of this babylon mixture of religion and the world, as it is in all the sects. — 2 Cor. 6:14-17, Revelations 18.
“How long ago is it since this unity has taken place?”
Answer. In all ages all God’s children are united by being in Christ, and having the love of God and, the same Spirit in their heart. But that unity has been much hindered by the many party names and sect fences into which – the “sheep” have been pened apart from each other. For instance, when two souls are born of the Spirit they are grafted into one vine — John 15 — are set into one body. — Rom. 12: 4, 5. Through Christ the only door they have entered into the same Church. – John 10:1-11. Now one of them joins a sect, enters another door, not into the Church, for the Lord had already added them both to the Church — Acts 2:47 — but he enters a party, called the Methodist church, then he puts a fence between himself and the other brother; then the other goes into the Baptist pen and he also puts a fence between them. Sow the two that were “set in the Church,” the one fold, by the Lord, have, by sectarian preachers, been led to put two fences between them, and from that moment the one Spirit of God is little by little supplanted by the opposite rival party spirits until their religion is simply a sect zeal. But through all this age of babylon party confusion men have still been bound together just to the extent they have kept the real Spirit of God. And now for several years, and more especially for the last two years, God’s children who have the Holy Spirit are leaping out of the sect pens and coming back to the unity of the Spirit; ignoring the so-called church that preachers took them into, and acknowledging the one and only Church that Christ took them into. The Lord showed us three years ago that He was going to
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lead His people out of those sect “dwelling places wherein they had sinned,” and “seeing Him that is invisible” we obeyed and published the great truth, with the whole sect world and even professed holiness forces against us. Without means or friends we walked out on the sure promise of God, and now we have over 1,300 subscribers and the true, saints of God coming back from babylon — sectism — to Jerusalem, God’s own Church, by the thousands.
“Where has that Church been from the Apostols’ days?”
Answer. Wherever God had any true children, in heaven and on earth.
“What are the ordinances?”
Answer. Baptism, feet-washing, and the Lord’s Supper. These are institutions placed in the Church by Christ, who founded the Church nearly nineteen hundred years ago; though some of God’s children have, through education or a wrong understanding of the word, not been led to observe these things. If they are sincere they are none the less children of God and members of the body of Christ.
“How are the members outwardly united with that Church?”
Answer. Just as they were in the Apostols time — by fellowshiping, worshiping with each other, and walking according to the in: spired rule of the Church. — Acts 9:28. 17:4, 2:44, 11:26, Heb. 10:25. If any one attempts to put on those outward appearances and is not a child of God, he does not thereby become a member of the Church; because the book is kept in heaven and he cannot have his name fraudulently entered. He must come in by the door — Christ — and “by Him if any man enter he shall be saved.” — See Luke 10:20, Philipians 4: 3, Heb. 12: 23, Rev 13: 8, Psalm 87. When any attempt a hypocritical membership the sword and fire of God soon drive them away, when it is “manifest that they were not of us,” not in the Church at all. — 1 John 2:10. In these days of blazing light, when any cannot endure the truth they depart from God and join some sect book on earth. “All that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall “be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters.” – Jer. 17: 13.
“What are the rites or bonds of membership?”
Answer. “Love is the bond of perfectness.” Membership is not entered into by any rite or ceremony, but by the “power of an endless life:” by being born into the family of God by the Holy Spirit. “But now hath God set the members, every one of them, in the .body as it hath pleased Him.” — 1 Cor. 12:18. “I am the door, by Me if any man enter he shall be saved.” And “The Lord added to the Church daily such as shall be saved,” or “such as were being saved.” Thus we see that Christ is the door into the Church, and salvation the process of entering that door. And there is no special ceremonial or outward formal operation by which men join the Church, or which constitute the outward sign of membership; though every act of religious worship is … profession
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of membership in the body of Christ, and baptism is a striking declaration of death to the world and a spiritual resurrection to walk in newness of life.
We are made members of the Church by being joined, to the Lord. We are then members of the visible Church, because we are visible. We are then members of the organized Church, because God organizes or ”tempers the body together.” — 1 Cor. 12. You are members of the general Church because joined to Christ. You are members of the local church in your place because you are located there. Membership in a local church is simply the result of being in Christ, and being in that geographical locality. Fellowship, cooperation, meeting together for worship, recognizing the. gifts, callings and offices of the different members do not make nor organize the Church, but are the natural results of the Church as made and organized by the Lord. And when these voluntarily cease on the part of any person, it is evidence of having been separated from the body by sin.
By T. H. Low.
“But the greatest of these is charity.” — 1 Cor. 13:13. Charity is not mere human passion, emotion or sympathy, as some define it; but charity, which in our text, and usually in the New Testament, means love, is of God. “God is love,” and pure love or charity in our hearts is the Divine nature conveyed into the soul and life of man. Therefore it is a principle that has existed in all eternity past, and will continue through all eternity future. It is not changed by the flight of years or dimmed by the force of circumstances. It does not spoil in summer nor freeze up in winter. “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophesies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.” This world shall pass away, but charity shall abide. Praise God!
Men say to have charity we must love the world and have a desire to please the world. They say that he that does not love the world is uncharitable. But, thus saith the Lord, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world; if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him.” — 1. John 2:15.
The love of this world only lasts while we please the world; and when we cease to do that their love is ended, and they will ridicule, and persecute us. But pure, divine love never breaks down — “endures all things.”
Do you want something that is lasting, that will give you eternal peace, satisfaction and joy? then get the real genuine love of God in your soul. Then you will have unbroken love for your fellows a thousand years ahead. Though they turn and hate you, and do all manner of evil toward you, so that there is nothing in their character that is admirable, the sympathetic feature of your charity for them will even deeper
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and widen. It will now out in strong disinterested love for their souls, in fervent solicitude for their salvation. We love a soul for what it is worth, and for what it would be when redeemed in the kingdom if God, even though at present it is covered with sin. But God never puts that kind of charity in our hearts that loves the sinner’s vileness and meanness. The man that professes to love God and yet is unwilling to stir up the devil by pointing out a man’s sins and danger, is either deceived or is a hypocrite.
It is the pure love of God that takes the word of truth and undeceives the deceived, and that puts a mark on the hypocrite. By the grace of God and in view of eternity I must deal faithfully with all men. We cannot expect to do anything that will please God but what it will displease the devil and the world. We cannot serve two masters, Jesus says so. Blind guides say we must show our charity to the world by pleasing them and being friendly with them; but that is the way “that old serpent the devil and satan” beguiles with flattery, and charms souls into the coils of his power and drags them to perdition. But he does not show courtesy to men that are dead to the world. He thought enough of the Son of God to put Him to death on the cross, to plunge the spear into His side, to arraign Him up in a hellish mock trial, and hold a hellish revelry over His supposed destruction. No, “the friendship of this world is enmity with God,” and “he that will be a friend of the world is an enemy of God.”
How then, as Christians, shall we treat the world, if we are not to love the world? He had charity enough for poor lost souls to tell them that they must repent and be born again, or die in their sins and be eternally lost. He showed His charity by rebuking sinners and exposing hypocrites, by testifying of the world that its works are evil, and in return the world hated Him. God manifested His love in cutting ‘off the antediluvians, and the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah; and He done the best thing He could, all things considered. Did God have no charity for the prophets of Baal? Yes, He did; and when He cut them off He done the best, thing He could for them and all concerned. The love of God leads Him to warn sinners, and offer them the bread of life; but if they accept it not, His love must “feed them with judgment.” And now, beloved, if you see a man on the road to hell, don’t flatter him and tell him that he is pretty good. If you do, remember you are at work for the devil. Yea, if he is wrong and you know it, his blood will be found on your skirts if you do not tell him. It is not charity that will see men going on to hell and not raise the alarm. O, cry aloud and spare not, for Jesus sake.
File Numbers.
We desire to secure a perfect rile of the Trumpet if, we can. Who can furnish us the following numbers: Volume 5, No. 12; volume 5, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Volume 4, Nos. 3. 8, 9, 11, 12, 14. 15, 19, 20, 23 and 24.
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Please send any of the above, if you can, and oblige.
Some of Our Subscribers
Failed to get their papers the last two months. We are sorry this is the case. It is accounted for by the fact that we confided in our printer to write the wrappers, and it seems that he either carelessly or maliciously passed by some names. As soon as we found he was beginning to slight his work we discharged him. We will make up for all papers missed that we are apprised of, either in missed numbers or by extending the time.
Salt in Cardington.
God’s cause has passed through a terrible sifting in this place. All the powers of darkness and of satan’s hellish rage have been let loose upon the few loyal holy little ones here. Wicked sect members have boasted that this cause was crushed out. One Methodist son of belial, steeped in tobacco and the poison smoke of his torment, has even boasted through the secular press that he had succeeded in putting down holiness. A Quaker preacher and family have let their tongues run with the base, vulgar and profane of the place in speaking against this way. But bless God the devil is sadly mistaken. Several souls have recently become established unblamable in holiness. The Lord is with us in power, the hidden ones have four meetings every week, and God is wonderfully blessing us. One brother anointed and healed last Friday night. This was written for last paper.
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A Permanent Home for The Trumpet.
For same time we have been earnestly looking to God to settle us down where we could most glorify Him. Kind brethren were very desirous we should move to Michigan, and have made us very liberal offers. But we were forced to stay upon the Lord and away it His decision. And, blessed be His name, He has directed us very clearly in the matter. Bucyrus, Crawford county, Ohio, is where we expect very soon to locate. This, we expect, will be the last paper we will print here. Though we may have to wait longer than we expect to get our buildings along far enough to move in. We firmly believe the Lord led us to move over here, however, from the beginning it did not appear altogether as though this were our permanent place. Bucyrus is on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Ry., along which our work seems to lay more than any other road. Also the Ohio Central railroad runs north and south through the place, from Toledo to Southern Ghio. The place is growing quite thriftily, now claims close on five thousand population. There are blessed good Saints in most every direction of the place, who are pushing the work of the Lord, and with whom we shall be happy to work. Bucyrus is only about twenty miles from this place, and the expense of moving will be but little. We have had experience enough in our business to know that we never can carry on the paper and pay rent. It is claim
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ed that a paper is not “self-supporting with most any number of subscribers, without receiving advertisements. Just yesterday in the office of a temperance paper, we were told by an editor and publisher, that we had ought to take in $1,000 per year for advertisements, and he could not see how the paper could be carried otherwise. But, beloved, it must be carried other wise or not at all. Neither do we wish to do any secular job work if we can help it. Shall dispose of our job press and material as us soon possible. Now beloved, when we shall have obtained both a good paper press, and it is already bought thank God, and a place free of rent, with much self denial and care, we will be able to send you a paper 22×32 every two weeks. Some of our dear brethren have in love censured us occasionally. We find generally these two points, sometimes in the same letter, namely, “Why do you not send your paper out more frequently, and more regularly?” The other, “I think you have not been on your guard enough to keep out of debt.” Well, there it is. We could have kept entirely out of debt if we would have issued less papers, and we might have issued every two weeks, had we gone more in debt. But no one of our experience could possibly have issued more frequently, with our income and our slow facilities. Our dear brethren are without a knowledge of what they are talking about. But now beloved as we are in this desperate effort to … entirely out of debt, and to … ..ated so as to cut off much of our past expense, we hope that all will send us all the help they can.
One dear brother has, by the directions of the Lord, put into this work $900, — all he has in the world. Two other brethren in Iowa $100. Another brother takes the chief burthen of buying a lot and building. Now God will carry on His work if he has to take all the few willing souls have, but we believe that with the encouragements now before us, there will be a general response. We have two notes of $150 each, one and two years to run, at six percent., that we would be very thankful indeed, if some kind brother would cash for us. Then we have 300 books, worth nearly $400, upon which we can save $85 in a settlement with our publishers, if we can borrow the money until we can sell them, (which we can do in about four months). So you see that any brother that will loan me $316 (the amount I still owe my publishers,) for four months, it will save me the $85. and that, with the $300 in notes, will nearly set me clear. I do hope and pray the Lord will move some kind heart to take our notes and advance us on our books. Also, let every dear child of God send in donations to help build this house for the Lord. We intend to build just as economically as possible, just so we have room enough to carry on the work and live in. Let all address us at Bucyrus after May 2nd.
The Payne Ohio Assembly.
This was a glorious meeting. All the saints were strengthened and edified. Sabbath was very
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rainy and cold, but we held meeting, with but few moments’ in termission, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
First, we met at private house, and had a precious meeting from 10 a. m.. until nearly 3 p. m.; then we went to the school house, where the funeral services of Bro. Tatman were conducted by the Holy Spirit. This brother had, a few days before, fallen asleep and gone to “live together with Jesus,” in a higher sense than we dwell with him here. The Lord bless the bereft companion and children.
After the people had left, as it began to draw near to night, the saints being nearly alone with the Lord in the midst (for this service had not been publicly announced), the beloved children of God followed the example and commands of the Lord Jesus Christ in washing the saints’ feet and partaking of the Lord’s supper. O, praise the Lord for His blessing upon our souls!
Later, the house was again, well filled, and we “preached the everlasting gospel to them that dwell on the earth.” God blessed His present awful truth, any many were serious. On Monday night we held a glorious meeting at the house of Bro. Joseph Kilpatrick.
Hands were laid on some who were afflicted with diseases, and the Lord was present to heal. Praise His holy name.
God has truly done wonders in this country since we first visited it last June. Then the saints took the bible track, of God’s own church, free from all sects, creeds, bands, and straps, and the result has been that the fire has spread abroad in every direction. Souls have been converted and sanctified. Numerous, and some quite marked, instances of healing have occurred. The little ones are clear and strong in the comprehension of God’s church. They also have the gifts clearly defined’ and definitely professed. A number have the gift of healing; some that of discerning of spirits, prophecy, and others have power to cast out devils, by the same spirit. And as “it is God that works all things in all” in that church, there is great unity, love, and power there.
Elders and deacons have been ordained of God, and acknowledged by the church, and several have been ordained of God first and of the church second, to preach the word of God. O, praise God for this blessed host of living saints, all in the divine order, and in the glorious, freedom of the sons of God.
On Monday evening we held services in the house of Bro. McNeill; near Dixon, VanWert county. His house was largely filled with the worst set of rowdies we ever yet met. But God helped us, with all the little ones present, to do our Master’s will in warning them. This text suggested itself to our mind, “As it was in the days of Noah, Lot. etc., so shall it be in the day of the Son of Man.” Surely the time is upon us.
Bro. John Ridley, a dear saved brother, and minister of God, from Green Springs, Ohio, attended the meeting. He has been sanctified wholly a number of years. Heretofore he has been connected with the U. B. sect, but
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with God’s church, at Jerry City, Ohio, he declared himself free, and was greatly blessed in making the same declaration of independence from Babylon at the meeting. He staid to labor some time in an adjoining neighborhood, and we trust God will be there in power. Bro. David J. Dunfee, from Indiana, was also at the meeting. God has chosen him to preach in a silent but powerful way, praise the Lord.
Bro. L. D. Johnson, our present printer, went along with us to that meeting to obtain salvation. Praise God he surrendered to the Lord and was blessed, and I hope he will live in newness of life. The Lord bless him!
Obituary — Matilda J. Devore.
Matilda J Gallaway was born in Columbiana county, O, September 4th, 1832. From thence her parents moved to Delaware county in 1851, where she was married. She was converted when but 12 years of age. She always endeavored so to live that when the summons should come she would be ready to meet her Lord. Of the four children given her only two remain to mourn the loss of a mother’s love. One son died when only 10 months old, and the only remaining son went away last May, the 19th; he died gloriously saved. For more than 15 years our mother suffered much, but was always cheerful and happy, and was lately looking forward with gladness to the time when she should be released from all suffering and be at rest.
She was a devoted mother, and raised her children in the fear of the Lord. She passed through many toils and hardships, but the weary hands are folded now in sweet rest. May we, who remain, so live that we may meet her and our brother who are safe now in the arms of Jesus.
She went peacefully to sleep the morning of the 4th of April. She was 50 years and 7 months old.
Our dear mother passing from as,
Out of human care and strife;
Leave us, as a gift, those virtues
Which have beautified your life.
Dear, bequeath us that dear patience
Which has power to sustain
A cheerful, uncomplaining spirit
In its prison house of pain.
Henceforth safe across the river:
We shall see forever more
Two beloved household spirits
Waiting for us on the shore.
Hope and faith, born of our sorrow.
Guardian angels shall become.
And our loved ones gone before us,
By their bands shall lead us home.
The above paper was prepared) and read at the funeral by one of the Lord’s little ones. We visited sister Devore before her death, and always found her soul bright with hope and joy. She told us that she had been a member of the M. E. denomination. But, through adverse circumstances, she was unable to pay her quarter–age, for which her name was removed from their books. This, at first, caused great sorrow, but presently the Lord appeared to her and said: “You are now just made free.” Then her trial ceased, great peace filled her heart, and from that time to life’s close, she found herself complete in Christ
Before leaving she gave directions that the holiness people should bury her, and that the funeral occasion should be a holiness meeting led wholly by the
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Spirit, without any particular form, just as if she were present with us in the body. And such was the occasion, a blessed, powerful meeting of prayer, testimony, exhortation, and praising God in songs of salvation, and victory over sin, death, and the grave. — [Ed.
Six Mile, Ind., Feb. 5.
Praise the Lord! I am hid away in God to-day. I am a come outer and can give a reason for it I belong to Jesus. I dwell in His Church, and he has given me his Spirit and Word. And they do not teach, but do forbid the present day isms and schisms. Since the. Lord has sanctified me wholy His Spirit has led me to renounce all these so called churches that are not in the Word of God; for the Spirit and the Word agrees. We say amen!
W. W. George.
Cochran, Ind., Nov. 5, ’82.
Dear Brother in Christ: — I have received The Trumpets, and to say that I have perused them with great pleasure, does not more than half express my feelings. Your article on “Unqualified Witnesses” cannot be gain said; and I know if I were one of those persons that you answered so forcibly and truthfully, I would hang my head in shame, and would never again raise my puny arm of rebellion against Bible holiness. May God, in His mercy, show them the carnality of their unregenerate hearts. For I know that no regenerated heart will be found fighting this blessed work of the Holy Spirit. True, many do so who claim to be born of God, but their works show that if they ever did receive a change of heart they have lost the favor of God; and for them to die in that condition would insure their eternal damnation. For the Bible says: “They that are led of the spirit of God are the sons of God,” and the spirit of God never leads us backward, but forward into all truth, and into the will of God, even our sanctification. The cry of the true child of God is: “O Lord, let me know more and more of thee, and thy power to save.” And such a heart will gladly receive the gospel and testimony of entire sanctification, and “for joy will go and sell all he hath to buy the field.” Wilt gladly sacrifice all things for the pricely pearl of a clean heart.
Some think because the poor, disobedient and faithless children of Israel wandered about forty years in the wilderness that the same experience is good enough for them, so they stumble along, by their actions at least, saying good Lord and good devil, not knowing in whose hands they will fall.
Brother Warner, I want you to send me The Trumpet right along, and just so long as you continue to knock down the Goliahs, and hew to pieces the Agags in the camp, I will assist you as God gives me the means, and hold you up at a throne of grace that God may bless you, and give you the heavenly wisdom to do all things to his glory. Your brother for clear work and God’s holy
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James B. Flinn.
Bangor, Mich., Nov. 16, ’82.
Dear Bro. Warner: — I praise God that I am free from all sin and sects. I know that the blood of Jesus has cleansed me, and sanctified me wholly; and, with the grace of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I am determined to keep in the straight and narrow way, the highway of holiness I was a member of the M. E. sect about five years. Becoming dissatisfied with the sprinkling I had received for baptism, I withdrew from them and joined the so-called church of God at Bangor, thinking that it was nearer right than any I knew. But I find, in one sense, it is worse than the former: because it takes upon itself the name of God’s church that Christ purchased with his own blood, while at the same time it is not what its name indicates; it is simply another sect, organized by men, governed by men, burthened by systems, and human sect machinery, filled with bigotry and party pride, and struck with death.
I thank God, through brother Fisher’s preaching and reading the word of truth, I have found full salvation. I have been led out into the blessed light of holiness, and my feet placed on Christ, the sure foundation. With God my father, Christ my head, and the Holy Spirit my guide, I know I shall be always prepared to meet my God at any time. Your sister in Christ.