1 September 1885, Volume 7, Number 12.
The Love of Jesus.
L. A. Lyon.
O the blessed Holy Spirit,
How He leads me In the way.
In the straight and narrow pathway,
In the light of perfect day.
Cho. — Shout His praises on the hilltops,
Tell it to the world around,
Glory! Glory!! Hallelujah!
What a Savior I have found.
Jesus is my only refuge,
I will trust Him every day;
For I know He’ll never leave me,
He will guide me in the way.
Let us praise Him, blessed Jesus,
O His Glory fills my soul,
O His love no tongue can tell it,
I am every whit made whole.
O I know He’ll never leave me,
For I have Him in my heart;
Blessed Jesus, precious Savior,
I will never from Thee part.
And when all the loved ones gather,
In that blessed home above,
We will praise Him there forever,
In that blessed world above.
THIS was the most glorious and fruitful meeting of the kind we have ever known. Our little company, Bro. and sister Fisher, sister Rhoda and Celia, of the Trumpet Office, — the latter having many kindred here, — and our self arrived on Saturday; the meeting having began the night before. That night Bro. Joseph Kilpatrick’s house was crowded to the uttermost, nearly all brethren and sister. The Lord has raised up a large host of His free children in this country. But the peril of these last clays had shaken many of them. It might be the means of cutting off the snare of satan elsewhere, to warn the saints of his devices.
A brother who was among the first to receive the true light of the Gospel in this place, and who was a teacher of the Word, having the confidence and esteem of the saints, by some means lost the Spirit of God, and fell into the terrible erroneous doctrine of baptismal ”washing of regeneration,” and that in it we are inducted into Christ, and into the Kingdom. Also the brother loosing sight of the distinction between the spirit of adoption, received in regeneration which is the Spirit of the Son, the second person, — and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the third person Himself, which is received in entire sanctification. Identifying the Spirit of God, exclusively with the Comforter, or observing that He, the third person of the Trinity, is only received in entire sanctification, the “second grace,” the brother was driven to the extravagant position, that the Word, and literal water convert and regenerate, and that the Spirit is not received in any sense until in entire sanctification. Some by receiving these erroneous teachings, grieved away the Spirit, others who were young in the faith were staggered by the discord produced by these new doctrines, and the cause had greatly suffered.
Having written to the erring brother and received his views in his own language we were prepared to open up Gospel fire upon the mischievous foxes that had spoiled so many vine branches. By the grace of God we applied the rods vigorously, from the beginning. Praise God! He convicted the leader of this heresy the very first service, and having an honest heart he began to confess his mistake, and the great harm he had done. The Word and the Spirit of the Living God wrought so mightily during the Sabbath services, that on Monday there was a great rush to the Altar, and down under the blood. Praise God! the fire came down upon the sacrifices, and glory filled the sanctuary. Fifteen or eighteen seekers were gloriously delivered, and all the saints together shouted the praises of God.
The glorious tide of salvation power overflowed each meeting: every day a long Altar was filled with believers seeking entire sanctification, and backsliders and sinners seeking pardon; and the power of God was present every time to clear the Altar from end to end.
Alter the first night the meetings were held in the grove. The congregations at night were quite large, order was good. Praise God for the wonders of His grace bestowed upon this work. Glory and honor to our God forever and ever! On Saturday Aug. 15, in one meeting not less than 25 souls were saved. The entire number of consecrations in seven days were about 100. About 75 souls were saved, either converted or sanctified or both. Praise the name of our Redeemer! Truly this is the Lord’s doings, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Quite a number of the saved came from Melrose about 20 miles east, and from about. Maysville and Antwerp, 10 miles north-west. Two years ago, four brethren came from that community to a grove meeting several miles north of Churubusco Ind. They were searching for the old path, and joyfully received the Word of the Lord, renounced the sects, and received entire sanctification. Praise God! they have been blazing the light around, and God working with them in the power of His Spirit, a glorious throng of 80 or 40 saints have been raised up there who walk in the light of God and His pure truth, some of whom are called to preach the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord bless and prosper the good work there.
Sabbath the 16, a large concourse of people listened to the awful Word of God with much interest, 3, hours and 20 minutes in the first service, and nearly 3 hours the second. At the close of which several souls were saved.
Then came the saints farewell song, followed by many holy greetings of burning love, and tears of parting. God bless these beloved saints evermore.
Latty Ohio Aug. 12.
DEAR Brethren, and Saints of God Every-where; — I am led of the Spirit of the Lord to lay this proposition before you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are all aware of the great and pressing need there is for that Holy Spirit. Song book, our dear Bro. J. G. Fisher is endeavoring to put out. O, how eagerly we are waiting for its appearance. It is wonderful what precious Heavenly songs have been inspired for that book, they should be speed fly sent forth every where to bless and animate the souls of the saints, and sound the praises of God. Now I feel that it is utterly wrong that its blessings should be with-held for the necessary means to publish the book. I believe it need not be.
This plan has occurred to our mind, and we doubt not is of the Lord, and will meet a response from the lovers of the Lord.
1st, The book, we are told, will cost 35 cents. Now let every body that wishes a book, at once forward the price of the same to Bro. Fisher, and let him use the same to pay publication. The first thousand books will cost about $300.00. (This includes the electrotype plates, from which any number may afterwards be printed at the simple expense of the paper and binding.) Now for each Bro. and Sister to send in the simple price of the book, it would take 857 names to make the amount. It is not possible that that number will respond soon enough to meet the present demand.
Therefore we suggest, second, let as many as can, send some donation in addition to the price, say 50 cts., or $1.00. And as sure as you ever get the glorious songs it will bring to you, you will not begrudge twice the amount.
Third, There is still another way to reach the amount and make it easy all around, that is, let as many as possibly can, purchase five or ten books, more or less, advancing the money, and just as soon as the songs can be heard in your neighborhood, there will be sale for what you wish to dispose of. Now beloved, will yon lay this to heart? Who will stir up the people in your place to send for the books? Go right at it in the name of Jesus, talk it over, do it soon. “The King’s business demands haste.” This is the surest way to get the books out soon, and yet every one obtain value received for all they give. Your Brother saved to the uttermost.
J. N. Howard.
THE next day after receiving the proposition the Lord moved Bro. Howard to make, the following letter was received by us. It will be seen that one proposition confirms the divinity of the other. May God continue to move the hearts of saints to respond to both calls. God is still giving us new songs by the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord! they are coming, every one more and more glorious. And we are sure the blessed Spirit that inspires them, will also procure the means for their publication. Amen!
Silver Lake Ind.
Aug. 10 1885.
To the Dear Trumpet Family at Williamston. God bless you all is my prayer. My testimony is that Jesus saves me just now. Praise God for a now salvation. I have complete victory in my soul over the devil and all his works, God wonderfully manifested His power to wife and self yesterday, while we declared to the people the pure truth, and the true Church with Jesus Christ, the only head and door into this Church. Praise God! While the fire and hail of God was poured out upon the people, they were held in complete submission. And at the close, sectarians confessed to the mighty truth, and said, they wanted more of it. God’s purging fan is thoroughly blowing out the chaff, and brings to light the pure wheat. Well bless God! we know no compromise with satan.
Well I started out in this writing, to say something about the new hymn book. I feel that it will be to the glory of God that the book be brought to completion at once; and as was stated in the Trumpet, that for want of means the work had to stop. Now I ask in the name of the Lord, for at least fifty of the dear saints, with me, to send in at once one dollar each. And that a list of the names be made at the Trumpet Office as they come in; and that each person so sending the one dollar, shall be entitled to one book as soon as the book is published. Now Bro’s Warner, and Fisher if this meets your mind, publish it, and let the next Trumpet, publish the above amount, and as much more as the Lord may put into the hearts of the dear ones to send in. Amen! Enclosed find $1.00.
J. L. Kiplinger.
Detroit Mich.
Dear Brethren: — Enclosed please find Postal Order in payment for subscription of Gospel Trumpet. I expect to come to the assembly of saints in Sept., if the dear Lord wills. He is surely leading me and I mean to follow wherever He shall lead. I am saved from all sin just now, and am “kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” The fire of God’s Spirit burns on the Altar of my heart. Glory to God and the Lamb for ever! Amen! It the Lord will I will write my experience some time to be published for His glory. Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! to God be given. My prayer is God bless the dear saints every-where, especially the ministers of His people, for a good deal depends on them as examples to the flock. May God bless Bro. Warner and Bro. and sister Fisher, that they may “feed the Churches of God, over which the Holy Ghost has made them over-seers.” To God be all the glory! hoping and believing that this will find you all in the love of Jesus, I remain yours in Christ Jesus who strengtheneth me to do His will.
M. Frey.
THIS is by far the best exchange that comes to our office. Published at College Mound Mo. Though it is announced as the organ of the South Western Holiness Association, an organization which is unscriptural, as there should be but one organization recognized, i.e., the Body of Christ; the paper has squarely taken its stand against sects, and in defense of the Church of the Living God. The following extract by Bro. Kiergan, the Associate Editor, from an editorial on the platform and principals of the Good Way, we heartily Amen!
“The time was, when we understood the holiness movement to cover one special work, and no more, and that the preaching, praying and singing must be definitely upon that line, that was the “second work of grace.” This view arose from the erroneous assumption that the rest of the Gospel, and Gospel work, was the exclusive possession and business of the denominations and their ministry. Hence we left all other questions but this one, to be settled by them and for us. But the time has fully come when it is evident God has committed to the real holiness movement a dispensation of the whole. Gospel, covering every question the Holy Spirit discusses from the first letter of Genesis to the last one in Revelation. We are learning ‘that where God has spoken there is no “side-issue,” it is exactly on the main line. Hence, to discus any of these questions in the Spirit of Christ, with such intelligence as to edify, and for the purpose of arriving at the most perfect understanding of the truth, is proper and right. Of course, it is expected that no teacher will assume any thing like loft mess, but will be always at school, and forward for prayers.”
Five years ago the Lord emphatically taught us to ignore all the sects of babylon, place ourselves under the commission of Christ, and teach the people to observe all things whatsoever He has commanded. The Spirit showed us clearly that the holiness crisis was to sweep away all the creeds, crafts, traditions, and commandments of men, with all the isms of night and doctrines of devils, and to lead the honest children of God back from the captivity of error, to every principle of the doctrine of Christ. By the grace of God we obeyed the call and order of heaven, and went to work in full faith to “pull down, to destroy and to pluck up, and to plant and to build up;” when we were greeted by a howl from every holiness editor and evangelist, east, west, north and south, crying out, “switched off,” “side-issue,” “sour,” because we honestly felt and obeyed our obligations to preach all the counsel of God. Those association creeds, which exclude every thing but the doctrine of entire sanctification, are abominable. They are based on the fact that sectarian holiness professors have many sect idols, which they have not grace of God enough to allow being touched, therefore to avoid the reproach of a wrangle before the people, they all agree to disagree, and each leave the other alone in his sectarian traditions. O, such baby works are sickening to any real man of God; disgusting in the sight of God and His angels, and to be sneered and chuckled at by devils and sinners. The next day after the Ohio Eldership of the Winebrenarian branch of babylon, took our license away, for preaching entire sanctification. God walked wonderfully near to us. After we got home, we went into a room and offered yourself up anew unto God, because of our new relations. There the God and Father of Jesus Christ and the God of the Apostles appeared unto us by His Spirit, ignored all association creeds, and renewed the commission of Christ Jesus upon our soul, to preach the entire faith once delivered to the saints. Through the snares of the Association creed, and the fellowship of sectarian holiness, we did not fully obey our convictions for a few years. But about five years ago God set us out in glorious liberty to preach the whole Word of God. But note the result. The following of our honest, humble convictions of truth, confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God in our soul, and the faithful ministration of the Gospel of Christ, out us loose from the whole mass of sectadhering holiness. O, the spuriousness of that stuff called holiness that fears the light of divine truth. As true as God is our witness, had we not struck out to follow the Lord outside all hum an organisms, we should have long ago lost salvation. Yet the very men with whom we were associated in the interbabylonian holiness work, have condemned and persecuted us for walking in the light of God’s Word.
Well, if our Missouri brethren do really carry out the above declaration of their convictions, they have a great deal to do yet. We glorify God for the advancement they are making along God’s present line of march. They are a mighty host, and are doing a glorious work in God. And for the sake of the holiness cause, and perishing souls, we do exceedingly rejoice that God has saved His forces in the great state of Mo., from backsliding with the masses that have not obeyed the “voice from Heaven, saying: Come out of her my people.” We pray God’s blessing upon the Good Way and all connoted with it.
But we have said the Missourians have much yet to do. “There is much rubbish yet to be cleared away.” But very few are fully on the “Sea of Glass mingled with fire,” having fully overcome the beast, and his image, and the number of his name, and all the marks of the beast. The sea of glass is the clear Gospel platform, free from all the influence and doctrine of sect education, and square on the Word of God in all things. To reach that glorious sea of glass, every command and ordinance of Jesus Christ must be known and observed with perfect uniformity. “His watchmen shall see eye to eye, when He brings Zion again” from her captivity. — Isa. 52. A great deal of Methodist and other traditions will have to be burned up, every Bible issue will have to be met, and settled by the Word and Spirit of God, which will cause earthquakes in divers places. Many will not endure the whole truth, but all that do come up to the Word will have to take their stand with positive authority upon the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and move forward in the name of the God of the Bible, the Lord of the whole earth. For instance, a brother reports a meeting in which these words occur. “About fifty enrolled their names as members of the Church, (Christ’s body) at Lehigh.” This is still faking a stone for a corner, from the debris of great babylon that is burned by the fire of God’s jealousy. This is nothing but sect making. “The Church of the First-born is written in Heaven,” while “they that depart from God are written in the earth. See Heb. 12, and Jer. 17:13. Well, we are filled with much gratitude to God for what He is doing for His beloved saints in Mo.,. and we feel like recommending the Good Way to the saints of God every where. Bless God for the triumphs of Truth.
New York.
Dear Brethren: — Please send me your Tract, “The Sabbath.” I enclose 25 cts.
You will be glad to know that the Lord is with us in preaching the precious Gospel to His ancient people. A house will be opened as a Hebrew Christian Church, pray for us. Yours in Jesus.
Jacob Freshman.
Maple Rapids Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I praise God this afternoon for a full and a complete salvation. Glory to God and the Lamb forever! Oh I do praise God that I am saved and sanctified wholly, and washed in the blood of the Lamb. I mean by the grace of God to go through with the resolute few.
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye heavenly host,
“Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
From your sister saved.
Katie Lyon.
Page 2
Sent Forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
For the Purity and Unity or His Church,
the Defence of ALL His Truth,
And the Destruction of Sect Babylon.
D. S. WARNER and J. C. FISHER, —– Editors.
J. C. FISHER, —– Publisher.
TERMS, $1.00 Per Year In Advance.
All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the Gospel Trumpet, in order to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible.
Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in Postal Notes, above that amount in Post Office Orders, or Registered Letter. Small amouts in two cent stamps.
The cross marked with a pencil opposite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as backpay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes their paper discontinued.
Addsress, Williamston
Entered at the Post Office at Williamston.
Ingham Co. Mich., as second class matter.
A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church is Christ.
It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Orders are increasing; send on your orders.
Price ………. 10 cents.
One dozen copies ………. $1.00
Fifty copies ………. $3.50
WE Publish the following list of Camp and Grove Meetings, and Assemblies, which is as well as we can lay out the work at present. If other meetings are desired, we will do the best we can to fill in between. Some of the following may, in the Lord’s providence require variations.
A Grove Meeting will be held near Custards, Crawford Co. Pa. Sept. 1—7.
Also another at Harthagig Mercer Co. Pa. Sept. 6—12, By the grace of God we expect to be there.
Jerry City O., Assembly Sept. 16—20.
Williamston Mich., Assembly, Friday, Sept. 24—28.
Beaver Dam Ind., Assembly Oct. 1—5.
Hunnewell Mo. Camp Meeting Oct. 9—19.
Mt Pleasant Iowa, or vicinity, Assembly, beginning Oct. 23.
Joseph & Daniel.
BIBLE Proofs that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself.
This tract contains 64 pages: the price is 25 cts.
God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture, So every reader of the Trumpet can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good financial help to spread other matter for the Lord.
We are now prepared to furnish beautiful Scriptural tract envelopes and cards 50 cts per hundred for each, on receipt of orders.
We are requested to announce a camp, or grove meeting at Deshler Ohio, from September 4—13th 1885.
We would call your attention once more to the fact, that all business, and communications not private, should be addressed to Gospel Trumpet, and not to D. S. Warner, or J. C. Fisher, as they are in the field most of the time.
Died at his home in Coloma Berrien Co. Mich, of typhoid fever Bro. Geo. Beyea aged 33 years 7 months and 12 days. He leaves a wife and two little girls, but their loss is his gain. We were with him a few days before his death. As we met him and had but little hopes of his recovery, we told him it was too bad that he was sick. He replied, “No it is not too bad, it is God’s will and I am willing to abide by His will; I am ready and willing to go or stay, just as He sees fit; I am perfectly resigned to His will.” The brother had been a member of the I. O. O. F., but for eight or nine months previous to his death he had not attended any of the meetings of the order, and had renounced the M. E. sect of which he had been a member for ten years. Funeral services were conducted by Bro. S. Michels: words were spoken from Luke 12:40. The O. F’s came to the house and wished to take charge of the burial. Sister Beyea told them she did not wish to let them have any-thing to do with it as she did not think it was right. At the close of the services, the M. E. priest arose and said he wished to announce to the people that there would be memorial services held, at the church on Sunday eve by the order and the church to which he belonged.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we take the liberty to call attention to the unblushing announcement of the above priest of baal. What brazen faced, satan inspired impudence, and presumption in the sight of God, for this “greedy dog” to announce his idolatrous, joint baal and babylon service there in the meeting of God’s saints.
Do not the O. F’s claim to be only a corporation of this world? And do not the M. E’s acknowledge that they too are of the world, the flesh, and the devil, by announcing joint services with the works of darkness? “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God.” James 4:4. Is not therefore the M. E. sect an enemy of God? Just think of a body of people calling itself a “Church,” holding joint services with a secret conclave made up of sinners of every grade and kind. O shame, shame on such abominable sects. What intelligent child of God can hold membership in such a sect, that locks arms with the wicked, and even have the impudence to announce a funeral service together with the secret lodge, against the wish of the wife of the deceased. O if these words should be read by any sect adherent, will yon not blush, and immediately ”flee out of the midst of babylon?”
A brother sends us this question to answer in the Trumpet.
“Can a person leave the sect and get into the true Church of God, because the sect cost them too much money?”
We believe this is a vital question at this time. We have no doubt, there are just such hearts, and to all such we say, “you are in the gall of bitterness, and the bonds of iniquity.” “Thy money perish with thee.”
The sect taxation system, the corrupt and abominable festivities, and low trickery that they resort to, in order to get money, and the vain use they often make of it, are some of the abominations of her desolation, and may have their wait, in causing men to see, and come out of her vile cages. But the ungodly, covetous thought, that, by throwing off the sect yoke, and claiming to be of the free born sons of God, chiefly because in the Body of Christ “nothing is done by constraint,” but all is heart service to God, which will enable their stingy hearts to hold on to their means. Such a state of heart, we say, is graceless, and such a person has no part nor lot in the kingdom of God and of Christ. No such person can be a member of the Church of God, until they repent of their “covetousness, which is idolatry,” and get their souls converted. To all such we say in the name of Christ, “Ye must be born again.”
Anna E. Benedict.
I am thankful to God for this blessed experience, and the salvation of my soul from all sin. May God bless it to all the readers of the same every-where. As I read sister Ida Shaffer’s thrilling experience and her closing words, which I gave above, I realized I was greatly blessed by her testimony. And while my own heart is thrilling with the love of God, I wish to add my testimony to hers. How God owns and blesses His–little ones — of what He does for these who live close to Him. Jesus says to His true followers, “I will love them and manifest Myself unto them.” Oh what glorious manifestations are given us. — His saved and sanctified ones, all along the way. There is no mystery to me now in these precious words, — “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God hath prepared for those who love Him. But He hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit.” Only those who have entered into the holiest, by the blood of Jesus, who have the vail taken from their hearts, can truly know and see the grandeur and glory of God’s love and power. Oh the loveliness of the inner sanctuary! I sometimes wonder these tabernacles of clay do not desolve and perish, when the glory of God is so revealed to us. I am sure the dear Lord wishes me to tell the beloved readers of the Trumpet, some of His dealings with my own soul at Earlton Kansas, while holding a series of meetings there.
The Lord always gave me, in the morning before rising from my bed, a subject to preach from that night. Oh! these hours of sweet communion with God my Father, in the early dawn, when the world was wrapped in silence. How I talked with God, and how He manifested Himself unto my soul, until I sometimes scarcely knew whether I was in the body or not. On this memorable morning He gave me the “Crucifixion” — Matt. 27. While pondering over it, and asking God to anoint me to ”preach Christ and Him crucified,” then appeared before my spiritual vision, the Son of God Himself. In awe I looked for a moment upon that loved form, and then I said in a whisper, “That is Jesus.” There seemed a thin vail over His face, but I knew who it was. And from head to foot thrills of joy, of love and Divine power began to flow, until my whole being was filled with the power and glory of God. Wave after wave flowed over my soul, while I shouted, laughed, and cried tears of joy unutterable. Each wave of glory as it came, seemed mightier and more glorious than the last, until it seemed this tenement of clay would burst and let my Spirit free. For more than one hour, I am sure, these waves of glory surged over my raptured soul, while I shouted the praises of my King. The dear ones where I was staying were awake and listened, but they just let me shout on until one precious saint, clear sister Neuburn could stand it no longer and she came into my room and took me in her arms weeping and rejoicing with me. While clasped in her arms, there burst upon my raptured vision another sight of my blessed Lord. This time He sat upon a great white throne, arrayed in dazzling robes of white, and a glittering crown upon His head. But who shall describe that face, and His look of majesty love and power. Well may the Angels veil their faces and cry, “Holy! holy! holy! Lord God almighty which was and is to come.” “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.” “And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I, saying. Blessing and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever!”
The glorious vision lasted but a moment, then came another — His dead face on the cross. Oh it did indeed seem as if the shock of power attending this sight would tear my arms from their sockets, and shake my frail body to pieces. The white dead face, the crown of thorns — Beloved. I could not have borne that sight long, and the dear Father did not let me bear it long. Talk of the power of God. — I sometimes think, when I hear men and women praying for the power of God, they scarcely know what they are talking about. I knew that morning something of what His power is. If we live in obedience to His commands, He will manifest Himself in all the power we can well bear.
I am rejoicing to-day in the conscious possession of perfect love, and in my work of faith and love, I find my capacity “constantly enlarging, and my visions of God are glorious, I have indeed entered into the holiest by the precious blood of Jesus.
When God gave me my commission, nearly two years ago, to preach His Gospel, He said to me, from Isaiah 45:1. “Thus saith the Lord to Cyrus (Anna,) His anointed, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before Him, and I will loose the louis of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates, and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron. — And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places (His Word) that thou mayest know that the Lord which call thee by thy name am the God of Israel.”
I want to say to the praise of God, He has verified His promises to me. For He does go before me whenever I go, and souls are being saved. I was ordained as Evangelist the 7 of April last; and since that time, God has been with me in mighty power. I am free in Jesus, no yoke is upon me but the yoke of Christ, and His yoke is easy, and His burden light. I praise God for freedom. Yea whom the Son maketh free is free indeed. I pray God to bless this testimony to many souls. May God bless all the readers of the TRUMPET for Jesus’ sake. Amen!
Hillsboro Marion Co. Kan. MY heart is filled with gratitude to God as I pen these lines. Praise the Lord! it afforded me much joy and comfort to peruse the contents of your letter: being forcibly impressed that it was of God. It afforded me just the encouragement I needed: being fiercely assailed by the enemy who persistently attempted to rob me of the blessing, by reminding me of my weaknesses: advancing the thought that I could not hold such an exalted position: that my cure was not real permanent: that I would certainly do something that would cause me to lose the blessing of holiness, and my diseases to reappear: almost fainting in the struggle: but how my heart was cheered, and inspired with new courage and zeal at the reading of your letter. Praise God for victory! While prostrate on the parlor floor of the Trumpet Office at Williamston Mich., I here confess that timidity, shame, doubts and fears all combined, crowded thickly about me, apparently real beings in almost visible forms, hovering over my face to prevent me from observing my Saviour, and with all the energy of demands and evil spirits busying themselves in attracting my attention to other objects, making it necessary as I thought to brush them away with my hands. But in the contest the blessed Saviour clearing the way, presented Him, self to thy view, while, as I thought in full consciousness — in the twilight of my weak faith surrounded with an atmosphere of love radiating from Himself — “God is love” — and shedding His Spirit (love) so abundantly upon me as to cause my whole frame to ache, compelling me audibly to acknowledge Him as my personal Saviour. He was the most lovely and loving personage I ever saw. He cleansed me from carnality, and made me partaker of His own nature, thus enabling me to love Him most intensely, and rejoice exceedingly. Glory to His name! He gave me victory over all the enemies of my soul; the worst of which was self. Oh what an enemy is self! But praise the Lord oh my soul, for deliverance! Free, “yes free in Christ,” and “whomsoever the Son maketh free is free indeed.”
But this is not all the Saviour has done for me. Disease was for many years preying upon my entire body, the ravaging hand of which, laying heavily upon me, was by the power of the Holy Ghost suddenly stayed. The word was spoken, “stay thine hand,” and it was done. I believed, and it was done. The prayers of the saints availed for me and I was thoroughly healed of many diseases of long standing. God using the saints at Battle Creek, and Williamston in a special way by fervent prayer, and the laying on of hands. I praise God for communion of His saints. I had written a portion of this letter before I left Ind.: but owing to the fact that I was continually changing places. I had not the opportunity that I would have had otherwise. How I long to be with the saints at B. C. and W.. How sweet and cheering the songs, and shouts of praise ringing through the air, and piercing the hearts of sinners on every hand. The Savior has provided a better place for Rhoda (The brother’s daughter, Rhoda, works in the TRUMPET OFFICE.) than I could procure. I know not how or where I could situate her so well. I was loth to leave the place myself. Since she is the Lord’s she is dearer to me, especially for the interest she manifested and the prayers she offered in my behalf. God bless all the saint. Praise the Lord! wholly the Lord’s now and evermore. Your brother.
Rudolph Keagy.
James E. Fitch.
“HOW beautiful upon the mountains, are the FEET OF HIM that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace.”
“Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, that He might present it to Him self a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” “For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.” The sanctified Church is a continuation of Christ on earth. The Christian age, from Pentecost to the present time, is for the full development of His body, “till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” He must be blind indeed, who does not see that we are now in the Gospel harvest; the wicked tares are already bound in sect bundles to be burned, and the wheat is being gathered out and separated from babylon by the sharp sickles of truth. Jesus said “let both grow together until the harvest.” The harvest is the end of the age.
As Christ is the HEAD, and the Church His body, we the living members at the present time, must represent the FEET OF CHRIST. In Isa. 60:13, he says “I will make the place of MY FEET glorious.”
Hallelujah! brethren that is just what “the Lord of the harvest is now doing, by “the washing of water by the Word.” But some will ask, what has that to do with feet washing? It is a beautiful and Scriptural symbol of the Spiritual “washing of water by the Word,” of the FEET MEMBERS of Christ’s body, who is coming out of the mire and filth of babylon, find themselves badly soiled with her false traditions; having some of the marks of the beast, and worshiping his image. Most Christians to-day, are like Peter when he said “Thou shalt never wash my feet.” They do not yet see the deep Spiritual significance of the symbol, neither do they come out in to the light to see the spots and wrinkles and blemishes of babylon upon their garments.
When Jesus revealed to Peter the importance of FEET WASHING, he said “Lord not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.” Jesus saith to him, “he that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit.” How shall we understand this; are the members composing His FEET more soiled in babylon’s mire, than the members of His body have been, down through the Gospel age? We have greater light than they. The “over-comers” of the past generations lived up to the light they possessed.
He did not say I will make the place of MY BODY glorious; but the PLAGE OF MY FEET glorious. “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.”
O, how true the application of this Scripture to this present harvest time! While gross darkness covers the nations and the nominal churches, the light of God shines down upon the saints as never before; and the voice of the Lord is heard calling His people out of babylon, out of tradition into truth, out of darkness into light. And the greater the light, the greater our responsibilities. “For where much is given, much is required.”
As Jesus was present with His disciples “in the days of His flesh,” as chief reaper in the Jewish harvest, is it not both reasonable and Scriptural to believe “The
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Lord of the harvest” is now present as chief leaper in this “TIME OF HARVEST,” though invisible as yet to the natural eye. With this thought in mind let us carefully study Rev. 14:14. John was carried forward in Spiritual vision into the ”Lord’s day,” which evidently means “the day of the Lord” — the great millennial Sabbath, upon, which we have just entered. Bible chronology, (not bishop ushers) clearly teaches that the six thousand years from creation have already ended: and we are in the early day-dawn of the seventh. “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath day.” After describing the successive steps, or stages of the nominal church from Pentecost to the present time, SYMBOLIZED by the seven local Churches of Asia; and the great apostasy, and the persecution of the saints down through the age. He then describes the three angel messages of Rev. 14:6-10.
The first is the judgement message upon the whole nominal Gospel Church, who is now in the Laodicean state. He comes to her “unawares,” as “a thief in the night.” Knocks at her door for admittance (Rev. 3:20,) and is rejected, as in the typical Jewish Church. She is then cast off, “spued out of His mouth,” her sect priests are not accepted as His mouth-piece to proclaim His truth. Observe he has SOME WORD OF COMMENDATION, to every phase of the Church from Pentecost down to the seventh, or Laodicean, but not one word for her. The reason is given — “Because thou sayest I am rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
This is the horrible condition the sects are now in as God has described them to us; hence, He says “come out of her my people, that ye he not partaker of her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues.”
The second message (verse 8) announces the fall of mystery, (Babylon;) and the third message immediately follows with a loud voice pronouncing the most, fearful judgements upon all who worship the beast and his image. Who but the blind sect worshipers can not see that all three of these messages are now being faithfully delivered by the angel messengers — sanctified saints. Now let us study verse 24, remembering that “without holiness no man shall see the Lord;” and that only “to them that look for Him, shall He appear the second time.”
“And I LOOKEN, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto THE SON OF MAN, having on His head a golden crown; (King Jesus present! hidden from natural sight by the white cloud) and in His hand a SHARP SICKLE.” Harvest work, hallelujah! Beloved, does not this clearly represent the present harvest work in which so many are gathering out the “wheat,” with the sharp sickle of truth? Yes, verily, and the great HEAD of the Church is now present, WASHING THE FEET of His Bride with the water of the Word, as she comes up from the wilderness LEANING UPON THE OF HER BELOVED.
Yankton, Dakota.
THE litteral washing of feet has a typical relation to heart purification. It is a strong figure of our entire separation purification from all the contamination of the world. As we walk on the earth by our feet, so the washing of feet is the symbolic water of separation between us and the entire world.
Bro. Fitch speaks of the presence of Christ now in the world in a special manner. We believe and teach the same. We hope however, that he does not hold the “WATCH TOWER heresy, that the presence of Christ in the fire of holiness, takes the place of His personal coming. We know that holiness gives rest to the soul, yet there is a rest, an inheritance reserved in Heaven for us. We know that Christ has now entered the “sanctuary to cleanse it.”
Yet the Word of God positively tells us that “He will so come in like manner as He went” up to the Father. And even as the lightnings shine from the east even unto the west.” “And every eye shall see Him.” The personal, visible coming of Christ is a fact clearly taught in His Word.
While His presence by the Spirit is the same now that it has been since the day of Pentecost, except that His office now is more specially the purification of the Church from all elements that are foreign to it, and not of it, only associated with it.
Send us a new Subscriber.
Extracts from an open letter by Sanford Baker, addressed to brethren in sects, in the Good Way.
SATAN is at his business still, and is blinding, and deceiving the children, making white appear black, and black white. Now what have we poor souls done that is so terrible? One of you says (we have it right before us) that “the better class of us should be pitied and prayed for, and the other class censured and shunned.” And this brother is much milder on us than some of you are. We ask again, what have we done? We confess that the most of us were members of sects; and have come out. We claimed the right to go in, and we went in: and the right to come out we claimed, and it was granted us, and we came out. I was “added to the Church by the Lord” (Acts 2; 47.) (This is personal experience) over ten years before I joined a sect. I was not then charged with being a “come-outer.” Then I joined a sect, and about two years after, I came out of it, but I was not then called a “come-outer.” Why? Because I went into another.
I remained in that other about twelve years and then came out again, and then I was called a come-outer, and “too good to belong to church (sect). Why? Because I did not go into another. Now brethren a good many of you have done that and you can not, and of course would not deny it. You have come out, and then gone in. Now in the first ten years of my Christian life, it was at my option whether I went in or not, and no one questioned it, nor raised an out cry about it. And then after I had come out of my first unlawful alliance, I stood in the same attitude again. You stood in the same attitude after you had come out, and before you went into the other! You know you did! Perfectly free to go or not, just as you might be convinced. That is, no man, nor set of men, and no sect had any rightful claim on you, nor demand on you.
So that really my brethren, it is not the coming out — but the failure to go in again, to another unholy alliance, that causes the offence. Now this is the truth. But I am sure there is no sect that can rightfully claim that I owe it a membership, or that I am hound to approve it, even; and if I honestly, with the best light I have, do disapprove them, no honest man dare tell me that I must approve, or that I must keep silence, and by my silence not seem to disapprove. Brethren, my words are a part of my outward life, and my life and convictions must harmonize or I am not a true man. Therefore, being convinced — yes, fully convinced, that the sects are of the evil one, I can not be free from condemnation and join one nor approve one, nor by my silence seem to approve them. The article of one of you brethren referred to which is now before me, and whom I believe to be as sincere as myself, states that “the divisions of the evangelical christians into sects is an evil,” and so say I; and I say farther, my dear brethren, I am commanded to “depart from evil, and do good.” “Psa. 34:24, and in Psa. 37:27. “Depart from evil, and do good and dwell forever more.”
Again, Prov. 14; 16. “A wise man departeth from evil, but the fool rageth and is confident,” and Prov. 16:6. “By the fear of the Lord, men depart from evil.”
Jer. 32:20-22, we have: the anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have executed and till he have performed the thought of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran, I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied; but if they had stood in my counsel, and caused my people to bear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way and from the end of their doings.”
We are taught to pray the Lord to deliver us from evil. What business has a Christian and a holiness man, my brethren, with evil? Nay, put it away from your midst. Then our brother asks, “what is the duty of those who recognize, and deplore the evil, in respect to it? And adds: “Come out from the sects, and organize a church upon the true Scriptural basis” is the cry of some. We say depart from the evil we recognize; of course, why, what else can we do? What less can we do? What! recognize an evil and still cling to it! That will take any soul to perdition.
Yes, come out, and stop! Don’t organize that other one, for if you do, you had better not have come out. Satan always has just one more which is just right, and he will agree with you that all others have failed, but this is infallible — perhaps it is a holiness church. If these sects are evil, then Christ did not authorize them, nor the apostles, for they did not organize nor authorize evil.
But, my brethren while I cannot accept the sects, I can accept the people of God, for I have no sectarian walls between them and me but am ready to receive all whom the Master receives, and fellowship them as my brethren and as members of the Church of God, to which I belong, but I can not receive them as brother Methodists, or brother Baptists, or brother Presbyterians, or any other of these “evils.” Now brethren, can you meet me as a brother?
After an experience of twelve years disconnected with the sects I can say I am much blessed in my Church relations, and would not for this world change it, and never expect to. Hallelujah! “My name is written there.”
There is hope for the people of God when they “recognize and deplore evil,” there is much greater when they put it away.
What is the duty of those who recognize and deplore the evil, our brother asks; we suppose him to be honest, in the inquiry, and will answer it in the fear and love of God
THE U. B. preacher at Custards Pa., being hopeful that he should catch some converts that were out side the pale of sectism, opened the door of his sect about every week for some time, but in vain. Finally as he opened the door once more, and stood waiting eagerly for some to approach the threshold, a brother of his sect who had obtained salvation, arose and said “Being the door is open, I will now take the opportunity to walk out,” so saying, he and wife stepped out of the sect cage and declared them selves free from babylon. The result was the poor hireling was afraid to open the door of his fold again for about the space of a whole year, lest more of his ensnared flock should run out and find pasture.
“So the gales of babylon were strictly shut up.”
Unblushiny Creed-ism.
IN the village of Hendersonville, Mercer Co. Pa., because of a disgusting sect trial, a number of the M. E.’s escaped out of the pen. It came to pass that one of that number, an aged father, was called out ot this world. As matters were, having been much opposed, in an unpleasant condition with the pastor, the family sent for a preacher on a neighboring circuit to conduct the funeral. But the pastor and Elder forbade the preacher to conduct any service s on the bounds of his circuit. Not in the meeting-house, nor even at the house of the deceased. The preacher came and told the family that he dared not offer prayer or sing a hymn, much less make any remarks. So the corpse and friends were hauled off of the M. E. priests jurisdiction, and funeral services were performed. Is not this sickening?
Yet it is true that all the creeds that we know any thing of, have about the same gag law. Even the system of co-operation adapted by the Elder-ships of the Winebrenarian sect, forbid a man the right to go on the territory of another preacher, to hold meetings, without his consent. This popish proscription, if enforced, would compel a dead man to be hauled off of the bounds of one priests circuit, in order that, another preacher might conduct the services, except through the leniency of the “dumb dog” in the manger. O how utterly disgusting and sickening the whole machination of babylon. All creeds and sects in the world were devised by carnality, for the gratification of the flesh. Just think of holy ministers made perfect in love, enacting a law, prohibiting them from going on each others territory to preach, unless by consent of the one in charge. How utterly inconsistent. Can any one be so ignorant as not to see that, such laws are not made for holy men, but for carnal men? Such laws are wholly intended for, and only adapted to carnal, sensitive sinners that are not fit to preach the Gospel.
Such regulations are as little needed for men that are dead to sin and self, as a police force is needed to preserve peace among the inhabitants of a cemetery.
Would it not seem a foolish thing to see a band of soldiers walking their beats in a city burial ground, to prevent the dead from encroaching on each others rights, and falling into a riot? Just so ridiculous is a law among wholly sanctified preachers, to keep them from encroaching on each others fields of labor. Holy men have no fights in this world, except that of suffering for Christ’s sake, and laboring for the good of humanity. They have no circuits of their own, yea they themselves are not their own. They confess “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,” They each look to the Lord for His will concerning them, and where He would have them labor, and keep their hands off of the Lord’s business, of handling all others. If sent to a field where they are alone they labor there with the ability God giveth. If the Lord of the harvest send others to the same place they twain “serve the Lord with one shoulder.”
For “He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one.” “He maketh His angels ministering Spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.” So the ministers of Christ; each being a flame of fire, when coming in contact, instantly blend into one large flame, and the power is increased just ten fold. One preacher, that is of God can “chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.” So when preachers pass such a law as that of the creeds, it is to prevent the chasing of 9000 aliens, that a victory over 1000 may all be set down to the glory of the one preacher. If they were looking to glorify God, they would prefer the greater victory, and give Him the glory.
DEAR BRETHREN: — and readers of the TRUMPET. As all of God’s children are interested in hearing how far the Bible prophesies are being fulfilled, and what are the signs of the near coming of our Lord, I will write something with regard to the state of things in the far North, about Petoskey and Bay-View, Mich. I feel that I am quite alone and miss the society of the saints very much, but am blest in a consciousness of my ever present Savior, who saves and sanctifies me wholly; to whom be all the glory for ever. Amen! Since my return from Battle Creek where through the providence of God, I had the privilege of joining in many services, and of hearing the Gospel preached in demonstration of the Spirit and power of God, I find myself able to discern very clearly, of the unfruitful works of darkness which our Savior condemned, and which are practiced by the many whose names are written in the earth.
Truly has the Scripture said, “If thine eye be single thy whole body is full of light,” and can readily penetrate through the dark mists of sin and ungodliness.
It was while there some six months ago that I was led by the Spirit to declare my freedom in Christ Jesus, and to separate myself from the Methodist relation, where I had been in the bondage of dead forms and ceremonies for fifteen years.
In seeking to know the will of God concerning the assembling of myself together with His people, I have not felt led to the popular congregations where I formerly attended, believing they would not receive the testimony of one who had gone “without the camp, bearing His reproach,” but I have found hungry souls here and there, and with the aid of the Trumpet, have tried to teach them the truth and the way. I have heard of certain things which have been encouraged and practiced by both pastors and people, with whom I was formerly associated, that has pained my heart, from the fact that I knew they were journeying on slippery places, and in the broad way which leadeth to destruction. However, the prophesies are being rapidly fulfilled, and the Spiritual City called babylon, (which is so emphatically spoken of in the book of Rev. 18th chapter,) is developing herself, both in appearance and action, with such evidence of worldly abominations as make it plain to be seen that she has become “the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
Yesterday, (Sabbath) I went to the camp ground, (Bay View) where the Methodist State camp meeting is about to commence. The services began by singing “America, my country this of thee,”) and afterwards a trio song with operatic solo, entitled (Hear our prayer,) which seemed like mockery. O, how it contrasted from the hallelujahs that ring through the air at Bangor.) after which the people were addressed by one of the leading pastors on the life of Gen. Grant.
Can any one doubt that babylon is applied to the sects of to-day, and that she is fallen? Do you not realize that God purposes in the plan of salvation from the foundation of the world, that you should be sanctified wholly and separate from all worldliness, which our Savior said is at enmity with God? Do not you that live in these sects realize that you are famishing your souls, and dishonoring God, by hesitating to obey the Divine command, “come out of her my people.” Can you not see plainly that the denominations of to-day are not in the Bible order?
And let me ask still farther, have you a living evidence of salvation in your soul and that it would be well with you if you were called hence to-day? Have you a perfect rest of soul through the power of the blood that cleanses and keeps clean?
Do not think that because you were converted years ago, and have been trusting in a sort of a way, that your salvation is made sure. How is it with your soul now? is the question.
In conclusion I will tell you of a dream that God gave me in answer to prayer, and the circumstances which led me to ask for it.
I was requested to visit a friend who was sick and nigh unto death. He was advanced in years, and largely known as a Christian man, having been a class-leader some 17 years, and regarded by those with whom he worshiped as having made his election sure. On talking with him I saw that his faith did not take hold upon God for healing. His Spiritual hope was evidently founded upon his established profession, and as a matter of course, he expected to be saved.
He had accumulated a goodly amount of earthly store, and future years in this life seemed very desirable to him. He was very hopeful that the remedies which were being applied would master his disease, and give him a few more years of earthly pleasure. I saw plainly that he had not a fore-taste of heavenly joys in his soul; and I exhorted him to look to God for a fountain of blessing which would surpass any thing here below, and prepare him for the change that must soon come. But I could not impress him for this, and he gradually fell into a state of drowsiness, and thus passed away. My heart was sad, for although he had a name to live, I felt there was something lacking which took hold upon the great hereafter. I went down in prayer to God, and asked Him to reveal to me whether it was well with his soul. The next night, while his body was lying in the house. I saw this scene.
Before me was a very steep and high mountain ranging along for quite a distance. Its entire surface was covered with a beautiful green turf which looked as if the lawn dresser had just passed over it. At the foot of the mountain there came a man driving a heavily loaded team, and as he reached the place to ascend he found that there was no track leading upward. He stopped in astonishment, and seemed to be utterly confounded. Not a single track to be seen, and then he lingered. I looked farther on, and in the distance I saw a well beaten road leading up to the summit. The man looked around here and there, but seemed powerless to turn about, or make any effort to reach the place; and with this I awoke. Dear reader, may God save and keep you in the narrow and high way, which leads from earth to heaven. Your Sister,
Josephine Courtney.
Bay View, Mich.
News from the Field.
Devizes Kan.
Dearly Beloved in the Lord: I feel led by the blessed Holy Spirit, to write you a few lines to let you know tow the blessed Lord saves and keeps me. Hallelujah! Amen! I am saved this morning as never before. Hallelujah! I feel that heaven is drawing nearer to my soul. Glory to the Triune God! I feel the love of God flowing through my soul like a river. Halleluiah! My peace is like the calm still ocean. Hallelujah! My soul is now free. Glory! Hallelujah to God for salvation full and free: whom the Son maketh free is free indeed. Amen! and Amen! This leaves me well soul and body. Hallelujah! I pray God to bless you, with the earnest of the Spirit, God bless you, one and all.
Meeting commenced in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ at this place, July the 3rd, for the conviction of sinners the justification of penitents and sanctification of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. God was with us at the commencement of the meeting, because we were in His divine order.
God will always be with us if we do His will. Glory to God! souls will be saved. Amen! The first service we held in the name of Jesus, there was one reclaimed to a state of justification. Glory to God! The second night there was one reclaimed, and two sanctified. We celebrated the freedom of our souls the fourth; we had three services; it was a real feast to my soul. I think it one of the best meetings God ever permitted me to enjoy in my soul. Glory to God! Sunday night God was with us again in mighty saving power. Hallelujah! Two sanctified wholly on Sunday. Several who were not sanctified, have been made to shine with the glory of God in the soul. My text last night was, Amos 3:3. God wonderfully used me last night: good congregation out every night: awful conviction on the people, as much as I ever saw, and the war still rages.
Pray for me. Hallelujah to God!
John P. Haner.
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Dear Brethren and Saints scattered abroad every-where, the Lord wills I should give in a little of my experience in regard to sects and sectarianism. In the winter of 1857 the Methodists had what they called a revival in the neighborhood where my father lived, I went to the Altar among others and was received on probation, but not saved. The summer following was sprinkled, and received in full membership, where I remained unsaved until the fall of 1865; the spring before, my first husband died in the army. I felt to censure God, I got under conviction right away. Previous to this, three of my brothers had died in the army, and I thought this was more than I could bear. But something seemed to say to me the Lord gave and He has taken away, and what can you do about it? I was sincere but I did not understand the plan of salvation. I was under conviction about six months. In the fall of 1865; while reading a tract on the plan of salvation, it was made plain to me and I was saved right there at home: and for three days and nights I felt like praising God all the time. I thought, now I know I am a christian, I was so happy. When I went out every-thing looked so lovely, it seemed like a new world; and I felt so light, my feet did not seem to touch the ground. One M. E. preacher thought I was sanctified. He said there was such a change in my countenance. But I was only justified.
Husband being dead five years, I married again, husband also belonged to the M. E. sect. We both began to see there was so much pride in that so called church, we did not care to go to meeting.
In the year 1874 we sold out and went to my father’s on a visit in Hancock Co. Ia., where I became acquainted with the F. M’s. I thought they were living the nearest to the Bible doctrine of any sect I knew. In the fall, one of the F. M. preachers came there and formed a class, and we joined. Husband was class leader the first year. By reading the Sword and the TRUMPET, and comparing them with the Scripture, we began to see things in a new light which got us into trouble with the sects. Husband’s testimony troubled them a great deal: until it came to such a crisis, we did not feel free to go among them to worship God. Husband did not consider himself one of them, so I withdrew as he did not want me to belong. This was last fall. After I withdrew, the Lord opened up my eyes to see the sin of sects and sectarianism as never before. To Him be all the glory. My pen fails to describe what we have passed through since, and before we left them. But the Lord doeth all things well. He maketh even the wrath of man to praise Him. Blessed be His Holy name! “He maketh our feet like lambs feet.” Glory be to God! He causeth us to mount up with wings as eagles, to run and not weary and walk and not faint. Bless God! He is a “wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father the Prince of peace.”
We love the precious truth the GOSPEL TRUMPET contains; it is a welcome visitor at our house: the last No. was unusually good. I thought I could not stop untill all its contents were devoured. O how poor souls are starving all over the land for the living bread that cometh down from heaven. Christ says, “Feed my sheep and my lambs.” We get pretty hungry sometimes for the true bread, and when it comes our souls are refreshed and we go on our way rejoicing as the Eunuch did after Philip was caught away from him. Well glory to God and the Lamb forever and ever, Amen! We are saved by the precious blood of Jesus, as a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, who liveth and reigneth forever and ever Amen! If I had a poison weed growing at my door and wished to get rid of its poisonous leaves and fruits, I would dig it up by the root. Just so with sectarianism. I would pluck up its root, instead of cropping off the top, least it spring up, and trouble us again. Oh Lord help us to get down at the root of the matter. It is like the carnal mind, it must be entirely destroyed or it will spring up again and trouble us, and many be defiled there-by.
Your sister all the Lord’s for time and eterniry, in love of the whole truth, and hating every false way.
O. A. Barham.
Vichy Springs Mo.
Dear Brethren: — I feel led of the Lord to write a few lines for the TRUMPET, for the glory of God. My soul is all on fire for God. The Lord is giving me glorious light on the Church, and I see that I must walk up to the light He gives me or loose my soul. He says in Daniel 2:44, “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to the people, but shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.” O praise the Lord! how it fills my soul, that this “kingdom shall not be left to the people,” neither Pope, Bishop, Priest, nor Presiding Elder, nor any that want to lord it over God’s heritage. Glory to God in the highest! I am free and cut loose from every earthly craft, and tied on to God, and in Jesus the life-boat, sailing on the smooth ocean of God’s love, and every wind wafts me heavenward, and every storm fills me with more glory. Hallelujah! Amen!
I joined the M. E. sect as a seeker 14 years ago next fall. The 3d of the next May I was converted; in about one month from that time I was sanctified. Nearly nine years ago I was called of God to preach. God gave me my license. Hallelujah! The M. E. sect did not license women, so God had given me light that I had no chance to let shine. I told my class-leader about me being called to preach, and he said I looked like a pretty thing to be called to preach. I felt ashamed and told him I did not believe every one that was called to preach would have to stand behind the pulpit. At that time I was an invalid, and had been afflicted from childhood with a complication of diseases that baffled the skill of the physicians. Four years ago the 18th of last Nov. the Lord healed me instantaneously in answer to prayer; and gave me another call to preach. I still refused to go, Three years ago this spring, He called me again, and it was go and be saved, or stay and be lost. I decided for God and went. I did not get the clear light on the Church question till last winter. I then saw that I was inconsistant with God and the sect I was holding to, preaching by His authority, and contrary to their sect authority. So I sent for my letter, and the Lord showed me that I could not hold to two contracts at the same time. I then destroyed the sect letter, and to-day I stand free in Christ. Hallelujah! Amen! I suppose I got the first Trumpet ever published, but had so much sect darkness in me that I burned it. Now the TRUMPET is soul food for me. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb forever! Truly what is light to God’s children is darkness to the Egyptians (sectarians). Glory to God! I am out of bondage, baptized by the one Spirit into the one Body, and my soul is filled with real honey out of the Rock, and just drinking of the pure river of the water of life, and wonderfuly satisfied with Jesus. I used to say that the man made church was like a fence around a field, but thanks be to God, I am in the Church that salvation God appointed for walls and bulworks, and the walls reach up to heaven, which is higher than the tower of bable, and all those inside the walls speak the same language: they speak the language of heaven. Hallelujah to our God! God has placed me in the body as it has pleased Him and given me the faith once delivered to the saints, and several of the precious gifts of the Spirit, for which my soul is going out to God in humble gratitude and praise, and my soul is in full stretch for the fullness of all that Christ has promised. May the Lord bless the Trumpet and all the saints. Your Sister, sanctified wholly, and in the Church of the Firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. Pray for me that God may keep me spotless, and always in God’s order, all for Christ.
Mary Cole.
Deerfield Ind.
Dear Brethren: — God bless and save you always and at all times. Glory to God for His power to save all nations, both small and great, rich and poor, bond or free, that will come to Him by faith in the only begotten Son of God. I received your encouraging letter and was glad for the same. Bless God, for I am glad to know that you are willing to come out here and to help us to pull down the works of Satan, build up the great work of the Lord of Hosts, for if there ever was a place that needs Holy Ghost preaching surely this does. Now, dear brother, I am fully persuaded that the Lord will lead you here, and I believe that mighty work will be done in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. I want you to let us know when you can come. O I am so glad that God has given me the gift of faith a few days ago, for entire and complete cleansing from all sin, and from all sectariainism, and from everything that is contrary to sound doctrine. Thank God! Jesus is near me all the time, that I should not be moved from the hope of my calling. “For the just shall live by faith.” O! how I would like to be at some of the ordinance meetings for I know it would be a glorious time in obedience to the humble commands of God; for God does love those that obey that form of doctrine delivered by the holy apostle, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. Hallelujah! Now, as I have seen the abomination of sects and creeds of men, having been in five of them and now delivered from them all, pray for me that I may ever abide in the true Church of the Living God, being escaped only on a piece of the broken ship of Babylon, as I got to shore I gathered and made a fire, and behold a viper (poison) came upon me, but as some looked for me to die (spiritually) I shook off the beast by the power of God, and I am saved from the mark of the beast and also from the number of his name, now I can sing the song of complete deliverance through faith in the atonement of the everlasting covenant that God made in the last days, saying “I will put my laws in their hearts and in their minds, I will write them, and their sin and iniquity will I remember no more. Amen! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Isaac Key. Tried and saved now.
Flint Mich.
Dear Brethren — Praise God we received the TRUMPET in due season.
We wish you, with some of the other dear saints, would come out here and help to fight the enemy. They are starting a new sect here, and we are fighting it the best we can with God’s help, and by His help we may be able to prevail. Some have come out, and say they are going to follow the teachings of the Bible. Let us know when you will come so we can make preparation for you.
Our testimony this morning is, we are washed and made while in the blood of the Lamb, saved from all sin. We are wholly sanctified to the Master. We have just as strong a determination to serve God as ever. Pray for us that we continue faithful unto the end, and that there may be an out-pouring of God’s Spirit throughout this place. Oh how we would like to meet with the dear saints once more, and mingle our voices in praise to God. Your brother and sister.
David & Lilly Howard.
Wheeler Mich.
Dear Brethren: — May God bless you all is my prayer. To-day finds me saved and sanctified to God’s will praise His holy name! 1 can say that I love to do the will of God, to read His Word, and to walk in the light of God. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship, one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” Praise His name forever! Glory to God for full salvation in Christ to-day. I stand free in Christ Jesus and “whom the Son makes free is free indeed.” I once was a member of the U. B. sect, but I obeyed God’s Word that says, “come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” — Rev. 18:4. About three years ago I came out; I was a user of tobacco. The Lord showed me that it was a sin to use it, so I got down and asked God to take it from me; I had faith to believe, that He would, and He did the work. Glory to His name! “Having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” — 2 Cor. 7:1. Praise the Lord! old babylon is falling, is falling. The saints are all coming out of her and standing complete in Christ. There is quite a goodly number about eight miles south of our place that have come out of her. Brother Reeves has meeting there every two weeks. Praise the Lord oh my soul! May the Lord bless you all, is my prayer. The Lord saves me just now. Pray for me that I may stand true to God and do His will. Your brother saved and sanctified.
Jesse Drowley.
Send us a new Subscriber.
Sandy Lake Pa.
Dear Brethren: — All Glory and Honor, and majesty, and dominion belongeth to our God! My soul is full of glory and of God this beautiful Monday morning. O, Glory to God! my soul is marching on; it is wonderful what God is doing for my soul; I have been going down deeper, and rising up higher. O, bless God! He is leading me out farther, and farther into the broad ocean of His matchless love. He shows me this very morning that He is going to lead me into greater depths of His boundless, ceaseless, endless love. I know He will, glory to His high, exalted name! O, let us exalt His name together. O how I bless God for the sweet fellowship I have with His true saints. Your sister saved and sanctified.
Mary E. Farrah.
Benton Mich.
Dear Brethren: — We praise the Lord for a full and complete salvation which we enjoy down deep in our souls. Glory be to Jesus! We praise the Lord that He ever called after us; that when we were wandering away in sin and in darkness, and were going down as fast as the devil could lead us, down, down, to the pit of destruction, He did have mercy on us, and saved our souls. Oh, praise the Lord for His wonderful, loving kindness to the children of men! Well, this salvation makes us happy all the time. We find a sweet quiet gladness in secret prayer. We have a sweet peace that passeth understanding, that the world cannot give nor take away. We have no enjoyment in the pleasures of this world; our joy cometh from above. We praise the Lord for what He is doing in this place. There are only eight of the saints here, but the Lord has promised that where two or three are met together in His name there He will be also, and there are more than enough to claim the promise, praise the Lord! The Lord is working with souls here; within a few days there has been one converted and two sanctified, and the Lord is calling one dear sister out of babylon. Praise the Lord! Oh, how we do feel for poor sinners, and we are praying God to send some, such as will be saved with an everlasting salvation. Some of the dear saints were here from Dimondale last Sunday, and we had a glorious refreshing. The Lord wonderfully blessed Bro. Carlton in reading and speaking the Word of God to us. Praise the Lord! he wonderfuly stirred up some sectarians. Two consecrated for sanctification. We praise the Lord that this salvation cleans the heart from all inbred sin, and sweeps away all anger and pride. We praise the Lord for the love that unites the saints. Oh we do praise the Lord, and in every thing give thanks. Glory be to Jesus for the Holy Ghost that is flooding our souls just now. Your sisters, saved to the uttermost, and sanctified to God to do His will at all times.
Maggie Zimmerman & Theresa Butler.
Sandy Lake Pa.
Dear Brethren: — Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied unto you abundantly for Jesus’ sake. Amen! My soul says, praise God from whom all blessings flow! And truly the rick blessing of heaven are flowing in my soul day by day. O bless the Lord for His wonderful works to the children of men. O, how the Lord does bless me, and lead me by His powerful hand. Glory to His exelent name! I can scarcely write for praising the Lord. Truly He is doing for me above what I think or ask. O, how I do praise the Lord for this ocean of His divine love; He is leading me deeper into its “fathomless depths.” I should like to tell you much of my experience, but time and space will not permit. Your sister saved just now, and “kept by the power of God through faith.” Amen!
Alice J. Davis.
Port Huren Mich.
Dear Brethren: — I thank God that He ever stooped so low as to notice such a rebel as I. I thank Him that He converted me from darkness to light, and forgave all my sins. Praise God! yes, and gave me an assurance of the same that could not be doubted. O what joy my heart felt. I could then see and understand the plan of salvation. I could then love those praying people whom I bitterly hated before, I was turned right about, what i loved before I then hated; behold all had become new, Praise God! to Him I owe more than ever I can pay, and all a free gift too. But there was something more for me to do, or receive. The Word says, that we must be converted, or turn from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God. We must be converted from the world, from all its pride, style, and vanities, from all its parties, fairs, balls, and all its worldly recreations, and especially from all babylon sectarianism and sects. If we yet love the world, and lake part in the above named things, satan has yet got the power over us, and we are on the broad way to endless hell. But if we are honestly and truly converted from the power of satan unto God, buried with Christ in baptism, and the old man crucified, then we can claim sanctification or full assurance, (as the Apostle Paul did,) then we are followers and children of Christ, and if children surely also members of His (Christ’s) Church, without the name of any sectarian church or sect. Praise God! We are of them that beleive on the Lord Jesus Christ, and have passed from death unto life, and so do not come into condemnation. Praise God! we are then included with them of which Christ told God, “Thou hast given me I have lost none.” O let us pray God for more faith that we may overcome the powers of darkness, and rest at all times on His promises. Your Bro. in Christ.
Andrew Moyer.
Brett Kan.
Dearly Beloved: — Grace mercy and peace be multiplied. Once more I write you a few lines to let you know I am still saved through the blood of Jesus. Glory to the Triune God, the Father, low, and ever blessed Holy Spirit. O my Bro. I am so free, Glory to Jesus forever! O my dearly beloved, how I would love to see you and Bro. Fisher. God bless you and make you a power in His hands. Now Bro., I am so glad for the glorious success in the Gospel, God is giving me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory hallelujah to Jesus for full salvation. I came here to Norton Co. Kan. July 3rd, began meeting in the name of Jesus. Closed with victory on the Lord’s side, Hallelujah! Closed Sunday night with eight souls saved. Hallelujah! I have a tabernacle that will seat about 500 people. I want to tell you God is using it to His glory in the salvation of immortal souls. The meeting I held was at Devizes Kan. I moved in the name of my God the 13, to this place, Brett, pitched the tabernacle in the name of Jehovah. Glory to God! One at the Altar last night seeking sanctification, one justified: conviction on the people. Meeting to continue as long as the Lord wills.
(D. V.) I will hold a holiness meeting at Alma Nebraska, to commence July 25 1885. Also two Camp meetings, one at Spring Green Nebraska, to commence Sep. 5th , one the 25th at LongBranchKan.
Well praise the Lord, Bro., I have one subscriber for the TRUMPET. Now dear Bro. I want you to write to me, God bless you is my prayer, and open your mouth in boldness to speak His Word. Send me some coppies of the Trumpet to Alma Nebraska, some to Brett Kan. I remain your loving Bro. in the Lord. Pray for me.
John P. Haner.
Mt. Pleasent Iowa.
Dear Brethren: — I was real glad to hear from you and that you had such a glorious meeting at Bangor. Praise God for it all. O that men would open their hearts to see where God is working. But none are so blind as those who will not see. I see the clear light of God and my soul is basking in the sunshine of His love, and I am saved and sanctified, glory to His name! The saints met at Faulkners Ferry July 4th, and while there was but a few, we realized that the Lord was there and we had a blessed day. Last Sunday at Wood’s school-house we were compelled to have a real battle for God. That apostate preacher, Roberts and wife came over for the first time to the Sunday school. Their very presence emboldened the devil in other base apostates to strive and accuse. Well glory to God! some of the saints were led of the Spirit to show them that their, cry of “charity charity” was all tongue love. The deluded preacher got up with a lying tongue, full of false accusations. Hallelujah to God! we felt that the saints got the victory, and the enemies of the cross of Christ were panting with rage. In the afternoon, Sabbath, we had a blessed meeting at Bro. A. Hobbs, a real settling time; a blessed feast to our souls. We all feel that there are several conflicts for us to pass through in the near future, but none of these things move us. Hallelujah! The devil thinks you are afraid to come here. I was told some days since, that those devils (I call them) were determined to kill you and me. I guess they forgot that their is a God in Israel? well there is, glory to His name! O I have so much to tell you I can not do it with pen to-day. Uncle John and aunt Mary Carpenter are well. Yours in the fellowship of the Gospel.