1 August 1883, Volume 5, Number 21.

Louder, Louder.

These lines were suggested by the TRUMPET’S enlarging, and the many wishes that it should be raised to louder blasts.

Tune, “O the cleansing blood has reached me.”

Onward moves the Great Eternal,
In the order of His plan;
Louder, nearer rolls the thunder
Of His awful word to man.

Chorus, — Louder, Louder, Hallelujah.
See the glorious fountain flow.
From “the midst of heav’n” proclaim it.
Oh it makes me white as snow,

Since by sin this earth was blighted,
God has whispered of His love.
Dreams and visions, by His prophets
Breathed of mercy from above.

Louder speaks His love in Jesus;
Heaven sweetly chants His fame.
Earth receives its glorious Savior.
Hallelujah to His name.

Yet the world is wrap’t in slumber.
Louder raise the TRUMPET’S blast.
O in mercy let it thunder,
Ere the day of mercy’s past.

In the cages of deception,
Souls are pining to be free.
Quickly sound the proclamation,
Of the glorious Jubilee.

God is calling, “Come my people,”
Haste, oh hasten to escape.
From the sin of sectish babel;
Lest ye perish in her fate.

Louder, Savior, by thy blessing,
We will call thy people home.
For we fe l thy near approaching,
Come O blessed Jesus, Come.


A Pure Heart.

Whatever cold heartless human wisdom may say about the heart being only flesh, and that the mind is the only seat of religious operations, God, who created man, and who “knows what, is in man,” says, “out of the Heart are the issues of life,” and that the good or evil treasure out of which, the character of our life is formed, and put of abundance of which the mouth speaks, is located in the heart. “Who is able to gainsay the Almighty? If the brain, one form of matter, can be the seat of the mind, why not the heart another…..

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matiii, ut the seat of anection and reli­gious emotions? The fact that the heart is the fountain and mainspring of man’s moral character, is abundantly established by the scriptures; hence “it, is a good thing for the heart to be established with grace”. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

The gift of a pure hear is infinitely blessed, within itself and is the prelude to all the eternal riches and unbounded grace and glory, spread out in the word of God, for His children. “Whereas a failure to attain this normal state of the soul, forfeits the most of heaven on earth, leaves the life out of joint with both self and the Lord, and all religious service more or less mingled with the dross of selfishness, or smothered beneath the fear of man.

We propose to give some of the

Marks of a Pure Heart.

Such an heart is always accompanied with a “single eye” — singleness of mind or purpose. The old stereotyped saying, ‘If I have one desire above another it is to get to heaven when I die,” is often repeated with an air of satisfaction, as if expressive of a very exalted state of grace, whereas it indicates a “double mind,” with selfishness uppermost. One desire above another, or above a series of others, is the outcropping of an unsanctified heart. There is the desire for mammon, the wicked and idolatrous love of money and property, the desire of a good name, the “friendship of the world, which is enmity toward God;” for ease and worldly pleasure, for adornments, and other lusts of the flesh, ranging one above another in the scale of unsanctified affection, and a little above all stands the desire to get to heaven when through enjoying this world. Reader when you get a pure heart you will not have one desire above another. “If thine eye be single the whole body shall be full of light, having no part dark.” Darkness denotes impurity, and the whole body full of light, is entire purification; and this state only exists where one only desire and object fills the entire will and affections; and that to do, and suffer the whole will of God. All secondary motives arise from an impure heart. Even heaven and hell, as stimulants to faithfulness, are lost sight of in the excellency of the knowledge and worship of God. “Where the desire to get to heaven is uppermost self inferred predominates, and in many cases if there were no heaven or hell, such would not serve the Lord at all.

A pure heart is swift to see the truth and equally ready to embrace, and obey it, at any cost and sacrifice. A real application of the precious blood of Christ, and the sincere milk of the word, will even save men from their vain, sectarian conversation received “by tradition of their fathers.” That heart “can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth;” however much it may be against his financial or social interests, or against the wishes of friend or foe.

A pure heart is entirely free from impatience, irritability, and anger. Occasionally we hear men and women professing heart purity, who are churlish, hasty, and impetuous in their families. O how grievous in the sight of God, and painful to the heart of all who love His cause.

How such unfortunate circumstances help the devil to lead men to the conclusion that, after all, there is no escape from the ..ugly ‘old man’ of sin. O for Jesus, sake get under the blood, and let Him demonstrate, by the constant reign of peace, love, and affectionate words in the family, that the salvation of Christ does heal the malady of sin. Some of the above may be sincere; they love the doctrine and wish to stand up for it, and perhaps think all others who testify to entire sanctification have similar inward disturbances. That is a mistake. The blessed Author of complete salvation needs no false witnesses. He wants none. They are always a curse to His cause. You may commit yourself to the doctrine of holiness, before you have the experience: but this done the next business is to go to the cross and get the experience. And after you have the witness of your own conscience that your

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the evidence of your faith that the blood cleanseth you from all sin, you may begin to take the witness stand: and when the baptism of the holy Spirit arid fire comes upon you and fills you, crying in every part of soul body and spirit, “holy, holy,” “the temple of God is holy, ye are the temple of God,” then you are fully qualified to honor God with constant testimony.

A pure heart “believeth” all things” in the word and providence of God to be right, and for the highest good. It is equally joyful and God-praising under losses, trials and disappointments, as under, what the world calls” good fortune.

By faith a pure heart sees God, and a blessing in everything that is permitted to befall us; hence the praises of the Lord shall continually be in that mouth.

A pure heart is wholly oblivious to jealousy. It wants God worshipped, and glorified alone; but is willing that others should be honored, and self unknown, neglected and abased. Is thy heart pure?

A pure heart is wholly dead to envy; is just suited with such things as it has.

A pure heart cannot be prejudiced.

Prejudice is that mean sneaking disorder of the heart, that harbors an evil opinion of a brother or sister, with a disposition to propagate that opinion in the minds of others. Prejudice is never the result of derogatory reports: but its root is the absence of love, and the presence of an evil animos in the heart. Bad reports cannot evil affect a pure heart against a brother, but the slightest intimations against a brothers character, and often mere groundless surmisings are sufficient to fill an impure heart with prejudice, and the mouth with evil speaking and back, biting. I repeat that a pure heart cannot be prejudiced by any thing we hear, even from the most creditable source. If both the informant, and person of whom a wrong is affirmed, be equally well known and virtuous, the pure heart will commit the whole matter to the Lord’ feel somewhat pained with the probability that, either one brother has fallen into wrong, or the other has been tempted to evil speaking; his love will not be lessened for either, but his prayers and sympathies will be intensified for both.

If existing circumstances lead to the location of the wrong in. one or the other, sympathy and prayer will be.. awn out more in his behalf. Prejudi is clearly a bitter root of inbred depra… It is a bane of the devil, that per..ous “evil eye’ in the heart, that sees so…hing very bad in a brother or sisten..d always winks when better light wo..dexpel the delusion. A pure heart w..ot be the devils tool to circulate any..mor that will injure a brother, but w.. embrace the first oppertunity to see t..erson and inquire of him the facts, wita… view to vindicate him if found clea.. Prejudice takes root in an unclean he; whispers the poison from ear to ear, o..ore boldly prates about him in his absee; and act­ually casts him off as if his ..il were not worth a nickle. And yet ..hear such self deceived souls extol the great love for humanity, as if all he..s were cold but theirs. O there is noth..g can cure a heart that is infected with ..e loathsome disease but the blood of Jesus and it is all an unrequited humillati..to confess prejudice in the heart, wi..out confess­ing the need of entire sanctification; and all a waste of time to seek..vation from the former, without consecr..ng, and dy­ing out for the latter. For t..stream can­not be pure without the fou..ain is pure.


The Lord Will Give Light.




My Brother in Him W..se Servants we Are: — The Gospel Trumpet has been sent to my address for alon.. time. I subscribed for the “Little Pilg..m” at its first publication, and when the two united I received the Trumpet, and it has never ceased coming. Still, I ne..er gave it the same cordial “welcome that ..e “Pilgrim” never failed to receive. .. here always seemed to be something ..acertain and

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preferred avoiding lts company, as “evil communications corrupt good manners.” Sects and creeds seemed to be its perpetual hobby, and I deemed it unwise, uncharitable and uncalled for.

But on careful ..erusal of New Year’s issue I am conscie..tiously and candidly obliged to acknowledge the fault in myself alone; I am ..onstraned to add — “Judge not, lest ye ..e judged.” In order to pass correct, jus.. judgment we must possess thorough knowledge of the object in judgment.

Light (God’s Wor.. giveth understanding; understanding, knowledge; knowledge, wisdom; and w..om, power. “The Lord will give light, and in the light of God we are enabled detect the imperfection of man; and ..s was shown the truth contained in the Gospel Trumpet. I delight in its fearles s of man, and I glory in and endorse boldness through Jesus, our risen Lord..o proclaim the righteousness of God and with God’s glory only in view I ..w it will bloom and flourish, yielding ..est fruit for the Master’s garner. It we a “two-edged sword,” the figs from ..istles dividing asunder, if the Lord of harvest be allowed to direct its han…

Just such an unda.. messenger; just such a brave warrist such a cer­tain sounding “Trumps needed in this “untoward generation.. We all need the warning. The rem.. of the “last trump shall sound” sho..e constantly ringing in our ears to .. “upon the housetop,” looking for t..ing of our Lord in His glory: “For all be able to stand?” “Watch an..,” and “Be not deceived, God is not ..d.”

When God’s Holy Wo.. aside and commentators and churchs present­ed instead, it is time for children to cry for the pure, sinc.. of the Word. Adulteration is in the so-called church of Christ children are starving for spiritual the true bread of life. I do wo.. hou God seest me” does not ren.. vants of their due labor. God ..eed my sheep,” not with “bread a..,” after which the multitude thron-earth­ly gain and idle pleasure ..e True Word, the True Gospel of …hich is the “Bread of Life.” The which perishath we are commanded not to seek after. How carefully we are admonished to “search the scriptures.” God knew of the danger before his flock, and therefore cautioned us to “beware” and know for ourselves the way.

Fear is death. The fear to speak plainly and powerfully lest by such speech we wound the delicate, tender feelings of the flesh, and thereby incur displeasure and perhaps broken friendship. Sometimes, by pointing the wayfarer to the straight and narrow path we are truthfully obliged to remind them of any idols they must drop ere they can enter. This “seems too great a task — the enemy tells us it is a task and will surely create disturbance and overthrow our calculation of doing good, consequently great evil will be the sole result. Alas! how apt we are, in our own strength, to listen to satan’s reasoning and turn aside from the true purpose of God and give place to the devil. How weak! how fearful! “O ye of little faith.” Such fear is sin — such fear is death. “Perfect love castes out fear;” therefore, “Be ye also perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect,” and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, that ye may not fear to walk in the light — the light of life — in which death hath no part: and shrink not from attracting sinners thereto, that they may have part in the “first resurrection;” and He who saith, “He that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting,” will not forget His promised reward. If we are faithful we have a “crown of life” awaiting our arrival home. Home of the redeemed!

How are we to be faithful? By refusing to proclaim the true gospel of Christ? By being fearful of awakening sinners to the light and arousing slumbering church members, lest seeing they may behold

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nd sin, and soiled garments of slothfulness, carelessness and neglect, and cry, “Give me a spotless robe, a blood-washed garment of righteousness and true holiness that I may be attired to meet the Bridegroom when He cometh?” No. By being faithful we must obey. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” As the true light dawns upon us, so must we impart it to others. “Quench not the Spirit;” let the replenishing be oft and abundant, that the flames of Divine light may ascend and illuminate the world, which moans and groans in darkness until the present day.

“Praise the Lord, O my soul,” is the song of my heart and lips at this moment. This is the Lord’s work, and I realize His presence and approving blessings filling the “temple.” I am the temple of the living God, and “where the Spirit is there is liberty.” I have a right, in Christ, to exercise my freedom — “freed from the law of sin and death” — and obey the teachings of the inspired apostle by bidding the Gospel Trumpet — so long as it remains, in truth, a Gospel Trumpet — God speed. As the Lord leads you, Bro. Warner, so preach and so teach the ungilded gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Righteous. Shrink not because of man’s pleasure and approbation. Rather make sorry, as did Paul, for the soul’s salvation. Stir up the people. “Cry fire! fire! — redemption or damnation. We know it’s God’s word, proclaim it. St. John 5; 28-29: “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth, they that hare done good unto the resurrection of life: find they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.” No matter what man’s suppositions, conceptions and ideas are, there is the Word. “Who shall be able to stand?” “Many will say Lord, Lord,” — who will hear this — “Depart from me, I know ye not.” Oh, that we all may “pray without ceasing” and “watch.”

Go preach the gospel salvation unto the people. I am shown by the Holy Spirit that revivals are spurious for want of the true light. It is shaded in order to reflect softly. We do not get a clear, distinct view of the whole scene. The dangers are hidden by the shade, lest those sitting neath the soft, mellow light of self-righteousness be offended. The “lake of fire,” they say, is fiction. They will not believe. They accuse and persecute their guide for illuminating the bottomless pit, and revealing to them Eternity, just as it awaits the wise and the foolish — followers of God and followers of satan; lovers of the Lord and His righteousness, and lovers of the devil and his unrighteousness — heavenly bliss, and “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

My brother, let us not dare — even dare — o think of withholding the true gospel just as it is. Let us seek the praise of God — not man. Let us sow the genuine seed — sow it plentifully — no matter where it fails, no matter whose beds of beautiful flowers — flowers that bloom merely to fade and decay — they uproot and choke, no matter whose earthly happiness and endless slumbering be disturbed; the Lord will take care of that part of the merciful mischief; “the Lord gives the increase.” If by our truthfulness and boldness in Him, in presenting the just reward of good and evil, as revealed to us by God’s own word, we can by the power of God win souls to Christ, let us not court man’s judgment — even friendship — but march fearlessly into the battlefield of our Lord, conquering and to conquer in the name of the Captain of our salvation whom we delight to serve. The Lord will give light; let us not dare to extinguish its flames, but keep it trimmed and burning.

I am an invalid; have been for a number of years; unable to render the least assistance (except to write), to myself; conveyed in a wheel chair. I am the Lord’s child — praise His dear name! — through my relationship with Christ. I believe the Lord is going to heal me — restore me to complete health. Since last

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……. ne has heated me of internal difficulties which rendered my general health very much impaired. To Him be all the praise! He hears and answers my prayers most wonderfully. I live by faith in the Son of God; I have given myself wholly to Him, to be and to do whatso­ever He requires of me. Blessed is His service. I have applied to him for work, and I believe this is from Him. I have an­other precious branch which He assigned me in answer to prayer. I cannot tell you about it in this letter, only I am directing sufferers to my Physician, the Great Healer. The Lord has sent me five criti­cal cases, of which I expect to testify of their healing. Only one is in full enjoy­ment of the love of God, and he is recov­ering. God’s word says so, and I have re­ceived the evidence.

I am a friend to the Gospel Trumpet, and I will use my influence to extend its circulation. Please give us more holiness. I hope the paper will soon become a weekly. If we follow Jesus and are true to Him, He will tune the “Trumpet” and a mighty host will be summoned by its certain sound and enter into the “marriage supper of our Lord.”

God bless you and yours. The Lord will give light to your pathway, and also to the path of His child.

17 Cleveland Block.


Here is the patience of the saints.


Mrs J. S. Kiplinger.

Dear Brother and Sister Warner. May the Great God who keeps covenant and mercy for those who love Him, preserve you and strengthen your hands, and may the Lord open the hearts of those who are able to work. When I read in the last Trumpet, that you were going to build, I thought of the prophet Nehemiah. What discouragements he had to pass through! And yet, how the Lord comforted him. With one hand they wrought in the work and with the other, they held a weapon. They kept the sword continually girded by their side, and there was one to sound the trumpet. O how we would love to help you. We send you one dollar to renew our subscription; if we could we would like to send ten instead. O how I do praise God because He has chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom. Your Sister Saved.

Silver Lake. May 11th. 1883.

2 page





Edited and Published in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For the Purity and Unity of His Body,
the defence of ALL His Truth,
and the ABOMINATION of Sect Babylon.


D. S. WARNER, _____________ Editor.
J. C. FISHER ___ Corresponding Editor.
D. D. JOHNSTON._________Publisher.



TERMS, $1.00. Per Year. To the Poor, Less, or Free.

Entered at the Post Office at Bucyrus Crawford Co. Ohio. as second class matter.


We send this paper, for a season, to many who have not subscribed for it. Fear not to take it out of the office, it shall not cost you any thing until you are led of the Lord and your own free will to support it. Please let us hear from you as soon as you shall have made up your mind for or against the paper.



Or Spiritual Exhibition.

These wonderful verses were composed by the Holy Spirit, and repeatedly spoken through sister Sarah Abbot, Bangor Mich, while is tranee, upon which occasions it was written by some that heard.

Attend my Friends and neighbors
One moment to my call
I have an invitation
I give it unto all;
A splendid Exhibition,
Is shortly to begin;
I’ll give you a discription,
And urge you to come in.

Almost six thousand seasons,
With unexampled cost.
This feast has been preparing,
There has no time been lost.
T’will shortly now be ready,
Oh then do not delay.
Be sure to gain admittance,
And so apply to day.

A theatre capacious,
Twelve thousand furlongs square,
Stands on its twelve foundations,
Of precions jewels rare.
Its ceilings bright and sparkling,
Of variegated hue,
Pours forth a food of splendor,
To the astonished view.

Twelve gates of pearl unbroken,
Its spacious sides adorn;
Twelve shining angels waiting,
All beauteous as the morn;
The ceiling is of jasper,
The floor of finest gold,
Oh be prepared to view it,
Its glory can’t be told.

The scene to be enacted,
All other scenes excel,
The number of the actors,
No human tongue can tell,
There’s kings and priests and prophets,
And if you ask their dress,
Ti’s white as snow and solemn,
The robes of righteousness.

The music is most charming,
The song forever new.
The guests have long been learning
To sound its notes most true.
The whole will be directed
By nature’s Great I am:
It is a sacred drama,
The marriage of the Lamb.

They need no light of candle,
Nor yet the shining moon;
The sun will be confounded
When at its highest noon;
The glory of the Bridegroom
Will far out shine their rays
Throughout the spacious building
In one Eternal blaze.

No indolent spectators
Within those walls appear.
For those who gain admittance
Will all be actors there.
The happy guests united
Behold the gloriorus Bride,
No length of time divides them,
Their pleasures ne’er subside.

Ask you of the conditions,
Or who may take a share,
The King makes free provisions,
Attend my Friends and neighbors
One moment to my call
I have an invitation
I give it unto all;
A splendid Exhibition,
Is shortly to begin;
I’ll give you a description,
And urge you to come in.

Almost six thousand seasons,
With unexampled cost.
This feast has been preparing,
There has no time been lost.
T’will shortly now be ready,
Oh then do not delay.
Be sure to gain admittance,
And so apply to day.

A theatre capacious,
Twelve thousand furlongs square,
Stands on its twelve foundations,
Of precious jewels rare.
Its ceilings bright and sparkling,
Of variegated hue,
Pours forth a food of splendor,
To the astonished view.

Twelve gates of pearl unbroken,
Its spacious sides adorn;
Twelve shining angels waiting,
All beauteous as the morn;
The ceiling is of jasper,
The floor of finest gold,
Oh be prepared to view it,
Its glory can’t be told.

The scene to be enacted,
All other scenes excel,
The number of the actors,
No human tongue can tell,
There’s kings and priests and prophets,
And if you ask their dress,
Ti’s white as snow and solemn,
The robes of righteousness.

The music is most charming,
The song forever new.
The guests have long been learning
To sound its notes most true.
The whole will be directed
By nature’s Great I am:
It is a sacred drama,
The marriage of the Lamb.

They need no light of candle,
Nor yet the shining moon;
The sun will be confounded
When at its highest noon;
The glory of the Bridegroom
Will far out shine their rays
Throughout the spacious building
In one Eternal blaze.

No indolent spectators
Within those walls appear.
For those who gain admittance
Will all be actors there.
The happy guests united
Behold the glorious Bride,
No length of time divides them,
Their pleasures ne’er subside.

Ask you of the conditions,
Or who may take a share,
The King makes free provisions,
And all are welcome there:
The king, the Lord, the beggar,
The freeman and the slave.
If they apply in season,
Admittance they shall have.

Furnished by Joseph C. Fisher.


Too long has holiness been regarded as the doctrine of a sect, instead of the crowning doctrine of the crowning dispensation.

Guide to Holiness.


Holiness people are plenty, and many of them quite popular; but holy men and women are few, and all very unpopular in this world.


“Bro. W.W. Roberts writes from Henry Co. Iowa. The canse is still moving for ward here. Baptized five last Lord’s day. One preacher. Others are coming to the Light” Amen.


H. Ackers, a holiness evangelist of this State, said in a discourse in Upper Sandusky Ohio, that, the Churches, (meaning the sects) were sending more souls to hell than the saloons.


Jet this same man is so bitter in his heart against us, that he would scarcely speak to us, at the Lodi camp meeting last year, because we obey the command of God, teaching, His people to come out of her, lest they partake of her sins and receive of her plagues.”


Thanks to Bro. CHARLES ALBERTSON of 215, S. st Philadelphia. — For five copies of the Life of David Ferris, a very exsellent minister of the friends society over 150 years ago.



We are now prepared to tarnish our work. Bible Proofs of The Second Work of Grace. The 2000 edition is nearly axbaus ted. Send in your orders, desire to sell soon. But cannot give agents but a small commission, as we are indebted yet to our publishers. Price per book $ 1.25.


Camp and Grove Meetings.


Remember this meeting begins Aug. 3. It will without doubt be a feast to the soul, for all who attened for the glory of God. Payne is on the Nickle Plate R. F. about eighten miles east of F. Wayne. Brethren will be awaiting you at the trains the third. If no one meets you there enquire for J. A. Kilpatrick who lives in Payne.


We purpose, the Lord willing, to spend friday, saturday and Sabbath Aug. 10—12 with that blessed Church of the Living God, which is at Jerry City Wood Co. Ohio. We trust the saints will have a grove prepared for the occasion, and many of the pilgrims from other places will meet with us there, and be refreshed together by the blessing of our Glorious God and Savior. Every body is invited.


This grove or camp meeting has been appointed since last year, to begin Aug. 17. to continue eight or ten days. On the farm of Bro. and sister Farrah, two miles south of Sandy Lake Mercer Co. Pa. Come every body, who can.


There will be a camp meeting there, beginning Aug. 31. or Sept. 1. Bear it in mind. More full notice hereafter. All these are free meetings in the Lord. The Holy Spirit the Leader.


Owing to the very imperfect office facilities, and our long tear up in building, and moving, We have not been able to conduct our correspondence, and business in good order. We ask pardon for any and ask your kind allowance.


Grove meeting.

Bro. A. J. Kilpatrick writes that the Saints at Payne Paulding Co. Ohio. Have decided to hold meeting in a grove beginning Aug. 3. Bear this in mind and come to this gathering. He also says. “The Saints here have just closed a two days meeting in which the Lord was present in great power: the saints were refreshed, one soul sanctified. On the Lord’s day there were eight baptized by bro. Dill.”


Requests For Prayer.

We felt pained to find, in our over plus matter, some requests for prayer, that had not received place in our little paper. We believe that God has desired to use the Trumpet as a mediem of uniting prayers and faith, in behalf of such, as need special divine help. And, thank the dear Lord! some have been blessed. Having enlarged facilities now, we say to all who suffer in soul or body, we will take pleasure in uniting the prayers of the saints in your behalf.

Were the Gospel Trumpet simply a bible expositor, we would probably make it a monthly, as we could save two thirds of the expense that it will cost to issue it semimonthly, as wife and I could then do all the work ourselves. But the paper is also an organ of the rapidly increasing work of God that is spreading over the land, and for the sake of announcing meetings in due season, and giving fresh reports of the triumphs of the Gospel of God, the paper must at least appear semi-monthly; it should, and we trust in the Lords time will be weekly, to meet this feature of its mission.



Thanks be unto the Lord! once more we are permitted to greet you with the sound of the Trump of God. Our suspense has been much longer than expected, but we have been praising God continually. A great deal of very blessed experience has been crouded into those few weeks. As brother Compton says, the devil showed his teeth at every advance of the work. Oh what mountains jare risen up before Zerubba­ble, but, glory be to God! every time by prayer and faith in God they have been made a ..an. While we regret that you have had wait so long on the paper, the trials of … faith have been more precious than gol.. ..ried in the fire. Hallelujah to God! We believe that God has been pleased … answer the many prayers that have one up to Him in our behalf. Oh how much we appreciate the fellowship of the “ho.. people.”


Our Reinforcement.

Our readers observe that we have ad­ded the name of brother Daniel D. John­ston, as publisher of the Trumpet. We have done this because the Lord has evidently placed this dear brother in this relation to the paper. Through his convictions of duty, and …e for the truth, he has volun­tarily assumed the cares, and responsibili­ties of this office, without any thoughts of its nominal ..re presentation.

He freely shoulders all the financial burdens of ..fe paper; and we accordingly acknowledged God’s leading, by announc­ing him nominally, in this relation.

We have not felt permanently called to conduct the finances of the paper, and that this pat.. of the work was an encum­brance to the blessed dispensation of the gospel that … committed to us. Hence we have no language to express the gratitude of our heart for the important service the Lord has already wrought through this dear brother. Though we know he does not wish ..e things sounded abroad, the Spirit God leads us to say, that Bro. J. has purchased a large lot here for the Trumpet, furnished all the material to build, and pad the workmen; and will con­tinue to carry forward the work, as fast as possible, until the Trumpet, its editor, and publisher, and our families shall have been provided with competent quarters.

All this, and the current expenses of the paper, h.. has undertaken, with the expectation of ..haring with us, all that it costs to be true to God in these perilous times; and to prosecute the present commission of God in pouring out the vials of His wrath upon babylon, and all worshipers of the b.. which so specially excites the “great with” of satan.

Bro. John … does not enter upon this work with ..x.. nea.. of self reliance, but with a firm trust in the Almighty arm, an unshaken confidence in the triumphs of truth, and the willingness of the saints to maintain its publication. We feel the blessing of God upon our union in the great work.


In The Dark.

We received an’ anonymous letter, shortly after our issue in which we exposed that fornicator, in which the writer corrects our statement, that all the sons of that family used tobacco. He informs us that one, possibly two, do not. We are glad to hear this, and wish to modify our statement accordingly.

In reference to the child with sore eyes, as the result of its father’s use of tobacco. Such was the decision of some who had given much study to the effects of the poison weed: however, our informant may have been mistaken as to its eyes being sore at the time of its birth.

If the writer of that letter were a righteous man, in a righteous cause, why does he with old his name. If he is of the day, why keep in the dark. He says, “your article is too severe, does not breathe that blessed Spirit of meekness that becomes us that profess this pure love.” What! do you profess this pure love, and yet love darkness rather than light; because your deeds are evil? Know you not that the Spirit searches all things, and hypocrisy cannot cover its guilty nakedness. Before we had looked for a signature, or noticed on the envelope where the letter was mailed, we were clearly impressed by the Holy Spirit just who the writer was, and we know some very good reasons why he would not have us deal with adulterers and horemongers in the severity of God’s word. The lawyers said to Christ, “thus speaking thou reproachest us also.”

What ignorance that would have us deal with ungodly hypocrites and fornicators, in soft and mild words. Is that the way Christ dealt with whitewashed pharisees and hypocrites? While “we have the mind of Christ,” and abhor sin as we do the devil himself we will “spare not,” but “rebuke” them sharply.”

Again he says: “It is written blessed are the peacemakers.” Your article has not made peace in this neighborhood.”

What a striking exposure of your shoddy holiness. What ignorance of God and His word, that would have us make peace with adulterers, and sin generally. Did Christ make peace in any neighborhood? No, indeed, “Think you that I am come to send peace on earth, I tell ye nay, but a sword.” He spake peace to the hearts of individuals who repented of their sins, but in society at large he stirred up commotion and agitation. And the Apostles “approved themselves as the ministers of God in tumults, in stripes and in imprisonment. Like their Master they testified against the wickedness of the world and received in return its persecution. No indeed our Trumpet blasts never make peace with the ungodly, with hypocrits and adulterers, nor with any who defend, such characters.

Once more we quote. “I cannot see what good you expect to result from such a course.” Why God says “rebuke them before all that others may fear also.” We think we can see manifestations of fear in your own letter, which show clearly that our reproof has done good, and we hope it will continue to trouble you until it works repentance and confession of past sins, lest God might require a more direct effort on our part for the destruction of the flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” Any man who is not will­ing to confess his past sins has not scrip­turally repented of those sins. Any man who will seek to cover up his past ungodly deeds, by calling if persecution when those deeds were brought to the light, is no better than when he lived in those lacivious lusts, even though he attempt to cloak over his rotten heats by a profession of holiness. Oft have good brethren and sisters prayed that we should be a terror to evil doers, and with a view to their salvation, we propose to let God answer those prayers, as He may direct. Let all hypocrites take warning.


The Devil Lane Principle.

Traveling over the country we occasionally see those extreme manifestations of human depravity and devilishness called, “devil lanes,” a double expense of two fences just to advertise the ugliness and spite of the land holders on either side the line. It is quite well named, for ..tan is surely the father of all such narrow zigzag lanes. But this same devil lane principle is seen elsewhere besides on line fences. Not long ago we passed two schoo houses in Crawford Co. O. just a quarter of a mile apart; both good houses, and regularly occupied with school, and have been for a good many years. We never saw an other instance of the kind. And it is, no doubt the occasion of many conjectures of passers by. It is natural to conclude that a perverse, devil lane spirit on the part of some one or more in that neighborhood, had caused this waste of the public funds, and such is the case. Two stubborn, spiteful brothers, who were mad at each other, were the chief cause of the trouble and expense.

But is it not true that this same devil-lane principle is the father of the strange work of erecting two or more sect steeple houses in close proximity to each other?

Does not such a scene, in the light of the bible, emphatically declare that the people of that place serve a variety of gods? Or if but one, that it must be a very poor one; one that is not able to lift its votaries above the ugly contentious, disintegrating spirit of human depravity?

If the apostle Paul were to rise from the dead, and pass through our towns and cities, and behold the numerous modern synagogues towering up over against each other, would not his soul, be stirred within him, as when be holding a similar sight in Athens? And should he now be informed that at all those rival altars, the worshipers profess the christian faith, would not his righteous soul be moved with horrrer at such, a sight as that? Would not his holy indignation cry out, “Is Christ divided,” “was Luther, or Wesley, or Otterbein, or Roberts, crucified for you? or were yon baptized in their name?” Can any one doubt the fact that he would more deeply deplore such a state of things, than if they were all blind heathen, and had never heard of Christ, He had sympathy for such, but it was the “care of the Churches” that was the chief, fang of his “continual heaviness.” It was the “enemies of the cross of Christ,” who professed His faith, of whom he “wrote with tears” of bitterest grief. It will be more tolerable for poor heathen who live and die in the dark, than for apostate christians who sin in the light.

Besides heathen corruption and confusion is no disgrae to the character and doctrine of Christ; whereas the same among His professed disciples, puts a soul damning argument in the mouth of satan against the only name whereby we must be saved. The Lord well knew the fatal use the devil would make of any divisions that might arise; hence His prayer, “that they may all be one as He and the Father are one, that the world might believe.”

What difference is there between the disgraceful two fences where but one is needed, and the still more wicked extravagance of two or three gaudy steeple houses, where one plain one is sufficient? The former is always taken as proof of spite and contention, the latter is an advance and chronic stage of what Paul calls the works of the flesh,” and evidence of carnality. — Gal. 5:19-21. (heresies.) 1st Cor. 3:4. It is true Paul did not find two or three rival steeple-houses at Corinth but he found the sect spirit beginning to take root in their hearts, which, if it had been permitted to reach its present shocking stage of development, would have resulted in as many houses as parties. But even in its incipiency, the Apostle denounces and abhors it as exposing Christ to the shocking disgrace of being “divided.”

While attending the Jacksonville Ill. Convention, two years ago last winter, we observed three large sect houses on the same corners. An awful feling of sorrow and shame filled our heart, as we passed by these towering monuments of latter day folly, pride, confusion and idolatry. Oh I felt like hiding myself away to confess, repent of, and deplore before God, the sin snd impious vanity of this “great babylon.” How the holy Spirit revealed anew the wickedness of this devil lane sectism. Is it possible that any sane man would attempt to reconcile such work with the spirit of Christ. If the first house built were indeed God’s house, what must the second, on the opposite corner be but the rival work of the devil. And how still more disgraceful and confusing the third. Several places of worship located in different paits of a large city, the worshipers all having one name, and one creed, — the word of the Lord, — one interest, one mind and spirit, all holding the same doctrine, each child of God having his name written only in heaven, and all constituting the one Church of the Living God, in that place, were all to the glory of God. But two or three altars erected over against each other on the same street, under different names, different creeds, different organizations, and wholly separate interests, is a reckless waste of means, an outrage upon good sense, and the climax of satans devices to confuse, bewilder, and sink to ruin intelligent thinking immortals. The day of judgment will reveal the awful fact, that hell will reap a greater harvest from these devil lane steeple house corners, than from others containing as many saloons. First, because the mass of the sect membership are on their way to hell asleep through sect-opiates, and the mass of outside sinners are such through sect corruption and confusion. The “wine of the wrath of her fornication,” — the influence of her carnal, gambling froliks, — are the stepping stones to the saloon and gambling slums.

Nothing but the absence of the pure love of God can account for the shameful divisions of the present apostasy, Even where different languages are spoken, if true love rules, there will not be the slightest inclination, nor occasion to separate into factions. Though some of the servies be in an unknown tongue to some of the saints, the mighty love of God, and the sweet communion of saints, would bind all together in union, and attract “all together with one accord in one place.” All divisions, except geographical, are proof positive of the want of God’s love, without which all religion is vain and delusive.

We are informed that the laws of Ohio have been so amended that devil lanes are all done away. We praise the Lord that a more thorough application of the “Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus,” is now destroying sects, and bringing His children out of the narrow. crooked, briery sect lanes into the swee unity of the Spirit, and the glorious liberty of the sons of God.


Have you a book or tract, you wish publisher. Would you like some beautiful tract envelop.. letter heads, or circulars, of any business co…tent with holiness? Or would you like some bear…ful cards, with bible mottos? Please send us y.. orders, We would love to print much good religi.. matter. We are now well equipped with presses … power. Praise the Lord!

Get subscribers for the TRUMPET.

3 page

The Onward March Of Truth.

Nearly every day there comes to us new evidence of the rapid strides of the Almighty God of truth. One day we hear men revering the sect idols that men have formed, as their only ideal of God’s Church, and almost the next, the advancing flashes of divine light compel them to distinguish between all those dum idols, and the Church which “hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God.” Take for an instance, the following words from an article in the Harvester, by S. Rice.

Does holiness divide the churches? Yes; no. If you mean the true church of God, which is composed of all true believers in all the different denominations, I say no. If you mean this or that denomination, or for that matter, any of them, I say yes.

When the fogs of Babylon become a little more cleared away from that mind he will define the true Church to consist of all believers, in and out of the different sects. However we are thankful to God, and much encouraged to see the writer so far sobered off from the wine of her fornication, as to put on record the above clear line of distinction between the true Church and defiled babylon. Holiness divides the later, — he might have said destroy it, — while it does not divide, but perfects the Church. Here the oft repeated falsehood, that by calling people out of babylon sects, we are calling them out of “The Church,” is refuted by one who has joined in the same clamor:

Now what becomes :of that idolized organism, he has labored so indefatigably to build up under the name of the Wesleyan Methodist Church? Is not its title a falsehood? Or if a church at all, is it not a false one, since, by his own confession, the true Church is distinct, and separate from all sect denominations? lake the old pharasees’ this man has been compassing land and sea, to make proselytes to that “church,” as he called it … … .

About a year ago, the Leader of the State holiness Alliance remarked to.. us that, in his great sect zeal, S. Rice had about destroyed the holiness Alliance; and now he finds out that his zeal was “not according to knowledge,” and that which he was laboring to build up as a holiness church, is not the true Church at all, “but was laboring to build up as a holiness church, is not the true Church at all, but simply a denomination, ..uch as holiness destroys. Will he now have the honesty to confess his former blindness, renounce the sect, and cleave only to the “True church of God?

C. P. Jacobs, a prominent M. E. min­ister, now a missionary in India, is also be­ginning to get some light that discrimi­nates between God’s Church, and the evils churches, in which it has been ..ixed up. He says, “God’s Church is ecclesia en ecclesiis. — A church in the churches”.

By “the churches” he means the several ..ndred sects. He calls them churches; it not “God’s Church.” Necessarily ..ey must be the devils churches. And has been a sore experience in the history God’s Church that she has been enared; starved and slaughtered in these thy pens. But thanks be unto God, we “heard another voice out of heaven, ..aying come out of her, my people, that ye partake not of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Glory to God! This voice is thundering loudly all through the earth today; and thousands are obeying it; and God’s Church is rapidly becoming a Church outside of all babylon cages, and free from all her yokes. Amen!


A Babylon Boast.

J. R. Brown of Ind. writes from the Pe..tsburg c. m. to the telescope, “Here we ..nd a very small element what is known ..ome-outism.’ It did not make itself … prominent, but would occasionally .. out its feelers. On Monday, June Bro. Ingle opened the battery ..nst such fanaticism. Others from va..as denominations wheeled into line.”

.. here are other things in this article, ..e personal slander, that will have our ..ntion in the future, if the Lord will. ..e quote the above words to introduce ..r readers the persecution that this ..l holiness, — not holy — preacher is so ..ally pleased with, instead of being ..ned of, and eschewing, as a holy man ..d. Bro. Ridley, who was present at ..eeting, having recently declared his ..om in Christ, the sect devil was fired ..ith “great wrath.” That brave speech ..les was nothing but an ungodly ti..f abuse: others followed, indulging ..ree use of their tongues in babylon’s defense, and in aspersions upon such as had escaped out of her. And when a sister, becoming disgusted with the spirit manifest, arose and began to admonish them, stating that she had not belonged to any sect herself for several years, and that she did not see but what she got along just as well, these brave men suddenly concluded to close, and rang the bell and dismissed the people. Bro. Ridley said he would like to say a few words, but error always fears the light, hence no chance was given. But as the Bro. was going to leave for a few days, he called the people to order, and told them that he did not want them to think he left because of the abuse that had been thrown out, he wished them to know that he had been led by the word and Spirit of God, in renouncing sects, and that he had no occasion to regret that step, notwithstanding all that had been said. Is it possible that a man professing the light of holiness is still in such darkness as to praise such low injustice. A brave set indeed! Just think of a whole camp of sectarians “wheling into line,” to make battle upon “a very small element,” a few little childre of God, who were a great annoyance to them, simply because they believe and accept the Bible, which teaches, “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one body,” — the Church. And that “there should be no schisms in the body.” And this heroic onslaught was led by that brave man Ingle, who, with cane or club helped to knock down the rowdies on that same ground last year, and after they had provoked their attack by their ungodly gate fee, and well beaten their heads, they had them arrested and fined. May God deliver the world from such a standard of holiness, or rather we should say, libil upon bible holiness, which “endures all things,” ‘loves our enemies,” and only returns good for evil. But instead of feeling ashamed of the pernicious example of their carnal weapons, this two fisted stall wart boasted of the same in the pulpet, saying, “by the grace of God we had to use some sanctified muscle here.” O shame, shame. As well might a prise fighter attribute his success to the grace of God. It would have been far more consistent for him to confess with shame, that through their indwelling carnality, and their ignorace of the power of God, who has promised to be the shield, and protection of His people, they had wrought this folly, and disgrace upon the cause of Christ. But instead of feeling mortified this carnal priest goes up to the second camp meeting the same season with a loaded revolver in his pocket, and talked in defense of its use in case of an attack. Bro. A. C. Long who lived near Bowling Green O. last winter, told me of two or three U. B. members in that community, who saw him have the accursed weapon, and heard the shocking threats. We feel pained and deeply humiliated, before the world and the opposers of holiness, to have such things crop out among the professors of this exalted grace. But it behooves us in, the name of the Lord to protest against all such as the fruits of carnality. Only “he that is dead is free from sin.” And dead men never fight for their lives. “He that will save his life shall loose it, but he that will loose his life for my sake shall find it.” It is just as natural as it is to breathe, for a pure heart to practice nonresistance, and for one who has abandoned his life to God, to let that life in His hands to be taken or preserved as the Lord will. Thousands of martyrs have attested this fact; and some of the reformers have been assaulted by frequent mobs and beaten without lifting a hand to “resist evil.” But persecutors cannot themselves endure buffeting, — not to say persecution, for such are not worthy of and never receive persecution, but buffeting for their faults only. Is it not surprising that a man should both profess holiness and the character of a persecutor. But such is the inconsistency of Elder Ingle. After the abuse above spoken of, he had the impotence to tell bro. Ridley that he was going to give him his share of persecution. He seems base enough to think he could, by such menaces, drive that brother back to the U. B. cage again. Behold the resemblance between the old mother, and her harlot daughters: the former threaten with curses, the latter with persecution, such as venture to set at naught their dragon authority. What better is the spirit of sect than that of Masonry? Both threaten to vent their spite upon such as cast off their clan, bands. Masons have murdered the bodies of dissenters, but Ingle and company overpowered bro. Ridley to give his name back to the sect beast, although he persistently told them that he had been clearly led by the word and Spirit of God, in coming out of her. But whether God is obeyed or not what do they care, just so they can save their craft. So these babylon priests hold a meeting until a late hour at night, the special object of which was to combine their forces upon Bro. E. to allure him back. After they had proved themselves of the serpent spirit, by their forked tongues of abuse, and threats of still grater persecution, they have the audacity to urge him back into their coils. “Now do come back home brother R. we cannot close this meeting until you come back We want you with us.” No difference if God does want you out, we want you in our fold lest many more of the Lord’s sheep find out their freedom in Christ. No difference if you must disobey God, and loose your soul, we are afraid of you, if outside our wall, and therefore want you to come in again. And here was the word fulfilled, “They allure, through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them that live in error.” So intense was the pressure brought to bear upon that bro. that he actually consented to have his “name rewritten in earth,” — Jer. 17; 13. But this he did, as he informed me himself, assuring them at the same time that he only did so on their judgment, not having any light from God different than His previous leadings. To some this may seem great weakness, but we should remember that in these perilous times satan has “great wrath,” and power almost sufficient to deceive the very elect. Shame on that hellish zeal that would press a man to act contrary to his convictions of right. It is popery. No gentleman will urge another to walk in his light, until he first convinces him, by the Word of God, that his is the real light of God. This babylon never attempts; but always seeks by flattery or persecution to allure, or intimidate her victims into her defiled cages. “We are glad she showed her real spirit, and character at Petersburg.



Burbank, Ohio, Feb. 18.

Dear Bro. Warner: — Thanks for the pack of papers you sent me. I have given them all out, and there is not one that has read them but what confesses that it is God’s own truth that is taught in the Trumpet. They endorse the doctrine that we should be free from sectism, and stand true to God in one body. But Oh what a hold the sect idol has upon them it seems that they cannot tear away from bondage to mens yokes. I am doing what I can to show, them that God does not want men to organize His church; but that He ‘sets the members, every one of them, into the “body as it pleases Him”. My prayer to God is that the sifting may go on, until all the wheat shall have been sifted out from the sect chaff. I hope I shall be able to send you some names for the Trumpet soon. Truly your brother in Christ.

Ezra Smith.


Plankington Dakota Ter. Jan. 9. Bro. D. S. Warner. — I miss, very much, the privilege of reading the Gospel Trumpet; have been moving about for some time.

I have now settled down in this very beautiful, new country, and we are surrounded by a good class of people. But there is a good deal of glorying in the M. E. C. and calling it the “only pure church.”

I cannot see it. My bible commands me to glory in the Lord Jesus, and His cross.

I would like to see the Trumpet abundantly supplied; not only because of its good reading, but the word says: ‘it is more blessed to give than to receive.’ God says we should “give as the Lord prospers us.” I have promised the Lord, that if He will prosper me, I will give Him one tenth of all I shall raise, for the advancing of His kingdom, as Be shall direct me.

I believe that God abhors the plans that the popular sects take to get the support of the world. There is scarcely any thing too bad for then to resort to; just so the money comes in

Surely, the sects of today are “cages of every unclean and hateful bird.” There is the great Owl making his feathery bed of ease, to rock the millions to sleep to eternal woe.

I pray God that He may make you mighty through His Spirit, to the pulling down of the high places of sect diana.

I never heard of any one that was used of God to win souls to Christ, who was zealous for his sect, This sect love is satan’s great trap.

I feel impressed to make money this year, and have you come out here and hold meetings awhile and see our nice country. Your brother in Christ.


God is moving on at Jerry City Ohio.

Jerry City O. May 21.

Dear Bro. Warner. May the Lord bless you, and prosper you in sounding the Trumpet of God, and vindicating the truth, that all may hear. O how I praise the Lord that He sent you to this place. O glory to God for the Church at Jerry City! We had a glorious meeting recently at Bro. G. Hampshires. The Lord is wonderfully leading His little ones here. O praise the Lord for His wonderful Love. O Glory to God! I am saved Just now by faith in the Lord Jesus. Bro. Warner, the Lord is leading us in a way we never thought of. O praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit. Since you were here, such as are not of us cannot endure the fire, but they have gone out from among us, that it might be manifest that they are not all of us. When God’s saved childrent walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, testifying to the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, satan will rage. He is persecuting some of the Saints here, but thus far God has given us the victory, and we will tust him to the end. Of course the devil and his sectarian brethren call us fanatics. We study the word of God daily and pray that the Lord may lead us into all truth. Your Bro Saved in the Lord.

Phillip Spackey.


The Holy Spirit Is competent.

By A. C. McCurdy. Bro. and Sister Warner. We are all well in body, and glory to God, also perfect soundness in soul. I can say that I am wonderfully free in the Lord. I am neither creed, sect, nor lodge bound. By God’s grace I am standing straight with His word, though it condemns all sin and sects. I have learned a good lesson this winter. I am forever done with sects, except to expose their abominations. I have no compromise to make with them in the least. I am being wonderfully taught by the Spirit of God, which leads us into all truth; hut never contrary to it. I was talking the other day with my uncle about God’s Church, as it is in the bible. He said that it might be so, if Christ were here in person to govern it.

Why said I, is it possible uncle that you have been so lone a christian, and yet know so little about the Comforter that Christ sent to take the place, of His personal presence? Could Christ, if here in the flesh do more than “lead us into all truth?” and teach us all things, what we should do and say? But all this is just what the Lord promised, that the Spirit should do for us. Now if He is not capable of organizing, and governing the Church, and Christ was capable, then it was not expedient for us, that Christ went away and sent us the comforter in His stead,

But, Glory to God! the Holy Spirit I find is able to organize me into the body of Christ; keep me from all sin, and so govern me as to bring my whole life into harmony with God, and all others that are under His reign.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to unite the saints, but that of the devil, carnality, and human works to divide them into different sect names and interests. Glory to Jesus, for the Comforter, who fully represents the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and is more than the personal presence of Christ could be.

Your Brother in Christ.



How The Devil Shows His Teeth.

By G. H. Comton.

Dear Bro. Warner. — I thought a few lines from me might be to the glory of God. It would be difficult for me to tell how much I think about you, and the wonderful work that God has pleased to call you to fulfill. I pray that by divine grace you may be enabled to make full proof of the ministry you have received of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have and idea that the devil would like to swallow you up. Luther once wrote to Melancton, his friend, that he would like to have him come to where he was, that he might see how the devil shows his teeth. I judge that he howls around you sometimes, real devil-like. I think, from the tone of the Trumpet, that the great work of God, and truth, is going wonderfully forward. Yea Omnipotently, and I think you have great reason to be encouraged. To look in upon the damning farce of most of the present day, so called churches is enough in make one, who sees things by the Spirit of God, shudder with horror.

The masses are three times dead, and four times damned. It is enough to make angels weep, and hell rejoice, to see the vain pomp and show, and hear the rattling of the dry bones.

One might as well try to reform hell itself, as to reform a sect that is dead with the dry rot. These sect nations’ that have forgotten God’ and trusted to frolics and pride, will all be turned into hell together; and it is high time men wake up to God’s call to “come out of her.” I believe the time is coming, and near at hand, when God will demand a literal forsaking of all we have to follow the Lord.

I thank God for a Christianity, that has fire in it. I have come to a point in my experience, where I must go forward, or it is all over with me. It seems as though the devil is making some of his most dreadful onslaughts upon my poor soul.

But I have given him to undestands that if he did not hold up, I would expose him fearfully.

I feel the heaven of God in my soul; and a deep determination to go through on this line of full salvation, — holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.

Love to all the true and faithful pilgrims of God.



A Wonderful Miracle.

Report of the Camp Meeting Near Bangor Mich.

By J. C. Fisher.

Dearly beloved brother and sister Warner, May God bless you, and all the dear saints with you. Praise God for victory in my soul just now. We had a glorious victory over all the powers of darkness at our C. M. Bodies were healed and souls saved, Glory to the Lamb of God! Fourteen souls were converted, ten sanctified, and many others were renewed, by the Holy Spirit, Splended order prevailed most of the time. On Sabbath there was a very large concourse of people present, good order duriny the day. One drunkard converted. We closed with the afternoon service. Sister Lottie Blackwood preached the last discourse, and the Holy Spirit made it a powerful, and very effectual one. Many hearts were moved, even some wicked men shed tears. The meeting has greatly redounded to the Glory of God. It has swept away most of the intense hatred and prejudice that ex isted amony the people, caused by the misrepresentations afload, they not having heard for themselves. Most who came and heard the word were astonished and believed, More especially because of the miracles of healing which the Lord wrought before our eyes. Sister Angie Coggon, whom the Lord healed last year, brought sister Emma Miller, of Battle Creek, Mich. She Knowing what the Lord had done for Sister Coggon, was persuaded that the Lord would heal her also. She had been blind three years, not being able to open her eye-lids; caused by general prostration. Her case had baffled all the physicians who had examined her: none could help her. She came to the meeting to get her eyes opened; and glory to God! She went away seeing. We laid hands on and prayed for he, but there was no change, we kept on trusting God, until tuesday morn June 19, when the burthen came on me, so that I lay on my face during a long time. The wonderful power of God came upon me. I arose in agony of spirit, but was again prostrated. After which I soon received the witness that she would be healed that day. I told sister Coggon to so announce the fact to her, and tell her to be prepared to receive the Lord, and witness His miraculous power. The forenoon pessed, the meeting closed. After noon I went to their tent and prayed, laying hands on her. The Lord opened her eyes four times. I told her she must keep them open. She said she would by the help of the Lord. We then went into the tabernacle, and I delivered a discourse on God’s promises respecting healing. We then had altar services, and at about half past five o clock the Lord, finished the work in the presence of saints and sinners; her eyes being fully opened and made perfectly sound. Wicked men who had watched her from the beginning, some of whome had also opposed, and reviled us, now believed, wept, praised God. And the loud shouts of the saints were kept up for a long time, there being many present. The sister stood upon the bench praising God, while some helped her to keep her position midst the surging croud, all being eager to reach her, and see her.

Sister Miller from Eagle, nearly received her hearing, other minor cemplaints were healed by the Gread physician. All glory to His worthy name. Amen!

Bangor Mich. June 26, 1883.

4 page

One Added By The Lord.


I am receiving the gospel trumpet published by you, and must say that I am in accord with its teaching. I have been a child of God for over twenty years, and have never been enrolled under any sect banner or subscribed to any sect creed: believing all this time that the Lord added me to the Church by conversion, as taught in Acts 2: 47. And at no time have I been dissatisfied with my relation to God’s Church and people.

This should forever silence that oft repeated falsehood, that there is no christian living out side the sect churches. I thank my God always for a birthright free from the unholy alliance of sectism; having had parents who broke the yoke of sect more than forty years ago; and accounted the sect teaching as wisdom from beneath, consequently earthly, sensual, and devilish; and yet this wisdom is one of the greatest sect incentives, thrusting their zealots out, nominally in the name of Jesus, but more to promote their sect interests.

O what poor deluded souls are these who Esau like, for the sect pottage are selling their birthright, thus deceiving and being deceived. I thank God that to this generation He is opening a “new and living way.” which is but the old paths, from which the church had Strayed.

God’s Church is builded upon apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the head over all things. In this Church, power is given by which all may stand, not by creeds and covenants, but by the Spirit of the living God. In this Church all national lines and human ties are obliterated; all who do the will of God are brothers and sisters; and the ties thus formed are heaven born and a thousand fold stronger than those of consanguinity and covenants. No oath allied, secret organization can approximate this heaven born, Spirit allied brotherhood. O this fearful rending of so sacred an organization, by the wiley sectarian wofves. Shall they be able to withstand the loss when their works shall be tried “so as by fire”?

Or will their sect foundation, with so little of Christ in it, succumb to the burning of so much of hay, wood, and stubble, heaped, up by their the teaching.. I pray God that they may be saved so as by fire though bereft of all that they labored for while on earth. O beautiful to contemplate, and yet how much better to enjoy, is the liberty of the sons of God, freed from the shackles of priest craft, untrammeled by sectarian bigotry. At peace with God; loving without partiality, or hypocrisy. Having the joys of a full salvation. Sanctified for the Masters use.

“Never having apprehended” but “press-toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus?” Possess­ing the love of Christ whine passes un­derstanding. “To whom be glory in the Church by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end.” Amen! From your brother in Christ Jesus.



To all Headers of the Gospel Trumpet.

Dearly beloved, I address you in the name of the Author and Finisher of full salvation. All glory to the “Only Name.”

For some time I have been strongly impressed of the Lord, to help the Trumpet, and in March last I was clearly shown that it was God’s will I should take an active part in its publication. My duty in relation to my property was also revealed by the unerring Spirit of God. I was a little like the young man that asked the Lord what he should do that he might be perfect, who when Christ told him, “went away sorrowful.” True I have not “great possessions,” as he had; but there was that little farm that seemed very dear to me, and which I had so ofteo thought should be my earthly home till death. Also my half interest in the sawmill with which I was so well pleased, and my partner in the mill, to whom I was so much: attached.

All these, and they seemed as dear to me as the young mans “great possessions,” I must now give over for the cause and glory of Him who died upon the cross for me. Amen! The will of my blessed Savior must be done. I do not ask the Lord to make the matter any plainer; I am satisfied as to what the will of the Lord is, and I have entirely given up my will. I am a good deal in debt, but after selling out, and paying all my debts, every dollar I have goes directly to the spread of the gospel trumpet, to help poor hungry souls who need the pure Gospel of bible holiness.

And every dollar I get in my possession, beyond a comfortable maintenance of my family, must be devoted to the same cause.

I therefore offer for sale my little farm of 40 acres, all in cultivation, and in good condition, I would not have taken $ 125 per acre for it before the Lord called me to sell, but now the highest bidder will be the buyer. “The Kings matter demands haste;” therefore I must sell soon.

Please let us hear from any one wishing to buy land. Any one wishing to buy a half interest in a circular sawmill, with a good run of custom, and an excellent partner, please correspond with me. I also wish to dispose of a few town lots in Forest O. and 160 acres of cheap land in Missouri.

The trumpet, though in its infancy, and having been published through sore trials, strong opposition, and with sacrifice on the pat of its beloved editor and companion, has done wonders for the Lord. Its influence is telling with Omnipotent power. Wherever its blessed present truth has been received, the cause of holiness is moving on with mighty triumph; sinners are being converted, and believers sanctified as a common occurrence in the weekly meetings. While from nearly every direction we hear the sad wail that the holiness cause is becoming powerless, unfruitful, smothered, and backslidden where God’s order of coming out of babylon has not been received and obeyed.

No person with his eyes open can fail to see the wonderful revolution that is going on, largely through the instrumentality of the gospel trumpet. Many holiness editors and writers, who, a year ago seemed to have no knowledge of God’s Church, beside human corporations, now clearly discriminate between the Church and the sects of latter day apostasy; and some who have been loud in denouncing the trumpet and its editor, give evidence, by the modification of their language, that they have been learning important lessons through these very instrumentalities they have hated and opposed. We firmly believe this is God’s most effectual means in these latter days, of fulfilling the 18th chapter of Rev. where the rapid fall of babylon is three times spoken of. The corrupt sects of babylon have so destroyed the confidence of mankind, that it seems sinners can scarcely be reached at all, except by exposing babylon before them and clearing the character of God from her influence, by showing the difference between her filthy pens and God’s holy Church. It also is becoming generally admitted, that holiness cannot be successfully promoted and perpetuated in these habitation of devils; and there is a great looking about for some refuge that is compatible with the life of real holiness unto the Lord. Therefore in obeying God and throwing my whole mite into the spread of the gospel trumpet, I do so with a firm and positive conviction that I subserve the highest possible use my limited means could accomplish, in converting sinner’s, and sanctifying believers. Glory to Jesus! Babylon — all sects — are on a sandy foundation; they are beginning to totter, and I am sure their fall shall be rapidly accomplished. We have nothing in view but God’s cause and glory; and the salvation of precious souls; being well assured a hat “the time is short,” and what is done must be done soon. Please come and see me, or address me at New Washington, Crawford Co. Ohio. Would be glad for any information that might lead to a speedy sale. Your humble servant and brother, washed in the blood of Christ.



Saved and healed by the lord.


Laura Kigar

My mother was, in early life, a Free Will Baptist. But marrying an ungodly man she soon became backslidden. So you see we had not much religious training. However it pleased God, by His Spirit to work on my young heart, when but eight years of age. I understood not what the trouble was with me. I often went with the children into my fathers corn crib and had meeting. I would sing and pray, after which I felt better. This kept on working in me until after fifteen years of age when my father allowed me to go to a protracted meeting. And when an invitation was given to come to the alter I was not long in going, forward; and, glory to God! I was not there long until God for Christ’s sake pardoned all my sins. Glory to his holy name; I can praise him for converting power. I am now 56 years old and can say that though serving the Lord the best I know how all those years I often felt the stirring of inbred sin in my heart. That when I would do good, as prompted by the grace of God in me, the evil of my fallen nature was present to strive against the spirit. I longed to be entirely pure but knew not how to get rid of this inbread foe, until the Lord sent some of his little ones teaching and testifying to the cleansing blood of Jesus. Glory to God! I soon saw my blessed inheritance in Fathers Will. I gave myself a living sacrifice to God, for the cleansing and sanctifying of my nature and glory to His name He washed me whiter than snow O glory to the lamb of God! I can now praise Him for both justification and the second grace of entire sanctification. I also want to glorify God in testifying to His wonderful healing power. For fifteen years I was so afflicted with dropsy, neuralgia, and liver complaint, I could hardly get around in the house, and sometimes I was badly afflicted with spinal affection; was a great sufferer all those fifteen years. Like the woman in the Saviors time,

“From men great skill professing,
I sought a cure to gain.
“But this proved more distessing,
“And added to my pain.”

I tried remedies and physicians, until my means were all exhausted.

I could do no more in that direction.

I often though I must die. I read many wonderful cases of healing in the Trumpet, and began to think the Lord might be willing to heal me; when I read of the man whose withered leg the Lord so wonderfully healed, I praised the Lord and said, If He is able and willing to do that, He will also heal me. I went to God and asked Him to heal my body. The devil was present to tell me that those diseases had been so long in my system that I could not be healed; but by God’s grace I said to him you are a liar. I kept my case in the Lord’s hands, and trusted for His healing power. My dear brother told me I should ask the brethren and sisters to help me. So I presented myself at the alter, brethren and sisters laid their hands on me, anointed me with oil in the name of the Lord and prayed the Lord to heal me, and glory to God, I felt the healing power in my body. O glory to the mighty Jesus from that time I have been a well woman. O praise God for ever and ever! Amen!

Payne O April 23.



Apostolic Gifts manifested

Ligonier Ind. April 25th, 1883

Brother Warner: —

Glory to God for complete salvation, which saves to the uttermost all them that believe.

I am God’s free child without reputation, persecuted, and name cast out as evil all for Jesus sake. I bless God that I know he is able to heal both soul and body.

Glory to God! for what He has done for our little Carrie two years of age. A little over a year ago she was taken sick with spasms and distress in the stomach, one physician said her stomach craved too heavy food, another seemed some what puzzled yet be too said that there was swollen it times with great distress accompanied with fever, and sometimes spasms.

About two months ago, when ex­amined by a brother of this neighborhood who has the..raling faith, a large tape worm was discovered in her stomach. Bless God! by the saying on of hands praying with faith in God it was removed from her body in there days; and as my husband says there is as much difference in our dear child as there is in a person after their conversion. Since then Carrie is much healter and no trouble whatever with her s.. mach.

Eight of ten, days after, her relief from the toe worm she took a very sore throat and was again healed by laying on o.. hands and faith in God. Glory be to God! how it thrilled my soul with glory then I realized how much God had doe for me. The sect-devil is stirred and the f.. hot in this neighbor­hood, but less God the peace and saving power whit..h I realize within my soul is enough, and bless God does satisfy. Your sister saved j.. now.

Ra..l Winger.



Pana Ill. Jan. 17.

Dear Bro. Warner — Enclosed find $5. for the following names. — I wish I had the money I would like to help you.

O how much we need the plain bible truth taught us. And men that are not afraid to denounce the popular sins of the so called churches. I like the Trumpet for it’s plain and fearless teaching.” May the Lord help you wonderfully to spread the truth. I wish I could be at some of your meetings. I have a pure heart, and Jesus reigns there. Glory to His name forever. Your Bro. in the bonds of perfect love.

John Sheafer.


Dushville Mich. Jan. 15. — Dear Bro Warner. — the gospel trumpet is a welcome visitor. May the Lord bless you in spreading holiness and the true body of Christ; which is the Church. Bless God I stand aloof from all sects, creeds, and human babies. Although I am surrounded on all sides by them, the Holy Spirit keeps me out of all isms. I belonged to the M. E. sect for 30 years, but glory to God! ten years ago He led me to sever that party connection But the blessed Jesus has kept me. He is my all, my stronghold in every time of need. In him I am complete. Your Bro. in Christ.

John K. Snyder.


Fulton City Ill. Dec. 29

Bro. Warner — Praise God. The Trumpet has the right sound. I cannot support a paper that is mixed up in babylon, giving an uncertain sound. Please find two dollars to be used for the glory of God.

The M. E. Preacher here said in a sermon recently that the world was fast being converted, because it was becoming so much in sympathy with the church.

The poor blind guide does not see that the coining together is not caused by the conversion of the world, but by the babylon sects going over to the world, and the world will not persecute those like them, but hold them the same as their own. The Lord help the people to find God, and realize that they are complete in Christ alone. Your Bro. saved in Jesus.

C. C. Knight


Palmyra Mo, April 28.

Dear Bro. Warner,

We have received several of your papers and we wish you to continue sending it to us. Inclosed you will find $4.00.

The paper encourages, and strengthens us every time, and gives us much information in the precious truth; and the great day of God’s glorious church, when it shall be gathered together, under our one Divine Shepherd Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that the Lord’s Spirit remain with you, and enable you to keep the eternal truth before the Lord’s children, and the pure light of the gospel. We wish to send you more help as soon as we can. The Lord bless you and all the saints! Pray for me. Your brother in Jesus.

Charles C. Myers.


Canaan, O., March 3.

Dear Bro. Warner: — I am thankful to God for the privilege :of writing to you. I praise, the Lord .today that He ever put it into your heart to send me the Trumpet. It is a precious treasure in our home. It comes nearest the bible of any paper I ever read. It is food to my soul. I thank God that He has yet a people that dare stand up for the whole truth of the gospel of Christ. I want to be wholly the Lord’s. When at Lodi camp-meeting I was convinced that brother Warner is a man sent from God to preach the truth. I want to get where I can stand the storm and persecution as you did at Lodi; which I saw for myself. I mean by the help and grace of God to support and spread the Gospel Trumpet all I can. Pray that God may sanctify me wholly and heal me of the asthmsa. Your brother,

B. Lewis.


The Very Same Power.


Maple Rapids Mich. May 14.

My dear brother and sister, Grace mercy and peace be multiplied unto you, and all the saints with you.

I praise the Lord this morning for His salvation, full and free. All the saints are doing well here. Glory to God!

I hope you will be at the camp meeting, we are going to have a powerful meeting, I feel it in my soul.

The Lyons brethren have all given up adventism. Praise the Lord! signs and wonders are still being wrought in the name of the Lord Jesus. Sister Gray of Breedsville was raised from the jaws of death by the laying on of bands and …er. She had the measles, and they struck in on her, and the Lord healed her without their reappearance on her body. A. sister in Bangor, that the doctors had given up to die with the consumption, the Lord has also healed; she recovered rapidly, and is now able to attend meeting regularly. Praise the Lord!

Yours in the kingdom of the Lord, and washed in His blood. Amen!

Joseph C. Fisher.


Dear Brother Warner — I praise God this morning that the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. How we were cheered by the coming of the Trumpet. It is a feast to my soul. Have just received the numbers you sent me, accept our thanks dear Brother. How much I am indebted to you, for had you not sent me the paper free for nearly one year, I should never have been led into this glorious liberty of the true saints of God. I was so blinded by sectism, that many times I thought to write to you to stop the paper, but I dare not do it. Thank God! I, at last opened my heart to God, and the whole truth, and became willing He should destroy every thing that is not of him. And now I want to do all I can to lead others into the true light. Praise God’s holy name! I have no desire but the glory of God.

I received a card last week from my son in Chicago, saying, he was well. I have been waiting to get a letter with more particulars before writing to you. I have now received a letter from him, he, says, “Dear mother you have no idea how low I was. I do not think I would have lived two months. But I am better now. Thank God. I am trusting in God just now”.

I rejoice that one of my family is trusting the Lord.

Glory to God! Jesus is just as able to heal the body as when He was here on earth.

I praise the Lord that some of the dear souls who would not receive the truth when brother Fisher was here, seem willing and anxious for the truth now.

The Lord is very precious to me. I am sweetly resting in the arms of Jesus. Glory Hallelujah! I would like to shout the praises of my God and Savior to the ..nd.. of the earth.

I am on the solid rock Christ Jesus. I sweetly res..ng in the arms of Jesus. Glory Hallelujah! I would like to shout the praises of my God and Savior to the ends of the earth.

I am on the solid rock Christ Jesus. I am very thankful to you and my heavenly Farther for your prayers for myself and family. You are remembered daily in our prayers. May the Lord bless you abundantly, above all we ask or think. Your sister in the kingdom and patience of Jesus.

Julia E. Brown.


Midland, Mich., Feb. 6.

Dear Bro. Warner: — “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!” I think I have great reason to praise God for His goodness and mercy toward me and my family. My son is at home, well and hearty and able to do a good day’s work. We want to do all we can for the Trumpet. I am praying daily that God may open hearts to furnish you the necessary means. Your sister, saved just now.

Julia E. Brown.


Winebrennerian Anti-holiness.

No difference how much bible a sect may hold, as sure as it is a aect it must and will be antiholiness. For instance, brother Clayton, a minister of the above denomination, with some other little oues, held a holiness meeting in Pittsburg Pa. Elder Convert of the same sect, in charge of a congregation in that city preferred charges against him for preaching holiness.

Well this .. not to be wondered at since the same Coo..ert, while in charge of a camp-meeting in Pa last year, carried a six shooting revolver a loaded cane, and a slingshot. And this carnal priest, who makes war upon a brother minister for preaching bible holiness, finds time to put up bills for a le..turer on spiritualism.

I think it would be to the glory of God and to the c..dit and consistency of that unholy sect .. adopt some babylon name and no more blaspheme the name of God by using the ..tle of His holy Church.

What must God think of a corporation that has stoi.. His name, under which to fight holiness chew and smoke tobacco, snd go through the heathen mummernes of Masonic and odd fellow idolatry, as in the case of some of it’s prominent mem­bers and preachers, mock Jesus Christ, by washing feet in flowers, flounces’ ribbon gold, silver and brass.

“The Church at God!” O.. shame o …